
2022-06-11 来源:工作计划收藏下载本文


Boys and girls: Attention, please! This week we are going to Xiangshan Park by bus for our spring field trip.We will meet at the school gate at 6:30 in the morning.The bus leaves at 7:00 AM and arrives at the park at 8:30AM.Please come to school earlier.We can go walking, climbing and have a picnic under the big tree in the morning.And we have an English Corner and take photos in the afternoon.We will go back at 4:30 in the afternoon.Remember to take enough water, proper clothes and sports shoes.Thank you!


Pesonal plan

My name is Jianghuihua, aged 19.I graduated from Fujian Normal University Attached Middle School in 2007.Now, I am a student of Jiangxia college.I am a hard-working girl .my parents are very strict with me, they always tell me to work hard for a bright future.

Being an ordinary girl , I like do what I should do.I have many hobbies such as playing the piano, traveling and music.Last year, I went to a supermarket in my hometown to be a salesgirl.Although it is only a part-time job, I still learn a lot from it, I learn how to attract the customers ,how to entertain them and so on.It is really a great opportunity for me to understand the busine strategy and maket competiton , which is my favorite.

I am so fond of the culture and education of the US that I am longing to study abroad.With the help of my family, I succeed in applying the Salem International University, which makes me very happy.

It is a good opportunity , I will treasure it.I will try my best to improve my English first, then I think I can catch up with others and make me more competitive than my peers.My major is about busine , I hope I can learn it well because I know that

in China , it is very popular now.In order to enrich myself , I will do my best to learn from my teachers and my clamates.I am a foreigner , but that does not mean I can not do as well as my clamates, I think difficulties vanish if only you face it bravely .I think I can adjust myself to the environment in this school.I believe that I can get a degree in the school.

After graduation , I will go back to China, my father owns a company in China, he needs me because his company is short of managers who have the abroad experience.I think I am the suitable one for the company because of my abroad experience .I think once my have the pratice ability in the busine , I can have my own company in my hometown .So I think my future is in China, I will try my best to work hard for my dream.






八月: 重点环境创设。各班布置新学期主题教育环境,各班级按年龄特点划分区域:






















2、英文课堂活动中要与音乐互动相结合,包括课前的warn up time 和课程结

束时的 cool down。




1、开展Phonics 英文教学方法研究








4、每两周,幼儿应熟练一组英语日常对话 (投放在英语角)




Academic objectives and study plan at XXX University:

It’s my great honor that I’ve been admitted to XXX University in the Korean as a transfer student.The program will begin on September 2013.

My name is XX.Female, born on XXX, In XX, China.I am a junior student of XX University Of XXX(系), major in XXX(专业).

Since going abroad to study the advanced knowledge is what I always have in my mind.After I know that there are program for exchange student with Korean in my school.I was determined to sign up.My choice of university is XXX in Korean.First Korean is a peaceful, beautiful and harmonious country, which means three tings to me.First, it means that the country can provide the international students in high-quality education at lower expenses relative to UK and US, which I think is more reasonable for me.And second, those features just well show the science of technology is closely combined with the practice with this country.Besides, Korean’s science of technology is covering more and more topics and level of specialization is high, which indicates the highly development of the discipline.Third, the climate of Korean is similar with the climate of China.

Second, XXX University is ranked one of the Korean’s best universities with a long history.It was established in 1909.And has a strong academic background of science of technology subject.The education I received in my current university trained my academic good.First, because I applied as a transfer student, I must try my best to catch up with the regular students there.So I keep practicing Korean every day, trying to read some original novels and monographs.Only in this way can I conquer the language barrier as soon as poible when I start my study in XXX University.Then although I’m a transfer credits to reduce the length of completing program.I know my current major is not similar with XXX.So that means I have to work harder and take some first and second level course to make up the miing credits.

I plan to return to China for the following reason: firstly, my training in science of technology will provide skills for jobs in many fields in China.Including government, industry, education, journalism and so on.So there are many job opportunities lying ahead of me.Secondly, with the skill in thinking and research that I’ve been taught when I study in XXX University, I’m confident that I can find a place in Chinese that fit me best.Last but not least.I wish to go back to my hometown, which is metropolitan city with many great job opportunities and a very beautiful and comfortable city for living.Besides I love my parents very much.I wish to go back and take good care of them.

Now I submit my application with full confidence in the hope of winning a favorable permit.Many thanks for your kind consideration.


Although I’m still a freshman in this new semester, I’ve learned a lot from the past few months.I chose English as my major because I extremely love this subject so that I will continuously devote myself into it.Maybe I’ve got not bad gradeslast term and it indeed inspired me to get more progre in the future.But what I know is that it’s still a long way to achieve my ultimate goal and I need to make great efforts.My dream is to be a translator, especially a simultaneous interpreter, but I knew it’s not easy to realize due to my limited knowledge now.So I need to work step by step.

Now it comes to my recent goals.Firstly, to be honest, I’m not good at oral English and English listening, I have to take a great deal of practice.What I plan is listening to the MP3 in order to imitate the foreigners’ accent and speak more in English.At the same time, I will do a lot of News dictation and English listening and comprehension to improve my skills.Secondly, to prepare the CET4 and the 2014National English Contest for College Students, I intend to memorize all the words in my vocabulary book within two or three months and finish my exercise books.Thirdly, I want to maintain my academic of my specialized course or do more better than ever before by working harder.Finishing my aignments and notes is what I need to insist on every day.

Just like the old saying goes, “Nothing is impoible to a willing heart”.I have a strong belief that I can realize my dream as long as I persist in it and study hard with plenty of time and patience.



HARVEST BILINGUAL KINDERGARTEN 2010年3月-2010年6月学年度 哈佛士双语幼儿园英文教研计划

转眼之间,新的一学年度又开始了,哈佛仕的英语教学一直受到老师们的高度重视,在上个学年度中,我园在各方面领域已取得硕果累累的成绩。在新学期的教育教学过程中,我们全体的英语助教老师和两位外教老师要继续同心协力,努力钻研英语教法,让自己的业务水平有更大的提高。儿童英语教学需要的是称职的师资人员和灵活多样、丰富多彩的教学方法。这样,才能保证儿童英语教学的质量,使之走上科学教育的轨道。 一:基本情况分析:

2009年9月新学期开始,我园的英文教研组人员有所改动,包括以下成员:K1(1)班刘艺英Amy、K1(2)班张蓓露Grace、K1(3) 黄K2(1)班魏云、Winnie、K2(2)班胡琼Irene、K3(1)班廖丹丹Wendy、K3(2)班高原Vicky、K4(1)班何玉珍Jane、K4(2) 虞烨之Michelle(组长)以及我们的两位外教Ati(Theme)和Stephen(Language)。


学习语言从娃娃开始抓起,往往效果最好,学习英语也不例外。不能强迫孩子学,要激起孩子的学习兴趣,循循善诱,让孩子自己喜欢上英语。童趣中开个英语好头或许对孩子的一生都至关重要。当儿童觉得学英语特别好玩,有了乐趣之后,不会觉得学习英语是一种负担。有了兴趣,以后的教学工作就好办了。幼儿期英语教学以培养兴趣为主,创设适宜的英语学习环境,利用多形式多通道让幼儿接触英语,在丰富的游戏情景中结合日常生活经验,力求使幼儿没有任何负担的愉快情绪下,学会丰富的英语词汇,掌握简单的日常用语,养成学习英语的习惯,为今后的提高学习打好基础。英语教学面向全体幼儿,使每一个幼儿通过英语教学都能在原有基础上不同程度地有所收获和提高。 本学期我们英语教研组活动的重点是:学习及运用各种各式的教学方式来丰富课堂气氛,探索如何运用好英语游戏的形式展开正常的英语教学,以及更好的创设幼儿英语学习环境。为此,我们将和八位英语助教和两位外教老师集体讨论总结各种比较有效新颖的教学方法,如童话剧教学法、情景教学法、音乐,律动教学法、TPR教学法、直拼教学法、联想教学法、直接母语式教学法、全身反应法、环境暗示感应法等等吸引幼儿参加活动,让他们在轻松快乐的学习环境中,犹如身临其境般的体验英语。



为了响应我园的幼儿培养目标:培养快乐孩子、聪明孩子、英语孩子的教学理念,体现我们幼儿在健全人格,全面发展的基础上凸现英语的特色,以《幼儿园教育指导纲要》为指针,加强各班外教助理的分层培养与指导,按教师实际教学能力水平,提出不同的要求与任务,进行针对性的学习、教研活动。要求教师要具有不断学习的意识和能力,成为一个终身学习者,不断学习、不断反思,不断地提高自己的专业水平。同时为了能够更好的运用好《哈佛士英语教材》,在本学期的英语教育教学中,我们要继续树立正确的教育观,儿童观,把正英语教研的方向。 思想是行为的源泉。一名好的教师首先将端正教育思想放在我们教研活动的首位。



2、在相应的外国以及传统节日活动中,和外教我们讨论并制作幼儿园的主题课外活动,开展相关的英文主题区角。主要细分为: ●




关于Halloween大型游园游戏活动 ●


感恩节半日公开英语活动 ●


圣诞节大型表演活动 ●








K1班: 发音方面:掌握字母表上单个字母的发音,学习元音,辅音,和发音的节奏



阅读方面:能欣赏,听教师或家长读并对8本故事书有反应, 儿歌、歌曲方面:能欣赏8首儿歌和8首歌曲,尝试和教师或家长哼唱哼读




单词方面:能看图片指认说出 30个单词







单词方面:能看图片指认说出 60个单词



















8000 Burlingame AvenueOffice:(214)837-5070


April 21,1994

Ms.Sarah R.Dixon

Enginecring Manager


123 Seabright Road provident,RI 73692

Dear Ms.Dixon:

I am interested in a postition as a project engineer with Lexitron,Inc.Review of my resume will reveal that I have strong project experience with Johnnan Corporation, one of your keypetitors.

I graduated with a B.S.degree in Mechanical Engineering from princeton University, and have 6 years of paper machine project experience.I enjoy an excellent reputation for bringing projects in on time and at or below budget.Some key project experience includes:

-Completion of a $54 million twin wire, forming section rebuild project on time and under budget ($1,2 million savings)

-Lead wet end project Engineer for purchase, design and installation of a new $150 million Beloit paper machine($120k savings)

- Engineered, installed, and started-up $45 million rebuild of after dryer section of twin wire tiue machine (projectpleted 2 months ahead of schedule with savings of $1/2 million)

Although well-versed in most machine configurations, I am especially knowledgeable of twin wire formers and some of the newer, state-of-the-art sheet forming technology.These qualifications could prove very additive to thosepanies interested in upgrading their overall papermaking technology.

If you are currently seeking a strong paper machine project engineer, I would appreciate the opportunity to further discu my qualifications with you.Thank you for your consideration.

sincerely yours,





厚 谱 教 育:访问学者申请领跑者



This research proposal suggests research on how the level of self-disclosure effects the degree of relationship satisfaction.

Review of Literature:

Guerrero & A f i f i (1995) conducted a study to examine topic avoidance and self-disclosure in family relationships.They found that males reported avoiding discuion of relationship iues more than females did.As Martin&Anderson(1995)sought to examine the motives behind self-disclosure in father-young adult relationships and the resulting level of relationship satisfaction, their study found that young adults seem to model their self-disclosure after their fathers\' self-disclosure.P e g a l i s, Shaffer, B a z z in i, & Gr e e n i er (1994) examined the generality of the opener effect to males and females acro different s i t u a ti on a l contexts.They found that both genders disclosed more and longer to high openers than to low openers acro the different contexts, Leaper, Carson, Baker, Ho ll iday, & Myers (1995) used both same- and opposite-sex dyads in order to examine the relationship between listener verbal support and self-disclosure among friends.They found that females tended to be more responsive and supportive than males during discuions in both same- and cro-gender friendships.However, it was also found that men made more disclosing comments than did women, indicating that it is poible for males to disclose as much as females.They also found that imbalances in self-disclosure and verbal support are related to relationship diatisfaction.

Drawing on these findings, it could be poible to anticipate that individuals who have similar patterns of self-disclosure would have higher degrees of relationship satisfaction.Continued research may further explore what other factors affect the degree of relationship satisfaction.

Research Question:

What effect does the level of self-disclosure have on the degree of relationship satisfaction?


Individuals who experience similar levels of self-disclosure will be more likely to have higher degrees of relationship satisfaction.


In congruence with the previous study conducted by Martin & Anderson (I 995), a design involving approximately 200 undergraduate students, I 00 male and I 00 female will be used.They will complete questionnaires consisting of measures of self-disclosure and communication satisfaction.They will also be given a questionnaire to have their significant others complete.This questionnaire will include the same measures.Participants will be informed that this research study focuses on self-disclosure and levels of relationship satisfaction, participation is voluntary, and their responses will be kept confidential.A self-addreed envelope will be enclosed to aist in confidentiality.

Participants will complete the Self-Disclosure Scale (SDS) and the Communication Satisfaction Scale (CSS).Their responses will be compared with those of their partner\'s in order to ae the similarities between the pair\'s levels of self-disclosure to each other and their degree of relationship satisfaction.

Participants will also be given a second questionnaire, which will ask them to ae what they believe to be their partners\' level of self-disclosure and degree of relationship satisfaction.These responses will also be compared to examine whether individuals\' self-reports of their levels of disclosure and satisfaction match up with what their partners believe their levels to be.


In response to the study done by Martin & Anderson (I 995), it should become clear that the amount of self-disclosure that occurs between individuals affects the relational satisfaction that is felt by both parties.Leaper et al.(1995) found that imbalances in self-disclosure and verbal support are related to relationship diatisfaction.This would seem to indicate that the opposite would be true, as well.So, it may be found that individuals who experience similar levels of self-disclosure will have higher degrees of relationship satisfaction.

A poible problem using the methods chosen is that self-report may not be entirely accurate.People may not truthfully portray their levels of self-disclosure and relational satisfaction.However, through the use of confidentiality and the second questionnaire that asks the partners to ae each other\'s levels, it is hoped that the potential for this problem may be decreased.


Guerrero, L., & A f if i, W.(Summer 1995).Some things are better left unsaid: Topic avoidance in family relationships.Communication Quarterly, 43, 276-296.

Leaper, C., Carson, M., Baker, C., Holliday, H., & Myers, S.(1995).Self-disclosure and listener verbal support in same-gender and cro-gender friends\' conversations.Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 33.3 8 7-405.

Martin, M., & Anderson, M- (Spring 1995).The father-young adult relationship: Interpersonal motives, self-disclosure, and satisfaction.Communication Quarterly, 43, 119-130.

Pegalis, L., Shaffer, D., Bazzini, D., & Greenier, K.(1994).On the ability to elicit self disclosure: Are there gender-based and contextual limitations on the opener effect? Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 20, 412-420.


在申请留学及签证的过程中,经常会被要求写学习计划书(study plan),许多留学的朋友往往搞不清楚学习计划书和个人陈述(personal statement)区别和写法,因此结合自己的工作经验,介绍一下学习计划书的写作。









由于使馆的工作人员每天要处理大量的文件,因此学习计划书切不可写的太长,一般不应超过800字,并且说明一个问题最好只用一个段落,段落前加上标题,如 my choice of university of toronto in canada ,my career objective 等,以便使馆的工作人员对您一段内容的中心思想一目了然。您的阐述应该非常清晰易读,不能希望让使馆的工作人员从您的文字中挖掘您潜在内容。

学习计划书的重点部分是未来的职业计划和留学后回国的理由,通过这一部分来告诉大使馆您到该国留学后,确实能够对您的职业发展有良好的帮助,并且有可信有力的理由学成归国。虽然要求学习计划书的国家往往是移民国家,但是由于您申请签证的理由是留学,因此通过学习计划书一定要消除您任何移民倾向。回国理由要结合您个人的背景经历和家庭情况给出很合理的解释,如一位拥有多年商业经历的经理获得加拿大读商业管理硕士课程录取,那么阐明他的职业目标是回到中国成为一名跨国公司的高级经理人,而他在中国多年积累的客户资源和社交圈是一笔非常宝贵的财富,这就是非常强硬并合理的一条回国理由。特别需要注意的是,学习计划书中关于回国理由等涉及事实论据的地方,不能任意编造,在工作中,本文作者就遇到过客户因编造事实而被大使馆核查出来并拒签的情况。 study plan模板1 study plan 本人是土木类专业,并修读管理类双学位,去ua读相近专业master,结合ps进行的完善。 dear sir/ madam, i am looking forward to study in university of alberta in canada this fall.as an eential part of visa application proce, i understand that a true study plan is important for my further succe. background my name is***, male, born on *** in***, china.i accepted the offer of admiion into the graduate program in civil and environmental engineering at university of alberta.my undergraduate education has laid the groundwork towards the path i now intend to embark on.pursuing dual degrees from seemingly vastly different fields at ** university endowed me with a solid theoretical background in two diverse fields of engineering and management and placed me in a unique position to appreciate the importance of management within the construction industry. my choice of studying in canada after a careful and thorough search, i have decided to seek admiion to the university of alberta in canada.the graduate program in *** is exactly the correct integration of interests i am searching for.one of the main attractions of the university’s program is not only its solid reputation in the field of engineering but its interdisciplinary nature as well.the prospect of studying ***in a new environment to broaden my horizon is a thrilling one, as it will raise new challenges for me to conquer. a peaceful, civilized and safe country.it is a good chance to receive high quality education and to experience diverse cultures. my overall educational goal financial support return to china and career objective a succeful overseas returned chinese student is always my aim and motivation.thank you for your time. yours sincerely, date: april 6, 2010.signature of applicant _____________________ study plan模板2 study plan (application of student visa to study in canada) i believe that this study plan, also submitted as an application for a student visa to study in canada’s mount saint vincent university, can provide you with an outline of my plan for one year of undergraduate study in canada and my subsequent career development in china.i look forward to my application being aeed and approved at your earliest convenience. personal status the reasons i wish to study at xxx xxx is a world-famous university with intelligent student and profeional staff and faculty, who are devoted to high-quality teaching and management.excellence, innovation and discovery are the characteristics that attract students all over the world to study there.i am so glad to take part in the exchange program between my college and xxx.for me, to study at such a well-know university will provide me a big step toward my dream. these are all my reasons why i want to be an exchange student in xxx. my goals during the one year in canada my reasons to return to china after one year as a matter of fact, i am still a student in xxx university for i am an exchange student.i will go back to china to finish my undergraduate courses. more importantly, i love my family.my parents and relatives are all living in china.i am the only child in my family and they have spent all of their savings on my education.i have the duty to pay back with my achievement and my care for them in their late years.i don’t want to separate with my parents.and i believe to share my succe with them is one of my greatest happine in my life. there are sufficient job opportunities after my returning to china.my experience abroad will offer me more choices in the talent market. thank you for your time. yours sincerely, date signature of applicant study plan模板3 study plan (application of student visa to study in *******) i believe that this study plan, submitted as an application for a student visa to study in canada’s university of ********, can provide you with an outline of my plan for two years of graduate study in canada and my subsequent career development in china.i look forward to my application being aeed and approved at your earliest convenience.personal status: the reasons i wish to study at *****, as a master’s student in the faculty of applied sciences school of engineering:篇2:英文留学计划书范文 英文留学计划书范文 i am a student, graduated from baoyang middle school, nanning, guangxi autonomous region, in 2006.i am still studying in high school now, because i was not enrolled by the ideal university last year.recently, i have a dream to study abroad.then i search online and find that it is more convenient and suitable for me to go to new zealand for study. first, new zealand is a multicultural country, which has the most advanced education in the world.second, the tuition is lower than other countries’, which i think is mo re reasonable for me.finally, the climate of new zealand is similar with the climate of the south of china.considering above reasons, i told my parents my plan on going to new zealand for study, and my parent agreed with me. as a girl, i like preschool education since i was young.nowadays, chinese parents, who want their children to get better education, pay more attention to preschool education.if i study specialized curriculums on preschool education, i will go back china and work hard on preschool education after leaving college. my plan is as follows: first, i plan to study english in language institute for about a half year in new zealand.then, i will study specialized curriculums on preschool education. 我是江苏省南京市xx中学2006年高中毕业生,由于未被理想大学录取,我一直在xx中学复读。自2007年起,我受同学的影响,产生了出国留学的念头,于是我通过上网了解到去新西兰留学有比较多的优势。首先,新西兰是一个多元文化的国家,具有世界先进的教学水平;第二,留学费用比其他国家较低、较合理;第三,气候也与我国南方差不多。因此,我向父母提出拟到新西兰留学的愿望,得到了父母的支持。因为我是女孩子,从小就喜欢幼儿教育。且现代中国的家长对小孩的教育要求比较高,我如果能到新西兰学习幼儿教育专业课程,学成回国后一定能在幼儿教育事业上有作为。所以,我决心到新西兰留学,打算先用半年的时间到语言学院专修英语,过好语言关,再进行幼儿教育专业课程学习。我相信我已经过三年高中课程的学习,又经过一年的复读,在学习能力和知识水平上有了一定的基础。同时我父母都有固定的工作和较丰厚的收入,在留学经费上也会得到父母的全力支持。因此,我一定能较好地完成留学课程。学成回国后,我一定能实现我从事幼儿教育的愿望,并能在幼儿教育事业上实现我的人生价值。篇3:赴美留学用到的学习计划模板(英文) my study statement my name is xx, a chinese male.i was born on 19xx.from 199x to 199x i studied xx in xx university , and graduated from this university in xx. this institute is an international cooperative school running by china and canada, all of the courses are taught in english.the school focuses on training students’ practical ability.during that period of time, i learned a lot and improved a lot, not only about english, but also the knowledge of management.in october.2004, i take the ielts exam confidently and got 6.0. i want to study more about busine, busine management and the real english.at last i choose britain as the place to continue my study, i think it is one of the best study places for me. in britain i can learn real english, know more things about the westerns: their life, their work, their study, etc.the advanced teaching method, the beautiful teaching environment, the friendly people, the good teachers.all of these attracted me deeply. one happy thing is i have been received the acceptance letter of xx college.it is one of the famous universities in britain.they prepare students thoroughly, maximize the potential of every one of the students, helping them to achieve a place at the kind of university which would be out of reach through le rigorous preparation.i am very happy to be a student of this university. this school can offer me the education that suit me well.the courses are taught in english, it is a challenge to me but i don’t think it will take me a long time.after all it is a part of daily life.further more, i can get more exercise, for there are not so many students in every cla.and there are more dedicated and excellent teachers who get along well with students.also the courses i take will pay more attention to actively applying. abilities.at last, to study with students from different countries make me quite excited.these abilities will help me in my future work and life. one more thing i want to say is that my parents can cover all my expenses in britain.you can see the therefore, i don’t need to worry about the money, i don’t want to do spare-time job after cla, and i will do my best in study courses.one day, after i finish my study, i will go back to china, contribute myself to my motherland. thank you for your approval on my application.i wish you can offer me an opportunity to study abroad.2-篇4:英语出国留学学习计划

××学习计划 第一阶段 英语基础学习时期

学习教材:success pre-intermediate












第二阶段 英语知识应用时期

学习教材:1.success intermediate

2.success upper


学习目的:英语句子的流利表达,能准确地表达自己的想法,观点,有比较成熟的英语思维 学习内容:高中所有语法知识点,国外文化的学习,阅读范围的拓展









第三阶段 雅思应试学习时期




学习目的:快速阅读,熟练的逻辑性,流利的总结能力,擅于用书面语进行写作,雅思听力 能快速地掌握大意并推出符合语意的单词,短语等 学习内容:雅思阅读技巧,阅读范围的熟悉,听力技巧和一般性总结,雅思大小作文的经典句型套用和格式多样化的写作衔接词语掌握











第四阶段 雅思口语练习和国外学习生活的适应学习和模拟练习


2.国外学习生活的资料和惯用句式句型【主要由外教老师课前准备】 课时设置:36课时

学习目的:流利,准确,有逻辑性地表达自己的想法,观点;适应国外的教学方式 学习内容:雅思经典口语应试技巧,国外学习和生活的方式








第一阶段 口语学习阶段

学习内容: 语音、语调、朗读技巧;



课时设置 40次课 (每次课2小时,中间休息十分钟)

学习目的: 正常口语交流、句子的完整性表达、初步的英语思维建立。 本阶段学员要求:

1.认真完成每次课的家庭作业,保证每节课的课后巩固,以加深对英语的熟悉度。 2.实际应用每个单元的新单词、短语、句子。

第二阶段 基础英语学习时期 学习内容: 高中所有语法知识点;



课时设置: 30次课 (每次课2小时,中间休息十分钟) 学习目的: 英语句子的流利表达,能准确地表达自己的想法和观点,有比较成熟的英语思

维,能看懂英语高中课程的英文。 学员要求:


2、将课文中的活用单词、短语以及课外阅读中的实用短语、句型等进行笔记整理。为课堂的口语应用和练习(包括场景模拟及故事分享等)进行预习和准备。 本阶段学习顾问要求:




推荐第10篇:新学期计划 英文Be a better me

Be a better me

However long a vacation is, we always want a few days more.Since our holiday is already over, we\'ll have to pick up the threads of our study.

The new semester is a time for resolutions.From primary school, teachers always ask us to write a new semester resolution.We could compile basically the same lists of \'dos\' and \'don\'ts\' year in year.Most of us fail in our efforts at self-improvement because our schemes are too abstract and ambitious.So I decide to make some practical plans.

Firs of all, I will keep on the habit of reading.Knowledge is never more than enough.Especially in the graduate student stage, reading profeional books extensively and thoroughly is neceary.I have been reading two or three books half a month since last semester.But there is little spare time this semester, it seems I must arrange my time first.

What\'s more, improving English is also in my plan.I was disappointed by my English mark last semester.It may affect the scholarship.Besides I’m to take the TOEFL test in this summer vacation.

Finally, it is time for taking a detailed plan for the future.Some relatives and friends often ask me about my career objective, I hope I can response them definitely next time.

It\'s easier said than done.Except resolutions, what matter are actions.I will do my best to carry them out and be a better me before next year.


























艺术表现:富有激情,感染力强、精神饱满,表情自然、肢体语言使用恰当。 演讲效果:仪态与着装得体。











第12篇:我的暑假计划 英文

我的暑假计划 英文

Here comes the summer holiday, I have planned a busy schedule on it.


Firstly, I will find a part time job, probably work in a factory which is near my home, so that I can accompany with my parents.Secondly, I have joined a violin course in the previous time, because I have interest on it.therefore, I will do more practice at home by myself.As an old saying goes, practice makes perfect.At the end of the holiday, it’s time for me to have a good time.I tend to go on a trip with my friends, maybe Yunnan or other wonderful places.Travel to the place I have never been to certainly can broaden my mine.


Make a good plan and enjoy it.I hope we all can have a meaningful holiday.








7.我的暑假计划 日语






Summer can be very hot in southern Taiwan where the temperature usually goes up to 32\"C or of the heat it is a trying experience to go to school or do anything else in a place that is not because of this I stay at home most of the time during the summer vacation and occasionally go to the beach to plunge myself into the cool water as a way to keep my body le I like swimming think nothing is more refreshing than a the summer vacation that has ended I went swimming many times with my clamates we all had a good summer vacation,however,was not spent entirely in seeking a second-year senior student I had to prepare myself for the college entrance examinations that were a year other words,I must find time to study, I divided my time between work play during the summer vacation derived benefit from this arrangement.


How I Spent My Summer Vacation

The summer vacation had come round was happy that I could forget about school at least for a I fool around all through this summer vacation,I made a plan as to how to spend ,I thought I should go over all those things my teachers taught in the previous term so that I could have a better understanding of I thought I should take up some forms of exercise,such as walking,running rowing,to keep me physically stood to reason that with such a good plan I should make the best of my vacation did,because I lived up to what I had planned.


Dear Ms.Dixon:

I am interested in a postition as a project engineer with Lexitron,Inc.Review of my resume will reveal that I have strong project experience with Johnnan Corporation, one of your keypetitors.

I graduated with a B.S.degree in Mechanical Engineering from princeton University, and have 6 years of paper machine project experience.I enjoy an excellent reputation for bringing projects in on time and at or below budget.Some key project experience includes:

Completion of a $54 million twin wire, forming section rebuild project on time and under budget ($1,2 million savings)

Lead wet end project Engineer for purchase, design and installation of a new $150 million Beloit paper machine($120k savings)

Engineered, installed, and started-up $45 million rebuild of after dryer section of twin wire tiue machine (projectpleted 2 months ahead of schedule with savings of $1/2 million)

Although well-versed in most machine configurations, I am especially knowledgeable of twin wire formers and some of the newer, state-of-the-art sheet forming technology.These qualifications could prove very additive to thosepanies interested in upgrading their overall papermaking technology.

If you are currently seeking a strong paper machine project engineer, I would appreciate the opportunity to further discu my qualifications with you.Thank you for your consideration.

sincerely yours,



















学龄前—初中高中(渴望提高英文单词记忆以及基本语法和应付英文考试) ◆网站的基本功能:












12、设立城市分类机制---每一个经销商都有属于自己的窗口以及自我介绍。并且所属地区按照登陆客户流量以及注册客户实际数量给予一定的奖励,并且根据销售情况在予以办理现场教学大课堂的支持。并在网络以及媒体上播报。 这个栏目最好能和电视台合作,或者采取其他的方法,如投放在



网络营销策略的核心竞争力体现在 “免费”---体验、经验交流、自我测试、模拟考试、免费英文电子杂志下载等。最终的目的只有一个就是在客户接受我们理念的同时达到销售产品的目的。进而促进口碑传递!


















2、表演节目:(1)中一班 (2)小一班 (3)大一班 (4)小二班 (5)大二班 (6)中二班


(1) 师:我们来看看小班有谁是本月的生日宝宝。

(2) 小班幼儿集体叫出本班生日宝宝的名字××

(3) 其余班级的幼儿集体问:“××,Where are you?”

(4) 生日宝宝边往前走边说:“Here I am” 接受生日礼物。

(5) 全体幼儿欢呼:“Happy Birthday to ××”

(6) 按照同样的方法请出中班和大班的生日宝宝。










January 15th,Sunny

As the winter vacation is drawing near, I have a plan about my vacation.I\'m going to do what I want to do.I\'m going to study harder in order to get good grades in the following term.After finishing all my homework, I\'m going to enjoy myself in the sea of knowledge.Reading must be a good idea.I\'m going to keep fit at the same time.I\'ll get up eary in the morning everyday and play sports.I really love sports.Besides that, Eating a balanced diet is also good for my health.I\'m going to help my mom and dad with the housework as well in the vacation.I\'ll learn to cook.As for

travelling, I\'m planning to go to Hainan.But whether going there or not will be decided on the weather.During the vacation,I\'m going to learn more about history,as I\'m really poor on it.


china launched its National Day celebrations yesterday by streing its hosting of the Beijing Olympics and the country\'s first spacewalk, two hard-won succees in a tumultuous year featured by natural disasters, ethnic unrest, and another food safety scandal.

The spacewalk on Saturday strengthened a wave of Chinese pride and patriotism springing from the Olympics, which is still a big news story in the domestic pre one month after it came to an end.China\'s Olympic heroes were honored in a three-hour ceremony at the Great Hall of the People that was broadcast live on national television.

State broadcaster CCTV showed the three returning astronauts, with flower garlands around their necks, waving and smiling as they were treated to a homecoming parade in Beijing.Their miion, including China\'s first spacewalk, put the country closer to building a space station and landing a man on the moon.

State broadcaster CCTV showed the three returning astronauts, with flower garlands around their necks, waving and smiling as they were treated to a homecoming parade in Beijing.Their miion, including China\'s first spacewalk, put the country closer to building a space station and landing a man on the moon.

Meanwhile, Vice President Xi, who oversaw preparations for the Beijing Summer Games, praised what he said was China\'s realization of a 100-year dream to host the event and said it would keep China on its reform path.

\"The succeful holding of the Beijing Olympics and Paralympics has carried forward the Olympic spirit, improved the understanding and friendship betweenthe world , and it also demonstrates the great achievements of reform and opening and the building of socialist modernization.\"

But Premier Wen Jiabao touched briefly on some of the country\'s troubles so far this year during an addre at a dinner banquet that included many foreign dignitaries.

\"We prevailed over the disasters caused by the heavy snow and sleet storms and the devastating Wenchuan earthquake,\" he said, referring to a freak storm just before February\'s Lunar New Year that left scores dead and hundreds of thousands stranded during the country\'s busiest travel period.

A magnitude 7.9 earthquake in May left nearly 90,000 people dead or miing.

\"We still face many difficulties and problems in our endeavor to advance socialist modernization but we have full confidence to conquer them,\" he said.

The 59th anniversary of the founding of the People\'s Republic of China is tomorrow.This year also marks 30 years since China initiated the economic reforms that turned the country into the world\'s factory floor and transformed all of its major cities.

Economic development has been slower to reach far-flung regions like Tibet, where simmering ethnic tensions boiled over in March.Anti-government riots erupted in the capital of Lhasa,

sparking sympathy protests in Tibetan areas acro western China.however, china can respond to these chanllenges positively,and at last we are convinced that our govenment can lead us into a more promising future.


Australia through My Eyes

When referring to Australia, I am always impreed by its charisma.From the great barrier reef to the vast desert, from the thick forests to the boundle plains, Australia boasts picturesque scenery and abundant natural resources.However, what strike me most are its complicated population map and its diversified culture.Australia is one of the developed countries that embraced and is now continuing opening her arms to many immigrants, who are incorporated into a both culturally rich and economically prosperous society.These immigrants’ multifaceted backgrounds contribute to the country’s cultural diversity.Thanks to the adoption of multicultural policies in Australia Since 1980s, Australia has gradually grown into a harmonious community.As the core value, cultural diversity has witneed its burgeon and boom in Australia.The diversity is the most precious national wealth.As a result, it is supported and encouraged by all the previous governments.People from different cultural backgrounds bring various languages and customs to Australia, which adds to Australia’s overall strength in facing challenges of globalization.It is with this readine and open-mindedne that Australia is now heading for a more promising future.第3篇

It is not an easy thing for a government to have its people live without any conflicts.So the multicultural policy, while encouraging the realization of individual value, prioritizes national interests.So when peoples’ interests are in contradiction with national interests, the fromer should give way to the latter.Furthermore, the iue of the nationality still plays an important part under the current circumstances.At any rate, people worldwide are arriving at an agreement that cultural diversity should be maintained, transmitted, and developed.Albeit different historical backgrounds, cultural and social systems between China and Australia, and thus discrepancies in national situations and national policies, China and Australia still share a lot in common in terms of principles and methods of dealing with domestic and international iues.As a result, both countries can share their experiences and expertise in dealing with the ethnical iues.For instance, the idea of coexistence characterized by mutual understanding and mutual tolerance is in confromity with the thought of harmony despite difference in China.

As the anthem of Australia sings, “With courage let us all combine to Advance Australia Fair.” with high freedom, fresh mentality, adventurous entrepreneurship and great ambition, Australia is now striding towards a higher civilization.


The Impact of the Computer on Writing Ability

As we can see,from left to right, there is a brush, a pen and a computer in the picture, which indicates the development of the way people write with.Under eachone of them Chinese characters meaning “handwriting”.Obviously, the two characters under the computer are not as beautiful as the rest ones, which implies that with the popularity of computer people’s writing ability has deteriorated.

This picture brings us the question whether we are going forward or backward after the popularity of computer.There is no doubt that our life has become much easier owing to the conveniences computer has brought, However, people have depended so much on computer that they can hardly do things wewll without it, which result in the degeneration in some abilities, such as writing ability and communication ability,In this sense,computer has made go backward.

Alarmed by the iue reflected in the picture, we should do something to prevent ourselves from the side of computer.As far as I am concerned,we should limit the time we spend on computer and try to develop as many habits as poible in spare time .



>01 The Language of Music

A painter hangs his or her finished picture on a wall, and everyone can see it.A composer writes a work, but no one can hear it until it is performed.Profeional singers and players have great responsibilities,for the composer is utterly dependent on them.

A student of music needs as long and as arduous a training to become a performer as a medical student needs to become a doctor.Most training is concerned with technique, for musicians have to have the muscular proficiency of an athlete or a ballet dancer.Singers practice breathing every day, as their vocal chords would be inadequate without controlled muscular support.String players practice moving the fingers of the left hand up and down, while drawing the bow to and fro with the right arm -- two entirely different movements.Singers and instrumentalists have to be able to get every note perfectly in tune.Pianists are spared this particular anxiety, for the notes are already there, waiting for them, and it is the piano tuner\'s responsibility to tune the instrument for them.But they have their own difficulties: the hammers that hit the strings have to be coaxed not to sound like percuion, and each overlapping tone has to sound clear.

This problem of getting clear texture is one that confronts student conductors: they have to learn to know every note of the music and how it should sound, and they have to aim at controlling these sounds with fanatical butselfle authority.Technique is of no use unle it is combined with musical knowledge and understanding.

Great artists are those who are so thoroughly at home in the language of music that they can enjoy performing works writtenin any entury.

01 音乐的语言

画家将已完成的作品挂在墙上,每个人都可以观赏到。 作曲家写完了一部作品,得由 演奏者将其演奏出来,其他人才能得以欣赏。因为作曲家是如此完全地依赖于职业歌手和职 业演奏者,所以职业歌手和职业演奏者肩上的担子可谓不轻。

一名学音乐的学生要想成为 一名演奏者,需要经受长期的、严格的训练,就象一名医科的学生要成为一名医生一样。 绝 大多数的训练是技巧性的。 音乐家们控制肌肉的熟练程度,必须达到与运动员或巴蕾舞演 员相当的水平.歌手们每天都练习吊嗓子,因为如果不能有效地控制肌肉的话,他们的声带将不能满足演唱的要求。弦乐器的演奏者练习的则是在左手的手指上下滑动的同时,用 右手前后拉动琴弓--两个截然不同的动作。歌手和乐器演奏者必须使所有的音符完全相同协 调。 钢琴家们则不用操这份心,因为每个音符都已在那里等待着他们了。 给钢琴调音是调 音师的职责。 但调音师们也有他们的难处: 他们必须耐心地调理敲击琴弦的音锤,不能让音锤发出的声音象是打击乐器,而且每个交叠的音都必须要清晰。

如何得到乐章清晰的纹理是学生指挥们所面临的难题:他们必须学会了解音乐中的每一个音及其发音之道。 他们还 必须致力于以热忱而又客观的权威去控制这些音符。除非是和音乐方面的知识和悟性结合起 来,单纯的技巧没有任何用处。

艺术家之所以伟大在于他们对音乐语言驾轻就熟,以致于 可以满怀喜悦地演出写于任何时代的作品。艰难困苦.玉汝于成

>02 Schooling and Education

It is commonly believed in the United States that school is where people go to get an education.Neverthele, it has been said that today children interrupt their education to go to school.The distinction between schooling and education implied by this remark is important.Education is much more open-ended and all-inclusive than schooling.Education knows no bounds.It can take place anywhere, whether in the shower or in the job, whether in a kitchen or on a tractor.It includes both the formal learning that takes place in schools and the whole universe of informal learning.The agents of education can range from a revered grandparent to the people debating politics on the radio, from a child to a distinguished scientist.Whereas schooling has a certain predictability, education quite often produces surprises.A chance conversation with a stranger may lead a person to discover how little is known of other religions.People are engaged ineducation from infancy on.Education, then, is a very broad, inclusive term.It is a lifelong proce, a procethat starts long before the start of school, and one that should be an integral part of one\'s entire life.Schooling, on the other hand, is a specific, formalized proce, whose general pattern varies little from one setting to the next.

Throughout a country, children arrive at school at approximately the same time, take aigned seats, are taught by an adult, use similar textbooks, do homework, take exams, and so on.The slices of realitythat are to be learned, whether they are the alphabet or an understanding of the workings of government, have usually been limited by the boundaries of the subject being taught.For example, high school students know thatthey are not likely to find out in their claes the truth about political problems

in their communities or what the newest filmmakers are experimenting with.There are definite conditions surrounding the formalized proce of schooling.


在美国,人们通常认为上学是为了受教育。 而 现在却有人认为孩子们上学打断了他们 受教育的过程。 这种观念中的上学与受教育之间的区别非常重要。

与上学相比,教育更具 开放性,内容更广泛。 教育不受任何限制。 它可以在任何场合下进行,在淋浴时,在工作 时,在厨房里或拖拉机上。

它既包括在学校所受的正规教育,也包括一切非正规教育。 传 授知识的人可以是德高望重的老者,可以是收音机里进行政治辩论的人们,可以是小孩子, 也可以是知名的科学家。 上学读书多少有点可预见性,而教育往往能带来意外的发现。 与 陌生人的一次随意谈话可能会使人认识到自己对其它宗教其实所知甚少。 人们从幼时起就 开始受教育。 因此,教育是一个内涵很丰富的词,它自始至终伴随人的一生,早在人们上 学之前就开始了。

教育应成为人生命中不可缺少的一部分。然而,上学却是一个特定的形 式化了的过程。 在不同场合下,它的基本形式大同小异。 在全国各地,孩子们几乎在同一 时刻到达学校,坐在指定的座位上,由一位成年人传授知识,使用大致相同的教材,做作业, 考试等等。

他们所学的现实生活中的一些片断,如字母表或政府的运作,往往受到科目范 围的限制。

例如,高中生们知道,在课堂上他们没法弄清楚他们社区里政治问题的真情, 也不会了解到最新潮的电影制片人在做哪些尝试。

学校教育这一形式化的过程是有特定的 限制的。

>03TheDefinitionof\"Price\"Prices determine how resources are to be used.They are also the means by which products and services that are inlimited supply are rationed among buyers.The price system of the United States is a complex network composed ofthe prices of all the products bought and sold in the economy as well as those of a myriad of services, including labor, profeional, transportation, and public-utility services.The interrelationships of all these prices makeup the\"system\" of prices.The price of any particular product or service is linked to a broad, complicated system of prices in which everything seems to depend more or le upon everythin else.If one were to ask a group of randomly selected individuals to define \"price\", many would reply that price is anamount of money paid by the buyer to the seller of a product or service or,in other words, that price is the money value of a

product or service as agreed upon in a market transaction.This definition is, of course, valid as far as it goes.For a complete understanding of a price in any particular transaction, much more than the amount of money involved must be known.Both the buyer and the seller should be familiar with not only the money amount, but with the amount and quality of the product or service to be exchanged, the time and place at which the exchange will take place and payment will be made, the form of money to be used, the credit terms and discounts that apply to the transaction, guarantees on the product or service, delivery terms, return privileges, and other factors.Inother words, both buyer and seller should be fully aware of all the factors that comprise the total \"package\" being exchanged for the asked-for amount of money in order that they may evaluate a given price.

\"价格\"的定义 价格决定资源的使用方式。 价格也是有限的产品与服务在买方中的配给 手段。

美国的价格系统是复杂的网状系统,包括经济生活中一切产品买卖的价格,也包括 名目繁多的各种服务,诸如劳动力、专职人员、交通运输、公共事业等服务的价格。

所有 这些价格的内在联系构成了价格系统。 任何一种个别产品或服务的价格都与这个庞大而复杂的系统密切相关,而且或多或少地受到系统中其它成份的制约。如果随机挑选一群人,问

问他们如何定义\"价格\",许多人会回答价格就是根据卖方提供的产品或服务,买方向其付出 的钱数。换句话说,价格就是市场交易中大家认同的产品或服务的货币量。 该定义就其本 身来说自有其道理。但要获得对价格在任何一桩交易中的完整认识,就必须考虑到大量\" 非货币\"因素的影响。 买卖双方不但要清楚交易中的钱数,而且要非常熟悉交易物的质量和 数量,交易的时间、地点,采用哪种形式付款,有怎样的缓付和优惠,对交易物的质量保证、交货条款、退赔权利等等。 也就是说,为了能估算索价,买卖双方必须通晓构成交易物价 格的通盘细节。

>04 Electricity

The modern age is an age of electricity.People are so used to electric lights, radio, televisions, and telephones that it is hard to imagine what life would be like without them.When there is a power failure, people grope about in flickering candlelight, cars hesitate in the streets because there are no traffic lights to guide them, and food spoils in silent Refrigerators.Yet, people began to understand how electricity works only a little more than two centuries ago.Nature hasapparently been experimenting in this field for millions of years.Scientists are discovering more and more that the living world may hold many interesting secrets of electricity that could benefit humanity.All living cells send out tiny pulses of electricity.As the heart beats, it sends out pulses of record; they form an electrocardiogram, which a doctor can study to determine how well the heart is working.The brain, too, sends out brain waves of electricity, which can be recorded in an electroencephalogram.The electric currents generated by most living cells are extremely small -- often so small that sensitive instruments are needed to record them.But in some animals, certain muscle cells have become so specialized as electrical generators that they do not work as muscle cells at all.When large numbers of these cells are linked together, the effects can be astonishing.The electric eel is an amazing storage battery.It can send a jolt of as much as eight hundred volts of electricity through the water in which it lives.(An electric house current is only one hundred twenty volts.) As many as four-fifths of all the cells in the electric eel\'s body are specialized for generating electricity, and the strength of the shock it can deliver corresponds roughly to the length of its body.

电当今时代是电气时代。 人们对电灯、收音机、电视和电话早已司空见惯以致很难想 象没有它们生活会变成什么样。

当停电时,人们在摇曳不定的烛光下暗中摸索; 因没有红 绿灯的指示,汽车在道路上迟疑不前;冰箱也停止工作,导致食物变质。人们只是在两个世

纪前一点才开始了解电的使用原理,自然界却显然在这方面经历过了数百万年。 科学家不 断发现许多生物世界里可能有益于人类的关于电的有趣秘密。所有生物细胞都会发出微小的 电脉冲。

当心脏跳动时,把它发出的脉冲记录下来就成了心电图,这可让医生了解心脏的 工作状况。大脑也发出脑电波,这可在脑电图上记录下来。

许多生物细胞发出的电流都是 极微小的,小到要用灵敏仪器才能记录和测量。 但一些动物的某些肌肉细胞能转化成一个 个发电机,以致完全失去肌肉细胞的功能。

这种细胞大量地连接在一起时产生的效果将是 非常令人吃惊的。电鳗就是一种令人惊异的蓄电池。 它可以在水中发出相当于 800 伏特电 压电流(家庭用户的电压只有 120 伏特)。 在电鳗的身体里,多至五分之四的细胞都专门用 来发电,而且发出的电流的强度大约和它身体的长度成正比。

>05 The Beginning of Drama

There are many theories about the beginning of drama in ancient Greece.The one most widely accepted today is based on the aumption that drama evolved from ritual.The argument for this view goes as follows.In the beginning, human beings viewed the natural forces of the worldas unpredictable, and they sought through various means to control these unknown and feared powers.Those measures which appeared to bring the desired results were then retained and repeated until they hardened into fixed rituals.Eventually stories arose which explained or veiled the mysteries of the rites.As time paed some rituals were abandoned, but the stories, later called myths, persisted and provided material for art and drama.Those who believe that drama evolved out of ritual also argue that those rites contained the seed of theaterbecause music, dance, masks, and costumes were almost always used.Furthermore, a suitable site had to be provided for performances and when the entire community did not participate, a clear division was usually made between the \"acting area\" and the\"auditorium.\" In addition, there were performers, and, since considerable importance was attached to avoiding mistakes in the enactment of rites, religious leaders usually aumed that task.Wearing masks and costumes, they often impersonated other people, animals, or supernatural beings, and mimed the desired effect-- succe in hunt or battle, the coming rain, the revival of the Sun -- as an actor might.Eventually such dramatic representations were separated from religious activities.

Another theory traces the theater\'s origin from the human interest in storytelling.According to this view tales (about the hunt, war, or other feats) are gradually elaborated, at first through the use of impersonation, action, and dialogue by a narrator and then through the aumption of each of the roles by a different person.A closely related theory traces theater to those dances that are primarily rhythmical and gymnastic or that are imitations of animal movements and sounds.戏剧的起源 关于古希腊戏剧的起源存在着多种理论,其中一个最普遍为人接受的理论 假设认为戏剧从仪式演化而来。

这个观点是这样进行论证的:一开始,人类把世界上的自 然力量,甚至季节的变化都看成是不可预料的。 他们试图通过各种方式去控制这些未知的、令人恐惧的力量。 那些似乎带来了满意结果的手段就被保留下来并且重复直到这些手段固 化为不变的仪式,最后产生了能够解释或者掩盖这些仪式神秘性的故事。随着时间的推移, 一些仪式被废弃了,但这些后来被称作神话的故事流传下来并且为艺术和戏剧提供了素材。 认为戏剧从仪式演化而来的人们还认为那些仪式包含了戏剧的基本因素,因为音乐、舞蹈、面具和服装几乎经常被使用,而且,必须为演出提供一个合适的地点;如果不是整个社区共 同参加演出,经常在\"演出区\"和\"观众席\"之间划分出明显的分界。

另外,仪式中还有演员, 而且宗教领袖通常承担演出任务,因为在仪式的执行中避免错误的发生被认为有相当大的重 要性;他们经常带着面具,穿着服装象演员那样扮演其它人、动物或超自然的生灵,用动作来表演以达到所需要的效果,比如打猎的成功或战斗的胜利、将至的雨、太阳的复活。 最 后这些戏剧性的表演从宗教活动中分离了出来。

另一个追溯戏剧起源的理论认为它来自人 们对叙述故事的兴趣。 根据这个观点,故事(关于狩猎、战争或者其它伟绩)是逐渐丰富起 来的。 首先通过一个讲解人来运用模仿、表演和对话,然后再由不同的人扮演各自的角色; 另一个与之紧密相关的理论将戏剧的起源追溯至舞蹈,这些舞蹈大体上是有节奏感的和体操 式的那一类,或者是对动物动作和声音的模仿。


