
2022-07-01 来源:其他范文收藏下载本文


in order to enrich my summer vacation, which the extracurricular reading, my mother bought me a book titled the little prince is.i was wondering, what is the prince to man? a: i can\'t wait to get books and read it.

see the introduction section, i just know, this book in the east and west are very famous, adults and children are like books.no wonder the teacher told us to buy the book.this book is about the little one lives in only one room, the planet for his roses watering everyday.later, he left the planet, travel, saw many strange people, in order to develop their horizons, and he came to the desert, he met an airplane pilots of broken.prince offered to help him, and he forged a deep friendship, in the book describes the prince since leaving, he mied his star rose to leave earth, he tried every way, even a little snake bites, and since then pilot never saw his wonderful description, etc.

reading this book, i finally understood the purity of heart.like the prince deeply in love with him, in order not to let the rose flower, he was still please sheep eats sheep pilot drew a mask, for him, as he rose, if not just like all planets are lost.this is how sincere feelings! still say that fox, even little left, it will forever remember him.

this story has many implication, tell us, not deceive, also don\'t puffed up, also do not have meaning in the waste of time and money, we should maintain the balance of baby mindset to finally, earnestly do every thing....

i like the book, read a book, i learned that many human reason, also increased my knowledge, and maybe i know the original adults will have many do wrong.the grown-ups do every thing, all is not correct, and so we see things should go to watch it, just like the teacher to our request, and we hope that the child in the growth proce, always keep a pure heart, to treat every thing, to find something we really must find in study, therefore, we should also with the same attitude to study hard, pursuing ideal goal.





The Little Prince – A Tale of Love and Life

Title: The Little Prince

Author: Antoine de St-Exupery

Main Characters: The little prince, the pilot, the rose, the fox, the snake, etc.景色描写

Despite I’ve not in my childhood yet, I still prefer reading fairy-tale stories.The tales, which acpany with me in my old days, often make me think of some precious experience and sensation which only belong to children.This summer I’ve review this kind of tale, which was published in 1940.It’s the world-famous fairy-tale by the French author, Antoine de St-Exupery, The Little Prince.

As many other fairy-tales, the outline of The Little Prince is not very plex.“I”, the narrator of the story, is a pilot whose plane has something wrong and lands in the Sahara.In this occasion, the pilot makes the acquaintance of the little prince, a little boy from another planet, the Asteroid B612.The little prince has escaped from his tiny planet, because he has some quarrel with a rose, which grows on his planet.In that case he left his own planet and took an exploration at some neighbor asteroids.

On his all-alone journey, the little prince meets different kinds of people, which includes a king, a conceited man, a tippler, a busineman, a lamplighter and a geographer.From these people he gets a conclusion that the grown-ups are very odd.Following the instruction of the geographer, he descends in the Sahara, on the earth.

Traveling on the earth, the little prince, who sees a garden of five-thousand roses, is overe with astonishment and sadne, as he considers his rose is unique in the universe before.At that time a fox appears.The fox, who tell the little prince about the meaning of the word “tame”, bees his new friend.At the time to say farewell, the fox makes him know that his rose is unique because she is his rose and tamed by him.From that the little prince begins to treasure friendship and be responsible to his rose.

At the anniversary day of his descent of the earth, rejecting the pilot’s advice, he goes back to his own planet by bite of a snake.“It’s too far.I can not carry this body with me.It’s too heavy.” he said.He tells his friend, the pilot, he must be responsible for his rose, so he has to go back.At the end the author doesn’t tell us the ending directly.Maybe it’s more significant for us to imagine, and for more, think over.

One of the important characters is the rose.Growing on the planet, she is very beautiful, but her coquetry and vanity suffer the little prince a lot.In spite of they love each other, he soon bees unhappy.On the time of his departure, he just knows she certainly loves him.The character of the little prince actually represents the children, and their native thoughts and deeds.On the contrary, the inhabitants on the other planets, such as the king, the busineman and the conceited man, they also reflect the defects in the grown-up’s world.The real theme of this fairy-tale with a little sadne, I gue, is the consequence of pure love and friendship in our lives, but not others “matters of consequence” of the grown-ups.

Unbelievable, this little book moved me a lot.I seldom think about the true meaning of love and life before.Well, now I can say, with my short sixteen-year’s life experience, it’s like the stars in the sky that lit my heart.The little prince is not only an ordinary fairy-tale for children, but also for grown-ups, and our teenagers.Neverthele, when I read this book, I feel a little sad – about ourselves, whom are losing more and more innocence



Over the course of this semester,I read a moving book:THE LITTLE PRINCE.It impreed me a lot,especially,the pure but deep emotion(love) between the characters such as the pilot and the little prince,the rose and the little prince,the fox and the little prince.The book remind me of the pure and nice emotion only found in childhood.

The main character our little prince live on a planet named B612 acpany with there volcanoes an a rose who falls in love with him but can not understand each other.Consequencely,he leave his planet and his endle travelling.During this period,he e acro a diversity of people.From these people he gets a conclusion that the grown-ups are very odd.Then he enter earth and found thousands of roses alike.The little prince discovers thathis rose is notthe only ,plenty of her kind are everywhere, but then he realizes that his rose is special \"because it is she that I have watered; because it is she that I have put under the gla globe; because it is she that I have sheltered behind the screen\" .Then he fall acro the fox.She

teaches the prince \"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is eential is invisible to the eye \"

What imprees me the most is the fox’s words.love is a strange stuff.Sometimes we see it but can’t grasp it.Yet, true love may be, to some extent, invisible in surface but may last permanent.Apart from love, others as well.Indeed,sometimes what we consider right turn out to be wrong,what we consider real proves fictitious,what we confused may just turn out to be the truth.The path In searching for truth may long and time-consuming,we should harbour conviction,strong will and high hope.No matter what barriade in front of us,we ought to be couragous and face up to the challenge.



In order to enrich my summer vacation, which the extracurricular reading, my mother bought me a book titled the little prince is.I was wondering, what is the prince to man? A: I can\'t wait to get books and read it.

See the introduction section, I just know, this book in the east and west are very famous, adults and children are like books.No wonder the teacher told us to buy the book.This book is about the little one lives in only one room, the planet for his roses watering everyday.Later, he left the planet, travel, saw many strange people, in order to develop their horizons, and he came to the desert, he met an airplane pilots of broken.Prince offered to help him, and he forged a deep friendship, in the book describes the prince since leaving, he mied his star rose to leave earth, he tried every way, even a little snake bites, and since then pilot never saw his wonderful description, etc.

Reading this book, I finally understood the purity of heart.Like the prince deeply in love with him, in order not to let the rose flower, he was still please sheep eats sheep pilot drew a mask, for him, as he rose, if not just like all planets are lost.This is how sincere feelings! Still say that fox, even little left, it will forever remember him.

This story has many implication, tell us, not deceive, also don\'t puffed up, also do not have meaning in the waste of time and money, we should maintain the balance of baby mindset to finally, earnestly do every thing....

I like the book, read a book, I learned that many human reason, also increased my knowledge, and maybe I know the original adults will have many do wrong.The grown-ups do every thing, all is not correct, and so we see things should go to watch it, just like the teacher to our request, and we hope that the child in the growth proce, always keep a pure heart, to treat every thing, to find something we really must find in study, therefore, we should also with the same attitude to study hard, pursuing ideal goal.



Everyone in the world, whether he or she is rich or poor, will encounter a lot of difficulties, even hardships.Different people may have different ways to deal with them.After reading The Little Prince, I am deeply impreed by Sara’s way to deal with difficulties.The Little Prince was written by Frances Hodgson Burnett, a famous novelist and dramatist.Sara, the heroine of the novel, was born in a rich family.In order to get a better education, her father took her from India to London so that she could go to the best school.Because Sara was kind-hearted, generous and most of all—rich, she was loved by everyone.All went well until her father died in an accident.

Everything changed pletely.She didn’t understand why the teachers and clamates treated her so badly.Even the principal who used to be fond of her, made her work 16 hours a day.Sara’s miserable life began...

When I finished reading the book, I was shocked by what the unimaginable pain Sara had suffered after her father’s death.She used to be a happy, worrile, and rich Prince, but now she was a lonely and poor servant.She had to work very hard without any rest but only had little food.Besides she had to endure the unfriendly and even rude ways that her clamates treated her.All teachers and students in the school looked down upon her.The most important fact is that Sara had lost the love and care of her parents.

What a mighty pain! If you were Sara, could you stand such pain? Needle to say, an 11 years old girl, even if it were an adult, he might not put up with it.But to my surprise, Sara faced it bravely.Despite of the torture of the principal and all those preures above, she still was optimistic towards life.

By reading this novel, I felt inspired and think much.When we meet such difficulties, what should we do? Some people always plain that the fate is unfair to them.Some people can’t sustain the hardships and choose to give up.Few of them even try to mit suicide because they lack the courage to overe it.Compared with Sara—an eleven years old girl who can treat the preure of life with optimistic spirit, these people’s performances are sounded so lamentable.Why can’t they make it?

However, what impre me most are her characteristics and the thought of her “being a real prince.” This “real prince” does not mean luxury palaces, beautiful clothes and the apple of the others’ eyes, but being kind, generous and having good manners.It is unneceary for “a real prince” to be strong in body, but she must be strong in will.Sara is a real prince in my heart all the time, whether she was rich and wore beautiful clothes in the claroom or she was cold and hungry in the attic, just because she had the good characters and kind heart.

The story went on.Fortunately, a friend of Sara’s father found her and told her that her father left a great sum of money to her.I pray and believe that every good person in the world deserve a good result.So does Sara.



\"Little Prince\" is about to tell a story of alien children to live in a very small planet, that planet there is only one him, he has to take care of the planet, he is the planet the little prince, grown up, he went to other planets travel, has encountered all sorts of people (aliens)。 Finally he came to the author encountered on Earth, and then died here

Look at this book, adults should not ripe to look at the mentality, to the point of view of your heart to understand it.the Little Prince has a pure heart and a rich imagination.

When the little prince left his planet, on the road, when a king, and that King would just like to control all rational, this is not like us? Especially when the teacher, like to go to other people, because order that other people can find themselves high up above and bee a king, others only obeys.

The second encounter is love are people who love to be admired him, praise him anything except hear, in fact, we ourselves do they not? Others as long as one to praise himself, we do not carried away on it? Through this we can easily bee conceited person, but also easy for the offensive.

There drunkard, but also a busineman, even to light lamps and geographer, I think those people is equivalent to our portrayal of the real world, love the order, and love to be admired, I would like to re-occupy the poeion, finally left with nothing … …

I think the Little Prince This book is a family book, in this book, I can feel that for whom fame for modern day busy round, but not know they have a deep impact on the younger generation, small Prince did not understand why adults want to do that? Like all children have the same do not know.So I felt, how many more to understand the needs of children, and is no longer a random perfunctory, more children to learn about the ideas, interests, rather than restraint.

I am prince from an early age I learned one thing, the really important things, the eyes are invisible.Really important things is to look at motives.



Once when I was six years old, I saw a magnificent picture in a book,called True Stories from Nature, about the primeval forest.It was a picture of a boa constrictor in the act of swallowing an animal.Here is a copy of the drawing.

In the book it said:\" Boa constrictors swallow their prey whole, without chewing it.After that they are not able to move, and they sleep through the six months that they need for digestion.\"

I pondered deeply, then, over the adventures of the jungle.And after some work with a colored pencil I succeeded in making my first drowing,My Drawing Number One.It looked like this:

I showed my masterpiece to the grown-ups, and asked them whether the drawing frightened them.

But they answered:\"Frighten? Why should any one be frightened by a hat?\"

My drawing was not a picture of a hat.It was a picture of a boa constrictor digesting an elephant.But since the grown-ups were not able to understand it, I made another drawing: I drew the inside of the boa constrictor,so that the grown-ups could see it clearly.They always need to have things explained.My Drawing Number Two looked like this:

The grown-ups response,this time, was to adviseme to lay aside my drawing of boa constrictors,whether from the inside or the outside and devote myself instead to geography, history, arithmetic and grammar.That is why, at the age of six, I gave up what might have been a magnificent career as a painter.I had been disheartened by the failure of my Drawing Number One and my Drawing Number Two.Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it si tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them.

So then I chose another profeion, and learned to pilot airplanes.

I have flown a little over all parts of the world:and it is ture that geography has been very useful to me.At a glance I can distinguish China from Arizona.If one gets lost in the night,such knowledge is valuable.

In the course of this life I have had a great many encounters with a great many people who have been concerned with matters of consequence.I have lived a great deal among grown-ups.I have seen them intimately, close at hand.And hasn\'t much improved my opinion of them.

Whenever Imet one of them who seemed to me at all clearsighted, I tried the experiment of showing him my Drowing Number One.which I have always kept.I would try to find out, so, if this was a person of true understanding.But, whoever it was, he ,or she, would always say:

\"That is a hat.\"

Then I would never talkto that people about boa constrictors, or primeval forest, or stars.I would bring myself down to his level.I would talk to him about bridge, and golf, and politics, and neckties.And the grown-ups would be greatly pleased to have met such a sensible man.



Recently, I read a fairy story book, Little Prince.This book tells the adventurous experiences of little prince from his planet to the earth.Little prince es from the outer space and he is hurt by a rose.So he leaves there and travels into space.He es to the earth and be the friend of a fox.The fox tells his secret to little prince and he helps a pilot in the desert.In the end, he dies under the help of a snake and his soul goes back to his planet.This book is very interesting and teaches me a lot.I like little price adventures.He teaches me to be honest and love others.All of us should never lo the purene of childhood.



This is a fairytale whose distribution volume is only second to The Bible.It’s been translated to versions of many other languages.And I gather there must be something special, something really great about it.It’s this conviction that drove me to read it at the first beginning.Well, with due respect to the author, I failed to see how this fairytale be worthy of our attention, despite the fact that many readers claimed this book to be designed for adults.

Anyway, as a well-acknowledged book, it must poe unique feature to maintain it’s position.And it’s reputation and popularity will by no means be destroyed by what an unknown man says.I will talk about the main contents of the book, and the inspiration it renders as usual.

This book mainly tells us the experience of a prince from a tiny planet, who traveled to many other planets and finally came to the earth and met the pilot in a desert.The prince and the pilot became good friends, and the pilot gradually got to know the feeling and experience of his friend.Before he came to the earth, little prince had been to other 6 little planets where he made acquaintance with some strange people.The first man he met was a king on a little planet, yet he claimed to be the king of the space and ridiculously justified his unshakable governance over all.The second person was a man of vanity, who enjoyed pliments of any form without considering whether it’s sincere or not.The third person was an alcoholic who tried to forget the fact that he’s addicted to acohol by drinking like a fish.The fourth person was an abosolute money-oriented busineman, who cared nothing but his fortune.Next came the lamp-lighter who performed his duty blindly.The last one was a geographer who knew

too much about geography to solve a real problem related to it.These six people each represented one kind of person like us.The author satirized people’s conceit, emptine, fakene, innocence and blindne through the tone of a child.

I see eye to eye with the author in that the cause of people’s loneline can be concluded to the negligence of the bonds that connects them.People are supposed to care about each other, cherish what’s really important for them, and be grateful for the happine that they’ve gained.We all believe knowledge and experience enable us to see clearly and make right judgements all the time.But we may sometimes lose the right to speak straighforwardly, think creatively or love courageously resulting from what we’ve experienced.That why in our middle school textbooks, it’s the little kid that breaks the illusion of the emperor by saying ”but mum, he ain’t were anything”.

When I was a child, I was definitely a good boy who went home on time after school and did his homework and never tried anything without mom’s permiion.And now I am a grown-up, and still I am a good man, at least, that’s what I heard.Sometimes when I was lonely and I began to think about my childhood, then all the happine and care-free life came back to me as it were yesterday.Kids that once acpanied me during my childhood now bee fathers and mothers of their kids and I myself am a child no more.Thinking about all these things have made me moody.There’re changes happening in our lives whether we are happy about it or not.

People told me life is a journey which will never stop once it’s started.What’s left behind are happine and sorrow, pride and shame, succe and regret.There’s good old time to reminisce and there’s sad hours that reminds us of the pain.Your feeling makes them real, and you know you lived.

I want to conclude by saying some positive words that each yestersday used to be today, and each today is the future of yesterday, so making the most of today is the best way to cherish your lives.Our mortal beings are doomed to die.It’s not sad, instead, death it’s just a proce of our lives.After all, we’ve lived our lives and it’s what we do and how we think that determine who we are.





Despite I’ve not in my childhood yet, I still prefer reading fairy-tale stories.The tales, which acpany with me in my old days, often make me think of some precious experience and sensation which only belong to children.This summer I’ve review this kind of tale, which was published in 1940.It’s the world-famous fairy-tale by the French author, Antoine de St-Exupery, The Little Prince.

As many other fairy-tales, the outline of The Little Prince is not very plex.“I”, the narrator of the story, is a pilot whose plane has something wrong and lands in the Sahara.In this occasion, the pilot makes the acquaintance of the little prince, a little boy from another planet, the Asteroid B612.The little prince has escaped from his tiny planet, because he has some quarrel with a rose, which grows on his planet.In that case he left his own planet and took an exploration at some neighbor asteroids.

On his all-alone journey, the little prince meets different kinds of people, which includes a king, a conceited man, a tippler, a busineman, a lamplighter and a geographer.From these people he gets a conclusion that the grown-ups are very odd.Following the instruction of the geographer, he descends in the Sahara, on the earth.qq

Traveling on the earth, the little prince, who sees a garden of five-thousand roses, is overe with astonishment and sadne, as he considers his rose is unique in the universe before.At that time a fox appears.The fox, who tell the little prince about the meaning of the word “tame”, bees his new friend.At the time to say farewell, the fox makes him know that his rose is unique because she is his rose and tamed by him.From that the little prince begins to treasure friendship and be responsible to his rose.

At the anniversary day of his descent of the earth, rejecting the pilot’s advice, he goes back to his own planet by bite of a snake.“It’s too far.I can not carry this body with me.It’s too heavy.” he said.He tells his friend, the pilot, he must be responsible for his rose, so he has to go back.At the end the author doesn’t tell us the ending directly.Maybe it’s more significant for us to imagine, and for more, think over.

One of the important characters is the rose.Growing on the planet, she is very beautiful, but her coquetry and vanity suffer the little prince a lot.In spite of they love each other, he soon bees unhappy.On the time of his departure, he just knows she certainly loves him.The character of the little prince actually represents the children, and their native thoughts and deeds.On the contrary, the inhabitants on the other planets, such as the king, the busineman and the conceited man, they also reflect the defects in the grown-up’s world.The real theme of this fairy-tale with a little sadne, I gue, is the consequence of pure love and friendship in our lives, but not others “matters of consequence” of the grown-ups.

Unbelievable, this little book moved me a lot.I seldom think about the true meaning of love and life before.Well, now I can say, with my short sixteen-year’s life experience, it’s like the stars in the sky that lit my heart.The little prince is not only an ordinary fairy-tale for children, but also for grown-ups, and our teenagers.Neverthele, when I read this book, I feel a little sad – about ourselves, whom are losing more and more innocence



Over the course of this semester,I read a moving book:THE LITTLE PRINCE.It impreed me a lot,especially,the pure but deep emotion(love) between the characters such as the pilot and the little prince,the rose and the little prince,the fox and the little prince.The book remind me of the pure and nice emotion only found in childhood.

The main character our little prince live on a planet named B612 acpany with there volcanoes an a rose who falls in love with him but can not understand each other.Consequencely,he leave his planet and his endle travelling.During this period,he e acro a diversity of people.From these people he gets a conclusion that the grown-ups are very odd.Then he enter earth and found thousands of roses alike.The little prince discovers thathis rose is notthe only ,plenty of her kind are everywhere, but then he realizes that his rose is special \"because it is she that I have watered; because it is she that I have put under the gla globe; because it is she that I have sheltered behind the screen\" .Then he fall acro the fox.She

teaches the prince \"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is eential is invisible to the eye \"

What imprees me the most is the fox’s words.love is a strange stuff.Sometimes we see it but can’t grasp it.Yet, true love may be, to some extent, invisible in surface but may last permanent.Apart from love, others as well.Indeed,sometimes what we consider right turn out to be wrong,what we consider real proves fictitious,what we confused may just turn out to be the truth.The path In searching for truth may long and time-consuming,we should harbour conviction,strong will and high hope.No matter what barriade in front of us,we ought to be couragous and face up to the challenge.



In order to enrich my summer vacation, which the extracurricular reading, my mother bought me a book titled the little prince is.I was wondering, what is the prince to man? A: I can\'t wait to get books and read it.

See the introduction section, I just know, this book in the east and west are very famous, adults and children are like books.No wonder the teacher told us to buy the book.This book is about the little one lives in only one room, the planet for his roses watering everyday.Later, he left the planet, travel, saw many strange people, in order to develop their horizons, and he came to the desert, he met an airplane pilots of broken.Prince offered to help him, and he forged a deep friendship, in the book describes the prince since leaving, he mied his star rose to leave earth, he tried every way, even a little snake bites, and since then pilot never saw his wonderful description, etc.

Reading this book, I finally understood the purity of heart.Like the prince deeply in love with him, in order not to let the rose flower, he was still please sheep eats sheep pilot drew a mask, for him, as he rose, if not just like all planets are lost.This is how sincere feelings! Still say that fox, even little left, it will forever remember him.

This story has many implication, tell us, not deceive, also don\'t puffed up, also do not have meaning in the waste of time and money, we should maintain the balance of baby mindset to finally, earnestly do every thing....

I like the book, read a book, I learned that many human reason, also increased my knowledge, and maybe I know the original adults will have many do wrong.The grown-ups do every thing, all is not correct, and so we see things should go to watch it, just like the teacher to our request, and we hope that the child in the growth proce, always keep a pure heart, to treat every thing, to find something we really must find in study, therefore, we should also with the same attitude to study hard, pursuing ideal goal.



Everyone in the world, whether he or she is rich or poor, will encounter a lot of difficulties, even hardships.Different people may have different ways to deal with them.After reading The Little Prince, I am deeply impreed by Sara’s way to deal with difficulties.The Little Prince was written by Frances Hodgson Burnett, a famous novelist and dramatist.Sara, the heroine of the novel, was born in a rich family.In order to get a better education, her father took her from India to London so that she could go to the best school.Because Sara was kind-hearted, generous and most of all—rich, she was loved by everyone.All went well until her father died in an accident.

Everything changed pletely.She didn’t understand why the teachers and clamates treated her so badly.Even the principal who used to be fond of her, made her work 16 hours a day.Sara’s miserable life began...

When I finished reading the book, I was shocked by what the unimaginable pain Sara had suffered after her father’s death.She used to be a happy, worrile, and rich Prince, but now she was a lonely and poor servant.She had to work very hard without any rest but only had little food.Besides she had to endure the unfriendly and even rude ways that her clamates treated her.All teachers and students in the school looked down upon her.The most important fact is that Sara had lost the love and care of her parents.

What a mighty pain! If you were Sara, could you stand such pain? Needle to say, an 11 years old girl, even if it were an adult, he might not put up with it.But to my surprise, Sara faced it bravely.Despite of the torture of the principal and all those preures above, she still was optimistic towards life.

By reading this novel, I felt inspired and think much.When we meet such difficulties, what should we do? Some people always plain that the fate is unfair to them.Some people can’t sustain the hardships and choose to give up.Few of them even try to mit suicide because they lack the courage to overe it.Compared with Sara—an eleven years old girl who can treat the preure of life with optimistic spirit, these people’s performances are sounded so lamentable.Why can’t they make it?

However, what impre me most are her characteristics and the thought of her “being a real prince.” This “real prince” does not mean luxury palaces, beautiful clothes and the apple of the others’ eyes, but being kind, generous and having good manners.It is unneceary for “a real prince” to be strong in body, but she must be strong in will.Sara is a real prince in my heart all the time, whether she was rich and wore beautiful clothes in the claroom or she was cold and hungry in the attic, just because she had the good characters and kind heart.

The story went on.Fortunately, a friend of Sara’s father found her and told her that her father left a great sum of money to her.I pray and believe that every good person in the world deserve a good result.So does Sara.



\"Little Prince\" is about to tell a story of alien children to live in a very small planet, that planet there is only one him, he has to take care of the planet, he is the planet the little prince, grown up, he went to other planets travel, has encountered all sorts of people (aliens)。 Finally he came to the author encountered on Earth, and then died here

Look at this book, adults should not ripe to look at the mentality, to the point of view of your heart to understand it.the Little Prince has a pure heart and a rich imagination.

When the little prince left his planet, on the road, when a king, and that King would just like to control all rational, this is not like us? Especially when the teacher, like to go to other people, because order that other people can find themselves high up above and bee a king, others only obeys.

The second encounter is love are people who love to be admired him, praise him anything except hear, in fact, we ourselves do they not? Others as long as one to praise himself, we do not carried away on it? Through this we can easily bee conceited person, but also easy for the offensive.

There drunkard, but also a busineman, even to light lamps and geographer, I think those people is equivalent to our portrayal of the real world, love the order, and love to be admired, I would like to re-occupy the poeion, finally left with nothing … …

I think the Little Prince This book is a family book, in this book, I can feel that for whom fame for modern day busy round, but not know they have a deep impact on the younger generation, small Prince did not understand why adults want to do that? Like all children have the same do not know.So I felt, how many more to understand the needs of children, and is no longer a random perfunctory, more children to learn about the ideas, interests, rather than restraint.

I am prince from an early age I learned one thing, the really important things, the eyes are invisible.Really important things is to look at motives.



Once when I was six years old, I saw a magnificent picture in a book,called True Stories from Nature, about the primeval forest.It was a picture of a boa constrictor in the act of swallowing an animal.Here is a copy of the drawing.

In the book it said:\" Boa constrictors swallow their prey whole, without chewing it.After that they are not able to move, and they sleep through the six months that they need for digestion.\"

I pondered deeply, then, over the adventures of the jungle.And after some work with a colored pencil I succeeded in making my first drowing,My Drawing Number One.It looked like this:

I showed my masterpiece to the grown-ups, and asked them whether the drawing frightened them.

But they answered:\"Frighten? Why should any one be frightened by a hat?\"

My drawing was not a picture of a hat.It was a picture of a boa constrictor digesting an elephant.But since the grown-ups were not able to understand it, I made another drawing: I drew the inside of the boa constrictor,so that the grown-ups could see it clearly.They always need to have things explained.My Drawing Number Two looked like this:

The grown-ups response,this time, was to adviseme to lay aside my drawing of boa constrictors,whether from the inside or the outside and devote myself instead to geography, history, arithmetic and grammar.That is why, at the age of six, I gave up what might have been a magnificent career as a painter.I had been disheartened by the failure of my Drawing Number One and my Drawing Number Two.Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it si tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them.

So then I chose another profeion, and learned to pilot airplanes.

I have flown a little over all parts of the world:and it is ture that geography has been very useful to me.At a glance I can distinguish China from Arizona.If one gets lost in the night,such knowledge is valuable.

In the course of this life I have had a great many encounters with a great many people who have been concerned with matters of consequence.I have lived a great deal among grown-ups.I have seen them intimately, close at hand.And hasn\'t much improved my opinion of them.

Whenever Imet one of them who seemed to me at all clearsighted, I tried the experiment of showing him my Drowing Number One.which I have always kept.I would try to find out, so, if this was a person of true understanding.But, whoever it was, he ,or she, would always say:

\"That is a hat.\"

Then I would never talkto that people about boa constrictors, or primeval forest, or stars.I would bring myself down to his level.I would talk to him about bridge, and golf, and politics, and neckties.And the grown-ups would be greatly pleased to have met such a sensible man.



Recently, I read a fairy story book, Little Prince.This book tells the adventurous experiences of little prince from his planet to the earth.Little prince es from the outer space and he is hurt by a rose.So he leaves there and travels into space.He es to the earth and be the friend of a fox.The fox tells his secret to little prince and he helps a pilot in the desert.In the end, he dies under the help of a snake and his soul goes back to his planet.This book is very interesting and teaches me a lot.I like little price adventures.He teaches me to be honest and love others.All of us should never lo the purene of childhood.



This is a fairytale whose distribution volume is only second to The Bible.It’s been translated to versions of many other languages.And I gather there must be something special, something really great about it.It’s this conviction that drove me to read it at the first beginning.Well, with due respect to the author, I failed to see how this fairytale be worthy of our attention, despite the fact that many readers claimed this book to be designed for adults.

Anyway, as a well-acknowledged book, it must poe unique feature to maintain it’s position.And it’s reputation and popularity will by no means be destroyed by what an unknown man says.I will talk about the main contents of the book, and the inspiration it renders as usual.

This book mainly tells us the experience of a prince from a tiny planet, who traveled to many other planets and finally came to the earth and met the pilot in a desert.The prince and the pilot became good friends, and the pilot gradually got to know the feeling and experience of his friend.Before he came to the earth, little prince had been to other 6 little planets where he made acquaintance with some strange people.The first man he met was a king on a little planet, yet he claimed to be the king of the space and ridiculously justified his unshakable governance over all.The second person was a man of vanity, who enjoyed pliments of any form without considering whether it’s sincere or not.The third person was an alcoholic who tried to forget the fact that he’s addicted to acohol by drinking like a fish.The fourth person was an abosolute money-oriented busineman, who cared nothing but his fortune.Next came the lamp-lighter who performed his duty blindly.The last one was a geographer who knew

too much about geography to solve a real problem related to it.These six people each represented one kind of person like us.The author satirized people’s conceit, emptine, fakene, innocence and blindne through the tone of a child.

I see eye to eye with the author in that the cause of people’s loneline can be concluded to the negligence of the bonds that connects them.People are supposed to care about each other, cherish what’s really important for them, and be grateful for the happine that they’ve gained.We all believe knowledge and experience enable us to see clearly and make right judgements all the time.But we may sometimes lose the right to speak straighforwardly, think creatively or love courageously resulting from what we’ve experienced.That why in our middle school textbooks, it’s the little kid that breaks the illusion of the emperor by saying ”but mum, he ain’t were anything”.

When I was a child, I was definitely a good boy who went home on time after school and did his homework and never tried anything without mom’s permiion.And now I am a grown-up, and still I am a good man, at least, that’s what I heard.Sometimes when I was lonely and I began to think about my childhood, then all the happine and care-free life came back to me as it were yesterday.Kids that once acpanied me during my childhood now bee fathers and mothers of their kids and I myself am a child no more.Thinking about all these things have made me moody.There’re changes happening in our lives whether we are happy about it or not.

People told me life is a journey which will never stop once it’s started.What’s left behind are happine and sorrow, pride and shame, succe and regret.There’s good old time to reminisce and there’s sad hours that reminds us of the pain.Your feeling makes them real, and you know you lived.

I want to conclude by saying some positive words that each yestersday used to be today, and each today is the future of yesterday, so making the most of today is the best way to cherish your lives.Our mortal beings are doomed to die.It’s not sad, instead, death it’s just a proce of our lives.After all, we’ve lived our lives and it’s what we do and how we think that determine who we are.



I’ve been wondering where one’s childlike purity has gone when he or she grows up.To find the answer, I read The Little Prince, which is a fairy tale for adult and fable about life, written by Antoine de Saint Exupéry.

The story of The Little Prince is about a prince from an asteroid named B-612, which is a fairly small one, with three volcanoes and a rose on it.The prince spent his days caring for his \"planet\", sweeping the volcanoes and pulling out the baobab trees that would make his little planet turn to dust if they were not removed.However, he was lonely.He watched the sunset every time he was down.He had seen the sunset forty-three times in a day, for endle loneline and sadne filled up his heart.Fortunately, a beautiful rose enriched his life.She loved the distreed prince, while the prince loved her sincerely as well.Unluckily, the sensitive prince once doubted about love due to the rose’s anger, and he left his rose as well as his planet to start his lonely journey.

After visiting six other asteroids, he came to the earth.He met a fox and tamed it.It was the fox who taught the prince that his rose was in a cla by herself.The prince began to realized that he was tamed by his rose, he responsible for her.As a result, he was eager to see his rose again, but he found himself unable to leave the earth.Finally, the prince chose to go back to his asteroid with the snake’s bite, though he felt afraid of pains.

Every time I read The Little Prince, I am moved by the prince’s attitude toward the world.It is his attitude that brings my sincerity and innocence back.Because of the story of the little prince, I have learnt to live a peaceful life with hope, gentlene, touching, and responsibility about tamene in my heart.


Today, I read the little prince.Mom said it\'s a very good book.Let me read it carefully.I read it very seriously.

The little prince\'s planet is almost the same as a house.He has a beautiful rose on his planet.The little prince and the roses were annoyed and went to other planets.For example, crazy planet, alcoholic planet, desert planet...Finally, the little prince came to our earth.He met a fox, and he became a friend of the fox.The fox asked if there was any chicken on his planet.The little prince said nothing.The fox allowed the little prince to tame it, because the fox wanted to make the world different.The little prince tamed it.Then the fox asked the little prince what he was going to do on earth.The little prince said he was having trouble with roses.The fox gave the little prince a special gift, which is a sentence: \"only by heart can we see clearly the eence of things.It\'s the time, energy and emotion you give your rose that makes him so important.The little prince took this sentence and silently carried it on the back.Finally, he was responsible for his own rose and went back to his own planet.

After reading the story, I was very moved.I feel that the little prince is a kindhearted, brave and responsible person.I want to learn from the little prince, and also be a good and brave man.


Despite I’ve not in my childhood yet, I still prefer reading fairy-tale stories.the tales, which accompany with me in my old days, often make me think of some precious experience and sensation which only belong to children.This summer I’ve review this kind of tale, which was published in 1940.It’s the world-famous fairy-tale by the French author, Antoine de St-Exupery, The Little Prince.

As many other fairy-tales, the outline of The Little Prince is not very complex.“I”, the narrator of the story, is a pilot whose plane has something wrong and lands in the Sahara.In this occasion, the pilot makes the acquaintance of the little prince, a little boy from another planet, the Asteroid B612.The little prince has escaped from his tiny planet, because he has some quarrel with a rose, which grows on his planet.In that case he left his own planet and took an exploration at some neighbor asteroids.

On his all-alone journey, the little prince meets different kinds of people, which includes a king, a conceited man, a tippler, a busineman, a lamplighter and a geographer.From these people he gets a conclusion that the grown-ups are very odd.Following the instruction of the geographer, he descends in the Sahara, on the earth.

Traveling on the earth, the little prince, who sees a garden of five-thousand roses, is overcome with astonishment and sadne, as he considers his rose is unique in the universe before.At that time a fox appears.The fox, who tell the little prince about the meaning of the word “tame”, becomes his new friend.At the time to say farewell, the fox makes him know that his rose is unique because she is his rose and tamed by him.From that the little prince begins to treasure friendship and be responsible to his rose.

At the anniversary day of his descent of the earth, rejecting the pilot’s advice, he goes back to his own planet by bite of a snake.“It’s too far.I can not carry this body with me.It’s too heavy.” he said.He tells his friend, the pilot, he must be responsible for his rose, so he has to go back.At the end the author doesn’t tell us the ending directly.Maybe it’s more significant for us to imagine, and for more, think over.

One of the important characters is the rose.Growing on the planet, she is very beautiful, but her coquetry and vanity suffer the little prince a lot.In spite of they love each other, he soon becomes unhappy.On the time of his departure, he just knows she certainly loves him.The character of the little prince actually represents the children, and their native thoughts and deeds.On the contrary, the inhabitants on the other planets, such as the king, the busineman and the conceited man, they also reflect the defects in the grown-up’s world.The real theme of this fairy-tale with a little sadne, I gue, is the consequence of pure love and friendship in our lives, but not others “matters of consequence” of the grown-ups.


The book review of The Little Prince

The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery contains a fairy tale which concludes plentiful things.The first thing we can learn from the book is the innocence of childhood and love.Although disappointed by what his roses said,the little prince still loved them.In the weiter’s opinion ,the roses stand for the pure love.

As the prince growed up,he made a decision to explore other planets and leave his hometown,a planet which just one person lived in.When travelling in the other planets,he discovered that his rose is not the only one of its kind.There are abandunt kinds of roses in the garden,but he still held the opinoion that his rose is special \"because it is she that I have watered; because it is she that I have put under the gla globe; because it is she that I have sheltered behind the screen\" .

When he came to the earth ,another significant character ,the fox , teached the little prince to take his own responsibility bravely .What’s more ,the fox is also the little prince’s best friend and help with his understanding of the meaning of friendship.

All the story is told by a piolet ,who is another hero in the tale and met the little prince in the Sahara .At the end of the story ,the little prince died on the Earth with the piolet.

The writer made the story from the child’s view.Actually,what the1

prince said is what the writer wanted to said.The theme of the story is to criticize the human beings’ drawbacks.As a alien, the little prince could see the human beings’ disadvantages clearly.In my opinion ,The Little Prince is more than a funny book written for the children.It is a kind ofprofound reflection of humans.Everyone finishing reading the book can form his thought in his mind.Therefore,I’m sure it is worthwhile to spend some time reading the book calmly.

推荐第6篇:《小王子》 英文读后感

I once read a fiction named The Little Prince whose writer is Antoine de Saint Exupéry.I was attracted by the story deeply.what a fairy tale for adult and fable about life!

The story of The Little Prince is about a prince from an asteroid whose name is B-612.It is a fairly small one, with three volcanoes and a rose.The prince spent his days caring for his \"planet\", sweeping the volcanoes and pulling out the baobab trees.Neverthele, he was lonely.He watched the sunset when he was down.Sadne often filled up his heart.Fortunately, a beautiful rose enriched his life.She loved the distreed prince, while the prince loved her sincerely as well.Unluckily, the sensitive prince once doubted about love due to the rose’s anger.As a result, he left his rose and his planet to start his lonely journey.He came to the earth after visiting six other asteroids .He met a fox and tamed it.It was the fox who taught the prince that his rose was in a cla by herself.The prince began to realized that he was tamed by his rose, be responsible for her.As a result, he was eager to see his rose again, but he found himself unable to leave the earth.Finally, the prince chose to go back to his asteroid with the snake’s bite, though he felt afraid of pains.Every time I read The Little Prince, I am moved by the prince’s attitude toward the world.This is one of the reasons why I love the story so much.It is his attitude thatmakes me learn to live a peaceful life with hope, gentlene, touching, and responsibility about tamene in my heart.

I introduce the fiction to you and I really hope that you can be into it.

推荐第7篇:英文书评 小王子


The Little Prince is a story about love and life.It published in 1943 and written by a French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.The extraordinarily imaginative words capture innumerable grown-up’s and children’s hearts as well as the author\'s wishes that is back to innocence.As the book said ,\"the water on the heart is beneficial\", and little prince can make people feel warm and fresh.

It tells a story both beautiful and sad : a little prince who lives in a small planet alone has a proud rose who thinks itself is the only flower of that kind.After a quarrel with the rose the little prince decides to travel,trying to find a way to relief loneline and sorrow.During his journey, he visited several planets, and had conversations with their inhabitants, including a king, a conceited man, a tippler, a busineman, a lamplighter and a geographer, from whom he found, in bewilderment, how unreasonable and meaningle the world of grown-ups is.

The grown-ups have lost their sensibility to nature and life,which makes them unable to see their own ugly features clearly.They began to ignore some tiny happine, began to lose some sensitive feelings, and began to lose ourselves.Therefore, losing all hopes of the shame, dull and pretended adults’world ,the little prince left us to look for his

flower to find his own life where there is love,responsibility and imagination.Leaving this eternal claic to tell us : Go back to innocence, and just look at the world in children’s eyes.

Go back to innocence,learn to use our hearts to observing everything, not only by the eyes; Go back to innocence,in the attitude of grateful for the whole world; Go back to innocence , learn to use happine to beat sorrow——in children’s world , there is no impae,sun will still rising when you open the eyes.


main characters: the little prince, the pilot, the rose, the fox, the snake, etc.

despite i\'ve not in my childhood yet, i still prefer reading fairy-tale stories.the tales, which accompany with me in my old days, often make me think of some precious experience and sensation which only belong to children.this summer i\'ve review this kind of tale, which was published in 1940.it\'s the world-famous fairy-tale by the french author, antoine de st-exupery, the little prince.

as many other fairy-tales, the outline of the little prince is not very complex.“i”, the narrator of the story, is a pilot whose plane has something wrong and lands in the sahara.in this occasion, the pilot makes the acquaintance of the little prince, a little boy from another planet, the asteroid b612.the little prince has escaped from his tiny planet, because he has some quarrel with a rose, which grows on his planet.in that case he left his own planet and took an exploration at some neighbor asteroids.

on his all-alone journey, the little prince meets different kinds of people, which includes a king, a conceited man, a tippler, a busineman, a lamplighter and a geographer.from these people he gets a conclusion that the grown-ups are very odd.following the instruction of the geographer, he descends in the sahara, on the earth.

traveling on the earth, the little prince, who sees a garden of five-thousand roses, is overcome with astonishment and sadne, as he considers his rose is unique in the universe before.at that time a fox appears.the fox, who tell the little prince about the meaning of the word “tame”, becomes his new friend.at the time to say farewell, the fox makes him know that his rose is unique because she is his rose and tamed by him.from that the little prince begins to treasure friendship and be responsible to his rose.

at the anniversary day of his descent of the earth, rejecting the pilot\'s advice, he goes back to his own planet by bite of a snake.“it\'s too far.i can not carry this body with me.it\'s too heavy.” he said.he tells his friend, the pilot, he must be responsible for his rose, so he has to go back.at the end the author doesn\'t tell us the ending directly.maybe it\'s more significant for us to imagine, and for more, think over.

one of the important characters is the rose.growing on the planet, she is very beautiful, but her coquetry and vanity suffer the little prince a lot.in spite of they love each other, he soon becomes unhappy.on the time of his departure, he just knows she certainly loves him.the character of the little prince actually represents the children, and their native thoughts and deeds.on the contrary, the inhabitants on the other planets, such as the king, the busineman and the conceited man, they also reflect the defects in the grown-up\'s world.the real theme of this fairy-tale with a little sadne, i gue, is the consequence of pure love and friendship in our lives, but not others “matters of consequence” of the grown-ups.

unbelievable, this little book moved me a lot.i seldom think about the true meaning of love and life before.well, now i can say, with my short sixteen-year\'s life experience, it\'s like the stars in the sky that lit my heart.the little prince is not only an ordinary fairy-tale for children, but also for grown-ups, and our teenagers.neverthele, when i read this book, i feel a little sad – about ourselves, whom are losing more and more innocence.


the little prince – a tale of love and life title: the little prince author: antoine de st-exupery main characters: the little prince, the pilot, the rose, the fox, the snake, etc.despite i\'ve not in my childhood yet, i still prefer reading fairy-tale stories.the tales, which accompany with me in my old days, often make me think of some precious experience and sensation which only belong to children.this summer i\'ve review this kind of tale, which was published in 1940.it\'s the world-famous fairy-tale by the french author, antoine de st-exupery, the little prince.as many other fairy-tales, the outline of the little prince is not very complex.“i”, the narrator of the story, is a pilot whose plane has something wrong and lands in the sahara.in this occasion, the pilot makes the acquaintance of the little prince, a little boy from another planet, the asteroid b612.the little prince has escaped from his tiny planet, because he has some quarrel with a rose, which grows on his planet.in that case he left his own planet and took an exploration at some neighbor asteroids.on his all-alone journey, the little prince meets different kinds of people, which includes a king, a conceited man, a tippler, a busineman, a lamplighter and a geographer.from these people he gets a conclusion that the grown-ups are very odd.following the instruction of the geographer, he descends in the sahara, on the earth.traveling on the earth, the little prince, who sees a garden of five-thousand roses, is overcome with astonishment and sadne, as he considers his rose is unique in the universe before.at that time a fox appears.the fox, who tell the little prince about the meaning of the word “tame”, becomes his new friend.at the time to say farewell, the fox makes him know that his rose is unique because she is his rose and tamed by him.from that the little prince begins to treasure friendship and be responsible to his rose.at the anniversary day of his descent of the earth, rejecting the pilot\'s advice, he goes back to his own planet by bite of a snake.“it\'s too far.i can not carry this body with me.it\'s too heavy.” he said.he tells his friend, the pilot, he must be responsible for his rose, so he has to go back.at the end the author doesn\'t tell us the ending directly.maybe it\'s more significant for us to imagine, and for more, think over.one of the important characters is the rose.growing on the planet, she is very beautiful, but her coquetry and vanity suffer the little prince a lot.in spite of they love each other, he soon becomes unhappy.on the time of his departure, he just knows she certainly loves him.the character of the little prince actually represents the children, and their native thoughts and deeds.on the contrary, the inhabitants on the other planets, such as the king, the busineman and the conceited man, they also reflect the defects in the grown-up\'s world.the real theme of this fairy-tale with a little sadne, i gue, is the consequence of pure love and friendship in our lives, but not others “matters of consequence” of the grown-ups.



main characters: the little prince, the pilot, the rose, the fox, the snake, etc.

despite i\'ve not in my childhood yet, i still prefer reading

fairy-tale stories.the tales, which accompany with me in my old days, often make me think of some precious experience and sensation which only belong to children.this summer i\'ve review this kind of tale, which was published in 1940.it\'s the world-famous fairy-tale by the french author, antoine de st-exupery, the little prince.

as many other fairy-tales, the outline of the little prince is not very complex.“i”, the narrator of the story, is a pilot whose plane has something wrong and lands in the sahara.in this occasion, the pilot makes the acquaintance of the little prince, a little boy from another planet, the asteroid b612.the little prince has escaped from his tiny planet, because he has some quarrel with a rose, which grows on his planet.in that case he left his own planet and took an exploration at some neighbor asteroids.

on his all-alone journey, the little prince meets different kinds of people, which includes a king, a conceited man, a tippler, a busineman, a lamplighter and a geographer.from these people he gets a conclusion that the grown-ups are very odd.following the instruction of the geographer, he descends in the sahara, on the earth.

traveling on the earth, the little prince, who sees a garden of five-thousand roses, is overcome with astonishment and sadne, as he considers his rose is unique in the universe before.at that time a fox appears.the fox, who tell the little prince about the meaning of

the word “tame”, becomes his new friend.at the time to say

farewell, the fox makes him know that his rose is unique because she is his rose and tamed by him.from that the little prince begins to treasure friendship and be responsible to his rose.

at the anniversary day of his descent of the earth, rejecting the pilot\'s advice, he goes back to his own planet by bite of a snake.“it\'s too far.i can not carry this body with me.it\'s too heavy.” he said.he tells his friend, the pilot, he must be responsible for his rose, so he has to go back.at the end the author doesn\'t tell us the ending directly.maybe it\'s more significant for us to imagine, and for more, think over.

one of the important characters is the rose.growing on the

planet, she is very beautiful, but her coquetry and vanity suffer the little prince a lot.in spite of they love each other, he soon becomes unhappy.on the time of his departure, he just knows she certainly loves him.the character of the little prince actually

represents the children, and their native thoughts and deeds.on the contrary, the inhabitants on the other planets, such as the king, the busineman and the conceited man, they also reflect the defects in the grown-up\'s world.the real theme of this fairy-tale with a little sadne, i gue, is the consequence of pure love and friendship in our lives, but not others “matters of consequence” of the grown-ups.unbelievable, this little book moved me a lot.i seldom think about the true meaning of love and life before.well, now i can say, with my short sixteen-year\'s life experience, it\'s like the stars in the sky that lit my heart.the little prince is not only an ordinary fairy-tale for children, but also for grown-ups, and our teenagers.

neverthele, when i read this book, i feel a little sad – about ourselves, whom are losing more and more innocence.


the little prince – a tale of love and

lifetitle: the little prince

author: antoine de st-exupery main characters: the little prince, the pilot, the rose, the fox, the snake, etc.despite i\'ve not in my childhood yet, i still prefer reading fairy-tale stories.the tales, which accompany with me in my old days, often make me think of some precious experience and sensation which only belong to children.this summer i\'ve review this kind of tale, which was published in 1940.it\'s the world-famous fairy-tale by the french author, antoine de st-exupery, the little prince.as many other fairy-tales, the outline of the little prince is not very complex.“i”, the narrator of the story, is a pilot whose plane has something wrong and lands in the sahara.in this occasion, the pilot makes the acquaintance of the little prince, a little boy from another planet, the asteroid b612.the little prince has escaped from his tiny planet, because he has some quarrel with a rose, which grows on his planet.in that case he left his own planet and took an exploration at some neighbor asteroids.on his all-alone journey, the little prince meets

different kinds of people, which includes a king, a conceited man, a tippler, a busineman, a lamplighter and a geographer.from these people he gets a conclusion that the grown-ups are very odd.following the instruction of the geographer, he descends in the

sahara, on the earth.traveling on the earth, the little prince, who sees a garden of five-thousand roses, is overcome with astonishment and sadne, as he considers his rose is unique in the universe before.at that time a fox appears.the fox, who tell the little

prince about the meaning of the word “tame”, becomes his new

friend.at the time to say farewell, the fox makes him know that his rose is unique because she is his rose and tamed by him.from that the little prince begins to treasure friendship and be responsible to his rose.at the anniversary day of his descent of the earth,

rejecting the pilot\'s advice, he goes back to his own planet by bite of a snake.“it\'s too far.i can not carry this body with me.it\'s too heavy.” he said.he tells his friend, the pilot, he must be

responsible for his rose, so he has to go back.at the end the author doesn\'t tell us the ending directly.maybe it\'s more significant for us to imagine, and for more, think over.one of the important

characters is the rose.growing on the planet, she is very beautiful, but her coquetry and vanity suffer the little prince a lot.in spite of they love each other, he soon becomes unhappy.on the time of his departure, he just knows she certainly loves him.the character of the little prince actually represents the children, and their native thoughts and deeds.on the contrary, the inhabitants on the other planets, such as the king, the busineman and the conceited man,

they also reflect the defects in the grown-up\'s world.the real theme of this fairy-tale with a little sadne, i gue, is the consequence of pure love and friendship in our lives, but not others “matters of consequence” of the grown-ups.



I’ve been wondering where one’s childlike purity has gone when he or she grows up.To find the answer, I read The Little prince, which is a fairy tale for adult and fable about life, written by Antoine de Saint Exupéry.

The story of The Little prince is about a prince from an asteroid named B-612, which is a fairly small one, with three volcanoes and a rose on it.The prince spent his days caring for his \"planet\", sweeping the volcanoes and pulling out the baobab trees that would make his little planet turn to dust if they were not removed.However, he was lonely.He watched the sunset every time he was down.He had seen the sunset forty-three times in a day, for endle loneline and sadne filled up his heart.Fortunately, a beautiful rose enriched his life.She loved the distreed prince, while the prince loved her sincerely as well.Unluckily, the sensitive prince once doubted about love due to the rose’s anger, and he left his rose as well as his planet to start his lonely journey.

After visiting six other asteroids, he came to the earth.He met a fox and tamed it.It was the fox who taught the prince that his rose was in a cla by herself.The prince began to realized that he was tamed by his rose, he responsible for her.As a result, he was eager to see his rose again, but he found himself unable to leave the earth.Finally, the prince chose to go back to his asteroid with the snake’s bite, though he felt afraid of pains.

Every time I read The Little prince, I am moved by the prince’s attitude toward the world.It is his attitude that brings my sincerity and innocence back.Because of the story of the little prince, I have learnt to live a peaceful life with hope, gentlene, touching, and responsibility about tamene in my heart.


the little prince

The Little Prince (French: Le Petit Prince), first published in 1943, is a novella and the most famous work of the French writer and pioneering aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (安东尼·德·圣-埃克苏佩里) 《小王子》(法文原書名為Le Petit Prince),是法國童话作品,法国贵族作家、飞行员先驱安东尼·德·圣-埃克苏佩里(1900–1944)的最著名的作品,于1943年在纽约出版。23年退伍,第二次世界大战期间他重入法国空军。后辗转去纽约开始流亡生活。在这期间,写出、《小王子》(1943)等作品。1944年返回同盟国地中海空军部队。在当年7月31日的一次飞行任务中,他驾驶飞机飞上湛蓝的天空,就此再也没有回来。牺牲时,年仅44岁,成为法国文学史上最神秘的一则传奇。

This small book contains a fairy tale, a story about many things.A little prince lives on a young star.The prince loves his roses, but felt disappointed by something the rose said.As doubt grows, he decides to explore other planet.He paed through various star, afterwards, he arrived the Earth,He and the author met one another in the desert, they gradually have become friends.Finally, he returned to his own star. 这个小本书包含一个童话故事,讲述了很多东西。小王子居住在一颗小小的星球上面,王子爱他的玫瑰,但是被玫瑰花的话语刺伤,感到非常失落。随着疑惑的增长,他决定尝试其他的行星。他经过了各种各样的星球,后来,他来到了地球,在沙漠中他和作者相遇了,他们渐渐的成了朋友,寻找到那失去的天真,与感动。最后,他又回到了他的星球。

In the travel, the young prince saw allthe forms of person confused in the society : King, loves the vanity person .The drunkard, for put behind ashamed drinks .The industrialist, only likes calculating the numbers of money .Their only common ground, in the heart fills the vanity .In the travel, the young prince discovered that, the people on the Earth always does not satisfy oneself lives, they are pursuing happine with hardship, but actually frequently crudely happily expels from the side .在旅行中,小王子看到了形形色色的人在社会里迷茫:



实业家,只爱计算着天文数目样的金钱. 他们唯一的共同点,心中充满虚荣.在旅行中,小王子发现,人们是从来也不会满意自己所居住的地方,他们苦苦追求着幸福,但却常常粗暴地把幸福从身边赶走.

On the Earth ,the prince meets a fox .The fox teaches the prince how to love and left,The fox says \"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is eential is invisible to the eye \"and on responsibility, \"Men have forgotten this truth,\" said the fox.\"But you must not forget it.You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.You are responsible for your rose...\" 狐狸教王子“一个人只有用心去看,才能看到真实。事情的真相只用眼睛是看不见的。”关于责任“人们早已忘记了这个道理”狐狸说。“可是你不应将它遗忘。你必须永远对自己所驯服的东西负责。你要对你的玫瑰花负责。” During the travel ,The little prince discovers that his rose is not the only one of its kind, there are thousands of them in a garden, but then he realizes that his rose is special “because it is she that I have put under the gla globe; because it is she that I have sheltered behind the screen; because it is she that I have killed the caterpillars (except the two or three that we saved to become butterflies); because it is she that I have listened to, when she grumbled, or boasted, or even sometimes when she said nothing.Because she is my rose.” .旅途期间,小王子发现他的玫瑰不是唯一的一种,一个花园里有成千上万的玫瑰花,但后来他意识到他的玫瑰是特别的“因为我曾经亲自为她浇水;把她放置在玻璃罩下;把她置于屏风后面保护它;为她铲除一些毛毛虫(只留两三只蜕变成蝴蝶);我倾听她的抱怨、自吹自擂甚至信口开河,哪怕她默默无语-----只因为她是我的玫瑰花。”

The story\'s eence is contained in the lines uttered by the fox to the little prince: .(\"One sees clearly only with the heart.What is eential is invisible to the eye.\")Other key thematic meages are articulated by the fox, such as: \"You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed\" and \"It is the time you have devoted to your rose that makes your rose so important。\" 故事的本质是台词中所包含的,由狐狸对小王子说出:。(“人只有用心才能看得清楚。本质的东西是肉眼看不到的。”)其他主题的信息也是借由护理之口说出来的,如:“你必须永远对自己所驯服的东西负责。”和“你在你的玫瑰花身上耗费的时间使得你的玫瑰花变得如此重要”



《小王子》自从1943年在纽约问世以来,被译成42种文字,多次再版,经久不衰。《小王子》曾被多次改编成话剧和电影,盛演不断。《小王子》已被选入许多西方国家的教科书,成为青少年的必读书籍。人们不禁要问,产生《小王子》现象的原因何在? 我想,法国作家安德烈·莫洛瓦对安东尼·德·圣-埃克苏佩里评论中的一段话或许是对上述问题中肯的回答:“《小王子》在其富有诗意的淡淡哀愁中也蕴含着一整套哲学思想。”“这本给成人看的儿童书处处包含着象征意义,这些象征看上去既明确又隐晦,因此也就格外的美。”





Keep the Childlike Innocence


The Little Prince first published in 1943, is a novella and the most famous work of the French aristocrat, writer, poet and pioneering aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry(1900–1944).The novella is both the most read and most translated book in the French language, and was voted the best book of the 20th century in France.Translated into more than 250 languages and dialects, and it has become one of the best-selling books ever published.Saint-Exupéry, a laureate of several of France\'s highest literary awards and a reserve military pilot at the start of the Second World War, wrote and illustrated the manuscript while exiled in the United States after the Fall of France.He had travelled there on a personal miion to persuade its government to quickly enter the war against Nazi Germany.In the midst of personal upheavals and failing health he produced almost half of the writings he would be remembered for, including a tender tale of loneline, friendship, love and lo, in the form of a young prince fallen to Earth.An earlier memoir by the author recounted his aviation experiences in the Sahara and he is thought to have drawn on those same experiences for use as plot elements in The Little Prince.II.A Summary of The Little Prince

The Little Prince tells a story like that: A pilot crashes in the Sahara Desert.A thousand miles from any habitation, while attempting to fix his plane, he meets a strangely dreed little boy who seems to have come from nowhere, and who demands that he draw a sheep.\"When a mystery is too overpowering, one dare not disobey,\" so the pilot attempts to draw a sheep.Gradually the little prince reveals his story.He comes from a small asteroid, where he lives alone until a rose grows there.But the rose is demanding, and he is confused by his feelings about her.Eventually he decides to leave, and journey to other planets in search of knowledge.After meeting many confusing adults, he eventually lands on Earth, where he befriends a snake and a fox.The fox helps him to understand the rose, and the snake offers to help him return to his planet -- but at a price.From my point of view, The Little Prince is not simply a fairy tale, but a philosophical novel.The author reveals the absurdity of the civilized world through the eyes of the little prince, who has a pure heart and a true world.

III.My Views on The Little Prince

The use of the symbols makes the story full of meanings and more vivid.Firstly, the setting is in the Desert of Sahara.As for me, desert is pure land in some way, not yet the invasion of the modern civilization.Only in such a place, can love, responsibility and the human nature be revealed fully.Secondly, the first creature the little prince encountered was the snake.In the west, the snake represents mystery and power.In the story, the snake is “more powerful than the finger of a king” and has the prophet for everything.The snake thought the prince was “innocent and true” while “this earth made of granite”, so finally it sent the little prince back to his planet.What the snake said tell the darkne and evil of the human, the little prince is not suitable to live in such a place.Thirdly, the choice of the fox is also meaningful.In people’s eyes, the fox is always filled with wisdom.In the story, the fox is just like a philosopher, giving the prince advice and inspiring him to understand the meaning of love, the responsibilities for his rose, and the difference between “alike” and “unique”.The fox told the little prince his secret: “It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is eential is invisible to the eye”, but “the men have forgotten this truth”.The words satires the ignorance of human beings who do not even know the true eence of love and friendship.Meanwhile, it reminds us that we should be responsible for our love, to be true.In the story, it describes the people such as the king, the conceited man, the tippler, the busineman and so on.They represent all manner of man in the earth with their own symbolic meanings.The story is made up of philosophical sentences, from which we can gain a good deal of enlightenment.I will take some as examples.In chapter 17, the snake told the prince “It is also lonely among men”.As for me, nowadays people is becoming busy and ambitious, they no longer have time to care about others, even their friends just for pursuing their own goals.We can see the alienation between them.It reminds me of the masterpiece Moby Dick written by Herman Melville.Because of the alienation between man and man, they can not unite together, which lead to a tragedy in the end.In chapter 10, the king said:”You shall judge yourself that is the most difficult thing of all.It is much more difficult to judge oneself than to judge others.If you succeed in judging yourself rightly, then you are indeed a man of true wisdom”.I can not agree it more.As Plato said:”know yourself”, which is a important principle for us to live.It is of great importance to know who we are, what we have done and for what.Only if we can truly know ourselves, can we make the right choice, not blind for seeking for something meaningle.As the lamplighter said, “It is impoible for a man to be faithful and lazy at the same time.” This sentence illustrates the old saying” You can’t have your cake and eat it too”, things are always like that, admittedly, human is greedy sometimes.

The Little Prince almost covers all aspects of life, including friendship, love, responsibilities, freedom and so on.It can be said as a guidance for a better life, better society.We’d better be childish in our deep heart and soul.


I have read some books this term.The one which impreed me most is .I brought this book last term.The book consists of three versions: French, Chinese and English.I read Chinese version first, which made my second read in English much easier.I’m not going to talk about the fairy tale’s writing skills, writing style and what philosophy it contains.Instead, I will pick out several sentences which moved me a lot and then show my feeling.In part 4, there is “Not everyone has had a friend.” And later, in part 17, there’s “It’s also lonely with people.”

The two sentences nearly have the same meaning.A true friend is of a lifetime.You may say that: “I have a lot of friends, and we always play together and chat together……” But in fact, friends are not those whom you always stay with.Friends can be away from your daily life, can be out of connection for a long time, but they understand what you do and what you say all the time.You never feel embarraed when you stay with your friends and even say no words.In part 8, the little prince: “He had taken seriously certain inconsequential remarks and had grown very unhappy.” It’s the same to us.We are too concerned about what others say to do what we really want to.Nowadays, we seems to care more about other people than ourselves.When you have bought a dre you thought was beautiful, someone says that: “ Oh, it is not suitable for you.” Gue what, you will not wear the dre any more even if it is new.In part 18, the flower had seen a caravan paing: “The wind blows them away.They have no roots, which hampers them a good deal.” The sentence seems ridiculous, however, makes me think a lot.For human being, roots mean spirit belief.There’s someone saying that: “One nation won’t be destroyed as long as it has belief.” Here, I want to mention Jewry.No matter how much hardship it went through, it never give up its struggling.I have seen a photo: an old Jewish woman holds a book and reads it seriously even though she is in the ruin after one battle.I admire this nation, and at the same time, I worry about our nation.Maybe it has belief which I don’t notice.It couldn’t be denied that we are becoming more and more fickle and materialistic.We are losing our spiritual belief gradually.Read more and search for one spiritual holy land.In part 21, the fox tells the little prince : “It’s the time you spent on your rose that makes you rose so important.” I love this sentence most.I think of people’s dream.Perhaps in others’ eyes, our dreams are insignificant.They always discourage us.But what we should know is that only if you devote to your dream, your dream id unique.You yourself is the master of your dream.At last, I want to take the author’s word as the ending: All grown-ups were children first (But few of them remember it).If only we all remember it.


the Little prince – A Tale of Love and Life

Title: the Little prince

Author: Antoine de St-Exupery

Main Characters: the little prince, the pilot, the rose, the fox, the snake, etc.

Despite I’ve not in my childhood yet, I still prefer reading fairy-tale stories.the tales, which accompany with me in my old days, often make me think of some precious experience and sensation which only belong to children.This summer I’ve review this kind of tale, which was published in 1940.It’s the world-famous fairy-tale by the French author, Antoine de St-Exupery, The Little prince.

As many other fairy-tales, the outline of The Little prince is not very complex.“I”, the narrator of the story, is a pilot whose plane has something wrong and lands in the Sahara.In this occasion, the pilot makes the acquaintance of the little prince, a little boy from another planet, the Asteroid B612.The little prince has escaped from his tiny planet, because he has some quarrel with a rose, which grows on his planet.In that case he left his own planet and took an exploration at some neighbor asteroids.

On his all-alone journey, the little prince meets different kinds of people, which includes a king, a conceited man, a tippler, a busineman, a lamplighter and a geographer.From these people he gets a conclusion that the grown-ups are very odd.Following the instruction of the geographer, he descends in the Sahara, on the earth.

Traveling on the earth, the little prince, who sees a garden of five-thousand roses, is overcome with astonishment and sadne, as he considers his rose is unique in the universe before.At that time a fox appears.The fox, who tell the little prince about the meaning of the word “tame”, becomes his new friend.At the time to say farewell, the fox makes him know that his rose is unique because she is his rose and tamed by him.From that the little prince begins to treasure friendship and be responsible to his rose.

At the anniversary day of his descent of the earth, rejecting the pilot’s advice, he goes back to his own planet by bite of a snake.“It’s too far.I can not carry this body with me.It’s too heavy.” he said.He tells his friend, the pilot, he must be responsible for his rose, so he has to go back.At the end the author doesn’t tell us the ending directly.Maybe it’s more significant for us to imagine, and for more, think over.

One of the important characters is the rose.Growing on the planet, she is very beautiful, but her coquetry and vanity suffer the little prince a lot.In spite of they love each other, he soon becomes unhappy.On the time of his departure, he just knows she certainly loves him.The character of the little prince actually represents the children, and their native thoughts and deeds.On the contrary, the inhabitants on the other planets, such as the king, the busineman and the conceited man, they also reflect the defects in the grown-up’s world.The real theme of this fairy-tale with a little sadne, I gue, is the consequence of pure love and friendship in our lives, but not others “matters of consequence” of the grown-ups.

Unbelievable, this little book moved me a lot.I seldom think about the true meaning of love and life before.Well, now I can say, with my short sixteen-year’s life experience, it’s like the stars in the sky that lit my heart.The little prince is not only an ordinary fairy-tale for children, but also for grown-ups, and our teenagers.Neverthele, when I read this book, I feel a little sad – about ourselves, whom are losing more and more innocence


A Book that Impacted Me Most I don’t remember the exact year I first read The Little Prince .Though the golden snake in the book plays a cameo role , I never forget the scene that he flashed kied gently on the little prince’s ankle.It made me be afraid to reread this book.

Later, I listened a Michael Wong’s song named Fairy-tale Story, the prince in his song is different from the prince in The Little Prince, the prince in the song is the same as Andersen’s tales’ princes, they all have happy endings.

However, I think The Little Prince is a sad story.There is a saying: There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand peoples eyes.Now, let me talk about my reading feeling.This simple story flies over every corner of the world: a pilot (the narrator) who had an accident with his plane and crashed in the Desert of Sahara then he met the little prince from the planet B-612, and the narrator listened little prince’s travel experience of seven planets.On the seven planets, he met a variety of persons.They are the king, the conceited man, the busineman, the tippler, the lamplighter, the geographer and so on.

The Little Prince is a story belongs to adults who have childlike innocence.because children don’t understand the little prince’s deep sadne.This is not so much a fairy tale, as it is a tragedy.This story tells the grow-ups’ world is full of empty,lost and loneline with kids’ perspective.Among the story, the alcoholic is impreive.He was surrounded by a pile of beer bottles when the little prince saw him, and prince asked him why he is drinking, but he answered he want to forget his shame of drinking.This short planet visit plunged little prince into deep puzzled.He think the grow-ups are certainly very, very odd.In kids\' eyes, beautiful things must look with heart.But the adults pay more attention on things’ appearance that is just a shell and they don’t believe the eyes are blind and the heart is true.

Through this story, it also made me understand what’s the love---love\'s more mineral, more dense, more bitter and more weighty than the earth\'s profoundest matter.

When I first read The Little Prince, I can’t understand the mean of love and never to think why should the little prince leave alone since he love his rose so deeply.For years, I reread the story and think about it.The simple true was first love.The little prince didn’t know how to love and It was difficult to make him understand the rose’s heart, so it may lead to misunderstanding and hurts from time to time.He leaved his planet because he can not accept the rose and himself.

This is why the little prince don’t know he have to leave : at that time, he had no idea he was in it.The little prince don’t understand the meaning of tame until he met the fox later.Then he produced the endle yearning for the roses and realized his responsibility.\"Do you want to be domesticated?\" For me, this is a profound question.In the book, the little prince met a fox and invited the fox to play with him, but he was refused.The fox told him that he was not tamed.“what does that mean--tame?” little prince asked.The fox answered:” it means to establish ties: to me, you are still nothing more than a little boy who is just like a hundred thousand other little boys.And I have no need of you.And you, on your part, have no need of me.To you, I am nothing more than a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes.But if you tame me, then we shall need each other.To me , you will be unique in all the world.To you, I shall be unique in all the world.”

Gradually the little prince was beginning to understand, because he remembered his rose and he thought his rose had tamed him.So he chose to go back to his planet in the end.But to the fox, the little prince’s farewell will make her sad, but the hurts because of love, she should learn to accept it gradually.I believe there are full of hurts within serious and true love.

As long as the little prince flied to different planets and met a variety of persons can he understand himself and his rose.So I think traveling is a good way to experience life.


篇1:《小王子》读书报告 《小王子》读书报告 ? 简介:《小王子》,即寒假所读书目,其作者名为埃克苏佩里,生于法国里昂,是法国第一代飞行员,正如他的职业,这本书中也充满了天马行空的想象。本书是上世纪流传最广的一篇童话,虽说是童话,却不止是为儿童所写。用作者的话来说,此书献给孩子们,以及所有曾经是孩子的大人们。




说要献给孩子,因为全篇充满着天真烂漫的想象,小王子独自生活在一颗小星球上,星球上的活火山被当做灶台使用,死火山则被当作板凳来坐。小王子似乎可以与一切生命对话,甚至与自己照顾的话儿相爱了。他的星际旅行也充满了趣味。理性而自大的孤独的国王、爱听奉承话的虚荣者、为忘记喝酒带来的羞愧而嗜酒的酒鬼、贪得无厌的生意人、为守指令而不得休息的守灯人、只坐办公室不愿勘察而一无所知的地理学家„„当然,最为童真的还是小王子的问题——如孩子般打破沙锅问到底。 献给大人们的理由就远不止这些了。仔细品读之后会发现,本作与《格列佛游记》在写法上有着异曲同工之妙,只是较之没那么多政治味道罢了。全书似乎都在对成年人发出埋怨与批评。从最初不能理解作者的绘画并扼杀其理想开始,后来便以小王子的星际旅行按上述顺序依次对各类“古里古怪”的成年人进行了批判。指出了成年人的自大、虚荣、自制力差、贪婪、懒惰等一系列诟病。这些描述初看令人捧腹,细读后却愈发引人深思。



酒鬼说,他喝酒为了忘却,忘却一切羞耻,而羞耻的内容恰恰是因为喝酒。 商人说,他数星星数了44年,这些天上的星星都属于他,拥有这些星星,他就会变得富有,而富有,又会买更多的星星。我不能摘星星,没关系,我可以把它们的数目写在一张纸上,然后锁在抽屉里。


尽管书中只描述了六个人,却几乎囊括了全部的成年人,而这分类都出自一个孩子,即小王子的视角。小王子身上也体现了孩子特有的许多最本真最善良的品性。在前面六个星球的星际旅行中,尽管每个星球上的人都做着些毫无意义的事,小王子却很敏锐地发现,国王、虚荣者、酒鬼、生意人关心的都是他们自己,唯有守灯人一直关心着自己的工作,也因此让小王子觉得只有守灯人不那么荒唐可笑。这无疑向我们传达了一种早已被大多数大人抛弃了的价值取向,也就是舍己为人,尽管守灯人的星? ? ? 球上也只有他一个人,但那一明一灭的灯,却因守灯人变得如花儿般美妙。 在与生意人的交谈中,小王子又用他的视角向我们解释了什么是占有。所谓的占有不是向生意人那样,将自己数过的星星的数目写到纸上再存到抽屉里,占有更多的还是一份责任。就像小王子占有了他的火山,那他就有为火山清理火山口的责任;小王子占有了一朵花,那他就有照顾这朵花的责任。想必成年人们从来都是只想着拥有,从未考虑过这份责任吧。 后来小王子在地球上的经历还向我们传达了一种爱与被爱的幸福与责任。小王子见到了人类培植出的5000朵玫瑰,每一朵都和他的那朵玫瑰一样的娇艳美丽,而小王子却说,这里的每一朵花儿都不如他的玫瑰,因为人类只是将她们培植出来,并没有什么感情投入,而小王子和他的花儿却彼此深爱着。正因这份爱,对于小王子来说,他的花儿是独一无二的,而那5000朵玫瑰却没有任何区别。也因这份爱,小王子包涵着她的傲慢、矫情,也无微不至地照顾着她。而后小王子与狐狸的相处——驯养,更是体现了这一点。正如我们的宠物一样,之所以一只狗对我们来说那么重要,正是因为我们对其的驯养,即一种爱与被爱的关系,人与宠物也都从中获得了共同的幸福。 任何事物都有其表面及内在两种属性,成人们往往都在追求表面的华丽而看不到内在的美好。而狐狸却在即将与小王子分别的时候告诉小王子:“只有用心灵才能看得清事物的本质,而肉眼是无法看清的。”随后小王子在与“我”相处时也转而告诫我:“我们所要追求的东西,肉眼往往视而不见,而要用心灵去寻找。”于是他说:“正因天空中有一朵看不见的花儿,所以整个星空都是那么美丽。“正是因为一口看不见的井,”沙漠才显得那样神秘。”可见,小王子的心灵是何等广博。而“我”随后也意识到:“无论是房子,星星,或是沙漠,使它们美丽的东西是看不见的!”这更是一种爱的传播。 在故事结尾的时候,他并没有像一般的童话中过上幸福快乐的日子,而是就这样在沙漠中消失了,甚至不知是否还活着。而“我”,却竟然没有感到遗憾或者悲伤。因为小王子在临别时已教会我:“如果你爱上了一朵生长在一颗星星上的花,那么夜间,你看着天空就感到甜蜜愉快。所有的星星上都好像开着花。”“我无法指出我的星星在哪里,那你就可以认为我的那颗星星就在夜空的所有星星之中。那么,所有的星星,你都会喜欢看的„„这些星星都将成为你的朋友。”“夜晚,当你望着天空的时候,既然我就住在其中一颗星星上,既然我在其中一颗星星上笑着,那么对你来说,就好象所有的星星都在笑,那么你将看到的星星就是会笑的星星!”„„ 这些文字处处体现了一个孩子的广博心灵,都是我们作为成年人所不曾拥有或已经失去的。而这样的道别,也远胜于千万的不舍。 小王子最后还是走了,留给“我”的却是满天会笑的星星,还有一个隐隐的担心——我画的绵羊会不会把小王子的花儿吃了。 这不仅是留给“我”的,更是留给所有读者的。小王子无疑是不存在的,但他真的从未存在过吗? 总结:《小王子》这本书现在对于我来说,也是独一无二的了。


i have read some books this term.the one which impreed me most is .i brought this book last term.the book consists of three versions: french, chinese and english.i read chinese version first, which made my second read in english much easier.i’m not going to talk about the fairy tale’s writing skills, writing style and what philosophy it contains.instead, i will pick out several sentences which moved me a lot and then show my feeling. in part 4, there is “not everyone has had a friend.” and later, in part 17, there’s “it’s also lonely with people.” the two sentences nearly have the same meaning.a true friend is of a lifetime.you may say that: “i have a lot of friends, and we always play together and chat together„„” but in fact, friends are not those whom you always stay with.friends can be away from your daily life, can be out of connection for a long time, but they understand what you do and what you say all the time.you never feel embarraed when you stay with your friends and even say no words. in part 8, the little prince: “he had taken seriously certain inconsequential remarks and had grown very unhappy.” it’s the same to us.we are too concerned about what others say to do what we really want to.nowadays, we seems to care more about other people than ourselves.when you have bought a dre you thought was beautiful, someone says that: “ oh, it is not suitable for you.” gue what, you will not wear the dre any more even if it is new. in part 21, the fox tells the little prince : “it’s the time you spent on your rose that makes you rose so important.” i love this sentence most.i think of people’s dream.perhaps in others’ eyes, our dreams are insignificant.they always discourage us.but what we should know is that only if you devote to your dream, your dream id unique.you yourself is the master of your dream. at last, i want to take the author’s word as the ending: all grown-ups were children first (but few of them remember it).if only we all remember it. 篇3:《小王子》读书报告 流淌于荒芜中的一抹清泉




一 作者简介

安东尼·德·圣埃克苏佩里。法国作家、飞行员。作者一生喜欢冒险和自由。1944 年7月31日在出航执行第八次飞行任务而遇险失踪。代表作品有童话《小王子》、小说《南方邮航》、《夜航》、游记散文《人的大地》、小说《空军飞行员》等。

二 故事梗概







他的玫瑰花的价值。 小王子向飞行员转述狐狸告诉他的那个秘密。


三 主题思想





四 我的感想 {一) 人物简评 1.飞行员

小说的叙述者是个飞行员,他讲述了小王子、以及他们之间友谊的故事。在我看来,飞行员是个爱幻想的人,不习惯那些太讲究实际的大人,反而喜欢和孩子们相处。飞行员善良、爱幻想、能够理解小王子的感受,他为小王子画小山羊、认真听小王子的故事,最后对小王子离去的悲伤,都足以表明这是个童心未泯的“大人”。那次与小王子的相遇相离,让飞行员悲伤,然也使他重振精神。 2.小王子

小王子,小说就是以他命名的,是一个神秘可爱的孩子。他住在被称作b-612小星球,是那个小星球唯一居民。小王子天真、可爱、善良、有责任心。他清除猴面包树的幼苗;清理他的星球上的火山;照顾他的玫瑰;对国王、酒鬼等人的不能理解;请飞行员画小山羊;时刻思念着他的玫瑰。小王子是全书的灵魂,象征着责任、爱、希望以及埋没在我们每个人心底的孩子般的灵慧。 3.狐狸

小王子在沙漠见到狐狸。狐狸是睿智聪明的,他要求小王子驯养他并使小王子明白什么是生活的本质。他告诉小王子:用心去看才看得清楚;是分离让小王子更思念他的玫瑰;爱就是责任。 4.玫瑰

一朵喜欢卖弄风情的花,她的自负和幼稚没能让小王子明白她对他的爱,反而令他无法忍受离家出走。在分开的日子里,她却时时出现在小王子的思想和心里。 5.蛇

蛇是小王子在地球遇到的第一个人物;也是他最终咬了小王子,把小王子送回家。蛇就像一个捉摸不透的迷。 6.国王

国王是小王子在离开自己的星球后拜访的第一个小星球上仅有的居民。他称自己统治所有一切,他的统治必须被尊敬和不容忤逆;然而,事实上他只是徒有虚名,他只能让别人去做别人自己想做的事。 7.爱虚荣的人

爱虚荣的人居住在小王子访问过的第二个星球。他坚持要大家崇拜他。爱虚荣的人对别人的意见充耳不闻,他听见的只是一片赞扬声。 8.酒鬼

酒鬼是小王子离家后遇到的第三个人。王子问他为什么整天喝醉着酒,酒鬼回答说是为了忘记自己感到难为情的事,什么事让他难为情呢?因为整天喝醉酒。 9.商人

商人是小王子遇见的第四个人。他为属于自己的星星计数而忙得不可开交。他认为他拥有星星, 使他富有。可是,他对星星没做过任何有益的事。实际上那些星星根本不属于他。 10.点灯人

点灯人是小王子遇见的第五个人,也是一个较复杂的形象。点灯人看似行为荒诞固执得不肯变通,但我们却不得不承认他的无私奉献。 11.地理学家

地理学家是小王子在到达地球之前见到的第六个人。地理学家看似很有学问,却不了解自己所在的星球,并拒绝自己去勘探,因为认为那是勘探工作者的事。 12.扳道工




(二) 主题理解


本书的主题思想是多方面的,而我感触最大的有两点: 1.孩子与大人是两个世界的人

书中说道“所有的大人首先是孩子”,但似乎大多数大人早已忘记这一点,“大人都忘了,他们也曾是小孩,他们的口袋里,曾经也藏有各种怪兽,他们的脑袋里,曾经浮现奇幻彩虹”;当棱角被磨平,心也变得冷漠,当曾经的孩子变成了大人,于[1] 是,大人们习惯于拿自己的价值观来衡量一切,对于孩子最纯真的美好嗤之以鼻。


为什么我们要拿武断、自大、无耻、贪婪去入侵一个孩子稚嫩的心呢?为什么我们要让大人那昏黄发黑的恶俗世界去侵染孩子那鲜艳纯洁的美好象牙塔呢?这是整个社会的问题,是人性的问题。当大人把一只吞了大象的蟒蛇看成是一顶帽子,孩子与大人,终究成了两个世界的人,尽管大人曾经也只是个孩子。 2.爱就是责任,就是彼此需要




“对于整个世界来说,你只是某个人;对于某个人来说,你却是整个世界”,对于彼此相爱的人而言,爱过,痛过,欢笑过,受伤过,这份爱就成了世界上独一无二的,而对方也成了你的整个世界。正如一本书中所说“we need each other(我们需要彼此)”。

当你被这份爱“驯养”了,你就会深陷其中,如《简·爱》中说的“我无法控制[4][3][2] 自己的眼睛,忍不住要去看他,就像口干舌燥的人明知水里有毒却还要喝一样。我本来无意去爱他,我也曾努力的掐掉爱的萌芽,但当我又见到他时,心底的爱又复活了”



五 后记







参考文献: [1] 畿米.我的错都是大人的错[m].北京:现代出版社,2009 [2] [日]池田大作,[俄]里哈诺夫.孩子的世界[m].北京:中国文联出版社,2002 [3] 畿米.我的错都是大人的错[m].北京:现代出版社,2009 [4] 石生琼.世界上最美丽的英文[m].北京:同心出版社,2007 [5] [英]夏洛蒂·勃朗特.简爱(江红译)[m].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2005 篇4:《小王子》读书报告 读书报告





小王子先后来到了六个星球,先后遇见了国王,爱慕虚荣的人,酒鬼,商人,点灯人,和一个老先生。直到他来到地球,碰到了小狐狸,并在小狐狸的主动申请下驯养了它。在与小狐狸在一起的日子,小王子学会了爱,懂得了要对玫瑰负责,因为他驯养过玫瑰,就永远负有责任。小狐狸送走了小王子,并告诉他,实质性的东西用眼睛是看不到的。看到这里,我想到了很多,那些我曾经没有关注的点点滴滴,我想到我亲爱的爸爸妈妈,他们一直在默默地付出,关心着我,守护着我,以前初中高中的时候爸爸妈妈都在身边,平时感冒生病了他们总是一接到我的电话就丢下手中的事情立刻赶到学校,而现在他们已经不在我身边了,当我生病的时候,我总会想起曾经的那些场景,因为再也没有人像他们那样心急如焚地赶到学校看我了···想到这些,好想哭,那些时光已经过去了··· 就像小王子一样,已经无法回去了他只能徘徊着,思念着玫瑰。

在充满思念却不能回去的日子里,小王子望着自己的星星,说:“如果你爱上了一朵生长在一颗星星上的花,那么夜间,你看着就感到甜蜜愉快。所有的星星上都好像开着花。”仿佛是一种情感的寄托。小王子是脆弱的的,他又无法忍受思念的孤独,他必须回去,却用毒液结束自己的生命,好抛开笨重的身体,快点回到玫瑰的身边。最后,小王子抛开了笨重的身体,却永远失去了见到玫瑰的机会。小王子就像一棵树一样轻轻倒了下去,柔软的沙地,连一点声音也没有。小王子为了能够得到心爱的玫瑰花的原谅,不惜生命的代价,一心要回到自己的星球,为她遮风挡雨,这是爱的责任,虽然她的态度很傲慢,但小王子依然爱着她,完全沉浸在她那美的光彩里,不禁脱口赞叹说:“你真美呀!”这是一种发自内心的爱,虽然她爱虚荣、骄傲、疑心重,还有点爱说谎,导致小王子离开他的星球,但是这朵玫瑰花在他的心中是那么的重要,因为她对于小王子来说是唯一的、独一无二的,因为他曾经驯服过她,因为他要对她的爱的责任负责! 看到这里,我的眼泪无声地流了下来,一切的一切只因他深爱着玫瑰,他的心被玫瑰驯服了,他找到了自己真正追寻的东西。“我会住在这其中的一颗星星上面,在某一颗星星上微笑着,每当夜晚你仰望星空的时候,就会像是看到所有的星星都在微笑一般!”我们不仅需要被爱,也要学会爱别人,如果已经爱上了谁,就要为这段感情负责,因为爱情不是游戏,不能任我们亵渎与践踏。生命诚可贵,爱情价更高。总之,既然爱了,就要为爱负责到底,这不仅是爱情,更是一种责任。




篇5:《小王子》读书报告 《小王子》读书笔记





小王子是充满童心的。“大人们真奇怪”,这是小王子经常说的一句话,在他的眼中 ,大人们总是古怪的。

“那当然,你要是乖乖的话,我还给你一根绳子,白天把羊拴住。我再给你一根栓他的木桩。” ?? “拴住他,多么奇怪的想法呀!”

小王子对于“我”要拴住样的想法反应巨大。在他心里羊是不应该被拴住的,不能去束缚它奔跑的天性,而大人们却是喜欢束缚人的天性。用一根绳子栓住一个生命,解决了它到处跑的问题,但是却不 能走动,小王子是决不允许大人去拴住他心爱的东西。


因而,小王子的童心是难能可贵的,这是孩子的天性,是不该也是不能被抹杀的。小王子喜欢追根究底,不理解“为什么大人们喜欢数字”之类的问题,他只是按照他的想法想问题,做事情。这使我想到一个报道:一个母亲因为老师告诉了她儿子黑板上画的是数字“0”而控诉了那位老师。这是一位见解独到的母亲、一位难能可贵的母亲,他对儿子的教育方式独具特色——给孩子充分的想象力,让孩子自由发展。在家长眼中,老师束缚了孩子的想象力是不对的,孩子的思维是不能被定格的。家长的做法可以简单的概括为:保存孩子的童心。 这是每一位教育者与家长应该做的。


多事让他想不明白,大人们的事及其想法也让他搞不清楚,可是小王子并不想弄清楚,他只需按照自己的想法去生活。途径的六个星球上的人们让他感到困惑,小王子却并不因此改变自己的想法,那是大人们古怪,不是自己,自己是正确的。与小王子相比,现在的小孩却是在不停地接受新事物,因为大人,他们改变自己对事物本身的看法,老师说那是“0”,因而就不能是鸡蛋,糖果,圆等等。关于儿童的节目越来越多,孩子们超负荷的去学习东西,甚至成人化的东西 ,童年玩耍的时间少了,童心也渐渐的少了。孩子们是需要童心的,在发展孩子的才能是,要给他们充分自由,玩耍和笑是孩子们的本性,他们是要像小王子一样带着童心、好奇心去认识世界,发现世界,而不是直接被告知。








小王子的责任心贯穿整本书。“你知道,我的那朵花儿,我要负责的!她是那么娇弱!那么幼小!他只有四根小刺,来保护自己,对付世界??”“记得么???你给我的小羊画一个嘴套??我要对我的花儿负责的呀”。在他心里,责任重于泰山。打扫星球是他的责任,保护朋友也是她的责任。如果他做不到,一定会很伤心的哭起来 。也许这个小小的孩子不清楚责任的意义, 但却能很明白的做到 。责





after reading the little prince the little prince is a fairy tales for abult.the book was written to a grown-up.his name is leon werth.thelanguage in this book is facetious.

it makes me understand.the grow-ups aways need explanations.the gorw-ups like talk about bridge and golt and politics and neckties.grow-ups like numbers,too.when you tellthem about a new friend,they never ask questions about what really matters.they never ask: what does his voice sound like?’ what games does he like best?’“does he collect butterflies?” they ask :“how old is he?” “how many blothers does he have?” “how much money does his father make?”

read the book, i understand some principle.one sees clearly only with the heart, anything eential is invisible to the eyes.it’s the time you spent on someone that makes somebody so important.

people have stars, but they aren’t the same.for travelers, the stars are guides.for other people they’re nothing but tiny lights.and for still others, for scholars they’re problems.for busineman, they were gold.but all those stars are silent stars.we, though, we all have stars like nobady else.


this is a fairytale whose distribution volume is only second to the bible.it’s been translated to versions of many other languages.and i gather there must be something special, something really great about it.it’s this conviction that drove me to read it at the first beginning.well, with due respect to the author, i failed to see how this fairytale be worthy of our attention, despite the fact that many readers claimed this book to be designed for adults.

anyway, as a well-acknowledged book, it must poe unique feature to maintain it’s position.and it’s reputation and popularity will by no means be destroyed by what an unknown man says.i will talk about the main contents of the book, and the inspiration it renders as usual.

i see eye to eye with the author in that the cause of people’s loneline can be concluded to the negligence of the bonds that connects them.people are supposed to care about each other, cherish what’s really important for them, and be grateful for the happine that they’ve gained.we all believe knowledge and experience enable us to see clearly and make right judgements all the time.but we may sometimes lose the right to speak straighforwardly, think creatively or love courageously resulting from what we’ve experienced.that why in our middle school textbooks, it’s the little kid that breaks the illusion of the emperor by saying ”but mum, he ain’t were anything”.

when i was a child, i was definitely a good boy who went home on time after school and did his homework and never tried anything without mom’s permiion.and now i am a grown-up, and still i am a good man, at least, that’s what i heard.sometimes

when i was lonely and i began to think about my childhood, then all the happine and care-free

people told me life is a journey which will never stop once it’s started.what’s left behind are happine and sorrow, pride and shame, succe and regret.there’s good old time to reminisce and there’s sad hours that reminds us of the pain.your feeling makes them real, and you know you lived.

i want to conclude by saying some positive words that each yestersday used to be today, and each today is the future of yesterday, so making the most of today is the best way to cherish your lives.our mortal beings are doomed to die.it’s not sad, instead, death it’s just a proce of our lives.after all, we’ve lived our lives and it’s what we do and how we think that determine who we are.

have a nice day!


a tale of love and life

—————— the little prince

the little prince is a clear book, as clear as the water.it’s writes for adults, teenagers and children.it is a book about life and the lives of the fable.as the book said, the water on the heart is beneficial.and little prince can make people feel warm and fresh.

the story is about a boy.he lives on a small planet.he is the only person of the planet.he is a lonely prince.fortunately, a beautiful rose came in his life.they loved each other.but a little argument separated them.he left the planet which he lives, starts traveling.he went to many planets and met many different people.he likes to watch the sunset when he was sad.he found that people wanted happine, but always pushed away happine rudely.

at last, he understood how to love each other.love and life is a very

important thing.he is very regret.he wanted to return to the planet which he lives.but he didn’t know the road.he chose to drank snake venom end his life because he thought it will be able to cast off his bulky body to go back.

every time, when i read the little prince, i always moved about it.in real life, we often busy in the whole day, such as a fly without soul.the paage of time, childhood away, we grew up and took away a lot of memories, but we also have an oasis in the heart.

because ‘the little prince’ story, we live in quiet, the heart has a hope and love, have touched on the responsibility of the life.


ReadingReport——The Little PrinceI’m reading a book called The Little Prince written by Exupery,S.He was born in Lyon in 1900.He was a pilot during his early life.Unfortunately,he was died at the age of 44 in 1944 when he was carrying out the eighth flying miion.And The Little Prince was his most famous novel.

This novel tells the story of the little prince, who came from the asteroid known as B-612.The narrator met the little prince when he crashed in the desert.Little by little, he learned more about the prince from words dropped by chance.The planet was so small that nobody could go very far.As is seen to all, he owned a flower and three volcanoes.Apparently, he was very earnest, honest and stubborn.Every time he put forward a question, you can’t ignore it and must answer it instantly to satisfy his curiosity.Don’t want to walk through these questions seemed boring and meaningle.Because they were more important than how much your salary is.Meanwhile, we cannot overlook another character——the flower loved by the little prince.It seems ridiculous that he fell in love with a flower, but their true love is moving in fact.At first, he was attracted by her charming appearance.However, she begun very quickly to

torment him with her vanity.Gradually, he had soon come to doubt her.Finally, they broke up, which had taken him to the earth.But he still could not forget his lover all the time.

The most memorable matter is that people could not understand the narrator’s first drawing until he drew out every detail.It was a picture of a boa constrictor in the act of swallowing an animal.To his disappointment, they thought it was a hat.And after several times of modification, these grown-ups made out his idea in the end.But the little prince could understand this picture at the beginning.In a conclusion, I think it is because grown-ups are short of imagination and their thoughts are complicated.Their hearts are not pure any more.This impreed me a lot is when you praise a beautiful house, these grown-ups cannot imagine how wonderful it is unle you tell them the house costs $20,000.There’s no denying that it is a very sad truth, however, also a common phenomenon.The reason is so clear that everybody knows it.What can it be except for their money worship? Although they might know it is bad, they never want to change the actuality because the temptation seems impoible to resist.As a result, they become complicated and only care about money.They used to be pure, but the realistic world has changed them greatly.Of course, we cannot

shift the responsibility onto them, because that’s it all the time.We must make up our mind to change the current situation thoroughly.Do not just pay attention to money is very important, and also hard to carry out.

I think this book is written for adults instead of children.On account of the deep meanings between the lines, innocent children maybe cannot undersand it very well.So the author asked the indulgence of the children who may read this book for dedicating it to a grown-up.In my opinion, this book is good for those grown-ups who have lost their childishne.I hope they can find themselves by reading this novel.

In a word, this book is worth reading.



After reading ,I was moved by the true love and friendship.In that little world, everything is full of love and beauty.Like the rose, she loved the Little Prince, she was beatific,because she could be cared.In the reality, we are the same.We love our parents,and they just like the Little Prince who take care of us.Thank you,my dear parents,I\'ll love you forever.

As for friends,I can never forget the fox.Her sincere and help made the Little Prince hopeful and glad.Facing all my friends,I\'ll be the fox,I\'ll bring hope and happy to all the people beside me.I\'ll never let them disappointed.

Thank you,Little Prince.You have taught me a lot.I\'ll learn from you.Maybe you\'re now in a pure and happy place,believe me, all the roses will bloom,only for you!


Once when I was six years old, I saw a magnificent picture in a book,called True Stories from Nature, about the primeval forest.It was a picture of a boa constrictor in the act of swallowing an animal.Here is a copy of the drawing.

In the book it said:\" Boa constrictors swallow their prey whole, without chewing it.After that they are not able to move, and they sleep through the six months that they need for digestion.\"

I pondered deeply, then, over the adventures of the jungle.And after some work with a colored pencil I succeeded in making my first drowing,My Drawing Number One.It looked like this:

I showed my masterpiece to the grown-ups, and asked them whether the drawing frightened them.

But they answered:\"Frighten? Why should any one be frightened by a hat?\"

My drawing was not a picture of a hat.It was a picture of a boa constrictor digesting an elephant.But since the grown-ups were not able to understand it, I made another drawing: I drew the inside of the boa constrictor,so that the grown-ups could see it clearly.They always need to have things explained.My Drawing Number Two looked like this:

The grown-ups response,this time, was to adviseme to lay aside my drawing of boa constrictors,whether from the inside or the outside and devote myself instead to geography, history, arithmetic and grammar.That is why, at the age of six, I gave up what might have been a magnificent career as a painter.I had been disheartened by the failure of my Drawing Number One and my Drawing Number Two.Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it si tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them.

So then I chose another profeion, and learned to pilot airplanes.

I have flown a little over all parts of the world:and it is ture that geography has been very useful to me.At a glance I can distinguish China from Arizona.If one gets lost in the night,such knowledge is valuable.


the little prince, the pilot, the rose, the fox, the snake, etc.

Despite I’ve not in my childhood yet, I still prefer reading fairy-tale stories.the tales, which accompany with me in my old days, often make me think of some precious experience and sensation which only belong to children.This summer I’ve review this kind of tale, which was published in 1940.It’s the world-famous fairy-tale by the French author, Antoine de St-Exupery, The Little Prince.

As many other fairy-talethe outline of The Little Prince is not very complex.“I”, the narrator of the story, is a pilot whose plane has something wrong and lands in the Sahara.In this occasion, the pilot makes the acquaintance of the little prince, a little boy from another planet, the Asteroid B612.The little prince has escaped from his tiny planet, because he has some quarrel with a rose, which grows on his planet.In that case he left his own planet and took an exploration at some neighbor asteroids.

On his all-alone journey, the little prince meets different kinds of people, which includes a king, a conceited man, a tippler, a busineman, a lamplighter and a geographer.From these people he gets a conclusion that the grown-ups are very odd.Following the instruction of the geographer, he descends in the Sahara, on the earth.

Traveling onthe earth, the little prince, who sees a garden of five-thousand roses, is overcome with astonishment and sadne, as he considers his rose is unique in the universe before.At that time a fox appears.The fox, who tell the little prince about the meaning of the word “tame”, becomes his new friend.At the time to say farewell, the fox makes him know that his rose is unique because she is his rose and tamed by him.From that the little prince begins to treasure friendship and be responsible to his rose.



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分类: 成果珍藏 情感





《语文课程标准》指出:“要努力建设开放而有活力的语文课程”,“培养学生广泛的阅读兴趣,扩大阅读面,增加阅读量,提倡少做题,多读书,好读书,读好书,读整本书。” 书目简介:

《小王子》是法国作家安东尼·德·圣-埃克苏佩里于1942写成的著名儿童文学短篇小说。本书的主人公是来自外星球的小王子,书中以一位飞行员作为故事叙述者,讲述了小王子从自己星球出发前往地球的过程中,所经历的各种历险。作者以小王子孩子式的眼光,透视出成人的空虚、盲目和愚妄,用浅显天真的语言写出了人类的孤独寂寞、没有根基随风流浪的命运。同时,也表达出作者对金钱关系的批判,对真善美的讴歌。 导读目标:




导读难点:解读具有异国风情的语言,初步感知情感和思想主题。 导读准备:多媒体课件、原著、故事稿 导读过程:






3、《小王子》是20世纪流传最广的童话,被译成100多种语言,它使孩子和成年人都喜欢。作品所刻意追求并表现出来的想象力、智慧和情感,使各种年龄的读者都能从中找到乐趣和益处,并且随时能够发现新的精神财富。) 如果让你从每个评论中提取一个关键词来形容这本书,会是什么呢? (指导学生聚焦关键词)

一部童话书,能够从中体会到这么多,对于这本书,你想知道什么? (引导关注作者、内容、情感、主题。)




①作者:书内有图文介绍,看一看,读一读,给你怎样的印象? ②译者:认识周克希,出示资料;












③请大家看全部的目录: (课件出示)

④你对哪个章节的故事感兴趣?赶快翻到那一页看看吧! (学生自主阅读。)













老师想推荐小王子和狐狸的关系,请看! (出示内容过节选:


“我开始明白了。”小王子说,“有一朵花„„,我想,她已经驯养了我„„” „„


狐狸沉默下来,长久的注视着小王子。 “请你„„驯养我吧!”它说。) 你读懂了他们之间的关系吗?





作者:fupingyipian 时间:2014/6/20 20:34:47 《小王子》班级读书会教学设计


通过大声读的方式,激发学生阅读整本书的欲望。 教学对象

小学五年级学生 教学准备

多媒体课件 教学过程










我惊奇地睁大着眼睛看着这突然出现的小家伙。你们不要忘记,我当时处在远离人烟千里之外的地方。而这个小家伙给我的印象是,他既不象迷了路的样子, 也没有半点疲乏、饥渴、惧怕的神情。他丝毫不象是一个迷失在旷无人烟的大沙 漠中的孩子。当我在惊讶之中终于又能说出话来的时候,对他说道:




当一种神秘的东西把你镇住的时候,你是不敢不听从它的支配的,在这旷无人烟的沙漠上,面临死亡的危险的情况下,尽管这样的举动使我感到十分荒诞, 我还是掏出了一张纸和一支钢笔。这时我却又记起,我只学过地理、历史、算术 和语法,就有点不大高兴地对小家伙说我不会画画。他回答我说:

“没有关系,给我画一只羊吧!” 因为我从来没有画过羊,我就给他重画我所仅仅会画的两副画中的那副闭着肚皮的巨蟒。


我听了他的话,简直目瞪口呆。他接着说:“巨蟒这东西太危险,大象又太 占地方。我住的地方非常小,我需要一只羊。给我画一只羊吧。”






第一颗星球上住着一个国王 第二个行星上住着一个爱虚荣的人

第三个星球上住着一个酒鬼 第四个行星是一个实业家的星球

第五颗行星有一个点路灯的人 第六颗行星一位老先生在写作大部头的书

(2) 你最想跟着小王子到哪一个星球上看看?



5、小王子来到的第七个行星就是地球了。(1)猜一猜:小王子在地球上会遇到什么? (2)揭示答案: 一条蛇

一个有着三枚花瓣的花朵 一个玫瑰盛开的花园 一只狐狸 一位扳道工

一位贩卖能够止渴的精制药丸的商人 (3)你最想听听小王子和谁的交谈? (4)应孩子们的要求读相关章节




1.介绍作者圣埃克絮佩里。2.翻看目录。 3.关于这本书。

  [教学研究]《小王子》好书导读课教案

作者: 微雨燕双飞时间: 2014/5/12 17:01:00分类: 无分类 






学习难点:聚焦“驯化”,解读文本。 教学方法:自主阅读、互动讨论








1.请同学们使用 “浏览” 的读书方法(板:浏览)自读第21节。概括出这一部分的内容。


3.交流读书印象(我们已经浏览过了第21节,请你概括这一段的大概内容) (出示多媒体): 小王子遇到了狐狸,狐狸让小王子



4.接下来请同学们一起走进第21节,采用精读的方法(板书:精读),仔 细地读每字每句,划出最能打动你的句子,想想它为什么打动了你?呆会儿请你大声地读给大家听。





3.文中的“驯化”就是建立联系。谁来读一读这一段话: (多媒体展示)



驯化容易吗?它需要_______?请你带着这样的问题 ,进入文章里去,在读到有“驯化”这样的词时,你可以停下来,想一想,写一写批注(板:批注)。







(1)为什么开始要离我稍远一点儿? (2)为什么说“什么也不要说,话语是误会的根源”?

(3)驯化如果真的不需要说话,那么它们靠什么交流呢?(行动和心灵) (4)“你可以一天天地向我靠近,”除了身体靠近外,还有什么在靠近?

























驯化 如果你驯化我, 那我的生命就会充满阳光, 你的脚步声则会像音乐一样,

把我召唤出洞穴。 如果你驯化我 那该会有多么美好啊! 金黄色的麦子会让我想起你, 我也会喜欢听风在麦穗间吹拂的声音。
















