
2022-05-13 来源:其他范文收藏下载本文


道具:篮子,玩具面包,狼的头饰、衣服,玩具尾巴,小红帽的帽子、衣服,妈妈的围裙。A: Little Red Riding Hood’s motherB: Little Red Riding HoodC: WolfD: GrandmotherE:Farmer

Little Red Riding Hood 第一场:Little Red Riding Hood家

Mum:(妈妈拿着一个篮子,把桌子上的水果放在篮子里)Little Red Riding Hood:(唱着歌,欢快地跑进来)Hi,mummy, what are you doing?

Mum: (一边把水果放在篮子里,心事重重地说)Grandma is ill.Here are some apples and bananas for Grandma.Take them to Grandma.Little Red Riding Hood:(边提起篮子,边点头说)Ok!Mum: (亲切地看着Little Red Riding Hood说) Be good.Be careful.Little Red Riding Hood: Yes ,mummy.Goodbye, mummy.Mum: Bye-bye.Darling.


(一阵轻快的音乐由远而近,Little Red Riding Hood挎着篮子蹦跳跳地跳到花草旁)

Little Red Riding Hood: Wow!Flowers, how beautiful! (放下篮子采花)One flower ,two flowers, three flowers.

Wolf:(随着一阵低沉的音乐,Wolf大步地走上台)I am wolf.I am hungry.(做找东西状,东张西望) Here is a little red riding hood.

Hi! Little Red Riding Hood.Where are you going? (做狡猾的样子和Little Red Riding Hood打招呼)

Little Red Riding Hood:(手摸辫子,天真地回答)To

Grandma’s.Grandma is ill.

Wolf:(自言自语)I\' ll eat Grandma.But……(对Little Red Riding Hood说)Hey, look! 6 little baby ducks.

Little Red Riding Hood:(和6只鸭子随着音乐翩翩起舞) Wolf:(悄悄地藏到大树后)

Little Red Riding Hood:(停止跳舞)Hello! Baby ducks,how are you?

Six Ducks:We’ re fine.Thank you. Where are you going?

Little Red Riding Hood:To Grandma’s.Oh, I must go, bye.Six Ducks:Goodbye.



Wolf:(从树后出来,边走边说)I am very hungry now.(做找寻的样子)Where is Grandma’ s house? (高兴地对观众说)Aha , it’s here.(敲门)Bang, Bang, Bang.

Grandma:Who is it?

Wolf:(装出Little Red Riding Hood的声音,一边得意地摇动尾巴,一边说)It’s me.Little Red Riding Hood.

Grandma:(边说边起床) Come in, come in.

Wolf:(得意洋洋地走到床边) Grandma , I’ll eat you.

Grandma: (惊慌失措地抓紧衣服,瞪着眼睛,边叫迫从床上滚到地上)灰狼把外婆吞到了肚子里。

Wolf:(得意地拍拍肚子,翘起大拇指)Yummy!I’ll sleep.Little Red Riding Hood:(高兴地敲门)Grandma.Grandma. Wolf:(装扮成Grandma的声音) Who is it?

Little Red Riding Hood:It’s me。Little Red Riding Hood.What a strange noise!

Wolf:Come in, Come in.

Little Red Riding Hood:(蹦跳着进来,把篮子放在桌子上,走到床前一看,跳回几步)Oh! What are big ears!

Wolf:I can listen to your sweet voice.

Little Red Riding Hood:Wow! What a big eyes!

Wolf:I can see you pretty face.

Little Red Riding Hood:Oh! What a big hand.

Wolf:I can hug you.Little Red Riding Hood:(跪在床前,拉起Wolf的手,边摸边说)Look! What a big hands?

Wolf:(从床上跳起来说)I can eat you!

Little Red Riding Hood:(拼命地跑)Oh!No! No!

Wolf:(追到Little Red Riding Hood,做吃状,拍拍肚子说)It’s delicious.I still sleep.I like sleeping.

Hunter:(一边拿着枪,一边做寻找状出场)Where’s the wolf? Look!

A door.(推门)The wolf is sleeping.


Hunter:(端起枪想打,又放下)What a big stomach! (摸摸Wolf的肚子)Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood are inside .I must be hurry.(从桌子上拿起剪刀,举起) Look! Sciors.(做剪Wolf的肚子)Cut, cut, cut.

Little Red Riding Hood/Grandma:Thank you.

Hunter:Grandma ,give me some needles and thread.Little Riding Hood ,Give me some stones.


Little Red Riding Hood:(搬来几个石头)One, two, three.Hunter:(把小石头装进Wolf的衣服里)

Grandma:I\'ll thread it.

Hunter:(拿起枪)Woke up!

Wolf:(起床,两手托着大肚子)My stomach is so heavy.Hunter:You big bad wolf, raise your arms!

Wolf:(边跑边说) Help! Don’t shot me!

Hunter: (开枪)Bang, bang!

Wolf: (应声倒下)

Hunter:The bad wolf is dead.

Little Red Riding Hood和Grandma:Yeah! Thank you.

Little Red Riding Hood、Grandma、Hunter(一起鞠躬): Thank you



各位领导,老师们,同学们,中午好! 在这阳光灿烂的中午,我们怀着喜悦的心情,迎来了我校…年级英语课本剧大赛。今天,同学们不但将在这里展示英语风采,更将展示我校素质教育的成果。


参加本次大赛的选手分别是从各班中挑选出来的英语学习的佼佼者。他们对英语学习有着深深的喜好和感悟。今天,他们将发挥自己英语口语方面的特长,向我们展示英语的魅力及重要性。让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎选手代表上场。 我们有请其中一位代表发言


在比赛期间,希望同学们认真欣赏,保持安静。也希望各位选手遵守规则, 尊重评委,赛出风格,赛出水平。












第十请评委为第九 十组选手打分










罗马不是一天建成的,我们相信有付出就会有收获,相信我们都能延续今天的精彩,完成明天的梦想!通过今天的比赛,希望大家可以对英语学习有更深层次的认识! 我宣布,…小学三年级英语课本剧表演大赛正式结束:Good bye!





机器人商店售货员——Emily:刘蕴慧(E) 机器人一号——Jackson:姜浩楠(J) 马戏团老板——Caesar:强卫(C) 小刺猬——Hilary:胡津诚(H) 女主人——Cynthia:许晴(C) 旁白:梁芷凌(L)

L:在2050年的机器人的世界里,有一户普通平凡的家庭,这天,女 主人Cynthia正在天空公园上遛弯……

C:今天怎么了,总是有一种不详的预感呢? L:叮呲呲呲呲……这是,Cynthia的手机响了。 C:咦,是管家机器人打来的。(拿起手机) J:喂,我的主人Cynthia,不好了,不好了…… L:此时,管家机器人Jackson正在电话的另一端偷笑。 C:哦,Jackson,怎么了?别着急,慢慢说。

J:不好了,不好了,家里的水闸爆了,家里都快成露天游 泳池了! C:什么?我这就回来。

L:不过一会,主人就回来了。她急匆匆地从包里拿出钥匙, 慌张的开了门。 C:哦,Jackson,我回来了,家里怎么……

L:Cynthia的话还没说完,就止住了。只见屋内一切平静, 什么都没发生,而Jackson正在门口满脸笑容的站着。 Cynthia立即火冒三丈。 J:我的主人,你终于回来了。 C:Jackson这是怎么回事!


—1— C:你,你……

L:女主人气的说不出话来。便把门关上,气呼呼地走了。 C:这个可恶的Jackson,把我快气死了,要是他再恶作剧…… L:这时,电话又响了。 C:喂,谁啊!


L:此时,Jackson又在电话的一旁用模仿声音系统说着。 C:是,请问您是……

J:我是您小区物业的管理人员。 C:哦,是这样啊,怎么了? J:您家失火了,请赶快来一下。 C:什么?我马上就回来!

L:几分钟后,Cynthia就赶了回来。 J:欢迎回家!欢迎回家!

C:Jackson……我现在就带你去,我要把你换掉! L:女主人十分生气,把Jackson带到了机器人商店里。 L:他轻轻敲了敲门。 C:请问有人吗?

L:她提高嗓音,又喊了一遍。 C:请问有人么?

L:这时,商店的售货员出现在了她身后。 E:喂,人在这里啊!

C:啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!吓死我了! E:你怎么了,我Emily又不是鬼。 C:但和鬼差不多…… E:什么?

C:没,没什么,我的管家机器人坏了,我打算重新买一台。 E:那好吧,进来看看。

—2— C:这个好,就要这台了。

E:你确定。这是本店新进的机型,造价便宜,人工智能, 怎么样。 C:是吗?太好了。就要这台了,钱我会打到你的卡里的, 至于这台机器人吗……

E:您不介意就送给我Emily吧。 C:就这么定了。

L:Cynthia高高兴兴的走出了大门,回了家。 E:切,留着这破烂机器人有什么用!把它扔了去。 L:售货员Emily毫不犹豫的把Jackson踢了出去。 L:Jackson来到大街上,无心地踢着路边的石子,抱怨着。 J:真是讨厌至极,不就开个玩笑嘛。 L:Jackson走着走着,迎面来了一只小刺猬。 H:我是一只小刺猬,无忧无虑的小刺猬…… L:正当两个人走着走着时…… H:啊!谁踩了我的脚!

L:小刺猬Hilary立刻疼得跳了起来。 J:哦,对不起,我不是故意的。

H:什么!一句对不起就完了!天啊!世界上怎么会有这样 的人! J:我真不是故意的。


L:就这样,Jackson被小刺猬Hilary一拉一拽的带到了马戏 团。 H:诺,到了,这就是我们的马戏团。 J:哦。

H:我告诉你,我可是这里的明星,那。 L:小刺猬Hilary指了指墙上的海报。 H:看到了吧,今天你把我伤了,我跟你没完! J:哦。


—3— L:到了老板办公室,Hilary敲了敲门。可是…… C:谁啊? L:老板把门开开,这时……

H:啊!天啊,我的命啊,一天之内被踩两次脚!我的天啊! C:哦Hilary,我不是故意的。你来这找我什么事啊? L:小刺猬站起身来,拍了拍身上的灰,说 H:老板,这这这个人踩了我的脚! C:是吗?那就罚你在我这打工吧!

L:从此以后,Jackson就在马戏团里表演,几个月后,他就 和小刺猬Hilary变成了马戏团的大腕,为马戏团吸引来 了不少的财源,他们在一起,周游世界,快乐无比!

The English textbook drama \"robot sawyer\" Role play: Robot shop aistant-Emily: LiuYunHui (E) A robot, Jackson-: JiangHaoNan (J) The circus owner-Caesar: JiangWei (C) Little hedgehog-Hilary: HuJinCheng (H) The hoste--Cynthia: XuQing (C) Narrator: LiangZhiLing (L) L: in 2050 the robot in the world, has a family of ordinary ordinary families, this day, the female Master Cynthia is the sky park stroll is curved......C: today how, always have a premonition of unknown? L: ding yi yi yi yi......This is, Cynthia mobile phone rang.C: hey, is the steward call from the robot.(picking up the phone) J: hello, my master Cynthia, bad, bad...L: at this point, Jackson housekeeper robot is on the other side of the phone steal to smile.C: oh, Jackson, what? Don\'t try so hard, the slowly.J: good, good, the home of locks burst, home is turning into the swim The pool! C:??? I\'ll come back.L: but for a moment, master returned.She rushed from her bag, take out the key,

—4— The panic opened the door.C: oh, Jackson, I came back, the home how......L: Cynthia words haven\'t say that finish, stopped.See the house all calm, Nothing happened, and Jackson are all smiles at the door of the station.Cynthia immediately fire emit three zhangs.J: my master, you finally came back.C: Jackson what it is! J: and didn\'t ah, is just the roof off the two drops of water just. C: you, you......L: the hoste is too angry to say a word.He shut the door and angrily away.C: the hateful Jackson, I too angry, if he has another trick... L: at this time, rang again.C: hello, who ah! J: hello, hello, is this Cynthia lady? L: at this point, Jackson and in the phone side by imitate sounds system say.C: yes, do you...J: I\'m your residential property management personnel.C: oh, is so, why? J: your house was on fire, please hurry up to it.C:??? I\'ll be right back! L: a few minutes later, Cynthia hurry back.J: welcome home! Welcome home! C: Jackson...I\'ll take you to, I will take you changed.L: the hoste very angry, the Jackson brought to the robot shop.L: he gently knocks on the door.C: excuse me, someone? L: she raise my voice, called again again.C: excuse me, someone?

—5— L: at this time, the shop aistant in the behind her.E: hey, people in here!!!!! C: ah ha...ahhhhhhh! Frighten to death me! E: what\'s the matter with you, I Emily and not the demons. C: but and ghost almost......E:??? C: no, no, no.I stewards of the robot is bad, I\'m going to to buy one. E: ok, come in and see.C: this is good, will this one.E: you sure.This is our new models, are cheap, artificial intelligence, How.C: is it? Too good.Will this one, and I\'ll hit you money cary, As for the robot......

E: you don\'t mind gave me Emily it. C: it\'s a deal.L: Cynthia happily out of the gate, back home.E: cut, keep this junk robots have what use! Throw it away. L: the salesman Emily not hesitate to take Jackson played out.L: Jackson came to the street, carelely played the roadside stones, complained.

J: really dislike extremely, not a joke! L: Jackson walk, right against the face come a little hedgehog.H: I\'m a little hedgehog, carefree little hedgehog......L: as two people walk......H: oh! Who stepped on my foot! L: little hedgehog Hilary immediately hurts to jump up.J: oh, I\'m sorry, I didn\'t mean to.H: what! A I\'m sorry it is finished! Day! How in the world is this !!! J: I really didn\'t mean to.

—6— H: no, you want to and I went to see we circus owner! L: so, Jackson was a little hedgehog Hilary to pull a ye brought to the circus Group.H: hanoch, here, this is our circus.J: oh.H: I tell you, but I am here to star, that.L: little hedgehog Hilary pointed to the poster on the wall. H: see, today you have I hurt, I told on you! J: oh.H: oh what oh, fast and I went to see my bo! L: the bo in the office, Hilary knocked on the door.But, but......C: who? L: the bo the door open, then...H: oh! Oh, my life ah, one day be trample two feet! My day! C: oh Hilary, I didn\'t mean to.You come to this find I what matter? L: little hedgehog stood up, patted on the ashes, said H: bo, this this the man stepped on my foot! C: is it? That punish you in my job! L: from now on, Jackson was in the circus performance, a few months later, he was And the little hedgehog Hilary into a circus stars, for the circus to attract A lot of revenue, they together, travel around the world, joy!



1、龟兔赛跑(Hare and tortoise)


3、A proud peacock 骄傲的孔雀




1、龟兔赛跑(Hare and tortoise) Bird: Friends, friends, come here and have a look.(伙伴们,伙伴们,快来看啊!)

The hare and the tortoise will have a match again.(小兔和乌龟又要比赛了。) Monkey: The hare and the tortoise will have a match?(小兔和乌龟又要比赛了?)

Didn’t the hare lose last year? Why do that again?(小兔不是输了吗?怎么还要比呀?)

Bird: Yes, the hare lost the match last year, and her mother was too angry to eat anything in two days.(是的,小兔去年输了,兔妈妈气得两天没吃任何东西。)

Mother hare order them to have a match again this year.(兔妈妈命令他们今年再比一次。) Monkey: Oh, so it is.(原来是这样。) Together: ( Music)...! Monkey: Everybody, the match begins.(各就各位,比赛开始了。)

I’m the referee.(我是裁判)

Hare and tortoise, ready?(小兔乌龟,准备好了吗?)

Mother hare: Honey! Honey! Come on!(亲爱的!亲爱的!快过来!)

Have some coffee.(喝些咖啡。)

Hare: Mom, oh, I can’t drink it all.(妈妈,哦,我喝不下了。)

Mother hare: It can help you keep alert on the way.(它可以让你精精神神的。)

My little dear! Drink it quickly!(亲爱的!快点喝了它!)

Monkey: Mother hare, the match is going to begin.(兔妈妈,比赛要开始了。) Mother hare: Ah! The match is going to begin.(啊!比赛要开始了。) Monkey: Please ready, go!(预备,跑!) Birds: Come on, come on!(加油,加油!)

Tortoise will be the winner.(乌龟赢!)

Tortoise will be the winner.(乌龟赢!)

Hare: Yi? I know this tree, oh, yes! The gra is very soft.(我认识这棵树,是的,草软软的。)

I fell asleep comfortable under the big tree.(树下睡觉舒舒服服的。) This time I won’t sleep.(这次我不会再睡了。)

Oh? There are two routes.Here or there? Which one?(这里有两条路,这儿?那儿 ?哪条啊?) Mom, mom, help me, help me!(妈妈,妈妈,帮帮我,帮帮我。)

Tortoise: Hare, let me tell you, turn to the right.(小兔,我告诉你,向右。) Hare: Ah! Tortoise, you’re here? So fast!(啊!乌龟,你跑到这儿了?这么快!)

Come on, come on!(我得加油了!)

He’s my opponent, Can I believe him? choose the right way?No! (他是我的对手,我能相信他走右边吗?不!)

After I run farther, he will turn to the left,(等我跑远了,他再往左一拐。) Then I will lose the match.(那我就要输了这场比赛。)

Oh, yes, I should choose the left way.Run faster!(哦,是的,我应该选走边,快跑!) Tortoise: Hare, hare, you’ve gone a wrong way.(小兔,小兔,你跑错路了。) Come back, come back.(回来,回来。)

My friends come and help me!(伙伴们,快过来,帮帮我!)

Together: Tortoise, why don’t you run fast?(乌龟,你为什么不快跑?)

Mother hare: Oh, tortoise, Is it your turn to sleep under the tree this time? (哦,乌龟,这次是不是轮到你在树下睡觉了?)

Tortoise: Mother hare, look! Your daughter’s got a wrong way.(兔妈妈,看!你女儿跑错路了。) Mother hare: Oh, my god, why? Why is she going there?(哦,天啊,为什么?她为什么会去那儿?)

Didn’t you tell her it’s a wrong way?(你没告诉她那条路是错的吗?)

Tortoise: I told her, but she didn’t believe me.(我说了,但是她不相信我。)

She said “mother told me the opponent is the enemy.I couldn’t believe you.” (她说“妈妈告诉我对手就是敌人。我不能相信你。”)

Mother hare: Yes, I said that.(我是说过。)

My daughter’s got a wrong way, she can’t win the match.You run please! (我女儿跑错路了,她不能得冠军了,你跑吧!)

Tortoise: Mother hare, she’s got the wrong way, it’s unfair to her, I must find her.(兔妈妈,她跑错路了,这样对她不公平,所以我必须找到她。)

Hare mother: Tortoise, you, you’re a good boy.(乌龟,你,你是个好孩子,)

The match won’t go on.My daughter loses at the very beginning because of me.(比赛不用进行了,因为我的错误,我女儿在起跑线上已经输了。咳!)

Tortoise: Mother hare, it’s not important to win or lose the match.(兔妈妈,谁是冠军不重要。)

Let’s call her back,OK?(让我们把她喊回来吧!)

Together: Yes, you are right.OK!(是的,你说的对。)

Hare, hare, come back.Come back.(小兔,小兔,回来。回来。)


One day, Mother asked Little Red Riding Hood to take some fruits to her grandma, because Grandma was ill.On her way to Grandma\'s house, Little Red Riding Hood met a wolf.She talked with the wolf.Then the wolf ran to Grandma\'s house and ate her up!

剧中角色: Little Red Riding Hood(小红帽), Mother, Wolf, Six Ducks, Grandma

第一场:Little Red Riding Hood家

Mum: (一边走一边拍拍围裙,走到桌子旁停住。把桌子上的水果放在篮里) Little Red Riding Hood:(唱着歌,欢快地跑进来)Hi, mummy, what are you doing? Mum: (一边把水果放在篮子里,一边皱着眉说)Grandma is ill.Here are some apples and bananas for Grandma.Take them to Grandma.Little Red Riding Hood:(边提起篮子,边点头说)Ok! Mum: (亲切地看着Little Red Riding Hood说) Be good.Be careful.Little Red Riding Hood: Yes ,mummy.Goodbye, mummy.Mum: Bye-bye.Darling.第二场:在路上

(一阵轻快的音乐由远而近,Little Red Riding Hood挎着篮子蹦跳跳地跳到花草旁) Little Red Riding Hood: Wow!Flowers, how beautiful! (放下篮子采花)One flower ,two flowers, three flowers.Wolf:(随着一阵低沉的音乐,Wolf大步地走上台)I am wolf.I am hungry.(做找东西状,东张西望) Here is a little red riding hood.Hi! Little Red Riding Hood.Where are you going? (做狡猾的样子和Little Red Riding Hood打招呼) Little Red Riding Hood:(手摸辫子,天真地回答)To Grandma’s.Grandma is ill.Wolf:(自言自语)I\' ll eat Grandma.But„„(对Little Red Riding Hood说)Hey, look! 6 little baby ducks.Little Red Riding Hood:(和6只鸭子随着音乐翩翩起舞) Wolf:(悄悄地藏到大树后) Little Red Riding Hood:(停止跳舞)Hello! Baby ducks,how are you? Six Ducks:We’ re fine.Thank you. Where are you going? Little Red Riding Hood:To Grandma’s.Oh, I must go, bye.Six Ducks:Goodbye. 第三场:Grandma家

Grandma: (喘着气出场,颤颤悠悠地走到床前,吃力地坐到床边,喘了几口,打几个哈欠,慢吞吞地躺倒在床上。) Wolf:(从树后出来,边走边说)I am very hungry now.(做找寻的样子)Where is Grandma’ s house? (高兴地对观众说)Aha , it’s here.(敲门)Bang, Bang, Bang. Grandma: Who is it? Wolf:(装出Little Red Riding Hood的声音,一边得意地摇动尾巴,一边说)It’s me.Little Red Riding Hood.Grandma: (边说边起床) Come in, come in.Wolf:(得意洋洋地走到床边) Grandma , I’ll eat you.

Grandma: (惊慌失措地抓紧衣服,瞪着眼睛,边叫迫从床上滚到地上) 灰狼把外婆吞到了肚子里。 Wolf:(得意地拍拍肚子,翘起大拇指)Yummy!I’ll sleep. Little Red Riding Hood:(高兴地敲门)Grandma.Grandma. Wolf:(装扮成Grandma的声音) Who is it?

Little Red Riding Hood:It’s me。Little Red Riding Hood.What a strange noise! Wolf:Come in, Come in.Little Red Riding Hood:(蹦跳着进来,把篮子放在桌子上,走到床前一看,跳回几步)Oh! What big ears! Wolf:I can listen to your sweet voice.Little Red Riding Hood:Wow! What big eyes! Wolf:I can see you pretty face.Little Red Riding Hood:Oh! What big hands.Wolf:I can hug you.Little Red Riding Hood:(跪在床前,拉起Wolf的手,边摸边说)Look! What a big hands? Wolf:(从床上跳起来说)I can eat you! Little Red Riding Hood:(拼命地跑)Oh!No! No! Wolf:(追到Little Red Riding Hood,做吃状,拍拍肚子说)It’s delicious.I still sleep.I like sleeping. Hunter: (一边拿着枪,一边做寻找状出场)Where’s the wolf? Look! A door.(推门)The wolf is sleeping.Wolf:(发出呼呼的响声) Hunter: (端起枪想打,又放下)What a big stomach! (摸摸Wolf的肚子)Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood are inside .I must be hurry.(从桌子上拿起剪刀,举起) Look! Sciors.(做剪Wolf的肚子)Cut, cut, cut.Little Red Riding Hood/Grandma:Thank you.

Hunter: Grandma ,give me some needles and thread.Little Red Riding Hood ,Give me some stones. Grandma: (从桌子上拿来针线) Little Red Riding Hood:(搬来几个石头)One, two, three.Hunter: (把小石头装进Wolf的衣服里) Grandma: I\'ll thread it.Hunter: (拿起枪)Wake up! Wolf:(起床,两手托着大肚子)My stomach is so heavy.Hunter: You big bad wolf, raise your arms! Wolf:(边跑边说) Help! Don’t shot me! Hunter: (开枪)Bang, bang! Wolf: (应声倒下) Hunter: The bad wolf is dead.

Little Red Riding Hood和Grandma:Yeah! Thank you.

Little Red Riding Hood、Grandma、Hunter(一起鞠躬): Thank you.

3、A proud peacock 骄傲的孔雀

小松鼠:唱歌跳舞 小猴:Great! Great! Let me have a try.棒极了!棒极了!让我也来一个。 狐狸:Hi! You two, don’t play any more.嗨!你们两个,别再闹了。

The forest concert is going to begin.You’d better go and prepare for it.森林音乐会将要开始了。 你们最好快去做准备工作吧!

小猴:Look, I’m just preparing for it.看,我不正在排练吗?

狐狸:You little monkey! Don’t play any more.你这个调皮的猴子,别贪玩了。 小松鼠:Let’s go! Little monkey!我们走吧!小猴!

小猴:Would you like to go with us, Fox?你和我们一起走吗?狐狸?

狐狸:Thanks! But I’m going to invite the peacock to our concert.I’ll be back soon.谢谢!但我还要去请孔雀来参加我们的音乐会。 我马上就回来。 松鼠、小猴:See you later!等会见!

狐狸:See you later! My beautiful peacock.Where are you? Can you hear me?等会见!美丽的孔雀。 你在哪里? 你能听到我在叫你吗? 孔雀(上):Hi, I’m a peacock! Look! How pretty I am! 大家好!我是孔雀。看!我多漂亮啊! My colourful feathers.My beautiful cockscomb.Who have these just like mine? 我五彩缤纷的羽毛。 美丽的冠子。 你们谁有呢?

Oh! What are you saying? Have I got any friends? Oh, no, no. 哦!你说什么? 我有没有朋友? 哦,不、不。

I don’t need any friends.My only friend is me.


狐狸:Hello! My beautiful peacock.I’m looking for you everywhere.你好!美丽的孔雀。 我正到处找你呢。 孔雀:Looking for me? 找我?

狐狸:Oh, yes! We are holding a forest concert.Would you like to join us? 哦,是的!我们要举行一个森林音乐会。你愿意一起参加吗?

孔雀:Oh, no, no.I never play with any ugly ones.Look! Your ears are so long. 哦,不,不。我从不和丑陋的人一起玩。看!你的耳朵这么长,

They are too terrible.And all of your friends are ugly too.Do you think so?(对观众) 他们太可怕了。 并且你所有的朋友都和你一样丑陋。 你们说呢?

狐狸:My beautiful peacock.You are too proud.That’s bad for you. 美丽的孔雀, 你太骄傲了。 这对你不好。 。

Although we are not beautiful.We’ll help you when you need.虽然我们并不漂亮。但我们会在你困难的时候帮助你。

Please be our friend.And please join us! We all like your dance.请成为我们的朋友吧!并请参加我们的音乐剧吧!我们都喜欢你跳舞。

孔雀:Oh, no, no.I never dance for any ugly ones.And I’ll never need your helps.哦,不,不,我从不为丑陋的人跳舞。 并且我不需要你们的帮助。 狐狸:My beautiful peacock„„ 美丽的孔雀„„ 孔雀:(打断狐狸的话)Don’t say any more.You ugly fox.你别说了,丑陋的狐狸。

狐狸:Oh, I have to leave now.You are too proud.哦,我必须走了。 你太骄傲了。

孔雀:Oh, what a lovely day.The sun is so good!.Why not have a good sleep under this tree? 啊,美好的一天,阳光多好啊。 为什么不在这树下美美的睡上一觉? 大灰狼:I’m so hungry.I’m so hungry.I’m so hungry.我太饿了。 我太饿了。 我太饿了。

Oh, there’s a big hole in the tree.What’s in it? Is there something for me? 哦,那棵树里有一个大洞。那里面有什么呢?会有什么可吃的?

Oh, what’s that? A beautiful peacock! I think I won’t be hungry any longer.

哦,那是什么?一只美丽的孔雀! 我想我不会再饿肚子了。 Look! The two fat arms.They are delicious! 看!那两只结实的胳膊。他们一定美味极啦!


SW---白雪公主 Q---皇后 M---魔镜 H---猎人 P---白马王子 D---小矮人 A---小动物 音乐起, ----白雪出场

S.w: I mi my mother, Where is my mother? Where is my mother? (下台,找妈妈)mother„ 音乐起,皇后、魔镜出场 Q: I’m beautiful.Mirror, Mirror, who’s the most beautiful? (魔镜) M: S.w is much more beautiful than you! No,no...I am beautiful.No„ Q: Hunter, go,kill S.w.猎人出场

H: Yes, my queen 音乐起,小动物出场,追赶猎人,公主惊慌出逃 S.w: Help me ,help me, please, please A: what’s the matter with you? S.w: The hunter„hunter„ A: bite you bite you „ 小动物追赶猎人下场

S.w: I am tried and hungry, oh, there is a little house , I will eat a little and lie down.音乐起,7个小矮人出场,

D: 1\\Look, somebody ate my food---- 2\\somebody drank my water---- 3\\someone is sleeping now---- 4\\What a beautiful girl!---- 小矮人睡觉----音乐起公主先醒了----小矮人醒了----对话 5\\How do you do? S.w: How do you do? My name is S.w „ Nice to meet you! D: (齐说)Nice to meet you ,too---- 6\\ welcome to our house!---- 7\\Would you like to live here? S.w: My pleasure, thank you very much! D: Let’s go out for our work, bye-bye, S.W 皇后、魔镜出场

Q: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the most beautiful?

M: S.w is much more beautiful than you! Q: What? S.w is not dead? Hahaha, I got a good idea! 音乐起,皇后扮演老太太出场,对话 Q: Apple ,apple, beautiful apple, S.w: Hello, Good morning grandma! Q: pretty girl ,would you like a bite? S.w: Oh, yes ,thank you grandma! 白雪公主咬一口后倒地

Q: The girl is dead! Hahaha„ 小矮人出场、围着公主哭 S.w wake up, wake up„ 音乐起,动物引着王子出场

P: A beautiful girl! She shall be my queen! 王子吻公主,公主醒了

S.w: Thank you for your help! P: My pleasure



国王逼婚,公主外逃,路遇阿拉丁,两人感情好。当公主回国后,遭国师逼婚,软禁。阿拉丁知道后带着神灯和国师拼战。经过一系列的格斗,阿拉丁救出公主后,两人快乐地在一起。 Ss: You must marry to the prince Wang .XH: What? Ss: The prince Wang who has lost of money and power, and he will be the king of his country.You are well matched.ha ha„.

XH: But„but we didn’t know each other, I can’t follow you! heng! Ss: You must do it! That’s your responsibility! XH: I can’t, can’t„(run away)

She collide with LF when she is hanging out in the market.LF:I am sorry, are you OK? XH: well„.

At this time, XH see the soldiers coming.She is very nervous.XH: run, quick! LF: Give me your hand! (XH把手给了他.他们到了安全的地方聊天) LF: why did you run when the soldiers come? XH: well, tell you the truth.I’m the prince, my father want me to marry to a man who I have never seen him .I can’t lo my heart into him.So„I escape.

LF: What a pity! But you’ve done well! If I were you , I will do it like that! XH: Thank you! LF: So, let’s chase our life and lead our life, we should be happy.OK, come here.I have something to show you! This„„ (阿拉丁拿出神灯,口中念念有词,精灵HL出来了) HL: Hello, Aladdin! Oh„who are you? oh, she must be your girl friend.oh, hi what’s your name? wait, let me gue, er„you are prince, you escape from the castle because of your marriage.Yes? It’s must be.I am a fairy! Oh, I’m busy.I must go now, bey !

They walk in the street, chatting and laughing.QQ come out, and catch her.QQ: Oh ,my prince! please go back with me.we have been looking for you for a long time.XH: Well, well„.I have to leave now, see you next time! LF:bey bey QQ:I want power, I want money, I want everything, including you, my prince! SS: No, no, that’s impoible! You can’t do that! QQ:ha ha ha! 对国王和公主施了魔法 QQ:I will follow you! SS: I will follow you! Marry him! XH: I will follow you! marry you! LF: No, you didn’t do that, my prince!(手持神灯,闯了进来)神灯,神灯,快快显灵,I need your help! HL:en, I’m so sleepy.Ok, Aladdin,would you need my help?what’s the matter? I want to go sleep! LF: Relieve their witchcraft ,and give the bad man some punishment! HL:Yes sir!I am pleased to do that! malimalibeibeihong„

Then the fairy get the punishment,and the prince find her love—Aladdin .They fall in love with each other.

6、美女与野兽 Performer: the beast(丽芳 48) the handsome boy (黄林 25) Lumiere(琴琴 15) Cogsworth(珊珊 19) aside& begger (晓华 29) properties(15) script(29) This is a story about handsome boy and the beast.Once upon a time, in a faraway land, a young prince lived in a shining castle.Although she had everything her heart desired, the prince was spoiled, selfish, and unkind.But then, one winter\'s night, an old beggar man came to the castle and offered her a single rose in return for shelter from the bitter cold.Repulsed by her haggard样子凶暴的 appearance, the prince sneered at the gift and turned the old woman away, but she warned her not to be deceived by appearances, for beauty is found within.And when he dismied her again, the old man\'s ugline melted away to reveal a beautiful enchantre.The prince tried to apologize, but it was too late, for she had seen that there was no love in her heart, and as punishment, she transformed her into a hideous丑恶的beast, and placed a powerful spell on the castle, and all who lived there.Ashamed of her monstrous异形的form, the beast concealed隐藏herself inside her castle, with a magic mirror as her only window to the outside world.The rose she had offered was truly an enchanted rose, which would bloom until her twenty-first year.If she could learn to love another, and earn her love in return by the time the last petal花瓣fell, then the spell would be broken.If not, she would be doomed注定to remain a beast for all time.As the years paed, she fell into despair绝望, and lost all hope, for who could ever learn to love a beast?(We have seen a progreion of stained褪色的gla windows illustrating加上插图the narration故事, as well as BEAST shredding撕碎her portrait.The camera slowly zooms out from the castle and we see the title.Fade up on the home of BELLE.She exits the front door and begins her walk into town.) beggar man (XH) 手持饭碗,向公主(LF)乞讨:give me sth to eat, I am so hungry! LF 很凶暴,不给食物.问题很严重,XH很生气.手持魔棒,口中念着咒语:马里马里贝贝哄„„ LF开始变形(狂抓头发„„)

剧情展开:帅哥a kind and brave man(HL)出场dangdangdangdang „„后面围着一堆花痴,在讨论。 He match into a forest with a sword.He want to adventure.So brave! After a long walk, he lose his way and is catched by wolves,经过一翻作战,斗不过(体力有限),逃为上策。”help help„„”(HL),边叫边跑,误入一阴森的城堡。推门而入“Help! Is someone there?” (Watching from a table near the entrance are LUMIERE and COGSWORTH) 其他角色出场:LUMIERE(QQ)(手持蜡烛)COGSWORTH(SS)(挂个手表)

LUMIERE: (Barely whispering)The handsome boy must have lost his way in the woods.COGSWORTH: (Also whispering) Keep quiet! Maybe he\'ll go away.HL: Is someone there? COGSWORTH: Not a word, Lumiere.Not one word! HL: I don\'t mean to intrude, but I\'ve lost my horse and I need a place to stay for the night.LUMIERE: (looking at COGSWORTH like a child having just found a lost puppy) Oh Cogsworth, have a heart.COGSWORTH: Shush shush shhhhh! (COGSWORTH puts hand over LUMIERE\'S mouth, who promptly迅速的 proceeds动手 to touch his lit candle hand to COGSWORTH\'s hand.) Ow ow Ow OW OW OUCH!!!!! LUMIERE: Of course, handsome boy, you are welcome here.HL: (looking around in confusion) Who said that? (He picks up the candlestick for light, not realizing that the speaker is in his hand) LUMIERE: (Tapping him on the shoulder) Over here! HL: (Spins around, pulling LUMIERE to the other side) Where? LUMIERE: (Taps HL on the side of the head.HL looks at LUMIERE.) Allo! HL: Oh!!!! (Startled, he drops LUMIERE onto the floor.) Incredible不可思议的! COGSWORTH: (hopping over) Well, now you\'ve done it, Lumiere.Splendid, just peachy--aaarrrgghh! (HL picks up COGSWORTH) HL: How is this accomplished有教养的? (He fiddles with COGSWORTH) COGSWORTH: Put me down! At once! HL: I beg your pardon, it\'s just that I\'ve never seen a clock that...aah...i mean...aah aah aah-chooo!!!! LUMIERE: Oh, you are soaked弄湿 to the bone.Come, warm yourself by the fire.HL: Thank you.,对话太吵,引出LF.(BEAST enters.We see her in full for the first time.she is on all three.She looks around in the darkne.) LF: There\'s a stranger here.(很生气,转向HL)” Who are you! What are you doing here?”(QQ和SS吓的抱在一起) HL(胆子大,盯着她看):” I was lost in the woods and...” LF: You are not welcome here! HL: I\'m sorry! LF: What are you staring at? HL:Noth-noth-nothing! (Turns to leave)May I have a place to stay ? LF(奸笑):Of course!(转向QQ和SS)Take him to the prison.QQ和SS表情很为难:yes! master! The handsome boy practice martial arts in练武 the prison.He hear something about the beast from others.He know that the beast is a prince and eager to see what dose she look like.Sometimes the beast peek at the handsome boy in the dark place.She fall in love with him and worry about his life .(花瓣掉啊掉) One day, there are someone invade to the castle.And they are in danger.The handsome boy hear of the news.Then he run out the prison and fight with the enemy and want to save them.Unluckly, the beast was hardly hurt.QQ and SS was very sorrowful and they don’t know what to do.

HL(焦急地抱着LF) : (Crying) No, no! Please! Please! Please don\'t leave me! I love you!( (花瓣再掉啊掉) LF(扯掉面具,整理发型,露出微笑),HL(吓了一跳,把手放开,跳了起来) LF: Oh, Lumiere! Cogsworth! Look at us! QQ: It is a miracle奇迹! SS: yes,yes! HL and LF look at each other with smile„„




吴(1妈妈):Get up kitty!

张(1kitty):what time is it?

吴(1):Is seven forty!You are late!

张(1):Oh my god!

张(1):I’mbrush teeth.表演刷牙

张(1):I’m eat breakfast.表演吃早餐

陈(1旁白):kitty is go to school.she go to school by bike.


吴(2自行车):Hello! I’m kitty’s bike.Can I remind kitty obey the traffic rules.张(1)和吴(2):表演骑自行车

陈(1):Kitty riding a bicycle came to a croroads

徐(1红绿灯):Hello! I’m traffic lights.Now I am red.


吴(2):表演途中Kitty now is the red light, stop!

张(1)和吴(2):表演骑自行车 (张看了看吴)

陈(1):Kitty not bike, also increased speed.


徐(2警察):Hello! I’m policewoman.

徐(2):stop!You ran through a red light.

陈(1):The policeman ran to Kitty.

徐(2):Why would you ran a red light?

张(1):I go to school is late!(哭)

徐(2):I know, but you don\'t in bed for the red light!

吴(2):Right.Right.Violation of traffic rules is not good!


陈(1):kitty came to school,but she is was late!







课本剧,也可以叫做舞台剧,可以定义为呈现于舞台的戏剧艺术。由于现代科技的进步,不仅舞台的配套设施日臻完美,而且舞台自身的功能愈发齐全——灯光的旋、扫、闪,装置的升、移、摇,音效可以在剧院环绕,影像可以在舞台升腾;舞台可以横移,舞台可以旋转,舞台可以云山雾罩,舞台可以呼风唤雨…… 邵老师不停的提醒,课本剧和其他什么电视剧啊,电影啊都不一样,因为课本剧是一次性的,电视剧啊什么的演错了可以从来,但是舞台剧不可能你演错了再让你演,那是不可能的!英语课本剧不仅要考验你的演技和你的英语水平,更要考验你的耐心和你对课本剧的兴趣到底有多高。所以我们先用中文演,等中文熟练后再把英语套进去。





荣泰小学第五届英语节歌曲大赛的热度还没有退去,四至六年级的 “英语课本剧表演”比赛活动再次“引爆”校园。比赛于12月19日下午在阶梯教室进行,宋曲云校长、卓国生副校长、卓少立副校长、教导处吕钢主任应邀出席并进行观看和评审。







每次日常活动都有一个主题,围绕这个主题或情境,我们可以首先安排一个相关词汇的猜词游戏,或者词汇造句比赛。使同学们对这个话题的相关语言知识有个整体的认识和回顾,起到热身和活跃气氛的作用。待气氛调动起来以后,我们将展示一到两句经典英文谚语或名言警句,让他们跟读背诵,这可进一步提高同学们的“士气”,让接下来的活动可开展得有力度,效果好。此小环节可取名为“每周英语”(Every Week\'s English),用时不宜过长。接下来可以安排一个自由交流或者情景对话表演或短剧表演环节(可在每期预告下期的主题,好让同学们回家做些道具等方面的准备)。此环节结束后可以安排一小段相关话题的英语国家文化背景知识介绍,让他们了解刚才自己讨论的话题在国外又是怎样一种原汁原味的生活情景,让他们体会到自己所接触的语言是有实际使用价值的,让他们更加热爱英语。到此我们的英语沙龙日常活动的一期也就接近尾声。最后可以安排一个有趣的“舌头大挑战”,这可以是一首好听的英文歌,也可以是一句英语绕口令。可让同学们先把歌词或绕口令抄写下来,老师或小主持人教唱或领读几遍,再让他们自行练习几次,看谁能把歌曲尽快学会,谁能把绕口令说得又快又好。这不但可以让同学们看看自己有没有通过今天的活动练溜舌头,检验一下活动效果,也可以在结尾处给予他们一个在今后“炫耀本领”的机会。使他们对学习英语越来越感兴趣。(每期可以留一小部分时间出来专为愿意展示自己学习成果同学们,此小环节可取名为“let me show\",活动情况记录表(另附)可记录下各位同学的表现情况,学期末对表现突出的进行表彰-(推荐在专门为沙龙建立的网站版块上登出优秀参与者的名字)。











一、活动主题 复活节彩蛋











英语沙龙活动开始前,我们将提前藏好一部分彩蛋,让孩子们找出来, 彩蛋里面将放进写有单词的纸片,或者写点小谜语(尽量与复活节主题有关)























我非常喜欢英语沙龙俱乐部,在上课时,我学到了许多英语知识。例如:transport,action,happy face等为主题的英语单词和表达,我们还看了有趣的英语故事书,老师会帮我们解释故事的俄大意,我们还听过美妙动听的英语歌曲,课上我能积极举手,还受到了老师的表扬。我会一直认真地上好每一次英语沙龙课的。
















四、比赛地点 : 实验室













新圩中学 毛水仙




















中青少联发〔2009〕2号 关于开展第二届青少年英语课本剧










组委会办公室主任:任四巧中国青少年发展服务中心活动部部长 成 员:付丽隋丽雪蒋秋月










B组: 小学4-6年级

























④演唱技巧:要求演唱富有感情,音乐节奏感强,歌曲演唱完整。 ⑤歌曲演唱方法:通俗、民族、美声、两人或多人组合等均可。 ⑥参加活动的学生自备服装、化妆用品、乐器、伴奏带(CD光盘)等演出物品。








②作品内容要求健康、积极向上、思想进步,富有人文精神。 ③语音、语法、语调准确,语言流畅,仪表整洁大方,朗诵时富有激情。





























联 系 人:付丽隋丽雪蒋秋月





第14篇:小学英语《盲人摸象》 课本剧


人物:旁白 象主人 四个路人 四个盲人 小朋友

【旁白】: Long long ago there was a busineman who bought an elephant from India, he took the elephant walking in the street, Many people went to onlookers.They have never seen elephants, so they have widespread comment for the face of the monster


【A:】 What\'s this monster? I have never seen so long big.甲:这是什么怪物啊?我长这么大从来没见过?

【B:】It\'s an ox, I listen to my grandpa.


【C:】 No, this is sika deer, my grandma said, it lives in cold places.丙:不对,这是梅花鹿,我奶奶说过,这东西生活在寒冷的地方。

【旁白:Everyone gabble noisy .】大家七嘴八舌,闹哄哄的。

【象主人说】 Folks ,listen to me, folks, listen to me.You are wrong, this is an elephant, I bought it from India.


【甲乙丙: oh, this is an elephant! 】甲、乙、丙:噢,这是大象

【D:】 This elephant is really big, really rare!


【大家一起说:\"Yeah! Yeah!】是啊!是啊!(大家跟着说)

【旁白:】 Just among the people, there are four blind, they heard that was an elephant, also feel very curious! So also talk about opened.旁白:正好在人群中有四个盲人,他们听说是大象,也感到很好奇!于是也议论开了。

【盲人1:】It’s very good if our eyes can see!

1 要是我们的眼睛能看见就好了!

【盲人2: 】Yes, I also want to see an elephant grow what look like是啊,我也想看看大象长得什么样子?

【盲人3:】That’s not good-looking .It’s more like than a dog.有什么好看的,肯定和狗长得差不多!

【盲人4: 】I think it’s like a pig! 要我说,应该长得更像猪!

【盲人1: 】How can like a pig? 怎么可能像猪呢?

【旁白:】The voice of the debate is more and more big,the owner of the elephant heard this, he came up and said :【象主人说:】Although you can\'t see, but you can touch the elephant.


【众人:You can touch! 】众人:对呀,你们可以摸一摸啊!

【象主人】: Who will go first?

【盲人4:】I come first!大象主人:谁先来? 我先来!(摸象牙)

大象像什么? 【盲人


2、3:】What’s elephant like?

【盲人4:】The elephant isn’t also large, just like a piece of big radish! 大象也不大,就像一根水灵灵的大萝卜!【众人大笑! 】

【盲人3:】You nonsense, I touch!

【盲人1和2:】Like what? 像什么? 你胡说,我来摸!(摸大象腿)

【盲人3:】Elephant is big than turnip, It’s like a pillar!

他像一根柱子!【众人又笑了!】 大象要比萝卜大,

【盲人1和2:】That’s impoible!The elephant isn’t deformation, how is like a radish?and then like a pillar? We touch together! 不可能,大象又不能变形,怎么一会像萝卜,一会像柱子?我们一起摸!(盲人1摸身体;盲人2摸尾巴)

【盲人1: 】I know, the elephant is like the wall!

2 我知道了,大象长得像堵墙!

【盲人2:】 You are quite wrong, the elephant is like a piece of straw rope! 你错了,大象长得细长细长,像一根草绳!


像大萝卜! 【盲人3: 】No, It’s like a pillar! 【盲人4: 】It’s like a big radish!

【旁白:The four men argued again.】四个人又争论起来

【小朋友:】Uncles and aunts, you are wrong!You just touched part of the elephant body, you should know all elephant,then talk about it.小朋友:叔叔阿姨们,你们说的都不对,你们只是摸了大象身体的一部分,你们应该了解了全部再下结论。

【对象主人说】Uncle, can you let them touch again?


【象主人:】 Sure, come on! 当然可以,来吧!




3、4一起摸大象,说 】: Oh, the elephant is like this! Thank you, kid, Thank you guys!

大伙儿! 哦,原来大象是这个样子的!谢谢你,小朋友,谢谢

【小朋友:】Uncles and aunts, You must know all things later.叔叔阿姨们,以后了解事物一定要全部了解了再下结论!




3、4】: We know, kid! 知道了,孩子!

【象主人:】Ok, folks!It\'s getting later, Back to your homes!好了,乡亲们,时间不早了,各回各家吧!

【大家:】Bye, see you tomorrow!



2012.12.16 星期日 阴天









第一场:Little Red Riding Hood家

Mum:(妈妈拿着一个篮子,把桌子上的水果放在篮子里)Little Red Riding Hood:(唱着歌,欢快地跑进来)Hi,mummy, what are you doing? Mum: (一边把水果放在篮子里,心事重重地说)Grandma is ill.Here are some apples and bananas for Grandma.Take them to Grandma.Little Red Riding Hood:(边提起篮子,边点头说)Ok!Mum: (亲切地看着Little Red Riding Hood说) Be good.Be careful.

Little Red Riding Hood: Yes ,mummy.Goodbye, mummy.

Mum: Bye-bye.Darling.


(一阵轻快的音乐由远而近,Little Red Riding Hood挎着篮子蹦跳跳地跳到花草旁)

Little Red Riding Hood: Wow!Flowers, how beautiful! (放下篮子采花)One flower ,two flowers, three flowers. Wolf:(随着一阵低沉的音乐,Wolf大步地走上台)I am wolf.I am hungry.(做找东西状,东张西望) Here is a little red riding hood.Hi! Little Red Riding Hood.Where are you going? (做狡猾的样子和Little Red Riding Hood打招呼)

Little Red Riding Hood:(手摸辫子,天真地回答)To Grandma’s.Grandma is ill. Wolf:(自言自语)I\' ll eat Grandma.But„„(对Little Red Riding Hood说)Hey, look! 6 little baby ducks.

Little Red Riding Hood:(和6只鸭子随着音乐翩翩起舞) Wolf:(悄悄地藏到大树后)

Little Red Riding Hood:(停止跳舞)Hello! Baby ducks,how are you?

Six Ducks:We’ re fine.Thank you. Where are you going?

Little Red Riding Hood:To Grandma’s.Oh, I must go, bye.

Six Ducks:Goodbye.

第三场:Grandma家 Grandma:(喘着气出场,颤颤悠悠地走到床前,吃力地坐到床边,喘了几口,打几个哈欠,慢吞吞地躺倒在床上。)

Wolf:(从树后出来,边走边说)I am very hungry now.(做找寻的样子)Where is Grandma’ s house? (高兴地对观众说)Aha , it’s here.(敲门)Bang, Bang, Bang.

Grandma:Who is it?

Wolf:(装出Little Red Riding Hood的声音,一边得意地摇动尾巴,一边说)It’s me.Little Red Riding Hood.

Grandma:(边说边起床) Come in, come in.

Wolf:(得意洋洋地走到床边) Grandma , I’ll eat you.

Grandma: (惊慌失措地抓紧衣服,瞪着眼睛,边叫迫从床上滚到地上)


Wolf:(得意地拍拍肚子,翘起大拇指)Yummy!I’ll sleep.

Little Red Riding Hood:(高兴地敲门)Grandma.Grandma.

Wolf:(装扮成Grandma的声音) Who is it?

Little Red Riding Hood:It’s me。Little Red Riding Hood.What a strange noise!

Wolf:Come in, Come in.

Little Red Riding Hood:(蹦跳着进来,把篮子放在桌子上,走到床前一看,跳回几步)Oh! What are big ears!

Wolf:I can listen to your sweet voice.

Little Red Riding Hood:Wow! What a big eyes!

Wolf:I can see you pretty face.

Little Red Riding Hood:Oh! What a big hand.

Wolf:I can hug you.

Little Red Riding Hood:(跪在床前,拉起Wolf的手,边摸边说)Look! What a big hands?

Wolf:(从床上跳起来说)I can eat you!

Little Red Riding Hood:(拼命地跑)Oh!No! No! Wolf:(追到Little Red Riding Hood,做吃状,拍拍肚子说)It’s delicious.I still sleep.I like sleeping.

Hunter:(一边拿着枪,一边做寻找状出场)Where’s the wolf? Look! A door.(推门)The wolf is sleeping.


Hunter:(端起枪想打,又放下)What a big stomach! (摸摸Wolf的肚子)Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood are inside .I must be hurry.(从桌子上拿起剪刀,举起) Look! Sciors.(做剪Wolf的肚子)Cut, cut, cut.

Little Red Riding Hood/Grandma:Thank you.

Hunter:Grandma ,give me some needles and thread.Little Riding Hood ,Give me some stones.


Little Red Riding Hood:(搬来几个石头)One, two, three.


Grandma:I\'ll thread it.

Hunter:(拿起枪)Woke up!

Wolf:(起床,两手托着大肚子)My stomach is so heavy.

Hunter:You big bad wolf, raise your arms!

Wolf:(边跑边说) Help! Don’t shot me!

Hunter: (开枪)Bang, bang!

Wolf: (应声倒下)

Hunter:The bad wolf is dead.

Little Red Riding Hood和Grandma:Yeah! Thank you.

Little Red Riding Hood、Grandma、Hunter(一起鞠躬): Thank you

英语搞笑话剧《孔雀东南飞》 Wanders every five miles

焦仲卿Johnny (Jf or short) 刘兰芝 Lunch(Lf or short) 焦母Johnny’s mother(JM fors hort)刘母Lunch’s mother(LM for short) 太守之子Mayor’s son(MS for short)强盗Burglars(AB and C)

Prologue (J作被打状跑上台,内砸出一卷纸筒,J被打中,狼狈不堪) J: Everybody says that I’m henpecked,but in fact,I’m as strong as a tiger,(小声)while my wife is WuSong.(指着上台处的门大声道)I’m not afraid of you! (内砸出一脸盆,J接住当成盾牌护着头)Then,I’m afraid of whom? My wife Lunch is the most famous woman in the neighbor-hood.She is braver than me, smarter than me and stronger than me.All this I do not care.I only want her to be tender than me.But she is not!Having a wife like this is just like living in the hell! (内又砸出一卷纸筒,击中J) My God!Who can help me?(下)

Act1 (序幕结束时,JM作窃听状) JM(拄拐棍上):I can! (对门内)Lunch!Lunch!Where are you? L(扎着围裙,拿着锅铲,从门内跳出来):I’m here!What’s up mum? JM:I’ve told you again and again that you should call me“my most beautiful

graceful and dearest mother-in-law”.L:OK.My most beautiful graceful and dearest mother-in-law,what’s up? JM:Since you married my son you have behaved so badly.You have been so rude,so brusque,so lazy„„ L:But„„

JM:Never interrupt me! L:Never interrupt me!Since I married your son,that terrible Johnny,I have been working hard all day long,cooking and washing.I have raised tens of thousands of pigs and ducks and chicken and„„

JM:But all those you have done are not as valuable as a grandson! L(生气地挥动着锅铲):Oh,you want a grandson,don’tyou?(开始解围裙)Go and ask your son.I’m leaving!(扯下围裙,扔在JM的脸上,下) Act2 (LM坐在台上打毛线,L拿着锅铲上) L:Mum,I’m back! LM:You are back? Why? What happened? L:I was kicked out by my most beautiful graceful and dearest mother–in-law.LM(惊讶,但随即露出幸灾乐祸的神情):See!I have already told you!When you insisted on marrying that terrible Johnny,I told you that he is ugly stupid and poor,but you did not listen to me.Look at yourself„„ L:But,mum„„

LM:Never interrupt me! L:Mum,I’m not interrupting you.I just want to tell you that you are always right OK?And I’ll marry whom ever you want me to.LM(大喜):Nice girl!Just now,I met the mayor’s son in the market.He said:“If your daughter Haven’t been married,I really really want to marry her!”Now you are free again,I’ll go and tell him.(下) L(惊愕):What?The mayor’s son?The most famous playboy in the neighbor-hood?(手中的锅

铲掉在地上)What as illy thing I have done!(下) Act3 (J睡眼惺忪上) J(边走边道)unch!Lunch!Where are my socks? (走了几步,在地上捡起袜子)Here they are!(闻一下) Er!How smelly!They are still dirty!

(突然想起)Lunch has gone!I have to wash them myself.(他的肚子似乎咕咕叫了起来)Oh,I’m so hungry!But there’s no breakfast!(捡起地上的围

裙)This is what Lunch always wears!I mi her so much,and her excellent cooking skill!Now she has gone.I have to cook for my mother and myself.JM(上):Where’s my breakfast?Where’s Lunch?Hasn’t she got up yet? J:Mum,can’t you remember?Lunch has gone! JM(沉吟片刻):Well,to tell you the truth Johnny,as on without a wife is usele.Lunch is a nice girl,go and take her back! J(立正敬礼):Yesmadam! Act4 (J开心地走着,忽然跳出来三个强盗) A:Hey you!Stop and listen to us! The road is built by me!(抬脚重重地踩在一块大石头上) B:And I planted one tree!(亦抬脚踩在同一块石头上) C:If you want to go by this street---(欲踩石头,但踩到了A的脚) AB&C:Give us all your money! J(搜遍了每一个口袋,掏出1角硬币):Is1mao enough? (三强盗晕倒状,接着三人聚在一边商量) A:What bad luck!This guy is broken! B:If we can not rob any money today,we will have nothing to eat tonight! C:I heard that the mayor’s son is going to marry Mi LiuLanzhi next month.WE can go and rob the wedding! A&B:Good idea! J(惊讶):What?What?Lunch is going to get married?It’s impoible! AB&C:Why?A pretty girl and a richman,what a good couple! J:But Lunch is my wife!We haven’t got divorced yet! (突然有了主意)I’ve got an idea!You are going to rob the wedding,don’tyou?I’ll go with you.You take the money and I take the bride.B:Have you got any experience? J:No.But I’ve got this!(J脱下鞋子从里面摸出一张支票,上书$1,000,000) Act5 (转眼已到了婚礼之期.MS意气风发用红绸牵着新娘上,J盖着红盖头极不情愿地被拉上台) (J和三强盗跃至台中) ABC&J:Hey you!Stop and listen to us! A:The road is built by me! B:AndI planted one tree.C:If you want to goby this street--- J:Give us all your money!

(L听到J的声音,掀起了盖头) L(惊喜万分):Johnny!(不顾一切地飞奔到J的身边并躲到了的身后) (MS大怒,挥拳向J打来.J矮身一躲,MS打中了J身后的L,L晕倒) J(火冒三丈):How dare you beat my wife!(挥拳向MS冲去) (J与MS混战,JM上,以拐杖击晕MS) (J将MS胸前的新郎标志扯下戴在自己胸前) J(扶起L,关切地问):Honey,how are you? L(哭状):I hurt a lot! Jon’t cry baby.I’ll go and fetch the medicine.(下) L(起身去追):Wait for me! (跑下) (音乐起 Can You Celebrate) 可能人物是多了点,但是是很不错的剧本,你不妨去乐知网看看,也许有你要的东西

Cocky Rooster Long, long ago, there was a beautiful rooster.He was very proud of his beauty.When his friends were out collecting food for winter, he just slept or sang songs.But soon, winter came...What happened? 剧中角色: Rooster Horse Frog Bee Woodpecker 剧本提供:北京市北师大实验小学 刘源源老师杨丽霞老师 Scene One Horse: Oh, spring, spring is coming.It\'s time to get up.Hi, guys, wake up, wake up! Spring is here! Spring is here! All: wow, spring is here, spring is here.Frog: Look, leaves are turning green.Frog: Flowers are opening.Bee: And the river begins to dance.Bee: The air smells fresh! Woodpecker: Listen, birds are singing.All: It\'s spring now! It\'s spring now.H: My dear friends, the whole year\'s work depends on a good start in spring.I think we should start to work right now.F: Yes, we should plough the fields and plant rice.B: For us, it\'s time to collect pollen.B: Oh, where is Mr.Rooster? W: He must be dreaming now.All: He is so lazy! F: Why not wake him up and ask him to join us? H: Rooster, Mr.Rooster, wake up, wake up.It\'s spring now.We should start to work.All: Yes, we should start to work.R: Oh, no, I\'m still sleepy.All: Oh! Sleepy??

B: No Rooster.It\'s spring now.Everyone should start to work.R: Work? I don\'t need to work.My mum and dad never taught me how to work.F: You don\'t work? F: I can\'t believe it, what do you eat? R: Eat? I can find food everywhere, worms, corns and grains.Why do I need to work? B: Oh! Look, Mr.Rooster has become so beautiful.All: Oh yes, he is so beautiful!! R: You are right, I\'m so beautiful, so I don\'t need to work at all.Look at me, red crest and colorful coat, shiny neck and golden feet.Do you have anything like these? H: Rooster, we are not so pretty as you are, but we can do much work.B: Yes, yes, we can make the sweetest honey in the world.F: We can plant rice and wipe out the pests in the fields.W: When the pine trees are sick, I can cure them.H: I can carry heavy loads for others.R: Stop! Look at your big eyes and wide mouth, your gray feathers, and you, you are always dirty.All of you are so ugly.I will never play with you.It\'s a waste of time to talk with you.I would like to go and have dreams now.H: And we should start to work now.All: Bye.Scene Two R: Oh, it is a fine day.Look! The sun is shining, the birds are singing.It is great to have a barbecue on the beach.Hi, Frog! Hi, little Bee! Hi, Woodpecker! Oh? Where are they? They are not here.I can do it by myself.Oh, there is a piece of field.I am going to have a rest there.F: Oh, my God.Rooster, what are you doing? It is my rice field.Oh! You have destroyed the seedlings.They are growing well, but you destroyed them.You must pay for it, pay for it! R: What? Pay for it? No way!! W: Hey, my friends, why are you crying? F: Rooster spoiled the seedlings.W: Don\'t worry.We can plant it again.R: Oh, there are flowers over there.How beautiful they are!! One, two, three„ B: Oh, my God, Rooster, what are you doing? They are my flowers! R: Yours? No one told me that.B: You can\'t pick them, I need them to make honey.R: What? Make honey? But I like flowers.I never care about honey.B: No, you cannot do that! You cannot do that! All: What\'s the matter? B: Rooster spoilt my flowers.F: He has destroyed my seedlings! H: Rooster, you are wrong.You should say sorry to them.R: What? Say sorry to them? No way! Don\'t waste my time, I will go to the beach

and have a picnic All: Oh, Rooster! Scene Three Narrator: Time paes quickly.It is autumn now.Everyone in the forest is busy working, but Rooster plays and sleeps all day.B: Oh, it is autumn now.Leaves begin to fall, flowers begin to wither.I must do my best to make more honey.Oh! Rooster, he must be still dreaming.Hi, Rooster, Rooster.You can\'t sleep any more.It is autumn now.Winter is near.It will be cold.If you don\'t get enough food, you will suffer from hunger and cold.R: Oh, don\'t worry.I will have many things to eat.B: Oh, My God.F: Oh, it is harvest time.There is so much rice in my field.We must carry the rice to our house quickly.Hi, rooster, would you like to help us carry rice? R: What? Carry rice? I am so beautiful.The work will make my feathers dirty.No, no, no, I wouldn\'t do that.Look! the weather is fine.It is good time to have a picnic.Why not go with me? F: No, Rooster, winter is coming.I must prepare for that.B: Yes, we must prepare for that.R: You coward.Hi, Woodpecker, would you like to have a picnic with me? W: No, Rooster, the old tree is sick.I must go to treat him now.R: Oh! Mr.Horse.He must be at home.Mr.Horse! H: Oh it\'s you, Rooster.Come in please.What can I do for you? R: Oh, you look so bad! What\'s the matter? H: I carried some food for Aunt Sheep yesterday and hurt my leg.R: Why did you carry food for Aunt Sheep? H: You know, she is very old, and the food is too heavy for her.R: You are so foolish.I will never do that.Now I am going to have a picnic.Take care of yourself.Bye! H: Thank you.Bye!

旁白:I think everybody knows the Chinese story 狐假虎威.You know the fox cheat the tiger.When the tiger knew the truth, he felt very angry.He hated the fox very much.Can you imagine when the fox meet with the tiger again, what will happen?

One day, a new story happens. (一)



老虎:(暴怒地,用手指指着狐狸的鼻子)You cheat me last time.Cheat me! How dare you! Now, you are dying.Ah ha ha ha!

狐狸:(背过头去,小声地):Oh, unlucky! What shall I do?

(回过头来,可怜地):I feel very sorry for cheating you last time,but, but ,but„„(左顾右盼)

老虎:(疑惑地)But what?


老虎:(一把将狐狸拽回来) What?

狐狸:(向远处努努嘴)You girl friend Linda! Look, she’s there!

老虎:(傻呼呼,左右张望,急忙放手去找)Where? Where? Linda, I love you!(狐狸乘机溜走)(l老虎望着空空如也的手) I hate fox!(气得上窜下跳) (二)

旁白:Unfortunately, after a few days, the tiger meet with the fox again.



老虎:(暴怒地)Now, you can make a choice.You want me bite you head first or your fat leg first?



Oh, oh, oh, oh, help yourself to some fox please.I hate myself, too.(狐狸捂着脸痛苦地跪下)My mother says I’m not a good boy.I always tell lies.(狐狸突然蹿起来) But, they say, tiger is a kind of strong animal.Maybe the strongest animal in the world.Before I die, can you show me how strong you are?

老虎:(得意极了,做出各种健美展示姿势)Of course.I’m a great animal.I’m proud of myself.

狐狸:(试探地)I heard there was a Chinese called 刘翔.He can cover 110 meters in 10 seconds.Can you?

老虎:(想想就好笑)Wa ha ha ha ! wa ha ha ha! Poor mankind! How slow! Wash your eyes! (老虎用手将狐狸的脑袋推开)Look!(老虎一溜烟跑了起来)

狐狸:(挥挥手,远远望去)sa yu na la! (二胡配轻松得意的音乐) (三)

旁白:Now, fate plays another joke on the fox .He meet with the tiger again.



老虎:(意味深长地)Your old friend! Tiger!

狐狸:(装傻地)Oh, haven’t see you for a long time.How are you?(狐狸帮老虎整理领子,用袖子帮老虎擦衣服)

老虎:(阴险地)Very very nice! Now, I see my lunch.Dilicious!(狐狸听了脚抖)

狐狸:(打喷嚏)a ti ! a ti ! (煞有介事地)I admit I’v cheat you for 3 times.But, you know, it’s all for your sake.

老虎:(疑惑地)For my sake?

狐狸:(可怜巴巴地)Yes.To tell the truth, I’m not a normal fox!

老虎:(不甘示弱地)I’m not a normal tiger, too.

狐狸:(娓娓道来) I looked it up in the dictionary, and I know, in Chinese, they call me 果子狸。


狐狸:(一拍脑袋,假装想起来)Oh, I forget, you can’t speak Chinese!

老虎:(得意地,想想就好笑地)Wa ha ha ha! Wa ha ha ha ! My mother always tell me :to learn a forgien language is very important! I’ve learnt Chinese in school! Am I great! (突然醒悟过来)Wait, what did you say? Chinese call you what?


老虎:果子狸?SARS? 非典?


老虎:(放开手,大叫着跑了)wa ya!(边跑,边擦手) (四)

旁白:From then on, fox become the real King of the forest.

二胡演奏We are the champion

狐狸大摇大摆地走在前面,后面有两个小喽罗在敲背。一个小喽罗敲得重了。狐狸把手一挥。Go! Go! Go! 将其赶走。

狐狸走在台中,大笑起来:Ah ha ha ha ha! Ah ha ha ha ha!


龟 兔 赛 跑


Moral(寓意):Slow but steady win the race! (慢而稳获胜)。 The tortoise and the hare Hare (高兴地边跑边向观众打招呼): Hi, I’m Hare! (突然被什么地上东西绊了一下): What’s it?(啥子东西啊?)

Tortoise (被绊个底朝天,气愤地) I’m Tortoise ! You should be care of others .(你应当注意到一下别人) H: (轻蔑嘲讽地) Hahaha„ Why are you on the road ??(你凭啥子也在路上呢?) (拍腿并比划其短) Your legs are so short!(你的腿好短啊!) (学他的东一划西一划的慢跑状)And you are so slow!(你好慢啊!) T: (反问) Are you fast ? (你就快吗??)

H:(傲慢地) Yes, of course ! (那当然噢)

(吹牛,神气地拍胸脯) I’m very fast.No one is faster than me ! can you race with me ? I bet I’ll win you! (我敢打赌我要赢你!)

T: OK, let’s have a race! Let’s see who is faster ? 两人一起将中间拉有终点线绳的两立柱搬到戏台一侧。 H and T:(齐声地) Ready ? Go ! (预备,跑!)

两人一起一前一后地跑几圈,距离越拉越大。(乌龟爬跑时四腿舒展、夸张而缓慢,左前脚向前一划的同时右后脚向后一曲抬,反之亦然) H:(回头看,连摇头) How slow he is ! (他好慢啊!) (打哈欠) I’m a little tired.(我有点困了) I want to have a nap.(想打下瞌睡) But I’ll still win.(但是我照样要赢) 兔子倚物(树)而睡了(作鼾声)。


T:(仍旧吃力而稳定地勾腰“爬”着) How tired ! (好累啊!) (上气不接下气地) I must insist! (我一定要坚持!) I can’t give up !(我决不能放弃!) 几圈之后,乌龟已快到终点。

H:(醒来,伸懒腰,好舒服!) How nice ! (突然想起什么,忙往回看) Where is the tortoise ? Where is he ??? I can’t see him ! (我咋个看不到他喃) (再往前一看,做吃惊状,马上追) T:(握拳叠臂抖动,有力地) Oh„Oh „.I won at last! (我终于赢了!) I won ! I won! H:(在终点处,伤感地) Oh, my god ! My god !„(天哪,糟啦!).I „I „I failed.(我„我„我输了) (向观众致谢,下台去) I shouldn’t sleep.(我不该睡觉)

傻子春天 (第一幕)










跳跳进场 对白:



旁白:Long time ago, there\'s a idiot.

His name is Billy.He is too

stupid, so he doesn\'t have any

friends.He is always a lone,

but he likes to go to the forest.

There are many animals there.

One day, the idiot goes to forest.

There are birds, deers, rabbits

beside him.

Suddenly, There\'s a genius,Pook

jumped to him.

傻子:Hi ! The music is great.

Would you please to teaching

M me?【傻子作恳求状】

精灵:Ok! No problem.

But I am hungry now.【精灵作饥饿状】

傻子:Wait a minute! Here you are!【傻子拿出面包】 精灵:ㄣ~~ delicious!

Thank you ! My name is Pook.

Nice to meet you.【精灵作好吃及满足状】【精灵脱帽示好】

傻子:My name is Billy.

Nice to meet you.

精灵:Do you like it?

精灵:Come on follow me.I will show you something.◎精灵开始教傻子吹笛 傻子:This tree?

精灵:Yes! Go on! Go on!

傻子:Wow! What a lovely duck.

精灵:You can have it.

This is a gift for you.

傻子:Thank you very much.【傻子取出鸦后十分惊喜】



精灵、动物们快乐退场 (第二幕)






◎国王走来走去手足无措状 ◎公主面无表情、百般无聊

【国王非常惊慌焦急状】 对白



国王:Smile! Please smile.

国王:Oh my poor little girl.

Why do you never smile

What’s matter with you?

皇后:Please don’t worry my dear.

I have a good idea.

Where is the doctor?

国王:Oh yes! Doctor! Doctor!

Hurry up!Hurry up!

西御医:Your Majesty!

Prince is very well.

中御医:I’m sorry.Maybe

she is just unhappy.

国王:Get away and never

come here again.

皇后:No! I don’t believe.

What shall we do?

国王:All right! All right!

Don’t cry.

Anyway I will do my best.◎国王对著天空宣誓













旁白:There are many people on this street,

is very noisy.

侍卫:Pay attention please!

Pay attention please!

If anyone can make our prince


He can marry with her.

Our holy king will never regret!

傻子:The prince is so beautiful.

She is my dream lover.

路人铮:Look him!

Such a dirty man.

He wants to married

Our prince.

路人雯:Don’t be silly.

It’s impoible.

傻子:Yes„.they are right,

how can I get her?

It just a dream

精灵:Don’t be sad my friend.

Trust me you can make it

路人潘:Oh the duck is so cute.

May I have a look?

Oh ~ The duck is stick on

my hands.I can’t put it down.

Somebody help me.

路人雯:Cool down! I’m coming!

路人铮:I’m coming! I’m coming! 第四幕)



※下音乐(森林狂想曲 )





对白: 人物:(3个路人、侍卫、傻子、精灵)

国王: Its noise what’s happening.

公主:It’s very funny

皇后:Look! she is laughing

My child is laughing

国王:Thanks God!

Take the man in.

侍卫:Yes my lord

国王:You made my daughter


What do you want?

I can give everything you want

傻子:well„„I think„.I mean„„.

If you don’t mind„„„


精灵:Please keep your words

皇后:Wait a minute !

No I disagree.

He is poor and stupid.

国王:Let me see.

公主:My dear father!

If you regret

Maybe I will never

Laugh in my whole life.

国王:Ok! ok! Please don’t do it

again.My sweet heart.

傻子:Would you married me?.

公主:Yes I do

精灵:It is wonderful.

I told you : trust me you

Can make it

旁白:So they got married.


At home Simon mum:This is a beautiful day!We are going to have picnic.Daming/Simon:Hooray! Simon:Mum,Can we have our picnic now? Simon mum:No.We will have picnic at twelve o’clock.But It’s half past eleven now.Simon:OK.Later Daming:Look the ducks!They are lovely! Simon Mum:Yes.Simon:ON!They are some dark clouds in the sky It’s going to rain! Simon Mum:I don’t think so.maybe it’s going to sunny.We can have our picnic now!Simon:ON dear!It’s running now! Simon Mum:It’s dry over there.Run,boys.Daming:ON NO!What are the ducks doing? Simon mum:They are eating our food! Simon:I feel more hungry.Thay are very sad……

At home Simon mum:This is a beautiful day!We are going to have picnic.Daming/Simon:Hooray! Simon:Mum,Can we have our picnic now? Simon mum:No.We will have picnic at twelve o’clock.But It’s half past eleven now.Simon:OK.Later Daming:Look the ducks!They are lovely! Simon Mum:Yes.Simon:ON!They are some dark clouds in the sky It’s going to rain! Simon Mum:I don’t think so.maybe it’s going to sunny.We can have our picnic now!Simon:ON dear!It’s running now! Simon Mum:It’s dry over there.Run,boys.Daming:ON NO!What are the ducks doing? Simon mum:They are eating our food! Simon:I feel more hungry.Thay are very sad……



Little Red Riding Hood 第一场:Little Red Riding Hood家

Mum:(妈妈拿着一个篮子,把桌子上的水果放在篮子里)Little Red Riding Hood:(唱着歌,欢快地跑进来)Hi,mummy, what are you doing? Mum: (一边把水果放在篮子里,心事重重地说)Grandma is ill.Here are some apples and bananas for Grandma.Take them to Grandma.Little Red Riding Hood:(边提起篮子,边点头说)Ok!Mum: (亲切地看着Little Red Riding Hood说) Be good.Be careful.

Little Red Riding Hood: Yes ,mummy.Goodbye, mummy.

Mum: Bye-bye.Darling.


(一阵轻快的音乐由远而近,Little Red Riding Hood挎着篮子蹦跳跳地跳到花草旁)

Little Red Riding Hood: Wow!Flowers, how beautiful! (放下篮子采花)One flower ,two flowers, three flowers.

Wolf:(随着一阵低沉的音乐,Wolf大步地走上台)I am wolf.I am hungry.(做找东西状,东张西望) Here is a little red riding hood.Hi! Little Red Riding Hood.Where are you going? (做狡猾的样子和Little Red Riding Hood打招呼)

Little Red Riding Hood:(手摸辫子,天真地回答)To Grandma’s.Grandma is ill.

Wolf:(自言自语)I\' ll eat Grandma.But……(对Little Red Riding Hood说)Hey, look! 6 little baby ducks.

Little Red Riding Hood:(和6只鸭子随着音乐翩翩起舞)


Little Red Riding Hood:(停止跳舞)Hello! Baby ducks,how are you?

Six Ducks:We’ re fine.Thank you. Where are you going?

Little Red Riding Hood:To Grandma’s.Oh, I must go, bye.

Six Ducks:Goodbye.



Wolf:(从树后出来,边走边说)I am very hungry now.(做找寻的样子)Where is Grandma’ s house? (高兴地对观众说)Aha , it’s here.(敲门)Bang, Bang, Bang.

Grandma:Who is it?

Wolf:(装出Little Red Riding Hood的声音,一边得意地摇动尾巴,一边说)It’s me.Little Red Riding Hood.

Grandma:(边说边起床) Come in, come in.

Wolf:(得意洋洋地走到床边) Grandma , I’ll eat you.

Grandma: (惊慌失措地抓紧衣服,瞪着眼睛,边叫迫从床上滚到地上)


Wolf:(得意地拍拍肚子,翘起大拇指)Yummy!I’ll sleep.

Little Red Riding Hood:(高兴地敲门)Grandma.Grandma.

Wolf:(装扮成Grandma的声音) Who is it?

Little Red Riding Hood:It’s me。Little Red Riding Hood.What a strange noise!

Wolf:Come in, Come in.

Little Red Riding Hood:(蹦跳着进来,把篮子放在桌子上,走到床前一看,跳回几步)Oh! What are big ears!

Wolf:I can listen to your sweet voice.

Little Red Riding Hood:Wow! What a big eyes!

Wolf:I can see you pretty face. Little Red Riding Hood:Oh! What a big hand.

Wolf:I can hug you.

Little Red Riding Hood:(跪在床前,拉起Wolf的手,边摸边说)Look! What a big hands?

Wolf:(从床上跳起来说)I can eat you!

Little Red Riding Hood:(拼命地跑)Oh!No! No!

Wolf:(追到Little Red Riding Hood,做吃状,拍拍肚子说)It’s delicious.I still sleep.I like sleeping.

Hunter:(一边拿着枪,一边做寻找状出场)Where’s the wolf? Look! A door.(推门)The wolf is sleeping.


Hunter:(端起枪想打,又放下)What a big stomach! (摸摸Wolf的肚子)Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood are inside .I must be hurry.(从桌子上拿起剪刀,举起) Look! Sciors.(做剪Wolf的肚子)Cut, cut, cut.

Little Red Riding Hood/Grandma:Thank you.

Hunter:Grandma ,give me some needles and thread.Little Riding Hood ,Give me some stones.


Little Red Riding Hood:(搬来几个石头)One, two, three.


Grandma:I\'ll thread it.

Hunter:(拿起枪)Woke up!

Wolf:(起床,两手托着大肚子)My stomach is so heavy.

Hunter:You big bad wolf, raise your arms! Wolf:(边跑边说) Help! Don’t shot me!

Hunter: (开枪)Bang, bang!

Wolf: (应声倒下)

Hunter:The bad wolf is dead.

Little Red Riding Hood和Grandma:Yeah! Thank you.

Little Red Riding Hood、Grandma、Hunter(一起鞠躬): Thank you


Three Times’ Beating Monster

人物:T唐僧S:孙悟空 E:猪八戒


B:白骨精(何平) B1:B变成的村姑 B2:B变成的太婆B3:B变化成的老头

T: Emitofo,do you know where we are now?

S: Bajie,map!

E: (摸出,递给S)

S: Look,bo (凑近T)………(T、S一齐转向E)

T: Bajie!How Many times I have told you, don’t bring these pictures of beautiful girls!

E: Oh, bo!Forgive me(伸手拿回)

T: (缩手)I’ll keep it for you until we reach the west

E: But……

T: Emitofo,nothing is lust,lust is nothing! Map?

E: (递)Here.Em…… we have arrived in White Tiger Mountain!Ah I can’t walk on any more!(坐)My stomach doesn’t allow So.

S: Fat Pig!

E: Monkey,if you dare to say these two words once again,I will ,I will……….

S: You will what(凶相)?

E: (软禁)I will help you catch fleas(跳蚤).

S: Hm!

T:(轻咳)Wukong,factually,I am a bit hungry Could you go to get me some food?

E: You see , bo is hungry,too!

T: Baijie!Don’t forget who ate my last meal!

J: But bo,if a monster comes while brother monkey is away…..

T: Em…….It is a problem.Wukong,do you have any idea?

S: No problem!(安装)(B已躲在一旁偷看)

J: This is…..?

S: Electric net!I have learnt the energy of electricity from bo’s books.So I made this.No monster can approach you if you stay in it!

T: Em……Wukong, you are becoming more and more scientific! Emitofo, knowledge is power!

S: Bye!(走)

T: Let’s play cards!(三人开始打牌)音乐《斗地主》

B: Hm!Hm!Electric net?You are too childish.(变成B1)

B1: (接近三人,望着)Can I join you?

J: I’m sorry,lady.We are playing Fighting Against landowner and three people are enough.

B1: (在一旁观看)Oh,Chance! Bomb!

T: Bomb?(打出)

B1: Double King!

T: Oh….I win! Em……,Lady,you are a bo-hand.Come in and teach me!(准备开电网门)

S: (回来,看见B1)Oh,monster!(上前就打)

B1: (倒)Ah……

T: (气愤)Wukong! Look what have done! She is my teacher!

S: She is a monster!

T: Nonsense!(深呼吸)

S: Oh,please don’t……

T:It’s too late!(唱)Once more……you open the door…(泰坦尼克主题曲,走音离谱)

S: Please,Please,oh,no……(痛苦抱头)

T: (呛住,咳)Wukong,I’m disappointed with you!

B: (真身出现)Hm!Sun Wukong, I’ll teach you a leon!(变成太婆)

B2:Hello,have you seen my daughter?

T: Daughter?...(连忙挡住地尸体)No,sorry!(陪笑,B2想看后面是什么,T挡)

S: (咬牙切齿)You monster, I’ll beat you into hell!(S追打B2,B2躲至T身后,S打,不想打到T头,T晕,S再打死B2)

E&J: Are you Ok, bo?(扶T)

J: Look,(伸食指)how many?

T:Two…..(晕乎乎地)Sun Wukong, game over!(变成B3)

B3: (看到B1,B2尸体)Oh….,my daughter, my wife! Who did it?!!(哭喊)

S: I’ll kill you, monster!(打)

T: (想阻止,未及)You,you.....(险些晕,E,J扶住 )You have killed three lives!

S: No,they are not human beings!They are created by monster!

T: Monster?You are a real monster!Never let me see you,go!!

S: (悲,离去)(音乐,营造 “假”悲伤气氛)《人鬼情未了》

J: bo, brother Monkey is.......

T: Don\'t mention that guy any more!

B: (出现) Ha,ha,ha!(三尸体B1,B2,B3在B招手后“飘”走)

T: (惊)You are......

B: How foolish you are ,Mr Tang!(E,J去阻斗,被击退)

B: (抓住T)I\'ll enjoy your meat and blood,ha,ha......

S: (悄悄走到B后,打B,B晕)A thousand years later.

T: Wukong?

E: Oh,Brother Monkey!

J: Our hero is back!

T: I,I can\'t understand......What happened?

S: Bo,your IQ needs increasing! This monster changed its appearance into three shapes in order to cheat you!

T: How,how did you find out?

S: (沉默).......Monkey\'s intuition(直觉)

T: Wukong(S不理T)I admit my mistake this time(S仍不理)I\'m sorry(小声)

S: What?

T: I\'m sorry.

S: Em? Louder,please?

T: I......am......sorry.....(S 捂耳)(音乐响)














曙光小学 胡晓琳







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