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上海市全国导游人员资格考试报名采用网上报名形式。欲报考者在规定的网上报名时间内,登陆上海市旅游事业管理委员会政务网http:// lyw.sh.gov.cn或上海旅游网http://进行网上报名,网上报名提交后,并在按照规定时间内携带规定所需材料到上海市旅游培训中心办理报考资格审核手续并缴纳相关费用。































in the next period will be my master lead the horse around with our beautiful Shandong, during this tour you can the hearts to us, first to our hearts is aured that the drivers on the master it, because our instructors have many years of driving experience drivers seat of his car can be fast and stable, another heart is happy on to me Well, maybe I\'m not the best guide, but I will come with the most sincere heart to serve you.If you have any views on the way in tourism or requests please come to me and horse master will make every effort to serve you, your satisfaction is my greatest wish, and we come together from all over the country because of affinity.times fly so quickly and your visit to shanxi province is drawing a close before we part ,I would like to say a few words .first I thanks everybody everybody in the group has been very co-operative ,friendly ,understanding andpunctual.as your tour

guide ,I was much appreciated

china is a developing country ,and tourism is a new born thing ,the problems you have met on the trip were know to everyone , the point is that we should treasure our friendship and experience .

however this is the beginning of our friendship we believe that this friendship will continue to grow in the future ,parting is such sweet sorrow , happy to meet ,sorry to depart ,and happy to meet again.

Welcome come to shanxi province again

Bon voyage!

Bey- bey !





二、停车场同样的车可能会较多,请大家不要上错了车!记住我们的车牌号甘k88888, 三,一定注意安全 不仅是人身安全还有财物安全,四,这两天我们会住在龙海宾馆,大家住的是双标房,大家可以自由组合,大家拿到房卡后不要着急休息,检查一下东西是否齐全,如果缺什么可以打电话到总台,服务员会给你送上来。五,等会我会给每个人发一个有我们旅行社标志的帽子,请大家随时戴上,这样不容易走失。那我就讲这么多,请大家不要嫌我啰嗦,最后,预祝大家此行游的开心、玩的尽兴!谢谢!



1 group visa 集体签证

2 departure lounge 出境旅客休息室 3 board the plane 上机 4 take oof 起飞 5 exit visa 出境签证 6 luggage rack 行李架 7 platform ticket 站台票 8 expre extra ticket 特快票

9 mother-and-child room 母婴候车室 10 identity card 身份证

1 foreign escorted tour 国外派导游的旅游团 2 final itinerary 最终旅行路线 3 full appointment 全项委托

4 best-selling China-tours 最畅销的中国旅游路线 5 entertainments and diversions 娱乐或变换节目

6 on-shore visit 上岸参观

7 estimated time of arrival 预计抵达时间 8 travel arrangements 旅行安排 9 mini destination area 中途小目的地 10 sightseeing tour 观光旅行

1 type of accommodation desired 要求住宿的类型

2 cash in advance 预付现金 3 cash payment on departure 离店现付 4 automated bill 自动开账单 5 ambulatory room 残疾人专用房 6 hold mail 留交邮件

7 registration form of temporary residence临时住宿登记表

8 change slip 客人住房变动单 9 aistant manager 经理助理 10 basement car park 地下停车场

1 customs luggage declaration form 海关行李申报单 2 unaccompanied baggage 非随身载运行李 3 luggage chek-in counter 行李过磅处 4 parking area 停车场 5 transfer paenger 转机旅客 6 airport inquiries 机场问讯处 7 tour leader 旅游团领队 8 time difference 时差

9 non-smoking room 禁烟室 10 reception program 接待计划

1 朝圣的游客 pilgrim 2 登上探险旅行 mountaineering and adventure tour 3 发源地 cradleland 4 悬崖峭壁 sheer cliffs and steep mountains 5 道教圣地 the Taoist Holy Place 6 温泉 hot spring 7 自然景观 natural wonders 8 常青树 evergreen trees 9 日出 sunries 10 海拔 above sea level 11 免费行李限额 free baggage allowance 12 超重费 exce baggage charge 13 登机口 boarding gate 14海关官员 customs officer 15 返程票 return ticket

1 水族馆 aquarium 2 传统文化 traditional culture 3 自然美景 natural beauty 4 商业区 commercial district 5 工业园 industrial zone 6 高新技术开发区 Hi-tech Development Zone 7 高速公路 expreway 8 立交桥 flyover 9 地铁 underground 10 儿童乐园 children’s playground

1 精选路线 selected itinerary 2 附加旅游项目 add-ons 3 自由活时time for personal arrangements 4 特别服务要special service requirement 5 组团人数 group size 6 民俗旅游 folk custom tour 7 行业考察旅游 trade observation tour 8 路线图 itinerary map 9 旅游者过夜数 guest night 10 延长逗留 extension of stay

1自然保护区 natural reserve 2 水上公园 water park 3 风景点 scenic spots 4 民俗风情 folk custom 5 人造奇迹 man-made wonders

6 国际杂技节 International Acrobatic Festival 7 名胜古迹 places of historic interests 8 黄鹤楼 Yellow Crane Tower 9 鱼米之乡 the land of rice and fish 10 建筑技术 construction technology 11 办手续 go through the formalities 12 合单结账 one bill for all 13 储存贵重物品 store the valubles 14外币兑换 foreign currency exchange

1 国内航线 domestic flight 2 海关手续 customs formalities 3 手提行李 hand luggage 4 航班号 flight number 5 免税商店 duty-free shop 6 旅客联 paenger coupon 7 行李认领牌 baggage claim card 8 入境签证 entry visa 9 软卧 soft berth 10 旅客通道 paenger route

odd customer 散客 hard sleeper 硬卧 hard seat 硬座

upper(lower)berth 上(下)铺 hard berth 硬卧 soft berth 软卧 硬卧客车sleeping carriage with semicushioned berths 硬卧票Berth Ticket

硬卧车third cla sleeping carriage ; YW

The Great Wall长城

ancient civiization古代文明

the wonders in the word世界奇迹

the Pamir Pateau帕米尔高原

the roof of the word世界屋脊

defensive project防御工程

the northern nomadic tribes北方游牧民部落

scenic spot景点

Spring and Autumn Warring States Period春秋战国时期

the Warring States Period战国时期

the strategic point战略要地


the Huns匈奴

the op Nur ake罗布泊湖

Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region新疆维吾尔自治区

fourishing period盛世

the remnant forces残余势力 tribe of\"Nu Zhen\"女真族

the conciiation poicy or good-neighbor poicy 睦邻友好政策 the commanding point制高点 woves\'dung狼粪

\"convenient transportation to a directions\" 四通八达 the parpets女儿墙,矮墙

\"Eight Views of Vanjing\" 燕京八景 \"The Croing Road Pagoda\" 过街塔 \"Goden-Winged-Bird\"金翅鸟 the Four Heaveny Kings四大天王 the Buddha of Ten Directions 十方佛 arms and ammunition武器弹药(军火) \"doube sides battements\" 双边垛

\"branch was\" 支墙



the\"Barrier Wa\" 障墙

sheer ciffs悬崖峭壁

\"Heaveny adder\" 天梯

\"Heaveny Bridge\" 天桥

\"Watching the Capita Tower\" 望京楼

ooking-Toward BeUing Rock 望京石

centraize feuda country中央集权制的封建国家

standardized the currency统一货币

burn books and bury the iterati in pits焚书坑儒

Yae University耶鲁大学(美国)

the rairoad engineering facuty of the civi—engineering department 土木工程系(铁路工程专业)

major in civi and raiway engineering铁路专修科


China Raiway Company 中国铁路公司

faacy 谬论


cimb叩his and down daes翻山越岭

the first-hand materia 第一手材料


two vertica wes and six cutting edges method 竖井施工和六面工作法

Pa Vaey关沟

Nankou Pa南口

Juyongguan Pa居庸关

Shangguan Pa上关

the Ming Tombs 明陵

natural calamity 自然灾害

make a livelihood谋生

take tonsure出家,削发为僧

beg alms化缘

the Red Turban Peasant Army 红巾军

hereditary system 世袭制度

the eldest son长子

wiping out the evils around the emperor/wiping out evil for the country清君侧


“Thirteen Ming Tombs” 十三陵

strategic position战略要地

“Auspicious Area”吉壤

the western geomancy 西方泥土占卜


the Yellow Earth Hill黄土山

the Dragon Hill龙山

the Tiger Hill虎山

the Heavenly Longevity Hill 天寿山

“Officials and others should dismount from their horseback” 官员人等至此下马



“Tablet of Divine Merits and Sagely Virtue of Chang Ling of the Great Ming”.大明长陵神功圣德碑

filial piety 孝顺

Stone Statues石象生

Dragon and Phoenix Gate龙凤门

Flame Gate火焰门

the“Heavenly Gate” 天门

The five stone altar-pieces石五供

the netherworld 阴间

human sacrifice/human offerings人殉

abrogate 取消,废除

commit suicide 自杀


Soul Tower 明楼

“precious castle and precious dome”宝城,宝顶

“Divine Merit Stele” 神功圣德碑


Crown Prince皇太子

ascended the throne登基



archaeological team考古队

“Diamond Wall”金刚墙

the Underground Palace 地宫/地下宫殿

panoramic view 全景



gold crown金冠

phoenix crown凤冠

precious stones 宝石

Sri Lanka斯里兰卡

gold ingots and silver ingots金锭,银锭

the funeral object殉葬品,随葬品

wooden figurine 木俑

taper off逐渐…细,小


rational 合理的



Self-Acting Stone 自来石

five glazed pottery altar-pieces琉璃五供

the“Ever Lasting Lamp”长明灯


the coffin-platform/the coffin dais棺

the Tempe of Heaven 天坛

the Tempe of Heaven and Earth 天地坛

the Tempe of Earth 地坛

the Atar of Prayer for Grain祈谷坛

worship the God of Heaven 祭天

pray for good harvest祈谷

the 15th day of the first unar month正月十五

winter sostice 冬至

summer sostice 夏至

bumper harvest大丰收

sacrificia ceremony祭祀仪式

pray to the Heaven for rain祈雨

sacrificia activities祭祀活动

circuar shaped buiding圆形建筑

the heaven was round and the earth square天圆地方


dark bue gazed ties深蓝颜色的琉璃瓦

the Ha of Great Sacrifice大祀殿

the Ha of Great Enjoyment大享殿



dovetai structure鸠尾榫、悬拱结构 bars木条,木杆 aths板条 brackets托架 joints榫、接头 rafters椽子

the 28 consteations 28星宿 \"Dragon-We Piars\"龙井柱

the tweve divisions of the day and night or the 1 2 two-hour period in Chinese 十二个时辰 24 soar terms in traditiona Chinese unar caendar 24节气 36 big Dippers on the heaven 36天罡 the Dragon and Phoenix Stone龙凤石 Heaveny Storehouse天库

the worshipping ceremony祭祀仪式

kowtow three times and nine prostrations三叩九拜 the seventy-two section connected house七十二联房 the Dippers北斗七星 meteorite 陨星 Taoist priest道士 \"gate of he\"鬼门关 Way of Spirit神道 the Imperia Road御道 the Road ofKing王道

the imperia chariot皇辇/皇舆 sacrificia garment祭服 span-work拱形

the principe of dynamics力学原理 taper off逐渐变细、逐渐减少 shrine龛

Manchu and Han anguages满文和汉文 prayers祈祷文

\"Dragon Paviion\"龙亭 hermeticay严丝合缝/密封

the Heaven-Worshipping Atar祭天坛 the ninth-tier sky九重天

the Heaveny Heart Stone 天心石 mutipe of nine九的倍数 circumference 圆周

the conductibiity of the sound waves声音传导 a good omen吉兆

the Heaven Worshipping Ceremony祭天仪式 the Supreme Harmony Be太和钟 ushering the God of Heaven迎帝神 presenting offerings祭帝神

seeing the deities off送帝神 \"beame ha\"无梁殿

the three-day fast斋戒三天 pious虔诚的 abstain from戒…

abstain from the handing of crimina cases不理刑名 inner Paace of Abstinence 内斋宫 outer Paace of Abstinence外斋宫

the Fasting Bronze Figure Stone Paviion斋戒铜人石亭 \"fasting board\"斋戒牌

the\"figure of abstinence\"斋戒铜人

the famous minister Weizheng of the Tang Dynasty唐朝宰相魏征 the music officia engqian of the Ming Dynasty明朝乐官冷谦 the eunuch Gangbing of the Ming Dynasty明朝太监刚炳

The Summer Paace颐和园

the best-preserved imperia garden保存最完好的皇家园林

ongevity Hi万寿山

Kunming ake昆明湖



The Goden Hi Paace金山行宫

Goden Water Pond金海

Jar Hi瓮山

Jar Hi Pond瓮山泊

Kubai Khan忽必烈

hydrauic expert水利专家

Yuanjing Tempe园静寺

the Wonderfu Imperia Residence好山园

Three His and Five Gardens 三山五园

Fragrant Hi香山

Jade Spring Hi玉泉山

ongevity Hi万寿山

Garden of Everasting Spring畅春园

Garden of Perfection and Brightne 圆明园

Garden of Cear Rippes清漪园

Garden of Tranquiity and Brightne静明园

Garden of Tranquiity and Peasure静宜园

Tempe of Gratitude for ongevity大报恩延寿寺

Tempe of Paying Great Gratitude and Wishing for ongevity 大报恩延寿寺

the Yangtze River长江(扬子江)

the Ango-French Aied Forces英法联军


the navy fund海军军费

curry favor with sb.讨好某人

the Aied Forces of Eight Powers八国联军

Beijing Municipa Government北京市政府

cear away the sudge清淤



the Ha of Diigent Government勤政殿


on informa occasions非正式场合

the Great Theatre Buiding or the Big Stage大戏楼,大戏台

The Studio of Unimpeded Sound畅音阁

The Studio of Cear Sound清音阁


the Ha of Peasure Smie颐乐殿


vintage car老式轿车


daiy neceities日常生活用品


ceestia being神仙,天仙


a hundred birds paying homage to the phoenix百鸟朝凤

a peacock dispaying its fu pumage孔雀开屏


Yuexiu粤绣(广东) Xiangxiu 湘绣(湖南) Suxiu苏绣(苏州) Shuxiu蜀绣(四川) narcius水仙花

Peking Opera fan京剧戏迷


Famiy Bankruptcy Rock败家石


make a big fortune发笔大财

the Gate of Greeting the Moon邀月门

Guinne word Record吉尼斯世界纪录

the Word Cutura Heritage世界文化遗产

A long,long life万寿无疆

Six Harmonious Tower六和塔

the statue of Guanyin Bodhisattva with thousand hands and eyes

the ongevity Hi and Kunming ake 万寿山昆明湖

the portraits of Buddha of three ages三世佛像

mura paintings壁画

fairies and goddees天仙神女


\"Beame Ha\" 无梁殿 be survived幸存

bounde magic power法力无边 Five-Square Paviion 五方阁 the bronze fiings铜屑 wax moud拨蜡法

\"Notes in ongevity Hi and Kunming ake\" 万寿山昆明湖记

chant scriptures诵经

favorite concubine宠妃

be put under house arrest软禁

the Reform Movement in 1898戊戌变法

\"Patform for Freeing the Caught\"放生台

free captive fish and birds 放生

\"Water can carry a boat,and it aso can capsize a boat\" never be overturned永不颠覆

Chinese stationery 文房四宝

ake Boundary Bridge界湖桥

oca Song Bridge豳风桥

Jade Bet Bridge玉带桥

Mirror Bridge镜桥

White Sik Bridge 练桥

Wiow Bridge柳桥

Pengai Fairyand蓬莱仙岛

The Tempe of Dragon King龙王庙

the God of Rain雨神


be brought under contro被控制


diehard foower死心塌地的走狗

the Garden within a Garden 园中园

Hui Shan Garden惠山园

Jichang Garden寄畅园

take a nap午睡、小憩

The Studio of Distant Views 眺远斋

Tower for Watching the Tempe Fair看会

the eight\"interests\" 八趣

Interest of the four seasons时趣

Interest of water 水趣

Interest of bridge桥趣

Interest of caigraphy书趣

Interest of paviion楼趣

Interest of painting 画趣

Interest of corridor廊趣

Interest of imitation仿趣


\"Fresh View Tower\" 瞩新楼

Forbidden City故宫(禁城)

Purpe Forbidden City紫禁城

Imperia Paace皇宫

The Paace Museum故宫博物院

the North Star北极星



The 1911 Revoution辛亥革命

God of Heaven上帝

the son of the heaven天子

cosmic center宇宙中心

north-south centra axis南北中轴线


the outer court and the inner court外朝内廷

the six eastern paaces and six western paaces东西六宫

the word heritage世界遗产

UNESCO (the United Nations\' Educationa,Scientific and CuturaOrganization) 联合国教科文组织

the meridian ine子午线

Five-Phoenix Tower五凤楼

to announce the new unar year caendar 颁布次年历书

the ceremony of\"accepting Captives of War\" 献俘大典

\"Court Beating\"廷杖

the paace examination殿试







to ward off the evi spirits避邪

prosperity of the roya famiy\'s offspring/the fertiity of the imperia famiy子嗣昌盛

three kowtows and nine prostrations 三叩九拜


the Aied Forces of Eight Powees八国联军

thousands of dragons spouting water千龙吐水

the Ha of iterary Gory文华殿

the Paviion of the Source of iterature文渊阁

the Compete ibrary in the Four Branches of iterature四库全书

sundia 日晷

grain measure嘉量

time measure计时器

rotation of the earth地球自转

incination ange斜角

gazed ties琉璃瓦


subdue fire降火、克火

evi spirits妖魔鬼怪

Throne ha/the Ha of God Throne金銮殿

Winter Sostice冬至


Puppet Emperor傀儡皇帝

war crimina 战犯

be given amnesty大赦

botanica garden植物园

\"From Emperor to Citizen\"《我的前半生》

territoria integrity领土完整

Be Open and Above Board正大光明 water cock铜壶滴漏

chiming cock 自鸣钟

Roman numbers罗马数字

The Offices of the Privy Counci军机处

Just and Benevoent中正仁和

The Room of Three Rare Treasures三稀堂

power behind the throne/hoding court behind the curtain垂帘听政

Summer Resort避暑山庄

Paace coup宫廷政变

sma pox天花

100-day Reform百日革新

the Reform Movement in 1898戊戌变法

under house arrest软禁

the Ha of Manifesting Obedience体顺堂

\"Euogy of ongevity\"万寿无疆赋

Nine Dragon Screen/Nine Dragon Wa九龙壁

Dayu Harneing Foods 大禹治水

the ceestia gobe天球仪

The Ha of Imperia Peace钦安殿

King of Xuan wu玄武帝

the twin cypre tree连理柏

Coecting Eegance Hi 堆秀山

The Imperia View Paviion御景亭 Chizaotang螭藻堂

the Eence of Compete ibray in the Four Branches of iterature 四库全书荟要

The peasant uprising农民起义

Five Eement五行

rice paper宣纸

Coa Hi煤山

Prospect Hi景山

Dominating Hi镇山



Empre Dowager皇太后


Eunuch 太监

Paace maids宫女

Tian\'anmen Rostrum **城楼

The Gate of Heaveny Succeion 承天门

the Imperia City 皇城

Imperia Edict Iued by Goden Phoenix 金凤颁诏

the Minister of Rites 礼部官员

the Ministry of Rites 礼部

sik cord 丝带、丝绦

reserve 留作专用

nine-room wide and five-room deep 九间宽五间进深

The Book of Changes 《易经》

The Atar of and and Grain 社稷坛

The Working Peope\'s Cutura Paace 劳动人民文化宫

The Supreme Ancestra Tempe 太庙

The Imperia Bridge 御路桥

Royas\'Bridge 王宫桥

Ministeria Bridge 品级桥

Common Bridge 公生桥

officias above the third rank 三品以上的官

sander piar 诽谤木、诽谤柱

signpost 路标、指路牌

over watch 守候、监视

the civi and miitary officias 文武官员

common peope 老百姓

audience 谒见

\"The May 4th Movement\"in 1919 1919年\"五四\"运动

\"The March 18th Maacre\"in 1926 1926年\"三一八\"惨案

\"The December 9th Students\'Movement\"in 1935 1935年\"一二·九\"学生运动

the guards of honor 仪仗队

seame stee tubes 无缝钢管



the fag-raising ceremony升旗仪式

the fag-owering ceremony降旗仪式

at sunrise日出、黎明

at sunset日落


miitary band军乐队

T-shaped square T形广场

nationa embem 国徽

the 10,000-seat grand auditorium万人大礼堂

the simutaneous interpretation同声译

the presidium主席台、主席团

distinguished guests贵宾

cocktai party酒会

Standing Committee of the Nationa Peope\'s Congre 人大常委会

autonomous region 自治区

municipaity directy under the Centra Government直辖市

the specia administrative region特别行政区

the Nationa Peope\'s Congre全国人民代表大会(人代会)

the Centra Committee of the Communist Party of China 中国共产党中央委员会(党中央)

the Chinese Peope\'s Poitica Consutative Committee 政治协商委员会

the Chinese Peope\'s Poitica Consutative Conference政协会议

the State Counci国务院

preparation office筹办处

historica reics历史文物

on dispay展出




\"Eterna Gory to the Peope\'s Heroes\"! 人民英雄永垂不朽!







the Burning of Opium in 1840 1840年鸦片战争

the Jintian Uprising in Guangxi of 1851 1851年金田起义

the Wuchang Uprising in Hubei of 1911 1911年武昌起义

the May 4th Movement of 1919 1919年五四运动

the May 30th Movement of 1925 1925年五卅运动

the Nanchang Uprising in Jiangxi of 1927(August 1st Uprising)南昌起义(八一南昌起义)

the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggreion from 1937 to 1945 抗日战争

Succefu Croing of the Yangtze River by the Peope\'s iberation Army in 1949人民解放军胜利横渡长江

\"Suppying the Front\"and\"Greeting the P..A.\"支持前线、欢迎人民解放军




marbe reief大理石浮雕

pa away去世


Such a beauty is our motherand! 江山如此多娇! crysta coffin水晶棺

the Arrow Tower箭楼


It is my honor and privilege to be your tour guide.I will spare no efforts to make you comfortable and happy during this trip.If you have some questions or want some help, please feel free to contact me.On our way to the destination, I’d like to give you a brief introduction of Xuanwu Lake.Xuanwu Lake is in the central-northeast part of Nanjing, it nears Nanjing Railway Station and Ji Ming Temple.It is surrounded by three mountains in three directions: the Zijing mountain to the east, the Jizhao mountain and Fuzhou mountain to the south and the Mufu mountain to the north.The Ming city wall borders the park to its south and east.The lake covers 472 hectares.Xuanwu Lake is one of Nanjing Zhongshan state-level scenic spots and an important part of the national AAAA cla tourist attractions.It is the largest comprehensive park in Nanjing with the function of entertainment, leisure and exercise.So beautiful it is, Xuanwu Lake can be compared with Xihu Lake.Now, we arrive at the gate of the park.Please get off the bus one by one, then I will show you around the park.Now, let’s begin our trip.

Xuanwu Lake contains five oasises, namely Huan zhou, Ying zhou, Liang zhou, Cui zhou and Ling zhou.Now we are walking along the circle-shaped road which leads us to the first oasis--- Huan zhou.There are lakeside rocks and rockeries in the oasis, which shows the beauty of garden architecture in southern China.Among those rocks, the “Guanyin and Tongzi”.are the most famous.They are heritages of the zhongshan amir, Xuda ,during the Ming Dynasty.Besides,There are Lama Temple

1 and Nuona pagoda in this part.Please follow me! Let’s walk acro this bridge, and here it is.We are now at Ying zhou.It is an oasis in an oasis and it gained its name for its beatuful cherry flowers growing all around.Every spring flowers bloom, which attracts millions of tourists.Let’s move to next scenic spot, Liang zhou.During the Liang Dynasty, prince Liangzhaoming built a terrace for reading in this oasis, which gave it its name.It was said that prince Liang gathered thirty thousand books and called for many scholars and talents to write eays.At last, they worked out the first analects of poems and eays which exerted a great impact on the study and development of literature.Unfortunately, prince Liang died of uncured disease early.People named the oasis Liang zhou to honor this hard-working prince.I want to mention that Liang zhou is the most beautiful oasis among the rest four oasises.You can find Lake Temple, Lansheng Tower, Lotus pavilion, Taoran pavilion and other historical sites here.You will appreciate the charms of natural landscape, especially the lotus pond.Cui zhou is to the east of Liang zhou.It is characterized by its green pines, cyprees, bamboo and willow.Besides, Music terrace and outdoor theater can be found here.What we are seeing now is the central oasis---Ling zhou.It borders Zhongshan mountain in the east, which gives it inviting views.There is a bird park in the oasis and it is the largest bird park in China.More than ten thousand rare birds are protected in this park.You can not only see a large number of beautiful and exotic

2 birds but also watch bird performances in the park.You can even feed some birds in person.Now, it’s your time! You can walk around the Xuanwu Lake freely and enjoy the scenery as you like.I hope you enjoy your time here! Two hours later, we’ll meet at the gate of the park.By the way, please put an eye on your luggage and don’t forget the time.

My dear friends, when you come to a city, you probably want to visit the most famous scenic spots of special interest.Nanjing has many places of historic interests and has been capital for six \"dynasties.\" But if you leave Nanjing without visiting Dr.Sun Yat-sen\'s Mausoleum, undoubtedly you have mied the most arresting and famous tourist attraction of the city.

Talking about the Mausoleum we should have an idea about Sun Yat-sen, the great pioneer of Chinese democratic revolution.Mr.Sun\'s original name is Sun Wen and styled himself Yat-sen.So foreign friends would call him \"Dr.Sun Yat-sen\".Since he took \"Woodcutter in Zhoushan\" as his alias when he took part in the revolutionary activities, he was respectfully and widely called Mr.Sun Zhongshan in China.On October 12, 1866, Mr.Sun was born in a farmer\'s family in Caiheng village of Xiangshan county (the present-day zhongshan City), Guangdong Province.When he was still young, he had great expectations.He studied medicine in Honolulu, Hong Kong and some other places and after graduation he worked as a practitioner in Gangzhou, Macao and other places Later he gave up medicine as his profeion to

3 take part in political activities.In 1905, he set up China Alliance Organization in Japan and he was elected president.He put forward the famous guiding principle- \"driving the invaders out, restoring the sovereignty of China, establishing a republic and equalizing the land ownership\" and the Three People\'s Principles-\"Nationalism, Democracy and the People\'s Livelihood.\" On October 10, 1911, the Wuchang uprising broke out and Dr.Sun as elected President of the Republic of China by representatives from seventeen provinces.On the following New Year\'s day (January 1, 1912) Mr.Sun took the oath of office in Nanjing.From then on, Mr.Sun experienced Yuan Shikai\'s usurpation, the Second Revolution, \"Campaign Protecting the Interim Constitution.\" In 1921, Mr.Sun took the position of President in Unusual Times in Guangzhou.At the first National Congre of Kuomintang held in Quangzhou in 1924, he perfected the original Three People\'s Principles and put forward Three people\'s New Principles.He also proposed the policies of \"Making an alliance with Ruia and the Communist Party of China and helping the farmers and workers.\" In November 1924, in spite of his illne, Mr.Sun went up to Beijing to discu state affairs with General Feng Yuxiang.

Unfortunately, he broke down from constant overwork and paed away on March 12, 1925.

The location of the Mausoleum was chosen by Mr.Sun himself.Here is exactly a good place to build a mausoleum.You may wonder: Mr.Sun was born in Guangdong but died in Beijing.For his whole life he traveled throughout China for the revolution.Why did he choose Nanjing as the venue of his tomb?

It is said that far before Mr.Sun took office in 1912, the abbot of Lingu Monastery had recommended him that his place is good for fengshui, because it faces the plain and is backed up by green mountains as its protective screen.On March 31, 1912 Mr.Sun resigned as a political compromise for the sake of the union of the North China and the South China.One day of the early April, he went hunting with Hu Hanmin around the Piety Tomb of Ming Dynasty.They took a rest in the place where the Mausoleum is located now.Mr.Sun looked around and said \"If poible I would like my countrymen to allow me to have this place to bury my coffin.\" Surely, the fengshui of the Zijing Mountain is not the basic reason for the location of Mr.Sun\'s mausoleum.The basic reason is that, he said on dying \"After my death, you can bury me at the foot of the Zijin Mountain in Nanjing in memory of the Revolution of 1911, because Nanjing is where the temporary government was founded.\"So although Mr.Sun stayed in Nanjing not a long time, it had a special meaning to him.Fundamentally speaking, the reason he chose Zijing Mountain as his permanent resting-place is to commemorate the revolution of 1911 and to encourage the revolutionaries.

In order to respect Mr.Sun\'s wish, the Preparatory Committee of Sun Yat-sen\'s Funeral, including his wife Song Qingling and his son Sunke, examined the area and chose the site for the Mausoleum.They delimited 2000 mu and offered a reward in newspaper for the best design of the Mausoleum.Among all the contribution, young architect Lu Yanzhi\'s design, a design in the shape of a bell, was highly praised and gained the first prize and he himself was invited to supervise the

5 whole project as well.

On March 12,1926, the first anniversary of Mr.Sun\'s death, the project got started and 3 years later, it was completed in spring of 1929.It cost 1.5 million silver collars totally.Unfortunately, LuYanzhi, the young architect with great gift, suffered when supervising the project, and died at 35, just before the completion of the Mausoleum.The completion ceremony was held on June 1, 1929 and Mr.Sun\'s remains were transported from Beijing to Nangjing.From then on, Mr.Sun has slept here for nearly 70 years.

The construction of Dr.Sun Yat-sen\'s Mausoleum was an important event in the history of Nanjing.In order to meet Mr.Sun\'s coffin, the first asphalt road was built from Zhongshan Port in the west to Zhongshan Gate in the east; it is 12 kilometres in length and also called Zhongshan Road.Up to today, Zhangshan Road is still one of the most important main roads.At the same time, the city gate Chaoyang Gate which was built in Ming Dynasty was renovated and Changed its name to Zhongshan Gate.Between Zhongshang Gate and Dr.Sun Yat-sen\'s Mausoleum, a road called the Mausoleum Road was built.Just as the people of Paris take pride of their les Champs-Elysees and the people of New York, the Fifth Avenue, the nanjing people are proud of their boulevards.And the 3 kilometers long Mausoleum Road is undoubtedly the best representative of these boulevards.Along both sides of the \"green corridor\" grows the main kind of tree in Nanjing as parasols Usually Chinese people call them French plane trees, in fact they are Chinese local products.Just because Frenchmen took them from Yunnan Province to France and

6 later they transplanted them in their leased territory in Shanghai, that is why they got such a name.

Now, we are going out of the Zhongshan Gate and driving along the Mausoleum Road.The destination ahead is a square in shape of crescent.According to Lu Yanzhi\'s design, the place of the Mausoleum is like a \"duo\", a big wooden bell, which was used to announce a policy, decree or a war in ancient time.Duo\'s sound is loud and clear, implying to make the whole world peaceful and happy.The design reminds the people of Dr.Sun Yat-sen\'s well-known saying \"The revolution is far from succe and we should continue working hard.\" This saying also serves s an alert to the later generation.The crescent-shaped square is the bottom of the \"Bell of Freedom\".

Now, please look to the south.There is an octagon platform structured with reinforced concrete but covered with Jinshan stone of Suzhou.The platform is divided into three layers and each layer is enclosed by stone rails.The copper \"ding\" (an ancient cooking veel) with two looped handles and two legs weighs 5000 kg.IT is 4.25 meters high and its diameter is 1.23 meters.It is one of the construction for memory of the mausoleum.The \"ding \" was built in autumn, 1933 with donation of students and teaching staff of the Zhongshan University and Mr.Dai jitao.One side of the \"ding \" is engraved with three characters \"Intelligence, Humanity and Brevity\".These three words are the school instruction of Zhongshan University.Inside of the \"ding \"stands a hexagon copper tablet on which Dai Jitao\'s mother\'s handwriting of the \"Filial Piety\" is engraved.To the bell-shaped mausoleum the \"ding \" is just like

7 the pendulum.It seems to serve to alarm the whole nation by striking the bell.

Stepping on the steps, we will see a soaring memorial archway with four columns.The archway was built between 1931 and 1933, 12meters high and 17.3 meters in width.It is made of huge Granite from Fujian Province, but its structure is in Chinese traditional wood structure style.Now, look up at the shining words inscribed on the horizontal board.The word in English mean fraternity.They were written by Dr.Sun Yat-sen.The word are taken from a Tang Dynasty poet Han Yu\'s \"Fraternity is humanity \" .It is said that Mr.Sun very much liked to write these two words to others.Dr.Sun devoted his whole life to bourgeois democratic revolution with great fraternity and struggled for the national independence and freedom fro scores of years.So we can say that \"fraternity\" is the best generalization of his life.

Further from the Fraternity Archway, there is a road leading to the mausoleum.The road is 480 meters long and dozens of meters wide.The whole design of the mausoleum gives prominence to Chinese traditional style, grand, solemn and specific.In order to embody the greatne of Mr.Sun, the Mausoleum followed the example of ancient mausoleums and was built against mountains and the coffin chamber was placed at the top of the mountain that is 160 meters high.In addition, the plants of the Mausoleum are symmetric, which make it feel more solemn.Now, please look forward to the north, along the hillside, situate the mausoleum Gate, the Stele Pavilion, the Memorial Hall and the coffin chamber right behind.The pines, cyprees, ginkgoes and maples on the both sides of the road

8 represent Mr.Sun\'s revolutionary spirit and lofty quality.They take the place of statues and stone beasts which usually flanked the sacred road in ancient times.Among the trees, cedar is one of the \"four kinds of tree for appreciation\" and has been honored as the tree of Nanjing City.The grand archway at the end of the Mausoleum Road is the formal beginning of the mausoleum area.IT is 16 meters high, 27 meters wide and 8.8 meters deep.It is made of granite from the Fujian Province, too.Inscribed on the horizontal board of the middle paage is Dr.SunYat-sen\'s handwriting.It means that the state doesn\'t belong to one family but belongs to the entire nation and the common people.This is the goal for which Mr.Sun struggled for his whole life and it is also the excellent explanation of the Democracy of the Three People\'s Principles.We have paed the gate of the Mausoleum, then in front of us is the Stele Pavilion.The 9-meter high stele in the middle of the pavilion was engraved with 24 gold-plating characters of Yan Zhenqing style, \"Chinese KMT buried Premier Sun here on June 1, 18th year of the Republic of China\".These words were written by one of the founder members of KMT, Tan Yankai.When talking about setting up a stele, Wang Jing wei and Hu Hanmin were arranged to write an inscription for Mr.Sun, but two years paed, yet nothing they could write.Because they thought that Mr.Sun\'s merits couldn\'t be generated by word, then they chose to use the present from to praise Dr.Sun without engraving an inscription.

Going out of the pavilion, we\'ll see numerous layers of steps.The people of Nanjing often say that the steps in the Mausoleum ware as number as the stone lions

9 on Lugou Bridge (known for Westerners as Marco Polo Bridge).So when coming here tourists usually ask, \"how many steps on earth are there in the Mausoleum?\" My friends, if you are interested you can count them.

Now we are coming near the top platform.Look, there are two big copper \"ding\".They were contributed by Shanghai municipal government of that time.Now, please look carefully.There are two holes in the bottom of the left \"ding\".Why? Just let me tell you .In late 1937, when the Japanese army attacked Nanjing, their shooting left two holes in the left ding.Now, although the circumstances have changed, the two holes always remind Chinese people not to forget the national humiliation.Not far away, there are two bronze dings in ancient style.They are presented by Mr.Sun\'s son Sun Ke and his family.

Ascending the steps, now we have reached the top of the platform.Here we can have a bird-view of what it is in the distance.The Memorial Hall is the half way up to the mountain and there are altogether 392 steps covered if you count from the archway of Fraternity.The vertical distance is 70 meters but the plane distance is 700 meters.If you count the steps from the Stele Pavilion, the number of steps is 290.In order to avoid monotone, the architect divided the 392 steps into 10 parts and every part has a platform and there are totally 10 such platforms.More marvelous, if you look up from the bottom, you can see that the steps extend to the top without stop and you cant see any platform.But if you look down from the top, you only see the platforms.The number of the steps, 392, is not a random number; it implied the number of Chinese population at that time-392 million.

Now we are in front of the Memorial Hall and the coffin Chamber.They are the major parts of the Mausoleum.The construction of these two building was supervised then by Lu Yanzhi, the gift young designer.If is when he was doing these two building he died of cancer.So when the later generation mentions him they would often say, \"It is a great pity he died before his complete succe.\" The structure of the Sacrificed Hall is of an ancient wooden palace style.It is 30 meters long, 25 meters wide and 29 meter high, surrounded by smaller constructions of fortre style and two 12.6-meter-high cloud columns.Its roof, with double-eaves and nine ridges, is covered with blue glare tiles.The outside of wall is covered with granite from Hongkong.The inscription on the horizontal board is engraved with seal characters cut in relief- \"Naturalism\" \"Democracy\" and \"The people\'s livelihood\".These are the most basic and general guiding principles of Mr.Sun\'s revolutionary activities.Above \"Democracy\", there is a horizontal inscription board with Sun\'s handwriting on it, \"Fill the World with Justice\".

Please follow me into the Memorial Hall.The floor is covered with white and black marble from Yunnan Province.The colors of white and black are among the traditional color for burial ceremonies in China.There are 12 black stone columns, with 0.8 meter as the diameter for each.You will see that the interiors of the walls around are inset with black marble.Now you can have a look at Mr.Sun Yat-sen\'s handwriting of \"Programme for Founding a State\", engraved on the east and west walls.The main colors of the Hall are black, white and blue, which are used to expre filial piety in China.The inside windows are inlaid with smaltos.They

11 present western flavors especially with floods of sunshine.The style of the whole structure is a blend of the East and the West, representing the well blended doctrine of Dr.Sun Yat-sen.

In the middle is the sitting statue of Dr.Sun Yat-sen in a robe.It is 4.6 meters high and the bottom is 2.1 meters wide.It was sculpted by the famous French sculptor Paul Arinsky whose native country is Poland.He was entrusted by the committee of Dr.Sun Yat-sen\'s Funeral for sculpting it.He chose the Italian marble as the material for the statue.In 1930, the sculpture was sent to the Mausoleum from Paris.Its total cost was 1.5 million francs.The sic relief below are pictures depicting Mr.Sun\'s life and revolutionary activities.

Paing through the Hall, we have come to the Coffin Chamber.There are two doors that you need to get through.The outer door consists of two American-made safety door leafs which are made of copper.The nails on them and the mysterious beasts on the copper loops are typical of traditional Chinese.The horizontal inscription board was engraved with \"The noble spirit will never perish \" which was Sun\'s handwriting for the 72 martyrs\' tomb in Harangue Mound of Guangzhou .The second door is a single copper leaf engrave with seven characters \"Mr.Sun Yat-sen\'s tomb\" which were written by Zhang Jing jiang.

The tomb is a half globe in shape.The design of KMT emblem is mosaicked in the vaulted dome.The floor of the round room is covered with marble.The room\'s diameter is 18 meters and the height is 11 meters .The walls are covered with pink marbles.The circular marble pit is 1.7 meters deep and 4.35 meters in

12 diameter.It is enclose with 1-meter-high white marble rails.In the pit lays Dr.Sun Yat-sen lying statue in Zhongshan Suit.This is sculpted in accordance to Mr.Sun\'s remains by a Czechoslovakian sculptor.His copper coffin is lying about 5 meters below the sculpture.You may ask why on earth the clothes Dr.Wears for the sitting statue are totally different from those for the lying one? In those years, the leftists and the rightists inside of the KMT had severe conflicts.The rightists, headed by Chang Kai-shek wanted to restore the ancient ways and opposed revolution.They insisted that Mr.Sun should wear long robe, while the leftists insisted he wear Zhongshan Suit.Since they had different opinions thus the two statues have different clothes styles.

My friends, I\'m afraid you must be concern about whether Mr.Sun remains are in the tomb or not.In fact, his remains had a unusual experience.After his death, his remain were dealt with antiseptic and placed in Biyun Monastery in Beijing in March, 1925.When the warlord Zhang Zong chang was defeated by the North Expeditionary Army and withdrew to Beijing in 1926, he ascribed his failure to Mr.Sun\'s remains and decided to burn them .It is the patriotic general Zhang Xuelian who sent troops to protect the remains.Unfortunately they were once exposed to the air though they were safe again.On May 28, 1929, Mr.Sun\'s coffin was sent to Pukou from Beijing by Jinpu Railway, and on June 1 it reached the Mausoleum.After the Grand Ceremony of Feng\'an, the coffin and the remains were put into the pit and used cement to concrete it .The bottom of the tomb is granite.Under the copper coffin, there is a specially made wooden pad and enclosing the coffin is a well-sealed crystal

13 box.After the breakout of the Resistance War against Japan, KMT government planed to transport the remains to Chongqing and at the end of the liberation war, Chang Kai-shek planed to transport it to Taiwan this time.Because it was not an easy job to take the coffin out and the work might do damage to the remains as well, this plan was fiercely attacked by the engineering field and the left wing of the KMT.At last Chang gave up the plan.So the remains have stayed here safely up to today.

Paing through the door in the back wall of the square outside you will arrive at the Mausoleum Park.The back wall of the park is an \"Exhibition of Construction of Dr.Sun Yat-sen\'s Mausoleum \".The Exhibition contains nearly 200 precious historic materials which show the construction of the Mausoleum and the proce of the transportation of Mr.Sun\'s remains.

Beside the main structure, there are also some constructions around the Mausoleum built in memory of Mr.Sun.Most of the constructions are built after 1929 with the donation of those from both all trades in China and overseas Chinese.The Fraternity Pavilion on top of the Plum Hill is built with the donation of a Taiwanese compatriot.IT was completed on November 12,1993, the 127th anniversary of Mr.Sun\'s birthday.

Ladies and gentlemen, Mr.Sun struggled for a better China for his whole life and overthrew monarch feudalist system which lasted for more than 2000 years.He carried out the three principal policies of \"Making an alliance with Ruia and the Communist Party of China and helping the farmers and workers\" in his later days.The great feat Mr.Sun has achieved has gained great respect and praise from people

14 from both home and abroad.After liberation, both central and local governments have exerted great efforts in preserving this excellent heritage.

Now, as one of the \"Top Forty Tourist Resorts in China\" Dr.Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum receives numerous Chinese and international friends every years.People come here to pay homage to Mr.Sun.Today, the unification has become the main tendency in terms of the relations between the Chinese on both sides of the Straits.I believe that most Chinese people, from both home and abroad, are expecting from the bottom of heart the coming of the day when our country is united and getting more prosperous.At that time, when hearing this.Dr.Sun would smile and be satisfied for sure in the other world.OK, thank you very much for your cooperation.Good-bye and good luck!

Expo 2010 Shanghai China

世博会会徽 Expo emblem

世博会徽标 Expo Logo

世博会吉祥物 Expo Mascot

世博会纪念品 Expo Souvenir

世博园 Expo Park

世博会主题 Expo theme

世博园区 the Expo Site

主题馆 the theme pavilions

国际馆 International Pavilion

主题馆 Theme Pavilion

企业馆 Enterprise Pavilion

中国馆 China Pavilion

世博会村 the Expo Village

世博中心 the Expo Center

世博餐饮中心 Expo Dining Center

专题讨论会 symposium

志愿者 volunteers

城市,让生活更美好 Better city, better life.

公共服务 public service

信息中心 the Information Center

服务中心 the Service Center

急救中心 the Emergency Center

世博急救中心 Expo First-aid Center

国际会议中心 International Convention Center

金融贸易区 Finance and Trade Zone

保税区 free Trade Zone

故居 Former Residence of

影城 Film Art Center

市中心 downtown

志愿者 volunteers

黄浦江 the Huangpu River

商厦 Commercial Building

地标 landmark

路标 the road sign

公共交通 public transport

红绿灯 traffic lights

轻轨站 the light rail station

过江隧道 tunnels under the river

轮渡 ferry

专线大巴 the shuttle bus

园内巴士 the on-site bus

518路公共汽车站 No.518bus stop

地铁站 a metro station

地铁8号线 Metro Line 8

停车场 the parking lot

叫辆出租车 hail a taxi 停车 park one’s car

旅游景点 tourist attractions

游客 tourist

导游 guide

入口处 entrance

外滩 the Bund

豫园 the Yu Garden

东方明珠 the Oriental Pearl Tower

上海大剧院 Shanghai Grand Theatre

金茂大厦 Jinmao Tower

世纪大道 Century Boulevard

夜游 night tour

不夜城 sleeple city

沧海桑田 ups and downs of time

长江三角洲 the Yangtze River Delta

磁悬浮列车 maglev train (magnetically levitated train); magnetic suspension train

大都市 metropolis; cosmopolis; metropolitan city; cosmopolitan city

东方明珠塔Oriental Pearl TV Tower

东海之滨的明珠 the pearl on the coast of the East China Sea

国际展览局 BIE International Bureau of Exhibitions

龙华寺 Longhua Temple

外滩 the Bund

信息港 infoport

黄浦江游cruise along the Huangpu River

玉佛寺 Jade Buddha Temple

豫园 Yu Yuan Garden

金贸大厦 Jinmao Tower

城隍庙 Town God’s Temple

上海国际会议中心 Shanghai International Convention Center

(南浦,杨浦,徐浦,卢浦)大桥 Nanpu/ Yangpu/ xupu/ lupu (suspension) Bridge

(浦东)滨江大道 Riverside Promenade

外滩观隧道 Sightseeing Tunnel at the Bund

(浦东) 世纪公园 Century Park

上海体育馆Shanghai Stadium

上海大剧院 Shanghai Grand Theater

上海科技馆 Shanghai Science & Technology Museum

虹口足球场 Shanghai Hongkou Football Stadium

上海植物园Shanghai Botanical Garden

水族馆 aquarium




1.2014中国旅游主题年: 宣传主题:“美丽中国之旅——2014智慧旅游年” 宣传口号:“美丽中国,智慧旅游”;“智慧旅游,让生活更精彩”;“新科技,旅游新体验”


2014年“中国旅游日”活动主题:文明旅游,智慧旅游。 宣传口号:爱旅游、爱生活。



2014年度主题即本次开幕大巡游以“四季上海欢迎您”为主题(地点:淮海路) 上海国际音乐烟花节暨上海旅游节闭幕式(地点:世纪公园)



至此中国的世界遗产名录有47处。 中国的世遗项目数量世界第二。





8.运动会: 1)、2月7日第22届冬季奥林匹克运动会在俄罗斯索契隆重开幕。国家主席习近平应俄罗斯总统普京邀请出席开幕式。

2)6月12日17:00——7月13(北京时间6月13日星期五凌晨4点),第20届世界杯在巴西举行。 3)第二届夏季青年奥林匹克运动会8月16日晚在江苏省南京市隆重开幕。国家主席习近平出席开幕式并宣布运动会开幕。南京青奥会是继2008年北京奥运会后,在我国举办的又一项具有国际影响的奥林匹克盛事。青奥圣火在六朝古都点燃,寓意着现代奥林匹克精神与古老中华文明再度完美融合。 4)国际奥委会主席巴赫率各国政要近日抵达南京,参加于8月16日在此举行的2014南京青年奥林匹克运动会开幕式和参观活动,同日到达的还有青奥会中国代表团179名成员及500余名各国代表团成员。南京青奥会将于16日至28日举行,将有204个国家和地区的近4000名运动员参加。













4)中共中央8月20日上午在人民大会堂举行座谈会,纪念邓小平同志诞辰110周年。 5)2014年是中法两国建交50周年 。 6)2014年是甲午中日战争120周年。




















全国老龄工作委员会决定开展全国第五个“敬老月”活动。“敬老月”活动总主题是“关爱老人 构建和谐”。

2014年“敬老月”活动主题是“传承中华美德 弘扬敬老文化”。





34.6月28日,和平共处五项原则发表60周年纪念大会在人民大会堂举行。国家主席习近平出席大会并发表题为《弘扬和平共处五项原则 建设合作共赢美好世界》的主旨讲话,深刻阐述和平共处五项原则的历史性贡献和重大现实意义,强调中国将继续做弘扬和平共处五项原则的表率,同国际社会一道,推动建设新型国际关系和持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界。









考试语种分为中文和外语两种,其中外语类包括英语、韩语、日语、法语、德语、西班牙语、葡萄牙语、俄语等。 对上述科目内容,应试人员应分别从了解、熟悉、掌握等三个能力层次予以把握: ——了解,要求对导游从业相关知识能够准确再认、再现,即知道“是什么”;



































1.了解导游服务的产生及其发展,以及我国导游服务的发展历程;了解导游服务的概念,现代导游服务特点;熟悉导游服务的性质、地位与作用;熟悉中国旅游行业核心价值观,掌握导游人员职业道德规范的基本内容。 2.了解导游员的报考条件;熟悉导游人员的定义、分类;掌握各类导游员的职责、从业素质及礼仪规范要求;掌握导游员应有的修养以及工作中的行为规范。







9.了解导游语言的概念、特点,熟悉导游语言的基本要求,掌握口头语言的表达方式和体态语言的运用;熟悉导游讲解的原则和要求;掌握概述法、重点法、类比法、悬念法、虚实法等多种导游讲解方法的应用技巧。 10.了解旅行社主要业务和旅游产品的类型,熟悉入出境应持有的证件和需要办理的手续以及我国海关有关入出境物品的规定;熟悉航空、铁路、水运购票、退票和携带物品的规定;了解我国可兑换人民币的外币种类、旅行支票和信用卡的使用规定,熟悉旅游保险的种类及相关知识;了解信用卡知识;熟悉外汇知识;了解国际时差、华氏温度与摄氏温度、度量衡的换算。










6.了解中国古代建筑的历史沿革;熟悉中国古代建筑的基本构件与特点;掌握宫殿、坛庙、陵墓、古城、古长城、古楼阁、古石桥和佛塔的类型、布局和特点。 7.了解中国古代园林的起源与发展;熟悉中国古代园林的特色和分类;掌握中国古代园林的构成要素和造园艺术、构景手段和代表性园林。






总体要求:本课程的考试,主要检查考生对上海导游基础知识学习把握情况,以及将导游基础知识灵活、综合地运用于导游接待服务实践中的能力。所以考生在学习时必须在牢固掌握导游基础知识的同时,重视学以致用的自我训练,以不断增强导游文化素质和导游实际能力。 第一章







掌握:上海的历史沿革:1291年正式设立上海县、1843年开埠、1845年设租界、中共一大(1921年7月23日)、1949年5月27日上海解放、1990改革开放和开发浦东、2013年设立中国(上海)自由贸易试验区、上海建成国际经济、金融、贸易、航运中心的社会主义现代化国际大都市的总体奋斗目标。 第二章







掌握:上海都市型旅游的定位、旅游业发展特点以及建设世界著名旅游城市的目标。 第三章







掌握:佘山、天马山、辰山、崇明三岛、金山三岛和滨海、黄浦江、苏州河以及森林、古树名木。“纪念地类”和“名人故居类”以及“近代优秀历史建筑”中的全国重点文物保护单位。 第四章







掌握:上海石库门建筑艺术著名实例中的全国重点文物保护单位。“外滩建筑群”中的古希腊、古罗马建筑艺术、文艺复兴建筑艺术、古典主义建筑艺术、装饰主义建筑艺术的实例。 第五章




二、考试内容 了解:上海的春节、清明节、端午节、七夕节、中秋节、重阳节的岁时风俗。现代节庆民俗的文化特征。

熟悉:新上海话的五个主要来源。上海语言风尚中受外来语影响的代表性语例。上海现代旅游节庆中的“龙华撞钟”、“豫园灯会”、“龙华庙会”、“上海桃花节”、“上海旅游节”、“上海国际茶文化旅游节”、“上海国际电影节”、“上海之春国际音乐节”的举办时间和地点以及主要内容。 第六章







掌握:上海文学艺术发展主要杰出代表“鲁迅”、“茅盾”、“巴金”、“田汉”、“夏衍”、“张爱玲”、“王安忆”、“刘海粟”、“张乐平”、“贺绿汀”、“周小燕”、“谢晋”、“欧阳予倩”等,上海的主要文化艺术活动场所“梅赛德斯·奔驰文化中心”、“中华艺术宫”、“上海文化广场”、“上海东方艺术中心”、“上海博物馆”、“上海大剧院”、“上海图书馆”、“上海书城”、“上海音乐厅”、“大光明电影院”所处地点、主要特点、主要功能。 第七章







掌握:上海的特色点心店(店名地点及著名特色点心)。老城隍庙小吃(店名及特色点心)。 第八章





了解:上海商业特色街的名称、地点和著名商品。 熟悉:上海的食品、文化用品、工艺品、药品的主要老字号和百年老店的名称、地点和著名产品。

掌握:上海的四大商街、四大商城和十大休闲街的位置、特色。 第九章








科目五《导游服务能力》大纲(上海) 中文类考试大纲

















主要景点讲解:熟悉并熟练讲解东方明珠广播电视塔,上海城市历史发展陈列馆,金茂大厦,上海环球金融中心,上海国际会议中心,上海海洋水族馆,陆家嘴中心绿地,滨江大道及游览区内的其他代表性楼宇等。 4.豫园游览区



















Shanghai, located at the outlet of the Yangtze River into the sea in east China, is a metropolis, the largest economic center and one of the four cities under the direct jurisdiction of the central government in China.The area of Shanghai totals 6,340 square kilometers.Shanghai has a permanent population of more than 13.50 million while it sees a large moving population of over 2.5 million daily.

Historically speaking, Shanghai is not only a city of a long history and culture but also a heroic city with a glorious tradition in Chinese revolution.

When the western Great Powers broke through the closed gate of China with their gunboats during the Opium War Shanghai was forced open by the colonialists as one of the five trading ports.With conceions carved out in Shanghai the area was reduced to be a “pandemonium of adventurers.” Shanghai is also a heroic city with a glorious tradition in Chinese revolution.First of all ,it is the birthplace of the Communist Party of China.To fight for the national independence and liberation the people of Shanghai waged a series of such epic struggles as Anti-British struggle at the Wusong Estuary, Uprising of the Small Sword Society, “May 4 Movement”for new culture, “May 30th Movement,” three times of armed struggles, “January 28”and “August 13”anti-Japanese battles in Songjiang and Shanghai.And after the War of Resistance against Japan was over the people in Shanghai again devoted themselves to the struggles of opposing autocratic rule and civil war while fighting for democracy and freedom, forming a second battle-line in opposition to the rule of the Kuomintang reactionaries.

With the dying down of rumbling guns in battles for the liberation of Shanghai the city returned to the arms of the people on May 27,1949,and the next day saw the People’s Government of Shanghai proclaimed to be set up ,May 28,1949 being defined as the very “Day of Liberation for Shanghai.”

Shanghai is an economic city of great importance for China.Especially the development and opening of Pudong has pushed Shanghai to the strategic forefront of reform and opening up to the outside world.

Shanghai is not only a metropolis renowned in the world but also a great tourist attraction in China.On the one hand it is known to the world with its unique urban-attractions, rich and varied humane and cultural resources ,As from 1982 onwards, the overseas tourist hosted in Shanghai has witneed a number of over one million every year while the domestic tourists have seen a yearly average of more than tens of millions.In future, Shanghai is going to be a city featureing sightseeing tours as a trend in the development of tourism.

With great efforts made Shanghai is going to place itself as early as poible among the world famous economic and trade centers, thereby bringing up the new economic boom in the Yangtze River Delta and even the whole area along the mighty river.At present, the rudimentary shape of splendid blueprint has come into being, and it is confident that a new Shanghai enjoying a bluer sky , clearer water, greener land and more sociable people in a more improved and harmonious society will come to appear on the western shore of the Pacific Ocean in not too long a future..

Jinmao Tower Building:There is a gigantic majestic high-rise tower like a bamboo shoot in spring pure pillar, yataghan and magic pen beside Huangpu River and at the seashore of East sea, it is Jinmao Tower which is 420.5 meters in height and is called “the first building in China” with a surprisingly beautiful appearance .Jinmao Tower has come into being and become a monumental work in the architecture industry of china and a symbol of Shanghai.

推荐第9篇:导游英语 (5)

Ying County Wooden Pagoda

Located in Yingxian County, Shanxi province in central China, it was built completely with timbers, hence the name.The Wooden Pagoda was first constructed in the second year of the Qingning reign period (1056) of the Liao Dynasty.The Liao was a feudal dynasty set up by Qidan ethnic group in north China from the 10th to the 11th century.To consolidate its rule, the Liao rulers advocated Buddhism and went in for large-scale construction of Buddhist temples and pagodas in Shanxi and Hebei, including the Wooden Pagoda in Yingxian County.The pagoda holds many Buddhist statues and numerous murals of the Liao Dynasty, featuring bright colors and vivid appearances, which are China’s artistic treasures.In ancient China, it was the place where the rulers of the past dynasties worshipped Buddha, as well as the Lookout Tower for commanding and observing wars.

The octagonal Wooden Pagoda in Yingxian County is 67.13 meters high, and the diameter of the first story is 30.27 meters.The exterior of the pagoda is divided into five stories, but there are actually nine stories in the interior, including four built-in stories.According to estimation, the construction of the pagoda used more than 3,500 cubic meters of timber, weighing about 3,000tons.The Wooden Pagoda has withstood weather erosion, and many wars and strong earthquakes for 950 years, but it stands towering like a giant, with a slight leaning.It is a model of the Chinese ancient wooden structures, a great wonder in the Chinese architecture history, and a unique example in the world.(from Marvel of china,207-208)


应县木塔又称佛宫释迦塔,为辽清宁二年(1056)建造,距今已有950年的历史, 是我国现存最古老、保存最好的木建筑。 塔身全部为木质结构,通体没有一钉一铁,全靠斗拱、柱梁镶嵌穿插吻合连接而成。塔身呈平面八角,六檐五层,夹有暗层四级,远处看去状如莲花盛开。塔建成300多年至元顺帝时,曾经历大地震7次,但岿然不动;20世纪,军阀混战时,木塔身中200余枚弹片也依然矗立不动。

木塔自建成后,历代名人挂匾题联。塔内现存明、青及民国、联54块。塔内每层都有塑像,头层释迦佛高大肃穆,顶部穹窿藻井给人以天高莫测的感觉。(来自《走遍山西》,P128,中国旅游出版社) Terms and phrases:

Timberwork 木工作业(木结构) Rammed earth construction 夯土结构 Structure and layout 结构和布局 Colored glaze roof 玻璃屋顶 Appliqué 贴花,贴花秀 Central axis 中轴线 Symmetrical 对称的

Civil construction 土木建筑,民用建筑 tile瓦片

vermilion 朱红, 朱砂 copper door knocker铜门把手 superstition 迷信

shrine圣地,圣坛,神圣场所 verandah 游廊,走廊

释迦木塔位于应县城内西北佛宫寺内,俗称应县木塔。建于辽清宁二年(公元1056年),金明昌六年(公元1195年)增修完毕。是我国现存最高最古的一座木构塔式建筑。为全国重点文物保护单位。( 朱艳,运城学院大外部)

Ying County Wooden Pagoda began to built in 1056 A.D.and finished construction in 1195A.D..It is the highest and oldest pure timber tower structure now existent in China and a National Key Cultural Relics Preservation Unit.

木塔建造在四米高的台基上,塔高67.31米,底层直径30.27米,呈平面八角形。第一层立面重檐,以上各层均为单檐,共五层六檐,各层间夹设暗层,实为九层。因底层为重檐并有回廊,故塔的外观为六层屋檐。各层均用内、外两圈木柱支撑,每层外有24根柱子,内有八根,木柱之间使用了许多斜撑、梁、枋和短柱,组成不同方向的复梁式木架。有人计算,整个木塔共用红松木料3000立方,约2600多吨重,整体比例适当,建筑宏伟,艺术精巧,外形稳重庄严。 Built on a 4-meter base, the tower shows an octagonal structure and it is 67.31 ms high and the diameter of the base floor is 30.27 ms.The tower looks like a six-storey building since the first floor has double eaves.There are ,in fact, nine floors inside the tower since there is an extra floor between the two storeys.(不清楚) Each storey is supported from both the inner and outer circles.As for each storey, there are 24 pillars outside and 8 pillars inside with different wooden structures interlinking them.It is calculated that the tower is over 2600 tons in weight and had used 3000 m2 of timber totally.The building is well-proportioned, .magnificent and exquisite as well.

塔身底层南北各开一门。二层以上周设平座栏杆,每层装有木质楼梯,游人逐级攀登,可达顶端。二至五层每层有四门,均设木隔扇,光线充足,出门凭栏远眺,恒岳如屏,桑干似带,尽收眼底,心旷神怡。塔内各层均塑佛像。第1层为释迦牟尼,)高11米,面目端庄,神态怡然,顶部有精美华丽的藻井,内槽墙壁上画有六幅如来佛像,门洞两侧壁上也绘有金刚、天王、弟子等,壁画色泽鲜艳,人物栩栩如生。二层坛座方形,上塑一佛二菩萨和二胁侍。三层坛座八角形,上塑四方佛。四层塑佛和阿难、Ananda 迦叶 Mahakasyapa、文殊文殊师利Manjusrikumārabhūta、普贤像。五层塑毗卢舍那如来佛和人大菩萨。各佛像雕塑精细,各具情态,有较高的艺术价值。塔顶作八角攒尖式,上立铁刹,制作精美,与塔协调,更使木塔宏伟壮观。塔每层檐下装有风铃,微风吹动,叮咚作响,十分悦耳。

On the base floor there are two gates in the south and north respectively.Railings are built around each storey above the second storey.Wooden stairs are fixed on each floor for visitors to ascend to the top.They are four doors every floor from the second to the fifth where visitors are able to enjoy the fantastic views of Mount Heng.Statues of Buddhas are erected in each storey.Inside the first storey, an 11-meter-tall statue of Sakyamuni looks dignified and contented.Exquisite caion ceilings decorate the roof and six portraits of buddhas are painted on the wall.On each of the walls of the doorway, portraits of vajra, heavenly king and Buddha’s disciples are painted vividly and colorfully.Inside the second storey, statues of a Buddha, two Bodhisattvas and two attendants are sculpted on a square pedestal.Inside the third storey, statue of a Buddha of four directions is sculpted on an octagonal pedestal.Inside the fourth storey, statues of Buddha, Ananda, Mahakasyapa, Manjusri Bodhisattva and Samantabhadra are sculpted .Inside the fifth storey, statues of Buddha and Bodhisattva are sculpted.All of the statues, with various expreions, are exquisitely carved and thus show a high artistic value.The crest of the pagoda,in an octagonal structure, erects with an iron Bhddhist temple on it and this iron temple is made in fine craftsmanship and matches harmoniouslty with the pagoda.As for each eaves, there are small bells tinkling with the breeze.


The design of the wooden pagoda daringly inherited the architectural styles with ethnic characteristics since the Han and Tang Dynasties.The pagoda completely employs the traditional architectural techniques, the corbel brackets, totaling 54 kinds of the technique and each with a different combination form.The whole pagoda is scientifically designed and perfectly constructed.The pagoda, with superb craftsmanship, is a mixture of ethnic styles and religious requirements.It had reached the summit of the architectural art in ancient time and has a relatively high value for research.木塔自建成后,历代名人挂匾题联,寓意深刻,笔力遒劲,为木塔增色不少。其中:明成祖朱棣于永乐四年(公元1406年),率军北伐,驻宿应州,登城玩赏时亲题“峻极神功”;明武宗朱厚照正德三年(公元1508年)督大军在阳和(山西阳高县)、应州一带击败入塞的鞑靼小王子,登木塔宴请有功将官时,题“天下奇观”。塔内现存明、清及民国匾、联 54 块。对联也有上乘之作,如“拔地擎天四面云山拱一柱,乘风步月万家烟火接云霄”;“点检透云霞西望雁门丹 岫小,玲珑侵碧汉南瞻龙首翠峰低”。此外,与木塔齐名的是塔内发现了一批极为珍贵的辽代文物,尤其是辽刻彩印,填补了我国印刷史上的空白。文物中以经卷为数较多,有手抄本,有辽代木版印刷本,有的经卷长达30多米,实属国内罕见,为研究我国辽代政治、经济和文化提供了宝贵的实物资料

Many horizontal inscribed boards and inscribed couplets left by celebrities in history add beauty to the pagoda.Besides, the pagoda is also known for the precious cultural relics of the Liao Dynasty ,especially the colour printing which fills the blank in Chinese printing history.Sutras take the majority of the relics including books copied by hand and books of Liao-dynasty block-printed edition and some scriptures are as long as 30 meters, which is rare in China.All these provide precious real objects for studying the politics, economy and culture in the Liao Dynasty, 应县佛宫寺释迦木塔,历900多年的风雨侵蚀、地震战火,至今仍保存完好,除其塔基牢固,结构谨严外,历代不断维修也是重要原因,特别是中华人民共和国成立后,进行了系统的修缮和管理。1953成立了文物保管所,1974年至1981年,国家拨大量专款,调拨优质木材对木塔进行全面抢修,使这座当今世界上保护最完整、结构最奇巧,外形最壮观的古代高层木塔建筑焕然一新,巍然屹立。并以其悠久的历史、独特的艺术风格和高超的建筑技术,吸引着国内外游客。 Up till now, Ying County Wooden Pagoda has sustained over 900 years of erosion, earthquakes and wars and is presently preserved in perfect condition.Then, what can account for this? In addition to its solid foundation and well-knit structure, continuous maintenance in history is a key reason.Especially after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, systematic restoration and management have been conducted.In 1953, a cultural relics preservation station was established and from 1974-1981 special funds had been allocated to aemble and transfer fine quality timber to do thorough rush repairs and thus enabling the pagoda to take a new look and attract visitors from both home and abroad with its long history, unique architectural style and superb craftsmanship.

推荐第10篇:导游英语 (8)

Chinese cities

The construction of the Chinese cities began 5,000 years ago at least, and the ancient Chinese cities generally fell into two types: capital and ordinary cities.The ancient capitals were all laid out with the imperial palace as the center, and civilian residences in the surrounding areas; and the ordinary cities took the local administration seats of the prefectures and counties at the core, with the temples and civilian residences in the nearby areas.It is the concrete reflection of the feudal hierarchy in the construction of the Chinese cities.

Now China has only seven well-preserved ancient cities, i.e., xi’an, Nanjing, Jingzhou, Xiangyang, Xingcheng, Pingyao and Chongwu, of which xi’an and Nanjing once serves as the capital cities.In ancient China, building a city attached great importance to the military defense works.Usually, a city was encircled by high walls, which was bordered by a moat.The high city walls and wide moat were built for the safety of the city.Most of the old cities are square or rectangular; city gates were built on the four sides of the city walls; and on each city gate stood a majestic tower.In the daytime, the city gates were wide open; and at night they were all closed, making the people in the cities feel tranquil and safe.The Drum and Bell towers stood in the center of a city.In the morning, the bell was tolled; and at night the drum was beaten.In the city, the streets in the shapes of “+” or cheboard were built.In the land of water in south china, the streets and lanes by water are linked with the rivers outsides of the city, with convenient transportation facilities by land and water.Now most of the ancient cities of the past dynasties have disappeared, leaving only some ruins.Only a small number of ancient cities that still exist are the city wonders of China.The new cities in China have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a spring rain throughout the country. (From the Marvels of China)

第11篇:导游英语 (12)

High Mountains of China

hina is home to many mountains.According to statistics, the famous high mountains in China number over 200 in total.The principal mountains in China generally fall into the following three types;

First, traditional famous mountains

In ancient China, the emperors claimed to be the “sons of Heaven.” “To repay Heaven for kindne,” they often took the magnificent and precipitous mountains as the auspicious sign, where they set up altars to offer sacrifices to Heaven.The first feudal emperor in Chinese history holding a large-scale ceremony to confer a feudal title upon a mountain is Emperor Qin Shihuang, First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty.To ensure that the country was prosperous and the people lived in peace, the emperors of the succeive dynasties frequently held activities to confer feudal titles on mountains.Finally the five most famous mountains of China emerged,i.e., Mount Tai in the east; Mount Huashan in the west; Mount Hengshan in the east; Mount Songshan in the central; and Mount Henshan in the south.Since then the “five sacred mountains” have enjoyed a high reputation throughout the world, and become the pronouns of renowned mountains in China.Second, the famous Buddhist Mountains An old Chinese saying goes:” The monks occupy most of the famous mountains.” When the emperor of past ages were busy conferring titles upon famous mountains, monks speeded up building temples in the mountains acro the country for practicing Buddhism.Consequently, the “four famous Buddhist mountains” in china came into forth,i.e, Mount Emei in Sichuan, Mount Wutai in Shanxi, Mount Putuo in Zhejiang and Mount Jiuhua in Anhui.As Taoists are particular about tranquility and prefer to being away from the turmoil of the world, a great number of famous Taoist mountains, represented by Mount Wudang, emerged as the times demanded.It proves that the famous religious mountains in China are actually the models of the perfect combination of China’s natural and cultural legacies.

Third, newly discovered mountains

Along with the progre of society, the development of science and technology, and the emergence of mountaineering and tourism, China has found them are suitable for climbing, and the others, for sightseeing.In history, the Chinese people did not give sufficient attention to the places where groups of mountains gather, because of their high elevations and poor transport facilities.In modern times, when explorers, mountaineers, travelers, geologists and meteorologists traveled to or made inspections of western China, they constantly discovered clusters of high mountains and glaciers, as well as a great number of world-level natural wonders.Though they are not famed, they are more magnificent and beautiful than the famous mountains.

Mount Tai---the ancestor of Chinese mountains Mount Emei-----a great mountain rising from a basin

Mount Huangshan----the most beautiful mountain in the eyes of the Chinese people

Mount Qomolangma---- the “third pole of the earth”

Kangrinboqe Peak---the sacred mountain of the Tibetan people

第12篇:导游英语 100句


Meeting Guests 迎接客人

1.Welcome to China! 欢迎您到中国来! 2.Did you have a good trip? 旅行愉快吗?

3.You all need a good rest first.你们都需要先休息一下。

4.You will have plenty of time to see all the interesting places in China.你们会有很多时间欣赏中国的著名景点。 5.Is everyone in the group here? 全团的人都在吗?

6.Shall I help you with your luggage? 让我来帮您拿行李好吗?

7.The shuttle bus is just waiting in the parking lot.大巴正在停车场等位。

On the Way to the Hotel 至饭店途中

8.Is everybody on the bus? 每个人都在车上了吗? 9.Shall we go now? 我们现在可以出发了吗?

10.Let me introduce my team to you first.首先让我来向大家介绍一下我的团队。

11.We will do our best to make your trip more enjoyable and memorable.我们将尽最大努力使你们的旅行更有趣、更难忘。 12.It’s one of the best four-star hotels in the city.它是这个城市最好的四星级酒店之一。 13.I hope you will enjoy your stay there.我希望你能在那住得愉快。

14.Next, I’d like to introduce something about this city.接下来,我想要介绍一下有关这个城市的一些情况。 15.There’re many famous scenic spots and historical sites in Beijing.在北京有很多著名的景点和名胜古迹。 16.I’m afraid you need a good rest first.恐怕你得先休息。

17.Let’s get off and go to the reception desk.让我们下车去接待处。

A Welcome Speech 欢迎词

18.Allow me to introduce myself.请允许我在这里作一下自我介绍。

19.And this is Mr.Deng, our driver, who has had 10 years of driving experience.这是我们的司机邓师傅,他有10年的驾龄。

20.We’ll do everything poible to make your visit a pleasant experience.我们将竭诚使你们一路游览愉快。

21.If you have any problems or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to let us know.如果你们有任何问题或者建议,请尽管告诉我们。 22.Please do remember the plate number of our bus.请务必记住我们的车牌号。

23.China has a written history of over 5,000 years of civilization and boasts rich cultural relics and historical sites.中国有着五千多年的灿烂文明、丰富的文化遗迹和历史遗址。 24.Dalian attracts a large number of domestic and foreign tourists every year.大连每年都吸引着大量的国内外游客。

25.Beijing, the capital city of the People’s Republic of China, is the country’s political and cultural center.中华人民共和国的首都——北京,是国家的政治和文化中心。

26.Dalian, as well as the whole country of China, is looking forward to welcoming friends from all over the world! 大连,像全中国其它地方一样,翘首以待世界各地的宾朋!

Checking in 入住登记

27.We reserved six rooms for three the day before yesterday. 前天我们预定了六间三人房。 28.Here is the name-list with the group visa.这是我们的名单和集体签证。

29.By the way, would it be convenient to see the room now? 顺便问一下,现在看看房间方便吗? 30.Four rooms for men and the rest two for women. 四间住男客,剩下的两间住女客。 31.We look forward to welcoming you. 我们期待着您的到来。

32.If you are ready, the bellboy will take you to your room. 33.如果您准备好了,服务员就带您去您的房间。 34.Will you please call me up at 6 o\' clock? 35.请您6点钟叫醒我好吗?

36.Here are the vouchers for your breakfast buffet.37.这是你们的早餐券。

38.There is a recreation centre on the ground door. 在一楼有一个娱乐中心。 39.Wish you a nice stay here.祝您入住愉快。

40.I hope you’ll have a good time here. 希望您在这过得愉快。

Itinerary Planning 行程安排

41.Hello everybody, can everyone hear me? = Can all of you hear me? 大家都能听到我说话吗? 42.I’d like to say something about tomorrow’s arrangement.我想说一下明天的行程安排。

43.The tour starts at 9 o’clock tomorrow morning and lasts about two hours.明天上午九点出游,大约游玩两个小时。 44.We’ll meet outside the hotel entrance at ten to nine.我们八点五十分酒店门口集合。

45.There are some sightseeing vehicles available here and there.随处都有观光车可以坐。

46.The tour will end at the Crystal Teahouse in the main square.旅游终点在位于主广场的水晶茶馆。

47.Before you go, please take care of your personal belongings.在你们出发之前,请保管好你们的私人物品。

Narrations on Tour 沿途讲解

48.Now we’re heading for it.我们现在就到那儿去。

49.The tour will start at 8 o’clock and will last four hours.这次旅游将在 8点钟开始,持续四小时。 50.I hope you will enjoy the tour.希望大家玩得开心。

51.The Great Wall was enlisted in the World Heritage by UNESCO in 1987.1987年,长城被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产。

A Lost Paport 遗失护照

52.Are you sure you’ve lost it? 你确定已经遗失了吗?

53.Have you looked in every poible place that you may have left it? 你是否已经在每个可能的地方都找过了? 54.Have you taken any taxis today? 你今天有没有乘坐任何交通工具? 55.Can you remember the taxi’s car number? 你能否记起车牌号码? 56.And after that we may contact with the driver to get back your paport.然后我们可以和司机联系以取回你的护照。 57.It’s my job.


Calling the First Aid Center 打电话到急救中心

58.Please send an ambulance to 68th Hu Nan Road.请派一辆救护车到湖南路 68号。

59.I think the patient is suffering from a heart attack.我认为病人心脏病犯了。 60.He’s very ill.他病得很厉害。

61.What’s the trouble with him, doctor? 医生,他到底怎么了? 62.When could I take care of him? 我什么时候可以照顾他?

Going through Customs 通关

63.Now we are at the Customs Office. 我们现在到海关了。

64.You have to stand in line and wait for your turn. 你必须排队等候。 65.You are required to declare it.您需要报关。

66.Do you have anything to declare? 您有需要报关的物品吗?

67.You don\'t have to pay duty on personal belongings. 个人物品不必缴税。 68.I don\'t know what\'s dutiable. 我不知道什么东西要纳税。

69.Do I have to pay duty on things for my own use? 个人物品要纳税吗?

70.Have you any contraband in your luggage? 您的行李里有违禁物品吗?

71.You\'ll be charged duty for the cigarettes over two hundred. 如果您携带香烟超过两百支,需要付税。

72.Fill in this Customs Baggage Declaration Form, please.请填好这份海关行李申报单。

73.There has been one change in our schedule.我们的安排有一点变化。

A Delayed Flight 航班延误

74.The staff here told me that the flight had been delayed due to the foggy weather.机场人员告诉我因为大雾天气,航班延误了。

75.The weather report said that the fog will be cleared away in 2 hours.天气预报说大雾在 2个小时内就会消散。 76.I’m afraid so.恐怕是的。

77.Why don’t we kill the time by looking around the shops and stores here? 我们为何不在这里的商铺看看,借以打发时间? 78.May be you will find something amazing.也许你能发现一些很不错的东西。

79.It offers a large variety of antiques including: coins, pottery and traditional Chinese paintings.里面有各种古董包括钱币,瓷器及传统中国画。

See You Again Soon 再见

80.Your current visit to Shanghai is drawing to a close.大家的这次上海之行即将结束。 81.It is a good banquet that does not end.天下没有不散的宴席。

82.I hope you have enjoyed all your stay.希望你们在这里过得愉快。 83.Bon voyage! 一路平安!

84.Could you fill out this form of evaluation for me? 您能帮我填写一下评估表吗?

85.I’d like to expre our heartfelt gratitude to you for your efforts and excellent services.对于你们所付出的努力和所提供的优质服务,我们表示忠心地感谢。

Seeing Guests off at the Airport 机场送客 86.Here we are at the airport.现在我们到达机场了。

87.Would you please wait for me for a few seconds? 请等我几分钟好吗? 88.Take your time.慢慢来。

89.It’s time for us to say goodbye to each other.是我们相互道别的时候了。 90.Thank you for all your kindne.感谢您的好心。 91.Hope to see you soon.希望能再次见到您。 92.A happy journey home.归途愉快。

A Farewell Speech 欢送词

93.How time flies! 时光飞逝。

94.Your trip to China is drawing to a close.你们来华的旅程即将结束。 95.We thank you for coming.我们感谢诸位的来访。

96.We would thank you again for your great patience, cooperation and understanding, which have made our job easier.我们要再次感谢各位给予的良好耐心、有力合作和充分理解,这些使得我们的工作变得更便捷。

97.The tour couldn’t have been that succeful without your support.没有各位的支持,这次旅游不可能如此成功。 98.There is nothing more delightful than to meet friends afar.有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎 99.I would like to welcome you back.希望与大家再相会。

Introducing scenic spots 景点介绍

100.Shall we go to Tian\' an men Square first? 我们先去**广场,好吗?

101.The Tian\' an men square is the largest urban square in the world. **广场是世界上最大的城市广场。

102.To your right is the Rostrum of the Gate of Heavenly Peace. 在你的右边就是**城楼。

103.Within the Forbidden City there are 9, 999 rooms. 紫禁城内有9999间房子。

104.\"Nine\" is a lucky number, and it\'s the most favorable to emperors. “9”是幸运数字,皇帝最喜欢这个数字。

105.The Great Wall meanders from east to west for about 6,000 kilometers or 12,000 Li.


106.Construction of the Wall first began during the Warring States period about 2,500 years ago.


107.Hangzhou has always been known as “the earthly paradise”. 杭州一直被视为“人间天堂”。

108.Let\'s enjoy the wonderful view of West Lake. 我们来欣赏西湖的绮丽风光吧。

109.There is paradise in heaven and there are Suzhou and Hangzhou in this world. 上有天堂,下有苏杭。 110.It\'s a typical Chinese garden. 这是一座典型的中国式园林。 111.It is the way ancient architects lay out things in the gardens that makes them unique.


112.Those who want a taste of life in a traditional water town can take boat tours. 哪位想体验一下传统的水镇生活,可以坐船游览。

Beijing Opera 京剧

113.Beijing opera, you know, is an integrated performing art on the Chinese stage.


114.Besides facial make-up and costume, it has four areas of performance.


115.There are four main groups of characters, namely the male lead, the female lead, the painted face and the clown.


116.The male lead plays the role of an ordinary man; the female lead plays the role of an ordinary woman; the painted face stands for men with distinctly different looks and characters and the clown plays the role of a humorous or an evil man.“生”是普通男人的统称,“旦”是女人的统称,“净”则代表具有明显不同外表和个性的男人,“丑”代表幽默或邪恶的人。


a four-star hotel 四星级酒店 a sightseeing vehicle 观光车 actor [ˈæktə] n.演员(尤指男演员) actre [ˈæktris] n.女演员 airport [ \'eəpɔ:t ] n.机场

amazing [əˈmeɪzɪŋ] adj.1.令人惊异的2.令人大为惊奇的;(尤指)令人惊喜(或惊羡、惊叹)的

ambulance [ \'æmbjuləns ] n.救护车 arrangement [ ə\'reindʒmənt ] n.安排 banquet [ˈbæŋkwit] n.1.宴会, 盛宴2.筵席

be heading for 朝……行进 Beijing opera 京剧 bellboy [\'bel\'bɔi] n.男侍者 breakfast [ \'brekfəst ] n.早餐

character [ˈkæriktə] n.1.品质, 特性, 特色2.人物, 角色 cigarette [ˌsiɡəˈret] n.1.纸烟, 香烟

coin [kɔin] n.1.(统称)硬币2.(一枚)硬币;金属货币 contraband [\'kɔntrə\'bænd] n.1.走私,禁运品 走私者 convenient [kənˈvi:njənt] adj.1.方便的, 便利的, 合适的 cooperation [kəuˌɔpəˈreiʃən] n.1.合作, 协作2.协助;配合 costume [ˈkɔstju:m] n.1.(戏剧或电影的)戏装,服装 cultural relics 文化遗迹 Customs Office 海关

declare [ di\'klɛə ] v.宣布,声明,申报 delay [ di\'lei ] n.耽搁,迟滞v.耽搁,延迟

delightful [diˈlaɪtfəl] adj.1.令人非常高兴的, 讨人喜欢的 distinctly [diˈstɪŋktli] adv.1.清楚地,清晰地2.无疑地,确实地 draw to a close 渐近结束

dutiable [\'du:ti:əbəl, \'dju:-] adj.1.应缴税的 duty [ \'dju:ti ] n.责任,职责

enjoyable [ in\'dʒɔiəb(ə)l ] a.有趣的,愉快的 entrance [ in\'trɑ:ns ] n.入口

evaluation [iˌvæljʊˈeɪʃən] n.1.估价,评价;估算 excellent services 优质服务 female lead 女主角 first aid center 急救中心 fog [ fɔg ] n.雾 foggy [ \'fɔgi ] a.有雾的

gratitude [ˈɡrætitju:d] n.感激, 感谢 heart attack 心脏病

heartfelt [ˈhɑ:tfelt] adj.衷心的; 诚挚的 historical sites名胜古迹

humorous [ˈhju:mərəs] adj.滑稽有趣的;有幽默感的 introduce [ ,intrə\'dju:s ] v.介绍

journey [ \'dʒə:ni ] n.旅程,旅行,行程 v.旅行 kindne [ \'kaindnis ] n.仁慈,好意 line [ lain ] n.行,线,航线 look forward to doing sth.期盼做某事 luggage [ \'lʌgidʒ ] n.行李 make-up 化妆(品) male lead 男主角

memorable [ \'memərəbl ] a.值得纪念的 name-list申请旅客之名单 outside [ \'aut\'said ] ad.在外面 paradise [ \'pærədaiz ] n.天堂 parking lot 停车场 paport [\'pɑ:s.pɔ:t] n.护照 patience [ˈpeiʃəns] n.耐心 pay duty 纳税

performance [pəˈfɔ:məns] n.演出, 表演 personal belongings 私人物品 play the role of 担任…角色 pottery [ˈpɔtəri] n.陶器, 陶器器皿

reception [ ri\'sepʃən ] n.接待,招待会,接收,欢迎,接受 recreation centre 娱乐中心

reserve [ ri\'zə:v ] n.预备品,贮存,预备舍vt.保留,预订,延期 scenic spots风景点

schedule [ˈʃedju:əl] [美] [ˈskɛdʒul, -uəl, ] n.时间表, 日程安排表

shuttle bus 大巴车

sightseeing [ \'saitsi:iŋ ] n.观光,游览 square [ skwɛə ] n.广场 n.正方形 the earthly paradise 人间天堂

The Great Wall Forbidden City 长城 故宫 tour [ tuə ] n.旅游,观光旅行,任期v.旅行,周游 tourist [ \'tuərist ] a.旅游的n.旅游者,观光者 traditional [trəˈdɪʃənəl] adj.传统的, 惯例的 trip [trip] n.旅行, 旅游

understanding [ˌʌndəˈstændiŋ] n.了解; 相互理解, 谅解

UNESCO( United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization)联合国教科文组织

urban [ˈə:bən] adj.城市的 view [ vju: ] n.视野,风景,见解

voucher [ˈvaʊtʃə,ˈvaʊtʃə(r)] n.凭证, 代金券 Warring States period 战国时期 weather report 气象报告 welcome [ \'welkəm ] vt.欢迎 World Heritage 世界自然遗产

第13篇:导游英语 (6)


Ancient city of Pingyao (Ming:1368-1644)—the “turtle city” Situated in the seat og Pingyao city in Shanxi Province in central China, the ancient city was built in the third year of the Hongwu reign period (1370) of the Ming Dynasty.The square city wall built with bricks is 6.4 kilometers in circumference, 12meters high and five meters wide in average.The watchtower was built on the outer wall ar 50-meter intervals, and there is a corner tower on each of the four corners.On the city wall, there are 3,000 batterents and 72 watchtowers, symbolizing that Confucius had had 3,000 disciples, of whom 72 were outstanding.Certainly, it is a coincidence.The city wall was built in the shape of a turtle with six gates, hence the name “Turtle City.” A bird’s-eye view will find that the city is surrounded by a moat, and the city wall has six gates: One on the south, one on the north, two on the east and two on the west.The gates on the south and north walls symbolize the head and tail of the turtle, and the gates on the east and west walls stand for the feet.In ancient china, the turtle is an auspicious animal, symbolizing longevity and as solid as rock.

All the streets, houses and shops in the ancient city of Pingyao remain intact.The government residences, altars, temples and other large architectural structures in the old city are laid out according to the ranking system of traditional rite, which is a rare living example for the morden people to study the organizational system of a county and the military defensive system in ancient China.The Ancient city of Pingyao had been included in the World Heritage List by the UNESCO.(From the marvels of China) Part 3 presentation of pingyao

Pingyao lies in the middle drainage area of the Yellow River and on the western bank of Fen River in Shanxi province, the birthplace of Chinese civilization.It is a city with a unique style of a most perfectly preserved county in China as well as an outstanding city model of Han Nationality style in Ming(1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties.It is said to be the home of Tao, a legendary sage king in ancient China.In ancient, it was used to be called “Gutao”, and over time were renamed Pingyao, Zhongdu and Jingling.The name of Pingyao has been used for over 1,500 years since North Wei Period (386-534).

It is said about 70% of the ancient ground architectures and historiacal relics are gathered in Shanxi province.As an important ancient city in Shanxi, Pingyao has many places of interest and a large number of ancient architecture and historical relics have been left in its long history, which are rarely found in other parts of China.For instance, there are 5 state-level and 4 province-level historical sites included in the over 300 ground and underground historical relics.There used to be thousands of ancient cities like Pingyao throughout Chinese history.However many of them were reduced to relics or are remembered only as memories.The history and the culture of Pingyao, the well protected ancient city, is a rare treasure of human civilization unanimously recognized by the world.

Pingyao, the important origins of Shanxi merchants, has been knoen for its large number of people doing busine throughout China in the Ming and Qing dynasties.Commerce in Pingyao les to prosperity and merchants and dealers from all over China gathered here.The city gradually became one of the main busine centers of the province in the past.The busine of transportation, wholesale, sale and transfer were highly developed.Pingyao’s leading role in commerce supported the prosperity of the city.It also stimulated the city construction and allowed the development of sophisticated infrastructure and arthitecture such as streets, stores and dwelling house.Rich merchants built shops and houses according to high geomantic quality at that time.

The perfectly protected ancient city wall winds its way 6 kilometers firm barbican entrance to the city.It’s imposing and tragic momentum, firm barbican entrance and the superstructure piercing into the sky all make magnificent pictures at dawn or dusk.

Shuanglin Temple has over 2,000 ancient painted sculptures, which make it one of the most attractive and magnificent art museums in China.It earns the titles of “Treasures House of the Orient Painted Sculpture Art” and “Treasure of the world”.

The Ten-thousand-Buddha palace in Zhenguo Temple is famous for its novel structures and imposing manner.The palace is one of the oldest wood-structured buildings of the remaining in China.The painted sculptures in the palace are important treasures of the five dynasties.The Cixiang Temple’s brick tower of Jin Dynasty(265-420) is prestigious in its unique sets of brackets on top of the columns supporting the beams within and roof eaves consisting of tiers on outstretching arms.The Dacheng Palace of the Confucian Temple is magnificent and elegant.It is one of the oldest Confucian temples in China.

Richeng Chang, the first Chinese draft bank, is noted for its capacity of remitting money in China.Since the prosperity of commerce promoted the development of finance, the bank dealt with the busine of remittance, deposit and loan through China and in Ancient countries.Compared with other banks in Pingyao, Risheng Chang was famous for its economic power and 400 branches coving 70 cities and various items of service from government to owners of handicraft industry and commerce.During the most flouring 100 years of Shanxi, the fortune center was not in the provincial capital Yaiyuan but in Pingyao, Taigu and Qi County.

第14篇:导游英语 (9)

Yuncheng Tourism

Yuncheng in Shanxi Province is the birthplace of Chinese Nation.Endowed with the soul of Chinese Nation, the fertile land nears the Yellow River, as well as the resources in Salt Lake, and it used to the hometown to emperors, the birthplace of China, and the root of Chinese people.Since the ancient time, it was the place where the men of letters and the gifted talents were born.Nowadays, the city boasts a prosperous busine and the people live a happy life.

Yuncheng boasts a profound history and magnificent landscape.The historical site and relics, the national sceneries are dotted on the area like the stars in the sky or the dots on the cheboard, forming its extreme abundant tourism resources.

There are majestic natural landscapes.Taking the Salt Lake, Hukou Waterfalls of Yellow River as the representative, and the renowned ancient ruin and structures, such as Guandi Temple, Yongle Palace and Pujiu Monastery etc., which boast great value in the terms of appreciation, sight viewing and art.The Salt Lake

The winding Yellow River has nurtured the civilization of China while the Salt Lake in Yuncheng nurtures the Salt culture of China.Located in the basin in the south of Shanxi Province, the Salt Lake was formed in fourth age of Cenozoic.As the land rose into the mountain and a large number of minerals which are mainly composed by salt were left behind.

After a long period in deposition, a natural salt lake came into being.The salt lake in Yuncheng enjoys the same popularity with the Dead Sea in Israel which was renowned in the world.Taking a bird‟s eye, the fields are cro linked in the lake and thousands of silver islets like a piece of jade dotted around the Zhongtiao Mountain.

The silver light reflected from the surface made the salt lake reputed as “silver lake”.The Yongle palace

Located to the east of Longquan Village about three kilometers to the north of Ruicheng county, Yongle Palace was originally set up on the historical site of the capital of Wei Kingdom in Western Zhou dynasty.As an ancient building which boasts some influences towards home and abroad, it is word renowned for its mural painting.

The murals in conservation share same popularity with those in Mogao Cave in Dunhuang.

Yongle Palace was formerly a Taoist temple, set up for worshipping Lv Dongbin, one of eight immortals in Taoism with the original name of “Dachunyang Longevity Palace”.It was later renamed to Yongle palace for its location in Yongle Village of Ruicheng town.

Firstly started in the second year of Dingzong‟s period in Yuan dynasty, the overall construction lasts more than 110 years, including the construction of the mural paintings until the 18th in Zhizheng‟s period of Yuan dynasty.

In the palace, the temples and halls which are scattered around in a low density are grand and majestic.

Except for the gate, four splendid halls made in Yuan dynasty are lined along the middle axis, namely, Dragon and Tiger hall, Sanqing Hall, Chunyang Hall, and Chongyang Hall.

These buildings of Yuan dynasty are excellent heritages in the ancient architecture of China.They are unique in the plain layout for that there are no wing halls on the east and west.

In term of the architecture structure, it adopted the methods used in Song, Liao and Jin dynasties and formed its own style.As the main body of the Yongle Palace, Sanqing Hall or Wuji Hall boasts a large scale.

In the term of art of architecture, colorful paintings, as well as the decoration of the statues, the hall is regarded as a refining art ware.The walls inside the hall were hung with the giant murals which are reputed as the elaborate art ware in mural paintings.It is names Chaoyuan Picure, which depicts the scene when all the divinities went to pay the God.

The art in paintings plays a vital role in the history of the development of art in folk.

In 1963, when the duplicates of the murals paintings were on road to Japan, these paintings cause a sensation.Chunyang Hall was also named as Huntian Hall or Lvzu Hall.And it was made especially for worshipping Lv Dongbin, who was named Chunyangzi.The height of this hall is similar that of the Sanqing.However, its scales is only second to it.The ceiling of the hall is of single cave, the sculptures of curved dragons are placed on the both side of the Kelly gra.

The last hall on the middle axis is named “ Chongyang Hall” or “Ximing Hall”.The hall houses the statues of Wang Chongyang, the founder of Quanzhen sect of Taosim as well as his seven disciples, hence was named “Quanzhen Hall”.

Yongle palace is one of the birthplaces of Taosim and it has been under construction for over 100 years.The majestic scale and the careful arrangement make it very precious art heritage in Taosim.In special, the grand and exquisite murals make people amazed.

According to the claics, steles and tablets in the hall, Yongle Palace was said to be the birthplace of Lv Dongbin.After his death, locals rebuilt his residence into “Lv‟s ancestral house”.At the end of Jin dynasty, the story of Lv Dongbin became much-told and more and more people came to worship so that the ancestral house was enlarged into a Taosit temple.However it was burnt down in the third year of Taizong‟s reign of Mongolia.Preserved Yongle Palace was established in Yuan dynasty when Qiu Chuji, the leader of Quanzhen Taoism, was appraised by the emperor.The emperor ordered to upgrade the temple into palace and appointed Pan Decheng to preside the construction.

After 15 years, the main body of the palace was finished in the third year in Zhongtong‟s reign and the murals were finished in the 18th year in Zhizheng‟s period.

The construction lasted for over 110 years which is even the period of Yuan dynasty.Although there are some renovations in Ming and Qing dynasties, its original landscape has never changed.After the liberation, for the reason that Yongle Palace was located in planned drought area in Irrigation Project of Sanmen Gorge, on the decision of the state council, Premier Zhou Enlai agreed to set aside over two million Yuan to remove the palace.

The project lasted for seven years and eventually all the structures and murals were move here as a compact, which enables this historical site preserved nowadays.Guandi Temple Guandi Temple in Heizhou is 20 kilometers to the southwest to the city proper of Yuncheng.

Firstly established on the beginning of Sui dynasty, the temple has come through many times of renovations and projects for enlargement with a total coverage of about 18,576 square meters, it is the biggest temple among all the Guandi Temples around the country, reputed as the crown for the temple, for enshrining and worshipping Guan Yu.

The temple in Heizhou Town is in a style of a palace, surrounded by cyan bricks and red walls.The gatehouses are majestic with carved beams and painted rafters, rows upon rows of halls and mansions feature unturned eaves and Dougong brackets.

Guandi Temple of Heizhou was firstly built in the ninth year in Kaihuang‟s reign in Sui dynasty, and was rebuilt in the seventh year in Xiangfu‟s period in Song dynasty.After that, it has been destroyed and rebuilt for several times.

The architecture in preservation now is the result of a ten-year-project started from the 41st year in Kangxi‟s reign in Qing Dynasty, after it‟s burning down by the fire.By the street lined from the east and the west, it was divided into the south and north part, taking an area of over 66,600 square meters.The south part of the street is named Jieyi Garden, which is comprised by Jiayi Archway, Junzi Archway or Gentlemen‟s Archway, Sanyi Mansion, Lotus Flower Pond, and the artificial rockery etc, structures.The garden features a luxurious peaches forest imitating the scene when three heroes became blood brother in the peach garden in the claic story of the Romance of Three Kingdom.It was said that this stony meteorite is the incarnation of Guan Yu.He was ever the powerful support to the authorities of Shu and Han Kingdom.Although he was dead in Dangyang, his soul has tuned into the spirit stone and kept on bleing the authorities.

Countle ancient tablets and steles as well as the cyprees tre are gorgeous and imposing.The complex of the temple is comprised by two parts, namely Jieyi Garden and the main temple.The main temple is also comprised by the yard in the front and the palace in behind.

From the Duan Gatehouses, the Zhi Gatehouse, Front Gate, Imperial Library, Chongning Hall, Chunqiu Mansion or Spring and Autumn Mansion etc structures are lined in order.On the both sides, the stone archway, wooden archway, Bell House, Drum House,Knife House, Seal House, the eastern and western Lodge are symmetrically and strictly arranged.

There are many Guandi Temples in China.However, this one is the largest.As Guanyu was born in Changping village of Heizhou Town, the temple was hence named as the ancestral Temple for Guandi.It echoes with the Confucius Temple in Qufu which is the hometown of Confucius in Shangdong Province, forming the originations for the worship to the saints in culture and military.

Wu Gate is a five-entry gatehouse with single eave and stone corridor with sculptures.Two sides on the stone neat railings are carved out with all kinds of aspersion patterns and about 114 interesting figures.

In the south of the house, are the pictures for Zhou Cang and Liao Hua, who are the famous generals in the period of Three kingdoms.Croing the gatehouse and a wooden archway, we arrive to the Imperial Library.With a former name of „Bagua Mansion‟ or “Eight Diagrams Manson”, and it was renamed for the memory of the stele inscribed by Emperor Kangxi in the 27th year of Qianlong‟s period in Qing dynasty.

The Mansion is not tall but is refining.The tablet pavilion and the Bell Pavilion are facing with each other in the east and the west to the north of the Imperial Library.In the Tablet Pavilion with double eaves and spire is a jade tablet in the 12th year in Yongzheng‟s reign in Qing dynasty.Guanque tower

Along the mountain sink the last rays of sun, Towards the sea the Yellow River does forward go.If you would fain command a thousand miles in view, To a higher story you are expected to go.

The much told verse of “ on the stork tower” by Wang Zhihuan in Tang dynasty depicts a scene.When the poet took a bird‟s eye on Guanque Tower or Stork Tower situated in Yongji county of Shanxi Province.It was named in the ancient for there were ever storks taking rest on the tower.

In Northern Song dynasty, a great general named Yu Wen ordered to set up a tower to safeguard the land outside the Yellow River.For its imposing body, unique framework and majestic vigor, men of letters in succeive dynasties would like to ascend the towers, recite poems and expre their emotions, which is so encouraging for the Chinese nation is widely known.Although it is only 20 characters, it represents the splendid vigor for the landscape in the north of China, integrating the philosophic ideas harmoniously in the scenery becoming a claical verse.The poem was made for the tower while the toer got famous for this poem.While Tengwang Tower got famous for Wangbo, Yueyang Tower by Fan Zhongyan, Huanghe Tower by Cui Hao and Li Bai, the Guanque Tower or Stork Tower is renowned by Wang Zhihuan.The Yellow River area is one if the earliest birth places of civilization of mankind.The ancestors of Chinese nation have created a glory history.

On the second floor of Guanque Tower, 12 compartments depict the story and tales of locals by means o fpictures, paintings, waxworks, and scenes, si that we could see with our eyes the profound history of the culture and history in the east of Yellow River.Si-ma Guang is a prominent talent who was already very clever in his childhood.The story that he had ever broken a big jar for saving a drowning boy, was made into picture in the ancient and was widly spread in the capital and Luoyang.Si-ma Guang was a person with moral uprightne and made significant achievements in the study of history.His “Zhizhi tong jian” or “comprehensive mirror for aid in government ” was consider one of the earliest historical works in history.

The tales on Guanque, Concubine Yang, and the stories such as the Godde‟s making up the sky, Huang Ti‟s fight against Chi You are living harmoniously with thw ancient archeological art.The harmony between the tales and the buildings, the space and the tome, the history and the future, enriches the Stork Tower a traditional and profound culture background, which makes the tower an elegant historically renowned tower.

The third floor of the tower adopts advanced technologies such as the sound, light and electricity to reappear the procedures in making salt, casting iron, raising silkworm and brewing alcohol etc, by the means of waxworks and scenes, representing the profound Chinese civilization and the development in the technology of iron casting in mid Tang dynasty.The folk art performance, shadow play, scior-cut and new year picture represent the diligence and the wisdom of local people, as well as the rich folk art activities.Since its establishment, the Stork Tower as a historically famous tower has attracted countle men of letters, litterateurs, and celebrities as well as the tourists from around the country since Sui and Tang dynasties for its advanced position and majestic outline.Looking out from the window, you could enjoy the rolling could and peaks.The tourists bury themselves in the good scenery in front of the tower, the good surroundings outside and the town itself, and recall the figures and the tales in the past.

The Stork Tower is a myth, a story and a dream.The tower coming through many times in rise and fall, has witneed the great changes happened on the land of Puzhou, depicted the brilliant civilization in the east area of the Yellow river, represented the new hopes for the future.After enjoying the deposition of Chinese culture, the visitors ascending the Stork Tower let their imaginations fly.Hukou waterfall

Situated in Qinjin Valley in the middle reaches of Yellow River with the west of hukou Villey of Yichuan County of Shaanxi province, the east of Ji County of Shanxi province, the kettle Spout Fall or Hukou waterfall is the county‟s second biggest waterfall after Huangguoshu waterfall in Guizhou province.

The two banks of the waterfall is planked by verdant peaks.When the mightly Yellow River flows through mountains and gorges to Hukou, the billowy water streams with a width of over 300 meters narrow suddenly into only a bit over 50 meters, falling 30 meters into a deep riverbed liked a hers of galloping horses, transforming the quite river into a turbulent one.The riverbed here is like an enormous teapot absorbing all the rushing water, so the waterfall is named Hukou waterfalls.( kettle spout Falls)

Hukou waterfalls boast a magnificent vigor.The surroundings of the waterfall feature a unique scenery, hence it eas listed into scenic area under the protection of the state.

There are many wonders at Hukou waterfall, such as smoke from the river, boasts on land, rainbows in the sunshine, and so on.In Hukou the water falls to the deep pond from a relating high place, stirring the mist which rises high into the air like surging heavy smoke coming out of the river.You can see various shapes of rainbows formed by the rising mist, refracted by the sunshine from different angles.Sometimes rainbows are arched, cutting into the river from the sky like a dragon playing with water sometimes they are colored ribbons lying acro the river; some times they become colorful maes which change second by second.The thundering sound can be heard from quite a distance.The view of Hukou waterfalls changes according to the seasons.In spring the frozen ground thaws and the stalactites of snow fall into the pond like the mountains collapsing and the earth cracking up.In summer and autumn there is much rainfall.With the rains, the river rushes and the yellow waves seem to reach the sky.In winter Hukou waterfalls gives the visitors another new look.On the surface of the silvery ice waterfalls, cool water flows down.Litter silver icicles hang on the cliffs around the waterfalls.It presents you a distinctive natural landscape of the northern region of China.The width and the height of Hukou waterfall can not boast as large.However, the volume of its rushing currents is tremendous.In withered period of winter, its volume per second reaches 150 to 300 cubic meters.

The frozen river with little flowing streams gave people a sense of elegance.At the beginning of April, the volume per second dramatically increases to over 1,000 cubic meters, and even 8,000 for peaks as soon as the river unfreezes.At this time, the big water flow will rush down with the sound like the roaring of lions or tigers.In summer, the volume of currents increases to the range from 1,000 to 2,000 cubic meters.At this time, the water level in the lower reaches will sink so that the fall got bigger.Giant waterfall drops down with a stunning sound and the water sprays splashed out eject into the sky like arrow.In no time the sprayers turn into little beads which turn into a hazy white fog eventually.In raining seasons of fall, the water in the rivers flow here so that the river volume reaches to over 3,000 cubic meters.All the waterfalls connect into one.The roaring waves are rolling with a thundering sound.A poet named as Guang Werran got inspiration from the majestic scenery of Hukou waterfalls and he wrote an imposing verse, which goes that the wind is blowing, the horse is blaring and the Yellow River is roaring.The solemn Yellow River is the mother river for the descents of Yan-di and Huang-di, as well as the Epitome of Chinese Nation.The Hukou waterfall which is full of various postures and magnificent sceneries if the representative of Yellow River, as well as the high light of Chinese Nation, of all ages, countle men of letters, and literatures would like to praise the Yellow River by verse, which has represented he words in the heart of the Chinese people.


It\'s a pleasure to take you to Shanghai.My name is Maggie, is a guide to your trip to Shanghai, I will accompany you throughout the 2 days of Shanghai time。From here to Shanghai we will be driving for 4 hours.On the way, we will see the longest sea bridge in the world.Its name is Hangzhou Bay Bridge, a total length of 36 km。Shanghai is an international metropolis, gathered from all countries in the world of foreigners。Next, I will give you a brief introduction to the trip。To Shanghai, we go to eat lunch at first.。Then we went to visit the Oriental Pearl Tower。Shanghai is the characteristic of people more cars and more houses。So many people will visit the attractions.We need to wait。Next visit Shanghai Museum。Give you 1 hours of free time.,

On the second day, we will go to Town God\'s Temple to shop for free,There are a lot of small commodities in China。The quality is not good but it is very cheap.If you want to buy cheap things would have to bargaining.Finally there are several matters needing attention。1, pay attention to safety, be careful of the car。2, watch out for your bags.3.Follow the team, don\'t get separated。If you want to go to the toilet, you must speak with the tour guide or your partner.



请把下面词组翻译成你所报考的语言领队 tour leader 2 自然保护区 nature reserves 丝绸之路 the Silk Road 4仰韶文化 Yang shao culture 司母戊鼎 Si Mu wu Square veel 6古典园林 claical gardens 7龙门石窟 the Long men Grottoes 计调 sales and marketing reserchers 9 大雄宝殿 the Mahavira Hall 包价旅游 package tour



I would like to buy my friends some souvenirs which are of reasonable price and convenient to carry.

2 对不起,我必须通知你们,你们乘坐的航班由于天气的原因已被取消

3 黄河中下游地区被人类学家和考古学家称为”中华文明的摇篮”

4 唯有牡丹真国色,花开时节动京城.

True peonies alone most reflect the true qualities of a nation.Every bloom causes a sensation in the capitical.


6这是25张到北京的登机牌和1张到东京的登机牌.每张登机牌上都写有座位号和登机门号.7毋庸置疑.一个好的导游是一次成功旅游的关键.8首先,我代表我们社对你们的到来表示热烈的欢迎.9客人离店结帐时,需要把房间钥匙还给前台吗? 10.我想再来一份牛排,我特喜欢牛排,

把下面短文翻译成你所报考的语言 1.河南地处中原腹地,文明源远流长。河南在中华民族文化乃至东方文化的形成与发展上有非常重要的地位。从中国第一个王朝夏开始,先后有20多个朝代的200多位帝王建都或迁都于此,留下了难以尽数的名胜古迹。 2.随着近些年的发展,大约有将近一亿元人民币投入到该景点的基础设施建设当中。加大宣传力度与强化内部管理,景区为游客提供了优美的环境和一条龙服务,包括食,住,行,游,购,娱。


4,从文化意义上讲,我国最重要的山当属五岳,即东岳泰山(山东省),西岳华山(陕西省),中岳嵩山(河南省),南岳衡山(湖南省)和北岳恒山(山西省)。五月的命名是有各自的位置相应而来的。如嵩山是五岳中最东的一座,因而名为东岳。自古至今,这五座山的名望很高。有五岳归来不看山之说。各座山上都能欣赏到美丽的风景,同时他们也代表了中国不同地区山群特色和上面的景色。 用你报考的语言回答下面问题

1.2.3.导游员上佳服务原则都包括哪些?(至少五条) 一篇欢迎词一般应包括哪些内容?(至少五条)


1,Reception fee 2,Meals fee 3,Tour-organizing fee 4,partially tour waiver for escort

5,Transportion fee between cities6,Fee for hotel accommodation.7,paying the differences for breakfast 8,Additional fees






相对完整(包括地理位置,历史背景,经典名称由来,景区布局及有特色的,游客感兴趣的主要景点)(一个是判断题 一个是补全对话题型)








Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.【称呼语】

Welcome to Panyu.【表示欢迎】

Please sit down and relax.Your luggage will be sent to the hotel by another bus, so you don\'t haveto worry about it.【稳定游客情绪】

Let me introduce my team first.Mr.Zhang is our driver.He has 25 years of driving.My name is Gao Xiaoming, your tour guide, you may just call me Mi Gao, which is my surname.We\'re from the China International Travel Service(CITS), Panyu Branch.On behalf of CITS Panyu and my colleagues, I\'d like to welcome to you all.【略作介绍,再表欢迎】

During your stay in our city, we\'ll do everything poible to make your visit a happy experience.If you have any problems or requests, please don\'t hesitate to let me know.【提出建议】

You\'re going to stay at Panyu Hotel, a luxurious, five-star hotel.The hotel is in downtown, it is easy acce to many places of interests in Panyu.And you\'ll be staying our city for two and a half days.【提醒入住地点和时间】

There is one thing I must warn you against.You must remember the number of our bus.The number is 84645555.let me repeat: 84645555.【提醒游巴电话】

I hope you\'ll enjoy your stay in our city!


Ladies and gentlemen:

Welcome to ______!May I introduce my Chinese colleagues to you This is Mr ____ from (China International Travel Service).He will travel with you throughout the trip in China.This is Mr ____,our driver.His bus number is ***.My name is ______.I am from CITS.My job is to smooth your way,care for your welfare, try my best to answer your questions, and be your guide/interest during your stay in ______.If you have any special interest, please tell your tour leader and s/he will let us know.We`ll try our best to make your stay in ____ a pleasant one.We highly appreciate your understanding and co-operation.


Welcome to CHINA, Welcome to SHENZHEN

Please sit back and relax, Your luggage will be sent to the hotel by another bus,so you do not have to worry about it.

Let me introduce my team first.Mr x is our driver,He has 20years of driving underhis belt, so we are in very safe hands.I always call my English name is xxx,my Chinese name is xxxx,you may call me xxxx or Mrxx, which is my family name.we are from SHENZHEN OVERSEAS INTERNATIONAL TRAVE SERVICE,On behalf of xxxand my colleagues, I ’d like to extend a warm welcome to you all.

During your stay in our city, I will be you local guide, I will do everything poible to make your visit a pleasant experience.If you have any problems or requests,Pls do not hesitate to let me know.

you are going to stay at the Crown plaza hotel, a luxurious ,five star hotel, Althouth the hotel is not exactly in downtown SHENZHEN, it is strategically located with easy acce to many tourist attractions.As you will be staying in our city for two days, you will do well to remember the number of our bus and my Phone NO., the bus NO.is xxx ,my phone NO.isxxxx.let me repeat....

There is one thing I must warn you against, You must not drink an tap water in the hotel, because un boiled water might make you ill.

I do hope you will enjoy your time in our city.


流程及角色分配 Part1:欢迎词

↓ Part2:住宿

↓ Part3:游玩

↓ Part4:购物

↓ Part5:送机

Part1:Welcome Speech Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.Welcome to Fuzhou.Please sit back and relax.Your luggage will be sent to the hotel by another bus, so you don’t have to worry about it.Let me introduce my team first.Mr.Zhang is our driver.He has 20 years of driving under his belt, so you’re in very safe hands.Ms.Lin, a recent college graduate, is a trainee tour guide.My name is xiangzhongzhen, but you may just call me xiaoxiang, which is my surname.Or call me Jenny, which is my English name.We’re all from Nanning Oversea International Travel Service.On behalf of the company and my colleagues, I’d like to extend a warm welcome to you all During your stay in our city, Ms.Lin and I will be your local guides.We’ll do everything poible to make your visit a pleasant experience.If you have any problems and requests, please don’t hesitate to let us know.You’re going to stay at theshangri-la Hotel, a luxurious five-star hotel.you’ll be staying in our city for three days, you will do well to remember the number of our bus.The number is 97710.Let me repeat: 97710.I hope you will enjoy your stay in my city

Part2:Checking in Tourist is A B C

Front office agent is F

F:Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to the West Lake Hotel.Now。I’d like to tell you something about the hotel we’re going to stay in.This hotel is a five-star hotel,There are over 350 rooms of international standard, including single rooms, double rooms and suites.There are two spacious Chinese restaurants offering all styles of Chinese cooking.They are located on the seventh floor.On the first floor, there is a deluxe western-style restaurant.Tomorrow morning we are going to have our breakfast there.There are also a bar, a 24-hour café and an outdoor patio with drinks.If you want to do some exercises, you can go to the health center, where there are billiard room, bowling alley and indoor swimming pool.They are ready to serve you at your convenience.If you want to have more details, you can get a brochure from the Front Desk.If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me.Thank you。 F:Ok,ladies and gentlemen.Your room keys and breakfast vouchers are in the envelopes on this table.Breakfast is served from 7:00 to 10:00 a.m.at the restaurant on the first floor.Upon your arrival there tomorrow morning, please hand the waiter your voucher F: Do you have any questions, please? A:I want to know Have a morning call tomorrow? F: yeah。you will leave the hotel at 9:00 o’clock for sightseeing tomorrow.So we’ve arranged your wake-up call for 7:00.B: Could you bring my baggage down to the lobby the day after tomorrow morning? F:Sure.What time are you leaving? B: the day after tomorrow morning At 8 o\'clock F:ok。Please leave them outside your room Before 8o \'clock C: Have a laundry room in the hotel? I have some laundry.F: yeah。Please put your laundry in the paper bag and write down the contents of the laundry on it C: I need them tomorrow,Will it be ready by tomorrow?

F: no problem

Part 3:Traveling

Tourist is A B C

guide is G G: Hello everyone! Welcome to Fuzhou .I am your local guide.you can call me Xiaoxie .walk down street.we’ll reach the lanes and seven alleys. The most famous ancient block in Fuzhou.A: Sounds good.I think it’s very interesting to travel historical street.There are so many alleys in Fuzhou.why should we travel on the three lanes and seven alleys? G: The three lanes and seven alleys located in the heart of Fuzhou city .is the well preserved architectural complex of Ming and Qing Dynasty.It’s important symbol to show the long history of Fuzhou city .It enjoys a reputation of“the museum of the buildings of the Ming and Qing Dynasty.”

B:I see .it’s bleed with a rich history .shall we go? G: Yes .please C: Ok.I’d like to ask you some questions about the three lanes and seven alleys ,Just to refresh your mind .what’s mean the three lanes and seven alleys ? G: It comprises of Yijing Wenru and Guanglu lanes to the west .and Yangqiao Langguan Anmin Huang Ta Gong Gibi alleys to the east.The design of the small streets is a typical LiFang street system of ancient china.A: I’ve heard of the Nanhou street .A landmark in the three lanes and seven alleys is Nanhou street sitting at the axes of the whole complex .Am I right? G: Right .It used to be important busine street where is gather.The most shops of traditional handcraft in Fuzhou .you can almost buy whatever you like.B: I want to by some gifts for my for my girlfriend .can I get it? G: Of course.Nowadays.This street with the modern businees .If you want to go shopping .Nanhou street is your first choice.C: Mi xie .It’s getting hot .can we find somewhere to have a rest.G: All right .have you seen the street in the middle of the table..we can sit down and have a cup of drink.A: But I’m a bit hungry , may I take the KFC? G: No problem.Besides Chinese restaurants .there are KFC Pizza a hut Starbucks and shops of traditional feature.B: Amazing.I cannot expect there are so many choices of western food here. G: That’s very good .we’ll stay here for fifty minutes .just take a nap.C: Thank you.


Tourist is A B C

Guide is G A: We’d like to buy some souvenirs of our stay here.It’s such a pleasant journey.G: I’m very glad to hear that.this way, please, here are many shops.H: Oh, that’s great.S: Hi, can I help you? A: Yes, please, we want to buy some souvenirs for our family.S: All our souvenirs are in this section.Which kind do you like better? A: Hum, could you give us some information about it? S: On the left are paper umbrella ,on the right are horn combs, in the middle are bodile lacquerware.These are the there treasure of Fuzhou..paper umbrella has long history.Umbrella fabric made by tiue paper which spread with boiled tung oil, dieminate acro Japan, korea, Vietnam, Thailand, laos and so on.B: I know some knowledge about horn comb.The choice of materials and production proce of Fuzhou comb very important..only choose the solid texture, not to hurt the skin of the south buffalo, cattle and sheep in the north corner.C: Fuzhou bodile lacquerware is the pioneer of the qing dynasty qian long refecture of Fuzhou province county (now Fuzhou city) paint artist shen shaoan.S: Yeah, you know so much! What do you like? A: I like paper umbrella, it’s so beautiful.B: Hum, bodile lacquerware is quite distinctive.C: I want to buy a horn comb.C: How much it is? S: Bodile lacquerware is 1200 RMB, horn comb is 30 RMB, paper umbrella is 15RMB.B: Bodile lacquerware is a little expensive.Do you think it’s poible to get a discount.S: Hum, since you like it so much, how about a 10 percent discount, that’s the best I can offer.C: That’s great.Could you wrap it up for us? S: Sure, is here anything else, can I get for you? A: No, Thank you.

Part5: A farewell speech

Tourist is A B C

Local guide is L L: Good afternoon ,ladies and gentlemen! Time goes so quickly and you visit to Fuzhou is drawing to a close.Tomorrow morning you will be leaving Fujian by plane.What do you think about this trip? A: I had a very enjoyable stay in Fujian I have been to many tourist attractions and places of historical interest! A wonderful trip.L:I’m so happy that you had a good time .During your stay in Fujian ,you have visited the major scenic spots in Fujian .Some of you are impreed by the Three alleys and seven lanes, the landmark of Fujian .some appreciate the Xihu park and the drum mountain.C: Thanks to the trip .I know more about the history and culture of Fujian.And made acquaintances with so many friends .before I come here ,I only had an understanding of Fuzhou from books and papers.Now I’ve seen with my own eyes.L; It’s important to learn from real life .Two days ago ,we met as strangers ;today ,we did farewell to each other as friends.A Chinese saying goes ,”A good friend from afar brings a distant land closer.”

B: wonderful, I hope we’ll keep in touch.L: Ok I will keep in touch with every one .By the way ,please do me a small favor.Would you please leave you comments with us, as well as your friendship? Just fill the evaluation forms before you board the plane.H: OK no problem! L:thank you all for the understanding and cooperation you have given us in the past two days .you have been very punctual on all occasion, which made things a lot easier for our work.You have been very attentive when we had something to tell you. Parting is such sweet sorrow .It is happy to meet ,sorry to depart ,and happy to meet again.As you have probably observed.Fujian is developing very quickly.If you come back in the future I hope to be your guide again.Once again ,thank you for you cooperation and support.Bon voyage! C: Thank you ! L: Bye ! H: Bye!



Meeting Guests 迎接客人

1.Welcome to China! 欢迎您到中国来! 2.Did you have a good trip? 旅行愉快吗?

3.You all need a good rest first.你们都需要先休息一下。 4.Is everyone in the group here? 全团的人都在吗?

5.Shall I help you with your luggage? 让我来帮您拿行李好吗?

6.The shuttle bus is just waiting in the parking lot.大巴正在停车场等位。

On the Way to the Hotel 至饭店途中

7.Is everybody on the bus? 每个人都在车上了吗? 8.Shall we go now? 我们现在可以出发了吗?

9.Let me introduce my team to you first.首先让我来向大家介绍一下我的团队。 10.It’s one of the best four-star hotels in the city.它是这个城市最好的四星级酒店之一。 11.I hope you will enjoy your stay there.我希望你能在那住得愉快。

12.Next, I’d like to introduce something about this city.接下来,我想要介绍一下有关这个城市的一些情况。 13.I’m afraid you need a good rest first.


14.Let’s get off and go to the reception desk.让我们下车去接待处。

A Welcome Speech 欢迎词

15.Allow me to introduce myself.请允许我在这里作一下自我介绍。

16.And this is Mr.Deng, our driver, who has had 10 years of driving experience.这是我们的司机邓师傅,他有10年的驾龄。

17.We’ll do everything poible to make your visit a pleasant experience.我们将竭诚使你们一路游览愉快。

18.If you have any problems or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to let us know.如果你们有任何问题或者建议,请尽管告诉我们。 19.Please do remember the plate number of our bus.请务必记住我们的车牌号。

20.Beijing, the capital city of the People’s Republic of China, is the country’s political and cultural center.中华人民共和国的首都——北京,是国家的政治和文化中心。

Checking in 入住登记

21.We reserved six rooms for three the day before yesterday. 前天我们预定了六间三人房。 22.Here is the name-list with the group visa.这是我们的名单和集体签证。

23.By the way, would it be convenient to see the room now? 顺便问一下,现在看看房间方便吗? 24.Four rooms for men and the rest two for women. 四间住男客,剩下的两间住女客。 25.We look forward to welcoming you. 我们期待着您的到来。

26.If you are ready, the bellboy will take you to your room.

27.如果您准备好了,服务员就带您去您的房间。28.Will you please call me up at 6 o\' clock? 29.请您6点钟叫醒我好吗?

30.Here are the vouchers for your breakfast buffet.31.这是你们的早餐券。

32.There is a recreation centre on the ground door. 在一楼有一个娱乐中心。 33.Wish you a nice stay here.祝您入住愉快。

34.I hope you’ll have a good time here. 希望您在这过得愉快。

Itinerary Planning 行程安排

35.Hello everybody, can everyone hear me? = Can all of you hear me? 大家都能听到我说话吗? 36.I’d like to say something about tomorrow’s arrangement.我想说一下明天的行程安排。

37.The tour starts at 9 o’clock tomorrow morning and lasts about two hours.明天上午九点出游,大约游玩两个小时。 38.We’ll meet outside the hotel entrance at ten to nine.我们八点五十分酒店门口集合。

39.There are some sightseeing vehicles available here and there.随处都有观光车可以坐。

40.Before you go, please take care of your personal belongings.在你们出发之前,请保管好你们的私人物品。

Narrations on Tour 沿途讲解

41.Now we’re heading for it.我们现在就到那儿去。

42.The tour will start at 8 o’clock and will last four hours.这次旅游将在 8点钟开始,持续四小时。 43.I hope you will enjoy the tour.希望大家玩得开心。

44.The Great Wall was enlisted in the World Heritage by UNESCO in 1987.1987年,长城被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产。

A Lost Paport 遗失护照

45.Are you sure you’ve lost it? 你确定已经遗失了吗?

46.Have you looked in every poible place that you may have left it? 你是否已经在每个可能的地方都找过了? 47.Have you taken any taxis today? 你今天有没有乘坐任何交通工具? 48.Can you remember the taxi’s car number? 你能否记起车牌号码? 49.And after that we may contact with the driver to get back your paport.然后我们可以和司机联系以取回你的护照。 50.It’s my job.


Calling the First Aid Center 打电话到急救中心

51.Please send an ambulance to 68th Hu Nan Road.请派一辆救护车到湖南路 68号。

52.I think the patient is suffering from a heart attack.我认为病人心脏病犯了。 53.He’s very ill.他病得很厉害。

Going through Customs 通关

54.Now we are at the Customs Office.


55.You have to stand in line and wait for your turn. 你必须排队等候。 56.You are required to declare it.您需要报关。

57.Do you have anything to declare? 您有需要报关的物品吗?

58.You don\'t have to pay duty on personal belongings. 个人物品不必缴税。 59.I don\'t know what\'s dutiable. 我不知道什么东西要纳税。

60.Do I have to pay duty on things for my own use? 个人物品要纳税吗?

61.Have you any contraband in your luggage? 您的行李里有违禁物品吗?

62.You\'ll be charged duty for the cigarettes over two hundred. 如果您携带香烟超过两百支,需要付税。

63.Fill in this Customs Baggage Declaration Form, please.请填好这份海关行李申报单。

A Delayed Flight 航班延误

64.The staff here told me that the flight had been delayed due to the foggy weather.机场人员告诉我因为大雾天气,航班延误了。

65.The weather report said that the fog will be cleared away in 2 hours.天气预报说大雾在 2个小时内就会消散。 66.May be you will find something amazing.也许你能发现一些很不错的东西。

67.It offers a large variety of antiques including: coins, pottery and traditional Chinese paintings.里面有各种古董包括钱币,瓷器及传统中国画。

See You Again Soon 再见

68.Your current visit to Shanghai is drawing to a close.大家的这次上海之行即将结束。 69.It is a good banquet that does not end.天下没有不散的宴席。

70.I hope you have enjoyed all your stay.希望你们在这里过得愉快。 71.Bon voyage! 一路平安!

72.Could you fill out this form of evaluation for me? 您能帮我填写一下评估表吗?

73.I’d like to expre our heartfelt gratitude to you for your efforts and excellent services.对于你们所付出的努力和所提供的优质服务,我们表示忠心地感谢。

Seeing Guests off at the Airport 机场送客

74.Here we are at the airport.现在我们到达机场了。

75.Would you please wait for me for a few seconds? 请等我几分钟好吗?

76.It’s time for us to say goodbye to each other.是我们相互道别的时候了。 77.Thank you for all your kindne.感谢您的好心。 78.A happy journey home.归途愉快。

A Farewell Speech 欢送词

79.Your trip to China is drawing to a close.你们来华的旅程即将结束。 80.We thank you for coming.


81.The tour couldn’t have been that succeful without your support.没有各位的支持,这次旅游不可能如此成功。

Vocabulary a four-star hotel 四星级酒店 a sightseeing vehicle 观光车 actor [ˈæktə] n.演员(尤指男演员) actre [ˈæktris] n.女演员 airport [ \'eəpɔ:t ] n.机场

amazing [əˈmeɪzɪŋ] adj.1.令人惊异的2.令人大为惊奇的;(尤指)令人惊喜(或惊羡、惊叹)的

ambulance [ \'æmbjuləns ] n.救护车 arrangement [ ə\'reindʒmənt ] n.安排

banquet [ˈbæŋkwit] n.1.宴会, 盛宴2.筵席

be heading for 朝……行进 Beijing opera 京剧 bellboy [\'bel\'bɔi] n.男侍者 breakfast [ \'brekfəst ] n.早餐

character [ˈkæriktə] n.1.品质, 特性, 特色2.人物, 角色 cigarette [ˈsiɡəˈret] n.1.纸烟, 香烟

coin [kɔin] n.1.(统称)硬币2.(一枚)硬币;金属货币 convenient [kənˈvi:njənt] adj.1.方便的, 便利的, 合适的 cooperation [kəuˈɔpəˈreiʃən] n.1.合作, 协作2.协助;配合 costume [ˈkɔstju:m] n.1.(戏剧或电影的)戏装,服装

cultural relics 文化遗迹 Customs Office 海关

declare [ di\'klɛə ] v.宣布,声明,申报 delay [ di\'lei ] n.耽搁,迟滞v.耽搁,延迟

delightful [diˈlaɪtfəl] adj.1.令人非常高兴的, 讨人喜欢的 distinctly [diˈstɪŋktli] adv.1.清楚地,清晰地2.无疑地,确实地 draw to a close 渐近结束

dutiable [\'du:ti:əbəl, \'dju:-] adj.1.应缴税的 duty [ \'dju:ti ] n.责任,职责

enjoyable [ in\'dʒɔiəb(ə)l ] a.有趣的,愉快的 entrance [ in\'trɑ:ns ] n.入口

evaluation [iˈvæljʊˈeɪʃən] n.1.估价,评价;估算 excellent services 优质服务 female lead 女主角 first aid center 急救中心 fog [ fɔg ] n.雾 foggy [ \'fɔgi ] a.有雾的

gratitude [ˈɡrætitju:d] n.感激, 感谢 heart attack 心脏病

heartfelt [ˈhɑ:tfelt] adj.衷心的; 诚挚的 historical sites名胜古迹

humorous [ˈhju:mərəs] adj.滑稽有趣的;有幽默感的 journey [ \'dʒə:ni ] n.旅程,旅行,行程 v.旅行 kindne [ \'kaindnis ] n.仁慈,好意 line [ lain ] n.行,线,航线

look forward to doing sth.期盼做某事

luggage [ \'lʌgidʒ ] n.行李 make-up 化妆(品) male lead 男主角

memorable [ \'memərəbl ] a.值得纪念的 parking lot 停车场 paport [\'pɑ:s.pɔ:t] n.护照 pay duty 纳税

performance [pəˈfɔ:məns] n.演出, 表演 personal belongings 私人物品 play the role of 担任…角色 pottery [ˈpɔtəri] n.陶器, 陶器器皿

reception [ ri\'sepʃən ] n.接待,招待会,接收,欢迎,接受 recreation centre 娱乐中心

reserve [ ri\'zə:v ] n.预备品,贮存,预备舍vt.保留,预订,延期 scenic spots风景点

schedule [ˈʃedju:əl] [美] [ˈskɛdʒul, -uəl, ] n.时间表, 日程安排表

shuttle bus 大巴车

sightseeing [ \'saitsi:iŋ ] n.观光,游览 square [ skwɛə ] n.广场 n.正方形 the earthly paradise 人间天堂

The Great Wall Forbidden City 长城 故宫 tourist [ \'tuərist ] a.旅游的n.旅游者,观光者 traditional [trəˈdɪʃənəl] adj.传统的, 惯例的 urban [ˈə:bən] adj.城市的

voucher [ˈvaʊtʃə,ˈvaʊtʃə(r)] n.凭证, 代金券 weather report 气象报告

welcome [ \'welkəm ] vt.欢迎


