
2022-05-19 来源:其他范文收藏下载本文



全国英语等级考试(PETS)考试的重点同四六级有所不同,它主要考查交际能力,但并不完全排斥对语言知识(语法、词汇等)的考查。PETS考查的内容包括:听力、语言知识、阅读、写作、口语。要想在PETS中取得好成绩,首先,考生要对自己的能力有个估价, 根据自己的英语水平选择参加其中任何一个级别的考试。

PETS不具有评价普通中学和大学校内英语教学水平的功能,拒绝向考生的教学或辅导单位提供考生成绩;因此,考生应该实实在在的通过各种方法在平时努力提高自身的英语水平。做到“心中有货”, 自然考试的时候就会游刃有余。当然,采取好的应试策略对于取得一个优异的成绩也是相当重要的。那么, 考生该如何提高自己的实际英语水平和应试能力呢? 以下,笔者根据自己的实际经验对PETS考试中的听力、阅读理解和口语提出几点看法,希望对渴望在PETS中取得优异成绩的考生有所帮助。


听力部分在100分的原始分就占20分, 而其加权占了30%, 可见PETS对听力的重视。


一是各种考试真题和模拟题的录音带;二是英美新闻或广播专题;三是趣味英语。不管选什么,选材不易过难,因为那样会挫伤练习听力的兴趣和积极性; 但也不能太容易,因为什么都听懂了,就起不到练习的效果。因此,要选那些大部分都能听懂,但又不能完全听懂得内容,反复多听几篇,最后争取全听懂。





首先, 考生在平时要注意运用正确的阅读方法, 要培养浏览、查找、预测、研读和宏观把握文章内容结构的能力。其次, 要注意解题技巧的培养。

再次, 考生应根据考试的级别采取有针对性的练习,例如,在PETS三级考试中,阅读理解部分由A、B两节组成,考查考生理解书面英语的能力。A节3篇文章15题,选项为4选1,考查考生理解总体和特定信息的能力。B节1篇文章5题,考生须从7个选项中排除两个干扰项,将正确的概括 与5段文字逐一搭配成对。这是考查考生理解文章的主旨要义的能力。在复习阅读理解部分时要有针对性,首先要复习理解文中的具体信息,并能根据上下文推测文中的生词。



要获得教育部考试中心颁发的合格证书,不仅笔试成绩要合格,同时必须参加相应级别的口试。口试满分5分,3分以上(含3分)为合格。要使口试取得好成绩,平时必须张大口讲; 要讲口语, 首先要背一些容易记、不容易忘的句子; 其次,要选一本合适的教材,如目前流行的《随心所欲说英语》、《大嘴说英语》等。

同时, 对PETS的不同级别采取不同的应试策略,以第三级为例,口试部分由A、B、C节组成。A节考查考生提供个人信息--包括回答有关日常生活、家乡、家庭、工作、学习等问题的能力。B节考 查考生就信息卡上的图片或文字讨论有关问题的能力。C节要求考生就 信息卡上的图片或文字作简短描述,之后另一考生就同一话题阐述个 人观点。针对这些特点, 口语的复习要做好两方面的内容。






这个软肋就是两个可恨的成语,就是“果不其然”和“每况愈下”,这两个恶梦般的成语恐怕要惊扰我一生了。曾几何时,我遇到了一个让我倒霉的办公室的同事,他与我关系甚好,可谓形影不离,但他就是有一个毛病,就是总说错两个成语,一个是“果不其然”,一个是“每况愈下”,他还偏偏就愿意用这两个成语,每当用这两个成语时,他总是说成“果其不然”和“每愈况下”,好心的我不知道给他纠正了多少次,有时甚至一天就要纠正好几次,后来我恼火了,干脆破口大骂他没脑子,他被骂得狗血淋头,便长了脑子,知错要改了。可糟糕的是他并不是一下子就改过来了,而是一会改过来一会改不过来,这样他的嘴里便交替出现了“果不其然”和“果其不然”,“每况愈下”和“每愈况下”,仅仅三两日,就搞得我们全办公室的人都晕了,开始时大家还能分辨出哪个是对的哪个是错的,他说对了就表扬他一下,他说错了就抨击他一下,可到了后来谁也搞不清哪个是对的哪个是错的了,以至于大家为此相互争执起来,于是有人翻开了字典,查到了正确的那个,并把它打印出来贴在墙上,由办公室的领导当众宣布正确答案,命令大家以后只许说正确的那个,不许说错误的那个。总算拨乱反正了。可好景不长,没过多久大家就发现,领导宣布正确答案还不如不宣布,因为大家一重视,一紧张,反而更不知道哪个是正确的哪个是错误的了。每当大家滔滔不绝地说话时,每当用到这两个成语时,大家都会情不自禁地停一下,想一想是“果不其然”正确,还是“果其不然”正确,是“每况愈下”正确还是“每愈况下”正确,然后再说出口,到后来大家紧张到干脆害怕这两个成语了,每当说话时都尽量避开说这两个成语,能不说它就不说它。可说来也怪,你越是心里想着不说这个成语,这个成语就越是一不小心就溜哒出来,吓得你魂飞魄散心惊肉跳,到最后简直谈虎色变,要么不敢讲话了,要么一不小心说到了这两个成语,就干脆哑口无言地跳过去,眼睛狠狠地瞪一眼那个招人恨的同事,心里暗骂你个倒霉鬼。 …… ”



然后我习惯大声读一遍课文,为的是增强语感,“文章硬如铁,读来满口血”,文章不读一次,就感觉嘴巴都硬了。读完之后,就借助参考书,逐字逐句的啃课文。主要包括词汇的意思和用法,句子的语法和逻辑结构(这是最重要的!),以及一些时代背景,名人名言等等。为什么要强调语法和逻辑结构呢?我们以第五册第一课第一句话为例:it is probably easier for teachers than for students to appreciate the reasons why learning English seems to become incresingly difficult once the basic st ructures and patterns of the language have been understood.一句话就占据了3行,而且结构复杂冗长,没有过硬的分析能力,考试时就会手忙脚乱了。所以这一步虽然很烦也很枯燥,但却是必不可少的。我在复习过程中在这一步耗时最多,基本上一天看一课,课后的练习因为时间关系基本没有做,精力都在阅读上了。3册课本共30篇,去掉几篇小说还剩20多篇,一个月基本能看完。这是复习的第一阶段。

第二阶段主要是巩固和提高,每天我固定抽出半个小时读课文,先大声读一遍,培养语感和锻炼发音,读的过程基本不知道课文在说什么,看到的只是一个个的单词,见树不见林。第二遍是默读,读完一句话,仔细地分析它的结构,搞清楚每个成分之间的内在联系,既见树又见林。这一阶段还要进入实战练习,市面上关于 pets的辅导书多如牛毛,可惜质量实在不敢恭维。见过一本王长喜主编的模拟书,里面错误百出,可谓误人子弟。我一直认为,最好的辅导书就是历年真题,可惜pets 5的真题概不流出,所以那些所谓的辅导书就不必太当真了,他们唯一的用处就是让你熟悉考试会有哪些题型。如果真的想做练习,可以拿6级或考研的历年真题来做。


第一部分是听力,又分3 part.part1是对话,part2是段子,都是听完后选一个答案。part3是填空,一段话放3遍,要求填补文中抽去的词或短语。个人觉得难度和6级差不多,有些地方稍微快一些。

















(二)考试成绩。) 公共英语三级需要经过笔试和口试。口试包括:对话、基本演讲,笔试包括:听力、阅读、写作。















全国英语等级考试(Public English Test System,简称PETS)是教育部考试中心设计并负责的全国性英语水平考试体系。作为中、英两国政府的教育交流合作项目,在设计过程中它得到了英国专家的技术支持。























一、My Favorite Means of Getting Information 1.现代社会获取信息的方式很多 2.我最喜欢的获取信息的方式

In the past, people generally get information from books.But in modern society, we have many ways of getting information.For example, we can get information from TV, cell phones or the Internet.My favorite means of getting information is the Internet.I like it because I can find whatever I need on the Internet.I like it also because it is very fast.Besides, I can keep in touch with my friends on the Internet.I think it\'s the most convenient way of getting information.在过去,人们通常从书里获得信息。但是在现代社会,我们有很多获得信息的方式。例如,我们可以从电视、手机和互联网上获得信息。我最喜欢的信息手段是互联网。我喜欢它是因为我可以在网上找到我想要的一切。我喜欢它也因为它十分快捷。而且,我还可以在网上和朋友们保持联系。我想互联网是获取信息最方便的方式。

二、The Job I Like I like to be a librarian for three reasons.First, a librarian always works in a library where many interesting books can be found.I like reading books very much.So if I become a librarian, I can read books every day.Second, I prefer a neat working place.A library is always bright and clean.I will be happy to stay there all day long.Third, I am a shy and quiet person.I‟m not good at talking with people.Working in a library, I needn‟t talk much.So I can always feel comfortable.


(1) My Ideal Job When I was a little kid, I dreamed of being a scientist who can be well respected in the society.When I was a teenager, I wanted to be a super star who can have a lot of fans.As I grew up, I realized it was impoible to be a scientist or a super star because I was only an ordinary person.So I want to be a salesman since I am good at selling things and I enjoy talking with people.Besides, I like traveling very much and a salesman can travel a lot on busine.I think that‟s my ideal job.

(2) I like to be a librarian.It‟s my ideal job.

First, a librarian always works in a library where many interesting books can be found.I like reading books very much.So if I become a librarian, I can read books every day.Second, I prefer a neat working place.A library is always bright and clean.I will be happy to stay there all day long.Third, I am a shy and quiet person.I‟m not good at talking with people.Working in a library, I needn‟t talk much.So I can always feel comfortable.

四、The Job I Like(my ideal job) I like to be a teacher.Three reasons have led me to choose this occupation.First, teaching is learning.To make my lectures more constructive and stimulating, I have to read more books, explore new knowledge and gain a better understanding of the world, which is the very thing I enjoy in my life.Second, teaching means freedom and independence.As a teacher, I‟m free to use my own ideas and make my own decisions.Finally, I like teaching because it offers certain peace of mind.All in all, the reasons above make me like teaching best.

五、The Book I Like Best Of all the books I have read, Meditation is the book I like best.It\'s written by a Roman Emperor who is also a philosopher.So this book is full of wisdom.It records his everyday thinking.He told himself to be humble and tolerant.Premier WEN Jiabao likes this book very much.He said that he had read this book for a hundred times.I think everyone should read this book.It\'s not difficult, but very useful.在我读过的书里,《沉思录》是我最喜欢的。这是一位古罗马皇帝写的,他同时也是一位哲学家。因此这本书充满了智慧。这本书记录了他每天的思考。他告诉自己要谦逊、宽容。温家宝总理说他非常喜欢这本书。他说他读过这本书不下百遍。我想每个人都该读一读这本书。它不难懂,但非常有益。

六、My Favorite Book

My favorite book is “Dream of The Red Chamber”.The book tries to tell us that there are different kinds of love, only one kind which should be considered as True Love.In our life, we should marry the true love instead of wealth and good looks.From this book, we also get to know a part of the noble people‟s life in Qing Dynasty and find some life philosophies from it.So this book is very instructive to people.We should learn more from this book as well as other books.

七、The One I Love Most Ms.Qian is one of the teachers I love most.Ms.Qian was my maths teacher in primary school.She was in charge of our cla.We all liked to attend her claes, because she was active and vivid in teaching.On the other hand, she was very strict with us.If any student wasn\'t attentive in cla, she would have a talk with him after cla.But if anyone had difficulty with his studies, she always did what she could to help him out.I respect Ms.Qian and I\'ll never forget what she did for us.

八、How to Keep Healthy Nowadays more and more people are concerned about their health, but how to keep healthy? First, it is neceary to take some exercise every day.Research shows that getting plenty of exercise makes the heart beat faster and the lungs work harder.Second, eat more fruits, vegetables and le meat.Third, getting rid of bad habits like smoking and drinking is also an important way to keep healthy.Smoking and alcohol drinking injure one is health a great deal, and therefore should be given up.If people follow these three ways of keeping fit, they‟ll greatly improve their health.


(1) How to Keep Healthy Health is of great importance to everyone.But how to keep healthy? There are three things that we can do to keep healthy.First, we should eat plenty of protein foods, vegetables and fruits.On the other hand, we should avoid foods with lots of sugar and fat.Second, we should take proper amount of sleep.Without enough sleep, we will feel tired and angry.We should take and eight-hour sleep each night.Third, we should do a lot of exercise, such walking, running, jumping, swimming, etc.Exercise can improve our health and it can prevent us from gaining weight and being ill.If we can do these things, we‟ll be in good health.(2) Health is of great importance to everyone.But how to be healthy? There are three things that we can do to keep healthy.First, we should eat plenty of protein foods, vegetables and fruits.On the other hand, we should avoid foods with lots of sugar and fat.Second, we should take proper amount of sleep.Without enough sleep, we will feel tired and angry.We should take and eight-hour sleep each night.Third, we should do a lot of exercise, such walking, running, jumping, swimming, etc.Exercise can improve our health and it can prevent us from gaining weight and being ill.If we can do these things, we‟ll be in good health.

十、About Health & Wealth Once there was a man who always wanted to become rich.He worked very hard without taking care of his health.When he was old, he finally became rich, but he soon died of bad health.I think his wealth is totally usele.This is why health is more important than wealth.Without wealth, you can still be healthy.But without health, you can‟t enjoy wealth.Besides, pursuing health is happy, while pursuing wealth is quite tiresome! So I think we should put health before wealth.有个人花了一生时间追求财富。当他老了的时候,终于致富了,但很快就患病死去。他的财富一点也没用。这就是为什么健康比财富要重要。没有财富,我们仍可以拥有健康。但是没了健康,我们无法享用财富。再者,追求健康是快乐的,而追求财富则相当累人了!因此我觉得我们应该把健康放在财富之前。

一、How to Overcome Difficulties in My English Studies (Difficulties in Studying English) In my English learning, listening and speaking are the biggest problems.How to overcome these difficulties?I think of the saying, „Where there is a will, there is a way.‟ So I made up my mind to listen to VOA Special English or the English tapes every morning.Besides, I often go to the English Corner to talk with strangers in English.I have also bought a grammar book.It helps me with my English study a lot.These above are what I have done to overcome my difficulties.Now I have made some progre in my English study

十二、My English Study (about English study) English is always my favorite subject and I am good at English.I would like to share 4 good studying habits with you.First, remember 20 new words, and never give up.Second, go over grammar points I have learnt in English cla regularly.Third, read an English article in China Daily every day.Fourth, write an English composition every week and ask teacher to revise that for me to improve the writing level.If you do things above, I am sure your English will also be improved.

十三、My English Study I began to study English when I was 9 years old.I study English in different ways.English jokes make me laugh.English songs make me happy.And talking with foreigners is very interesting.So I like English very much.Of course there are many difficulties learning English.Grammar is really hard for me.It costs me a lot of time.But you can learn it if you make an effort.Now I can read English books.I can visit English websites.I think I will never stop learning English.我从九岁开始学习英语。我用很多方式来学英语。英语笑话让我捧腹大笑。英语歌让我开心。和外国人交谈则非常有意思。所以我很喜欢英语。当然学英语有很多困难。语法对我来说真是很难。花了我很多时间。但你只要努力就能够学会它。现在我能读英语书。我能访问英文网站。我想我永远不会停止学习英语。

十四、Why I Like Learning English(about English study)

Why I like learning English? Firstly, English is very useful.English is the most widely used language in the world.If we make a visit to foreign countries or do busine with foreigners, we need communicate with them in English.Secondly, with China becoming stronger and stronger, we have more chances to go abroad.We can know the English-speaking countries much deeper if we know English.Both China and English-speaking countries have realized the importance of the culture exchanging.Above all, English is useful and important, we must master English.

十五、How to Overcome Difficulties in My English Studies I have made a lot of improvements in English.The following is my way to overcome the difficulties.Everyday, I do half an hour‟s morning reading to try to pronounce every word out.And I will then spend half an hour listening to English radios like BBC to correct my pronunciation.Because I have trouble in English grammar, I attend a full-time English cla of STVU to study grammar.The teacher recommends me to buy a grammar book—《Advanced English Grammar》.It helps me with my English study a lot.These above are what I have done to overcome my difficulties.

十六、My Study Plan A new semester is coming, in order to study English well, I make a study plan.First, try to remember 20 words from dictionary everyday.Second, go over grammar points I have learnt in English cla regularly.Third, form a habit of reading an English article in China Daily every day.Fourth, write an English composition every week and ask teacher to revise that for me to improve the writing level.Fifth, listen to English radio as often as poible to improve my listening.

十七、About Self-study As adult students in Shanghai TV University, self-study becomes very important.According to me, there are several pieces of tips of self-study.First, I always make a study plan in the beginning of a new semester.Second, preview every unit before the leon.Third, try to finish the homework after cla.Fourth, go over what I have learnt in cla regularly at home.Without review, you will absolutely forget what you‟ve learnt as quickly as poible.So reviewing is helpful in understanding and memorizing what you‟ve learnt.十

八、About Doing Physical Exercise Doing physical exercises helps everyone to keep healthy.A person who takes exercises spends more energy.The more energy he spends, the more blood he uses, so physical exercises can increase the flow of the blood, which does good to our health.Sports can also make our minds sound.While playing we take our minds off work or study.As a result, our minds are relaxed.Since sports can result in good health, we should take part in sports for a while every day no matter how busy we are.

十九、The Computer Nowadays, computers are becoming more and more popular.Computers can help different people in different ways.They can help children with leons and homework, help students and scholars do calculations, analyze data and present the latest achievements.Furthermore, they can aist engineers and experts in the design of a mold, a bridge or a spaceship.Besides, computers can offer fun and entertainment to us with the internet games, movies, and etc.Indeed, computers have become a good companion of man.

十、About TV Ads Advertisement Advertisement can be a service to people.First, it is informative, and can help people buy and sell goods.Second, it can widen people‟s knowledge and make people more experienced.Lastly, people can enjoy themselves through programs which advertisements have been put into.Some advertisements, however, are very useful to people, sometimes, even harmful.An advertisement like this, for example, may put thousands of women and girls into trouble.Disillusioned with life, love, marriage? You need help.Phone me.” And the savior gives his phone number to his sheep.In modern times, many advertisements are subjective rather than objective, persuasive rather than informative.The only purpose of these advertisements is to persuade people to buy their poorly-made products.Therefore, it is wise for people to make sure if the advertisements are telling the truth.(134words)

二十一、About Television Television has its good as well as bad sides.It makes us informed of daily news, lets us know the outside world, provides leons for learners, and it has brought joy and interest into people‟s lives.

Unfortunately, some television programs have been extremely harmful to the young.Violent movies are shown on TV programs.Children regard the murders as heroes or models, so they imitate.Therefore there happened many murders or shooting cases in American campuses.What a big harm.So young people should learn to get ride of the bad influences of TV and learn to make use of the advantages that TV brings us.

二十二、My Favorite TV program The News Report has always been my favorite TV program.The News Report contains a large amount of information ranging from the international political situation to the latest football game.And the most important character is its fast pace.Because of this fast pace, news programs can contain much information in a short time.In my opinion, the News Report is more than a TV program.It is a way of communication.From this program, people can know and understand world affairs.I especially appreciate this benefit of watching the news.

二十三、My Activities in Leisure Time We spend most of our time on working and studying.But we should also enjoy life in our leisure time.However, some people don\'t know how to spend their leisure time.They spend their leisure time playing online games.When they go back to work, they still feel tired.Leisure time should be used on something that makes you relax.Enjoying music and doing some sports are both good choices.Going to the park is also worth considering.They make you relax and are very meaningful as well.我们的大部分时间都用在工作和学习上。但是在闲暇时间,我们也应该享受生活。然而,有些人不懂得怎样利用闲暇时间。他们用闲暇时间来玩网络游戏。当他们回去工作时,他们仍然觉得疲惫。闲暇时间应该被用来做些能让自己放松的事。欣赏音乐或者体育运动都是很好的选择。去公园也是值得考虑的。它们都能让你放松,同时又很有意义。


四、My Hobby My hobby is reading.I began to read when I was a kid.I read books, newspapers and magazines.Books about history bring you to the past.Books about geography bring you to different places in the world.Newspapers tell you what is happening in the world.So I think reading is a good habit.Reading is like talking with the author.I think we should all make friends with books.And we will learn a lot from them! 我的爱好是阅读。我从小就开始阅读。我读的有书、报纸和杂志。关于历史的书将我们带到过去。关于地理的书带我们到世界各地。报纸则告诉我们世界上正在发生的事件。因此我觉得阅读是个好习惯。阅读就像和作者进行一次对话。我想我们都应该跟书籍交朋友。我们将从书籍中学到很多!

二十五、My Favorite Hobby My favorite hobby is reading.I began to read when I was a kid.I read books, newspapers and magazines.Books about history bring you to the past.Books about geography bring you to different places in the world.Newspapers tell you what is happening in the world.So I think reading is a good habit.Reading is like talking with the author.I think we should all make friends with books.And we will learn a lot from them! 我的爱好是阅读。我从小就开始阅读。我读的有书、报纸和杂志。关于历史的书将我们带到过去。关于地理的书带我们到世界各地。报纸则告诉我们世界上正在发生的事件。因此我觉得阅读是个好习惯。阅读就像和作者进行一次对话。我想我们都应该跟书籍交朋友。我们将从书籍中学到很多!

二十六、My Hobbies I have many hobbies, such as sports, singing, playing the violin and keeping a diary.I like sports very much.I go running at five clock in the morning.After claes in the afternoon, I play table-tennis with my friends.These sports have kept me healthy.At home, I like to sing and play the violin.I practice singing and playing the violin every day.Busy as I am, I am quite happy. Of all my hobbies I like reading books best.In my bedroom there are nearly six hundred books.There are story books, textbooks, magazines, and others.All these books have enriched my knowledge.

二十七、My Favorite Sport Everyone has their own favorite sport, so do I.My favorite sport is basketball.I often play football with my friends in the school.I made friends with many people who like to play basketball.Sometimes I also play it myself.I began playing basketball when I was 9 years old.I like to play basketball because it is exciting and challenging.Playing basketball also makes you healthy and strong.I don\'t wish to become a profeional basketball player.But it can be a good hobby.每个人都有他最喜欢的运动,我也有。我最喜欢的运动是篮球。我经常在学校和朋友一起打篮球。我和许多爱好篮球的人成了朋友。有时候我也自己一个人打。我从9岁的时候就开始打篮球了。我喜欢打篮球是因为打篮球让人兴奋也给人挑战。打篮球也能使你健康、强壮。我并不是指望成为一名专业篮球选手。但是篮球可以是一个不错的业余爱好。

二十八、My Favorite Food I like many different kinds of food.The apple is my favorite food.The apple contains a lot of eential nutrients needed by our body.And it can be found in almost all parts of the world.You can easily get apple at any supermarkets and they are very cheap.As a kind of fruit, apple is very delicious and beautiful.It tastes sweet and has many colors.Girls who want to lose weight often choose apple to be their food.I think we should eat an apple every day.I like food I likes many different foods.The apple is food which I like.The apple contains the basic nutrient which our body needs.And might find nearly in world all areas.You tolerate move may and apple all supermarkets, and they are very cheap.As a fruit, the apple is very delicious and beautiful.It tastes the sweet snack, and has many colors.The wish lo weight\'s girl chooses the apple is their food frequently.I thought that we should eat the apple every day.我喜欢很多种食物。苹果是我最喜欢的食物。苹果含有身体需要的多钟营养素。而且它在世界各地几乎都有。你在什么超市里都能容易地买到,并且十分便宜。作为一种水果,苹果非常美味,也很漂亮。它尝起来很甜,并且有许多种颜色。想要减肥的女生经常选择苹果作为食物。我觉得我们应该一天吃一粒苹果。


九、My Favorite Food I like many different kinds of foods, among them, egg is my favorite.Egg contains a lot of eential nutrients needed by the human body.Eggs are oval shaped spheres with a light brown color.Egg is the basic ingredient to many dishes, like omelet and French toast.You can easily get eggs at any supermarket, and they are sold for a very cheap price too.Besides the cheap price, egg contains lots of nutrients and is a very good source of energy.In conclusion, egg is my favorite food.

十、My Hometown My hometown is to the northwest of Shanghai.It is a famous beautiful city with a long history.There are many places of interests here.In spring, there are so many beautiful flowers here and there.The whole city is just like a garden, so it attracts more visitors than any other seasons of the year.I like my hometown very much.


一、My Hometown My hometown is Haimen, which is not far from Shanghai.Haimen is a modern city.There are lots of high buildings in it.Most of us live in flats because we can be close to our friends.My hometown is a beautiful city.On either side of the roads, there are some big trees and nice flowers.The roads are also very clean, which makes people happy and comfortable.The weather here is very nice.I like autumn best, for it‟s neither hot nor cold but very cool.I love Haimen.Welcome to my hometown.


二、My Plan for the National Day Holiday (My Plan for the May 1st Holiday)

Nationa l Holiday is coming.There are altogether 7 days, so I need to plan it in advance.Firstly, I plan to have a good rest for the first 2 days when I can have a good sleep and don‟t worry to get up late, and then do a good cleaning of the home.Secondly, I would go to Zhouzhuang, a traditional southern town with my husband for a 2 days‟ trip.I hope I like it.Thirdly, I would fly to Beijing to attend my clamate‟s wedding.These above are my plans for the National Holiday.


三、Advantages and Disadvantages of the Mobile Phone Like everything else, mobile phones have both favorable and unfavorable aspects.First, it is useful.As a wirele mobile telephone, it is easy and handy to call wherever one goes and call the one however far away he is.Second, it is convenient.Whenever one meets trouble or something urgent, one can make a call immediately.However, the mobile phone also has many disadvantages.First, it is expensive to buy and costly to pay the bills.Second, it is also easy to lose and costly to get it repaired.Third, it is alleged the microwaves in it might do harm to people health.I believe its advantages will far outweigh disadvantages soon.


四、Living in a Big Family I live in a big family with 4 generations together.There are 5 people in my family.We share a 3-bedroom flat with each other.My grandparents have got retired and enjoy the love from the grandchild-me.My parents both work in a bank.I study in Fudan University and like the college life very much.Every weekday, we are busy with our own busine.But on weekends, our whole family will gather together with Mum cooking delicious food.I love my family and enjoy living in a big family.


五、My Family There are seven people in my family.They are my grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, my two younger brothers and I.My father is a busineman.He is busy working everyday.My mother is a housewife.She cooks meals, washes clothes, and teaches us leons everyday.One of my younger brothers is a junior high school student, and we go to the same school.My grandparents help my parents look after the youngest brother every day.We go to the movies every Sunday.How is your family?


六、About Friendship Friendship is a kind of human relations.It is a human instinct to make friends.When in trouble, we need friends to offer us help, support and encouragement.With succe achieved, we also need friends to share our joys.Friendship is one of the greatest pleasures that we can enjoy.It implies loyalty, cordiality, sympathy, affection, and readine to help.In short, when we have established friendship, we ought to cherish and treasure it.Only thus, can we develop real friendship and keep the sacred lamp of friendship burning all our life. 三十

七、My Best Friend Linda is my best friend.She is 15 years old pretty girl with a round face and two big black eyes.She always has a smile on her face.Every morning, we go to school together.She studies quite well and she is one of the top students in our cla.When I have difficulty in English, I always ask her for help.We are both interested in music.At weekends, we join the same hobby group and play the violin together.We like each other and enjoy staying together.


八、My Teacher My English teacher is Mi Huang.She is a beautiful lady.There is always a smile on her face. Mi Huang likes singing.She is good at playing the piano.In the evening, she always sits in front of the piano and plays nice music.She is a good dancer, too.Sometimes she teaches us dancing.Mi Huang likes dogs very much because the dog is very friendly and cute.Her favorite color is blue, because blue is the color of the sky and the sea.She is my favorite teacher.Our clamates all like her very much.


九、My Clamates Liu Kai is my clamate.He is a good student and always ready to help others.One day on his way to school, he saw a little girl croing the road when a car nearly hit her.Just then Liu Kai rushed up to her and caught her by the arm.The little girl was saved.She told him where she lived, and he took her home.When Liu Kai hurried into the claroom, the teacher had already begun leon.He told the teacher why he was late.He was then praised for what he had done.

十、A Day to Remember It was Sunday.Our teacher Mr.Zhu led us to a park nearby.Usually we go to the park to spend our holiday.But today we went there to take part in voluntary labor.We got there at nine o‟clock.Mr.Zhu divided us into three groups and then we began working.Group One was responsible to plant trees and water flowers.Group Two were busy collecting litter left by the tourists.I was in Group Three.We went to the children‟s playground and cleaned all the equipment there.We worked very hard.At about eleven we finished work.We all were tired but very happy.I will never forget the day in my memory.


一、My Plan for the Spring Festival Spring festival is the most important festival for Chinese people.Many people will prepare many things for the spring festival.Now this is my plan for the spring festival.The first, I will visit my friends and my relatives.The second, I will make a big snow man with my daughter and my wife.The third, I will stay with my parents, because I have no more time to stay with them at peacetime.This is my plan for the spring festival.I hope all of you have a good time in the spring festival.


二、My Dream I have a dream from the first time I sit in a car—I want to drive.Driving is the most meaningful way to meet human being‟s desire of “faster”.What‟s more, driving a car can take me to any place I want whether it rains, snows, blows or not.A smooth ride in a good car is enjoyable.With rows of trees moving backward rapidly, music played, breeze blowing, my soul flies in the air.I love this feeling very much..


三、My Dream My dream is to be a librarian.First, a librarian always works in a library where many interesting books can be found.I like reading books very much.So if I become a librarian, I can read books every day.Second, I prefer a neat working place.A library is always bright and clean.I will be happy to stay there all day long.Third, I am a shy and quiet person.I‟m not good at talking with people.Working in a library, I needn‟t talk much.So I can always feel comfortable.


四、The Chinese New Year “New Year” is a time for good cheer.In China men and women, boys and girls, all look forward to a happy year.It is time for rest and refreshment.Busine is suspended for a time.Young fellows lay aside their school work and give themselves up to merriment and joy.Each family has its members together for reunion.Friends call on one another.Public places are filled with all kinds of cheerful people.Children with lucky money in their new clothes have a delightful time playing games.The Chinese New Year lasts about a fortnight.It gives sufficient recreation to people.

你的一位外国朋友给你来信,打算到中国旅游。你给他回信,提出旅游建议。你的回信应包括下列内容: 1.接到朋友的来信;

2.你对旅游的安排计划及理由;3.表达你希望见到朋友的心愿。 Dear Sam: I have just received your letter and know that you are going to come to China to see me.I am really excited by it.You know I mi you so much.In your letter, you mentioned your travel plan.I advise you to go to Beijing and Xi‟an.There are many royal buildings in Beijing like Palace Museum, SummerPalace.Xi‟an is typical of old China.There are lots of historical buildings there, especially those of Qin Dynasty. I hope you enjoy your stay in China.I am looking forward to your coming.

Yours ever


选择一个你想旅游的地点,并安排旅行计划。你应包括下列内容: 1.说明你想旅游的地点; 2.说明你为什么选择这个地点; 3.描述你的旅行计划。

I always want to go to Italy for a trip.I think Italy is a very interesting place.In Rome, you can see ancient Roman buildings and great cathedrals.You can also enjoy the beautiful scene of Venice.Italian food is also very delicious.This is why I want to go to Italy.My plan is to go to Italy in summer.I will first go to Rome.From there, I will go to Venice.Then I will go to the south of Italy, to enjoy beautiful sunshine and sea! 我一直很想去意大利旅游。我想意大利是个很有意思的地方。在罗马,你可以看到古罗马建筑和雄伟的大教堂。你也可以欣赏威尼斯的美丽风景。意大利食品也是非常美味的。这就是为什么我想要去意大利。我的计划是夏天去意大利。我会首先去罗马。从那里,我会去威尼斯。接着我会去意大利的南部,享受美丽的阳光和海滩!
























PETS-4写作部分考察考生的书面表达能力。全国英语等级考试第四级大纲对考试技能的要求是:PETS第四级考生应能写出多种类型的文章,包括私人和正式信函、备忘录、小结和报告。 同时也能写一般描述性,叙述性和说明性的文章。






从命题体裁来看,PETS-4写作部分出题体裁大体可划分成两类:一种是给出提纲或者开头句的命题写作(writing based on the given outlines or opening sentences),一种是给出提纲的图画或图表写作(writings based on the visual information or pictures or graphics)。
















3.用英语写日记 考试大论坛








General English Courses for Master Students

一.总学时: 64





本课程坚持从实际出发、学以致用的原则,进一步提高学生英语综合运用能力及文化素质,使他们熟练面授学时: 64 其它学时: 掌握并运用英语这门工具,进行本专业的学习、研究和国际交流,适应社会经济发展和国际化进程的需要。本课程将着力提高学生英语的输出能力,即说、写和译的能力:“说”不仅局限于一般的日常对话能力,还包括出席国际会议、发表学术观点、公开演讲等交流、交际能力。“写”的能力也超出写作小品文、考试作文的圈子,还包括学术论文、各类应用文的写作能力。“译”的能力强调有效查找英文文献及文献翻译能力。


本课程考核由过程性评估和终结性评估组成,过程性评估包括平时作业及课堂表现(占10%)、口语能力(占10%);终结性评估包括期末课程综合考试(占80%) 。期末综合考试由客观题和主观题两部分组成。客观题部分(70%)选用北京市研究生英语学位统一考试试题的客观题部分,包括听力(20%)、词汇(10%)、完型填空(10%) 和阅读理解(30%); 主观题部分(30%)主要测试与本课程所学教材相关的内容,包括翻译(20%)和写作(10%)。





12、14单元作为学生课后自学单元,老师检查其自学效果。每一单元的课堂教学计划安排4个学时,老师根据课文难易程度灵活安排教学进度。单元主题如下: Unit 1-Waking up from the American dream; Unit 2-Move over, big brother; Unit 3-When ancient artifacts become political pawns; Unit 5-The Rise of green

building; Unit 6-At what cost beauty; Unit 7-How to prepare for a pandemic; Unit 8-Too much too soon; Unit 10-How to live and love in the 21th century; Unit 11-The global food crisis; Unit 13-The new science of happine



1.《研究生英语高级教程》, 张敬源,曹红晖,中国人民大学出版社,2010年6月

2.《朗文英语听说教程1》,Michael Rost,南开大学出版社,2003年11月



考试简介|报考条件|报名时间|考试时间|评价目标|考试内容|免考规定|查分方式|注意事项|辅导课程 考试简介


全国英语等级考试(Public English Test System,简称PETS)是教育部考试中心设计并负责的全国性英语水平考试体系。作为中、英两国政府的教育交流合作项目,在设计过程中它得到了英国专家的技术支持。










根据教育部考试中心有关规定,自2007年9月起,全国英语等级考试不受理义务教育阶段的学生报考,但在2007年上半年一级B考试中,取得笔试或口试单科合格者,可以报名参加2008年上半年一级B考试,仅限报考2007年3月份考试不合格或者没有报考的笔试或口试单科。 报名时间









级别/开考时间 上半年






PETS-5 每年3月的第2个周

六、周日 每年3月的第2个周

六、周日 每年3月的第2个周

六、周日 每年3月的第2个周

六、周日 无 每年6月的第3个周

六、周日 下半年 无 每年9月的第2个周

六、周日 每年9月的第2个周

六、周日 每年9月的第2个周

六、周日 每年9月的第2个周

六、周日 每年12月的第3个周
















考试分笔试和口试两部分,内容包括:听力、语言知识、阅读、写作、口语。笔试和口试均合格者,由教育部考试中心颁发给《全国英语等级考试合格证书》。合格证书既可作为持有者英语能力水平的权威性证明;又可为各地各单位对其所用人才的英语水平提供一个公正、统一的评价尺度。 免考规定


















5、一级B(PETS 1B)---四级(PETS 4)共五个级别考试的报名地点由承办该项考试的省、自治区、直辖市的教育考试机构决定,具体报名时间及地点可向他们咨询。第五级(PETS 5,即原WSK·EPT)的报名地点在全国各WSK考点。






PETS3口语考试分A、B、C三节,测试考生用英语进行口 头的能力。



片或文字讨论有关问题的能力。该节约需3分钟时间。C节:要求考生就信息卡上的图片或文字作简短描述,之后另一考生就同一话题阐述个人观点。该节约需4分钟时间。Test skill进入考场的时候,记住一定不要紧张,要面带微笑。应平静地坐在口试教师示意你坐的地方,坐下的时候要自然,坐姿要端正。坐下后,考官会跟你说如下三句话: Could you pa me your mark sheet please? (麻烦你递给我你的记分卡?) May Ihave your name? (我能知道你的名字吗?) My name is„, and this is„ she/he will onlylisten to us. (我是„„,这位是„„,他/她只负责听我们说话。)三句话次序可能会颠倒,但不妨碍大家听懂意思。你须将口试计分卡交给专事评分的老师,然后老师会确认一下计分卡上的信息。随后口试考试正式开始。口试过程中


(2)作为考生,你应该积极主动,多讲话,切忌一语不发地等着,问一句才答一句(当然也不要说起来没完没了)。对于一般疑问句的问题不要只答“Yes”、“No”,要把句子说完整,把一般疑问句改换成肯定句式,并适当加以简要的解释,不一定非要等到口试教师追问“why”时,再说话。(3)在Part B部分要特别注意两点:


二:是你和另一位考生都是来参加考试的,在讨论发言中应保持基本的机会均等。由于是临时组成的搭档,你与对方的英语水平可能会不同,如果他/她为了显示自己的水平、获得高分而不停地说,你可以寻找机会,使用得体的交际语言打断同伴的发言,如“I’m sorry,but I have tointerrupt” “Excuse me,I have to stop you” “Sorry,Ithink.。。”。当然,如果你的同伴比较沉默,你可以用某些特定的语句启发你的同伴开口发言,这样才是良好的交流。这类语句有“This ismy point of view.What do you think” “Do you agree with me” “That’s mypoint.What’s your opinion”等。



(6)考试过程当中,面部表情要与口中所说的内容相符合,该严肃的时候严肃、该活泼的时候活泼,否则就会很生硬。 口试结束之后 口试结束后,你应当用英语分别向两位口试教师道谢和告别,给他们留下一个完整的好印象。




另外一个需要注意的是,考官的指导用语中会有对图片内容的描述,这是至关重要的,因为,PETS考试的图片都是黑白的而且画的非常不规则,想象力不丰富的人有时根本看不出到底画的是什么。而考官会在指导用语中说道:“ candidate A, here is your picture , this picture shows four different ways of keeping fit .....talk to each other ....\"如果考生仔细听考官的这段话,你就可以很容易判断出图片的内容,而且知道你被要求做什么。 2.遵守考官指令。

PETS考试的时间控制比较严格,考官在每一部分开始之前都会告诉你有多少时间完成,“到时候会打断你,不要担心。”有的考生在考官说了“sorry , time is up \"之后,仍然滔滔不绝,极力想在争取一些表现的机会。这种情况下,你只能得到考官再次提醒,并打断。你的举动直接影响到考官对整个流程时间的掌控,不会对你的“锲而不舍”留下任何好处的。

其次,很多考生为了有更多的时间去理解手中的图片或者准备要说的材料,过分自我投入,对于考官的指令不予理睬,考官的最后一句话一般是:“ would you like to begin now ?\",而很多考生对此不置可否,仍然低头沉思在图片的理解当中,这个时候考官会自动开始计时的,考生不确认开始时间会被认为是故意“拖时间”,或者连指导用语也听不懂,那后果可想而知了。 3.与partner之间的互动。

PETS考试时,大部分情况,作为考生,你身边都有一个partner。这个人的水平怎样你是不知道的,也不知道性格怎么样。所以有的考生在进行“talk to each other \"环节的时候,只顾着自己发挥,结果发现身旁那人一句没插上不说,自己根本连续说不了三分钟的英语。其实在这种场合下,有效地和partner互动是非常关键的。

首先可以化解紧张,我们都有体会,当我们自己做一件紧张的事情的时候,如果能拉来另外一个人一起参与,就会感觉好很多。口试也一样, 当你说上两句后,主动转向身旁的人说:“ what do you think ?”或者“what is your opinion ?”这会把你的紧张进行转移,同时也会给自己加分,因为语言互动这本身就是对语言流利使用的表现。 4.对时间的把控。

建议考生在考试前,对3分钟和一分钟以及一分钟半这样的时间段真实地感受一下到底有多长。最好看着表感受一下,因为在考场上,由于紧张,很难拿捏好时间,能够比较精确地估计是很关键的。很多考生在拿到图片后,一下子有了很多想法,意识流源源不断, 即兴发挥,把题目开的很大,想从日常生活一直讲到国际社会,结果说了三句就被考官无情打断,枉费了你的好口才。其实,所有的图片,对考生只有那么几个简单的要求:

首先描述,也就是:what is on the picture ? 是人还是物?在干什么呢?发生的地点是哪里?什么时间?

然后是你的观点,图片上的事情对于你来说是好还是不好, 要不要提倡,为什么等等。这些足够一分半钟了

再谈到另一个问题,就是当你的partner结束一分半钟的讲话后,你需要做半分钟的补充,这个时候更不要想着发挥了,最好的策略是对你partner的内容进行简单“评价”,一般我们会说“well , I agree with him or her,I feel same !......\"或者:“ yeah, she or he is right , we should ....”诸如此类的简单评价有很多,都很实用,因为只有半分钟,你什么不说很可惜,说的多了有会被打断,当然也有可能你根本没有听懂你身旁的人讲了什么,妄加评论会出笑话的。

如果你身旁的人水平很低,根本就没说什么,那你的半分钟就直接说:“I think this picture shows *****, in my opinion , we should ......\"要简洁,保证您在半分钟内完成你的陈述。



话题内容: I introduce my friend sally to you , Smith ? How do you do , Smith ? Pleased to meet you , Sally .See you tomorrow .Goodbye.See you later .5.Your name , please, Sir\\Madam? Your number , please , Sir\\Madam? 6.Thank you very much.

You are welcome.


It’s my pleasure.Thanks for a thousand .

It’s all right .7.Do you know anything about……? 8.He’s from……?

9.How many members are there in your family ? There are ……? 10.What’s sb doing ? My mother is an English teacher in a middle school.11.Who’s the girl on the right ? That’s …….12.promise to……

13. -----Could you tell us something about your family ?

-----Yes.There are there people in my family .My father , my mother , and I .14. ------Do you enjoy it ? Why ?

------Yes, I enjoy it .Because it’s harmonious(comfortable and warm).15.What does your family usually do for the weekends? We usually go shopping \\ stay at home .16.

Isn’t it a nice \\lovely\\beautiful\\wonderful day today ? Yes, it is.17.

What’s the weather like? It’s very cold \\windy\\hot\\cool\\rainy.18. What’s the temperature , do you know?

It’s two above zero \\below zero .19.Is there rain in your city ? Does it snow there?

Yes, it often rain in my city .

There is heavy snow , too.(It never rain\\snow there).20.

Do you like rainy days? 21.

Which season do you love better , summer or winter ? Why ? 22.

Is the weather changeable in your city ? 23.

Where did you live before you came here ? 24.

How long have you lived here? 25.

How do you like it ? Why ?

1 26.

Do you think you will live here forever ? Why ? 27.

Where do you usually have your meals? 28.

How many meals do you have every day ? 29.

Do you have fresh vegetables during each meal ? 30.

What do you often drink with meals ? 31.

What do you think of having an apple every day ? 32.

How often do you eat out ? 33.

What kind of food do you prefer ? 34.

Do you like Chinese food or western food ? 35.

Can you tell us some of the soft drinks you often have ? 36.

What’s your favorite drink in summer ? 37.

When do you usually get up in the morning ? 38.

Do you often take a nap at noon ? Why ? 39.

How often do you go to school everyday ? 40.

How often do you go to a cinema ? Three times a month .41.

Why do you think the cinemas have fever audiences than they had in the past ? 42.

Do you go in for any sport ? Yes, I do .\\ No, I don’t.43.

What’s your favorite sports? I like basketball \\football\\badminton\\tennis\\swimming\\volyballl\\ Bowling\\snooker\\yoga.44.

What do you think is the most popular sport in China? 45.

Are you a sports fan ? Who is your favorite anthlete? Yes, I am.I like \\worship\\adore…… 46.

What do you think of Liu Xiang? 47.

Where can I get an English dictionary ? Dictionaries are on the east end of the second floor.48.

Do you like shopping ? Yes , I like it .49.

When and Where do you usually go shopping ? 50.

Do you prefer to do shopping alone or with your friends ?


If you come acro some items that are at a discount , but you don’t need them right now .

Will you buy them ? Why ?


What do you usually do in your spare time ? 53.

Do you watch TV every night ?

What programs are you interested in? I’m interested in NEWS\\Talk show\\plays\\Entertainment.54.

Are you good at computer games ? Do you often send e—mails to your friends? 55.

Which holiday is most important for you ? Why ? 56.

Do you think we should have more holidays every year ? 57.

What are the traditional forms of exercises in China ?

Do you think we should stick to them or introduce new forms of exercise ? 58.

How do you usually travel to work or school ?

2 59.

What do you dislike about the public transport ? 60.

Do you enjoy parties ? Yes, I like parties very much.70.Do you want your parents to spend your birthday with you ? Why ?

Yes.For if my parents spend my birthday with me , I will feel very happy. I want them share the happy time with me. 71.Do you like traveling ? Why ?

Yes , I love traveling .For traveling can comfort my body and mind , can also make me get more knowledges.(It can entertain my eyes and minds.\\ It can make me see more places.) 72.Where have you been to ? Have you ever been abroad ? 73.How many scenic spots have you ever been to ? 74.How many hours a week do you usually spend watching TV ?

I will spend about 8 hours a week watching TV.

( It will take me 8 hours a week to watching TV.)

75.What kind of TV programs do you like most and why ?

I’m fond of “Xing Yun 52” \\News 30’ \\TV plays\\Tong Yi Shou Ge.Because……

76.How do you keep yourself in good health ?

77.What do you think is the most important vespect\\aspect for keeping fit ?

-----To keep fit we can do a lot of things .Such as going on diet , doing exercises , and so on .But the most important is to be in a good mood , to be optimistic.

78.Do you think your everyday life is a healthy one ? Why?\\Why not ?

79.If you were too strong , would you like to keep on a diet ? Why ?

80.How important do you think studying English is to you ?

81.What do you usually do in your spare time ?

82.When do you do the housework ?

83.What do you often read newspaper, periodicals or novels ?

84.Do you have a computer ?

85.How many hours a day do you spend on computer ?

86.Where did you learn to use a computer ?

87.How do you like Chinese Spring Festival ?

88.How do you people in your home town spend their Spring Festival?

89.Have you ever had a pet ? If yes , tell us something about your pet .






brothers (younger \\elder)


sister (younger\\elder)















July 20, 2000 Dear Sir, I am writing in reference to the recent order I placed with your company.I was most disappointed to note that on examining the set of wine I ordered, four of them were badly damaged.

I request that replacement be sent as soon as poible.It is eential that I receive these goods as soon as poible as they are intended as a wedding gift for a relative.

I have previously received a high standard of service from your company and I trust that this matter may be brought to a swift and satisfactory conclusion.

Yours truly,

Chester Chen 第二封

July 20, 2000

Dear Mi Wilson,

We have received your letter of 10th May in which you say that you are in receipt of fault goods.We have investigated the matter and found that the damage was caused by an oversight on our part.A new set of six wine glaes has now been dispatched to you and you should receive them by the end of this week.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this problem and will endeavor to prevent it happening again.

Yours truly,


July 20, 2000

Dear Mrs.Smith,

My name is Chencheng.I am a final student of Anhui Agricultural University.I am currently seeking employment in which I could make full use of my English language skills.For this reason, I would be interested in any job vacancies available in your company.I am confident and enthusiastic, so although I have little work experience, I believe that my personal qualities will allow me to make a valuable contribution to your company.

I wish to work for Haier in particular because as a newly opened joint venture company in Hefei, I feel you could offer me the chance to work among Chinese and overseas employees in a modern and friendly environment.

I enclose my curriculum vitae; I am available for interview at any time.If there are no positions available at this time, I would be most grateful.If my application could be considered for future vacancies.

Yours sincerely,




Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic The Prevalence of Western Holidays.You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:





The Prevalence of Western Holidays

It is noticeable that western holidays are becoming increasingly popular day by day, while Chinese traditional holidays are being somewhat neglected.Old people often complain that Chinese New Year has lost its real meaning.To their astonishment, young people in China, ignorant about Chinese traditional holidays, are crazy about Christmas or Valentine‘s Day.There are several poible reasons for this phenomenon.First, western nations, such as the United States and Britain, are powerful and dominant in every aspect.Everything in these countries is aumed to be superior and adored by some modern young people.Second, the prevalence of English as a world language and the development of globalization enable western culture to flood in China.Overwhelmed by such a trend, Chinese unconsciously get involved in western culture.Last but not least, some Chinese people have blind faith in foreign things while dismi our own poeions with contempt.I am critical of this trend.China boasts a brilliant history and splendid traditions.In modern times, Chinese tradition should be preserved and promoted.But it seems that young people no longer treasure the tradition.On the contrary, they turn to pursue enthusiastically a supposedly more modern culture.If this trend is allowed to continue, the pricele heritage of our ancestors will be replaced by western traditions.Nobody expects such a consequence.So let’s join hand in hand to protect Chinese tradition.




公共英语三级介绍 公共英语三级是中间级,通过该级考试的考生,其英语已达到高等教育自学考试非英语专业本科毕业水平或符合普通高校非英语专业本科毕业的要求,基本符合企事业单位行政秘书、经理助理、初级科技人员、外企职员的工作,以及同层次其他工作在对外交往中的基本需要。该级考生应能在生活和工作的多数情景中进行对话,不仅能够询问事实,还能询问抽象的信息,应能提供或是要求得到更清楚的阐述,同时口才也能表达简单的观点和态度,能适当运用基本的语法知识,掌握4000左右的词汇以及相关词组。


(二)考试成绩。) 公共英语三级需要经过笔试和口试。口试包括:对话 基本演讲等

笔试包括:听力 语法 阅读 写作 以及纠错 等 基本上都是选择题。考试题型

听力:第三级的题型为对话和短文理解,共25个题,原始赋分为25形式为四选一,所占分数权重为30。 (二级共20个题,原始赋分为20 ,形式为四选一,所占分数权重为30。)

英语知识运用(完形---词汇、语法、):PETS第三级要求考生应掌握4000左右的词汇以及相关词组,语言知识运用部分体现在完形填空这种题型上。它是综合考查应试者英语水平的题型。共20个题,原始赋分为20,形式为四选一,所占分数权重为15。(二级共35个题,原始赋分为35 ,形式为四选一,所占分数权重为20。)

阅读:PETS第三级的阅读量大于高教自考和大英四级的阅读量,题型除了多项选择还有选择配伍,即要求考生阅读几个案例后选择出相关的归纳总结句与各案例相匹配。共20个题,原始赋分为20,A节中的 15题,每题2分,形式为四选一。B节5题搭配。所占分数权重为30。(二级共20个题,原始赋分为20 ,形式为四选一,所占分数权重为30。)


占分数权重为25。(二级共10个改错题,原始赋分为25 ,所占分数权重为20。)

考生得分= 得分*权重

















Ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome toour cla and welcome to our evening party.First of all,

Let me say a few words about our cla.There are 50 students in our

Cla-26 of us are boys and 24 are girls.Most of us are from Beijing.We

are mostly at the same age-about 17.Some go in for sports, and some are

interested in reading,.We have 6 subjects in all, including English,

Chinese and mathematics.All of us like to study English, and we usually

spend a lot of time on it.

In our program tonight, there will be a short play, group singing and so

on.I hope you will enjoy them and have a good time.Thank you.2.广播通知:

题目]你们学校学生会(the student







May i have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make.the

student union is going to hold a party on Friday evening, October 10, to

welcome our friends from Australia.the party will be held in the 2nd

reading room in the library.it’ll begin at 7:00pm.

at the party we’ll have music, dancing, singing and games.Australian

friends will perform some nice programs in the party.Everyone is welcome.

Please come in time.3.请假条:



Dear Mr.Liu,

I’m Li Jun’s mother.I’m writing to ask for permiion for Li Jun’s

absence.the fact is that he has to stay at home to take care of my mother

who had a serious fall from upstairs and got her right leg broken last

week.I’m sure he will be back in three days when my husband returns from

a meeting in Beijing.

Thank you.


Li Yihua









Ladies and gentlemen: :

Here we are at the foot of the great wall.It’s the longest wall in the

world and has a history of over 2000 years.It’s one of the wonders of the

world.We will spend two hours on the wall.It’s 8:30 now.we’ll leave at

10:30.the bus will be waiting for us at the entrance.please remember our

bus number and be back on time.Besides, please take your valuable things

with you and shut all the windows before getting off.

Have a good time!Thank you.5.英文简历:








my name is Li Yijia.I was born on august 28, 1978, in Guangzhou.in

1999 i graduated from English department of Beijing normal university.

First, I taught in a middle school for two years, then i worked as a

salesman in the foreign language bookstore for two years.

I am not only good at Chinese but good English.I am greatly interested

in English.in 1996 i won the second place in the English competitions in

Beijing.I have continued learning English in my spare time.now i am glad

That I can talk with foreigners freely.

I am sure I am fit for the work and determined to do my job well.











I have visited you just now but you were not in, so I had to leave the

meage to you.I want to invite you to visit the Chinese art exhibition

in the art museum.the exhibition will display the most famous paintings

in the past dynasties and traditional Chinese paintings.The exhibition will

be open from the eighth to the eighteenth of this month.So can we meet

at the gate of the art museum at 9:30 am on Sunday?









The student union has recently agreed to set up:


The student union has recently agreed to set up an English club.it aimsto encourage students to learn English outside of cla, to raise Englishabilities and to create a favourable English-learning atmosphere.Duringthis term foreign experts will give lectures on English and Americancultures once a week, and students can meet once a week at the Englishcorner.besides, we will also have lectures given on the study of English.

anyone in the school is welcome to join the club by filling in the

related from and providing one photo by the end of this month.

1,our first meeting will be held in the school gym at 5:00 p.m.friday, 21february, 2004.the student union14 februry, 2004


D dad n.爸爸

daily adj.每日的adv.每日,天天n.日报 dairy n.牛奶场,奶品场;奶制品

dam n.水闸,水坝,堤v.筑坝;堵住,阻塞;抑制,控制 damage n.损害,破坏;(常用复数)赔偿金v.损害,毁坏,破坏 damp adj.潮湿的,有湿气的n.潮湿,湿气 dance vi.跳舞n.舞蹈;舞会 danger n.危险;危险物,威胁 in danger 处于危险中

dangerous adj.危险的,不安全的 dare v.敢,敢做;激,向…挑战

dark adj.黑暗的;深色的;秘密的n.黑暗,暗处 darling adj.心爱的;宠爱的n.心爱的人,宠儿 dart n.标枪,镖;(昆虫的)刺;飞快的动作v.飞奔;投掷 dash n.少量(搀加物);[单数]冲撞;破折号;锐气,精力,干劲v.猛掷;冲撞;使破灭;使沮丧 date n.日期

datum(复数data) n.数据,资料 daughter n.女儿

dawn n.黎明,天亮;开始,开端v.破晓 day n.天,日;节日 by day 白天,在白天 day after day 日复一日地 day and night 日日夜夜,夜以继日 one day (过去)某一天,(将来)有一天 the day after tomorrow 后天 the day before yesterday前天 the other day几天以前 daylight n.日光;白昼;黎明 daytime n.白天;日间 dead adj.死的;无生命的

deal(dealt, dealt) v.处理,安排;经营,交易n.交易,协议 deal with论述,讨论,涉及;打交道,对待;处理 a good/great deal(of) 大量

deadly adj.致命的;死一般的;极度的adv.死一般地;极,非常 deadline n.最终期限 deaf adj.聋的 dealer n.经销商,商人

dear interj.(表示惊愕等)哎呀,唷adj.亲爱的;贵的 death n.死,死亡;(常用单数)破灭,终止 debate n.争论;辩论v.争论;讨论 debt n.欠款,债务;罪过;恩情,情义 decade n.十年;十

decay n.腐朽,腐烂;衰减,衰退v.腐朽,腐烂;衰减,衰退 deceit n.欺骗,欺诈 deceive vt.欺骗,蒙蔽 December n.十二月 decide v.决定;裁决

decided adj.果断的,坚决的;明显的,确切的

decimal adj.十进制的,以十为基础的;小数的n.小数 decision n.决定,决心;坚定,果断 deck n.甲板;舰板v.装饰;修饰;打扮 declaration n.宣布;宣言,声明 declare v.宣布,宣告,声明;申报

decline n.下降,下垂;斜坡;衰败v.下降,下垂;拒绝;衰落;倾斜 decorate v.装饰,为…做室内装修 decrease n.减少;减少的量v.减少

dedicate v.献(身),致力;题献词(一部著作给某人) deduce v.推论;演绎 deed n.行为,行动,事迹 do a good deed 做好事 deem v.认为;相信

deep adj.深的;浓厚的;深奥的adv.深地 deer n.鹿

defeat v.击败,战胜;打败,使落人n.失败,战败;击败,战胜 defect n.过失,缺点

defend v.防御,保护,保卫;为…辩护,答辩

defense(=defence) n.防御,保护,保卫;(常用复数)防御工事,防御物;辩护,答辩 deficit n.赤字;不足额 definite adj.明确的;一定的 degree n.度,级;程度;学位

delay v.延迟,拖延,耽搁n.延迟,耽搁(的时间) delete v.删除

delegation n.代表团;授权,委托

delicious adj.美味的,可口的;有趣的,怡人的


deliver v.投递,送交,运载;发表,

demand v.要求,请求;需要n.要求;需求,需要 democracy n.民主;民主制

democratic adj.民主的;民主主义的 demonstrate v.示范;证明,论证;示威

denial n.否认,否定;谢绝,拒绝;克制自己,抑制 dense adj.密集的;浓厚的 density n.密度 dentist n.牙医

deny vt.否认,否定;拒绝 depart v.离开,起程;逝世 department n.部,部门,系

departure n.启程,出发,离开;违反,偏差 depend v.依靠,依赖;信赖,相信

deposit n.堆积物,沉淀物;存款;押金,保证金;存放物v.存放;堆积,沉淀

depth n.深,深度;(常用复数)深处 deputy n.代理人;代表 derive v.得自;起源 descend v.下来,下降;遗传 describe v.描写,描述,形容 description n.描写,形容,说明

desert n.沙漠adj.荒芜的,不毛的v.抛弃,遗弃,舍弃,擅离(职守) deserve v.应受;值得

design n.设计,构思;图案,图样;规划v.设计,构思 desirable adj.值得要的;合意的;令人满意的

desire n.愿望,渴望;要求v.渴望,想往;要求,请求 desk n.书桌,办公桌

despair n.绝望;失望v.绝望;丧失信心

desperate adj.不顾一切的,拚死的;令人绝望的 despise v.轻视

despite prep.不管;尽管;不论

deert n.(作为正餐最后的)食品(点心、水果等) destination n.目的地,终点;目的,目标 destroy v.破坏,毁坏;消灭

destruction n.破坏,毁灭引起;毁灭的根源,毁灭的原因 detach v.分开,分离;分遣,派遣(军队) detail n.细节;详情v.详述;细说 detain v.拘留;留住;阻止 detective adj.侦探的n.侦探

determine v.决定,下决心;确定,查明 develop v.发展;开发

development n.成长;进化;发展;开发 device n.装置,设备;设计;方法,手段 devise v.设计;发明;作出(计划);想出(办法) devote v.奉献,献(给);把…专用(于) dew n.露,露水般的东西;清新 diagram n.图表

dial n.刻度盘,钟面v.(自动电话)拨号盘 dialog(ue) n.对话;对白 diameter n.直径

diamond n.钻石,金刚石;菱形 diary n.日记,日记簿

dictate v.口授,使听写;命令;支配 dictation n.口授,听写

dictator n.独裁者,独裁政权执政者;口授者 dictionary n.词典;字典 die v.死

diet n.饮食;规定的饮食 differ v.不一致;不同

difference n.差别,差异;差,差额;分歧 different adj.不同的;各种的(与same相对) difficult adj.困难的;难的

difficulty n.困难;难点,难题;困境,麻烦 dig v.挖,掘;探究

digest n.摘要v.消化;领会,领悟 digital adj.数字的,数位的;手指的 dignity n.尊严;高贵

diligent adj.勤勉的;用功的;勤劳的 dim adj.暗淡的;模糊的;无光泽的

dine v.吃饭;进餐

dining-room n.食堂,餐厅 dinner n.正餐,主餐;宴会 dip v.浸,蘸,沾;汲出,舀取

diploma n.文凭,毕业证书;荣誉证书,奖状 diplomatic adj.外交的;老练的 direct adj.直接的

direction n.方向;方面;指示;指导 directly adv.直接地;立即 director n.主任;处长;局长;导演 dirty adj.脏的;v.弄脏

disadvantage n.不利,不利条件;缺点,劣势 disagree v.不一致;不适宜 disappear v.消失;不见 disappoint v.使失望 disaster n.灾难;天灾;灾祸 disc(=disk) n.圆盘;唱片 discard v.丢弃;抛弃;放弃

discharge n.卸货;流出,放出,排出;解除,解雇;释放v.流出,放出,排出;发射;解除,解雇;释放;卸货

discipline n.纪律;学科;训练,锻炼v.训练;使有纪律;惩戒,惩罚

discount n.折扣 discover v.发现,找到 discovery n.发现,发觉 discu v.讨论,议论

discuion n.讨论,谈论,论述 disease n.疾病

disguise n.伪装v.假装,伪装;掩饰,隐瞒 disgust n.厌恶;反感v.令人厌恶;令人反感 dish n.盘,碟;一道菜 dislike n.嫌恶v.讨厌;不喜欢 dismay n.沮丧;惊慌v.使惊慌;使沮丧

dismi vt.不考虑,不理会;解散,遣散;解雇,开除;驳回,对…不受

disorder n.杂乱,混乱;骚动,骚乱;(身心机能的)失调,小病,不适v.扰乱;使失调;使紊乱

dispatch(=despatch) n.派遣;急件;速办,敏捷v.分派;派遣 displace v.移置,转移;取代,置换

display n.陈列;展览;显示v.陈列,展览;显示 displease v.使不快;使(人)生气;惹怒

dispose v.处理,处置;布置,安排,部署;使倾向于,使有意于 dispute n.争论;争执;争端v.争论;辩论;争执 distance n.距离;遥远,远方

distant adj.远方的,久远的;疏远的,冷淡的

distinct adj.清楚的,明显的;截然不同的,独特的;有区别的,不同的

distinction n.区别,差别;非凡,卓越,杰出;荣誉;特征,特性,个性

distinguish v.区别,辨别;使杰出,使著名 distre n.悲痛,忧伤;穷困,贫苦;不幸,危难v.使悲痛,使忧伤;使苦恼

distribute v.分发,分配;散布,分布;分类,分区 district n.地区,区,行政区

disturb v.扰乱,打扰,妨碍;(常用被动语态)使烦恼,使不安 ditch n.沟,沟渠,壕沟

dive v.跳水,潜水;俯冲,扑去n.跳水,潜水;俯冲, diverse adj.不同的;变化多的

divide v.划分;分开,隔开;使意见不合,使不和;除

division n.分配;分开,分割,区分;除法;部门;分界线,界限 divorce n.离婚;脱离v.使离婚;与…脱离

do v.[助动词;构成疑问句和否定句];[代替动词];[用于加强语气];做,干,进行;完成,做完;产生,引起;从事;行过,走过(路程);(工作、生活等方面的)进展

dock n.码头,船坞;被告席v.靠码头;引入坞 doctor n.医生;博士 doctrine n.教条;学说

document n.文件,文献;公文;证件 dog n.狗

doll n.玩偶,玩具娃娃

dollar n.美元;元(加拿大、澳大利亚等国的货币单位) domain n.领土,领地;(活动、学问等的)范围,领域 dome n.圆屋顶,圆盖;穹窿

domestic adj.家庭的;国内的;可驯服的 donate v.捐赠;赠予 donkey n.驴子;笨蛋;顽固者 door n.门;出入口;通道 dorm(=dormitory) n.宿舍

dose n.剂量;(一)剂;(一)服v.(给…)服药 dot n.圆点,小点;一点点大的东

double adj.两倍的,加倍的;双的,双重的;双人的,供两人用的n.两倍,两倍物;(网球等的)双打v.加倍;折叠 doubt n.疑惑;疑问;怀疑v.怀疑;不相信

doubtful adj.怀疑的,可疑的;难以预测的,未定的 dove n.鸽子

down adj.向下的,下行的adv.向下,在下面;向南方;由高到低,由大到小,由强到弱prep.沿,顺;沿…往下 downstairs adv.在楼下;往楼下

downtown adj.商业区的;中心区的;闹市区的adv.往(或在)商业区(或中心区) downward(s) adj.向下的

doze n.[单数]瞌睡v.打瞌睡;打盹儿 dozen n.一打;十二个

draft n.草稿,草案,草图;通风,气流v.起草,设计,草拟;征兵

dragon n.龙;凶暴的人

drain n.排水沟;[单数](精力、时间、金钱的)消耗v.排水;流掉;喝干;耗尽

drama n.(在舞台上演的)戏剧;戏剧艺术;戏剧性事件,戏剧性场面;戏剧性

dramatic adj.戏剧性的;引人注目的;感动人的

draw n.拉,拖,抽,拔;平局;抽签,抽彩v.拉,拖;拔出,取出;提取,取得,汲取;引起,吸引;画,描绘 drawer n.抽屉

drawing n.图画,素描;绘画(艺术) dread vt.& n.恐惧;担心

dreadful adj.令人畏惧的,可怕的 dream n.梦;梦想;理想v.梦见;梦想

dre n.连衣裙,套裙;衣服,服装v.穿衣,打扮;给…敷药,包扎

drift n.漂流,冲流;漂流物,吹积物,堆积物;趋势,动向,倾向v.(使)漂流;漂泊,游荡;被吹积成堆

drill n.钻头,钻床;操练,练习,训练v.打眼,钻孔;操练,训练

drink n.饮料,酒v.喝;饮

drip n.[单数]滴水声,滴下;滴,点滴,水滴v.(使)滴下 drive n.驾驶,驱车旅行;车行道,路;干劲v.驾驶,驾车运送;驱赶;逼迫,迫使 driver n.驾驶员;司机

drop n.(一)滴;[常用复数]滴剂;微量,一点点,[常用单数]下降,下落v.滴,落下;下降,降低 drown v.(使)淹死,溺死;淹没 drug n.药,药物;麻醉药,毒品 drum n.鼓;鼓形圆桶v.击鼓;作鼓声 drunk adj.[表]喝醉的

dry adj.干的,无水的v.(使)干燥,晒干 duck n.鸭

due adj.应有的,适当的;应给的,应付的;应支付的,到期的;预定应到的

dull adj.愚钝的,笨的;乏味的,单调的;钝的,不锋利的;阴沉的;昏暗的

dumb adj.哑的,无说话能力的;不说话的,无声音的 during prep.在…期间 dusk n.薄暮,黄昏;昏暗,幽暗

dust n.灰尘,尘土v.除去(…的)灰尘,擦净,扫净;撒(粉末等),撒于…上

dusty adj.多尘的;尘状的,粉末状的 duty n.责任,义务,职责;税,关税 dwell v.居住 dye n.染料;染色v.染

dying adj.垂死的;要结束的,衰退的;渴望的,极想的 dynasty n.朝代;王朝





A foreign delegation is to visit your university.You are aigned to make a welcome speech on behalf of your cla.Now write a welcome speech to

1)expre your welcome, and

2)make a brief introduction to your university.

You should write about 100 words on ANSER SHEET 2.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.Use “Li Ming” instead.You do not need to write the addre.(10 points)




你应该写上ANSER SHEET2.大约100字的信的末尾不要签署自己的名字。用“Li Ming”这个名字。你并不需要写地址。 (10分)


A Welcome Speech一封欢迎词(107 words)

Ladies and Gentlemen,

First of all, please allow me to expre the most heartfelt welcome to all of you on behalf of our Cla One in the Computer Science Department of Tsinghua University.We have been looking forward to seeing you for long.It is a wonderful day today.

Now I would like to brief my university to you since I want to leave the most wonderful for you to discover.Tsinghua University is well-known both at home and abroad.If you want to meet distinguished scholars, please come to Tsinghua.If you want to meet the most industrious students, please come to Tsinghua.If you want to discover the most attractive campus, please come to Tsinghua.I do hope that you will enjoy your stay in Tsinghua.

Sincerely Yours

Li Ming

致欢迎辞一封欢迎词(107字) 女士们,先生们:






a worrying problem.Write a letter of complaint to describe the matter and require settlement, Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter, using “Li Ming” instead.




Dear Sir,

I am happy that the refrigerator we ordered last week has arrived on time.But it is a great pity that we find there is something wrong with the refrigeration facilities.

After we used it for several days.we found that food stored in the refrigerating compartment turned bad quickly.When we finally decided to take the temperature in it, we were surprised to find it was around 15℃, far from the standard temperture range from 0℃ to 9℃.

This problem has affected our normal life.Would you please let me know whether or not you can send a repairman as soon as poible? I hope that my problem will get your kind consideration.

Yours faithfully,

Li Ming 亲爱的先生,




此致, 李明




The circumstances surrounding the birth of a female infant in Kosciusko, Miiippi, on Jan.29, 1954,were not promising present was the usual mix that had so often accumulated into a burden too heavy for a single-parent household like the one Oprah Winfrey grew up in.The state in which she was born had laws in place waiting to characterize her as unwelcome, to bar her participation in otherwise accebtable social activities, to shackle her to the residue of slavery and other injustices of the past.The simple truth is that her grandmother, her great-grandmother and all the great-great-grandmothers before them never experienced one day of life free from the harsh decrees of state-sponsored racial repreion

In hindsight, it appears that her birth was an uneventful one.But at age three she was reciting speeches from church pulpits.Upon discovering books, the child delved into the written word, turning out weekly book reports for her father.Even during turbulent times, not a moment was wasted.Seeds were being planted, watered, and nurtured.On April 13, 1964, nearly an adolescent and watching television from the linoleum floor of her mother\'s walk-up flat in something deep inside of her.She was watching the live broadcast of the Academy Awards ceremony and saw a young African-American actor receiving the film industry\'s highest honor.Sharing in that moment and all it implied she later told me, caused her to say softly to herself, \"If he can do that, I wonder what I could do?\" The ground had been set.The journey of Oprah Winfrey had begun.The babe, the child, the adolescent, the young woman-all their strengths were harneed into

driving forces in many of those changes.Her enormously influential talk show, her philanthropic work with children in africa and elsewhere, her popular book club and magazine, her empowering spiritual meage, her contribution (by action and example) to improving race relations-all speak to the human family, touching hearts and leaving each one uplifted.

Miiippi too seems to be mellowing out into a more congenial place than it was in 1954.that may also be partly due to the very sbecial enerav that is Oprah Winfrey-a courageous, funny, compaionate, well-informed, dazzlingly curious person, as down-to-earth and loving as any human being I\'ve ever known.


故事的详情围绕在1954年六月29日出生于密西西比,科修斯科山的一个女婴。那时,对于像Oprah Winfrey (奥普来.温弗里)这样日常开销负担特别繁重的单亲家庭来说,她的出身并不是那么让人期待。她所在的国家,已经有适当的法律等候着将她列为不受欢迎的对象,阻击她参加其它合理的社交活动,让她背负上了奴隶制度剩余产物的枷锁,还有以往其它一些不公平的待遇。简单的事实就是她的祖母、曾祖母以及更早的一代之前,在政府纵恿的种族镇压法令下,从未经历过一天生命的自由。


道路已经被铺平了,Oprah Winfrey 开始了她的旅程。从婴儿到小孩、到青少年、再到年轻女士——万事俱备,使得她在服务于自然界与人类家庭上迸发出一种惊人的能力。从1954年起,毫无疑问,世界已经以一种积极的方式发生着改变。Oprah和她的脱口秀是其中的很多改变动力。她影响深远的脱口秀、对非洲乃至其它地方的小孩博爱举动、广受欢迎的书籍杂志俱乐部、激动人心的演说辞、以身作则为改善种族关系所作的贡献。这一切都讲给人类家庭,触动了他们的内心,每个人都深受鼓舞。

密西西比也受到了潮流的影响,比1954年看起来适意得多。其中的部分也许同样归功于Oprah Winfrey的非常独特的精神力量——一个勇敢、有趣、富有同情心、见识广博、闪耀着知识光芒的人,是我所知的人中最脚踏实地、让人钟爱的一个。

2: If a computer were to design the perfect U.N.Secretary-General, he or she would look sonething like this: African born; European and American educated, with decades of service in the U.N.system; married to a European; and poeing a quiet charisma and calm authority as chaos arises.

That the U.N.in 1996 found such a person to restore its sense of direction and purpose was a near miracle.But out of the U.N.\'s failures in Bosnia, Somalia and Rwanda came Kopi Annan, the career international civil servant who had participated in these disasters yet somehow survived and learned from them.

Today Annan is in the middle of his second term.His task is not finished, and the U.N.is still far from what it should be.But Annan has tested the limits of the job, accumulating more authority-one cannot use the word power, given the constraints the U.N.system places on him-than any of his predeceors.His complex relationship with the U.S.government is little understood.When Annan takes positions in public that are displeasing to the bush administration, it

stabilizing Iraq.He began to work toward the decisive date of June 30, when the u.s.will hand over control to Iraqi authorities and an uncertain situation will prevail determined by factors way beyond his, or anyone else\'s, ability to control.But it is Annan\'s destiny to be handed the very worst problems after they have been unsuccefully addreed by others.Anyone who knows him knows he wades into such problems with his usual blend of courage, self-control, modesty and optimism







5.Translate the following sentences into English, using the proper forms of the words or phrases given in the brackets.他那不能令人满意的答复促使我又向他提出了一个问题。(prompt...to)His unsatisfactory reply prompted me to ask him another question.2) 长期医疗保险和短期医疗保险,哪一项更合算?(a good deal)Which is a better deal, the long-term medical care insurance or the short-term one? 3) 圣诞节期间,那家超市的货品打5折进行清仓销售。(mark down)n the Christmas season, the goods in that supermarket were on clearance sale by marking down 50% of their original prices.6.Pay attention to the italicized parts in the English sentences and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences.1) He is a master of language, and his speech always appeals to people with its humour.This book mainly tells you how to learn to become a master of guitar through practice.2) Man does not suffer from conditions, but rather from the views he takes of them.The patient was not better but rather became worse.3)Compared with his room, my room is even smaller.Compared with most of the others, you are so excellent a girl.George wanted very much to run away from her, but instead he took her in his car and drove her home.She didn’t answer me, but instead, she asked me another question.9.Translate the following sentences into English, using the proper forms of the words or phrases given in the brackets.1) 她从一家商店逛到另一家商店,最后以出得起的价格买到了她所需要的东西。(at a price, afford)She shopped around till she got what she wanted at a price she could afford.2)他除了向我点点头,从不跟我说话。(other than)He never speaks to me other than to nod to me.你应该永远以做好你的工作为目标。(aim at)You should always aim at doing your job well.几个星期以来,她一直待在家中照顾有病的父亲。(be tied to) She has been tied to the house for weeks looking after her sick father.这条线路是为缓解交通拥挤而设计的。(be designed to)This route was designed to relieve traffic jams.社会由形形色色的人组成。有些人很好,有些人很坏,而大多数人则介于两者之间。(a wide variety of)Society is made up of a wide variety of people.Some of them are good, others are

bad, and the majority are in between.

Translate the following sentences into English, using the proper forms of the words or phrases given in the brackets.

服务是使你自己在竞争中突显出来的唯一途径。(differentiate from)The only way to differentiate yourself from the competition is through service.

我总是很痛苦地意识到自己的缺点。(be aware of)I was always painfully aware of my shortcomings.

她的悲剧让我想起我去年的一次遭遇。(call to mind)Her tragedy calls to mind something that happened to me last year.对于她的缺席,我脑海里出现了好几种可能性。(come to mind)A number of poibilities came to my mind about her absence.

最初的会议为进一步谈判奠定了基础。(set the stage for)The initial meeting set the stage for further negotiations.

Pay attention to the italicized parts in the English sentences and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences.

1)Some people like coffee, whereas some others like tea.His children are well behaved, whereas those of his sister’s are naughty.

If the bird is let out of its cage, it will certainly fly away.It’s not exactly what I wanted, but it will serve my needs.3)The little American girl is both pretty and smart.It is suitable for both claroom use and self-study.

4)He might not be able to help but there’s no harm in asking him.

The result might not be immediately evident.

5)Even if it will take me six weeks, I am determined to finish the job.

Even if one graduates from college, he/she should still continue to learn.

Translate the following sentences into English, using the proper forms of the words or phrases given in the brackets.

这一方法证明是非常成功的。(prove)This method has proved to be very succeful.

我们生了病才知道健康的价值。(the worth of)We won’t know the worth of health until we are ill.

这种表演很受大学生的欢迎。(be popular with)This kind of performance was very popular with college students.

人们认识到吸烟有害健康。(it is recognized that)It is recognized that smoking is bad to one’s health.

学习一件事情的最好方法是去做这件事。(the best way to)The best way to learn something is to do it.他们将和来自全世界的游泳选手进行比赛。(compete with)They will compete with swimmers from acro the world.我们不能解决所有问题,但肯定能减轻他们的痛苦。(ease one’s suffering)We can’t solve all the problems, but we certainly can ease their suffering.那天晚上我玩得很开心,晚会上的其他人也都一样。(so did)I had a lot of fun that evening and so did everyone else at the party.4.Translate the following profile into English.本公司创立于1990年。我们专门进口国外产品。我们总部设在上海,共有6家分公司,员工超过1 000人。公司2010年营业额为1.6亿美元。我们的业务正在快速增长。The company was founded in 1990.We specialize in importing foreign-made products.We have our headquarters in Shanghai and six branches with more than 1 000 employees.The company had annual sales of US $160 million in 2010 and our busine is growing rapidly.公司简介常用句型:

1.The company was founded in 年

.2.The company mainly deals in



The company’s leading product is


.3.The head office is located in



It’s branch offices are in




.4.The company had annual sales of about $70million last year, and the busine is growing steadily.5.The company consists of

departments.6.It has

employees.7.The company is best known for its quality and service.5. Translate the following sentences into English, using the proper forms of the

words or phrases given in brackets.1)当进口产品时,我们必须考虑我们的支付能力。(take into consideration)We must take into consideration our ability to pay when we import goods.2) 食品安全与民生紧密相关。(security)Food security is closely connected with people’s livelihood.

3) 他们在法庭上对控诉进行了非常成功的辩护。(defence)In the court, they made a very succeful defence against the charges.4) 这种游戏特别受年轻人的欢迎。(popular with)The game is especially popular with young people.5) 在那个紧要关头,他不顾一切地冲了上去。(throw caution to the wind)At that critical moment, he rushed forward and threw caution to the wind.6) 在经济学上,通货膨胀意味着货物和服务的市场价格猛烈增长。(go up sharply)In economics, inflation means the market

prices of goods and services will go up sharply.

6. Pay attention to the italicized parts in the English sentences and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences.

1)我们应确保这种个人攻击永远不再发生。 我们必须一起行动,确保我们的环境正得到改善。 We should make sure that this kind of personal attack never happens again.

We need to act together to make sure that our environment is being improved


那个公园好像不安全,孩子们不应该去那里。 He is warned to steer clear of alcohol.

Kids should steer clear of that park, as it doesn’t seem safe there.


当真理受到威胁时,我们将坚持我们的立场。 The safety of thousands of people is at stake.We’ll stand on our ground when truth is at stake.

4)至于科学,我们应当尽最大努力赶上世界最高水平。 要在大学里取得成功,我们必须在学业和社会工作两方面跟上其他同学。

As for science, we should do our best to catch up with the world’s top level.

To achieve succe in the university, we should catch up with other students in both academic study and social work.5)英语作为主要的网络语言,其使用地位有可能下降。 你知道他们用什么作为备用能源吗?

Using English as the major Internet language will probably decline in the future.

Do you know what they use as their backup source of energy? 9.Translate the following sentences into English, using the proper forms of the

words or phrases given in the brackets.在山区,越来越多的文盲有机会接受教育了。(have acce to) In the mountain areas, a growing number of illiterate people now have acce to education.

2) 你不能总是不表态,你必须对此事做出决定。(sit on the fence)You can’t sit on the fence forever; you have to make a decision about it.

3)你可以看到,有很多贸易信息可以利用。(available) As you can see, there is a lot of trade information available.4) 她给经理打电话,问是否可以打折扣。(call up)She called up the manager and asked if she could get a discount.

要在这一领域获得成功需要有智慧和才能,尤其需要勤奋。(above all)Succe in this field requires intelligence and talent, and, above all, hard work.5.5 Translate the following sentences into English, using the proper forms of the words or phrases given in the brackets.1)我们的谈话仅仅围绕与文化差异有关的事。(encompa)Our conversation merely encompaed the things relating to cultural differences.2) 我试图一口气读完整本小说。(in one sitting)I tried to read the whole novel in one sitting.3) 当她对约翰更了解以后,她比以往任何时候都更加爱他。(more than ever)She loved him more than ever when she got to know John better.4) 在面试期间,许多求职者会很紧张,会结结巴巴用词不当。(stumble over)During the interview, many job applicants would get nervous and stumble over their word context.5) 许多公司宁愿要更便宜的电脑,而不是功能更强的电脑。(rather than)Many companies would prefer cheaper computers rather than more powerful ones.6) 在跨文化交际中,深刻了解西方文化的多样性是必不可少的。(diversity)A thorough understanding of the diversity of Western culture is a must incro-cultural communication.6. Pay attention to the italicized parts in the English sentences and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences.1)我们既把重点放在战略性投资上,又注重经济回报。 每个人都有权单独地或与他人共同地拥有财产。

We focused on strategic investment as well as financial return.Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in aociation with others.2)我们讨论的都是有关教育和气候变化这样的问题。 像慢跑这样的运动会有助于你健康地生活。

Our discuions were all about iues such as education and climate change.Certain sports, such as jogging, can help you lead a healthy life.3)除英国外,您还打算在其他国家发放生产许可证吗? 谈论工作以外的话题永远是接近某个人的最佳方式。 Do you intend to grant manufacturing licenses in countries other than the UK? It’s always best to approach someone by speaking about something other than work.4)所有物质,不论是固体、液体还是气体,都是由原子组成的。


All substances are made of atoms, whether it is solid, liquid or gas.

Whether you like it or hate it, there is no other city like this one in the US.

5)有些电影明星因他们在银幕外的行为而声名狼藉。 他因为残忍和大规模屠杀敌人而臭名昭著。

Some movie stars are infamous for their behaviour off-screen.He was infamous for his cruelty and for the ma executions of his enemy.


我认为我们评价一个人必须以其对工作的态度为基础。 All these will be implemented based on the employees’ satisfaction, which is our long-term goal.

I think our evaluation of a person must be based on his attitude to work.

7)一些食物会与药物相互发生作用,可能有益也可能有害。父母应该常和孩子沟通, 以便了解孩子们的好恶。 Some foods interact with medicine in ways that may be helpful or harmful.

Parents should communicate with their children so that they can be aware of their children’s likes and dislikes.

3 Write an invitation for academic conference according to the Chinese given below.请以重庆应用技术学院建筑系系主任王勇的名义给美国的著名建筑学专家Dr.Robert White写一封邀请函,邀请他于今年10月光临该校讲学,并诚恳地希望他能接受邀请。(请同学们注意邀请函的书写格式,友情提示:书信正文段落间空行只是为了方便大家阅读。)收信人地址:State University of New York, 685 Baldy Hall, New York 14260 Chongqing College of Applied Technology P.R.China

May 10, 2011 Dr.Robert White

State University of New York 685 Baldy Hall, New York 14260 USA

Dear Dr.White,

I am pleased to learn that your work in the field of architecture is well known, I would like to invite you to our college to give us a lecture in October this year.Architecture has always been the top priority at Chongqing College of Applied Technology, and I would be honoured to have you speak to us.

I sincerely hope you could give us a favourable reply at your

earliest convenience.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours,

Wang Yong

Dean of the Architecture Department 英文邀请函常用句型:


Department of

College would like to invite you to attend the annual academic conference.

On behalf of the

Department of

College, I would like to invite you to deliver a speech at the annual academic conference.2.It is held at










It is held from



It is held in 城市



.3.The theme of the conference is

.4.We hope that you can attend the conference.

We hope that you can accept the invitation.5.Since you are an expert in this field, we know your views will be extremely interesting to us.6.We are looking forward to your early reply.

We are looking forward to receiving your reply as soon as poible.



PETS 第五级考试由笔试试卷和口试试卷组成。





















杨白茹 同志:



被评为 汝阳县中医院 二0一三年元月





职业资格: 该职业资格共分三级:助理机电一体化工程师、机电一体化工程师、高级机电一体化工程师。 申报条件:(具备下列条件之一)













4、大专以上或同等学历并从事相关工作三年以上者。发证机构: 经职业技能鉴定、认证考试合格者,颁发加盖全国职业资格认证中心(JYPC)职业技能鉴定专用章钢印的《注册职业资格证书》。权威证书,全国通用。政府认可,企业欢迎。网上查询,就业首选。 考试时间: 每年统考四次,时间为4月、6月、10月和12月





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微型计算机基础及应用 自动控制系统及应用 数控技术及应用 可编程控制器原理与应用






关键词:高职高专 英语听说 教学改革


1 高职院校公共英语教学现状

1.1 高职院校学生的英语水平现状


1.2 高职院校英语课堂的教学现状


2 理论依据

源于上世纪40年代初为美军培养战时翻译人才的听说教学法(Audio-lingual Method )。其代表人物结构语言学家L.Bloomfield认为,语言学习应该听说先行,之后加入读写。学习语言首先要懂得语言的结构特征,在具体操作上应最先给学生系统的传授系统语言发音,再传语言的基本语句结构,之后对基本句型辅以大量口语训练,句型练习成为基础的课堂教学任务。让学生在教师的指导和控制下开展操练活动。它强调用模仿和重复来学习对话, 要求在句型教学的基础上讲授语法知识,通过大量重复的语言练习使学生达到自动化的程度。

交互式教学法(Interactive Teaching Approach)最早出现于上世纪80年代初,其代表人物是美国旧金山大学语言学院院长H.Douglas Brown,他提出语言是交际工具,学习语言最终是为了实际交流。交互式教学法强调语言课堂应以对话为主,应该注重培养交际能力,也被称为交际法或功能意念法。它强调语言教学必须以“学生”为中心,教师应提供真实的有意义的语言教材,创设真实自然的语言环境,使学生进行有意义的学习。教学过程应围绕语言功能的特定任务而展开。

3 高职高专英语应改成以听说为主的授课方式

3.1 充分利用基于视听的课件制作开展听说教学


3.2 利用学校局域网开展教学


3.3 实行分层次教学

不同地区考入同一学校的学生常常由于地区基础教育水平的不同英语能力也差异很大,所以在高职院校对学生英语学习提出统一要求显然并不合适,有条件的高职院校应该在学生入学后对英语进行摸底考试,根据考试结果再在同系内对学生进行分班,尽量使水平接近的学生分在同一班内,这样更容易有针对性的开展听说教学。没有可能以班为单位分层级教学的情况下,教师对即使是同一个班的学生同样应该分层次展开教学,英语基础较好的同学完全可以传授更多的知识,教师给予更多用英语交流对话的机会,任命他们为小组活动发言人,而对于基础相对较差的同学,应该每节课特别安排10分钟左右的“可理解的语言输入”真正应该以听说为主,并且按照在二语习得教学理论中阐述的按照英语习得顺序来帮助学生学习。Schumann等人经过研究认为,第二语言的习得有自然的发展顺序,这个习得顺序不会受到学习者和学习环境因素的影响。这和Jean Peccei提出的儿童习得英语的14种常用语法的发展顺序基本一致,广大教师在上课时可以尝试遵循这一顺序教授基础差的同学。对于基础较好并喜爱阅读的同学,学校可以通过开设英语阅读选修课来满足这部分同学的需要。

4 结语



[1]Jack C.Richards,Theodore S.Rodgers.《语言教学流派外



[2]H.Douglas Brown.《根据原理教学:交互式语言教学》[M].外语教学与研究出社,2003,1.

[3]Susan Stempleski,杨惠忠.《视听说教程》[M].上海外语教育出版社,2008,6.



[6]Jean Stilwell Peccei.《儿童语言》[M].外语教学与研究出社,2000,10.


