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Aren't You Glad 你难道不开心?

Are you Gonna Go My Way 你在重蹈我的覆辙吗? *。Something Stupid 愚蠢的事 Better Man ޓﻬ 好男人

We Will Rock You 。 我们来摇滚 Crying in the Rain ๑ 在雨中哭泣

Smoke Gets in Your Eyes 烟雾迷蒙你的双眼 ゚゚・ Broken Dreams 破碎的梦

Nothing Ever Happened 什么都不曾发生 ✿ 。without you 没有你 Private Love 私有爱情 Mr.Lonely 孤独先生

when We Say Goodbye 当我们说再见 Bohemian life ゆ/ 放荡不羁的生活 Endle nights ” 无尽的夜晚 take your love away 带走你的爱 Heart Only For You 心只有你

Never doubt My love 永远不要怀疑我的爱 Lose control./ 失控

Torn Between Two Lovers 间接翻译为 爱的折磨 HOW DEEP IS YOUR LOVE 你爱的有多深 Silent All These Years 。 这些年的沉默 I'm Still Waiting 我仍在等待 Love Unlimited ≈ 无限的爱 Tranquil Eye -°平静的眼神

- Where The Story Ends 故事将在哪里结束 Do You Really Care 你真的在乎吗 TRUE COLORS £ 本来面目 I will always love you 我将永远爱你 The damn injury” 这该死的伤害 BRAVE HEART.勇敢的心 Not humble love 没有卑微的爱情

Love is see blood sealing throat 爱是见血封喉 Mouthful of nonsense 全是废话 Has become in the past 已成为过去 Break our happine 破碎了我们的幸福 Memories of you 关于你的记忆 Hysterical laughter 歇斯底里的大笑 You ruined everything 你毁了所有 Shut up bitch! 贱货、闭嘴

shit just clownindogg 只是玩的,笨蛋 To drop bombs 。 引爆全场

A normal life is boring 一个平凡的人生是无聊的 love you more than myself 爱你胜过我自己 love you as a whole world 爱你把你当做我的整个世界 love you until the world end 爱你直到世界的尽头 Love you unconditionally 无条件爱你 ˉTears illusion 眼泪的错觉 please forget me 请忘了我 choose to forget you 选择忘了你 Don't doubt my love 不要怀疑我的爱 stay away from me 你滚。 get away from me 离我远点 I'm crazy for you 为你疯了 stand by my side 陪在我身边

I remember years ago 我仍记得很多年以前 You have won 你赢了

All my scars are open 绽裂的伤痕 Falling out of love 从爱中抽身而出

Empty promises will wear 空洞的承诺会消失殆尽 Building faith on love 把爱情当做信仰

In this world, you are my heart 这世界,你就是我的心 Rest in the Hope 还有希望 Mad About You 为你疯狂 Forget To Begin 忘了去开始 End Of May 五月末 love the way you lie 爱你说谎的方式 Dont come any Closer 不要再靠近我了 the second you chose her 你再次选择了她 Can't Go Back there Again 回不到过去了 Don't wanna see you anymore! 不想再见到你 A desolate heart 心里荒芜一片 You go back on your promise.你食言了 Cried my eyes out 泪流不止

Head over heels for her.为她神魂颠倒 Let it be 顺其自然

Don't Wear your heart .不要轻易流露感情 Meet by accident 。 不期而遇 A bad mood.坏情绪 I dream of you 我梦见了你 deadline kills vow过期的誓言 He left in great haste.他匆匆离开了 There's no turning back.已经无法挽回了 Dismiive of you 。 对你不屑一顾 I'm all over you.我是对你着迷了 Nasty about everyone.对所有人厌烦 Stop fanning the flames.别再煽风点火了 Recollection伤痕 Bury your head in the sand.逃避现实

play soundI have had enough of your garbage.我听腻了你的废话

I'm fed up• 我厌倦了 Go TO HELL 去死吧

Guide you to the light 我想带着你走向光明 Don't acknowledge my smile 不需回应我的微笑 you give me so many butterflies 你让我意乱情迷 Til the end of time直到天荒地老

You are nothing to me 。 你对我来说什么都不是 You're not here with me 你不在我身边 I'm so tired of being alone 我厌倦了孤独 I just wanna touch you 我只想触摸到你 I can feel you near me 我能感觉你就在我身边 GET Over Yourself 别自以为是了

Don't let them see your weakne 不要让他们看见你的软弱 Are You Kidding Me 你在玩我么 just kidding ☼ 我只是玩笑

someday love will find you 终有一天 爱将会找到你 Your Hugs Are My Favourite 你的拥抱是我的最爱 Lost In dreams And Reality 在梦想和现实中迷失了 each other as know in the arena 相濡以沫不如相忘江湖 Love Is Patient 爱情病患

Too Emotional 太感性 Too Rational 太理智

The Memory of the past 过去的回忆 The Deep love about you 对你的深爱 Helple To Start 无奈重新开始 Back Is Always Sad 回头将是悲伤 I said i Don't care 我说我不在乎 But you barely Care 其实你一点不在乎 Can't Touch 无法企及 Within Reach 触手可及 End up 告终 Deviate From 别离 I have loved you 曾经爱过你 You don't love me 你不爱我 Take my breath away 带走我的呼吸 To stop my heartbeat 停止我的心跳 Promise Me 承诺我 Believe Me 相信我 you're so Vain 你如此虚荣 You are so False 你如此虚伪

And when she danced 当她起舞的时候 Aad when he ecstasy 当他入迷的时候 Cro my heart 我发誓 Cro your listent 你发誓 Happy ever after 从此以后快乐 To try to Happine 试着幸福 The way you love me 你爱我的方式 The way you lie to me 你说谎的方式 I don't want you to go 我不想让你走 I can't hold you back 我留不住你 Are you ready for love 准备好去爱了么 I am fall in love 已经深陷爱中 Could this be love 可能这就是爱 The lover in me 心中恋人 Crazy For You Mad About You 为你疯狂。

Where do broken hearts go 破碎的心该何去何从 Know you won't see me cry 你看不到我哭泣 Dear dear * Honey honey * Say hello to morning Say hi to daynight Deep red fall season Season the deep experience 季节深处的落红 With the green eyes Covered with green eyes 铺满眼眶的绿 Summer insect voice Summer cicada calls 夏季的蝉声 Brushed ear warmer The warm breeze ear 拂过耳际的暖 Still fresh in living memory To remember vividly 记忆尤新 The First light of Morning The First gleams of Day 曙光 。 Dear dear * Honey honey * Say hello to morning Say hi to daynight

Floating Dream ぅ 浮梦 Frustrated い 失落 Liberation く 解脱 Borders moved こ 时迁 A Monologue ず 独白 Redundant ち 多余 Willing To Give Up ど 舍弃 The wound ゎ 伤口 Trapped Beast ん 困兽 Small whispers ぃ 小情话 Once Hiding In の 曾躲在 Accustomed To れ习惯了。 Not To Feel At Ease ゃ 心不安。 Ignorance っ 无知。 Reluctantly と 勉强。 Force Back.ゅ 逼退。 To struggle で 争扎。 Wanna Hold Me 想牵制我 Can't Read My 猜不透

Don't Spell My Name 别拼写我的名字 He's got me like nobody 没有人像他那样如此地吸引我 I wanna roll with him 我想要和他在一起 A hard pair we will Be 我们会是无可比拟的一对 Won't Tell u that I love you 我不会告诉你我爱你 He's a good catch 他是理想的对象 Bluffing with 虚张声势

You make my eyes burn 你耀眼到将我灼伤 Caught up in the game

成了游戏中的Loser Promise you'll remember that 答应我 你会永远记得 Stole you out of my life

把你从我的生活中偷走 It's All Destined 一切都是命中注定 Walking lonely pedestrian 行走的孤独路人 One moment touch the sky 触摸到天空的瞬间 Trouble maker 麻烦制造者

Sunshine poured to the city 日光倾城 See a Little Light り 看见微弱的光亮

He's got me like nobody 没有人像他那样如此地吸引我 I wanna roll with him 我想要和他在一起 Won't Tell u that I love you 我不会告诉你我爱你 He's a good catch 他是理想的对象

Stole you out of my life

把你从我的生活中偷走 You make my eyes burn 你耀眼到将我灼伤 Walking lonely pedestrian 行走的孤独路人 It's All Destined 一切都是命中注定


abstract:At present, English teaching evaluation methods depend so much on summative evaluation in our country.As is known to all, a student’s testing scores are treated as final evaluation criteria in summative evaluation method, so summative evaluation strengthens the function of testing scores.This has resulted in many students learning English only to pa examinations or to go to school.Apparently, this kind of instrumental learning motivation is hard to arouse students’ learning enthusiasm or for them to keep their interest in learning.

In short, to a certain extent, summative evaluation ignores the evaluation on students’ creativity and subjectivity.In recent years, curriculum reform has become a fashion topic and evaluation is becoming more and more important.Formative evaluation, which is called proce evaluation, was advanced by G.F.Scriven in his book the methodology of evaluation in 1976.After G.F.Scriven, Bloom was first to introduce formative evaluation into claroom teaching.With curriculum reform development in our country, a high premium has been place on formative evaluation.

The overall objective of the high school English curriculum is: to enable students on the basis of compulsory education on learning English, to further clarify the purpose of learning English, to develop independent learning and cooperative learning ability; the formation of effective English learning strategies; students overall language proficiency .With the development of China\'s curriculum reforms, the formative evaluation is also more and more attention.

Formative evaluation has become the mainstream way of teaching evaluation, it uses descriptive evaluation or positive score, etc.to encourage students and teachers to communicate in different ways based on the evaluation of the results with the students, fully affirmed the progre of students, encourage students to self-reflection, self evaluation and self-improvement.This paper is to study the application of formative aement in high school English teaching, discues formative aement features and functions, aimed at improving the quality of teaching, improve high school students interested in learning English.According to the neceity and urgency of the current situation of formative aement in teaching, which made formative aement in high school English teaching should use the methods, tools and principles to follow.So the formative aement to play an active role in teaching high school English.

Key words: formative aement, high school English teaching, application, learning English





关键词:形成性评价,高中英语教学, 应用,英语学习

Chapter one introduction 1.1 the need for the study

With the introduction of the new curriculum reform, the voice of the aement reform is also increasing.In the \"high school English curriculum standards (experimental)\" proposed new law to be set up to promote the development of a diversified student evaluation system, the use of formative aement and summative combination.Teachers should pay attention and student exchanges, and certainly their progre and encourage them to self-reflection, self-improvement.Modern social emphasis on people-oriented, in teaching should be student-centered.It is in the formative evaluation carried out this principle.Formative evaluation of the role and value in teaching and aement proce has been more fully affirmed.Therefore, the introduction of formative aement is consistent with the requirements of the times in high school English teaching.It has a certain practical significance.Currently motivated high school students to learn English in general is not strong enough, many students learning English the sole purpose of examination or further studies, ignoring the increase in the use of language itself and the actual capacity.Under the guidance of formative aement, students can find their own way to learn and improve their English learning efficiency.Meanwhile students learning English and get fully mobilize the enthusiasm is implemented through formative aement, self-confidence would be enhanced learning English, they will be able to take the initiative, actively engaged in learning English.

1.2 the purposes of the study

The traditional evaluation methods to determine student achievement through good or bad, this approach gives students a lot of preure.It will make students learning English have to fidget.Students\' enthusiasm and interest in learning will not be increased.Poor students to learn, it seems only to explain everything by the results, as they may arise in the proce of learning problems, confusion, or they have other talents, cannot be used to measure the results, and these have may be ignored.Moment of doing well, might be a blow to confidence, and their accomplishments become the sole standard.Traditional evaluation system has become an obstacle of students’ English learning.For this reason .the author want to know how to use formative aement in English claes can help the senior students master effective learning strategies, develop learning motivation and attitude and finally improve their English achievement.It has been aumpted that formative aement may be more effective in many aspects such as.The students can use meta-cognitive strategies, increasing their motivation, forming good learning habit and having positive attitude.Due to the use of formative aement, the students’ sense of achievement can be developed.And they will become more active in cla and they can evaluate themselves correctly.Above all, students will have more confidence in themselves.All in all, the research may be helpful to develop the students as a “whole person”.The author also intended to find more effective approaches to using formative aement in English claes, including records of students’ behavior, cla room observation, interviews, questionnaires, and portfolios, etc.1.3 The framework of the paper The paper falls into five chapters.Chapter one serves as an introduction, which gives a brief description of the current situation of aement systems in China.It presents the importance of formative aement and the significance of study.Chapter two offers literature review about studies at home and abroad.In addictions, this chapter provides theoretical discuions for formative aement, including humanism psychology, Meta-cognitive strategies, constructivism and theory of multiple intelligence as well as the related studies at home and abroad.This chapter presents the definition, function, characteristics and benefits of formative aement.In chapter three the paper introduces the neceity and urgency of implementation of Formative evaluation.Chapter four introduces the research of formative evaluation applied to senior high school English teaching, Including strategies and tools.Chapter five present the implementation of Formative evaluation of the principles to be followed.Chapter six about a conclusion is drawn from the study that using formative aement in senior English claes can help the senior students master effective learning strategies.And more effective methods of formative aement will be put forward in the future.

Chapter two literature review 2.1the research study an home and abroad

2.1.1the research study abroad

In recent years the development of educational evaluation is very fast at home and abroad.Let’s review the development of aement in the west.Formative aement, first put forward by Scriven in 1967, lays emphasis on the development of educational plan and improvement of educational proce.According to Popham (1998:23), formative aement refers to aement that provides information to students and teachers that are used to improve teaching and learning.According to Travers, educational aement in the USA began in 1845, when the printed examination was first used by Boston School Committee.In 1897, J, M.Rice published research findings on spelling abilities of U.S schoolchildren (Aiken, 1994: 7), which is considered as the beginning of the research on aement(see yang Jinhuan, 2006:5-6).Tyler’s famous “eight-year study” from 1930s had far-reaching influence on the aement theory in this period.The term “evaluation” was first used to replace the terms “examining” and “testing”.He indicated that evaluation should be a proce rather than examinations.It claimed that students’ interest should be stimulated, and contents of textbooks should be based on the real life.Guba and Loncoln held a view that the nature of evaluation was mental construction.They advocated that students should actively participate in the proce of aement.The function of aement was to serve the development of students.Students used to be aeed but now they act as the participants in the proce of aeing.Some new terms were put forward in this period, such as “educational criticism”, “portfolio aement”.etc.(Liu xiaohua,2004;5;Guo Kuman,2004:2 ).In one word, aement system in the west has become a drive to education development up to now and aement is playing an increasingly important role in English teaching.2.1.2the research study china

In the history of educational aement in china, summative aement has been playing a very important role.But in recent years formative aement is rapidly developing as a new topic in many schools.Since the 1980s, as education is developing, the formative aement has been paid more attention to and carried out in many schools.Later it was not until the 1990s that some new aement methods were introduced into teaching practice.However, there were no many researches on evaluation system in china’s senior English teaching for a long time, at that time aement referred to various examinations and tests, such as quizzes, mid-term exams and national college entrance examination.

With the development of aement theories and the curriculum reform, the new English curriculum standard came out in 2001, it provide new guiding principles about educational evaluation and defines functions, goals, contents and methods of educational evaluation in a more humanistic way.It also offers some new aement criteria and gives some useful advice on the aement in English in middle schools.The traditional summative aement is becoming more and more limited in aeing the students.Guided by the new curriculum, teachers have gradually changed their understanding of aement and began to apply the new aement method to their English teaching in order to supplement traditional summative evaluation.In the last two years many Chinese scholars and teachers have been doing research on this new aement system and great achievements have been made in theory and practice ever since.Among them, Wang qiang, Luo Shaoqian took the lead in the field.What’s more, a series of eays have been published, which help teachers change their traditional opinions and form a new concept.for example, formative aement research in English claroom by Luo Shaoqian(2003).To sum up, guided by these achievements, the application of formative aement to the English teaching has become more and more popular.

2.2 theoretical Basis 2.2.1 Constructivism

Constructivist learning theory lays emphasis on the evaluation of the proce of knowledge construction.They think that learning aement should not just focus on the learning results, but value the learning proce, including how to obtain the information source or knowledge sources, learning strategy and self monitor, the degree of learning involvement and the ability of innovation and research.

Shepard connects formative aement with the constructivism theory, which shows that learning is an active proce based on previous knowledge, experience, skills, and interests.Constructivist learning theory views students as active learners who mark sense of new knowledge actively and determine how to integrate the knowledge with the concepts previously learnt.

In short, constructivism values an individual ability, former knowledge, belief and past experience, on the basis of which formative aement forms.2.2.2 The theory of multiple intelligence

Howard Gardner proposed the Multiple Intelligence theory in 1983.According to Dr.Gardner, the theory multiple intelligence includes at least eight kinds of intelligence: linguistic intelligence, logical-intelligence, spatial intelligence, bodily-kinetic intelligence, music intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, self-questioning intelligence and naturalist intelligence.Based on his theory, Gardner summarizes the principle, authentic principle and developmental principle.Which are included in formative aement because it involves teachers, students and parents in evaluating students’ various aspects in learning (see also Zhang jian, 2005: 27).

Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligence has several implications for teachers in terms of claroom instruction.Firstly, the concept of multiple intelligences place special emphasis on the overall development of students’ abilities.Secondly, everyone is born owning the eight intelligences.Thirdly, aement should be integrated and should be everywhere and all the time (see also Wang Wanzhen, 2003:7-8).

Multiple intelligence theory plays an important part in formative aement.We can view that our students as individuals with different strengths and weakne in different aspects.

2.2.3 Humanism psychology

According to humanistic view,

Chapter three the connotation of claroom teaching evaluation 3.1 The concept of claroom aement

Is a collection of claroom teaching evaluation, synthesis and analysis of information on the proce; the skills to understand the student\'s level of development and the development potential of information on the proce.It does this by collecting students\' daily learning, teaching and claroom learning atmosphere information to help understand the needs of each student\'s learning and teachers to make the appropriate decisions, improve claroom efficiency (Luo Shaoqian, 2003:13).3.2 Evaluation categories

In the claroom, due to differences in the degree and the ability of students, teachers need to make decisions in a variety of different requirements for students, so they evaluate students on a variety of purposes (Luo Shaoqian, 2003:14).3.2.1 Diagnostic Evaluation

Diagnostic evaluation refers to diagnose the problem (Ariasian, 1991: 5).Students in the claroom learning proce, not only will encounter difficulties in learning, as well as emotional or social aspects of the problem, so as a teacher, you should first identify the problems and select solutions from the perspective of understanding.Student\'s progre is not only reflected in the student\'s scores on each test, as well as student records subject to the completion of a project.By evaluating the information and results obtained, teacher feedback, students learn to generate power.3.2.2 Formative Evaluation

Formative aement as a teaching and learning proce an integral part of the overall progre of the students described the situation, provide students with feedback to reinforce learning and help teachers understand students\' learning situation and determine the next leon plans and student learning plans.

3.2.3 Summative Evaluative

Summative aement is after a period of study for understanding student achievement and expanded evaluation, Compared with the formative evaluation, the summative evaluation usually more permanent form.3.2.4 Comparison of formative and summative aements 3.3 Definition of formative aement

Formative evaluation from a proposal to now experiencing history is not long, though it did not give the author of Scriven its exact definition, but later, under the influence of his ideas, which made a lot of Discuion.

Such as Bloom\'s view is \"for us, is the use of formative aement in curriculum development, teaching and learning proce evaluation decency to be improved in any of these three procees is a proce.\" 1, he thinks \"The main purpose is to observe the formation of a decision given the extent of the learning tasks are mastered, not part of the master,\" \"it is not the purpose of claification or identification in order for learners, but to help students and teachers to focus on to further enhance the specific learning neceary.\"2, Chen Yukun that \"formative evaluation through educational programs or diagnostic programs and activities in the education proce problems for the ongoing evaluation of the quality of education activities.\" 3 The new curriculum standards is considered formative aement is \"through a variety of means and methods of evaluation of students\' interest in learning proce demonstrated, attitudes, participation activities, their language development of the state judge, to try their learning make sure to promote student learning initiative to help teachers improve their teaching.\"4 3.4 Characteristics of formative aement 3.4.1 评价方式的人文性和民主性humanistic and democratic of evaluation methods

Formative aement promotes the overall development of students through evaluation, it recognize individual differences in levels of development, to their knowledge, intelligence and emotional factors comprehensive evaluation.Formative aement becomes a single teacher evaluation for teacher evaluation, student self-evaluation, student aement and mutual cooperation in the evaluation of teachers and students combine to make the students from paive to active participants by critics, teachers from the \"Examiner\" role gradually changed \"collaborators\" role.Through self-aement, students are rising introspection and reflection, to form an effective, consistent with the personality characteristics of learning strategies, and eventually become masters of learning; through mutual evaluation between students and foster their sense of teamwork and cooperation; and freedom, democracy, and rating equal protection atmosphere more conducive to students\' self-esteem, improve their self-confidence.Formative aement fully reflects the people-centered and student-centered educational thinking.

3.4.2 评价内容的广泛性和全面性extensive and comprehensive of evaluation contents Formative evaluation not only focus on students\' cognitive abilities, but also the importance of student emotions, interests, and evaluation strategies, so students learn the information he provides is comprehensive, multi-level and comprehensive.3.4.3 评价手段的多样性和灵活性Diversity and flexibility of evaluation tools

Formative evaluation of a variety of methods, such as claroom learning activities and competitions, daily homework aement, participation in extracurricular activities Comments, learning self-aement, learning records, questionnaires, interviews and so on.These evaluation tools can show students what they learn to their understanding and their emotional attitudes from different angles.3.4.4 评价结果的描述性和反馈性Descriptive and feedback of evaluation results

Formative aement is done and what the students can do the recording and reflection, it may reflect the students\' progre, encourage students to have self-confidence and a sense of accomplishment, the formation of motivation to continue progre; and evaluation of interest, attitudes, feelings, communication capacity and the spirit of cooperation can be for students to form a good character to provide help and guidance.(北京师范大学外语系课题组,2001:7)

3.5 Function of formative aement

Formative aement is part of students’ learning proce, providing guidance to them in their studies, motivating them.It also provides feedback to students so that they can improve their performance and eventually make great progre.It acts as practice for students, just like a meaningful homework aignment.It checks for understanding along the way.In addition, it guides teachers’ decision making about future instruction.Formative aement has 3 basic functions.

Firstly, formative aement can help the teachers to diagnose students’ strengths and weaknees, analyze their problems and then help to get rid of their bad habits, thus becoming a conscious researcher.Furthermore, it can also help the teachers modify their teaching strategies and create better learning environment for students.Formative aement can also provide feedback to the students so that they will understand how to do better the next time.

Secondly, formative aement can identify how well the students are learning during the instructions.Every teacher would prefer to see every student make progre day by day then see only few of them get high marks in the exams.Formative aement makes it poible to realize this basic educational objective.Compared with traditional summative aement, formative aement is playing an important role in identifying and monitoring the students’ present levels.

Thirdly, formative aement can help select so students for a variety of purposes.Because aement results can provide some evidences so as to make judgment about the qualified and unqualified in order to send them to a higher level of education.Selecting top students for a higher level of education is still one of most popular functions of aement ever since it came into existence.

3.6 Benefits of formative aement

Chapter four

the neceity and urgency of implementation of Formative evaluation

Evaluation is not only an important means to ensure the implementation of the curriculum, but also an important part of teaching and learning activities.Test just a way of students\' evaluation.Exams and other evaluation methods should combine.According to the purpose and nature of the examinations, selection of specific test methods, means, and to make analysis of test results, notes and suggestions, comments, and suggestions to improve the formation of incentive.As far as poible to reduce the preure of students’ test, and promote the development of students’.For a long time, English teaching evaluation methods depend so much on summative evaluation in our country, which only reflects the importance of student learning outcomes or the end of the exam, especially senior high school entrance examination and college entrance examination, etc.It will be written as the only means of examination, the examination results as the only measure of students\' ability to learn a foreign language.Formative aement is ignored.It reflects the students’ learning proce.In the formative evaluation, teacher is only concerned about the students’ evaluation .while ignoring students\' self-aement and peer aement; just pay attention to the evaluation of selection capabilities, and ignoring the evaluation of student development functions; only the importance of language knowledge and language skills of study.It neglected the evaluation of students\' emotions, attitudes and values.Obviously, this kind of evaluation is difficult to adapt to the needs of education reform and development, these evaluation cannot achieve the overall goal of a English curriculum for high school education.This evaluation is not conducive to the formation of the establishment in the language skills, language knowledge, emotional attitude, learning strategies and cultural awarene integration development on the basis of the comprehensive ability of using the language.So we should start form the core iue of educational evaluation \" aement what, how to comment\".We need new ideas and a reflection of quality education to promote the comprehensive development of students, and constantly improve the evaluation system, reflecting the diversity of evaluation about contents, subjects and methods.Not only concerned with the results, but also pay attention to the proce.(肖第郁,2002;69)

4.1素质教育对教学评价的要求the requirements of quality education for teaching evaluation

Traditional educational evaluation function emphasizes screening and selection, the main purpose of that evaluation is to distinguish the pros and cons and choose the best students for the school.In this proce, a few score of excellent, experience succe, most people become losers.With the formation and development of information technology and the Internet age, the original function to impart knowledge-based curriculum for basic education be a great challenge.Education programs focus on students many qualities, including a positive attitude towards learning, innovation and practical ability and quality and other physical and mental health, lay the foundation for lifelong development of students.Thus, with the shift function curriculum, evaluation function is also undergoing fundamental change.Evaluation is not just to check the students\' knowledge and skills to master the language, the more concerned about students to acquire knowledge, skills, procees and methods, as well as emotions, attitudes and values formation aociated therewith; evaluation is no longer the purpose of claification identification, the students were divided into three, six, nine, so that the highest scores for students to enjoy the best education, but how to play a role in the evaluation of incentives, attention to student growth and progre of the condition, and through analysis guidance, suggestions for improvement plan promote the development of students.In this sense, the evaluation is for the development of student services, and the development of students is not required for the evaluation of services.By evaluating the continuous improvement of education and teaching, so that students are more and better education, this is a new requirement for quality education teaching evaluation presented.This shift, while the evaluation function affects the development of teacher evaluation work.Teachers are the implementers of education, bear the task of promoting the development of students.To create the best poible education for our students, for the evaluation of student learning must focus on the diagnosis and evaluation of the excitation function.Therefore, we should focus on the use of formative aement, found that teachers and teaching activities and teaching behavior of meaning and value, to identify problems with the crux of the continuous improvement of teaching, improve teaching quality, inspire the enthusiasm of both teaching and learning.

4.2 现代社会对人才多样性的需求 the needs of Modern society for diversity of talent

Academic achievement was to examine the development of students, and the school\'s teaching performance level of an important criterion.The traditional emphasis on teaching \"double base\", that basic knowledge and skills, which in the past with particular emphasis on measurement and evaluation to ae student mastery of facts and principles.Of course, the basic knowledge and skills to master is very important, if you do not focus on the evaluation of teaching basic knowledge and skills it is impoible to correctly judge the students\' learning, so it is impoible to develop the students have made analysis of value.If, however, focus only on teaching students the basic knowledge and basic skills, you can not make meaningful recommendations for the development of students is not conducive to healthy growth and development of students.With the development of society, network and information era, the knowledge explosion, increased competition, only the knowledge and skills are far from meeting the requirements of social development of talent.Modern society needs diversity of talent, education evaluation criteria should reflect the diversity of talent trends.Concerned about academic achievement, we must also focus on other aspects of the development of the individual, such as a positive attitude towards learning, innovation, analysis and problem-solving skills and the correct outlook on life and values, what they learned from the test students, to students Whether learn to learn, learn to survive.Learn to cooperate, learn, etc.are examined and comprehensive evaluation.In the daily teaching activities, students should respect individual differences, based on a positive vision, from multiple angles, to see many aspects of students, found that students of the advantages and strengths, so that every student in self-esteem, self-confidence grow up happy.The use of formative aement will help teachers and accurate understanding of the basis of the original development of the quality of students, the reality of the level and trend of development in the direction of educational goals adhere to uniform the premise of different students different requirements, so that every student to get optimum fully developed.Respect for individual differences in the development of diverse and unique, to achieve the evaluation criteria on the basis of comprehensive evaluation, in order to adapt to the diverse needs of modern human society, it is the diversity of modern teaching evaluation criteria, in order to adapt to modern society of talent diverse needs, this is a great modern teaching evaluation reform.

4.3 中学英语教学评价现状使然the present situation of teaching evaluation in middle school English The purpose of focusing on the traditional educational evaluation screening, selection, so just focus on the results of educational activities, educational activities for little attention.The new curriculum reform advocates is to promote student development-based evaluation proce that only concerned with the results of summative aement, in fact, is the \"past\" concerns, is not conducive to the promotion of development; and attention to the formation of the evaluation proce, it is for the \"future\", focusing on the evaluation of development.Thus, the evaluation is a proce, not only in educational activities after, but also accompanied and runs through every aspect of education and teaching activities should promote the \"Results\" by focusing on the improvement of the \"proce\", the evaluation of the center of gravity in the \"proce .\" Traditional evaluation often only require students to provide answers to your questions, and for the students is how to get those answers, but indifference.In this way, students get an answer thinking and reasoning, hypothesis formation and how to apply the relevant evidence, have been abandoned outside evaluation of vision.Lack of thought proce evaluation will lead to students only on the conclusion, ignoring the proce, it is impoible to encourage students to focus on the proce of scientific inquiry, to develop the habit of scientific inquiry and rigorous scientific attitude and spirit, but tend to form some plausible understanding and habits, is not conducive to the formation of students\' good quality of thinking, restrict student flexibility and creativity to solve problems.Therefore, the \"ordinary high school English curriculum standards\" clearly states: \"to promote formative aement and summative combination of both focusing on results, but also concerned about the proce, mainly in the formative evaluation.\" In other words, the focus of the new curriculum standards evaluation gradually shift more attention to students\' knowledge of the proce, and the proce of trying to explore the proce, focusing on the student\'s progre in each period.Only concern proce, it may be in-depth evaluation of the proce of student development, to keep abreast of problems encountered in the development of students\' efforts and progre made available.Only in this way will it be poible for students to enhance sustainable development and for effective guidance to promote the development of the evaluation function can really play a role.At the same time, only concerned about the proce, in order to effectively help students develop a positive attitude towards learning, the spirit of scientific inquiry, in order to focus on the students in the learning proce of emotional experience, learning to form a strategy, cultural awarene and values, to achieve \" knowledge and skills \",\" proce and method as well as \"attitudes and values,\" the all-round development.

Chapter five The research of formative evaluation applied to senior high school English teaching

As has already been illustrated, formative aement has been exerted a powerful effect on English learning by motivating students’ learning interest, enhancing students’ confidence as a succeful learner.However, there is one premise that systematical ways of formative aement must be employed in the language teaching proce.And any succeful aement must be employed in the language teaching proce.And any succeful aement must rely on the effective selection of useful and appropriate methods, as a matter of facts, no single methods can function as sufficiency to provide all the information that is needed in the conduction of formative aement.

On the request of the new English curriculum standard of senior high school, as well as the trend of new educational aement, we teachers should advocate the mutual interact between teachers and students, combining every factor that contributes to effective formative aement.“English curriculum standard of senior high school” made it clear that \"the evaluation of students’ learning, it is neceary to pay attention to students’ master of language knowledge and language skills, but also pay attention to the development of students\' comprehensive language skills.At the same time, we must importance to their emotional attitudes and performance in the learning proce.The participation not only refers to acts of participation, but also including the emotional involvement and participation of thinking.So we should pay attention to the students in the learning proce of the formation of attitudes and values.\"\" English curriculum standard of senior high school \" (trial version) states: \"In the conduct of teaching evaluation, teachers should combine teaching objectives, teaching content and learning environment for students as well as students\' individual differences that design aement tools and practical aement standard for their own teaching and student learning.\" therefore, self evaluation , teacher’s evaluation and collaborative evaluation can interview together with the help of some aement tools and evaluation principles, such as portfolio, observation and journals.(徐勇、龚孝华,2001:13)。

5.1 The method of formative aement

5.1.1 Self evaluation Student self evaluation is the proce in which students gather information about their own study, analyze the causes and results and check whether they have made progre in order to make a new study plan or make further decisions for their future progre.A self aement should be conducted with the help of teachers, partners and parents, for example, the teacher should help students to set some criteria for their self aement.In the progre of self aement a students should look at his values, interests, personality, or the learning skills in a certain aspect such as their reading skills.Self aement could be very casual, Like giving reply to the questions “tell me how you feel about …”.And it could be very formal, too, like “make an analysis about the exam scores that you just got.” By doing self aement a student will be responsible for his or her own study and gradually become an active learner.Besides, they will reflect on their own study and learn about their own strengths and weaknees.Teachers will adjust their teaching according to the students’ self aement.The aement not only can be carried out by the student themselves but also between partners as well.The aement between partners encourages students to learn from each other, experience learning proce and learn to be trust worthy of each other.This kind of aement needs the trust and collaboration between the students.Every student should make the aement objectively and fairly in order to encourage the partner to make greater progre.

5.1.2 Teacher evaluation Student evaluation should be combined with that of the teacher.When aeing students’ performances, the teacher plays a very important role.Teachers should set criteria on what to ae, how to ae and how to respond to the information gained through the aement.Also, the teacher should help the students to reflect on their learning proce.Show them how to gather information and arrange the portfolio files.The teacher should ae the students’ progre regularly, check their self evaluation and peer evaluation, give them feedback in time and help them set a learning goal.The teacher is not obliged to share the result of claroom evaluation with anyone outside the claroom.Teachers’ remarks should be brief and specific, which should refer to advantages and disadvantages.And the remarks should be attached to students’ aignments so as to give the students’ diagnostic feedback.Furthermore, a teacher can ae students in various ways such as aement criteria charts or interviews, thus setting up an aement system which can satisfy every student’ needs.Teachers’ aement can be carried out at any time in cla or out of cla, for example, when the students are having a claroom discuion or when they are writing their composition or even when the students are answering questions in cla.5.1.3 Collaborative evaluation Both teachers and students will benefit from the claroom aement because the students can get feedback to further improve their study and teacher will also gain feedback to make a change in their teaching and offer more instructional help to the students.Student portfolio is a wonderful way to do collaborative aement.By using portfolios students collect their best aignments, reflect on their own study, thinking about their learning strategies, and ae themselves properly.The teacher helps and guide the students how to set up portfolios and how to ae the portfolios.In the proce of collaborative aement the students learn to manage their own study and become active learners and critical thinkers.5.2 Tools of formative aement 5.2.1 Claroom observation

Claroom observation is fundamental technique to carry out all kinds of aement and is a routine part of teachers’ work.It is the most basic means to ae the behaviors of teaching and learning of English language.In the view of Genesee and Upshur(2001;77), “observation is basic to aeing human skills and behaviors”.Using claroom observation, teachers can get an authentic view of what students have learned, of what learning strategies are helpful to the students and what are the students’ favorite claroom activities and learning contents.According to Genesee and Upshur(2001:77), there are two kind of observations: formal observation and informal observation.Formal observation can be used to record the students’ action, which is systematic and is conducted according to a standard.While informal observation refers to the observation of students’ behaviors and manners.Teachers seldom use formal observation to record the students’ actions, because it is too complicated to operate while the teacher is attending to everything else that is going on in the claroom.It is also a challenging for a teacher to be an observer.Generally speaking, the challenge of conducting claroom observation is to plan observation and record observations in a way that will be beneficial to both teachers; instructions and students’ learning.5.2.2 Recording claroom observations

Generally there are three ways to record observation: anecdotal records, aement checklist, and rating scales.(Liu Shaobing, 2004:11-13).Which method is to be adopted depends on the purpose and the object of your observations.This paper will combine and modify the methods of recording observations in order that the English teachers can record observations in cla conveniently and easily during the leons.Anecdotal records are the records of the students’ behaviors, leaning activities or their progre etc, which are usually kept by teachers, the monitors or a trusted student by both teachers and students.These records can be kept when the students are doing their activities in cla or kept after cla if some students have no chance to participate in cla activities.Teachers can design a particular table or form to collect information, thus making it easier to keep records of the students’ behavior in cla than to keep records by describing the behaviors in sentences.Also, the records can be kept on the cards, on leaflets or in the notebooks for future analysis.It is suggested that students’ information can be lists in alphabetical order or by learning groups on the leaflets so that the records can be found easily.

Checklists and rating scales are both techniques for recording observation.They are more or le the same, and they are both consist of some items, which are about specific aspects of students’ learning and teachers’ instructions.Checklists reflect students’ specific performance in a certain learning activity or task at a period of time.It is designed according to some specific criteria and is used to keep a record of some information whether the students has grasped some specific knowledge, skills and whether they have understood the appropriate procedure of dealing with a certain learning task.We can also keep record of the student’s attitude towards this task.By using checklists, the teachers and students can both find out in which aspect they have made progre and in which aspect they need to improve.What’s more, the format of aement checklist should be well designed so that the teachers can feel it convenient and practical use.Rating scales are almost the same as the aement checklist.Rating scales record a certain specific criterion that a student has reached in the given period and given task (Liu shaobing, 2004:11-13).Rating scales range from a score of “1”, which indicates that the student has not accomplished a certain specific task, to poibly a score of “3” or higher marks, indicating the student is excellent in this aspect.This type of observation technique can be used to rate individual topics and are sorted into several categories.Rating scales help teachers to make proper comments and judgments and develop the students’ ability in a specific task.

Compared with anecdotal records, checklists and rating scales are relatively structured and close ended, they are especially of use for recording observations of specific claroom activities and the students’ performance in some aspects of a specific learning task, such as reading and writing ability.7 5.2.3 Journals Journals are written conversations between students and teachers.By keeping journals teachers have the opportunities to evaluate their students and see how well they expre themselves in a second language.In the journals students can expre their personal opinions freely in the second language without such preure as in cla.By writing journals students can give feedback to teachers about how they feel about their learning.The journals should be used to interact with the students and communicate with them, so it is important that journals should not be require to be well structured and teachers should avoid direct feedback to the student about the grammar mistakes in their writing or the contents of their writing.5.2.4 Portfolios

Portfolio, which is student-centered, is a very important and effective aement tools in formative aement.It is acting a more and more important part in aeing students’ performance.In a portfolio we usually collect students’ schoolwork which demonstrates their efforts, progre, and achievements in a certain area (Genesee &Upshur, 2001: 58).In other words, we can make an objective and comprehensive aement according to the stuents’ schoolwork in the portfolios.So portfolios are of great value to the students and teachers.Through portfolios students can monitor.Control and reflect upon their learning.They can also identify their own strengths and weaknees, set their own learning goals.Teachers should not lay emphasis on the mistakes they have made in their schoolwork.They should encourage them to do better in their work and make more positive comments on their work. The reasons why portfolios are adopted as an aement tool is that it can really reflect the students’ learning proce, the progre they have made.By using portfolios the students take an active in the learning proce willingly.To ensure it can guide claroom learning effectively, teachers should make a systematical plan for making portfolios.What will be contained in a student portfolio is up to the teachers and the students.Generally there are students’ aignments, project reports, compositions, and examination papers.etc.According to Fred Genesee &Johan A.Upshur, we can keep the following items in a student portfolio: 1.Learning contract, study plan, learning logs, progre cards, etc.2.All kinds of forms of teacher-aement and student-aement, etc.3.Report of reflection on their learning

4.Record of personal learning activities, like their performance in reading cla, reciting and role play in the claroom

5.Sample written aignments that students are most satisfied with 6.Exam papers with grades or teachers’ or students’ comments 7.Lists of books collected or made by themselves 8.Favorite works collected or made by themselves 5.3 Principle of formative aement

In order to correct over-emphasis on summative and neglect to the formative aement of tends, it is neceary for profound reform of the current evaluation system.This reform should reflect the overall goal of foreign language teaching.According to requirements of the \"curriculum standards of ordinary high school English \" (trial version).Reform the existing evaluation system should follow the principles of the evaluation mechanisms for the teaching of the target service.

5.3.1 科学性原则the principle of scientific

Primary and middle school foreign language learning evaluation includes not only language knowledge, language skills and overall communicative competence, but also include the student’s feelings, attitudes, values, learning strategies, cultural awarene and development potential in the learning proce.Both formative aement and summative aement is to ensure that an important principle of scientific evaluation.The evaluation should include the test of evaluation and non-test of evaluation.Even in the test model evaluation should also pay attention to the ability to examine the actual use of language, and it shouldn’t emphasis examine language knowledge and language forms.In the test, hearing test, written test requires a reasonable proportion.Objective questions and subjective questions have a reasonable proportion.5.3.2 导向性原则the principle of orientation

Learning aement is advantage of promoting achievement teaching objectives. Therefore, under the full attention evaluate students\' language knowledge and language skills of the premise, to stre the importance of non-test-based evaluation --- mainly formative aement to promote students to maintain a positive attitude towards learning, the formation of effective learning strategies and have cro-cultural communication consciousne.And this is neglected precisely the one hand in the past.Thus, the evaluation of formative aement should be in an important position, which is an important part of the implementation of Reform.Evaluation is neceary to focus on learning outcomes, but also pay attention to the learning proce.The evaluation should have a dual function, both the selection function, and the function of development services for the students, who should be the focus of evaluation reform.

5.3.3多样性原则The principle of diversity

The principle of diversity evaluation form should be diversified, especially formative evaluation.Teacher evaluation is not only the students, but also a self-evaluation and co-evaluation of students.In the formative evaluation, the teacher should gradually change its role from \"examiner\" role gradually changed to cooperate with the students together to complete the evaluation of the role.Formative evaluation let student selective autonomy.Let students decide evaluation content, evaluation forms.Teachers do not always have uniform regulations.This will help the students to play creative and practical abilities.

5.3.4 可行性原则the principle of Feasibility

Implementation of both formative and summative aement, it is bound to break the pattern of the original evaluation.Therefore, in the operation to be considered simple, and don’t heavier burden on teachers and students.If the evaluation procedures, methods and standards made very complicated, so it is not only difficult to carry out, but the effect is not necearily good.Because if the evaluation proce is too complicated, it will make the people involved in the evaluation cannot be flexible and comfortable to operate according to the requirements, and even the evaluators have to fidget, it can impact aement results.Even if the evaluation of programs and methods are very scientific, but if it is not well implemented cannot achieve good results, or even lose the evaluation of significance.Therefore, When the evaluation program developed and evaluated, it should be noted that the feasibility.[16]

Chapter six Conclusion

Compared with summative aement, formative aement pays more attention to the individual development is more humanistic.With the new aement system, students show more interest in learning English.Not only do they master the knowledge and the skills of English, but also they foster the sense of cooperation and form the ability of self-study.Although this new form of aement has not been widely used with this reason or that, its advantages have been seen by more and more educators.Especially as the English teaching in the context of Senior High, formative aement should be well conducted to improve students’ comprehensive capability of English as the ultimate aim of our teaching.Through the application of formative aement, there have been good outcomes emerging though problem and limitation still exist.Therefore, in the future teaching practice, some good result should be continued while problems should be discued and corrected.Together with summative aement, the researcher hopes formative aement can really function as an aid to improve teaching efficiency and learning abilities.































30.到后来才发现,每一个我中意的人都像你三分 -




















































82.我就像个小丑,在你的世界演绎我的现在与未来。或许只有你懂得我,所以你没逃脱 以前的不可一世在你面前都灰飞烟灭了

≮ 放 弃 是 一 种 智 慧、分 享 是 一 种 美地球人太可怕了,我要回火星!

如果有一天,你说你想我了,我会对你说:晚了…尊敬的用户,您的暑假余额已不足一个月,请及时哥不是绿茶,没有再来一瓶的机会 多少句我爱你,最终变成了我爱过你。

你以为我会眼睁睁的看你去送死吗? 我会闭上眼谁白天吵我睡觉,晚上你也别想好过。









90.请 原 谅 我 拙 笨 的 文 笔 , 写 不 出 感 人 的 甜 言。







97.爱其实没有错,错的是我们还没学会爱,就急着去爱。 1.妈妈说:淑女这个词和我相差十万八千里




























































































93.A:你有《时间简史》吗? B:神经病,我有时间也不捡屎!









102.三好学生,我们的目标 我们的努力:好吃、好玩、好睡。

103.无聊的时候就想想自己以后的人生哇! 前面有好多妖魔鬼怪啊











114.不是所有人都是坏人 但是所有人都不是好人。


116.你长了观音菩萨的脸 没长观音菩萨的心。



































7.男人 ,就该无条件的疼他自己的女人。

8.我爱你 从未有过的用心爱一个人。




12.人在说“没事” 的时候 往往都是最难受的时候。


14.我心里难受, 难受到,彻彻底底的讨厌了那个人。


16.没有受过伤的人, 才会讥笑别人身上的伤痕。


18.我的爱情悄悄而来 幸福由然而生。


20.虽然见了面心会痛、但是 我不爱你、我爱的是他,只是感觉曾经我那么傻而已。



23.给涐一辈子旳时间 让涐只学会心疼你一个人。















My Comments On the Leon In my opinion, the leon given by Mi Zhou is quite succeful.The teaching material of this leon is Language Structure-----The Attributive Clause in Unit 4 (SBI).Mi Zhou made her leon interesting and lively in her own manner of teaching.The Attributive Clause is one of the most important and difficult grammar items in senior middle school.Many students have difficulty in mastering it.On the whole, Mi Zhou has achieved the desired results.I think, the main distinguishing features of this leon are the evident arrangement of ideas and clear purpose, which contains the following three parts: a.Scientific, which reflects the good order and results; b.Efficient, which pays much attention to the sentence structure of communication terms; c.Focuses, which paves the way for the following leon. There are six main steps in this leon:(1)Lead-in; (2)Explanations of sentence structure; (3)Task-giving; (4)Practice; (5) Development and consolidation; (6) Aignment.These steps have their own functions.The first step is warming up.Enjoying a beautiful English song will arouse the students’ interest.The second one is learning the new language structure----the Attributive Clause (the uses and functions of the relative pronouns who, which and that ).The third one is understanding, whose purpose is to help the students smooth away the difficulties in understanding the language structures.The forth one is practising and memorizing.In this part, the students are asked to play a gueing game.It combines learning with fun, which makes the cla more lively and helps the students learn the knowledge in a much easier way.The fifth one is the deeper understanding and use of the language structure.After enjoying a movie, the students are asked to have a group discuion and then try to make sentences using the attributive clause.These activities make the students use the information they have obtained from what they have learned.And the three English proverbs can also help the students to reinforce not only what they have comprehended and learned, but also the language skills.The last step is a brief summary of the contents of the leon.And the students are given the tasks they should do after cla.Besides, this leon is ingeniously designed and rationally arranged.With the aid of CAI, more teaching contents are contained.With the colorful and vivid pictures, the teaching materials can easily attract the students’ attention and arouse their interest.And therefore, the students can master the knowledge in a relaxing and pleasant atmosphere.Also, the relationship between the teacher and the students is quite harmonious.Most students have taken an active part in the cla teaching.And I’d also like to make some suggestions.First, more time should have been set aside for the students to have the group discuion.In that case, more students will have the chance to practise the language.Second, giving the students more opportunity to practise reading and writing will be much better.In a word, the leon has been well prepared , the blackboard design is neat and clear and Mi Zhou’s spoken English is also quite clear and fluent.It’s a succeful leon, I think.

推荐第6篇:演讲Dream 纯英文


I don’t know what that dream is that you have, I don’t care how disappointing it might have been as you’ve been working toward that dream, but that dream that you’re holding in your mind, that it’s poible!

Some of you already know, that it’s hard, it’s not easy, it’s hard changing your life.That in the proce of working on your dreams you are going to incur a lot of disappointment, a lot of failure, a lot of pain.There are moments that you are going to doubt yourself.You said, God why is this happening to me? I’m just trying to take care of my family, trying to give them a good life, I’m not trying to steal or rob from anybody.Why does this have to happen to me.For those of you that have experienced some hardships–don’t give up on your dream.

The rough times are gonna come, but they have not come to stay, they have come to pa.Greatne, is not this wonderful, esoteric, illusive, God like feature that only the special among can achieve.It’s something that truly exists, in all of us.It’s very important for you to believe that you are the one!

Most people they raise a family, they earn a living and then they die.They stop growing, they stop working on themselves, they stop stretching, the stop pushing themselves.Then a lot of people like to complain but they don’t wanna do anything about their situation.and most people don’t work on their dreams – why?

1.Is because of fear, fear of failure “what if things don’t work out”?

2.Is fair of succe “what if they do and I can’t handle it?”

These are not risk takers

You have spent so much time with other people, you have spent so much time trying to get people to like you, you know other people more than you know yourself.You’ve studied them, you know about them, you want to hang out with them, you want to be just like them.You’ve invested so much time on them, you don’t know who you are.I challenge you to spend time by yourself.

It’s neceary, that you get the losers out of your life, if you want to live your dream.But people who are running towards their dreams, life has a special kind of meaning.When you become the ‘rightperson’, what you do is you start separating yourself from other people you begin to have a certain uniquene, as long as you follow other people, as long as you are being a ‘copycat’, you will never ever be the best copycat in the world but you will be the best you can be!

I challenge you to define your value.

Everybody won’t see it, everybody won’t join you, everybody won’t have the vision„it’s neceary to know that you are an uncommon breed.It’s neceary that you align yourself with people and attract people into your busine, who are hungry, people who are unstoppable and unreasonable, people who are refusing to live life just as it is and who want more! The people that are living their dreams are parting with winners, to attach themselves to the and the people who are living their dreams are the people that know that if it’s going to happen it’s up to them!

If you want to be more succeful, if you want to have and do stuff you never done before then I’m asking you to invest in you!

Someones opinion of you does not have to become your reality.

You don’t have to go through life being a victim.and even though you face disappointments, you have to know within yourself that ‘I can do this, even if no one else sees it for me, I must see it for myself!’

No matter how bad it is, how hard it gets, say to yourself, I’m going to make it!

I wanna represent an idea.I wanna represent poibilities.Some of you right now, you wanna go to the next level.You wanna be a civil engineer, you wanna council, you wanna be a doctor.

Listen to me: You can’t get to that level.You can’t get to that level until you start to invest in your mind.

I dare you to invest in your mind.

I dare you to invest time.

I dare you to be alone.

I dare you to spend an HOUR alone to get to know yourself.

I challenge you to get to a place where people do not like or do not even bother you any more.Why? Because you’re not concerned with making them happy anyway.Because you’re trying to blow up.You’re trying to get to the next level.Because you’re investing in your mind.

If you’re still talking about your dream and your goals but you have not done anything just TAKE THE FIRST STEP.

You can make your parents proud, you can make your school proud you can touch millions of peoples lives and the world will never be the same again because you came this way.Don’t let anybody steal your dream!

After we face a rejection and a “no” or we have a meeting and no one shows up, or somebody says “you can count on me” and they don’t come through, what if we have that kind of attitude that cause reposes, nobody believes in you, you’ve lost again, and again, the lights are cut off but you are still looking at your dream, reviewing it everyday and saying to yourself: IT’S NOT OVER UNTIL I WIN!

You can live your dream!






小积木(积砖)若干;教师搭建的两组门(一组对称,一组不对称);动物指偶(小狗、小猫)若干。 过程:



2.出示其他的动物指偶。鼓励幼儿尝试用对称的方法为小动物搭门(对称的门)。 3.到小动物家做客。



沪江英语 en.hujiang.com

西方人的正式名字(official given name)通常为多音节【如Abraham】,只在法律文件上使用。生活中往往使用一两个音节的昵称(pet name、hypocorism)

【如Abe】,作为亲密场合(intimate situation)的别称(nickname)【正式名字之外的任何单一词汇称呼;含义宽于汉语的‘绰号’或‘外号’】或爱称(term of endearment)。词尾可能会加y或ie等指小后缀(diminutive suffix),如Andy。这与汉语名字相对固定的习惯很不同,必须加以了解;否则可能会发生误解,或生硬地使用正式名字。


1.Abraham – Abe

2.Alan – Al、Allie、Ally

3.Albert – Al

4.Alexander、alexandra – Al、Alec、Alexis、Alex、Eck、Lex、Lexie、Lexi、Lecki、Sandy、Xander、Zander

5.Amanda – Amy、Mandy

6.Andrew、Andrea – Drew、Andy、Andie、Drea

7.Ann、Anne、Anna – Annie

8.Anthony – Ant、Tony

9.Arthur、Arturo – Art、Artie

10.Barbara – Babs、Barb、Barbie

11.Benjamin、Benedict – Ben、Benny、Benjy

12.Carolyn – Carol、Lyn、Carrie、Cary

13.Charles – Chuck、Chaz、Chic

14.Christopher – Chris、Criffer、Topher

15.Christopher、Christine – Kit

16.Daniel – Dan、Danny

17.David – Dave、Davy

18.Deborah – Deb、Debby

19.Dennis – Denny

20.Dominic、Dominique – Dom、Dommy、Nick、Nikki、Nikky、Nikkie

21.Dorothy – Dot、Dottie

22.Edwin、Edward、Edmund – Ed、Eddy、Eddie、Ned、Ted、Teddy

23.Elaine – Lainie

24.Eleanor、Hellen – Nell、Nelly

25.Elizabeth – Eliza、Elisa、Betty、Bettie、Liz、Lizzy、Lizzie、Lisa、Liza、Beth、Be、Bee、Beie、Bey、Betsy

26.Fiona – Fi

27.Franklin – Frank、Frankie

28.Gabriel – Gabe、Gaby

29.George – Georgie

30.Gerald – Jerry

31.Gregory – Greg

32.Henry – Hank、Harry、Hal

33.Isabella – Izzy

34.Jacob – Jake

35.Joanna – Jo、Joan、Joann、Joanne、Janet、Janete、Jannete、Janette、Jannette、Jane、Jayne、Jenny、Jeanny、Jeanie、Jeannie、Yoanna

36.James – Jamie、Jimbo、Jim、Jimmy

37.Jeica – Je、Jeie

38.Jonathan – Jon、John、Nathan、Jonny、Jonnie、Johnnie、Johnny、Jack

39.Joel、Joseph – Joe、Joey

40.Josephine、Joanna – Jo

41.Katherine – Kate、Katy、Katie、Kathy、Kitty

42.Katrina – Kat、Trina

43.Kenneth – Ken、Kenny

44.Kimberly – Kim、Kimmy

45.Laurence – Larry、Laurie

46.Liberty – Libby、Libbie

47.Louis – Lou、Louie

48.Lucille – Lucy

49.Madeleine、Magdalene、Magdalena – Maddie、Magda、Lena

50.Margaret – Maggie、Margie、Marge、Mollie、Molly、Meg、Madge、Peg、Peggy

51.Martin – Marty

52.Mary – Mae、Minnie、Mollie、Molly

53.Matthew – Matt

54.Megan – Meg

55.Michael – Mike、Mikey

56.Nathan、Nathaniel – Nat、Nate

57.Nicolas – Nick、Nicky

58.Nicole – Nikki、Nickie、Nicki、Niki、Nikky、Nici

59.Oliver – Ollie

60.Peter – Pete、Petey

61.Philippa – Pippa、Pip、Pippy

62.Priscilla – Cilla、Pri、Cilly、Priy、Prisca、Prill

63.Raymond – Ray

64.Richard – Rick、Dick

65.Robert – Rob、Bert、Bob、Robin、Dobbin

66.Ronald – Ron、Ronny、Ronnie

67.Rosemary – Rose、Rosie、Rosy

68.Rudolf、Rudolph – Rudy

69.Samuel、Samantha – Sam、Sammy

70.Sandra – Sally、Andra

71.Sarah – Sara、Sally

72.Sheldon – Shelly

73.Stephanie – Steph、Annie、Stephy

74.Stephen – Steve、Stevie

75.Susan – Sue、Susie、Suzy

76.Theodore – Ted、Teddy

77.Thomas – Tom、Tommy

78.Timothy – Tim、Timmy

79.Tobias – Toby

80.Victoria – Tor、Tori、Vick、Vicky、Vickie

81.Virginia – Ginger、Ginny

82.William – Will、Bill、Willie、Willy、Billy

83.Zachary、Zachariah – Zach





一 分类















三 昵称形成的原因




⑴喃喃的骂道:“这短命!等得我苦也!老娘先打两个耳刮子着!”(《水浒传》) ⑵湘云笑道:“傻子,过来尝尝。”宝琴笑说:“怪脏的。”(>) ⑶张生:借与我半间儿客舍僧房,与我哪可憎才居此处门儿相向。—王实甫《西厢记》



现代社会,人们对于感情的态度越来越开明了,然而,“故有文化中的一些基本特色并不因现代化而减灭,反而是有加强的倾向。”[2] 传统不会因为现代化而减少,反而有加强的趋势。现代恋爱的男女可以用很开放的词语来表达感情,但最能表达情感的,最具表现力的还是表里不一的反语昵称。如:



反语昵称也可以用语长辈称晚辈。如: (1)“小要命鬼呀,别哭啦!”这种呢妇女用干哑的喉音对小孩喃喃着。《青春之歌》

(2)二嘎:王奶奶,我要是走得快你可别骂我? 王大妈:我几儿骂过人,小泥鬼儿?《龙须沟》






㈣西方文明对昵称词的影响 西方文明是比较开放的,它们在我们处在封建社会时期的时候就已经开始使用一些甜蜜的昵称词了,比如“心肝儿”,“宝贝儿”,“甜心儿”„„。中国五四文化运动之后,思想开放了许多,大量的西方文化传入的同时,西方的昵称词也吸引了中国年青的知识分子的眼球,纷纷效仿。如:

(1)“大熊,你在想什么?”我没有睁开眼睛,我爱这个女人。(网络小说《爱情剧本》小说网络2004年7月27日) 这种欧化的称呼方式曾经盛极一时,虽然现代青年男女也有昵称,但用表动物,植物的“小莲蓬”,“小狗熊”已经不多了,但叫“猪头”,“小猪”,“猪”的比较多。


(1)杜文霞.浅论汉语昵称的文化制约性及其它[J].修辞学习,1997(2) (2)孙隆基.中国文化的“深层结构”[M].华岳文艺出版社,1988



待蔷名字薇几度花 5贪恋你的柔情ゝ 垨著陽咣ゝ垨著伱 〆 单曲无限循环 离运气半寸那么远 悲伤是上不岸的潮 〢穿越火线ゝ加油ゝ 自己毇自己哋①泩 指尖缝隙的眼泪 现实↗ 太假ゞ ↙℡☆美羊羊ギ 那ゟ抹[温柔] 訴,寂寞的伤。 〆緣份註定いゞ ★→朵骄傲的花 丶纤细的花喷鼻 听。心跳的节奏

卑微存在” 扯不住的懦弱 网名 男的

”淡然的微笑丶苍白了忧伤 只想描述ゟ下纯粹的青春

゛思念是ゟ种苦 记忆里的ゟ点阳光 >黑白的记忆丶残破的墙角∞


從(_鈊ゞ開始 思念像潮水丶不可阻挡 朝着太阳微笑的男人╮ 潮涨潮落为让谁观看゜ 忘却‘只留下淡淡de忧傷 ╮嘴角的微笑轻唱著离歌 有些承诺只是ゟ时兴起゜ - °谁在挽留着凋零的温存ゞ 回不去的往事、那叫失忆。 ℡╮内ゟ句、相见不如怀念 ゟ场宿醉、颠覆了沉沦。

生的潇灑丶活的自在 傷害不漲價、愛情不降價 〆再憂傷我也用微笑帶過╮ 淡然路過卻精心爲妳留景 男人的孤獨誰能懂、過多德在乎、換來壹句再見 也許丶妳會陪我看細水長流 淡然的微笑丶蒼白了憂傷 文字り.解釋不清我的情緒 沈默诠釋妳的毫不挽留╰ 悲傷的等待無望的愛 繁華面具背後華麗的虛僞ㄣ 時間無法回到最初的地方╰

网名 繁体字

用傻笑丶掩飾自己的末落。 今世的緣、我補會再放手 ″妳壹轉身丶流年以蒼白) 感情裏的戲丶我沒有演技。

幸福是被妳需要ゝ 都不要分離°言談放棄 社會太黑暗、別太放肆 逝去的愛情、無法重來 我懷念的只是那溫柔的妳ㄨ 時光稀釋淡漠的回憶 用壹世素顔谛聽半世未央づ ゝ妳的存在是我致命的依賴

多愁╮又善感。 心ω停止跳動 童顔美女。 悲傷、難掩飾 ╭斜視'妳給的痛 〆丶黑糖瑪奇朵。 為博藍顏ゟ笑、≈內個誰ˇ我喜歡你 我愛你、死心塌地 風起丶吹散誰的容顏 ゟ個人的馬路是寂靜の 如海般得愛情太深太深

想左右你的情緒 我們依舊、高傲得不顧ゟ屑

≮況天佑≯ ,低頭微笑


過分拉風 ぺ致命的绝望 \"烟熏妆也遮不住满脸悲伤

迷途亦不知返。 嘴角、扯起的微笑 演嘴在笑泪在掉的表情° 信什么不好,信爱情。 写不出那些华丽的字眼

那些以为的感动 花开得在美,终究也会凋谢 旋转的摩天轮 回到原点 _洅也回不到的從前゛ 凹凸、你属于谁的 我笑、你把爱轻描淡写 妳的专属回忆我主演

爱渐渐离开つ 笑的好美、可惜是伪装 用微笑埋葬零星记忆。 也许,笑只是个表情。





作为活动组织者,一系列破冰活动不仅有助于成员间打破隔膜,更有利于团队的凝聚。 铭记:交际的关键在于时常联系。(无事,感情积累;有事,不怕麻烦)

一、自我介绍方法 1.谐音法


这类名字很多,比如杜孜滕谐音肚子疼,吴燕梅谐音无烟煤,夏雨谐音下雨。谐音法除了正向谐音外,还可倒过来谐音,例如:“我叫刘鸿韬,大家可能记不住我的名字,您打扑克牌吗?记住红桃六,就记住我了。” 2.拆字法



例如:“我叫王广林,很多人都叫我王麻,因为年龄越大,我的连笔字就会越写越帅,久而久之,广林就合二为一了。” 4.换序发



例如:“大家知道岳飞是哪个朝代的吗?”“北宋”大家一口同声的回答。小伙子说:“对,其实不仅宋朝的岳飞爱国,唐朝的岳飞也爱国,所以我叫唐岳飞。” 再如:“大家好,大家都知道小品艺术家高秀敏吧,我就是她的简称高敏。”“大家好,我叫立波,不是周立波,而是王立波。” 6.说名解字法

说名解字即逐字剖析自己名字的含义,然后综合提升其寓意。如:“大家好,我叫杜爽,‘杜’在古代文言文中有‘杜绝’之意,‘爽’在文言文中有‘错误’之意,那么父母为我取这个名字,就是寄托在未来人生当中杜绝错误,实现完美人生。” 7.图画法

相声大师马三立曾介绍自己时说:“我是一匹马,而且是一匹用三条腿站立的瘸马”,他用名字为我们勾画了一副图。 8.猜谜法




五行法用于特殊人名。如:“我叫杜爽,又一次算卦,大仙说我不是水命,我窃喜。后来我才得知我应当改下名字,补补水分,因为‘木’要想在‘土’中生长必须需要水分,所以希望有水命的朋友能够多与我沟通,为我补补水分。” 10.故事法


再如:叫张兵的小伙子自我介绍:“叫张兵的人很多,但我觉得自己最有资格,为什么这么说呢?因为我出生在新疆建设兵团,父母都是军人,所以一出生我就是一个兵。” 11.名片法



二、识记名字、容貌方法 1.谐音法

同自我介绍谐音法,只是发出者为聆听着。 2.联想法(人、物、景)





如:身材略胖,喜欢说笑的潘萧然,潘=胖,萧然=笑然,即笑的样子,所以就好记了。 4.游戏法








a人数在 10 个人最适合 b参加者围成一个圆圈坐着。 c围个圆圈的时候,自己随即更换成右邻者的名字。 d教练决定顺序,然后顺次来提出问题。 e当教练问及“张三,你今天早上几点起床?”时,真正的张三不可以回答,而必须由更换成张三的名字的人来回答:“恩,今天早上我 7点钟起床!”然后该发言者可立即向别人发出提问。以此类推。

f当自己该回答时却不回答,不是自己该回答的人就要被惩罚。 5.身份速记(互动游戏1) (1)面对面

a将所有人排成两个同心圆,相向而行。 b教练喊“大圆小圆转啊转,大圆小圆转啊转。” “转出有缘人!”随教练声一停,外圆与内圆同学需要面对面站立,相互自我介绍,留下联系方式。


a两人面对面细致观察1分钟,然后相互背向站立。 b给大家 3 分钟,在身上做 3 个变化。 c回过头,彼此找找对方的变化。 d相互监督,找不出变化者受罚。篇2:如何让自我介绍富有特色






如何介绍自己的名字是有讲究的。有很多的朋友介绍自己的名字陷入了一些误区: 误区一:拆字介绍——特别是生僻的字,拆了半天,对方可能仍然没有明白。









自我介绍是当众讲话的基本功,也是众多当众讲话场面必不可少的环节,如何学会运用特色的方法来介绍自己的名字,让别人一听就能记住,并能对号入座,这是非常关键的。 方法一:赋予名字积极的意义。


方法二:故事法,讲明名字的来历或者编一个关于名字的故事,也是比较好的方法。 如:孙迎菊,可以这样介绍:我叫孙迎菊,据我妈妈讲,在我出生的那天,我家窗台的一那盆菊花一夜之间就绽放出来,于是我妈妈就给我起了这个一个名字。再如:前年雪灾期间,一小男孩在火车上降生了,取名为:众生!这就是一段特别的故事。包括震生(地震时出生)、忆洪(洪水时出生)、卫兵(70年代初期的时代背景)等等,这些名字都包含了一些特别的历史或是其他方面故事的背景的,也比较容易介绍。



再如,我们的助教中,有一位叫刘伊城的,这个名字如果用普通的方法很难介绍到位,但是如果这样介绍:刘德华的刘,郑伊健的伊,郭富城的城——这就能一鸣惊人,非常富有创意。 当然有时三个字如果无法全部与名人挂钩,也可以先从其实一个字开始。需要强调的是,最好运用同一类的名人来介绍自己的名字效果更好,比如周江平如果说成:周恩来的周,潘长江的江,平安的平,效果就不是太好了。

方法四:谐音法。利用谐音也能很好的给人留下想像的空间,留有余味。 如,邢芸,这个名字,就可以这样子介绍,效果就好多了:我叫邢芸,芸是芸芸众生的芸。我告诉大家一个秘密,你们要经常喊我的名字,你们就会得到好运。因为我的名字的谐音就是:幸运!请大家记住我,我会带给你们幸运的!






比如:时新——无边光景一时新;张恨水——自是人生常恨水常东;张习之——学而时习之。 方法八:寓意拆字法——拆字不可取,但是拆字时赋予它特别的意义就非常有意义了。 比如:老舍,姓舒,字舍予——舍予为人,非常富有特别的意义;有位作家叫张长弓,名字就很特别。




演艺名星潘长江,台上讲师李长江。 这种方法简单实用,只要你的名字有一个或两个字和名人相似就可以了。


另外,我们在记别人的名字的时候,上面的方法同样非常适用。 各位可以互相讨论一下,如果你的名字不是太好介绍,可以留言,让大家一起来脑力激荡,帮你想一个最好的方法来介绍自己!篇3:自我介绍









系。有缘再相见,无缘别相见. 自我介绍一般的有几个要素:姓名、籍贯、职业、爱好等等。









个云彩的云字。父母给起的,我也不知具体的什么意义。谢谢大家。 明显的,两人介绍,前一个就会一下子让人记住,而且赢得了听众的掌声,赋予了自己名








2、故事法,讲明名字的来历或者编一个关于名字的故事,也是比较 好的方法。













4、谐音法。利用谐音也能很好的给人留下想象的空间,留有余味。 如,我们刚才讲的:邢芸,这个名字,就可以这样子介绍,效果就好多了:


























二、籍贯 介绍籍贯,有下面几种方法:


扬州:我来自江苏扬州出美女,扬州自古出美女,扬州八怪名闻天下,扬州又是 江泽民的故乡,希望大家有机会可以到扬州一游。



哈尔滨:各位朋友,我来自哈尔滨,中国最北边的省会,松花江上的最大城市. 桂林:我来自桂林,著名的旅游胜地,桂林山水甲天下,想必大家都非常向往.



















比如,有一位同学,叫:周江平,他是这样介绍的: 我叫周江平,周是周恩来的周,江是江泽民的江,平是邓小平的平。三位伟人都是我最崇拜的偶像,因此,我时时刻刻都把偶像挂在嘴边,鞭策自己做一个对社会有益的人。

4、谐音法。利用谐音也能很好的给人留下想像的空间,留有余味。 如,我们刚才讲的:邢芸,这个名字,就可以这样子介绍,效果就好多了:

我叫邢芸,芸是芸芸众生的芸。我告诉大家一个秘密,你们要经常喊我的名字,你们就会得到好运。因为我的名字的谐音就是:幸运!请大家记住我,我会带给你们幸运的! 再如:刘学,这个名字,就可以这样介绍:















1、与当地的人文历史挂钩. 例如: 扬州:我来自江苏扬州出美女,扬州自古出美女,扬州八怪名闻天下,扬州又是江泽民的故乡,希望大家有机会可以到扬州一游. 南昌:各位朋友,我来自南昌,就是中国革命斗争的第一枪就是在南昌打响的.


例如: 哈尔滨:各位朋友,我来自哈尔滨,中国最北边的省会,松花江上的最大城市. 桂林:我来自桂林,著名的旅游胜地,桂林山水甲天下,想必大家都非常向往.


例如: 茂名,我来自广东茂名,著名的荔枝之乡。



介绍职业,尽量要赋予职业积极的意义和形象化的比喻. 比如: 老师,可以介绍:我的职业是老师,所以常常被人们称为人类灵魂的工程师.计算机工程师:我的职业是的网络维护工程师,我是虚拟世界的修理工. 销售:我的职业是推销员,就是“走出去、说出来、把钱收回来的”靠口才吃饭的人,所以我要来学口才提高自己的口头表达能力。


介绍自己的爱好和性格特点时,可以采用三点论,不要太多,并有集中概括能力。 比如:我有三个特点:第一喜欢:交友,希望在座的各位都能和我能为很好的朋友。第二,是旅游,全国我已经走遍了三分之二,还有三分之一希望与在座的各位一起游玩。第

三、喜欢看书,各种各样的书都喜欢看,可惜记性不好,看后就忘。 练习方法:每个同学上台,介绍一下自己的名字,籍贯、职业及三个特点。尽量将今天所学的东西用起来。争取最好的介绍效果,让下面的同学一下子就能记住自己的名字。 每人两分钟。












我叫孙菊,据我妈妈讲,在我出生的那天,我窗台的一那盆菊花一夜之间就绽放出来,于是我妈妈就给我起了这个一个名字。 再如:涂忆洪,可以这样介绍:





4、谐音法。利用谐音也能很好的给人留下想象的空间,留有余味。 如,我们刚才讲的:邢芸,这个名字,就可以这样子介绍,效果就好多了:







6、和地名挂钩。和自己相关的地方挂钩,既让对方记住了自己的名字,又能知道一些其他信息。 比如:李淮河,可以这样子介绍:
































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国外情侣之间最流行的英文昵称 Where can British people find their ideal spouses?

spouse 是配偶的意思,指夫或妻,用于比较正式的场合。

How do they meet their other halves?

other half,“另一半”,那口子(指自己的配偶),同时也可以指代男女朋友。

Quite a lot of people said they meet girlfriends or boyfriends when they are out in a bar or club, or at a party.

boyfriend/girlfriend 男/女朋友,指尚未步入婚姻殿堂的情侣们。

After a couple are engaged, they usually refer to each other as fiance/fiancee before others.fiance/fiancee未婚夫/妇

Sometimes people meet the love of their life at a party or in a pub.the love of your life 一生之爱,通常用于已经结婚的伴侣或是两人关系密切而稳定。

the love of your life 一生之爱,通常用于已经结婚的伴侣或是两人关系密切而稳定。 I met my partner by the matchmaker.

partner 也可以用来指自己的另一半。


my wife/hubby

my Mr./Mi.Right

my lovermy belovedmy sweetheart my prince/prince 当a couple直呼对方时,英语(论坛)如何表达呢? 可任选如下一种:dear






当今的压力重重的商务世界中,最后限期的设定和在此之前完成任务就是一个非常棘手的方面。一个掌控的非常好的项目应该有一个实际的时间结构并且能让客户满意。太过乐观的时间结构可能造成过于紧急的最后限期以至于员工需要工作至深夜,我们叫做burning the midnight oil。


尽管每个人在上个星期都为了工作熬了夜,还是不能确定是否能及时的在最后限期内完成任务。幸运的是,每个人的辛苦工作都有所回报你们by the skin of your teeth的完成了任务!这句话的意思是你刚刚好赶上时间完成任务!


看起来是好的解决方法往往在时间中显示出其不足。在这样的情况下我们说我们必须go back to the drawing board。照字面上的意思就是我们需要找到新的解决方法并设计更好的计划。


没有比不愉快的客户特别是意味成许多钱的大客户更能制造麻烦了!不用害怕,使用大量的服务技巧,甜言蜜语和一些受用的老式道歉方式来i>butter-up the customer。别担心,这并不意味着在你的客户身上涂黄油;这仅是指让你的客户感到满意和更合作而已!


每隔一段时间总有些非常重大的问题发生以至于产生严重的负面影响-例如,股市大跌或是公司的转让。要在如此的情况下继续让工作继续下去,可能需要通过合并项目,裁员甚至是关闭整个部门来操作我们所谓的damage limitation exercise


《Head shoulder knees and toes》

Head and shoulder and knees and toes knees and toes, (双手按次序指头、肩膀、膝盖、脚趾、膝盖、脚趾)

Head and shoulder and knees and toes knees and toes, Eyes and ears and mouth and noses (双手指眼睛、耳朵、嘴巴和鼻子)

Head and shoulder and knees and toes knees and toes


歌曲《If your\'re happy》中文名字叫《如果感到幸福你就拍拍手》

If your\'re happy and you know it, clap your hands(唱完这一句拍两下手)

If your\'re happy and you know it, clap your hands If your\'re happy and you know it, (双手在胸前交叉摆动)

And your face will surely show it (伸出两个食指从嘴巴往上划,做微笑状)

If your\'re happy and you know it, clap your hands

将clap your hands改成stomp your feet(跺脚)成一段,改成shout “hurray”(双手举起来做欢呼状),再改成do all three(把拍手、跺脚、欢呼连起来做一遍)。这首歌曲对节奏感要求比较强,尤其要等到唱完clap your hands才能拍手,很好地训练了孩子的音乐节奏感,以及眼睛和手的协调,更促进了孩子的社交互动力。唱这首歌的时候可以把全家人甚至周围的人都发动起来,唱的人越多就越快乐! 歌曲《one little finger》

One little finger, one litter finger (依次伸出左右两个食指) One little finger, tap tap tap (同时伸出两个食指,对敲三下)

Point to the ceiling, point to the floor (指天花板,指地板)

Put it on your head.(放在脑袋上)


洪恩节拍英语:歌曲《One little flower》

One little flower


One little bee


One little blue bird, high in the tree.


One little brown deer, smiling at me.



洪恩节拍英语:歌曲《Ten little fingers》

Ten little fingers (伸出十个手指) And ten little toes (指指你的脚趾)

Two little arms, and one little nose(摸摸你的手臂,指指鼻子)

One little mouth, and two little ears(指指嘴巴,摸摸耳朵)

Two little eyes for smiles and tears.(指指眼睛,两个食指从嘴角往上划做微笑状,往下划做哭泣状,表情也要搭配好哦。)


歌曲《Finger family》

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you? (把大拇指藏起来)

Here I am, here I am,how do you do?(露出大拇指,一边弯曲它做鞠躬状)

Daddy finger指的是大拇指,同样Mommy finger、brother finger, sister finger, baby finger分别是指食指、中指、无名指和小指。在各个手指上画上眼睛嘴巴,建议把每个手指的特点都画出来,增加趣味性:比如daddy finger上画一个特别的大大的鼻子,不用画头发。Mommy finger夸张地画上红嘴唇,长头发;brother finger的脖子处就画一个领结;sister finger头上画一个发结;至于baby finger,画一个大笑的嘴巴好了。你的宝宝一定喜欢这个充满趣味的游戏,而且很快,他就可以用how do you do来问候你了。

有异曲同工之妙的还有:《The finger family》

Daddy finger, daddy finger (把拇指藏在拳头中间) Here I am, here I am.(伸出拇指)

How are you today? (一只拇指向另一只弯腰鞠躬)

Very well I thank you.(另一个拇指鞠躬还礼)

Run away , run way.(两只拇指一起消失)

歌曲《clap your hands》 Clap clap clap your hands, as slowly as you can.(一边念一边拍手,语速要慢) Clap clap clap your hands as quickly as you can (语速加快,拍手的速度也跟着加快) 这里的clap your hands 可以依次改成shake your hands(摆手), roll your hands(拳头握起来平放在胸前,前后交替移动), wiggle your fingers(十个手指一张一合), pound your fists(握起拳头互相轻轻敲打)。 歌曲《hello》 Hello hello hello,how are you? I’m fine ,I’m fine ,I hope that you’re too.在你的手掌心里用笔(当然最好用鲜艳的颜料)画上嘴巴鼻子,嘴巴的形状可以夸张一些,比如一张哈哈大笑的嘴巴。一边唱这个歌,一边摇晃着手掌跟宝宝打招呼,还可以让弯曲你的手掌让它鞠躬。要是孩子喜欢听故事,听完这首问候的歌以后,妈妈可以让你的手掌脸讲故事、背歌谣。其实故事和歌谣都是平时熟悉的,有了手掌上这张有趣的脸,宝宝的注意力就不会分散到别的地方去了,从而不容易被周围的环境弄得烦躁不安。 歌曲《Twinkle little star》 Twinkle twinkle little star, (两个手的手指一张一合,示意星星在眨眼睛) How I wonder what you are, (两个食指放在太阳穴旁边做思索状) Up above the world so high (双手举到空中随着音乐节奏摇晃) Like a diamond in the sky.(两手的食指和大拇指分别伸出来放在一起,做成一个钻石形状) Twinkle twinkle little star, How I wonder what you are, 这也是一首广泛流传的儿歌,节奏轻柔温馨,让人不由变得安静和快乐。在唱整首歌的过程中,身子都可以跟着音乐节奏轻轻摇晃。我和昊昊唱这首歌的时候,经常唱着唱着两个人就拥抱在一起,随着音乐轻轻摇晃身体,实在是一首非常温馨的歌曲。 歌曲《Let everyone clap hands》 Let everyone clap hands like me (拍两下手) Let everyone clap hands like me, (拍两下手) Come on and join into the game (双手垂直身体平伸出去,手掌往里弯曲做come on状) You’ll find that it’s always the same.(双手交叉放在胸前摇晃身子) 这里clap hands可改成laugh(嘿嘿笑)、cry(boo-hoo哭)、sneeze(a-choo发出打喷嚏的声音)。这首歌跟《If you’re happy》有异曲同工之妙,也是训练孩子的音乐节奏感,除了第

一、二句的动作以外,其它的都可以省掉 英文歌谣《The Elephant Goes》 The elephant goes like this, like that.(四肢着地,慢慢地像大象一样走) He\'s terribly big, (站起来,把手举高) And he\'s terribly fat.(双臂向两边伸开) He has no fingers, (握拳,藏起手指) He has no toes, (摇动脚趾) But goodnes gracious, (做一个吃惊的表情) What a nose! (指鼻子) 这个歌谣很形象地描述了大象的模样和动作,通常孩子们都是喜欢模仿动物的动作。呵呵,要是你周围的地方比较狭窄的话,就不用模仿大象走路啦。


Old MacDonald has a farm\'yee ya yee-ya-o.He raise some ducks in his farm\'yee ya yee-ya-o.Quack\'quack here and quack\'quack there.Here quack\'there quack\'everywhere quack\'quack\' Old MacDonald has a farm\'yee ya yee-ya-o.(歌词中的动物可以随时代换成鸡鸭牛羊马猪,一边唱一边学动物叫)






b]◆《Head shoulder knees and toes》[/b] Head and shoulder and knees and toes knees and toes, (双手按次序指头、肩膀、膝盖、脚趾、膝盖、脚趾) Head and shoulder and knees and toes knees and toes, Eyes and ears and mouth and noses (双手指眼睛、耳朵、嘴巴和鼻子) Head and shoulder and knees and toes knees and toes 这首歌在北美是一首耳熟能详家喻户晓的儿歌。刚开始唱的时候节奏可以慢一些,因为要连贯地做一系列动作,对孩子来说实在是一件不大容易的事情。等孩子动作协调了以后,可以越唱越快,非常好玩。这个游戏极大地锻炼了孩子身体动作的协调性,而且很快孩子就能记住他身体这几个部位的英语名称了。

[b]◆ 歌曲《If your\'re happy》中文名字叫《如果感到幸福你就拍拍手》[/b] If your\'re happy and you know it, clap your hands(唱完这一句拍两下手) If your\'re happy and you know it, clap your hands If your\'re happy and you know it, (双手在胸前交叉摆动)

And your face will surely show it (伸出两个食指从嘴巴往上划,做微笑状) If your\'re happy and you know it, clap your hands 将clap your hands改成stomp your feet(跺脚)成一段,改成shout “hurray”(双手举起来做欢呼状),再改成do all three(把拍手、跺脚、欢呼连起来做一遍)。这首歌曲对节奏感要求比较强,尤其要等到唱完clap your hands才能拍手,很好地训练了孩子的音乐节奏感,以及眼睛和手的协调,更促进了孩子的社交互动力。唱这首歌的时候可以把全家人甚至周围的人都发动起来,唱的人越多就越快乐!

[b]◆歌曲《one little finger》[/b] One little finger, one litter finger (依次伸出左右两个食指) One little finger, tap tap tap (同时伸出两个食指,对敲三下) Point to the ceiling, point to the floor (指天花板,指地板) Put it on your head.(放在脑袋上)


[b]◆洪恩节拍英语:歌曲《One little flower》[/b] One little flower(伸出一个食指做“1”状,然后两个手腕并在一起放在下巴下面,做“花朵”状)

One little bee(两个手臂放在身体两侧,手掌快速扇动做蜜蜂飞)

One little blue bird, high in the tree.(两只手臂大幅度地扇动做小鸟飞行状,然后举到空中) One little brown deer, smiling at me.(手掌张开,拇指顶在太阳穴扮成小鹿的角,脸部做一个大大的微笑)


[b]◆洪恩节拍英语:歌曲《Ten little fingers》 [/b]Ten little fingers (伸出十个手指) And ten little toes (指指你的脚趾)

Two little arms, and one little nose(摸摸你的手臂,指指鼻子) One little mouth, and two little ears(指指嘴巴,摸摸耳朵)

Two little eyes for smiles and tears.(指指眼睛,两个食指从嘴角往上划做微笑状,往下划做哭泣状,表情也要搭配好哦。)

[b]◆歌曲《Finger family》

[/b]Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you? (把大拇指藏起来)

Here I am, here I am,how do you do?(露出大拇指,一边弯曲它做鞠躬状) Daddy finger指的是大拇指,同样Mommy finger、brother finger, sister finger, baby finger分别是指食指、中指、无名指和小指。在各个手指上画上眼睛嘴巴,建议把每个手指的特点都画出来,增加趣味性:比如daddy finger上画一个特别的大大的鼻子,不用画头发。Mommy finger夸张地画上红嘴唇,长头发;brother finger的脖子处就画一个领结;sister finger头上画一个发结;至于baby finger,画一个大笑的嘴巴好了。你的宝宝一定喜欢这个充满趣味的游戏,而且很快,他就可以用how do you do来问候你了。

[b]◆《The finger family》[/b] Daddy finger, daddy finger (把拇指藏在拳头中间) Here I am, here I am.(伸出拇指)

How are you today? (一只拇指向另一只弯腰鞠躬) Very well I thank you.(另一个拇指鞠躬还礼) Run away , run way.(两只拇指一起消失)

[b]◆歌曲《clap your hands》[/b] Clap clap clap your hands, as slowly as you can.(一边念一边拍手,语速要慢) Clap clap clap your hands as quickly as you can (语速加快,拍手的速度也跟着加快)

这里的clap your hands 可以依次改成shake your hands(摆手), roll your hands(拳头握起来平放在胸前,前后交替移动), wiggle your fingers(十个手指一张一合), pound your fists(握起拳头互相轻轻敲打)。

[b]◆Hello hello hello,how are you?[/b] I’m fine ,I’m fine ,I hope that you’re too.


[b]◆歌曲《Twinkle little star》[/b] Twinkle twinkle little star, (两个手的手指一张一合,示意星星在眨眼睛) How I wonder what you are, (两个食指放在太阳穴旁边做思索状) Up above the world so high (双手举到空中随着音乐节奏摇晃)

Like a diamond in the sky.(两手的食指和大拇指分别伸出来放在一起,做成一个钻石形状)

Twinkle twinkle little star,How I wonder what you are.这也是一首广泛流传的儿歌,节奏轻柔温馨,让人不由变得安静和快乐。在唱整首歌的过程中,身子都可以跟着音乐节奏轻轻摇晃。

[b]◆歌曲《Let everyone clap hands》[/b] Let everyone clap hands like me,(拍两下手) Let everyone clap hands like me,(拍两下手)

Come on and join into the game (双手垂直身体平伸出去,手掌往里弯曲做come on状) You’ll find that it’s always the same.(双手交叉放在胸前摇晃身子) 这里clap hands可改成laugh(嘿嘿笑)、cry(boo-hoo哭)、sneeze(a-choo发出打喷嚏的声音)。这首歌跟《If you’re happy》有异曲同工之妙,也是训练孩子的音乐节奏感,除了第


[b]◆The elephant goes like this, like that.(四肢着地,慢慢地像大象一样走) [/b]He\'s terribly big, (站起来,把手举高) And he\'s terribly fat.(双臂向两边伸开) He has no fingers, (握拳,藏起手指) He has no toes, (摇动脚趾)

But goodne gracious, (做一个吃惊的表情)

What a nose! (指鼻子) 歌谣很形象地描述了大象的模样和动作,通常孩子们都是喜欢模仿动物的动作。呵呵,要是你周围的地方比较狭窄的话,就不用模仿大象走路啦。

[b]◆《Five little monkeys》[/b]

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed(一只手的五个手指放在另一只手掌上) One fell off and bumped his head (收起一只手指,然后作抱头状) Mama called the doctor and the doctor said: (手拿电话,在空中作拨号状) \"No more little monkeys jumping on that bed.\" (表情严肃地摇动手指)


[b]◆FLASH儿歌《Walking, Walking》(三只老虎曲调)[/b] Walking, walking, walking, walking,

(把食指和中指放在另一只手背上,象走路一样地一前一后移动两个手指) Hop, hop, hop, hop, hop, hop, (两个手指同时跳起来再落回到手背) Running, running, running, (快速地移动两个手指,做跑状) Running, running, running, Now, let\'s stop, (停住不动)

Up and down.(两只手指指天空,再指指地面) 要是你们活动的地方稍大一点,可以不用手指来示意这些动作了。比如你和宝宝在房间里一边唱一边表演走路、蹦跳、奔跑、停止等动作,up的时候就把双手高高举到空中,down的时候蹲下来,双手触摸地面。

[b]简易英语儿歌带动唱[/b] ◆伦敦大桥垮下来

London Bridge falling down\'falling down\'falling down.(爸妈伸出双手,搭出一座桥,把宝宝围在中间,做出桥突然垮下来的样子,重复3次) London Bridge falling down\'My fat lady! (最后一次桥垮下来,一定要表情夸张,再双手缩紧,父母和宝宝都抱在一起,必要时还可以搔宝宝的痒;若是较大的小孩,可以绕着爸妈跑,再学火车过山洞,钻过小桥,并避免被垮下来的桥抓住,较大的孩子也会觉得很好玩。)


The more we get together\'together\'together.(妈咪和宝贝坐在一起,肩搭着肩随着旋律做左右摇晃状) The more we get together\'the happier will be.(妈咪和宝贝继续肩搭肩,爸爸在前做隔空发功的指挥状,爸爸往前推,妈咪和宝宝就往后倒,爸爸往后拉回去,妈咪和宝贝就往前倒) Cause your song is my song.(双手握拳,伸出食指和大拇指,比出七的手势,食指向着对方一指,再把双手大拇指对着自己指回来)

And my song is your song.(继续重复双手大拇指比自己,再伸出七的手势,食指比对方) The more we get together\'the happier will be.(爸爸妈妈和宝宝一起肩搭肩左右摇晃)


Row\'Row\'Row your boat\',Generally down the stream\',Merely\'Merely\'Merely\' Life but a dream.(先把双腿并拢,再把孩子放在腿上,伸出两手食指,让孩子握紧,再做出划船的前后拉锯状)


One little\'Two little\'Three little fingers\'(双手握拳,先从右手的小拇指依序数起,每数一个数目,就翘起一根手指来)

Four little\'Five little\'Six little fingers\'(再数到左手的大拇指来)

Seven little\'Eight little\'Nine little fingers\'(左手继续数下去,右手的5个手指头此时全是张开状)

Ten fingers on my hand!(双手食指全部张开,再拍2次手)

Ten little\'Nine little\'Eight little fingers\'(十指都张开以后,再倒数回去,这次从左手小拇指开始,每数一次收一根手指)

Seven little\'Six little\'Five little fingers\'(继续收回右手指)

Four little\'Three little\'Two little fingers\'(随着数目越来越少,手指头也越比越少)

One finger on my hand!(最后只剩一只右手小拇指还竖起来,可以故意左右摇摆,秀给宝宝看)


Old MacDonald has a farm\'yee ya yee-ya-o.He raise some ducks in his farm\'yee ya yee-ya-o.Quack\'quack here and quack\'quack there.Here quack\'there quack\'everywhere quack\'quack\' Old MacDonald has a farm\'yee ya yee-ya-o.(歌词中的动物可以随时代换成鸡鸭牛羊马猪,一边唱一边学动物叫) 奥尔夫学的英文手指歌 ◆手指游戏

This little piggy went to martke This little piggy stayed at home This little piggy had roast beef This little piggy had none And this little piggy cried, “wee-wee-wee..” All the way home


clap, clap , clap your hands clap along with me,

clap, clap , clap your hands clap along with me clap a little faster(slower) now clap along with me clap a little faster (slower) now clap along with me



1、《Head shoulder knees and toes》

Head and shoulder and knees and toes knees and toes, (双手按次序指头、肩膀、膝盖、脚趾、膝盖、脚趾) Head and shoulder and knees and toes knees and toes, Eyes and ears and mouth and noses (双手指眼睛、耳朵、嘴巴和鼻子) Head and shoulder and knees and toes knees and toes (这首歌在北美是一首耳熟能详家喻户晓的儿歌。刚开始唱的时候节奏可以慢一些,因为要连贯地做一系列动作,对孩子来说实在是一件不大容易的事情。等孩子动作协调了以后,可以越唱越快,非常好玩。这个游戏极大地锻炼了孩子身体动作的协调性,而且很快孩子就能记住他身体这几个部位的英语名称了。)

2、歌曲《If your\'re happy》中文名字叫《如果感到幸福你就拍拍手》

If your\'re happy and you know it, clap your hands(唱完这一句拍两下手)

If your\'re happy and you know it, clap your hands If your\'re happy and you know it, (双手在胸前交叉摆动) And your face will surely show it (伸出两个食指从嘴巴往上划,做微笑状)

If your\'re happy and you know it, clap your hands 将clap your hands改成stomp your feet(跺脚)成一段,改成shout “hurray”(双手举起来做欢呼状),再改成do all three(把拍手、跺脚、欢呼连起来做一遍)。

(这首歌曲对节奏感要求比较强,尤其要等到唱完clap your hands才能拍手,很好地训练了孩子的音乐节奏感,以及眼睛和手的协调,更促进了孩子的社交互动力。唱这首歌的时候可以把全家人甚至周围的人都发动起来,唱的人越多就越快乐!)

3、歌曲《one little finger》

One little finger, one litter finger (依次伸出左右两个食指) One little finger, tap tap tap (同时伸出两个食指,对敲三下)

Point to the ceiling, point to the floor (指天花板,指地板) Put it on your head.(放在脑袋上) 最后一个head改成nose,mouth,ear等其它身体部位,甚至可以改成chair、table等等地方,呵呵,可以灵活运用哦。

3、歌曲《One little flower》 One little flower (伸出一个食指做“1”状,然后两个手腕并在一起放在下巴下面,做“花朵”状) One little bee (两个手臂放在身体两侧,手掌快速扇动做蜜蜂飞) One little blue bird, high in the tree.(两只手臂大幅度地扇动做小鸟飞行状,然后举到空中) One little brown deer, smiling at me.(手掌张开,拇指顶在太阳穴扮成小鹿的角,脸部做一个大大的微笑)

4、歌曲《Ten little fingers》 Ten little fingers (伸出十个手指) And ten little toes (指指你的脚趾)

Two little arms, and one little nose(摸摸你的手臂,指指鼻子)

One little mouth, and two little ears(指指嘴巴,摸摸耳朵) Two little eyes for smiles and tears.(指指眼睛,两个食指从嘴角往上划做微笑状,往下划做哭泣状,表情也要搭配好哦。)

5、歌曲《Finger family》

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you? (把大拇指藏起来)

Here I am, here I am,how do you do?(露出大拇指,一边弯曲它做鞠躬状)

Daddy finger指的是大拇指,同样Mommy finger、brother finger, sister finger, baby finger分别是指食指、中指、无名指和小指。在各个手指上画上眼睛嘴巴,建议把每个手指的特点都画出来,增加趣味性:比如daddy finger上画一个特别的大大的鼻子,不用画头发。Mommy finger夸张地画上红嘴唇,长头发;brother finger的脖子处就画一个领结;sister finger头上画一个发结;至于baby finger,画一个大笑的嘴巴好了。你的宝宝一定喜欢这个充满趣味的游戏,而且很快,他就可以用how do you do来问候你了。

6、《The finger family》

Daddy finger, daddy finger (把拇指藏在拳头中间) Here I am, here I am.(伸出拇指)

How are you today? (一只拇指向另一只弯腰鞠躬) Very well I thank you.(另一个拇指鞠躬还礼) Run away , run way.(两只拇指一起消失)

7、歌曲《clap your hands》

Clap clap clap your hands, as slowly as you can.(一边念一边拍手,语速要慢) Clap clap clap your hands as quickly as you can (语速加快,拍手的速度也跟着加快)

这里的clap your hands 可以依次改成shake your hands(摆手), roll your hands(拳头握起来平放在胸前,前后交替移动), wiggle your fingers(十个手指一张一合), pound your fists(握起拳头互相轻轻敲打)。


Hello hello hello,how are you? I’m fine ,I’m fine ,I hope that you’re too.在你的手掌心里用笔(当然最好用鲜艳的颜料)画上嘴巴鼻子,嘴巴的形状可以夸张一些,比如一张哈哈大笑的嘴巴。一边唱这个歌,一边摇晃着手掌跟宝宝打招呼,还可以让弯曲你的手掌让它鞠躬。要是孩子喜欢听故事,听完这首问候的歌以后,妈妈可以让你的手掌脸讲故事、背歌谣。其实故事和歌谣都是平时熟悉的,有了手掌上这张有趣的脸,宝宝的注意力就不会分散到别的地方去了,从而不容易被周围的环境弄得烦躁不安。

9、歌曲《Twinkle little star》

Twinkle twinkle little star, (两个手的手指一张一合,示意星星在眨眼睛) How I wonder what you are, (两个食指放在太阳穴旁边做思索状)

Up above the world so high (双手举到空中随着音乐节奏摇晃) Like a diamond in the sky.(两手的食指和大拇指分别伸出来放在一起,做成一个钻石形状) Twinkle twinkle little star, How I wonder what you are,

10、英文歌谣《The Elephant Goes》

The elephant goes like this, like that.(四肢着地,慢慢地像大象一样走)

He\'s terribly big, (站起来,把手举高) And he\'s terribly fat.(双臂向两边伸开) He has no fingers, (握拳,藏起手指) He has no toes, (摇动脚趾) But goodne gracious, (做一个吃惊的表情) What a nose! (指鼻子)

11、儿歌《Walking, Walking》 Walking, walking, walking, walking, (把食指和中指放在另一只手背上,象走路一样地一前一后移动两个手指)

Hop, hop, hop, hop, hop, hop, (两个手指同时跳起来再落回到手背) Running, running, running, (快速地移动两个手指,做跑状) Running, running, running, Now, let\'s stop, (停住不动)

Up and down.(两只手指指天空,再指指地面)


1.high low voice 玩法(1):老师大声读,幼儿小声读,反之,老师小声读,幼儿大声读。

参考用语:when i read loudly, you must read softly ,and when i read softly ,you must read loudly.玩法(2):根据图片的高低来读,如果老师高高的举起图卡,幼儿就大声读,老师将图卡变低位置,幼儿声音就随之变小,也可不用图卡,根据老师手势的高低来读。

参考用语:when i raise the card,you speak loudly,when i put down the card,you speak in a low voice.

2.follow me


参考用语:let’s play a reading game,you should to follow my voice and my action,let’s have a try.玩法(2):老师读单词并用手势出示所读次数,幼儿根据老师读出的次数和手势,跟读相应的次数。 参考用语:follow me ,when i read apple once,you will read apple.when i read apple apple ,you must read the word twice,you have to listen very carefully and count how many times i have read.玩法(3):老师读单词,但不配手势,幼儿根据老师读出的次数跟读相应的次数。

参考用语:follow me ,when i read apple once ,you will read apple,when i read apple apple.you must read the word twice,you have to listen very carefully and count how many times i have read.

3.what’s miing? 玩法:首先,将单词图贴在黑板上,或将实物摆放在地上,老师带幼儿复习一遍后,请幼儿闭上眼睛,将贴在黑板上的词卡或实物抽走一个,藏在黑色神秘袋中,再请幼儿睁开眼睛,看一看,猜出哪个图卡或实物不见了。 如回答正确将图卡或实物暂时送给幼儿并及时给予表扬。

参考用语:let’s play a game.look ,what on the blackboard, close your eyes .Open you eyes,oh my dear, what’s miing ,i don’t know, who can help me ?

4.drive the train 玩法(1):老师手持方向盘,当火车司机,玩开火车的游戏(可以伴有歌曲the wheels on the train),当火车开到任意幼儿面前停下时,表演所学单词的动作,让幼儿儿来猜,或提问,请幼儿回答,幼儿回答正确可以上火车,火车再开往下一位幼儿面前,继续游戏。

参考用语:hello,i am a driver of the train,ok ,let go , the wheels on the train, go round round round ,round and round.....Who am i ?mommy, great ,get on the train ,let’s go .玩法(2):老师头戴大盖帽当司机,手拿方向盘做转动姿势,边装火车的声音边绕着幼儿慢慢走动,然后停下来问幼儿,想坐我的小火车吗?只要你能回答我的问题就可以坐火车啦,当幼儿回答正确后,就可以上火车并和老师一起唱歌一起开火车。

参考用语:look,i am a train driver,i can drive the rain ,ha ha ,oho wants to go by train?but you need to answer my question first, if your answer is right ,you can go by train.

5.paing game 玩法(1):老师将幼儿所学单词卡放入一个盒子中,听音乐玩游戏,当音乐响起时,幼儿一个接一个地传递盒子,当音乐一停,幼儿必须停下,这时手持盒子的幼儿,在盒子中抽出一张图卡进行练习(可以说单词,也可以练习句子),老师对回答正确的幼儿给予表扬。

1 参考用语:let’s pa the magic box,ok? Pa on by one listen to the music.Stop aha,you can take out a card, who is he ?he’s daddy, yes,great,let’s go on.玩法(2):老师让幼儿围成圈坐好,把卡交给第一个幼儿,再请另一位幼儿,到前面来蒙眼,并敲鼓,其他幼儿听着鼓声从第一位幼儿开始向下一个传递,鼓声停,手持图卡的幼儿就要念出单词或句子,再交换,游戏继续。 参考用语:listen to the drum and pa the card,when the drum stops ,you must stop paing the cards.who get the cards must say the words loudly or answer my question loudly,are you ready?

6.one by one 玩法(1):幼儿手拿单词卡片,在音乐的伴奏下,从一个幼儿的手中依次传给下一个幼儿。同时幼儿一定要大声朗读该单词卡片的内容。

参考用语:please pa the card one by one and tell us what it is when you are paing .are you ready?let’s begin.go ! 玩法(2):一排幼儿中,第一个幼儿问第二个幼儿,请其回答,第二个幼儿再问第三个,以此类推,问答接龙。

参考用语:please answer my question first and then ask your neighbor the same question .

7.puppet talks 玩法(1):请幼儿闭上眼睛,老师布置小舞台来制造气氛,然后请幼儿睁开眼睛,并观看对话或短剧表演。表演者要装扮成手偶的声音。再让幼儿一起模仿表演。 参考用语:everybody close your eyes.one two ,three ,open your eyes (开始表演)hello,i am midi,hello ,i am candy,how are you ,candy,i am fine,thank you.Read after me ,how are you ?i am fine ,thank you .

8.London bridge 玩法(1):请一位老师和幼儿手拉手高举起来当小桥,再请其它幼儿依次从小桥下经过,当唱到最后一句时,小桥落下,被套住的幼儿要说出单词,句子或回答老师提出的问题,之后继续游戏。 参考用语:are you ready,let’s sing a song, London bridge is falling down............i catch you ,answer my question.

9.TPR 玩法(1):让幼儿上来听指令做动作。

参考用语:now ,listen to me ,when i say something,you must do the action, for example,when i say,sit down,you must sit down,when i say,cat,you must act like a cat.

10.Simon says 玩法(1):老师说单词或指令语,当老师在单词或指令语前加Simon says时,幼儿要做相应的动作,没有加时,幼儿就不用做动作,如,老师说Simon says ,come here时,幼儿就要走到老师跟前,如果老师只说了come here,幼儿就定着不动,幼儿可边做动作边说内容。 参考用语:let’s play a game,listen to me carefully,when i say,.......玩法(2):老师教孩子们读单词,句子及指令语,当老师在前面加simmon says则跟读,不加时可

2 以不用跟读

参考用语:let’s play a reading game,when i say Simon says .....,you must read after me ,when i say........you cant read,listen to me carefully,ok?

11.Two ups 玩法(1):按座位顺序进行单词抢答比赛,每次两个幼儿同时站起来,抢答单词和句子,说得又对又快的幼儿为胜,继续和下一个幼儿比赛,输了的幼儿坐下。最后看看每个幼儿能打败几个对手,表扬打败对手多的幼儿。


参考用语:you two answer ,you are out,sit down,you win ,go on please.

12.Gueing game 玩法(1):老师把实物放到袋子里,然后请幼儿猜出单词或实物,最先说对的幼儿胜出,可以取得实物或该单词卡,稍后还给老师。 参考用语:what is in the bag?gue....玩法(2):老师把实物放在黑色袋子里,然后请幼儿伸手进袋子触摸,根据感觉猜出实物并用英文说出来,说对的幼儿胜出,胜出的幼儿可以当小老师去问下一名幼儿。

参考用语:what is in the bag?use your hand to touch it.can you feel it?what is it?can you tell me? 玩法(3):老师把let’s do 句子以身体动作的形式表现出来,让幼儿猜let’s do 的句子 参考用语:look at me ,what am i doing?can you tell me?

13.Touching game 玩法(1):老师抟单词图卡摆放在地板上,幼儿分成3-4人小组进行游戏。每组幼儿手持小锤,听老师命令,当老师念到哪个词时,幼儿就快速地跟到图卡前,并用小锤子敲打,一边打一边大声说出来,看谁反应快,再换下一组幼儿游戏。

参考用语:are you ready?ok,let’s begin(全体幼儿大声读出命令中的单词)

14.Duck duck goose 玩法(1):全体幼儿围成一个圈站好,老师手持单词卡,在圈外一个接一个的拍着幼儿的头走,同时,口中念Duck duck .....goose,当念到goose时,此幼儿要读出图卡上的内容,表扬答对的幼儿。 参考用语:let’s play a game,let’s say duck duck goose,when you say goose,you must answer my question.玩法(2):全体幼儿围成一圈站好,老师手持单词卡,在圈外一个接一个的拍着幼儿的头走,同时,口中念Duck duck.....goose,当念到goose时,老师把卡放在这名幼儿的身后,迅速沿圈跑回此幼儿的位置,这位幼儿要转身去追老师,如果能追到老师,并能说出图卡的单词,幼儿就赢了,否则先要说出单词卡内容,再扮成老师刚才的角色,继续游戏。

参考用语:let’s play a game,let’s say duck duck goose„„catch me ,if you catch me,answer the right question,you are win

15.Music chair 玩法(1):请幼儿围成圆坐好,当音乐响起时,幼儿起立在教室里一边自由走动,一边唱歌,当音

3 乐停止时,幼儿与老师要尽快抢一把椅子坐下,请没有抢到椅子的幼儿出局并回答老师的问题,减少一把椅子,游戏继续,再慢慢减少椅子,直到最后只有一把椅子。

玩法(2):老师在幼儿的面前放上五张椅子,排成一个圈,老师请六位幼儿来进行游戏(最好男生和女生各进行一轮)。当音乐响起时,幼儿们绕着排成圈的椅子走,当音乐停下时,6个幼儿开始抢椅子,并坐下,最后没有椅子的幼儿要回答老师的问题,再换另6名幼儿继续游戏。 参考用语:ready,go(music),now ,stop stop,answer my question.

16.Happy clock 玩法(1):老师将单词卡片置于转盘上不同的位置,旋转转盘,当停下时,看指针指向哪个单词,请幼儿迅速读出所指的单词。

参考用语:now ,please look at the dial,i will turn it ,look carefully, What’s it?who can tell me ?

17.Whisper 玩法(1):将幼儿分成两组,分别请各组的第一名幼儿上来,老师将句子悄悄告诉两名幼儿,两名幼儿返回后,用接力的方式一个接着一个传给同组的其它幼儿,各组最后一名幼儿听到句子后迅速跑到老师面前说出句子,哪组最快最准,哪组赢。 参考用语:let’s play whisper game Listen to me carefully,you will hear a word or sentence ,please whisper it to your friend sitting next to you,are you ready?

18.Treasure hunt 玩法(1):老师站在宝物旁边(宝物装在大蓝子里),将幼儿分成两队,排列在离老师5米开外的地方(每队前面摆一个小蓝子),老师发指令come here时,幼儿跑过来拿一件物品,在宝物周围原地不动,老师接着说go back时,幼儿拿物品跑回去,放到本队的小篮子内,并说出所拿宝物的英文,再换下一个幼儿游戏。

参考用语:there are so much treasure, do you want to get my treasure? Yes Ok ,let’s play a game, are you ready? Yes Now,three two ,one begin

19.Who is speaking 玩法(1):请一个幼儿上前蒙上眼睛,另一幼儿说出一个词,句子或唱首歌曲,之后,被蒙上眼睛的幼儿取下蒙眼布,根据声音判断,找到说话的幼儿,同时,所有幼儿一起说单词,句子或唱歌曲。 参考用语:now ,let us listen and judge who is speaking?

20.Cro the river 玩法(1):老师利用方块型的积木搭出一座小桥,并将单词图卡放在小桥旁边,幼儿每走一步都要通过一张图卡,说出其内容,说对了就通过,说错了就掉进水里,被鳄鱼吃掉。

参考用语:ok ,let’s cro the river,but if you cat say the word correctly,you will fall off the bridge and you will be eaten by the crocodile, are you ready?

21.Frozen man

4 玩法(1):幼儿在教室的大空间随意站着,音乐一响幼儿就跟着音乐随意跳舞,做自己喜欢的动作或摆各种姿势,当听到FREEZE时,就要停下来,保持自己最后的一个动作不准动,直到音乐结束,那些不小心动了的幼儿,就要留下,请其回答问题,方能结束游戏。

参考用语:listen to the cd and let’s dance.when you hear FREEZE,you must stop moving.


玩法(1):老师读单词或句子一遍,全班幼儿读三遍,而且一遍比一遍小声,装成是老师的回声。 参考用语:after i read the word for one time ,you must read it three times ,and the first time you read loudly,second time you read lower,third time you read lowest ,just like the echo of me ,

23.Listen and mime 玩法(1):老师说单词或let’s do 句子,让全班幼儿用动作或声音表现出来。如果该单词是动物就装动物叫声或标志性的动作,如果该单词是水果就把水果形状比划出来,如果let’s do 句子是drink some water那幼儿就做喝水状。

参考用语:i will say a word or a sentence,please try to act it out with an action, you cant say the word or sentence,listen to me carefully.

24.Quick response 玩法(1):老师从身后拿出单词图卡,看谁反应最快,最先说出单词。

参考用语:kid ,look at the picture,what’s this?who can say it as soon as poible,are you ready?begin! 玩法(2):老师迅速指到一个单词图卡,哪个幼儿最先读出,就为胜,并给予奖励。 参考用语:what’s this,who an tell me ,good job,you are the first one.玩法(3):两名幼儿背对背站好,听老师口令同时转身,说出对方拿的图卡内容,快者胜。 参考用语:stand back to back ,when i say 1 2 go ,please turn back and speak out the word.玩法(4):老师提一个问题,看谁答得又快又好 参考用语:who can answer my question first?

25.Bend down 玩法(1):几名幼儿双手拿图卡站好,老师说单词或句子,拿着对应图卡的幼儿要蹲下再站起,同时说出相应单词或句子

参考用语:listen to me,when i say the word apple(老师举例,指到拿图卡的幼儿说),you should bend down and speak out the word.

26.Lip reading 玩法(1):老师只做嘴形,不发出声音,让幼儿观察老师的嘴型,说出单词。 参考用语:look at my mouth,speak out the word what i said

27.Ask and answer 玩法(1):老师问幼儿问题,幼儿回答问题,要先说ask ask 再问问题answer answer再回答,也可以是幼儿问,幼儿答,可一个问一个答,也可一人问多人答。

参考用语:let’s play a game,the game is ask and answer ,if i say ,ask ask ,i’ll ask a question,you must

5 say ,answer,answer and answer the question.



参考用语:let’s play a game,ok! cat is the word of taboo,when i point to cat ,you cant say cat but meow,follow me ,please ,are you ready,one two go! Ks:meow,dog rabbit ,bird ,fish........

29.Role play 玩法(1):请幼儿扮演各种不同的角色进行对话或情境表演,并配以表情及相应动作 参考用语:look,who is he?who wants to be coco?let’s enjoy the story and have a role play, Ks:you are candy ,and you are midi,ok ,act out the story now.

30.Songs chain 玩法(1):进行歌谣歌曲的句子接龙,练习对整个歌谣的把握,例如老师说第一句,幼儿说第二句,老师说第三句,幼儿说第四句。

参考用语:let’s play songs chain,i say the first sentence,you say the second sentence,are you ready? 玩法(2):一排幼儿中,第一个幼儿唱歌曲的第一句,接着第二个幼儿唱歌曲的第二句,第三个幼儿唱第三句,以此类推,幼儿一个接一个的传下去,顾及全体幼儿,也可以边传小球边唱,

参考用语:k1 sing the first sentence,k2 sing the second sentence ,k3 sing the third sentence,and pa the ball while singing,ok?

31.listen to the ring 玩法(1):老师出示一张单词图卡,请幼儿听铃鼓声,老师拍铃鼓,拍一下幼儿说一遍,拍两下说两遍,谁反应快就请谁拍铃鼓,依次说完所有的单词。

参考用语:look at me ,i will play the drum,when i pat one,you say once,i pat two,you say twice,ok? 玩法(2):老师准备打击乐器,幼儿和老师一起转成一圈坐在地止,游戏一开始老师用打击乐器敲打出声音,根据声音的次数,幼儿用英语说出数字,可以随时 更换打击乐器,提升幼儿参与的积极性。

参考用语:do you like the music?listen ,nice music Now ,let’s count,listen carefully.One two three,yes,you are great.

32.A big hug 玩法(1):幼儿手拉手围圈站好,一个幼儿站在中间,与外围的幼儿不同方向边唱边转动,歌声停,两个幼儿抱在一起,没有换到伙伴拥抱的幼儿,必须根据老师的指令说出相应的内容,或者作出相应的动作。

参考用语:stand up ,hand in hand,make two circles and sing the song ,when the music stops ,you should give another kid a big hug.


33.Lucky dice 玩法(1):老师把单词图卡贴在dice的六面,让一个上来扔,然后根据面朝上的单词图卡做出回答,在游戏的过程中可以替换图卡。

参考用语:let’s play lucky dice,throw the dice and speak out the word

34.Hot music 玩法(1):幼儿围坐成一圈并小声唱歌谣,老师在中央赵兰劝并用hammer轻轻敲一名幼儿的头或身体,被敲到的幼儿需要站起来大声接唱歌谣部分。如此加快速度敲幼儿增强趣味性,同时训练幼儿反应能力

参考用语:let’s make a circle and sing the chant together,when i touch you ,you should stand up and speak out the chant loudly,are you clear

35.Choose the cards 玩法(1):老师带上礼帽变成魔法师,请幼儿上前抽图卡,然后让幼儿读出单词或回答相关问题,如果回答正确,则将图片暂时送给幼儿,如果错误,幼儿必须把正确答案说5遍才可解除咒语。 参考用语:look here ,there are many cards,you can choose any card you like,but you must answer my questions.

36.Yes or no 玩法(1):老师把单词图卡放在幼儿面前的地板上,老师提问或说一个句子,请两名幼儿抢答并在地板上找出正确的图卡,放在相应的座位上,没有迅速回答并拿到正确图卡的幼儿出局。 参考用语:do you like the cat,yes(找出cat并放在yes椅子上)no(找出cat并放在no椅子上)

37.Dancing carpet 玩法(1):请一名幼儿站在集体前,将五张单词卡放在地上,摆在这名幼儿的周围,老师说一个单词,这名幼儿用一只脚踩向相应的图卡,幼儿不要踩到图卡上,以免踩坏图卡,同时说出英文单词,老师说单词的速度可以越来越快,可越来越快或由一个单词变两个增加难度和趣味性,幼儿踩图卡动作类似跳跳舞毯。




参考用语:stand up ,walk to the door ,turn on the light ,turn off the light,walk to your seats,turn left ,jump,read ,sleep

39.Counting game 玩法(1):让幼儿报数,把幼儿分成两组,从1开始,一直报到19,轮流进行报数比赛,老师计时,

7 看哪组用的时间短。

参考用语:let’s play the counting game,you count from 1 to 19one by one ,let’s see which group is faster,ok?

40.I spy

玩法(1):老师把手放在额头,左右移动,做仔细寻找,查看的动作,说出自己看到的东西(挑幼儿学过的,数量在1-20之间的)看看幼儿是否也能看到,说出准确的数字。 参考用语:i say some bags,how many bags are there? Let’s count ,yes ,i spy 20 bags,

41.Listen to the order 玩法(1):幼儿围坐成一圈并小声唱歌谣,老师在中央走动并用hammer发指令,被敲到的幼儿需站起来大声接唱歌谣部分,如此加快速度敲打幼儿增强趣味性,同时训练幼儿反应能力。

参考用语:listen to the chant and act it out ,when i touch you ,you should stand up and say the chant loudly

42.Throw the ball 玩法(1):老师先请配课老师示范,一边把球扔给配课老师,一边说good morning,同时,配课:good morning teacher,接下来,老师把球扔给其他幼儿,边扔球边问,good morning,接到球的幼儿回答good morning teacher! 参考用语:look,a ball,do you want to play ball with me?yes Ok ,let me see,good morning(一边抛球一边说,接球的老师同时也回复)

43.Who is the best commander 玩法(1):可让幼儿发指令,分组进行操练,A组的幼儿一起发指令,B组的幼儿一起做动作,然后B组的幼儿一起发指令,A组的幼儿一起做动作,评选最佳小指令员。

参考用语:group a say sentence,group b do the actions,let’s see who is the best commander.

44.Run run run


参考用语:when i say boy ,you should run to the card,and say the word loudly.

45.the wolf and the rabbit 玩法(1):老师扮演大灰狼,幼儿为小兔子,请幼儿离开座位指定一个地方为他们的家,大灰狼装成兔妈妈敲门,小兔子开门,发现大灰狼后逃跑,被大灰狼抓住的幼儿回答问题,回答正确可在回家,回答错误就被大灰狼吃掉。

参考用语:knock,knock,knock (who is it) It;s mommy ,open the door(come in,please,oh ,no run run run)

46.I am a commander

8 玩法(1):请幼儿上桌,每个幼儿发3-4个桌面玩具雪花片,幼儿听老师的口令,幼儿将桌面玩具当自己的小士兵。

T:stand in a line.幼儿将雪花片排成一队。

T:walk one by one幼儿将雪花片一个一个移动。幼儿熟练句子后,自己给玩具发指令。 参考用语:let’s be commanders,are you ready?

47.Jump jump jump 玩法(1):老师在地板上划出多个连在一起的大方格或者呼拉圈,把单词卡片按顺序摆放在方格里面,将幼儿分成两组,每组各派一个幼儿出来跳方格,其他幼儿齐声说are you ready,jump jump jump,跳方格的幼儿边念出图卡的单词边跳方格,念得 对跳得快的幼儿获胜。 参考用语:you are team a,you are team b,let’s have a match,who wants to try? You should jump jump jump into the square and read the word out.

48.Go fishing 玩法(1):老师用卡纸制作一些热带鱼,在每条鱼下面写着一个单词,背后贴上一个磁铁,另外制作两支钓鱼秆,尾端绑上磁铁,分别让幼儿上来玩钓鱼的游戏,钓上来的鱼要读出它身上的单词,比一比谁最快钓到鱼及读出单词

参考用语:let’s go fishing,you should catch the fish quickly and read the word out.

49.Trick game 玩法(1):老师说的和做的一致,幼儿们要跟读模仿,不一致时,幼儿们不能出声也不跟着表演动作。

参考用语:if i am right,follow me ,if i am wrong,keep silent,are you clear,

50.Listen and circle 玩法(1):请幼儿根据听到的单词将对应的图卡用手画个圈出来。 参考用语:listen to the word or sentence,and circle it out.

51.Find out the card 玩法(1):老师把一单元所有的单词卡片放在一起,教师说一个单词,请幼儿马上从单词图卡堆里找出对应的单词图卡,谁先找出并找对为赢。 参考用语:listen to the word and find out the card.

52.One two three 玩法(1):老师扮演魔鬼去抓幼儿,当幼儿说ghost时,鬼就被定住,同时魔鬼开始数数,数到three又可以继续抓幼儿了 参考用语:now,i am a ghost,i will catch you ,when you say ghost,i can;t move,and after i finish saying 1 2 3,i can move again,are you clear?

53.Rickety tickety

9 玩法(1):老师把手放额头,左右移动,做仔细寻找,查看的动作用,并说:rickety,tichety,look at me 引起幼儿注意,再说出自己看到的东西,看看幼儿是否也能看到,并说出准确的数字, 参考用语:rickety,tichety,look at me ,how many boys can you see? I can see 10 boys, yes ,can see 10 boys.

54.Listen and seek 玩法(1):将一名幼儿的眼睛蒙上,老师悄悄地把一张卡片藏在一个角落里,其他幼儿不能告诉他,只能用声音的大小提示他,幼儿睁开眼睛听声音找卡片,其他幼儿与老师不停地说单词,幼儿离图片越近,声音就越大,反之声音就越小,直到找到卡片为止。

参考用语:let’s play a game,i will hide a card in our claroom,you must find the card,we can help you ,when you close the card,the voice is high,far from the card ,the voice is low,who wants to try?

55.Change seats 玩法(1):请5名幼儿坐下,其他幼儿在外面围着这5名幼儿按顺时针方向走动,大家一起唱儿歌,当老师叫停止后,坐着的与前面正对着站着的幼儿交换位置,看看每次哪5位幼儿最幸运。游戏再继续进行。

参考用语:ready,go ,now ,stop,please change your seats with the friends in front of you.

56.Big wind blows 玩法(1):让参加游戏的每位幼儿都拿一张卡片,T:big wind blows,K:blows what?T:blows the cup,这时拿杯子图片的幼儿立即交换座位,没有座位的幼儿代替老师发下一回的指令。 参考用语:let’s play a game,big wind blows,ready,go,big wind blows K:blows what?T:blows the cup T:sorry,you are out,come here.

57.jump and touch 玩法:老师将单词图卡举过幼儿的头顶,请幼儿跳起来并拍到此图卡,同时其余的幼儿一起说单词图卡上的单词。

参考用语:tell me the word and touch it

58.Wolf wolf ,what can you see? 玩法:让一句幼儿扮演狼,4-5名幼儿戴上头饰或拿着卡片扮演小动物,其余幼儿一起问大灰狼wolf wolf,what can you see?大灰狼用完整的句子说i can see a hen/......被大灰狼说到的小动物要跑到老师设置的房子里躲起来,动作慢的被大灰狼抓住吃掉。 参考用语:let’s ask the wolf,wolf wolf what can you see?ok?i f the wolf say ,i can see a rabbit,all the rabbits should go home quickly,are you clear.

59.Clap hands 玩法:老师将单词卡片贴在黑板上,请幼儿听老师念单词,并根据黑板上不同位置的单词图卡在相应的位置拍手。

参考用语:now,let’s play clap hands,when i say a word,you should run to the card of the word and clap

10 your hands,ok?

60.Radio game 玩法:老师在黑板上画出录音机的播放,暂停,快进,快退,大小声键,请幼儿按老师所指的键用相应操作念单词。

参考用语:let’s play the radio game.look,this is a radio,when i touch this one ,you should say the word,sentence loudly,when i touch this one,you should say the word ,sentence slowly,are you ready

61.Memory game 玩法:空间记忆游戏,老师先带幼儿复习单词几遍,让幼儿认真观察并记忆各图卡排放的顺序,将图卡背面朝上,来猜出依次顺序,增大难度可再次移动,训练幼儿空间记忆力

参考用语:let’s play a game.open your eyes,look at my cards carefully,what’s no 1?remember te order,please,,,,do you still remember what is number one ...

62.I am a magician 玩法:老师扮演一个有趣的魔术师,她要把自己或幼儿不喜欢的东西变成喜欢的东西,她动作快时,可换成另一张卡,变完后给幼儿看,幼儿告诉魔术师图卡名称,有时她又变不出来,但只要幼儿能把相应的单词准确重复5遍,她就可变出来。

参考用语:(1)T:hi ,everybody ,i am back ,do you like the tiger? Ks:no,i don’t T:haha,turn turn turn ,look no more tigers ,what are these?Ks:now,they are lions ,you are a great magician.we love you.(2)T:i don’t like the parrot,turn turn turn ,aha,look ,what’s this?//parrot//T:ah(disappointed)turn turn turn,look,what is it?//great,it’s kangaroo//

63.Bowling 玩法(1):老师将塑料玩具或塑料瓶,充当保龄球,摆成一排,每次请5-8个上来游戏,幼儿手持皮球,排队站在玩具对面4米的位置,当老师说开始的时候,幼儿就一个接着一个把球滚向对面的塑料玩具,打不中的幼儿要说出数字或回答老师所提的问题。 参考用语:who wants to play the game?//i want to try// Ok, let’s begin,one two three go! 玩法(2):请一个幼儿上来戴上闹钟的头饰,用小皮球扔保龄球,如果他击中数字1,其他幼儿问excuse me,mr clock,what time is it?该幼儿回答,如果击中数字4,就可去抓其它幼儿提问。 参考用语:excuse me,mr clock,what time is it.//it’s 1:00//

64.Stamp the shadow 玩法:天气好的情况下,带幼儿到户外踩影子,先将单词卡片,如不同的职业,发给5名幼儿,将图卡贴在幼儿的背上,幼儿听老师说职业,带着所说职业图卡的幼儿在老师规定的范围内跑动,其他幼儿2-5人去追带有此卡的幼儿,踩他的影子,之后老师再换其它卡片,注意安全。 参考用语:stand up,stand in a line, attention,let’s go outside,don’t push,let’s go When i say,teacher,you find the kids with teacher and then run to stamp the kid’s shadow

65.Lucky window

11 玩法:准备一个A3大小的纸板,上面写上lucky window,中间开两个小窗口,窗口后贴上一个袋子,可以放上面或实物,将食物图卡放在小窗户的袋里,老师提问,请两名幼儿回答问题,然后每人打开一扇窗户,摸出一张图卡或一个实物,若正好与所答相符,则是幸运窗口,。 参考用语:what do you want to eat?//meat// Please open the window,yes or no,?yes ,meat!wow,it’s a lucky window,great,give me five,bingo

66.Hunting blocks 玩法:把积木放进一个大圈内,将幼儿分成两队,老师喊一个数字(1-12),两队各派出2名幼儿跑进圈内捡出与老师所说数目相符的积木,再跑回各自队伍中,其余幼儿大声重复老师所说数字,最后大家一起大声地数数看捡出的积木数目是否正确,正确的队伍便可得分。

参考用语:let’s work in pairs,are you ready?5 blocks..let’s check ,how many blocks are there?

67.What time is it,Mr wolf 玩法:老师前面走,孩子边走边问wolf wolf what time is it?当老师回答it’s dinner time时,幼儿往回跑,被抓到的幼儿出局。

参考用语:wolf wolf,what time is it?it’s ...o’clock,.......it’s dinner time.

68.Huge clock 玩法:玩法同飞腿指针,请幼儿将1-12的数字卡依照实际钟面位置摆在地上,并在外围以粉笔画一个大圆圈,圆圈半径为幼儿腿的长度,使之成为一个大钟面,请两幼儿站在钟面中心,用一只脚踩圆心,当老师说到2 o’clock时,幼儿另一只脚像时针一样指向2(踩在2的旁边,不要踩到图卡上),看谁反应快。

参考用语:look at the clock,you use one foot stamp here,listen carefully,when i say 1 o’clock,you use another foot to stamp 1 o’clock

69.What are you scared of 玩法:老师手持卡片在前面走,幼儿跟在后面问:what are you scared of?老师回答cat。Policeman.....当说到monster时,幼儿赶紧回座位,跟得慢的幼儿被monster抓回家。

参考用语:i ‘m scared of monsters,what are you scared of? Monsters are terrible,when we say monsters,the monsters will come to catch you ,you have to run back to your seats.

70.Word web 玩法:让幼儿自由说学过的同类单词,先让幼儿轮流说,一个幼儿只说一个,说不出来时可给适量的帮助。

参考用语:we have learned a lot of animals ,what animals do you know?who can tell me?please tell me one by one.

71.The big worm 玩法:幼儿排成两组,一组扮演毛毛虫,坐着提问题,一组扮演吃毛毛虫的鸟,站着回答问题,两组面对面,中间离2-3米远,一组问what’s your favorite animal?另一组看老师手上的图片回答正确后往前跳,回答若干次后看谁最先跳到坐着的幼儿面前,跳到目的地后,站着的幼儿要把坐着的幼儿吃掉,

12 被吃的幼儿要装死,装成有趣或可怕的死状,直到大毛毛虫最后被 吃光,幼儿复活,游戏结束

参考用语:let’s play a game.i divide you into two groups,ok, group a come here and sit down,you are the big worm,group b can eat the worm,you must stand here .Group1:what’s your favorite animals?group2:my favorite animal is mouse

72.Magic box 玩法:老师扮成witch施展魔法变出糖果,当witch在变的,悄悄地把糖果从小口塞进盒子,当展示给幼儿看时,引出句子give me a candy,并引导幼儿集体说出,说的好的幼儿可以得到糖果,作为奖励。

参考用语:i am a witch,i have a magic box,do you know what is in the box?a car?an apple?candy?let’s see ,ha ha ,a candy,who wants this candy? //me//ok if you want ,you must say ,give me a candy //give me a candy,give me a candy//here you are,//thank you//you are welcome.

73.Walk forward 玩法:幼儿分成两组,站成两排,面对面,在两队中间划一条线,老师出示单词卡片,哪组先说出来,全体幼儿向前走一步,看哪组先走到对方的区域为胜。 参考用语:ok,if you can say the word or sentence as soon as poible,you can walk forward for one step,are you ready?

74.Hot potato 玩法:请幼儿站成一个圆圈,或站成一行,把右手或左手握成拳头伸出来,老师当hot potato,幼儿跟着歌曲的节奏,点数其他幼儿的拳头,当念到more时,被点到的幼儿立刻把拳头放到背后,保证不被抓到,就为胜,谁的拳头被抓到了,就要回答问题 参考用语:let’s make a circle and play a game ok? Now ,put up your right hand ,and when you hear more,you must put your right hand back,,be careful,don’t be caught by me ,are you ready? 13










≡ 暖人暖心暖瞳回眸 ≡ 冷言冷语冷眼相望 ▢ 戏子

2/5,° ▣ 丑角

3/5,° 堇色素颜 凉城空ζ 暮色浓妆 却微凉ζ 新人笑

〔Fa1r〕° 旧人哭

〔Fa1r〕° 倒数.こ three two one 默写.こ one two three 磕磕绊绊从不言分离∥ 吵吵闹闹从不言离弃∥ 深浅不一的印记, 付之一笑的回忆。 新念

2/n 旧思

2/s 君不见.伊人莫相忘 场以散.故人亦相离 my heart/为伱痴迷- my world/为伱颠覆- 旧事难题

// 旧梦难温

// 温存

u2﹌ 迷醉


烂熟透红 空洞了的瞳孔 终于掏空 终于有始无终 Curtain 情歌。 Flowers 情调。

2m/ 你哭的很难过, 2L/

我笑的很做作。 多情 des1Re∥ 寡欲 des1re∥ 卍

搅心者。 卐

温柔虐。 这爱说不清也道不明﹌ 这心填不满也掏不空﹌ 说谎说谎说不出的谎▽ 骗人骗人骗不了的人▼ -


3/s -


7/c 你的笑慌乱了我的骄傲∝你的泪慌乱了我的心跳∝I love you

uoy evol I



◤ 不文艺的伪萝莉∞ ◤ 不天真的假正太∞ 寡人有疾

- 庸人未治

- 假温柔° mmmmmm 假绅士° mmmmmm 旧人旧情

≡ 旧情旧瘾

≡ mmmmmm°离心率 mmmmmm°痴心范 灯笼易灭 M/m° 恩宠难寻 M/m° 揪心 # 纠心 # 花心 # 滥情 #


Gentle° 初晴-

Moment° -

无欲无求// -

莫失莫忘// 空心 Vicious ▽ 暖心 Vicious ▼ 沦陷°

-fall 散格°

-lost ◤ 独一小姐

1/2 ◤ 无二先森

2/1 二 逼矫情范

文 艺清新风

黄块块 ★

粉星星 左瞳°

Remnant 右眸°


∝格子控° 独特的安全感

∝暖色控° 别致的温暖感


- 占有


◤ 禽兽先生 丶Large 妖媚小姐 丶Small▾ 扮爱 pretend-lov3 半爱 half-lov3 一年一年安安静静陪你过 一步一步简简单单跟随你 向日葵▼开在旧夏天 小雏菊▢开过旧时空 霸道∞ 不失 温柔情 风骚∞ 不失 矜持美 兮颜°

/㏄ 昔年°

/㏄ 斯文小姐*

㎜ 矜持先生*

㎜ 锦瑟安年伴君三生∝ 半面泪装眷卿三世∝ 灬你一直是我爱的先森 灬你一直是我念的小姐 ▼心甘情愿宠着你∴ ▢死心塌地爱着你∴ ζ 水墨渲染了谁的画卷 ζ 胭脂晕染了谁的流年 ⊙ 海绵宝宝大大的笑 ⊙ 阿狸桃子纯纯的爱 爱党爱国爱你妈, 爱国爱民爱你爸, ▍岛格先生

こ ▍彼岸小姐

こ 妖孽受ζ


爱或毁 Extreme。 恨或厌 Extreme。 锦年你是我抓不住的光/ 素时你是我挥不走的影/ Les,

旧人伤▣ Gay,

新人欢▢ 她和她的少年 ∞ 他和他的骚年 ∞ 。9

凉生/ 。9

边城/ 此情应是长相守° 君若无心我变休° 你真美 ﹟

美你妹 ﹟

2b年代一朵骄傲的花 2b年代一颗傲慢的草 //

以爱博爱 //

将心比心 日光倾城,温暖不至人心 浅夏将至,凉薄负了情伤 ▢



潮爷 emotion≡

潮娘 emotion≡ 她城他心

▼ 他国她梦


说太多不如沉默 2M/

想太多我会难过 半岛旧情 .Hr2u° 余温重顾 .Hr2u° ▍



小悲小欢小流年‖ 小暧小昧小青春‖ 魅力帅气她爷们/* 温柔动人他媳妇/* 收起幼稚做你的男人丶 丢掉任性做你的女人丶 寂寞与红酒▍Nervou 烟蒂与口红▍Nervou 长长长长的大街和永远ぅ 短短短短的小巷和瞬间ぅ 旧人旧梦旧时光 ≡ 旧容旧颜旧温存 ≡ 那些薄凉的小时光。 那些温暖的小情话。 想这样 ▼简简单单 就这样 ▽安安静静 她的故事他的梦 つ 他的故事她的心 つ 醒梦空▢

-mm 醉酒浓▣

-gg 她她她她° 我的M1n9·他他他他° 我的X1n· 哗众取宠的香艳描述ζ 俗不可耐的浓情蜜语ζ BROKEN 凉岛 BROKEN 凉岛 R°ventric L°tatrium 他没有什么,一颗心陪你ゃ她不要什么,有你陪就好ゃ

男人要活出你的霸气劲丶 女人要露出你的性感美丶 ▢

有派先生/ ▣

拉风小姐/ 替代品 substitute□ 太委屈 grievance ■ 不娘少年▍ 2amor▽ 无好学生▍ 2amor▼ 美丑一张脸 ζ

大小一颗心 ζ


xx 〔just〕

xx 雨天丶淋大雨 晴天丶撑小伞 我爱森林味的牙膏 我爱大海色的牙刷 泪花的妆颜° 掩盖的寂寞°



小打小闹小幸福* 小争小吵小任性* の上课觉觉 の下课闹闹 ≡ 离歌∥~ ≡ 离唱∥~

为自己的哭泣找借口 为自己的伤心找理由 是谁旳无奈,渲染了悲伤 是谁旳放弃,抛弃了自己 猫玖 鱼柒

公元前我们都太年轻 世纪末我们都太苍老 回忆、唯美伤 回忆、伤唯美 控制了我的情绪 掩饰了我的冲动 微笑悲伤洒了一地 悲伤凄凉落了一季 柠檬不萌ら.Rose° 香蕉不娇ら.Rose° 春天、残留我们的气息╮ 夏天、剩留我们的气息╮ 腼腆 ∝ 羞涩 ∝

﹏Shyメ闺蜜晓 ﹏Shyメ闺蜜霜 蓝玫瑰的魅惑 红玫瑰的妖娆 布 丁゛ 牛 奶゛

▍浅唱゛雾非雾的情思 ▍低吟゛花非花的格调 浅唱、我的罪 浅唱、我的泪 南宁° 北喧。



〃不哭不闹不炫耀 〃不离不弃不分别 ▥▤晨、一缕阳光゠ ▥▤夜、一丝凉风゠ 我非南湘为何甜美 我非宛如为何奇葩 闺儿似水似爱情 蜜儿倾城倾人心 ゛ 明眸丶 ゛ 柔眸丶 手牵手 好朋友 心连心 好闺蜜

乱乱的回忆° 我们的青春 缓缓的念着° 我们的结局 浅秋藤蔓蘑菇小屋与惊鸿。清夏蓝鲸海巷小镇与凉梦。仰望丶放肆的幸福゠ 囬眸丶烂漫的幸福゠ 淚染伊人妝╮ 笑看伊人戲╮

~~【黑玫瑰刺痛爱】 ~~【红玫瑰刺痛爱】 沵旳温暖ご 沵旳心跳ご

我的大姐 万颂伊 我的小妹 百颂伊 花心女王 花心女痞

动我姐妹者杀无赦丶 惹我闺蜜者斩立决丶 姐妹一生@ 闺蜜一世@ 北岛以南安静溺蓝 南岛以北喧闹溢扬 蓝莓不美℃ 香蕉不娇℃ 萌萌萌、萌丫头 坏坏坏、坏丫头 空城旧梦~、绿海深蓝~、

高端大气上档次の软妹子 低调奢华有内涵の女汉子 ゟ待我把愚勇熬成温柔° ゟ待我把愚懦熬成强大° 吴亦凡丶是我童话般理想型


坏坏坏、坏丫头 萌萌萌、萌丫头 ぃ疯姑娘爱‘世勋 ぃ疯姑娘爱‘鹿晗 柠檬不萌ら.Rose° 香蕉不娇ら.Rose° 回忆是梦゛幻到迷茫づ 微笑是糖゛甜到忧伤づ 我非南湘为何甜美 我非宛如为何奇葩 离歌浅唱半世殇 半挽青丝暮斜阳 你个狠心的丫头 你个嘴贱的丫头 巴黎铁塔的夕阳~ 东京铁塔的灯光~ 柠檬甜 蓝莓酸

黑色的喧哗是优雅的寂寞 白色的淡定是优雅的孤独

我闺蜜是个学鳖 你闺蜜才是学鳖 つ童话式丶安徒生孤 つ肖邦式丶维也纳伤 璃猫 溺鱼

欣纸灭奇葩妹子 彤纸灭小萌妹子 浅浅° 夜华°

萌鹿鹿の小奶包―▦― 呆勋勋の小萌宝°▣° 我是深海闺蜜是暖光 我是暖光闺蜜是深海 万人中央! 闺蜜是光!

理科不好菇凉傲! 文科倍好姑娘棒! 在家乖乖女、在外女汉子、琴琴@ 晴晴@

薄荷心凉。 柠檬心酸。

最美萌妹哇haha- -* 最霸御姐噢nono- -*

我不是无坚不摧的城墙@ 我没有百毒不侵的心脏@ 璃鮟.慕煖.

北巷长歌悠 南街余音扬 萌逗,ζ 呆逗,ζ

妹,谁欺负你啦¬ 姐,就是那个渣¬ 待我长发及腰 肯定静电不少 宁愿短发披肩 也不长发及腰

~柠檬不甜但很酸~ ~西瓜不酸但很甜~ 天大地大姐妹最大 天大地大闺蜜最大 温柔女人霸气范儿 霸气女人温柔范儿 你是我的闺蜜 我是你的闺蜜 陪你帆布到高跟ミ 陪你校服到婚纱ミ 亡暮。 亡梦。

[ 柠檬片 ] [ 薄荷糖 ] 羞哒哒 萌嘟嘟

我本柠檬酸人心@ 我本深海凉人心@ *花容月貌* *闭月羞花* 3/4吃货 3/4痴货

你以白裙拖地 我必蓝裙相称 转身处的背影 转身处的回眸 那片海 那场梦

-十年前,陪你穿校服° -十年后,伴你穿婚纱° 黑玫瑰ら.Rose° 白玫瑰ら.Rose°



你像太阳那样耀眼 i 你如星星一般难寻 i 一个像白天 一个像黑夜

刘海齐眉女汉子@ 刘海过眉萌妹子@

橡皮擦,擦掉的單純。 橡皮擦,擦掉的純真。 ╯一曲离歌醉 ╯一舞魅倾城

女女女女女王范er 公公公公公主病er 简简单单、多好つ 麻麻烦烦、讨厌つ 亡鱼@ 囚蝶@ 时光—━╋黑了木耳う 时光—━╋软了香蕉う 我爱闺蜜千秋万代 闺蜜待我情深似海 *大宝贝千秋万岁 *大北鼻万寿无疆 白板鞋齐刘海 短辣裤中分发 再吵〃也是姐妹 再闹〃也是姐妹 *青橙* *青柠* 姐妹多久才算久 天荒地老够不够 柠檬有多酸 草莓有多甜 马尾少女热心肠 短发姑娘闪闪亮 腐女! 色女!

狐狸未成精 纯属骚的轻狐狸已成精 纯属狐狸精_ 沉心 _ 落忆 安分守己。 安守故常。

听说ゝ每颗星都会寂寞 听说ゝ每滴泪都是钻石 羞涩@ 纯真@ 闺蜜,永生不变。 闺蜜,一生一世。 待你长裙袭地* 我便短裙相称* 五年的朋友 三年的闺蜜 丶昔年 丶碎忆

姑娘我天生傲骨 小姐我天生不服

酸橘子o 蜜柚子c

Foreven ▽我爱我的闺蜜 Foreven ▼我陪我的姐妹 我的闺蜜是软妹子& 我的姐妹是女汉子&

此女子&被情伤得没心没肺 此姑娘&为情哭得撕心裂肺 掌心里的岁月 指尖上的年轮 萌妹子“王诗龄” 女汉子“田雨橙” 软妹阿哆 软妹阿嗦

钥匙香水可乐润唇膏@ 扑克酸奶雨伞手提包@ 忆梦小姐 惜梦小姐

不要叫我女汉子! 不要叫我软妹子! 丶媚颜 丶醉颜

岛是海哭碎的心゜ 云是天哭碎的魂゜

爱过痛过姑娘我心如刀割、输过败过姑娘我何曾怕过、北执 南音 猫咪不萌 小狗不帅 懵懂之泪& 苦涩之笑& 记忆碎影。 时光泡沫。

以女王姿势゛俯视全世界 以公主眼神゛看待全世界 兔的奶茶店 猫的咖啡店

草莓香蕉冰激凌! 西瓜柠檬棒棒糖! 我的基友是她@ 她的基友是我@ @ 沐亦蒂溪 @ 黎糸斡煦 巴黎的铁塔c 巴黎的断桥c 姐姐去哪儿.妹妹去哪儿.女悍妇@ 萌娘们@ 萌橙! 贱绿! 猫溺歌怀者 狸迷言梦者 空城梦碎 城荒梦散 橘梗 橘话

思绪aLL Night 翻身aLL Night

凉心凉情菇凉百毒不侵°凉情凉心姑娘早已绝情°北城以北心坟亡鱼- 南城以南命烙暮樎- Toxicant°罂栗花 Toxicant°彼岸花 如梦 如画 璃安.慕暖.

阳光季ˉ光已清冷 风雨季ˉ雨已停歇 半冬冷泡沫。 半夏轻微凉。

掐死过爱情碎过心丶 相信过友情掏过心丶 梦一场她城下作画。 梦一场她起弦风雅。 梦里梦不出梦里梦 ° 海里海不出海里海 ° 离弦゜风雨杳如年 北陌゜青梅几时青

薄情薄义菇凉无情无义°冷血冷心姑娘无血无心°向日葵开在旧夏天 小雏菊开过旧时空 闺闺。我想你。 蜜蜜。我爱你。

猫者爱歌@ 歌者唱歌@ *青苹果 * *绿柠檬 * 不需要脆弱的伪装 不需要假装的骄傲 喜静 少言

素纱衣丶敛浮光清浅 紫玉笛丶吹惆怅眷恋 柠檬不萌° 蓝莓不美° 暖阳的秋天 秋天的暖阳 春暖到夏末_ノ 秋寒到冬尽_ノ 抹茶色 奶茶色 溺猫 浮鱼

黑色木偶的高调。 白色芭比的低调。 半颜半心@ 半夏微凉@ 走失城北° 遗忘巷南°

非比晴空南以浅° 非比阴雨北以深。 女汉子也有柔情之时。萌妹子也有剽悍之刻。ζ﹏左耳钉﹏ゞ ζ﹏右耳坠﹏ゞ 呆呆呆、天然呆 萌萌萌、自然萌 纸鸢~手中线 纸鸢~云中牵 闺儿似水似爱情 蜜儿倾城倾人心 ≈ 柠檬酸﹫ ≈ 葡萄糖﹫

叶子是不会飞翔的翅膀翅膀是落在天上的叶子小悲小欢小流年‖ 小暧小昧小青春‖

猫玖 鱼柒

绿时芒迟雨正大 蓝时潮涨天正阴

_丶傀儡娃娃的微笑〞 _丶木偶娃娃的眼泪〞 北有凉城@ 南有浅夏@ 娇娇 娃娃

、雨落伊人ゟ、泪落倾城ゟ 半笑半淑女 半萌半疯癫 太阳花﹫ 小雏菊﹫

可爱萌神傲娇鹿ミ 从小到大校草勋ミ [心如薄荷天然凉 ] [心如柠檬天然酸 ] ∵她是姐姐 ∴她是妹妹 卡姿兰@ 比比霜@

披起头发是娇弱。 扎起头发是矫情。 闺密不是叫叫而已 姐妹不是说说而已古城小道 ゟ﹏气质、姐 ゟ﹏气质、妹 ~傲娇女王ing ~败犬公主ing ﹏Shyメ闺蜜晓 ﹏Shyメ闺蜜霜 毛线球 小猫咪 青柚 青柠

姐妹丶用心疼 闺蜜丶拿命爱 森碟姐姐 恬恬妹妹 柠檬不萌梨萌鱼。 木呆猫。 黑|-单调° 白|-高雅°

雨天*Rainy day//﹌ 晴天*Fine day//﹌ 嗷呜!~小乖乖/* 哇呜!~大乖乖/* 最清晰的声音 最简单的声音 づ萌萌の想你了 づ呆呆の想你了 砂糖唯美° 咖啡微殇。 [ 笑依旧甜 ] [ 泪依旧咸 ] 八年梦@ 九年囚@ ン銹飾゛ ン妆飾゛

泡泡糖的春天_ 棉花糖的夏天_ 当年致青春、现致小时代、外猛内柔女汉子@ 可爱嘟嘴萌妹子@ 丶盛开的向日葵。 丶绽放的薰衣草。 ° Sou1丶相惜 ° Sou1丶相依 欺负我姐,全灭光 欺负我妹,全打倒 #(哭卟嘚)の #(笶卟嘚)の 柠七╮ 柠乐╮

蓝玫瑰的魅惑 红玫瑰的妖娆

哭。是我唯一的资本 笑。是我唯一的资本 過簡單的生活、寫乾淨的文字、




经常看美剧的同学应该也发现了,美国人民一般都会把美元叫做bucks,很多歌词里也经常会出现这个词,比如,布兰迪·卡莉(Brandi Carlile)曾在歌曲《故事》(The Story)中唱过:

Because even when I was flat broke, you made me feel like a million bucks.今天,我就跟大家一起了解一下世界各国的人民对他们各自的货币都有哪些昵称。出国旅行的时候,说不定能帮到你哦! 美国 United States 货币:dollar(美元) 简写:USD 美元(或者说美国人对钱的)统称:bucks,dough, greenback。美国内战期间林肯为了资助北方军队而创制的即期票据demand note,正面为黑色,背面为绿色。这个说法一直沿用至今。

1美元:buck,bone,比如:twenty bucks/bones 5美元:fin(词源来自于德语,与古英语中的five相关,现在已经不常用),fiver,five-spot 10美元: ten-spot,Hamilton(10美元纸币上印的是美国第一任财政部长 Alexander Hamilton的头像)

20美元:Jackson(20美元纸币上印的是美国第七任总统Andrew Jackson),dub 50美元:在赌马场,50美元被称为frog,并且被视作不吉利;half a yard 100美元:C-note(C代表罗马数字中的100),Benjamin(100美元纸币上印的是 Benjamin Franklin),yard(300美元就是300 yards) 上面提到的所有纸币均可以被戏称为dead Presidents。虽然Alexander Hamilton和Benjamin Franklin都没当过总统,但人们就是这样叫习惯了。

1000美元:在银行系统有时被叫做large,比如,30000美元就是thirty large;有时也被叫做grand、G或者K(来自于kilo)。比如: The repairs to my car cost me a couple grand.a rack一般指一叠每张面额为100美元、总计1万美元的钱。 a dime指面值为10美分的硬币。 a nickel指面值为5美分的硬币。

a rock一般指100万美元,因为在美剧中多次出现而得到普及。比如,美剧《黑道家族》(The Sopranos)中曾经出现过:

This whole thing is going to cost me close to a rock.加拿大的货币俚语基本与美国相同。 英国 United Kingdom 货币:pound(英镑) 简写:GBP 1英镑:quid,nicker 5英镑:fiver 10英镑:tenner 20英镑:score 100英镑:ton,比如,400英镑就是400 ton(注意,ton后面并没有加s)

1000英镑:bag,4000英镑就是4 bags(这里bag后面加了s);grand(这个说法如今更普遍使用)

5便士硬币:bob,10便士就是2 bob 【注解】

英国在1971年采用十进制货币系统之前,使用的是“英镑-先令-便士”货币体系,一英镑等于20先令,一先令等于12便士,当时一先令就称为a bob。改革之后,新的5便士硬币相当于原来的一先令,于是bob这个说法就沿用了下来。 澳大利亚的货币俚语基本与英国类似。 俄罗斯 Ruia 货币:ruble(卢布) 简写:RUB 10卢布:chervonets(二十世纪早期发行的一款金币的名字) 100卢布:stol\'nik(俄语中100的新说法)

500卢布:pyatihatka(字面意思是five huts,五个小屋)

1000卢布:shtuka(俄语中“事物”的意思), kusok(俄语中“部件、部分”的意思) 100万卢布:limon(柠檬) 10亿卢布:arbuz(西瓜)

从货币单位大家可以看出俄罗斯经历通货膨胀的程度了。 印度 India 货币:rupee(卢比) 简写:INR 5派萨:panji 10派萨:dai 20派萨:bii 【注解】

印度的货币中,1卢比等于100派萨(paisa) 随着近几年通货膨胀加剧,这些小面额的硬币使用频率越来越低,这些说法自然也较少用到。现在,大面值的货币用得比较多。 10万卢比:Lakh(俚语为peti) 1000万卢比:Crore(俚语为khokha)

第20篇:英语小短文故事 —纯英文

Once there were two mice.They were friends.One mouse lived in the country; the other mouse lived in the city.After many years the Country mouse saw the City mouse; he said, \"Do come and see me at my house in the country.\" So the City mouse went.The City mouse said, \"This food is not good, and your house is not good.Why do you live in a hole in the field? You should come and live in the city.You would live in a nice house made of stone.You would have nice food to eat.You must come and see me at my house in the city.\"

The Country mouse went to the house of the City mouse.It was a very good house.Nice food was set ready for them to eat.But just as they began to eat they heard a great noise.The City mouse cried, \" Run! Run! The cat is coming!\" They ran away quickly and hid.

After some time they came out.When they came out, the Country mouse said, \"I do not like living in the city.I like living in my hole in the field.For it is nicer to be poor and happy, than to be rich and afraid.\"


One morning a fox saw a cock.He thought,\"This is my breakfast.\'\'

He came up to the cock and said,\"I know you can sing very well.Can you sing for me?\'\'The cock was glad.He closes his eyes and began to sing.The fox saw that and caught him in his mouth and carried him away.

The people in the field saw the fox.They cried,\"Look,look!The fox is carrying the cock away.\'\'

The cock said to the fox,\"Mr Fox,do you understand?The people say you are carrying their cock away.Tell them it is yours.Not theirs.\'\'

The fox opened his mouth and said,\"The cock is mine,not yours.\'\'Just then the cock ran away from the fox and fled into the tree.


Jonesie The Great Lion Hunter A small village was troubled by a man-eating lion.So its leaders sent a meage to the great hunter, Jonesie, to come and kill the beast.For several nights the hunter lay in wait for the lion, but it never appeared.Finally, he told the village chief to kill a cow and give him its hide.Draping the skin over his shoulders, he went to the pasture to wait for the lion.In the middle of the night, the villagers woke to the sound of blood-curdling shrieks coming from the pasture.As they carefully approached, they saw the hunter on the ground, groaning in pain.There was no sign of the lion.\"What happened, Jonesie? Where is the lion?\" asked the chief.\"Forget the damn lion!\" he howled.\"Which one of you idiots let the bull loose?\"

伟大的猎狮手Jonesie. 有一个小村装一直被一个吃人的狮子困扰着。所以他们的领导人就传信给最伟大的猎人,Jonesie,来到村庄杀掉()。连续几个晚上,猎人躺在床上等候狮子,但是狮子一直没出现。

Weather Predict A film crew was on location deep in the desert.One day an old Indian went up to the director and said, \"Tomorrow rain.\" The next day it rained.A week later, the Indian went up to the director and said, \"Tomorrow storm.\" The next day there was a hailstorm.\"This Indian is incredible,\" said the director.He told his secretary to hire the Indian to predict the weather.However, after several succeful predictions, the old Indian didn\'t show up for two weeks.Finally the director sent for him.\"I have to shoot a big scene tomorrow,\" said the director, \"and I\'m depending on you.What will the weather be like?\" The Indian shrugged his shoulders.\"Don\'t know,\" he said.\"Radio is broken.\"

It doesn\'t matter where you are coming from.All that matters is where you are going.

Your decision to be,have and do something out of ordinary entails facing difficulties that are out of the ordinary as well.Sometimes your greatest aet is simply your ability to stay with it longer than anyone else.

You cannot control what happens to you,but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you,and in that,you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you.

Those people who develop the ability to continuously acquire new and better forms of knowledge that they can apply to their work and to their lives will be the movers and shakers in our society for the indefinite future.

The more you seek security ,the le of it you have.But the more you seek opportunity,the more likely it is that you will achieve the security that you desire.

Succeful people are always looking for opportunities to help others.Unsucceful people are always asking,\"What\'s in it for me?\"

All succeful people,men and women,are big dreamers.They imagine what their future could be,ideal in every respect,and then they work every day toward their distant vision,that goal or purpose.

A man was going to the house of some rich person.As he went along the road, he saw a box of good apples at the side of the road.He said, \"I do not want to eat those apples; for the rich man will give me much food; he will give me very nice food to eat.\" Then he took the apples and threw them away into the dust. He went on and came to a river.The river had become very big; so he could not go over it.He waited for some time; then he said, \"I cannot go to the rich man\'s house today, for I cannot get over the river.\"

He began to go home.He had eaten no food that day.He began to want food.He came to the apples, and he was glad to take them out of the dust and eat them.

Do not throw good things away; you may be glad to have them at some other time.

There was once a farmer who had a fine olive(橄榄树) orchard(果园) .He was very hardworking, and the farm always prospered under his care.But he knew that his three sons despised(轻视,看不起) the farm work, and were eager to make wealth, trough adventure.When the farmer was old, and felt that his time had come to die, he called the three sons to him and said, \"My sons, there is a pot of gold hidden in the olive orchard.Dig for it, if you wish it.\" The sons tried to get him to tell them in what part of the orchard the gold was hidden; but he would tell them nothing more.After the farmer was dead, the sons went to work to find the pot of gold; since they did not know where the hiding-place was, they agreed to begin in a line, at one end of the orchard, and to dig until one of them should find the money.They dug until they had turned up the soil from one end of the orchard to the other, round the tree-roots and between them.But no pot of gold was to be found.It seemed as if someone must have stolen it, or as if the farmer had been wandering(漫游,闲逛)in his wits.The three sons were bitterly disappointed to have all their work for nothing.The next olive season, the olive trees in the orchard bore more fruit than they had ever given; when it was sold, it gave the sons a whole pot of gold.And when they saw how much money had come from the orchard, they suddenly understood what the wise father had meant when he said, \"There is gold hidden in the orchard.Dig for it, if you wish it.\"

A young shoemaker left his village.Along the way, he found some ants, who were very sad because a bear had destroyed their anthill(蚁冢,人群密集的地方) .The shoemaker helped them rebuild it, and the ants offered to return the favor.The shoemaker followed his way and found some bees with the same problem as the ants.The young man also helped them, and the bees promised to help him in the future.Further along, the shoemaker learned that the king’s daughter was in the castle of a witch(巫婆,女巫) .The young man decided to rescue her.But the witch locked him up in a stinking(发恶臭的,非常讨厌的)dunge on with a sack of sand mixed with poppy(罂粟) seeds and told him that if he wasn’t able to separate the two, she would cut off his head at dawn.The young man thought about his death.But his friends the ants came and helped him pa the test.The witch was astounded.Then she took him to a room where there were thirteen maidens with their faces covered: the shoemaker had to discover which one was the prince.The young man became discouraged but he saw a bee that landed on...the sweetest one, the true prince.When the shoemaker uncovered her face, the witch was changd into a crow(乌鸦) .The young people fell in love and lived surrounded by animals and poppies.

九 The Young Thief and His Mother

Long ago, there were a mother and a son living in a house.She worked hard everyday, but they were always poor.

One day, her son stole his friend\'s bag.\"Mom, what do you think of this bag?\" His mother praised her son rather than scolding him.\"It looks great!\"

The next time, he stole an overcoat.She praised him again when he stole it.

A few years later, he grew up to be a young man.He stole jewelry and brought them to his mother.\"How beautiful!\" This time, she did not scold her son again.

Then, because he was elated by his mother, he started to steal more expensive things.One day, the police caught him.Before putting him in jail, he begged the police to meet his mother.They took him to his mother.

As soon as he saw his mother, he bit her earlobe.\"Ouch! What\'s the matter with you?\" She finally scolded him.Her son answered.\"If you had given me a scolding like that when I stole the first bag, I could not have become a thief.\"

She collapsed as she looked at her son heading to prison.\"If I only could turn back time, I would scold him severely.\" She regretted that she always praised him, whatever he did.


