
2022-04-07 来源:其他范文收藏下载本文


Leehom Wang Oxford Union speech exception 。。。because knowing both of a coin I really think thatthere’s a love story willing to be told and willing to unfold。I’m willing to tointerpret the love story because I believe it is the story that will save us,will bring us together。

And my thesis statement for today’s talk is that the relationship between east and west needs to be and can be fixed via pop culture。

(laughing。。。) I’m going to try to back it up!

The United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said:“There are no languages required in a music world。That is the power of music and that’s the power of the

heart。Through this promotion of arts we can better understand the

culture and civilizations of the other people。In this era ofinstability and intolerance we need to promote better understanding through the power of music。”

The UN Secretary General thinks we need more music,and I think he’s right。

Music and arts have always played the key role in my life,in building relationships,replacing what once was ignorance fearing of hatred with acceptance,friendship and even love。

So I have strong case for growing in music between cultures because it happened to me earlier in life。

I was born and raised up in New York,barely spoke a word of Chinese。I didn’t know the difference between Taiwan and Thailand。


I was American as。。。。until one day on a third grade playground,the inevitable finally happened。I got teased for being Chinese。

Every kid just teased for making fun on the playground,but this was fundamentally different and I knew it right then and there。This kid,let’s call him Brayan the Cowboy。。。

He started making fun for me,saying“Chinese,Japanese,Dirty knee,Look at these!”


The kids started laughing at me and it hurts!

I can still remember how I can felt,I felt shamed,I felt barrased,but I laughted along with them,with everybody。I didn’t know what else to do。I was like having out-body experience,as if I could laugh at that Chinese kid on the playground with all the other American kids because I was one of them。

Right?Wrong!On many levels。

And I was facing first but definitely not the last time the harsh reality that I was minority。

In Rochester,which in those ages Asian population was about 1%。And I was confused。I wanted to punch Bryan,I wanted to hurt him for hunting me in that situation。But he was masculine,stronger than me and he will kick my butt and he would do that so I just took it in。And I didn’t tell anyone with these feelings and I just held them in and let them repreed.

Those feelings trough surface in a strangely therapeutically for me through music。

It was no coincident that around that time I started paly violion,guitar and drums,I soon discovered that playing music or singing,other kids would,for a brief moment, forget about my race of colour and they be able to see who truly I am,as a human being who’s emotional spiritual curious about the world and has a need for love just like everyone else。

And by the sixth grade,gue who asked me if I could join him for his band。

(Bryan) Bryan!

I said yes and that’s Bryan and me together,from the elementary school rock band called“Nirvana”


I’m not kidding,I was a rock band called“Nirvana”before Kurt Cobain’s band。So when Nirvana came out,Bryan and I were like:Hey,he’s stealing our name!

What really attracted to me is that music at this young age and still I love about it is that it breakes down the walls between us and show us so quickly the truth that we are much more alike than we are different。

Then in high school,I learnt that music was not just about connecting with others,like Bryan and I were connected through music。It was a powerful tool of influence and inspiraton。

Sam Nguyen was my high school janitor。He was an immigrant from Vietnam who barely spoke a word of English。

Sam swept the floors and cleaned the bathroom of our school for twenty years。

He never talked to the kids and the kids never talked to Sam。

But one day,before the opening night before our school’s annual,he walked up to me and holding a letter。

I was taken to the back and I was thingking;why Sam the janitor would approaching me?

He gave me this letter that I was draw off in a shaky hand and written in all capitals,and I read it:

In all my years of working as a janitor at Sutherland,you are the first Asian boy who plays the rock,I will bring my six-year-old daughter to watch you perform because I wanted her to see the Asian communities and inspire her。


奶奶许留芬是清华大学经济系毕业,著有《会计学原理》、《英汉汉英会计学辞典》等;舅公许倬云台大历史系、芝加哥大学博士毕业,是著名的史学家;然后,王爸爸是台大的,王妈妈是政大的,王力宏的哥哥是耶鲁的学士、芝加哥大学的硕士和博士,嫂嫂则是布朗大学的学士,芝加哥大学的硕士,两人现在在哈佛医学院工作,弟弟是麻省理工的硕士,弟媳是其 同学。王力宏自己则是毕业自威廉姆斯音乐学院。真正是学霸一家啊!

01 音乐是我的生命,谢谢大家肯定我的生命(金曲奖感言)

02 刚上中学时,我在纽约地下了解过很多不同的音乐风格,比如Hip-Hop、摇滚等,后来融入自己的风格中。这是优点也是缺点。(总结自己的音乐特性)03 这不是真正的竞争对手,我竞争的是要把华人的音乐更加国际化,对手应该是国外歌手或音乐人,反而觉得华人歌手都是我的同事们,不应该分散力量,我们都是自己人

04 现在流行R&B?不见得完全是,孙燕姿唱的不是R&B啊!好歌绝对可以突破任何市场,产生共鸣。(2000年评说“流行音乐”)

05 我作音乐的原则就是大胆,大方,开放。哪里有喜欢我音乐的人,我就去。我喜欢拿音乐和全世界的人沟通,我相信音乐的力量,能够改变人的生活,改变整个世界。

06 我不会后悔,因为我觉得人生只有一条路,你既然已经做了决定的选择,就好好的去做吧,任何事情都必须付出代价的,在我选择音乐,选择自由的同时,或许其实就已经付出了孤独的代价。

07 如果别人只看外形,对我来说,是悲哀。

08 我现在的生活很靠近地狱(2000年形容自己被媒体烦扰的生活)

09 你不能一直停留在过去的回忆之中,人要很诚恳的生活,才会激发更多的灵感。

10 水在杯子里是一个杯,在壶里就是一个壶,可以千变万化,有时很温柔,又可以非常Powerful,所以我想做“水”。

11 球是机遇,握在手中的球不能太重也不能太轻,否则发挥欠佳,也许,就因为我们不能每次都一击全中,所以更需要看准机会,该出发时就全力以赴,无需迟疑。这一盘打的不好,只要不放弃,一定还有下一盘的。

12 只有寂寞才可以让人成长,我享受一个人的孤独。音乐人都是寂寞的,而且也是自虐的,太好的环境做不出好音乐。

13 荣誉让我感到欣慰,而挫折才真正使我进步。

14 看到他们在神父面前边宣誓边流泪,我真的很渴望自己的幸福快点到来!当一个人比当一个艺人更重要,我不否认我也很期待恋爱。但一段感情是要细水长流的是要努力去营造的,而不是理所当然。(对哥哥结婚的感想)

15 爱情我希望一球全中,白头到老。16 我不太相信一见钟情,那实在是太危险了。

17 我专一浪漫,但只会为我爱的人而浪漫。

18 我尽量不谈感情和私生活,因为我尊重对方。

19 当一个艺人最有趣、最有意义的就是:虽然音乐对大多数人来说是娱乐而非理想,但试想你的歌曲可能陪着当代孩子的成长,它可能会拥有足以跨越时代的力量。


I never thought I would be addreing you, the esteemed members of the Oxford Union, without a guitar or an erhu, without my crazy stage hair and costumes, but I did perform in the O2 Arena in London last week.I’m not sure if any of you [x]…

But in many ways that is similar to what I’m talking about today, that is, introducing Chinese pop music.See, I’m actually an ambaador for Chinese pop, whether I like it or not, for both music and movies, and today I’m here to give you a State of Union addre.It’s not the Oxford Union, it’s the union of East and West.

I want to frankly and openly and honestly talk about how we’ve done a good job, or how we’ve done a bad job, of bringing Chinese pop to the West.And I also want to impre upon all of you here today the workings of that soft power exchange and how each of us is involved in that exchange.

Soft power, a term I’m sure you’re all familiar with, coined by Rhodes Scholar and Oxford alumnus Joseph Nye, is defined as the ability to attract and persuade.Shashi Tharoor called it, in a recent TEDTalk, “the ability of a culture to tell a compelling story and influence others to fall in love with them”.I like that definition.But I want to put it in collegiate term for you students in the audience.The way I see it, East and West, are kinda like freshmen roommates.You don’t know a lot about each other aside that you’re living with each other in the same room.And each one is scared the other’s gonna steal his shower time or wants to party when the other wants to study.It has the potential to be absolute hell.We all have horror stories of that roommate, we all heard about those stories.I know a lot of students here in Oxford have their own separate bedrooms.

But when I was a freshman at Williams College [crowd interjects] You’re kidding! Woohoo! Well I had a roommate.And he was that roommate.Let’s just call him Frank.So Frank was my roommate and Frank liked nothing more than to smoke weed.[laughter] And he did it every day.And Frank had a 2-foot long bong under his bed that was constantly being fired up.For those Chinese speakers in the audience, Frank would 火力全开 on that bong.So I gue I was kinda the opposite of Bill Clinton, who tried marijuana but didn’t inhale: I didn’t try marijuana but I did inhale.Every single day.Second hand.And strangely enough, every time I go into our bedroom, I mysteriously end up being late for cla.I was like, dude is it already 10 o’clock?

So, how many of you have lived with that Frank, or be a Frank? Having a roommate can be a recipe for disaster, but it also can have the potential of being the greatest friendship you’ve ever had.See, Frank, he didn’t make it to second year.And I got two new roommates instead: Stephan and Jason, and these days the three of us are the best of friends.So going back to my analogy, East and West, as roommates, do we want to be Frank, or do we want to be Steph and Jason, and I think in this day and age, in 2013, we should all be striving for the latter.I’m auming we all agree that this is the goal that we all strive for.

Now, let’s look at where we are in reality, in recent headlines, in the media include, Foreign policy [maybe?], China’s victim complex, Why are Chinese leaders so paranoid about the United States or the [AP, the Aociated Pre?], Human rights in China worse than US.Bloomberg says, on the cover of this magazine, Yes, the Chinese army is spying on you [laughter] And it’s such a great one that I want to show you the cover of the magazine [laughter][Ed:check out the photo on the right!] Yes, be very afraid! [laughter]

There’s actually an extremely high amount of negativity and fear and anxiety about China, Sinophobia, that I think is not just misinformed and misleading and ultimately dangerous.Very dangerous.And what about how Westerners are viewed by Chinese? Well, we have terms for Westerners.The most common of which are gwailo, in Cantonese which means “the old devil”, laowai, meaning “the old outsider” in Mandarin, ang moh, which means “the red hairy one” in Taiwanese, and the list goes on and on.So are these roommates heading for a best friend relationship? I think we need a little help.And as China rise to power, I think it is more important than ever for us to more discerning about what we believe because after all, I think, that’s the purpose of higher education, and that’s why we are all here, to be able to think for ourselves and make our own decisions.

China’s not just those headlines.The burgeoning economy with unique politics.It is not just the world’s factory or the next big superpower, it’s so much more, a billion people with rich culture, amazing stories, and as a product of both of those cultures, I want to help foster an understanding between the two.And [x] that incredible relationship, because knowing both sides of the coin, I really think that there is a love story waiting to be told, ready to unfold.And I’m only half joking when I said love story because I believe it is the stories that will save us and bring us closer together.

And my thesis statement for today’s talk is that the relationship between East and West needs to be and can be fixed via pop culture, and I’m going to try and back it up.Now, the UN Sec-Gen Ban Ki Moon said, “There are no languages required in the musical world.That is the power of music.That is the power of heart.” Through this promotion of arts we can better understand the culture and civilisation of other people.And in this era of instability and intolerance, we need to promote better understanding through the power of music.The UN Sec-Gen thinks that we need more music, and I think that he is right.Music and arts have always played a key role in my life, in building relationships, replacing what once were ignorance, fear and hatred, with acceptance, friendship and even love.

So I have a strong case for promoting music between cultures because it happened to me early in my life.I was born in Rochester, New York, I barely spoke a word of Chinese.I didn\'t know the difference between Taiwan or Thailand.[laughter] I was as American as apple pie, until one day on the 3rd grade playground, the inevitable finally happened: I got teased for being Chinese.Now every kid gets teased or being made fun of in the playground, but this was fundamentally different and I knew right then and there.So this kid let’s call him Brian [x].He started making fun of me, saying “Chinese, Japanese, dirty knees, look at these!” [laughing] We’re laughing now but it hurt!

I could still remember how I felt, I felt ashamed, I felt embarraed.But I laughed along with everyone.And I didn\'t know what else to do.It was like having an out of body experience.As if I could laugh at that Chinese kid on the playground with all the other Americans because I was one of them, right? Wrong, on many levels.And I was facing the first and definitely not the last time the harsh reality was that I was minority in Rochester, which in those days had an Asian population of 1%.And I was confused.I wanted to punch Brian.I wanted to hurt him for putting me in that situation but he was faster than me, and he was stronger than me, and he would kick my butt and we both knew that, so I just took it in.I didn\'t tell anyone or share with anyone these feelings, I just held them in and I let them fester.And those feelings would surface in a strangely therapeutic way for me through music, and it was no coincidence that around at that time I started getting good with the violin, and the guitar and the drums.And I’d soon discovered that by playing music or singing that the other kids would for a brief moment forget about my race or color and accept me and then be able to see me for who I truly am: a human being who is emotional, spiritual, curious about the world, and has a need for love just like everyone else.

And by the sixth grade, gue who asked me if I would the drummer of their band? Brian.And I said yes.And that’s when we together formed an elementary school rock band called… Nirvana.I’m not kidding, I was in a rock band called Nirvana before Kurt Cobain\'s Nirvana was ever known… So when Nirvana came out, Brian and I were like, hey he’s stealing our name! But really what attracted me to music at this young age was just that, and still is what I love about music, is that it breaks down the walls between us and shows us so quickly the truth that we are much more alike than we [think?].

And then in high school, I learned that music wasn’t just about connecting with others, like Brian and I were connected through music.It was a powerful tool of influence and inspiration.Sam [Nguyen?] was my high school janitor.He was an immigrant from Vietnam who barely spoke a word of English.Sam scrubbed the floors and cleaned the bathrooms of our school for twenty years.He never talked to the kids, and the kids never talked to Sam.But one day before the opening night of our school’s annual musical, he walked up to me holding a letter, and I was taken aback and I was thinking, why is Sam the janitor approaching me? And he gave me this letter that I’ve kept it to this day, it was scrawled in shaky hand written in all capitals and it read, in my all years working as a janitor at Sutherland, you were the first Asian boy to play the lead role.I’m going to bring my 6-year-old daughter to watch you perform tonight because I want her to see that Asians can be inspiring.

And that letter just floored me.I was 15 years old and I was absolutely stunned.That was the first time I realized how music was so important.With Brian, it helped two kids who were initially enemies to become friends, but with Sam, music went beyond the one-on-one.It was an even higher level; it influenced others I didn’t even know, in ways I could never imagine.I can’t tell you how grateful I am to Sam to this day, he really is one of the people who helped me discover my life’s purpose, and I had no idea that something I did could mean more than ever imagined to an immigrant from Vietnam who barely even spoke English.Pop culture, music, and the other methods of storytelling, movies, TV dramas, they are so key, and they do connect us, like me and Brian, and do influence us, and inspire us. Then let’s take another look at this state of union, the East and West union, with this soft power bias.How is the soft power exchange between these two roommates? Are there songs in English that have become hits in China? Sure.How about movies? Well, there are so many that China has had to limit the number of Hollywood movies imported into the country so that local films could even have a chance at succe.What about [x], well, [inaudible exchange with an audience member], yeah, and movies, well there was Crouching Tiger [Hidden Dragon], that was 13 years ago.Well, I think there’s a bit of an imbalance here.It’s called “soft power deficit”, that is to say the West influences the East more than vice versa.Forgive me for using “East” and “West” kinda loosely, it’s a lot easier to say than “English-speaking… language” or “Asian-speaking… language/Chinese”, I’m making generalisation and I hope you can go with me on this.

And it’s just intrinsically a problem, this imbalance in pop culture influence.And I think so.In any healthy relationship, friendship, marriage, isn’t it important for both sides to make an effort to understand the other? And that this exchange needs to have a healthy balance? And how do we addre this? As an ambaador for Chinese pop music and movies, I have to ask myself a question: Why does this deficit exist? Is it because Chinese music just [is lame?].Do you want me to answer that? [laughter] Yeah I think I see some of you are like, stop complaining and write a hit song! Psy did it! But there’s truth in that.The argument being that, the content that we’ve created just isn’t as internationally competitive.But why shouldn’t it?

Look at Korean pop, look at K-pop for example.Korean is an export-based economy and they are outward looking and they must be outward looking.Chinese pop on the other hand can just stay domestic, tour all over China, stick in territories and comfortably sustain.So when you’re that big and powerful, with over 160 cities in China with a million or more people, you tend to kinda turn inward and be complacent.So this certainly can be made an argument made for Chinese pop not being marketed with international sensibilities, but the other side of the argument I think is more interesting and thought provoking and even more true, is that Western ears aren’t familiar with and therefore don’t really understand how to appreciate Chinese music.Ouch!

The reason I think that the argument holds water though is because that’s exactly what I went through, so I happen to know a thing or two about learning to appreciate Chinese pop as a Westerner.\'Cos I was 17 years old when I went from being an Asian kid in America to being an American kid in Asia, and the entire paradigm suddenly got flipped on its head.I grew up listening to Beastie Boys, Led Zeppelin, Guns and Roses, and I found myself in Taiwan listening to the radio and thinking, where’s the beat? Where’s the screeching guitar solos? Here I am as an American kid in Asia listening to Chinese music for the first time and thinking that \"this stuff is lame.I don’t like it!\" I thought it was cheesy, production value was low, and the singers couldn’t belt like Axl Rose or Mariah Carey.

But then one day, I went to my first Chinese pop concert, and it was Harlem Yu performing at the Taipei Music Centre, and as he performed, I looked around the audience and I saw their faces and the looks in their eyes and their response to his music, and it was clear to me finally where the problem lay.It wasn’t that the music that was lacking, it was my ability to appreciate it and to hear it in the right way.The crowd, they would sing along and be totally immerse in his music, and I thought that it was significant, that I was miing the point and from now on, I was going to somehow learn how to get it, I was gonna learn how to hear with both ears, and I deconstructed and analysed what it was that made Chinese audiences connect with certain types of melodies, and rhythms, and song structures, and lyrics, and that’s what I’ve been doing for the past almost twenty years, and it took me a long time and I am still learning but at some point, I not only began to be able to appreciate the music but I started being able to contribute to it and create my own fresh spins on the tried-and-true.

And I think this happens to everyone, really, who is on the outside looking in.It always looks strange if you looked at things from your perspective, you’re always going to think that these people are weirdos, what’s wrong with them, why are they listening to these stuff? And I’m saying that you can make the effort [x], it can be done, and I’m living proof of that.And as an ambaador of Chinese pop, I’m trying to get people to open up to a sound that they may not feel is palatable on the first listen.So what else can we do to reduce this imbalance in our popular cultures? Well, maybe we could talk a lot, tour more outside of China? But seriously, actually I think the tides have already started to change, very slowly, very cautiously, almost calculatedly.

You see more cro-cultural exchange now, more interest in China, definitely a lot of joint ventures, a lot of co-productions in recent years, Iron Man 3, Transformers, [53?][laughter], Resident Evil, really it’s beginning to be kinda like a world pop, and that’s what I’m looking forward to and focusing on these days.There’s J-pop, there’s K-pop, there’s C-pop, and there’s like this W-pop that’s kinda starting to emerge.It’s world pop, and I love that idea.It’s not World Music.There used to be section in HMV called World Music, and I was like Ethnomusicology cla in college.

But world pop is more about breaking and tearing down age-old stereotypes, the artificial confines that have kept us apart for way too long.It’s a melting pot, and it’s mosaic, that even if we looked up close, we’d still see the colours and flavours of each culture in detail.And where can we go to listen to world pop? I don’t think there’s a world pop station or magazine, unfortunately, there are none -- there should be.There is the internet, and YouTube has proven to be a driving force for world pop.Britain’s Got Talent made Susan Boyle the hottest act in the world, and she achieved that not through the record labels or the networks, but through graroots sharing.Gangnam Style is another great world pop, and how that just took over became huge worldwide world pop phenomenon.So world pop as it suggests is a worldwide pop culture is something that can be shared by all of us and gives us a lot of common ground.

So today, what’s my call of action? I’ve already proven multicultural exchange between the East and West, I think I have made that clear, but how? I think… you can all become pop singers, really, I think that’s the [x], unle that’s what you really want to.

My call of action is this: build and protect that roommate relationship between the East and West.Value this relationship and take ownership of it.Don’t come to Oxford as an exchange student from Taiwan and only hang out with other Chinese students.Why would you do that? You could do that in [x] or Nanjing or wherever you came from.Don’t buy into the headlines or the stereotypes or in the hypernationalism.Think for yourselves, and this goes for the East and the West, both.Get to know one another and think for yourselves and don’t believe the hype.For just a moment, if we could just disregard the governments and what the media are saying, just for the sake of the argument, with our own tools of critical thinking, can we build relationships that actually see one another as individual human beings and not faces or members of a particular ethnicity or nationality? Of course we can do that.

And that’s the goal and dream, I think of the romantic artists and the musicians, I think it’s always been there.And that’s what I reach for, and that makes music so powerful and so true, that breaks down instantly and disintegrates all the artificial barriers that we create between each other, government, nationality, black, brown, yellow, white, whatever colour you are, and shows each other our hearts, our fears, our hopes, our dreams, and it turns out in end that the East isn’t that far after all, and the west, well the west, ain’t so white.And through understanding each other’s popular cultures, we gain insight into each other’s heart and true selves.

And for those of you who are just beginning that journey, the West and East, I want to invite you today on this amazing journey with me, and I, as an experienced traveller on this road, on this West and East road, I’ve prepared a mixtape for all of you today, of ten songs that I love.There, that’s a C-pop mixtape that you can check out.I was gonna bring you all CDs but my publicist reminded me lovingly that that would be illegal, that as a profeional recording artist, I shouldn’t do that.But I still think that it works out nicely because you get to see the music videos as well on a lot of these songs.These ten songs are songs that I love and ten different Chinese artists to start you off on getting to know and love Chinese pop and I think these guys are awesome.

I just want to wrap up by saying that being here on the Oxford campus really makes me nostalgic for my days at Williams.And when I look back on those four years, some of my fondest memories are spending time with my roommates Stephan Papiano and Jason Price.In fact Jason is here in the audience today, and made a special trip from London just to see me.And I suppose in the beginning we were strangers, we didn’t know much about each other, and sometimes we did compete for the shower and there were times we did intrude on each other\'s privacy, but I’ve always loved listening to Stephan’s stories about growing up in a Greek family and his opinions about what Greek food really was.Or Jason’s stories, about wanting to make violins and to live in Cremona, Italy like Antonio Stradivari and he did do that, and I will never forget many years later when I played a Jason Price handmade violin for the first time, and how that felt.They were always attentive and respectful when I told them what it was like for me growing up in a Chinese household with strict parents who always made me study.So we shared stories, but the strongest bonds between us were formed just sitting around and listening to music together.And I really do see that as a model for East and West.So I really want to share Chinese music with you today because it’s the best way I know how to create a lasting friendship that transcends all barriers and allow us to know each other truly, authentically and just as we are.


篇1:王力宏牛津大学演讲稿中英文全篇 leehom wang oxford union speech exception 。。。because knowing both of a coin i really think thatthere’s a love story willing to be told and willing to unfold。i’m willing to tointerpret the love story because i believe it is the story that will save us,will bring us together。 and my thesis statement for today’s talk is that the relationship between east and west needs to be and can be fixed via pop culture。

(laughing。。。) i’m going to try to back it up!

the united nations secretary general ban ki-moon said:“there are no languages required in a music world。that is the power of music and that’s the power of the heart。through this promotion of arts we can better understand the culture and civilizations of the other people。in this era ofinstability and intolerance we need to promote better understanding through the power of music。” the un secretary general thinks we need more music,and i think he’s right。 music and arts have always played the key role in my life,in building relationships,replacing what once was ignorance fearing of hatred with acceptance,friendship and even love。 so i have strong case for growing in music between cultures because it happened to me earlier in life。 i was born and raised up in new york,barely spoke a word of chinese。i didn’t know the difference between taiwan and thailand。

(laughing。。。) i was american as。。。。until one day on a third grade playground,the inevitable finally happened。i got teased for being chinese。 every kid just teased for making fun on the playground,but this was fundamentally different and i knew it right then and there。thiskid,let’s call him brayan the cowboy。。。 he started making fun for me,saying“chinese,japanese,dirty knee,look at these!” (laughing„) the kids started laughing at me and it hurts! i can still remember how i can felt,i felt shamed,i felt barrased,but i laughted along with them,with everybody。i didn’t know what else to do。i was like having out-body experience,as if i could laugh at that chinese kid on the playground with all the other american kids because i was one of them。 right?wrong!on many levels。

and i was facing first but definitely not the last time the harsh reality that i was minority。 in rochester,which in those ages asian population was about 1%。and i was confused。i wanted to punch bryan,i wanted to hurt him for hunting me in that situation。but he was masculine,stronger than me and he will kick my butt and he would do that so i just took it in。and i didn’t tell anyone with these feelings and i just held them in and let them repreed. those feelings trough surface in a strangely therapeutically for me through music。 it was no coincident that around that time i started paly violion,guitar and drums,i soon discovered that playing music or singing,other kids would,for a brief moment, forget about my race of colour and they be able to see who truly i am,as a human being who’s emotional spiritual curious about the world and has a need for love just like everyone else。 and by the sixth grade,gue who asked me if i could join him for his band。

(bryan) bryan!

i said yes and that’s bryan and me together,from the elementary school rock band called“nirvana” (laughing) i’m not kidding,i was a rock band called“nirvana”before kurt cobain’s band。so when nirvana came out,bryan and i werelike:hey,he’s stealing our name! what really attracted to me is that music at this young age and still i love about it is that it breakes down the walls between us and show us so quickly the truth that we are much more alike than we are different。 then in high school,i learnt that music was not just about connecting with others,like bryan and i were connected through music。it was a powerful tool of influence and inspiraton。

sam nguyen was my high school janitor。he was an immigrant from vietnam who barely spoke a word of english。 sam swept the floors and cleaned the bathroom of our school for twenty years。 he never talked to the kids and the kids never talked to sam。 but one day,before the opening night before our school’s annual,he walked up to me and holding a letter。

i was taken to the back and i was thingking;why sam the janitor would approaching me? he gave me this letter that i was draw off in a shaky hand and written in all capitals,and i read it: in all my years of working as a janitor at sutherland,you are the first asianboy who plays the rock,i will bring my six-year-old daughter to 。。。。。。但凡事物都有两面,所以我认为这背后蕴含着一个亟待讲述的爱情故事。我更倾向于这样的解释是因为我相信,这些关于爱的故事可以拯救我我们,把我们凝聚在一起。 我今天演讲的主题就是:通过流行文化修复东方世界与西方世界的关系 (众人笑) (我知道这题目很大)我会想办法讲明白的!




对于在不同的文化背景下在音乐中成长这件事,我自己童年时期的经历是一个最好的例证。 我在纽约长大,几乎连一句中文都不会说,以前我连“台湾”和“泰国”都分不清。


知道我上了三年级,有一天在操场上,不可避免的事情终于发生了。因为是中国人的血统,我第一次被人取笑了。当然,平时一起玩的小孩子都会互相戏弄开玩笑,但是这次绝对不同,这点我在彼时彼地就感觉到了。我们暂且管那孩子叫牛仔布莱恩吧!他嘲笑我说:“chinese,japanese,dirty knees,look at these!

大家都开始嘲笑我,我真的很受伤!我依然能够记得我当时的感觉,我觉得特别丢脸和惭愧,但是我当时跟着所有其他人一样在笑。年幼的我并不知道该怎么办,似乎觉得如果我能跟操场上其他美国孩子一样嘲笑“中国人”,我就能置身事外了,我就是他们当中的一员了。 这种想法可取吗?当然不可取,而且是大错特错。篇2:王力宏牛津大学演讲稿 王力宏牛津大学演讲稿 thank you.谢谢你们。 i never thought i would be addreing you, the esteemed members of the oxford union, without a guitar or an erhu, without my crazy stage hair, costumes.but i did perform in the o2 arena in london last week.i am not sure if any of you were able to make that.but in many ways, that was similar to what i’m talking about today, that is, introducing chinese pop music here.尊敬的各位牛津大学辩论会和牛津大学亚太学生会的同学们,万万想不到会以这样的方式跟你们相聚。没有吉他和二胡,没有夸张的舞台装也没有“火力全开”头。不过上周确实在伦敦的o2体育馆表演过了。不知道大家有没有去看呢。 但是,从各方面来说,这些跟我们今天的话题都有密切的关联。那就是-介绍华流音乐。


soft power, a term i am sure you are all familiar with this point 软实力这个词我相信大家都不陌生。这个概念是由rhodes scholar 和牛津校友joseph nye 提出的。


shashi tharoor 在最近的一次ted演讲中把它定义为“一种文化让其他文化在听了他动人的故事之后受到影响并爱上这种文化”的能力。but i want to put it in collegiate term for all you students in the audience: the way i see it, east and west are kinda like freshman roommates.但是我想用贴近你们在做大学生们的方式来解释这个词。在我看来,东方跟西方在某种程度上,像是两个大一刚入学的新生舍友。两个几乎陌生的人,突然来到同一个屋檐下,其中一个总是怕另一个会跟他抢洗澡的时间,或者在他想要学习的时候大开趴体。这种关系很可能就变成跟地狱一样了,不是么?“我的室友是极品”的故事大家都讲得出来。这些事我都有耳闻。还有我知道牛津这儿的很多同学都一人一间的对吧,但是,在我刚上威廉姆斯学院的时候,我并不幸运,而且人身安全堪忧。

(you are kidding me.woo-hoo! all right, all right!great.)哇,你还真的是我们学校的!好吧,好棒!

我当时就有一个这样的极品舍友,让我们暂且叫他frank。这个frank 就是那种好像除了抽大麻没有别的爱好的人。而且他每天都抽。 and frank had a two-foot long bong under his bed that was constantly being fired up.for those chiese speakers in the audience.frank would “火力全开” on that bong every day.他床底下有一个两英尺长的烟斗,持续不断的得点着。给在做讲中文的同学们形容下,就是他每天会对着那个烟斗火力全开

all right 好吧。我可能在这点上算是跟bill clinton 相反吧。bill clinton 是那种“我试过大麻,但我不上瘾。”我不抽大麻,但是我每天都在吸啊吸,而且还是二手的。奇怪的是,只要我在我们的卧室里,我最后都会稀里糊涂地上课迟到。我也不知道怎么回事。我当时就是那副吸了大麻的样子,嘿,已经十点了吗?你们中有多少人有过frank那样的舍友呢?或者,你们也像他一样。所以有一个室友可能是一场灾难的开始。但也可能会酿造一段非凡的友谊。frank第二年就辍学了。于是我换了两个新的舍友,stefan 和 jason。如今,我们三个是铁哥们。



但凡事都有两面,所以我认为这背后蕴含着一个亟待讲述的爱情故事。我说“爱情故事”不完全在说笑。因为我相信,这些关于爱的故事能够拯救我们,把我们凝聚在一起。我今天讲的主题就是,通过流行文化修复东西方世界的关系。好宏伟的计划有木有啊!我会想办法讲明白的。联合国秘书长潘基文说过,在音乐的世界里,沟通时无需语言的。这就是音乐的力量。这就是人心的力量。通过发扬艺术,我们才能够更好的了解其他民族的文明与文化。在这个动荡不安,人与人之间不甚宽容的年代,我们需要利用音乐的力量来更好的了解彼此。 now the un secretary general thinks we need more music, and i think he is right.music and arts have always played the key role in my life in building relationships, replacing what once was the ignorance, fear and hatred with acceptance, friendships and even love.so i have a strong case for promoting music between cultures because it happened to me early in life.联合国秘书长认为我们需要更多的音乐。这一点我很赞同。音乐和艺术一直在我的生命中占据着很重要的地位。音乐和艺术的力量能够帮助建立人与人之间的关系,用包容,友谊和爱来驱逐因为无知的仇恨而产生的恐惧。在不同文化之间推广音乐这一点上,我自己的童年时期的经历是一个最好的例证。

我在纽约的罗切斯特长大,几乎不会说中文。我连“台湾”和“泰国”这两个词都分不清楚。那是真的!我那时是个地地道道的美国人。直到我上了三年级,有一天在操场上,不可避免的事情终于发生了。因为中国人的血统,我第一次被人嘲笑了。当然一起玩的小孩都会互相戏弄开玩笑,但这次绝对不同。这点当时我立马就感觉到了。我们暂且管那个孩子叫bryan m吧。它开始嘲笑我说,中国人,日本人,脏膝盖,快来看。(英文还押韵)你们居然还笑,我太受伤了!好吧,我只是开个玩笑。我依然能够记得我当时的感觉。我感觉特别丢脸,特别尴尬。


我当时心里很乱,我很想把bryan 打一顿。他让我陷入那种窘境,因此我也要让他难过。但是他身材比我壮,出手也比我快。如果和他打架,我一定会被揍得更惨。这一点我们篇3:时尚雅思听力:王力宏牛津大学魅力演讲



烤鸭们快来感受以下你心目中的男神王力宏在牛津大学纯英文的演讲魅力吧。 此次王力宏演讲的主题是“认识华流”,与他的身份相当契合,也是他深深关心更是上升为使命的话题。从小时候在纽约长大到台湾建立起职业生涯,他在现场也跟大家分享了不少生活轶事,其中不乏切身感受。谈到中西方融合时,他也深感自己肩负的使命。在演讲最后,王力宏还不忘将优秀的华人音乐带给大家。

更多英语公开课视频:英语公开课视频集锦:提升的不仅是听力(不断更新) 1



bBm7 #F #C #G 北风毫不留情 把叶子吹落

bBm7 #F #C #G 脆弱的她选择了逃脱

bBm7 #F #C #G #F 叶子失去消息 风才感觉寂寞

bBm7 bEm7 #G bB 整个冬天 北风的痛没人能说

bE Dm7 Gm * 我从来没想过 我会这样做 Cm bBm7 bE 从来没爱过 所以爱错

#G Gm Cm 我从哪里起飞 从哪里降落 Fm bB bE bE 多少不能原谅的错却不能重来过 * bBm7 #F #C #G 翻开回忆角落 完美的生活

bBm7 #F #C #G 以為幸福都可以掌握

bBm7 #F #C #G #F 仔细回味当初 那个故事背后

bBm7 bEm7 #G bB Oh 原来是我 犯下从没承认的错

*repeat Chorus* #G Gm Cm bBm7 在这少了你的世界 Oh bE #G 找不回那些感觉 Gm Cm Fm bB B 其实我不想道别 那些过去

E bEm7 #Gm 我从来没想过 我会这样做

#Cm7 Bm7 E 从来没爱过 所以爱错(从来没有爱过那麼认真) A #Gm #Cm 我从哪里起飞 从哪里降落

#Fm B 多少不能原谅的错 却不能重来过 E bEm7 #Gm 我从来没想过 我会这样做

#Cm7 Bm7 E 从来没爱过 所以爱错 A #Gm #Cm 我从哪里起飞 从哪里降落

#Fm B E E 多少不能原谅的错 请你原谅我的爱错

Ending- E #f G A E 爱的就是你吉他谱

C Bm Em Am D G 在爱的幸福国度 你就是我唯一 我唯一的爱的就是你 Am D G 我真的爱的就是你

G Bm C G 失去才会懂得珍惜 但我珍惜你 G Bm Am D 伤越痛就是爱越深 我不相信 C D Bm Em 你和我同时停止呼吸 每一次我们靠近C Am F D 你让我忘了困惑 忘了所有烦心 G Bm 我把你紧紧拥入怀里 捧你在我手心

C Em C Bm Em 谁叫我真的爱的就是你 在爱的纯净世界你就是唯一 Am D G Bm 永远永远不要怀疑 我把你当作我的空气 如此形影不离 C Em C Bm Em 我大声我爱的就是你 在爱的幸福国度 你就是我唯一 Am D G Am D G 我唯一爱的就是你 我真的爱的就是你 爱的就是你


| bB | Gm | bE | F | 淋我淋过的雨 吹你吹过的风 比风雨还亲 蜜

| bB | Gm | bE | F | 两个人的影子 在同一个天地 拥有一样的回 忆

| Gm | bB | bE | F | 心想着你 眼看着你 就像贴近自 己

| Gm | bB | bE | F | F | 傻的笑的 就好像你 像你一样甜 蜜 (是不是爱你就会变成)

| bB | Gm | bE | F | 变成你 Oh...Ah..爱你就等於爱自己 | bB | Gm | bE | F | 自 己 Mm...Well...All Right | bB | Gm | bE | F | 我想你的难题 你写我的日记 比爱人还亲 蜜

| bB | Gm | bE | F | 我还没说可惜 你已经在叹气 不可思议的默 契

| Gm | bB | bE | F | 心想着你 眼看着你 | Gm | bB | | 怪不得 拥抱感觉 就会变成)

| bB | Gm | 变成你 Oh...Ah..| bB | Gm | 自 己 Mm...Well...All Right

| bE | Gm | F | 是不是你所有的秘 密 | bE | Gm | F | F | Ah~ 不再分

| bB | Gm | 变成你 Oh...Ah..| bB | Gm | 自 己 Mm...Well...就像贴近自 己

bE | F | F 会越来越熟 悉 (是不是爱你bE | F | 爱你就等於爱自己 bE | F | bB | 已经成为我的呼 吸

离 (是不是爱你就会变成) bE | F | 爱你就等於爱自己 bE | F | 爱你就等於爱自己


| C | Am | F | G | 爱自己 Oh...Ah..爱你就等於爱自己 | C | Am | F | G | 自 己 Mm...Well...爱因为在心中吉他谱

F C/E 当我睁开双眼每一天(妙苗) Dm Dm/C 都会记得大家的笑脸(修罗) bB Gm7 C7 明白心中勇敢又多了一点(妙苗修罗) F C/E 曾经哭泣也会看不见(可爱的小南瓜) Dm Dm/C 未来总会有别的喜悦(忧郁之蓝) bB Gm7 C7 就让时间翻开崭新的一页(可爱的小南瓜忧郁之蓝) Am Dm 你的音符你的脸(nicholaslee) Am Dm 有种无声的语言(nicholaslee)

是不是爱你就会变成你 bB Gm7 C7 教我不退缩要坚持著信念(nicholaslee) Am Dm 用音符画一个圈(音乐进化论) Am Dm 经过都会被纪念(音乐进化论) bB Gm7 C7 我想爱永远会留在你心间(音乐进化论) F C/E Dm 每个人都拥有一个梦(合唱) C bB 即使彼此不相同(合唱) F/A 能够与你分享(合唱) Gm7 C7 无论失败成功都会感动(合唱) F C/E Dm 爱因为在心中(合唱) C bB平凡而不平庸(合唱) F/A 世界就像迷宫(合唱) Gm7 C7 F 却又让我们此刻相逢our Home(合唱) F C/E 伤心时你会给我笑脸(f) Dm Dm/C 让我感受友爱的原点(饭饭) bB Gm7 C7 快乐地过有风有雨的岁月(f 饭饭) F C/E 失望和伤心在所难免(冰兰) Dm Dm/C 都会经历漫长的严寒(irini) bB Gm7 C7 让这一切在我们心中沉淀(冰兰irini) Am Dm 用旋律写张信签(ourhome小5) Am Dm 放入你的心褃面(ourhome小5) bB Gm7 C7 手牵手记录我们爱的和弦(beat) Am Dm 用音符画一个圈(死神的乐章) Am Dm 经过都会被纪念(死神的乐章) bB Gm7 C7 我想爱永远会留在你心间(shane) F C/E Dm 每个人都拥有一个梦(合唱) C bB 即使彼此不相同(合唱) F/A 能够与你分享(合唱) Gm7 C7 无论失败成功都会感动(合唱) F C/E Dm 爱因为在心中(合唱) C bB平凡而不平庸(合唱) F/A 世界就像迷宫(合唱) Gm7 C7 F G 却又让我们此刻相逢our Home(合唱) C G/B Am 每个人都拥有一个梦(合唱) G F 即使彼此不相同(合唱) C/E 能够与你分享(合唱) Dm7 G7 无论失败成功都会感动(合唱) C G/B Am 爱因为在心中(合唱) G F平凡而不平庸(合唱) C/E 世界就像迷宫(合唱) Dm7 G7 C 却又让我们此刻相逢our Home(合唱) G/B Am G F C/E Dm7 G7 La La La~ La La La La La~ 安全感吉他谱

G Em C 看著天 一边开车一边打哈欠 Dj报时说清晨六点 D G Em 想到见你就不累 喔 这些年 我还留著你的高跟鞋 C D 也会嫉妒今天谁的吻 又落在你的唇边 G Em Oh 亲爱的 你家的路怎会越开越远 C D Oh 天知道 怎么办 我们都失去了方向感 G Em C Oh 亲爱的 你是否也在等著那一天 心的距离能缩短 D G 找回遗失的安全感(帮助我找回遗失的安全感) G Em (让我给你安全感) 忘不了 曾经爱得那么的狂野 C D D7 不管经过多少的错觉 爱情留下的余味 依然这么浓烈


C Am F

G Oh My God 别这样我已无力再反抗 C Am F G 找不到一句谎话 骗自己把她忘掉 Em Am F 亲过她的嘴唇 却不像情人 G Am 当我要她听真心话 她转身

G Am G 突然遇见白狐狸 遇见白狐狸 逃不过她的眼睛 Am G Am 美丽又神秘 这份爱没有空气 不让我喘息 G C 心碎了不能痊愈 医不好自己 我不要爱得太復杂 放不下

我不要别人代替她 代替她

这是我惩罚 让它这样吧


G D C G 梦 总不够漫长 可是我们都需要梦想 G D C G 爱 会让人受伤 可是我们还念念不忘 G D 你的感情太无常 不管怎样我知道 C G 温柔的恋曲该怎麼唱

G D C G 你的感情太轻狂 不管怎样你曾停靠在我的肩膀 G D C G 雨 下的在漂亮 可是我们要面对阳光 G D C G 爱 总叫人失望 可是我们还充满嚮往 G D 你的感情太轻狂 不管怎样我知道 C G 温柔的恋曲该怎麼唱 G D C G 你的感情太轻狂 不管怎样你曾停靠在我的肩膀 G D C G 可能我还不够坚强 至少我 我不怕哀伤 G D C G 可能不曾爱到天亮 至少曾分享过月光 G D C G 可能我还不够坚强 至少我 我不怕哀伤 G D C G 可能不鈿爱到天亮 至少曾分享过月光

G D C G 你的感情太无常不管怎样我知道 温柔的恋曲该怎麼唱 G D C G 你的感情太轻狂不管怎样你曾 停靠在我的肩膀 G D C G 既然不能地老天荒 我眼泪怎麼流浪 总有个停泊的地方


C Em F G C 有时候只需要 一首歌就能 让我自在 Em F G 忘掉要排队 空气湿答答 店员很坏 Em Am F G 就是这个时候 有一朵玫瑰在我心盛开 Em Am F G 就在这个时候 阳光跟著撒下来 看见整个城市 在恋爱

C G Am F C G F G 不可能错过你 缘份这件事有够奇怪 我不期待 却偏要来 C G Am F C G F G 不可能错过你 爱情总叫迫不及待 多麼愉快 自由自在(我就是自由自在)


Alright Everybody Alright Listen Up Listen Up, Be Quiet, Be Quiet! Now This Is What Making Music Is All About, It’s About Getting Stupid With Your Friends A Little Once In A While. Yeah, You Gotta Let The Music Into Your Heart! You Know You Gotta Feel It! Alright, Here We Go!

有时候只需要 一首歌就会 想谈恋爱

忘掉不自在 钱会花很多 朋友责怪

就是这个时候 有一朵玫瑰在我心盛开

就在这个时候 彩虹跟著跑出来 那是你的微笑 你的爱

Dm C bB F Gm Asus A 刚刚好转的心情 就见乌云飘过来 过去的阴影 使你徘徊

bB F C/E Dm C bB Am A 我不是爱神只好 Try..try..try 我不变 你就会明白 不要害怕吉他谱

A E D E 不要害怕 不要害怕 爱一个人其实并不复杂 A E D E 不要害怕 不要害怕 过去的眼泪用今天去擦

A #Fm D E A E 午夜的两点半 我去不进梦乡 时间在逃亡 悲伤还在原地方 A #Fm D E A E 我将一床被单 绞成混乱一片 爱已经灭亡 然而思念更坚强

A E D E 不要害怕 不要害怕 爱一个人其实并不复杂 A E D E 不要害怕 不要害怕 过去的眼泪用今天去擦 D E D E 我答应自己不要放弃 我答应自己不要忘记

A #Fm D E A E 闭上眼想一遍 你转身的模样 每一个角度 都好像一种飞翔 A #Fm D E A E 我因為看著你 回忆你而悲伤 是你在心裡不断的想

Can You Feel My Word吉他谱

Cm #G bB G 你只喜欢我微笑 你决定我的需要 Cm #G bB G 我要怎么说才好 我不是为你制造 Cm #G 关心像是泥沼 拉住我往下掉

bB G 爱是漂亮的口号 透过你的视角 Cm #G bB G 你把我的喜好 随便删掉 变成你要的调调 Cm #G Fm G 你为我好 我知道 我都知道 Cm #G Fm G 我的烦恼 我的骄傲 你却不明了 Cm #G Fm #G bB 怎样爱你才好 毕竟黑豹 需要自由奔跑 G bB G bB (不能满足于拥抱) (i Keep Comin' Back For More) Cm #G bB Cm Can You Feel My World 真实的我没有办法伪造

#G Fm G Cm Can You Take My Hands 真诚你会感觉到 Cm #G bB Cm Can You Feel My World 真实的我没办法伪造

#G Fm G Cm 并不想讨好 你才觉得我重要 (我一点都不重要) Cm #G bB G 你只要我有礼貌 其它假装看不到 Cm #G bB G 我要怎么说才好 当我的情绪低潮

Rap I Keep On Comin' Back For More Yo Cm #G bB G 日日夜夜我闭着双眼祈祷 为什么只有我的音乐能够让我依靠 Cm #G bB 我知道我的世界已经变得越来越小 跑不掉逃不了 G Cm 怎么面带着微笑 怎么面对着你才好

#G bB G 怎么眼泪都在掉 怎么嘴嘟着好严肃 这不是哭着就好 Cm #G 什么旋律在我的脑袋一直转一直绕

bB G 意志力一直撑着我 再一次祷告 帮助我


Am G Am 分开之后另一年的春天 G C 记忆也像下雪一样溶解 G Am 那些有你在身边的影片 C F 唿的一声飞得老远老远

C F 爱在夏天过完之后锁在秋天 C F 捱过冬天之后的我好了一些 G C 雨后的天上彩虹出现 G 撑出一片蓝天


我在淋过一场大雨之后的晴朗 F Am 那是春雨里洗过的太阳 F Am 每个冬季带来失落伤得多深 F G 然后忽然看懂云的形状


G If You Listen To The Rhythm Of The Pouring Rain F Am 那是春雨里洗过的太阳 F Am 每个冬季带来失落伤得多深 F G 每个唿吸都是新的芬芳


Dm Em

F 流下的眼泪留下了智慧 G Am 爱情会天亮也一定会黑

Em Dm C 世界会等我它问我冬天过去没


我在淋过一场大雨之后的晴朗 F Am 那是春雨里洗过的太阳 F Am 每个冬季带来失落伤得多深 F G 然后忽然看懂云的形状


G If You Listen To The Rhythm Of The Pouring Rain F Am 那是春雨里洗过的太阳 F Am 每个冬季带来失落伤得多深 F G 每个唿吸都是新的芬芳


C Em F G 乌黑的髮围盘成一个圈 缠绕所有对你的眷恋 Fmaj7 搁著半透明的脸 G Dm G 嘴裡说的语言完全没有欺骗

C Em F G 屋顶灰色瓦片安静的画面 灯火是你美丽那张脸 F Am G C C 终於找到所有流浪的终点 你的微笑就输了疲倦 Fmaj7 Em F C 千万不要说天长地久 免的你觉的我不切实际 F G7 Fmaj7 F G 想多麼简单就多麼简单 是妈妈告诉我的哲理

C Em Dm G 脑袋都是你心裡都是你 小小的爱在那城裡好甜蜜 C Em Dm G7 C 念的都是你全部都是你 小小的爱在那城裡只為你倾心

C Em F G 乌黑的髮围盘成一个圈 缠绕所有对你的眷恋 F Am 终於找到所有流浪的终点 G C 你的微笑就输了疲倦

Fmaj7 Em F C 千万不要说天长地久 免的你觉的我不切实际 F G7 Fmaj7 F F 想多麼简单就多麼简单 让我大声的对你说 Fmaj7 G Im Thinking Of You

C Em Dm G 脑袋都是你心裡都是你 小小的爱在那城裡好甜蜜 C Em Dm G7 C 念的都是你全部都是你 小小的爱在那城裡只為你倾心

F Dm Am F 那回城的票根你留做记念 不必害怕面对离别 Wo F C 剪掉一丝头髮让我放在胸前 F G C G7 D 走到那裡都有你陪 相随 ㄟ~~~


D #Fm Em A 脑袋都是你心裡都是你 小小的爱在那城裡好甜蜜 D #Fm 念的都是你全部都是你 Em A7 D 小小的爱在那城裡只為你倾心

D #Fm Em A 脑袋都是你心裡都是你 小小的爱在那城裡好甜蜜 D #Fm 念的都是你全部都是你 Em A7 D 小小的爱在那城裡只為你倾心

D #Fm Em A 啦~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~啦~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D #Fm Em A7 D 啦~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~啦~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

D #Fm Em A 啦~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~啦~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D #Fm Em A7 D 啦~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~啦~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

D #Fm 乌黑的髮围盘成一个圈 G A 缠绕所有对你的眷恋 G Bm 那一种寸步不离的感觉 A7 D 我知道就叫做永远


A E #Fm E 光投进爱 把梦刷白 捨不得你会醒过来 Bm #Fm E 不要现在 昨夜走太快 A E #Fm E 说不上来 隐隐藏在胸口一块 Bm #Fm E 吻你脸颊 证明此刻真的存在 A E #Fm E 是你让我相信爱 对我慷慨 Hey Oh Bm #Fm E 是爱我们是註定不是意外

A E #Fm E 这是爱 我们的爱 还不确定却好实在 Bm #Fm E 把你贴在胸怀 静静的代替表白 才不愿放开 A E #Fm E 这是爱 给你的爱 没名字却停不下来 Bm #Fm E 在忐忑里期待 雀跃中想到未来是你我才明白 A 这就是爱

A E #Fm E 但梦还在 小心不让你醒过来 Bm #Fm E 也许现在 就是永恆的未来

A E 第一个我们的清晨 Gm E 迷人和默契都是你的 无限可能 Bm E 言语都显得太肤浅


C Am 故事里的 起承转合 有一些忘记 Em F 做了多少错误的选择 C Am 原来波折 才暗示着 该走的方向 Em F 指引你我来到这一刻

G7 Dm7 Am Em 就 算 别人都说 我们没什么出息 F G 不可能会这样轻易放弃

C Cause You’re My Everything Am Em F 就一个原因 让我勇敢面对这个世界 G 想给你everything E7 Am F G 不管用多少个明天 永远从此刻开始算起 F G C 你的爱是我的everything

C Am 辽阔天际 巧合相遇 有多少机率 Em F 多少烟火 坠落无痕迹 C Am 因为幸福 没有捷径 难免要绕道 Em F 不被看好越是要走到

G7 Dm7 Am Em 就 算 别人都说 我们没什么出息 F G 不可能会这样轻易放弃 C 你就是everything Am Em F 就这个原因 让我勇敢面对这个世界 G 想给你everything E7 Am F G 只要你说一声愿意 所有的未来才有意义 F G C 你的爱是我的everything

C Cause You’re My Everything Am Em F 就一个原因 让我勇敢面对这个世界 G 想给你everything E7 Am F G 不管用多少个明天 永远从此刻开始算起

C 你就是everything Am Em F 就如这个原因 我会永远记住这种感觉 G 想给你everything E7 Am F G 只要你说一声愿意 所有的未来才有意义 F G C 你的爱是我的everything Forever Love吉他谱

G Em 爱你不是因为你的美而已 G 我越来越爱你 Em 每个眼神触动我的心 Am Em 因为你让我看见forever Am 才了解自己 Am7 Dm7 未来这些日子要好好珍惜 G Em 爱我有些痛苦有些不公平G 如果真的爱我 Em 不是理所当然的决定 Em Am 感到你的呼吸在我耳边 Dm7 Am7 像微风神奇

Dm7 Am7 G 温柔的安抚我的不安定 Dm7 Em 所以我要每天研究你的笑容 Dm7 G Ooh 多么自然

Dm7 Am7 Forever Love Forever Love Em G7 我只想用我这一辈子去爱你

Dm7 G Am7 Dm7 Am7 G

从今以后你会是所有幸福的理 由 爱情是场最美最远的旅行







Ooh 多么自然

Forever Love Forever Love



Forever Love吉他谱

G Em 爱你不是因为你的美而已 G 我越来越爱你 Em 每个眼神触动我的心 Am Em 因为你让我看见forever Am 才了解自己 Am7 Dm7 未来这些日子要好好珍惜 G Em 爱我有些痛苦有些不公平G 如果真的爱我 Em 不是理所当然的决定 Em Am 感到你的呼吸在我耳边 Dm7 Am7 像微风神奇 Dm7 Am7 G 温柔的安抚我的不安定 Dm7 Em 所以我要每天研究你的笑容 Dm7 G Ooh 多么自然

Dm7 Am7 Forever Love Forever Love Em G7 我只想用我这一辈子去爱你

Dm7 G Am7 Dm7 Am7 G

从今以后你会是所有幸福的理 由




感到你的体温在我怀里 像阳光和煦



Ooh 多么自然

Forever Love Forever Love




C G C G (女):是否很惊讶 讲不出说话 没错我是说 你想分手吗 Am Dm F G 曾给你驯服到 就像绵羊 何解会反咬你一下 你知吗 C G C G (男):也许该反省 不应再说话 被放弃的我 应有此报吗 Am Dm F G 如果我曾是个坏牧羊人 能否再让我 试一下 抱一下 C G Am (女):回头望 伴你走 从来未曾幸福过 Em F (男):恨太多 没结果 往事重提是折磨 Em F (女):下半生 陪住你 怀疑快乐也不多 G (男):被我伤 让你痛

C G Am (女):好心一早放开我 重头努力也坎坷 统统不要好过 Em F Em (男):為何唱著这首歌 為怨恨而分手 问你是否原谅我 F G C (女):若注定有一点苦楚 不如自己亲手割破

C G Am (男):回头吧 不要走 不要这样离开我 Em F 恨太多 没结果 往事重提是折磨 Em F (女):下半生 陪住你 怀疑快乐也不多 G 没有心 别再拖

C G 好心一早放开我 重头努力也坎坷 Am 统统不要再好过

Em F Em (男):為何唱著这首歌 為怨恨而分手 问你是否原谅我 F G C (女):若勉强也分到不多 不如什麼也摔破 Am Em La...la... F (男):好心分手 每天播 Em (女):可知歌者也奈何

F G C G (女):难行就无谓再拖 好心一早放开我 重头努力也坎坷 Am 统统不要好过

Em F Em (男):為何唱著这首歌 為怨恨而分手 问你是否原谅我 F G C (女):若注定有一点苦楚 不如自己亲手割破

推荐第6篇:花田错 王力宏 歌词

花田错 歌词 夜好深了 纸窗里怎么亮着 那不是 彻夜等候 你为我点的烛火 不过是 一次邂逅 红楼那一场梦 我的山水 全部退色 像被大雨洗过 杯中景色鬼魅 我忘了我是谁


手里握着蝴蝶杯 单飞 不醉不归

花田里犯了错 说好 破晓前忘掉 花田里犯了错 拥抱 变成了煎熬 花田里犯了错 犯错...像迷恋镜花水月的无聊

花田里犯了错 请 原谅我多情的打扰 醉 怎么会喝醉 美 因为你的美 爱匆匆一瞥不过点缀 点缀 飞 看大雪纷飞 却再也找不回


当 时空成为拥有你 唯一条件 我....又醉 琥珀色的月 结了霜的泪 我会记得这段岁月

花田里犯了错 说好 破晓前忘掉 花田里犯了错 拥抱 变成了煎熬

花田里犯了错 犯错像迷恋镜花水月的无聊

花田里犯了错 请 原谅我多情的打扰 我的山水 全部退了色 多情的打扰 请原谅我 不是彻夜为我点的火

(在那花田 在那花田)在那花田里 我犯了错

我的山水 全部退了色 多情的打扰 请原谅我 不是彻夜为我点的火

(在那花田 在那花田)在那花田里 我犯了错

花田里犯了错 说好 破晓前忘掉 花田里犯了错 拥抱 变成了煎熬 花田里犯了错 犯错...像迷恋镜花水月的无聊


请 原谅我多情的打扰



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今年热门电影《中国合作人》中,当年那个满嘴“闹太套”的“土鳖”黄晓明竟成了说着一口流利地道美式英语的精英男,就连同行徐铮也忍不住大赞:“英语说得也太牛了!” “你说我英文烂,那我就从头学起,这几年,尽管工作很忙,但我也会挤出时间学习英语。”瞧晓明哥这学习劲头,真是“哪里不会点哪里”!

张亮 :万人高呼“我想和你睡”。



1 唯一 王力宏音乐进化论95-02(新曲+精选) 2 Can You Feel My World 不可思议

3 龙的传人 王力宏音乐进化论95-02(新曲+精选) 4 春雨里洗过的太阳 心·跳

5 爱你等于爱自己 王力宏音乐进化论95-02(新曲+精选) 6 爱 因为在心中 盖世英雄 (日本版) 7 Julia 王力宏音乐进化论95-02(新曲+精选) 8 落叶归根 改变自己

9 第一个清晨 盖世英雄 (日本版) 10 星座 心中的日月 (庆功版) 11 流泪手心 不可能错过你 12 Everything 心·跳

13 不可能错过你 不可能错过你

14 两个人不等于我们 Hear My Voice 15 爱你就等于爱自己 让我取暖

16 公转自转 王力宏音乐进化论95-02(新曲+精选) 17 脚本 心·跳

18 独角戏 Hear My Voice 19 我完全没有任何理由理你 心·跳 20 如果你听见我的歌 如果你听见我的歌 21 竞争对手 心·跳

22 星期六的深夜 改变自己 23 风中的遗憾 好力宏精选辑

24 不要害怕 王力宏音乐进化论95-02(新曲+精选) 25 放开你的心 心中的日月 (庆功版) 26 在那遥远的地方 心中的日月 (庆功版) 27 好想你 好力宏精选辑

28 竹林深处 心中的日月 (庆功版) 29 完美的互动 盖世英雄 (胜利庆功版) 30 永远的第一天 永远的第一天 31 此刻,你心里想起谁 Dream Again 32 爱的鼓励 改变自己

33 Light Of My Life 王力宏音乐进化论95-02(新曲+精选) 34 让我取暖 精选辑 35 爱在哪里 改变自己

36 Cockney Girl 改变自己 37 爱得得体 心·跳 38 女朋友 不可思议

39 我就喜欢 盖世英雄 (胜利庆功版) 40 Finally 盖世英雄(抢先版) 41 哥儿们 盖世英雄 (日本版) 42 华人万岁 改变自己 43 Juila 不可能错过你 44 情敌贝多芬 情敌贝多芬 45 Dream Again 白纸

46 伤口是爱的笔记 永远的第一天 47 爱的奇迹 Hear My Voice 48 这就是爱 永远的第一天 49 白狐狸 唯一(台湾特别版) 50 每天爱你廿四小时 创世纪

51 As time goes by As time goes by 时光飞逝 52 Ya Birthday 不可思议 53 打开爱 不可能错过你 54 爱无所不在 不可思议 55 失去了你 不可能错过你

56 忘了时间忘了我 永远的第一天

57 Man In The Mirror 向迈克尔 杰克逊致敬 Man In The Mirror 向迈克尔 杰克逊致敬(单曲) 58 白纸 白纸

59 LAST NIGHT 情敌贝多芬 60 爱情攻略 盖世英雄(抢先版) 61 我用生命爱你 王力宏音乐进化论95-02(新曲+精选) 62 回忆 好想你

63 不必问别人 唯一(台湾特别版) 64 在每一秒里都想见到你 王力宏音乐进化论95-02(新曲+精选) 65 给我你的手 白纸

66 因为有你 好力宏精选辑

67 Not Your Average Thug 不可思议 68 Love Love Love 不可思议 69 你以为我是谁 公转自转 70 Solo 盖世英雄演唱会

71 飞向你不知的那片天 Hear My Voice 72 NATURE 王力宏音乐进化论95-02(新曲+精选) 73 别这样我会哭 情敌贝多芬 74 戒不了你 唯一(台湾特别版) 75 谢绝推销你的爱 唯一(台湾特别版) 76 你伤了我的心 情敌贝多芬 77 想家 白纸

78 China White 王力宏音乐进化论95-02(新曲+精选) 79 你爱过没有 不可能错过你 80 不说后悔 好力宏精选辑

81 Follow Me 心中的日月 (庆功版) 82 Mary Says 不可能错过你

83 每一秒里想见到你 Dream Again 84 不愿说再见 情敌贝多芬 85 爱在思念蔓延时 白纸 86 不管怎样 公转自转

87 头版摇滚 如果你听见我的歌 88 狂想世界 永远的第一天 89 是你 如果你听见我的歌


92 AS LONG AS I HAVE YOU 如果你听见我的歌 93 ONE OF THESE DAYS 公转自转 94 让开 盖世英雄 (日本版) 95 不着地 不可思议 96 欢喜城 永远的第一天

97 If You Knew 唯一(台湾特别版) 98 What Was I Thinking 不可思议

99 在美一秒里都想见到你 好力宏精选辑 100 LOVE ME TENDER 情敌贝多芬 101 永远的起点 Hear My Voice 102 有了你就足够 如果你听见我的歌 103 不可思议电台 不可思议 104 认真 白纸

105 变坏 唯一(台湾特别版) 106 在每一秒都想见到你 白纸 107 开场 心中的日月

108 乘着爱自由的飞 情敌贝多芬 109 感情副作用 不可能错过你 110 感情是舞台 永远的第一天

111 STAND BY ME 如果你听见我的歌 112 为我哭一次好不好 情敌贝多芬 113 不降落的滑翔翼 不可能错过你 114 钓灵感 不可能错过你

115 喊我一千遍 如果你听见我的歌

116 Like A Gun Shot 王力宏音乐进化论95-02(新曲+精选) 117 不要开灯 白纸

118 过来 心中的日月 (庆功版) 119 爱依然执着 好想你 120 眼睛 好想你

121 有你就足够 让我取暖 122 最好的爱 好力宏精选辑 123 Happy Ending 不可能错过你 124 情难牵 如果你听见我的歌 125 梦想被冷冻 公转自转

126 Happine x 3 Loneline x 3 王力宏音乐进化论95-02(新曲+精选) 127 二个人不等于我们 Dream Again 128 This Could Be Love Hear My Voice 129 放逐思念 白纸

130 如果你听见我有歌 让我取暖 131 THE WATER IS WIDE 情敌贝多芬 132 你可以告诉我 永远的第一天 133 预约你的爱 好想你

134 Take your time 创世纪 135 远离伤心 好想你 136 2000年 公转自转 137 狂舞节奏 精选辑

138 去爱 如果你听见我的歌 139 四月还会下雪 白纸 140 爱我的歌 创世纪 141 暴风雨 好想你

142 爱にゆこう/リーホン meets ゴスペラーズ 盖世英雄 (日本版) 143 花田错 为你而声( 限定盘) 144 Ki Goodbye 为你而声( 限定盘) 145 Medley:盖世英雄+放开你的心+爱你等于爱自己 盖世英雄演唱会 146 Medley:Ya Birthday+我就喜欢 盖世英雄演唱会

147 爱的奇迹日本BOURBON“CHUEL”巧克力广告曲 爱的奇迹 148 流泪手心日文版 爱的奇迹

149 安全感中国雪柔莎朗洗发水广告曲 唯一(台湾特别版) 150 我要雅芳cleawhite美白c大中华地区广告曲 唯一(台湾特别版) 151 Take Your Time国语 每天爱你24小时(EP) 152 公转。自转 让我取暖

153 Hear My Voice日文 Hear My Voice 154 I Can’t Stop Loving Hear My Voice 155 不要害怕日文 Hear My Voice 156 Overturelive 2008 Sony Ericon MUSIC-MAN 世界巡回演唱会影音全纪录

157 摇滚怎么了live 2008 Sony Ericon MUSIC-MAN 世界巡回演唱会影音全纪录

158 W-H-Ylive 2008 Sony Ericon MUSIC-MAN 世界巡回演唱会影音全纪录 159 花田错live 2008 Sony Ericon MUSIC-MAN 世界巡回演唱会影音全纪录 160 龙的传人live 2008 Sony Ericon MUSIC-MAN 世界巡回演唱会影音全纪录

161 爱错live 2008 Sony Ericon MUSIC-MAN 世界巡回演唱会影音全纪录 162 FOREVER LOVElive 2008 Sony Ericon MUSIC-MAN 世界巡回演唱会影音全纪录

163 安全感live 2008 Sony Ericon MUSIC-MAN 世界巡回演唱会影音全纪录 164 第一个清晨live 2008 Sony Ericon MUSIC-MAN 世界巡回演唱会影音全纪录

165 流泪手心live 2008 Sony Ericon MUSIC-MAN 世界巡回演唱会影音全纪录

166 如果你听见我的歌live 2008 Sony Ericon MUSIC-MAN 世界巡回演唱会影音全纪录

167 竹林深处live 2008 Sony Ericon MUSIC-MAN 世界巡回演唱会影音全纪录 168 女朋友live 2008 Sony Ericon MUSIC-MAN 世界巡回演唱会影音全纪录 169 爱得得体live 2008 Sony Ericon MUSIC-MAN 世界巡回演唱会影音全纪录

170 改变自己live 2008 Sony Ericon MUSIC-MAN 世界巡回演唱会影音全纪录

171 落叶归根live 2008 Sony Ericon MUSIC-MAN 世界巡回演唱会影音全纪录

172 一首简单的歌live 2008 Sony Ericon MUSIC-MAN 世界巡回演唱会影音全纪录

173 你不在live 2008 Sony Ericon MUSIC-MAN 世界巡回演唱会影音全纪录 174 唯一live 2008 Sony Ericon MUSIC-MAN 世界巡回演唱会影音全纪录 175 爱的鼓励live 2008 Sony Ericon MUSIC-MAN 世界巡回演唱会影音全纪录

176 CAN YOU FEEL MY WORLDlive 2008 Sony Ericon MUSIC-MAN 世界巡回演唱会影音全纪录

177 我完全没有任何理由理你live 2008 Sony Ericon MUSIC-MAN 世界巡回演唱会影音全纪录

178 在梅边live 2008 Sony Ericon MUSIC-MAN 世界巡回演唱会影音全纪录 179 盖世英雄live 2008 Sony Ericon MUSIC-MAN 世界巡回演唱会影音全纪录

180 心中的日月live 2008 Sony Ericon MUSIC-MAN 世界巡回演唱会影音全纪录

181 放开你的心live 2008 Sony Ericon MUSIC-MAN 世界巡回演唱会影音全纪录

182 爱你等于爱自己live 2008 Sony Ericon MUSIC-MAN 世界巡回演唱会影音全纪录

183 大城小爱live 2008 Sony Ericon MUSIC-MAN 世界巡回演唱会影音全纪录

184 EVERYTHINGlive 2008 Sony Ericon MUSIC-MAN 世界巡回演唱会影音全纪录

185 KISS GOODBYElive 2008 Sony Ericon MUSIC-MAN 世界巡回演唱会影音全纪录

186 摇滚怎么了2live 2008 Sony Ericon MUSIC-MAN 世界巡回演唱会影音全纪录

187 I`m lovin`it麦当劳广告曲 Dream Again 188 不要害怕japanese version Dream Again 189 此刻,你心里想起谁 不可思议

190 I\'m Lovin\' It 我就喜欢全球麦当劳广告主题曲 不可思议 191 Like A Gunshot Evolution王力宏的音乐进化论

192 往冈贝的路上On The Road To Gombe Nature_大地的窗口 193 银色的湖Silver Lake Nature_大地的窗口

194 哭泣的森林Weeping From the Forest Nature_大地的窗口 195 每天爱你24小时 每天爱你24小时(EP) 196 BETTER OFF ALONE 如果你听见我的歌 197 摇滚怎么了! 心·跳

198 大地之歌The Earth Song Nature_大地的窗口 199 INTRODUCTION 永远的第一天 200 NATURE大地 Nature_大地的窗口

201 开场Intro 心中的日月 (庆功版) 202 是你Nature Nature_大地的窗口 203 永远第一天 精选辑

204 Last Time Evolution王力宏的音乐进化论

205 一窝黑猩猩Chymphony No.1 Nature_大地的窗口

206 高原上的月影Moonshadow on the Highlands Nature_大地的窗口 207 W H Y Dream Again 208 风想The Wind Nature_大地的窗口 209 树梢The Trees Nature_大地的窗口

210 大地的窗口Through a window Nature_大地的窗口 211 W-H-Y 王力宏音乐进化论95-02(新曲+精选) 212 河谷岁月Canyon River Nature_大地的窗口



I never thought I would be addreing you, the esteemed members of the Oxford Union, without a guitar or an erhu, without my crazy stage hair and costumes, but I did perform in the O2 Arena in London last week.I’m not sure if any of you [x]…

But in many ways that is similar to what I’m talking about today, that is, introducing Chinese pop music.See, I’m actually an ambaador for Chinese pop, whether I like it or not, for both music and movies, and today I’m here to give you a State of Union addre.It’s not the Oxford Union, it’s the union of East and West.

I want to frankly and openly and honestly talk about how we’ve done a good job, or how we’ve done a bad job, of bringing Chinese pop to the West.And I also want to impre upon all of you here today the workings of that soft power exchange and how each of us is involved in that exchange.

Soft power, a term I’m sure you’re all familiar with, coined by Rhodes Scholar and Oxford alumnus Joseph Nye, is defined as the ability to attract and persuade.Shashi Tharoor called it, in a recent TEDTalk, “the ability of a culture to tell a compelling story and influence others to fall in love with them”.I like that definition.But I want to put it in collegiate term for you students in the audience.The way I see it, East and West, are kinda like freshmen roommates.You don’t know a lot about each other aside that you’re living with each other in the same room.And each one is scared the other’s gonna steal his shower time or wants to party when the other wants to study.It has the potential to be absolute hell.We all have horror stories of that roommate, we all heard about those stories.I know a lot of students here in Oxford have their own separate bedrooms.

But when I was a freshman at Williams College [crowd interjects] You’re kidding! Woohoo! Well I had a roommate.And he was that roommate.Let’s just call him Frank.So Frank was my roommate and Frank liked nothing more than to smoke weed.[laughter] And he did it every day.And Frank had a 2-foot long bong under his bed that was constantly being fired up.For those Chinese speakers in the audience, Frank would 火力全开 on that bong.So I gue I was kinda the opposite of Bill Clinton, who tried marijuana but didn’t inhale: I didn’t try marijuana but I did inhale.Every single day.Second hand.And strangely enough, every time I go into our bedroom, I mysteriously end up being late for cla.I was like, dude is it already 10 o’clock?

So, how many of you have lived with that Frank, or be a Frank? Having a roommate can be a recipe for disaster, but it also can have the potential of being the greatest friendship you’ve ever had.See, Frank, he didn’t make it to second year.And I got two new roommates instead: Stephan and Jason, and these days the three of us are the best of friends.So going back to my analogy, East and West, as roommates, do we want to be Frank, or do we want to be Steph and Jason, and I think in this day and age, in 2013, we should all be striving for the latter.I’m auming we all agree that this is the goal that we all strive for.

Now, let’s look at where we are in reality, in recent headlines, in the media include, Foreign policy [maybe?], China’s victim complex, Why are Chinese leaders so paranoid about the United States or the [AP, the Aociated Pre?], Human rights in China worse than US.Bloomberg says, on the cover of this magazine, Yes, the Chinese army is spying on you [laughter] And it’s such a great one that I want to show you the cover of the magazine [laughter][Ed:check out the photo on the right!] Yes, be very afraid! [laughter]

There’s actually an extremely high amount of negativity and fear and anxiety about China, Sinophobia, that I think is not just misinformed and misleading and ultimately dangerous.Very dangerous.And what about how Westerners are viewed by Chinese? Well, we have terms for Westerners.The most common of which are gwailo, in Cantonese which means “the old devil”, laowai, meaning “the old outsider” in Mandarin, ang moh, which means “the red hairy one” in Taiwanese, and the list goes on and on.So are these roommates heading for a best friend relationship? I think we need a little help.And as China rise to power, I think it is more important than ever for us to more discerning about what we believe because after all, I think, that’s the purpose of higher education, and that’s why we are all here, to be able to think for ourselves and make our own decisions.

China’s not just those headlines.The burgeoning economy with unique politics.It is not just the world’s factory or the next big superpower, it’s so much more, a billion people with rich culture, amazing stories, and as a product of both of those cultures, I want to help foster an understanding between the two.And [x] that incredible relationship, because knowing both sides of the coin, I really think that there is a love story waiting to be told, ready to unfold.And I’m only half joking when I said love story because I believe it is the stories that will save us and bring us closer together.

And my thesis statement for today’s talk is that the relationship between East and West needs to be and can be fixed via pop culture, and I’m going to try and back it up.Now, the UN Sec-Gen Ban Ki Moon said, “There are no languages required in the musical world.That is the power of music.That is the power of heart.” Through this promotion of arts we can better understand the culture and civilisation of other people.And in this era of instability and intolerance, we need to promote better understanding through the power of music.The UN Sec-Gen thinks that we need more music, and I think that he is right.Music and arts have always played a key role in my life, in building relationships, replacing what once were ignorance, fear and hatred, with acceptance, friendship and even love. So I have a strong case for promoting music between cultures because it happened to me early in my life.I was born in Rochester, New York, I barely spoke a word of Chinese.I didn\'t know the difference between Taiwan or Thailand.[laughter] I was as American as apple pie, until one day on the 3rd grade playground, the inevitable finally happened: I got teased for being Chinese.Now every kid gets teased or being made fun of in the playground, but this was fundamentally different and I knew right then and there.So this kid let’s call him Brian [x].He started making fun of me, saying “Chinese, Japanese, dirty knees, look at these!” [laughing] We’re laughing now but it hurt!

I could still remember how I felt, I felt ashamed, I felt embarraed.But I laughed along with everyone.And I didn\'t know what else to do.It was like having an out of body experience.As if I could laugh at that Chinese kid on the playground with all the other Americans because I was one of them, right? Wrong, on many levels.And I was facing the first and definitely not the last time the harsh reality was that I was minority in Rochester, which in those days had an Asian population of 1%.And I was confused.I wanted to punch Brian.I wanted to hurt him for putting me in that situation but he was faster than me, and he was stronger than me, and he would kick my butt and we both knew that, so I just took it in.I didn\'t tell anyone or share with anyone these feelings, I just held them in and I let them fester.And those feelings would surface in a strangely therapeutic way for me through music, and it was no coincidence that around at that time I started getting good with the violin, and the guitar and the drums.And I’d soon discovered that by playing music or singing that the other kids would for a brief moment forget about my race or color and accept me and then be able to see me for who I truly am: a human being who is emotional, spiritual, curious about the world, and has a need for love just like everyone else.

And by the sixth grade, gue who asked me if I would the drummer of their band? Brian.And I said yes.And that’s when we together formed an elementary school rock band called… Nirvana.I’m not kidding, I was in a rock band called Nirvana before Kurt Cobain\'s Nirvana was ever known… So when Nirvana came out, Brian and I were like, hey he’s stealing our name! But really what attracted me to music at this young age was just that, and still is what I love about music, is that it breaks down the walls between us and shows us so quickly the truth that we are much more alike than we [think?].

And then in high school, I learned that music wasn’t just about connecting with others, like Brian and I were connected through music.It was a powerful tool of influence and inspiration.Sam [Nguyen?] was my high school janitor.He was an immigrant from Vietnam who barely spoke a word of English.Sam scrubbed the floors and cleaned the bathrooms of our school for twenty years.He never talked to the kids, and the kids never talked to Sam.But one day before the opening night of our school’s annual musical, he walked up to me holding a letter, and I was taken aback and I was thinking, why is Sam the janitor approaching me? And he gave me this letter that I’ve kept it to this day, it was scrawled in shaky hand written in all capitals and it read, in my all years working as a janitor at Sutherland, you were the first Asian boy to play the lead role.I’m going to bring my 6-year-old daughter to watch you perform tonight because I want her to see that Asians can be inspiring.

And that letter just floored me.I was 15 years old and I was absolutely stunned.That was the first time I realized how music was so important.With Brian, it helped two kids who were initially enemies to become friends, but with Sam, music went beyond the one-on-one.It was an even higher level; it influenced others I didn’t even know, in ways I could never imagine.I can’t tell you how grateful I am to Sam to this day, he really is one of the people who helped me discover my life’s purpose, and I had no idea that something I did could mean more than ever imagined to an immigrant from Vietnam who barely even spoke English.Pop culture, music, and the other methods of storytelling, movies, TV dramas, they are so key, and they do connect us, like me and Brian, and do influence us, and inspire us.

Then let’s take another look at this state of union, the East and West union, with this soft power bias.How is the soft power exchange between these two roommates? Are there songs in English that have become hits in China? Sure.How about movies? Well, there are so many that China has had to limit the number of Hollywood movies imported into the country so that local films could even have a chance at succe.What about [x], well, [inaudible exchange with an audience member], yeah, and movies, well there was Crouching Tiger [Hidden Dragon], that was 13 years ago.Well, I think there’s a bit of an imbalance here.It’s called “soft power deficit”, that is to say the West influences the East more than vice versa.Forgive me for using “East” and “West” kinda loosely, it’s a lot easier to say than “English-speaking… language” or “Asian-speaking… language/Chinese”, I’m making generalisation and I hope you can go with me on this.

And it’s just intrinsically a problem, this imbalance in pop culture influence.And I think so.In any healthy relationship, friendship, marriage, isn’t it important for both sides to make an effort to understand the other? And that this exchange needs to have a healthy balance? And how do we addre this? As an ambaador for Chinese pop music and movies, I have to ask myself a question: Why does this deficit exist? Is it because Chinese music just [is lame?].Do you want me to answer that? [laughter] Yeah I think I see some of you are like, stop complaining and write a hit song! Psy did it! But there’s truth in that.The argument being that, the content that we’ve created just isn’t as internationally competitive.But why shouldn’t it?

Look at Korean pop, look at K-pop for example.Korean is an export-based economy and they are outward looking and they must be outward looking.Chinese pop on the other hand can just stay domestic, tour all over China, stick in territories and comfortably sustain.So when you’re that big and powerful, with over 160 cities in China with a million or more people, you tend to kinda turn inward and be complacent.So this certainly can be made an argument made for Chinese pop not being marketed with international sensibilities, but the other side of the argument I think is more interesting and thought provoking and even more true, is that Western ears aren’t familiar with and therefore don’t really understand how to appreciate Chinese music.Ouch!

The reason I think that the argument holds water though is because that’s exactly what I went through, so I happen to know a thing or two about learning to appreciate Chinese pop as a Westerner.\'Cos I was 17 years old when I went from being an Asian kid in America to being an American kid in Asia, and the entire paradigm suddenly got flipped on its head.I grew up listening to Beastie Boys, Led Zeppelin, Guns and Roses, and I found myself in Taiwan listening to the radio and thinking, where’s the beat? Where’s the screeching guitar solos? Here I am as an American kid in Asia listening to Chinese music for the first time and thinking that \"this stuff is lame.I don’t like it!\" I thought it was cheesy, production value was low, and the singers couldn’t belt like Axl Rose or Mariah Carey.

But then one day, I went to my first Chinese pop concert, and it was Harlem Yu performing at the Taipei Music Centre, and as he performed, I looked around the audience and I saw their faces and the looks in their eyes and their response to his music, and it was clear to me finally where the problem lay.It wasn’t that the music that was lacking, it was my ability to appreciate it and to hear it in the right way.The crowd, they would sing along and be totally immerse in his music, and I thought that it was significant, that I was miing the point and from now on, I was going to somehow learn how to get it, I was gonna learn how to hear with both ears, and I deconstructed and analysed what it was that made Chinese audiences connect with certain types of melodies, and rhythms, and song structures, and lyrics, and that’s what I’ve been doing for the past almost twenty years, and it took me a long time and I am still learning but at some point, I not only began to be able to appreciate the music but I started being able to contribute to it and create my own fresh spins on the tried-and-true.

And I think this happens to everyone, really, who is on the outside looking in.It always looks strange if you looked at things from your perspective, you’re always going to think that these people are weirdos, what’s wrong with them, why are they listening to these stuff? And I’m saying that you can make the effort [x], it can be done, and I’m living proof of that.And as an ambaador of Chinese pop, I’m trying to get people to open up to a sound that they may not feel is palatable on the first listen.So what else can we do to reduce this imbalance in our popular cultures? Well, maybe we could talk a lot, tour more outside of China? But seriously, actually I think the tides have already started to change, very slowly, very cautiously, almost calculatedly. You see more cro-cultural exchange now, more interest in China, definitely a lot of joint ventures, a lot of co-productions in recent years, Iron Man 3, Transformers, [53?][laughter], Resident Evil, really it’s beginning to be kinda like a world pop, and that’s what I’m looking forward to and focusing on these days.There’s J-pop, there’s K-pop, there’s C-pop, and there’s like this W-pop that’s kinda starting to emerge.It’s world pop, and I love that idea.It’s not World Music.There used to be section in HMV called World Music, and I was like Ethnomusicology cla in college.

But world pop is more about breaking and tearing down age-old stereotypes, the artificial confines that have kept us apart for way too long.It’s a melting pot, and it’s mosaic, that even if we looked up close, we’d still see the colours and flavours of each culture in detail.And where can we go to listen to world pop? I don’t think there’s a world pop station or magazine, unfortunately, there are none -- there should be.There is the internet, and YouTube has proven to be a driving force for world pop.Britain’s Got Talent made Susan Boyle the hottest act in the world, and she achieved that not through the record labels or the networks, but through graroots sharing.Gangnam Style is another great world pop, and how that just took over became huge worldwide world pop phenomenon.So world pop as it suggests is a worldwide pop culture is something that can be shared by all of us and gives us a lot of common ground.

So today, what’s my call of action? I’ve already proven multicultural exchange between the East and West, I think I have made that clear, but how? I think… you can all become pop singers, really, I think that’s the [x], unle that’s what you really want to.

My call of action is this: build and protect that roommate relationship between the East and West.Value this relationship and take ownership of it.Don’t come to Oxford as an exchange student from Taiwan and only hang out with other Chinese students.Why would you do that? You could do that in [x] or Nanjing or wherever you came from.Don’t buy into the headlines or the stereotypes or in the hypernationalism.Think for yourselves, and this goes for the East and the West, both.Get to know one another and think for yourselves and don’t believe the hype.For just a moment, if we could just disregard the governments and what the media are saying, just for the sake of the argument, with our own tools of critical thinking, can we build relationships that actually see one another as individual human beings and not faces or members of a particular ethnicity or nationality? Of course we can do that.

And that’s the goal and dream, I think of the romantic artists and the musicians, I think it’s always been there.And that’s what I reach for, and that makes music so powerful and so true, that breaks down instantly and disintegrates all the artificial barriers that we create between each other, government, nationality, black, brown, yellow, white, whatever colour you are, and shows each other our hearts, our fears, our hopes, our dreams, and it turns out in end that the East isn’t that far after all, and the west, well the west, ain’t so white.And through understanding each other’s popular cultures, we gain insight into each other’s heart and true selves.

And for those of you who are just beginning that journey, the West and East, I want to invite you today on this amazing journey with me, and I, as an experienced traveller on this road, on this West and East road, I’ve prepared a mixtape for all of you today, of ten songs that I love.There, that’s a C-pop mixtape that you can check out.I was gonna bring you all CDs but my publicist reminded me lovingly that that would be illegal, that as a profeional recording artist, I shouldn’t do that.But I still think that it works out nicely because you get to see the music videos as well on a lot of these songs.These ten songs are songs that I love and ten different Chinese artists to start you off on getting to know and love Chinese pop and I think these guys are awesome.

I just want to wrap up by saying that being here on the Oxford campus really makes me nostalgic for my days at Williams.And when I look back on those four years, some of my fondest memories are spending time with my roommates Stephan Papiano and Jason Price.In fact Jason is here in the audience today, and made a special trip from London just to see me.And I suppose in the beginning we were strangers, we didn’t know much about each other, and sometimes we did compete for the shower and there were times we did intrude on each other\'s privacy, but I’ve always loved listening to Stephan’s stories about growing up in a Greek family and his opinions about what Greek food really was.Or Jason’s stories, about wanting to make violins and to live in Cremona, Italy like Antonio Stradivari and he did do that, and I will never forget many years later when I played a Jason Price handmade violin for the first time, and how that felt.They were always attentive and respectful when I told them what it was like for me growing up in a Chinese household with strict parents who always made me study.So we shared stories, but the strongest bonds between us were formed just sitting around and listening to music together.And I really do see that as a model for East and West.So I really want to share Chinese music with you today because it’s the best way I know how to create a lasting friendship that transcends all barriers and allow us to know each other truly, authentically and just as we are.






王老师今天要讲很严肃的话题。要&要打屁股了。没有没有,开玩笑。可以开始了,那就开讲了。非常的谢谢你们今天的到来,然后我今天很兴奋,很兴奋,难得可以在一个比较正式的场合看到这么多年轻的朋友们,然后和你们一起讲一些比较深入的比较有意思的议题。啊,我今天想要跟大家分享的其实是,我去年在一个论坛跟马英九先生,我们在清华大学的时候,讲了一个叫做《梦想造就软实力》 可是因为那个是清华大学,我们今天的主持人是北大的所以我们就不提~额,清华大学(坏笑,全场笑)当时啊,那个是另外一个议题。










后来十几岁的时候,我真的出了我的第一张专辑的时候《情敌贝多芬》 ,我记得,印象很深刻!第一次我坐在计程车上,然后,播歌了。那种兴奋是,我觉得如果当年没有这样子的一个梦想,我就不会那么的刻骨铭心,到现在我还记得那个兴奋。而且我觉得真的是,改变了我的一生。

所以,啊,如果你是没有这样子的一个梦想的话,我还是觉得,不行。你必须要去找,去找到你自己想要什么。可能你小时候知道你自己喜欢什么,babys都,baby都知道自己想要什么,他们会,比如说喜欢什么就毫不犹豫的去摸去抓。然后可能大人会说,‘不行!你不能碰那个!’或者‘你不可以,你不能,你一定要听我的。你,你放下在做的事情,你去帮我!’久了之后你就会产生一种,一种阴影。就是习惯被拒绝,习惯被打击,或者害怕我们要的东西。我们就会开始已经,已经不是很清楚,会不会有点模糊。所以,我为什么要鼓励大家去,去回到,回到你小时候。然后要非常的,好像直觉一样,去,去get in touch,去找回你当初的,你的决定,你的选择,你的梦想。


其实还有另外的非常重要的原因,为什么我们要做梦。因为梦,是我们「软实力」的开始!哈佛的一位教授叫做joseph nye,他就发明这个「软实力」。他就说:在21世纪,我们的战争不是以武器打,不是以一些传统的军事去打,而是以文化去打的。我们的「软实力」是什么?「软实力」就是,你一个国家如何能够说服另外一个国家,然后就怎么吸引它。而不是用经济去压迫他去收买他,或者军事去威胁他强迫他,而是用你的歌曲,用你的故事,用你谚语让大家爱上你,这就是真正的一个力量。让他们从你的文化中喜欢你,对你有兴趣。学你的语言,学你的文化。我觉得这个是,额,我最近写的一首歌《火力全开》,也是一个主题,「打倒帝国主义」。打倒帝国主义,不愿再做奴隶。

这个dj太优秀了!歌词是这样的。‘打倒帝国主义,不愿再做奴隶,我家大门被入侵。你说lady 卡卡,我说何必怕她,哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦,别向他们磕头!文化是武器,埋在每根神经,被优人神鼓打醒~~’ok,大家都知道,差不多就是这个意思哦。就是,这完全没有rei过。可以fade out,可以渐弱,渐弱,渐弱&&


我简单给大家一个,一个数据啊,我们经济合作~发展组织就是全世界三十四个最富裕的国家,最发达的国家,去年增长了百分之一。所以可以说是非常非常小,可以说是全球的经济缩小了,在去年。 可是中国增长了百分之七,点&&七!对我们的流行文化有没有产生任何影响呢?肯定有很多的影响。

譬如说电影的票房,的一个年度票房。在,在过去五年来,美国是增长了12%,这五年的过程,中国是增长了154% 这等于是美国的7,啊,12倍多,12倍多啊!所以啊,这个对你们的演员,你们这些年轻的演员来讲是好消息啊,好消息就是以后你们有很多工作,会有很多的戏可以演。会有很多人做,啊合拍片,会有很多的这些中西合资。啊,更多,更多人想要进中国市场,所以我给你们的建议也是可以好好地练一练英文,因为现在美国的演员也在学中文。


因为我们讲,全世界的流行文化,j-pop、k-pop、c-pop,大家都听过这些代名词嘛。japanese pop、korean pop、韩流,哈日的这些东西都。c-pop,chinese pop! asian pop ,a-pop或者。那我觉得很快就会有这个w-pop!就是world pop,就已经是一个全球的流行文化了。可是不是说一切就会变灰色而已,没有肤色没有种族,不是的。大家反而更需要有我们自己的文化的一些符号在里面,这个,这个世界里头一定会有很多的刻板印象,会有很多的,所谓的clashes(差异,冲突),可是这些clashes,这些刻板印象的存在就是流行文化最吸引人的地方,最有魅力的地方,就是它能够对社会有贡献的时候。

当一首歌,一部电影,一本书,一个故事,一个电视节目,打破可能一千年的一个,一个刻板印象,我想在流行音乐我会想到猫王啊。他是最伟大的,我们当时是叫他the king当然不是我的年代。当时大家将the king为什么是the king,因为他是第一个把黑人的r&b,他是白人,然后可以唱给白人听。然后就变成r&b是一个全球性的,或者至少是一个西方国家大家都接受。为什么阿姆是,大家认为是一个伟大的饶舌歌手?也是一样,他把黑人的一个音乐带给白人,所以他是第一个打破了这个游戏规则,他就成为了一个,一个对社会有贡献,而且一个伟大的歌手。







所以我要告诉大家,我要鼓励大家说,我们常常在瞄准我们的目标的时候,我们瞄准了半天都不敢发射,都不敢扣扳机因为怕失败。我们觉得怎么可能一次的发射就会中,可是通常瞄准,我们,如果是枪的话,三个步骤:ready; arm; fire! 就是准备,瞄准,发射。然后大部分的人都会停在那个发射,就都不敢发射,不敢发射,都发抖了。那我要提供一个另外的选择就是,你要准备,先发射,再瞄准。再发射一次,再瞄准一次,再发射!不停地,你可以从你的经验中学到很多,你可以知道下次我应该高一点,下次我要左一点,往左一点。你永远不要想说这是我最后一次机会,这个决定了我们的生或死。所以,今天就是这样,我希望可以给大家很多的正能量,很多的鼓励。勇敢的做梦,相信你的梦想,然后非常的坚持去实现它。



Thank you, Plena.Thank you, Jun.Thank you, Peishan for helping this set up.谢谢波琳娜,谢谢君,谢谢珮姗帮我组织这一切。

Thank you all for being here today and the late comers as well.Thank you for coming in quietly.谢谢在座的各位,谢谢晚来的同学,也谢谢你们悄悄的进来。

I wanna start off today just to take a moment of silence for the victims of the Sichuan earthquake and also for the victims of the Boston marathon bombing.So let’s just take a minute to pay our respect to that.今天开始之前,我想要先为四川地震的灾民们以及波士顿马拉松爆炸事件的受害者们默哀。让我们用一分钟时间,为他们祈福。

Thank you.谢谢你们。

I never thought I would be addreing you, the esteemed members of the Oxford Union, without a guitar or an Erhu, without my crazy stage hair, costumes.But I did perform in the O2 Arena in London last week.I am not sure if any of you were able to make that.But in many ways, that was similar to what I’m talking about today, that is, introducing Chinese pop music here.

尊敬的各位牛津大学辩论会和牛津大学亚太学生会的同学们,万万想不到会以这样的方式跟你们相聚。没有吉他和二胡,没有夸张的舞台装也没有“火力全开”头。不过上周确实在伦敦的O2体育馆表演过了。不知道大家有没有去看呢。 但是,从各方面来说,这些跟我们今天的话题都有密切的关联。那就是-介绍华流音乐。

See, I am actually an ambaador of Chinese pop, whether I like it or not, both music and movies.And today I’m here to give you the state of union addre.It’s not the Oxford Union.It’s the union of east and west.I wanna frankly, openly and honestly talk about how we’ve done a good job or how we’ve done a bad job of bringing Chinese pop to the west.And I also want to pre upon all of you here today the importance of that soft culture, that soft power exchange and how each of us is involved in that exchange.其实无论我喜不喜欢,我都被认为在代表者华流音乐以及电影。那么今天,我就要来做一次“国情咨文”报告了。但是,这个“国”不是牛津,而是东西方的一个联合体。我想跟你们聊一聊,我们在将华语音乐引入西方社会方面所做的事情,无论是成就,还是不足。我都会坦诚布公。同时,我也想借此机会给你们留下这样一个印记:软实力交流的重要性以及它同我们每个人的相关程度。

Soft power, a term I am sure you are all familiar with this point 软实力这个词我相信大家都不陌生。这个概念是由Rhodes Scholar 和牛津校友Joseph Nye 提出的。

Coined by Rhodes Scholar and Oxford alumnus Joseph Nye is defined as the ability to attract and persuade. 被定义为一种“吸引”和“说服”的能力。 Shashi Tharoor called it, in a recent TED Talk, the ability for a culture to tell a compelling story and influence others to fall in love with it.

Shashi Tharoor 在最近的一次TED演讲中把它定义为“一种文化让其他文化在听了他动人的故事之后受到影响并爱上这种文化”的能力。

I like that definition. 我很喜欢这个定义。

But I want to put it in collegiate term for all you students in the audience: The way I see it, east and west are kinda like freshman roommates.


You don’t know a lot about each other but suddenly you are living together in the same room.And each one is scared that the other’s gonna steal his shower time or wants a party when the other wants to study.


It has the potential to be absolute hell, doesn’t it? We all had horrible stories of THAT roommate.We’ve all heard about those stories.I know a lot of students here in Oxford have your own separate bedrooms.But when I was a freshman at Williams College, I was not so safe and fortunate.这种关系很可能就变成跟地狱一样了,不是么?“我的室友是极品”的故事大家都讲得出来。这些事我都有耳闻。还有我知道牛津这儿的很多同学都一人一间的对吧,但是,在我刚上威廉姆斯学院的时候,我并不幸运,而且人身安全堪忧。

(You are kidding me.Woo-hoo! All right, all right!Great.) 哇,你还真的是我们学校的!好吧,好棒!

Well, I had a roommate, and he was THAT roommate.Let’s just call him Frank.So Frank was my roommate and Frank liked nothing more than to smoke weed.And he did it every day.

我当时就有一个这样的极品舍友,让我们暂且叫他frank。这个frank 就是那种好像除了抽大麻没有别的爱好的人。而且他每天都抽。

And Frank had a two-foot long bong under his bed that was constantly being fired up.For those Chiese speakers in the audience.Frank would “火力全开” on that bong every day.


All right 好吧。

So, I gue I was kinda of the opposite of Bill Clinton who “tried marijuana but didn’t inhale”.I didn’t try marijuana but I did inhale, every single day, second hand.And strangely enough every time I dwelt into our bedroom, I mysteriously end up being late for cla.I don’t know how it happened.It was like “Dude, it is already ten o’clock?”.

我可能在这点上算是跟Bill Clinton 相反吧。Bill Clinton 是那种“我试过大麻,但我不上瘾。”我不抽大麻,但是我每天都在吸啊吸,而且还是二手的。奇怪的是,只要我在我们的卧室里,我最后都会稀里糊涂地上课迟到。我也不知道怎么回事。我当时就是那副吸了大麻的样子,嘿,已经十点了吗?

So, how many of you have lived with the Frank, or could be a Frank Gat? Having a roommate can be a recipe for disaster, but it also has the potential for being the greatest friendship you’ve ever had.See, Frank, he didn’t make it the second year.And I got two new roommates second year, Stephen and Jason.And in this day, the three of us are the best friends.

你们中有多少人有过frank那样的舍友呢?或者,你们也像他一样。所以有一个室友可能是一场灾难的开始。但也可能会酿造一段非凡的友谊。Frank第二年就辍学了。于是我换了两个新的舍友,Stefan 和 Jason。如今,我们三个是铁哥们。

So going back to my analogy, of east and west as roommates.Do we want to be Frank, or do we want to be Stephen and Jason? And I think, in this day and age of 2013, we should all be striving for the latter, should we…I mean I’m auming that we all agree that this is the goal we should all be striving for.回过头来看我的那个类比,我们东方和西方的舍友。是应该成为frank那样的存在,还是想像Stefan 和 Jason那样呢?我认为在当时当下,在2013,我们应该努力成为后者。我们应该, 我是说,我想在这一目标上我们是可以达成共识的,对吧? Let’s look at where we are in reality.Recent headlines in the media include, Foreign Policy Magazine: China’s victim complex.Why are Chinese leaders so paranoid about the United States? Or the AFP, the Agence France-Pree, human rights in China worsening US finds.Bloomberg says, on the cover of its magazine, “yes, the Chinese Army is spying on you.”


And it’s such a great one that I just want to show you the cover of the magazine.Yes.Be very afraid! Ok, is it shown to you right? OK.So there’s actually an extremely high amount of negativity and fear and anxiety about China, sinophobia, that I think is not just misinformed, but also misleading and ultimately dangerous, very dangerous.


And what about how westerners are viewed by Chinese? Well, we have terms for westerners.The most common of which are gweilo in Cantonese, which means “the old devil”, lao wai, meaning the old outsider in mandarin, ang moh, which means the “red hairy one” in Taiwanese.The list goes on and on.So are these roommates headed for a best friend relationship? I think we need a little help.And as China rises to be global power, I think it is more important than ever for us to be discerning about what we believe, because after all, I think that’s the purpose of higher education.


And that’s why we are all here: to be able to think for ourselves and make our own decisions.China’s not just those headlines, the burgeoning economy of the unique politics.It’s not just the world’s factory or the next big superpower, it’s so much more.A billion people with rich culture, amazing stories and as a product of both of those cultures, I want to help foster understanding between the two, and help create that incredible relationship.这就是我们坐在这里的原因:有能力独立思考,自主选择。中国当然不能通过那些新闻头条来定义。也不只是所谓的特殊政策下快速增长的经济。中国不仅仅是一个世界工厂,也不仅仅是未来超级大国。中国的意义价值远大于此。一个拥有十几亿人口,丰富悠久的历史文化与传奇故事的民族。作为中西两种文化的共同产物,我特别想要帮忙在两种文化之间培养起一种互相的理解,建立起一种很美好的情谊。

Because knowing both sides of the coin, I really think that there is a love story waiting to be told, waiting to unfold.And I am only half-joking when I said love story because I believe it is, the stories that will save us, will bring us together.And my thesis statement for today’s talk is that, the relationship between the east and west needs to be and can be fixed via pop culture.That’s a big fat plan.And I am gotta trying to back it up! 但凡事都有两面,所以我认为这背后蕴含着一个亟待讲述的爱情故事。我说“爱情故事”不完全在说笑。因为我相信,这些关于爱的故事能够拯救我们,把我们凝聚在一起。我今天讲的主题就是,通过流行文化修复东西方世界的关系。好宏伟的计划有木有啊!我会想办法讲明白的。

The UN Secretary general Bunki Boo said: “There are no language required in musical world.” That is the power of music.That is the power of the heart.Through this promotion of arts, we can better understand that the culture and civilizations of other people.In this era of instability and intolerance, we need to promote better understanding through the power of music.


Now the UN Secretary General thinks we need more music, and I think he is right.Music and arts have always played the key role in my life in building relationships, replacing what once was the ignorance, fear and hatred with acceptance, friendships and even love.So I have a strong case for promoting music between cultures because it happened to me early in life. 联合国秘书长认为我们需要更多的音乐。这一点我很赞同。音乐和艺术一直在我的生命中占据着很重要的地位。音乐和艺术的力量能够帮助建立人与人之间的关系,用包容,友谊和爱来驱逐因为无知的仇恨而产生的恐惧。在不同文化之间推广音乐这一点上,我自己的童年时期的经历是一个最好的例证。

I was born and raised in Rochester, New York.I barely spoke a word of Chinese.I didn’t know the difference between Taiwan or Thailand.I was… That’s true.I was as American as apple pie.Until one day, on a third grade playground, the inevitable finally happened.I got teased for being Chinese.Now every kid gets teased or made fun on the playground, but this was fundamentally different.And I knew it right then and there.This kid, let’s call him Bryan M.He started making fun of me, saying “ Chinese, Japanese, dirty knees, look at these.” I can’t believe you are laughing at that and that hurts.OK, I am just kidding.I can still remember how I felt.I felt ashamed.I felt embarraed.

我在纽约的罗切斯特长大,几乎不会说中文。我连“台湾”和“泰国”这两个词都分不清楚。那是真的!我那时是个地地道道的美国人。直到我上了三年级,有一天在操场上,不可避免的事情终于发生了。因为中国人的血统,我第一次被人嘲笑了。当然一起玩的小孩都会互相戏弄开玩笑,但这次绝对不同。这点当时我立马就感觉到了。我们暂且管那个孩子叫Bryan M吧。它开始嘲笑我说,中国人,日本人,脏膝盖,快来看。(英文还押韵)你们居然还笑,我太受伤了!好吧,我只是开个玩笑。我依然能够记得我当时的感觉。我感觉特别丢脸,特别尴尬。 But I laughed along with him, with everyone.I didn’t know what else to do.It was like having a out-of-body experience, as if I could laugh at that Chinese kid on the playground with all the other Americans because I was one of them.Right? Wrong.On may levels.


And I was facing in front of the first but definitely not the last time, the harsh reality that I was minority in Rochester, which in those days had an Asian population of one percent.那是我第一次感受到一件残酷而现实的事实。我属于一个少数群体,但那绝不是最后一次。在那个时代的罗切斯特,亚洲人口特别少,几乎之占当地人口的百分之一。

And I was confused.I wanted to punch Brian.I wanted to hurt him for putting me in that situation.But he was faster than me and he was stronger than me.And he would kick my butt and we both knew that.So I just took it in.And I didn’t tell anyone or share with anyone these feelings.I just held them in and I let them fester.And those feelings would surface in a strangely therapeutic way for me through music.And it was no coincidence that around that time I started getting good with the violin, the guitar, and the drums.And I would soon discover that by playing music or singing, other kids would, for a brief moment, forget about my race or color and accept me and then be able to see me for who I truly am, a human being who’s emotional, spiritual, curious about the world and has a need for love, just like everyone else.

我当时心里很乱,我很想把bryan 打一顿。他让我陷入那种窘境,因此我也要让他难过。但是他身材比我壮,出手也比我快。如果和他打架,我一定会被揍得更惨。这一点我们都知道。所以我就忍了下来。我从来没有告诉过别人。也没发泄什么感受。一直自己忍着,想让他们烂在心底就好了。后来慢慢地,这些感受在音乐里竟然十分巧妙地把我治愈了。我那个时候对小提琴,吉他,鼓都越来越得心应手,当然不是巧合。我渐渐发现,当我演奏或者唱歌的时候,其他孩子便会忘记我的种族或我的肤色。而真正接受我,了解真正的我,哪怕只是一小会。每当这个时候,他们就会发现,我跟他们都是一样的人。我也对世界充满感性的好奇和想象,我也需要爱。

And by the six grade, gue who asked me if I would be the drummer for his band? Brian.And I said yes.And that’s when we together formed the elementary school rock band called Nirvana.I am not kidding.I wan in the rock band called Nirvana before Kurt Cobain’s Nirvana was ever known.So when Nirvana came out, Bryan and I were like “Hey, he’s stealing our name.” But, really what attracted me to music at this young age was just this and it’s still what I love about music is that it breaks down the walls between us and shows us so quickly the truth that we are much more alike than we are different.Then in high school, I learned that music wasn’t just about connecting with other, like Bryan and I were connected through music.It was a powerful tool of influence and inspiration.


Sam Wayne was my high school janitor.He was an immigrant from Vietnam who barely spoke a word of English.Sam scrubbed the floors and cleaned the bathrooms in our school for twenty years.And he never talked to the kids and the kids never talked to Sam.But one day, before the opening night of our school’s annual musical, he walked up to me, holding a letter.And I was taken aback.I was thinking, “Why is Sam the janitor approaching me? And he gave me this letter that I have kept to this day.It was scrawled in a shaky hand written in all in capitals.And I read: “In all my years of working as a genitor at Sutherland, you are the first Asian boy that played the lead role.I am gonna bring my six-year-old daughter to watch you perform tonight because I want her to see that Asians can be inspiring.” And that letter just floored me.I was fifteen years old and I was absolutely stunned.That’s the first time I realized how music was so important.

Sam Wayne是我们学校的门卫。他是越南侨民。几乎从来不说英语。Sam在我们学校做了二十几年的清洁工,擦地板,扫厕所。却从来没跟学生们说过话。学生们也从不跟他说话。但是一天,我们学校一年一度的音乐节前夕,sam找到我,手里拿着一封信。我吓坏了,心里琢磨,门卫sam找我会有什么事?于是他递给了我那封我至今保存的信。一看就是用颤抖的手写下的潦草字迹。全都是大写字母,信上写着,我在这个学校当了那么多年门卫,你是我见过的第一个担纲主唱的亚洲男孩。我今晚要带我六岁的女儿来看你的演出。因为我想要她看到,我们亚洲人也可以带给人好多正能量。我真的被那封信震惊了。十五岁的我当时就惊呆了。我第一次意识到,原来音乐如此重要。

With Bryan, music helped two kids who were initially enemies become friends.But with Sam, music went beyond the one-on-one.It was even a higher level.It influenced others I didn’t even know in ways I can never imagine.I can’t tell you how grateful I am to Sam, the janitor, to this day.He really is one of the people who helped me discover my life’s purpose.And I had no idea that something I did could mean more than ever imagined to an immigrant from Vietnam who barely spoke English.Pop culture, music, and the other methods of story telling, movies, TV dramas, they are so key and they do connect us like me and Bryan and do influence us and inspire us.


Then let’s take another look at this State of Union the east, west union, with this soft-power bias.How is the soft power exchange between these two roommates? Are the songs in English that become hits in China? For sure.How about movies? Well, there are so many…that China has had to limit the number Hollywood movies imported into the country so that local films can even have a chance at succe.What about the flip side of that? The Chinese songs that have a hit in the west? Well…(YES!)


Heheha,Yeah, and movies.Well there was Crouching Tiger, that was thirteen years ago.And, well I think there is a bit of an imbalance here.And I think it’s a soft-power deficit, let’s call that.I mean look in this direction.That is to say, the west influences the east more than vice versa.And forgive me for using east and west kind of loosely but I think it’s a lot easier to state this than English-speaking language or the Asian speaking language… Chinese, or Cantonese specifically, I think I’m making a generalization I hope you can go with me on this.观众:江南style!王:哈哈,没错,还有电影。比如卧虎藏龙,那也是十三年前的事了。我觉得这当中有一种不平衡存在。我认为这是一种软实力赤字,就这么叫吧。当我们放眼这个方向的时候,也就是说,西方对东方的影响远远大于东方对西方的。原谅我这里把东方和西方这两个词用的这么随意。因为这比说,以英语为第一语言的国家,讲中文或讲粤语的地区,这样的话方便点。我在使用一种概况化的表达方式。希望你们能理解。 And it’s interestingly a problem with this imbalance in pop cultural influence.And I think so.I think in any healthy relationship or friendship or marriage, isn’t it important for both sides to make an effort to understand the other? And that this exchange needs to have a healthy balance.这种在流行文化影响方面的不平衡其实是个很有趣的问题。试想在任何一段健康的关系中,无论是友谊还是婚姻,双方彼此努力去了解对方都再重要不过了,对吗? 这种软实力交换需要一种平衡。

And how do we addre this? As an ambaador for Chinese pop music and movies, I have to ask myself the question, Why does this deficit exist? Is it because Chinese music just is lame? Don’t answer that, please.Yeah I can just see some of you are really like: “Stop complaining! Write a hit song! Psy did!” you know.But actually there is truth in that.


And the argument being that the content we’ve created just isn’t as internationally competitive.And why shouldn’t be? Well, look at Korean pop, look at K-pop for example.Korean is an export-based economy and they are outward looking. 一种说法是,我们所创作的内容,没有足够的国际竞争力。为什么就没有呢?那么,我们以韩流音乐为例。韩国的经济是以出口为导向的。他们的眼光是面向世界的。 And they must be outward looking.Chinese pop, on the other hand, can just kind of stay domestic, tour all over Chinese-speaking territories and comfortably sustained.So when we are, that big and powerful, there’re over 160 cities in China with a million or more people.You tend to kind of turn inward and be complacent(自满的).


So this certainly can be an argument made for Chinese pop being not marked with international sensibilities in mind.But the other side of the argument, I think is more interesting and thought-provoking and even more true that western ears aren’t familiar with, and therefore don’t really understand how to appreciate Chinese music.Ouch!


OK, the reason I think that argument holds water though is because that’s exactly what I went through.So I happen to know a thing or two about learning to appreciate Chinese pop as a westerner.Cause as I was 17 years old when I went from being the Asian kid in America to being an American kid in China.And the entire paradigm suddenly got flipped on its head.我之所以认为这种论调其实站得住脚,是因为我本人恰巧有过这般经历。因此我对“西方人如何学着欣赏华语流行音乐”这个问题还是要一定发言权的。在17岁之前,我是一个身处美国的亚洲小孩。17岁之后,我变成了一个身处亚洲的美国孩子。情况完全颠倒了过来。

I grow up listening to Beatie Boyz, Led Zeppelin, Guns N’ Roses.Then I found myself in Taiwan, listening to the radio and thinking, where’s the beat? Where is the screeching(呼啸声) guitar solos? And here I am an American kid in Asia, listening to Chinese music for the first time and thinking “this stuff is lamb.I don’t like it.” I thought it was cheesy, production value was low.The singers couldn’t belt like Axl Rose, or Mariah Carey.But then one day, I went to my first Chinese pop concert and it was Yu Chengqing, Harlem Yu, performing in 台北社教馆the Taibei Music Center.以前我是听着Beatie Boyz, Led Zeppelin,枪花长大的。但是到了台湾之后,我常边听音乐边想, 这音乐怎么一点节奏感没有!华丽的吉他独奏在哪里!所以,作为一个在亚洲的美国孩子,我刚开始接触到华语音乐的时候心里的想法是,这音乐太逊了,我不喜欢。我觉得这些歌都太不给力了。制作价值太低。这些歌手就是没有Axl Rose (枪花主唱)或者Mariah Carey 那么会飙高音。直到有一天,我听了人生中第一场华流演唱会。是庾澄庆,哈林。在台北音乐中心的那场。

And as he performed, I looked around the audience and I saw their faces and the look in their eyes, their responsivene to his music.And it was clear to me, finally, where the problem lay.It wasn’t that the music was lacking.It was my ability to appreciate it and to hear it in the right way.The crowd, they would sing along and be totally emerged in his music and I had this epiphany(顿悟) that I was miing point.And from now on, I was going to, somehow, learn how to get it.当他表演时,我看到台下观众脸上的表情,眼神 和他们对音乐的那种热烈响应。我总算知道问题出在哪里了。并不是华语音乐缺少什么,而是我不能够正确的聆听和欣赏它。看到台下的人群跟着哈林一起唱并且完全沉浸在他的音乐里的时候,我顿悟到,我起初没有很好的理解。我现在应该开始学着如何领悟它们。

I was going to learn how to hear with local ears and I deconstructed and analyzed what it was that made Chinese audiences connect with certain types of melodies and rhythms and songs structures and lyrics.That’s what I’ve been doing for the past almost twenty years.And it took me a long time and I am still learning. 如何用“当地的”耳朵去听音乐。我开始解构,分析,是什么让华语听众对某种旋律,歌曲的结构或者歌词产生共鸣。在过去二十年我一直在做这样的工作。真是路漫漫,至今我还在学习中。

But at some point, I not only began to be able to appreciate the music, but I started being able to contribute to it.And I created my own fresh spins on the tried and true.And I think this happens to everyone, really, who is on the outside looking in, it always looks strange if you look at things from your perspective.You’re always gonna think that these people are weirdoes(古怪的人).What’s wrong with them? Why are they listening to this stuff? And I am saying that you can make an effort and get it.It can be done and I am a living proof for that.And as an ambaador of Chinese pop, I am trying to get people to open up to a sound that they may not feel as palatable(使人愉悦的,随人心愿的) at the first time listen.What else should we do to reduce imbalance in our popular cultures? 而从某刻开始,我不仅能欣赏华语音乐了,而且能够开始做出自己的贡献。开始尝试和创造自己的风格。作为外观者,每个人都会这样。如果仅从自己的角度出发看问题,你总是会觉得外面的世界很奇怪。你总会觉得别人是异类。他们是怎么了?怎么会听这些东西?而我想说的是,只要你跨出去一步,就会有收获。并且我用自己的亲身经历证明,这是能够做到了。作为华语音乐大使,我一直在努力让人们开放接受,那些也许最初听上去并不喜欢的音乐,那么我们还能做些什么,来减少这种流行文化中的不平衡呢?

Well, maybe give a talk of the Oxford union, tour more outside of China? But seriously, actually I think the tides are already starting to change very slowly, very cautiously, almost calculatingly.You see more cro-cultural exchange now, more interest in China, definitely a lot of joint ventures, a lot of co-productions in recent years, Iron Man 3, Transformers Fifty Three, Resident Evil… Really it’s beginning to be kind of a world pop.And that’s what I am looking forward to, and that’s what I am focusing on these days.There was J-pop, there was K-pop, there‘sC-pop.And there’s like this W-pop, that’s kind of starting to emerge.This world pop.And I think.Yeah, I love that idea.It’s not world music.It’s not.It’s world pop.And I think… yeah I love that idea that it’s not world music.It’s not like… there used to be section HMV called world music Now it’s like ethnomusicology (人种音乐学) musical cla in college.


No, but world pop is more about breaking and turning down age-old stereotypes, the artificial confines that have kept us apart for way too long.It’s a melting pot and it’s mosaic that even when we look up close, we’d still see the colors and flavors of each culture in detail.And where can we go to listen to world pop? I don’t think there is a world pop station or a magazine, unfortunately, there are none- there should be.但世界流不是这样的,这个概念打破了陈规旧俗,冲开了艺术上那些一直阻碍在我们之间的界限。这就像一个大熔炉,一个马赛克拼图。如果我们仔细看,是可以领略到每种文化的不同风格和特色的。那么我们通过什么途径可以听到“世界流”音乐呢?并不存在这样一本世界流音乐杂志或一个平台,很不幸,当然这些是应该有的。

But there is the Internet and YouTube has proven to be a driving force for world pop.Britain’s Got Talent made Susan Boyle the hottest act in the world.And she achieved that not through the record labels or the networks but through graroots sharing.Gangnam Style is another great example how that just took over and became a huge worldwide world pop phenomenon.So world pop also suggests a worldwide pop culture and something that can be shared by all of us and give us a lot of common ground.


So today, what’s my called action? I wanna improve a multicultural exchange between the east and the west.I think I have made that clear, but how? I think… you can all become pop singers.Really…I think that’s the answer.No, I am just kidding.Unle that’s what you really wanna do.My called action is this: build and protect that roommate relationship between the east and the west.Value this relationship and take ownership of it.Don’t come to Oxford as an exchange student from Taiwan and only hang out with other Chinese students.Why would you do that? You could do that back in Wuhan or Nanjing or wherever you came from.于是今天,我的号召是什么呢?我想要帮助推进东西方之间的多元文化交流。这一点我想我已经表达的很清楚了,但是如何做到呢?我觉着吧,你们都可以出道嘛,这样就好了。我开个玩笑。不过如果成为歌手真的是你想做的事情那就另当别论了。我在此,号召各位,请务必在东方与西方横亘的隔阂间,建立一种室友般的情谊。并且能尽所能及的保护这份情谊,珍惜它,拥有它。千万不要千里迢迢从台湾跑来牛津大学当交换生还一天到晚只和中国学生聚一块。你说你这是干嘛对吧?这些事你在武汉,在南京,在老家的时候都能做对吧。 Don’t buy into the headlines or the stereotypes or into the hyper nationalism.Think for yourselves, and this goes for the East and West both.Get to know one another and think for yourselves and don’t believe the hype.For a moment, if we could just disregard the governments, and what the media are saying, just for the sake of the argument, with our own tools of critical thinking, can we build relationships that actually see one another as individual human beings and not facele members of a particular ethnicity or nationality? Of course we can do that.And that’s the goal and dream, I think of the romantic artists and the musicians.I think it’s always been there.And that’s what I wish for, and that’s what makes music and art so powerful and so true, and breaks down instantly and disintegrates all the artificial barriers that we’ve created between each other, government, nationality, black, brown, yellow, white, whatever color you are, and shows each other our hearts, our fears, our hopes and our dreams.And it turns out in the end the East isn’t that far after all.And the West, well, ain’t so wild.那些标题党,那些陈词滥调,那些超民族主义,别买他们的账。你应当学会自己判断,这个原则同样适用于研究东西方。把一件件来龙去脉搞清楚,独立思考,对那些天花乱坠的东西不要偏听则信。要是哪一天,你能做到漠视政府的鼓吹,忽视媒体的通稿,据理力争只为真理,动用“批判思维”的武器,是不是就能建立起那份情谊了呢?到那时,每个人都是独立的个体,个人不再是隶属于某个种族或是国家的无脸人?我们当然能做到。这是目标,也是理想。这是浪漫艺术家和音乐人亘古不变的初心。也是我想要极力撮成的一种情谊。正因如此,音乐和艺术的力量才这样强大,这样真切。正是这些力量让横亘期间的壁垒土崩瓦解。那些我们在彼此之间人为制造的隔阂,政府或者国籍,肤色。黑色,棕色,黄色和白色,无论哪一种肤色。也是这些力量让我们能够单程我们的内心,我们的恐惧,我们的希望,我们的梦想。最终我们就会发现,“远东”也并没有那么遥远。西方也并非都是蛮荒一片。

And through understanding each other’s popular cultures, we gain insight in each other’s hearts and true selves.For those of you who are just beginning that journey, the West and East, I want to invite you today on this amazing journey with me.And I, as an experienced traveler on this road, on the West and East road, I’ve prepared a mix-tape for all of you today, of then songs that I love, there, that’s a C-pop mix-tape.That you can check out.I was going to bring you all CDs, but my publicist reminded me lovingly that would be illegal.So because I’m a profeional recording artist, I shouldn’t do that.But actually the link works out nicely, because you get to see the music videos as well on a lot of these songs.通过了解彼此的流行文化,探到彼此的内心,触碰彼此的灵魂。如果你们正想踏上这条贯通东西的征途,我诚挚的邀请你们和我一起加入这场奇幻之旅。作为在这条联通东西方之间的路上还算有点经验的人,我为你们准备了一只合集的卡带,里面收录了十首我爱的华语流行音乐。看,你们感受一下。本来今天我是给你们每人准备了CD的,但是我的团队好心提醒我说,这么做是不合法的。作为专业的专辑制作人,我可不能做这种事。不过这里的链接还是很好用的,因为这样你们还能看到这些歌曲相应的MV。

And these ten songs are songs that I love and ten different Chinese artists to start you off on getting to know and love Chinese pop.I think these guys are awesome and I hope you do too.I just wanna wrap up by saying that being here on the Oxford campus really makes me nostalgic for my days at Williams.And when I look back on those four years, some of my fondest memories are spending time with my roommates Stephan Papiano and Jason Price.In fact, Jason is here in the audience today and nake this special trip form London just to see me.And I suppose in the beginning we were strangers.We didn’t know much about each other and sometimes we die compete for the shower.There were time when we did intrude on each other’s privacy.But I always loved listening to Stephen’s stories about growing up in a Greek family and his opinions on what authentic Greek food really was.Or Jason’s stories about wanting to make violins and to live in Cremona, Italy like Antonio Stradivari and he did do that.这10首我最爱的歌曲,来自不同的很棒的中国音乐人。我们就从他们开始了解入手中国的流行音乐吧!我觉得这些音乐人都很棒,希望你们也能喜欢。最后的最后,我只想说,现在置身于牛津大学校园,真的让我不由的回忆起我在威廉姆斯大学的那段时光。当我回首那四年,我发现最值得回忆的,就是于室友Stephan Papiano和Jason Price共处的时光了。事实上呢,Jason就在观众席中。他专程从伦敦赶来看我。我在想,刚开始大家还是陌生人,我们对彼此不了解,有时候我们还会抢淋浴,甚至互相侵犯别人的隐私。但是我一直喜欢听Stephen讲他在一个希腊家庭里成长的故事。还有他眼里原汁原味的希腊菜应该长什么样子。或是Jason的故事,说他渴望以做小提琴为生,生活在意大利的克雷默那,像安东尼奥特拉迪瓦那样,而他的梦想后来真的实现了。

And I will never forget many years later when I played a Jason Price handmade violin for the first time and how that felt.They were always attentive and respectful when I tell them about what it was like for me growing up in a Chinese household with strict parents who made me study.So we shared stories, but the strongest bonds between us were formed just sitting around and listening to music together.And I really do see that as a model for East and West.So that’s why I want to share Chinese music with you today because it’s the best way I know how to create the lasting friendships that transcend all barriers and allow us to know each other truly, authentically and just as we are.多年之后,我都无法忘记,我第一次拉“Jason Price”手工制作的小提琴时的场景,还有当时我内心的触动。他们也总是那样聚精会神,十分尊重的倾听我的成长故事,如何在一个中国传统家庭里长大。我的父母很严格,一直逼我学习。我们会互相分享各自的故事但是我们之间的纽带系的最牢的时候却是当我们单纯的围坐在一起听音乐的时候,我真心觉得我们的例子,就是东西人互相理解并和谐共处的典范。因此,这就是为何我今天要与各位分享中国的音乐。因为据我所知,这是最好的一种方式,让友谊地久天长。而这份友谊超越了所有的界限,让我们真真切切的了解彼此,展现最真实的自己。

Thank you! 谢谢大家!







相反的,正如我们熟知的林肯先生,在遭受24岁经商失败,26岁爱人死去,27岁精神崩溃,中年时代多次竞选参议员和副总统,却均以失败告终,可面对如此多的打击与磨难,他始终没有放弃自己的梦想,而是以积极的生活态度应对这些不如意,最终他成为美国第十六任总统,正是这积极乐观的生活态度,让林肯最终实现自己的理想。 相信,假若没有积极乐观的生活态度,摔残肢体的桑兰,高位截肢的张海迪,生命中没有光明与黑暗的海伦—凯勒,他们同样不会有灿烂的人生,也就不会赢得世人的尊重与赞美。













课前三分钟励志演讲稿三 同学们: 大家好! 看看身边,想想自己,我们可能会有这样的发现:不知从何时起,考试作弊这种现象在校园中竟然已泛滥成灾!









在高考中有位考生写过这样一段话:我曾经埋怨过,脚底发黄的布鞋,踏不出青春的活力,直到我发觉霍金转动的轮椅,嵌出深深的历史痕迹;我曾咒骂过,脸边黝黑的胎记,映不出美丽的脸庞,直到我看见全身黝黑的黑人,露出甜甜的美丽微笑?? 也许你曾抱怨过上帝是捉弄人的,他对你吝啬幸福,却让痛苦折磨着你,日日夜夜,疲惫不堪,换来的只是滚烫的泪珠。但苦尽甘来后,当你揭开那沉重的幕纱,你会看清,上帝是公平的,磨难也是一种财富。






大家好! 小草看到苍松的伟岸,便立志发奋图强,可经历千辛万苦,还是一株普通的小草;蜩与学鸠看到扶摇直上的大鹏,便极希望自己也能鹏程万里,于是冬练三九,夏练三伏,可临终也没有“若垂天之云”的双翼,更没有“水击三千里,抟扶摇而上者九万里”的辉煌。




的成就,而且也保卫了大汉江山的稳定与繁荣。杨振宁坦然面对自己的失败,认真分析原因,正确地评估自己的能力,最终,他卸下了“实验物理”的专业抱负,改修“理论物理学”,在理论方面,他驾轻就熟,一日千里,最终摘下“诺贝尔奖”的桂冠。 认清了自己的方向,努力才是通向成功的捷径,奋斗才会有结果,很难想象潘长江能够在nba的赛场上抢篮板、抢断、扣篮??也很难想象姚明穿着时尚的服装,站在舞台上将欢声笑语送进千家万户。













课前励志演讲稿 如果你想成功,那么你就得实干。实实在在做有用的事情。如果每天喊口号似的,我要做多少题目,要看多少页书,而不付出行动的,那么,我可以肯定的告诉你,成功一定不会青睐你。因为你是活在口号中,而不是活在实干中。大家应该都知道王进喜的事迹。在石油要从油井中喷出的紧要关头,如果他不用身体去和水泥,而是站在旁边干着急,结果有会是怎样?如果在经受挫折后,就放弃了那你就永远无法成功。永远只能看着别人成功。

桑兰 原国家女子体操队队员.曾参加第八届全运会,获得跳马冠军.她在一次国际比赛中意外受伤致残.但她身残志不残.在治疗的同时,她抓紧时间学习,继续参加体育锻炼,积极参与各种社会活动. 在一次与北京市大学生座谈时,作为优秀残疾青年代表的她坐在轮椅上激动地说:我参加了中国残疾人艺术团的演出,我们演出的大型音乐舞蹈会叫>.在这场特殊的演出中,我找到了比拿世界冠军更大、更美好的梦想,那就是人类平等、参与、共享,社会文明进步,祖国繁荣富强的梦。这个梦给了我人生的力量和勇气。除了参加演出和康复训练,我抓紧一切时间学习,我还想上大学,我和我的残疾人伙伴们想与在座的同学们一样,能为事项我们每一个的梦,实现我们民族的梦,实现我们祖国的梦而奋斗”。 是啊!从古至今那个名人不是坚持才取得了成功!所以挫折并不可怕,可怕的是受到挫折后就完全没有了信心。我们只有挫折之后继续坚持自己,继续去做事,就会成功.就让我们坚持下去走向成功,告别失败吧! 同学们,我希望大家既不要因为竞争激烈而背思想包袱,更不要因为基础差而自暴自弃。应当相信自己的潜能,战胜自己的惰性,以饱满的热情、自信的姿态迎接生活、学习。


有一种美,令人惊艳令人回味令人追求,这是一种可以吸引目光的美,它——光彩夺目。有一种美,飘逸在浮云上深埋在古垒下,这是一种可以吸引灵魂的美,它——深藏不露。有一种美,给生命带来激-情给生活带来温馨,和-谐之美——无时无刻与我们现在,只是没有人留意,而我却在无意中有所发现。 和-谐之美在于宽容。和-谐之美在于宽容。拥有宽容才会有和-谐。因为宽容是人类情感的种子,她能在人类心灵这片静土上扎根发芽,在爱的呵护下茁壮成长。宽容之心是伟大的,她能浇熄怒火化解愁恨,她可以感化邪-恶播散善良,她能无私奉献从不计较得失,她能化悲痛为力量解千愁为云烟,她可与快乐相伴毫无掩饰,她可与幸福同行畅游天地间,她可以让人间充满真情,让我们享受阳光般的温暖、雨露般的滋润——宽容之和-谐,竟妙不可言。




中学生励志演讲稿 同学们,在这个世界上,在成功者的队伍里面,很多人并不见得很聪明,在失败者的队伍里面很多人并不见得愚笨。其实,有一样东西比聪明的脑袋更重要,那就是人的心灵和意志,一个人的贫穷很大的程度是心灵的贫穷,一个人的成功很大程度是意志的成功!





短暂的寒假结束了,新的学期开始了。回忆十来天的假期,你是否有值得回味的事情和经历呢?我想,不同的人肯定有不同的收获和感受:有的同学“收获”的胡吃海睡,做的是“低头追剧”一族,并且生活的节奏全部被打乱——该睡的时候不睡,该起的时候不起,该吃的时候不吃;而有的同学选择了认真完成寒假作业之余适当放松;有的同学选择了放下包袱,在旅途中放松身心,增长见识;也有的同学撇开喧嚣纷扰,选择了一本好书,与伟大的心灵对话,让自己的精神旅行;有的同学会利用丰富的网络资源来强化自己的薄弱学科,实现弯道超越;还有的同学会和自己的良师益友促膝谈心,获取前进的动力,感悟人生的真谛!规划不同,过法不同,寒假对于我们的意义就不同。有的同学可能难以理解,假期有必要这么拼,这么苦,这么累吗?我的回答是大有必要。 同学们知道吗?就在随州市一所县市的一中高三补课一直补到了腊月二十八;襄阳四中连高一的学生也补到了腊月二十九。我们在羡慕别的学校厉害的时候,何曾想过他们的学生是多么的努力,多么拼命!这就是今天我要告诉大家的,怕吃苦,苦一辈子,不怕苦,苦一阵子。 2015年热播了一部电视剧,叫《芈月传》, 芈月作为一个女人吃了多少的苦头,付出了多大的代价才登上权力之巅,奠定秦国一统六合的基业!而作为主演孙俪成为“荧屏霸主”何尝不是如此呢?

孙俪面对媒体采访时这样说道:“除了《玉观音》后歇了三个月,十年来,我几乎再没有休息过一天,这比小时候练舞,比在部队里种地、赶猪、掏阴沟要累得多”。 她十年的付出,换来的身价暴涨,拍摄《玉观音》时,片酬为5000元一集,《甄嬛传》时30万一集,《芈月传》时片酬涨到了85万??出道10年身价暴涨了170倍。需要知道的是这十年孙俪没休息过一天。



有的人可能会说,读书有什么用,现在好多没读大学的也混的非常好。其实,你们忘记了一个词语,这个词语叫做比例。而那些占极小比例的没读书就成功的人,那是他们自身具备了成功的一些素质,而你们是否具备呢? 每个不想念书的学生,都会不约而同的找一个不读书就能成功的案例来作为他放纵的最后心理安慰。那么我很遗憾的告诉你们,这是改革开放三十多年后的中国,这里再也没有素质低下而钻了政策的空子就能一夜暴富的奇迹。这里优胜劣汰,这里适者生存。叛逆和疯狂的青春当然可以,但几年的放纵,换来的可能就是一生的卑微和底层!






恰同学少年的你们,在最能学习的时候你选择恋爱,在最能吃苦的时候你选择安逸,自恃年少,却韶华倾负,却不知道青春易逝,再无少年之时。 同学们,什么叫吃苦?当你抱怨自己已经很辛苦的时候,请看看在西部的那些穷孩子,他们饭吃不饱,衣穿不暖,冻着脚丫,啃着窝窝头的情形;请想一想几十年如一日起早贪黑的我们的老师们;请你对比一下那些透支着体力却依旧食不果腹的打工者!






一个生长在孤儿院的小男孩,悲观地问院长,像我这样没人要的孩子,活着究竟有什么意思?院长笑而不答,却交给孩子一块石头,让他拿到市场上去卖,但不是?真卖?,无论别人出多少钱,绝对不能卖。 第二天,孩子惊奇地发现,不少人对他的石头感兴趣,而且价钱越出越高。第三天,在黄金市场上,石头的价钱高了10倍。最后,当石头被拿到宝石市场上时,石头的身价又涨了10倍,更由于小男孩怎么都不卖,竟被传扬为“稀世珍宝”。



亲爱的同学们,不论个人的情况如何,你都应当庆幸:你是独一无二的存在,这世上再没有任何人会跟你一模一样了!你有自己的同学,有自己的老师,还有自己的朋友,许多人在关心着你,注视着你,爱护着你,珍惜自己吧,他们都是你前进的力量。 是的,生活当中,也许我们每个人就是一块石头,但只要看重自己,学会珍惜自己,生命就有了意义、有了价值。





同学们: 俗话说:“笑一笑,十年少”。其实,微笑不仅能让你年轻,还是一座沟通人际关系的桥梁,一剂化解人们矛盾的良药。

你听说过关于日本原一平先生的故事吗? 原一平本是一位极其普通平凡的保险推销员,他相貌平平,身高只有158厘米,但是,他为什么能成为日本家喻户晓,妇孺皆知的名人呢?正是因为他有事没事就研究微笑,对着一面随身携带的小镜子练习,并把这些微笑应用到工作中去,才走向了成功,成为鼎鼎有名的人。


正是他的微笑,才让人乐意购买他推销的保险,认为他推销的保险有百利而无一害;正是他的微笑,让客户与他成为无话不谈、无事不说的知心朋友。 的确,微笑能沟通人的心灵,把彼此间的距离拉近,甚至帮助你走向成功。









第13篇:春晚 王力宏(龙的传人)歌词













黑眼睛 黑头发 黄皮肤


















now here\'s a story that\'ll makes u cry

straight from Taiwan they came just a girl & a homeboy in love

no $ no speak no English

nobody gonna give\'em the time of day in a city so cold

they made a wish & then they had the strength 2 graduate w/ honor

& borrowed 50 just 2 communicate a marriage

under GOD who never left their side game their children pride raise ur voices high love will never die never dir...




每夜每天对家的思念 每夜每天对家的思念 别人土地上我成长 长成以后是龙的传人 巨龙巨龙你擦亮眼 永永远远的擦亮眼 巨龙巨龙你擦亮眼 永永远远的擦亮眼 巨龙巨龙你擦亮眼 永永远远的擦亮眼 巨龙巨龙你擦亮眼 永永远远的擦亮眼 巨龙巨龙你擦亮眼 永永远远的擦亮眼


May this day that\'s all your own hold happine for you.And may the years ahead be filled wish all the best things, too.Happy Birthday!愿这完全属于你的一天带给你幸福。愿未来的岁月锦上添花。祝你生日快乐!May your life be brighter as each birthday comes and goes,with new happine ungolding like the petal of a rose.Have a wonderful birthday!生日每年来而复去,愿你的生活更加顺意,新的幸福像玫瑰绽开,祝你生日无比欢快!Wishing you a happy birthday!The would needs every lovely thing of nature and of art.Each butterfly and bloom,each song,each caring heart...It needs each wise and loving thought the best of you and me.To make this earth the beautiful place that it was meant to be.To wish you happine today and then to tell you,too.You make the world a nicer placejust by being ...you!祝你生日快乐!世界需要大自然和艺术的每一件珍品。每一只蝴蝶和花朵,每一只歌和每一颗温存的心。它需要你和我的缕缕才智和爱慕的思念,让大地出落的美丽娇艳。今天祝你幸福,还有一层心意,正因为就是......你,世界才显得更加美丽!It\'s just \"Happy Birthday\"but with it there gose a feeling much warmer than anyone knows,a feeling that\'s heartfelt and especially true,because it\'s intended especially for you!虽然只是一句“生日快乐”,它带给你的浓情重意却无人知,情真意切发自心底,只因为这一切都是特意献给你!I shouldn\'t...I wouldn\'t...I couldn\'t...forget to wish you happiest birthday yet!我不应...我不会...我不能...--------------------There coulden\'t be a better time to wish nice things for you.Beginning with a birthday that\'s happy all day through......And after that the very best of luck and bealth,cheer and everything it takes to make a very happy year.何时贺君胜此时?一天欢乐生日始,好云、健康和欣喜,幸福之年样样齐







尊敬的各位牛津大学辩论会和牛津大学亚太学生会的同学们,万万想不到会以这样的方式跟你们相聚。没有吉他和二胡,没有夸张的舞台装也没有火力全开头。不过上周确实在伦敦的O2体育馆表演过了。不知道大家有没有去看呢。 但是,从各方面来说,这些跟我们今天的话题都有密切的关联。那就是-介绍华流音乐。


软实力这个词我相信大家都不陌生。这个概念是由Rhodes Scholar 和牛津校友Joseph Nye 提出的。


Shashi Tharoor 在最近的一次TED演讲中把它定义为一种文化让其他文化在听了他动人的故事之后受到影响并爱上这种文化的能力。





哇,你还真的是我们学校的!好吧,好棒! 我当时就有一个这样的极品舍友,让我们暂且叫他frank。这个frank 就是那种好像除了抽大麻没有别的爱好的人。而且他每天都抽。


我可能在这点上算是跟Bill Clinton 相反吧。Bill Clinton 是那种我试过大麻,但我不上瘾。我不抽大麻,但是我每天都在吸啊吸,而且还是二手的。奇怪的是,只要我在我们的卧室里,我最后都会稀里糊涂地上课迟到。我也不知道怎么回事。我当时就是那副吸了大麻的样子,嘿,已经十点了吗? 你们中有多少人有过frank那样的舍友呢?或者,你们也像他一样。所以有一个室友可能是一场灾难的开始。但也可能会酿造一段非凡的友谊。Frank第二年就辍学了。于是我换了两个新的舍友,Stefan 和 Jason。如今,我们三个是铁哥们。

回过头来看我的那个类比,我们东方和西方的舍友。是应该成为frank那样的存在,还是想像Stefan 和 Jason那样呢?我认为在当时当下,在2013,我们应该努力成为后者。我们应该, 我是说,我想在这一目标上我们是可以达成共识的,对吧? 那么,回过头来,正视我们在现实中的处境。看看最近的新闻头条:《外交政策》杂志上的,中国的受害者情节:为何中国领导人如此猜忌美国或者法新社的财经杂志《彭博商业周刊》上说,没错,中国军队正在测探你。










我的天空多么的清晰 透明的 全都是过去的空气 牵着我的手是你 但你的笑容 却看不清 是否一颗星星变了心 从前的愿望 你全都给抛弃最近我无法呼吸 连自己的影子 都想找你 oh baby你就是我的唯一 两个世界都变形 回去谈和容 确定你就是我的唯一独自对着电话说我爱你 我真的爱你 baby 我已不能爱你多一些其实早已超过了爱的界限


看着天一边开车一边打哈欠DJ报时说清晨六点想到见你就不累 喔 这些年我还留着你的高跟鞋 也会嫉妒今天谁的吻又落在你的唇边 oh亲爱的你家的路怎会越开越远 oh天知道怎么办 我们都失去了方向感 oh亲爱的你是否也在等着那一天 心的距离能缩短 找回遗失的安全感忘不了 曾经爱的那么狂野 不管曾经经历过多少错觉 爱情留下的余味依然那么浓烈 心的距离能缩短帮助我找回遗失的安全感


forever love 爱你 不是因为你的美而以 我越来越爱你 每个眼神触动我的心 因为你让我看见forever 才了解自己未来这些日子

要好好珍惜 爱我 有些痛苦有些不公平如果真的爱我 不是理当然的决定感到你的呼吸在我耳边 像微风深情 温柔的安抚 我的不安定 所以我要 每年研究你的笑容 wo~~ 多么自然forever love forever love

我只想用我这一辈子去爱你 从今以后 你会是所有 幸福的理由 爱情是场最美最远的旅行 沿途遇经泥泞 偶尔阻碍我们的前进 感到你的体温在我怀里 像阳光和煦 巧妙的熔化 我的不安定 不可思议证明我爱你的理由 wo 多么自然 你感动的眼睛 我沉默的声音 仿佛就是最好的证明 就让我再说一次 I LOVE YOU~ 直到永远 oh forever love forever love forever love 如果你听见我的歌

在送你上车以后 我独自站了好久 雨像一整夜的梦 痛却怎么也不走 猜不透 是哪里出了错 或许只是该结束的时候 想起你那句还是朋友为什么我竟如此痛在心头 如果你在寂寞的时刻 却听见我这首歌 你眼眶是否会发热 如果你在快乐的时刻 却听见我这首歌你心里是否会有一点舍不得 你心里是否会有一点 (music) 泪不会轻易地流 你也用不着歉疚 爱就象覆水难收情又有谁能强求 流泪手心

云飘在天空 浪在海流动 这世界太多 无法掌握的梦 你站在风中 你是自由的 生命有太 不得不分的痛 当你将离别握在我手心我听见爱被悄悄捏碎的声音 你不懂你不要的我的心 会随你松开的手而喊停 我试着微笑 试着拥抱 在每一秒 我不想看见闭上的眼睛 害怕你最后化成泪流出手心 你给过的承诺 我怎能不放手 当诚实诉说 他的爱多辽阔 这是我的手 它牵过你往事中度过 这段漫长的路不该走到寂寞


坚持爱了就坚持 深情的你是我唯一所见过的天使 不迟再等也不迟 找到对的人爱是一世是一生的事 oh 最好的爱是不为难的爱是别无所求的关怀 你放一个人在心怀就不觉得被伤害 能够为他做什麽都是一种愉快 就算他并不明白就算看不见未来还是默默在期待怎麽都不愿走开 你的无奈我很明白 我对你就是这样的情怀 心疼 多为你心疼 用眼神说情深他偏是听不懂的人 泪痕 寂寞的泪痕明明痛那麽深 别人问你还是否认oh 最好的爱是了解的爱 是希望让对方开怀 你放一个人在心怀就不觉得被伤害 能够为他做什麽都是一种愉快就算他并不明白就算看不见未来 还是默默在等待怎麽都不愿走开 我想就这麽告白又怕你会太意外 从此朋友都不是只能一辈子感慨我要给你的未来绝对不会像现在 要你眉头那片云不再赖着不走开 你的无奈我很明白我对你就是这样的情怀


梦总不够漫长 可是我们总需要梦想 爱能让人受伤 可是我们还是念念不忘 你的感情太无常不管怎样我知道 温柔的恋曲该怎么唱你的感情太轻狂不管怎么你曾 停靠我肩膀(music) 雨下得再漂亮 可是我们要面对阳光 爱会让人失望 可是我们仍充满向往你的感情太无常不管怎样我知道 温柔的恋曲该怎么唱 你的感情太轻狂不管怎么你曾 停靠我肩膀 (music) 可能我还不够坚强至少我我不怕哀伤 可能不曾爱到天亮 至今曾分享过月光 能我还不够坚强 至少我我不怕哀伤可能不曾爱到天亮 至今曾分享过月光 你的感情太无常不管怎样我知道 温柔的恋曲该怎么唱 你的感情太轻狂不管怎么你曾 停靠我肩膀既然不能地老天荒 我眼泪怎么流浪 总有个停泊的地方


深夜 机场冷清 好安静 我终于看见了你 穿着风衣提着行李听着MD走来走去 回忆 钻进心里 全是你 我走过去抱紧你你的声音你的笑容你的泪滴回到我怀里 你答应我今天飞来 带着你迟来的真爱 就飞过大海 带爱情回来 今天看见 永远的第一天 终于实现我和你的诺言 时间将一切拉远 爱在心里 没有改变 今天看见 爱飞过地平线 让我说完 我对你的誓言 这是另一个起点 我一定爱你到永远 (ooh今天看见爱的第一天) 回忆 钻进心里 全是你 我走过去抱紧你 你的声音 你的笑容 你的泪滴 回到我怀里 你答应我今天飞来我要在这一杪中说I LOVE YOU…wu baby 说永远不分开


当世界只剩下这床头灯 你那边是早晨已经出门 我侧身感到你在转身 无数陌生人正在等下一个绿灯 一再错身彼此脆弱的时分如果渴望一个吻的余温 我关了灯黑暗把我并吞 你不在当我最需要爱你却不在 无尽等待像独白般难挨 你不在高兴还是悲哀你都不在我受了伤在偷偷好起来 但你不在不在 时间再按下许多次快门 沉默里听见转动的秒针 一个人吃饭这个凌晨 孤单一人份 你低声说你有别人我的话筒只有自己的体温 怎样认真也不一定成真 你说的对我不得不承认 你不在当我最需要爱你却不在 无尽等待像独白的难挨你不在高兴还是悲哀你都不在 我受了伤再偷偷好起来但你不在 那些摇摆我都明白都明白 但你 在爱已不在不在 你不在 当我最需要爱你却不在一个人分饰两角的恋爱 你不在高兴还是悲哀你都不在 像空气般不存在的存在 再没有痕迹的爱你不在 当我需要你的爱你不在


北风好不留情 把叶子吹落 坠落的它他选择了逃脱 叶子失去消息 风才感觉寂寞 整个冬天 北风的痛没人能说 我从来没想过 我会这样做从来没爱过 所以爱错 我从那里起飞 从那里降落 多少不能原谅的错却不能从来过 翻开回忆角落 忘记的生活 以为幸福都可以掌握仔细回味当初那个故事背后 喔 原来是我 犯下从没真的爱错 我从来没想过 我会这样做 从来没爱过所以爱错 我从那里起飞 从那里降落多少不能原谅的错却不能从来过...真的受未你的世界 喔...找不会那些感觉 其实我不想到别 那些过去 我从来没想过我会这样做

从来没爱过(从来没有爱过那么认的) 我从那里起飞 从那里降落(降落) 多少不能原谅的错却不能从 从来没想过 我会这样做从来没爱过(爱过) 所以爱错(所以爱错) 从那里降落 多少不能原谅的错 请你原谅我的爱错


已经听了一百遍 怎么听都不会倦 从白天唱到黑夜 你一直在身边(一直在身边) 如果世界太危险只有音乐最安全

带着我进梦里面 让各自都实现 无论是开心还是难过 我的爱一直不变不论是hiphop还是摇滚 我的爱一直不变 所有美好回忆记录在里面 这张forever love那么深 我们的歌那么真 不过界跨时代再不会叫kigoodbey

有没有一句能够动人心弦 ye ye

情人总分分合合 可是我们却越爱越深 认识你让我的幸福 如此悦耳 能不能不要记得继续唱我们的歌 让感动一辈子都记得


举头望无尽灰云 那季节叫做寂寞 背包塞满了家用 路就这样开始走 日不见太阳的暖夜不见月光的蓝 不得不选择寒冷的开始 留下只拥有遗憾命运的安排 遵守自然的逻辑谁都无法揭谜底 喔~远离家乡不甚唏嘘 幻化成秋夜 而我却像落叶归根 坠在你心间 几分忧郁几分孤单 都心甘情愿我的爱像落叶归根 家唯独在你身边 但愿陪你找回 所遗失的永恒 当我开口你却沈默 只剩一场梦 你可以告诉我(你还爱谁) 登机证上面我写了你的新地址 你又搬家了因为你怕生活没变化 这次好可惜我们来不及见面 没想到果然彼此给这么大的空间 今天飞机带我回家虽然没有看到她快点起飞吧 oh 你可以告诉我你还爱谁 不用说出他的名字 不用形容他的美 一个在半空中的人会掉眼泪 你可以告诉我你还爱谁下面看台北真的好像个乐高玩具 现在才发现你搬到一个不错的住宅区 反正道个月我还会再回来一次至少一次 现在的时间我还是最好写我的新歌曲今天飞机带我回家 虽然没有讲到话闭上眼睛吧 oh 你可以告诉我我愿意听 否则为什么我抱紧你你没什么反应 是否你一个人过了太多夜晚你一定像我一样的孤单


今夜玩得有一点疯狂 其实我早就该回去 整夜的笑容在你的脸上 你是我最美的旋律 牵手牵得那么自然 ah 有默契浪漫就不难像是手表被谁快转 你说真的时间太晚 oh no no oh 在每一秒里都想见到你 爱是不停在期待的心 拥有完美感情才有好心情能不能晚点回去 oh 在每一秒里都想见到你 太多话我想讲给你听 今夜有最适合谈心的天气 能不能晚点回去 (音乐演奏) 今夜玩得有一点疯狂 其实我早就该回去 整夜的笑容在你的脸上 你是我最美的旋律 牵手牵得那么自然 ah 有默契浪漫就不难像是手表被谁快转 你说真的时间太晚 oh no no oh 在每一秒里都想见到你 爱是不停在期待的心 拥有完美感情才有好心情能不能晚点回去 oh 在每一秒里都想见到你 爱是不停在期待的心 拥有完美感情才有好心情 能不能晚点回去 oh 在每一秒里都想见到你太多话我想讲给你听 今夜有最适合谈心的天气 能不能晚点回去


一个人自由自在 不知道爱情它是个什么颜色 大街上有个女孩看着我 走过来像个快乐天使 这个爱已经盛开 是不是我的心慢慢开始更改就这样她对我笑很奇怪 心情也跟着她high起来 这就是爱我已明白 整个世界幸福感觉 不在乎路有多远我去爱 不在乎不在乎路有多远我去爱这就是爱朝着我来 这个赌注我不怕输 你给我一次机会就是爱 你给我你给我一次机会就是爱 也许是我该继续 不放弃你让我真的永远着迷也想要送你玫瑰告诉你 其实我也有一点浪漫 相信我分分秒秒爱在飞 我真的不会让你流泪 你的心我都知道不必说 我在猜我们一定相配就是爱


一个你走进生活理智就突然失踪 和自己无法再沟通摆不平疯狂的念头 不听话的心跳在胸口蠢蠢欲动 任思绪变成了绳索绑着我飞到你左右爬上屋顶吹一夜风望向你所在的角落 幻想你也正在想我忘了时间忘了我 忘了时间忘了我 我的眼睛我的手我的耳朵我的口 全不属于我全跟着你走忘了时间忘了我我们就像一双手 那么自然的交握快乐陪你过 伤痛陪你躲 能不能告诉我 你爱我你想我哦yean 你眼中的宇宙有一颗星就是我不会变成泪水我会疼你疼很久 就算世界都着火就算陆地全沉没


心里有个旋律 不完整的歌曲 你是否听得出来 我多了一拍 最近世界有点奇怪 好象缺了一块 心里那个旋律 未完成的情绪 如果你在倾听是否打动了你 说实在我也不确定 怎样比较好听 不完整的旋律 没什么结局 却是我真实的声音 不完整的旋律 勇敢地唱给你听填满你我不完整的感情 不要害怕

不要害怕 不要害怕 爱一个人其实并不复杂 不要害怕 不要害怕 过去的眼泪用今天去擦 午夜的两点半 我去不进梦乡 时间在逃亡悲伤还在原地方 我将一床被单 绞成混乱一片 爱已经灭亡 然而思念更坚强 不要害怕 不要害怕 爱一个人其实并不复杂 不要害怕 不要害怕过去的眼泪用今天去擦 我答应自己不要放弃 我答应自己不要忘记 闭上眼想一遍 你转身的模样 每一个角度 都好像一种飞翔 我因为看着你回忆你而悲伤 是你在心里不断的想

can you feel my word 你只喜欢我微笑 你决定我的需要 我要怎么说才好 我不是为你制造 关心像是泥沼 拉住我往下掉 爱是漂亮口号 透过你的视角 你把我的喜好随便删掉 变成你要的调调 你为我好我知道 我都知道 我的烦恼我的骄傲 你却不明了 怎样爱你才好 毕竟黑白需要自由奔跑 不能满足拥抱 can you feel my word 真实的我没办法伪造 can you take my hands 真诚你会感觉到 can you feel my word 真实的我没办法伪造 并不想讨好 你才觉得我重要 你只要我有礼貌 其他假装看不到 我要怎么说才好当我的情绪低潮 关心像是泥沼 拉住我往下掉 爱是漂亮口号 透过你的视角 你把我的喜好 随便删掉 变成你要的调调你为我好我知道 我都知道 我的烦恼我的骄傲 你却不明了 怎样爱你才好 毕竟黑白需要自由奔跑

rap:i keep on comin' back for more yo 日日夜夜我闭着双眼祈祷 为什么只有我的音乐能够让我依靠我知道我的世界已经变的越来越小 跑不掉逃不了 怎么面带着微笑 怎么面对着你才好 怎么眼泪都在掉 怎么嘴嘟着好严肃 这不是哭着就好怎么旋律在我脑袋 一直转一直绕 一直率一直撑着我再一次祷告 帮助我 真实的我没办法伪造 can you take my hands 真诚你会感觉到 can you feel my word 真实的我没办法伪造并不想讨好你才觉得我重要


我已经被你宠坏 乾涸的心期待你的温柔灌溉 证明有一种绝对的关怀 清澈如水一样的存在难怪我只对你依赖爱无所不在纯净透明自在我把爱随身携带 爱无所不在言语无法表白但爱可以发现爱 绝对不会是障碍塞不进口袋 却可以随身携带将心连起来我已经被你宠坏 乾涸的心期待你的温柔灌溉 证明有一种绝对的关怀 清澈如水一样的存在难怪我只对你对你依赖爱无所不在纯净透明自在让我把爱随身携带 爱无所不在言语无法表白但爱可以发现爱 绝对不会是障碍塞不进口袋 却可以随身携带将心连起来 can you free love 爱无所不在 我多希望听着全世界跟着唱 爱无所不在纯净透明自在 你们到底听见了吗爱无所不在绝对不会是障碍塞不进口袋 却可以随身携带将心连起来 让我们相信我们从未分开


亲爱的听众朋友我是你的代班dj 想找你陪我一起聊聊这世界 整天的工作重复疲惫的画面 麻木你的感觉耳边才刚刚听到仇恨要靠理智解决 谩骂和子弹却在那头满天飞 学了一辈子的爱没勇气说出来 弥补那些伤害 你和我在世界同一座擂台别懦弱拿出勇气对待 让眼泪流出来不是因为失败 幸福那个梦 就看你和我你和我你和我 美丽的主播说的都不是美丽的新闻彩色的报纸能让鲜血更逼真 当媒体播报的全是绝望的气氛 谁该负点责任 那多的人只敢窝在网络里面生存 慢慢都忘记计算机屏幕没灵魂科技的发达让人的距离被拉开

再也拉不回来 你和我在世界同一座擂台 别懦弱拿出勇气对待 让眼泪流出来不是因为失败 幸福那个梦就看你和我 你和我你和我你和我你和我(我们做得到yeah) 你和我也没什么不一样 该学习地球如何分享 为什么我们会忘记怎么拥有简单的大爱 that's right, 你和我我们都要做的更好 你和我在世界同一座擂台 别懦弱拿出勇气对待 让眼泪流出来不是因为失败 幸福那个梦就看你和我 你和我你和我你和我 (c'mon 一起唱 now 我们做得到 now 这个世界就是) 失去了你

说再见的那一刻 我装作很难过 其实我没有 我想不用过多久 当你冷静以后 爱完美依旧 我不算是好情人 不小心就忘了 你的感受 每次分手我才发现更急着想再握你的手 我总以为 相爱的人 许多言语 不用说都能懂 在电话的这一头 想千万个理由 却没有结果 这从来没发生过寂寞过了头 冷战不罢休 你怎么断了联络 忽然间消失在 世界的尽头 曾经美丽 小心翼翼 就怕碰碎了 爱情的轮廓 请告诉我 让我知道这段感情 从哪里开始错 失去了你

还求什么 就算有流星 从眼前划过 失去了你 还有什么 值得拥有 一个梦都太多 失去了你 教我怎能 再相信爱是 不老的传说 失去了你如何承受 从今以后 你再也不属于我 爱的就是你

失去才会懂得珍惜 但我珍惜你 伤越痛就是爱越深 我不相信 你和我同时停止呼吸 每一次我们靠近你让我忘了困惑 忘了所有烦心我把你紧紧拥入怀里 捧你在我手心 谁叫我真爱的就是你 在爱的纯真世界 你就是我唯一 永远永远不要怀疑 我把你当作我的空气 如此形影不离我大声说我爱的就是你 在爱的幸福国度 你就是我唯一 我唯一爱的就是你 我真的爱的就是你 就是你 钓灵感

多喝水 风扇吹 眼睛垂 我假装小睡 灵感游去又游回 鬼鬼祟祟 泼清凉泉水 眼见它在我四周围 我把琴弦一拉 钓起灵感一尾 你是我的音乐好多感觉在飞 仿佛我在水底世界 爱是我的音乐 呼吸都会陶醉 付出它就会回馈 我是我的音乐试着自我了解 我勇敢打开我心扉 别忽略自己的感觉 钓起你的灵感 世界你指挥 在垂钓的时候 很孤独很自由 我陪着我 探心灵水流难说追寻可能一无所有 我还是执着追求 不降落的滑翔翼

飞离地面一分零九秒 空气很少 刺骨的风割着我的脸 我想念她 现在我要飞去的地方 我不知道 我把从前留在天上吧 我只管飞翔 寂寞的滑翔翼别降落吧 甩开地心引力 让风吹吧 飘在地球上空 多自由 飞得越远 我越想念她 勇敢的滑翔翼 带我飞吧 飞过爱的时差 忘掉她吧半空中的世界 想起她 说过的话 永远是个问号 飞在天空三千三百尺 天气很好 波浪之上海豚在赛跑 我想念她 终于知道要去的地方叫什么名字 那地方叫做思念岛 我不停飞翔 五湖四海 飘洋过海 全世界只剩下了我在天上 不降落


看着你走得倔强头也不回 我该不该挽回 每一次都是这样跑了又追 你到底累不累 为什么爱情变成一种受罪放弃又后悔如果是你的感觉已无所谓就让我把爱收回 茱丽叶茱丽叶 不要脱泥又带水 错与对是与非去面对 茱丽叶茱丽叶 不要让爱情枯萎笑或泪别后悔去体会 要懂得珍惜爱才完美 爱是付出而不是赌注珍惜是幸福 信任

我想了很久该如何说 有一些困惑在心里头 我们都努力交换了感受 但始终还觉得了解的不够 因为你的笑所以快乐 因为你沉默所以失落所有的想法都跟你说 我还是从你眼中看到了保留 是缘份让我们相遇又选择相守 虽然你我的世界有些不同 我想给你我所有 为什么还有心事不肯说快告诉我你还想要什么 快告诉我还能为你做些什么 如果相爱的两个人 没有信任(我们)该如何(爱情就失去了颜色) (music) 因为你的笑所以快乐 因为你沉默所以失落 所有的想法都跟你说 我还是从你眼中看到了保留 是缘份让我们相遇又选择相守虽然你我的世界有些不同 我想给你我所有 为什么还有心事不肯说 快告诉我你还想要什么 快告诉我还能为你做些什么 如果相爱的两个人没有信任爱情就失去了颜色 快告诉我你还想要什么 如果相爱的两个人 没有信任(我们)该如何 相爱两个人没有信任爱情就失去了美丽的颜色 每天爱你二十四小时

每天只可以与你尽情廿四小时 每分钟心跳要对换成柔情蜜意 如何令你钟意 hey yeah time to fall in love 时间总会走 我的一秒钟活在你一对手 time to fall in love 时间飞走 你的一秒钟便是我的永久 time is in your hand take the time take the time take the time 你转了依恋的分针的答的答的走而传来一分钟的快活理由 看看秒针秒针会一下一下走 如环游一天空的美丽气球 time to fall in love o oh oh time to fall in love 时间总会走 我的一秒钟活在你一对手 time to fall in love 时间飞走你的一秒钟便是我的永久 time is in your hand take the time take the time take the time yeah yeah time to fall in love take the time take the time take the time oh yeah time to fall in love take the time take the time take the time yeah yeah.time to fall in love time to fall in love 不着地

有一些感觉无法说明但也不该喊停 我们之间的爱要升级需要新的刺激 哪怕机会只有万分之一我们已互相吸引 换方式再继续换语气说爱你不着地地心失去引力 不着地我心早已飞向你 因为你是天地的中心 不可思议的偏爱你 不着地在月球低空飞行 有一些快乐无法说明太微妙的感应我们之间的爱要升级需要新的主题 爱情的魔法呼了一口气我们已经更靠近换方式再继续换语气说爱你 不着地地心失去引力 不着地我心早已飞向你因为你是天地的中心不可思议的偏爱你 不着地在月球低空飞行 还有太多的可能性 却有太多的不确定 如果这是一个梦境我不要醒我爱你永远都不够 here we go 不着地地心失去引力 不着地 心早已飞向你 因为你是天地的中心不可思议的偏爱你不着地我们永远不会降落 no 不着地地心失去引力 不着地我心早已飞向你


花田错不是彻夜等候你为我点的烛火 不过是一次邂逅红楼那一场梦 我的山水全部退色像被大雨洗过 杯中景色鬼魅我忘了我是谁 心情就像夜凉如水手里握着蝴蝶杯单飞不归不醉 花田里犯了错 说好破晓前忘掉 花田里犯了错 拥抱变成了煎熬 花田里犯了错犯 像迷恋镜花水月的无聊花田里犯了错 请原谅我多情的打扰 醉怎么会喝醉美因为你的美 爱匆匆一瞥不过点缀 飞看大雪纷飞却再也找不回 被白雪覆盖那些青翠当时空成为拥有你唯一条件我....又醉 琥珀色的月结成了霜的泪我会记得这段岁月 我的山水全部退了色 多情的打扰请原谅我不是彻夜为我点的火 (在那花田在那花田) 在那花田里我犯了错 一首简单的歌

这世界很复杂 混淆我想说的话 我不懂 太复杂的玩法 什么样的礼物 能够永远记得住 让幸福别走的太仓促 云和天 蝶和花 从来不需要说话断不了依然日夜牵挂 唱情歌 说情话 只想让你听清楚 我爱你是唯一的倾诉 写一首简单的歌 让你的心情快乐 爱情就像一条河 难免会碰到波折这一首简单的歌 并没有什么独特

好像我 那么的平凡却又深刻 我一直在思考 让你了解我的好 却忘了常常对你微笑 失去的忘记的 我会尽力去弥补 你是我最珍贵的财富 简单的歌 好像我 那么的平凡却又深刻 两个人并不等于我

醒来只有我一个人 分不清黄昏或清晨 空气微冷有甚么在流失慢慢降温 一颗心往下沉 毕竟只是太短的梦 彼此终于退回陌生我加上你两个人并不等于我们 你想我吗会偶尔想我吗 是这样吗飞扬的会落下 你爱我吗如果诚实回答 可是爱也不是解答 空屋子里没有回声但我记忆有你指纹 我加上你两个人却并不等于我们 你想我吗会偶尔想我吗 是这样吗飞扬的会落下 你爱我吗如果诚实回答 可是爱也让人疲乏你知道吗我心快要溶化 是这样吗压抑的会爆发 你爱我吗 爱我就懂我吗


我在风里呼喊你的声音可曾听见 风里喊你千百遍的声音能传多远 你能撕碎我的情撕毁我的意撕裂我身体 可是我呐喊的声音你不应该装听不见我在风里呼喊你的声音可曾听见 成千上万的思念要呼喊多少年 我能喊你一百遍求你一千遍等你一万年 可是我反覆的思念你不应该装听不见让我的梦散成片片在风里飞 悲伤的夜一个人也喝不醉 而我终於明白没有爱 而我面对背叛的伤害 所以痛彻心扉也不奇怪 风中声声呼喊都是遗憾我在风里呼喊你的声音可曾听见 成千上万的思念要呼喊多少年 我能喊你一百遍求你一千遍等你一万年 可是我反覆的思念你不应该装听不见让我的梦散成片片在风里飞 悲伤的夜一个人也喝不醉 而我终於明白没有爱 而我面对背叛的伤害 所以痛彻心扉也不奇怪 风中声声呼喊都是遗憾而我终於明白没有爱 而我面对背叛的伤害 所以痛彻心扉也不奇怪 风中声声呼喊都是遗憾 情敌贝多芬

你不管我多有妒忌 也不管我怎么抗议 他永远是你说不腻的话题 你让我为他受尽委屈 爱迟到多久都可以 你阴晴不定没关系够不够交换你多留点时间 让我们俩人单独(单独)一起 谁都想拥有情人完整的心 别说我太孩子气 改天你家门口有人疯狂弹琴 一定是我别怀疑我不怕跟再强的情敌试着比一比 打败我才能抢走你 碰上了ludwig Beethoven 却只能摇头叹气 大城小爱

乌黑的发围盘成一个圈 缠绕所有对你的眷恋 搁着半透明的脸 嘴里说的语言完全没有欺骗屋顶灰色瓦片安静的画面 灯火是你美丽那张脸终于找到所有流浪的终点 你的微笑就输了疲倦 千万不要说天长地久 免的你觉的我不切实际 想多么简单就多么简单 是妈妈告诉我的哲理脑袋都是你心里都是你 小小的爱在那城里好甜蜜 念的都是你全部都是你 小小的爱在那城里只为你倾心 让我大声的对你说 i'm thinking of you 那回城的票根你留做纪念 不必害怕面对离别 剪掉一丝头发让我放在胸前 走到那里都有你陪 相随 oh~~念的都是你全部都是你 拉拉拉拉拉~~~~~拉拉拉拉拉 那一种寸步不离的感觉 我知道就叫做缘 ki you goodbye baby不要再哭泣 这一幕多么熟悉 紧握着你的手彼此都舍不得分离 每一次想开口但不如保持安静 给我一分钟专心 好好欣赏你的美幸福搭配悲伤 痛是在我心交叉 挫折的眼泪不能测试爱的重量 付出的爱收不回 还欠你的我不能给 别把我心也带走 去跟随 每一次和你分开深深的被你打败 每一次放弃你的温柔 痛苦难以释怀 每一次ki you goodbye 爱情的滋味此刻我终于最明白 ---- 但欠你的我不能给 我才明白爱最真实的滋味 我终于明白 MARY SAYS how long has it been since i held you near? how long will it be till i have you right here? you say that it hurts i can't disagree but how can i hold on to someone who's leaving me?

and mary says she's gonna be ok she tells me things are getting busier these days she tells me things will be much easier someday and mary says she's gonna be alrignt you know how much i mi her in my life you know how much i'm miing her deep inside goodbye yesterday, i see my dreams walking away and mary looks just like she did before except she don't love me she don't love me amymore i could shake your hand or i could ki you goodbye but i just might break down looking in your brown eyes so what happens next do i listen to my mind or heart? i don't know where to start feeling alright again...finaly 明知留不住更不想结束 努力记住你此刻的眉目记住这拥抱的温度 对抗快来临的孤独为什么幸福它总是仓促不在乎付出因为我在乎但让你哭我就无可宽恕 年轻的我们太低估世界该有的冷酷太多的爱也没帮助 my finally 一个也是有吻 finally

我最终的恋人别哭泣用力用力忘你在哪里我的心中不曾离开你永远的当我想起你会得到爱的离奇 我要退出也为你祝福别为我哭我会嫁给无助年轻的我们太低估世界该有的冷酷太多的爱也没帮助 my finally 一个也是有吻 finally

我最终的恋人别哭泣 用力用力忘你在哪里我的心中不曾离开你永远的当我想起你会得到爱的离奇 忘记一步一切就荒芜希望爱复燃吧!my finall 一个也是有吻 finally



光投进爱 把梦刷白 舍不得你会醒过来 不要现在 昨夜走太快哦… 说不上来 隐隐藏在胸口一块 吻你脸颊 证明此刻真的存在 是你让我相信爱对我慷慨 hey oh 是爱我们是注定 不是意外 这是爱 我们的爱 还不确定却好实在 把你贴在胸怀 静静的代替表白 才不愿放开给你的爱 没名字却停不下来 在忐忑里期待 雀跃中想到未来是你我才明白 这就是爱 ---- 但梦还在 小心不让你醒过来 也许现在就是永恒的未来 第一个我们的清晨 迷人和默契都是你的 无限可能 言语都显得太肤浅


昨天今天同个书桌前 一遍两遍相爱怎么给 书里的玫瑰蓝色的信笺是爱恋 你在左边单车在右边 我的球鞋从不嫌路远 到你家门前想亲你的脸却有点胆怯 像张白纸爱情才刚开始

你会写下什么字 不懂表示但我懂坚持 你别否定我的痴 (音乐演奏) 你在左边单车在右边 我的球鞋从不嫌路远 到你家门前想亲你的脸却有点胆怯 像张白纸爱情才刚开始 你会写下什么字 不懂表示但我懂坚持 你别否定我的痴 像张白纸爱情才刚开始 我却写满你名字

从第一次到第一千次 我的心患得患失 昨天今天同个书桌前 一遍两遍想爱怎么给 梦就在眼前我却不敢实现想你的夜又要失眠 过来

熬到凌晨两点半 陪着你加班不厌其烦 看你显得意兴阑珊 是否因为寂寞而觉得烦 泡面才吃到一半心里依然兵荒马乱 决定问你是否想过有个人作伴不想继续隐瞒 你不必急着离开 这一次要坦白说爱爱 过来过来要不要过来要不要过来 爱早就存在感觉还不坏过来过来要不要过来要不要过来 爱不必装乖 过来过来过来过来过来 本来就该两个人就不再闷就不怕冷 看我眼神那么诚恳 何必再等赶快关上车门从怀疑到认真从陌生到情人


歌声为我见证你不必急着离开 这一次要坦白说爱爱过来过来要不要过来要不要过来 爱早就存在感觉还不坏 过来过来要不 过来要不要过来 爱不必装乖 过来过来过来过来过来 girl 没有什么压力你一定要放心 怕你寂寞而已我懂你的感情 可以变成空气如此形影不离如果你过来靠近海边的微风

让我们对tone 爱情的美梦 其实没谁懂顺着他节奏 每个小节都求着你别走 come on 你不必急着离开 这一次要坦白说爱爱 过来过来要不要过来要不要过来 爱早就存在感觉还不坏 过来过来要不要过来要不要过来爱不必装乖 过来过来过来过来过来 过来过来要不要过来要不要过来 爱早就存在感觉还不坏 过来过来要不要过来要不要过来 爱不必装乖过来过来过来过来过来 爱你就等于爱自己

淋我淋过的雨 吹你吹过的风 比风雨还亲蜜 两个人的影子 在同一个天地 拥有一样的回忆

心想著你眼看著你 就像贴近自己 傻的笑的 就好像你 像你一样甜蜜 是不是爱你就会变成你 oh..ah..爱你就等於爱自己 mm..well...(alright) 我想你的难题 你写我的日记 比爱人还亲蜜 我还没说可惜 你已经在叹气 不可思议的默契心想著你眼看著你 就像贴近自己 得拥抱感觉 会越来越熟悉是不是爱你就会变成你 oh..ah..爱你就等於爱自己 mm..well...(alright) 是不是你所有的秘密已经成为我的呼吸 ah~不再分离 是不是爱你就会变成你 oh..ah..爱你就等於爱自己 mm..well...(alright) 爱你就等於爱自己 爱你就等於爱自己 mm..well...(alright) 是不是爱你就会变成你 oh..ah..爱你就等於爱自己 mm..well...(alright) oh..ah..爱你就等於爱自己 mm..well...(alright) 爱我的歌

我与我提琴哪个更吸引 我若像谁才能令你入神 我去努力练琴 你去接他的吻 各自动人 谁能令你动真心 谁来造我这双手 本应抱着最喜欢的爱人如何用我这双手改写命运 付出的心血伴奏美丽情感 难叫你吻我的手 期望你会爱我的歌 卖了这一切气力 只想收卖专一的耳朵 难叫你爱我的心期望你会爱我的歌 让你于沙发躺卧好好听过 拖拉的结果能多点爱惜我 像两手那么谐和好好听过拖拉的结果能多点爱惜我



王西京 1946年8月生于陕西西安,1966年毕业于西安美术学院附属中学 。 历任《西安晚报》美术编辑、主任编辑 。 1983年西安美术家协会成立,任主席。 1985年西安中国画院成立,任院长。 “中国书画影视艺术学会”副主席。




一级美术师,1992年被国务院授予为“国家级有突出贡献专家”。 王西京年表:

2000年5月 秦宝齐编辑《王西京画集》出版。

2000年4月 《王西京画展》在陕西美术馆开幕。

2000年3月 参加2000西安国际书画展获日本政府国际阿卡得密奖和教育文化勋章。

1999年9月 赴法国、庐森堡、奥地利考察。

1999年8月 赴青海玉树藏族自治区考察写生

1999年8月 赴青海玉树藏族自治区考察写生

1999年5月 创建的咸阳西部艺术传播中心落成同时举办西安咸阳解放50周年画展。

1999年1月 作品《人民重托》先后在光明日报、中国文化报发表,参加第九届美展。

1999年12月 由中国邮政编辑中国当代书画名家精品系列《王西京中国画小辑》在京出版发行。

1999年11月 赴日本松户参加“中日友好书画联展”。

1998年3月 当选取为第九届全国人大代表。

1998年2月 出访日本、韩国。

1998年11月 出访日本、参加在香川举办的《陕西名家书画展》。

1997年9月 当选为第二届全国文代会代表。

1997年8月 被北京大学聘为该校艺术顾问、百年校庆画展评委。

1997年3月 赴日本、韩国进行艺术交流。

1997年11月 在深圳举办“王西京中国画展”。

1996年9月 “王西京中国画展”在大连会展中心举行。

1996年7月 由中国文化部和中国文化联联合主办的《王西京画展》在中国美术馆举行。

1996年5月 陕西旅游出版社编辑《王西京》一书关出版发行。

1995年7月 荣宝齐出版《王西京画集》。

1995年12月 获《受我中华》世界华人美术作品大奖赛金奖。

1995年10月 为泰国东方文化书院讲学。

1994年12月 “王西京画展”在槟城、云顶等地巡回展出。

1994年10月 赴马来西亚参加“王西京画展”开幕活动。

1993年6月 赴台湾参加“王西京画展”开幕活动。

1993年4月 为澳门视觉艺术学院讲学。

1993年3月 中国美协主办“全国水墨画展”,任评委。

1993年10月 纪念毛主席诞辰一百周年,组织创作百米书画长卷,在毛主席纪念堂展出并收藏。

1992年9月 西安电视台拍摄《画家王西京》专题片并播出。

1992年6月 “王西京画展”在槟城、马六甲、恰保巡回展出。

1992年5月 “王西京画展”在吉隆坡隆重开幕。

1992年4月 赴马来西亚讲学,受聘为马来西亚艺术学院客座教授和东方艺术研究院研究员。

1992年2月 任陕西青年联合会副主席、西安文学艺术界联合会副主席。

1992年1月 国务院授予国家级“有突出贡献专家”。

1992年12月 获“美国建国二百年庆”世界名人奖。

1992年11月 获加拿大国际水墨画大展“枫叶奖”(银牌奖)。

1992年10月 “王西京画展”在广州艺术中心开幕。

1991年8月 王西京电视专题片《丰碑》拍摄完成并播出。《王西京领袖肖像画辑》出版。

1991年8月 组织主持在西安召开的“意象艺术国际研讨会”,举办“意象艺术国际水墨画展”。

1991年8月 “王西京亚洲巡回画展”在台北新光三越开幕。

1991年7月 十三幅《无产阶级革命家肖像组画》创作完成,人民日报撰文报道刊出。

1991年12月 作品参加韩国“中国当代优秀美术家作品展”。

1990年7月 赴丝绸之路考察、写生。

1990年3月 《王西京画集》出版。

1990年1月 出访新加坡,参加“西安中国画院作品展”开幕式。

1990年1月 《王西京作品辑》出版。

1989年7月 参加在韩国举办的“中国名家水墨画展”。

1989年7月 评为国家一级美术师。

1989年6月 作品十幅参加在台北举办的“西安名家精品展”。

1989年5月 “王西京书法作品展”在台北师大艺术中心开幕。

1989年4月 赴英国参加“国际科技文化节”活动。爱丁堡市举办的“王西京书画展”开幕。

1989年2月 作品在台北参加“迎春书画联展”

1989年12月 《王西京的中国画艺术》录像带拍摄完成并对国内外发行。

1989年12月 “西安对外文化交流协会”成立,任副会长。

1989年11月 获“轩辕杯”书画大奖赛一等奖。

1989年11月 《王西京和他的人物画》电视专题片拍摄完成并播出。

1989年10月 评为“陕西省有突出贡献的专家”。

1988年8月 入编《中国艺术家辞林》。

1988年5月 作品三十七幅在台湾参加舆李可染、范曾、王子武先生的联合书画展。

1988年11月 作品《阿 Q画押》获“金能杯全国书画大奖赛”一等奖。

1987年7月 入编《中国当代书画家辞典》。1987年11月赴日本访问,参加世界名城会议暨“西安四季风情书画展”在京都的开幕式。

1987年6月 作品十三幅在香港参加“西安中国画院画展”。

1987年12月 “中国书画影视艺术学会”在无锡成立,任副主席。

1986年9月 作品在美国洛杉矶参加“中国画联展”。

1986年8月 作品在新加坡参加“西安中国画院画展”。

1986年7月 出访日本,“王西京历史人物画展”在京都美术馆开幕。

1986年2月 “王西京钟馗画展”在新加坡开幕。

1986年11月 赴日本参加“日本习字祭典”活动。

1986年10月 作品在马来西亚吉隆重坡参加“中国名家国画联展”。

1985年9月 应邀参加在新加坡举行的“第二届亚太地区艺术教育会议”。

1985年9月 受聘为新加坡南洋美术学院客座教授。

1985年8月 西安中国画院成立,任院长。

1985年3月 为新加坡南洋美术学院和新加坡艺术学院讲学。

1985年2月 出访新加坡,“王西京中国画展”在新加坡大会堂开幕。

1984年2月 “王西京画展”在新加坡中华总商会开幕。

1984年10月 作品《远去的足音》获奖,参加“第六届全国美展”。

1983年7月 《王西京历史人物画选》出版。

1983年5月 西安美术家协会成立,任主席。

1983年2月 中央新闻电影制片广拍摄《书坛新秀王西京》并在全国映出。

1983年1月 入编《中国艺术家辞典》。

1983年12月 《王西京国画选》在香港出版。

1980年6月 调中央文化部中国画创作组搞创作。作品四幅参加“全国中青年中国画家习作展”。

1980年10月 作品两幅参加“中国名家作品展览”。1980年12月作品《知音》获“陕西省第二届青年美展”一等奖、“全国第二届青年美展”二等奖。

1979年7月 作品参加“亚洲水墨画展”。

1979年10月 作品参加“中日水墨画展”。

1979年10月 作品《创业史话》参加全国美展,陕西省美展获奖。

1979年10月 作品《闪光的青春》获美展一等奖。

1978年11月 作品《踏遍青山人未老》获全国科技美展三等奖。

1978年 《中国线描人物画技法》一书出版。

1974年 连环画《林中响箭》获优秀连环画创作奖。

1969年4月 连环画《越南女英雄》出版,入选《全国优秀连环画作品选》。

1969年10月 作品《延安新春》参加了《第三届全国美术作品展览》。

1968年9月 任西安报社美术编辑、记者。

1966年9月 毕业于西安美术学院附中。

1946年8月 出生于中国陕西省西安市。



导语:相信喜欢范冰冰的粉丝很多,那么你对范冰冰的个人资料、出生年月、身高体重是多少、最真实的生活照片、圈中好友有谁等等有没有了解呢?我们一起来了解范冰冰的详细资料吧。范冰冰,是来自中国(内地)的歌手,于1981-09-16出生在山东省烟台市,属处女座 女生,具有明显的处女座的特点。




范冰冰,是来自中国(内地)的歌手,于1981-09-16出生在山东省烟台市,属处女座 女生,具有明显的处女座的特点。范冰冰身高168CM,体重52KG,毕业于谢晋恒通艺术学校,现属于保利博纳电影发行有限公司。


喜欢的运动/健身方式:骑马 喜欢的季节:秋天 喜欢的颜色:粉红色

喜欢的食品:奶油玉米 ,柠檬茶


喜欢的演员:李保田、刘晓庆,达斯汀·霍夫曼、梅丽尔·斯特里普 喜欢的音乐/音乐类型::《红河谷》、《我心永恒》 爱好/嗜好:睡觉、看电影、唱唱歌、打球、骑马 最尊敬/崇拜的人:妈妈




姓名 : 陈红

别名 : chenhong 职业 : 演员 制作人

国籍 : 中国 出生日期 :

星座 : 射手座 出生地 :

身高/体重 :

简介 : 陈红,1968年生于江西省的信江之滨,父母是高级知识分子,自幼受好良好的家庭教育,她从小就显示出了艺术天才,从小学开始她就是学校的文艺骨干,高中时担任了校学生会的文艺部长。1986年陈红考入了上海戏剧学院表演系,毕业后分配到北京青年艺术剧院。

陈红的演艺经历 演艺经历 个人生活 个人经历





1993年参加春节晚会,和景岗山合唱歌曲《好年头,好兆头》;推出单曲《分手以后》; 1994年和甜歌皇后李玲玉一同应邀参加香港卫星电视台的春节特别节目;出版第一张全新原创个人唱片《这一次我是真的留下来陪你》;










2003年参加春节晚会,和蔡国庆合唱歌曲《常来常往》;推出贺岁歌曲《常来常往》; 参加春节歌舞晚会并演唱专辑的歌曲《原野牧歌》 参加北京电视台春晚演唱《常来常往》 推出打榜EP《走过长安街》《幸福从这一秒开始》;《回报》3首单曲 《回报》确定为电视剧《牵手向明天》片尾曲 出版第三张全新原创个人唱片《陈红》同名专辑;

2003年开展全国巡回宣传并在央视音画时尚栏目举办个人专场演唱会 2004年春节参加音画时尚首都交警春节联欢晚会并演唱《走过长安街》 2004年翻唱歌曲《有梦好甜蜜》;推出伊奈儿形象广告歌曲《樱花海》; 2005年参加央视歌舞晚会并演唱经典歌曲《喜乐年华》



陈红也凭借《感恩的心》参加众多公益慈善晚会。并被中国人寿拍成公益广告 2007年翻唱歌曲《天冷就回来》、军旅流行歌曲《启航》; 2007年受香港佛教文化产业主席祖古白玛奥色仁波切之邀,出任香港佛教文化产业--佛教音乐委员会委员(佛乐演唱委员组)


2009年被任命为中国人民解放军海军政治部电视艺术中心副主任。副师级,大校军衔。 2010年在人民海军向前进大型文艺晚会演唱其最新原创军旅歌曲《军港新貌》 2010年正式成为天源家纺形象代言人

2011年7月1日为建党90周年献礼其总编导,总制片的文献纪录片《先锋本色》在央视七套播出,并为其纪录片演唱主题歌亲自作词的最新红歌《闪光的微笑》。 2011年7月份受邀参加央视《我们有一套》毕业歌特辑演出


2012年1月担当总编导总制片的第二部海洋文化纪录片《走向海洋》在央视一套播出 2012年2月22日参加北京电视台《非常接触》自曝十年前隐退内幕和现状。

2012年2月23日出席2011央视十佳优秀广告公司颁奖盛典,并演唱《感恩的心》 2012年3月31日做客湖北卫视《天下同名人》献唱歌曲《感恩的心》并自曝转型内幕 2012年6月荣膺2011年度海洋人物称号并被聘为海洋公益形象大使

2012年6月接受天津卫视《我们-women》录制阐述从歌手到制片人的华丽蜕变 2012年7月做客广西卫视《老赵会客厅》讲述事业红火火后的思考

2012年12月荣获得第18届中国电视纪录片颁奖盛典年度人物并献唱《感恩的心》 2013年正式担任安徽安琪儿妇产医院形象代言人





I never thought I would be addreing you, the esteemed members of the Oxford Union, without a guitar or an erhu, without my crazy stage hair and costumes, but I did perform in the O2 Arena in London last week.I’m not sure if any of you [x]…

But in many ways that is similar to what I’m talking about today, that is, introducing Chinese pop music.See, I’m actually an ambaador for Chinese pop, whether I like it or not, for both music and movies, and today I’m here to give you a State of Union addre.It’s not the Oxford Union, it’s the union of East and West.

I want to frankly and openly and honestly talk about how we’ve done a good job, or how we’ve done a bad job, of bringing Chinese pop to the West.And I also want to impre upon all of you here today the workings of that soft power exchange and how each of us is involved in that exchange.

Soft power, a term I’m sure you’re all familiar with, coined by Rhodes Scholar and Oxford alumnus Joseph Nye, is defined as the ability to attract and persuade.Shashi Tharoor called it, in a recent TEDTalk, “the ability of a culture to tell a compelling story and influence others to fall in love with them”.I like that definition.But I want to put it in collegiate term for you students in the audience.The way I see it, East and West, are kinda like freshmen roommates.You don’t know a lot about each other aside that you’re living with each other in the same room.And each one is scared the other’s gonna steal his shower time or wants to party when the other wants to study.It has the potential to be absolute hell.We all have horror stories of that roommate, we all heard about those stories.I know a lot of students here in Oxford have their own separate bedrooms.

But when I was a freshman at Williams College [crowd interjects] You’re kidding! Woohoo! Well I had a roommate.And he was that roommate.Let’s just call him Frank.So Frank was my roommate and Frank liked nothing more than to smoke weed.[laughter] And he did it every day.And Frank had a 2-foot long bong under his bed that was constantly being fired up.For those Chinese speakers in the audience, Frank would 火力全开 on that bong.So I gue I was kinda the opposite of Bill Clinton, who tried marijuana but didn’t inhale: I didn’t try marijuana but I did inhale.Every single day.Second hand.And strangely enough, every time I go into our bedroom, I mysteriously end up being late for cla.I was like, dude is it already 10 o’clock?

So, how many of you have lived with that Frank, or be a Frank? Having a roommate can be a recipe for disaster, but it also can have the potential of being the greatest friendship you’ve ever had.See, Frank, he didn’t make it to second year.And I got two new roommates instead: Stephan and Jason, and these days the three of us are the best of friends.So going back to my analogy, East and West, as roommates, do we want to be Frank, or do we want to be Steph and Jason, and I think in this day and age, in 2013, we should all be striving for the latter.I’m auming we all agree that this is the goal that we all strive for. Now, let’s look at where we are in reality, in recent headlines, in the media include, Foreign policy [maybe?], China’s victim complex, Why are Chinese leaders so paranoid about the United States or the [AP, the Aociated Pre?], Human rights in China worse than US.Bloomberg says, on the cover of this magazine, Yes, the Chinese army is spying on you [laughter] And it’s such a great one that I want to show you the cover of the magazine [laughter][Ed:check out the photo on the right!] Yes, be very afraid! [laughter]

There’s actually an extremely high amount of negativity and fear and anxiety about China, Sinophobia, that I think is not just misinformed and misleading and ultimately dangerous.Very dangerous.And what about how Westerners are viewed by Chinese? Well, we have terms for Westerners.The most common of which are gwailo, in Cantonese which means “the old devil”, laowai, meaning “the old outsider” in Mandarin, ang moh, which means “the red hairy one” in Taiwanese, and the list goes on and on.So are these roommates heading for a best friend relationship? I think we need a little help.And as China rise to power, I think it is more important than ever for us to more discerning about what we believe because after all, I think, that’s the purpose of higher education, and that’s why we are all here, to be able to think for ourselves and make our own decisions.

China’s not just those headlines.The burgeoning economy with unique politics.It is not just the world’s factory or the next big superpower, it’s so much more, a billion people with rich culture, amazing stories, and as a product of both of those cultures, I want to help foster an understanding between the two.And [x] that incredible relationship, because knowing both sides of the coin, I really think that there is a love story waiting to be told, ready to unfold.And I’m only half joking when I said love story because I believe it is the stories that will save us and bring us closer together.

And my thesis statement for today’s talk is that the relationship between East and West needs to be and can be fixed via pop culture, and I’m going to try and back it up.Now, the UN Sec-Gen Ban Ki Moon said, “There are no languages required in the musical world.That is the power of music.That is the power of heart.” Through this promotion of arts we can better understand the culture and civilisation of other people.And in this era of instability and intolerance, we need to promote better understanding through the power of music.The UN Sec-Gen thinks that we need more music, and I think that he is right.Music and arts have always played a key role in my life, in building relationships, replacing what once were ignorance, fear and hatred, with acceptance, friendship and even love.

So I have a strong case for promoting music between cultures because it happened to me early in my life.I was born in Rochester, New York, I barely spoke a word of Chinese.I didn\'t know the difference between Taiwan or Thailand.[laughter] I was as American as apple pie, until one day on the 3rd grade playground, the inevitable finally happened: I got teased for being Chinese.Now every kid gets teased or being made fun of in the playground, but this was fundamentally different and I knew right then and there.So this kid let’s call him Brian [x].He started making fun of me, saying “Chinese, Japanese, dirty knees, look at these!” [laughing] We’re laughing now but it hurt!

I could still remember how I felt, I felt ashamed, I felt embarraed.But I laughed along with everyone.And I didn\'t know what else to do.It was like having an out of body experience.As if I could laugh at that Chinese kid on the playground with all the other Americans because I was one of them, right? Wrong, on many levels.And I was facing the first and definitely not the last time the harsh reality was that I was minority in Rochester, which in those days had an Asian population of 1%.And I was confused.I wanted to punch Brian.I wanted to hurt him for putting me in that situation but he was faster than me, and he was stronger than me, and he would kick my butt and we both knew that, so I just took it in.I didn\'t tell anyone or share with anyone these feelings, I just held them in and I let them fester.And those feelings would surface in a strangely therapeutic way for me through music, and it was no coincidence that around at that time I started getting good with the violin, and the guitar and the drums.And I’d soon discovered that by playing music or singing that the other kids would for a brief moment forget about my race or color and accept me and then be able to see me for who I truly am: a human being who is emotional, spiritual, curious about the world, and has a need for love just like everyone else.

And by the sixth grade, gue who asked me if I would the drummer of their band? Brian.And I said yes.And that’s when we together formed an elementary school rock band called… Nirvana.I’m not kidding, I was in a rock band called Nirvana before Kurt Cobain\'s Nirvana was ever known… So when Nirvana came out, Brian and I were like, hey he’s stealing our name! But really what attracted me to music at this young age was just that, and still is what I love about music, is that it breaks down the walls between us and shows us so quickly the truth that we are much more alike than we [think?].

And then in high school, I learned that music wasn’t just about connecting with others, like Brian and I were connected through music.It was a powerful tool of influence and inspiration.Sam [Nguyen?] was my high school janitor.He was an immigrant from Vietnam who barely spoke a word of English.Sam scrubbed the floors and cleaned the bathrooms of our school for twenty years.He never talked to the kids, and the kids never talked to Sam.But one day before the opening night of our school’s annual musical, he walked up to me holding a letter, and I was taken aback and I was thinking, why is Sam the janitor approaching me? And he gave me this letter that I’ve kept it to this day, it was scrawled in shaky hand written in all capitals and it read, in my all years working as a janitor at Sutherland, you were the first Asian boy to play the lead role.I’m going to bring my 6-year-old daughter to watch you perform tonight because I want her to see that Asians can be inspiring.

And that letter just floored me.I was 15 years old and I was absolutely stunned.That was the first time I realized how music was so important.With Brian, it helped two kids who were initially enemies to become friends, but with Sam, music went beyond the one-on-one.It was an even higher level; it influenced others I didn’t even know, in ways I could never imagine.I can’t tell you how grateful I am to Sam to this day, he really is one of the people who helped me discover my life’s purpose, and I had no idea that something I did could mean more than ever imagined to an immigrant from Vietnam who barely even spoke English.Pop culture, music, and the other methods of storytelling, movies, TV dramas, they are so key, and they do connect us, like me and Brian, and do influence us, and inspire us.

Then let’s take another look at this state of union, the East and West union, with this soft power bias.How is the soft power exchange between these two roommates? Are there songs in English that have become hits in China? Sure.How about movies? Well, there are so many that China has had to limit the number of Hollywood movies imported into the country so that local films could even have a chance at succe.What about [x], well, [inaudible exchange with an audience member], yeah, and movies, well there was Crouching Tiger [Hidden Dragon], that was 13 years ago.Well, I think there’s a bit of an imbalance here.It’s called “soft power deficit”, that is to say the West influences the East more than vice versa.Forgive me for using “East” and “West” kinda loosely, it’s a lot easier to say than “English-speaking… language” or “Asian-speaking… language/Chinese”, I’m making generalisation and I hope you can go with me on this.

And it’s just intrinsically a problem, this imbalance in pop culture influence.And I think so.In any healthy relationship, friendship, marriage, isn’t it important for both sides to make an effort to understand the other? And that this exchange needs to have a healthy balance? And how do we addre this? As an ambaador for Chinese pop music and movies, I have to ask myself a question: Why does this deficit exist? Is it because Chinese music just [is lame?].Do you want me to answer that? [laughter] Yeah I think I see some of you are like, stop complaining and write a hit song! Psy did it! But there’s truth in that.The argument being that, the content that we’ve created just isn’t as internationally competitive.But why shouldn’t it?

Look at Korean pop, look at K-pop for example.Korean is an export-based economy and they are outward looking and they must be outward looking.Chinese pop on the other hand can just stay domestic, tour all over China, stick in territories and comfortably sustain.So when you’re that big and powerful, with over 160 cities in China with a million or more people, you tend to kinda turn inward and be complacent.So this certainly can be made an argument made for Chinese pop not being marketed with international sensibilities, but the other side of the argument I think is more interesting and thought provoking and even more true, is that Western ears aren’t familiar with and therefore don’t really understand how to appreciate Chinese music.Ouch!

The reason I think that the argument holds water though is because that’s exactly what I went through, so I happen to know a thing or two about learning to appreciate Chinese pop as a Westerner.\'Cos I was 17 years old when I went from being an Asian kid in America to being an American kid in Asia, and the entire paradigm suddenly got flipped on its head.I grew up listening to Beastie Boys, Led Zeppelin, Guns and Roses, and I found myself in Taiwan listening to the radio and thinking, where’s the beat? Where’s the screeching guitar solos? Here I am as an American kid in Asia listening to Chinese music for the first time and thinking that \"this stuff is lame.I don’t like it!\" I thought it was cheesy, production value was low, and the singers couldn’t belt like Axl Rose or Mariah Carey.

But then one day, I went to my first Chinese pop concert, and it was Harlem Yu performing at the Taipei Music Centre, and as he performed, I looked around the audience and I saw their faces and the looks in their eyes and their response to his music, and it was clear to me finally where the problem lay.It wasn’t that the music that was lacking, it was my ability to appreciate it and to hear it in the right way.The crowd, they would sing along and be totally immerse in his music, and I thought that it was significant, that I was miing the point and from now on, I was going to somehow learn how to get it, I was gonna learn how to hear with both ears, and I deconstructed and analysed what it was that made Chinese audiences connect with certain types of melodies, and rhythms, and song structures, and lyrics, and that’s what I’ve been doing for the past almost twenty years, and it took me a long time and I am still learning but at some point, I not only began to be able to appreciate the music but I started being able to contribute to it and create my own fresh spins on the tried-and-true.

And I think this happens to everyone, really, who is on the outside looking in.It always looks strange if you looked at things from your perspective, you’re always going to think that these people are weirdos, what’s wrong with them, why are they listening to these stuff? And I’m saying that you can make the effort [x], it can be done, and I’m living proof of that.And as an ambaador of Chinese pop, I’m trying to get people to open up to a sound that they may not feel is palatable on the first listen.So what else can we do to reduce this imbalance in our popular cultures? Well, maybe we could talk a lot, tour more outside of China? But seriously, actually I think the tides have already started to change, very slowly, very cautiously, almost calculatedly.

You see more cro-cultural exchange now, more interest in China, definitely a lot of joint ventures, a lot of co-productions in recent years, Iron Man 3, Transformers, [53?][laughter], Resident Evil, really it’s beginning to be kinda like a world pop, and that’s what I’m looking forward to and focusing on these days.There’s J-pop, there’s K-pop, there’s C-pop, and there’s like this W-pop that’s kinda starting to emerge.It’s world pop, and I love that idea.It’s not World Music.There used to be section in HMV called World Music, and I was like Ethnomusicology cla in college.

But world pop is more about breaking and tearing down age-old stereotypes, the artificial confines that have kept us apart for way too long.It’s a melting pot, and it’s mosaic, that even if we looked up close, we’d still see the colours and flavours of each culture in detail.And where can we go to listen to world pop? I don’t think there’s a world pop station or magazine, unfortunately, there are none -- there should be.There is the internet, and YouTube has proven to be a driving force for world pop.Britain’s Got Talent made Susan Boyle the hottest act in the world, and she achieved that not through the record labels or the networks, but through graroots sharing.Gangnam Style is another great world pop, and how that just took over became huge worldwide world pop phenomenon.So world pop as it suggests is a worldwide pop culture is something that can be shared by all of us and gives us a lot of common ground.

So today, what’s my call of action? I’ve already proven multicultural exchange between the East and West, I think I have made that clear, but how? I think… you can all become pop singers, really, I think that’s the [x], unle that’s what you really want to.

My call of action is this: build and protect that roommate relationship between the East and West.Value this relationship and take ownership of it.Don’t come to Oxford as an exchange student from Taiwan and only hang out with other Chinese students.Why would you do that? You could do that in [x] or Nanjing or wherever you came from.Don’t buy into the headlines or the stereotypes or in the hypernationalism.Think for yourselves, and this goes for the East and the West, both.Get to know one another and think for yourselves and don’t believe the hype.For just a moment, if we could just disregard the governments and what the media are saying, just for the sake of the argument, with our own tools of critical thinking, can we build relationships that actually see one another as individual human beings and not faces or members of a particular ethnicity or nationality? Of course we can do that.

And that’s the goal and dream, I think of the romantic artists and the musicians, I think it’s always been there.And that’s what I reach for, and that makes music so powerful and so true, that breaks down instantly and disintegrates all the artificial barriers that we create between each other, government, nationality, black, brown, yellow, white, whatever colour you are, and shows each other our hearts, our fears, our hopes, our dreams, and it turns out in end that the East isn’t that far after all, and the west, well the west, ain’t so white.And through understanding each other’s popular cultures, we gain insight into each other’s heart and true selves.

And for those of you who are just beginning that journey, the West and East, I want to invite you today on this amazing journey with me, and I, as an experienced traveller on this road, on this West and East road, I’ve prepared a mixtape for all of you today, of ten songs that I love.There, that’s a C-pop mixtape that you can check out.I was gonna bring you all CDs but my publicist reminded me lovingly that that would be illegal, that as a profeional recording artist, I shouldn’t do that.But I still think that it works out nicely because you get to see the music videos as well on a lot of these songs.These ten songs are songs that I love and ten different Chinese artists to start you off on getting to know and love Chinese pop and I think these guys are awesome.

I just want to wrap up by saying that being here on the Oxford campus really makes me nostalgic for my days at Williams.And when I look back on those four years, some of my fondest memories are spending time with my roommates Stephan Papiano and Jason Price.In fact Jason is here in the audience today, and made a special trip from London just to see me.And I suppose in the beginning we were strangers, we didn’t know much about each other, and sometimes we did compete for the shower and there were times we did intrude on each other\'s privacy, but I’ve always loved listening to Stephan’s stories about growing up in a Greek family and his opinions about what Greek food really was.Or Jason’s stories, about wanting to make violins and to live in Cremona, Italy like Antonio Stradivari and he did do that, and I will never forget many years later when I played a Jason Price handmade violin for the first time, and how that felt.They were always attentive and respectful when I told them what it was like for me growing up in a Chinese household with strict parents who always made me study.So we shared stories, but the strongest bonds between us were formed just sitting around and listening to music together.And I really do see that as a model for East and West.So I really want to share Chinese music with you today because it’s the best way I know how to create a lasting friendship that transcends all barriers and allow us to know each other truly, authentically and just as we are.


