工作汇报 中英文

2020-04-05 来源:工作汇报收藏下载本文





学校工作思路——目标引领,观念开道,数据说话,措施破解,行动加油,业绩证明。 德育工作思路——德育为首,科学定位;整合资源,强化队伍;活动丰富,主题鲜明;前瞻后思,不断提高。


2、两个有力的保证 (1)、依法治校














二、民主自治,体现主体,培养组织才能,是养成教育的时代要求 学生民主自治。主体性人格的发展是人的全面发展的核心,“自己的事情自己管,自己的未来自己创”。新学期伊始,学生会通过竞职演讲,选举产生新一届的学生会及团委会。他们分工负责,责任明确,合作意识强,能自主地完成各项常规工作。如每周升旗、校园卫生的检查打分、学生纪律的监督、文明礼仪的监督等,都极大限度的发挥了学生主体性作用。我们实行值周班级制,每学期每班轮流值勤一周,涵盖了学校管理的各个层面,充分展示了学生参与学校管理的能动性。我们实行校广播站学生负责制,从制定计划,每月主题,每周重点,“美文欣赏”的选择,“每周一歌”的选定等,都由学生决定,这样增强了学生主人翁意识,自豪感、责任感同时被激发。学校还成立了爱心社团、绿地文学社、篮球队等社团,实行了社团自治,由学生们自主组织、自我策划、自我管理。我们鼓励学生走出校门,走进自然,了解社会,了解世界,拓展了学生的生活领域,开阔了学生的崭新视野,培养了他们的调查分析能力、自主探究能力、组织管理和领导能力,更培养了他们的国际意识和竞争能力,使学生树立了强烈的社会责任感。


三、尚善尚礼,强化规范,完善学生人格,是养成教育的核心内容 古人云:“不学礼无以立,人无礼则不生,事无礼则不成,国无礼则不宁。”文明礼仪不仅是立身之道,更是立国之本。尚善尚礼,待人以礼,是一个人思想道德水平、文化修养、教养、风度与魅力的集中体现。加强文明礼仪教育,培养学生优雅的气质和得体的仪表,是培养一个健全人的最基本的要求,是一个人的底色,是学校德育工作的核心内容。我校以“文明伴我成长”教育实践活动为“抓手”,引导学生牢固树立心中有祖国、心中有集体、心中有他人的意识,懂得为人做事的基本道理,具备文明生活的基本素养,学会处理人与人、人与社会、人与自然等基本关系。我们的具体做法是:




检查矫正。文明素质是一个人整体形象的外在表现,我们重点加强了对学生基本文明行为的矫正,做到周周有主题,有检查,有评价。 体验升华。没有对当下的、即刻的、现实生活的关注和体悟,就不可能培养好学生的品行、见识和修养,因此,让学生在他们真实的生活中培养品德,形成习惯是德育的重要任务。





蓄电池 battery 充电 converter 转换器 charger

开关电器 Switch electric 按钮开关 Button to switch 电源电器 Power electric 插头插座 Plug sockets


背景:Harrod 当过十八个月的推销员。他虽然很喜欢同各地销售商打交道,单却不愿经常出差。他把这个问题向销售经理放映过几次,可公司并没有其他适合他的职位,所以他只好辞职。

Dear Benson:

I am sure it will come as no surprise to you that I wish to resign my position as a sales representative , effective at your convenience ,but not later than June 12.

You are fully aware of my problem, Benson.Although I like the company and the people I work with, being on the road for weeks at a time does not appeal to me.I think the situation would be entirely different if I were single or even married with no children.But with two youngsters , traveling represents a real hardship on me and especially on my wife.After each trip it gets increasingly harder for me to treat myself away from my family to go back on the road.

I really have no plans at the moment.I need to take some time to think about what I want to do.I may try to get back into coaching and I’m also considering buying into a local sporting goods store.Whatever I wind up doing, it will have to be something that will permit me to stay anchored in one place.

Thank you for everything you have done for me.I really don’t know how I could received better treatment from a company or a manager.



P.S.In case I need a reference, may I use your name? I would very much appreciate it.



本森,你很清楚我的问题。虽然我喜欢公司,也喜欢于同事们相处,但每次出差在外,一去就是好几个星期,确实让人厌烦。我想如果我尚为结婚或虽结婚而没有孩子的话,情况就完全不同。但现在我有两个孩子 。因此,出差对我,特别是对我的妻子而言的确是件难事。每次出差回来后,我感到要告别我得家人踏上出差的路越来越困惑。






(This sample is for reference purpose only and is not a real resume for specific ones)

Name Daisy, Zhang Xing Hui

Date of Birth Mar.27, 1984

Gender Female


Marital Status Married

Current LocationXi’an

2002/09-2006/07Southwest University of Finance and Economic

BA of Busine English

Certificate CET6

2010/06-PresentHSBC, Xi’an Branch

Relationship Officer

 Report to CMB Manager, Xi’an Banch

 Main responsibilities:

 Corporate account opening.

 Customer relationship maintenance, including security document

preparation and check, daily routine work service

 Draft facility proposal, analyzing the market environment, financial

statistics and credit risks and covenants.

 To identify customer’s potential busine needs base on daily service to

the customer.

 Customer-base: LLC, MME & FIE

 As CMB team coordinator, I am also responsible for cro department tasks

coordinating and all reports preparation from internal and external parties.2008/08-2010/06HSBC, Chongqing Branch

Senior Aistant to Regional Manager Western China, Commercial Banking

 Report to CMB Regional Manager

 Main responsibilities:

 Proposal pro-reading for Regional Manager and record Regional

Manager’s comments on the proposal for each branch

 Arrange case discuion between Regional Manager and branch CMB


 Analyze regional performance base on branch and region performance


 Secretarial support to Regional Manager, including internal & external

meetings and busine travel arrangement.

 Coordinate all branches‘ report within the region

 Busine base coverage: Chengdu, Chongqing, Wuhan, Xi’an and Changsha

 Transfer reason: personal reason

2006/07-2008/08HSBC, Chengdu Branch

Aistant to Regional Manager Western China, Commercial Banking

 Report to CMB Regional Manager

 Main responsibilities:

 Analyze regional performance base on branch and region performance


Secretarial support to Regional Manager, including meeting and travel


 Coordinate all branches‘ report within the region.

 Busine base coverage: Chengdu, Chongqing, Wuhan

 Transfer reason: Regional Center set up in Chongqing

Self Appraisal

1.Please summarize your working experience including management experience

2.Please list down your profeional knowledge & skill

3.What do you think of your major achievement?

4.Please describe your personality?

5.What license or qualification do you have that make you feel you are skillful in your field?

6.How about your foreign language ability?

7.How you picture your career and what is your career plan?

8.Please list down your current package, including bonus, profit sharing, allowances, etc.

9.Expect salary:pre-tax or after-tax


(这个履历样本为虚构,仅供参考,如有雷同纯属巧合) 个人信息

姓名李 明







1993/09-1997/06xx大学 国际金融本科 是否有拿到相关学位证书


2001/6-至今 ABC银行北京分公司,北京

2004/3 - 至今 北京地区渠道负责人

 汇报给北京分公司总经理下属人数

 已经在北京地区建立客户资源和拜访了大量的客户

 任营业部副总经理期间,组织建立了xxx路营业部,在当时,营业部的设


 初期个人引进的客户保证金和市值达2亿多元,为营业部在以后两年的发


 在公司负责直销配合渠道销售方面也积累了一定的业绩和大量的客户资





2001/6 – 2004/3北京地区营销负责人

 汇报给北京分公司总经理 下属人数

 负责国债期货自营,在国债期货暂停后,操作过半年的商品期货,取得优秀


 1997任上海总部经纪业务部经理,管理上海的3家营业部




1999/9 – 2004/10DEF银行上海分行, 上海

投资部经理、经济业务部经理 下属人数

 汇报给投资部负责人

 1997任上海总部经纪业务部经理,管理上海的3家营业部

 2002年被总公司授予xx证券十大明星业务员

 2004年上半年全国营销部经理KPI考核第一名

 领导xx证券东方路营业部的的营销团队在本公司全国营业部2003年上半














8.您如何规划您的职业? 您的职业目标是什么?对哪些领域及类别的职位最感兴趣?



绩效工资(按季度发放): (3个月) 人民币15,000(税前还是税后)/月*4=人民币60,000车补: 人民币1100(税前还是税后)/月*12=人民币13,200


房补: 人民币6,00(税前还是税后)/月*12=人民币7,200





傅兴华 编写

贵州大学电子科学系 2008年5月修订










第一章 微电子器件物理基础



第二章 pn结

本章是器件原理中十分重要的一章,务必要求学生熟练掌握和应用本章的知识。主要内 1 容包括,pn结特性的定性描述和定量描述,pn结的直流特性,pn结的寄生效应,pn结的交流小信号特性及其等效电路,pn结的开关过程及其物理实质,pn结的击穿模型及其定量描述。金属-半导体接触放在本章介绍。各种结构的能带图,用泊松方程求解pn结问题和载流子在pn结内的输运原理是本章的两个重点。


深刻理解和画出各种偏置条件下pn 结、金属-半导体接触的能带图; 理解和掌握准费米能级的概念和应用; 熟练计算pn结的接触电势差;

深刻理解和掌握pn结直流特性的有关概念和计算问题; 熟练计算pn结的空间电荷区宽度和势垒电容; 熟练计算pn结的开关过程参数;

掌握和计算pn结击穿的有关理论和计算问题。 要求学生课外完成30道左右有一定难度的习题。

第三章 双极型晶体管





第四章 场效应晶体管




掌握MOS二极管的实验原理和方法,MOS二极管C-V特性的重要意义和应用范围;深刻理解阈电压各项的物理意义,熟练掌握MOSFET阈电压的计算;掌握MOSFET电流电压方程、直流参数和交流参数的有关计算问题。理解亚阈区导电原理、物理模型和计算方法。深刻理解和掌握各种短沟道效应的物理模型、分析方法。了解MOSFET的按比例缩小理论和重要意义。了结亚微米、深亚微米MOSFET 发展的最新动向。

2 要求学生课外完成30道左右有一定难度的习题,阅读有关MOSFET最新进展的文献5万字以上。了解MOSFET晶体管技术和工艺的新进展。

第五章 光电子器件



第六章 功率器件



总学时数为80 学时,其中课堂教学72学时。

第一章 微电子器件物理基础8学时;

第二章 pn结,金属半导体接触,16学时;

第三章 双极型晶体管12学时,专业文献阅读和讨论2学时; 第四章 场效应晶体管20学时,专业文献阅读和讨论4学时; 第五章 光电子器件4学时,专业文献阅读和讨论2学时; 第六章 功率器件,文献阅读和讨论4学时。 专业文献阅读和讨论学时数也可集中使用。




1.半导体物理学 ,刘恩科等待,国防工业出版社,94年版. 3 2. C. Kittel Introduction to solid state physics 3. Donald A.Neamen: Semiconductor Physics and Devices: Basic Principle, Third Edition.清华大学出版社,2003年影印版。

4. S.M.Sze, Physics of Semiconductor Devices, Second edition.6. 半导体器件学术论文选读。






Course Programme for Solid State Electronic Devices 1.The Object of the Course.Principle of Micro-electronics Device is the course designed for the undergraduate students of micro-electronics technology specialty.Before taking this cla, the students are required to have the knowledge of quantum mechanics, thermodynamics and statistical physics, solid state physics and semiconductor physics.This course can also be taken by the students of computer science and technology, electronic information and electric information.

2.The Purpose the Course

The cla will discu the principles of working of all kinds of electronic devices based on the microscopic movement of electron.The main content will be the principle of working and the method of design of silicon-based devices.The purpose is to let the students understand and master physical knowledge related to the microelectronic devices, skillfully master all kinds of relations of devices parameters with structural parameter and material parameter.The students are requires to be able to design some typical devices, also they will be able to have the basic ability to follow and develop new devices.This course will also make the students ready for the following course of the design microelectronic system.

3.The Requirement of the Teaching The main content of teaching should emphasize the main points, basic training.Because this major is in the field of engineering and technology which is still developing fast, therefore the cutting-edge of this area should be emphasized in the teaching.The general requirement of this course is the following: After taking this course, the students will be able to use the knowledge of solid state physics and semiconductor physics, to be able to analyze the relation between electronic devices parameters, microelectronic device structural parameter and material parameter, to be able to do research and develop of electronic devices.

4.The Content and Arrangement of the Teaching

The content of this course will be taught in six chapters, the following will be the detail.

5 Chapter 1 The Basic Physics of Microelectronic Devices.

Those in the major of microelectronic technology who have taken the course of semiconductor physics can discard this chapter.For those who are not in microelectronic device major, they must take this chapter.The main content is crystal structure of solid material and energy band structure, the statistical distribution of charge carrier in solid and semiconductor, the transport of carriers, low dimensional transport, the thermo, electric and optical behavior of solid and semiconductor.

The students in the major of micro-devices are required to master the knowledge of this chapter qualitatively and quantitatively.For those students not in the major of micro-device, they are required to mater the knowledge qualitatively and to be familiar with some simple quantitative relations.

Chapter 2 pn Junction

This chapter is a very important chapter in the course of the principle of devices.The students are mandated to skillfully master and apply the knowledge in this chapter.The main knowledge in this chapter is the following: the qualitative and quantitative description of pn junction; the DC characteristic of pn junction; the induced effects in pn junction; the AC small signal characteristic and its equivalent circuit; the switch proce and physical basis of pn junction; the breakdown model of pn junction and its quantitative description.The metal-semiconductor contact will be introduced in this chapter.The energy band diagram of various device structure; to use the Poiion equation to solve the problem of pn junction and the transport of carrier in pn junction are the two important parts in this chapter.

The requirement is: 1) Deeply understand the energy band diagram of pn junction and metal-semiconductor contact under various bias conditions.Draw the diagrams skillfully.2) Understand the concept of Fermi level and master the application of it.3) Calculate the contact potential of pn junction skillfully.4) Deeply understand the concepts of DC characteristic of pn junction and master the related calculation 5) Skillfully calculate the width of space charge region and the capacity of potential barrier.6) Skillfully calculate the parameters of switch proce of pn junction 7) Understand the theoryt of breakdown of pn junction and master the related calculation The students are required to finish about 30 problem with appropriate difficulty.

Chapter 3 The Bipolar Junction Transistors The chapter covers the main contents of the traditionally treated aspects of the bipolar transistors.They include: The carrier transportation in the BJT.The current gain factors of the BJT.The frequency response of the BJT.Some topic related to the power application of the device. 6 The switching characteristics of the device.After complete this chapter, the students should consolidate their ability to analyze the physics nature of carriers in devices, and most importantly understand how to find the device parameters, such as current gain, breakdown voltage, cut off frequency, from the material and geometric parameters, such as mobility, doping concentration, junction depth and width, of a device.

Chapter 4 The Field Effect Transistors The chapter covers MOS capacitor, MOSFET, the JFET and MESFET is also discued in brief.The main content to be grasped is as follows: MOS capacitor and its characterization, C-V curve and its applications.The operation of the MOSFET.The threshold voltage and its calculation.Modification of the threshold by short channel and narrow channel effects Adjustment of the threshold by ion implantation.Other electrical effects resulted from the shrink size of the MOSFET.The scaling theory.The students are required very familiar with the above mentioned aspects, and then to read the related materials in “the international technology roadmap for semiconductors”.

Chapter 5 Optical Devices

This chapter deals with the mechanisms of the emiion and absorption of photon in semiconductors.Devices which converted optical energy into electrical energy, such as solar cell, photo detector are covered.The representative devices which converted electrical energy into optical energy is light emitting diodes (LED) and lasers.The energy band structure of the solid plays an important role in operations and fabrications of these devices.

Chapter 6 Semiconductor Power Devices

This chapter covers bipolar junction power transistors, power VMOS and DMOS transistors and the thyristors.Heat sinking and junction temperature are also discued in brief.This chapter is studied by students themselves and complete the course by discuions in cla.Course Schedule The total lecture hours of the course are 72.The fundamental physics of the solid and semiconductors: 8 hours.The pn junction and diode: 16 hours.The bipolar junction transistors: 12 hours, reading and discuions: 2 hours.The MOS structure MOSFET and JFET: 20 hours, reading and discuions: 4 hours. 7 The optical devices: 4 hours, reading and discuions: 2 hours.The Semiconductor power devices: reading and discuions: 4 hours.The time aigned for reading and discuions can be adjusted in case needed.


The examination is divided into three parts: basic concepts and theory, e.g.energy band diagram of device structures, neceary calculation, and short eay for a specific topic.The main purpose of the examination is to check the fundamental knowledge of the student, and the ability to analyze and solve problems.The short eay, which can be related to some emerge research devices can be finished after the cla by the students.The aim is to check the students’ ability to gain new knowledge and new ideas.6.Reading List 2.

半导体物理学 ,刘恩科等待,国防工业出版社, 94年版.3.C. Kittel Introduction to solid state physics 4.

Donald A.Neamen: Semiconductor Physics and Devices: Basic Principle, Third Edition.清华大学出版社,2003年影印版。

5.S.M.Sze, Physics of Semiconductor Devices, Second edition.6.半导体器件学术论文选读。



推荐第6篇:新年贺词 中英文

2005新年贺词 中英文.txt和英俊的男人握握手,和深刻的男人谈谈心,和成功的男人多交流,和普通的男人过日子。新年前夕,中华人民共和国主席胡锦涛通过中国国际广播电台、中央人民广播电台和中央电视台,发表了题为《共同创造人类的美好未来》的2005年新年贺词。














Hu Jintao delivers New Year addre

cctv.com 01-01-2005 08:39

A New Year\'s addre delivered in Beijing by Chinese President Hu Jintao on January 1, 2005.The president\'s speech on New Year\'s Eve was a call for more concerted efforts from the Chinese people and the world to build a better future for mankind.Here are full contents of the speech:

Ladies and Gentlemen, Comrades and Friends:

The New Year\'s bell will soon toll to usher in the year 2005.At this special moment, in saying goodbye to the past and looking forward to the future, I\'d like to extend New Year\'s greetings to Chinese people of all ethnic groups, compatriots in the Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions, Taiwan compatriots, overseas Chinese, as well as our friends from all around the world, through China Radio International, China National Radio and China Central Television.

The year 2004 witneed the Chinese people\'s inceant efforts to build an all-around well-off society, and push forward the socialist modernization drive.In this year, guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of the \"Three Represents\", we have established and implemented the conception of people-based, comprehensively coordinated and sustainable scientific development.We continued to further reform and opening-up policies, and promote development, maintain social stability, and the National economy keeps a momentum of good development.New succees have been made in the construction of socialist political and spiritual civilizations.There is a new development in various social undertakings, and people\'s living standards have been further improved.The Communist Party of China held the fourth Plenum of its 16th National Congre, examining the experience of its governing over the past year, and mapping out an overall guidelines for strengthening its efforts to improve its governing capability.At present, Chinese people of all ethnic groups are joining their hands and striving to realize the country\'s prosperity, the nation\'s rejuvenation, and society\'s harmony as well as people\'s happine.

In this past year, we held high the banner of peace, development and cooperation, adhered to our independent foreign policy of peace, and the road of peace and development, worked hard to maintain world peace and promoting common development, and played a constructive role in a wide range of major iues concerning the security and development of the world and regions, and promoted the friendly exchanges and practical cooperation between China and the various countries of the world.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Comrades and Friends!

The year 2005 is the last year when China fully realizes its Tenth Five-Year Plan, and a crucial year for the country to promote the all-around construction of a well-off society.We will earnestly implement the scientific conception of development, and keep economic development as our central task.We will continue to strengthen and improve macro-economic control, and speed up the economic restructuring.We will work hard to promote reform and opening up and stable and fast development of the economy, enhance the construction of political and spiritual civilizations, work hard to build a harmonious society, and push forward the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

We will continue to adhere to the policies of \"One Country, Two Systems\" and the high autonomy of Hong Kong people in Hong Kong and Macao people in Macao.We will also continue to stick to the basic laws of the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions, support their chief executives and governments in exercising their legal powers, enhance economic and trade ties between the mainland and Hong Kong and Macao, and maintain the long term prosperity and stability of the two SARs.

We will stick to the basic principals of peaceful reunification and \"One Country, Two Systems\", and the current eight-point proposal for developing cro-Straits relations and pushing forward the country\'s peaceful reunification proce, to promote human, economic, and cultural exchanges acro the Taiwan Straits, and to continue to seek the realization of peaceful reunification with the utmost sincerity and the greatest efforts.

We are willing to resume cro-Straits dialogue and negotiations based on the \"One China\" principle.However, we will never allow anyone to separate Taiwan from China in any way.Once again, I call on all Chinese people, including Taiwan compatriots, to unite to oppose and contain the so-called \"Taiwan independence forces\" and their activities, and strive for an early reunification of the country.

Ladies and gentlemen, comrades, friends!

The current international situation continues to undergo profound and complex changes.Peace and development remain the dominant trends of the times.The development of a multi-polarized world and economic globalization is gathering momentum at a rapid

rate.Science and technology are developing at a great speed every day, bringing new opportunities to every country.

However, the influence of factors of instability and uncertainty is on the increase.Problems such as territorial conflicts, terrorism, the gap between North and the South, the deteriorating environment, and trade barriers are posing serious threats to the peace and development of mankind.

Maintaining world peace and promoting common development are the common wishes of peoples of all countries.The Chinese people are willing to work with peoples of other countries to establish a fair and reasonable international political and new economic order, promote democratization in international relations, respect world diversities, create new concepts of security, and realize the balanced and sustainable development of the world economy.

The Chinese people feel deep sympathy for other peoples in the world who are plagued by war, conflict, hunger and poverty.We hope that they will soon be able to embark on the road of peace and development, and we are willing to provide all the aistance we can.

We believe that as long as people of all countries and their leaders work hard and with foresight for mankind\'s future and common interests, cooperate to achieve peace and development, and join hands to conquer difficulties, then we will be able to create a bright future for mankind.

Finally, from here in Beijing I wish you all the best for the New Year!



Hello everybody! My name is Lijun, I come from Jinan city, Shandong province, Jinan is a beautiful city, famous for its springs, such as BAO TU spring.I am grade two master of EE Peking University, major in Acoustic signal proceing.I like to communicate with people in my study and work, because I can often findviewpoint.Once I took part in a competition as a lead of four-student team..During the competition, I tried my best to distribute everybody with clear task..If each one had accomplished his task, the whole work were well done.I was satisfied to achieve this destination.We, four students, cooperated with happine.After that, I got a little bad manner, that is :

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!My name is Li Jun,I come from Jinan city, Shandong province,My hometown is a beautiful city, and it’s famous for the fabulous BAO TU spring.

I am in my second academic year in the master’s programme in EE Peking University, majoring in Acoustic signal proceing.I have the talent to communicate well with people during my study and work, because I can often see the good characters inside every person.Once I took part in a competition as a leader of a four-student team.During the competition, I tried my best to distribute everybody with a clear task and

responsibility.If each had accomplished one’s task, the whole work would be well done.I was glad that we had achieved this goal.The other three members and I cooperated well.After that, I am always happy to cooperate with other players.I am sure that I can make some friends indeed and accomplish the work as perfectly as I can.

My hobbies are swimming, badminton and traveling with friends.Furthermore, to be a gourmet is my little dream.I am the broad manager of Food at PKU BBS.Welcome to our broad for more chatting and communicating.

I hope we can be good friends there.


Goodafternoon, teachers! Today, I`m very happy to make a speech here.Now, let me introduce myself.My name is xxx.I`m

10.I come from Cla3 Grade 5.I`m an active girl.I like reading、playinggames and listening to music.Because I think it`s very interesting.I`d like to eat apple.They`re tasty.My favourite colour is green.And I like math best.It`s fun.I like reading books in my room.I have a happy family.And I`m a good student.My dream is to be a teacher, because I want to help the poor children in the future.Thank you for listening! Please remember me。

下午好,老师 !今天,我非常高兴地在这里发言。现在,让我介绍一下我自己。我的名字是xxx。我10岁了。我来自5年级3班。我是一个活泼的女孩。我喜欢阅读、玩游戏和听音乐。因为我觉得它是很有趣。我喜欢吃苹果。它们很美味。我最喜欢的颜色是绿色的。我最喜欢数学。它很有趣。我喜欢在我的房间里看书。我有一个幸福的家庭。而我是一个好学生。我的梦想是当一名老师,因为我想在未来帮助贫困的孩子。感谢您收听 !请记住我。


Company Name

Company Location

China Embay P.R.Germany06.12.201

1Dear Madam/Sirs,

We hereby confirm that Mr., After Service Engineer of, will visit our company in Shanghai in early Jan.2012to install and adjust ourfacilities.We hereby kindly hope you could iue him a proper Visa.Here are his personal dates:

Family name:

First name:

Date of birth:

Place of birth:


Paport no.:

Paport expiry:


The travel costs within China will be born by ( Company Name)

Thank you in advance.

Yours sincerely,


( Company Name)







我们兹证实(人名)先生, (公司名称、职位),将于2012年1月初前来上海为我司安装调试机械设备,请予签发相关签证为感!

































扭转和拉伸形变都会导致SWNTs拉曼模振动频率的变化。研究发现:(1)扭转形变下,RBM变大,位于~1600 cm-1的G+(E2(g))模振动频率发生较大的红移,而其他在1590 cm-1~1560

cm-1范围内的大部分G模会发生轻微的蓝移,振动频率发生红移的G模的位移量,一般远远大于发生蓝移的G模的位移量;(2)拉伸形变下,RBM和G+(E2(g))模振动频率不变,而在1590 cm-1~

1560 cm-1范围内的大部分G模会发生明显的红移。(3)不同Raman活性模对形变的敏感度不同,扭转形变下,RBM、位于~1600 cm-1的G+( E2(g))模比其他G模更敏感,而在拉伸形变下,







AFM Manipulation, Deformation and Related Raman Spectroscopy of

Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes

Duan Xiaojie


The study on deformed carbon nanotubes (CNTs), including the study of their structure evolution and properties change under strain, is important not only for the application of CNTs in composite materials, strain sensors, nanoelectronic and nanoelectromechanical devices, but also for the development of related theory.In this thesis, we have developed controlled atomic force microscopy (AFM) manipulation techniques for single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) on surfaces.Using this controlled AFM manipulation, the buckling behavior of CNTs under bending, and resonance Raman spectroscopy of SWNTs under torsional and uniaxial strains, have been studied.The main results are listed as followings:

1.Controlled AFM manipulation techniques for SWNTs on surfaces have been developed By defining proper tip path, manipulation position on SWNT, and choosing optimal tip preing distance, different kinds of deformation can be induced into SWNT.The deformation is stabilized by the interaction between SWNTs and substrate.

To get controlled AFM manipulation, a new kind of nanofabrication---nano-welding has been invented based on the AFM oxidation of Si substrate.When the Si substrate with SWNT on top of it is oxidized by the AFM tip, the newly formed SiOx will grow around the tube, effectively fixing that site of SWNT onto the Si substrate.The existence of SWNT can enhance the oxidation of Si.With same oxidation condition, more SiOx can be produced with the presence of SWNT than the case where there is no SWNT.This is helpful for the fixing.The intensity of the welding can be modulated by changing the oxidation voltage and the tip moving speed.With higher voltage and slower tip moving, stronger welding can be obtained.From the thermal oxidation of SWNTs in air and the Raman characterization, it was found that this nano-welding has no obvious influence on the chemical structure of SWNTs.Together with this nano-welding, the magnitude and distribution of strain induced into SWNT by AFM manipulation can be well controlled.

Both SWNT and Si can be oxidized when using stronger oxidation condition (much higher voltage and lower tip moving speed), thus the SWNT can be cut at well defined position.Combining this AFM cutting, nano-welding and manipulation, complex SWNT-based structures can be constructed, proved the function of AFM as a nano-toolbox.

2.The buckling behavior of CNTs under bending has been studied

By choosing proper manipulation site on SWNT, the length of the fragment which is being manipulated, manipulation path, and optimal tip preing distance, the angle can be well controlled when SWNT is bent by AFM manipulation.Based on this controlled bent of CNT by AFM manipulation, A CNT with a series of different bending angles has been obtained.The interaction between manipulated SWNT fragment and substrate is largely decreased after the manipulation.And the effective bending region is located at the fragment where Only vdW interaction exists between it and the substrate.It appears as the cro point between the fixed SWNT part and

manipulated SWNT part in the AFM image.Only vdW force exists between the effective bending region and substrate, and its length keeps constant when changing the bending angle.

Through recording the height change at the effective bending region when changing the bending angle gradually, The structural evolution and buckling behavior has been investigated under the bending.Two distinct „abrupt‟ and „gradual‟ buckling modes have been revealed in different CNTs.For the „abrupt‟ buckling mode, the height of the bending „point‟ has a sudden increase, and an abrupt transition from the uniform bending to buckling happens.While the „gradual‟ mode corresponds to a gradual increase of the height at the bending „point‟, with a gradual transition from uniform bending to buckling.The „gradual‟ buckling results in a series of buckling intermediate formation.„Abrupt‟ buckling mode is mostly found for small diameter CNTs, while for large diameter CNTs, the „gradual‟ mode is more common.Through the estimation of the wall numbers and thickne of CNTs, it was found that the CNTs with „abrupt‟ buckling mode has smaller thickne diameter ratio than the CNTs with „gradual‟ buckling mode.The critical buckling angle decreases with the increase of CNT diameter for the „abrupt‟ buckling mode.

The buckling behavior has also been investigated by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations.It was found: (1) for all the CNTs studied, the SWNTs have “abrupt” buckling mode, and double and three walled CNTs take “gradual” buckling modes; (2)the “gradual” buckling corresponded to the proce that different tube walls of MWNTs buckled at different bending stages, and the buckling degree of individual tube walls gradually increased along with the bending strain increase.This is caused by the unsynchronization of the buckling for different walls caused by the multi-shell character, and the retarding of buckling by the inter-wall vdW force.The study on the formation of the two buckling modes found that the multi-shell structure of MWNTs accounts for the “gradual” buckling modes; (3) The MD studies also proved that the vdW interaction with substrate has no remarkable effect on CNTs buckling behavior.The study on the buckling mechanism suggests that except for the diameter, the wall number also determines the buckling behavior.This means for the mechanical properties of CNTs, a special “dual-size” effect may exists, that is, both the size and the thickne determine the CNTs mechanical behavior.

By using controlled AFM manipulation, the work here observed the structural evolution and buckling formation almost in the whole bending proce.The founding about the two buckling modes, not only provides support and reference for the relevant theoretical study, fills the gap between theory and experiment, but also is important for the application of CNTs in composite materials, nanoelectronics and NEMs, and strain sensors.

3.The resonance Raman spectroscopy of individual SWNTs under torsional and uniaxial

strain has been investigated

The AFM manipulation can induce both torsional and uniaxial strains into the ultra-long straight SWNTs.Because the longer propagation distance of uniaxial strain than the torsional strain, only pure uniaxial strain exists at region far from the manipulation point.While at region close to the manipulation sites, both the two strains happen.The formation of torsional strain suggested the rolling of SWNT under the present AFM manipulation.

Both uniaxial and torsional strain can change the Raman vibrational frequency.It was found that:

(1) the RBM and G-band spectra responded differently to the two types of strains.Under torsional strain, RBM frequency RBM was found to upshift and one of the modes aigned to E2 symmetry in the G+ band, which occurs at ~1600 cm-1( G+(E2(g))), downshifted significantly, whereas the rest G

modes located in the range of 1590 cm-1~1560 cm-1 are slightly upshifted.The redshift of the (G+(E2(g)), ismuch larger that the buleshift of other G modes; (2) Under uniaxial strain, RBM and G+(E2(g)) do not have noticeable response and the rest of the G modes in the range of 1590 cm-1~1560 cm-1 are downshifted.(3) Different Raman modes have different sensitivity to both strains.RBM and G+(E2(g)) is more sensitive to torsion than other G modes.Whereas under uniaxial strain, other G modes have larger sensitivity than RBM and G+(E2(g)).This is related to the correlation between the C-C bond change and the atom vibrational displacement of different modes; (4) The

calculation on the strain magnitude and frequency shift of Raman modes per strains d/d found that, under torsional strain, d(RBM)/dt nearly linearly increased along with the increase of the tube chirality angle.

G-band was found to split into multiple sub-bands in some cases, presumably due to broken symmetry induced by torsion.This splitting is most likely found in zig-zag and armchair SWNTs.Both the uniaxial and torsional strains can change the intensity of resonant Raman peaks.This is originated from the influence of strains on electronic tranision energy Eii.From this change, the

modulation direction and magnitude of strains on the electronic transition energy of SWNTs can be calculated.

The influence of strain on the resonant Raman spectra of SWNTs has drawn much attention recently.The work here firstly experimentally studied the torsional strain effect on resonant Raman spectra of SWNTs.And the study in the single SWNT scale by AFM manipulation can exclude the average effect originated from different diameter and chiraligy.This helps to reveal the intrinsic property of SWNts.The comparison of uniaxial and torsional strain for same SWNT, also benefit the understanding of the influence of different strains on SWNTs.

4.The analysis and modulation of strain distribution along SWNTs axis, and the comparison

of related mechanical parameters of different SWNTs

It was found that after AFM manipulation, both the torsional and uniaxial strain would have a “” shaped distribution along the SWNT axis, due to the friction between SWNTs and the substrate, and the partial relaxation of strain.The characteristics of the distribution, including the propagation distance of strain, the maximum strain and its position, and the slope of the strain distribution, are determined by the force exerted on SWNT by AFM tip, the elasticity modulus E and the shear modulus G, and the friction between SWNT and surface.By controlling the AFM manipulation and using patterned substrate with different components, the magnitude and distribution of strain in SWNT has been modulated.With the comparison of strain distribution in different SWNTs, their mechanical properties, such as E and G, and the friction with the substrate have been compared, on the single SWNTs scale.It was found that there is no monomial relationship between these parameters and the SWNTs diameter, this suggests that the chirality of SWNTs also has important effect on SWNTs mechanical properties.

Key words:Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (SWNTs), AFM manipulation and fabrication, deformation (strain), buckling, resonance Raman spectroscopy





在短短一年的时间里,公司给予了我多次机会,使我在这个工作岗位上积累了一定的技术技能和工程经验。我在公司里工作的很开心,感觉公司的气氛就和一个大家庭一样,大家相处的融洽和睦,同时在公司里也学会了许多工作以外的处世为人等做人的道理。所有的这些我很珍惜也很感谢公司,因为这些都为我在将来的工作和生活中带来帮助和方便。 另外,在和各位同事的朝夕相处的时间里,也使我对过去的、现在的同事建立了由浅到深的友谊,我从内心希望这份友谊,这份感情能继续并永久保持下去。





July 11, 2008

Dear Sir,

As some of my personal reasons, after a period of careful consideration, I have decided to resign the company.

In a short span of a year\'s time, the company gave me several opportunities in the job so that I accumulated a certain amount of technical skills and work experience.I work in the company\'s very happy, I feel the atmosphere and on like a big family, we live in harmony in harmony, while I also learned how many people work outside the Life and other life truth.All of these treasure I am also very grateful to the company, as they have for me in the future work and life brought in to help and convenience.In addition, my colleagues and with the overnight period, I of the past, now a colleague from shallow to deep friendship, and I hope that this friendship from the heart, this feeling will continue and permanently maintained.

In future, no matter how I will live, I will be forever grateful to my company\'s culture, leaders at all levels and colleagues gave me the support and help.In my difficult times, you will give me the help and tolerance.Company is a towering tree, and I, is only one leaf of a tree.When the wind is coming, some leaves will fall off, but trees are always so tall and straight.

Leaving the company, leaving those who share weal of my colleagues, I am very reluctant.I don’t reluctant leaders of the teachings and colleagues of the sincere and friendly.

I apologize the inconvenience for company.I hope that company can sympathize with my personal practice, and accept the applications.

Thanks again for the company, thanks all leaders! Sincerely wish the company in the future development step by step in the journey to win and prosperous!

Yours sincerely,

Your Name

1.Such crimes may be so complet that months or years go by before anyone __A__them

A.discovers B.discovered

C.will discover

D.would have discovered 2.By the time you get to New York ,I_ D__for London A.would be leaving B.am leaving C.have already left

D.shall have left 3.It was eential that the application forms__C__back before the deadline.A must be

B would be sent

C be sent

D were sent 4.Look at the terrible situation I am in ! If __B__your advice.

A follow

B had followed

C would follow

D have followed 5.The month didn’t know who__C___for the broken gla.A blamed

B be blemed

C to blame

D would blame 6.The profeor could hardly find sufficient grouds __D__his arguments in faver of the new theory A to be based on

B to base on

C which to base on D on which to base 7.I have no objection __A__your story again A to hear

B to hearing

C to having heared

D to have heared 8.I would appreciate __A __it a secret A you keeping

B you to keep

C that you keep

D that you will keep 9.If I had remembered __A__the window ,the thief would not have got in A to close

B closing


to have closed

D having closed 10.Ann never dreams of __A__for her to be sent abroad very soon A there being a change B there to be a chance C there be a change D being a chance 11.Radio ,television and pre __A__of conveying news as information A are the most three common means B…. C are the three most common means D are three the most common means 12.These goods are __A__for export though a few of them may be sold on the home market A eentially

B completely

C necearily D remarkably 13.The rain was heavy and __A__the land was flooded A conseguently

B continuously C constantly D consistenly 14.More of them were __B__inventors than scientists A le B more

C worse


to: robert smith, sales manager from: bob fu, sales development date: may 6, 2001 subject: terminating engagment mr.smith, i have worked in the sales development as a salesman for six years, and i have been satisfied with this position. 8th february , 2002 dear mr.wong, re: resignation from the post of settlement clerk because i would like to take a new challenge and i want to meet people from all walks of life, i have accepted an offer from an insurance firm as a personal financial consultant.i would therefore appreciate it if you would accept my resignation effective from 8 march, 2002. i would be very much obliged if you would kindly give me a reference letter before i leave.thank you for all that you have done to make my work here both interesting and enjoyable. yours sincerely, alexander fung篇2:中英文辞职信范本(全) 辞职函



加入公司,并且在短短的两年间获得了许多的机遇和挑战。经过这两年在公司从事的 xx开发和xx管理工作,使我在xx开发,xx管理等领域学到了很多知识、积累了一定 的经验。对此我深怀感激!















,我最终选择了开始新的工作。希望你能早日业胶鲜实娜耸纸犹嫖业墓ぷ鳌? 当然,若你容许的话,我愿意,并且渴望在工余时间,为我们这个团队继续出力,



×× 敬上 it is with both regret and anticipation that i submit this letter of resignation, to resign from the position of 职位 effective february xx, 2004.i have decided to take this time to evaluate my current goals and investigate new opportunities. it has been my genuine pleasure to work for edward keller and 公司名group during these last xx years. thank you for allowing me to 公司名. yours sincerely 辞 职 报 告



在过去的两年里,我在公司里工作的很开心,感觉公司的气氛就和一个大家庭一样, 大家相处的融洽和睦,同时在公司里也学会了如何与同事相处,如何与客户建立良好关




在经过2003年下半年的时间里,公司给予了很好的机会,让自己学习做市场方面 的运做,但由于自己缺乏市场等方面的经验,自己没有能很好的为公司做好新的市场开









辞职书范文一(真诚版) 尊敬的z主任:





在xxx近四年的时间里,我有幸得到了单位历届领导及同事们的倾心指导及热情 帮助。工作上,我学到了许多宝贵的科研经验和实践技能,对科研工作有了大致的了解。









祝您身体健康,事业顺心。并祝yyy、xxx事业蓬勃发展。 *** **年**月**日







我希望在我提交这份辞程的时候,在未离开岗位之前,是我的工作请主管尽管分配,我一定会尽自己的职,做好应该做的事。另外,希望主管不要挽留我,其实,离开是很舍不得,原因自不用说明。但是既已决定,挽留会让我最终离开的时候更为难。谢谢∽詈螅m镜囊导ㄒ蝗缂韧宦缝≈鞴芗案魑煌使ぷ魉忱?nbsp; 辞职申请书范文三












折,在不断打拼中去寻找属于自己的定位,才是我人生的下一步选择。从小到大一直过得很顺,这曾让我骄傲,如今却让自己深深得痛苦,不能自拔,也许人真的要学会慢慢长大。 我也很清楚这时候向公司辞职于公司于自己都是一个考验,公司正值用人之际,sun ltd.erp 2004项目启动,所有的前续工作在公司上下极力重视下一步步推进。也正是考虑到公司今后在这个项






辞职人:*** 年月日 2008最新英文辞职信模板下载 sample 1 addre city, state zip date addreee addre city, state zip dear as i go to the new position, i’ll do so with the utmost respect for the management examples and philosophies learned here and with gratitude for the personal attention to my career growth. thank you for the rewarding experience i痸e enjoyed during my seven-year aociation with the organization. 最新辞职申请书辞职报告范文





因为有想考中山大学的研究生,前几天一位老乡告诉我中大招一名热工的本科生做实验助理。这对我而言是一个很好的机会,学校的氛围肯定更加适合准备考研,我在1.4已经把我的相关资料寄过去了。我希望尽快解除与公司的劳动关系,可以安心地轻轻离开。 也许我该提前一个月给您递呈辞职报告,好在我手头的工作不多,一个星期足以交接干净。我原本打算1.16开始我的二十余天的探亲假,现在我希望所有该处理的事情都在 1.13(周五)前处理妥当。马上就要离开公司了,在这最后的一段时间里,我会做好所有的交接工作,正常上班,静心等待您的答复、处理。



英文辞职信范例 dear mr. please accept my resignation as aociate chemist at the gert institute.i plan to leave my job here on september 30, 19–, taking a few days of annual leave just prior to that effective date. as you know, my primary interest has been in the oil and gas industry.therefore, i’ve accepted a position with fury refining, inc., that should put me back in touch with my “first love.” although i’m eager to accept the challenges in this new position, i regret leaving the institute.you and the organization as a whole have treated me very well over the past three years.i won’t forget the friendship and profeional growth i’ve experienced as an employee here. best wishes to all of you for years of expansion here. sincerely, 英文辞职信范例 :正版格式 memorandum to: from: date: subject: resignation please accept my resignation as aociate chemist at xxx research, inc.; my last day will be august 15, 19–. this decision has been difficult due to the rewarding relationships developed during the past three years.please accept my thanks for your unquestionable support and leadership here at xxx inc.. sincerely, 英语辞职信(中英对照版) dear hr leadership: but i need to resign for personal reasons.in regularization with my salary after the nature of work and measure my ability to work, i feel the salary is not with my expectations.so, i decided to resign. i hope my applications can be approved before june 20, i wish you good health . applicant: jack date: june 22, 2010 尊敬的人力资源部领导:

我很遗憾自己在这个时候向公司正式提出辞职。 我来公司刚好三个月了,也很荣幸自己能够成为医院的一员。在医院工作的三个月中,我学到了很多东西,公司的经营状况也处于良好的态势。非常感激公司给予了我在这样的良好环境中,工作和学习的机会。





辞职报告 memorandum to from date subject please accept my resignation as aociate chemist at xxx research, inc.; my last day will be august 15, 19–. this decision has been difficult due to the rewarding relationships developed during the past three years.please accept my thanks for your unquestionable support and leadership here at xxx inc..篇4:英文辞职信范文大全

英文辞职信范文大全 辞职信例文sample 1 addre city, state zip date addreee addre city, state zip dear the decision was a difficult one for me because i have so enjoyed my working relationships here.the job description has given me great latitude in as i go to the new position, ill do so with the utmost respect for the management examples and philosophies learned here and with gratitude for the personal attention to my career growth. thank you for the rewarding experience ive enjoyed during my seven-year aociation with the organization. sincerely, 英文辞职信范文 sample 2 dear mr. please accept my resignation as aociate chemist at the gert institute.i plan to leave my job here on september 30, 19–, taking a few days of annual leave just prior to that effective date. as you know, my primary interest has been in the oil and gas industry.therefore, ive accepted a position with fury refining, inc., that should put me back in touch with my first love. although im eager to accept the challenges in this new position, i regret leaving the institute.you and the organization as a whole have treated me very well over the past three years.i wont forget the friendship and profeional growth ive experienced as an employee here. best wishes to all of you for years of expansion here. 英文辞职信范例sample 3 dear i look back on the experience gained and the friends made with much regard.my aociation with hhh has been a valued part of my life. sincerely, 英文辞职信范例 sample 4 dear i am offering my resignation as operations manager of the xxx plant, effective may 15.as of now, im not quite sure where ill be looking for employment and am toying with the idea of turning one of my life-long hobbies into a profit-making enterprise. sincerely, 简明英文辞职信例文sample 5 memorandum to: from: date: subject: resignation please accept my resignation as aociate chemist at xxx research, inc.; my last day will be august 15, 19–. this decision has been difficult due to the rewarding relationships developed during the past three years.please accept my thanks for your unquestionable support and leadership here at xxx inc..篇5:中英文辞职信范文







祝工作愉快! (你的名字) 日期

英文辞职信范本 (your addre) 3rd november xx (the name of your bo) dear (the name of your bo), i regret to inform you that i decided to resign from my present position as (position) with effective from (next day of last date). thank you for giving me a chance to learn and to gain the thank you for your kind attention and would appreciate if you could let me have a reference letter before i leave. yours faithfully, (your full name) 辞职信写作贴士




简述辞职原因。(可提可不提) 向公司、上司及同事表示谢意。 要求撰写离职证明书(reference letter)。








xx february , 20xx

dear mr.wong,

re: resignation from the post of settlement clerk

i would like to let you know how much i have enjoyed my last three years at the hero company.hero company is an invaluable place for enriching my knowledge about financial field, i enjoyed working with my colleagues and i have learned so much things here.

because i would like to take a new challenge and i want to meet people from all walks of life, i have accepted an offer from an insurance firm as a personal financial consultant.i would therefore appreciate it if you would accept my resignation effective from 8 march, XX.

i would be very much obliged if you would kindly give me a reference letter before i leave.thank you for all that you have done to make my work here both interesting and enjoyable.

yours sincerely,

alexander fung










(your addre)

3rd november 200x

(the name of your bo)

(company name and section work with)

(companys addre)

dear (the name of your bo),

i regret to inform you that i decided to resign from my present position as (position) with effective from (next day of last date).

thank you for giving me a chance to learn and to gain the valuable experience in (company name and section work with).i hope my resignation would not cause you much inconvenience.

thank you for your kind attention and would appreciate if you could let me have a reference letter before i leave.

yours faithfully,

(your full name)







要求撰写离职证明书(reference letter)。




- 你的未来老板随时会要求你的前任老板提供关於你在职时的资料,作为聘用与否的参考。因此,别自毁长城,让一封辞职信破坏你的大好前途。

- 正所谓「今日留一线,他朝好相见」,如果你转职后还是留在同一行业内,日后在工作上或会有碰面的机会,到时便好不尴尬。

- 另外,谁又能保证自己与旧公司/上司他朝不会山水有相逢,再有合作的机会呢?所以千万别让他们留下不良的印象。



男 | 1900 年1月生 | 户口:江苏苏州 | 现居住于上海松江 4年工作经验 | 无党派人士 | 身份证: 3000000000000000X

上海松江出口加工区三庄路68号 201613

10000000000(手机) E-mail: kins.xx@ruu.com




期望工作地区:XXX 目前状况:我目前在职,正考虑换个新环境(如有合适的工作机会,到岗时间一个月左右)



具备人事招聘四年以上工作经验 具备优秀的人际沟通技巧 具有明确的职业发展规划

为人诚实,个性成熟并能自我激励 具备良好的计算机运用技巧 具备良好的书面及口头英文能力 熟悉国家及上海市劳动法律法规



中新苏州和乔物业服务有限公司(1500人) 人力资源部 |人事副经理(招聘)

公司背景:苏州和乔物业服务有限公司是具有一级物业管理资质的中外合资专业物业管理公司,于2002年6月20日开始运作,由中新苏州工业园区置地有限公司和英属维京群岛安可投资股份有限公司合资组建。和乔在2004年8月顺利通过了英国BSI公司(British Standards Institution)对和乔的ISO9001质量管理体系、ISO14001环境管理体系、OHSAS18001职业健康安全管理体系的认证。目前拥有员工1500人。 主要工作:人员招聘与配置 新人培训

任职期间:主要参与了两个住宅项目(青湖语城、菁英公寓)和两个商务楼盘项目(星东环大厦、档案馆大厦)的人员招聘工作。工种涉及项目经理、项目主管、维修主管、维修领班、客服经理、客服领班、客服、前台、维修、保安、空调工、管钳工、高压电工、低压电工、物业管理员、区域经理、工程整改员、水电工,三行工、万能工、财务、人事、保洁、绿化等,招聘渠道主要运用了人才市场、人才网站、员工推荐、橱窗小广告。同时主持公司的入职培训,负责讲授公司企业文化礼仪与制度。 2005/09 – 2010/07:广达股份-达丰电脑(上海)有限公司 | 人才资源处人力管理课 | 资深招聘专员 加工制造 | 外商独资 | 规模:10000人以上

公司背景: 广达上海制造城QSMC(Quanta Shanghai Manufacturing City)创建于2001年3月,位于上海松江出口加工区,包括达丰电脑、达功电脑、达伟物流、达利电脑、达人电脑、达群电脑和松业物业等7家公司,主要生产笔记本电脑。在短短8年时间里,QSMC迅速发展壮大,公司规模由200多人发展到40000多人,出口创汇额由2001年的1.7亿美金增长到2008年的250亿美元。2006年,广达电脑迈上新的里程碑,荣登美国《财富》(Fortune)杂志世界五百强企业排行榜,2008年排行上升至第344位。 主要工作:

(一) 人力招聘










10、招聘渠道维护与拓展 a、合作院校关系维护 b、派遣公司关系维护 c、猎头公司关系维护 d、人才市场关系维护 e、网站招聘市场关系维护 f、公司内部推荐活动推展

(二) 离职办理





5、离职改善与建议 参加的大型外出招募活动:

达丰2005陕西省合作院校OP招募 录用780人

达丰2005四川省合作院校OP招募 录用856人 达丰2005湖南省合作院校OP招募 录用958人 达丰2006西安春季高校招募 录用89人 达丰2006武汉春季高校招募 录用78人

达丰2006东莞9月专场招募 录用120人

2003/04 -- 2005/05:荣成纸业(苏州)有限公司 | 招聘专员 加工制造 | 合资 | 规模:100-499人 | 2001-4000元/月 公司背景:


苏州荣成纸业有限公司是台湾台湾荣成纸业在苏州的子公司,位于苏州相城经济开发区康元路888号,拥有员工258人,是一座专业的纸器制造公司。 主要工作:











1999/09 -- 2003/06:河北工程大学 | 工商管理(人力资源方向) | 本科

培训经历 2004/07 -- 2004/07:荣成股份(苏州)有限公司 培训课程:“四天三夜”成功营

培训描述:企业文化 文明礼仪 电话技巧 工厂流程 企业愿景 人生使命 光荣成功 2004/06 -- 2004/06:东吴管理咨询服务有限公司 培训课程:iso2000:9001质量管理体系内审员认证培训 培训描述: iso2000:9001质量管理体系系统知识 内审员资格证书



2000/06:全国计算机等级二级 c 语言编程 2000/03:大学英语四级


英语:读写能力熟练 | 听说能力良好


语言名称:英语 语言水平:中级水平证书名称:CET-4 获得时间:2000-03-01 证书名称:网络技术国家3级 获得时间:2002-11-01 获奖情况




参加学院下乡扶贫助困活动 被评为河北建筑科技学院“社会实践优秀个人” 2001-2002,获得院二等奖学金,被授予“院三好学生”

2003年 毕业设计论文《外资企业人事管理制度设计》获得河北省优秀毕业设计论文

Male | Born in 1979/1 | HUKOU: JiangSu SuZhou | Location SHANGHAI Wang XXX

4Years' Experience | No Party | Personal ID Card: 300000000000000X

No.68 Sanzhuang Rd.SongJiang EPZ.Shanghai 201613

100000000000(Mobile) E-mail: kins.xx@ruuu.com

Self-aement College degree

Over 8 years of working experience in HR area Strong communication and interpersonal skills Positive career development plans Honesty, mature and self-motivated Good computer skills at MS office Good written and spoken English Work Experience 2005/09 – 2010/07: Tech-Front(shanghai)computer limited company | Recruiting Specialist Proceing & Manufacturing | WOFE | Company Size: More than 40000 Major responsibilities: (一) recruiting work iues

1、build organizational chart and revise in time according to renewing budget

2、design new job specifications and update job dictionary

3、collect new vacation position demand including direct and indirect manpower

4、implement annual/seasonal/monthly/weekly recruiting plans

5、search and select resumes, arrange schedule and host interview with other supervisors

6、deal with new employee reporting iues and contract with them

7、new manpower statistic and re-allocation

8、recruiting cost allocation and recruiting effect evaluation

9、recruiting tunnels develop, expand and maintain including college, headhunt company, the third party company, labor marketing service centre, career network company)

10、manage inner referral activities (二) leaving work iues

1、control the application of leaving work and conduct the interview with leaving workers

2、maintain the file of leaving worker

3、make statistics for leaving worker

4、analyze the leaving data and claify the reasons

5、make improvement or suggestions for supervisor

2003/04-- 2005/05 RongCheng Paper (SuZhou) Co., Ltd HR Dept.Recruiting Specialist/Aistant

Proceing & Manufacturing | JV | Company Size: 100-499 | 2001-4000RMB/Month Major responsibilities:

1、collect and check recruiting demands

2、make job advertisement

3、maintain and update corporate career site

4、post job vacation to third party board

5、candidate search and data mining

6、prescreening questionnaires

7、testing and aement

8、interview management

9、candidate relationship management

10、employee referral program management

11、integration with third party services(background,reference)

12、recruiting cost control and analysis

13、reporting, metrics and analytics

14、deal with leaving work iues

Education Background 1999/09 -- 2003/06: HeBei University of Engineering Industry and Busine Management Bachelor degree

Training 2004/07 -- 2004/07: The training department of RongCheng Paper (SuZhou) Corporation Training Course: Succe Camp of 4 days and 3 nights Training Location: SuZhou

Description in Details: Company ideas and career plans; company culture and behavior rules: Products manufacture procedures and environmental protection; company perspective 2004/06 -- 2004/06:DongWu Management Consulting Service Company Training Course: Internal Auditor of ISO9001:2000 Quality Control System (3 days) Training Location: Su Zhou Description in Details: ISO9001:2000 Quality Control System Basic Knowledge Certificates 2002/11 Nationwide Computer Level Test Band 3B 2000/06 Nationwide Computer Level Test Band 2 (C-language making program) 2000/03 CET4 Language Skills and Computer skills English: Reading and writing:Proficient

listening and speaking:Good Computer: Be good at MS office tools (such as Excel, word, PPT) and E-HR system


朱静 出生年月: 专业: 民族: 电话: 地址: 教育背景 2011.9-至今实习经历 2014.3-2014.5


2013.3-2014.12012.7-2012.8校园活动 2011.9-2013.9 2012.9-2013.6 2013.3-2013.11 2013.3-2014.3 项目经验 2013.3-2014.1 技能荣誉


1992年5月 政治面貌: 共青团员 财务管理 学历: 本科汉族 籍贯:电子邮箱:********@163.com邮编:学院主修课程:有限公司部实习生负责********以及其他基础的工作******贸易有限公司 实习生负债*******等一些基础工作 ******* 财务部主要负责******* ****** ********部助理 **********等工作。******志愿者行在人间--“****”志愿者 ************学生团队负责人 校团委办公室干事国家大学生创新创业训练计划项目 组长大学英语六级(CET 6)会计从业资格证证券从业资格证ERP 工程师用友软件应用证书全国计算机二级(acce)熟练运用WORD、EXCEL、PPT等办公软件 国家励志奖学金、品德优秀奖学金、特殊贡献奖学金、体育优秀奖学金等本人是一个性格开朗大方的女孩,做事认真踏实,有责任感,集体荣誉感强,不喜欢拖拉,果断勇敢,能吃苦耐劳。待人热忱,乐于助人,热爱学习。为人诚实诚信。在校期间,积极地参加各种学校组织活动及社团活动,认真努力地提高知识和自身素养及在社会中的交往和处事能力, 工作认真,这做事期间,能很好地处理好分工协作关系和人际关系,有良好的团队精神。

Christy Wang

Date of Birth:


ADD: May 1992******

******* UniversityDegree: E-mail:MasterEducation 2011.9-Present

****************** Major Courses: *****************************

********** Aist to ************** etc.Internship 2014.3-2014.52013.7-2013.8





2013.3-2014.3Intern*******Intern*********** Company Ltd Aist to********************************etc.**************** committee **************** Volunteering in The Dandelions Volunteering in “Learning Partners” The leader of student team in The Dandelions staff in Youth League

National College Students Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Training Program CampusactivitiesProject Experience 2013.3-2014.1Leader

Certificates & Awards

CET 6,Level 2 of acce, Use WORD,EXCERL,PPTadroitly ,Accounting qualification certificate, Securities qualification certificate, UF ERP Software Applications Engineer Certificate National motivational scholarships、Moral merit scholarships、Special contributionscholarship、Excellent sports scholarships etc.

Self AementStrong learning ability and a sound basic of profeional knowledge

Expreion Communication Cooperation Adaptability

Sincere ,Optimistic, Confident, Paionate.



半化学浆 semi-chemical pulp 用化学处理,例如蒸煮,从植树物纤维原料中部分地除去非纤维素成分而制得的纸浆,为了达到纤维分离需要进行随后的机械处理。

拌浆机 breader,breaker beater 装有(或不装)底刀并装有一个带钝刀辊子的碎浆机。用来破碎纸浆板、废纸、损纸、破布浆、破布或其他纺织品,使其成为悬浮状。

半漂浆 cemi-bleached pulp 漂白至中等白度的纸浆。 粗纤维束 shive 存在于纸浆或纸中的纤维物料的粗大部分。 稻、麦草浆 straw pulp 用稻、麦秆制得的造纸用浆。 荻浆 amur silver gre pulp 用荻秆制得的造纸用浆。 废纸 waste paper 在使用或加工后可以被回收而重新用于造纸的纸或纸板。

风干浆 air-dry pulp 在技术上指水分含量与周围环境相平衡的纸浆;在商业上指供需间商定的含有规定水分的纸浆。 干浆 dry pulp 水分含量接近风干浆的纸浆。

褐色磨木浆 brown mechanical pulp 用汽蒸或煮过的木材制得的褐色磨石磨木浆。

黑液 black liquor 从化学浆(通常指硫酸盐法或烧碱法)蒸煮后的产物中分离出来的蒸煮废液。 化学浆 chemical pulp 用化学处理,例如蒸煮,从植物纤维原料中除去相当大一部分非纤维素成分而制得的纸浆,不需要为了达到纤维分离而进行随后的机械处理。

机械浆 mechanical pulp 完全用机械的方法从不同的植物纤维原料中制得的造纸用浆。

碱性亚硫酸盐浆 alkaline sulphite pulp 用亚硫酸钠和氢氧化钠组成的药液蒸煮植物纤维所制得的化学浆。

浆的净化 pulp cleanina 用重力净化、离心净化和通过一定大小的筛孔和筛缝等物理方法从浆料中除去无用物质。

浆的筛选 pulp screening 净化浆料的一种方法。用一个或几个筛把粗浆分离成粗渣和合格料。

浆和纸的杂质 pulp and paper contraries 存在于纸浆、纸料、纸或纸板中任何认为无用的物质。

阔叶木浆 hardwood pulp 用阔叶木制得的纸浆。

硫酸盐浆 sulphate pulp 用主要含有氢氧化钠、硫化钠组成的药液蒸煮植物纤维原料制得的纸浆。



麻浆 flax hemp ramie pulp 从天然的或废旧的亚麻、大麻、苎麻中制得的纸浆。

棉浆 cotton pulp 用棉短绒或废棉制得的纸浆。

磨木浆 groundwood pulp 通过有研磨作用的表面,例如一个石面,磨碎木材制成的机械浆。 木浆 wood pulp 用木材制得的纸浆。

木片磨浆 chip refining 木片通过盘磨机生产出的盘磨机械浆。 牛皮浆 kraft pulp 一种高强度的未漂硫酸盐浆。主要用来制造牛皮纸或纸袋纸。

盘磨机械浆 refiner mechanecal pulp 通过盘磨机处理植物纤维原料制得的机械浆。

漂白 bleaching 在一定程度上除去浆的有色物质或改变浆的颜色,其目的在于提高浆的白度。

漂白浆 bleached pulp 为提高白度而经漂白处理过的纸浆。 漂洗机 potcher,washer 一种半浆机。可以用来进行纸浆的洗涤和漂白。洗涤时洗鼓部分地浸在浆中以不断地提取液体。 全漂浆 fully bleached pulp 漂白至高白度的纸浆。

溶解浆 diolving pulp 主要供制造再生纤维素纤维和纤维素化学衍生物用的纸浆。

烧碱浆 soda pulp 用氢氧化钠作为唯一有效成分的药液蒸煮植物纤维原料制得的纸浆。

湿浆 wet pulp 水分含量比干浆高得多,一般指仅经过机械脱水而未经干燥的纸浆。 碎浆机 pulper 用来打碎浆板或纸的设备。 苇浆 reed pulp 用芦苇秆制得的造纸用浆。

未漂浆 unbleached pulp 未经任何专门为提高白度而作处理的造纸用浆。

选料 sorting 将破布或废纸等按质量分类挑选,以便在纸或纸板制造中使用。根据生产工艺的要求,按质量或按品种挑选造纸用的各种植物纤维原料。

亚硫酸盐废液(俗称红液)spent sulphite liquo 从植物纤维经亚硫酸盐法蒸煮后的产物中分离出来的蒸废液。

亚硫酸盐浆 sulphite pulp 用主要含有亚硫酸氢盐的药液蒸煮植物纤维原料制得的纸浆。

荧光增白 fluorescent whitening 把一种几乎无色的物质加到纸浆、纸料、表面施胶的胶料或涂料中,能够将紫外光激发为可见光,对纸和纸板的白度产生一个明显的改进。

预热机械浆 thermo-mechanical pulp 木片经蒸汽短时间预热处理后,再用盘磨机带压或常压。

造纸用浆 papermaking pulp 供制造纸和纸板用的纸浆。 纸浆 pulp 经过制备的可供进一步加工的纤维料(一般指来源于天然植物)。注:“纸浆”这个名词不在很多行业中通用。如果无特殊说,确用于本标准时,它仅指用于造纸、再生纤维和薄膜以及有关工业的纸。

蔗渣浆 bagae pulp 用甘蔗渣制得的造纸用浆。 针叶木 softwood pulp 用针叶木制得的纸浆。

蒸煮 cooking 用水和化学药品加热处理植物纤维原料。 纸浆的商业规定干度 theoretical commercial dryne 一个在商业上被公认的纸浆干度,一般规定为90%。



纸浆的发货单质量 invoiced ma(of pulp) 由供应方标在发货单上的纸浆的销售质量。

纸浆的风干质量 air-dry ma(of pulp) 当其水分含量与周围环境平衡时纸浆的质量。

纸浆的销售质量 saleable ma(of pulp) 用毛重乘以绝对干度,除以商业规定干度。

竹浆 bamboo pulp 用竹茎秆制得的纸浆。

中性亚硫酸盐浆 neutral sulphite pulp 用主要含有中性亚硫酸盐的药液蒸煮植物纤维原料制得的化学浆。


小 丽




西南政法大学 外国语言学及应用语言学学院 法律英语专业2007~2010 重庆 ◆ 将于2010年7月获英语语言文学硕士学位

四川外语学院 英语系 英语翻译专业2003~2007 重庆 ◆2007年7月获英语语言文学学士


重庆康辉旅行社欧洲部 实习生2007.02~03 重庆 ◆ 康辉旅游集团为行业领先的大型旅游运营商

◆ 设计旅游路线,参与旅行社网站制作,销售旅游产品,旅游咨询


重庆全球采购中心外展部 临时助理2009.05 重庆 ◆ 协助全球采购中心会筹备“第十二届中国(重庆)国际投资暨全球采购会” ◆ 培训志愿者

◆ 会议期间负责综合调度,管理机场组志愿者,担任现场翻译

会议稿件翻译2008.10 重庆 ◆ 组织人员为重庆巴南区招商局翻译“精密机床、精密模具制造及教育培训与产业园区项目”规划初步方案并总校全部译稿

◆ 独立为中国机械工业集团公司机械工业第三设计研究所翻译该项目的初步方案

法律稿件翻译2008.10~12 重庆 ◆ 为宋雷翻译服务有限公司内翻译大量法律稿件

“跨国公司投资重庆经贸洽谈会” 志愿者2008.07 重庆 ◆ 随行翻译和对接项目现场翻译

◆ 外宾接待

西南政法大学留学生部 对外汉语主讲教师2008.04~07重庆 ◆ 编写教案,探索和创新教学方法,运用多媒体等教学手段进行教学

◆ 带领美国留学生进行重庆一日游,介绍重庆人文历史

“英语沙龙” 主办人2008.03~05 重庆1

◆ 主办“英语沙龙”,拟定活动纲领与计划,主持第一期“英语沙龙”

◆ 组织“英语沙龙”成员春游

商务会谈现场口译2007.10 成都 ◆ 独立担任重庆顺方医疗器材有限公司与德国公司代表商务会谈现场口译

中国(重庆)国际教育展 志愿者2005~2007 重庆 ◆ 协助院方代表为来访者答疑解惑

◆ 现场口译

英语家教2005至今 重庆 ◆ 制定个性化学习计划和方法,提高了学生的应试成绩和英语综合能力

四川外语学院院学生会外联部成员2003 重庆◆ 联络赞助商,筹集活动资金,参与活动策划








2007年通过全国高等学校英语专业八级(TEM 8)考试

2007年通过全国高等学校英语专业八级(TEM 8)口语与口译考试







Xiao Li

Tian Yi Xin Cheng, Yubei

district, Chongqing 40114786-15086861013, 86-023-67791670


Postgraduate School, Southwest University of Political Science & Law, concentration in forensic linguistics2007-2010 Chongqing Sichuan International Studies University, B.A.in English translation2003-2007 Chongqing


China Comfort Travel Group co., Ltd, Chongqing branch2007.02-03 Chongqing ◆China Comfort Travel Group plays a leading role in inbound and outbound tourism

◆Route design, website building, travel products marketing, travel consultation


Global Souring Center, Inc., Chongqing2009.05 Chongqing Temporary Aistant

◆Coordinated a team of 10 profeionals from Global Souring Center, Inc., and 15 volunteers in pre-arrangement of China (Chongqing) International Investment and Global Souring Fair

◆Directed and trained a team of 15 volunteers

◆Accompanying interpreter

Investment promotion Bureau of Banan District, Chongqing & Third Design and Research Institute

SINOMACH2008.10 Chongqing◆Organized a team of 5 students to translate Preliminary Project of Precision Machine Tools, Precision Mold Manufacture, Education & Training, and Projects of Industrial Park for Investment promotion Bureau of Banan District, Chongqing and edited all of the versions

◆Personally translated another version of Preliminary Project for Third Design and Research Institute SINOMACH

Song Lei Translation Service Co., Ltd2008.10-12 Chongqing ◆Translated a lot of legal documents

Multinational Corporation Invest Chongqing Economic & Trade Conference2008.07 Chongqing Volunteer

◆Project Matching Conference Interpreter

International Students’ Dept.of Southwest

University of Political Science & Law2008.04-07 ChongqingLeading Lecturer

◆Taught 23 American Students Chinese

◆Developed teaching plan and applied various instruments in teaching

◆Conducted 52 American Students to tour the city of Chongqing

Initiator of English Salon2008.03-05 Chongqing

◆Motivated 16 students to join English Salon, established articles of English Salon, drafted activity plans, presided over the first section of English Salon

◆Organized Spring outing for English Salon members

Chongqing Shun Fang Medical Instrument Co., Ltd2007.10 Chengdu Site Interpreter

◆Consecutively interpreted busine talk between Chongqing Shun Fang Medical Instrument Co., Ltd and a German corporation

China(Chongqing) International Education Exhibition2005-2007 Chongqing Volunteer

◆Site Interpreter

◆Aisted representatives of foreign universities and performed site consultation

English tutor2005-present Chongqing ◆Developed personalized studying plan and means

◆Upgraded students’ examination score and English capability

Liaison department of student union of Sichuan2003 Chongqing International Studies University (SISU)

◆Contacted with sponsor, raised funds, planed activities


Winner’s Prize of Primary Contest of CCTV CUP English Speaking Contest

Winner’s Prize of Speaking Contest of Sichuan International Studies University (SISU) Consecutive third Scholarships of Sichuan International Studies University (SISU)

Winner of Campus Top 10 Singers of Postgraduate School of Southwest University of Political Science & Law


LanguagesMandarin(excellent), English(excellent), French(basic)

[National Test for English Major 8(TEM 8), National Oral & Interpretation Test for

English Major 8(TEM 8), Busine English Certificate(BEC) Vantage, Certificate of

Tour Guide of PRC(working language: English)]

OthersDriving [Driving License (C1) of PRC]

Skillful in MS Office


Reading, music, sport, driving, accomplished singer



Good morning.It\\\'s a pleasure for me to be here in front of you to present myself.My name is Jennifer Wong, and I am a candidate for the position of Overseas Sales Representative.

My background and work experience are tailor-made for this position.I studied marketing as an undergrad here in Taiwan, and in 1985, I received my MBA from the University of Texas School of Busine.For five years now, I have utilized my skills and knowledge as the Aistant Director of Exports for Magic Kitchen Supplies.Action Appliances is a forward-looking company.I am aware that you are expanding into new markets, particularly in the U.S.Thus you are going to need aggreive, take-charge sales representatives.At Magic Kitchen, during my five years there, we expanded our U.S.market share by 25%.This is just one example of my ability to go out there and sell products.

A position with your company would be both a learning experience and a great opportunity.I look forward to becoming part of the Action team.Thank you.中文翻译

早安。很高兴能在这儿跟各位介绍自己:我是Jennifer Wong,来此应征海外业务代表。



第19篇: 政府工作报告 中英文

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各位代表: 现在,我代表国务院向大会作政府工作报告,请予审议,并请全国政协各位委员提出意见。








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Report on the Work of the Government

Delivered at the Third Seion of the 11th National People\'s Congre on March 5, 2010, Wen Jiabao, Premier of the State Council

Fellow deputies, On behalf of the State Council, I now present to you my report on the work of the government for your deliberation and approval.I also invite the members of the National Committee of the Chinese People\'s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) to provide comments and suggestions.

I.Review of work in 2009 The year 2009 was the most difficult year for our country\'s economic development since the beginning of the new century.This time last year the global financial crisis was still spreading, and the world economy was in a deep receion.Our economy was severely affected; our exports decreased significantly; a large number of enterprises had operating difficulties and some even suspended production or closed down; the number of unemployed people increased significantly; many migrant workers had to return to their home villages; and the pace of our economic growth suddenly slowed down.In these unusually difficult circumstances, the people of all our ethnic groups fortified their confidence, tackled difficulties head on, worked tenaciously, and responded calmly to the impact of the global financial crisis under the firm leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC).Our economy was the first in the world to have made a turnaround, and we made major new achievements in reform and opening up as well as socialist modernization.GDP reached 33.5 trillion yuan, an increase of 8.7 percent over the previous year (here and below).Fiscal revenue was 6.85 trillion yuan, up 11.7 percent.Grain production was 530.82 million tons, a new record and an increase for the sixth consecutive year.A total of 11.02 million urban jobs were created.The per- capita disposable income of urban residents was 17,175 yuan, and the net per-capita income of rural residents was 5,153 yuan, up 9.8 percent and 8.5 percent respectively in real terms.We took another steady step along the path of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.Events again

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proved that no difficulties or obstacles can impede the course of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.The past year was truly extraordinary and inspiring.We held a grand celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of New China.The outstanding achievements we made in that time have greatly boosted the confidence and pride of the people, strengthened the cohesivene of the Chinese nation, and raised China\'s international standing and influence.All this definitely encourages us to continue to forge ahead on the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.Over the last year, we mainly undertook the following work.1.Strengthening and improving macro-control and promoting steady and rapid economic development.We carried out a proactive fiscal policy and a moderately easy monetary policy.We comprehensively implemented and constantly improved the package plan for addreing the global financial crisis.We significantly increased government spending, implemented structural tax reductions, rapidly increased supplies of money and credit, made our monetary policy more sustainable, and increased the amount of direct financing.We thus ensured funding for economic and social development, effectively boosted domestic demand, and quickly reversed the slowdown in economic growth.We vigorously expanded consumer spending.Our policies to encourage consumption covered more areas, were stronger and benefited more people than ever before.The Central Government provided 45 billion yuan in subsidies for rural residents to purchase home appliances and motor vehicles, including motorbikes.Part of the subsidies also supported trading-in old motor vehicles and home appliances for new ones and purchasing agricultural machinery and tools.We halved the purchase tax on small-displacement automobiles.We reduced or exempted taxes on buying and selling homes to support the purchase of homes to be used as their owners\' residences.Throughout the year 13.64 million motor vehicles were sold, an increase of 46.2 percent; commodity housing sales amounted to 937 million square meters, up 42.1 percent; and total retail sales of consumer goods increased 16.9 percent in real terms.Consumption played a much bigger role in fueling economic growth.We promoted rapid growth in investment.We guided and stimulated non-government investment by means of well-leveraged government investment.We implemented a plan to invest an


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additional 4 trillion yuan over two years.In 2009, the Central Government\'s public investment was 924.3 billion yuan, 503.8 billion yuan more than that in the previous year\'s budget.Of this, 44 percent was invested in low-income housing, projects to improve the well-being of rural residents, and social programs; 16 percent in independent innovation, structural adjustment, energy conservation, emiions reduction, and ecological improvement; 23 percent in major infrastructure projects; and 14 percent in post-Wenchuan earthquake recovery and reconstruction.Fixed aet investment increased 30.1 percent nationwide.We further improved the investment structure.Rapid investment growth effectively compensated for the shortfall created by shrinking external demand, strengthened weak links, and laid a solid foundation for long-term economic and social development.We accelerated the post-Wenchuan earthquake recovery and reconstruction work.We have already invested 654.5 billion yuan, 65.5 percent of the total planned investment, in the worst hit areas.Thanks to the government\'s strong support, the selfle aistance of people throughout the country, and the hard work of residents of the earthquake area, the badly damaged areas have taken on a brand-new appearance, with new towns rising straight out of the ground, and villages brimming with vitality.All this fully reflects the boundle love of the Chinese nation and powerfully demonstrates the incomparable superiority of the socialist system.2.Vigorously carrying out economic restructuring, and shoring up the foundation for long-term development.We closely integrated sustaining economic growth with economic restructuring, and moved more quickly to resolve structural problems limiting economic development.We further strengthened the work related to agriculture, rural areas and farmers.The Central Government used 725.3 billion yuan to support agriculture, rural areas and farmers, an increase of 21.8 percent.We raised the minimum grain purchase prices by a large margin.We began implementing the plan to increase grain production capacity by 50 million tons nationwide.We continued to improve living and working conditions in rural areas.We implemented rural drinking water safety projects that benefited 60.69 million people, increased the number of methane gas users by 5.1 million, built and upgraded 380,000 kilometers of roads and 266,000 kilometers of electric power lines and renovated 800,000 dilapidated houses in the countryside, and helped build permanent housing for 92,000 nomadic families.We also intensified our efforts to fight poverty.As a


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result, working and living conditions notably improved in poverty-stricken areas.We intensified industrial restructuring.We formulated and implemented a plan for restructuring and invigorating 10 key industries.We encouraged enterprises to accelerate technological upgrading, and provided 20 billion yuan to support 4,441 technological upgrading projects.Further progre was made in mergers and reorganization in key industries.We made great efforts to restrict exce production capacity and redundant development in some industries.We closed down 26.17 million kilowatts of small thermal power stations, and eliminated backward facilities with total production capacity of 16.91 million tons in the steelmaking industry, 21.13 million tons in the iron-smelting industry, 74.16 million tons in the cement industry, and 18.09 million tons in the coke industry.We accelerated the implementation of major national science and technology projects, and spent 151.2 billion yuan of Central Government funds on science and technology, an increase of 30 percent.We vigorously supported the widespread use of domestically innovated products, and the development of emerging industries such as clean energy and third-generation mobile communications.We vigorously strengthened infrastructure development; put 5,557 kilometers of newly built railway lines into operation; opened 4,719 kilometers of new expreways to traffic, accelerated urban rail development; and built, renovated or expanded 35 civil airports.We increased the installed power-generating capacity by 89.7 million kilowatts, began supplying gas through the western section of the second line of the project for shipping natural gas from west to east, accelerated construction on the South-to-North Water Diversion Project, and began reinforcing 6,183 dangerous reservoirs.We made solid progre in conserving energy, reducing emiions and protecting the environment.We supported 2,983 key energy conservation and recycling projects through budgetary investment.We implemented a project to promote energy-efficient products for the benefit of the people, putting into use more than 5 million energy-saving air-conditioners and 150 million energy-efficient light bulbs.We continued to develop key ecological projects in the forestry industry, and completed the afforestation of 5.88 million hectares, thereby raising the percentage of land covered by forest to 20.36 percent.Through combined measures, we brought soil erosion on 48,000 square kilometers of land under control.We strengthened the prevention and treatment of water pollution in the key watersheds of the Huai, Hai, and Liao rivers and Tai, Chao, and Dianchi lakes,


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and improved the control of wastewater, gases and residues from industry.Over the first four years of the 11th Five-Year Plan period, energy consumption per unit of GDP fell 14.38 percent, and chemical oxygen demand and sulfur dioxide emiions decreased 9.66 percent and 13.14 percent respectively.We made vigorous efforts to respond to climate change, and set forth our country\'s targets, policies and measures for controlling greenhouse gas emiions by 2020.We improved our weather forecasting and early warning, as well as earthquake monitoring, and constantly improved our disaster prevention and protection capabilities.We took new steps in balancing development between regions.We thoroughly implemented the overall strategy for regional development, and formulated several major regional development plans and policies.The central and western regions and northeast China accelerated opening up and development, welcomed industries relocated from other parts of the country, and continuously strengthened their foundation for development.The eastern region accelerated restructuring and independent innovation, and the vitality of its economic development increased.A favorable situation emerged in which regional development was better distributed, structured and coordinated.3.Steadfastly deepening reform and opening up, and constantly improving institutions and mechanisms conducive to developing scientifically.We deepened reform and opening up to respond more powerfully to the global financial crisis, worked hard to remove institutional obstacles and continued to open wider to the outside world.We accelerated reform in key areas and links.We comprehensively carried out VAT reform.The reform of the prices of refined oil products and taxes and fees on them was implemented smoothly, and a new mechanism for pricing them worked well.We made solid progre in commercializing the China Development Bank and introducing the joint stock system in the Agricultural Bank of China, and launched a pilot project to use the renminbi as the settlement currency for cro-border trade.The ChiNext stock market was officially launched, which opened a new financing channel for enterprises based on independent innovation and other growth enterprises.We reformed local government departments in an orderly manner, and steadily carried out a trial to reform institutions by type.We comprehensively launched the collective forests tenure reform.We devolved tenure in 100 million hectares of forest land to rural households, equaling 60 percent of the country\'s total area of collective forests.This is another major reform of China\'s rural operation system after the


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household land contract responsibility system.We constantly raised the level of the open economy.We introduced policies and measures to stabilize foreign demand, adopted methods that conform to international practices to support export companies, completed the iuance of short-term export credit insurance worth $90 billion, and arranged $42.1 billion of export financing insurance for complete sets of large equipment.We encouraged increases in imports.Since the second half of last year, falls in imports and exports have clearly eased, and we have consolidated our share of international markets.Last year imports and exports totaled $2.2 trillion.We reversed the decline in utilized foreign investment, and actual utilized foreign direct investment amounted to $90 billion for the entire year.More enterprises \"went global\" in spite of the adverse situation; non-financial outward direct investment amounted to $43.3 billion, and receipts from overseas project contracting operations reached $77.7 billion.We actively participated in international macroeconomic policy dialogue and coordination as well as economic, trade and financial cooperation, and played a constructive role in the joint response to the global financial crisis.4.Striving to improve people\'s well-being and accelerating the development of social programs.In the difficult circumstances of responding to the global financial crisis, we gave greater priority to ensuring and improving people\'s well-being and effectively solved the most practical problems of the greatest and most direct concern to the people.We implemented a more active employment policy.We increased the responsibility of the government for stimulating employment.The Central Government allocated 42.6 billion yuan in special employment funds, an increase of 59 percent.For distreed enterprises, we postponed and in some cases reduced their payment of social security contributions.We also reduced or exempted reemployment tax and provided related subsidies to encourage enterprises to maintain or increase their levels of employment.We launched a series of employment service activities, created public-service jobs through multiple channels, and encouraged college graduates to take jobs at the primary level, enlist in the army, or join enterprises and institutions as interns.We provided job training for 21 million urban and rural workers.These measures helped bring about basic employment stability.We accelerated improvements in the social security system.We established a nationwide


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pension planning system at the provincial level, and introduced a method for transferring pension accounts for workers of urban enterprises, some of whom are rural migrant workers.We launched a pilot project for a new rural pension insurance system in 320 counties—a historic step forward in the development of China\'s social security system.The Central Government allocated 290.6 billion yuan in social security funds, an increase of 16.6 percent.Pensions for enterprise retirees increased for the fifth consecutive year and registered another 10 percent rise per person.We provided better care for childle and infirm rural residents receiving guarantees of food, clothing, medical care, housing and burial expenses.We increased subsidies for entitled groups and subsistence allowances for both urban and rural recipients.The Central Government used 55.1 billion yuan to develop low-income housing projects, a two-fold increase over the previous year.We built, renovated or expanded 2 million low-income housing units of various types, and renovated or built 1.3 million housing units in different types of run-down areas.Nationwide, social security funds reached 692.7 billion yuan, an increase of 44.2 percent.We strengthened the social security system.We made education more equitable.We increased education spending nationwide significantly, including Central Government spending of 198.1 billion yuan, an increase of 23.6 percent.We comprehensively implemented the urban and rural compulsory education policy, spent 66.6 billion yuan of Central Government funds on rural compulsory education, and reached the target of raising public spending for rural secondary and primary school students to an average of 500 yuan and 300 yuan per student respectively a year ahead of schedule.We implemented a performance-based pay system for compulsory education teachers.We started to implement the policy of free tuition for rural students attending secondary vocational schools whose families have financial difficulties and students in such schools who are studying agriculture-related majors.We constantly improved the national student financial aid system, which benefited 28.71 million students and basically ensured that no children from poor families were denied schooling due to financial difficulties.

We made steady progre in the reform and development of the pharmaceutical and healthcare fields.We organized the implementation of the reform of the pharmaceutical and healthcare systems.The Central Government spent 127.7 billion yuan on medical and health care, an increase of 49.5 percent.A total of 401 million urban workers and non-working urban residents subscribed to basic medical insurance, and the new type of rural cooperative medical care system covered 830 million


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people.The Central Government allocated 42.9 billion yuan to solve the problem of medical insurance for retired workers from closed and bankrupt state-owned enterprises.The basic drug system has been implemented in 30 percent of primary-level medical and healthcare institutions.Central Government funds were used to support the construction of a number of county-level hospitals, town and township central hospitals, and community health service centers.We launched major public health service projects, including one to increase vaccinations against hepatitis B.We intensified special campaigns for food and drug safety.Faced with the sudden outbreak of influenza A (H1N1), we carried out scientific and orderly prevention and control work in accordance with the law, and thereby effectively protected people\'s lives and maintained normal order in society.It was not at all easy for our country to make all these achievements against the backdrop of the severe impact of the global financial crisis and the negative growth of the world economy.They were the result of the overall planning and correct leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Hu Jintao as General Secretary as well as the concerted and strenuous efforts of the whole Party, the entire army, and the people of all of our ethnic groups.On behalf of the State Council, I hereby expre our sincere gratitude to the people of all of our ethnic groups and to the democratic parties, ma organizations, and people from all sectors of society.I also expre our sincere thanks to our compatriots in the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions, in Taiwan, and overseas, as well as to foreign governments, international organizations, and friends in other countries that take an interest in and support China\'s modernization.In the course of the past year, as we conscientiously applied the Scientific Outlook on Development, vigorously responded to the global financial crisis and completed all of our government work, we came to the following conclusions: We must continue to make use of both market mechanisms and macro-control, that is, at the same time as we keep our reforms oriented toward a market economy, let market forces play their basic role in allocating resources, and stimulate the market\'s vitality, we must make best use of the socialist system\'s advantages, which enable us to make decisions efficiently, organize effectively, and concentrate resources to accomplish large undertakings.We must balance long- and short-term interests, take into account long- and short-term needs, and addre both the symptoms and root causes of problems.We must overcome short-term difficulties and solve major problems as well as strengthen key areas and weak links in


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order to lay a foundation for long-term development.We must continue to consider domestic and international situations, make it a long-term strategic policy to boost domestic demand, adhere to the win-win strategy of opening up, and quickly formulate a pattern in which domestic demand and foreign demand drive economic growth in concert.We must always remember that developing the economy is inseparable from improving people\'s well-being and safeguarding social equity and justice; make improving people\'s well-being the focus of development, and the starting point, goal and lasting driving force of economic development; strive to safeguard equity and justice; ensure that all of the people share in the fruits of reform and development; and promote social harmony and stability.We must give free rein to the initiative of both the central and local authorities.While streing unity of thinking and keeping overall interests in mind, we also need to encourage everyone to proceed in light of local conditions and make explorations and innovations, in order to form a powerful, concerted force for overcoming present difficulties.All of these experiences are of vital and profound significance for keeping to the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, improving our ability to run the socialist market economy, and pushing ahead the proce of modernization.II.Main Tasks for 2010 This is a crucial year for continuing to deal with the global financial crisis, maintaining steady and rapid economic development, and accelerating the transformation of the economic development pattern.It is also an important year for achieving all the targets of the 11th Five-Year Plan and laying a solid foundation for development on the basis of the 12th Five-Year Plan.Although this year\'s development environment may be better than last year\'s, we still face a very complex situation.Some positive changes and negative influences are growing while others are diminishing.Short-term and long-term problems are interwoven, domestic and international factors mutually affect each other, and the dilemmas facing economic and social development are increasing.Internationally, the global economy will hopefully turn around.International financial markets are stabilizing, and the overall trend toward increased economic globalization has not changed.Considerable changes and adjustments in the world economic structure will bring new development opportunities.At the same time, many destabilizing factors and uncertainties remain in our external environment.The foundation for global economic recovery remains weak; financial risks have not


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been completely eliminated; individual countries face difficult choices in phasing out their stimulus policies; larger fluctuations may occur in the prices of major commodities and exchange rates among the major currencies; trade protectionism is clearly reaerting itself; and global problems such as climate change, food security and energy and resource supplies remain complex.Domestically, our country is still in an important period of strategic opportunities.The foundation for economic turnaround is becoming stronger, market confidence has increased, the policy we adopted to boost domestic demand and improve people\'s well-being continues to show results, and enterprises are constantly becoming more competitive and better able to adapt to market changes.Neverthele, there are still some serious problems affecting economic and social development.There is insufficient internal impetus driving economic growth; our independent innovation capability is not strong; there is still considerable exce production capacity in some industries and it is becoming more difficult to restructure them; while the preure on employment is constantly growing overall, there is a structural shortage of labor; the foundation for keeping agricultural production and farmers\' incomes growing steadily is weak; latent risks in the banking and public finance sectors are increasing; and major problems in the areas of healthcare, education, housing, income distribution and public administration urgently require solutions.We must make a comprehensive and correct judgment of the situation, and we must not interpret the economic turnaround as a fundamental improvement in the economic situation.We need to strengthen our awarene of potential dangers, make full use of favorable conditions and positive factors, strive to resolve problems, make even more thorough preparations to deal with risks and challenges of all kinds, and firmly keep the initiative in our work.To do a good job in our government work this year, we need to conscientiously implement the guiding principles of the 17th National Party Congre and the third and fourth plenary seions of the 17th Central Committee; take Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents as our guide; thoroughly implement the Scientific Outlook on Development; strive to apply macro-control appropriately and maintain steady and rapid economic development; work hard to accelerate economic restructuring and the transformation of the economic development pattern; pre ahead with reform and opening up and with independent innovation; strive to improve people\'s well-being and to promote social harmony and stability; make headway with our efforts to encourage


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socialist economic, political, cultural, social, and ecological development; pick up the pace of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects; and work hard to achieve sound, rapid economic and social development.This year the main targets we have set for economic and social development are: increasing GDP by approximately 8 percent, creating jobs for more than 9 million people entering the urban workforce, keeping the urban registered unemployment rate no higher than 4.6 percent, holding the rise in consumer prices to around 3 percent, and improving the balance of payments.Here I would like to stre that in targeting a GDP increase at around 8 percent, we are emphasizing sound development, and we need to guide all sectors to focus their work on transforming the economic development pattern and restructuring the economy.By targeting an increase in consumer prices at around 3 percent, we are giving full consideration to the carry-over effect of last year\'s price changes, the ripple effect of price changes for major international commodities, the lagged impact of increases in domestic supplies of money and credit, and consumers\' ability to bear price increases, while also leaving room for reform in resource and environment taxes and fees and in the pricing of resource products.This year we will focus on the following eight areas.1.Exercising better macro-control and maintaining steady and rapid economic development We need to continue implementing a proactive fiscal policy and a moderately easy monetary policy.We need to maintain continuity and stability in our policies while constantly making them better-targeted and more flexible as circumstances and conditions change, and keep a good grasp of the intensity, pace and focus of their implementation.We need to skillfully handle the relationship between maintaining steady and rapid economic development, restructuring the economy and managing inflation expectations.We not only need to maintain sufficient policy intensity and consolidate the momentum of the economic turnaround, but we also need to accelerate economic restructuring and make substantive progre in transforming the economic development pattern.In addition, we need to manage inflation expectations well and keep the overall price levels stable.We will continue to implement a proactive fiscal policy.First, we will keep the deficit and government bonds at appropriate levels.This year, we have projected a deficit of 1.05 trillion yuan, which consists of 850 billion yuan in Central Government deficit and 200 billion yuan in local


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government bonds, which will be included in local government budgets.These arrangements are based mainly on the consideration that this year\'s revenues will fall significantly short of expenditures.Regarding revenues, last year\'s one-off measures to increase revenues will either not be repeated or will be decreased.We also need to continue implementing the policy of structural tax reductions; consequently, revenue will not increase very quickly.Regarding expenditures, we will continue to implement the package plan for dealing with the global financial crisis, and increase spending to complete undergoing projects, strengthen weak links, carry forward reform, improve people\'s well-being and maintain stability.Second, we will continue to implement the structural tax reduction policy to expand domestic demand and promote economic restructuring.Third, we will improve the structure of expenditures, maintain expenditures in some areas while reducing them in others, and spend our money where it counts the most.We will continue to give preference to agriculture, farmers and rural areas, and to improving people\'s well-being and developing social programs.We will support energy conservation, environmental protection, independent innovation, and development in underdeveloped areas.We will strictly control regular expenditures, and do all we can to reduce public spending.Fourth, we will effectively improve government debt management, strengthen internal and external restraints, and effectively guard against and fend off latent public finance risks.In addition, we need to strengthen tax collection and supervision as well as supervision of non-tax revenues in accordance with the law, strictly crack down on tax fraud, and collect all due taxes.We will continue to implement a moderately easy monetary policy.First, we will ensure that there are proper and sufficient supplies of money and credit.This year\'s target for expanding the broad money supply (M2) is around 17 percent, and we will increase the total quantity of renminbi loans by approximately 7.5 trillion yuan.Although both of these increases are le than the actual increases last year, they are still moderately easy policy goals, and they can satisfy reasonable financial demands to fuel economic and social development.In addition, these goals are beneficial for managing inflation expectations and making the financial support for economic development more sustainable.Second, we will improve credit structure.We will implement a credit policy that guarantees credit in some areas and limits it in others; increase support for important areas and weak links; effectively alleviate the difficulties farmers and small businees have in obtaining financing;


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and strictly control loans to industries that are energy-intensive, highly polluting or saddled with overcapacity.We will strengthen post-loan supervision and ensure that loans are used to support the real economy.Third, we will actively expand direct financing.We will improve the system of multilevel capital markets, increase financing by selling equities and iuing bonds, and better satisfy the diverse demand for investment and financing.Fourth, we will strengthen risk management and make financial oversight and supervision more effective.We will explore ways to establish a system of prudent macro management, strengthen the monitoring of the cro-border flow of capital, and guard against all kinds of financial risks.We will continue to improve the mechanism for setting the renminbi exchange rate and keep it basically stable at an appropriate and balanced level.We will energetically expand consumer demand.We will continue to increase farmers\' incomes, basic pensions of enterprise retirees, allowances to some entitled groups, subsistence allowances for urban and rural residents, and people\'s purchasing power, especially that of low- and middle-income earners.We will strengthen and expand traditional consumption, and promote the upgrading of the consumption structure by actively cultivating areas of high consumption, such as information, tourism, culture, fitne, training, services for the elderly and household services.We will increase consumer credit.We will strengthen infrastructure, such as the logistics system, and vigorously develop e-commerce.We will overhaul and standardize markets to create a convenient, safe and worry-free environment for consumers.We will continue to implement and improve all of our policies and measures to encourage consumption.We will considerably raise the maximum price limits for home appliances sold in the countryside, increase the types of appliances and models eligible for subsidies, expand the scope of subsidies, improve the qualifying criteria for subsidies and the way subsidies are granted, strengthen supervision and evaluation of enterprises that win bids for contracts, and raise the quality of products and services.We will improve the policies for getting consumers to trade-in old motor vehicles and home appliances for new ones and getting rural residents to buy motor vehicles, and set the purchase tax for small-displacement automobiles at 7.5 percent.We must implement these policies and measures, do meaningful work and do it well, and make sure the benefits reach the people.We will strive to improve the investment structure.Government investment at all levels needs to be concentrated in the most important areas, and the launching of new projects must be strictly


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controlled.It should be used mainly for carrying on and completing projects and we need to ensure that projects are not stopped midway.We will steadily move forward with the recovery and reconstruction of quake-hit areas, and make sure quality and quantity targets are met.We will encourage greater non-government investment, and improve and implement policies to achieve this goal.We will strengthen and improve the supervision of investment; strictly enforce market entry standards and industrial policies concerning land use, energy conservation, environmental protection and safety; and effectively prevent redundant construction.For projects financed through the public treasury, relevant departments need to exercise oversight of the entire course of the project, and we must prevent the construction of image and vanity projects that waste manpower and money in the name of boosting domestic demand.We will adhere to scientific and democratic decision making, and ensure that public funds are spent on projects that promote economic and social development and improve people\'s lives and that will stand the test of practice and history.2.Accelerating the transformation of the economic development pattern and adjusting and optimizing the economic structure We urgently need to transform the economic development pattern.We will work hard to put economic development onto the track of endogenous growth driven by innovation.We will continue to promote restructuring and revitalization in key industries.First, we will intensify technological upgrading.We will effectively use funds for technological upgrading to guide enterprises in developing new products, saving energy and reducing resource consumption.Second, we will encourage mergers and reorganization of enterprises.We will break industry monopolies, remove regional blockades, support superior enterprises for acquiring enterprises in financial difficulties, and close down backward production facilities more quickly.Third, we will comprehensively raise product quality.We will guide enterprises to improve their quality management systems, focusing on brands, standards, service and performance, and to enhance their sense of social responsibility.We will effectively strengthen the market oversight and credibility systems, and strive to raise the quality of China\'s products to a new level.We will foster emerging industries of strategic importance.The global financial crisis is hastening the birth of a new technological and industrial revolution.It is of decisive importance for the future of our country that we develop emerging industries of strategic importance and capture the


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economic, scientific and technological high ground; therefore, we must seize opportunities, identify priorities and achieve results.We need to vigorously develop new energy sources and new materials, and boost energy conservation, environmental protection, biomedicine, information networks, and high-end manufacturing industries.We will make substantive progre in developing motor vehicles powered by new energy sources and in integrating telecommunications networks, cable television networks and the Internet, and accelerate R&D in and application of the Internet of Things.We will also increase investment in and policy support for emerging industries of strategic importance.We will further promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises.First, we will set up a sound service system for small and medium-sized enterprises.We will promptly revise the criteria for claifying such enterprises, accelerate the development of a public service platform and an information service network for them, as well as bases for small busine startups, continue to reduce and streamline administrative examination and approval procedures, and resolutely sort out fees and eliminate unreasonable ones.Second, we will continue to implement the policy of fiscal support for small and medium-sized enterprises.The Central Government will allocate 10.6 billion yuan to support their development.A preferential income tax policy for small enterprises with low profits will be implemented.Small and medium-sized enterprises will be eligible to receive money from special funds for technological upgrading in the central budget, and local governments should also increase investment in technological upgrading.Third, we will provide better financial support for small and medium-sized enterprises.We will improve the credit aement system for small enterprises, and encourage the establishment of a loan-risk compensation fund for them.We will allow full tax deductions for loan-lo reserves for loans to small and medium-sized enterprises.We will develop a multilevel system of credit guarantees for these enterprises, and implement the policy of exempting busine tax for qualified credit guarantee agencies serving them and allow those agencies to exempt withdrawals from reserve funds and compensation for loes from taxation.We will expand channels for small and medium-sized enterprises to obtain financing in order to effectively solve their financing problems, especially those of small enterprises.We will accelerate the development of the service sector.We will further raise the development level of the service sector and its proportion of the national economy.We will vigorously develop production-oriented service industries, including finance, logistics, information, R&D, industrial


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design, commerce, energy conservation and environmental protection services, and promote the intimate integration of service industries with modern manufacturing industries.We will also develop public utilities, real estate and property management services, community services and other service industries closely related to people\'s wellbeing.We will accelerate the development of tourism and expand new types of services.In view of the weak foundation and great potential of the service sector in rural areas, we need to accelerate the establishment of a sound system of rural workplace and consumer services, mainly revolving around production, sales, scientific and technological information, and financial services.We will speed up the establishment of an open, fair and standardized system for licensing service providers, and encourage the participation of non-government capital.We will further improve policies for promoting development of the service sector, and gradually lower the electricity, water, gas, and heat rates for government-encouraged service industries to the same levels charged to industrial enterprises.We will strive to conserve energy and reduce emiions.First, we will energetically promote energy conservation and raise energy efficiency, especially in manufacturing industry, transportation, and construction.We will make solid progre in the 10 major energy conservation projects, the campaign to save energy in 1,000 enterprises, and the project to promote energy-efficient products that benefit the people, and make energy saving a good habit throughout the society.We will increase our energy-saving capacity by an equivalent of 80 million tons of standard coal.We will rapidly develop and employ desulphurization equipment for every coal-fired power generating unit.Second, we will strengthen environmental protection.We will work to improve the environment in key drainage basins and regions, treat urban sewage and garbage, deal with pollution from non-point agricultural sources, and comprehensively clean up heavy metal pollution.In urban areas, the daily sewage treatment capacity will increase by 15 million cubic meters and the daily garbage disposal capacity will grow by 60,000 tons.Third, we will energetically develop a circular economy and the energy conservation and environmental protection industries.For the circular economy, we will support R&D, technology demonstrations and applications, and capacity building.We will save energy, water, land and materials.We will comprehensively utilize mineral resources, recycle industrial waste, use by-product heat and preure to generate electricity, and transform household solid waste into resources.We will rationally develop, utilize and protect marine resources.Fourth,


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we will actively respond to climate change.We will improve our ability to adapt to it and ameliorate its effects.We will work hard to develop low-carbon technologies; promote application of highly efficient, energy-conserving technologies; develop new and renewable energies; and step up development of smart power grids.We will accelerate afforestation, increase forest carbon sinks and expand our forests by at least 5.923 million hectares.We need to energetically build an industrial system and consumption pattern with low carbon emiions.We will participate in international cooperation to addre climate change, and push for further progre in the global fight against climate change.We will promote balanced economic development between regions.We will continue to develop the western region on a large scale, comprehensively reinvigorate the old industrial bases in northeast China and elsewhere, energize the development of the central region, and support the eastern region in taking the lead in development.We will conscientiously implement all plans and policies for promoting regional economic and social development.We will accelerate growth of development priority zones.We will increase support for old revolutionary areas, ethnic minority areas, border areas and poverty-stricken areas.We will focus on formulating and implementing policies for economic and social development in Xinjiang, Tibet, and Tibetan ethnic areas in Sichuan, Yunnan, Gansu and Qinghai provinces.When implementing the overall strategy for regional development, we will emphasize exploiting different regions\' comparative advantages and making well-targeted efforts to solve major problems arising in the course of development in each region.We will focus on reversing the growing gap in economic and social development between regions, balancing their development better, accelerating the improvement of the public finance system, and making acce to basic public services more equal.3.Improving the balance between urban and rural development and strengthening the foundation for the development of agriculture and rural areas After six consecutive years of increases in grain output and rural incomes, it is vital we sustain our good work in the areas of agriculture, rural areas and farmers.In accordance with the requirements for balancing urban and rural development, we need to make it a top priority to solve problems faced by agriculture, rural areas and farmers; further strengthen our policies to support agriculture and benefit farmers; coordinate industrialization, urbanization and agricultural and rural


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modernization; and consolidate and build upon the good situation in agriculture and rural areas.We will promote the steady development of agriculture and a continuous increase in rural incomes.We will keep grain production stable; expand the total area sown with oilseed; increase supplies of important agricultural products in short supply; implement a large-scale effort to increase the production of grain, cotton, oilseed and sugar; standardize farming practices in horticulture, animal husbandry and aquaculture; and ensure the security of the \"rice bag\" (grain supply) and \"vegetable basket\" (non-staple food supply).We will continue to provide direct subsidies for grain producers, and increase general subsidies for purchasing agricultural supplies and subsidies for purchasing superior crop varieties and agricultural machinery and tools.The Central Government will allocate 133.5 billion yuan for this purpose, a year-on-year increase of 6.04 billion yuan.We will further raise minimum grain purchase prices.The minimum prices of early indica rice, middle-season and late indica rice and japonica rice will be raised by 3 yuan, 5 yuan and 10 yuan per 50 kilograms respectively, and the minimum price of wheat will be raised by 3 yuan per 50 kilograms.We will continue to implement the policy of purchasing and temporarily stockpiling major agricultural products, and give farmers more tangible benefits.We will increase fiscal support for major grain-producing, pork-producing and cattle farming counties.We will vigorously develop the proceing industry for agricultural products, promote industrialization in agriculture, support the upgrading and renovation of wholesale markets and markets for farm produce, and promote closer linkage between production and the market.We will help rural residents find jobs or start their own businees, and increase rural incomes through a variety of channels.We will intensify poverty alleviation and development and work tirelely to eradicate poverty and backwardne so that rural residents can soon live a prosperous and happy life.We will strengthen agricultural infrastructure.We will continue to give high priority in government spending to supporting agricultural and rural development.In the budget, our priority for fixed aet investment will be agricultural infrastructure and projects that improve the wellbeing of rural residents; and our priority for use of proceeds from the transfer of land-use rights will be developing agricultural land and building rural infrastructure.The Central Government plans to allocate 818.3 billion yuan for agriculture, farmers and rural areas, an increase of 93 billion yuan over last year, and local governments at all levels will also increase their investment.We will


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comprehensively implement the plan to increase grain production by 50 billion kilograms nationwide, with the emphasis on major grain-producing regions.Focusing on water conservancy, we will improve agricultural infrastructure, accelerate related upgrades of large and medium-sized irrigated areas, expand the area in which water-conserving irrigation methods are used, create high-grade cropland, and finish reinforcing dilapidated large, medium-sized and key small reservoirs.Focusing on breeding improved crop varieties, we will accelerate innovation in agricultural technology and the widespread adoption of scientific and technological advances, and carry out a major science and technology project to create new crop varieties using gene transfer technology.We will move forward with the construction of modern agriculture demonstration sites.We will accelerate the development of public services for extending agricultural technology, preventing and controlling animal and plant diseases, and providing quality oversight of agricultural products in townships, towns and regions.We will deepen rural reform.We will uphold the basic rural operation system; quickly improve relevant laws, regulations and policies; and maintain existing land contract relationships over the long term.We will strengthen supervision of and services for the transfer of contracted land-use rights, and develop diverse large-scale farming operations on the basis of legal, voluntary, and compensated transfers of land-use rights.We will continue to carry out comprehensive rural reform, improve supporting policies for collective forests tenure reform, and launch the reform of state tree farms.We will continue to reform the basic system for the use of gralands, develop specialized farmer cooperatives, improve the organization of agriculture, more quickly develop small rural financial institutions, actively promote micro-credit loans in rural areas, and improve rural financial services.We will also deepen reforms in township and town government departments.We will balance promoting urbanization and building a new countryside.We will stick to the path of urbanization with Chinese characteristics.We will promote balanced development between towns and large, small and medium-sized cities; increase the overall carrying capacity of cities and towns; ensure that cities stimulate the development of surrounding rural areas; and promote positive interaction between urbanization and the building of a new countryside.We will strengthen county economies, improve infrastructure and environmental protection in county towns and hub towns, guide an orderly flow of nonagricultural industries and rural people to small towns, and encourage


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returned rural migrant workers to start businees in their hometowns.When developing urban and rural areas, we must adhere to the strictest poible systems for protecting arable land and economizing land use to genuinely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of farmers.We will carry out reform of the household registration system and relax requirements for household registration in towns and small and medium-sized cities.We will solve employment and living problems that rural migrant workers face in cities and towns in a planned and step-by-step manner, and gradually ensure that they receive the same treatment as urban residents in areas such as pay, children\'s education, healthcare, housing and social security.We will further increase spending on the development of rural production and living facilities, begin a new round of upgrades of rural power grids, expand the construction of rural methane facilities, provide safe drinking water to another 60 million rural people, carry out the project to build a clean countryside, and improve working and living conditions there.We will allow eligible workers who have left agricultural work to gradually become urban residents, and develop a beautiful rural environment where farmers can live a happy life.4.Fully implementing the strategies of reinvigorating China through science and education and strengthening the nation through human resource development Education, science and human resources are the cornerstones of national prosperity and rejuvenation, and are also at the core of overall national strength.We will give high priority to education.For a country to become strong, it must first strengthen education.First-cla education is a prerequisite for cultivating high-caliber personnel and building a great country.We will promptly begin to implement the Outline of the National Medium- and Long-Term Program for Education Reform and Development.We will focus on the following five areas.First, we will advance education reform.We need to emancipate our minds, boldly make breakthroughs and innovations, encourage experimentation, and systematically reform school financing system, curricula, teaching methods and evaluation systems.We will continue to give top priority to cultivating the integrity of students and vigorously promote well-rounded education.We will explore school management and financing systems that are suitable for different types of education and the development of different talents, so that we can run schools better and turn out better graduates.We will encourage nongovernmental sectors to run schools in order to meet


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people\'s diverse demands for education.Second, we will promote the balanced development of compulsory education.On the basis of a rational allocation of resources, we will accelerate the renovation of junior secondary school buildings in the central and western regions.We will also accelerate implementation of the nationwide program for safe primary and secondary school buildings, and ensure that buildings, equipment and teaching staff in all schools reach established standards as soon as poible.We will provide multimedia distance-learning facilities for rural primary and secondary schools so that children living in the vast rural and remote areas have acce to quality education resources.We will improve preschool education and develop special education schools.We will increase educational support for ethnic minorities and ethnic minority areas.Third, we will continue to strengthen vocational education.To help students find jobs, we will integrate education resources, improve teaching methods, and focus on improving students\' employability and entrepreneurial abilities.Fourth, we will reform the management and admiion systems of institutions of higher learning.We will give them more decision-making power, encourage them to adjust their majors and curricula to meet employment needs and the needs of economic and social development; more intimately integrate personnel training, scientific and technological innovation and academic development; inspire teachers to concentrate on education, and build high-level universities with their own distinctive features.We will develop a number of first-cla universities that produce outstanding talents.The Central Government will increase support for the development of higher education in the central and western regions.Fifth, we will improve the teachers\' qualifications.We will take a variety of measures to attract outstanding personnel to pursue a life-long career in education.We will focus on strengthening training for teachers and school principals of rural compulsory education schools, and encourage excellent teachers to teach in impoverished rural areas.We will intensify education to improve the profeional ethics of our teachers, and enhance their sense of responsibility and miion.Hundreds of millions of families place their hopes for a better life on education, and education has a direct bearing on the quality of the nation and the future of the country.A country cannot become strong and prosperous if it does not make education universal and improve its quality.We must always keep this in mind.We will vigorously develop science and technology.We need to earnestly implement the policy of independent innovation, and comprehensively build an innovative country.We need to accelerate


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the implementation of our major science and technology programs.We need to concentrate on making breakthroughs in key sciences and technologies that can drive the technological revolution forward and promote industrial invigoration, in major sciences and technologies related to public welfare and can improve people\'s health and the quality of their lives, and in strategic, high-tech fields that can enhance our country\'s international competitivene and safeguard our national security.We will make farsighted arrangements for basic research and research in cutting-edge technologies in the fields of biology, nanoscience, quantum control, information networks, climate change, aerospace and oceanography.We will deepen the reform of science and technology management system; strive to bridge the gap between science and technology and the economy; promote the development of technological innovation system in which enterprises play the leading role, the market provides orientation, and the efforts of enterprises, universities and research institutes are integrated; and promote optimal allocation, open sharing, and highly efficient use of scientific and technological resources.We will vigorously implement intellectual property rights (IPRs) strategy and strengthen the creation, application and protection of IPRs.We will further arouse the creativity of scientists, engineers and all of society.We will accelerate human resources development.Talented personnel are the primary resources.We need to develop all types of human resources in a coordinated and all-round way, with the focus on producing innovative scientists and engineers, and experts and profeionals in key areas of economic and social development, and energetically attract high-caliber personnel from overseas.We will set up a mechanism for diversifying funding for personnel training, so that the government, nongovernmental bodies, employers and employees all do their part.We will make full use of the basic role of market forces in allocating human resources, strive to create an institutional environment conducive to bringing forth talented people in large numbers and tapping their full potential, and make our country rich in human resources.5.Energetically promoting cultural progre To develop the country and rejuvenate the nation, we must not only be economically strong, but more importantly, be culturally strong.Culture is the spirit and soul of a nation, and the determining factor of whether it is truly strong or not.It can profoundly affect the progre of a country\'s development and change the destiny of a nation.If we do not develop an advanced culture and


北京环球时代学校 http://www.daodoc.com/

英语专业考研 MTI翻译硕士 专四专八 汉语国际教育硕士 日语专业考研等

improve the whole nation\'s cultural and ethical levels, we cannot truly modernize.Emancipating our minds, and reform and opening up embody the spirit of our times, and they have become an advanced cultural force driving social progre and have filled the Chinese nation with vigor and vitality.Over the past year, we vigorously developed non-profit cultural programs, sped up the reform of cultural management system, improved the system of public cultural services, stimulated the rapid growth of our culture industry, brought prosperity to the culture market, and effectively expanded domestic demand.In this year, we need to pay greater attention to and vigorously promote cultural progre.We will draw upon and carry forward the fine traditional culture of the Chinese nation, draw on and make use of other countries\' cultural achievements, and build a spiritual home shared by the whole Chinese nation.Our government needs to better carry out its responsibility for developing non-profit cultural programs and ensure that the people\'s basic demands are met and that their rights and interests are protected.We will give high priority to the graroots, especially rural areas and the central and western regions while developing cultural infrastructure and allocating public cultural resources; make admiion to more art galleries, libraries, cultural centers and museums free; and enrich people\'s intellectual and cultural activities.We will continue to reform the cultural management system, support non-profit cultural programs, develop the culture industry, encourage cultural innovation, foster leading cultural enterprises, and produce more healthy and inspirational cultural works to meet the diverse cultural needs of our people.We will promote the development of philosophy, the social sciences, radio, television, film, the pre, publishing and archives; make literary and artistic creation flourish; and strengthen the protection of our cultural relics and intangible cultural heritage.We will vigorously develop cultural exchanges with foreign countries, and make Chinese culture more influential internationally.We will energetically develop recreational sports, launch an extensive exercise campaign for the general public, and improve the people\'s health.The Chinese nation can not only create economic miracles but also make brilliant new cultural achievements.6.Vigorously ensuring and improving people\'s wellbeing, and promoting social harmony and progre Improving people\'s wellbeing is the fundamental goal of economic development.We can ensure


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英语专业考研 MTI翻译硕士 专四专八 汉语国际教育硕士 日语专业考研等

that there is sustained impetus for economic development, a solid foundation for social progre, and lasting stability for the country only by working hard to ensure and improve people\'s wellbeing.We will do everything in our power to increase employment.This is the top priority in our work of ensuring and improving people\'s wellbeing.This year the employment situation will still be serious, and we cannot slacken our efforts in the slightest.We need to continue to implement a proactive employment policy.The Central Government will allocate 43.3 billion yuan to stimulate employment.Emphasis will be given to helping college graduates, rural migrant workers, people experiencing employment difficulty, and demobilized military personnel find jobs.The \"five-four-three\" employment support policies, originally scheduled to expire in 2009, will be extended for another year.[These policies allow qualified enterprises to postpone their payments of five types of social security contributions; reduce urban workers\' contributions to four types of insurance funds, namely medical insurance, unemployment insurance, workers\' compensation, and maternity insurance; and continue three types of subsidized, enterprise-based job training programs—notes added by the translator] We will increase policy support and employment guidance to encourage college graduates to take community-level jobs in urban and rural areas, and jobs in the central and western regions and in small and medium-sized enterprises.We will expand channels for seeking employment and starting businees.We will encourage different forms of flexible employment, including starting businees and finding jobs independently.We will also encourage job growth through the creation of new businees.We will establish a sound mechanism for stimulating employment through public investment.We will continue to strengthen vocational training, with the focus on increasing the employability of rural migrant workers and new members of the workforce in urban and rural areas.We will improve the career service system, strengthen coordination and cooperation between labor-exporting and labor-importing regions, and guide the orderly flow of workers, especially rural migrant workers.We will accelerate the development of a unified and standardized human resources market.We will safeguard the lawful rights and interests of workers and establish harmonious labor relations.We will work tirelely to create more job opportunities and to enable workers to tap their full potential and find suitable jobs.We will move faster to improve the social security system for both urban and rural residents.We will steadily move forward with the pilot program for a new old-age insurance system for rural


北京环球时代学校 http://www.daodoc.com/

英语专业考研 MTI翻译硕士 专四专八 汉语国际教育硕士 日语专业考研等

residents by expanding it to 23 percent of China\'s counties.We will act more quickly to solve longstanding problems, including the lack of basic old-age pensions for retirees of collectively owned enterprises that do not participate in group pension programs.Workers\' compensation will be extended to all of the 1.3 million workers injured in previous jobs who are not receiving benefits.We will work to extend social security coverage to rural migrant workers.We will strengthen our work on urban and rural subsistence allowances, gradually increase allowances, and ensure that they are managed in a manner that reflects changing conditions and that everyone who is entitled to such allowances receives them.We will work harder to build the social security and social services system for people with a disability, further implement policies for aisting and supporting them, and create a better environment for them to participate in social activities on an equal footing.We will increase basic old-age pensions for enterprise retirees by 10 percent.Governments at all levels need to spend more on social security, and the Central Government will appropriate 318.5 billion yuan for this purpose.We will increase the country\'s social security funds through multiple channels and strengthen oversight and supervision to maintain and increase their value.We will encourage and support the development of charities.We will move faster to build a better social safety net to provide basic security to people and free them from worries.We will reform the income distribution system.A rational income distribution system is an important manifestation of social fairne and justice.We will not only make the \"pie\" of social wealth bigger by developing the economy, but also distribute it well on the basis of a rational income distribution system.We need to uphold and improve the system in which distribution according to work is dominant and multiple forms of distribution coexist, give due consideration to efficiency and fairne, and take the path to common prosperity.First, we will promptly formulate policies and measures to adjust the distribution of national income, and gradually increase the individuals\' share of national income and labor\'s share of total income in initial income distribution.We will strengthen the role of fiscal and taxation policies in adjusting income distribution and redistribution.We will create conditions for more people to earn income from property.Second, we will deepen the reform of the income distribution system of monopoly industries.We will improve the policy of dual control over total payroll and wage in these industries.We will set strict standards for the income of executives, especially senior ones, of state-owned enterprises and financial institutions, and improve


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英语专业考研 MTI翻译硕士 专四专八 汉语国际教育硕士 日语专业考研等

related oversight and supervision rules.Third, we will further standardize the pattern of income distribution.We will protect legitimate income; regulate exceively high income; ban illegal income; gradually form a transparent, fair and rational pattern of income distribution; and resolutely reverse the widening income gap.We will promote the steady and sound development of the real estate market.We will resolutely curb the precipitous rise of housing prices in some cities and satisfy people\'s basic need for housing.First, we will continue to carry out low-income housing projects on a large scale.The Central Government will allocate 63.2 billion yuan for low-income housing, an increase of 8.1 billion yuan over last year.We will build 3 million housing units for low-income families and renovate 2.8 million housing units in run-down areas.We will expand the pilot program for renovating dilapidated houses in rural areas.Governments at all levels must genuinely take responsibility to ensure that the annual construction plan is strictly carried out and that policies concerning land, funding and preferential treatment are implemented well.Second, we will continue to support the purchase of homes to be used as their owners\' residences.We will increase land supply for building small and medium-sized condominiums to be sold at low and medium prices, and expedite the approval procedure for and construction of such housing projects.We will standardize and develop the market for used homes, encourage home renting, and stimulate the rental housing market.Third, we will rein in speculative housing purchases.We will intensify the implementation of differentiated credit and tax policies.We will improve the advance purchase system for commodity housing.Fourth, we will work to rectify and standardize the real estate market.We will improve the methods for managing and using income from land, and keep land prices from rising too fast.We will make greater efforts to deal with violations of laws and regulations such as keeping land unused, property hoarding and price rigging.We will accelerate the reform and development of the pharmaceutical and healthcare fields.We will actively yet prudently carry forward the reform of the pharmaceutical and healthcare systems, and comprehensively accomplish five key tasks.We will continue to expand the coverage of guaranteed basic medical care.This year we will raise government subsidies on basic medical insurance for non-working urban residents and on the new type of rural cooperative medical care system to 120 yuan per person per year, up 50 percent from last year, and appropriately increase


北京环球时代学校 http://www.daodoc.com/

英语专业考研 MTI翻译硕士 专四专八 汉语国际教育硕士 日语专业考研等

rates for individual contributions.We will carry out a pilot program for ensuring that rural children with leukemia or congenital heart disease receive medical treatment and provide more aistance to these le fortunate children and their families.We will install the basic drug system in 60 percent of the community medical institutions run by the government and urge other medical institutions to give high priority to the use of basic drugs.We will promote the centralized purchase and unified distribution of basic drugs.We will basically complete the plan for building community medical institutions in urban and rural areas, undertake personnel education and training on a large scale, and further improve the policies and measures for supporting the development of village clinics and rural doctors.We will improve the mechanism for subsidizing community medical institutions and link salaries to performance.We will carry out a pilot program for making community medical institutions the first option in medical treatment, and work to create a service system in which hospitals and community medical institutions (each with its own well-defined functions) coordinate and collaborate with each other and refer cases to each other.We will strengthen prevention and control of influenza A (H1N1) and other major communicable diseases as well as chronic, occupational and endemic diseases, and enhance our ability to handle public health emergencies.We will carry out a pilot reform in public hospitals; maintain the non-profit nature of basic medical services; make institutional and procedural innovations; boost the morale of medical workers; raise service quality; control medical costs; and improve relations between medical service providers and consumers.We will energetically support the use of private capital to run medical and healthcare institutions, and such institutions will be treated the same as public hospitals in obtaining operating licenses and providing medical services covered by the public medical insurance system.We will support and promote the development of traditional Chinese medicine and folk medicines of ethnic minorities.The reform and development of the pharmaceutical and healthcare fields affect the health of the people and the happine of their families; therefore, we must overcome all difficulties and solve this universal problem.We will do a good job in population and family planning work.We will continue to maintain a low birthrate.We will provide good family planning services for the floating population.We will provide regular gynecological examinations and subsidize hospital childbirths for rural women.We will strengthen intervention in birth defects; carry out a pilot program of free pre-pregnancy


北京环球时代学校 http://www.daodoc.com/

英语专业考研 MTI翻译硕士 专四专八 汉语国际教育硕士 日语专业考研等

checkups; and provide quality health services for infants, pre-school children, and pregnant and nursing women.We will continue to reward and support eligible rural families that comply with family planning regulations, and carry out the \"lower birthrate equals faster prosperity\" project in the western region.We will take effective measures to protect the rights and interests of women and minors.We will intensify strategic research on coping with an aging population and move more quickly to create a sound system of old-age services so that people can live a happy life in their old age.7.Firmly advancing reform and further expanding opening up This year we will continue to deepen reform in key areas and crucial links and work hard to achieve new breakthroughs.We will continue to make strategic adjustments in the distribution and structure of the state-owned sector.We will speed up the reform to introduce the corporate system in large state-owned enterprises, especially parent companies of enterprises under the Central Government, and we will diversify their ownership and improve their corporate governance.We will accelerate the reform of monopoly industries; promote reforms in public utilities; effectively expand market acce; and actively introduce competitive mechanisms.We will create a market environment for fair competition among economic entities under diverse forms of ownership and facilitate stronger growth of the non-public sector.We will deepen the reform of prices for resource products and environmental protection charges.This is an important measure for conserving energy and resources, protecting the environment, and achieving sustainable development.We will expand the trial of direct transactions between major electricity consumers and producers; introduce tiered prices for household consumption of electricity and water; and improve the mechanism of price setting and cost sharing for electricity generated from renewable energy.We will improve the pricing policy for water used in agriculture.We will reform the system of sewage and garbage treatment charges.We will expand the trial of pollution rights trading.While pushing forward these reforms, we will balance the interests of different parties and ensure that the basic living conditions of people with low incomes are not adversely affected.We will continue to reform the fiscal and taxation systems.We will strengthen the public finance system.We will improve the system of transfer payments, increase general transfer payments,


北京环球时代学校 http://www.daodoc.com/

英语专业考研 MTI翻译硕士 专四专八 汉语国际教育硕士 日语专业考研等

and enhance the ability of local governments to provide basic public services.We will strengthen the fiscal management system at and below the provincial level, improve a mechanism to ensure basic funding for county governments, and carry forward reforms that place county finances directly under the management of provincial governments.We will draw up budgets for all funds controlled by central and local governments, prepare budgets for social security funds on a trial basis, and improve the budget system for the use of state capital.We will increase the transparency of the fiscal budget.We will continue to make progre in VAT reform.We will carry forward the reform of resource taxes.We will extend the urban construction and maintenance tax and education surcharges to foreign enterprises and nationals.

Improving the financial system is an important measure for countering the impact of the global financial crisis.We will continue to improve corporate governance in financial institutions in which the state holds a controlling stake, improve their busine management, and raise their ability to manage and control risks.We will continue the reform of policy-based financial institutions.We will steadily promote the transformation of aet management companies.We will deepen the reform of rural credit cooperatives.We will promote orderly development of small and medium-sized financial institutions.We will vigorously develop the financial market and encourage financial innovation.We will promote pilot projects for the use of the renminbi in cro-border trade, and gradually develop overseas financial activities using the renminbi.We will continue building the deposit insurance system.We will speed up the development of agricultural insurance.We will actively yet prudently push forward the reform of institutions on the basis of scientific claifications and in accordance with the requirements that government and busine functions be spun off from institutions, and that supervision be separated from day-to-day operations.The reforms we are undertaking, including economic and political restructuring and reforms in all other areas, are comprehensive.Without political restructuring, it would not be poible for economic restructuring and the modernization drive to succeed.We will develop socialist democracy, and effectively safeguard the democratic rights of the people as masters of the country, particularly their rights to vote and to stay informed, participate in, expre views on, and oversee government affairs.We will further expand graroots democracy, strengthen graroots self-governing bodies, and improve the system of democratic administration at the graroots so that the people can better


北京环球时代学校 http://www.daodoc.com/

英语专业考研 MTI翻译硕士 专四专八 汉语国际教育硕士 日语专业考研等

participate in the management of local public affairs.We will follow the rule of law and improve the legal system, particularly laws concerning the standardization and oversight of the exercise of power.We will innovatively revise the methods and mechanisms of the government\'s legislative work and expand public participation in it.We will fully adapt to changes in the international situation, meet the needs of domestic development, and expand the breadth and depth of opening up.We will steadily develop foreign trade.This year the main focus is on opening new markets and adjusting the structure of and promoting balance in foreign trade.We will adhere to the strategy of diversifying markets and the strategy of competing on quality; implement and improve policies and measures on export tax rebates, export credit, and export credit insurance; and continue to improve services related to the customs, quality inspection and foreign exchange.We will strengthen traditional markets and vigorously develop new markets.We will improve the export mix; stabilize exports of labor-intensive products; increase exports of electromechanical products as well as new- and high-technology products; energetically develop trade in services and service outsourcing; strive to cultivate exports of brand-name products and develop marketing networks; and continue to strictly limit exports of resource products and products whose production consumes large quantities of energy and resources or is highly polluting.We will vigorously promote the transformation and upgrading of the proceing trade.We will promote the balanced development of imports and exports; focus on increasing imports of advanced technology and equipment, key spare parts, and goods in short supply domestically; keep all policies and measures for promoting and facilitating imports stable; and urge developed countries to ease export restrictions on new- and high-technology products to China.We will promote coordination between using other countries\' investment in China and making Chinese investment overseas.We will optimize the utilization of foreign investment; encourage more foreign investment in high-end manufacturing, new- and high-technology industries, modern service industries, and the new energy, energy-conservation and environmental protection industries; encourage multinational corporations to set up regional headquarters and other functional agencies in China; and encourage Chinese and foreign enterprises to strengthen cooperation in R&D.We will encourage the use of foreign investment for restructuring, upgrading, merging, and reorganizing


北京环球时代学校 http://www.daodoc.com/

英语专业考研 MTI翻译硕士 专四专八 汉语国际教育硕士 日语专业考研等

Chinese companies, and quickly establish a security review system for mergers and acquisitions involving foreign investment.We will work to attract both investment and talent from overseas.We will guide foreign investors to transfer and increase their investments to the central and western regions.We will accelerate the implementation of the \"go global\" strategy; encourage Chinese industries whose products are in demand in foreign markets to transfer their production capacity overseas in an orderly manner; support qualified enterprises to carry out overseas mergers and acquisitions; deepen mutually beneficial cooperation concerning foreign resources; and improve the quality of overseas contracted projects and labor service cooperation.We will further simplify examination and approval procedures, and give enterprises decision-making power over their overseas investments.Enterprises that have \"gone global\" should operate in accordance with the law, avoid risks, prevent vicious competition, and safeguard the country\'s overall interests and good image.We will deepen multilateral and bilateral busine cooperation.We will strengthen and improve busine ties with developed countries, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation with other developing countries, and conscientiously implement the eight new policy measures for China\'s pragmatic cooperation with African countries.We will make full use of the role of high-level economic dialogue and bilateral economic and trade joint commiions.We will quicken the pace of establishing free trade zones.We will actively participate in the Doha round of trade talks to reach a more reasonable and balanced outcome as early as poible.We will oppose protectionism in all forms and properly handle trade frictions.The Shanghai World Expo will open soon.We will strengthen cooperation with all participating countries, regions, and international organizations to make the Expo a succeful, spectacular, and unforgettable event, and one that promotes the progre of human civilization, scientific and technological innovation, and exchanges and cooperation between China and other countries of the world and their common development.8.Working hard to build a service-oriented government that the people are satisfied with Over the past year, new progre was made in government self-reform and self-development.To deal with difficulties of all kinds, we paid particular attention to promoting democracy, listening to the opinions of the public, and protecting their interests.Our civil servants are devoted, diligent and



长白山北坡导游词 敬爱的邓小平同志游览长白山后说?不登长白山终生遗憾our respected leader deng xiaoping , after visiting changbai mountain , said that it would be a lifetime regret without climbing the changbai mountain ?是的我想诸位今天游览长白山后会有更加深刻的体会.indeed, i believe all of you will have more impreive experience after the visit 长白山将是您生态旅游、回归自然的首选旅游胜地。 it will be your first choice of ecotourism and to return to nature . 现在大家跟我来到的是长白山北坡山门后now, we at the gate of the north slope of changbai mountain .朋友们您现在已进入了举世闻名的长白山国家级自然保护区my friends , you have entered in the world-renowned changbai mountain national nature reserve我现在简单地向大家介绍一下长白山保护区的

情况。let me give you a brief introduction of the reserve 长白山自然保护区建立于1960年changbai mountain natural reserve was founded in 1960 ,1980年加入国际人与生物圈保护区网被列为世界自然保留地1986年被列为国家级森林与野生动物类型的自然保护区2007年5月经国家旅游局正式批准为国家5a级旅游景区2009年8月经国家地质遗址保护领导小组批准授予长白山国家地质公园资格。2009年11月长白山入选‘中国十大休闲胜地’ 界限分明的垂直植被景观带。it was included into the world network of biosphere reserve and listed as the world natural reserve in 1980,and as the national forest and wild life protection administration as the national 5 cla-a tourist attraction in may ,2007 and by natural geological relics protection leading group to confer it as the national geological park in august ,2009,.in november of 2009, |changbai mountain was selected as “china ?s top leisure resort”

从山脚到山顶虽然只有几十公里的行程there is only ten meters long from the feet to top 但垂直分布的景观带却好像经历了欧亚大陆从温带到极地几千公里的变化but the vertical landscape belt seems to has experienced about thousands of kilometers changes in euria from subtropical to polar 游客可以在几个小时之内感觉到从温带到寒带的不同自然景色tourists can enjoy various natural sceneries from frigid zone to temperate zone within hours.如同游历了半个世界经历了春夏秋冬四季一样真可谓是一山分四季十里不同天。it just like have happened for half a century and experienced from spring to winter .the mountain has different views in four seasons and has various climates within kilometers篇二:英语导游词

各位游客朋友们,大家好!我先代表我们西西旅行社真诚的欢迎大家!我叫林玺,我将陪伴你们游玩龙岩,今天和我一起为大家服务的呢还有我身边的这位张师傅,张师傅驾驶技术娴熟,他的大巴车号码是f-12345。如果你有什么问题和特殊的要求,请告诉我们,我们会尽力让你们在龙岩有一个愉快的旅程。我相信大部分的人可以对龙岩有一个好的记忆,我们非常希望得到你们的支持和配合,我们希望你们可以在这里玩的开心。 there are over 23000 earth buildings of different styles in yongding,the main styles of which are mansion-style, square and round.among them , there are over 360 round earth buildings,which are most typical. 我们今天将要去参观的是被称为是世界上独一无二的山区建筑,神秘的东方古堡——永定土楼。世界上所有的民居建筑,永定土楼以其悠久的历史、独一无二的外形、壮丽的规模、巧妙的结构、完整的功能以及丰富的文化内涵被誉为是中国传统的五大民居之一,被誉为中国古代建筑奇观。永定县土楼共2万3千多座,其中以方楼、圆楼为主,典型的圆楼的数量有360多座。 today the place we’ll visit is the hakka earth building folk and culture village at hongkeng of yongding.because we have too many earth buildings here, so today we will visit the most famous zhencheng building,which is known as the prince of earth buildings. 现在请大家抬头看门上的三个汉字,大家知道为什么这栋楼要叫振成楼吗?其实啊,这个楼名是因为纪念楼主林丕振和林福成,从他们名字当中各取一字嵌入联首(振纲立纪,成德达才),振成的意思是无论国还是家,都应当遵纲守纪,才能造就有德有才之人。 zhencheng building is made up of two circles: the outside one is earth structure and the inside one is brick structure.the outside wall is 16 meters high, kitchens and dining rooms are on the first floor, warehouses are on the second floor, bedrooms are on the third and the forth floor.there are 218 bedrooms here, now more than 40 families are living in the building.ok my dear guest, my first question for you! why there isn’t any windows on the first and second floor? as a matter of fact, when hakkas moved here, they was frequently invaded by other nations.so once they close the main gate and the two doors beside, it was difficult for the enemies to break in.and this is one of the 5 functions of the earth building------defence. 振成楼由内外两环楼构成,外环是土木结构的,内环则是砖木结构。他的外墙高16米,一层为厨房、膳厅,二楼是仓库,三四层是卧室。共有218个房间,现在还有40多户人家住在土楼里。好,各位游客,我的第一个问题来了,有谁知道,为什么土楼的一二层都不设窗户呢?原来啊,客家人刚迁移到这里的时候,常遇外敌入侵,只要关上大门和左右两个边门,敌人就很难入侵了。这就是我们土楼5大功能里的第一个功能—防盗防卫功能。 ok now let’s go into the building.do you feel warm? yeah, since the wall is thick, it can prevent heat and keep warm.so it’s warm in winter and cool in summer. 好,现在我们走进土楼里面去看看。大家一进来是不是觉得特别暖和?是的,土楼因墙体厚实,隔热保温,因而具有冬暖夏凉的功能。 just not go to other units.what’s more, people have dug two wells in the building which will provide the water for the fire. 大家看,在楼内的每个单元之间,都设有防火墙。通常,一个单元就是一户人家,当把防火门关上时,你就拥有自己的空间,当打开防火门时,整个楼就是一个大家庭。还要向各位说一说土楼的第三个功能—防火功能。大家看,一旦楼内发生了火灾,火势不致蔓延,并且楼内挖有两口水井,也为扑火提供了水源。 the most conscious trait of the design of the earth building is quakeproof.in the last two years, since wenchuan and yushu earthquake have happened in our country, the quakeproof function of the building was greatly concerned.fortunately, the ancestors here took consider of this function hundreds of years ago.look, the outside circle tilted inwards as it went up and became the wall which is .besides, some bamboo and firs were put into the wall in order to strengthen the pull and prevent the quake.土楼的设计最大的特色莫过于他的防震功能。近两年,我们国家经历了汶川大地震、玉树大地震等,房屋防震功能的考虑越来越受到人们的重视。但是土楼的先民们在百年前就考虑到了这个重要的功能。大家请看外环楼的墙体,他是随着高度的增加渐向内倾斜,形成下大上小、向心力强的墙体。并且在墙体中放入了竹片、杉木条,增加了墙体的拉力,大大提高了抗震能力,防震效果明显。 there is another important function, that is environmental friendly.the earth building is made of earth, when it is pulled down, it’s still earth.this attracts the great attention of environmentalists.土楼还有一个重要的功能,那就是环保功能了。土楼取之于泥土,拆毁后回归自然,特别适宜环保,这引起了环保界的极大兴趣。


鼓 浪 屿 today we will visit gulangyu islet after breakfast,our tour bus awaits outside,so please take your personal belongings and follow my instructions to board the bus.it will take us 5 minute to get to the ferry. 现在请大家注意你们左手边的岛屿。这就是鼓浪屿了,也就是我们今天的要到的目的地。鼓浪屿,穿越过厦门海峡,濒临厦门西南海岸有600米。这个面积仅有1.91平方千米的微小的岛屿,人口不少于20,000。1995年4月,鼓浪屿成为国家重点旅游风景区。同时,也是福建省十大旅游景点之一. 厦门有句名言:到厦门不游鼓浪屿不算真正到厦门。更准确的说,除非你游览过日光岩,走上天风台,登上日光岩最高峰才算真正到过厦门。现在我们将从前门进入日光岩景区。我们在龙头山,进入大门内,来到的是厦门最为著名的寺庙——日光岩寺。日光岩寺又称“莲花庵”。它建立于明朝,在1956年得到重修,已经有四百多年的历史了。由于每天莲花庵最先沐浴在阳光里,故称为“日光寺”。 turing right we will go to the memory hall of zheng chenggong, inside the memory hall we will see a bronze statue of him .words describing his entire life are cared at the bottom of it .the form on its right has shown all of the great events in his life.he was born in japan in 1624 and returned to china at the age of 7.on april 21st ,1661,he led his troops to taiwan and retake it from the dutch after they had colonized it for over 38 years.he died in taiwan the follow year,1662,at the tender age of 39.in memory of him,we have displayed some photos and modles to show the places he visited and the battle ship he used. after visiting the zheng chenggong memorial hall, now we are going through the old summer cave.its name suggests that people liked to escape to its cool interior during sweltering summers,go upstairs and we can see a gate in front of us.this is the entrance to the dragon head hill fortre.the gate was 157cm.the same height as zheng chenggong.so if you are taller than that you need to bow,just as if you were showing respect this great person. ok,let’s go out the memory hall now.though the peak of sunlight rock is not very high,only 92.7 meters above sea level,but it will give you a fine view below and beyond ,a scenic that generously and candidly unwinds before you .now i cant wait to take you to the top and show you the beautiful panoramic view of xiamen.please watch your step while you are climbing the stairs.篇三:导游词 全中英对照 181页——203页


在天都峰与莲花峰之间,可以看到一片黄墙红顶的房子,那就是“玉屏楼”,其所在的山峰名为玉屏峰。玉屏峰被称为“黄山绝胜处”,有“人间玉屏,天上人家之称。著名的迎客松、送客松、陪客松以及黄山卧佛等都在这儿。 鳌鱼峰

在我们面前的这座山峰是鳌鱼峰。你看,整个山峰犹如一条巨大的鳌鱼,头向左,尾向右。在鳌鱼的嘴前有三块小巧石,像三个螺蛳,因此组成“鳌鱼吃螺蛳”景观。在鳌鱼背上,有石如龟,向前探首,峰石结合,构成“鳌鱼驮金龟”的奇景。游览至此,黄山北海景区的景点便全部结束。谢谢大家! mount jiuhua (九华山) ladies and gentlemen, mount jiuhhua has 99 peaks surrounding its summit, shiwang peak, which is 1,342 meters high.mount jiuhua has a long history of religious culture, with taoism preceding buddhism.among the more than eighty temples still standing today, huacheng, ganlu, tiantai, and qiyuan temples, roushen hall, and zhantan froest are the best preserved.the architectural style is distinguished by its free and vivid design mixing buddhist temples and local residences in the mountain region.there are not only big temples of a grand scale and strict style, but also small quiet temples made up of one room and one hall. jiuhua street scenic area now we are walking on the jiuhua street.it is located in a spacious area at the foot of furong peak 600 meters,above sea level and surrounded by mountains,which serves as mount jiuhua?s reception center.temples,local residences,and shops are mixed together on jiuhua street,and monks,nuns,pilgrims,visitors and the local inhabitants wander around here all day. qiyuan temple we are now in the famous roushen hall.more than 1.200 years ago,the eminent monk jin qiaojue used to chant sutra and sit in meditation on shenguang ridge.when he died,he sat in a vat and was placed in nantai.as the ground shone magically,it was renamed shenguang (magic shine) ridge.three years later,the vat was opened.his body was still soft,his face was still lively and his bones sounded clearly when shaken.as the buddhist sutra showed,he was the reincarnation of buddha,so he was honored ksitigarbha and a high hall and a wooden pagoda were built to protect him,which was named roushen (incarnation) hall.the structure of a pagoda inside a hall, a vat inside the pagoda,and an incarnated body inside the vat is unique. tiantai scenic area we?ve arrived at tiantai scenic area.tiantai scenic areas is situated southeast of mount jiuhua where most of the high peaks gather.tiantai peak is 1,325 meters high, making it a little lower than shiwang peak.but it is always been regarded as the center of the high peaks because of its many scenic sights and ancient temples.starting from minyuan to tiantai, you?ll enjoy various magnificent views one by one as you climb higher and higher. tiantai temple tiantai temple now is in our sights.it is also called wanfo building and ksitigarbha buddhist temple and has three parts.first you?ll enter the maitreya buddha hall, then the hall of the three sages in the western world,at last the grand hall.now,please look up,you can see on the wooden ceiling, thousands of small buddhist figurines are lined with various vivid expreions.the temple has no outside yards,but is still spacious and bright,due to its special design.on the rock at the corner of the hall is a big footprint which is paired with one on another peak,the east cliff.they were the holy prints left by jin qiaojue when he took off striding over the two peaks.the big drum was presented in 1982 by the pious buddhist believers in kowloon, hong kong.

各位朋友,大家好! 沐浴着清晨的阳光,我们将前往九华山风景区游览。我先简单介绍一下九华山风景区的概况。九华山位于安徽省青阳县西南,景色秀奇,古刹林立,是以佛教文化为特色的山岳风


九华山群峰林立,高高低低的山峰围绕着海拔1342米的主峰十王峰,犹如儿孙绕膝,老少欢聚。九华山宗教活动历史悠久,其道教在先,佛教更盛。现存寺庙80多座,其中被列为国家重点保护的有化成寺、祗园寺、肉身宝殿、旃檀林、甘露寺、天台寺等。其建筑形式很有特色,大部分以佛教殿堂与皖南民居相结合,依山傍势,布局灵巧,既有规模宏大 的殿宇,也有一舍一佛堂的清净小庵。

大家可能都知道,九华山佛教以地藏道场而闻名。据古迹记载,唐代开元年间,古新罗国(今朝鲜半岛)王族近属金乔觉渡海来华,在九华山苦修, 于贞元十年(公元764年)夏99岁时圆寂。佛教界以他生前苦行,寂后形迹与经典所载地藏菩萨相合,尊为地藏菩萨应化,在神光岭上建墓安葬,九华山自此被辟为地藏应化道场,香火日盛。这里每年定期举行庙会,一般都要持续10天,已经成为了全国性的旅游项目,为海内外游人香客所欢迎。因为时间的关系,我们主要游览九华街和天台景区。







天台景区 我们现在已经进入天台景区。天台景区位于九华山的东南方,以登高览盛为特色,九华高峰多汇于此。天台峰海拔1325米,略低于十王峰,但这里景观荟萃,古寺重重,历来被视作九华高峰的中心。我们由闵园上天台,一步一景,越上越奇。




到此,今天的行程就全部结束。非常感谢大家,祝愿大家旅途愉快! ancient villages in southern anhui province (皖南古村落) ladies and gentlemen, today,we are going to pay a visit to xidi and hongcun villages.now,id like to briefly introduce these two well-known scenic attractions.xidi and hongcun villages are good examples of southern anhui province?s culture and its unique ancient villages.they and other such ancient villages have their regional and cultural origins in the region south of the yangtze river and poe special huizhou cultural features.xidi village has been reputed as “a living ancient residential museum”, while hongcun village is described as “china?s picturesque village.both were added to unesco?s list of world cultural heritage sites in 2000. xidi village xidi village is in southeast yixian county,anhui province,with 300 ancient houses built in the ming and qing dynasties,124 of which are in perfect condition.the design of the streets and lanes and other houses follows the older pattern,maintaining the village?s ancient style of life and architecture.foreign experts have declared that “they are the finest examples of ancient residences under best protection and preservation” and are among the most beautiful villages in the world.” xidi village extends 700 meters from east to west and 300 meters from north to south,giving it the shape of a large boat.the village first became prominent during the ming dynasty jingtai emperors reign and became highly prosperous from the reign of the ming dynasty jiajing emperor to the qing dynasty qianlong emperors reign.this prosperity was due to the efforts of high-ranking officials and succeful merchants.yet,the strict hierarchy of feudal society was also shown in the construction of residence.the merchants could only choose the best materials and plan most sophisticated workmanship to show off their wealth and position.in xidi village,we c an see many examples of fine stone,brick,and wood carvings. the archway of hu wenguang the prefectural governor mansion of the senior 0fficial we are now visiting the mansion where the senior official,hu wenzhao once lived in.it was built in 1619 during the early qing dynasty and has a unique feature—a delicate and elegant pavilion extends from the upright wall close to the street.the pavilion hangs there,with a flying-up roof and up-turned eaves and has rails and windows along three sides.originally, it was used for landscape-appreciation.but later,people used it for silk-ball-throwing,a local practice for matching-making between young man and young woman.such practice is often described in dramas and novels,as those young ladies of rich and decent families could only arbitrarily decide their marriage by throwing silk-ball to anyone who caught it.this was done because it was hard for such ladies to choose among so many suitors.you can now also take part in this activity and have a bit of fun doing so. hongcun village now we are in hongcun village.hongcun village was designed and constructed in the shape of a buffalo.if seen on a higher place, the whole village is like a buffalo lying beside the stream.a hillock in the west stands like a buffalo?s head; with two big trees as tow horns; four stone bridges acro jiyang river are like the four legs of the buffalo; the blocks of ancient houses in the village make up the body; while a 1,000 meter long stream winding among the houses is just like the bowel of the buffalo; a pond in the shape of a half-moon is the stomach, and a larger pool in the south of the village is the belly of the buffalo.the local people used their intelligence and diligence to design and construct such a buffalo-shape village. chengzhi tang (ambition hall) now we are in the center of the courtyard, and here chengzhi tang?s main hall.the door frame and porch are decorated with wood and brick carvings of vases, ancient plum flowers, the eight immortals, and the like.on the two sides of the gate there are the carvings of “carp jumping over the dragon gate”, symbolizing the owner?s political ambitions after his succe in the busine world. 西递村


西递村东西长700米,南北宽300米,平面呈船形。它发展于明朝景泰年间,明嘉靖至清乾隆时期达到鼎盛。西递之所以兴旺,主要是因为村中屡出高官和富商,聚集了大量的财富,有了较雄厚的经济基础。但是在封建社会,建筑府第宅院是有严格的等级规范的,徽商只能尽可能的选用上好的石头、木材,在精雕细刻上下功夫,并以此作为炫耀财富和地位的手段。所以在西递,精美的石雕、砖雕、木雕随处可见。篇四:鼓浪屿导游词中英文 各位团友:


现在我们的车行驶在中山路上。中山路是厦门目前最繁华的商业街,它建于20世纪二三十年代,又是一条老街,街旁建筑为骑楼式(将楼的下层部分做成柱廊式人行道,使楼层的一部分跨建在人行道上,用以避雨、遮阳、通行,故名骑楼),这是厦门一大特色。中国南方城市和东南亚国家的城市多有这种驶楼。这主要是考虑到厦门地处亚热带,有时阳光照射强烈,风雨交加,行人可以在骑楼下防晒避雨,自由行走,随意购物。中山路是厦门的主要商业街,也是厦门的文明街,品种繁多齐全,国货、洋货均有。 each regiment friend: hello, everyone!we sight-seed drum wave island insea garden today. our garages drive now at in hill path.medium the hill path is xiamen currently the most prosperous busine street, it sets up in 20 centuries 23, and then is an old street, the street constructs for the arcade type(make the bottom layer part of building into the pillar gallery type sidewalk, make floor of a part acro to set up on the sidewalk, seek shelter from rain, hide sun and go through in order to, past arcade) beside, this is one great special features in xiamen.the city of chinese southern city and nation in southeast asia has this kind of more to drive building.this mainly is in consideration of ground in xiamen subtropics, sometimes the sunlight project light upon mightine, the rains and winds hand over to add, the pedestrian can defend to bask to seek shelter from rain under the arcade, running about freely, at will shopping.medium the hill path is the main busine street of xiamen, is also the civilization street of xiamen, the species is numerous well-found, the native product, ocean goods all has. 各位团友,渡船时间约为六分钟,下面我向大家简单介绍鼓浪屿。看,对面的小岛就是鼓浪屿,这条江叫鹭江,也叫厦鼓海峡,宽600米。鼓浪屿面积1.78平方公里,人口1.9万。宋元时期称“圆沙州”,明肛始称鼓浪屿。因岛的西南海边有一块大岩石,长年累月被海浪冲出一个大洞,每逢潮涨,海浪扑打岩洞,发出如擂鼓的声音,所以人们叫它为“鼓浪石”,小岛也就叫鼓浪屿了。现为国家重点风景名胜区,是福建旅游景区“十佳”之首。

各位团友,码头到了,这个码头是1976年新建的,以前的码头很小,是1938年建的。这里原来是西方列强贩卖中国劳工出洋乘船的地方,大家看过《海囚》这部电影吧,那“海囚”就是从个码头乘船出发的。为解决乘船拥挤的问题,建了这个“钢琴码头”。因为鼓浪屿是“音乐之岛”,要使游人一跳上鼓浪屿就接触到音乐的气氛围,大家看这是不是有点像张开的三角钢琴! each regiment friend, ferry time about is six minutes, below i introduce a drum wave island in brief toward everyone.see, the opposite islet is a drum wave island, this river calls 鹭 river, also call 厦 drum straits, the breadth is 600 meters.the drum wave island area is 1.78 square kilometers, population 19,000.sung dollar is period to call circle sand state, the clear anus starts to call a drum wave island.because the southwest seaside of island contain a piece of and big rock, the regularly tired month is rushed out a big hole by the wave, every time round the tide rise, th e wave rushes toward to beat mountain cave, sending out such as the voice of 擂 drum, so people call it asdrum wave stone, islet also call drum wave island.now for the country house the point scenery famous spot area is fukien to travel the head of the view areaten good. 各位团友,豉浪屿除了少量观光电瓶车外,没有其他车辆,在岛上步行别有情趣。现在我们一边走一边观赏鼓浪屿欧陆建筑的风采吧!

这是英国领事管,建于1844年和1870年,已经150多年历史了。1840年,英国发动鸦片战争,它的远征军开到厦门海面,与厦门守军发生激战,结果英军战败退去。1841年8月,英国30艘军舰3500余人再次进犯厦门,经激战,厦门和鼓浪屿陷落,厦门被占领10天,英军撤退时留下军舰3艘、军队500人强占鼓浪屿达5年之久。中英《南京条约》允许英国人在鼓浪屿“暂居”。1843年,英国首先在鼓浪屿设立领事馆,首任领事就是攻打厦门的海军舰长。1844年第二任领事建了这幢领事楼。可领事虽住在这里,却强占厦门的最高行政机关“兴泉水海防备道”道署办公,前后达20年。这是1870年建的新办公楼,落地门窗,一副英国模样,内部装饰相当豪华,但有6间囚室。楼前的一座狮狗墓,那是领事爱犬死后特意建造的,1957年被砸毁,墓旁立有一根钢管旗杆,已废倒。 each regiment friend, 豉 wave island in addition to a little amount sightseeing electric cell car there are no other vehicles outside, dont have interesting aspect on foot on the island.now we are walking and appreciating the elegant appearance of six buildings in the drum wave island europe! this is the british consul tube, setting up in 1844 and 1870, already more than 150 calendars history.in 1840, england launches opium war, its expedition soldier arrives sea surface in xiamen, guarding soldier occurrence with xiamen to arouse a war, the result british army loses war to draw off.1841 august, 30 more than 3500 persons of warship in england enter to make xiamen again, through arouse war, xiamen and drum wave island to fall, xiamen is captured for 10 days, the british army retreats leave warship 3, troops 500 people are strong to have a drum wave an island to reach to for long 5 years.chinese and english 《nanking treaty 》allow british in the drum wave islandreside temporary.in 1843, england establishes consulate at the drum wave island first, the head term consul is navys warship which strikes against xiamen to grow.the second consul set up this consul building in 1844.can although the consul live here, strong has the cheerful spring coastal defense have a way of the tallest administration organization in xiamen a way an office to transact, reach to in front and back for 20 years.this is in 1870 to set up o f transact building lately, fall to the ground doors and windows, one vice- british shape, the inner part adornment is very luxurious, but has 6 jailbirds rooms.a lion dog last home that is before the building, that is what consul love dog is clay-cold idea constructs especially, 1957 is hit to ruin, the last home signs a steel pipe flagpole beside, having already discarded to pour. 日光岩


这是日光岩寺新修的山门,让我们先看前方巨石上的三幅石刻,这好像一个人写的,其实是三人所书。“鼓浪洞天”是明万历年间(1573年)泉州同知丁一中写,已经400多年了,是日光岩上最早的题刻;“鹭江第一”是清代道进士林缄所写,也有100多年了;“天风海涛”是民国4年(1915年)福建巡按使许世英写的。在如此高大的石头上凌空崖刻,气魄很大。 sunlight rock each regiment friend: this lately- fixed gate to a monastery of the that day light rock temple, let us see three sculpture carvingses of front megalith first, this seems what a person write, is three people in fact the book.drum wave hole day is clear ten thousand the spring state knows d together through the years a medium write, already more than 400 years, the that day light rock top earliest engraves;鹭 river the first is manchu dynasty way enters 缄 in shihlin write, also have for more than 100 years;day breeze sea waves is what year 4 of the republic of china(1915) fukien cruise pre make a life time english to write.soar to the skies a precipice to engrave on the thus high and big rock, the boldne of vision is very big. 各位团友,日光岩寺原名莲花庵,是厦门四大名庵之一,实际是一石洞,以石为顶,故又叫“一片瓦”,始建于明代正德年间,万历十四年(1586年)重建。因为每天凌晨,朝阳从厦门五老峰后升起,莲花庵最先沐浴在阳光里,因此得名“日光寺”。又传说当年顾成功来到晃岩(日光岩的别称),看到这里景色远胜过日本的日光山,便把“晃”字拆开,称为日光岩。日光寺屡毁屡建,清同治年间,建圆明展,祀弥勒。1917年建大雄宝殿。解放后,圆明殿改成念佛堂。改革开放后,落实宗教政策,日光寺得到政府的扶持,接受海内外十方善信的捐赠,大兴土木,翻修了大雄宝殿,新建了山门、钟鼓楼、旅游平台、法堂、僧舍、小卖部和膳堂,寺庙焕然一新。日光寺是一座精巧玲珑袖珍式的寺庙,大雄殿、弥陀殿对合而设,是全国唯一的。由于环境优越,历代高僧不断,著名的弘一法师1936年曾在这里闭方便关8个月。

each regiment friend, sunlight rock temple original lotus 庵 is four one of the name 庵 in xiamen, is one stone cave physically, take stone as a crest, past again callone tile, start to set up in ming dynasty just virtuous year, ten thousand the 历s rebuild for 14 years(1586).everyday dawn, the dynasty sun is from five old 峰s in xiamen behind rise, the lotus 庵 earliest 沐 bathes in the sunlight, therefore getting sunlight temple.again fabulous that year attend to succefully arrive at to sway a rock(the sunlight rock dont call), see here the landscape is by long odds to le ad japan of sunlight mountain, thensway a word to tear open, be called a sunlight rock.the sunlight temple ruins often to set up often, pure cure an of year together, set up a clear exhibition, 祀弥勒 .set up a big male treasure palace in 1917.after relieving, the circle clear palace changes say prayer to buddha a hall.the reform carries out a religious policy after opening, the sunlight temple gets a supporting of government, accepting the outside of the world the endowment of ten square and kind letters, building many new buildings, overhauling a big male treasure a palace, setting up gate to a monastery, clock drum building, the tour terrace, method hall, monk to give up, small shop lately with food hall, the temples has a brand-new look.the sunlight temple is a temples of type with lovely and pocketsized choicene, the big male palace, amitabha palace establishes towards matching but, is the whole country is unique.because the environment is superior, in the past monk of high renown continuously, the 弘 of the 著 a master once shut convenience to close here for 8 months in 1936. 毓园





毓 park each regiment friend: we arrive at a 毓 park now.the 毓轩 is a wood 巧稚 the memorial park of the doctor.wood 巧稚 , was born an island at the drum wave in 1901, graduate from peking to help with medicine department university in 1929, because of result excellent, is stayed be helping with work, pa away in peking on april 22,1983, whole year round 83 years old. each regiment friend, the tour drum wave island arrives this all is over.everyone if still have interest, can extrude time, go to wreath island the road walk, appreciate the charm and europe of ocean six building of elegant appearance, can also go deep into an alley, listen to of run off in the villa of the piano play a 鸣 voice, increasing the cultural content of the trip of xiamen.many thanks to the everyones cooperation.篇五:导游词中英文综合 第一篇 景点模拟讲解题

第一章 天安门及天安门广场












天安门占地4800平方米,由城台和城楼组成,通高33.7米,在1970年重修的时候增高了1米,现在为34.7米,城台下全部是汉白玉须弥座,这是我国最高等级的基座。城楼为重檐歇山顶,顶上覆盖黄色琉璃瓦,大典的红漆玉柱有60根,地面铺的金砖由苏州、宁夏等地运来,处处显示着皇家的威严。 天安门是明清两朝皇城的正门,天安门城楼的左云非常重要,明清时期凡遇皇帝登基,册立皇后,册立太子,将士出征等,都要在天安门城楼上举行隆重的颁诏礼。明代颁诏时,用一根龙头杆系彩绳顺墙而下。清代颁诏时,在天安门正中设颁诏台,宣诏后,众官员行三跪九叩礼,宣召官将诏书放在一个镀金雕云状的“朵云”盘内,然后来到城楼正中,将诏书用黄丝线悬系在一个木雕金凤的口中,金凤口衔诏书徐徐而下,好想天子帝王之命由金凤乘云朵自天空二降落到人间。礼部官员仍用朵云盘楼乘诏书,仿佛龙亭后送到礼部,由礼部将诏书印好,颁行天下。这一整个过程被称为“金凤颁诏”。 请大家往城楼下看,在天安门城楼钱对着5个门洞,有5座汉白玉石桥,叫做金水桥。正中最宽的一座名为御路桥,是供皇帝出入专用的;其东西两侧的量座桥为皇族桥,是专供皇亲国戚们通行的桥;再两侧的桥为品级桥,只有三品以上的大臣才可以通过。那讲到这里可能有朋友要问了,死拼一下的官员和士兵、杂役从哪里通行呢?在太庙和社稷坛南大门前分别各有一座桥,叫公生桥,这两座桥就是专供四品一下官员、兵弁和杂役行走的通道。

再来看,天安门前有两对雕刻于明永乐年间的汉白玉石狮,他们分别位于外金水河南北两岸,东侧的都是雄狮脚踏绣球,寓意一同寰宇;西侧的都是雌狮脚踩幼狮,寓意子孙绵延。两对石狮的头部都外向内侧,表示保卫御路。 请大家看这个方向,有一对象石柱一样的陈设物,大家知道他们叫什么名字吗?对了,叫华表。华表在中国有这悠久的历史。相传,在原始社会的尧舜禹时代就已有此物,但是叫“诽谤木”,这诽谤木各位

世纪兴培训学校预祝您考试成功! 可别误会,这不是无限别人的意思,而是为征求民众的意见而设于路边的木桩,让百姓对官吏发辫评论,提出看法,以示居住虚心纳谏。此外,华表还曾被作为路标。随着时代的发展,这类表木举荐失去了它原来的意义和作用,演变成了一种纯粹的装饰物,成了宫殿建筑艺术的一个组成部分。天安门城楼前的这对立于明成化元年(1465)的汉白玉华表,每座华表高约10米,重达20吨。华表由三部分组成底部是围绕有护栏的八角形台座;中间柱身上雕有盘龙和朵云,柱头横插云板;顶部呈露盘上有一尊兽,俗称“望天犼”。据说这小动物非常灵异,能提醒帝王们勤政。大家看,这两只面朝南德犼是有名字的,叫“望君归”,意思是提醒皇帝不要在外面留恋青山秀水,不思国事,盼望国军早日归政,其实,在天安门城楼的北侧,也有一对这样的华表,而城楼北侧的犼是面朝北,为什么呢?因为这里的犼叫“望君出”,意思是提醒皇帝,不要沉迷于花天酒地,醉生梦死的生活,要走出宫去,去体察民情,希望国君走出去看一看。 我们眼前的天安门广场,在明清时期可没有现在这么大,那时的广场石封闭的“t”字型广场,“t”字的一横就是我们今天的长安街,旧称“天街”,是颁诏是官员们跪听的地方。在天街的东边有长安左门,俗称“龙门”西边有长安右门,俗称“虎门”“t”。子的那一竖就是从现在的国旗杆钱到毛主席纪念堂的这一条长形区域,称作“御路”。在御路的东西两侧,有千步廊,是南北方向通脊联檐廊房,各110间,天街两侧各有34间,总共有288间。千步廊是在民国初年被拆除的。


大家看,在现在毛主席纪念堂的位置,是明代的“大明门”,清代城“大清门”的地方.民国元年改为中华门。1958年修建天安门广场时拆除,1976年在此建造了毛主席纪念堂。 在大明门的南侧,是正阳门城楼和正阳门箭楼,“正阳”二字的取“圣主当阳,日至中天,玩过瞻仰”的意思。在明清时期,正阳门还包裹瓮城、瓮城内的关帝庙和观音庙、瓮城前的正阳桥与五牌楼,他们共同构成北京内城城南一组壮观的建筑群。其中城楼高40.36米,箭楼设有箭窗94个,是内城最高大雄伟的城楼和箭楼。1900年八国联军入侵北京的时候被炮火击毁,此后分别在1901年和1960年重修正阳门城楼和正阳门箭楼。




各位朋友大家好! 现在呢,我们来到了天安门广场,我先为大家做一个简单的介绍:天安门广场时目前世界上最大的城市中心广场,他位于北京市区的中心。天安门广场呈长方形,南北长880米,东西宽500米,总面积44旺平方米。如果人们肩并肩地站在广场上,整个广场可容纳100万人。



处46.5米,是现在广场中的最高建筑。整个大会堂由三部分组成:南部为全国人大常委会办公楼,其中包括以我国34个省、直辖市、自治区、特别行政区命名的会议厅。中部为万人大会堂。北端是国宴大厅,可供5000分的坐其他席宴会或1万人的酒会,是我国最大的宴会厅。整座建筑自设计到完工只用了10个月,是我国建筑史上的奇迹。 在广场的北端是大家都很熟悉的天安门城楼,它是新中国的象征,就是在天安门城楼上,1949年10月1日毛主席向全世界庄严宣告,“中华人民共和国成立了!中国人民从此站起来了!”

好,我们再往广场的南端看,在人民英雄纪念碑的南面是毛主席纪念堂,原来在哪里曾有一座门,明代叫大明门,清代叫大清门,民国时又改为中华门,解放后拆除。1976年毛主席逝世后在其基址上建起了庄严肃穆的毛主席纪念堂。纪念堂建成于1977年,用时仅6个月,于1977年9月9日毛主席逝世周年时正式对外开放。毛主席纪念堂总建筑面积2.8万平方米,全楼共两层,一楼分为三个部分:北大厅是举行纪念活动的场所,大厅中央为汉白玉雕刻的3米多高的毛主席坐像,坐像背后的墙上悬挂一幅描绘祖国山河的巨型绒绣。纪念堂的核心部分是瞻仰堂,正中安防着黑色花岗岩棺床,棺床上的水晶棺中安放着毛主席遗体,遗体上覆盖中国共产党党旗,供人们凭吊、瞻仰、表达深深地敬意。南大厅别面的汉白玉墙壁上,镌刻着毛泽东手书体的诗词《满江红*和郭沫若同志》。纪念堂耳聋为毛泽东、刘少奇、周恩来、朱德、邓小平等老一辈无产阶级革命家的纪念室。 广场的正中,巍巍耸立着中国第一碑——人民英雄纪念碑。他是为纪念自1840年至解放战争期间,在反对国内外名族解放和人民自由幸福的历次斗争中牺牲了的人民英雄而建立的,也是中国自古以来规模最大的纪念碑。纪念碑通高约38米,分为三个部分:碑顶、碑身、碑座。碑顶是中国传统的建筑形式盝顶。碑身由413块花岗岩垒砌成,分为正面和背面。正面是朝北的一面,上面刻有“人民英雄永垂不朽”八个字,为毛泽东题写;背面是抄南德一面,碑文是由毛泽东撰写,周恩来手书,内容是:“三年以来在人民解放战争和人民革命中牺牲的人民英雄永垂不朽!由此上溯到一千八百四十年从那时起为了反对内外敌人争取民族独立和人民自由幸福的历次斗争中牺牲的人民英雄们永垂不朽!”碑文以紫铜为胎,用黄金130两镶嵌在花岗岩碑芯上,碑芯14.7米高,重达60多吨。

碑座由两层月台和两层须弥座构成,下层须弥座四周镶嵌着10幅汉白玉浮雕,从纪念碑的东侧开始,内容按历史顺序依次为:“虎门销烟”、“金田起义”、“武昌起义”、“五四运动”、“五卅运动”、“南昌起义”、“抗日战争”、“胜利渡江”。在“胜利渡江”的两侧有两块装饰性浮雕,内容为“支援前线”和“欢迎人民解放军”。全部浮雕共有180个人物,概括了我国100多年的历史。上层小须弥座四周雕刻有由牡丹、荷花、菊花、百合花组成的8个花圈。 天安门广场时中国近代革命的见证人,反帝反封建的五四运动、“三*一八惨案”、“一二*九运动”都发生在这里。天安门广场也是新中国诞生的见证人,更是今天人民幸福生活的见证人。现在,它已被全国人民评为“中国第一景”,每天都有来自海内外的朋友们到此参观游览。

各位朋友,我们现在来到国旗杆前,大家应该知道,天安门广场每天都有升降旗仪式,自从我国于1991 世纪兴培训学校预祝您考试成功!

年颁布了《国旗法》后,仪式有了新的规定,分为平日和节日两种。逢国家重要庆典或每月1日举行节日升(降)旗仪式。届时升旗现场都有军乐队员现场演奏国歌,国旗护卫队和军乐队共有官兵96人,象征捍卫祖国960万平方公里的土地。整个升旗的过程持续2分零7秒,奏3遍国歌。平日升降旗仪式只有36名国旗护卫队官员执行仪仗任务,仪式进行时播放国歌录音。那可能有人会问了,每天的升降旗时间是怎么解决的呢?其实,国旗升降时间是依据每天日出和日落时间来确定的。每天早晨,当太阳的上部边缘与天安门广场的地平线相切时,就是升旗的时间;到了傍晚,当太阳的上部边缘与天安门广场的地平线相切时,就是降旗的时间。 这里是在天安门前留影的最佳地点,请各位拍下这难忘的一刻,好,朋友们,天安门及广场,我就讲到这里,请各位自由参观,30分钟后我们在纪念碑北侧集合,谢谢。

《工作汇报 中英文.doc》
工作汇报 中英文

