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日语考试必备 三级词汇必读名词部分

1、だいがくせい 【 大学生 】


2、たいふう 【 台風 】


台風がだんだん九州に近付いてきた / 台风越来越接近九州。

3、ちから 【 力 】

①体力,力量 力がある / 有力量


筆の力 / 文章的威力


力を集中する / 集中精力

④效力,作用 目に見えない力 / 看不见的效力

⑤努力,尽力 みんなの力で成功した / 由于大家的努力而成功了

4、ちず 【 地図 】


地図で探す / 用地图寻找

5、てんいん 【 店員 】


6、とおり 【 通り 】

①大街,马路 私のうちは通りに面している / 我家临街


自動車の通りが激しくて危ない / 来往汽车太多,危险

③流通,通顺 この部屋は風の通りがいい / 这个房间通风很好

④一样,同样 本物通りの贋物 / 和真品一模一样的赝品

7、にゅうがく 【 入学 】


来年、弟は小学校に入学する / 明年,弟弟上小学

8、はつおん 【 発音 】


英語の発音を練習する / 练习英语发音

9、はなみ 【 花見 】


10、ひるま 【 昼間 】


昼間のうちに仕事をやってしまおう / 在白天里把工作作完。

11、ひるやすみ 【 昼休み 】


昼休みの時間 / 午休时间

12、まんなか 【 真ん中 】

正中,正当中 部屋の真ん中に座る / 坐在屋子中间

13、ゆうはん 【 夕飯 】


夕飯にしよう / 吃晚饭吧

14、ようじ 【 用事 】

事情 急な用事ができたので帰らねばならなくなった / 因为出了急事,我非回家不可

15、ようふく 【 洋服 】

西服 注文の洋服 / 定做的西服

練習:次の文の __ のところに何を入れますか。から一番いいものを一つ選びなさい。

一、となりの家の子供に電車の __ をあげたら、とてもよろこんだ。





二、大事なものはつくえの __ にしまったほうがいいですよ。





三、あのビルはへんな __ をしていますね。ふねのようです。





16、あじ 【 味 】

①味道 味をつける / 加佐料

②趣味 , 妙处 読書の味 / 读书的乐趣

③滋味 , 甜头 味を占める / 得了甜头

17、おわり 【 終わり 】

①终了 , 末尾 , 结局 初めから終わりまで / 从头到尾 , 自始至终

②末期 この世の終わり / 今生的晚年

18、かいわ 【 会話 】

会话 , 对话 かいわを練習する / 练习会话

19、かじ ( で家が焼けた ) 【 火事 】

火灾 火事にあう / 遭受火灾

20、きもち 【 気持ち 】

①心情 , 情绪 , 心境 何とも言えない気持ち / 说不上来的一种心情

②精神状态 , 胸怀 , 心神 気持ちが落ち着かない / 心神不定

③舒服 , 舒适 今日は気持ちがどうですか / 今天身体舒服吗 ?

21、きもの 【 着物 】

衣服 , 衣着 着物を着る / 穿衣服

22、こたえ 【 答え 】

①回答 , 答复 はっきりした答えをする / 做出明确的回答 ②答案 答えを出す / 解答

23、しけん 【 試験 】

①实验 , 化验 ②考试 , 测验 入学試験 / 入学考试

24、したぎ 【 下着 】

贴身衣服 , 内衣 下着を取り替える / 换贴身衣服

25、しゃちょう 【 社長 】

公司经理 , 总经理

26、( 一 ) しゅうかん 【 週間 】

一个星期 , 一个礼拜 週間天気予報 / 一周天气预报

27、しゅじん 【 主人 】

①家长 , 一家之主 主人を呼びなさい / 叫你们家长来

②丈夫 , 爱人 主人はただいま留守です / 我丈夫现在不在家

③主人 , 老板

28、しょうがつ 【 正月 】

①正月 ②新年 正月を迎える / 迎新年

29、しょくじ 【 食事 】

饭 , 食物 , 吃饭 日に三度食事をする / 一日三餐

30、すいどう 【 水道 】

①自来水 ( 管 ) 水道代 / 自来水费 ②航道 , 航路











































































































30) どんなに~ても(でも)























































30) どんなに~ても(でも)


















~比~更~ 4)AとBとでは、どちら が~ですか/AとBとどつらが~ですか


A和B哪个~ 5)~(の中)では、何がいちばん~ですか



~和~和~,哪个/什么地方/什么时候/那种,最~ 7)~のあいで/あとで~する


~之后/稍后再~ 8)~たあとで



1、表示在许多动作中,列举1、2例说明 又~又~,一会~一会~


~之类的 10)~ほうがいい


还是~为好 11)~ませんか


~吗? 12)だから/ですから

表示原因或理由 所以~ 13)けれども/けれど/だが/しかし

表示逆态连接 虽然~但是~,可是~ 14)~かもしれまい


也许~ 15)く(に)なる/く(に)する





表示主观作用于某事物而使其发生变化 把~弄成~,使~成为~ 16)~さ/~み

使形容词或形容动词名词化 17)ください

一般用于请或要求对方做某事 请给我~ 18)て型

略 19)ばかり

1、表示数量次数特别多 尽~,只~






表示一个动作之后,在进行另一个动作 21)~てみる




~完了,~光了,~了 23)~ておく


~预先,让它~ 24)~てほしい/~てもらいたい


请(你)~ 日语学习日语能力考试三级语法汇总

(二) 25)~てくる




~起来了 26)~ていく




趋于~ 27)たとえ~ても


即使~也~ 28)~てもいい

表示许可 可以~ 29)~てはいけない


不可以~,不准~ 30) どんなに~ても(でも)


无论怎么~都~,无论怎么~也~ 31)いくら~ても(でも)

和30)相同 无论怎么~都~ 32)~やすい/~にくい


容易~,好~;难~,不容易~ 33)~かた(方)


~法 34)~だす


开始~,~起来 35)~すぎる


过于~ 36)~ながら


边~边~,一面~一面~ 37)~しかない




只能~ 38)~おかげで



39)授受动词やる/あげる/差し上げる、もらう/いただく、くれる/くださる 40)~ため(に)




因为~所以~ 41)~つもり

表示有做某事的意志后打算 打算~ 42)~まま


~着 43)~し

1、表示列举若干事物后现象 即~又~,也~也~


~又~,即~又~ 44)~だろう/でしょう

1、表示推测 ~吧




肯定~吧 45)~中(ちゅう、じゅう)/しゅう

表示动作正在进行 正在~ 46)とき


~时 47)场所


~的场合 48)~できる



2、表示新的事物或者现象的出现或结束 建成~,出现~,出生~,作好~ 日语学习日语能力考试三级语法汇总

(三) 49)~する(~がする/~*している/~にする)






















表示突然转换话题 但是~,对了~











表示两者选一 是~还是~


表示承接前项的原因,叙述后项的结果 所以~


表示即使是前项的情况,也还是出现了后项的结果 尽管如此~


虽然前项如此,却出现后项的情况,带有不满,埋怨等的语气 52)とか

表示部分列举或并列 ~啦~啦 53)こと(~ことにする/~ことになる)






决定~,结果~,规定~ 54)~うちに

1、表示在某状态变化之前进行某种行为 趁~

2、表示在某期间发生了开始没有的情况 在~的过程中 55)~ないで/~なくて

前句表示前提或状态 不~而~

表示并列或原因 不是~而是~,不~而~ 56)~な


不要~,不可~ 57)~おきに

表示在一定的时间间隔,反复出现后项 每隔~ 58)~ずつ

1、表示反复固定的数量 各~

2、同样的平均分配 各~,每~ 59)传闻助动词そうだ 60)みたいだ/ようだ





3、表示列举 向~那样


表示有根据有理由的判断 好象~ 62)まるで~のようだ 表示目的 为了~ 63)~のようだ

表示列举 向~那样 64)~ようになる

表示发生了以前没有的变化或状况的转变 变的~,已经开始~ 65)~ようにする

表示为了到达ように前面的目标而努力 争取~,为了~,希望~ 66)~ように言う

表示劝告,建议或转告的内容 希望~ 67)~ようとしたとき

表示正处于即将进行某动作或行为的时候 刚要~的时候 68)はず

表示理应如此 理应~,该~ 69)のに


70)たとえば 表示举例 比如~ 71)または

表示两者选一 ~或~

72)ただし 用于补充说明前句的例外事项 但是~









例子:兄は 今日、鞄を 持たずに いえをでました。














20.(动词连用形)+たい(です)(或たいと思う)/表示说话人自己的愿望 21.(动词连用形)+たがる/表示第三人称的愿望




25.(动词连用形)+ てもかまいません(或てもかまわない)/表示许可,允许。相当于“„也没关系”









34.(名词、用言终止形、形容动词词干)+ かもしれません(或かもしれない)表示“也许„„”;“或许„„”;“说不定„„”等







日语考试必备 三级词汇必读动词部分


2、[wj]つける[/wj]【付ける】 安装上;穿上,带上;写上,记上;定价;抹上,涂上;靠拢;使跟随;尾随,盯梢;附上,添加;打分,起名;掌握,学好;建立,解决

3、[wj]なれる[/wj]【慣れる】 习惯,习以为常;熟练

4、[wj]にる[/wj]【似る】 象,似,类似


6、[wj]ひっこす[/wj]【引っ越す】 搬家,搬迁,迁居

7、[wj]ふえる[/wj]【増える】 增加,增多

8、[wj]ふとる[/wj]【太る】 发福;发财,增加


10、[wj]まちがえる[/wj]【間違える】 弄错,搞错,做错

11、[wj]まにあう[/wj]【間に合う】 赶得上,来得及;有用,起作用;够用,过得去

12、[wj]もどる[/wj]【戻る】 返回,回到;倒退,折回;回家;归还,退回

13、[wj]もらう[/wj] 领取,接受,获得;收养;承担,接受;拿下来

14、[wj]やむ[/wj]【止む】(自) 停止,终止;已

15、[wj]やめる[/wj]【止める】(他) 停止,放弃,取消,作罢



















18、(席が) [wj]あく[/wj]【空く】空,空出,腾出,离开;开始












30、(役に) [wj]たつ[/wj]【立つ】站,立;冒出,上升;奋起;刺,扎;显露,传出;成立;维持;站的住脚;位于,处于;开始;激动,激昂;明确,分明;有用;嘹亮,响亮



















三级, 词汇, 考试, 能力

응 [名] 是, yes (非敬语) 한 시간 정도 [名] 一个小时左右

가능한 시간 [名] 可能的时间

변명 [名] 狡辩

영화 배우 [名] 电影演员

기억 [名] 记忆

해외영업부 [名] 海外营业部

지원 [名] 支持, 协助

여름용 이불 [名] 夏季用被子

종류 [名] 种类

사용법 [名] 使用方法

선택 [名] 选择

한국의 음식 문화 [名] 韩国的饮食文化식사 예절 [名] 饮食礼仪

전통 문화 [名] 传统文化

생활 예절 [名] 生活礼仪

조금 후 [名] 过一会儿

장학금 [名] 奖学金

주인공 [名] 主人公

무용수 [名] 舞蹈演员

원서 [名] 原件, 申请表

최고 [名] 最高

자신 [名] 自己

치료 [名] 治疗

중단 [名] 中断

믿음 [名] 信任

의지 [名] 意志

포기하다 [名] 抛弃

산꼭대기 [名] 山顶

휴게소 [名] 休息室

가사 [名] 歌词

옛날 [名] 以前, 过去, 很久以前

유행 [名] 流行

노래 몇 곡 [名] 几首歌曲

결혼 기념일 [名] 结婚纪念日

관람객 [名] 观众

양복 [名] 西服

건축 이론 [名] 建筑理论

예술적 감각 [名] 艺术感觉

건축가 [名] 建筑师

미술 [名] 美术

감사 편지 [名] 感谢信

졸업식 [名] 毕业典礼

더위 [名] 暑热, hotne 통신 [名] 通信

통화 요금 [名] 电话费, 通话费

인테넷 [名] 互联网, internet 국제 전화 [名] 国际电话

흡연량 [名] 吸烟量

종착역 사무실 [名] 终点站办公室

분실 [名] 遗失

유실물 센터 [名] 遗失物中心

절약 [名] 节约

자연스럽게 [副] 自然地

실천 [名] 实践

잡지사 [名] 杂志社

과거의 미인 [名] 过去的美人

뚱뚱하다 [形] 肥胖的

유명한 사람 [名] 有名的人

공기 [名] 空气

충분한 [形] 充分的

빗길 [名] 下雨的路

한강대교 [名] 汉江大桥

김모 [名] 金某, 表示姓金的人

목숨을 잃다 死亡 (通常都指非正常死亡, 比如交通事故)

운전 면허증 [名] 驾驶证

늦은 밤 [名] 深夜

높은 곳 [名] 高处

활기 [名] 活力

농구 선수 [名] 篮球选手

고아원 [名] 孤儿院

관심과 사랑 [名] 关心和爱

가로등 [名] 路灯

쓰레기 [名] 垃圾

바깥 [名] 外面

낚시꾼 [名] 钓鱼的人

즐거움 [名] 快乐, happine

종종 [副] 有时候, 偶尔, occasionally 기회 [名] 机会

반복 [名] 反复

자전거 [名] 自行车

부끄러운 일 丢脸的事情, 不好意思的事情

매체 [名] 媒体

겸손하다 [形] 谦虚

소중한 선물 [名] 宝贵的礼物

실망하다 [形] 失望

순간의 실수 [名] 瞬间的失误

음력 [名] 阴历

단오 [名] 端午

설 [名] 元旦

추석 [名] 秋夕

명절 [名] 节日

씨름 [名] 摔跤

그네 타기 [名] 荡秋千

황소 [名] 大黄牛

풍습 [名] 风俗

부채 [名] 扇子

무료 [名] 免费

최신 기능 [名] 最新功能

불안 [名] 不安

장점 [名] 长处, 优点

낙천적 [形] 乐观的

비관적 [形] 悲观的

소극적 [形] 消极的

적극적 [形] 积极的

오히려 [副] 反而, rather than 화창하다 [名] (天气)风和日丽

적성 [名] 赤诚

봉사 [名] 服务, 奉献

강조하다 [形] 强调

컴퓨터 게임 [名] 电脑游戏, computer game

어깨가 무겁다 肩上的担子重, 压力大 (这是一个比喻) 정이 들다 喜欢

무엇보다도 [名] 最, 햇볕 [名] 阳光

추리 소설 [名] 推理小说

소설가 [名] 小说家

한산하다 [形] 悠闲, 从容不迫

서울 근교 [名] 首尔近郊

올 겨울 [名] 今年冬天

종이 비행기 [名] 纸飞机

드레스 [名] 衣服, dre 성공 여부 [名] 成功与否

서적 [名] 书籍

동영상 [名] (电脑)视频

테니스 [名] 网球

축구 경기 [名] 足球比赛 출장 [名] 出差

유익한 경험 [名] 有益的经验

발이 아주 넓다 [名] 比喻活动范围广阔

용서하다 [动] 饶恕

가입하다 [动] 加入

별로인 것 같다 不怎么样, 一般

갈비 [名] 排骨

동해 [名] 东海

찬성 [名] 赞成

복잡한 거리 [名] 复杂的道路

양쪽 [名] 两边

입장 [名] 立场

자연 [名] 自然

개업 1주년 기념 [名] 开业一周年纪念

전국 [名] 全国

숙식료 [名] 食宿费

홈페이지 [名] 个人主页, homepage 노점상 [名] 地摊, 摊贩

화장품 [名] 化妆品

피부 [名] 皮肤

녹음 테이프 [名] 录音磁带

교환 [名] 交换

현대 미술 [名] 现代美术

전통 음악 [名] 传统音乐

준비 운동 [名] 准备运动

효과 [名] 效果

필요성 [名] 必要性

떡방 [名] 打糕店

케이크 [名] 蛋糕, cake

가벼운 운동 [名] 轻微的运动

수리 중 [名] 修理中

배달 [名] 配送

무관심한다 [形] 不关心的

장마 [名] 雨季

여러 종류 [名] 各种品种

관리비 [名] 管理费

바둑 [名] 围棋

극단 [名] 剧团 관객 [名] 观众

길거리 [名] 街道

설명회 [名] 说明会

효과적인 방법 [名] 有效的方法

어학원 [名] 语言学院

문화 체험 [名] 文化体验

동네 [名] 村庄, 邻居们

과거와 현재 [名] 过去和现在


电梯(这个词的来源是汉语的升降机, 엘리베이터是来自美语的elevator

还有一个较生僻的单词是리프트, 英国人把电梯叫做lift) *


전기 관리 시스템 [名] 用电管理系统

정전 [名] 停电

교사 [名] 教师

비율 [名] 比率

중학교 [名] 初中

퍼센트 [名] 百分比, percent 한 바퀴 [名] 一圈

과학 [名] 科学

개미 [名] 蚂蚁

꼬마 [名] 小鬼(称呼可爱的小孩) 요요 [名] yoyo球

장남감 [名] 玩具

무릎 [名] 膝盖

서류 [名] 文档

화가 나다 生气, 发怒

관공서 [名] 国家机关

전화국 [名] 电话局

고통 [名] 痛苦

스트레스 [名] 压力, stre 동호회

[名] 协会 (因共同的兴趣成立的组织) 직장인 [名] 上班族

경제적이다 [形] 经济的, 节约的

출퇴근 [名] 上下班

단짝 [名] 好朋友

야간 열차 [名] 夜间列车

값싼 여관 [名] 便宜的旅馆

하룻밤 [名] 一夜

종아리 [名] 小腿肚子

수업 시간 [名] 上课时间

도시락 [名] 便当, 饭盒

글쓴이 [名] 作者, 笔者

서러움 [名] 伤感(名词型) 그리움 [名] 怀念(名词型) 외로움 [名] 孤独(名词型) 괴로움 [名] 痛苦(名词型) 개선하다 [动] 改善

재료 [名] 资料, 材料

세계화 [名] 世界化, 全球化

반말 [名] 用非敬语说话

존경하다 [形] 尊敬

인생 [名] 人生

장래 [名] 将来

서운하다 [形] 遗憾, 可惜

창피하다 [形] 丢脸, 蒙羞

다정하다 [形] 亲切的

상쾌하다 [形] 明快的

엄격하다 [形] 严厉的, 严格的

솔직하다 [形] 诚实的

궁금하다 [形] 好奇

등록하다 [动] 注册, 登陆

참석하다 [动] 出席, 参加

근무하다 [动] 工作

출근하다 [动] 上班, 出勤

특기 [名] 特殊技能

책임 [名] 责任

알뜰하다 [形] 勤俭

초대장 [名] 请帖

운동화 끈 [名] 运动鞋 鞋带

피로 [名] 疲劳

무리하다 [形] 毫无道理, 超过正常的界限 불리하다 [形] 不利的

영리하다 [形] 伶俐的

시험에 붙다 [名] 通过考试

규칙 [名] 规则

거짓말 [名] 谎言

도전의 기회 [名] 挑战的机会

야구 방망이 [名] 棒球棒

최선을 다하다 尽最大努力

도로 [名] 道路

부탁하다 [动] 嘱托

장애인 [名] 残疾人

별명 [名] 外号

장점과 단점 [名] 优点和缺点

불우 이웃 [名] 不幸的邻居

화장지 [名] (洗手间的)手纸

부모의 역할 [名] 父母的作用

부모의 뜻 [名] 父母的意见

짝사랑 [名] 单相思

선풍기 [名] 电风扇

교육적 효과 [名] 教育性的效果

치료적 효과 [名] 治疗性的效果

야채 [名] 野菜

쓰레기장 [名] 垃圾场

능력 [名] 能力

[名] 同事, 同僚

건조하다 [形] 干燥的

우승 [名] 取胜, 冠军

[名] 禁烟

센터 [名] 中心, center 깨지다 [动] 粉碎, 碎了

독자 [名] 读者

연락처 [名] 联络处

기상청 [名] 气象厅

태풍 [名] 台风

절 [名] 寺庙

피아니스트 [名] 钢琴家, pianist 피아노 [名] 钢琴

치약 사용 설명서 [名] 牙膏使用说明书

응급실 [名] 急救室

구급차 [名] 急救车

이탈리아 [名] 意大利

탑 [名] 塔

외로운 생활 [名] 孤独的生活

서랍장 [名] 抽屉柜

손잡이 [名] 手把

짜증 [名] 发牢骚, 不高兴

수리 기사 [名] 修理工

말다툼 [名] 吵架

식욕 [名] 食欲

양념 [名] 调料

회단보도 [名] 斑马线, 横断步行道

컵 [名] 杯子, cup 의사소통 [名] 沟通

반대 [名] 相反

지루하다 [形] 沉闷的, 乏味的

혼나다 [动] 经历困难, 受惊

드디여 [副] 终于

고급 [名] 高级

현관문 [名] 前门, 入口

찬물 [名] 凉水 얼음물 [名] 冰水




a demand bill 即期汇票a guide to international direct dialing 国际直播电话指南 a laser printer 激光打印机abbreviations used in the dictionary 字典里运用的缩写 accounts receivable 应收帐accounts payable 应付账

actual stuff 现货acknowledgement of order 确认订单

advertising agent 广告代理商agriculture policy 农业政策

annual reports 年度报告antenna 天线

Appeal Body 上诉机构application letters 申请函

aurance company 保险公司astronaut 宇航员

authorized signature 授权签字average income平均收入

best-seller 畅销品balance of payments 国际收支差额表

board of directors 董事会balance of international payment 国际收支平衡 bound level 约束水平broadband technology 宽带技术

busine management 企业管理buy in installments 分期付款购买

calculator 计算器campus-wide area network 校园网络

cancel an account 注销账户capital stock 股本

carry on busine 营业cartridge 墨盒

cash price 现金价格casual expense 临时费用

character 字符circuit 电路、线路

closing price 收盘价cla of busine 业务范围、业务种类

closing words 结束语code 代码

collection letters 催款函command 指令、命令

common stock 普通股common busine abbreviations 常用商务缩写 communication proce 交流过程commodity supply volume 商品供应量

company home office 公司本部competitive mechanism 竞争机制

complaint letters 投诉信computer language 计算机语言

confirmation 确认connecting to the internet 网络连接

credit card 信用卡currencies of the world 世界货币

currency banking science 货币学current account 活期存款账户

current deposit 活期存款current money 通用货币

current prices of stock 证券行市customs duties 关税

customs formalities 海关手续customs tariff 关税率

cyber busine 网上贸易cyber café 网巴

cyber space 网络空间cyber world 网络世界

data proceing 数据处理dial-in acce 拨号上网

digital computer 数字计算机disc, disk 磁盘

display unit 显示装置download 下载

e-commerce 电子商务e-currency 电子货币

economic law 经济法electronic bulletin board 电子公告板

electronics 电子学emerging industries 新兴产业

encryption technology 加密技术entertainment and sports 娱乐和体育

equipment management 设备管理explanatory notes 注释

exploring your computer 浏览计算机

feasibility reports 可行性报告factory price, manufacturer’s price 出厂价

feedback and evaluation 反馈与评价financial management 财务管理

fixed deposit 定期储蓄fixed price 固定价格

food security 食品安全foot an account 结账

free article 免税品free delivery 免费邮递

free publicity 免费宣传full payment 全额付款

full returns 全额退款gas purifier 煤气净化器

general surgery 普通外科general policy condition 保险单一般规定

giving quotation 开价government and public affairs 政府和公众事务 government bonds 政府证券graphic designer 美术设计员

group baggage 团体行李gro income, gro earnings 总收入

high rate savings 高息储蓄height above sea level 海拔高度

home market 国内市场human resource management 人力资源管理

human rights, rights of man 人权income and expenditure 支出和收入

identity card 身份证receipts and expenditure支出和收入

output and input支出和收入income tax 所得税

information material 情报资料information media 情报载体

information science 情报学information storage 情报储存

inline proceing 内处理inland/home/domestic/internal/interior trade国内贸易 integrated circuit 集成电路intellectual property rights 知识产权

international situation 国际形势international busine law 国际商法

international trade 国际贸易International Development Aociation 国际开发协会 international waters 国际水域International Monetary Found 国际货币基金组织 investigative reports 调查报告international public relations 国际公共关系

iron and steel industry 钢铁工业investment in non-productive projects 非生产性计划投资 irrevocable credit 不可撤销信用证job proceing 作业处理

keyboard 键盘language conversion program 语言转换程序 latency time 等待时间large capacity storage 大容量存储器

legal problems 法律问题letter shift 字母移位

library 库、程序库limited company 有限公司

line advance 换行liquid crystal display 液晶显示器

log-in 注册、登记log-off 注销

luminance 亮度machine language 机器语言

magnetic storage 磁存储器magnetic tape 磁带

maritime resources 海洋资源management information systems 管理信息系统 market acce 市场转让maritime transportation insurance 海洋运输保险 market price 市场价marketing management 营销管理

marriage certificate 结婚证书maximum/ceiling price 最高价

means of liquidity 流动方式mechanization of farming 农业机械化

miner’s/safety lamp 矿灯、安全灯minimum price 最低价

Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Co-operation 对外贸易经济合作部

Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunications 信息产业部

Ministry of Labor and Social Security 劳动和社会保障部

Ministry of Land and Natural Resources 国土资源部

Ministry of Civil Affairs 民政部Ministry of Communications 交通部

Ministry of Construction 建设部Ministry of Culture 文化部

Ministry of Finance 财政部Ministry of Health 卫生部

Ministry of Justice 司法部Ministry of Personnel 人事部

Ministry of Public Security 公安部Ministry of Supervision 监察部

Ministry of Water Resources 水利部miscarriage of justice 审判不当、误判

monthly payment 月付款money/postal order 汇票、汇单

mutual non-aggreion 互不侵犯national boundary 国界

national highway 国道national income 国民收入

natural calamities 自然灾害national public servant 国家公务员

net income 净收入net price 净价、实价

news media 新闻媒体night shift 夜班

nonretroactive character 不咎既往性 on account 赊帐

open market 公开市场on-line research services 在线搜索服务

only valid in this country 国内有效operating costs 生产费用、营业成本

opening price 开盘operating expenses 营业费用

operations management 生产管理optical character reader 光符阅读机

operating instructions 操作指南optical scanner 光扫描仪

organized tour 组团旅游original accumulation 原始积累

overhead costs 营业间接成本overhead expenses 间接费用

package design 包装设计paid vacation 带薪假期

paper measures 纸张规格parcel list 包裹单

paenger cabin 客舱paive aets 固定资产

patent article 专利品payment in arrears, outstanding payment 拖欠款项 peaceful coexistence 和平共处permanent worker 长期工、固定工

personal computer 个人计算机personal property 个人财产

personal agency 职业介绍所personnel testing 员工考核

petition for a reprieve 缓刑起诉书physical geography 自然地理

piece price, unit price 单位价格piecework 计件工作

plastic surgery hospital 整形外科医院platform bridge 天桥

pleasure trip 游览、漫游port of registry 船籍港

postage paid 邮资已付power on 接通电源

preferential price 优惠价presiding judge 首席法官

price control 物价控制price fall 价格下降

price fixing 限定价格price free on board 船上交货价

price freeze 价格冻结price index 物价指数

printed matter 印刷品proceing unit 处理部门

public health nurse 保健护士public lavatory 公共厕所

public notice 公告public prosecutor 公诉人、检察官

public servants 公务员purchase price 买价、进货价格

mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity 互相尊重主权和领土完整

mutual understanding and mutual accommodation 互谅互让

quality aurance 质量保证quality determination 质量鉴定

quality specification 质量标准queer transaction 不正当交易

radio beacon 无线电导航台radio engineering/technology 无线电技术

radio frequency 无线电广播频率radio receiver/set/receiving set/wirele 收音机 radio station 广播站radio transmiion 无线电广播

railway system/network 铁路系统raise a loan 借款

raise funds 筹款real estate 不动产

refund/repayment 归还、调换证券registered office/head office 总公司、总部 registered trademark 注册商标

release on bail 保释

repeal resciion 撤消(判决)

resident physician 住院医生

retail price 零售价

rise in price 价格上涨

risk management 风险管理

rule of three 比例法

sale by auction 拍卖

sale price 销售价格

sales representative 销售代表

sealed container 密封集装箱

seasonal demand 季节性需求

selector 选择器

sentinel 标记

sequence 序列、顺序

serial 串行的、连续的

settle account 结帐

share broker 股票经纪人

shared memory 共享存储器

shift 移位、移数

side benefit 附带条件

side effect 副作用

signal 信号

simulator 模拟器

software 软件

sort 分类、排序

speaker 扬声器

stock exchange 证券交易所

stock market 证券市场

storage 存储器

symbolic language 符号语言

table expenses 伙食费

table top computer 台式计算机

taking notes 记录留言

registration form 登记表 release on parole 假释 research and analysis 研究与分析 residential hotel 公寓旅馆 return ticket 往返票 right-angled triangle 直角三角形 role of departments 部门职能 sacrifice sale 亏本出售 sale for cash 现金交易 sales letters 推销信 sampling public opinion 公共意见抽样调查 scanning control register 扫描控制寄存器 secondary market 二级市场self-service cafeteria 自助餐厅separator 分隔符sequential 顺序的service request 服务器请求 settled income 固定收入 share holder 股东shift of responsibility 推卸责任shifting charge 装卸费side condition 限制条件、副条件side wind 间接影响simulation 模拟single instruction execute 单指令执行social and cultural agencies 社会与文化机构sorter 分类人员、分类程序standard interface 标准接口stock investment 股票投资stock transfer 股份转让switch 开关system compatibility test 系统兼容测试table of price 价格标take stock 盘货、点清存货target return 目标利润

tax bureau 税务局tax loophole 税法漏洞

tax-free 免税的technical know-how transfer 技术转让

technology-intensive 技术密集的terminal area distribution 终端区域分布处理 terminal unit 终端设备through train 直达列车

ticket agency 售票代理处time sharing 分时

time wage 计时工资timer 计时器

timing 定时to load 装入、加载

to proce 处理to raise to the power of five 使乘五次方 to store 存储to update 更新

track 磁道tracking program 跟踪程序

trade mark 商标transducer 传感器、翻译机

transportation busine 运输业translator writing system 翻译程序编写系统 trial period 试用期trustee fee 托管费

ultimate production 总产品typewriter output routine 打字机输出程序 umbrella project 大型项目underwriting contract 证券包销合同 unified brand 统一商标upper case 大写字母

user area 用户区user file directory 用户文件目录

vending machine 自动售货机using Multiple Monitors 使用多功能监视器 video display unit 视频显示器vocational bureau 职业介绍所

volume of trade 贸易额voice data proceing system 声音数据处理系统 warrant money 保证金voice mail for all staff 教工语音信箱 watered stock 掺水股wholesale dealer 批发商

wholesale market 批发市场wholesale price 批发价

work force 劳动力working capital 流动资金

working storage 工作存储器World Bank 世界银行

writing contract书面合同writing report 书面报告

yearly budget 年度预算yearly income 年度收入

zero balance 收支平衡Zero Economic Growth (ZEG) 经济零增长 the Global Environment and International Busine 跨国企业和全球环境

non-interference in each other’s internal affairs 互不干涉内政



Vocabulary and Structure

Directions: There are many incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.l.After it was all over, it ______ that both of us were pleased with the bargain.A.turned out

B.turned around

C.turned up

D.turned about

2.The name of the dead man will not be released until his relatives have been_____.


3.The company ______ a 12% decline in new orders as evidence that overall demand for its products was falling.

A.includedB.affordedC.cited4.We must ______ on our reputation to expand the busine.


A.improveB.buildC.developD.weigh 5.None of the servants were _______when Mr.Smith wanted to send a meage.A.availableB.approachableC.attainable6.He’s good but not ______ for the team — no players is.


A.alternativeB.suspiciousC.indispensable D.desirable 7.Croing the North Pole on foot was an amazing feat of human ______.A.functionB.actingC.attemptsD.endeavor8.The rise in violent crime is one of the more worrying ______ of the current situation.A.aspects




9.The store displayed its most ______ products in the front widow.A.modelB.presentC.distinctiveD.favorite 10.Cancer is second only _______heart disease as a cause of death.A.ofB.toC.withD.from A.jump up

B.strike outD.become excited B.quite usele D.quite unprepared

C.burst into a sudden rage

A.at a price much lower than the original cost C.rather uncertain

A.I’ll go with you

B.I’ll stay behind

D.I’ll not prevent you from going C.I feel confused D.I feel pity C.resumed

D.granted D.frightened

C.I’ll go my own wayA.I’m shocked A.pretendedA.ordered

13.She said to her newly-married husband, “If you want to go to the front, 14.With a school record like yours I’m puzzled why you didn’t try for a university scholarship?

B.I’m amazedB.supposedB.forced

15.Jack came to the party with a young woman, whom I aumed to be his girl friend.16.He had been compelled to give up much of his time to housework.


A.went past me A.get the jobA.strange to

B.avoided meC.ignored meD.went away from me D.finish the job

18.You’ll catch on to the job after you’ve been here awhile.

B.become able to do the job C.like the jobB.odd to

19.That way of speaking is peculiar to people in this part of the country.

C.characteristic of D.particular about

20.It is difficult to keep up a conversation with someone who only says “Yes” or “No”.A.to continueB.to startC.to hold upD.to stir up 21.The company ________ several major changes in the last decade.A.attributedB.distributedC.underwent22.He’s ________ to fail the exam if he doesn’t do any revision.A.linked



23.Two points in this report are especially ________ of notice.A.worthB.worthyC.worthwhile

D.undertook D.fastened D.worthle

24.They’ve had to ________ tomorrow’s football match because of the bad weather.A.supplyB.cancelC.acquireD.fulfill 25.Canada is one of the countries that are rich in natural ________.A.sourcesB.environmentsC.originsD.resources 26.70,000 tons of ________ oil has poured out of the damaged tanker into the sea.A.crudeB.rawC.rough27.He has suffered a ________ heart attack—nothing too serious.


A.modestB.mediumC.mildD.mature 28.He suddenly felt a(n) ________ pain in the lower part of his back.A.intenseB.thoughtfulC.originalD.private

29.It used to be ________ impoible to find Chinese restaurants outside the major cities, but it’s much easier now.A.eventuallyB.physically



30.Bill is a journalist who is not content to simply record the ________ facts.A.frankB.bareC.aliveD.liable 31.What you do should be ________ with what you say.

A.multipleB.perceptiveC.cooperativeD.consistent 32.The bus came to a(n) ________ just in time to avoid hitting the wall.


33.I think we should put as much ________ on preventing diseases as we do on curing it.A.importanceB.emphasisC.significance 34.The police officer asked to see my driving ________.A.board



D.analysis D.principle

35.Many women cannot apply for the top jobs because of ________ commitments.A.sensitiveB.typicalC.effectiveD.domestic 36.The situation today is obviously quite different from ________ it was 50 years ago.A.whatB.whenC.whichD.such 37.It was not until he arrived at the station ________ he realized he had forgotten his ticket.A.beforeB.whenC.thatD.after 38.________, I hardly think I would have recognized him.

A.Should his name not be mentionedB.Had someone not mentioned his name

C.If someone did not mention his nameD.If his name were not mentioned 39.When he awoke, he found himself ________ by an old woman.A.looked after B.be looked afterC.being looked after D.to be looked after 40.Last year Peter earned ________ his brother, though his brother has a better position.A.twice as many as

B.twice as much as

C.twice than

D.twice as more as

41.Our time is running out and I think we ought to say something about the ending of the novel.A.We have enough time

B.We have almost used up our time D.Our time is limited C.excite

D.encourage D.continued D.help us D.are creating D.increased D.gathered together D.signals D.derail

C.We haven’t enough timeA.refresh


A.startedB.canceled A.adapt us

C.postponedC.put us upC.are avoiding C.reduced

B.put up with usB.are going to have B.simulatedB.huddled B.matters B.stop

45.If you aociate with such people, I’A.are makingA.stimulatedA.resembledA.meansA.arrive

47.It was here that the scattered forces of the revolution aembled in the autumn of 1928.

C.concentrated C.reaches C.leave

48.What is amounts to is simply that he is not willing to give us his support.49.The train will depart from Platform 2 at 3:45 on Tuesday morning.

A.poibleB.practicableC.probableD.permiible 51.A branch floating in the water ____ Columbus\' hopes that land was near.

A.gave way to B.gave rise toC.came into being D.spoke for itself 52.A computer ____ the most useful of machines.A.is looked upon as B.looks asC.looks upon as D.is looked as 53.Jane was ____ by the singer\'s sweet voice.A.take awayB.walked away

C.carried away

D.brought away

54.This year the factory turned ____twice as many bicycles as it did last year.A.clownB.offC.toD.out 55.George could not ____his foolish mistake.A.account inB.count on56.The lift is out of ____ so we\'ll have to walk.

A.functionB.orderC.runningD.work 57.The fourth blind man ____ his arms and grasped one of the elephant\'s legs.A.held outB.reached outC.stretching out D.reaching out 58.We came into this field late, so we must work hard to ____lost time.

C.count for

D.account for

A.make up for B.make outC.keep up with D.put up with D.in the interest of D.consented D.Though D.demand, stays D.Each one.

D.If he is leaving

59.I don\'t care whether he is ____the plane or not.A.in favor ofB.on behalf ofC.in his favor60.I ____of his course of action, so I told him to go ahead.A.acceptedB.agreedC.approved61.his wealth, Tom is not very happy.A.In spite of



62.Her two cousins along with her uncle _____ that they _____ in town one more day.A.demands, stay B.demands, staysA.Anyone

B.Any one

C.demand, stay C.Every one

63.Which screwdriver do you want?________.64.______ today, he would get there on Friday.A.Was he leaving B.If he leaves

another city.A.for



D.outD.run off D.no such a D.that

D.being heard

66.We\'vesugar.Ask Mary to lend us some.A.run away with B.run downA.not such A.whenA.heard

B.not such aB.whichB.to hear

C.run out ofC.not a suchC.thenC.hearing

dictionary.You\'d better go to the library.68.It was in 1949China regained its independence.

69.There was so much noise that the speaker couldn\'t make himself______.70.We were all overjoyed at the newsthe experiment turned out a succe.A.whichB.thatC.whenD.what71.There was ____ rainfall in the area to allow vegetables to grow healthily.A.violentB.adequateC.forecastD.prevailing

72.After the accident she suffered brain _____ and couldn’t speak.A.damageB.decayC.destructionD.harm

73.The ____ appearance of a rock seldom reveals the complicated operations of the natural forces which formed it.A.skin




C.Were he to leave

65.Tom\'s grandmother had to lookhis little daughter at home as he took a busine trip to

74.They all looked ____ to me when I first came to know them.A.likelyB.alikeC.like

75.The greatne of this scientist _____ the ability of combining theory with practice.A.consists ofB.consists withC.consists inD.results from 76.Betty can read 400 words per minute._____ I can read only about 200 words per minute.A.By and large B.By contrast77.Doctor Smith has two _____.

C.In that event

D.As a result D.son’s-in-law

A.sons-in-laws B.son-in-lawsC.sons-in-law78.I looked ____ for the miing book but I couldn’t find it.

A.in despairB.on and onC.all aroundD.in order D.included D.false D.what

79.The committee was evenly ______ of men and women.A.containedB.composedC.consisted80.One should always remember that appearances can be _____.A.wrongB.errorC.ample81.Reading is to the mind ____ food is to the body.A.that


C.of which

82._____ the weight and the specific gravity of a body, you can calculate its volume.A.GivingB.GivesC.GivenD.Give 83.He didn’t tell me where he had spent his vacations._____ to know.

A.Neither I cared B.Neither did I careC.I didn’t care D.Not did I care 84.Peterson found himself more and more ____ in the study of ancient Chinese art.A.interestingB.interestedC.interestD.to interest

85._____, he tore off a piece of cloth from his shirt and wrote down the important meage.A.With no paper to writeC.With no paper to write on

B.With no paper to be written on D.With no paper to be written

86.Would you please _____ so much noise? A.not makeB.not to makeC.don’t makeD.don’t to make 87.Everybody knows the fact ____ matter can neither be created nor be destroyed.A.what



D.this D.on D.has boiled

D.most read widely

88.Prior ____ the Revolutionary War, the United States was an English colony.A.toB.inC.for89.As soon as the water _____, steam comes out.A.boilsB.will boilC.is boiling90.Charles Dickens is certainly one of the _____ English writers.A.read most widelyA.it

B.most widely read

has a house and flowers is the one I like best.


C.whatC.in which

D.whereD.about whichD.used to like

D.work hard enough

92.This is the bookI was telling you just now.A.about that

B.in that

93.When I was a boy, Ichocolate.A.would like not B.was used to likeA.work enough hard A.SuchA.he knew A.To hear A.taking

C.should like

94.He didn\'tand so he failed the examination.

B.hard work enough

C.hard enough work C.So

95.absurd was his manner that everyone stared at him.


D.MuchD.he couldn\'t know D.Having heard D.to take

96.Not until Mr.Smith came to Chinawhat kind of country she is.

B.he didn\'t knowB.To be heardB.take

C.did he know C.Have heardC.taken

97.the sad news, she leaned over the desk and cried bitterly.98.Excuse me, but it is time to have your temperature C.read widely most

99.He finished his novel in three months, was something we had not expected.A.that



D.this 100.Few of us thought that the problem was worth.A.discu



Vocabulary and structure

1 – 5 B C B D A6-1016-20 B C B C A21-25 31-35 D D B C D36-40 46-50 C D A C B

51-55 61-65 A C B C B66-70 76-80 B C C B D81-85









D.to discu

11-15 C C D C B 26-30 A C A D B 41-45 B C B C B 56-60 B B A A C 71-75 B A D B C 86-90 A C A A B

推荐第5篇:三级 常用 日语 词汇



ち(が出る)【 血 】

血,血液血を止める / 止血

てんきよほう 【 天気予報 】


ねだん 【 値段 】

价格,价钱みんな向きの値段 / 大家都买得起的价钱

ねつ 【 熱 】

① 热,热度熱を加える / 加热

② 发烧,体温高熱が下がる / 退烧

③热情,干劲仕事に熱を入れる / 工作加劲做

ひきだし 【 引き出し 】

抽屉机の引き出しにノートを入れる / 把笔记本放进桌子抽屉里

ふとん 【 布団 】

被褥,铺盖掛け布団 / 被子敷き布団 / 褥子

へんじ 【 返事 】

① 答应,回答 名前を呼ばれたらすぐ返事をしなさい / 叫到名字要立刻答应一声

② 回信,复信ご返事をお待ちします / 盼您答复

ほし 【 星 】

①星星,星斗星がまたたく / 星光闪烁

② 小点,斑点目に星ができる / 眼球上起个斑点

③ 目标,靶心星をつける / 定目标

④ 嫌疑犯,犯人

⑤[相扑表示胜负分数的]点,得分星取表 / 得分表

⑥ 星相,命运

(お) まつり 【 祭り 】

①祭祀,庙会氏神様の祭りに出かける / 参加地方守护神的庙会②仪式,节日お祭り気分にひたる / 沉浸与节日的欢乐中

まんが 【 漫画 】

漫画,动画片漫画を書く / 画漫画

みずうみ 【 湖 】

湖,湖水山の静かな湖 / 深山里幽静的湖水

むすこ 【 息子 】

儿子,男孩息子が一人と娘が二人います / 我有一个儿子,两个女儿

やくそく 【 約束 】

①约定,商定彼と期日を約束した / 跟他约好了日期

②规定,规则会議の約束を守る / 遵守会议的规定

(お) ゆ 【 湯 】

①开水,热水湯が冷める / 开水凉了

② 洗澡水いい湯だ / 洗澡水正好

③ 温泉湯の町 / 温泉胜地

④ 公共浴池,澡塘

あじ 【 味 】

①味道味をつける / 加佐料

②趣味 , 妙处読書の味 / 读书的乐趣

③滋味 , 甜头味を占める / 得了甜头

おわり 【 終わり 】

①终了 , 末尾 , 结局初めから終わりまで / 从头到尾 , 自始至终②末期この世の終わり / 今生的晚年

かいわ 【 会話 】

会话 , 对话かいわを練習する / 练习会话

かじ (で家が焼けた) 【 火事 】

火灾火事にあう / 遭受火灾

きもち 【 気持ち 】

①心情 , 情绪 , 心境何とも言えない気持ち / 说不上来的一种心情②精神状态 , 胸怀 , 心神気持ちが落ち着かない / 心神不定

③舒服 , 舒适今日は気持ちがどうですか / 今天身体舒服吗 ?

きもの 【 着物 】

衣服 , 衣着着物を着る / 穿衣服

こたえ 【 答え 】

①回答 , 答复はっきりした答えをする / 做出明确的回答

②答案答えを出す / 解答

しけん 【 試験 】

①实验 , 化验

②考试 , 测验入学試験 / 入学考试

したぎ 【 下着 】

贴身衣服 , 内衣下着を取り替える / 换贴身衣服

しゃちょう 【 社長 】

公司经理 , 总经理

(一)しゅうかん 【 週間 】

一个星期 , 一个礼拜週間天気予報 / 一周天气预报

しゅじん 【 主人 】

①家长 , 一家之主主人を呼びなさい / 叫你们家长来

②丈夫 , 爱人主人はただいま留守です / 我丈夫现在不在家

③主人 , 老板

しょうがつ 【 正月 】


②新年正月を迎える / 迎新年

しょくじ 【 食事 】

饭 , 食物 , 吃饭日に三度食事をする / 一日三餐

すいどう 【 水道 】

①自来水 (管)水道代 / 自来水费

②航道 , 航路

だいがくせい 【 大学生 】


たいふう 【 台風 】

台风台風がだんだん九州に近付いてきた / 台风越来越接近九州。

ちから 【 力 】

①体力,力量力がある / 有力量

②威力筆の力 / 文章的威力

③精力力を集中する / 集中精力

④效力,作用目に見えない力 / 看不见的效力

⑤努力,尽力みんなの力で成功した / 由于大家的努力而成功了

ちず 【 地図 】

地图地図で探す / 用地图寻找

てんいん 【 店員 】


とおり 【 通り 】

①大街,马路私のうちは通りに面している / 我家临街

②来往自動車の通りが激しくて危ない / 来往汽车太多,危险③流通,通顺この部屋は風の通りがいい / 这个房间通风很好

④一样,同样本物通りの贋物 / 和真品一模一样的赝品

にゅうがく 【 入学 】

入学来年、弟は小学校に入学する / 明年,弟弟上小学

はつおん 【 発音 】

发音英語の発音を練習する / 练习英语发音

はなみ 【 花見 】


ひるま 【 昼間 】

白天,昼间昼間のうちに仕事をやってしまおう / 在白天里把工作作完。

ひるやすみ 【 昼休み 】

午休昼休みの時間 / 午休时间

まんなか 【 真ん中 】

正中,正当中部屋の真ん中に座る / 坐在屋子中间

ゆうはん 【 夕飯 】

晚饭夕飯にしよう / 吃晚饭吧

ようじ 【 用事 】

事情急な用事ができたので帰らねばならなくなった / 因为出了急事,我非回家不可

ようふく 【 洋服 】

西服注文の洋服 / 定做的西服


































































(席が) あく【空く】



























1.clothes, cloth, clothing

clothes 统指各种衣服,谓语动词永远是复数;

cloth 指布,为不可数名词;

clothing 服装的总称,指一件衣服用a piece of, an article of

2.incident, accident

incident 指小事件;

accident 指不幸的事故,例:He was killed in the accident.

3.amount, number

amount 后接不可数名词;

number 后接可数名词,例:a number of students

4.family, house, home

home 家,包括住处和家人;

house 房子,住宅;

family 家庭成员,例:My family is a happy one.

5.sound, voice, noise

sound 自然界各种各样的声音;

voice 人的嗓音;

noise 噪音,例:I hate the loud noise outside.

6.photo, picture, drawing

photo 用照相机拍摄的照片;

picture 可指相片,图片,电影片, 例:Let's go and see a good picture.

drawing 画的画。

7.vocabulary, word

vocabulary 词汇,一个人拥有的单词量,例:He has a large vocabulary.

word 具体的单词。

8.population, people

population 人口,人数,例:China has a large population.

people 具体的人。

9.weather, climate

weather 一天内具体的天气状况;

climate 长期的气候状况,例:The climate here is not good for you.

10.road, street, path, way

road 具体的公路,马路,例:take this road

street 街道,例:in the street

path 小路,小径;

way 道路,途径,例:Show me the way to the museum.

11.course, subject

course 课程(可包括多门科目),例:a summer course

subject 科目(具体的学科)

12.custom, habit

custom 传统风俗,习俗,也可指生活习惯,后接to do;

habit 生活习惯,习惯成自然,后接of doing.例:I've got the habit of drinking a lot.

13.cause, reason

cause 指造成某一事实或现象的直接原因,后接of sth./doing sth;

reason 用来解释某种现象或结果的理由,后接for sth./doing sth.例:the reason for being late

14.exercise, exercises, practice

exercise 运动,锻炼(不可数);

exercises 练习(可数);

practice(反复做的)练习,例:Practice makes perfect.

15.cla, leon


指课文用leon,例:Leon 6,第6课;

指班级或全体学生用cla,例:Cla 5,5班。

16.speech, talk, lecture

speech 指在公共场所所做的经过准备的较正式的演说;

talk 日常生活中的一般的谈话,讲话;

lecture 学术性的演讲,讲课,例:a series of lecture on…

17.officer, official

officer 部队的军官,例:an army officer

official 政府官员。

18.work, job


work 不可数;job 可数,例:a good job

19.couple, pair

couple 主要指人或动物;

pair 多指由两部分组成的东西,例:a pair of trousers

20.country, nation, state, land

country 侧重指版图,疆域;

nation 指人民,国民,民族;

state 侧重指政府,政体;

land 国土,国家,例:The whole nation was sad at the news 21.cook, cooker

cook 厨师,例:He is a good cook.

cooker 厨具。

22.damage, damages

damage 不可数名词,损害,损失;

damages 复数形式,赔偿金,例:$900 damages

23.police, policeman

police 警察的总称,后接复数谓语动词,例:The police are questioning everyone in the house.

policeman 指某个具体的警察。

24.problem, question

problem 常和困难连系,前面的动词常为think about, solve, raise;

question 常和疑问连系,多和ask, answer连用。

25.man, a man

man 人类;

a man 一个男人,例:Man will conquer nature

26.chick, chicken

二者均可指小鸡,chicken还可以当鸡肉;例:The chicken is delicious.

27.telegram, telegraph

当电报解时,telegram指具体的;例:a telegram

telegraph指抽象的;例:by telegraph

28.trip, journey, travel, voyage

travel 是最常用的;

trip 指短期的旅途;例:a three-day trip

journey 指稍长的旅途;

voyage 指海上航行。

29.sport, game

sport 多指户外的游戏或娱乐活动,如打球,游泳,打猎,赛马等;例:His favorite sport is swimming.

game 指决定胜负的游戏,通常有一套规则。

30.price, prize

price 价格;例:The price is high/low.

prize 奖,奖品,奖金;例:win the first priz

31.a number of, the number of

a number of 许多,谓语动词用复数;

the number of… ……的数目,谓语动词用单数。例:The number of students is increasing.

32.in front of, in the front of

in front of 范围外的前面;

in the front of 范围内的前面 例:In the front of the room sits a boy.

33.of the day, of a day

of the day 每一天的,当时的,当代的,例:a famous scientist of the day;

of a day 暂时的,不长久的。

34.three of us, the three of us

three of us 我们(不止三个)中的三个;

the three of us 我们三个(就三个人)例:The three of us - Tom, Jack and I went to the cinema.

35.by bus, on the bus

by bus 表手段,方式,不用冠词,例:They went there by bus.

on the bus 表范围。

36.for a moment, for the moment

for a moment 片刻,一会儿,例:Thinking for a moment, he agreed.

for the moment 暂时,一时。

37.next year, the next year

next year 将来时间状语;

the next year 过去将来时间状语,例:He said he would go abroad the next year.

38.more than a year, more than one year

more than a year 一年多;

more than one year 超过一年(两年或三年等)。

39.take advice, take the(one's) advice

take advice 征求意见;

take the advice 接受忠告 例:He refused to take the advice and failed again.

40.take air, take the air

take air 传播,走漏;

take the air 到户外去,散步 例:We take the air every day 41.in a word, in words

in a word 总之,一句话,例:In a word, you are right.

in words 口头上。

42.in place of, in the place of

in place of 代替;

in the place of 在…地方,例:A new building is built in the place of the old one.

43.in secret, in the secret

in secret 秘密地,暗自地,偷偷地,一般用作状语;

in the secret 知道内情,知道秘密,一般用作表语,例:My mother was in the secret from the beginning.

44.a girl, one girl

a girl 可泛指所有女孩;

one girl 一个女孩,例:Can one girl carry such a big box?

45.take a chair, take the chair

take a chair 相当于sit down坐下;

take the chair 开始开会 46.go to sea, by sea

go to sea 当海员,出航;

by sea 乘船,由海路;by the sea 在海边。

47.the doctor and teacher, the doctor and the teacher

the doctor and teacher 指一个人,既是医生又是老师;

the doctor and the teacher 两个人,一个医生和一个老师。

48.in office, in the office

in office 在职的,例:He is in office, not out of office.

in the office 在办公室里。

49.in bed, on the bed

in bed 卧在床上,例:He is ill in bed.

on the bed 在床上,例:The book is on the bed.

50.in charge of, in the charge of

in charge of 管理,负责照料,例:He is in charge of the matter.

in the charge of 由……照料,例:The matter is in the charge of her.51.in cla, in the cla

in cla 在课上;

in the cla 在班级里,例:He is the best student in the cla.

52.on fire, on the fire

on fire 着火,例:The house is on fire.

on the fire 在火上,例:Put the food on the fire.

53.out of question, out of the question

out of question 毫无疑问的;

out of the question 不可能的。

54.a second, the second

a second 又一,再一;

the second 第……,例:He won the second prize.

55.by day, by the day

by day 白天;

by the day 按天计算,例:The workers are paid by the day.

56.the people, a people

the people 指人;

a people 指民族,例:The Chinese is a peace-loving people.

57.it, one

it 同一物体;

one 同类不同一,例:I lost my pen.I have to buy a new one.

58.that, this

that 指代上文所提到的;例:I was ill.That's why…

this 导出下文所要说的。

59.none, nothing, no one

none 强调有多少;

nothing, no one 强调有没有;nothing 指物,no one 指人。

60.anyone, any one

anyone 指人,不能接of;

any one 指人物均可,可接of 例:any one of you 61.who, what

who 指姓名或关系;

what 指职业或地位,例:What is your dad? He is a teacher.

62.what, which

what 的选择基础是无限制的;

which 在一定范围内进行选择,例:Which do you prefer, bananas or apples?

63.other, another

other 后接名词复数,例:other students

another 后接名词单数,例:another student

64.not a little, not a bit

not a little 非常;

not a bit 一点也不,例:I'm not a bit tired.我一点儿也不累。

65.many, much, a lot of

many 和可数名词连用,例:I haven't many books.

much 和不可数名词连用;

a lot of 可数,不可数均可,但不用于否定句。

66.much more…than, many more…than

much more…than 后接形容词或不可数名词,例:much more water, much more beautiful

many more…than 后接可数名词,例:many more people

67.no, not

no=not a/any

例:no friend=not a/any friend; no water=not any water

68.no more than, not more than

no more than 相当于only,仅仅,只有;

not more than 至多,不超过。

69.majority, most

majority 只能修饰可数名词,例:the majority of people

most 可数不可数均可。

70.by oneself, for oneself, to oneself, of oneself

by oneself 单独的,独自的;

for oneself 为自己;

to oneself 供自己用的;

of oneself 自行的,自动的,例:The door opened of itself

71.at all, after all

at all 根本,全然;

after all 到底,毕竟,例:After all he is a child.

72.tall, high

tall 常指人或动物,例:He is tall.

high 常指物体。

73.fast, quickly

fast 侧重于指人或物体具有运动速度快的特点,例:run fast

quickly 侧重指某事完成或发生的快,例:answer the question quickly

74.high, highly

high 具体的高;

highly 抽象的高,高度的,例:think highly of

75.healthy, healthful

healthy 健康的,健壮的;

healthful 有益于健康的,例:healthful exercise

76.sleeping, asleep,sleepy

sleeping 正在睡觉,例:a sleeping baby

asleep 睡着,熟睡,只能做表语,例:The baby is asleep.

sleepy 困的,有睡意的,例:I'm sleepy.

77.gold, golden

gold 指真金制品,例:a gold ring

golden 指金色的,但金鱼用gold fish

78.most, mostly

most 用于表感受的肯定句中,相当于very,当大部分,大多数解时是形容词或名词,例:most people

mostly 大部分,是副词,例:the people are mostly…

79.just, very

just 表强调时是副词,作状语,例:just the man

very 表强调时是形容词,用作定语,例:the very man

80.wide, broad

wide 侧重于一边到另一边的距离;

broad 侧重于幅面的宽广,例:broad shoulders 81.real, true

real 真的,真实的,指的是事实上存在而不是想象的,例:real gold

true 真的,真正的,指的是事实和实际情况相符合,例:a true story

82.respectful, respectable

respectful 尊敬,有礼貌,例:be respectful to the aged

respectable 可敬的,值得尊敬的。

83.outwards, outward


outward 还可用作形容词,例:an outward voyage

84.pleasant, pleased, pleasing

pleasant 常用作定语;

pleased, pleasing 常用作表语;

pleased 主语常为人,pleasing 主语常为物,例:a pleasant trip; The trip is pleasing.

85.understanding, understandable

understanding 明白事理的,能体谅的,例:an understanding girl

understandable 可理解的,能够懂的,例:an understandable mistake 86.close, closely

close 接近,靠近,例:stand close

closely 紧紧地,紧密地,例:closely connected

87.ill, sick

ill 做表语;

sick 定语、表语均可,例:a sick boy

88.good, well

good 形容词;

well 副词,但指身体状况是形容词,例:He is well again.

89.quiet, silent, still

quiet 安静的,可以发出小的声音;

silent 不发出声音,但可以动;

still 完全不动,完全无声响,例:He stand there still.他站在那儿,一动不动,也不说话。

90.hard, hardly

hard 努力,例:work hard

hardly 几乎不,例:I can hardly believe it.

91.able, capable

able 与不定式to do连用;

capable 与of连用,例:He is capable of doing…

92.almost, nearly

二者均为“几乎,差不多”,和否定词连用用almost,例:almost nobody。

93.late, lately

late 迟,晚;

lately 最近,近来 例:I haven't seen him lately.

94.living, alive, live, lively

living, alive, live 均为活着的;

living 定表均可,alive 定表均可,定语后置;

live 只能做定语,lively 意为活泼的,例:all the living people=all the people alive

95.excited, exciting

excited 使人兴奋的,例:I'm excited.

exciting 令人兴奋的,例:The news is exciting.

96.deep, deeply

deep 具体的深,例:dig deep

deeply 抽象的深,深深地,例:deeply moved

97.aloud, loud

aloud 出声地,例:read aloud 出声地读

loud 大声地

98.worth, worthy


worthy后接to be done, of being done;

例:It is worth visiting.= It's worthy to be visited.= It's worthy of being visited.

99.bad, badly

bad 形容词,例:go bad

badly 副词,不好,但与need, want, require连用为“很,非常”,例:I need the book badly.

100.before long, long before

before long 不久以后;

long before 很久以前;

例:not long before = before long 101.quite, rather

quite 完全地,相当于completely,例:quite impoible

rather 修饰比较级

102.happy, glad

happy 高兴,幸福,定表均可,例:a happy girl

glad 高兴,只能做表语

103.instead, instead of

instead 是副词,放在句首或句末,例:He didn't see a film.Instead he watched TV.

instead of 是介词短语,放在句中,例:He watched TV instead of seeing a film.

104.too much, much too

too much 后接不可数名词;

much too 后接形容词,例:much too heavy

105.be about to, be going to, be to do

be about to 表最近的将来,后面不接时间状语;

be going to 侧重打算,想法;

be to do 侧重意志,计划,安排 例:I'm to meet him.(含双方事先约好的意思) 106.raise, rise

raise 及物动词;

rise 不及物动词,例:The sun rises in the east.

107.bring, take, carry, fetch

bring 拿来;

take 带走;

carry 随身携带;

fetch 去回这一往返动作,例:fetch a box of chalk

108.spend, take, pay, cost

spend 人做主语,花钱,花时间,spend…on sth./in doing sth;

take 物做主语,花时间;

pay 人做主语,花钱,pay for;

cost 物做主语,花钱。

109.join, join in, take part in

join 加入某个组织,并成为其中的一员,例:He joined the army five years ago.

join in 参加小型的活动,join sb.in;

take part in 参加大型的活动。

110.learn, study

learn 学习,侧重学习的结果;

study 学习,侧重学习的过程,研究,例:study the problem 111.want, hope, wish

want 打算,想要,want to do, want sb.to do;

hope 希望(通常可以实现),hope to do/ hope that…

wish 希望(通常不能实现),wish (sb.) to do, wish sb/sth.+ n.,例:I wish you succe.

112.discover, invent, find out

discover 发现本来存在但不为人所知的东西;

invent 发明本来不存在的物体;

find out 发现,查明,例:At last he found out the truth.

113.answer, reply

answer 及物动词;

reply 不及物动词,例:to reply to the letter

114.leave, leave for

leave 离开;

leave for 前往,例:He left Beijing for Shanghai.

115.rob, steal

rob 抢劫,rob sb.of sth.,

steal 偷,steal sth.from sb.

116.shoot, shoot at

shoot 射死,例:He shot the bird and it died.

shoot at 瞄准,但不一定射中。

117.drop, fall

drop 及物不及物均可,例:He dropped his voice.

fall 不及物动词,例:Prices fell/dropped.

118.search, search for

search 后接地点,例:He searched his pocket for money.

search for 后接东西

119.used to, be used to

used to 过去常常;

be used to习惯于,后接sth./doing sth.;被用来,后接 do sth.例:He is used to getting up early.

120.win, beat

win 后接sth.反义词为lose,例:win the game

beat 后接sb.,例:beat them 121.live on, live by

live on 以……为主食,例:live on fish

live by 靠……谋生,例:live by fishing

122.beat, hit, strike

beat 连续性地击打,例:beat the wings

hit 打中,对准打;

strike 打一下或若干下。

123.meet, meet with

meet 遇到;

meet with 体验到,遭遇到,例:meet with an accident

124.lose, mi

lose 失去(具体的物体),错过,例:sth.is lost, lose the chance;

mi 想念,错过,例:sth.is miing, mi the chance

125.be tired of, be tired with/from

be tired of 厌烦……

be tired with/from 因为……而累了,例:be tired with/from running 800 meters 126.care about, care for

care about 关心,计较,在乎,一般多用于否定句中。例:He doesn't care about his clothes.

care for 关心,照料,喜欢,愿意。例:I don't care for movies.

127.catch a cold, have a cold

catch a cold 不能和表示"一段时间"的状语连用;

have a cold 可以和表示"一段时间"的状语连用,例:She has had a cold for a week.

128.change for, change into

change for 调换成,例:the shirt for a bigger one.

change into 变成为...例:Water changes into ice.

129.continue, last

二者均为持续,continue主动、被动均可。例:The story is to be continued.

last只能用主动,例:The war lasted/continued five years.

130.feed, raise

feed 喂养,养活,饲养;

raise 饲养,养育(孩子),例:raise the family

131.go for a doctor, go to a doctor

go for a doctor 去请医生;

go to a doctor 去看病

132.notice, observe, catch sight of

notice 注意到;

observe 观察,仔细地看,例:observe the stars

catch sight of 突然看到

133.insist on, stick to

insist on 坚持要求,后常接doing;

stick to 坚持, 后常接sth.例:stick to the plan

134.look, seem, appear

look 指从外表上看,例:look like his father

seem 指内心的判断;

appear 指给人以表面的印象,例:appear wise

135.gather, collect

gather 把分散的东西集中到一起;

collect 指精心地、有选择地进行收集,例:collect stamps

136.mean to do, mean doing

mean to do 打算,想要做某事;

mean doing 意思是,意味着。例:By this I mean giving the students more practice.

137.die from, die of

die from 表示死于(枪)伤,虚弱,过度劳累,饮食过度等;

die of 表示死于疾病,饥饿,寒冷,年老,忧愁,失恋等精神因素。例:die of hunger and cold

138.pay for, pay back, pay off

pay for 为……付钱,例:pay for the book;

pay back 还钱,但不一定还清;

pay off 还清,例:pay off the debt

139.divide, separate

divide 把一个整体分成几部分,例:divide the apple;

separate 把连在一起的个体分开,例:separate the houses

140.arrive, get, reach

arrive 不及物动词,后接in(大地点),at(小地点)。例:arrive in Beijing

get 不及物动词后接to,例:get to Beijing

reach 及物动词,例:reach Beijing












推荐第8篇: CATTI 三级笔译备考词汇

2013 CATTI 三级笔译备考词汇 (1)

2013-08-30 18:40来源:评论:0 点击:4

5One Country, Two Systems 一国两制

One China, One Taiwan 一中一台

Two Chinas 两个中国

Three Direct Links (Mail, Air and Shipping Services and Trade) (两岸)直接三通 23 Million Taiwan Compatriots 两千三百万台湾同胞

Two Conferences (NPC and CPPCC) 两会(人大,政协)

Three Represents 三个代表

the Important Thought of Three Represents 三个代表重要思想

Woman Pace-Setter 三八红旗手

the Three Major Historical Tasks三大历史任务

the Seven-Year Program to Help 80 Million People Out of Poverty \"八七\"扶贫攻坚计划 the Eleventh Five-Year Plan (2006-2010) \"十一五\"计划

the 15th central committee of the communist party of China (CPC) 第十五届中央委员会 17th Party Congre 十七大

the Third Plenary Seion of the Eleventh Central Committee 十一届三中全会 South-South Cooperation 南南合作

North-South Dialog 南北对话

Taiwan Independence 台独

\"Bring In\" and \"Going Out\" \"引进来\"和\"走出去\"政策

patriotic democratic personages爱国民主人士

patriotic united front 爱国统一战线

patriotism 爱国主义精神

live and work in peace and contentment 安居乐业

an enterprising spirit 昂扬向上的精神状态

our compatriots in the Macao SAR (Special Administrative Region) 澳门特别行政区同胞 hegemonism 霸权主义

a hundred flowers bloom 百花齐放

a hundred schools of thought contend 百家争鸣

the stability in border areas 边疆稳定

remote areas 边远地区

a magnificent upsurge 波澜壮阔

extensive and profound 博大精深

never degenerating 不变质

constantly better people\'s lives 不断提高人民生活水平

unfair and irrational 不公正不合理

shackles of the outdated notions 不合时宜的观念的束缚

an inexhaustible motive force 不竭动力

invincible 不可战胜

an irresistible trend of history 不可阻挡的历史潮流

not lose our bearings不迷失方向

uneven 不平衡

a tortuous course 不平坦的道路

not all-inclusive 不全面的

take resolute measures 采取果断措施

participation in and deliberation of state affairs 参政议政

long-term coexistence 长期共存

long-term social stability and solidarity 长期社会安定团结

long-term peace and order 长治久安

honesty 诚实守信

fully mobilize and rally充分调动和凝聚

take shape initially 初步建立

traditional threats to security 传统安全威胁

creativity, cohesion and fighting capacity 创造力、凝聚力和战斗力

2013 CATTI 三级笔译备考词汇 (2)

2013-08-30 18:43来源:评论:0 点击:19

system of resignation 辞职制

proceed from our national conditions 从我国国情出发

promote common development 促进共同发展

promote all-round social progre 促进社会全面进步

auming heavy responsibilities 担当重任

the contemporary era 当代

masters of the country当家作主

the wish to be the masters of our country 当家作主的愿望

congre of party representatives 党代会

backbone of the party 党的骨干力量

the party\'s basic theory, line and program 党的基本理论、路线和纲领

party building 党的建设

party\'s progreivene 党的先进性

the destiny of the party and state 党和国家前途命运

the cause of the party and state 党和国家事业

Deng Xiaoping theory 邓小平理论

the demise of comrade Deng Xiaoping邓小平同志逝世

the sixth place 第六位

the primary productive force 第一生产力

E-government 电子政务

mobilize the initiative 调动积极性

equal political entities 对等的政治实体

erroneous and dogmatic interpretation of Marxism 对马克思主义的错误和教条式的理解

multi-tiered 多层次

multiparty cooperation 多党合作

diversify 多元化

pluralistic society多元社会

diverse forces 多种力量

duplicate law enforcement 多重多头执法

awarene of law 法制观念

a country with an adequate legal system 法制国家

a country under the rule of law 法治国家

prosperity, stability and development 繁荣、稳定和发展 fight against \"Taiwan Independence\" 反对\"台独\"

oppose separation 反对分裂

combat corruption and build a clean government 反腐倡廉

guard against 防止

non-traditional threats to security 非传统安全威胁

splitting activities 分裂活动

the objectives and tasks 奋斗目标和任务

develop diverse forms of democracy 丰富民主形式

trials and tribulations 风浪考验

serve the overall interests 服务大局

strong, prosperous, democratic and culturally advanced 富强、民主、文明

hinterland 腹地

reform, development and stability 改革、发展、稳定

reform and opening-up改革开放

fall behind the times 落后于时代

Marxism-Leninism 马克思列宁主义

the basic tenets of Marxism 马克思主义基本原理

a Marxist ruling party 马克思主义执政党

Mao Zendong Thought 毛泽东思想

the militia 民兵

Democratic Progreive Party 民进党

people\'s livelihood 民生

democratic and the legal system 民主法制

democratic management民主管理

prepared for both promotion and demotion 能上能下

2013 CATTI 三级笔译备考词汇 (3)

2013-08-30 18:44来源:评论:0 点击:16

to alleviate rural poverty through development 农村扶贫开发

reform of rural taxes and administrative charges 农村税费改革

problems facing agriculture, rural areas and farmers 农业、农村和农民问题

agriculture and rural work 农业和农村工作

agriculture as the foundation of the economy 农业基础地位

falsification 弄虚作假

personnel training 培养人才

people in financial difficulties 贫困群众

smooth transition of power平稳过渡

extravagance and waste 铺张浪费

general election system 普选制

le developed 欠发达地区

intensify functions 强化功能

win-win co-operation 强强联手

power politics 强权政治

overseas Chinese 侨胞

overseas Chinese affairs 侨务工作

industry and courage 勤劳勇敢

seek common ground while shelving differences 求同存异

regional organizations 区域性组织

tortuous road 曲折的道路

draw upon one another\'s strong points 取长补短

yield substantial results 取得丰硕成果

score tremendous achievements 取得巨大成就

repeal taxes on special agricultural products 取消农业特产税

all the party members; whole party 全党

the crystallization of the party\'s collective wisdom 全党集体智慧的结晶

all-dimensional 全方位

the Chinese people of all nationalities; people of all ethnic groups of the country 全国各族人民

deputy to the National People\'s Congre 全国人大代表

the National Committee of the Chinese People\'s Political Consultative Conference 全国政协

plenary seions 全会

build a well-off society in an all-round way; build a moderately prosperous society in all respects 全面建设小康社会 in full swing 全面展开

divorce between powers and responsibilities 权责脱节

the general public 群众

People\'s Congrees 人大

the standing committees 人大常委会

NPC (National People\'s Congre) member 人大代表

the spirit of the congre 人大精神

put sb.to the best use 人尽其才

a full display of advantages in human resources 人力资源优势得到充分发挥

material and cultural needs of the people 人民的物质文化需要

the people\'s democratic dictatorship 人民民主专政

upgrade the texture of life for the people 人民生活更加殷实

ma organizations 人民团体

the Chinese People\'s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) 人民政协

the trend of popular sentiment 人心向背

personnel exchanges 人员往来

treating each other with all sincerity 肝胆相照

the high degree of unity and solidarity 高度团结统一

a high degree of autonomy 高度自治

hold high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping theory 高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜

lofty character 高尚的品格

opera highlights 折子戏

stilt walk 踩高跷

2013 CATTI 三级笔译备考词汇 (4)

2013-08-30 18:45来源:评论:0 点击:17

pantomime; mime 哑剧

pantomimist 哑剧演员

skit 戏剧小品

circus show 马戏

monologue comic talk, standup comedy 单口相声

stunt 特技表演

witty dialogue comedy, comic cro talk 相声

the traditional story-telling in Beijing dialect with drum accompaniment 京韵大鼓

shaanxi opera 秦腔

sealcutting 篆刻

characters cut in intaglio 阴文

characters cut in relief 阳文

seal 图章

graver 刻刀

making rubbings from stone inscriptions 拓碑

rubbing 拓片

workmanship/craftsmanship 工艺,手艺

handicraft 手工艺品

wood carving 木雕

boxwood craft 黄杨木雕

carved lacquerware 雕漆

stone carving 石雕

miniature engraving 微雕

ivory carving 象牙雕

bamboo engraving 竹雕

shell carving 贝雕

ice sculpture 冰雕

painted sculpture 彩塑

enamel 瓷釉

embroidery 刺绣

scroll 卷轴

batik 蜡染

clay figure 泥人

lacquer painting 漆画

lacquer ware 漆器

celadon 青瓷色

two-sided embroidery 双面绣

landscape/ink painting 水墨画

Suzhou embroidery 苏绣

sandalwood fan 檀香扇

trio-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty 唐三彩

pottery 陶器

Ceramics 制陶业

the four stationery treasures of the Chinese study—a writing brush, an ink stick, an ink stone and paper 文房四宝 inkslab engraving 砚刻

Yixing pottery 宜兴陶

folding fan 折扇

Wickerwork 枝编工艺

tapestry 织锦,挂毯

papier mache 纸工艺品

Chinese painting 中国画

folklores 民间传说

fable 寓言

legend 传说

mythology 神话

God of Heaven 玉皇大帝

the Eight Immortals 八仙

推荐第9篇:大学英语三级考试词汇练习100题& 答案


























1.She is one of the newest film stars from America and has many fans, _________in Europe.A) specially

B) particularly

C) partially

D) specifically

2.________ a little earlier this morning! I mied the school bus by only one minute and had to wait in the cold for nearly an hour.A) If only I had got up

B) If I had got up C) If only I get up

D) If I got up

3.________ twice, the postman refused to deliver our letters unle we chained our dog up.A) Being bitten

B) Had been bitten C) Having bitten

D) Having been bitten

4.They took________ measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping in the chemical plant.A) fruitful

B) beneficial C) effective

D) influential

5.Never before that night ________ so great my responsibility was.A) I had felt

B) I felt

C) did I feel

D) had I felt

6.There was a knock at the door.It was the second time someone________ me that evening.A) had interrupted

B) to have interrupted C) would have interrupted

D) having interrupted


7.There is not much time left; so I\'ll tell you about it _________.A) in short

B) in detail C) in brief

D) in all

8.Indoor heating systems have made _______ for people to live and work comfortably in a mild climate.A) poible

B) it poible

C) poible that

D) it is poible

9.A railway ticket should indicate the place of departure as well as the_________ of the trip.A) advance

B) arrival

C) direction

D) destination

10.Over thirty coal miners were reported _________ in that shocking accident.A) to be killed

B) to have been killed C) having been killed

D) being killed 11.The United States is composed of fifty states,_________ are separated from the others by land or water.A) two of which

B) two of whom

C) two of them

D) two of those

12.We are anxious to hear any information _________ his health.A) involving

B) including

C) concerning

D) considering

13.A good artist, like a good engineer, learns as much from ________ his succe.A) his mistakes as

B) his mistakes as from C) his mistakes from

D) his mistakes from as

14._______ its economy continues to grow, the US is increasingly becoming a nation of part-time and temporary workers.A) Even though

B) If only

C) Now that

D) Provided that

15.At such a time of crisis, we must try to _______ differences of party or cla and stick together.A) set forth

B) set back

C) set down

D) set aside

16.I told the foreign guests that it was in the house ______ we used to live that the exhibition was held.A) that

B) which

C) where

D) there

17.________ a choice of two jobs, the man decided to take the one which was more challenging.A) When being offered

B) When offering C) When he is offered

D) When offered

18.I can\'t _______ her another day; she never stops complaining.

2 A) come up with

B) keep up with

C) put up with

D) catch up with

19.The boy _________ Spanish for six years by the time he takes his examination A) has studies

B) will have studied C) has been studying

D) had studied

20.A soldier should never ________ from the duty of defending his country even in the face of death.A) shrink

B) shield

C) shelter

D) avoid


1.Only in a few countries _____ a reasonable standard of living.

A) the whole population enjoy

C) do the whole population enjoy

B) the whole population enjoys

D) does the whole population enjoy

2.We have _____ to the government for a home improvement loan.

A) applied

B) approached C) apologized D) appointed

3._____, a man who exprees himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man whose command of English is poor.

A) Were other things equal

C) Other things being equal

B) To be equal to other things

D) Other things to be equal

4.\"May I speak to your manager Mr.Smith at four o\'clcok this afternoon?

\"I\'m sorry.Mr.Smith _____ to a conference before then.

A) has gone

B) will have gone C) had gone D) would have gone

5.There was a large crowd in the square _____ against the Iraq war.

A) protesting B) protecting C) preventing D) promoting

6.The writer has published many books, _____ are well received by the readers.

A) all of whom B) all of which C) all of them D) all of these

7.After a whole day of hard work I\'m very tired.It\'s time we _____ home.

A) go

B) shall

C) went

D) should go

8.The continuous rain _____ the harvesting of the wheat crop by two weeks.

A) set out

B) set aside

C) set off

D) set back

9.In those two years, Profeor Brooks often had us _____ such oral presentations in cla.

A) did

B) done

C) to do

D) do


10.It is quite neceary for a qualified teacher to have good manners and _____ knowledge.

A) intensive

B) ineffective C) extensive D) expensive

11._____ I admire George as an artist, I do not like him as a man.

A) Only if

B) Much as

C) If only

D) As much

12.The ceremony is not for the _____ of the dead, but for the comfort of the living.

A) respect

B) purpose

C) sake

D) impreion

13.Criticism and self-criticism is neceary _____ it helps us to correct our mistakes.

A) until

B) unle

C) in that

D) in which

14.We need someone really _____ who can organize the office and make it run smoothly.

A) effective

B) efficient

C) eential

D) executive

15.Some of the experiments _____ in our textbook are difficult to perform.

A) to describe B) be described C) describing D) described

16.Tom graduated from a famous university at a very young age.He _____ have been an outstanding student.

A) must

B) could

C) should

D) might

17.Let\'s hang up some nice paintings on these _____ walls of the great hall.

A) blank

B) bare

C) empty

D) vacant

18.The student in glaes confeed to _____ the final English exam for another student.

A) take

B) taking

C) have taken D) having taken

19.The idea sounds very good but will it work in _____?

A) practice

B) common

C) advance

D) turn

20.I like climbing mountains _____ my wife prefers water sports.

A) as

B) for

C) while

D) when


1.Nowhere else in the world ______ more attractive scenery than in Switzerland.

A.you can find

B.should be find

C.can you find

D.has been found

2.They are trying to _______ the waste discharged by the factory for profit.






3.Spring_______ come, we may perhaps look forward to better weather.A.has




4.When she arrived, I felt bored and disappointed, because I____________ since seven o’clock.A.had waited

B.had been waiting C.were waiting

D.have been waited

5.When we moved to France, the children _____ themselves to the new surrounding very well.A.adapted


C.were waiting

D.have been waited

6.A survey was carried out on cheating in examinations in college all over the country, ________ were surprising.

A.such results

B.the results of which

C.these results

D.the results of it

7.The traffic was very heavy; otherwise I __________ here 30 minutes sooner.A.should have been

B.would be C.would have been

D.had been

8.Over ten people died and twenty people were _________ wounded in the train crash.A.eventually




9.There was so much noise that the speaker couldn’t make himself ________.A.heard

B.to hear


D.being heard

10.A good many proposals were raised by the students, _____ had been expected.





11.Do you think it is true that people ________against nuclear weapon? A.in particular

B.in general

C.in common

D.in question

12.__________ that he refused to help us, there is no reason why we should now help them.A.Being seen




13.The teacher spoke so fast that it was hard for the students to ______ what he was saying.A.take in

B.take out

C.take up

D.take over B.

14.________ against nature for a mother to hurt her own child.

5 A.She is

B.That is

C.What is

D.It is

15.Tom ____ the shopkeeper of overcharging him for the things he had bought.A.scolded




16.Electrical energy _____ from the sun in a roundabout way is the most widely used energy today.A.come

B.to come


D.having come

17.It is important to remember the saying that _______ is better than cure.A.proportion




18.With all this work on hand, He ______ to the cinema last night. A.wouldn’t have gone

B.mustn’t have gone C.shouldn’t have gone

D.needn’t have gone

19.Jack was so ___ the computer game that he didn’t notice my arrival.A.grateful

B absorber in

C.thoughtful of

D.aociated with


Read the book carefully, _______ you’ll find lots of information related to our research.A.and





1.The two boys had so_____ in common that they soon became good fiends.A.little




2.The medicine is harmful to the children.You must put it ___ the reach of the them.A.beyond B.within



3.He takes a walk along the river after supper every day _____ his health.A.because of

B.for the interest of C.for the profit of

D.for the sake of

4.The first, second and third prizes went to Jack, Tom and Henry __________.

A.differently B.respectively C.equally


5.It is reported that yesterday’s traffic accident _____ the death of five paengers.A.resulted from

B.resulted in

C.regarded as

D.responded to

6.Some information you need for writing the eay is freely _______ on the

6 Internet.A.average




7.The little girl who found the ring received a generous ______ of one hundred dollars.A.award




8.Drinking a lot of water and taking plenty of sleep are often regarded as ____ for a cold.A.operations




9.The old couple decided to _____ a boy though they already had three of their own.A.adopt




10.When he was asked about the miing camera, Jimmy ______ ever seeing it.A.denied




11.People in cities _______ to suffer from stre more than people in the countryside.A.turn




12.The committee has decided that the race would continue ______ the wealth.A.regardle of

B.instead of

C.by means of

D.in view of

13.Everyone here, including children and old people, ______ in for sports.A.go



D.to go

14.Never in China ____ been interested in studying foreign languages.A.so many people have

B.have so many people C.did so many people

D.have very many people

15.I’ve never been to Lijiang, but it s the place_________.A.where I’d like to visit it

B.that I want to visit it most C.in which I’d like to visit

D.I most want to visit

16.You can go anywhere until ____ your homework.A.you’d finished

B.you finish

C.you’ll finish

D.you’ve finished

17.You_________ your clamates if you had made an effort last term. A.had caught up with

B.would catch up with C.would have caught up with

D.have caught up with

18.I’m going out to buy ____ furniture.Will you come along? A.one or two

B.a few

C.a small amount of

D.one or two pieces of


19.The lab ____ next year will be advanced than the old one.A.to be built


C.being built

.D.to build

20.Excuse me, but it is time to have your temperature ________. A.to take





1.Mr.Jones accepted our suggestion and tried every means to ____ himself to his new conditions A)suit

B)adapt C)adopt D)regulate 2.The ____ of having one’s marriage arranged by parents has disappeared in many parts of the world but continues in some Asian and African countries A)content B)custom C)current D) context 3.Computers of this type make the home an ______ place to work in many cases.A) efficient B)effective C)affected

D)affective 4.Although it was very difficult for him to finish the task, he was ___ to ask for help.A) reluctant


C)impatient D)reliable 5.Cindy’s parents give her everything she asks for, and as a result, she’s very much_____.A) injured B)harmed C)spoilt D)hurt 6.The old-fashioned chair in the living room has been____ in the family.It was my grandmother’s originally. A)hand over B)handed out C)handed in D)handed down 7.He told us to use our dictionaries to _____any word we didn’t understand.A)look for

B)look out C)look up D)look at 8.Young children may run around and make a lot of noise.Actually they are acting ___ for their age.A)doubtfully B)appropriately


D)elementarily 9.The fierce competition in this trade gets ____of this enterprise’s development.A)by the way B)in a way

C)in the way

D)on the way 10.We have ____ to the government for a home improvement loan.A)appointed B)approached C)arranged

D)applied 8 11.The Americans and British not only speak the same language but also ___a large number of social customs.A)appreciate B)join


D)aociate 12.In recent years, the tourist industry has ______ greatly to the development of our country’s economy.A) benefited

B) supported

C) contributed

D) aisted

13.It was because the applicant was too self-confident ___he failed in the interview.A)that



D)benefited 14.Liu Xiang was awarded a gold medal in the world championships.He ____ a lot of hard training.A)should have experienced B)must have experienced C)should experience D)must experience 15.A good writer is _____ who can expre the commonplace in an uncommon way. A)that



D)one 16.If the whole operation _____beforehand, a great deal of time and money would have been lost.A)was not planned B)had not been planned C)were not planned D)has not been planned 17.We think ____impoible for them to finish their aignment in such a short time.A)it

B) what


D)that 18.Dr.Smith, together with his wife and two sons, _____to arrive on the evening flight.A)is B)are going C)are

D)will be 19.No sooner______ home than he was asked to start on another journey.

A)Jack arrived B) Jack had arrived C) would jack arrive D)had Jack arrived 20.___ another chance, I will certainly pa the driving test.A)Give


C)To give



1.I tried toconvincehim of the reality but failed .(convince)

2.Shehas bornethree daughters , but she still wants to have a son.(bear)

3.The fact remainsthat the lo of life on the world’s roads every year is enormous.(remain)

4.First-generation Americansviewedthe United States as a land of golden opportunity.(view)

5.A stormariseduring last night and many trees were blown down.(arise)

6.Theinitialtalks were the basis of the later agreement.(initial)

7.We alwaysvaluethe friendship between our two nations.(value)

8.Hepausedfor a moment, and then continued with his speech.(pause)

9.I went forward to shake hands with him ,but he turned awayand began talking to someoneelse.(turn away )

10.It is difficult for a teacher to give individual attention to the students in a large cla.(individual)

11.At the meeting , we all agreed to replacethe old adding machine with a computer.(replace)

12.That small piece of land is enclosedby an eight-foot wire fence , so it’s not easy for us to enter.(enclose)

13.We are very sorry that you have been confined to bed for weeks because of illne .(confine)

14.In order to win a share from the market , several small firms ______ to compete against big companies .(combine)

15.Jim______ his room with pictures of all his favorite sports stars .(decorate)

16.He finds it hard to_______ his thoughts on one thing for longer than five minutes.(focus)

17.I’m sure that it is about to rain very soon for the clouds________.(build up)

18.The gardener______ that it would take three hours to get rid of the weeds in the garden.(estimate)

19.A wise mother never _____her children to the slightest poibility of danger.(expose)

20.Every year this factory _____ more than 10,000 air-conditioners.(manufacture)

21.It’s _______ that the child had been badly treated.(obvious)

22.They used to be good friends , but their friendship _______ a few months ago .(fall apart)

23.A test is to ______ what you have learned about a subject rather than provide


24.My grandmother seems ______ just to sit in front of the television all night.(content)

25.Some colleges have _______ employing more teachers from overseas .(resort to)

26.We all think that she looks_________ ridiculous in those tight trousers .(ridiculous)

27.When I wanted to know more about that matter , he ______ telling me anything .(deny)

28.The doctor told me that the medicine would _____ my pain.(relieve)

29.The fact that nobody answered the telephone____ that they’re not at home .

30.Jack wanted to wake up , but sleep _____ him ____ .( hold back)

31.Their products are always attractively_______ and, as a result ,sell very well.(package)

32.Nowadays many people believe that ________Rome and Greece are important sources of learning .( ancient )

33.His efforts to improve the living conditions of the local people have been very ______.(effective)

34.This sheet _________a list of questions a patient might ask a doctor .(contain)

35.During the economic crisis , the company had to ________ the number of its workers.(decrease)

36.Every member should do some ________ duties to help the family .(household)

37.The railway company extended a branch line in order to ______ more goods .(convey)

38.At present , we need someone to ______ our products in Japan.(market)

39.Similar laws have been _________ in many countries to prevent such a crime.( in place )

40.She went to the party in an _________ dre, which made her more

beautiful.(eye-catching )

41.At the meeting the director _____ a five- point program for re-construction.(outline)

42.Mary is thinking of ______ to that famous company for a post .( apply)

43.He found it hard to _______ the temptation to smoke a cigarette.(resist)

44.Joan was _________ by the lack of praise given to her work.(frustrate)

45.Some residents were cutting the gra, washing their cars to _______ a

pleasant ,sunny day.(idle away)

46.This medicine can help people________ smoking without putting on weight .(quit)

47.When the teacher was giving the children sweets, she _________ Tom and Christine.(mi out)

48.Though I used to go to Mr.Brown’s ,surprisingly , I can’t ____ where he lives now.(recall)

49.The children are ________ some tree branches down the hole to drive out the rabbit.( stuff)

50.It is really hard for me to _____ their suggestions in a few words.(sum up)

51.The company has recently _______ a new office building in central London.(acquired)

52.He was _______ for the army because of his bad eyesight.(reject)

53.He’d given too much attention to his career , worked long hours ,thus ____ his wife.(neglect)

54.He _________ his view and we could not persuade him to change his mind.(stick to)

55.When the election results were made known , the Prime Minister _________ that he was defeated .(acknowledge)

56.Their findings _____ that a growing number of British people are


57.You have to _______ the advantages of living in the country against the disadvantages .

58.They ______ five hundred householders and found that only 40% of them had dishwashers.(survey)

59.When George was only 4 years old his parents______ ( divorce)

60.The reporter took the chance to ________ the President about the government policy.(interview)

61.Many years later ,they finally _______ that huge wasteland ____ a modern

town.( turn)

62.To prepare for that project , we must examine our ________ to gathering information.(approach)

63.The main bedroom is _______ while the other bedrooms are rather small.( enormous)

64.We all agree that the ______ situation is very different from that in 1990.(current)

65.Judging from the clouds in the sky , it ______ to be rainy this afternoon.(promise)

66.After setting up these machines,our production was ______ by 50%.(speed up)

67.The research for a cure for this disease is now _____ by the government.(be fund)

68.They were eager to know whether you could _______ your visit a few days longer.(extend)

69.Unexpectedly ,the chance of meeting with her ______ new poibilities for me.(open up)

70.Because the normal word order is _______ in paive sentences , they are sometimes hard to follow.(reverse)

71.That young man was put into prison for ______ a crime .

72.Many people still doubt whether the town can be ______ against attack.

73.I’m sure that $30 should be _________ for a new pair of shoes .

74.The killer _______ to murder me if I didn’t obey.

75.As we watched, the sound of the plane _______away into the distance .

76.She _________ her mother’s wishes when she married bill.

77.He tried to ________ his action by saying that he knew nothing about that.

78.He was _______ from the hospital last week after treatment .

79.The thunder ________ the baby into crying .

80.Yesterday a man was __________ for murder and other crimes.

81.If only _____ (be ) there yesterday!

82.Had she studied harder , she _______ (speak) English better now .

83._______( be ) I a bird , I could fly home .

84.A nice girl ________ ( not say ) this to her father.

85.Were it to rain tomorrow , we _______ ( not come) here.

86.It is ______ (decide) that some employees __________ ( lay off) next month .

87.His mother______ (advise ) him that he______ ( turn to ) his tutor.

88.It is _________ (significance ) that another library ___________ (establish) in such a big community.

89.The doctor ______ (urge) him that he _______ ( take ) a physical checkup .

90.It is _______ (nature) that young man ____________ (give) his seat to senior people.

91.The whole family went ________ (camp) on the beach last , weekend.

92.There is no _________ (smoke) area in the office building.

93.She couldn’t help ___________ when she was told the funny story.

94.Miing the last bus might mean ______ (return ) to the hotel on foot .

95.She was busy _________ (prepare ) for dinner.

96.If _______ (heat) , water will boil.

97._________ (see) in the distance ,the mountain looks like a woman lying by the side of the lake .

98.The police caught him _______ (steal) the bike .

99.Weather ___________( permit) , they are going to have a spring outing


100.______ (Have finished) his homework , Jack joined his friends playing football.












A letter of Complaint


Dear Mr.Manager,

I am writing to complaint about the poor quality of my new mobile phone .Last week I bought an SQ200 mobile from your store , the First Department Store .However , the mobile phone can’t send meages nor take photos today .I hope I may return the mobile phone to you for a replacement or claim of , refund of the full purchase price from you .

I’m looking forward to your early reply .

Sincerely yours,

Wang Hua


说明:假设你是某公司人事部职员王林,为安排一次职工的假期旅行,向某旅行社写信询问有关事宜 内容:1.询问旅游信息(例如:线路、价格、折扣等)




Travel Agency 旅行社


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am Wang Lin from the personnal department of XXX company .I know from a friend , that your travel agency provides good service and enjoys a high reputation .

I am writing to ask for some traveling information including the traveling routes , the prices for them , and the discount you may offer .Our company will arrange 50 workers to travel in mid-July , so please send us some related materials , especially the traveling schedule .If you have any question , please call 138XXX ,or send an e-mail to Wang Lin @126.com.

Best wishes !

Sincerely yours,

Wang Lin



发信人:Mark Zhang



内容:1.Mark 在最近的广交会上认识了Smith 先生

2.Mark 对Smith 先生所在公司展出的新款手机很感兴趣




广交会 Guang zhou Trade Fair

规格 specifications


Dear Mr.Smith,

I am Mark Zhang and we met each other at Guang zhou Trade Fair .To be frank , I am very interested in the new mobile phones displayed by your company .

I am writing to ask for some specific information about your mobile phone .Would you please let me know something about the specifications , colors , prices and of course the function ? I believe your mobile phones will make its way in the mobile phone market .

If poible , I’d like to build a long-term busine relationship with your company .I am looking forward to your early reply .

Sincerely yours ,

Mark Zhang


说明:假设你是一个医疗设备公司的经理。你收到一家代理公司的经理Peter Smith 先生的信。他想了解你公司的情况,你写信向他介绍并表示希望他能为你公司的代理。








医疗测试设备 medical testing equipment

从事 engage in

总部 headquarters

代理 agent

东南亚 Southeast Asia


Dear Mr.Smith,

Thank you very much for your interest in our company and products .Our company , Guang’an Medical Equipment Corporation by name , was established in 1980 .Its headquarters is located in shenzhou , China , which mainly produces medical testing equipment .Now , the company has 1000 employees , 120 of whom are engaged in the research and development of the products .And most of our products are exported to Southeast Asia and South America .

I am looking forward to having you as our agent , and if poible , we will sick together to seek common

development .

Sincerely yours ,

Bill Johnson


说明:假设你是某公司的员工Susan Waters , 根据下列内容给公司人事部经理Ms.Buch 写一封辞职信 写信日期:2010.12.19





辞职 resign v./resignation n.Dec.19,2010,

Dear Ms.Bush,

I’m writing to resign my job in this company .It’s a pity that I have to leave the company , but I have accepted a position that is more suitable for my career objective in another company .

I plan to leave the company one month later , so please make my resignation effective before Jan.20,2011.And I will turn over my job my colleagues this mouth .

I do appreciate the guidance and help that I have got in this company .The working experience and good relationships with my colleagues here will be a valuable part of my life .

Best wishes to you and the company .

Sincerely yours,

Susan Waters


假设您是公司销售部经理David Wang , 给总经理写一封电子邮件






电子产品展销会 electronic products fair

售后服务 after-sales service

Dear General Manager ,

I have attended the electronic products fair held in New York , US , which lasted for one week .

Our company arranged three stands and our products are very popular among the customers .Five American companies have signed sales contract with us .We are sure that our products will enjoy a good prospect in the American market .

There is another thing that needs mentioning .Our customers hope that we may provide top-quality after-sales service .

Sincerely yours ,

David Wang

Sales Manager




Dear Manager ,

I’m writing about buying some computers and a printer .

The computers and the printer we are using now have worked for more than five years .There is something wrong with them , which has a great bad effect on our work .And what’s more , the there new employees also need computers to carry out their work .

All we need are eight computers , and one printer , which cost in all about 50000.I hope you may deal with this matter as soon as poible .

Sincerely yours ,

Li Ming


说明:假设你是Jenny Wang , 给某手机专卖店写一封投诉信







退款 refund调换 replace (ment)

Dear Manager ,

I’m writing to complain about the poor quality of mobile phone in your store .

At the beginning of May this year , I bought a Nokia mobile phone with the model of 3120 .

Unexpectedly , I can’t hear anything in it in le than a week .I repaired it twice , but it still can’t work normally .I want to replace this broken mobile phone with a new one or get a refund .

I know your shop always enjoys high reputation and gives good service to customers , and I hope you can look into this matter as soon as poible .

Yours faithfully ,

Jenny Wang


说明:假设你是某公司销售助理王海,请给David Smith 先生写一封回信,内容包括:





纸箱 carton木箱 wooden case

Dear Mr.David Smith ,

I’m the sales aistant of XX company , and I’m writing about the 100 boxes of shirts you have ordered from us .Thank you very much for that .

I have a good suggestion for you .These shirts are better to be packaged and shipped with cartons rather than wooden cases .Carton enjoys many advantages such as being light and lower cost .We have also used cartons to package shirts when trading with other American companies recently and the result was quite good .

Looking forward to your reply as soon as poible .

Sincerely yours ,

Wang Hai



1 postoffice、2 she hired someone、3 to paint the house、4 A salesperson、5 at home It arrived early、6 she is still preparing the report、7 Fine、8 Buy a dictionary for herself、9 Go shopping、10 Book her flight to beijing、11 It is some distance from school、12 He is going to visit an apartment building 单项

13 ultimate、14 each、15 presented、16 probably、17 into、18 elp up、19 shamed、20 intend、21 went off、22 sign ,denied、23 persist、24 as been discuing、25 what、26 hasturned、27 he did、28 that、29 Three times as much as、30 having been given、31 that、32fixed 阅读

33 producers of movies music and TV shows 34 be warned by the provider 35 without the user knowing it 36 when decided by the law 37 appeared to be generally acceptable、38 Jeica ; 39 developing an image of yourself that you want to project in things you do;、40 Something good thant people say about someone ; 41 attitudes and behavior ; 42 personnal brand can be judged and changled 48 fragile、49 peaches require more labor to harvest 50 a machine; construction jobs、51 pay higher wages to them 52 more expensive T1:若嫌疑人的违法行为任不停止,服务商有可能暂时降低网速,或者将浏览器重定向特定网页,直到用 户与公司联系.T2:个人品牌塑造就是个人形象塑造,也就是你在做一切事情中表现出来的形象.T3:世界遭受的最大损失莫过于你因为怕失败就放弃你本可做出的独特贡献.T4:或许,解决问题的一个办法是让墨西哥人作为外来工人来此工作,即可帮他们养家糊口,又可帮助弄 采收.T5:我相信我们已经有周全的计划安排,能办好一届安安全全的奥运会.S1:matter S

2、probably S3:managements S4:depends S5:online S6:improving 作文:1.实现远大志向需要从小事做起。 2 .如果从小事做起。 Starting from small things 范文:As we all know, no one can succeed with ambitions.Many people dream of becoming succeful businemen, powerful officials, well- known scientists and so on.However, Rome can’t be built in one day.We need take actions and make efforts.we should start from small things.There are many examples to prove that.For instance, if you want to be a scientist, the first thing you should do is to study well some courses such as mathematics and physics from middle schools to colleges.They can prepare you neceary basic knowledge required in further research.In addition, you are expected to do as many experiments as you can in the field you are interested in because they are foundations for you to build up on your practical skills and experience.To sum up, as college students, we can have ambitions and set good goals for our future.But we must bear in mind that we should begin with so-called small things to achieve them


1.can have had 2.took place 3.in poeion of 4.which 5.How many 6.is being short 7.a; the 8.because of 9.are to adopt 10.motivation 词型转换

1.will be 2.closely 3.to relax 4.has won 5 being caught 6 have been placed 7.to be considered 8.writing9understood 9.understood 10 is thought 阅读理解:

一.1.don’t want others to know they are rich2.live in apartments3.an area in another town or city4.a popular name in the United States5.Impoible 二.1.the cultural differences Yuxin experienced in America .the host mom tried hard to make Yuxin feel at home The host mom’s rule about playing with the kids The host family’s two children didn’t like Yuxin at all By words and by actions .选词填空

1.integrity and forthrightne 2.a good member of my parish 3.land in the airport 4.into marginal 5.in the garage at home 汉译英

俱乐部新成员------newest member of club 法律委员会---------law committee 客户经理--------account manager 商务评估---------busine caluations 风险处理-------------risk management 医药销售------------pharmaceutical sales 地域扩长----------territory expansion 法律顾问------- legal compliance 产品安全保障--------industril safety programs 员工关系--------employee relations 翻译


Tony loves China so much that he has spent six years learning Chinese in order to learn more about Chinese culture 我们相信,中国人将用大约十年时间就能制造出大型飞机 have two ways of learning English。One is to read English aloud,and the other is to keep watching English programs 3这个小镇过去污染很严重。人们既看不到蓝天,也呼吸不到新鲜空气

The pollution in the town used to be so serious that people neither saw the blue sky nor breathed in the fresh air 4.The waterproof material is suitable for the aerial used near the waterfall.这种耐水材料适合用在瀑布附近的天线.5.The handy left-hander left a handsome handkerchief on the handle of the handbag.手巧的左撇子把一方漂亮手帕留在手提包的提手上 作文

6月5日( June 5)为世界环境保护日,雅玛人预言2012将是世界末日,虽然此预言无法兑现,但是我们周围的环境变得越来越糟糕,污染越来越严重…

应x网站邀请,向我校学生征稿,呼吁社会重视环境,假如你是学生joke 要求简明举例现有的环境问题2.呼吁社会重视环境保护3阐述自己的观点

玛雅人---Mamy 预言-----Prophecy ----- World Environment Day




all right 好吧 of course(not) 当然(不) Will you come back again? Of course 1

conversation 会话 pardon 对不起,请再说一遍

“It’s time to get off bus,” “Pardon?”

“I said it’s time to get off bus.” 2

could 能,可能(can的过去式) be going to 打算,准备

Tomorrow is Ted’s birthday .I’m going to buy him a birthday cake.may 可能 might 可能(may的过去式) should 将要(shall的过去式) will 将要 3

agree 同意(反义词:disagree) believe 相信(同义词:trust) decide 决定,下决心 forget 忘记

gue 猜 grow 成长,生长 4 hate 痛恨 mind 介意 prefer 更喜欢,宁愿 remember 记住

wish 希望(同义词:expect,hope) 5

ask(for) 问,要求,(反义词:answer) Don’s ask dad for money.call 称呼,打电话给......My name is William H.Gates.Just call me William.6

explain 解释 speak 说

He speaks English very well.whisper低声说,耳语(反义词:shout)

whistle 吹口哨,鸣汽笛 Don’t whisper to me,please.Just tell me what you want.7


感觉 feel(like) 觉得,触摸 hear 听见(近义词:listen) look for 寻找

John is looking for his glaes on the floor.find out 找到,发现 8

look like 似乎,好像 look after 照顾,关心 smell(like) 闻起来(像) sound(like) 听起来(像) taste(like) 尝起来(像) 9

arrive 到达(反义词:leave) fall掉,跌落 fall over 落在....上面 follow 跟随 get off 下车

get on 上车

Hurry up!It’stime to get on the bus.10

get to 到达

When we got to the station,the train had already left.go out 出去

“I’m too tired to cook,” “Let’s go out to eat then.”

leave离开 11

Spend 花费,消耗

straight on 直行

Turn left,and then walk straight on.turn 转向 visit拜访 12

break 打断,打破 bring带来(反义词:take) cook 烹调,煮 cut 砍,切 I’m getting off at next stop,Bye! fetch 拿来 get 获得,抓住 mix 搅拌 pull 拉

push 推 13

steal偷 swing 摆动,摇摆 turn off 关上

Please turn off the lights when you go out.turn on 打开

Turn on the radio ,please.14

begin 开始 burn 烧,燃烧 camp 露营,扎营 The boys went camping in Tibet last year.end 结束(反义词:start) finish 完成

happen 发生 15

lie(down) 位于,躺(下)(反义词:stand)

1.The Summer palace lies to the west of downtown Beijing City.2.Emily caught a cold and had to lie in bed.let 让 lose失去(反义词:get) 16 make 制造,使成为 meet 遇到

score 得分 sell卖,出售(反义词:buy) send 发送(反义词:receive) ski 滑雪

stay 停留,呆在...(反义词:leave) 17

study 学习,研究 take(time) 占用,占领 teach 教 thank感谢 use 使用

win 赢得(反义词:fail)

butterfly 蝴蝶 camel 骆驼

Camels are used to carry goods in desert areas.dinosaur 恐龙

The dinosaur looks cool.insect 昆虫 octopuwan 天鹅 19

airport 机场 ambulancefire engine消防车 bicycle rocket火箭 bus

kilometre千米,公里 stationstreet 街,街道 Taxi traffic交通


救护车 自行车

stop 公共汽车站 20 车站 出租车

18 Pay attention to the traffic lights when you cro the road.way 道路 corner角落 21

bookshop 书店 bridge桥 cafe/cafe 咖啡馆,小餐馆

Where can I find a cafe on the campus? castle 城堡 22

cave 洞穴 college学院,大学

factory工厂 front前面,前线(反义词:back) hill小山 hotel旅馆

London 伦敦 23

museum 博物馆 office办公室 post office 邮局

pyramid 金字塔 police station 警察局

A police car is parked outside the police station.fire station 消防队 24

restaurant 餐馆,饭店 theatre剧场,戏院

toilet 厕所 university大学 25 addre 地址


My surname is White and my full name is Joan White.telephone 电话 26

west 西方,西部 south南方,南部

north 北方,北部 east东方,东部 27

husband 丈夫 wife 妻子

mi 小姐,女士 Mr.先生 Mrs.夫人queen 王后,女王(同义词:empre) student 学生 28

actor 男演员 actre女演员 art 艺术 artist艺术家

busine 商务,生意 busineman男商人 29

businewoman 女商人 chemist化学家,药剂师 dentist 牙医 doctor医生

engineer 工程师 30

farmer 农夫,农民,农场主 fireman 消防员 firewoman女消防员

footballer 足球运动员,足球选手

It is every footballer’s dream to play in the World Cup.31

job 工作(同义词:work) journalist新闻记者 mechanic 技工,机械工 nurse护士

secretary 秘书 32

astronaut 宇航员 painter 画家 photographer摄影者 pilot 飞行员 33

policeman男警察 policewoman 女警察 singer歌手

tennis player 网球运动员

Xiao Lee wants to be a tennis player in the future.34

bin 箱,柜

Where is the dustbin.brush 刷子 comb梳子,梳头 35

drum 鼓 flashlight手电筒 medicine 药,药品

I’ve got a headache ,so I think I need some medicine.36 present 礼物 sciors剪刀 shelf 架子

soap 肥皂

I bought a bar of soap in the supermarket.37

fridge 电冰箱 suitcaseumbrella 伞 38

geography 地理学maths 数学 science

exam 检查,考试 card diary 日记 dictionary envelope 信封 40

glue 脱水 letterkey 答案,钥匙 magazinenews 新闻 41

newspaper报纸 postcard problem问题 stamp



科学 39 卡片


信,字母 杂志


邮票 42

history tape recorder 磁带录音机

It seems tape recorders are already out of fashion.43

biscuit 饼干 cookie饼干 butter 黄油 chocolate巧克力

dinner 正餐 44

flour 面粉 jammeal餐,饭 45

pepper 胡椒粉 pizzasalad 沙拉 salt

snack 快餐,小吃 sugar vegetable 蔬菜 47

chopsticks筷子 cooker fork叉子 knife plate盘子 spoon

future 将来,未来 centurydate日期 year



盐 46 食糖


小刀 48 匙 49 世纪

年 50 midday正午 tonight今天晚上 midnight午夜 tomorrow明天

A.m.上午 51

P.m.下午 time 时间 O’clock 点钟 hourminute 分钟 52


spring春天 summer

autumn秋天 winter

month 月 February二月 March

April四月 MayJune六月 57

July 七月 AugustSeptember 九月 58


半,一半 53 夏天 54 冬天 55 January一月

三月 五月


56 half October十月 November十一月 December十二月 59

Christmas圣诞节 Easter【宗】(耶稣)复活节

The coloured eggs are symbols of Easter.60 zero零

“what does zero mean?” “It usually means nothing.”

twenty-first第二十一的,第二十一 61

thirty 三十 forty四十 fifty 五十 sixty六十 seventy 七十 eighty八十 ninety 九十 hundred百

thousand 千

eleventh 第十一的,第十一

November is the eleventh month of the year.twelfth第十二的,第十二

Twelfth Night is a masterpiece by Shakespeare.63

62 thirteenth第十三的,第十三

There is no thirteenth floor in this building.fourteenth 第十四的,第十四

The elevator was down,so we had to climb to the fourteenth floor!What a nightmare! 64

fifteenth 第十五的,第十五

Mr.Lin’s office is on the fifteenth floor.seventeenth 第十七的,第十七

This is her seventeenth birthday.65


Do you still remember the September Eighteenth Incident? twentieth第二十的,第二十

Mary was born on October the twentieth.66


Today is May the thirtieth ,and the day after tomorrow is Children’s Day。 67

fur 毛皮 gla玻璃

gold 金 metal金属 68

paper 纸 plastic塑料

silver 银,银子 69

wood木头 wool羊毛 70

belt带,带子 glove 手套

pocket口袋 shorts 短裤 71 tights紧身衣

Don’t wear tights,or you’ll feel uncomfortable.uniform 制服 72

circus 马戏,马戏团 club俱乐部

competition比赛 football足球 73

golf 高尔夫 player比赛者

programme 节目 race比赛(同义词:game;match) sledge雪橇 74 snowball雪球

A snowball just hits me in the face.snowman 雪人 75 torch火炬

May I hold the torch for a while? volleyball 排球 76 team队 tent帐篷

air空气 environment环境 desert沙漠 fire火 fog 雾 foggy有雾的

ice冰 77

light 光,点燃,轻的 planet行星 sky天空(反义词:ground) space空间 storm暴风雨

The terrible storm destroyed the village.wind风 78

end 终点 flag旗 group 群

language语言 meeting 会,会议 money钱 rucksack(旅行用)帆布背包

Kelly carries a rucksack when she travels.79

post 邮政 ring环状物,打电话 secret 秘密 Spot点,斑点

There is a black spot on your shirt,what is that? stripe 条纹,线条 piece张,片

use 使用,价值 wing翅膀 80

a few少许,少数 a little少量,少许

a piece of一块 Have a piece of ,please.

few几个(近义词:little) little 小的,少许 many很多,许多(反义词:few)

much 许多,很多(反义词:little)

clever聪明的(反义词:stupid) dear 亲爱的

excited兴奋的 friendly友好的 ill生病的

Louis is ill and has to stay in bed .kind 和蔼的,亲切的 83

late晚,迟 married已婚的 poor 贫穷的 rich富有的

ready准备就绪的(同义词:prepared) 84


81 fun 有趣的,愉快 single单身的 sure 确信的 unfriendly不友好的

unhappy不高兴的(反义词:happy;同义词:sad) 85

brave勇敢的 broken坏掉的 bored烦人的 cheap便宜的 closed关闭的(反义词:open)

dark黑暗的(同义词:black; 反义词:bright)


dry干的(反义词:wet) empty空的(反义词:full) enough足够的(反义词:short) expensive昂贵的(同义词:dear) 87

extinct灭绝的(反义词:prosperous) The dinosaur is extinct animal.far 远的 heavy沉的,重的(反义词:light) 88

interesting有趣的 long长的(反义词:short) near附近的 next下一个的,下次的(反义词:last) tidy整洁的 untidy凌乱的(反义词:tidy)

The room is dirty and untidy.89

boring令人厌烦的 dangerous危险的(反义词:safe) excellent卓越的,极好的

You’ve done an excellent job.fast 快的(反义词:slow) 90

full(of)滿的,充满的,吃饱的(反义词:empty) high 高的 low低的

horrible可怕的 important重要的(反义词:unimportant) lovely可爱的,美好的(反义词:miserable) 91

miing缺少的 nice 好的

noisy嘈杂的(反义词:quiet) right正确的,合适的

same同样的(反义词:different) soft软的(反义词:hard) 92

spotted有斑点的 strange陌生的,奇怪的 striped有斑纹的 sweet甜的(反义词:bitter) warm温暖的 left剩余的 93 worse更坏的;更差的(反义词:better)

Don’t try to repair your bike yourself,you’ll make it worse.worst最坏的(反义词:best)

Hope for the best but prepare for the worst.94 after在....之后;以后 ago 以前 already 已经 also也

anywhere 任何地方 away在远处,离去

before 在....之前,以前 early早 95

else 另外,其他 ever也,曾经 everwhere 到处,无论哪里 hard努力地

just正好,刚才 later后来,以后 96

nowhere 无处,什么地方都不 perhaps或许,可能

The Little Prince is perhaps the best story children.97

somewhere某个地方,某些地方 soon不久以后 still 仍,仍然 suddenly突然,忽然

together 一起,共同 98

too也(同义词:either;too用于肯定句,either用于否定句) twice两次,两倍 yet仍,更

usually通常 99

anyone任何人 anything任何事物

for each各自,每个 everyone每个人

everything每件事 100

none 没人 no-one没有一个 someone 某人,某些人 other其他的

where哪里 101

if如果 oncesince自从,由于 so

acro横过,穿过 during for为了,因为 into无,没有(反义词:with) 103

over在....上 pastthrough 通过,穿过 untilwithout无,没有(反义词:with)一旦

因此,所以 102 在....期间 从,来自


from 104



1、Directions:This part is to test your ability to do practical writin9.You are required to complete the I.0.U.FORM according to the information given in Chinese.Remember to write the notice on the Translation/Composition Sheet.





Words for reference:

话剧团:drama troupe



Borrowed from Municipal Drama Troupe the following items:

One accordion

Two guitars

10 sets of costumes

We would be very careful and not do any damage to them.We promise to return them within one week.

English Department

Dec 28th,2005

2、Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.You are required to write a letter according to the information given in Chinese below.Remember to write the letter on the Translation/Composition Sheet.

十一期间(National Holiday),你的同学晓璐邀请你到他家乡做客。你受到了他们一家人的热情款待,并且参观了很多漂亮的名胜古迹。请写一封感谢信给你的同学,主要包括如下内容:






Dear Xiaolu,

I must write and thank for your having invited me to your home during this National

Holiday.I am very grateful for the hospitality you and your family showed to me.Your hometown leaves a deep impreion on me.I appreciated very much your efforts in making my stay as pleasant as poible.

Thanks again for everything you and your family have done for me! Please come to my home if you have time.

Your sincerely,

Xiao Dong


Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.You are required to write an email according to the information given in Chinese below.Remember to write the email on the Translation/Composition Sheet.


假设你是Fox Electronic Company销售部的总经理Tom Smith,要求你给某广告公司的负责人John Driscoll写一封电子邮件商谈一些事宜,写邮件的日期为6月10日。邮件内容如下:






Words for reference:

销售部Sales Department

新产品上市时间the launch date of the new product

广告宣传活动advertising campaign


From: Tomsmith@ hotmail, com

To: John@ 163.com

Date: June 10th

Subject: our meeting

Dear Mr.Driscoll,

I\'m the general manager of Sales Department in Fox Electronic Company.I\'m honored on behalf of our company to inform you that our meeting is scheduled on June 20th.The launch date of the new product and advertising campaign will be discued then Please let me know if this would be convenient for you or contact me to offer your arrangement.

Wish to establish long-term cooperative relationship with you.

Best regards, Tom Smith



㈠ 英语与汉语的十大区别 1.英语重结构,汉语重语意 2.英语多从句,汉语多分句 3.英语多代词,汉语多名词 4.英语多长句,汉语多短句

5.英语多被动,汉语多主动 It is said that…据说…

It has been found that…已经被发现… It cannot be denied that…毋庸置疑… 6.英语多变化,汉语多重复

汉语:\"我认为…我认为…我认为…\" 英语:I think…I believe…I aume…

7.英语多抽象,汉语多具体 disintegration 土崩瓦解

ardent loyalty 赤胆忠心(非常忠诚) perfect harmony 水乳交融(非常和谐) on the verge of destruction 危在旦夕 feed on fancies 画饼充饥(靠梦想吃饭)

make a little contribution 添砖加瓦(做小小的贡献) 8.英语多省略,汉语多补充 9.英语多前重,汉语多后重 10.英语多引申,汉语多推理


Ⅰ四步定位翻译法 1.结构分析

⑴ 判断划线部分是句型

⑵ 句子主干在哪里,词与词之间是什么关系 *⑶ 看有几个动词(最重要) 2.句子切分 原则:

⑴ 主干分开,主句与从句分开 ⑵ 并列成分分开 ⑶ 多个修饰语分开 ⑷ 多个从句分开

⑸ 很长的主语和谓语分开 3.词义推敲

⑴ 把代词译成名词 ⑵ 把被动变成主动 ⑶ 把变化处理成重复 ⑷ 把抽象化为具体 4.检查核对

⑴ 完整(不要遗漏内容) ⑵ 通顺(逻辑性)

Ⅱ.具体操作的问题 1.从句提前

2.定语提前(如果说不通,可以拆为两句) ㈢ 汉译英 Ⅰ.原则 1.替换原则

肯定与否定的替换 例:他考试失败了。 He failed in the exam.He did not pa the test.2.查找原则

有的词可以在卷面中找到 3.考点原则

只有两个考点:句型、词组 共同特点: 相对固定

Ⅱ.五大类型 1.纯词组考查


Don\'t you think that newspapers will someday give way to the internet.这个浪漫的爱情故事,一代一代口头流传下来。

By word of mouth, the romantic love story has paed on from generation to generation.2.纯句型考察 同级比较 考倍数

两倍多 twice as much as 四个大 four times as big as 3.词组+句型考察 4.词汇考察


A friend is someone who you can ask for help when you are in trouble.政府决定把煤转化为煤气。

The government is determined to turn the coal into gas.5.语态考察(只有两种*①虚拟②被动) 例:我真希望考试,我没有不及格。 I wish I could have paal the exam.到了睡觉时间,孩子还在看电视。

It is time children went to bed,but they are still wotching TV.和看电影相比,我宁愿玩电脑。(虚拟) Compared with going to the cinema,I would rather played the computer.要是每次都可以按时下课多好。(虚拟) If only the cla could be over on time each time..




1,we … other(B\\how)

2,the …resources(A\\in reused) 3,the … going(A\\competes) 4,Don\'t...any(C\\unle) 5,By...of(D\\will have worked) 6,(C\\on arriving)Attlee...7,Not until(C\\Didn’t I learn) 8,Mi sixth(B\\working) 9,tom have(A\\followed) 10,Jack said...(D\\which)


1,I have a work(education) 2,more than half of the staff ...they(comfortable) 3,the student asked...(needed) 4,at that time I worked...(was considered) 5,all types of water...(harmful) 6,if the investment...(carefully) 7,Among all the internet...(best) 8,companies are legacy...(to keep) 9,please read through...(filling) 10,At the meeting I made...(interested)


task1 1,in ...s\\tear work skills 2,According B\\are learned while working in a term 3, Team...B\\encouraging employees to co-operate 4, why ..A\\to come an agreement 5, what’s is the best title of paages A\\team bulldog task2 1,fairway...C\\provides private car hire service 2,the company\'s...B\\the latest computer systems 3,from the paage we know the you can contact the sales...C\\telephone 4, the profeions...B\\do sightseeing at a lower price 5, which of the following special se....A\\wedding service Task3 Dear Mr.Smith 1.job applicant (John Brown) 2.post...(Human resource management) 3.personal in...(Educational background) 4.(Work experience) 5.time availed (early afternoons) task4 cash plus gives you extra cash 1,what service does cash plus offer(personal line) 2,what is the upper credit limit for cash plus up to($100,000 cash)or twice your monthly in come 3,what is the benefit if you get cash from cash plus(low interest rate) 4,what is advantage of cash plus (monthly repayment)flexible monthly repay mends 5,how can cash plus be used? Online banking


旅行文件 (O)travel documents 儿童救助 (A)child help 急诊医疗手术 (D)emergency medical operation 第三方责任 (M)third party insurance 医疗费用 (F)medical expenses 行程延误 (N)travel delay 行李损坏 (B)drainage baggage 罢工险 (L)strike risk 租车保险负额 (K)rental vehicle exce 战争险 (Q)war risk

五、翻译题 以下给出的是错误答案,请选择正确答案。

1、All of the infrared that you need to a apply for your visa is available free of charge.A\\你申请签证时所需要的一切证明材料全由我的贸易网站wore bridge向你提供。 2,if you...B\\如果无法预付租金,你可以从两类社会基金中获得贷款 3,these products certainly C\\你们发来的产品和我们所看到的样品都不合格,顾客要求退换。 4, A company’s goals and...\\董事会决心修改公司的方针政策,他们有权对重大问题采取措施。


attend your appointment 赴约 convenient 方便 as soon as poible 尽快 enable 能够 offer 提供 patient 病人 rebook 重新预约

cancel 取消

change 改变

method 方法

作文:写辞职信 学习使人进步,相信能就一定能成功

表示要辞职 I am writing to inform you about my decision to resign from my….2, 辞职的原因 I have accepted an offer by anther firm and have decided to tender my 相信能就一定能 resignation…… 3, 说明辞职时间 Effective a month later, I will be resign my employment with yours company…..4, 表示感谢 Thank you for your company and consideration in these several years



Part IListening:

Section A:1.C2.A3.B4.C5.D

Section B:6.B7.C8.A9.C10.D

Section C:11.go down12.1513.interview

14.brought15.put up

Part IIStructure

Section A

16.B17.C18.D19.C20.A21.B22.A23.C24.D Section B

26.pay for27.to finish28.have done it tomorrow29.harmed

30.thinking about31.were full of32.as small as33.drawing

34.lucky35.There were

Part IIIReading Comprehension

Task 1


Task 2


Task 3


Task 4



Task 5

Part IV







I am ______(自我介绍) .I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about_____.

The reason for my diatisfaction is_______(总体介绍).In the first place,_______(抱怨的第一个方面).In addition, ___________(抱怨的第二个方面).Under these circumstances, I find it________ (感觉)_______(抱怨的方面给你带来的后果).

I appreciate it very much if you could _______(提出建议和请求),preferably ______(进一步的要求),and I would like to have this matter settled by ____(设定解决事情最后期限).

Thank you for your consideration and I will be looking forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


Dear ______,

I am____________ (自我介绍).I am writing to see if it is poible for you to provide me with information regarding_______.(要询问的内容)

First of all, what are ____________________?(第一个问题) Secondly, when will___________________?(第二个问题) Thirdly, is __________?(第三个问题)

I would also like to inquire ________(将最重要的问题单独成段).Could you be so kind as to send me some relevant booklets on the above-mentioned aspects?

Thank you for your kindne and your prompt attention to this letter will be highlyappreciated.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming



I am writing to formally request to___________(请求的内容)

The reason for_____ is that______(给出原因).I_____, so I_____(给出细节)

I would also like to request______(提出进一步的要求).I am sorry for any inconvenience I have caused.

Thank you for your attention to these requests.If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at _______(电话号码).I look forward to a favorable reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


Dear ___________,

I am truly sorry that_________________________(道歉的原因).

The reason is that_(介绍原因) Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.Hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation.

You s sincerely,

Li Ming



I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for _________ (感谢的原因).If it had not been for your aistance in___________ (对方给你的具体帮助), I fear that I would have been_________(没有对方帮助时的后果).

Everyone agrees that it was you who______________(给出细节).Again, I wouldlike to expre my warm thanks to you! Please accept my gratitude.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


Dear ___________,

You have asked me for my advice with regard to _______, and I will try to make some conductive suggestions here.

In my humble opinion, you would be wise to take the following actions: ____(建议的内容)

I hope you will find these proposals useful, and I would be ready to discu this matter with you to further details.

Good Luck with your_______(祝愿)

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


Dear Sir or Madam,

I write this letter to apply for the position that you have advertised in______(报纸名称)of______(广告发布时间).

Not only do I have the qualifications for this job, but I also have the right personality for a_____(工作名称).In the one hand,______(第一个原因).On the other hand, _______(另一个原因).

Should you grant me a personal interview, I would be most grateful.If you need to know more about me, please feel free to contact me at any time at_______________(电话号码)

Thank you for considering my application, and I am looking forward to meeting you.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming



There will a____(内容) at/in_____(地点) on___ (时间).We would be honored to have you there with us.

The occasion will start at ___________(具体时间).This will be followed by a_______(进一步的安排).At around______(时间),_______________(另一个安排)

I really hope you can make it.RSVP before ___________(通知你的最后期限)

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming



Many people insist that...很多人坚持认为...

With the development of science and technology, more andmore people believe that...随着科技的发展,越来越多的人认为...

A lot of people seem to think that...很多人似乎认为...


People\'s views on...vary from person to person.Somehold that....However, others believe that....人们对...的观点因人而异.有些人认为.....然而其他人却认为...

People may have different opinions on...人们对...可能会有不同的见解.

Attitudes towards...vary from person to person.人们对待...的态度因人而异.

There are different opinions among people as to...关于....人们的观点大不相同.

Different people hold different attitudes toward....对...人们的态度各不相同.


Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturallycome to the conclusionthat...


Taking into account all these factors, we may reasonablycome to the conclusionthat...考虑所有这些因素,我们可能会得出合理的结论..

Therefore, we\'d better come to the conclusion that...


There is no doubt that ...has its drawbacks as well as merits.


All in all, we cannot live without...But at the sametime we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that wouldarise.



It is high time that we put an end to the (trend).该是我们停止这一趋势的时候了.

It is time to take the advice of ...and to put special emphasis on the improvement of...该是采纳...的建议,并对...的进展给予特殊重视的时候了.

There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of...


Obviously, If we want to do something..., it is eential that...


Only in this way can we...只有这样, 我们才能...

It must be realized that...我们必须意识到...


Obviously, if we don\'t control the problem, the chances are that...will lead us in danger.很明显,如果我们不能控制这一问题,很有可能我们会陷入危险.

No doubt, unle we take effective measures, it is verylikely that...


It is urgent that immediate measures should be taken to stop the situation.



From my point of view, it is more reasonable to support the first opinion rather than the second.在我看来,支持第一种观点比支持第二种观点更有道理.

I cannot entirely agree with the idea that...我无法完全同意这一观点....

Personally ,I am standing on the side of ...就个人而言,我站在...的一边.

I sincerely believe that...我真诚地相信...

In my opinion, it is more advisable to do ...than to do....


Finally, to speak frankly, there is also a more practical reason why...



This phenomenon exists for a number of reasons.First,...Second, ...Third, ...

这一现象的存在是有许多原因的.首先, ...第二, ...第三, ...

Why did...? For one thing...For another....Perhaps the primary reason is...

为什么会...? 一个原因是...令一个原因是...或许其主要原因是....

I quite agree with the statement that...the reasons arechiefly as follows.



Here are some suggestions for handling...这是如何处理某事的一些建议.

The best way to solve the troubles is...解决这些麻烦的最好办法是...

People have figured out many ways to solve this problem.人们已找出许多办法来解决这个问题.


As far as something is concerned, ....就某事而言,...

It was obvious that...很显然,....

It may be true that..., but it doesn\'t mean that...可能...是对的,但这并不意味着...

It is natural to believe that..., but we shouldn\'tignore that...认为....是很自然的,但我们不应忽视....

There is no evidence to suggest that...没有证据表明...



still, Indeed, apparently, oddly enough, of course, afterall, significantly,interestingly, also, above all, surely, certainly,undoubtedly, in any case,anyway, above all, in fact, especially,obviously, clearly...表示比较的连接词

like, similarly, likewise, in the same way, in the samemanner, equally.


By contrast, on the contrary, while, whereas, on theother hand, unlike, instead, but, conversely, di

fferent from, however, neverthele, otherwise, whereas, unlike, yet, in contrast.


For example, for instance, such as, Except (for).


later, next, then, finally, at last, eventually,meanwhile, from now on, at the same time, for the time being, in the end,immediately, in the meantime, in theme an while, recently, soon, now and then,during, nowadays, since, lately, as soon as, afterwards, temporarily, earlier,now, after a while.表示顺序的连接词

first, second, third, then, finally, to begin with, firstof all, in the first place,last, next, above all, last but not the least, firstand most important.


Presumably ,probably, perhaps.


n other words, in fact, as a matter of fact, that is,namely, in simpler terms.


What is more, in addition, and, besides, also,furthermore, too, moreover furthermore, as well as, additionally, again.


although, after all, in spite of..., despite, even if,even though, though, admittedly ,whatever may happen.


however, rather than, instead of, but, yet, on the otherhand, unfortunately.whereas


For this reason, due to, thanks to, because, because of, as, since, owing to.


as a result, thus, hence, so, therefore, accordingly, consequently, as consequence.


on the whole, in conclusion, in a word, to sum up, inbrief, in summary, to conclude, to summarize, all in all.


Mostly, occasionally, currently, naturally, mainly,exactly, evidently, frankly ,commonly, for this purpose, to a large extent, formost of us, in many cases, in this case.


As is shown in the graph...如图所示...

The graph shows that...图表显示...

As can be seen from the table,...从表格中可以看出...

From the chart, we know that...从这张表中,我们可知...

All these data clearly prove the fact that...所有这些数据明显证明这一事实,即...

The increase of....has reached to 20%....的增长已达到20%.

In1985, the number remained the same.1985年,这个数字保持不变.

There was a gradual decline in 1989.1989年出现了逐渐下降的情况.



There is a wide spread concern over the iue that....

It is wellknown that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person.A majority of people think that观点一.In their views there are two factors contributing to this attitude as follows: In the first place,原因一.Furthermore, in the second place, 原因二.

People, however, differ in their opinions on this matter.Some people hold the idea that观点

二.In their point of view, on one hand,原因一.On the other hand,原因二.Therefore, there is no doubt that 观点二.

As far as I am concerned, I firmly support the view that观点一或二_.It is not only because ..., but also because....The more..., the more....


Nowadays, there is a wide spread concern over (the iue that)作文题目.In fact, there are both advantagesand disadvantages in 题目议题.Generally speaking, it is widely believed that there are several positive aspects as follows.

Firstly, 优点一.And secondly 优点二.

Just as a popular saying goes, \"every coin has two sides\",讨论议题is no exception, it still has negative aspects.To begin with,缺点一.Inaddition, 缺点二./But every coin has two sides.The negative aspects are also apparent.One of the important disadvantages is that(缺点一).To make matters worse, (缺点二).

Throughthe above analysis, I believe that the positive aspects overweigh the negativeones.Therefore, I would like to (我的看法).

(Or:From the comparison between these positive and negative effects of A, we should take itreasonably and do it according to the circumstances we are in.Only by this way, (对前景的预测).解决方法题型

In recent days, we have to face the problem of (问题A), which is becoming more and more serious.First, (说明A的现状).Second,(举例进一步说明现状)

Therefore, we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation.For one thing, (解决方法

一).For another (解决方法二).Finally,(解决方法三).

Personally, I believe that (我的解决方法).Consequently, I\'m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because(带来的好处).


The good old proverb(名言或谚语)reminds us that(释义).Indeed, we can learn many things form it.

Firstof all,(理由一).For example, (举例说明).Secondly,(理由二).Another case is that (举例说明).Furthermore , (理由三).

In my opinion, (我的观点).In short, whatever you do, please remember the saying(名言或谚语).If you understand it and apply it to your study or work, you\'ll necearily benefit a lot from it.



书信/e-mail类八大模板 (你自己选择一个自己背下来就可以了)


Dear_______, I am ______(自我介绍) .I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about_____.The reason for my diatisfaction(不满) is_______(总体介绍).In the first place,_______(抱怨的第一个方面).In addition, ___________(抱怨的第二个方面).Under these circumstances(环境,情况), I find it________ (感觉)_______(抱怨的方面给你带来的后果).I appreciate it very much if you could _______(提出建议和请求),preferably ______(进一步的要求),and I would like to have this matter settled by ____(设定解决事情最后期限).Thank you for your consideration and I will be looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely, Li Ming 2:询问信

Dear ______, I am____________ (自我介绍).I am writing to see if it is poible for you to provide me with information regarding_______.(要询问的内容) First of all, what are ____________________?(第一个问题) Secondly, when will___________________?(第二个问题) Thirdly, is __________?(第三个问题) I would also like to inquire ________(将最重要的问题单独成段).Could you be so kind as to send me some relevant(相关的) booklets(小册子) on the above-mentioned aspects? Thankyou for your kindne, and your prompt attention to this letter will be highly appreciated.Yours sincerely, Li Ming 3:请求信

Dear___________, I am writing to formally request to___________(请求的内容) There a reason for_____ is that______(给出原因).I_____, so I_____(给出细节) I would also like to request______(提出进一步的要求).I am sorry for any inconvenience I have caused.Thank you for your attention to these requests.If you have any questions, do not hesitate(犹豫) to contact me at _______(电话号码).I look forward to a favorable reply.Yours sincerely, Li Ming 4:道歉信

Dear ___________, I am truly sorry that_________________________(道歉的原因).There reason is that_(介绍原因) Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.Hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation.You s sincerely, Li Ming 5:感谢信

Dear______, I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for _________ (感谢的原因).If it had not been for your aistance in___________ (对方给你的具体帮助), I fear that I would have been_________(没有对方帮助时的后果).Everyone agrees that it was you who______________(给出细节).Again, I would like to expre my warm thanks to you! Please accept my gratitude.Yours sincerely, Li Ming 6:建议信

Dear ___________, You have asked me for my advice with regard to _______, and I will try to make some conductive (有传导力的)suggestions here.In my humble(简陋的) opinion, you would be wise to take the following actions: ____(建议的内容) I hope you will find these proposals(提议) useful, and I would be ready to discu (讨论)this matter with you to further (进一步地)details.Good Luck with your_______(祝愿) Yours sincerely, Li Ming 7:求职信

Dear Sir or Madam, I write this letter to apply for the position that you have advertised in______(报纸名称)of______(广告发布时间).Not only do I have the qualifications (资格)for this job, but I also have the right personality for a_____(工作名称).In the one hand,______(第一个原因).On the other hand, _______(另一个原因).Should you grant me a personal interview, I would be most grateful.If you need to know more about me, please feel free to contact me at any time at_______________(电话号码) Thankyou for considering my application, and I am looking forward to meeting you.Yours sincerely, Li Ming 8:邀请信 Dear________, There will a____(内容) at/in_____(地点) on___ (时间).We would be honored to have you there with us.The occasion will start at ___________(具体时间).This will be followed by a_______(进一步的安排).At around______(时间),_______________(另一个安排) I really hope you can make it.RSVP(请回复) before ___________(通知你的最后期限) Yours sincerely, Li Ming (下面这些作文中会用得到,以后的四级考试同样可以用这些东西)



Many people insist that...很多人坚持认为...With the development of science and technology, more and more people believe that...随着科技的发展,越来越多的人认为...A lot of people seem to think that...很多人似乎认为...引出不同观点: People\'s views on...vary from person to person.Some hold that....However, others believe that....人们对...的观点因人而异.有些人认为.....然而其他人却认为...

People may have different opinions on...人们对...可能会有不同的见解.Attitudes towards (drugs) vary from person to person.人们对待吸毒的态度因人而异.There are different opinions among people as to...关于....人们的观点大不相同.Different people hold different attitudes toward(failure).对(失败)人们的态度各不相同.结尾部分

Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally come to the conclusion that...把所有这些因素加以考虑,我们自然会得出结论...Taking into account all these factors, we may reason ably come to the conclusion that...考虑所有这些因素,我们可能会得出合理的结论..Hence/Therefore ,we\'d better come to the conclusion that...因此,我们最好得出这样的结论...There is no doubt that (job-hopping) has its drawbacks aswell as merits.毫无疑问,跳槽有优点也有缺点.All in all, we cannot live without...But at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise.总之,我们没有...是无法生活的.但同时,我们必须寻求新的解决办法来对付可能出现的新问题.提出建议: It is high time that we put an end to the (trend).该是我们停止这一趋势的时候了.It is time to take the advice of ...and to put special emphasis(重点) on the improvement of ...该是采纳...的建议,并对...的进展给予特殊重视的时候了.There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of ...毫无疑问,对...问题应予以足够的重视.Obviously,....If we want to do something..., it is eential(基本的) that...显然,如果我们想做某事,很重要的是...Only in this way can we...只有这样,我们才能...It must be realized that...我们必须意识到...预示后果: Obviously ,if we don\'t control the problem, the chances are that...will lead us in danger.很明显,如果我们不能控制这一问题,很有可能我们会陷入危险.No doubt, unle we take effective measures, it is very likely that...毫无疑问,除非我们采取有效措施,很可能会...It is urgent that immediate measures should be taken to stop the situation.很紧迫的是,应立即采取措施阻止这一事态的发展.论证部分 From my point of view, it is more reasonable to support the first opinion rather than the second.在我看来,支持第一种观点比支持第二种观点更有道理.I cannot entirely agree with the idea that...我无法完全同意这一观点....Personally ,I am standing on the side of ...就个人而言,我站在...的一边.I sincerely believe that...我真诚地相信...In my opinion, it is more advisable to do ...than to do....在我个人看来,做...比做...更明智.Finally, to speak frankly, there is also a more practical reason why...坦诚地说,最后,还有一个较为实际的原因,_________。

给出原因: This phenomenon exists for a number of reasons.First,...Second, ...Third, ...这一现象的存在是有许多原因的.首先, ...第二, ...第三, ...Why did...? For one thing...For another....Perhaps the primary reason is...为什么会...? 一个原因是...令一个原因是...或许其主要原因是....I quite agree with the statement that...the reasons are chiefly as follows.我十分赞同这一论述,即...,其主要原因如下: 列出解决办法: Here are some suggestions for handling... 这是如何处理某事的一些建议.The best way to solve the troubles is... 解决这些麻烦的最好办法是...People have figured out many ways to solve this problem.人们已找出许多办法来解决这个问题.批判错误观点和做法: As far as something is concerned, ....就某事而言,...It was obvious that...很显然,....It may be true that..., but it doesn\'t mean that... 可能...是对的,但这并不意味着...It is natural to believe that..., but we shouldn\'t ignore that...认为....是很自然的,但我们不应忽视....There is no evidence to suggest that...没有证据表明...作文中常用连接词的选择


still, Indeed, apparently, oddly enough, of course, after all, significantly,interestingly, also, above all, surely, certainly,undoubtedly, in any case,anyway, above all, in fact, especially.Obviously,clearly.表示比较的连接词

like, similarly, likewise, in the same way, in the same manner, equally.表示对比的连接词

By contrast, on the contrary, while, whereas, on the other hand, unlike, instead, but, conversely, different from, however,neverthele, otherwise, whereas, unlike, yet, in contrast.表示列举的连接词

For example, for instance, such as, take ...for example.Except (for), to illustrate.表示时间的连接词

later, next, then, finally, at last, eventually,meanwhile, from now on, at the same time, for the time being, in the end,immediately, in the meantime, in theme an while, recently, soon, now and then,during, nowadays, since, lately, as soon as, afterwards, temporarily, earlier,now, after a while.表示顺序的连接词

first, second, third, then, finally, to begin with, first of all, in the first place,last, next, above all, last but not the least, first and most important.表示可能的连接词Presumably ,probably, perhaps.用于解释的连接词In other words, in fact, as a matter of fact, that is,namely, in simpler terms.表示递进的连接词

What is more, in addition, and, besides, also,furthermore, too, moreover furthermore, as well as, additionally, again.表示让步的连接词

although, after all, in spite of..., despite, even if,even though, though, admittedly ,whatever may happen.表示转折的连接词

However ,rather than, instead of, but, yet, on the other hand, unfortunately.whereas 表示原因的连接词For this reason, due to, thanks to, because, because of,as, since, owing to.表示结果的连接词As a result, thus, hence, so, therefore, accordingly,consequently, as consequence.用于总结的连接词

On the whole, in conclusion, in a word, to sum up, in brief(简言之), in summary, to conclude, to summarize, in short.其他类型连接词

Mostly, occasionally, currently, naturally, mainly,exactly, evidently, frankly ,commonly, for this purpose, to a large extent, for most of us, in many cases, in this case, 图表作文常用句型

As is shown in the graph...如图所示...The graph shows that...图表显示...As can be seen from the table,...从表格中可以看出...From the chart, we know that...从这张表中,我们可知...All these data clearly prove the fact that...所有这些数据明显证明这一事实,即...The increase of ....In the city has reached to 20%...在这个城市的增长已达到20%.In1985, the number remained the same.1985年,这个数字保持不变.There was a gradual decline in 19891989年,出现了逐渐下降的情况.议论文的不同观点列举型(选择型) There is a widespread concern over the iue that 作文题目.But it is wellknown that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person.A majority of people think that 观点一.In their views there are 2 factors contributing to this attitude as follows: in the first place, 原因一.Furthermore,in the second place, 原因二.So it goes without saying that 观点一.People,however, differ in their opinions on this matter.Some people hold the idea that观点二.In their point of view, on the one hand,原因一.On the other hand, 原因二.Therefore,there is no doubt that 观点二.As far as I am concerned, I firmly support the view that 观点一或二_.It is not only because ________,but also because _________.The more _______, the more ______.


It is well know to us that the proverb: \" 谚语 has a profound significance (意义)and value not only in our job but also in our study.It means 谚语的含义.The saying can be illustrated through a series of examples as follows.(also theoretically ) A case in point is 例子一.Therefore, it is goes without saying that it is of great of importance to practice the proverb 谚语With the rapid development of science and technology in China, an increasing number of people come to realize that it is also of practical use to stick to the saying: 谚语.The more we are aware of the significance this famous saying, the more benefits we will get in our daily study and job.


Nowadays,there is a widespread concern over (the iue that)作文题目.In fact, there are both advantages and disadvantages in 题目议题.Generally speaking, it is widely Believed there are several positive aspects as follows.Firstly, 优点一.And secondly 优点二.Just as a popular saying goes, \"every coin has two sides\",讨论议题is no exception, and in another word, it still has negative aspects.To begin with,缺点一.In addition, 缺点二.To sum up, we should try to bring the advantages of 讨论议题into full play, and reduce the disadvantages to the minimum at the same time.In that case, we will definitely make a better use of the 讨论议题.


Currently,there is a widespread concern over (the iue that)作文题目.It is really an important concern to every one of us.As a result, we must spare no efforts to take some measures to solve this problem.As we know that there are many steps which can be taken to undo this problem.First of all, 途径一.In addition, another way contributing to succe of the solving problem is 途径二.Above all, to solve the problem of 作文题目, we should find a number of various ways.But as far as I am concerned, I would prefer to solve the problem in this way,that is to say,方法.


Nowadaysmany people prefer A because it has a significant role in our daily life.Generally, its advantages can be seen as follows.First----------------(A的优点之一).Besides -------------------(A的优点之二).But every coin has two sides.The negative aspects are also apparent.One of the important disadvantages is that ----------------(A的第一个缺点).To make matters worse,------------------(A的第二个缺点).Through the above analysis, I believe that the positive aspects overweigh the negative ones.Therefore, I would like to ---------------(我的看法).(Or:From the comparison between these positive and negative effects of A, we should take it reasonably and do it according to the circumstances we are in.Only by this way, ---------------(对前景的预测).


In recent days, we have to face I problem-----A, which is becoming more and more serious.First, ------------(说明A的现状).Second,----------(举例进一步说明现状) Confronted with A, we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation.For one thing, ---------------(解决方法一).For another-------------(解决方法二).Finally, --------------(解决方法三).Personally,I believe that -------------(我的解决方法).Consequently, I\'m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because --------------(带来的好处).

阐述主题题型 The good old proverb ----------------(名言或谚语)reminds us that----------------(释义).Indeed, we can learn many things form it.First of all,-----------------(理由一).For example, -------------------(举例说明).Secondly,----------------(理由二).Another case is that ---------------(举例说明).Furthermore ,------------------(理由三).In my opinion, ----------------(我的观点).In short, whatever you do, please remember the say------A.If you understand it and apply it to your study or work, you\'ll necearily benefit a lot from it.





























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