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Part ¢ò Reading Comprehension(Reading in Depth)(25 minutes)

Section A

Directions:In this section, there is a paage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the paage.Read the paage through carefully before making your choices.Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter.Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following paage.

A department store\'s inputs include the land upon which the building is located, the labor of the employees, (47) ______ in the form of building, equipment and merchandise, and the management skills of the store managers.On a farm, the operation system is the transformation that occurs when a farmer\'s (48) ______ (land, equipment, labor, etc.) are converted into such outputs as corn, wheat or milk.The exact form of the conversion proce (49) ______ from industry to industry, but it is an (50) ______phenomenon that exists in every industry.Economists refer to this (51) ______ of resources into goods and services as the production function.For all operation systems, the general goal is to create some kind of value-added outputs that are worth more to consumers than just the sum of the inputs.To the consumers, the resulting products (52) ______ utility due to the form, the time, or the place of their availability from the conversion proce.

However, the proce is subject to random changes.Unplanned or uncontrollable influences may cause the actual output to differ from planned output.Random fluctuations can arise from external disruption (fire, floods or lightning, for example) or from (53) ______ problems inherent in the conversion proce.Inherent variability of equipment, material imperfections, and human errors all affect output quality (54)______.In fact, random variations are the rule rather than the exception in production procees; therefore, (55) _____ variation becomes a major management task.

The function of the feedback is to provide (56) ______ linkages.Without some feedback of information, management personnel cannot control operations because they don\' t know the results of their directions.


A) offer

B) capital

C) medium


E) varies

F) differently

G) proposal

H) transformation I) beautifully

J) economic

K) reducing

L) internal

M) inputs

N) afford

O) information

Section B

Directions:There are 2 paages in this section.Each paage is followed by some

questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked

A), B), C) and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding

letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

Paage One

Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following paage.

Most of the people who appear most often and most gloriously in the history books

are great conquerors and generals and soldiers, whereas the people who really helped

civilization forward are often never mentioned at all.We do not know who first set

a broken leg, or launched a seaworthy boat, or calculated the length of the year,

or manured£¨Ê©²Ê£©a field; but we know all about the killers and destroyers.People

think a great deal of them, so much so that on all the highest pillars in the great

cities of the world you will find the figure of a conqueror or a general or a soldier.

And I think most people believe that the greatest countries are those that have beaten

in battle the greatest number of other countries and ruled over them as conquerors.

It is just poible they are, but they are not the most civilized.

Animals fight; so do savages (Ò°ÂùÈË); hence to be good at fighting is to be good

in the way in which an animal or a savage is good, but it is not to be civilized.

Even being good at getting other people to fight for you and telling them how to do

it most efficiently --- this, after all, is what conquerors and generals have done

--- is not being civilized.People fight to settle quarrels.Fighting means killing,

and civilized peoples ought to be able to find some way of settling their disputes

other than by seeing which side can kill off the greater number of the other side,

and then saying that that side which has killed most has won.And it not only has

won, but, because it has won, has been in the right.For that is what going to war

means; it means saying that might is right.

That is what the story of mankind has on the whole been like.Even our own age has

fought the two greatest wars in history, in which millions of people were killed or

disabled.And while today it is true that people do not fight and kill each other

in the streets --- while, that is to say, we have got to the stage of keeping the

rules and behaving properly to each other in daily life --- nations and countries

have not learnt to do this yet, and still behave like savages.


57.In the opening sentence the author indicates that ________.

A) most history books were written by conquerors, generals and soldiers.

B) those who truly helped civilization forward is rarely mentioned in history books.

C) history books focus more on conquerors than on those who helped civilization


D) conquerors, generals and soldiers should not be mentioned in history books.

58.In the author\'s opinion, the countries that ruled over a large number of other

countries are ________.

A) certainly both the greatest and the most civilized

B) neither the most influential nor the most civilized.

C) poibly the most civilized but not the most powerful.

D) likely the greatest in some sense but not the most civilized.

59.The meaning of ¡°That is what going to war means; it means saying that might

is right.¡±(Last sentence of Paragraph 2) is that ________.

A) those who fight believe that the winner is right and the loser wrong.

B) only those who are powerful have the right to go to war.

C) those who are right should fight against those who are wrong.

D) in a war only those who are powerful will win.

60.In the third paragraph, what the author wants to convey to us is that ________.

A) World War I and World War II are different from previous wars.

B) our age is not much better than those of the past.

C) modern time is not so civilized compared with the past.

D) we have fought fewer wars but suffered heavier casualties.

61.This paage is most likely taken from an article entitled ________.

A) War and World Peace

B) Creators of Civilization

C) Civilization and History

D) Who Should Be Remembered

Paage Two

Questions 62 to 66 are based on the following paage.

The motor vehicle has killed and disabled more people in its brief history than any

bomb or weapon ever invented.Much of the blood on the street flows eentially from

uncivil behavior of drivers who refuse to respect the legal and moral rights of others.

So the maacre on the road may be regarded as a social problem.

In fact, the enemies of society on wheels are rather harmle people or ordinary people

acting carelely, you might say.But it is a principle both of law and common morality

that carelene is no excuse when one\'s actions could bring death or damage to others.

A minority of the killers go even beyond carelene to total negligence.

Researchers have estimated that as many as 80 per cent of all automobile accidents

can be attributed to the psychological condition of the driver.Emotional upsets can

distort drivers\' reactions, slow their judgment, and blind them to dangers that might

otherwise be evident.The experts warn that it is vital for every driver to make a

conscious effort to keep one\'s emotions under control.

Yet the irresponsibility that accounts for much of the problem is not confined to

drivers.Street walkers regularly violate traffic regulations; they are at fault in

most vehicle walker accidents.And many cyclists even believe that they are not

subject to the basic rules of the road.

Significant legal advances have been made towards safer driving in the past few

years.Safety standards for vehicle have been raised both at the point of manufacture

and through periodic road-worthine inspections.In addition, speed limits have been

lowered.Due to these measures, the accident rate has decreased.But the accident

experts still worry because there has been little or no improvement in the way drivers

behave.The only real and lasting solution, say the experts, is to convince people

that driving is a skilled task requiring constant care and concentration.Those who

fail to do all these things pose a threat to those with whom they share the road.


62.The word ¡°maacre¡± in line 3 paragraph one means _____

A) ma-killing.

B) disaster.

C) tragedy.

D) accident.

63.What is the author\'s main purpose in writing the paage?

A) To show that the motor vehicle is a very dangerous invention.

B) To promote understanding between carele drivers and street walkers.

C) To discu traffic problems and propose poible solutions.

D) To warn drivers of the importance of safe driving.

64.According to the paage, traffic accidents may be regarded as a social problem

because _____.

A) autos have become most destructive to mankind

B) people usually pay little attention to law and morality

C) civilization brings much harm to people

D) the lack of virtue is becoming more severe

65.Why does the author mention the psychological condition of the driver in Paragraph


A) To give an example of the various reasons for road accidents.

B) To show how important it is for drivers to be emotionally healthy.

C) To show some of the inaccurate estimations by researchers.

D) To illustrate the hidden tensions in the course of driving.

66.Who are NOT mentioned as being responsible for the road accidents?

A) Carele bicycle-riders.

B) Mindle people walking in the street.

C) Irresponsible drivers.

D) Irresponsible manufactures of automobiles.

Part V Cloze(15 minutes)

Directions:There are 20 blanks in the following paage.For each blank there are

four choices marked A), B), C) and D) on the right side of the paper.You should choose

the ONE that best fits into the paage.Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer

Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.


Today the world\'s economy is going through two great changes, both bigger than an

Asian financial crisis here or a European monetary union there.

The first change is that a lot of industrial_67_is moving from the United States,

Western Europe and Japan to _68 _countries in Latin America, South-East Asia and

Eastern Europe.In 1950, the United States alone _69_ for more than half of the world\'s

economy output.In 1990, its _70_ was down to a quarter.By 1990, 40% of IBM\'s employees

were non-Americans; Whirlpool, America\'s leading _71_ of domestic appliances, cut

its American labor force _72_ 10%.Quite soon now,many bigwestern companies will

have more _73_ (and customers) in poor countries than in rich _74_ .The second

great change is _75_, in the rich countries of the OECD, the balance of economic

activity is _76_ from manufacturing to _77_.In theUnitedStatesandBritain,

the _78_ ofworkers in manufacturing has _79_ since 1900 from around 40% to barely

half that_80_in Germany and Japan, which rebuilt so many _81_ after 1945,

manufacturing\'s share of jobs is now below 30%.The effect of the _82 is increased

_83_ manufacturing moves from rich countries to the developing ones, _84_ cheap labor

_85_ them a sharp advantage in many of the _86_ tasks required by ma production.










C.representative D.supplier



























85.A.giveB.is giving




Part ¢ôTranslation (5 minutes)

Directions: Complete the sentence on Answer Sheet 2 by translating into English the

Chinese given in brackets.


87.£¨Èιθú»ÒÎÞÂÛÔÚʲôÇé¿ô϶»²º¿ÉÒÔ£© have the right to use

nuclear weapons.

88.It¡¯s eential that(Ëû°ÑÒºÇг»±·¹Ã) before the

examination .

89.The population of America is not large(ÓëÖиúÏ´±È).

90.The beggar accepted the one-dollar note(ÉóÖÁÁ¬ÒºÉùкк¶»ÃºËµ).

91.Life is full of risks(²ºÂÛÄãÊDzñϲº¶).

Part 4ÔĶÁ£¨Reading in Depth£©

Section A

£¨47-51£©B) capital; M) inputs;E) varies;J) economic;H) transformation

£¨52-56£©A) offer ; L) internal ; F)differently ;k) reducing;O) information;

Section B


Part 5ÍêÐÍ


Part 6 ²­Òë

87.Under no circumstances should any nation

88.get everything ready

89.as compared with that of China

90.without so much as saying thanks

91.whether you like it or not



其实考六级不需要背单词书的,这些词就够了。 六级阅读理解词汇总结(1)2006年

2006年12月: 第一篇:太空旅游业

Profitable有利可图的 be reluctant to do 不情愿 be supposed to do 应该 gravitational pull引力 fuel 燃料;激发


Simplify简化 complicate使复杂化 distreing令人痛苦、悲伤的 ultimately最终 weigh sb down使烦恼、焦虑 catastrophic灾难性的(catastrophe) a close call侥幸脱险;幸免于难 rage肆虐;迅速蔓延 accumulate积累;累积 be better off境况更好的 比较宽裕 let go of=get/be rid of 清除 unload清理 卸货 say决定权;发言权 minimize最小化 generate导致 acquire(区分require; inquire)得到 acquisition


fight-or-flight response斗争或逃跑反应 detect发现;察觉 elaborate复杂的;精细的 mechanism(生物)机制 responsible for是造成„„的原因

retrieve取回;索回 appraise评估;评价 trigger激发 radiate放射;发散

trembling发抖 perspiration出汗 be critical to至关重要的 anticipate预见 near-universal几乎普遍的 device工具;手段 weird奇怪的;怪诞的 belt-tightening 缩减开支;勒紧腰带 slump萧条期;衰退 indulge听任

gas mask防毒面具 evolve进化 instinctive本能的 unpredictable无法预测的 第四篇:商学院道德教育的重要性

scheming诡计多端的 corporate公司 disgust with对„„厌烦、反感 lust欲望 overwhelming压倒性的 ethics伦理学(ethical) by and large大体上,总的来说 flourish兴盛;猖獗 executive主管;行政人员 boardroom董事会会议室 with a blank stare茫然凝视 faculty院、系、全体教师 manipulate(暗中)操控 reinforce加强;强化 notion观念 scandal丑闻 sociology社会学 poor motives动机不良 constrain约束(区别restrict、limit) booming economy繁荣的经济 enable促使 get in trouble陷入麻烦 cry呼吁 reform改革 fertile肥沃的 long-standing长期坚持的/存在的 tactic策略 alert提醒;警觉 malpractice玩忽职守;渎职 priority优先考虑 2006年6月第一篇:媒体和现实暴力(美国)

reasonably 有理地 present 呈现 contribute to 促成;有助于 downplay轻视;贬低 overstate言过其实 causality因果关系 casual connection偶然联系 dismay使诧异;使失望 iue 宣布;公布 overwhelming压倒性的 advocate倡议者 cater to sb/sth满足;迎合 dispute对„„提出质疑/异议

weed sth/sb out 剔除、淘汰 aggreion攻击性 aume(aumption)假定 假设 be counted as被认为 methodology方法论 tone down使某事缓和 posed by 由„„造成、引起 privilege特权、特殊待遇 settle解决(分歧;纠纷) alarmist 大惊小怪者 entertainment industry娱乐业 clash分歧;争论


prescription drugs处方药 brand-name品牌名称 leap骤增;剧增 inflation通货膨胀(deflation通货紧缩) chronic conditions慢性疾病 no wonder 难怪 reign占统治地位 provoke激起;激怒 propagandist宣传员 supersize夸大 fund提供资金 spark引起 wonder drug灵丹妙药 pay up付清全部欠款 hang sth up 停止使用某物 profit margin利润率;利润幅度 dilemma 窘境 the best of the best最好的 wholesaler批发商 pharmacy药房 cut back 削减 play the fear card打威胁牌(trump card王牌) raging 严重的 epidemic流行病 shelter庇护 co-pay公共支付 curb 抑制(区分restrain) priority优先;最先考虑的事 attribute to归因于

第三篇:老年人优惠现象(美国) prominent 显眼的;突出的 discount折扣 dazzling使眼花缭乱 motel 汽车旅馆 array大堆;大量;排列 eligibility合格 diversity多样性;多元化(diverse) stimulus刺激因素(stimulate) revenue财政收入 at the expense of以„„为代价 irritant令人烦恼的事情(irritate) fuel激发 a sore point伤心事 心病 thereby因此 leen缓解 formidable令人敬畏的 priority优先考虑 discrimination歧视 reinforce加强 第四篇:结构性种族歧视(美国)

auction拍卖 Georgia 乔治亚州 heir继承人

violation 冒犯;侵害(violate) racial segregation 种族隔离 structural racism结构性种族歧视 racist 种族歧视者 stereotype老套;模式化 capacity肚量;能力 vision远见 witne见证 compensation赔偿金(区分reparation) defer推迟;拖延 accommodation住宿 paradoxically自相矛盾地 accumulate积累 obscure使模糊;使费解 disproportionate 不相称的 inequality不平等 contemporary当代的;同代的deficit赤字;不足 net wealth净财产 deny拒绝给予 receion经济衰退;不景气 life span寿命 socio-economic社会经济的 guarantee保障 derive from从……得到;起源;来自;ensure确保(区分aure; insure)


2007年6月第一篇:通向满意工作的七个步骤 Fulfilling让人觉人有意义的/满足的(unfulfilling) stuck卡壳 不知所措的 veteran老练的 有经验的 seminar研讨会 reae重新考虑/评价(ae) nurture (区分raise/bring up/rear)养育、抚养 identify鉴别 steer away from驶离 make a commitment 保证/承诺 instinct本能(intuition直觉) alternative供选择的 interact with交流/互动 retail零售(wholesale批发) long to渴望 master’s degree硕士学位 biotech生物科技 forestry林学 self-definition自我鉴定 feature特点 occupation职位 exhibit to展示/表现attain达到/实现 self-honoring自重 self-love自爱 odd奇怪的/反常的 eliminate消除 insecurities不安全 self-aured自信的 project展现/表现 networking建立工作关系 falsehood谎言/假话 be programmed to计划 vision目标/眼力 real estate房地产(property资产/地产) fix up修理/改进 saleable有销路的 enlightenment启发 summit山峰/峰会 eventually(区分ultimately/finally) quest探求/寻找(区分request/inquest) targeted filed目标领域 rewarding有意义的 hold sb back from doing sth阻止/阻碍

If one wants to get to the top of a mountain, just sitting at the foot thinking about it will not bring one there.It is by making the effort of climbing up the mountain, step by step, that eventually the summit is reached.如果一个人想要到达山顶,那么仅仅坐在山脚思考是不会把他带到那儿去的。只有通过一步一步努力地付诸实践,你才会最终到达顶峰。


headquarters总部 set up成立 Silicon Valley硅谷 garage汽车修理厂 inflate膨胀(inflation通货膨胀) Internet bubble网络泡沫 collapse崩溃 search engine搜索引擎 widespread分布广的 verb动词 effective(区分efficient)有效果的 fascinating迷人的/有巨大吸引力的 own sth to归因于(区分be responsible for/attribute to) brilliance才华/才智 initiate开创(区分launch) academic学术的/学业的 student orientation学术见面会 early on在初期 devise设计 adopter采用者(adopt采用/采纳) simply put简单地说 crawl the Web在网上搜索(crawl原意为爬行) rank分级 a host of许多 critical关键的 deliver呈现 mipell拼错 stick(stuck)被接受 raise money筹集资金 venture capitalist风险投资者 a stroke of luck撞大运 build up逐步建立 figure out弄明白/解决 exaggeration夸大之词 given that鉴于/考虑到 revenue财政收入 giant advertising company广告公司巨头 be originated from源于 be generated from生产/产生


refrain 经常重复的评价(抱怨) ever-grater更大的 statistically统计上 affluent富裕的 define定义 threaten威胁 dread恐惧 Great Depreion(美)大萧条时期 economic boom经济繁荣 unemployment失业(率) average平均为 materialism物质主义 breed引起/招致 discontent不满意 condition对„„具有重要影响 artificial人为的/人工的 unfulfilling不满足的 better off富裕的 cut down削减 instinctively本能地 label sb/sth as sth把„„标签为 a neceary evil不得不认可的不合意甚至有害的事物 get ahead进步/获得成功(stand still静止不动、fall behind落后) undeserving 不值得的 overpaid报酬过高的 executive主管(executioner侩子手) inflation-adjusted扣除物价的 feel squeezed感觉手头紧的 rising wants不断增长的需要 frustration让人沮丧的事 eliminate消除 insecurity不安全因素 job stability工作稳定 corporate公司(区分cooperate) layoff临时解雇 erode逐渐毁坏/削弱 disposable一次性的/可随意丢弃的 put书写 social conflict社会冲突 stem from 起源 由„„造成 Utopia乌托邦 physical misery身体上遭受的痛苦 contradiction矛盾 up to a point在某种程度上 multiplying不断增加的 loose释放 disturb扰乱 liberate解放 unique独特的 self-fulfillment自我实现 extravagant不现实的 predestine天生注定 inspire产生(启迪/鼓舞) anti-social consequence反社会的后果 family breakdown家庭破裂 obesity肥胖症 reaffirm重新确认 guarantee保证 markedly显著地 distribution分配 uneven不平等的

The pursuit of affluence does not always end with happine.对财富的追求并不总是以幸福而告终! 第四篇:日本人的敬语

deference尊重 deferential language敬语 symbolic象征的 Confucian孔子 dominate在„„占重要地位 conservative保守的 gender性别 norm规范 present呈现 withdraw退出 subordinate降低到次要地位 dutiful称职的/合格的 domestic artists主持家务事的大师 typical典型的 refined有教养的(refinement) excel in 在„„出色 modesty and delicacy谦虚谨慎 elevate把„„上升为 feminine女性的(femininity妇女特质) conform to遵守 /符合 considerable巨大的 outcry公开反对 defeminization非女性化 appropriation挪用/据为己有 sentiment态度/意见 corruption腐蚀/腐化 morality道德观念 crystallize使清晰/具体化 opinion poll民意调查 maturity成熟 indicate表明 exceedingly极其/非常 playing house玩过家家 imitate模仿 analogous to类似于 high-pitched voice高声调 role play角色扮演 linguistic语言的 masculization(masculine)男性化 claim主张 aertive坚定自信的/有主见的 strategy策略 in schools and out在校内外 adolescent青少年 participate in参加 subcultural form亚文化形式 contemporary当代的 stereotyped一成不变的/老套的

She “treads softly in the world”, elevating feminine beauty and grace to an art form.她“在世界上谨言慎行”,把女性的美丽和优雅上升为一种艺术形式。

六级真题阅读词汇总结(3)2007年12月 第一篇:拯救地球的七个方法

conserve energy保存能源 alternative resources可替代性资源 sacrifice牺牲 diversify使多样化 emiion排放(emit) raise production efficiency提高生产效率 insulation隔音/隔绝/绝缘(insulate) utility(utilize)实用/效用 incandescent bulb白炽灯 convert转化(改变信仰) jump-start全力以赴启动 upgrade升级 equipment设备 implement 实施/贯彻 high-tech高科技

subsidy津贴/补贴 recycle回收利用 set up建立/创立 electrical appliance电器 contractor承包人/商 environmentalist环境保护论者 maintain主张 self-denial 自我否定 incentive刺激 energy conservation能量守恒 derive from起源/来自 residential power consumption住宅用电 flexible柔韧的/变通

第二篇: 初为人父所面临的问题

embrace欣然接受/采纳 fatherhood父亲身份 round-the-clock全天候的 feed喂奶 bandage(用绷带)包扎 negotiate商定/达成协议 have a fear of exclude排除/不包括在内 evident明显的 work-place工作场合 breadwinner养家糊口的人 corporate公司 traditionally-minded思想传统的 unsympathetic不同情的/冷漠无情的 Denmark丹麦 paternity leave父亲的陪产假(maternity leave产假) flexible变通的/灵活的 data-bank数据库 specialist专家 outweigh在重要性或价值方面超过 dismi不予考虑 mind-sets思维定势 initiate发动/发起 stre压力 spokesperson发言人/代言人 shift转变 in that由于 cope with对付/应对


occupation职业 profeion专业/职业 gauge(评判/测量)标准/规格 a job waiting tables接待员工作 suspect怀疑/猜想 casual一般的/非正式的 acquaintance熟人 wave sb away(用手)示意某人离开 beckon sb back示意某人回来 peon勤杂工 deserve应该获得/值得 inferior下等的/低级的 respond to反应 community社区 respectful tone尊敬的口吻 aume假设/猜想 cordially热诚地/诚恳地 advertising sales representative广告销售代表 mix up混淆 transfer to 转接 evident明显的/清楚的 courtesy礼貌/谦恭 put up with(区分stand/bear/feed up with/live with)忍受 pocket the tips拿到消费 definition定义 cater to 迎合 server and servant侍者和仆人 look down upon看不起 manual worker体力劳动者 absorb吸引注意力 live a humble life 过着简朴的生活 absent-minded走神的 be destined to 注定 generosity慷慨/大方 arouse sympathy激发起同情


hot热点 Tanzania坦桑尼亚 income inequality收入不平等 leftish左派的 rail against严厉斥责/抨击 centrist中间派 right-wing右派的 middle cla中产阶级 column专栏文章 core bargain核心价值观 disintegrate使分解/破裂 average income平均收入 a household of people of working age工薪家庭 in a row连续 bankruptcy破产(went bankrupt) echo附和/回声 bitter struggle苦苦挣扎 by contrast和„„对照/对比 outrage暴行 life expectancy寿命 trendy流行的 coverage覆盖 given考虑到 Congre国会 minimum wage最低工资 when it comes to当提到„„ solidarity 团结 insulate使绝缘(insulation) tax policy税收政策 prospect前景/可能性 sustain保持/可持续 global economic integration全球经济融合 distribution分配 economic insecurity经济不安全 live with忍受 the ultrawealthy巨富 free flow of capital资本自由流通 place obstacles/barriers设置障碍 reciprocal action相对性的措施 allocate分派/分配 nightmare梦魇 welfare福利 sensitive敏感的 implement贯彻/执行 threaten威胁 inevitable不可避免的 soar猛增/飞翔


2008年6月 第一篇:未来50年地球会变成什么样

extraordinary非同寻常的 vision远见/观点 invite导致/招致 donate捐赠 transplant移植 relieve释放/释怀 vitality活力/生命力(区分vigor/energy) evolve进化(evolution) self-sufficient自给自足的 catastrophe灾难(catastrophic) acquire获得(区分require/inquire) ample丰富的/充足的 appliance电器 dynamic有活力的 nerve神经 optic fiber光学纤维 artificial intelligence人工智能 inexhaustible无穷无尽的 universal全面的/普及的 rewarding有意义的 moral framework道德框架


movie trailer电影预告片 be supposed to应该/被期望 preview预告片/试映

feature特色 image图像 World Trade Center世贸中心 Hollywood好莱坞 dramatic强烈的/戏剧性的 take the step of doing sth采取措施 rare罕见的 complaint抱怨/投诉 explicit详述的/直言不讳的 deal with论述/涉及 ignite引发(give rise to) debate争论/辩论 project放映 anniversary周年纪念 approach临近notable显著地 forerunner先头兵/先驱 crash(飞机)失事 terrorist恐怖分子 depict描述(depiction) proceed with进行/着手 secure the approval of获得认可 reluctant不情愿的/勉强的 release the film放映电影 gro总收入 exploit剥削/利用 national tragedy国难 raise awarene提高意识 port港口 cause a reaction引起反应 Universal(美)环球公司


aet资产 slump衰退/(物价)暴跌 unaffordable 买不起的/承受不起的Starbucks星巴克 unavoidable不可避免的(区分inevitable) Titanic 泰坦尼克euro欧元 Argentine Peso阿根廷比索 Brazilian real巴西雷亚尔 thrive兴旺/坚挺 self-esteem自尊 currency货币 exert preure on施加压力 interest rate利率 peak顶峰 humiliation羞辱/蒙羞 arrogant自大的/傲慢的 apparently显然地 merrymaking(制造)快乐 soar猛增 deficit赤字/不足额 share股份 gamble赌博/博弈 bubble泡泡/飙升 quarter季度 relief缓解 inflict造成/遭受 account for说明/占 thrive兴旺/繁荣 substantial实质的/重大的 hostile敌对的 chronic长期的/慢性的 fantastic幻想的/奇异的 pathetic可怜的/悲惨的 on a dime短时间内/立即 dime10美分 plunge猛跌 contemptuous蔑视的 devalued 贬值的 be sympathetic with同情的


admiion许可 demonstrate展示/显示/示威 obseion痴迷 contrive编造justification(辩解的)理由 prestige声望/威望(prestigious) panic恐慌/惊慌 scarce罕见的/难得的 plausible貌似有理的 feedback反馈 enhance提高/增进 count认为/有价值 signify意味着 paradoxically矛盾地是 rationalize使合理(化) preparatory准备的/预备的 acknowledge承认 elite精英 graduate school研究生 old-boy networks校友交际网 contact交流/交际 GRE美国研究生入学考试(graduate record examinations) lighten up醒醒吧 stake利害关系/奖金 up to a point在某种程度上 pushine催促 impose on强加给 set sb up for disappointment 背负失望的包袱 approach方法/途径 reckon估计/评价/考虑 exaggerate夸大/夸张 be conditioned to…习惯于„„


obesity(obese)肥胖症 epidemic流行病 dominate起支配作用 reverse推翻/颠倒 common sense常识 impair损害/削弱 precipitate(突如其来地)使发生/促成 alter改变(区分altar祭坛) metabolic rate新陈代谢率(metabolism新陈代谢) nicotine尼古丁 suppre(suppreant)抑制/镇压/查禁 genetic effects遗传因素 contribute to促使(contributor促成因素) plausible貌似正确的 pair off成双/结对 combat与„„斗争/战斗 vigor活力(vigorous) be susceptible to易受„„影响的/感染的 accelerate加速 proportion份额/比例 minority少数民族 high-calorie food高热量食物

第二篇: 美国Nike公司

athletic footwear(shoes)运动鞋 corporate公司(区分cooperate合作) headquarters总部 Forbes magazine福布斯杂志 shock-absorbent减震的 thesis论文 potential潜力 distribute分配/散发 predeceor前辈 track meet运动会 recruit招聘/征募 knowledgeable博学的/知识渊博的 unconventional非常规的 characterize以„„为特征 innovative革新的/创新的 entrepreneurial企业家的(区分entrepreneur企业家) approach方式/方法 hallway走廊/过道 differentiation区别(differentiate区别对待/区分) rigid死板的/不变的 convince说服/使相信

第三篇: 农业的可持续发展

sustainable development可持续发展(sustainability) aume假设(aumption) sole单独的(区分solo) appreciation鉴定/评定 perspective 观点/看法 前景/前途 markedly显著地/明显地 shelter掩蔽/庇护 predominant占主导地位的(dominate控制/统治) density密度(dense密集的) biodiversity生物多样性 localize使具地方色彩的 in terms of就„„而言 nutrient营养物/品 capture俘获/夺取/吸收 inefficient无效率的/效率低的 industrial revolution工业革命 yield产量/收益 vi生产/屈服 reliable可靠的 diminish减少(diminishing逐渐减少的) grain谷物(crop庄稼) radical激进的 inevitable不可避免的 static不变化的/静态的 dynamic动态的/不断变化的/有活力的 interpretation解释/注释/口译 pros and cons正反两方面 /利弊 footprint脚印/足迹 shrink收缩/缩水(shrank/shrunk) criteria标准/准则


immigrant移民(区分immigrate/migrate/emigrate) unlawful非法的(illegal) creep upward缓慢上升 Congre国会 inferior races劣等民族(ethnic/racial inferiority) bloodstream血脉 fit in适应/融入 racist种族主义者 magnificent壮丽的/高贵的 attainment成就 sociology社会学(sociologist) marginal微小的 marginalize 边缘化 be fated to命中注定的 footstep足迹 seemingly表面上看 permanent永远的/永恒的 underachievement一无所成 segregate隔离 substandard标准以下的/不合格的 dropout辍学者(dropout rate辍学率) ethnic group同种同文化的民族 exclude排外 presume假定/推测(presumption) Americanization美国化 aimilation同化(aimilate吸收/同化) undocumented没有记录的 border国界/边界 wave浪潮 admiion准许进入/入场 bar阻止/障碍 political corruption政治腐败 mainstream主流 melt into逐渐融入 complex复杂的/情结


Staying at home to work as a postdoctoral researcher is not as disgusting as many years ago.The nation has spared no efforts on investment in science and technology.This attracts many postdoctoral researchers to work domestically.Not only will the national scientific strength see its spring, but also various advantages for postdoctoral researchers will increase poibilities for staying at home.

The first advantage is increased opportunities in ones’ scientific field.Chinese scientific field is broad.You can cultivate your own field with le competition and enough fund as long as your research is meritorious.Since international communication is frequent, you can directly share your laboratory work with experts on behalf of the nation.However, there may not be such opportunities if you are working aboard.

A second advantage is that more time can be spent with family.Taking the whole family abroad is troublesome.But it is not the case when staying at home.You can both look after your family and your research.The life will be much better compared to work aboard alone.

In addition to increased opportunities and family time, scientific discrimination could be declined.Since excellent researchers work at home, the whole scientific strength will be enhanced.Then the world can see a scientific nation in a different way, a way that is not backward but upward.A prosperous research atmosphere will of course decrease discrimination.

All in all, staying at home is not a bad choice for postdoctoral researchers.One can have more opportunities, family time and le scientific discrimination.“Science has no nationality; knowledge belongs to everyone” is extraordinary for today’s researchers.Keep it also a guide for future research.







Yesterday, I witneed a theft incident on my way home.A woman took her wallet out and paid for a newspaper at Xinzhuang around 9:00 am.She put her wallet back and turned to leave when a mid-aged man brushed past him muttering \"Excuse me\".She didn\'t notice his wallet was miing.

The rampant pickpocket has become a national epidemic and poses a grave threat to residents\' and visitors\' property safety.Pickpocket prevention, a daunting task for police, makes sense.All sides involved in this problem must join their forces to remove this social cancer.

We all expect \"A World Without Thieves\".Everyone shares the huge responsibility for demonstrating his/her justice at proper time.Personal responsibility is vital to building a socialist harmonious society.



My View on Job-Hopping


Job-hopping, or frequent change of jobs, is becoming increasingly common in China today.As the economy grows, more opportunities for employment are appearing than before.The result is that people, especially young people, are tempted to change jobs frequently, seeking higher salaries or more interesting positions.

Neverthele, many people prefer to stay in their old jobs.This is partly because they feel loyal to their work units, and partly because they dislike the idea of having to spend much time training for a new job.In addition, although a new job may offer higher pay or more opportunities for promotion, it may be located far from home and be inconvenient to reach.

I think it is a good thing for the workforce to be flexible, so that new demands for personnel can be satisfied quickly.However, if a person changes jobs too often, he or she will cause loes to the employing units.Moreover, frequent job-hopping prevents a person from gaining valuable job experience and developing good work habits.






How to arrange/allocate time? This iue splits college students apart.Some individuals\' schedules are packed with various tasks related to study.They immerse themselves in books and don\'t do regular physical exercise.But most of the college students support the value of physical exertion.

To develop or maintain physical fitne and overall health, we must involve in regular sports practice.Chen Jingrun, a Mathematics towering figure, planted himself in complex questions without physical exercise.His premature death highlighted the significant health benefits from sports.

Historically, physical activity has been aociated with health.Today, science has confirmed the link, with overwhelming evidence that people who lead active lifestyles are le likely to die early, or to experience major illnees such as heart disease, diabetes and cancers.A vast majority of college students do not meet recommended levels of moderate physical activity.Just do it! Let\'s participate in more physical exercise.

Direction: A foreign delegation is to visit your university .You are aigned to make a welcome speech on behalf of your cla.Now write A welcome speech to expre your welcome, amd make a brief introduction to your university .




It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to our university.Thank you very much for visiting our university in spite of your busy schedules.

Huatsing University, under the direct leadership of the China State Ministry of Education, boasts a tradition of academic excellence.Founded in 1943, Huatsing University has grown to a comprehensive university combining science, engineering, law and liberal arts.HU has an enrollment of 9527 degree candidates and 2046 members at faculty.HU, with the outstanding scholarly achievement, eclipses any other universities and colleges in China.HU students display their talents in a wide array of extracurricular activities and win a range of national awards.That\'s all.Thank you.


1)当今校园里出现很多攀比现象,很多学生过于追求时髦 2)作为当代大学生应该树立正确的价值观,以学业为重 3)谈谈你的看法



Some 20-somethings, supposed to dedicate themselves to studies, are in hot pursuit of fashion.The craze to vie with each other is prevalent in colleges and universities.Undoubtedly, they have every reason to reverse the trend.

Students should concentrate themselves exclusively on studies, which should be on the top of their agenda.Holding the right concept of value makes sense.To earn an impreive academic performance, we college students must pour determined efforts into study and pay no attention to vogue .

Keeping up with the Jones results in the unavoidable distraction from studies.And college students are vulnerable to busine promotional campaign.They are heavily targeted by ads.We should compete with our peers for better scholarly achievement instead of more expensive items.



Ever since…, there have been ongoing disputes over…


With the increasing concerns about…, people are calling for…


„ draws the public\'s attention once again to…, a repeatedly discued yet constantly unsolved social iue.



There exists a philosophy that…


While many advocate…, I believe it\'s a better idea to…


Quite many are disgusted by this kind of…, because it goes against the traditional Chinese virtue of…



It is apparent that it is a more sensible choice to…


...should be encouraged, because it is a rewarding journey, promised with


It is fair to say that…is a plausible and advisable option for…



In my opinion, there are three aspects to be improved so that…


It would be better if…



As … rightly/ aptly put it, \"…\"


As is maintained by „,“„”


...is the golden rule to stick.


六、举例说明 A case in point is…


The recent incident happened in … proves …


A simple example can be drawn from…


According to figures/statistics /the findings/data released by an institute, …



The epidemic of … is brought / caused both by … and by…


One of the chief causes of… is the fact that …


The upsurge of … is resulted from two-fold factors ——…



In conclusion, it takes the endeavor of both … and … to … 总之,„„需要„„与„„的努力。

It is hence not difficult to see that …/It therefore can be said that …

因此,不难看出„„/ 因此,可以说„„

From what have been discued above, it can be concluded that …



The situation, if unchecked, will lead to …


If not dealt with properly, …


What may be a point of concern is …


十、表示过渡(承上启下,使新观点不至于显得突兀、武断) There are no le than three advantages in… as rendered below.


Another reason why I advocate the attitude of…is that…


What\'s more, 而且

Last but not least, …



1、Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally come to the conclusion that„ 把所有这些因素加以考虑,我们自然会得出结论„„

很完全的答法,\"take sth into consideration\"短语的应用,加分。

2、Taking into account all these factors, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that„ 考虑所有这些因素,我们可能会得出合理的结论„„

\"Take into account sth\"短语似乎又比上句的\"take sth into consideration\"提升了一个层次。

3、Hence/Therefore, we\'d better come to the conclusion that„ 因此,自然我们得出以下结论„„


再特意提一句:\"we\'d better\"在这里不是“不得不”或“最好”的意思,而是一种自然而然,水到渠成的得出结论。

4、There is no doubt that (job-hopping) has its drawbacks as well as merits.毫无疑问,跳槽有优点也有缺点。

短语\"there is no doubt that\"上线,同时运用我们的老朋友“as well as”增加看点。

5、All in all, we cannot live without„ But at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise.总之,我们没有„„是无法生活的。但同时,我们必须寻求新的解决办法来对付可能出现的新问题。







2.CET作文题采用总体评分(Global Scoring)方法。阅卷人员就总的印象给出奖励分(Reward Scores),而不是按语言点的错误数目扣分。 3.从内容和语言两个方面对作文进行综合评判。内容和语言是一个统一体,作文应表达题目所规定的内容,而内容要通过语言来表达。要考虑作文是否切题,是否充分表达思想,也要考虑是否用英语清楚而确切地表达思想,也就是要考虑语言上的错误是否造成理解上的障碍。


















1) 关于„„人们有不同的观点。一些人认为„„

There are different opinions among people as to 省略.Some people suggest that 省略.

2) 现在,„„很普遍,许多人喜欢„„,因为„„,另外„„

Nowadays,it is common to 省略.Many people like 省略because省略.Besides,省略.

3) 现在,„„,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。首先,„„其次,„„更为糟糕的是„„

Today,省略,which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life.First,省略,Second,省略.What makes things worse is that 省略.

4) 俗话说„„,它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使今天,它在许多场合仍然使用。

There is an old saying省略.It is the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today.

5) 任何事物都是两面性,„„也不例外。它既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面。

Everything has two sides and 省略is not an exception.It has both advantages and disadvantages.


省略has become a hot topic among people,especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way.

7) 人类正面临着一个严重的问题„„,这个问题变的越来越严重。

Man is now facing a big problem省略which is becoming more and more serious.

8) 关于„„人们的观点各不相同,一些人认为„„,在他们看来,„„

People\'s opinions about 省略vary from person to person.Some people say that 省略.To them,省略.

9) 根据图表/数字/统计数字/表格中的百分比/图表/条图形/成形图可以看出„„。很显然„„,但是为什么呢?

According to the figure/number/statistics/percentages/ in the chart/bar graph/line/graph, it can be seen that省略.Obviously,省略, but why?

10) „„在我们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用,它给我们带来了许多好处,但同时也引发一些严重的问题。

省略has been playing an increasingly important role in our daily life.It has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.



Equality of Education Opportunity 1.近年来出现一些教育不公平的现象 2.出现这些现象的原因和后果 3.为了改变这种状况,我认为„


Equality of Education Opportunity

The recent years the problems which are caused by the inequality of education opportunity have attracted the public\'s attention.For instance, the backward teaching facilities and dilapidated school buildings the rural areas are in sharp contrast to those advanced facilities and well-equipped clarooms in urban areas, students from poor families can,t go to universities because of the high tuition.

There are several factors which contribute lo these problems.First, the distribution of resources is unbalanced between rural and urban schools- Second, educational loans for poor students are far from enough.Third, the inequality in some schools admiion policies also turns many students away.The education inequality can have many bad impacts.On the one hand, it can affect people’s future employment.On the other hand,it is the root of many social problems.

To change this situation, I think, we should take the following measures.Firstly, the government spending on education should be increased and the allocation of public resources gives priority to rural and weak urban schools.Secondly the implementation of the government financial aid system for students should be accelerated.Thirdly, the government should speed up education reforms to ensure everyone has equal acce to schools.



Publicizing Lists of Uncivilized Residents 1.目前某市政府在媒体上曝光不文明的市民 2.人们对这种做法反应不一 3.你的看法


Publicizing Lists of Uncivilized Residents

To improve the behavior of its citizens, the government of X City has teamed with local media to release lists of uncivilized behavior.The lists have photos and basic information of offenders e.g, drivers breathing traffic rules have their license-plate numbers listed along with the time and location of the infraction.This has attracted particular public attention.

Some welcome the policy, believing it will deter people from poor behavior They say it will force people to behave themselves, or they will risk being named and shamed in the media.However, critics have complained that the initiative is an abuse of administrative power and is irresponsible* Citizens should certainly be held responsible for misconduct, they say, but the government should also create an environment to help people exercise self-discipline.

Personalty I agree that citizens should be responsible for their improper behavior but governments also do have a responsibility to improve their management.Besides, according to laws, law enforcement departments are entitled to give the proper punishments to violators of public regulations.It is, however, groundle for these governmental organs to publicly disgrace the rule- brackish.



Reform of English Education 1.目前要求改革大学英语教育的呼声很髙 2.产生这一现象的原因



Reform of English Education

As college English education is greatly emphasized with the rapid development of global communication,the defects that exist in the current educational system are open to more criticisms It is widely acknowledged that a thorough reform of college English education should be under way.

People ask for English education reform mainly because of the Inadequacy of college English education under the current system.On the one hand, many college English teachers underestimate the role interest plays in English learning and keep preaching in cla.On the other hand, under the current system, most Chinese students tend to separate vocabulary memorizing, grammar, Listener, speaking, reading, and writing for each other and therefore their English is also “broken” in this way.This has also greatly contributed to the “dumb English” of many Chinese students.

In my view, to reform English education, colleges and universities should encourage students to speak English in cla and hold more activities to promote students\' oral English.Teachers should focus on attracting students with vivid teaching and arouse students enthusiasm in learning English.With the collaboration, the reform of college education will surely yield plentiful fits.



Limiting the Buying of Cars or Not? 1.对于北京限制购车,有人赞成 2.也有人表示反对 3.你的看法

【范文】 Limiting the Buying of Cars or Not?

Beijing has placed strict restriction on the number of newly purchased car in the city and the policy be sparked heated discuion.Some people support the policy, saying it,s a powerful method to cope with the severe traffic congestion in the capital.With cars increasing drastically in the past few years, severe traffic jams occur not only in rush hours but at any time of the day now.

Others, however, are strongly against the limitations.They argue that the great number of official cars,which are frequently used, is a big factor causing traffic congestion.But the policy mainly aims at private cars and has no dear restrictions on the use of official cars.Besides, car purchase limitation would hinder the development of China\'s automobile industry,and more people would lose their jobs as a result.

Personally, I think the restriction of buying and use of cars, official cars included, is inevitable and just a matter of time for Beijing.If the number of cars is not limited, there will be a huge disaster for the environment, road resources, the travel demands of normal people and the improvement of living standards.



Self-help traveling 1.越来越多大学生选择“自助游”,原因是„ 2.也会带来一些问题 3.你的看法


Self-help Traveling

More and more college students choose self-help traveling rather than arranged tours when they plan to travel.The reason would be that by arraigning the route, booking cheaper hotels and taking cheaper transportation means 2.W by themselves, they can save a lot of money.

Convenient and economical as self-help traveling sounds, it still has some potential problems Perhaps the most important one is the safety hazard.Being alone without a group or a tour guide, a traveler may be helple in face of danger, i.e.robbery, wild animal attacks, etc.In addition, they are more likely to be at risk of getting lost when traveling alone in a strange city or in the remote countryside.

In my view, self-help traveling can be exciting and challenging which is worth trying.However, before setting out alone on a tour, travelers should make good preparations.Besides, they should hear security in mind all the time and keep in touch with their friends or relatives.By doing so they can enjoy the pleasure of exploring a strange city safe and sound.



Directions: In this section, you are asked to write a composition entitled Should people own cars or not? Your composition should be based on the outline given below.Your composition should be at least 150 words.Outline: 1.有人赞成个人买车。 2.也有人持相反观点。 3.你的看法。


Should People Own Cars or Not?

There is no denying the fact that it has been a hotly debated topic in China whether people should have their own cars.People’s opinions differ sharply on this iue.Some hold the positive view.They say that the car provides the most convenient form of transportation.Besides, a car is a comfortable way to travel, especially in winter.Finally, a driver is usually safe in his car when he is out at night.

Others, however, hold the opposite view.They say that there are many disadvantages to owning a car.For one thing, it can be very expensive to purchase and run a car.For another, owning a car can also cause worry and stre.It is exhausting to drive a car in heavy traffic.What is worse, cars are responsible for most of the smog in cities, which pollutes the environment seriously.

In spite of all the above mentioned, I still favor owning a car.The reason is that the car gives a person the freedom to schedule his own time.Though we are confronted with a problem of energy crisis, I am sure that the real solution will have to be a new kind of car, one that uses cheap, efficient fuel and does not contaminate the air.


Nowadays, an increasing number of people have become car owners.Yet there is no consensus on the development of private cars.Some people hold the positive view.They say that the car is the result of modern science and technology and everyone is entitled to enjoy it.They also argue that the development of private cars will vigorously stimulate the development of other industries and the whole national economy.

Others, however, hold the negative view.They point out that the increasing number of cars have led to a series of problems.First, they result in air pollution, which seriously damage people’s health.Secondly, too many cars on the road easily lead to traffic jams, which actually slow down the pace of life and work. Weighing the pros and cons of these arguments, I am inclined to agree with the latter point of view.The government should put a ban on the development of private cars and exert more efforts to develop public transportation, such as buses and subways.In this way, we can both enjoy efficiency and a clean environment.



Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic My Favorite Novel.You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline below:





My favorite novel is Around the World in Eighty Days which is written by Jules Verne.The author was born in France and devoted himself to literature and wrote several scientific romances, which gained him the name——Father of Modern Science Fiction.

This is a book of science fiction which tells us an exciting story about an English gentleman, Mr.Phileas Fogg, who makes a bet with his club mates and manages to travel around the world in eighty days.It gives us a vivid description of the many difficulties and incidents which happen on his journey.

From this story, we can see the author’s deep love for the sea, travel and adventure, which played a vital role in his life.We are also astonished and convinced by his fertile imagination and scientific and geographical knowledge.


最近中国科学院(Chinese Academy of Science)


Chinese Academy of Science recently published an annual report about its

latest scientific findings and the prospect of the next year.



The reportconsists of three parts:

science development,more advanced technology development

and the sustainable strategy of China.

第一份报告包含中国科学家的最新发现,诸如新粒子研究与H7N9病毒研究的突破。 The first one includes the

latest findings of Chinese scientists, such as the research of new particle and

the breakthrough in the study of H7N9 virus.


第二份报告公布了一些应用科学研究的热门领域,如3D打印和人造器官研究。Furthermore, it highlights some

problems we need to focus in next few years.The second one announces some

heated fields in applied science.For example, the 3-dimension print and the

study of human organs.

第三份报告呼吁加强顶层设计,以消除工业升级中的结构性障碍,并促进节能减排。The third one suggests people enhance the top design in

order to get rid of the structural obstacles in industrial upgrading and to

promote the energy-saving and emiion-reduction.


1.abnormal a.不正常的>I’m normal, you’re ~ !

2.abolish v.废除 >CET-Band 4 should be abolished ! A daydreamer 3.abrupt a.突然的, 唐突的 >Your~ manner embarraed her! 4.absurd a.荒唐的 >What an ~ idea! 5.acceory n.附件, 零件 >Handbag, lipstick, etc.are women’s acceories.What are men’s ? Tie, lighter and a fine purse.6.accommodate v.提供膳宿>How can a small town ~ the Olympic Games? 7.addict v.上瘾 >I’m ~ed tocomputer games.Please save me! 8.acquaint v.使熟悉 >Are you ~ed with that MM? 9.adhere to v.遵守 >Adhere to your own principle 10.adverse a.不利的, 有害的 >Adverse circumstances can test a person’s wisdom and courage.11.aggravate v.加重 >Smoking ~s cold. 12.alleviate v.减轻 >No one can ~ my pain.13.alternate v./a 交替(的) >a day of ~ sunshine and rain /Day and night ~ 14.ambiguous a.歧义的 >The policeman is looking fora man with one eye.-----Why not use two? 你知道此幽默在何处?

15.amplify v.扩大(声音)> 16.analogy n.类比 by analogy 17.anonymous a.匿名的 I received an ~ letter.18.applaud v.鼓掌; 赞许>I ~ your suggestion.19.apt a.易于 >One is ~ to make mistakes if given too much preure.20.array n.陈列, 一系列>the ~of fruit and vegetables in the supermarket 21.arrogant a.傲慢的>An ~ man is a self-importantperson.22.ascend v.上升 >The balloons are ~ing.23.ascribe v.归因于>He ~d his failure to himall vocabulary.24.aspiration n.抱负 Your ~ is your ambition or strongwish.25.aault n.攻击, 袭击>A robber ~ed him.26.aert v.断言 He ~ed that the thief would comeagain.27.aurance n.保证, 把握 >I give you my ~ that the product is safe and reliable.28.attendant n.服务员, 随从

29.authentic a.真实的, 可靠的>Is Clinton’s biography ~? 30.avert v.避开、转移 We ~ed a lo .31.bald a.秃顶的 A ~ man is considered to be intelligent.32.barren a.荒芜的,不能生育的>Without dream, life is a ~ field.33.betray v.背叛; 泄露 You ~ed me.34.bewilder v.使迷惑 The new traffic lights ~ theman.35.bias n.偏见 Bias is prejudice.36.blaze v.燃烧; 发强光 >Thesummer sun is blazing.37.bleak a.荒凉的; 凄凉的>a ~future 38.blink v.眨眼睛; 闪烁 >39.blunder n.大错 40.bluntly ad.直言不讳地

41.blur v.变模糊 >Fog blurred my vision.42.bribe v.行贿 >Who bribed the bride? Bridegroom.43.browse v.浏览 ~ a web-page 44.brutal a.残酷的=cruel/savage/ 45.capsule n.密封仓, 胶囊 46.carve v.刻

47.casualty n.伤亡人员 Many casualties are reported inthe battle.48.cater to v.迎合 >cater to the consumers 49.caution n.小心

50.cherish v.珍视; 怀有>~friendship/~ the hope that 51.chronic a.慢性的;严重的

52.circulation n.循环; 发行(量)>Reader has the largest ~ in China.53.climax n.高潮 the ~ of the play 54.cling to v.紧紧抓住, 依恋;坚持,墨守>The baby clung to his mother./ ~ to the hope that....55.coincidence n.巧合

56.collaboration n.合作 in ~ with 57.collide v.相撞; 冲突 The two opinions ~ with each other.58.commence v.开始

59.commute v.乘车上下班 >I have to ~ between theuniversity town and the downtown area.60.compact a.紧凑的, 结实的 a ~ car/office 61.compatible a.相容的; 兼容的>That husband and wife are very ~.62.compensate v.赔偿 >The insurance company ~d theman for his injuries.63.compile v.汇编, 编辑 ~ a encyclopedia 64.complement v.补充,与。。。相配 The music ~s the filmwell.65.compliment v./n.赞美 66.comply with v.遵从

67.compulsory a.必做的 ~ education 68.conceive of v.构想 I can’t ~ of why he did such a stupidthing! 69.confidential a.机密的

70.confrom to v.遵守 ~ to the local customs 71.consensus n.意见一致>If everyone consents tosomething, they reach a consensus.72.consequent a.(作为后果) 随之发生的 lack of electricity and the ~ lo in economy 73.conserve v.保护,Ifyou conserve something, youuse it carefully and will not wasteit.>In winter some people ~ energy bylowering the heat at night.74.consolidate v.巩固

75.conspicuous a.显眼的 The girl in red in the snowfield is very ~.76.contaminate v.污染 If you ~ something, you make itdirty.77.contemplate v.沉思; 凝视 >You must ~ the results of the action.78.contempt n.轻视 >Before the competition,Williams held the little known player in contempt.79.contend v.主张=aert >The lawyer contendsthat the man is guilty.80.contradict v.相矛盾

81.contrive v.谋划, 图谋>The terrorists ~d to hijack a plane.82.converge v.会合, 聚集 (meet at a common point) The two rivers converge here.83.cordial a.热情的

84.corrupt a./v.腐败的; 腐蚀 ~ officials 85.cozy a.舒适的 a ~ bedroom 86.counterpart n.对应的人或物 87.criterion n.标准 =standard 88.curb v.控制, 约束=restrain/restrict/>I my curbed my appetite for food.89.cynical a.愤世嫉俗的>a ~ young man is a angryyoung man 90.dazzle v.眩目;使赞叹不已>The sunlight dazzles me./Her dance ~d me.91.deduce v.推断 92.dedicate v.献给 93.defendant n.被告

94.deficiency n.缺乏, 不足 a vitamin ~ in his diet 95.defy v.(公然) 违抗 The uniondefied the management and went on a strike.96.degenerate v.退化 97.degrade v.降低身份

98.deprive v.剥夺 You ~d him of his right toprivacy.99.descendant n.后代 100.destiny n.命运=fate 101.destructive a.破坏性的 The weapon has a great ~ power.

102.deteriorate v.恶化 His health has ~d.103.deviate from v.偏离 He ~d from the society bybecoming a drug addict.104.dignity n.尊严

105.dilemma n.困境 A doctor’s ~ ----- to lie or to tell thetruth? 106.diminish v.变少 107.disable v.丧失能力 108.disastrous a.灾难性的

109.discern v.看出, 识别 ~ the differences of the two 110.dispatch v.派遣;发送>~ a representative/ meage 111.disperse v.分散,消散,驱散~ my attention/ The wind ~dthe fog.The children ~d after the cla.112.disposition n.性情=temperament 113.distort v.歪曲

114.divert v.转移, 使转向>A loud noise diverted my attention from the work.115.dizzy a.头晕的

116.donate v.捐献>Have you ~d blood? 117.doom v./ n.注定; 劫数>He is doomed to failure.118.drastic a.严厉的 ~ measures 119.drawback n.缺点=disadvantage>One of the ~s ofliving in the XIASHA is inconvenience in daily life.120.duplicate v./n.复制 (品) make a ~ of the letter 121.dwell on v.总是想;详述 Don’t ~ on the past.122.elevate v.提高;抬升 An elevator can ~ to the top floor very soon.123.elicit v.诱出, 引出 ~ the truth from the witne 124.eligible a.合适的,有资格的 =qualified >John is an ~bachelor.125.elite n.精英

126.eloquent a.雄辩的 Martin Luther King was an ~speaker.127.energetic a.精力充沛的=vigorous 128.epidemic n./a.流行病; 流行性的Sars, the bird’s flu.129.erupt v.喷发 A volcano ~s./The audience ~edwith laughter.130.eence n.实质; 精华 the ~ of his theory/ in ~ 131.eternal a.永久的=perpetual/permanent/forever 132.evoke v.唤起,引起 =elicit>The song ~d a feelingof love in the listeners.133.expedition n.远征(队);考察(队) 134.expel v.开除,驱逐=dismi; ~ the trouble-makingstudent排出=emit>expelthe smoke in the kitchen 135.expire v.期满 Your paport ~s in a month.136.expertise n.专门知识

137.explicit a.明确的His statement is ~, not implicit.138.extravagant a.奢侈的; 过度的>You’re ~ while I’m thrifty.139.fabricate v.捏造=make up/fake >The man’s statement is `~d.140.facilitate a.使便利 The multi-languages signs ~ thetourists 141.fascinate v.迷住 I’m ~d by the beauty of Li jiang and Da li.142.feeble a.虚弱的=weak/faint 143.flaw n.缺陷 I can’t find a ~ ,the painting is perfect! 144.fluctuate n.波动 145.fromulate v.构想

146.foster a.培养 =develop/nurture/cultivate/领养>~ a child 147.fragile a.易碎的;脆弱的 148.furious a.暴怒的

149.glamour n.魅力 >The ~ of old town, such asLiJiang, Dali.150.glitter v.闪光 =sparkle >All that ~s is notgold.151.gloomy a.忧郁的;阴暗的 a ~ day/future

152.goip n./ v.流言; 说长道短>Goips are like rumors. 153.grief n.悲伤 =sorrow

154.hamper v.妨碍=hinder>Rescue work washampered by the heavy rain.

155.handicap n./v.缺陷,残疾; 妨碍>He survived the accident, buthas a ~ now.

156.haul a.(用力) 拖;(用车)托运

157.haunt v.萦绕于心 He was ~ed by the terriblescene. 158.hinder v.阻碍 No difficulties can ~ me. 159.hoist v.升起, 吊起

160.homogeneous a.同质的 >The population of Japanis ~.

161.hospitality n.好客

162.immerse v.沉浸于 She ~d herself in English. 163.implicit a.内含的;含蓄的>If it is ~, it is implied. 164.impulse n.冲动

165.incidence a.发生率

166.indignant a.愤怒的

167.infectious a.传染的

168.ingenious a.(人)灵巧的; (设计等)巧妙的 ~handicraftsman

169.inherent a.固有的 the ~ defects of planned-economy 170.initiate v.开始;发起 ~ a new plan

171.integral a.构成整体所必须的;不可缺的 Rice is an ~ part ofChinese diet.

172.intelligible a.明白易懂的

173.intensify v.加剧 The noise intensified. 174.intermittent a.断断续续 the ~ rain showers 175.intimidate v.恐吓

176.intricate a.错综复杂的

177.intrinsic a.固有的 ~ value 178.intuition n.直觉 Your ~ is your sixth sense. 179.invalid a.无效的 an ~ license 180.invariably ad.不变地; 始终

181.irritate v.使恼怒 =annoy

182.jeopardize v.危及=endanger>You ~ your job bybeing late often.

183.junk n.废物 ~ food 184.kidnap v.绑架

185.legend n.传奇

186.legitimate a.合法的 =legal/lawful

187.liability n.责任;=legal obligation不利条件=drawback 188.literacy n.读写能力

189.literally ad.逐字地; 确实地

190.litter v.乱扔 No littering!

191.magnify v.放大,扩大>~ the photo

192.manifest v.显示,表明The illne ~s itself with ahigh fever.

193.marginal a.微小的

194.masculine a.男性的

195.mediate v.调解 He ~d in a salary dispute betweenthe union and the management. 196.merge a.合并 197.migrate v.迁徙; 移居>Birds migrate with seasons 198.mingle v 混合

199.mobilize v.动员

200.naïve a.天真的=innocent

201.negligible a.可以忽略不计的 the ~ cost 202.norm n.标准 reach the ~ 203.notable a.著名的

204.notorious a.臭名昭著的 If one has a scandal, hebecomes ~ 205.nourish v.养育

206.obedient a.顺从的 If you are ready to obey orders,you are ~

207.obscure a.费解的,模糊不清的;不著名的>Is the sentencestill ~ to you?/ His name was ~ 3 years ago. 208.odor n.气味 I smelt a strange ~. 209.offset v.抵消 =compensate for 210.optimum a.最佳的

211.orient v.使适应 ~ oneself to

212.overwhelm v.(感情上)使受不了;压倒 >be ~edwith sadne/~ majority

213.paradox n.自相矛盾=contradiction 214.participant n.参加者 215.patent n.专利

216.patrol v./n.巡逻

217.patriotic a.爱国的

218.pave v.铺路 ~ the way for women’s Lib

219.permeate v.弥漫; 渗透A bad smell ~s the building./Water ~d all the books in the room. 220.perpetual a.永久的

221.pertinent a.有关的 =relevant>skills ~ to theprofeion

222.plead v.恳求;(法庭)申诉

223.ponder v.思考 She ~ed his marriage proposal fora week.

224.portray v.描绘=describe/depict 225.precede v.先于

226.precedent n.先例

227.preclude n.阻止 (from) 228.predeceor n.前任

229.predominant a.主导的

230.premise n.前提 >your ~ is wrong. 231.prescription n.处方

232.prestige n.威望>enjoy high ~ 233.prevalent a.流行的 234.prey n.捕获物

235.probe v.探究>~ a matter to the bottom 236.proficiency n.熟练

237.profound a.深刻的; 深奥的

238.prolong v.延长

239.prospective a.预期的,未来的 >his ~ father-in-law 240.provocative a.挑衅的>His ~ language provokedPeter.

241.random a.随意的 at ~

242.reap v.收获 =harvest>reap crops 243.reaure v.使放心

244.reconcile v.使和解

245.rectify v.纠正

246.refrain from v.抑制

247.refute v.驳倒

248.remainder n.剩余的部分

249.repel v.使厌恶;击退;排斥>The odor ~s me./The odor can ~mosquito.

250.reproach v.责备=blame 251.resemblance v.相似

252.resent v.怨恨 >He resented being called hisnickname. 253.retort v.反驳

254.retrieve v.取回(get back, bring back)

255.reunion n.团聚=get-together>an occasion forfamily ~ 256.revelation n.揭示

257.revive v.使复苏>~ economy

258.rigorous a.严格的 ~ training for doctors 259.rip v.撕裂

260.ritual n.仪式=ceremony/routine>His morning ~is to make coffee, take a shower and have breakfast. 261.robust a.健壮的

262.rot v.腐烂 =decay 263.safeguard v.保护

264.savage a.野蛮的 =not civilized

265.scent n.香味 The scent of women(Oscar 影片) 266.scrutiny n.细看

267.setback n.挫折

268.shatter v.使粉碎>It shattered my dream. 269.simulate v.模拟

270.skeptical a.怀疑的

271.slack a.松弛的

272.sneak v.溜;偷偷地做

273.sober a.未醉的>I’m ~ enough. 274.specifications n.规格,说明书

275.spectacle n.景象,大观

276.spectator n.旁观者

277.spontaneous a.自发的

278.stability n.稳定

279.stagger v.蹒跚

280.stationary a.固定的

281.stimulus n.刺激

282.straightforward a.坦率的 a ~ reply 283.stubborn a.倔强的

284.stumble v.绊倒

285.subordinate a.从属的

287.subsidy n.补贴

288.subtle a.微妙的>the ~ difference of the twowords 289.supervise v.监督

290.suppre v.镇压; 抑制

291.tangle with v.争吵, 纠葛

292.tariff n.关税

293.tease v.取笑

294.temperament n.气质

295.tempt v.引诱

296.tentative a.试探的 297.terminate v.终止

298.texture n.质地

299.threshold n.开端 on the ~ of (即将开始) 300.timid a.胆小的

301.tolerant a.宽容的

302.to v.抛,甩

303.tow v.拖

304.toxic a.有毒的=poisonous 305.trait n.特点, 特性 personality ~ 306.transaction n.交易

307.transit n.运输

308.transition n.过渡, 转变

309.transplant v./n.移植

310.trivial a.琐碎的

311.tumble v.跌到,翻滚(stumble绊倒) 312.turbulent a.混乱的

313.unanimous a.一致的

314.underestimate v.低估

315.undermine v.暗中破坏

316.undergo v.经历 ~ great changes 317.underlying a.潜在的

318.uphold v.支持 ~ world peace 319.vent n..排放口 give ~ to(发泄)

320.verge n.边缘 =brink>on the verge ofbankruptcy 321.versatile a.多才多艺的

322.vicinity n.附近in the ~ 323.visa n.签证

324.visualize v.设想

325.vulgar a.粗俗的

326.vulnerable a.易受伤的

327.warfare n.战争

328.warrant n.授权令;理由>The policeman toarrest you. 329.weary a.疲劳的

330.wrinkle v.起皱

331.accelerate v.加速

332.acceible a.可接近的,可进入的

333.acknowledge v.感谢

334.acquire v.学会

335.addre v.向。。。讲话

336.alert a.活跃的 b.机警的 c.外国的

337.allege a.推断 b.断言 c.联合

338.allocate a.准许 b.位于 c.分配

339.appeal v.有吸引力

a ~ has 340.applicable a.适用的

341.ae v.估价

342.aumption n.假定

343.succeor n.继任者

344.bond n.联系

345.bounce v.反弹

346.breed v.培育

347.bump into v.碰见

348.campaign n.运动

349.category n.种类

350.cease n.停止

351.chaos n.混乱

352.component n.部件

353.confe v.坦白

354.constitute v.构成

355.consistent a.一致的

356.consultant n.顾问

357.controversial a.有争议的

358.convert v.转变>convert the hotel building

359.defect n.缺陷

360.deliberate a.故意的 =on purpose

aapartment into 361.depre v.使沮丧

362.detect v.发现

363.descend v.下降

364.dim a.昏暗的

365.disguise v.化装

366.dispose of v.去掉; 处理

367.distre n./v.痛苦

368.diverse a.多样的

369.document v.证明

370.dominate v.支配

371.drain v.排走;耗尽

372.discard v.丢弃 Don’t ~ the drink cans carelely. 373.exaggerate v.夸大

374.rival n.对手=opponent 375.exploit v.利用

376.external a.外在的

377.extinguish v.熄灭

378.feasible a.可行的

379.fertile a.肥沃的

380.flourish v.茂盛, 繁荣

381.fragment n.碎片

382.furnish v.提供,配置=provide>He furnished mewith a lot of useful infromation. 383.genuine a.真的

384.grope v.摸索

385.harbor v.心怀

386.harmony n.和谐

387.hollow a.空的, 中空的

388.hostile a.敌视的

389.illusion n.幻想

390.imaginary a.虚构的

391.ignite v.点燃

392.impetus n.推动

393.immune a.免疫的

394.incentive n.刺激

395.indulge v.沉溺于 ~ oneself in 396.induce v.引起; 诱导

397.ingredient n.配料 the ~s of pizza

398.initiative n.主动性 >You should take the ~. 399.intimate a.亲密的

400.intervene v.干预

401.liable to a.易于 = be apt to/be prone to 402.liberal a.自由的

403.linger v.继续逗留;留恋>They lingered in thebeautiful town.

404.mature a.成熟的

405.moderate a.适度的 ~ physical exercises

406.motivate v..激励 A desire to pa Band 6 ~s her towork hard. 407.multiply v.繁殖

408.overall a.总体的 an ~ impreion 409.perceive v.感知

410.prevail over v .胜过

411.prime n.壮年 He died in the ~ of his life. 412.priority n.优先权 give ~ to

413.prominent a.突出的, 杰出的=distinguished 414.prone to a.易于

415.prosperity n.繁荣

416.reckle a.卤莽的

417.relevant a.有关的

418.remedy n.治疗法

419.resistant a.抵抗的

420.respective a.分别的

421.resume v.重新开始

422.scandal n.丑闻 423.scatter v..驱散

424.sentiment n.感情

425.severe a.严重的 ~ wound 426.shield v.保护

427.simultaneously a.同时地

428.sole a.唯一的

429.sponsor n.赞助者

430.startle v.惊吓

431.stray v.走失

432.substantial a.可观的,大量的=considerable>asubstantial income 433.sufficient a.充分的

434.supplement v./n.补充>He ~ed his income by taking apart-time job. 435.testify v.作证

436.trigger v.引发 ~ a debate/war 437.swing v.摇摆

438.universal a.普遍的

439.utilize v.利用

440.variation n.变动>the ~ in temperature 441.virtually ad.实际上

442.wretched a.难过的 443.flexible a.灵活的 The dancer’s body is very ~. 444.facet n.侧面 a ~ of American life 445.endeavor v./n.努力

446.elaborate a.精心的

447.crude a.未加工的 ~ oil 448.preach v.说教

449.strive v.力求 ~ for freedom 450.punctual a.守时的>He is a ~ man. 451.harne v.治理 ~ a river 452.integrity n.诚实;完整

453.submit to v.屈服=yield to 454.launch v.发起

455.striking a.显著的

456.instinct n.本能

457.maintenance n.保养

458.scrape v.刮,擦

459.sensible a.合情理的

460.eliminate v.去除

461.propel v.推动

462.pledge n.保证

463.label n.标签

464.justify v.使…有正当理由 465.initiate v.创始

466.stereotype n.陈规,固定的看法

467.identify…with v.使等同

468.convey v.传达

469.collapse v.坍塌

470.affection n.喜爱

471.yield v.结出

472.promising a.有希望的

473.publicity n.公众的注意

474.hazard n.危险

475.forge v.伪造 ~ a famous painter’s signature 476.conceion n.让步

477.submerge v.淹没

478.imperative a.必要的

479.elapse v.逝去

480.confine v.限制

481.thrive v.繁荣=prosper 482.resort to v.诉诸于

483.sustain v.维持=support

484.highlight v.使突出 n.最精彩的部分

485.maive a.大量的; 大而重的

486.mask v.掩饰 487.restore v.恢复

488.restraint n.约束

489.scope n.范围

490.seemingly ad.表面上

491.speculate v.猜测

492.steep a.陡的

493.summon v.唤起 How can I ~ up his courage? 494.shift v.移动;转变 ~ responsibility on to others 495.transient a.短暂的

496.prompt a.迅速的

497.impart v.传授

498.embody v.体现

499.confront v.面对

500.triumph n.胜利



With the rapid advances of _____________ in recent years,

___has____________(引出现象).However, _______ has________________,

as____________(提出问题).As a result, _____has ____________________(指出影响).

The effects ___________ has produced on____________ can be boiled down to two major ones.

First , __________________(影响一).More importantly,

________________(影响二).Hence, I believe that we will see a ____________(提出展望)/ Neverthele, I do not think we will see a ______(或反面展望)

There are numerous reasons why ____, and I would like to explore a few of the模板2:图表作文

The chart gives us an overall picture of the ____________(图表主题).The first thing we notice is that_______________(图表最大特点).This means that as __________, _________________(进一步说明).

We can see from the statistics given that _______________(图表细节一).After ving_________(细节一中的第一个变化), the _____Ved+幅度+时间(紧跟着的变化).The figures also tells us that_________________________(图表细节二).(数据位置,如In the second column), we can see that ____________accounts for _______(进一步描述).

Judging from these figures, we can draw the conclusion that___________(结论).The reason for this, as far as I am concerned is that_____________(给出原因)./ It is high time that we Ved(发出倡议)


Recently the iue of whether or not______(讨论话题) has been in the limelight and has aroused wide concern in the public.There are two major arguments that can be made for_________.For one thing, __________can bring ____

to_____________(优点一).For another, it is widely hold that people usually ____when ________________________________(优点二).

But we must not lose sight of the fact that there are also drawbacks

to__________, among which are ____________(列举缺点).For instance, it can be __________to _____________(举例说明).In addition, many people find it ________(形容词)to _______________(第二个缺点)

When asked to __________, I tend to ____________.This is because I

_______________(原因一).Furthermore, _______________________(原因二).Finally, ______________(原因三).

most important ones here.The first is that the more(比较级)_____, the more (比较级).In addition, we all agree that________________________(第二个原因)



This illustration depicts_________ (图画中的人物)Ving,

with______________(补充说明).Recently it has become common for people in many walks of life to_____________(进一步阐释)

It seems to me that the cartoonist is sending a meage about _______(图画主题), which is ______________(进一步的说明).He seems to be saying

that_______________(给出细节).In my opinion, ___________(个人阐述).

This simple picture is a wake up call for ______(所涉群体,如the whole of the human race).Therefore, it is imperative for us to take drastic measures to put an end to _____________(问题所在).One the one hand, we must _________________(建议一).It is clear that the drawer of the illustration is urging us to _________(进一步说明).On the other hand, ________________(建议二) Only in this way can we___________(展望前景).


Part Ⅰ Writing (30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short eay entitled College Students on the Job Market.You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.




College Students on the Job Market 答案解析








More and more graduates are going out of universities and entering into the society every year while the demand on the job market remains stable.The college students are facing greater and greater preure in job-hunting.

There are many reasons behind the current phenomenon.To begin with, the economy has been confronted with depreion in recent years on a global level, and it takes time for the worldwide economy to recover.What\'s more, there is an element of irrationality in the enrollment of the campuses.Some hot majors have enrolled too many students, and many people compete for one position after graduation, whereas the majors with little attention have few students, and more graduates are needed than the campus can supply.

The solution to this problem lies with both the government as a whole and the individual in specific.The government takes whatever measures poible to help the economy recover and to create more job opportunities for the applicants.And for the individual students, it is better to study what they are interested in and to gain experience through practice, thus better prepared for the society.

Part Ⅰ Writing (30 minutes)




My View on On-campus College Students’ Marriage

It is a new thing that Chinese on-campus college students are legally allowed to get married before they complete their courses.Many people applaud this new development while others have expreed their concern about this.

Those who disapprove of this new trend believe that college students will inevitably have le time and energy for their academic life.One common argument, however, for on-campus college students’ marriage is that a number of students do have a desire for an ideal marriage.Now that they have come of age, they are entitled to such happine.

Of the two views discued above, I’m in favor of the former.My reason is that on-campus students are laden with academic tasks.If one gets married now, he or she has to work much harder than other students because they have to solve their financial problems at the same time.As a married couple, for instance, they are supposed to rent a room in or outside the university, which will naturally add to their spending.Part I Writing

On Reciting Chinese Traditional Poems Reciting a considerable number of Chinese traditional poems, which is believed to enable kid to enhance their comprehensive quality, has won the increasing support of a great many parents and teachers in China.People\'s attitudes vary greatly concerning this iue.

Those advocating this newly-arisen trend claim that learning these poems will better kids\' understanding of Chinese traditional culture and cultivate their spirit of patriotism.Indeed, the uniquene of the traditional culture plays a crucial role in the current society.Yet, people rejecting this trend also have their own reasons.Memorizing traditional poems, as they argue, not only will definitely impose an extra burden on kids and make them over-loaded, but also might hinder the children\'s creative thinking and restrict their intellectual growth.

From my personal perspective, this phenomenon is of great benefit as long as proper means are adopted to make such poems appealing to kids.Only in this way can we expect the long-cherished traditional poems be paed on from one generation to another.Part I Writing

Salary or Interest

Upon graduation, virtually all college students will confront the problem of choosing their careers.It is truly a tough choice.Students’ opinions differ greatly on this iue.Some hold that priority should be given to their interest in the job, but others take the attitude that salary is the most critical factor influencing their career choices.As for myself, I prefer the latter view.A well-paid job exerts a tremendous fascination on a great number of people, with no exception to me.Although it might be impoible to measure the value of one’s job in terms of money, salary counts most when I choose my future career.In my view, our career choices largely depend on how and where we have been brought up.I come from a poor urban family and my parents are both laid-off workers.In order to finance my tuition, they have been working hard over the past four years.As the only son in my family, I have to shoulder the burden of supporting my family.

In short, salary is the first consideration in my choice of career.



With the development of the society, with the advent of _____________ (相关事物或现象), we have to face a problem that ______________________ (主题问题).What are the reasons for it? In the following paragraphs, I’ll venture to explore the reasons.To start with, _____________________ (阐述原因1).Moreover, __________________ (阐述原因2).In addition, _______________________ (阐述原因3).In view of the seriousne of the problem, effective measures should be taken.For one thing, it is high time that people all over China realized the importance of __________________ (解决主题问题).For another, the government should iue strict laws and regulations in order to put the situation under control.分析利弊题型

Nowadays many people prefer __________ (主题) because it plays a significant role in our daily life.Generally, its advantages can be seen as follows.On the one hand, ________________ (主题的优点1).On the other hand, ___________________ (主题的优点2).But everything can be divided into two.The negative aspects are also apparent.One of the important disadvantages is that ___________________ (主题的缺点1).To make matters worse, __________________________ (主题的缺点2).Through the above analysis, I believe that the positive aspects far outweigh its negative aspects.Whatever effects it has, one thing is certain, ________ (主题) itself is neither good nor bad.It is the uses to which it is put that determine its value to our society.原因现象型

With the development of science and human civilization, many formerly unimaginable things come into reality.Some of them have positive effects on our life, but some are distasteful.The phenomenon of _______ (主题现象) is an example of the former / latter one.There are many factors that may account for it, and the following are the most conspicuous aspects.To start with, __________________ (原因1).Furthermore, ______________________ (原因2).Eventually, __________________________ (原因3).Good as ____________ (主题现象) is, it has, unfortunately, its disadvantages.The apparent example is that ___________ (缺点例子1).In addition, ___________ (缺点例子2).On the whole, the phenomenon is one of the results of the progre of the modern society.There is still a long way for us to improve / eliminate __________ (主题现象) and make our life more comfortable.正反观点题型



第二段、阐述提纲中列举的第一种看法,给出理由或者举例说明: 主题句+理由/举例1+理由/举例2+理由/举例3

第三段、阐述提纲中列举的第一种看法,给出理由或者举例说明: 主题句+理由/举例1+理由/举例2+理由/举例3 第四段、表明自己的观点结束全文 在结尾的时候,一定要表明自己的观点。


directions:for this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic china jointing wto.you should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline below:






开篇句句:________finally succeeded in _____ after many\'s efforts.

扩展句:_____ will influence _____ greatly.


主题句:____ brings ____ many benefits and opportunities.扩展句:

1、as _____ , ______ can ______.

2、what\'s more, __________.


主题句:every thing has two aspects.


1、___ can also bring us some challenges.for example, ______.

2、in addition, it will be more difficult for _____ to _____, as ____.


结尾句:however, ____ does more good than harm to ____.扩展句:what we should do is to ______.



开篇句句:china finally succeeded in jointing the wto after many\'s efforts.扩展句:this event will influence the economy in china greatly


主题句:jointing the wto brings china many benefits and opportunities.


1、as a member coutry, china can enjoy many rights that can boost the development of the economy in china.

2、what\'s more, the chinese people can buy productd of high quality with le pay.


主题句:every thing has two aspects.


1、joining the wto can also bring us some challenges.for example, some producers may be wiped out because of the intense competition.

2、in addition, it will be more difficult for us to get a job, as the requirement for the employees will become higher.


结尾句:however, this great event does more good than harm to us.

扩展句:what we should do is to improve ourselves to become qualified for certain positions and live a better life.

第三部分 范文

china finally succeeded in jointing the wto after many\'s efforts.this event will influence the economy in china greatly.

jointing the wto brings china many benefits and opportunities.as a member coutry, china can enjoy many rights that can boost the development of the economy in china.what\'s more, the chinese people can buy productd of high quality with le pay.

every thing has two aspects.joining the wto can also bring us some challenges.for example, some producers may be wiped out because of the intense competition.in addition, it will be more difficult for us to get a job, as the requirement for the employees will become higher.

however, this great event does more good than harm to us.what we should do is to improve ourselves to become qualified for certain positions and live a better life.记叙文题型



交代清楚故事涉及的人物、时间、地点: 主题句


具体描述事件发生的原因、经过和结果 起因+经过+结果 第三段、对事件的分析 分析句1+分析句2+分析3

第二部分 记叙文题型作文写作范文练习


directions:for this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic the day my clamate fell ill.






开篇句:about _____ o\'clock one evening in _______, _____.扩展句:________.(展开描述一下事件)


主题句:without hesitation, _____.it wasn\'t long before _____.扩展句:

1、one ______.

2、another _______.

3、our teacher _______.


结尾句:is _______? who can tell ? but ______.


1、when ____ , people showed _____ spirit regardle of ____.

2、this kind of care between persons is the very kind giving, unselfish and pricele devotion or sacrifice.

3、and it is just because of this care that we can have warm families, a happy life and a beautiful world.


about nine o\'clock one evening in may, my roommate li ming was lying in bed, trembling with cold and having a cough.his head was aching so intensely that he kept groaning.his forehead felt very hot.we took his temperature.it was 38.5℃.

without hesitation, i dialed \"120\".it wasn\'t long before an ambulance arrived.one roommate brought a blanket for him.another supported him in the ambulance.our teacher insisted on giving him some money.

is he a suspedted sars patient? who can tell ? but we did\'t retreat.when the savage sars was spreading, people showed fearle spirit regardle of dangers to their own health.this kind of care between persons is the very kind giving, unselfish and pricele devotion or sacrifice.and it is just because of this care that we can have warm families, a happy life and a beautiful world.英文信函题型



寒暄句+主题句(注:寒暄句和主题句可以是同一个句子) 第三段、根据提纲扩展主体段落:

主题句+扩展句1+扩展句2+扩展句3 第四段、表明自己的观点,并结束书信主体段落 在最后要他谈自己的看法 第五段、寒暄句+落款


directions:for this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic a letter to the university president about the canteen service campus.you should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline below:



dear mr.president,


主题句: this letter comes to you from ____.

扩展句: in it, some opinions are put forward for you to reflect upon


主题句:as you know, _____ .but unfortunately, ______.扩展句:

1、___.(举例) as a result, _____.

2、besides, ______.

3、and what\'s more, _____.


主题句:some people may argue that ____.扩展句:

1、for instance, ____ and ____.

2、but in my opinon, ______.


结尾句:to be belief, though a bit diatisfied with _____.

扩展句:i do believe that, with the efforts of all people concerned, we can solved the problems there.thanks.li ming

推荐第10篇:考研六级英语作文 社会公德


social morality 社会道德 social iue 社会问题 money-worship 金钱崇拜 belief 信念 morality 道德

honesty/integrity/ credibility诚信 code of conduct 行为准则 undesirable actions 不良行为 decent man 正派的人 good manner 好的行为 key indicator 关键指标

educational campaign 教育活动 consciousne 意识 social ethics 社会公德 public virtue 公众道德

humanitarian spirit 人道主义精神 respect human rights 尊重人权 the construction of social morality


the lo of public morality 公德的丧失 pursuit of economic benefits 追求经济利益 satisfaction of material 物质利益的满足

significance of social morality社会道德的意义 warm-hearted people 热心人

helple people 无助的人,需要帮助的人 volunteers 志愿者

spirit of volunteers志愿者的精神

a thought-provoking socialphenomenon 引发人思考的社会现象 psychological counseling 心理咨询 donate money 捐钱

relinquish/offer one’s seat to sb.让座 care for the vulnerable 关怀弱者

respect the aged and cherishthe young 尊老爱幼 be eager to aist people 乐于助人 fraud 欺诈 forge 造假

fake commodities 假冒伪劣产品 academic cheating 学术造假 moral decay 道德败坏

the harm to society 社会危害 social civilization 社会文明

From the above cartoon we can see that one man is making an apology to the otherman, admitting voluntarily that he damaged the other man’s car, and offeringhis compensating contract to the man whose car was damaged。

What the picture is intended to convey is a much concerned social morality of honesty in our society.As is known to all, honesty is one of the long-cherished Chinese virtues.But in fact some of us fail to be honest.For example, to earnhuge profit, some businemen manufacture or sell counter feits at the cost of consumers’ interests.Like wise, for the purpose of improving the ratings, the media may peddle sensational stories or twist the news to attract the publicattention without any sense of responsibility.It is also not hard to spotcases of such kind in the field of education, medicine, accounting,entertainment, etc.It is apparent that, if let the fraud go on, living in oursociety, people will suffer instead of enjoying the civilization and happineof modern society because of the dishonesty and deception。

Basedon what is analyzed above, the current situation must be changed for thebenefits of every one of us.Counter-measuresto deal with credibility crisis should be taken by the government to promotehonesty with the joining efforts of the media.Most importantly, laws must be established to severely punish those who misbehave in terms of credibility。





furniture luggage clothing equipment poetry jewelry machinery weaponry scenery information knowledge homework

evidence foliage advertising health

A : 流体 air water

B: 颗粒状物体 rice salt

C: 抽象名词 information

D: 总称名词 poetry machinery

E: 疾病不可数 diabetes糖尿病 measles麻疹

F: 自然现象 rain drops

G:学科不可数 mathematics economics statistics physics politics mechanics genetics geology geography chemistry

philosophy biology history 2.常考的不规则单复数 man/men




goose/geesebasis/bases analysis/analyses crisis/crises

hypothesis/hypotheses axis/axes alga/algae larva/larvae fungus/fungi stimulus/stimuli datum/data bacterium/bacteria medium/mediaspectrum/spectra



phenomenon/phenomena radius/radii 3.常考的单复数同型的名词

aircraft spacecraft series species means sheep deer bison salmon trout carp 4.常考的可数名词

discovery cloud mineral metal substance population effort effect animal plant mammal insect tree herb shrub

element function feature picture result clue star reason audience device structure human human being

system fashion resource source origin pioneer automobile purpose style response number amount

variety quantity type kind influence emotion change 5.即可数又不可数的名词

sugar , cloth , water , detail , paper ,work , light , science ,form , interest , art , area ,color , disease , illne , rock , stone ,matter , food , culture ,noise , liquid , solid , gas , climate , film ,material , population ,temperature,experience ,speech ,use

time , life , action , activity , study

rock(砂岩) rocks(块岩) work(工作,作品) works(著作) paper(纸) papers(论文,报告,文件)

area(面积) areas(地区,区域) time(时间) times(次数) room(空间) rooms(房间) water(水) waters(水域)

collections由同一种物品构成,可数 his three collections of short stories

collection 由不同种物品构成,不可数 his art collection


可数/不可数 :①有无数的概念②抽象/具体 advertisment 广告可数 advertising 广告业 不可数


㈠《Shawshank Redemption肖申克的救赎》

1.You know some birds are not meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright.你知道,有些鸟儿是注定不会被关在牢笼里的,它们的每一片羽毛都闪耀着自由的光辉。

2.There is something inside ,that they can\'t get to , that they can\'t touch.That\'s yours.那是一种内在的东西, 他们到达不了,也无法触及的,那是你的。

3.Hope is a good thing and maybe the best of things.And no good thing ever dies.希望是一个好东西,也许是最好的,好东西是不会消亡的。

㈡《Forrest Gump 阿甘正传》

1.Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you\'re gonna get.生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料。 2.Stupid is as stupid does.蠢人做蠢事(也可理解为傻人有傻福)。 3.Miracles happen every day.奇迹每天都在发生。

4.Jenny and I was like peas and carrots.我和珍妮形影不离。

5.Have you given any thought to your future? 你有没有为将来打算过呢? 6.You just stay away from me please.求你离开我。

7.If you are ever in trouble, don\'t try to be brave, just run, just run away.你若遇上麻烦,不要逞强,你就跑,远远跑开。 8.It made me look like a duck in water.它让我如鱼得水。

9.Death is just a part of life, something we\'re all destined to do.死亡是生命的一部分,是我们注定要做的一件事。 10.I was meed up for a long time.这些年我一塌糊涂。

11.I don\'t know if we each have a destiny, or if we\'re all just floating around accidentally——like on a breeze.我不懂我们是否有着各自的命运,还是只是到处随风飘荡。

㈢《The Lion King狮子王》

1.Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance.世界上所有的生命都在微妙的平衡中生存。 2.I laugh in the face of danger.越危险就越合我心意。

3.I\'m only brave when I have to be.Being brave doesn\'t mean you go looking for trouble.我只是在必要的时候才会勇敢,勇敢并不代表你要到处闯祸。 4.When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world.如果这个世界对你不理不睬,你也可以这样对待它。 5.It\'s like you are back from the dead.好像你是死而复生似的。 6.You can\'t change the past.过去的事是不可以改变的。

7.Yes, the past can hurt.But I think you can either run from it or learn from it.对,过去是痛楚的,但我认为你要么可以逃避,要么可以向它学习。 8.This is my kingdom.If I don\'t fight for it, who will? 这是我的国土,我不为她而战斗,谁为呢?

9.Why should I believe you? Everything you ever told me was a lie.我为何要相信你?你所说的一切都是谎话。 10.I\'ll make it up to you, I promise.我会补偿你的,我保证。

㈣《Gone with The Wind 乱世佳人》

1.Land is the only thing in the world worth working for, worth fighting for, worth dying for.Because it is the only thing that lasts.土地是世界上唯一值得你去为之工作, 为之战斗, 为之牺牲的东西,因为它是唯一永恒的东西。

2.I wish I could be more like you.我要像你一样就好了。

3.Whatever comes, I\'ll love you, just as I do now.Until I die.无论发生什么事,我都会像现在一样爱你,直到永远。 4.I think it\'s hard winning a war with words.我认为纸上谈兵没什么作用。

5.Sir, you\'re no gentleman.And you mi are no lady.先生,你可真不是个君子,小姐,你也不是什么淑女。

6.I never give anything without expecting something in return.I always get paid.我做任何事不过是为了有所回报,我总要得到报酬。

7.In spite of you and me and the whole silly world going to pieces around us, I love you.哪怕是世界末日我都会爱着你。

8.I love you more than I\'ve ever loved any woman.And I\'ve waited longer for you than I\'ve waited for any woman.9.If I have to lie, steal, cheat or kill, as God as my witne, I\'ll never be hungry again! 即使让我撒谎,去偷,去骗,去杀人,上帝作证,我再也不要挨饿了!

10.Now I find myself in a world which for me is worse than death.A world in which there is no place for me.现在我发现自己活在一个比死还要痛苦的世界,一个无我容身之处的世界。 11.You\'re throwing away happine with both hands.And reaching out for something that will never make you happy.你把自己的幸福拱手相让,去追求一些根本不会让你幸福的东西。

12.Home.I\'ll go home.And I\'ll think of some way to get him back.After all, tomorrow is another day.家,我要回家。我要想办法让他回来。不管怎样,明天又是全新的一天。


1.Outwardly, I was everything a well-brought up girl should be.Inside, I was screaming.外表看,我是个教养良好的小姐,骨子里,我很反叛。 2.We\'re the luckiest sons-of-bitches in the world.我们是真他妈的走运极了。(地道的美国国骂) 3.There is nothing I couldn\'t give you, there is nothing I would deny you, if you would not deny me.Open you\'re heart to me. 如果你不违背我,你要什么我就能给你什么,你要什么都可以。把你的心交给我吧。 4.What the purpose of university is to find a suitable husband.读大学的目的是找一个好丈夫。

5.Remember, they love money, so just pretend like you own a goldmine and you\'re in the club.

只要你装得很有钱的样子他们就会跟你套近乎。 6.All life is a game of luck.生活本来就全靠运气。

7.I love waking up in the morning and not knowing what\'s going to happen, or who I\'m going to meet, where I\'m going to wind up.

我喜欢早上起来时一切都是未知的,不知会遇见什么人,会有什么样的结局。 8.I figure life is a gift and I don\'t intend on wasting it.You never know what hand you\'re going to get dealt next.You learn to take life as it comes at you.


9.To make each day count.要让每一天都有所值。

10.We\'re women.Our choices are never easy.我们是女人,我们的选择从来就不易。 11.You jump, I jump.12.Will you give us a chance to live?

能不能给我们留一条生路? 13.God shall wipe away all the tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death.Neither shall there be sorrow or dying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former world has paed away.


㈥《Sleeple in Seattle西雅图不眠夜》

1.Work hard! Work will save you.Work is the only thing that will see you through this.努力工作吧!工作能拯救你。埋头苦干可令你忘记痛楚。

2.You make millions of decisions that mean nothing and then one day your order takes out and it changes your life.你每天都在做很多看起来毫无意义的决定,但某天你的某个决定就能改变你的一生。

3.Destiny takes a hand.命中注定。

4.You know, you can tell a lot from a person\'s voice.从一个人的声音可以知道他是怎样的人。

5.People who truly loved once are far more likely to love again.真爱过的人很难再恋爱。

6.You know it\'s easier to get killed by a terrorist than get married over the age of 40.你知道,女人过了40想出嫁就难了,被恐怖分子杀死都比这容易。 7.You are the most attractive man I ever laid ears.你是我听过的最帅的男士。

8.Why would you want to be with someone who doesn\'t love you? 为什么留恋一个不爱你的人? 9.When you are attracted to someone it just means that your subconscious is attracted to their subconscious, subconsciously.So what we think of as fate, is just two neuroses knowing they are a perfect match.当你被某个人吸引时,那只是意味着你俩在潜意识里相互吸引。因此,所谓命运,就只不过是两个疯子认为他们自己是天造一对,地设一双。 10.Everybody panics before they get married.每个人婚前都会紧张的。 11.Your destiny can be your doom.命运也许会成为厄运。

12.The reason I know this and you don\'t is because I\'m younger and pure.So I\'m more in touch with cosmic forces.之所以我知道而你不知道是因为我年幼纯洁,所以我比较能接触宇宙的力量。 13.I don\'t want to be someone that you\'re settling for.I don\'t want to be someone that anyone settles for.我不想要你将就,我也不想成为将就的对象。

14.What if something had happened to you? What if I couldn\'t get to you? What would I have done without you? You\'re my family.You\'re all I\'ve got.要是你出了事怎么办?要是我找不到你怎么办?如果没有你我该怎么办?你是我的家人,你是我的一切。


1.Money is not everything.There\'s MasterCard.钞票不是万能的, 有时还需要信用卡。 2.One should love animals.They are so tasty.每个人都应该热爱动物, 因为它们很好吃。 3.Save water.Shower with your girlfriend.要节约用水, 尽量和女友一起洗澡。 4.Love the neighbor.But don\'t get caught.要用心去爱你的邻居, 不过不要让她的老公知道。

5.Behind every succeful man, there is a woman.And behind every unsucceful man, there are two.每个成功男人的背后, 都有一个女人.每个不成功男人的背后, 都有两个。 6.Every man should marry.After all, happine is not the only thing in life. 再快乐的单身汉迟早也会结婚, 幸福不是永久的嘛。

7.The wise never marry, and when they marry they become otherwise.聪明人都是未婚,结婚的人很难再聪明起来。 8.Succe is a relative term.It brings so many relatives.成功是一个相关名词, 他会给你带来很多不相关的联系。 9.Love is photogenic.It needs darkne to develop.爱情就象照片, 需要大量的暗房时间来培养。

10.Children in backseats cause accidents.Accidents in backseats cause children.后排座位上的小孩会生出意外, 后排座位上的意外会生出小孩。 11.Your future depends on your dreams.So go to sleep.现在的梦想决定着你的将来, 所以还是再睡一会吧。

12.There should be a better way to start a day than waking up every morning.应该有更好的方式开始新一天, 而不是千篇1律的在每个上午都醒来。 13.Hard work never killed anybody.But why take the risk? 努力工作不会导致死亡。那么为什么我还要去实践? 14.Work fascinates me.I can look at it for hours! 工作很有意思。尤其是看着别人工作!

15.God made relatives; Thank God we can choose our friends.神决定了谁是你的亲戚, 幸运的是在选择朋友方面他给了你留了余地。


account for 说明…的原因,是…的原因

ccuse…of… 控告;谴责

allow for 考虑到,顾及,为…留出预地

appeal to 诉诸,诉请裁决(或证实等)

bring about 导致,引起

call off 取消

care for 照顾,照料;喜欢

check in (在旅馆、机场等)登记,报到

check out 结帐后离开,办妥手续离去

come up with 提出,提供,想出

count on/upon 依靠,指望

count up 共计,算出…的总数

draw up 起草,拟订;(使)停住

fall back on 借助于,依靠

get at 够得着,触及;意思是,意指;查明,发现;指责

go in for 从事,参加;爱好

hang on to 紧紧抓住;保留(某物)

turn out 制造,生产;结果是;驱逐;关掉,旋熄

take over 接受,接管;借用,承袭

take in 接受,吸收,接纳;理解,领会;欺骗;包括

stick out (把…)坚持到底;突出,显眼

stick to 坚持,忠于,信守;紧跟,紧随;粘贴在…上

set out 陈述,阐明;动身,起程;开始;摆放

set forth 阐明,陈述

set about 开始,着手

put in for 正式申请

refer to…as… 把…称作,把…当作

pay off 还清(债);付清工资解雇(某人);向…行贿;得到好结果,取得成功

make up for 补偿,弥补

look over 把…看一遍,把…过目;察看,参观

look through 详尽核查;(从头至尾)浏览

live on 靠…生活,以…为食物lie in (问题、事情等)在于

lie in (问题、事情等)在于

let go(of) 放开,松手

hold out 维持,保持;坚持(要求),不屈服

hold back 踌躇,退缩;阻止,抑制;隐瞒,保守(秘密等)


六级听不懂180分照样拿 教你如何分析题干选答案本文主要向大家介绍听力短对话的宏观方法,无论四级还是六级,听前的充分预读是必要的,因为只有认真的预读才能找到选项中的规律, 另外,短对话必须遵守的一个原则就是:先听到什么不太可能是正确选项,后听到的才可能是正确答案,没听到什么最有可能选择什么!!!以下以六级题为例!!


当选项中有两项表达意思相近时,那么正确答案必在这两项之中!这时只需稍微听一听对话,即可知答案,如果出现了双重相关,便可直接确认正确选 项,只需听完对话加之认证一下即可!

典型例题: 1999年12月第4题

4.A) Visiting the Browning.

B) Writing a postcard.

C) Looking for a postcard.

D) Filling in a form.

例题分析:B、C两项均含有 a poscard ,B、D两项均含有写...之意,即B、C和B、D构成双重相关,即可得出B为正确选项!


4.M: What\\\'s the matter? You\\\'ve been sitting there for ages, just staring into space.

W: I told the Browning I\\\'d send them a postcard.Now I don\\\'t know what to say.

Q: What\\\'s the woman doing?


当选项中出现有意思明显相反的两项时,那么正确答案必在此二项中出现!如果出现双重异项,那么即可判断出正确答案,异项保留原则在六级考试听力 短对话中应用广泛!

典型例题: 1999年12月第6题

6.A) She can’t finish her aignment, either.

B) She can’t afford a computer right now.

C) The man can use her computer.

D) The man should buy a computer right away.

例题分析:B、C异项,B项的意思是她现在有电脑,C项的意思则是她现在没有电脑。B、D异项,B是说女方无电脑,而D是说男方无电脑,男女也 是一种反意关系。所以根据双重异项原则可确定正确答案为B项!


6.M: I\\\'m frustrated.We\\\'re supposed to do our aignment on the computer, but I have difficulty getting acce to the computers in the library.

W: I understand the way you feel.I\\\'m looking forward to the day when I can afford to get my own.

Q: What does the woman mean?


做题做多了,我们应该了解西方人的思维方式,当对话中出现女士的建议和要求时,我们一定要注意,这时女士说出来的话很可能就是正确选项的异意! 因为女士经常以女神的形象出面,她们代表的是美好、正面、阳光的信息!

典型例题: 1999年12月第9题

9.A) The man should stick to what he’s doing.

B) The man should take up a new hobby.

C) The man should stop playing tennis.

D) The man should find the cause for his failure.

例题分析:通过选项我们可以分析出男人做一些事情遇到了困难,这时一位女人出来安慰男人,根据女神原则可知女人一定会让男人坚持把这件事情做下 去,而不要放弃,这样的题型太多了,所以可呈现出一定的规律性!


9.M: I think I\\\'m going to give up playing tennis.I lost again today.

W: Just because you lost? It that the reason to quit?

Q: What does the woman imply?


当选项中出现比较概括、抽象的句子时,这时我们就要把表述事实的、具体的句子划掉,而去选择表概、抽象、比较性的句子!此原则可衍生出一个包含 取大的原则,在作题时应用也是十分的广泛,一般当两个选项的意思接近时,表述比较全面的一般为正确选项!


7.A) The visiting economist has given several lectures.

B) The guest lecturer’s opinion is different from Dr.Johnson’s.

C) Dr.Johnson and the guest speaker were schoolmates.

D) Dr.Johnson invited the economist to visit their college



7.M: The visiting economist is speaking tonight, but Dr.Johnson doesn\\\'t seem to think much of him.

W: That\\\'s because Dr.Johnson comes from an entirely different school of thought.

Q: What do we learn from the woman\\\'s remark?


这两种方法一般无单独命题的规律性,只是作为上述四种宏观方法的辅助方法出现,当只剩下两个选项时,通常正态度的选项容易是正确答案,表虚拟的 选项更容易是正确答案。


in the absent of 缺少, 没有

be absorbed in 专心从事

abuse v. 辱骂, 过量使用

have acce to 可以获得或使用

account n. 解释, 解说, 叙述

account for 解释说明

in action 起作用

adapt v. (将某个领域的研究成果)应用于(另一领域)

addre sb. 对某人说话, 发言

adopt v. 收养

advocate n. 倡导者

agree with 适合, 使觉得舒适

allow sb.to do 让某人做某事

ambitious adj.(中性)野心或雄心

anchor v. 定位, 固定

appeal to 吸引

appeal to (court) 上诉

apply v.涂抹, 申请, 应用

approach n. 方法, 解决处理办法

acquisition n. (企业)兼并

第12篇:英语作文 考研 四级 六级

It is accepted that … plays a significant part for both …, and what’s more , a lot of attention is being drawn to the change of….However, whether … deserves such an attention , people’s ideas vary.

On the one hand, some people hold the view that ….On the other hand, a great many people insist that….

From my perspective, ….Therefore, it’s time that ….

To conclude, … are just like a double-edged sword.With them we may have le trouble dealing with problems in life and enjoy a better-off life.However, one point should be kept in mind that we should take sensible use of them , always being the master of them.




1、There are three reasons for this.例句:Great changes have taken place in our life .There are three reasons for this.我们的生活已经发生了巨大的变化,这有三方面的原因。

2、The reasons for this are as follows.例句:Computers are becoming more and more popular .The reasons for this are follows .电脑越来越受欢迎,出现这种情况的原因有如下几点。

3、The reason for this is obvious.例句:I think the university campus should not be open tourists .The reason for this is obvious.我认为大学校园不应该对游客开放。其原因是显而易见。

4、The reason for this is not far to seek.例句:The two-day weekend is beneficial to university students .The reason for this is not far to seek.双休日对大学生很有利,其原因不难找。

5、The reason for„is that„

例句:The reason for your profeional choice is that English is the most popular language in the world ,which is widely used in all fields such as teaching , translation ,and foreign trade and so on .你选择专业的原因是英语是世界上目前最流行的语言,广泛的使用于各个领域,如教学、翻译和外贸等。

6、We have good reasons to believe that„ 例句:We have good reasons to believe that a test of spoken English will do more good than harm.我们有充分的理由相信,英语口语测试利大于弊。


1、It has the following advantages.例句:Bicycles have the following advantages over cars.和汽车相比,自行车有以下优点。

2、It dose us a lot of good.例句:The tape recorder has found its way into almost every aspect of our modern life.It dose us a lot of good.录音机用于我们现代生活的各个方面,给我们带来了很多好处。

3、It benefits us quite a lot.例句:Sports benefits us quite a lot.体育活动对我们益处很大。

4、It is of great benefit to us.例句:Fresh air is of great benefit to us.清新的空气对我们有很大的好处。

5、It has more disadvantages than advantages.例句:Personally, I think computers have more disadvantages than advantages.就我个人而言,我认为电脑的利大于弊。

6、It dose us much harm.例句:Fake commodities do us much harm.假冒商品给我们造成很大的伤害。

7、It is harmful to us.例句:Smoking is harmful to our health .吸烟有害我们的健康。


1、It is important (neceary, difficult, convenient, poible) for sb to do sth.例句:As is well-known to us ,it is neceary for college students to take College English Test Band-4众所周知,大学生有必要参加大学英语四级测试。

2、We think it neceary to do sth.例句:We think it neceary to take early morning walks to keep us healthy.我们认为有必要清晨散步用以保持健康。

3、It plays an important role in our life.例句:Cars are playing an increasingly important role in society today.当今社会,汽车正发挥着越来越重要的作用。


1、We should take effective measures.例句:We should take some effective measures to make our city greener.我们应该采取一些有效的措施来绿化我们的城市。

2、We should try our best to overcome (conquer) the difficulties.例句:Difficult and painful as English learning is, we should try our best to overcome the difficulties that we come acro.虽然学习英语很困难、很痛苦,但我们仍然应尽最大的努力克服我们碰到的困难。

3、We should do (try) our utmost (best) to do sth.例句:We should try our best to keep up with the rapid development of science and technology.我们应尽我们最大的努力跟上科技的快速发展。

4、We should solve the problems that we are confronted (faced) with.例句:Confronted with the spread of disease, we should take effective measures to solve the problem.面对疾病的蔓延,我们应采取有效措施来解决这个问题。


1、Some changes have taken place in the past ten years.例句:With the rapid increase of China’s population, great changes have taken place in housing in the past decade.随着中国人口的急剧增长,住房问题在过去十年期间发生了很大的变化。

2、A great change will certainly be produced in the world’s communications.

例句:A great change will certainly be produced in the world’s communications with the rapid development of science and technology.随着科技的快速发展,世界通信领域必将产生巨大的变化。

3、It has brought about many changes in education.例句:The computer has brought about many changes in educations.电脑给教育带来了很多变化。


1、We cannot ignore the fact that„

例句:Some people hold to the correctne of traditional practices, but we cannot ignore the fact that progre depends on changes .一些人固执地坚持传统做法的正确性,但是我们不能忽视进步源于变化的事实。

2、No one can deny the fact that„ 例句:No one can deny the fact that there are too many fake commodities on the market.没有人可以否认如今许多假货充斥着市场。

3、There is no denying the fact that„

例句:There is no denying the fact that observation is the best teacher.毫无疑问,观察是最好的老师。

5、This is a phenomenon that many people are interested in.例句:The increasing use of motor vehicles in Beijing is a phenomenon that many people are interested in .北京市对机动车使用的增长是许多人都感兴趣的一个现象。

6、However, that’s not the case.例句:Many people think that Chinese is easy to learn.However , that’s not the case.许多人认为中文很好学。然而,事实并非如此。


1、I prefer to„rather than„

例句:I prefer to read rather than watch TV.我喜欢读书而不喜欢看电视。

2、Compared with A,B„

例句:Compared with Mike, Tom runs much faster.和迈克相比较,汤姆跑的更快。

2、There is a striking contrast between them.例句:Chinese culture and Western culture are different.There is a striking contrast between them.中西方文化不同,二者之间有着鲜明的对照。


1、has increased (decreased)by +百分比+compared with that of +时间

例句:The number of students has increased(decreased) by 10% compared with that of year 2006.学生的人数比2006年增长(减少)了10%

2、has now increased(decreased) to +数字

例句:The population in this city has now increased (decreased)to 800,000.这个城市的人口数已增长(减少)到80万。

3、It has increased(decreased)from„to„

例句:From the graph provided, we can see that students’ use of computers has increased dramatically within the ten-year period, from an average of le than two hours per week in 1990,to 4 hours in 1995,and to 20 hours in 2000.从提供的图表中,我们可以看到学生在十年期间对计算机使用的增加,从1990年平均每周使用不足2小时,到1995年增加到4小时,而后到2000年增加到20小时。


1、People take different views on the question.例句:How to succeed in a job interview? People take different views on this question。如何在工作面试中成功?人们对这个问题有不同的看法。

2、People have different opinions on this problem.例句:How does a students finance his or her college education? People have different opinions on this problem.学生如何解决上大学的费用?对于这个问题,人们有不同的意见。

3、People have(fake, adopt, aume )different attitudes towards„

例句:People have different attitudes towards whether a speaking should be introduced into College English Test.人们对于是否在大学英语考试中引入口语测试有不同的态度。

4、Some people believe that„Others argue that„

例句:Some people believe reading should be done selectively, while others argue that extensive reading contributes to one’s overall growth..一些人认为,读书应有选择性,另一些人却认为广泛阅读能增长整体知识面。


1、In short ,it can be said that„

例句:In short ,it can be said that man cannot live without water.总之,可以这么说,人不能离开水而活。

2、It may be briefly summed up as follows.例句:Why do college graduates find it more difficult to get a rewarding job? The reasons may be briefly summed up as follows.First, many colleges and universities can not catch up their courses with the development of society.Second, students’ attitudes towards employment should be changed.为什么大学生找不到称心如意的工作?其原因可以简短的概括如下:第一,许多大学的课程没有和社会的发展接轨。第二,学生的就业观念应该转变。

3、From what has been mentioned above, we can come to the conclusion that„

例句:From what has been mentioned above, we can come to the conclusion that examination is neceary .However, its method should be improved.从以上所述,我们可以得出这样的结论:考试是必要的。不过,其方法应加以改进。


1、It’s well known to us that„ 例句:It’s well known to us that nowadays there are an increasing number of students entering into colleges.众所周知,现在越来越多的学生进入高校学习。

2、As is known to us,„ 例句:As is known to us, people are coming into closer and closer contacts with each other.众所周知,人与人的联系变得越来越密切。

3、This is a topic that is being widely talked about.例句:Dose wealth provides solutions to all problems? This is a topic that is being widely talked about and different people have different opinions on it .财富可以解决一切问题吗? 这是一个被广泛讨论的问题,并且人们有不同的观点。

4、From the graph( table, chart) listed above it can be seen that„

例句:From the graph listed above, it can be seen that an increasing number of people are joining the “Information Age” via the Internet.从以上图表可以看出,越来越多的人通过互联网进入了“信息时代”。

5、As a proverb says,„

例句: As a proverb says, “Where there is a will, there is a way” .如一句谚语所说,“有志者事竟成”。






1) 词汇:没有一个词汇不认识


2) 选项:没有一个选项不了解。


























课程分类:Optional course 选修课 Required course 必修课 Day course 白天的课 Evening course 晚上的课 科目或专业:Chinese 中文 mathematic 数学 history 历史 chemistry 化学 Literature 文学

考试:Final exam 期终考试 middle exam 期中考试 make up 补考

private school 私立学校 religious school 教会学校

学校中的人:president 校长 dean 院长 profeor 教授 lecturer 讲师 teaching aistant 助教 doctor 博士 master 硕士 bachelor 学士attend / have a lecture 上课

freshman 大一新生 sophomore 大二学生 junior 大三学生 senior 大四学生

lend / borrow / check out 借书 reference book 参考书 overdue 过期 return 还书 fine 罚金


fare 车票 license 驾照 rush hours 高峰时间 traffic jam 交通堵塞

overtake 超车 one way street 单行道 over speed 超速 police officer 交警

ticket 罚单 fast way / expre way / high way 高速公路 free way 免费高速公路 ring road 环线subway (美) / underground (英) 地铁 underpa 人行地道 overhead 轻轨 flyover 人行天桥


mobile phone 手机 pay phone 公用电话 telephone box/booth 电话亭 extension 分机

put~ through 接通hold on 不要挂断,稍等 take/leave a meage 留言 hang up / get off 挂断


plane / craft 飞机 book 订票 timetable 时间表 destination 目的地 one way ticket 单程票

round trip ticket 来回票 non-stop / direct flight 直航 transfer / lay over / stop over 转机 first / busine / economy cabin 头等 / 商务 / 经济舱confirm the flight确认航班

check in 登记boarding card 登机牌 security check 安检 see off 送行 board 登机 take off 起飞 departure 离港safety / seatbelt 安全带 land 着陆


job vacancy 有空缺职位 letter of application 求职信 resume 简历

basic / personal info.基本信息/个人资料 academic background 教育背景work experience 工作经验 interview 面试 work overtime 加班wage 周薪 salary 日薪 bonus奖金 allowance

津贴 annual income 年收入promotion 升职 fire 解雇resign 辞职 retire 退休laid-off 下岗

work / job / career / coursepost / position / vocation / title 职务

假期休息的说法(依次是从大到小)holiday 假日,假期 vacation 休假 annual leave 年假

sick leave 病假 rest 休息 break 指喝杯茶、喝杯咖啡的休息 coffee break


live on campus 住校 live off campus 住校外for sale 可销售的房子for rent / lease 可出租的房子 location 位置 suburb / downtown 市郊 / 市中心condition 住房条件 furnished 配家具

unfurnished 无装修leaking 漏水environment 环境land lord 房东 land lady 房东太太roommate好室友:neat 整洁的 considerate 体贴的,细心的不好室友:mey / untidy 脏乱的 noisy 吵闹的


see a doctor 去医院看医生send for a doctor 让医生出诊 health center / clinic 卫生所 / 门诊部 prescribe 开药方physician 内科医生 surgeon 外科医生 dentist 牙医make an appointment 预约 emergency 急诊 check up / exam 检查cold 感冒—flu 流感—headache头痛—sore throat 嗓子痛 fever 发烧—toothache 牙疼—stomachache 胃疼pill/tablet药片


make a reservation 预订房间 confirm a reservation 确认预订cancel a reservation 取消预订

fully booked / full up / full 客满porter 行旅员 tips 小费 reception 前台 check in 登记入住 single room 单人房double room 一张大床的双人房twin room 两张单人床的双人房 suite 套房 bathroom toilet / w.c closet restroom 厕所


post / send / mail 寄 letter / mail 信registered mail 挂号信 regular mail平信 airmail 航空信 overweight 超重 postage 邮资email 电子邮件 reply 回复 forward 转发cc(carbon copy) 抄送

bcc(blind carbon copy) 秘密抄送subject 主题 attach 附件


eat out 出去吃 take away 外带 fast food 快餐book a table 订位子 waiter / waitne 服务员waitre menu 菜单 order 点菜 appetizer 开胃菜 main course 主食deert 餐后甜点 bill 账单 service charge 服务费 change 找零tips 小费 keep the change 不用找零了



CET4 操 作 规 程

















12.考试正式开始。考生做试题的第一部分,即写作部分(用黑色字迹签字笔答题)。提示考生以下内容: “(1)作文题目在试题册背面,使用黑色签字笔在答题卡1上作答,期间不得打开试题册。




15.提示考生5分钟后结束写作考试,并开始进行听力考试。 领取试卷组织考生入场禁止迟到考生入场,8:45 9:00 启封、发答题卡 9:10 考试开始 9:35

9:40 听力





检查条形码粘116.听力考试正式开始,命令考生打开试题册,带上耳机并提示考生“听力录音播放完毕后,将立即回收答题卡1”。监考员甲播放听力磁带。听力部分考试时,监考员甲站在放音设备旁,以便处理设备或磁带故障等突发事件,监考员乙监控整个考场。 注:听力部分考试时,监考员原则上不要走动。若无试题、试题册的原因,监考员有权制止其他任何人在听力部分考试进行时进入考场。 17.听力考试结束,命令考生停止答题并摘下耳机。 18.监考员甲收答题卡1,监考员乙监控整个考场,收卷期间考生不得答题,否则按违规处理。 19.命令考生继续作答。 20.监考员甲逐一核验答题卡1粘贴条形码是否规范。若出现问题,立即查明并处理。监考员乙监控整个考场。 21.监考员甲记录缺考考生有关信息,在答题卡





25.监考员甲在考场记录单上记录违规考生并要求考生签字确认。 10:10 10:15 11:15 11:25

收卷 26.监考员按座位号小号在上,大号在下的顺序(包括缺考考生)整理试题册和答题卡。

27.将整理好的试题册、答题卡1和答题卡2一并带到考务办公室,经考务负责人清点核查无误后密封。 注:(1)考生的答题卡


(2)试题册装入试卷袋内密封(包括缺考考生),由省级承办机构集中管理。 考试收尾装订密


CET6 操 作 规 程

















12.考试正式开始。考生做试题的第一部分,即写作部分(用黑色字迹签字笔答题)。提示考生以下内容: “(1)作文题目在试题册背面,使用黑色签字笔在答题卡1上作答,期间不得打开试题册。




15.提示考生5分钟后结束写作考试,并开始进行听力考试。 领取试卷组织考生入场禁止迟到考生入场,14:45 15:00 启封、发答题卡 15:10 考试开始 15:35

15:40 听力





检查条形码粘116.听力考试正式开始,命令考生打开试题册,带上耳机并提示考生“听力录音播放完毕后,将立即回收答题卡1”。监考员甲播放听力磁带。听力部分考试时,监考员甲站在放音设备旁,以便处理设备或磁带故障等突发事件,监考员乙监控整个考场。 注:听力部分考试时,监考员原则上不要走动。若无试题、试题册的原因,监考员有权制止其他任何人在听力部分考试进行时进入考场。 17.听力考试结束,命令考生停止答题并摘下耳机。 18.监考员甲收答题卡1,监考员乙监控整个考场,收卷期间考生不得答题,否则按违规处理。 19.命令考生继续作答。 20.监考员甲逐一核验答题卡1粘贴条形码是否规范。若出现问题,立即查明并处理。监考员乙监控整个考场。 21.监考员甲记录缺考考生有关信息,在答题卡





25.监考员甲在考场记录单上记录违规考生并要求考生签字确认。 16:10 16:15 17:15 17:25

收卷 26.监考员按座位号小号在上,大号在下的顺序(包括缺考考生)整理试题册和答题卡。

27.将整理好的试题册、答题卡1和答题卡2一并带到考务办公室,经考务负责人清点核查无误后密封。 注:(1)考生的答题卡


(2)试题册装入试卷袋内密封(包括缺考考生),由省级承办机构集中管理。 考试收尾装订密



13年6月的四六级成绩即将揭晓,如果你通过了,你要感到万幸,因为:四六级改革了。大家都愿意瞎蒙的完形填空被取消,大家讨厌的5分翻译题一下子涨到15分,熟悉的快速阅读消失了,句子翻译变成整段翻译,2分一空的阅读选择增大选项难度,阅读增设匹配题等新题型,考试时间增加5分钟,听力的难度有所下降。本日志详细列述一下改革的整体情况,并给出新英语四六级最佳备考方法,内容较长,建议转载保存!日志末尾给出四六级备考必须的所有资料!有了这些,就不需要再报任何补课班,不需要再买任何书啦!好好利用这个复习时间表和日志中的资源,今年的四六级高分榜上将出现你的名字!感谢六级597分获得者卢秋钱提供的原创资源和高效方法。 首先说明改革的情况:






一、写作 15%

二、听力 35%

1、短对话单选 8分

2、长对话单选 7

3、短文独白 10分

4、复合式短文词组及单词听写 10分

三、阅读理解 35% 选词填空(16选10) 5分 匹配题 10分 仔细阅读 20分 段落汉译英 15分 完形填空取消


二、新题型说明 1.












成绩报道分为总分和单项分。单项分包括:1)听力,2)阅读,3)翻译和写作,过级分数线四级426分【应该仍是425】,六级426分;高分证数【可以参加口语考试】分数线四级550分,六级520分。 注意:






下面给出最佳90天四六级复习的八步法最佳安排: 第一步,(30天)《背单词、低强度模拟题、无意识翻短语表》。



http://www.daodoc.com/ :(数学11-1班不用看了,我都讲过了) 也可以优先背诵英语四级一千个核心词汇,内含每个单词记忆方法:http://www.daodoc.com/ 。 第一步同时,(30天)《做往年真题,不考了的题型不必做》。



新东方短语表没有的、弄丢了的,请自行到群共享中重新下载,群邮件的附件中也有。群外的我就没法一一发了,太多了,不过统一发了一个下载链接,供大家阅读和下载,新东方四六级通用核心短语表共享地址:其中,四级要求认识,六级要求默写。 上部: http://www.daodoc.com/ 下部: http://www.daodoc.com/


背短语的这12天必须必须保持每3天做真题或模拟题一套!!!!! 英语四级历年真题:(此链接只用于校内网,大家可在新东方在线免费下载真题) 英语四级历年真题电子版:

2000-2010:http://www.daodoc.com/ 六级版(经典):http://www.daodoc.com/

(就是这篇文章押中了2012年6月和11年12月四级和六级的全部题目,所有的考生一起见证了这个奇迹!!据说渤大当初四级作文满分的一批一批,周权就是其中一个吧,哈哈,不过押题是有风险的,这个链接不是给大家押题用的,押题一旦错了就白背了,而这里提供的是万能句,无论出什么题目,全能用得上,比押题和模板好多了!) 下面看一下四级当年的真题和该文章的预测: 真题: 预测:



万能句四六级:http://www.daodoc.com/ 另外,强调一下四六级的模拟题、真题利用方法: 《模拟考试》:

模拟考试方法:开学后至少也要五天一套。四级题的做法是按照考场要求先答作文,限时30分钟,然后快速阅读,限时15分钟,然后答其他的,并控制总时间不超过2小时05分。绝对不可以中途发短信、看手机、上厕所、喝水、吃东西,不答作文和不计时答卷更是十分错误的做法,这也是这段文字我拟的标题是《模拟考试》而不是《做题》的原因。很多四六级考试失败的同学并不是没有努力备考,而是因为没有按照考试的时间和习惯进行模拟,导致考场上不习惯。人都有一个追求本能习惯的潜意识,就像熬夜学习的人不能起早、四点半吃晚饭的人七点吃饭会很饿一样,习惯发生变化就会导致不适应。你平常模拟题不写作文考场上让你写作文就会闹心,闹心就会影响成绩。而且通过平常的全真模拟,你会形成一套自己的答题模式,比如我在备考四级的时候发现125分钟的考试时间以我这么差的水平根本不能答完卷,但是如果舍弃一篇阅读就会导致不及格,而如果舍弃完形填空能够仍然保证过级,于是在考四级那天感冒了,头疼的厉害,注意力没法集中,就又出现了时间不够用的情况,所以根据平时经验,我舍弃了完形填空,发现成绩依然过线了。这也是让大家做完题要给自己批分的原因。要按照710分的模式批,百分制毫无意义。(建议详细研读后面标准分转化表部分)。 第四步,(28天)《继续背作文万能句、低强度模拟考试、反向记单词、单词测试、听力总攻》。




同时30天时间把新东方绿皮乱序版单词本后面的300道单词复习用的选择题做了,每天10道,详细改正,忘记的单词要认真回顾记忆。 听力的复习,

四六级听力要先做,做完对答案,错误的题目标记,但不写正确答案,然后不看原文再听,把打叉的题自己改过来,然后再看答案,看看哪些改对了,哪些没有改对,然后看原文听一遍,对照原文分析自己没听出的部分是什么原因,最后再次播放一遍,仔细体会刚刚没听出来的部分的发音方法和句子结构。四六级听力一般是不单独复习的,因为练习真题过程中以及每周答模拟题过程中都会有涉及的,但是如果你听力很差,也可以到书店买一些听力辅导书,四级听力和六级听力都有的,至于什么网上的四六级听力课程班,已经有多个人问我了,这个说实话辅导班确实是有效的,但更多的还要靠你自己,辅导班只是在网上教给你如何去听,如果你学习的自觉性比较差,或者希望别人规划你的听力复习,也可以考虑到新东方的收费课程,地址是新东方在线:http://www.daodoc.com/&userId=53140188 ; 第五步,(30天)《持续进行模拟题训练、看做过的卷纸,读考前预测日志》




11.1开始,每天背诵一页,一个月后,你的经济文阅读理解能力将相当的惊人,记住,溪水和岩石的较量胜利的总是溪水,不是因为力量,而是因为坚持。新东方绿皮乱序版单词本后面的300道单词复习题,每天做一部分。 第六步,阅读新题型听课



这一周的晚上,建议耳朵不要闲着,晚上22:30-23:00之间,把四六级真题听力拿出来裸听(就是不看原文,因为你已经都做过的了),主要是熟悉英语环境。 在12月10日左右可以用新东方考前押题卷进行一次自我的模拟考试,以此来提升考试状态,熟悉考试流程,以便在考场上不慌不忙游刃有余。考前押题卷:http://www.daodoc.com/ ,听力下载地址:http://www.daodoc.com/

英语四六级考试实施710分制而不是百分制,过级分数线是426分即60%。(一般省份425分也算通过)。100分到710分两种分制之间有一个复杂的计算公式,需要参考标准分常模和考生排名,涉及很多函数还要考虑考正态分布。这个公式我们是很难弄懂的,所以暂时无需操心,考前我会在空间告诉大家如何批改自己的模考试卷计算自己的成绩。 下面有还有一些小误区,需要嘱咐:


英语四六级考试作文没有草稿纸,不能打草稿,必须直接写,平常模拟的时候习惯打草稿的同学,请尽快改掉这个习惯。 2.

英语四六级考试作文是限时的,先发作文答题纸(即答题卡一),作文限时是30分钟,这期间你是看不到其他题目的,所以作文写太快是没有用的,写完你也不能干别的!所以考试总时间130分钟有30分钟是作文,剩余时间就很少了,不容乐观。 3.




5、2012年12月22日,迎来了第三次全国四六级大改革,全国统一首用“多题多卷”形式。参加本月22号四六级考试的童鞋们注意了:本次考试首次实行“多题多卷”的考试形式,即在同一考场内使用多套试卷进行考试,每一套试卷的题目内容都不一样,是真正意义上的“多卷”。跟以往采用一套试题, 仅通过题目顺序变化实现“多卷”有所不同。考试时考生除按原有要求填(涂)答题卡上相关内容外,还须讲试题册封底上的条形码揭下,粘贴在答题卡二的相应框内,而且考生要在试题册封底指定位置填写姓名和准考证号,任何一个环节有误整个试卷作废。多题多卷的培训材料ppt已经发至本日志附件,请点击下载。






Poor physical condition of university students

1.大学生身体素质越来越差,每年军训中都有不少学生因体力不支晕倒 2.分析下原因 3.谈谈对策


Every year, many university students faint in military training, which has aroused public attention.There’re some reasons for this.First, the lifestyle of university students is unhealthy.They usually would like to stay at home or dormitory rather than to take exercises or join in social activities, which will do harm to their physical conditions to some extent.Second, universities don’t pay attention to the PE claes.Freshmen and sophomores have two claes per week, while juniors and seniors have not any at all.

In my opinion, joined efforts are needed to improve students’ physical condition.As to universities, they should hold the idea “health comes first” and arrange more PE claes and hold more sports activities for students.Parents should also cooperate with universities by creating comfortable atmosphere at home.Most importantly, university students themselves should form good habits and healthy interests, take extracurricular activities positively and do exercises regularly.


本篇是现象解释型作文。开头指出大学生身体素质越来越差这一现象,紧接着分析了原因--大学生生活方式不健康以及大学不重视体育课,最后作者结合多方面的因素提出了解决办法。词汇:military training意为“军训”;health comes first意为“健康第一”;form good habits意为“养成好习惯”;take extracurricular activities positively意为“积极参加课外活动”。

1 预测作文


Should Retirement Age Be Postponed? 1.近年来,推迟退休年龄引发人们热议 2.推迟退休年龄有利也有弊 3.我的看法


Based on a recent survey on the Internet, a majority of individuals admit that aging society will bring a variety of problems to their life.Along with the trend of longevity, it has become a trend for people to debate whether it is wise to postpone retirement age.Some people favor postponing the retirement age.In their eyes, it is this policy that enables the aging society to build up enough work-force.As a matter of fact, people in mounting numbers have come to realize this problem in an aging society.Even so, others hold a different view that postponing retirement age carries some risks.This policy can bring old people stre, but cannot arouse their enthusiasm for work, and cannot help them to enjoy their retirement pension.I am convinced that we should balance old people’s interest against this aging society.Thus, if those seniors have enthusiasm for work, we should educate, advocate and encourage them to work and perform their tasks.If we try our utmost to do so, the future of old people’s life will be promising, hopeful and rosy.


这是一篇利弊选择型作文,第一段开门见山,引出话题—推迟退休年龄。第二段谈到对推迟退休年龄的两种不同的观点,即有人支持,有人反对。第三段陈述自己的观点,解释理由,并加以总结。词汇:along with the trend of longevity意为“随着长寿成为一种趋势”;carries some risks意为“带有一些风险”;arouse their enthusiasm for work意为“激起他们工作的兴趣”;balance old people’s interest against this aging society意为“平衡好老龄化社会中老年人的利益”。

2 预测作文


Should college students fight against the criminality?

1.大学生应该打击犯罪行为吗? 2.说说你的看法。


Nowadays, more and more college students are becoming enthusiastic about the healthy development of the society.They even actively participate in the fight against the criminality at the risk of their lives, which has caused a lot of debate among the media.So far as I am concerned, the college students should be very careful in their combat against the criminality for several reasons.On the one hand, the college students should take their studies as the priority in the four-year campus life.Since they are the very prime of their life and time is so precious, they need to concentrate on their development and improvement of the skills for a bright future career.Besides, the society has placed too much expectation on them.On the other hand, the college students should deal with the criminality with more strategies.In other words, when they meet the criminals in the real life, they can appeal to the authorities like the police for help.Only in this way can they fight effectively and protect themselves in the mean time.In conclusion, the college students are supposed to fight against the criminality in an effective but safe manner instead of risking their lives.


本篇属于观点论证型作文。首段描述了大学生打击犯罪这种行为,并给出作者自己的观点—大学生在打击犯罪行为时应深思熟虑,理智并机智得应对罪犯。后面一段具体分析了原因,展开论证。最后总结自己的观点。词汇:at the risk of their lives意为“冒着生命危险”;the very prime of their life意为“他们的黄金时代”。

3 预测作文


Flat Marriage 1.

有人赞成裸婚 2.

有人则反对 3.

我的看法 【范文】

Nowadays, a new trend has emerged among new couples called flat marriage, which means marrying without buying house, car, and wedding ring or even without holding a ceremony.Some people are in favor of flat marriage.They say, considering the high living costs today, it is not a bad idea to simplify dispensable procedures and to be economical.After all, happine is not something that can be bought with money.However, some people hold a different view.In their opinion, marriage is a big affair in one’s life and should be treated seriously.It is not a nice fashion to cut down on wedding spends, for that will be the proof that one is not living a good life.If you can’t even be happy when marrying, then how can you be happy in your future life? In my view, whether to adopt flat marriage or not should depend on the couple’s financial condition.If they can afford a big wedding and is willing to spend money on it, then there is no problem.However, if a couple is not so well-off, they should make careful consideration concerning their marriage.


本篇是利弊选择型作文。前两段分别从正反两个角度论述了人们对裸婚的看法,即有人支持,有人反对。最后一段阐述了作者自己的看法—每对夫妻情况不同,需根据自己的实际情况做出选择。词汇:flat marriage意为“裸婚”;cut down on wedding spends意为“削减结婚开支”;well-off意为“经济条件好的”。

4 预测作文


A letter of invitation 说明:假如你是英语系助理,请写信给著名教授Smith,邀请他来你校给英语系学生做讲座。注意写清邀请目的和讲座时间。


Dear Profeor Smith, Haven’t seen you for long.We heard that recently you would have a lecturing tour in Chinese universities covering a lot of cities including ours.We are writing this letter to inquire the poibility of inviting you to deliver a lecture on “Contemporary Pop Culture in America” for our postgraduate students on December 18.If this topic does not suit you, we are glad to accept any similar topic.It is well acknowledged that you are a celebrated scholar in this particular field, as seen in your claical academic papers and books.Specially, our students have been using your books as textbooks for a couple of years.So we all believe that we can benefit from your knowledge and wisdom.Whether you can or can’t make it, please let us know.We are looking forward to your coming.

Yours truly,



本篇是应用文写作作文。写这类作文时我们要了解各类应用文的具体特点、格式和写法。这篇是一封邀请函。邀请函一般分为正式的请柬和非正式的信函两种。请柬格式固定,习惯用第三人称,必须写明事由、时间、地址、邀请人和被邀请人。邀请信函和普通书信格式相同,不如请柬正规和庄重,但措辞要委婉诚恳。首段说明与收信人的相关性与写作意图;主体段说明邀请别人来做什么,并交代具体时间和地点;结尾段表示期待回复。词汇:have a lecturing tour意为“巡回讲座”;benefit from意为“从„„受益”。





1.As the proverb says…

2.It goes without saying tan…

3.Generally speaking…

4.It is quite clear than because…

5.It is often said that …

6.Many people often ask such question:“…?”

7.More and more people have come to realize…

8.There is no doubt that…

9.Some people believe that…

10.These days we are often told that, but is this really the case?

11.One great man said that…

12.Recently the iue of… has been brought to public attention.

13.In the past several years there has been…

14.Now it is commonly held that… but I doubt whether…

15.Currently there is a widespread concern that…

16.Now people in growing number are coming to realize that…

17.There is a general discuion today about the iue of …

18.Faced with…, quite a few people argue that…, but other people conceive differently.


1During the meeting,hardly had he begun to speak when the audience interrupted him 他一开始说话,就被听众打断了

2 surrounded by the police, the kidnappers had no choices but to surrender on the spot (没有选择,只能投降)

3The concerned mother thrilled at the news of his son\'s having been admitted to the university(她的儿子被大学入取了)

4The lecture was so boring that the students couldn\'t help yawning(学生忍不住打起哈欠)

5I‘ll be very grateful if you could be kind enough to give me a ride to school(好心载我一程去学校)

6 (除非你和保险公司签订了货物保险合同)Unle you sign a contract with the insurance company for your goods, you are not entitled to a repayment for the goods damaged in delivery.

7It is reported that local health organization was established 25 years ago(据说当地的卫生组织25年前就成立了)when Dr.Mark became its first president.

8Mrs.Smith shut the window lest the noise outside (should) interfere with her son\'s sleep(外面的噪声会影响她儿子睡觉) 【音标】:[,int\'fi] 1.妨碍;冲突;抵触[(+with)] 2.介入;干涉,干预

9The new mayor was charged with failure to fulfill his promise to decrease the inflation rate(未能履行他降低通货膨胀率的承诺)

10,When confronted with such question, my mind goes blank(每当我遇到这类问题,我脑袋一篇空白),and I can hardly remember my won date of birth.

?The customer complained that no sooner had he started the computer than it stopped working(他刚启动计算机,它就不运转了)

11 What upset me was not what he said but the way he said it.(不是他说的话,而是他说话的方式)

12 This piece of writing is more like a news report than a short story.(与其说是短篇小说,还不如说是新闻报道)

13 The court ruling deprive him of his political right.(剥夺他的政治权力)

14 Human behavior is mostly a product of learning, while animal behavior depends mostly on instinct.(然而动物的行为主要依靠本能)。

15 The growth of part-time and flexible working patterns, and of training and retraining schemes, enables more women to take full advantages of employment opportunities.(使得更多的妇女能够充分利用就业机会)

16 The likely reactions of the market needs considering carefully before action are token(在采取行动之前需要认真考虑)

17 He made such a contribution to the university that they named one of the buildings after him(以他的名字为其中一栋楼命名)

18 He wasn’t asked to take on the chairmanship of the society, being considering insufficiently popular with all members(因为考虑他无法得到全体成员的欢迎)

19 Americans eat twice more protein than (两倍多的蛋白质)they actually need every day。

29 When you speak English, your pronunciation should be correct, otherwise you can’t make yourself understood.(否则人家就听不懂你的意思了)


My little daughter Marry, began to adapt herself to campus life after entering college for three months.(进入大学三个月后开始慢慢适应校园生活)

Many drivers think it neceary that the government should lay down stricter traffic rules(政府制定更加严格的交通规则)

Depending on what you are looking form you have to judge for yourself, how relevant the material to you(这些材料对你來说有多大相关性)

The millions of calculations involved, had they been done by hand, would have lost all practical value by the time they were finished.(等到完成的時候恐怕早就失去了所有价值)

It was imperative that the secretary get these documents prepared before Tuesday.(秘书在周二之前把这些文件准备好)

No matter how frequently performed,(无论多麽频繁的演奏)the works of Beethoven always attract large audiences.

To minimize the poibility of theft,(为了最大限度的減少盗窃的发生的可能性), install a good alarm system.

I don’t think it is wise of you to show off your greater knowledge in front of the director.(我认为在把主任面前卖弄你懂得更多知识是不明智的),for it may offend him.

With repeated hacker’s attack on your system, we came to realized the neceity of hiring a computer security expert.(我們正逐渐意识到请一位计算机安全专家的必要性)

Your work is good on the whole, but there is still room for improvement(但是仍然有需要改善的余地)

The sun gives off light and warmth, which makes it poible for plants to grow(这使得植物生长成为可能)

The father thought he could talk his daughter into changing her mind(他可以说服女儿改变主意)

Nowadays advertising fees of new products are out of proportion to the cost of production.(与生产成本不成比例)

Few people don\'t complain about the tedium of their jobs(很少人不抱怨工作点掉乏味), but they will feel more bored if they do not work.

Henry has prepared a party for his girl friend, only to be told that she could not come by then(结果却被告知他到时候不能来)

The chief reason for the population growth is more a fall in death rate than a rise in birth rate.

Ture friendship foresees the needs of others rather than proclaims of ones\' own.(而不是声明自己的要求)

although I liked the appearance of the house, what really made me decide to buy it (但真正让我觉得买下它的)was the beautiful view through the window。

The government was accused of failure to fulfill its promise to improve urban traffic conditions.(没能实现其改善城市交通状况的承诺)

only in this way could we adapt ourselves to the society quickly after we graduate.(我们才能在毕业之后尽快适应社会)

No sooner had I lit the candle than it was put out(我刚点着蜡烛,就被风吹灭了)









一、写作 15%

二、听力 35%

1、短对话单选 8分

2、长对话单选 7分

3、短文独白 10分

4、复合式短文词组及单词听写 10分

三、阅读理解 35%

选词填空(16选10) 5分

匹配题 10分

仔细阅读 20分

段落汉译英 15分






2、听力单选题 听力单选题难度下降,去掉推断题,加入细节分析题考察,淡化经济学,强化文化领域,四级语速不变,六级听力语速下降为原来的90%。本题改革前难度系数0.85,改革后难度系数0.78







三、成绩报道 成绩报道分为总分和单项分。单项分包括:1)听力,2)阅读,3)翻译和写作,过级分数线四级426分,六级426分;高分证数分数线四级550分,六级520分。







来源于有偿网课 新东方在线:http://www.daodoc.com/&userId=53140188



第一步,(30天)《背单词、低强度模拟题、无意识翻短语表》。 准备一本四级单词手册,建议到书店购买新东方的四级大纲词汇乱序版(绿皮的),大概有30个单元的单词,每天背诵一个单元,1个月正好背会,仅仅会英译汉即可(认识即可)。但这个比较贵,我手里有一份电子版,点击链接免费注册http://www.daodoc.com/ :(数学11-1班不用看了,我都讲过了)

也可以优先背诵英语四级一千个核心词汇,内含每个单词记忆方法:http://www.daodoc.com/ 。


背三天单词后就要开始做真题,每三天一套,一天做,两天改,对着答案逐句翻译,详细改正。四级真题和模拟题都行,书店都有,建议买考拉进阶牌子的题源四级《考拉四级全真试卷(10真题+3题源预测+4795词汇手册)》,上海交通大学,齐鲁电子音像出版社,也可以买其他的版本,只要有“考拉”或“题源”字样都行。非常棒的题!!!渤海大学博雅轩书店有售(找我借七折卡,我QQ 939507739)。




上部: http://www.daodoc.com/ 下部: http://www.daodoc.com/ 背短语的这22天,保持随时巩固单词,军训期间大部分学校晚上没有夜训,下午五点就放了,那时候晚上在寝室很无聊,专业课书还没法,这时候躺在宿舍里就着手进行单词复习,看单词书,等开学以后他们会对你刮目相看!


英语四级历年真题:(此链接只用于校内网,大家可在新东方在线免费下载真题) 英语四级历年真题电子版:

2000-2010:http://www.daodoc.com/ 六级版(经典):http://www.daodoc.com/ (就是这篇文章押中了2012年6月和11年12月四级和六级的全部题目,所有的考生一起见证了这个奇迹!!据说渤大当初四级作文满分的一批一批,周权就是其中一个吧,哈哈,不过押题是有风险的,这个链接不是给大家押题用的,押题一旦错了就白背了,而这里提供的是万能句,无论出什么题目,全能用得上,比押题和模板好多了!)

下面看一下四级当年的真题和该文章的预测: 真题:


这就是这篇万能句的价值!!当然,押题不是目的,万能句的优势在于无论考了什么题,都可以套用,而模板却不可以。 万能句由卢秋钱同学独自编写,绝对没有使用网络上的资料,这保证了你的独一无二:下载地址:


另外,强调一下四六级的模拟题、真题利用方法: 《模拟考试》:






同时30天时间把新东方绿皮乱序版单词本后面的300道单词复习用的选择题做了,每天10道,详细改正,忘记的单词要认真回顾记忆。 听力的复习,


但是这些课是收费的,有些贵,我不建议大家在这个网站上直接购买,大家可以点击链接先注册成为新东方在线的会员,然后去里面搜搜都有什么课,价格是多少,然后到淘宝去买,淘宝里的新东方课程肯定是真的,不用怀疑,因为很显然那都是店主自己花钱到新东方网站买的,买完低价去卖,比如花200买,他50卖,这样只要有4个以上的人买,他就赚了,另外大家在淘宝买东西可以先登录注册返利网,返利网:http://www.daodoc.com/ 11.1开始,每天背诵一页,一个月后,你的经济文阅读理解能力将相当的惊人,记住,溪水和岩石的较量胜利的总是溪水,不是因为力量,而是因为坚持。


第六步,阅读新题型听课 我在13年12月1日-12月4日每天都会在空间发放阅读匹配题新题型免费在线视频课,这种题听听课基本就搞定了,因为技巧性真的很强,现在无需太多操心,你可以加我QQ1119237474 我的QQ添加无需验证直接通过,空间内还有其他四六级资料免费供大家取阅。





这一周的晚上,建议耳朵不要闲着,晚上22:30-23:00之间,把四六级真题听力拿出来裸听(就是不看原文,因为你已经都做过的了),主要是熟悉英语环境。 在12月10日左右可以用新东方考前押题卷进行一次自我的模拟考试,以此来提升考试状态,熟悉考试流程,以便在考场上不慌不忙游刃有余。考前押题卷:http://www.daodoc.com/ ,听力下载地址:http://www.daodoc.com/






5、2012年12月22日,迎来了第三次全国四六级大改革,全国统一首用“多题多卷”形式。参加本月22号四六级考试的童鞋们注意了:本次考试首次实行“多题多卷”的考试形式,即在同一考场内使用多套试卷进行考试,每一套试卷的题目内容都不一样,是真正意义上的“多卷”。跟以往采用一套试题, 仅通过题目顺序变化实现“多卷”有所不同。考试时考生除按原有要求填(涂)答题卡上相关内容外,还须讲试题册封底上的条形码揭下,粘贴在答题卡二的相应框内,而且考生要在试题册封底指定位置填写姓名和准考证号,任何一个环节有误整个试卷作废。多题多卷的培训材料ppt已经发至本日志附件,请点击下载。

复习计划由六级597分获得者卢秋钱提供,请各位道德转载不要篡改原作者信息和文章题目、内容,侵权必究。源地址请访问原作授权作者QQ 939507739的空间或与方案设计者QQ1119237474联系,欢迎大家分享自己的考试心得并祝大家考试成功! ,再次祝大家考试成功!

方案提供: 卢秋钱QQ1119237474 六级597分 日志原作者: 田硕 QQ 939507739 六级546分




2、英语四级历年真题(四六级委员会官方发的,比网上的准确度高): 2000-2010:http://www.daodoc.com/



四级版:http://www.daodoc.com/ 四六级版(经典):http://www.daodoc.com/


上部: http://www.daodoc.com/ 下部: http://www.daodoc.com/ 10、《英语四六级考试必知的经济学常识及惯用语说法》---就是这些固定搭配在干扰着你的阅读!




12、历届英语四六级考试卷面最干扰阅读的生词整理: http://www.daodoc.com/

13、冲击英语六级阅读230分的金牌阅读核心词: http://www.daodoc.com/



15、四六级考前15天 听力重点场景必背词汇、短语: http://www.daodoc.com/

16、英语四六级备考 如何做到历年真题的有效利用: http://www.daodoc.com/

17、英语四六级考前15天提高听力成绩的必备技巧: http://www.daodoc.com/












