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英文原文: A 接待人员:Excuse me, are you Mr.Taylor from the US? 外宾:Yes, I am.接待人员:How do you do,Mr.Taylor.B 接待人员:Excuse me, but are you Mr.Kate? 外宾:No, I’m not.接待人员:Oh, I’m sorry.中文翻译: A.

接待人员:对不起,请问您是从美国来的泰勒先生吗? 外宾:是的,我是。 接待人员:您好,泰勒先生!

外宾:您好! B.

接待人员:请问您是凯特先生吗? 外宾:不,我不是。 接待人员:哦,对不起。


英文原文: A.

接待人员:I’m Wang of Peace Electronics Manufacturer.I’m very pleased to meet you.外宾:The pleasure is mine.B.

接待人员:I’m Liu from ITEK.Nice to meet you.外宾:Nice to meet you, too.中文翻译: A.

接待人员:我是和平电子设备制造厂的,姓王。很高兴认识您。 外宾:认识你我也很高兴。 B.

接待人员:我是ITEK公司的,姓刘。很高兴认识您。 外宾:我也是。


英文原文: A.接待人员:Follow me, please.外宾:All right.B.接待人员:This way, please.外宾:OK.Thanks.中文翻译: A.接待人员:请跟我来。 外宾:好的。 B.接待人员:请这边走。 外宾:好的,谢谢。


A.接待人员:Are you free this evening? I’d like to take you out to dinner.外宾:Yes.I’d be glad to go.B.接待人员:May I invite you to dinner this evening? 外宾:Thank you.I’d be pleased to go.A.接待人员:您今晚有空吗?我想请您吃晚饭。 外宾:有空。我很乐意。 B.接待人员:我今晚请您吃饭好吗? 外宾:谢谢。我很乐意。


A.接待人员:What food do you prefer? 外宾:Chinese food.B.接待人员:What would you like to have for supper? 外宾:Peking roast duck.A.接待人员:您喜欢吃什么? 外宾:中餐。 B.接待人员:您晚餐想吃什么? 外宾:北京烤鸭。


A.接待人员:Let’s sit down here, shall we? 外宾:Ok.B.接待人员:Would you like to sit here by the window? 外宾:Yes,that would be great.A.接待人员:就坐这儿,好吗? 外宾:好。 B.接待人员:喜欢靠窗坐吗? 外宾:那样更好了。

告别与送行(1)-惜别 A.接待人员:It’s a pity you’re leaving so soon.外宾:Yes.I wish I could stay here longer.B.接待人员:I’m sorry you can’t stay here a little longer.外宾:I feel the same.A.接待人员:真遗憾,您这么快就得走了。 外宾:是呀。真希望能再多呆些日子。 B.接待人员:您不能在这儿再多待一段时间,我感到很遗憾。 外宾:我也感到遗憾。


A.接待人员:Look forward to meeting you again some day.外宾:So do I.B.接待人员:I’ll be looking forward to seeing you again.外宾:So will I.A.接待人员:期待有一天再见面。 外宾:我也是。 B.接待人员:期待我们再次见面。 外宾:我也是。



1)【熔炉】(The Melting Pot)


2)【雅皮士与雅非士】(Yuppies and Yuffies)

雅皮士是美国人根据嬉皮士(Hippies)仿造的一个新词,意思是“年轻的都市专业工作者” 。雅皮士从事那些需要受过高等教育才能胜任的职业,如律师、医生、建筑师、计算机程序员、工商管理人员等。他们的年薪很高。雅皮士们事业上十分成功,踌躇满志,恃才傲物,过着奢侈豪华的生活。与嬉皮士们不同,雅皮士们没有颓废情绪,不关心政治与社会问题,只关心赚钱,追求舒适的生活。雅非士意为“都市中失败的年轻人”。他们虽然觉得自己的生活无法与雅皮士的生活相比,但又不愿意有失落感,并发誓要找到自己的归宿。 3)【山姆大叔】(Uncle Sam)

它是美国的绰号与象征。山姆大叔的英文为Uncle Sam,缩写是U.S.,正好与美国的英文缩写相同。但它怎样成为美国的绰号和象征的呢?普遍的说法是:1812年,美英战争期间,美国特罗城有一个专门供应军用牛肉的商人(也有的说是军事订货的官员)名叫山姆尔?威尔逊(Samuel Wilson,1776—1854),人们平时都叫他山姆大叔(Uncle Sam)。美国政府收购他的牛肉箱上都盖U.S.字样。人们遂开玩笑说这些盖有U.S.字样的箱子都是山姆大叔的。后来“ 山姆大叔”便成了美国的绰号。19世纪30年代,美国画家又将“山姆大叔”画成一个留有山羊胡子的瘦长老人,帽子和裤子都有星条旗的标志。 4)【黑色星期五】(Black Friday)

“黑色”这一词,源出耶稣殉难日(Good Friday)。1987年10月19日,纽约股票市场的股票价格暴跌,因这天是星期五,故称股票市场的“黑色星期五”。10月19日纽约股市的股票指数普遍大幅度下降,超过了1929年10月28日引发经济大萧条的股票暴跌纪录。这天开市不久,即出现抛售股票的狂潮,纽约股市创下了破纪录的股市交易6043亿股,使得美国几家大公司损失惨重,上市的5000家公司的整个股票价值,一天中就折损了5000亿美元。股值暴跌迅速度卷世界各地大金融市场,引起了西方的极大恐慌,这次股票暴跌,是第一次世界大战以来股市最糟的一次,也是华尔街有史以来下跌幅度最剧烈的一次。 5)【汽车旅馆】(Motel=Motor+Hotel)


听力背景2 6)【美国主要报刊】(Major Newspapers and Journals in the U.S.)

报纸(Newspapers): (1)《纽约时报》(New York Times): 1851年创刊是美国最有影响的三家大报纸之一。社址在纽约市中心的时报广场,为苏兹贝克(Sulzberger)家族所有。该报基本反映美国的外交政策及动向。平日发行量为80万份,每份约60至100页,星期日刊增加两个副刊,发行量为140万份,每份达300页以上。读者主要是美国上层社会,包括资本家、国会议员、政府官员以及高级知识分子。 (2)《华盛顿邮报》(Washington Post): 1977年创刊于首都华盛顿,是美国最有影响的三家大报纸之一,属格雷厄姆(Graham)家族所有。政治上接近国会,支持民主党,颇受参议院重视。它向美国内外300多家报纸供稿,以刊载一些政府“内幕”而著称,平日发行量为50万份,星期日版为70万份。

(3)《洛杉矶时报》(Los Angeles Times): 该报是美国西部最大的一家报纸,为美国最有影响的三大报纸之一。1881年创刊,以其倾向于共和党,代表西部利益集团的观点而引人注目。发行量为100万份。

(4)《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal): 1889年创刊,由美国主要财政金融新闻出版企业集团“道?琼斯”公司(Dow Jones)出版,是美国有影响的全国性财政金融专业性报纸。发行量为140万份。

(5)《纽约每日新闻》(Daily News): 1919年创刊,为美国发行量最大的报纸。

期刊(Periodicals): (1)《时代》(Time): 周刊,1923年创刊于纽约,分国内版和国外版,国外版又分欧洲、亚洲及拉丁美洲版。该刊以报导及时和文字新颖取胜。辟有国外新闻、经济、宗教、科学、法律、人物、医药、影剧评论、体育等各类专题报导。发行量约300万份。

(2)《新闻周刊》(Newsweek): 创刊于1933年,是一种综合性杂志。除国内版外,还有大西洋版和太平洋版。是与《时代》同享盛名的美国两家全国性周刊,发行量约300万份。 (3)《读者文摘》(Readers Digest): 月刊,创刊于1922年,号称世界发行量最大的杂志,以15种文字,39种版本出版,每期发行量达3000万册。内容广泛,以专摘各大报和著名杂志的文章为一特色,另一特色则是用刊头、刊尾到处补白、插警语、箴言、座右铭、小笑话等。政治上反映美国保守派的观点。

(4)《美国新闻与世界报导》(U.S.News and World Report): 1948年由《美国新闻》、《世界报导》和《美国周刊》三刊合并而成。着重于政治、经济和军事的综合报导与评论。代表洛克菲勒财团的利益,发行量达300万份。


7)【常春藤联盟】(the Ivy League)



1754年建于纽约市的哥伦比亚(Columbia)大学; 1769年建于新罕布尔州的达得茅斯(Dartmouth)大学; 1865年建于纽约州的康乃尔(Cornell) 大学; 1636年建于马萨诸塞州的哈佛(Harvard)大学;

1740年建于宾夕法尼亚的宾夕法尼亚( Pennsylvania)大学; 1746年建于新泽西州的普林斯顿(Princeton)学院; 1701年建于康涅狄克州的耶鲁(Yale)大学。

8)【美国现行的教育体制】(the Current American Education System)

与英国的现行教育体制相似,美国的教育体制可分为三个主要阶段:初等教育、中等教育和高等教育。在接受初等教育之前,学生可以受到学前教育(主要形式是保育学校——nursery school与幼儿园——kindergarten)。

初等教育的主要教育机构是小学(elementary or primary school)。儿童五六岁入小学学习。美国的小学有四年制、六年制和八年制等几种。从不同学制的小学毕业出来的学生进入不同学制的中学(四年制小学毕业生事先须进入中间中学学习四年,再进入中学)接受中等教育。

中等教育是在中学里完成的。美国的中学有四年制与六年制两种。四年制中学主要有普通中学(high school),职业技术中学(technical school)和一些专门中学(special school,如海事中、自动化中学等)。六年制中学又有两种。一种是将初中(junior high school)与高中(senior high school)独立分开的中学,两者在课程设置、课表安排与行政管理等方面都享有独立的自主权;另一种是六年一贯制中学,将初、高中合为一体,在教学与行政等方面实行统一管理。在美国,公立中学不许开设宗教课程,所以出现了一些私立的教会中学( 实为教会所有),专门培养教会神职人员。

高等教育主要在高等学校完成。高校分大学(university)与学院(college)两种。大学一般是综合性的,可包括若干个学院(如医学院、法学院等)。大学为各州设立、管理。学院也可分为两类:由州或大城市设立管理的四年制本科学院(包括文学院、独立专业学院——如理工、医、法专业学院)和由小城市或县设立管理的两年制学院(相当于中国的专科学院或称大专)。前者可提供本科学历(可授予学士学位——Bachelors degree),后者只提供专科学历(主要是专门职业培训)。设有研究生院的大学可授予硕士学位(Masters degree)和博士学位(Doctors degree)等更高的学位。在美国要拿到某专业的学士学位,须学完该专业规定的课程及学分(每门课程的学分不同),学分总数达到规定的要求后,学生可获得学士学位。拿到学士学位的本科生,再通过一至两年的攻读,达到要求者可获硕士学位。博士学位则要求研究人员完成有较大难度的、规定的研究工作,并提交学术论文,方可获得。在美国,文科的最高学位是哲学博士(Doctor of Philosophy—Ph.D.)。

听力背景4 9)【美国各州及部分城市别名】(Nicknames for States and Some Cities in the U.S.)


阿肯色(Arkansas): 奇迹州(Wonder State);机会之乡(Land of Opportunity)阿拉斯加(Alaska): 午夜出太阳之乡(Land of Midnight Sun);最后的边疆(the Last Fron tier);半岛州(Peninsula State)爱达荷(Idaho): 小锄州(Spud State);锅柄州(Panhandle State);宝石州(Gem State);山间宝石州(Gem of the Mountain)北达科他(North Dakota): 摇尾州(Flickertail State);老殖民地州(Old Colony State) ;苏族州(Sioux State)北卡罗来纳(North Carolina): 老北州(the Old North State);焦油脚跟州(Tar Heel State)宾夕法尼亚(Pennsylvania): 基石州(Keystone State)得克萨斯(Texas): 孤星州(Lone Star State)俄亥俄(Ohio): 七叶树州(Buckeye State)俄克拉荷马(Oklahoma): 快些州(Sooner State)俄勒冈(Oregon): 河狸州(Beaver State)佛罗里达(Florida): 阳光州(Sunshine State)佛蒙特(Vermont): 青山州(Green Mountain State)弗吉尼亚(Virginia): 总统的母亲(Mother of Presidents);骑兵州(Cavalier State);自治州(the Old Dominion State)怀俄明(Wyoming):平等州(Equality State)华盛顿(Washington): 清努族州(Chinook State);常青州(Evergreen State)加利福尼亚(California): 黄金州(Golden State)堪萨斯(Kansas): 小麦州(Wheat State);废奴游击州(Jayhawk State);向日葵州(Sunflower State)康涅狄格(Connecticut): 痼习州(Land of Steady Habits);宪法州(Constitution State)肉豆蔻州(Nutmeg State)科罗拉多(Colorado): 百年纪念州(Centennial State);银州(Silver State)肯塔基(Kentucky): 莓草系州(Bluegra State)路易斯安纳(Louisiana): 欧裔州(Creole State);蔗糖州(Sugar State);塘鹅州(Pelican State)罗得岛(Phode Island): 小罗得(Little Rhody)马里兰(Maryland): 老路线州(Old Line State);自由州(Free State)马萨诸塞(Maachusetts): 老殖民地州(Old Colony State);海湾州(Bay State)蒙大拿(Montana): 宝藏州(Treasure State);山区州(Mountain State)密苏里(Miouri): 别哄我州(Show-Me State)密西西比(Miiippi): 木兰州(Magnolia State)密执安(Michigan): 貂熊州(Wolverine State)缅因(Maine): 松树州(Pine Tree State)明尼苏达(Minnesota): 北极星州(North Star State);万湖州(Land of 10000 Lakes);金花鼠州(Gopher State)南达科他(South Dakota): 郊狼州(Coyote State);阳光州(Sunshine State)南卡罗来纳(South Carolina): 矮棕榈州(Palmetto State)内布拉斯加(Nebraska): 牛肉州(Beef State);玉米壳州(Cornhusker State)内华达(Nevada): 战火诞生州(Battle-Born State);艾草州(Sagebrush State);银州(Silver State)纽约(New York): 帝国州(Empire State)特拉华(Delaware): 蓝鸡州(Blue Hen State);第一州(First State);钻石州(Diamond State)田纳西(Tenneee): 志愿州(Volunteer State)犹他(Utah): 蜂窝州(Beehive State)威斯康星(Wisconsin): 獾州(Badger State)西弗吉尼亚(West Virginia): 山州(Mountain State)夏威夷(Hawaii): 太平洋上的天堂(Paradise of Pacific);阿洛哈州(Aloha State)新罕布什尔(New Hampshire): 花岗岩州(Granite State)新墨西哥(New Mexico): 迷人乡(Land of Enchantment);仙人掌州(Cactus State)新泽西(New Jersey): 花园州(Garden State)亚拉巴马(Alabama): 棉花州(Cotton State);黄锤州(Yellow Hammer State);狄西的心脏(Heart of Dixie) 亚利桑那(Arizona): 大峡谷州(Great Canyon State);落日州(Sunset State)依阿华(Iowa): 鹰眼州(Hawkeye State)伊利诺斯(Illinois): 林肯的故乡(Land of Lin coln);草原州(Prairie State)印第安纳(Indiana): 好大州(Hoosier State)佐治亚(Georgia): 南方帝国(Empire State of the South);桃州(Peach State)



时光飞逝,转眼间一学期结束了。在本学期,本人按照学校的安排,任初一初二英语听力的教学。一学起来,本人认真备课,上课,认真出卷,及时阅卷。严格要求学生,尊重学生,发扬教学民主,使学生学有所得,从而不断提高自己的教学水平和思想觉悟,并顺利完成教育教学任务。为了总结经验,寻找不足,现将英语听力一学期的工作总结如下: 1.要提高教学质量,关键是上好课。为了上好课,我做了下面的工作: (1) 课前准备,备好课。

① 认真钻研教材,对教材的基本思想,基本概念,每句话,每个字都弄清楚,了解教材的结构,重点与难点,掌握知识的逻辑,能将教材运用自如,知道应补充哪些资料,怎样才能较好。

② 了解学生原有的知识技能的质量,他们的兴趣,需要,方法,习惯,学习新知识可能会存在的困难,采取相应的预防措施。

③ 考虑教法,解决如何把已掌握的教材传授给学生,包括如何组织教材,如何安排每节课的活动。 (2) 课堂上的情况



为加强学生练习英语听力的思想认识,树立坚持每周甚至是每天英语听力练习的新理念。尝试新教法,不断更新教学观念。开展英语歌曲教学,英文原声电影教学等非传统教学手段,并得到学生的欢迎。 3.不断提高自己




(1) 教材挖掘不深入,对学生的自主学习,合作学习,缺乏理论指导。 (2) 教法不灵活,不能完全吸引学生学习,对学生的引导,启发不足。 (3) 对学生了解不够,对学生的学习态度,思维能力不太清楚,学生掌握的情况怎样,教师心中无数,引导了教学中的盲目性。


(1)学习新内容,挖掘教材,创造新教学方法,进一步把握知识点和考点。 (2)多听课,学习同科目教师先进的教学方法的教学理念。 (3)加强教学反思,加大怎样提高英语听力教学投入研究 最后,也希望各位 老教师多指正我的缺点,从而不断提高我自己。




笔者认为,学生听力测试成绩不高,很大程度上是和答题技巧有关。涉及数字,时间,人物区别的听力测试,要记录这些最重要的信息:一句话的问题往往是关键词最重要(What when who where等)。另外,先阅读答案,不失为一种很好的答题技巧。试卷发下来后,快速将所有听力答案看一遍,做到放录音时有的放矢,有备而听。答案选错了,也不要费时费劲地擦了重写,而这时往往耽误下一句的听力内容。直到划掉选错的答案,在前面写上正确的,全做完之后再一起整理。无论发生什么,做题的速度一定要跟上放音速度。这样才不至于丢题,漏题。不能为了写一个答案, 单词而漏掉了后面的两道或三道题。





1 看病场景

考点:健康检查 病症状况表现 医生诊断结果 治疗方案 相关建议 mental hospital精神病医院 clinic诊所

physician/internist内科医生 oculist/eye doctor眼科医生 surgon外科医生 dentist牙医

vet兽医 shrink心理医生

symptom症状 have/catch a cold感冒

have a sore throat嗓子痛 have a stomachache胃痛 have a fever发烧 pneumonia肺炎

flu流感 have a cough咳嗽 have a headache头痛 have a toothache牙痛 liver trouble肝炎 allergy过敏症 twisted/sprained扭伤的 feel dizzy头晕 feel chilly觉得发冷 asthma哮喘 diabetics糖尿病患者 cramps抽筋 vomit/throw up/nauseate呕吐 diarrhea腹泻 vomitive/pukey恶心的 luggies/phlegm痰 have a stuffed nose鼻子不通 cholera霍乱 stiff neck脖子发僵 absce脓肿 yellow fever黄热病 hay fever枯草热 pills药丸 mixture合剂 eyedrops眼药水 syrup糖浆

pad药棉块 vitamin维他命

tablet药片 penicillin盘尼西林 antibiotic抗生素 ointment药膏 medication药物 aspirin阿司匹林 bandage绷带 syringe注射器 stethoscope听诊器 injection注射 preventive injection预防针 gauze纱布

cold cure感冒药 sweating medicine发汗药 febrifuge退烧药 capsule胶囊 case history病历 extract拔牙

take one's temperature量体温 see a doctor看病

send for a doctor请医生 feel one's pulse量脉搏 take one's blood preure量血压 give a prescription开药方 have an operation 动手术 make an appointment预约

3 银行交易场景

银行交易的场景主要以银行提供的服务项目为主,包括开户头、存款、提款、货币兑换等信息。 1)常用词汇

bank book/pa book存折 open an account开户

earn interest赚取利息 savings account储蓄存款帐户 current account活期存款帐户 check/cheque account支票帐户 deposit account定期存款帐户 annual interest rate年利率 monthly savings account按月计息帐户 daily interest account按天计息帐户

instant account速成户头 service charge服务费/手续费 signature card签名卡 draw/withdraw提款

order check/cheque记名支票 rubber check/cheque空头支票 blank check/cheque空白支票 exchange rate汇率

denomination=face value面额 four in hundred四张一百元面额 give the money in fives/tens换成五元或十元面额 bill钞票 change零钱

cash现金 paword/code密码

amount in figures小写金额 amount in words大写金额

credit card信用卡 the balance of your bank account帐户余额

traveler’s check/cheque旅行支票 coin硬币

penny便士 nickel(美、加)的五分硬币

dime(美、加)的十分硬币 unit 货币单位 value/worth面值 ounce盎司1/16磅 commercial/merchant bank商业银行 full refund全额偿还 extension延期 overdraw/overdraft透支 rebate回扣 payday发薪日 pay slip/envelop薪水单 a princely sum(an exceive amount)巨款

mortgage抵押 by installment分期付款 apply for/grant_______a loan申请/批准贷款

debt债务 collateral担保物

fill out/in填写 chequebook/checkbook支票簿 loan贷款 joint account联名帐户 expense account公款支付帐户 cashier收银员 teller银行职员 statement对帐单

money order汇票 accountant会计 A.T.M自动取款机 2)常用句型

I’d like to open a_____________account.

I’d like to check the present balance in ___________account.I’d like to apply for a personal loan.

I’d like to change(兑换)___________for_____________.What’s the current rate? How would you like to receive your change(零钱)? 还有时常会考到银行的开放时间,一般是几点到几点?还有周末或许不同(注意)

4 教育场景

这个场景好复杂,因为考的内容会很广泛,包括:新生入学报到场景、课程设置及规定介绍场景、家庭作业分析场景、课堂演示场景日常生活咨询场景等。 1)由于中外学校结构差异造成一定程度上的做题困难 国外大学结构及官衔

president(大学校长) University dean(学校分院长) College/school head of the faculty Faculty head of the division Division chairman Department principal中学校长 headmaster小学校长

headmistre小学校长(女) 2) 新生入学及入学后大致过程

顺 register/enrole(登记、报到) 一般会student union office 序

原 opening ceremony(开学典礼)

则 orientation meeting(介绍会)指学校综合情况 lecture(报告)

tutorial(一个学生发言那种) 3) 关于学科的单词

basic course基础课 specialized course专业课

required course必修课 optional/selective course选修课 literature文学 philosophy哲学 history历史 art艺术

sociology社会学 linguistics语言学 psychology心理学 engineering工程学 architecture建筑学 busine商务 law法学 economics经济学 fiancé金融学 accounting会计学 banking银行学 biochemistry生物化学 4)相关教育单词

kindergarten幼儿园 elementary education初等教育 secondary education中等教育 higher education高等教育 adult education成人教育 open admiion免试入学制 day-care center幼儿园(美) nursery school托儿所 primary/elementary school小学(英/美)

secondary school中学 coeducation男女生同校制度 junior high school初中 senior high school高中 attached middle school附中 technical school技校

polytechnic institute理工学院/科技大学 key school重点中学 graduate school研究生院 open university夜大、函大 private school私立学校 public school公立学校

universal education普及教育 educationist/educator教育家 postgraduate研究生 alumnus/alumna校友(男/女) undergraduate本科 Alma Mater母校 auditor=guest student旁听生

boarder住宿生 open-book exam开卷考

pop test抽考 orientation program新生训练 teaching facilities教学设施 aistantship助学金 scholarship奖学金 room and board食宿 auditorium礼堂 vice-monitor副班长 period of schooling学习年限 credit system学分制

mark/score/grade分数 schedule=school timetable课程表

individual study自习individual coaching=tutorial个别指导 English evening英语晚会 after-school activities课外活动 social investigation社会调查 voluntary labor义务劳动 graduation appraisal毕业评估

graduation ceremony=commencement毕业典礼 diploma=graduation certificate毕业证书

drop out辍学 quit school退学

school discipline校纪 attendance/participation出勤率 attend a lecture上课 mi a cla缺课

cut a cla旷课 expel sb from school开除 tuition学费 miscellaneous expenses杂费

a grant-aided student领助学金的学生 lecture portfolio讲义夹 semester半学期 blue-book考卷

report card成绩单 final-examination期末考核 quiz小测验 oral test口试 diploma毕业证 degree学位 aociate diploma专科证书 Bachelor学士

Master硕士 Doctor of Philosophy博士 Expert专家 consultant顾问 Coordinator班主任/协调人 profeor教授 aociate profeor副教授 lecturer讲师 adviser/mentor导师 counselor辅导老师

course arrangement课程按排 application form申请表 school of Arts and Sciences文理学院 project学生独立钻研的课外课题 presentation针对某一专题发表的演讲 paper/thesis/diertation论文 letter of recommendation表扬信

journal周记 office hour教授与学生面谈时间


2002-10-15 来源: 【无忧雅思社区】

发信人: xiaoyingzi(贝贝)

catalogue(under titles/authors/subjects)目录 reference stacks书库

delivery desk/circulation desk借书台 call slip借书单(索书单) check out登记并借出 charge out把、、、、借出来

library card/admiion card借书卡 date slip/deadline/date of expiry期限 due应付费

overdue and pay a fine过期并交罚款 borrow向、、、、、、、借 lend借给、、、、人 renew续借

available可获得的 out on loan借出的 reserve/book预借

closed reserved只读不借 in circulation在书库里 out circulation借走了 not for circulation不外借 claification分类

bibliography书目(籍者检索目录) on the shelf在书架上 newspaper报纸 journal日报

periodical(magazines and journals)定期刊物 current/back iues现今/以后发行 category种类

return in time及时归还

interlibrary service图书馆际服务 open/closed shelves开架/闭架书库 librarian图书馆长




Terrific(太妙了,好极了)/great/wow(哇,奥)/gee(表示惊喜高兴的情绪的词语)/yummy(好吃的,美味的,愉快的)/good thing/bingo(你成功了,中了)/you bet(当然啦,的确)/Thank goodne 表示高兴的语气常常和表示赞美的词汇连用,如fabulous(难以置信的,极好地,传说中的) ,glamorous(迷人的,富有魅力的) ,favorite(最喜欢的,最喜爱的) ,magnificent(高尚的,宏伟的,壮丽的) ,dandy(上好的,极好地) ,cool等


Nuts(胡说,混蛋,坚果) / oops(哎哟,表示惊讶,狼狈时所发的感触) / too bad (糟糕,不幸,遗憾)/tough luck(坏运气,真不走运,恶运临头)

表示生气的语气中还有几个词常常被使用,用来表现“讨厌,厌恶”的情绪,如:disgusting (令人讨厌的) ,whew (呦you),bother(令人讨厌的),shit (他妈的),fuck(他妈的),bull shit (他妈的),dummy(笨蛋),jerk(蠢人),a hole (笨蛋),bitch(母狗)


I bet /You bet (当然,真的)/I’ll say / Yep(是) / Yeah(是)


Really / Oh,dear / Dear me / Oh,boy(man) / Oh,no /Gosh(天啊,糟了) / My god / Gee / jesus(天啊,救世主,耶稣) / Christ(基督,天啊,救世主)




看答案的主语是she / he ,确定后,听短文只需听一者的就行了。





4、含义比较绝对,过于极端的选项一般不对。(anything ,everything)






Almost / nearly / neither /either / also / besides / especially / poibly / probably / likely / perhaps / might / may / maybe / could /as well



(1)数字题:听到数字的地方做个记录,以便对它进行计算。 More(多),le(少),late(晚),early(早),fast(快),slow(慢),before(前),after(后),add/addition(加上),plus(加上),subtract/subtraction(减去),minus(减去) (2)事件发生地点题

这类题的答案不一定是听到的,有时候还要进行一些逻辑推理。 (3)人物关系题:找关键词 (4)建议题:

That’s a good idea.But Why don’t you…? Why not? Is there anything wrong with…? Would…be all right? Wouldn’t it be much better if…? Will…do? What if we do…? How about …? I am afraid…? I’d like to ,but…? (5)意义解释题

一般的提问为:what does the man mean?

What do we learn from this conversation? 做法:排除那些重复原词,断章取义,张冠李戴的干扰项,即“听到什么不选什么”

(6)事件内容题 (7)观点态度题


Positive 肯定的,实际的,积极的,确实的 Favorable 赞成的,有利的,赞许的,良好地 Approval 赞成,承认,正式批准

Enthusiastic 狂热的,热心的,积极性的 Supportive 支持的,支援的 Defensive 为…而辩护的 Consent 同意,赞成,答应 否定

Negative 否定的,消极的,负的,阴性的 Disapproval 不赞成的 Objective 异议的 Critical 批评的

Disgusting 令人厌恶的,令人反感的 Warning 警告的

Contemptuous轻视的,轻蔑的 Ironic说反话的,讽刺的 Compromising 妥协的,折中的 Suspicious可疑的,怀疑的

Doubtful可疑的,不确的,疑心的 Puzzling使迷惑的,使莫名其妙的 客观中立:

Objective 客观的 Neutral 中立的

Impartial 公平的,不偏不倚的 Disinterest 无私的 Unbiased 没有偏见的

unprejudiced公平的,无偏见的,没有成见的 detached不含个人偏见的,客观的 moderate中等的,适度的,适中的 tolerant宽容的,容忍的

mild温和的,温柔的,淡味的,轻微的,适度的 主观


Indignant愤怒的,愤慨的 Subjective主观的,个人的 Indifferent不关心


Gloomy黑暗的,阴沉的,令人沮丧的,阴郁的 Optimistic乐观的

Sensitive有感觉的,敏感的 Scared恐惧的 Reserved保留的 Radical激进的 关注

Concerned关心的,有关的 Apprehensive担忧的,担心的 Mixed喜忧参半的 积极

Objectiv3333 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333eimistic悲观的3Unconcerned不关心的

Contemptuous轻蔑的,侮辱的 Hostile敌对的,敌方的 Biased片面的


2、不懂装懂 (1)思维定式 A、听不到的是真的(对于小对话)


C、出门万事难,事事遭挫折。(如订机票,火车票订不到;房间往往被预购空;借点东西基本上是竹篮打水;上医院需要预约;饭店里的菜难吃;租房子太贵;地点不合适,室友太吵) D、学校里面遭遇多(课程难懂,老师严厉,论文不好写,学习需要点灯熬夜才能交上论文) E、饭店里讲究多(pie西式馅饼,排会比较难吃,pizza比较难吃,coffee是要black的,还是要加cream奶油,sugar或者milk的,点的菜往往有缺点) (2)反向思维来解题

在题中遇到了这些词要反向考虑:meant to (本意为)/ planned to / intended to(打算做…想要做…)

/ tended to (趋向于) / used to (过去,经常) (3)But 题型(这种在小对话中,一般选择与听到的是反的,像以下词也一样:actually , well , really ,in fact , as a matter of fact , to tell the truth…)



3、考试陷阱 (1)声东击西

(2)听到表面文章(在小对话中,听到的选项不选) (3)偷梁换柱(注意和原文中的原词的同义词,反义词)



I can’t agree more.我完全同意

I can’t agree any more.我非常同意。 Out of question 毫无疑问 以下是表示不同意的: How can you do sth.你怎么可以这么做。 I’d like/love to but .我很愿意但是。 No bother .不麻烦

对于一些疑问也表示肯定:isn’t she/he , doesn’t she/he , wouldn’t she (though)

2、表示建议的句型 That’s a good idea.But Why don’t you…? Why not? Is there anything wrong with…? Would…be all right? Wouldn’t it be much better if…? Will…do? What if we do…? How about …? I am afraid…? I’d like to ,but…?


(1)might/must/should/would + have +done 如果在一个人的话语中听到了类似的结构,就可以放心地不去听另一个人的话语,只要选择出和这个人的话语相反地语句。

(2)I wish (希望如何…就好了)那说明该事不能被实现或者没有被实现。


在选择答案时,可以观察如果有两个答案的语义恰恰相反,则答案就在这两者之中。 (4)But for(要不是):表达出来的意思也是相反


听到“the last person , the last thing , the last solution”这类字眼时,就应该知道这是说话人表示最不想做的某事情的情绪。

5、cannot be too …句型(越…….越好)

(1) You cannot be too hardworking when studying in university.在大学的学习中,你应该越努力越好。

(2) You should never be too careful in your studying .在学习中,你应越小心越好。


No more than 只是,仅仅 No more than I 不外我 No more than 不过,

But no more than 不要超过

No more…than至多,不超过,仅仅,同,,,一样不,和,,,同样不 No more … than 表示的是“A和B一样不咋的,都不太好“



(1)概括文章大意:从小文章的开头与结尾两处,对于主旨题一般在开头几句;而对于推测态度题,要看文章的走势及结尾处的语言来做判断。 (2)考查细节:在“不懂装懂“中详细的讲解

2、不懂装懂 (1)出题原则


B、选项中的表达与原文中的表达相同,则该选项就为正确答案 C、如果文章考查主旨、主题句基本上在文章的开头找答案 D、如果考查细节,要注意时间与相应的事件的记录

(2)考点所在:绝大部分考点都是一些段落关键词语所引导的 A、对引导词的考查:

表因果关系:responsible for(是…的原由) / bring about (引起,导致) / cause / lead to / contribute to(是…的部分原因;促成,有助于,起作用;捐献与) / attribute to (把..归因于) / trigger(引发,出发,引起) / considering(考虑到,鉴于,就…而论) / thanks to / question / answer / result in(导致,结果是) / therefore / account for(对做出解释;对负有责任;说明的原因) / blame for (责备,因..责备)/ why / reason / thus (因此)/ hence (因此,今后)/as a result /owing to(由于,因为…) /on account of (因为,由于,为了…的缘故)/ for the sake of(为了,由于,为了…的利益) / due to B、表转折关系

But / despite / in spite of / however / instead / while / although / yet / on the contrary正相反 / conversely (相反地)/ by contrast 相比之下,与之相反/ whereas(然而,鉴于,反之) C、表并列和层进关系

One another(the other) / for one thing ,for another / to begin with ,next ,furthermore ,finally / on the one hand ,on the other hand /first ,second ,next ,last / in the first place ,in the second place 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666rge 大体上,总的来说/ on the whole / everything considered从各方面考虑6E、表举例

For example / as a matter of fact事实上 / or / namely 也就是,即是,换句话说/ in other words / that is / that is to say (3)文章类型


(1)学校的主要场所和话题 a.图书馆

reference room(资料室,参考阅览区) / periodical 期刊,杂志/ facility服务机构,设备,设施/ librarian (图书管理员) / bibliography (参考书目)/ iue(期刊的期)/ stack堆,堆叠 / late returns逾期归还 / overdue过期的 / reserve book(只可以短期借阅的书目) b.学习话题

入学时涉及的内容:freshman大一新生 / sophomore大二学生 / coordinator(管理员) / registration 注册/ enrollment登记,入伍 / sign up for a course申请上某个课程 / stamp the form 在表单上盖章/ identification card身份证,标记卡 / organizer组织者,承担单位 / seion学期 / opening speech开幕致辞 / seion(会议) / seminar (研讨会) / dormitory宿舍 / student hostel(学生旅店) / faculty科,系,教师,学院 / aociate profeor副教授 ,lecturer讲师 ,TA助教 ,dean 院长,系主任,president校长 ,principal (中学校长) / counselor辅导老师 / tutor导师,辅导,家庭教师 / open university(夜大学) (开放大学,函授)/ boarding school(寄宿学校) 选课时涉及的词汇:

Optional course(选修课)/ required(compulsory) course (必修课) 考试时涉及的词汇

Report card(成绩单)/blue book(考卷)/quiz(考查,课堂测验)/eay question(问答题,论述题)/pop quiz(突击考试/测验)/

delay(延迟)/defer(推迟,延期)/postpone(延期,延缓)/put off a test (这几个都是延迟一个考试)/draw on(临近) (3) 打电话场景

Receiver(接受器,接收者)/slot(硬币投币口)/the line is busy/get (put) through(接通电话)/mobile phone (手机,移动电话)/pay phone(投币式公用电话)/pay telephone/booth公用电话亭/yellow page黄页(国际上对商业电话号码薄的固定称谓),电话薄黄页/extension电话分机/operator not in操作员未登录/hold on不挂断电话,等一下/take (leave) a meage / hang up挂断电话/get off下车,下来/ credit call 记账式电话/credit card call信用卡付费电话/collect call(对方付费电话)/busy signal占线信号,忙碌信号/cut off切断

(4) 餐馆场景

Waiter(服务员)/serve(服务,招待)/order订单/take order点酒水,点菜 /on diet节食,减肥/napkin餐巾 / dish 碟,盘,一道菜/ silverware 镀银餐具/ soup汤 / deert 餐后点心/ pie 陷饼/pizza比萨饼 / appetizer(开胃菜) /pudding布丁 / fish and chips炸鱼薯片,鱼条 / French fries(薯条)/ ketchup(番茄酱)/whole wheat bread全麦面包 / white bread (白面包)/buffet自助餐/ drive-in免下车餐馆 /tavern(小酒馆,客栈)/cuisine(烹调方法)/ham火腿

(5) 租房子场景

Suburb / downtown /live off campus /

for rent / for lease(可租让的房子) /let 出租屋/cheap /expensive /hunt a house寻找一个房子 / parking lot 停车场/ utility公共设施 / furnished供应,装备,家具/ unfurnished无供应的,无家具的/leaking 泄漏/clogged(下水道等堵塞)/break down分解,瓦解 /fix困境,方位,贿赂 /repair /dump/blackout(断电)/tenant承租人,房客,居住者

(6) 上医院场景

See a doctor/ send for a doctor(请医生)/clinic临床,诊断/school infirmary (学校医务馆)/ physician(内科医生)/surgeon(外科医生)/dentist(牙医)/make an appointment(约会,预约)/emergency急诊/check up检查/exam检查/cold感冒/flu流感/runny nose 流鼻涕/dizzy头晕/discharge(拉肚子)/headache/sore throat喉咙痛/fever发烧/toothache牙痛/stomachache胃痛/prescribe开处方/pill/tablet(药片)/prescription medicine(处方药)/over the counter medicine(非处方药)/injection(注射)/shot注射 /operation手术 /vaccine(疫苗)/virus病毒/diagnostic(诊断)/immune to 免疫的,不受感染的 (7) 工作场景

(8) 宾馆场景

Reservation desk(预订处)/make a reservation预约,预定 / confirm a reservation确认预定 / cancel the tour 取消旅游/ fully occupied(客满)/porter(行李员)/luggage office (行李房)/tip /check in / single room /double room / suit (套间)/flush(厕所冲水)/lobby(酒店大堂)/busine center(商务中心)/line ,please /reception desk (接待处)/cancel(取消)/identification card / rate of exchange(兑换率)/conversion rate (换算法)/luggage label(行李标签)/fill in the form


电话号码中的0的比较:zero , nought , null , nil , nothing ,oh.同音异形词




no -------know Bred(breed的过去式,繁殖)-----bread(面包)

wring痛苦,折磨,挤------ring Be----bee蜜蜂,蜂,勤劳的人

scent气味,嗅觉,味道----sent Caught-----cot(简易床,小屋)

threw抛,丢弃--------through Groan呻吟,抱怨-grown长大的,成年的

tail尾巴,踪迹,燕尾服-tale故事,传说,叙述 Hart雄赤鹿---heart心

see----sea Herd兽群,放牧人-----heard听到,闻之

there----their I----eye

week---weak Worn(wear)疲倦的,用旧的---warn

for---four Wood----would

plane飞机---plain平原 Wore(wear的过去式)—war



principal校长,委托人,主犯---principle原则 Dear---deer鹿

hear---here Our---hour

right—write Die ---dye染料,染色

hole洞,突破口---whole Pail桶---pale栅栏,范围,苍白的



idle闲置的,懒惰的---idol偶像,崇拜物 Pair一对,一双—pear梨

sew缝,缝纫---so—sow播种,使散布 Flower—flour面粉

meet---meat Peace平静---piece块,硬币

Get through 接通电话,到达,通过,做完

Gonna(将要) get you through 会让你度过 Get sb through 接通

Get information through 通过



教学目的:让同学们了解伊拉克人才流失的原因,重点介绍Iraq\'s BRAIN DRAIN ,这次教学内容主要包括讲述伊拉克的人才流失情况和政府希望出国的学生能回来。

1 介绍视频背景

Here is a piece of video ,Snowy Sulaimaniya in the Iraq\'s northern Kurdish region,At Sulaimaniya\'s recently-established American University, the first generation of MBA students are graduating.the war and the subsequant violence are reasons of brain drain .\"\"Iraqis are not like maybe foreign countries.They are Muslim by nature.So they have this connections among their families and they don\'t leave for good.\"These young faces are Iraq\'s future, the human capital it needs to repair decades of trauma.2 带着问题看第一遍视频 (一遍估计不够。先看问题,然后看两遍)

A where is Snowy Sulaimaniya?

The city seemSnowy Sulaimaniya in the Iraq\'s northern Kurdish regions a million miles from Baghdad..B what do first generation of MBA students do after graduating.? Many of them say they want to put their skills to work building up private enterprise in Iraq..C what cause Iraq\'s brain drain ?

Iraq was compounded by sanctions and the war and the subsequant violence have simply made it worse.D what does Ahmed believe? it\'s in the Iraq\'s nature to want to come home.He says many already have.,

3 Spot dictation, \"When I introduce this ___________ to the prime minister, this is the first question he asked me. How can you___________ that those students will come back? And I said, really I can not guarantee you.


1     suffice: [sə‘fais] vi.1.足够,足以 eg:These food sufficed for two days.vt.2.满足

eg:The intresting books will suffice me.

   enterprise: [entəpraiz] 1.事业, 计划 eg.I enterprised my career 2.事业心, 进取心  eg:He has a great enterprise.

These young faces are Iraq\'s future, the human capital it needs to repair decades of trauma.

trauma: [traʊmə] 1.心灵创伤,精神创伤

 eg:ehe experienced the serious trauma at young ag.



Five hundred made it through at the cost of government\'s a fifty million dollars,

at the cost of 以......为代价,以......的花费 I bought the book at the cost of 5 dollars.,



Teaching Manuscript for Listening


Zhou Dongni


1 Unit One : Can I take a Meage? ( I ) Teaching focus :

The teaching focus of this unit is telephone numbers, addrees, times, dates, making and receiving phone calls.In this unit, we try to give the students an omni-bearing picture of the telephone.

Part one: Getting Ready A.Have the students listen to the tape and read new words and phrases after the tape.B.Before the listening exercises, first explain new words and phrases in key points table in this unit.Then have them hear some short conversations and finish the miing information.Play the tape twice and then invite volunteers to finish the dialogues.C.First have students listen to the tape two times.Ask some students to tell their answers in cla.Then, play the tape again to check the answers.Part two: Giving and receiving phone calls Before listen to the tape, explain new words and phrases in key points table in this unit.A.Listen to the telephone records twice and then ask students to finish the blanks.B.Ask students to listen to the two meages twice and then invite some students to finish the exercises in books.Then, listen to the

2 tape again, explain difficult points and check the answers.Part three: I’d like to speak to…

Before listen to the tape, explain new words and phrase in key points table in this part.A.First, have the students read through the 9 sentences and give them hints and skills on doing these kinds of exercises.Listen to the records twice and then ask a few students to finish the blanks.Play the tape again, explain difficult points and check the answers.

B.Listen to a more authentic version twice and complete the sentences.Ask 9 students to finish them.Unit Two : Can I take a Meage? ( II ) Teaching focus : The teaching focus of this unit is telephone numbers, addrees, times, dates, making and receiving phone calls.In this unit, we try to give the students an omni-bearing picture of the telephone.

Part one: Getting Ready A.Have the students listen to the tape and read new words and phrases after the tape.B.Before the listening exercises, first explain new words and phrases in key points table in this unit.Then have them hear some short conversations and finish the miing information.Play the tape twice and

3 then invite volunteers to finish the dialogues.C.First list key words and new expreion in short dialogues on the blackboard and explain them to the students.Then, have students listen to the tape three times.Ask some students to finish the exercises in cla.At last, play the dialogue sentence after sentence and check the answers.Part two: Giving and receiving phone calls Before listen to the tape, explain new words and phrases in key points table in this unit.A.Listen to the phone records three times and then ask students to take down the reasons and actions.B.Before listen to the tape, ask students to read through the notes and incomplete meages and then listen to the authentic versions of the announcements and answer the questions.Usually this part is easier for them after they have finished part a, so listen to the record twice and ask volunteers to finish the questions.Part four: More about the topic Videophones get the call First, have students learn new words and phrases in this part.Listen to the paage twice and then ask 5 students to finish the miing information, one paragraph for each.At last, ask them to close books and listen to it again.Try to read after the paage in minds.

4 Part five: Memory test Bus Information Hear the tape twice and jot down the asked information.Unit three: Clear or Cloudy? Teaching focus: The teaching focus of this unit is weather conditions, temperatures, times, percentages, and years.We try to familiarize the students with English weather forecasts.Part one: Getting Ready A.Have the students listen to the tape and read new words and phrases after the tape.B.Before the listening exercises, first explain new words and phrases in key points table in this unit.Then have them hear the five sentences and finish the miing information.Play the tape twice and then invite volunteers to finish the dialogues.C.First list key words and new expreion in the reports on the blackboard and explain them to the students.Then, have students listen to the tape three times.Ask some students to finish the table in cla.At last, play the dictation sentence after sentence and check the writing.Part two: A weather report A. Before listen to the tape, explain new words and phrases in key

5 points table in this unit.B.Listen to the weather report dictation three times and then ask students to finish the writing sentence by sentence..Unit four: Can Time Move Backward? Teaching focus : The teaching focus of this unit is time, day of the week, taking meages, and note taking.Time is a common topic in our daily life.The technique of dealing with time will be trained throughout the whole book.Part one: Getting Ready A.Have the students listen to the tape and read new words and phrases after the tape.B.Before the listening exercises, first explain new words and phrases in key points table in this unit.Then, ask students to study the 8 clocks and read the time on it in English.At last, have them hear some short conversations and finish the matching exercises.Play the tape twice and then invite volunteers to finish the dialogues.C.First list key words and new expreion in the expreions on the blackboard and explain them to the students.Then, have students listen to the tape three times.Ask some students to finish the blanks.At last, play the dictation sentence after sentence and check the answers.

6 Part two: Local time Before listen to the tape, explain new words and phrases in key points table in this unit.A.Ask the students to listen to the dictation three times sentence by sentence, then, leave them a few minutes to check their writings.At last, ask volunteers to present their writings and play the tape again.Part four: More about the topic Day-light saving time First, have students learn new words and phrases in this part.Listen to the paage twice and then ask 5 students to finish the miing information, one paragraph for each.At last, ask them to close books and listen to it again.Try to read after the paage in minds.Part five: Radio announcement Bus Information Hear the tape twice and jot down the asked information.Unit Five: Flying In and out Teaching focus: The teaching focuses of this unit are numbers, times, dates, and prices.The most important activity is listening to airline information.Part one: Getting Ready A.Have the students listen to the tape and read new words and phrases

7 after the tape.B.Before the listening exercises, first explain new words and phrases in key points table in this unit.Then have them hear some short conversations and finish the miing information.Play the tape twice and then invite volunteers to finish the dialogues.C.First list key words and new expreion in the dictation on the blackboard and explain them to the students.Then, have students listen to the tape three times.Ask some students to present their writings in cla.At last, play the dictation sentence after sentence and check the writing.D.First explain new proper words and then play the record twice and finish the TRUE OR FALSE exercises together.Explain difficult sentences if neceary.Part two: At the railway station Before listen to the tape, explain new words and phrases in key points table in this unit.C.Listen to the railway announcements twice and then ask students to mark the names of places mentioned in the tape.D.Ask students to listen to the announcements one after another twice and then invite some students to finish the chart in books.Then, listen to the tape again, explain difficult points and check the answers.

8 E.Before listen to the tape, ask students to read through the seven questions and then listen to the authentic versions of the announcements and answer the questions.Usually this part is easier for them after they have finished part B, so listen to the record twice and ask volunteers to finish the questions.Part three: Why are we waiting here? Before listen to the tape, explain new words and phrase in key points table in this part.D.First, have the students read through the summary and give them hints and skills on doing these kinds of exercises.Listen to the dialogue twice and then ask a few students to finish the blanks.Play the tape again, explain difficult points and check the answers.

E.Listen to a more authentic version twice and complete the sentences.Ask 7 students to finish them.Part four: More about the topic Grand Central Terminal First, have students learn new words and phrases in this part.Listen to the paage twice and then ask 5 students to finish the miing information, one paragraph for each.At last, ask them to close books and listen to it again.Try to read after the paage in minds.Part five: Memory test Bus Information

9 Hear the tape twice and jot down the asked information.

Unit six: By Bus or by Train Teaching Focus: The teaching focus of this unit is numbers, times, prices and common verbs used when taking a bus, taxi or a train.In teaching this unit, teachers should ask the students to listen carefully for the bus and train information.Part one: Getting Ready E.Have the students listen to the tape and read new words and phrases after the tape.F.Before the listening exercises, first explain new words and phrases in key points table in this unit.Then have them hear some short conversations and finish the miing information.Play the tape twice and then invite volunteers to finish the dialogues.G.First list key words and new expreion in the dictation on the blackboard and explain them to the students.Then, have students listen to the tape three times.Ask some students to present their writings in cla.At last, play the dictation sentence after sentence and check the writing.H.First explain new words and then play the record twice and finish the

10 exercises together.Explain difficult sentences if neceary.Part two: At the railway station Before listen to the tape, explain new words and phrases in key points table in this unit.I.Listen to the railway announcements twice and then ask students to mark the names of places mentioned in the tape.J.Ask students to listen to the announcements one after another twice and then invite some students to finish the chart in books.Then, listen to the tape again, explain difficult points and check the answers.K.Before listen to the tape, ask students to read through the seven questions and then listen to the authentic versions of the announcements and answer the questions.Usually this part is easier for them after they have finished part B, so listen to the record twice and ask volunteers to finish the questions.Part three: Why are we waiting here? Before listen to the tape, explain new words and phrase in key points table in this part.F.First, have the students read through the summary and give them hints and skills on doing these kinds of exercises.Listen to the dialogue twice and then ask a few students to finish the blanks.Play the tape again, explain difficult points and check the answers.

G.Listen to a more authentic version twice and complete the sentences.

11 Ask 7 students to finish them.Part four: More about the topic Grand Central Terminal First, have students learn new words and phrases in this part.Listen to the paage twice and then ask 5 students to finish the miing information, one paragraph for each.At last, ask them to close books and listen to it again.Try to read after the paage in minds.Part five: Memory test Bus Information Hear the tape twice and jot down the asked information.Unit seven: This Way or That Way? Teaching Focus: The teaching focus of this unit is the understanding of special relations and directional instructions.Part one: Getting Ready A.Have the students listen to the tape and read new words and phrases after the tape.B.Before listen to the dialogues, first explain new words and phrases in key points table in this part.Then have them hear some short conversations and finish the miing information.Play the tape twice and then invite volunteers to finish the dialogues.C.First study the two maps and explain expreions of directions to

12 students.Then, have students listen to the tape twice and decide whether each statement is true or false.At last, have the sentences played again and check the answers.Part two: Giving Directions

Before listen to the tape, explain new words and phrase in key points table in this unit.A.Before Listen to the three statements, have students study the map closely and pay special attention to names of streets.And then play the tape twice and ask a few students to mark the routine stated in the tape.

B.Ask students listen to a more authentic version of the statements and conversations.Complete the directions.Then invite some students to finish blanks in their books. Part three: Route 66 Before listen to the tape, explain new words and phrase in key points table in this part.A.First, have the students read through the fast facts and give them hits and skills on doing these kinds of exercises.Listen to the monologue twice and then ask a few students to finish the blanks.Play the tape again, explain difficult points and check the answers.

B.Before listen to the paage again, ask students to study the map closely and look through the matching exercise by themselves, then

13 play the tape twice and ask students to finish them.C.Listen to a more authentic version of the whole report twice and answer the five questions.Part four: More about the topic Automobiles in the USA First, have students learn new words and phrases in this part.Listen to the paage twice and then ask 4 students to finish the miing information, one paragraph for each.At last, ask them to close books and listen to it again.Try to read after the paage in minds.Part five: Memory test Reading Maps First have students study the two maps and then hear the tape twice and choose the best answer to each question.

Unit eight: Cash or Check Teaching Focus: The teaching focus of this unit is bank details, currency codes, and prices.Part one: Getting Ready A.Have the students listen to the tape and read new words and phrases after the tape.B.Before the listening exercises, first explain new words and phrases in

14 key points table in this unit.Then have them hear some short conversations and finish the miing information.Play the tape twice and then invite volunteers to finish the dialogues.C.Before the listening exercises, first explain new words and phrases in key points table in this unit.Then have them hear the conversation and finish the miing information.Play the tape twice and then invite volunteers to finish the dialogues.Part two: Heart Attack Before listen to the tape, explain new words and phrase in key points table in this unit.

A.First list key words and new expreion in the dictation on the blackboard and explain them to the students.Then, have students listen to the tape three times.Ask some students to present their writings in cla.At last, play the dictation sentence after sentence and check the writing.B.Have the students study this form closely and then play the record twice.D.Ask students listen to the announcements one after another twice and then invite some students finish the chart in books.Then, listen to the tape again, explain difficult points and check the answers.E.Before listen to the tape, ask students to read through the seven questions and then listen to the authentic versions of the

15 announcements and answer the questions.Usually this part is easier for them after they have finished part B, so listen to the record twice and ask volunteers to finish the questions.Part three: Making phone calls to chase late payments Before listen to the tape, explain new words and phrase in key points table in this unit.A.First, have the students read through the summary and give them hints and skills on doing these kinds of exercises.Listen to the three dialogues twice and then ask a few students to finish the blanks.Play the tape again, explain difficult points and check the answers. B.Listen to a more authentic version again.Part four: More about the topic Origins of Money First, have students learn new words and phrases in this part.Listen to the paage twice and then ask 4 students to finish the miing information, one paragraph for each.At last, ask them to close books and listen to it again.Try to read after the paage in minds.Part five: Memory test Judy’s Weekly Spending Hear the tape twice and jot down the asked information, esp., numbers and prices.

16 Unit nine: Toward Better Health

Teaching Focus: The teaching focus of this unit is instructions and routines.Part one: Getting Ready A.Have the students listen to the tape and read new words and phrases after the tape.B.Before the listening exercises, first explain new words and phrases in key points table in part one.Then list key words and new expreions in the dictation on the blackboard and explain them to the students.Then, have students listen to the tape three times.Ask some students to present their writings in cla.At last, play the dictation sentence after sentence and check the writing.C.Play the dialogue twice and ask students to finish the miing information, then invite volunteers to finish the dialogue.Explain difficult sentences if neceary.Part two: Heart Attack Before listen to the tape, explain new words and phrase in key points table in this unit.A.Listen to a heart attack talk twice and then finish the causes and symptoms of the disease.Explain the causes of heart attack in detail.B.Ask students to hear the second part of the talk only once and mark these items which we should do or should not do.Then play the

17 advices again and check the answers.Part three: Smoking Kills Before listen to the tape, explain new words and phrase in key points table in this unit.A.Before listen to the tape, ask students to look through column A and column B.Then listen to the paage twice and finish matching exercises.Remember to take notes of numbers and percentages.Tell students the techniques of finishing these kinds of work.B.Ask students to listen to a more authentic version of the statement and Complete true or false exercises.Part four: More about the topic Walking Toward Better Health First, have students learn new words and phrases in this part.Listen to the paage twice and then ask 4 students to finish the miing information, one paragraph for each.At last, ask them to close books and listen to it again.Try to read after the paage in minds.Part five: Memory test Bus Information Hear the tape twice and jot down notes beside each choice.

Unit ten: Are You Fit and Healthy? Teaching focus:

18 The teaching focus of this unit is the identification of key words and the summary of major points.A.Have the students listen to the tape and read new words and phrases after the tape.B.Before the listening exercises, first explain new words and phrases in key points table in part one.Then have them hear a short conversation and finish the miing information.Play the tape twice and then invite volunteers to finish the dialogues.C.First have the students study the two charts and then play a short paage three times.Part two: Stre and Catching Colds Before listen to the tape, explain new words and phrases in key points table in this unit.A.First ask students to read through column A and column B to get familiar with the basic idea.Then play this science report only once.Later, ask one student to finish this part.B.Ask students to listen to listen to a more authentic version of the report twice.Then, invite three students to finish the three parts of the report.Part three: “So you wanna keep fit, huh?”

Before listen to the tape, explain new words and phrase in key points table in this part.

19 A.First, have the students look through table and the five golden rules, then play the paage twice.Ask a few students to finish the table and miing information.Invite five students to finish the five golden rules.Play the tape again, explain difficult points and check the answers.

B.Before listen to the second part, first describe the five pictures.Then listen to the record twice and choose the right pictures and put them in right order.Part four: More about the topic Are You Fit Healthy? Skip this part because it is too low and difficult for students.Part five: Memory test How Much Exercise Is Enough Exercise? Hear the tape twice and finish your target heart rate speed and put the six phrases in the right order.

Unit eleven: The Interviewer’s Eye Teaching Focus The teaching focus of this unit is questions and answers, times and prices.Part one: Getting Ready A.Have the students listen to the tape and read new words and phrases

20 after the tape.B.Before the listening exercises, first explain new words and phrases in key points table in this part.Then have them hear the 24 statements and finish the miing information.Play the tape twice and then invite volunteers to finish the dialogues.C.First learn the meanings of these new words and then hear the ten short sentences twice.Part two: A Good Interview Before listen to the tape, explain new words and phrases in key points table in this unit.A.First have students look through the summary then listen to the interview twice.Later, ask six students to finish the questions.B.Ask students to listen to a more authentic version of the interview twice, try to catch the miing information.At last, play the conversation again and check the answers.Part three: The Interviewer’s Eye Before listen to the tape, explain new words and phrase in key points table in this part.A.Play the talk twice and have students put the words in the right columns.B.Listen to a more authentic version of the monologue twice and complete the 4 sentences.Ask 4 students to finish them.

21 Part four: More about the topic Finding the Right Job A.First, have students learn new words and phrases in this part.Then, ask them to study the following advertisements.Listen to the paage twice and then ask 3 students to finish these advertisements, one for each.

B.Listen to the advertisements again and finish true or false statements.At last, ask them to close books and listen to it again.Try to read after the paage in minds.Part five: Memory test Job Opening Before hear the tape, study the table first.Then listen to the paage twice and jot down the asked information.

Unit twelve: Review Teaching Focus The training focus of this unit is revisions of the units learned.





Presentation: 听一听:找出下列单词的发音

A: cat bag rat sad apple B: set bed get wet red C: sit


pig zip his 让学生找出每组单词中的相同发音,并将音标写在白板上进行一对一教学 /æ/ /e/ /i/ Group work:让学生分组进行填空比赛 cat /k___t/ bag /b___g/ map /m___p/ jam/dʒ___m/ fat /f___t/ yes /j___s/ red /r___d/ wet /w___t/ jet /dʒ___t/ pen /p___n/ sit /s___t/ big /b___g/ zip /z___p/ fit /f___t/ him /h___m/

二、交际用语 / 常用对话——问候、告别 Lead in 老师设置场景进行场景交际用语的教授 A: Hi!/ Hello!

A: Good morning / afternoon / evening /night.A: How are you? / How are you doing?

A: Good-bye / Bye / Bye-bye.A: See you later / tomorrow / soon… A: Nice / Glad to meet you.A: Are you OK / all right? A: How is everything with you?

How is it going?

Group work: role-play

三 练习Practice 1.音标辨音

B: Hi!/ Hello!

B: Good morning / afternoon / evening /night.B: I’m fine / OK.

Fine / Very well, thank you.Just so so.

Not very good./ …

B: Good-bye / Bye / Bye-bye.B: See you.

B: Nice / Glad to meet you, too.B: Yes, I’m OK./ All right.B: Just so so.

Very good./ Everything is going well.Listen to the teacher ,listen to the words in the sentences and tell the teacher the sound of the word.e.g.” yesterday I was very sad” “it is a big dog” “I like color red”


Set 1 (

) 1. Who is that girl? A.Lily B.Jeica C.Kate (

) 2. Where are they now? A.At home.B.In a shop.C.At school.(

) 3. Is the boy, Michael, a new student? A.Yes, he is.B.No, he isn’t.C.He is a new student, too.Look at the questions and gue what is the dialogue about? And then listen to the tape and do the exercises.

四、随堂检测 Production 音标辨音

选出正确的音标: (

) 1.A.

/æ/ (

) 2.A.

/е/ (

) 3.A.

/i/ (

) 4.A.

/æ/ (

) 5.A.

/æ/ (

) 6.A.

/е/ (

) 7.A.

/i/ (

) 8.A.

/æ/ (

) 9.A.

/i/ (

) 10.A.





) 1. A.I’m fine, thanks.(

) (

) (

) (

) (

) (

) (

) (

) (

) 2. A.Hi, every one.3. A.See you.4. A. Glad to meet you, too.5. A.Good-bye! 6. A.I’m fine, thanks.7. A.Please don’t go.8. A.Yes, I do.9. A.Very well, thanks.10. A.It’s a dream.

B.B.B.B.B.B.B.B.B.B./е/ /æ/ /æ/ /i/ /е/ /æ/ /æ/ /i/ /æ/ /i/ C.C.C.C.C.C.C.C.C.C./i/ /i/ /е/ /е/ /i/ /i/ /е/ /е/ /е/ /е/

B.How do you do? B. Good morning, teacher.B.Meet at 7:00 p.m.B. Nice to meet you.B.Hi, Mary.B.How do you do? B.Good-bye! B.That’s all right.B.How do you do? B.Good night.

C.I’m seven years old.C. Nice to meet you! C.I’m fine.C. Hello, Sam.C.How are you? C.I’m seven years old.C. See you at your home.C.I’m OK now.C.I’m five.C.Good evening! Set 2 (

) 4.

Who is Mr.Smith’s new friend? A.Lily B.Li Hua (

) 5. When is it now?

C.Lin Lin A.In the afternoon.B.In the morning.(

) 6. How is Li Hua today? A.She’s fine.B.Not very good.

Set 3 (

) 7. Is Tom in the dancing group? A.Yes, he is.B.No, he isn’t.(

) 8. What are Mary and Amy going to do? A.Play table tennis.B.Play soccer.(

) 9. Does Tom go with them together? A.Yes, he does.B.He is not so sure.

C.In the evening.C.Just so so.

C.Mary is in the group.C.Play tennis.C.No, he doesn’t.


内容:Unit 1 《The new term》 目的:听大意 复述所听内容

T: Now cla, we are going to listen to a dialogue you need to listen carefully ,because I need you to repeat the content you listen and tell me the main ideal at the first time.Understand? Ss:Yes ,We understand! T: Ok.Let’s start.(Plays the tape once)

Well ,who can tell me the main ideal about the radio? Ss:It talk about the new term.T:You are so clever! Now let us listen again !(Plays the tape again) T:Who can repeat ?Can you?(Ask a student) S:I’m sorry just a little.T:Ok, This time we listen sentence by sentence you can write down the sentence you are listening.Ok? Ss:OK(play the tape the third time) T:Now who can repeat it?(ask some students to repeat) At last I will show you the content you can check your answer!(listen the radio last time).






Unit 1 Leon 2 Relaxing Teaching aims/objectives: To practice listening for specific information.To use strategies to predict answers before listening to a text.To become aware of hesitation techniques.

Teaching difficulties: To practice listening for specific information.

Teaching Aids:

Multimedia claroom, slides, recorder, tape, etc.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Warming up To give several pictures to let students know some new words.Step 2 Pre-listening

T: Today we are going to study leon 2 relaxing.What’s meaning of relaxing? S: T: Relaxing means to rest while you are doing something enjoyable, especially after work or effort.Do you know what I say? S: T: In our life we often face all kinds of stre and worries.Think about situations in your life.Use the key works to say how relaxing or streful they are for you.Do the exercise 1. S: T: Too much stre and worries for a long time does harm to our health, we must think of ways to get rid of them, now look at the picture, streful? S: Step 3 While-listening T: we will listen an interview about relaxing, but before listening we do an exercise to help you understand. Do the excise 4.T: The interview will give you some new ideas, but before you listen , read the questions carefully, try to think of poible answers.Do the excise 5 T: Now let me test your remembering ability, you read through the questions, answer them if you can remember any of the answers.Students listen to the caette again and answer the questions.Do the exercise 6.T: We will listen to Mark’s dialogue about relaxing and stre.I gue maybe you will have the same feeling and experience.Pay attention to his streful actives and relaxing actives to fill the blank.When students have checked their answers, ask them “Before exams and before going to parties what do you do to avoid much too stre? Do the exercise 7 Students look at the Function File activity and see if they can remember or can gue any of the miing verbs.Students listen to the caette again and complete the sentences in the Function File.Remind students of these words’ character: v + ing.Do the exercise 9 In our oral language we often pause.Now listen to Mark again.Which words or sounds does he use to hesitate? Students listen to the caette.After each sentence, pause the tape so that students can repeat the hesitation device.Step 4 Post-listening Pair-work In pairs students act out a role play in which one person is not sure what to say and so uses a lot of hesitation words.For example, You borrow your friend’s favorite CD last week.Now she ask you for it back you can’ t find it.

Step 5 Homework

Do exercise 2 in the text.

Design of the blackboard writing Unit 1 Lifestyles Leon 2 Relaxing stre, streful, preure studio diet

Reflections From this text, students learn not only the new vocabulary but learn more about the relaxing activities and streful activities.What\'s more, learning to use the new knowledge is very important.Practice makes perfect.So , much exercise is neceary.This text aims at developing students’ ability to find some specific information,giving homework can help them master the knowledge better.





不同于托福,雅思考试一拿到试卷,就要将试题迅速浏览一遍,并标出关键词(Key words,也称信号词)。雅思听力中的信号词可以为解题起到很好的导向作用,能帮助我们主动寻找答案。







无论说话还是写作,都会有一定的篇章逻辑,这些逻辑是以相关的逻辑词加以连接的。雅思听力的出题思路也是按说话者的逻辑顺序来的,掌握了这些逻辑词,我们就能以最快的速度找到答案。比如正确答案常会出现在in addition to、therefore、since、but、consequently、thus等这些逻辑词之后。




Eg.The sheepdog is used to __ sheep.因为to是不定式符号,那么填在这里的显然应该是一个动词原形。








饭店:menu, juice,main course (主菜), tip (小费)make a reservation “预订”

Do you accept credit cards? 可以用信用卡吗?

May I see the wine list, please?请给我看一下酒单。

What do you recommend?有什么菜可以推荐的吗?

Do you have any local specialties? *local “这一地区的”,specialty “特色,特产”。

How would you like your steak (牛排) prepared?

Well-done, please.*rare“三成熟(中嫩的)”,medium “适中的,半成熟”,well-done “熟透”I\'m on a diet.我在节食。

I could eat a horse.*直译是“我能吃下一匹马”。表示饿的程度,“非常地饿”。

Can you use chopsticks?你会用筷子吗?

Keep the change.不用找钱了。

I couldn\'t eat another bite.(再也吃不下了。)

May I have a receipt, please? 请开张发票。


Shower 淋浴air-conditioner空调, toilet卫生间lobby 大堂

check in/out办理入住或离开, make a reservation预定, register登记, reception desk 服务台 I want a double room with a bath.我要一间有浴室的双人房。

How much a day do you charge?每天收费多少?



have/catch a cold感冒have a sore throat嗓子痛have a stomachache胃痛

have a fever发烧have a cough咳嗽have a headache头痛

have a toothache牙痛feel dizzy头晕feel chilly觉得发冷

vomit/throw up/nauseate呕吐pills药丸eyedrops眼药水


cold cure感冒药take one\'s temperature量体温 feel one\'s pulse量脉搏

take one\'s blood preure量血压 have an operation 动手术make an appointment预约 recover 恢复medical exam 体检cancer 癌症kidney 肾lung 肺

nervous system 神经系统virus 病毒

How about your appetite today? 今天你的胃口怎么样?

My father had a heart attack last night.我父亲昨天晚上心脏病发作了

We’ll give you an injection to bring down the temperature 我们将给您注射以便您的体温降下来。

银行 & 金钱:

open an account 开帐户, withdraw 取钱, deposit 存钱, saving存款, cash a check兑支票 bank teller 出纳员,accountant会计,financial problem经济问题

make a fortune 赚大钱exchange money 兑换货币coin 硬币


receiver 听筒operator 接线员collect call 对方付费电话

You’re wanted on the telephone.有你的电话。

Hold on,please.请稍等。

I want to make a long distance call.我想打个长途。

Pick up the receiver and deposit a coin in the slot.拿起话筒,然后将硬币投进硬币口中。

The line is busy.线路一直很忙。

You must have dialed the wrong number.你一定打错电话了。

Please leave a meage on the answering machine? 在录音留言中留言

He hung up without saying a word.打错了, 我想。他一句话也没说就把电话挂了。

I’ll call you back as soon as poible.尽快给你回电话


registered letter挂号信stamp邮票,envelope信封,parcel包裹,postage邮费,postcard明信片,postbox邮箱


Dormitory,dorm 宿舍,dining hall/cafeteria食堂,student union 学生会

Required course必修课,elective cla选修课,credit 学分, tuition 学费

Diploma 文凭degree 学位master degree 硕士学位,Ph.d 博士学位

Bachelor degree 学士学位,undergraduate 本科生graduate 毕业生

Graduate student 研究生graduate school研究生院,

大一到大四学生:freshman,sophomore, junior, senior,student ID 学生证

Major 专业,engineering工科,science 理科,literal arts 文科

Absence/absent 缺席, drop/skip the cla 翘课play truant 逃学drop out of school 辍学

Dean 学院的院长, faculty 大学的全体教员,

Part-time job 兼职,work-study program 勤工俭学计划apply for a loan 申请贷款

academic performance 学习成绩

GPA (Grade point average):一些国家对于成绩的说法score/mark 分数

Debating team 辩论队chorus 合唱队soccer 足球poster 海报

Concentrate on study 专心学习

term paper n.学期报告presentation n.发言


flight, safety-belt, boarding card 登机卡, captain, airhoste (空姐), airline, take off, land, crash, round ticket, economy cla, paport护照visa签证

I haven\'t nothing to declare.我没有要申报的东西。

I\'d like a refund on this ticket.我要退这张票。

I\'d like to reconfirm my flight from London to Tokyo.我要再确认一下我从伦敦到东京的班机。

Do you have anything to declare? 你有东西要申报关税吗?

Is the departure time on schedule? 起飞时间准时吗?

What\'s the cause of the delay? 什么原因延误?

May I have baggage tags? 请给我行李标签好吗?

May I have a customs declaration form, please? 请给一份海关申报表好吗?

Where\'s a tax-free shop? 免税店在哪儿?

Could you help me find my baggage? 请你帮我找我的行李好吗?

Will the flight be canceled? 这班机会被取消吗?

What\'s the fare to New York, Economy Cla? 去纽约的经济舱机票多少钱?

Are there any discount tickets for me? 给我有折扣吗?

What time does the plane take off? 飞机何时起飞呢?

One way or a round trip ticket? 单程票还是双程票呢?

What platform does the train leave from? 这班车从哪个站台开出呢?

Where is the boarding gate for this flight? 这班飞机的登机门在哪儿?

Where is the ticket office? 售票处在哪儿?


Gasoline汽油,gas station加油站,garage 修车铺,车库,engine 引擎safety belt 安全带

Parking lot 停车场, traffic lights 红绿灯traffic jam 堵车Intersection/cro 十字路口,

Get a ticket 罚单fine 罚款driving license 驾照one-way street 单行道

spare tire 备用轮胎a flat tire 车胎瘪了


Horror movie恐怖片,detective movie 侦探片,cartoon卡通片,romance爱情片,happy ending喜剧结尾, drive-in 汽车影院,不必下车的露头影院

Popcorn 爆米花,soda汽水 coke 可乐


librarian 图书管理员

I am sorry, the book you borrowed is overdue, you can not renew/reserve it.您借的书已超期,不能续借/预约。


blanket 毛毯cushion 垫子quilt 被子pillow 枕头

carpet 地毯 (大的整块的,铺房间的那种) rug 地毯(小块的,放在沙发等边上的那种)

sheet 床单 mattre 床垫 (厚的那种)make bed 整理床铺

refrigerator, fridge, ice box 冰箱 oven 烤箱toaster 烤面包机apron 围裙

plate 盘子 dish 碟子bowl 碗spoon勺子fork 叉子

bathroom 浴室,厕所flush toilet 抽水马桶toilet tiue 卫生纸

bathtub 浴缸tap faucet 水龙头towel 毛巾

comb 梳子soap 肥皂shampoo 洗发露

conditioner 护发素dryer 吹风机razor 刮胡刀

toothpaste 牙膏toothbrush 牙刷sink 水池

ashtray 烟灰缸door knob 门把手corridor 走廊balcony 阳台elevator 升降电梯hook 钩子

electric iron 电熨斗carpenter 木工plumber 管道工

washing machine 洗衣机plug 插头glue 胶水

packing paper 包装纸sciors 剪刀hammer 锤子

nail 钉子curtain 窗帘drawer 抽屉

I put too much detergent in the washer.我在洗衣机里放了太多的洗衣粉。

This stain is really stubborn.这污垢去不掉。

Will you pre this shirt for me? 可以帮我把这件衬衫烫平吗?

Power failure 停电Soap opera/TV play/TV serials 电视剧,肥皂剧


Resume 简历,personnel manager人事经理,board 董事会,busine trip 出差,

promotion, promote升职,employ/hire 雇佣

Do you have any sales experience? 你有销售经验吗?

What work were you responsible for at your previous work unit?你在以前的部门负责什么工作

My coworker got a raise but I didn\'t.我的同事加薪了,可我却没有。

I am fed up with the way the bo treats me, I quit.我受够了老板对我的态度,我辞职了。

Tom was fired for slacking at work.汤姆因为工作偷懒被炒鱿鱼了。

I just heard that seven people are going be laid off next month.我刚听到公司要裁七位员工.

I need a sick leave for two days.\" (我需要请两天病假.)

I refuse to work overtime during the weekend.我拒绝在周末时加班.性格 & 外貌

Talkative 健谈,sociable好交际的,sensitive 敏感的,shy害羞的outgoing外向的

Easygoing 随和的absent-minded 心不在焉的forgetful健忘的stubborn 固执的

Strong-minded 有主见的snobbish 势力的aggreive 好斗的,有野心的

Ambitious 有抱负的,conservative 保守的Peimistic悲观的 Narrow-minded 心胸狭窄的

Dishonest 不诚实的Selfish 自私的Bad-tempered/ill-tempered 脾气暴燥的

Boy专横跋扈的Greedy贪婪的 Optimistic 乐观的Cheerful 开朗的

Open-minded 思想开明的 Intelligent/Clever/Smart有才智的聪明的Creative 有创造性的 Determined 有决心的Courageous/Brave 勇敢的Caring 关爱的 Generous 慷慨的Warm-hearted 热心肠的 Trustworthy 值得信任的 Upright正直的 Sincere真诚的

Obedient听话孝顺的 Modest谦虚的 Unselfish无私的 Tolerant容忍的 Considerate/Thoughtful体贴人的 Understanding 理解人的Sympathetic确有同情心的 Supportive/Helpful助人的 Hardworking 不辞辛苦Responsible 负责任的 Practical务实的 Dedicated 专注的有献身精神的Humorous幽默的 Independent 自立的

Charming/attractive/appealing 迷人的Slender/slim 苗条overweight 超重的plump 丰满的skinny骨瘦如柴的smart 潇洒的/聪明的


quarter 一刻钟、四分之

一、季度a dozen 一打、十二个score 二十

monthly 一月一次daily 一日一次weekly 每周一次

fortnight 两星期decade 十年century 世纪、百年 millennium 千年


英语听力常见场景词汇(包含较难词汇) 1.学校场景 考试 make up 补考

pop test 事先没有说好的测验 quiz 测验 oral test 口试 考试临近

draw on / in sight of / draw near 考试延期或取消

delay / be off / defer / hold up / postpone / put off / suspend 学校分类

public school 公立学校 private school 私立学校 religious school 教会学校 学校中的人 president 校长 dean 院长 profeor 教授 lecturer 讲师

------------2.交通运输场景 fare 车票 licence 驾照 rush hours 高峰时间 traffic jam 交通堵塞 overtake 超车 one way street 单行道 over speed 超速 police officer 交警 ticket 罚单 fine 罚金

fast way / expre way / high way 高速公路 motor way 机动车道

--------------------3.电话场景 mobile phone 手机 pay phone 公用电话 telephone box/booth 电话亭 yellow page 黄页

dial (拨电话号码) / pre (按电话号码) extension 分机 operator 总机 put~through 接通


coordinator 管理员 doctor 博士 master 硕士 bachelor 学士 freshman 大一新生 sophomore 大二学生 junior 大三学生 senior 大四学生 图书馆 续借 renew 过期 overdue 罚金 fine

attend / have a lecture 上课 cut a cla 逃课 scholarship 荣誉奖学金 aistantship 助教奖学金 teaching aistant 助教 research aistant 助研 semester 学期

free way 免费高速公路


plane / train(女) / bus / bike(女) / walk(女) / taxi

(女):女生比较喜欢 tunnel / channel 隧道 ring road 环线

subway(美) / underground (英) 地铁 metro 地道 overhead 轻轨 flyover 人行天桥 mag – lev 磁悬浮 wrong number / there is no one by this name 电话号码错了/ 没有这个人 hold on 不要挂断,稍等 take/leave a meage 留言 hang up / get off 挂断 credit call 记账式电话

bill the call into the 3rd party 免费电话 collect call 对方付费电话 1 plane / craft 飞机 destination 目的地 open ticket 不定期客票 one way ticket 单程票 round trip ticket 来回票 non-stop / direct flight 直航 transfer / lay over / stop over 转机

first / busine / economy cabin 头等 / 商务 / 经济 舱

confirm the flight 确认航班 check in 登记 boarding card 登机牌

---5.公司场景 job vacancy 有空缺职位 letter of application 求职信 resume 简历 resume包括几部分

basic / personal info.基本信息/个人资料 academic background 教育背景 work experience 工作经验 certificates and honors interview 面试 offer 聘用信 work overtime 加班 ask for a raise 加钱 wage 周薪 salary 日薪 bonus奖金 allowance 津贴 annual income 年收入 promotion 升职

----------------6.租房场景 for sale 可销售的房子 for rent / lease 可出租的房子 to let 同上 rent 租金

utilities 公用事业费

suburb / downtown 市郊 / 市中心 furnished 配家具 unfurnished 无装修 leaking 漏水


see a doctor 去医院看医生 send for a doctor 让医生出诊

security check 安检 送别时的祝语 keep in touch 保持联系 safe landing 安全着陆 board 登机 take off 起飞 departure 离港 safety / sect belt 安全带 land 着陆 arrival 进港 pick up 接机

fire 解雇 resign 辞职 laid-off 下岗

work / job / career / course 工作 post / position / vocation / title 职务 假期休息的说法(依次是从大到小) vacation 休假 annual leave 年假 sick leave 病假 rest 休息

break 指喝杯茶、喝杯咖啡的休息 coffee break away 离开一会 公司职位从大到小 chairman of the board

president -- general manager—manager –department manager—head – officer – specialist(专员) -- clerk

blackout 断电 environment 环境 transportation 交通 land lord 房东

land lady 房东太太tenant 房客 roommate 室友

好的室友:neat 整洁的 considerate 体贴的,细心的

不好的室友:mey / untidy 脏乱的 noisy 吵闹的health center / clinic 卫生所 / 门诊部 physician 内科医生

surgeon 外科医生 dentist 牙医

make an appointment 预约 emergency 急诊

(头痛)—— sore throat(嗓子痛)——

fever(发烧)—— toothache(牙疼) —— 8.宾馆场景

make a reservation 预订房间 confirm a reservation 确认预订 stomachache (胃疼) prescribe 开药方 pill / tablet 药片 liquid 喝药水 injection =>shot 注射 medical result 诊断结果

bathroom toilet / w.c closet restroom 厕所

room service 客房服务 (四级听力中的客房服务一cancel a reservation 取消预订 fully booked / full up / full 客满 porter 行旅员 tips 小费 reception 前台 single room 单人房

double room 一张大床的双人房 twin room 两张单人床的双人房 suite 套房 9.邮局场景 post / send / mail 寄 letter / mail 信 registered mail 挂号信 regular mail平信 airmail 航空信 parcel / package 包裹 telegram / cable 电报 rate 费率 overweight 超重 10.饭店场景 take away 外带 fast food 快餐 book a table 订位子 menu 菜单 order 点菜 appetizer 开胃菜 短对话中常用单词和句型

1.表示期待、希望、渴望做某事的说法 expect / hope / wish be eager / anxious /dying to look for ward to 2.下列词语与“but”一样含有转折的意思 actually well really 般只有考一种——送餐) lounge 男士用休息区 lobby 大堂

busine center 商务中心 salon 美容厅 ball 舞厅 bar 酒吧 night club 夜总会 check out 退房 postage 邮资 email 电子邮件 reply 回复 forward 转发

cc(carbon copy) 抄送

bcc(blind carbon copy)秘密抄送 subject 主题 attach 附件

main course 主食 bill 账单

service charge 服务费 change 找零 tips 小费

keep the change 不用找零了

wait / yean / thirst / long for can not wait counting the days in fact

as a matter of fact to tell you the truth

3 3.表示建议的句型 how about„ 做„如何 I heard about„ 我听说„ If I were you „ 如果我是你„ It seems to me that„„ 在我看来似乎„ Let’s „ shall we ? 让我们„怎么样? Let us „ will you ? 让我们„怎么样? Shall I / we …… What about „ 做„如何

Why don’t you „ 你为什么不„ Why not + 动词原型 为什么不„ Would you like „ 你要„„吗?

Wouldn’t „ be better / wiser 做„不是更好吗? 4.表示同意、附和的句型

I agree with you

Exactly I couldn’t agree with you more / better

I think so

I can’t wait any minute Believe it or not…

I will „„ if 假如„„我就会

It’s my turn(treat) 轮到我了 我请客 Why not ? Out of question 毫无疑问 You are right.So do I / me too 我也是

I gue so 我猜也是 Sure / absolutely / beautiful 当然,很好No problem 没问题 Good idea

Of course That sounds really nice 听起来真不错


Any questions / any thing wrong 有什么问题吗? Can you give me some ideas 可以给我一些建议吗? Do you know …… Do you want to……

Do you find any wrong with 你觉得„„有什么不对劲吗? How long will it take 做什么要花多久 I am thinking of „„ 我正在考虑做„„ I suppose think „„ 我猜想„„ What’s your plane 你的计划是什么? What happens if „„ 如果„„怎么办? What shall we do 我们该怎么做? 6.表示否定的句型

Actually / as a matter of fact 事实上„„ I wish „„ 但愿„„

How can you do sth 你怎么可以„„ I’d like to but 我很愿意但是„„ I can’t afford any disturbance 不要再烦我 I’d love to but I couldn’t agree with you I just can’t bear I didn’t mean to 我本不打算 I am afraid not I don’t think so

I am sorry but It doesn’t matter 无所谓

„„ is not everything „„不是关键

no bother / why bother 不要麻烦 No, thanks Really 7.表示“不得不”

have to 表示客观上不得不做某事 must 主观上的必须做某事 be bound to 8.表示“迟到” behind time be delayed / overdue 9.表示“紧张” tremble shake all over get one’s tongue tied

10.以下词组听到后意思取反 mean to 想要„„ planned to 原计划„„ intended to 原打算„„

That’s his opinion To tell you the truth Well, as far as I know cannot but have no choice but

behind schedule be late

have one’s mind go blank nervous

tended to

used to 过去常常„„

11.以下句型要引起重视,重点听取,就算本身不是考点也一定直接引向考点 反意疑问句 ( „„,didn’t you ?) 反问句 倒装句


反问句式无需回答,答案已包含在话语中。 表示异议或否定

Should they be doing …? 表示反对的意见,They shouldn’t be doing…≈It’s unwise ..to do 2.表示责备、批评

Why do you always …? 常用于表示责备、批评或抱怨。 (wait until the last second /minute/hour/day临时抱佛脚) 3.Why do sth.?表示没有必要做某事 4.表示委婉拒绝

Don’t you think that cinema is a little out of the way? 委婉谢绝了去看电影的建议, (a little out of the way ,有点远,= some distance away) 5.表示肯定,如:Isn’t it nice to …? 6.表示建议。如:why don’t you…? 7.表示惊讶

如:Wouldn’t you get bored with the same routine year after year doing….?

二、不含有否定标志的表达 常见的暗含否定意义的词和短语:

Overlook, fail, refuse, ignore, dislike, overlook, mi, doubt, lack, against, beyond, unle, instead of(代替), far from, short of (短缺), other than (除了), rather than(而不是),too… to…, anything but(一点也不,根本不,) the last thing +定语从句 (最不愿意或最不可能做的事)等。

助动词 do / did / does

it is „„ that / who / when„„ 的句型





听力理解的本质是对言语信息的接收和解码。听力课的的特点是以输入为主。互为输入与输出的听、说这对语言技能中,听应先于说。我们只有首先听到别人说话,才能跟着别人说话;也只有听懂别人说的话,才能进行交际。输入是输出的基础和前提,输入应先于输出,多于输出。 影响听力理解效果的因素:

①听力材料 ②听力的声音条件 ③任务特征



C、学习者的语言经验、生活经验 D、学习者的理解力和记忆力)


听力课在诸课型中的地位虽然与口语、阅读、写作基本平行,但与读写或精读课相比,它便是副课,必须依附先行的主打课即读写或精读课进行。这点在初级班的教学中非常明显。在初级班的听力课教学中,基本不承担词汇、语法等学习任务。这种情况主要与学生的汉语基础有关,也与教材的编写和使用有关。 初级班听力课应有以下的特点:










(1)辨音辨调能力(包括不同的声韵组合、不同的调类调值、词重音、句重音、语调等)。 (2)对句法结构形式及其意义的领会。(3)对语境的理解 (4)抓细节提高精听能力。

(5)捕捉主要信息。(6)联想猜侧。 (7)记忆存储(具体操练形式可以做法是听力模仿、替换、回答问题等)。(8)快速反应。(具体操练形式可以是快速回答间题,这种问题的语法简单,句子简短,但问题的出现只有一次,学生精神必须高度集中,反应要快。这种练习还可以较好地调动课堂气氛。每次操练时间不宜过长。


(l)辨音辨调能力,重点在语调、句调方面。(2)义群理解,识别句中停顿的能力(语流切分)。 (3)抓细节的能力。(4)跳越障碍,抓关键词语,掌握关键信息的能力。(5)联想猜测能力。 (6)预测能力(①语义内容预测;②语法结构形式及成分的预测)(7)检索监听能力。 (8)记忆存储能力[边听边记数字(包括理解数字的含义)、记时间、地点等]。


(二)听力技能训练的内容及其应用 (1)基本语音听辨能力

a) 听后标出声调等b)匹配 (2)注意细节的能力

a) 根据文章完成表格 b) 正误判断 c) 回答问题d) 排序e) 听后做动作、画画等 (3)联想的能力

a) 预测下文 b) 抓关联词练习(4)概括归纳的能力

a) 听后选择适当标题 b) 写概要c) 听后写标题 (5)推理判断的能力

a) 听后判断正误 b) 听后回答问题c) 听后讨论


a) 对文中的单词和短语提问 b) 就上下文提问,帮助学生理解目标词汇 听力课的课堂教学环节与教学步骤







听力输入是一种可懂、可理解的输入,未知成分的数量必须合理,不构成对理解的太大障碍。一段听力材料,如果学生完全或几乎听不懂,则失去了听的意义,只能说明所选材料不符合学生的听力水平。若听力材料中未知的词汇、语法点较多,听力的要求就要相应降低。 (2) 听力任务


a)语音听辨练习b) 句子听辨练习c) 语段听辨训练d) 对话听辨训练 (3) 听后检查
































(1)简单介绍对话的人物、会话梗概或文化背景,以导入对话。(2)学生分角色进行朗读。 (3)让学生根据对话内容回答问题,以检查学生对内容的掌握。(4)复述课文,从会话体到叙述体的转换。




即根据实际情况、情景会话等。 中高级口语课的教学要点和教学环节








1) 直接法(指物说词,做动作说词)2) 认读法(指序号念词语,板书念词语) 3) 语素法(指定语素组词,指定词语说出含相同语素的别的词语) 4) 词组法(用指定词扩展成词组,利用生词表组词) 5) 类聚法(同义词类聚,反义词类聚,类义词类聚) 6) 释义法(指定词语释义,根据释义猜词语)

7) 联想法(轮流说出有关的词语,一人主说他人补充) 8) 问答法(用指定词语提问,用规定词语回答问题)

9) 替换法(用有关词语替换句中的词语,指定词语替换句成分) 10) 自学法(分段记忆词语,想、说、写记忆词语,造句法) 11) 翻译法(汉语词语翻译成母语词语,母语词语翻译成汉语词语)


1) 句型展示(利用实物,利用图片,利用动作,设置情景)


3)造句法(功能造句,词语联想造句,语法难点造句) 4)交际练习(情景问答,自由问答,真实环境问答)


1)个人讲说式(自选话题发言,热门话题讨论)2)即兴联想式(自由交谈,交流心得体会)3)假设幻想式(谈意愿和理想,谈将来)4)情节猜测式(根据故事首尾猜测中间情节,续故事结尾)5)看图说话式(看单幅图画说话,看连环画说话,看地图讨论旅游计划) 6)连句成段式(给出句子组成语段,按时间空间顺序连句成段)7)转告转述式(电话转告,意向或重要事情转述)






 1.预测—认识某语法项学生习得的偏误

 2.针对偏误确立教学策略(知识、方法)

(备课中完成)  3.有针对性地点拨讲解

 4.有针对性地多类型、多角度操练






(三) 对比法



 句法平面  语义平面  语用平面



1.重复(朗读) 2.扩展3.替换练习4.句型转换


1.问答2.师生回答问题3.学生之间互相问答 4.联系实际 5.要注意灵活提问


7.按照要求完成句子或者扩展句子 8.利用图片照片

9.利用课堂的情景 10.利用动作。11 .情景造句





(1)实物(2)道具(3)图片(4)通过问答等交流形式展示(5) 情景引入法



Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations.At the end of each conversation, you will hear some questions.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1with a single line through the centre.Conversation One

Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

1.A) He invented the refrigerator.C) He was admitted to a university.B) He patented his first invention.D) He got a degree in Mathematics.2.A) He started to work on refrigeration.B) He became a profeor of Mathematics.C) He fell in love with Natasha Willoughby.D) He distinguished himself in low temperature physics.3.A) Discovering the true nature of subatomic particles.B) Their explanation of the laws of cause and effect.C) Their work on very high frequency radio waves.D) Laying the foundations of modern mathematics.4.A) To have a three-week holiday.C) To patent his inventions.B) To spend his remaining years.D) To teach at a university.Conversation Two Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

5.A) The injury of some students.B) A school bus crash on the way.C) The collapse of a school building.D) A fire that broke out on a school campus.6.A) Teaching.C) Having lunch.B) On vacation.D) Holding a meeting.7.A) A malfunctioning stove.C) Violation of traffic rules.B) Cigarettes butts left by workers.D) Negligence in school maintenance.8.A) Sent a story to the local newspaper.B) Threw a small Thanksgiving party.C) Baked some cookies as a present.D) Wrote a personal letter of thanks.Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear two paages.At the end of each paage, you will hear some questions.Both the paage and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Paage One

Questions 9 to 11 are based on the paage you have just heard.

9.A) It is a trait of a generous character.C) It is an indicator of high intelligence.B) It is a reflection of self-esteem.D) It is a sign of happine and confidence.10.A) It was self-defeating.C) It was the eence of comedy.B) It was aggreive.D) It was something admirable.11.A) It is a double-edged sword.C) It is a unique gift of human beings.B) It is a feature of a given culture.D) It is a result of both nature and nurture.Paage Two

Questions 12 to 15 are based on the paage you have just heard.12.A) She is a tourist guide.C) She is a domestic servant.B) She is an interpreter.D) She is from the royal family.13.A) It is situated at the foot of a beautiful mountain.B) It was used by the family to hold dinner parties.C) It was frequently visited by heads of state.D) It is furnished like one in a royal palace.14.A) It is elaborately decorated.C) It is very big, with only six slim legs.B) It has survived some 2,000 years.D) It is shaped like an ancient Spanish boat.15.A) They are interesting to look at.B) They have lost some of their legs.C) They do not match the oval table at all.D) They are uncomfortable to sit in for long.

Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear recordings of lectures or talks followed by some questions.The recordings will be played only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Now listen to the following recording and answer questions 16 to 19.16.A) They investigate the retirement homes in America.B) They are on iues facing senior citizens in America.C) They describe the great pleasures of the golden years.D) They are filled with fond memories of his grandparents.17.A) The lo of the ability to take care of himself.B) The feeling of not being important any more.C) Being unable to find a good retirement home.D) Leaving the home he had lived in for 60 years.18.A) The lo of identity and self-worth.B) Fear of being replaced or discarded.C) Freedom from preure and worldly cares.D) The poeion of wealth and high respect.19.A) The urgency of pension reform.B) Medical care for senior citizens.C) Finding meaningful roles for the elderly in society.D) The development of public facilities for senior citizens.Now listen to the following recording and answer questions 20 to 22.20.A) It seriously impacts their physical and mental development.B) It has become a problem affecting global economic growth.C) It is a common problem found in underdeveloped countries.D) It is an iue often overlooked by parents in many countries.21.A) They will live longer.C) They get along well with people.B) They get better pay.D) They develop much higher IQs.22.A) Appropriated funds to promote research of nutrient-rich foods.B) Encouraged breastfeeding for the first six months of a child’s life.C) Recruited volunteers to teach rural people about health and nutrition.D) Targeted hunger-relief programs at pregnant women and young children.Now listen to the following recording and answer questions 23 to 25.23.A) The guaranteed quality of its goods.B) The huge volume of its annual sales.C) The service it provides to its customers.D) The high value-to-weight ratio of its goods.24.A) Those having a taste or smell component.B) Products potentially embarraing to buy.C) Those that require very careful handling.D) Services involving a personal element.25.A) Those who live in the virtual world.B) Those who have to work long hours.C) Those who are used to online transactions.D) Those who don’t mind paying a little more.Tape Script of Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations.At the end of each conversation, you will hear some questions.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1with a single line through the centre.Conversation One W: Hello.M: Hello, is that the reference library? W: Yes.Can I help you? M: I hope so.I rang earlier and asked for some information about Denys Hawtin, the scientist.You asked me to ring back.W: Oh, yes.I have found something.M: Good.I’ve got a pencil and paper.Perhaps you could read out what it says.W: Certainly.Hawtin, Denys.Born: Darlington 1836; died New York 1920.M: Yes.Got that.W: Inventor and physicist.The son of a farm worker, he was admitted to the University of London at the age of fifteen.M: Yes.W: He graduated at seventeen with a first cla degree in Physics and Mathematics.All right? M: Yes, all right.W: He made his first notable achievement at the age of eighteen.It was a method of refrigeration which arose from his work in low temperature physics.He became profeor of Mathematics at the University of Manchester at twenty-four, where he remained for twelve years.During that time he married one of his students, Natasha Willoughby.M: Yes.Go on.W: Later, working together in London, they laid the foundation of modern Physics by showing that normal laws of cause and effect do not apply at the level of subatomic particles.For this he and his wife received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1910, and did so again in 1912 for their work on very high frequency radio waves.In his lifetime Hawtin patented 244 inventions.Do you want any more? M: Yes.When did he go to America? W: Let me see.In 1920 he went to teach in New York, and died there suddenly after only three weeks.Still, he was a good age.M: Yes.I suppose so.Well, thanks.Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1.What do we learn about Denys Hawtin when he was 15? 2.What did Denys Hawtin do at the age of 24? 3.For what were Denys Hawtin and his wife awarded the Nobel Prize a second time? 4.Why did Denys Hawtin go to New York? Conversation Two

W: This is Lisa Meyer in the WBZ newsroom, talking with Mike Baichis, who is the director of the Gifford School, about the cleanup from last week’s fire and what the poible cause of that blaze may have been.M: We’re getting ready for our entire staff to return early from vacation tomorrow whereupon we are going to move into temporary clarooms.And the other buildings that did not burn are being de-smoked.As to the cause of the fire, all we know is that we were having trouble with the pilot lights since we bought the stove in July and it had been serviced three times.Well, as a matter of fact, we think it was a malfunctioning stove that may have caused the fire.Nothing definite yet has been determined.W: Have you heard from other schools or other institutional users of this stove that have had the same problem? M: No.I wouldn’t know anything more about the stove itself.All I know is that this fire went up so quickly that there’s been a suspicion about why it went up so quickly.And it may be that there was a gas blast.But, again, this has not been determined officially by anybody.W: I got you.When do kids come back to school? M: Next Monday, and we will be ready for them.Monday January 4.We’re just extremely thrilled that no one was hurt and that’s because of the fire fighters that were here, nine of them.They’re wonderful.W: And I’m sure you send your thanks out to them, uh? M: Well, we’re sending out thanks to them in a letter or in any other way we can.I heard a story today where one of our kids actually baked some cookies and is taking it to the fire department, to give it to them.Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.5.What were the speakers talking about? 6.What were the school staff doing at the time of the accident? 7.What was supposed to be the cause of the accident? 8.What did one of the kids do to show gratitude? Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear two paages.At the end of each paage, you will hear some questions.Both the paage and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1with a single line through the centre.Paage One

In today’s personality stakes, nothing is more highly valued than a sense of humor.We seek it out in others and are proud to claim it in ourselves, perhaps even more than good looks or intelligence.If someone has a great sense of humor, we reason, it means that they are happy, socially confident and have a healthy perspective on life.This attitude would have surprised the ancient Greeks, who believed humor to be eentially aggreive.And in fact, our admiration for the comically gifted is relatively new, and not very well-founded, says Rod Martin, a psychologist at the University of Western Ontario.Being funny isn’t necearily an indicator of good social skills and well-being, his research has shown.It may just as likely be a sign of personality flaws.He has found that humor is a double-edged sword.It can forge better relationships and help you cope with life, or it can be corrosive, eating away at self-esteem and irritating others.“It’s a form of communication, like speech, and we all use it differently,” says Martin.We use bonding humor to enhance our social connections, but we also may employ it as a way of excluding or rejecting an outsider.Though humor is eentially social, how you use it says a lot about your sense of self.Those who use self-defeating humor, making fun of themselves for the enjoyment of others, tend to maintain that hostility toward themselves even when alone.Similarly, those who are able to view the world with amused tolerance are often equally forgiving of their own shortcomings.Questions 9 to 11 are based on the paage you have just heard.9.How do people today view humor according to the speaker? 10.What did the ancient Greeks think of humor? 11.What has psychologist Rod Martin found about humor? Paage Two (female voice)

And now, if you’ll walk this way, ladies and gentlemen, the next room we’re going to see is the room in which the family used to hold their formal dinner parties and even occasionally entertain heads of state and royalty.However, they managed to keep this room friendly and intimate and I think you’ll agree it has a very informal atmosphere, quite unlike some grand houses you visit.The curtains were never drawn, even at night, so guests got a view of the lake and fountains outside, which were lit up at night.A very attractive sight.As you can see, ladies and gentlemen, the guests were seated very informally around this oval table, which would add to the relaxed atmosphere.The table dates from the eighteenth century and is made of Spanish oak.It’s rather remarkable for the fact that although it is extremely big, it’s supported by just six rather slim legs.However, it seems to have survived like that for two hundred years, so it’s probably going to last a bit longer.The chairs which go with the table are not a complete set—there were originally six of them.They are interesting for the fact that they are very plain and undecorated for the time, with only one plain central panel at the back and no arm-rests.I myself find them rather uncomfortable to sit in for very long, but people were used to more discomfort in the past.And now, ladies and gentlemen, if you’d like to follow me into the Great Hall … Questions 12 to 15 are based on the paage you have just heard.12.What do we learn about the speaker? 13.What does the speaker say about the room they are visiting? 14.What is said about the oval table in the room? 15.What does the speaker say about the chairs? Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear recordings of lectures or talks followed by some questions.The recordings will be played only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Now listen to the following recording and answer questions 16 to 19.Moderator: Hello Ladies and Gentleman, it gives me great pleasure to introduce our keynote speaker for today’s seion, Dr.Howard Miller.Dr.Miller, Profeor of Sociology at Washington University, has written numerous articles and books on the iues facing older Americans in our graying society for the past 15 years.Dr.Miller: Thank you for that introduction.Today, I’d like to preface my remarks with a story from my own life which I feel highlights the common concerns that bring us here together.Several years ago when my grandparents were well into their eighties, they were faced with the reality of no longer being able to adequately care for themselves.My grandfather spoke of his greatest fear, that of leaving the only home they had known for the past 60 years.Fighting back the tears, he spoke proudly of the fact that he had built their home from the ground up, and that he had pounded every nail and laid every brick in the proce.The prospect of having to sell their home and give up their independence, and move into a retirement home was an extremely painful experience for them.It was, in my grandfather’s own words, like having a limb cut off.He exclaimed in a forceful manner that he felt he wasn’t important anymore.

For them and some older Americans, their so-called “golden years” are at times not so pleasant, for this period can mean the decline of not only one’s health but the lo of identity and self-worth.In many societies, this self-identity is closely related with our social status, occupation, material poeions, or independence.Furthermore, we often live in societies that value what is “new” or in fashion, and our own usage of words in the English language is often a sign of bad news for older Americans.I mean how would your family react if you came home tonight exclaiming, “Hey, come to the living room and see the OLD black and white TV I brought!” Unfortunately, the word “old” calls to mind images of the need to replace or discard.

Now, many of the lectures given at this conference have focused on the iues of pension reform, medical care, and the development of public facilities for senior citizens.And while these are vital iues that must be addreed, I’d like to focus my comments on an important iue that will affect the overall succe of the other programs mentioned.This has to do with changing our perspectives on what it means to be a part of this group, and finding meaningful roles the elderly can play and should play in our societies.First of all, I’d like to talk about ...

16.What does the introduction say about Dr.Howard Miller’s articles and books? 17.What is the greatest fear of Dr.Miller’s grandfather? 18.What does Dr.Miller say the “golden years” can often mean? 19.What is the focus of Dr.Miller’s speech?

Now listen to the following recording and answer questions 20 to 22.

The 2010 Global Hunger Index report was released today by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).It notes that, in recent years, experts have come to the conclusion that undernourishment between conception and a child’s second birthday can have serious and long-lasting impacts.Undernourishment during this approximately 1,000-day window can seriously check the growth and development of children and render them more likely to get sick and die than well-fed children.Preventing hunger allows children to develop both physically and mentally.Says IFPRI’s Marie Ruel, “They will be more likely to perform well in school.They will stay in school longer.And then at adulthood, IFPRI has actually demonstrated that children who were better nourished have higher wages, by a pretty large margin, by 46 percent.” Ruel says that means the productivity of a nation’s future generations depends in a large part on the first 1,000 days of life.“This is why we’re all on board in focusing on those thousand days to improve nutrition.After that, the damage is done and is highly irreversible.”

The data on nutrition and childhood development has been slowly coming together for decades.But Ruel says scientific consensus alone will not solve the problem.“It’s not enough that nutritionists know you have to intervene then, if we don’t have the politicians on board, and also the...people that implement [programs] in the field.”

Ruel says there are encouraging signs that politicians and implementers are beginning to get on board.Many major donors and the United Nations are targeting hunger-relief programs at pregnant women and young children.They focus on improving diets or providing micro-food supplements.They improve acce to pre-birth care and encourage exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of a child’s life.

Ruel says in the 1980s Thailand was able to reduce child undernourishment by recruiting a large number of volunteers to travel the countryside teaching about health and nutrition.“They really did very active promotion of diversity in the diet and good eating habits.So they were providing more food to people, but also educating people on how to use them, and also educating people on how to feed their young children.”

Ruel says countries may take different approaches to reducing child undernutrition.But she says nations will not make progre fighting hunger and poverty until they begin to focus on those critical first thousand days.20.What is the experts’ conclusion regarding children’s undernourishment in their earliest days of life? 21.What does IFPRI’s Marie Ruel say about well-fed children in their adult life? 22.What did Thailand do to reduce child undernourishment in the 1980s? Now listen to the following recording and answer questions 23 to 25.I’d like to look at a vital aspect of e-commerce, and that is the nature of the product or service.There are certain products and services that are very suitable for selling online, and others that simply don’t work.

Suitable products generally have a high value-to-weight ratio.Items such as CDs and DVDs are obvious examples.Books, although heavier and so more expensive to post, still have a high enough value-to-weight ratio, as the succe of Amazon, which started off selling only books, shows.Laptop computers are another good product for selling online.Digital products, such as software, films and music, can be sold in a purely virtual environment.The goods are paid for by online transactions, and then downloaded onto the buyer’s computer.There are no postage or delivery costs, so prices can be kept low.Many succeful virtual companies provide digital services, such as financial transactions, in the case of Paypal, or means of communication, as Skype does.The key to succe here is providing an easy-to-use, reliable service.Do this and you can easily become the market leader, as Skype has proved.Products which are potentially embarraing to buy also do well in the virtual environment.Some of the most profitable e-commerce companies are those selling sex-related products or services.For a similar reason, online gambling is highly popular.Products which are usually considered unsuitable for selling online include those that have a taste or smell component.Food, especially fresh food, falls into this category, along with perfume.Clothes and other items that need to be tried on such as diamond rings and gold necklaces are generally not suited to virtual retailing, and, of course, items with a low value-to-weight ratio.There are exceptions, though.Online grocery shopping has really taken off, with most major supermarkets offering the service.The inconvenience of not being able to see the food you are buying is outweighed by the time saved and convenience of having the goods delivered.Typical users of online supermarkets include the elderly, people who work long hours and those without their own transport.23 What is important to the succe of an online store? 24.What products are unsuitable for selling online? 25.Who are more likely to buy groceries online? 参考答案

Part II Listening Comprehension Section A

1.C 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.D 6.B 7.A 8.C Section B

9.D 10.B 11.A 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.D Section C

16.B 17.D 18.A 19.C 20.A 21.B 22.C 23.D 24.A 25.B




Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations.At the end of each conversation, you will hear some questions.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1with a single line through the centre.Conversation One Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1. A) He invented the refrigerator. C) He was admitted to a university.B) He patented his first invention. D) He got a degree in Mathematics.2. A) He started to work on refrigeration.B) He became a profeor of Mathematics.C) He fell in love with Natasha Willoughby.D) He distinguished himself in low temperature physics.3. A) Discovering the true nature of subatomic particles.B) Their explanation of the laws of cause and effect.C) Their work on very high frequency radio waves.D) Laying the foundations of modern mathematics.4. A) To have a three-week holiday. C) To patent his inventions. B) To spend his remaining years. D) To teach at a university.Conversation Two Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.5. A) The injury of some students.B) A school bus crash on the way.C) The collapse of a school building.D) A fire that broke out on a school campus.6. A) Teaching. C) Having lunch.B) On vacation. D) Holding a meeting.7. A) A malfunctioning stove. C) Violation of traffic rules.B) Cigarettes butts left by workers. D) Negligence in school maintenance.8. A) Sent a story to the local newspaper.B) Threw a small Thanksgiving party.C) Baked some cookies as a present.D) Wrote a personal letter of thanks.Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear two paages.At the end of each paage, you will hear some questions.Both the paage and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Paage One Questions 9 to 11 are based on the paage you have just heard.9.A) It is a trait of a generous character.C) It is an indicator of high intelligence.B) It is a reflection of self-esteem. D) It is a sign of happine and confidence.10.A) It was self-defeating. C) It was the eence of comedy.B) It was aggreive. D) It was something admirable.11.A) It is a double-edged sword. C) It is a unique gift of human beings.B) It is a feature of a given culture. D) It is a result of both nature and nurture.Paage Two Questions 12 to 15 are based on the paage you have just heard.12.A) She is a tourist guide. C) She is a domestic servant.B) She is an interpreter. D) She is from the royal family.13.A) It is situated at the foot of a beautiful mountain.B) It was used by the family to hold dinner parties.C) It was frequently visited by heads of state.D) It is furnished like one in a royal palace.14.A) It is elaborately decorated. C) It is very big, with only six slim legs.B) It has survived some 2,000 years. D) It is shaped like an ancient Spanish boat.15.A) They are interesting to look at.B) They have lost some of their legs.C) They do not match the oval table at all.D) They are uncomfortable to sit in for long. Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear recordings of lectures or talks followed by some questions.The recordings will be played only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

Now listen to the following recording and answer questions 16 to 19.16.A) They investigate the retirement homes in America.B) They are on iues facing senior citizens in America.C) They describe the great pleasures of the golden years.D) They are filled with fond memories of his grandparents.17.A) The lo of the ability to take care of himself.B) The feeling of not being important any more.C) Being unable to find a good retirement home.D) Leaving the home he had lived in for 60 years.18.A) The lo of identity and self-worth.B) Fear of being replaced or discarded.C) Freedom from preure and worldly cares.D) The poeion of wealth and high respect.19.A) The urgency of pension reform.B) Medical care for senior citizens.C) Finding meaningful roles for the elderly in society.D) The development of public facilities for senior citizens.Now listen to the following recording and answer questions 20 to 22.20.A) It seriously impacts their physical and mental development.B) It has become a problem affecting global economic growth.C) It is a common problem found in underdeveloped countries.D) It is an iue often overlooked by parents in many countries.21.A) They will live longer. C) They get along well with people.B) They get better pay. D) They develop much higher IQs.22.A) Appropriated funds to promote research of nutrient-rich foods.B) Encouraged breastfeeding for the first six months of a child’s life.C) Recruited volunteers to teach rural people about health and nutrition.D) Targeted hunger-relief programs at pregnant women and young children.Now listen to the following recording and answer questions 23 to 25.23.A) The guaranteed quality of its goods.B) The huge volume of its annual sales.C) The service it provides to its customers.D) The high value-to-weight ratio of its goods.24.A) Those having a taste or smell component.B) Products potentially embarraing to buy.C) Those that require very careful handling.D) Services involving a personal element.25.A) Those who live in the virtual world.B) Those who have to work long hours.C) Those who are used to online transactions.D) Those who don’t mind paying a little more.

Tape Script of Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations.At the end of each conversation, you will hear some questions.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1with a single line through the centre.Conversation One W: Hello.M: Hello, is that the reference library? W: Yes.Can I help you? M: I hope so.I rang earlier and asked for some information about Denys Hawtin, the scientist.You asked me to ring back.W: Oh, yes.I have found something.M: Good.I’ve got a pencil and paper.Perhaps you could read out what it says.W: Certainly.Hawtin, Denys.Born: Darlington 1836; died New York 1920.

M: Yes.Got that.W: Inventor and physicist.The son of a farm worker, he was admitted to the University of London at the age of fifteen. M: Yes.W: He graduated at seventeen with a first cla degree in Physics and Mathematics.All right? M: Yes, all right.W: He made his first notable achievement at the age of eighteen.It was a method of refrigeration which arose from his work in low temperature physics.He became profeor of Mathematics at the University of Manchester at twenty-four, where he remained for twelve years.During that time he married one of his students, Natasha Willoughby.M: Yes.Go on.W: Later, working together in London, they laid the foundation of modern Physics by showing that normal laws of cause and effect do not apply at the level of subatomic particles.For this he and his wife received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1910, and did so again in 1912 for their work on very high frequency radio waves.In his lifetime Hawtin patented 244 inventions.Do you want any more? M: Yes.When did he go to America? W: Let me see.In 1920 he went to teach in New York, and died there suddenly after only three weeks.Still, he was a good age.M: Yes.I suppose so.Well, thanks.Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1.What do we learn about Denys Hawtin when he was 15? 2.What did Denys Hawtin do at the age of 24? 3.For what were Denys Hawtin and his wife awarded the Nobel Prize a second time? 4.Why did Denys Hawtin go to New York? Conversation Two W: This is Lisa Meyer in the WBZ newsroom, talking with Mike Baichis, who is the director of the Gifford School, about the cleanup from last week’s fire and what the poible cause of that blaze may have been.M: We’re getting ready for our entire staff to return early from vacation tomorrow whereupon we are going to move into temporary clarooms.And the other buildings that did not burn are being de-smoked.As to the cause of the fire, all we know is that we were having trouble with the pilot lights since we bought the stove in July and it had been serviced three times.Well, as a matter of fact, we think it was a malfunctioning stove that may have caused the fire.Nothing definite yet has been determined.W: Have you heard from other schools or other institutional users of this stove that have had the same problem? M: No.I wouldn’t know anything more about the stove itself.All I know is that this fire went up so quickly that there’s been a suspicion about why it went up so quickly.And it may be that there was a gas blast.But, again, this has not been determined officially by anybody.W: I got you.When do kids come back to school? M: Next Monday, and we will be ready for them.Monday January 4.We’re just extremely thrilled that no one was hurt and that’s because of the fire fighters that were here, nine of them.They’re wonderful.W: And I’m sure you send your thanks out to them, uh?

M: Well, we’re sending out thanks to them in a letter or in any other way we can.I heard a story today where one of our kids actually baked some cookies and is taking it to the fire department, to give it to them. Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.5.What were the speakers talking about?

6.What were the school staff doing at the time of the accident? 7.What was supposed to be the cause of the accident? 8.What did one of the kids do to show gratitude? Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear two paages.At the end of each paage, you will hear some questions.Both the paage and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1with a single line through the centre.Paage One In today’s personality stakes, nothing is more highly valued than a sense of humor.We seek it out in others and are proud to claim it in ourselves, perhaps even more than good looks or intelligence.If someone has a great sense of humor, we reason, it means that they are happy, socially confident and have a healthy perspective on life.This attitude would have surprised the ancient Greeks, who believed humor to be eentially aggreive.And in fact, our admiration for the comically gifted is relatively new, and not very well-founded, says Rod Martin, a psychologist at the University of Western Ontario.Being funny isn’t necearily an indicator of good social skills and well-being, his research has shown.It may just as likely be a sign of personality flaws.He has found that humor is a double-edged sword.It can forge better relationships and help you cope with life, or it can be corrosive, eating away at self-esteem and irritating others.“It’s a form of communication, like speech, and we all use it differently,” says Martin.We use bonding humor to enhance our social connections, but we also may employ it as a way of excluding or rejecting an outsider.Though humor is eentially social, how you use it says a lot about your sense of self.Those who use self-defeating humor, making fun of themselves for the enjoyment of others, tend to maintain that hostility toward themselves even when alone.Similarly, those who are able to view the world with amused tolerance are often equally forgiving of their own shortcomings.Questions 9 to 11 are based on the paage you have just heard.9.How do people today view humor according to the speaker? 10.What did the ancient Greeks think of humor? 11.What has psychologist Rod Martin found about humor? Paage Two (female voice) And now, if you’ll walk this way, ladies and gentlemen, the next room we’re going to see is the room in which the family used to hold their formal dinner parties and even occasionally entertain heads of state and royalty.However, they managed to keep this room friendly and intimate and I think you’ll agree it has a very informal atmosphere, quite unlike some grand houses you visit.The curtains were never drawn, even at night, so guests got a view of the lake and fountains outside, which were lit up at night.A very attractive sight.As you can see, ladies and gentlemen, the guests were seated very informally around this oval table, which would add to the relaxed atmosphere.The table dates from the eighteenth century and is made of Spanish oak.It’s rather remarkable for the fact that although it is extremely big, it’s supported by just six rather slim legs.However, it seems to have survived like that for two hundred years, so it’s probably going to last a bit longer.The chairs which go with the table are not a complete set—there were originally six of them.They are interesting for the fact that they are very plain and undecorated for the time, with only one plain central panel at the back and no arm-rests.I myself find them rather uncomfortable to sit in for very long, but people were used to more discomfort in the past.And now, ladies and gentlemen, if you’d like to follow me into the Great Hall …

Questions 12 to 15 are based on the paage you have just heard.12.What do we learn about the speaker? 13.What does the speaker say about the room they are visiting? 14.What is said about the oval table in the room? 15.What does the speaker say about the chairs? Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear recordings of lectures or talks followed by some questions.The recordings will be played only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

Now listen to the following recording and answer questions 16 to 19.Moderator: Hello Ladies and Gentleman, it gives me great pleasure to introduce our keynote speaker for today’s seion, Dr.Howard Miller.Dr.Miller, Profeor of Sociology at Washington University, has written numerous articles and books on the iues facing older Americans in our graying society for the past 15 years.Dr.Miller: Dr.Miller: Thank you for that introduction.Today, I’d like to preface my remarks with a story from my own life which I feel highlights the common concerns that bring us here together.Several years ago when my grandparents were well into their eighties, they were faced with the reality of no longer being able to adequately care for themselves.My grandfather spoke of his greatest fear, that of leaving the only home they had known for the past 60 years.Fighting back the tears, he spoke proudly of the fact that he had built their home from the ground up, and that he had pounded every nail and laid every brick in the proce.The prospect of having to sell their home and give up their independence, and move into a retirement home was an extremely painful experience for them.It was, in my grandfather’s own words, like having a limb cut off.He exclaimed in a forceful manner that he felt he wasn’t important anymore.For them and some older Americans, their so-called “golden years” are at times not so pleasant, for this period can mean the decline of not only one’s health but the lo of identity and self-worth.In many societies, this self-identity is closely related with our social status, occupation, material poeions, or independence.Furthermore, we often live in societies that value what is “new” or in fashion, and our own usage of words in the English language is often a sign of bad news for older Americans.I mean how would your family react if you came home tonight exclaiming, “Hey, come to the living room and see the OLD black and white TV I brought!” Unfortunately, the word “old” calls to mind images of the need to replace or discard.Now, many of the lectures given at this conference have focused on the iues of pension reform, medical care, and the development of public facilities for senior citizens.And while these are vital iues that must be addreed, I’d like to focus my comments on an important iue that will affect the overall succe of the other programs mentioned.This has to do with changing our perspectives on what it means to be a part of this group, and finding meaningful roles the elderly can play and should play in our societies.First of all, I’d like to talk about ...

16.What does the introduction say about Dr.Howard Miller’s articles and books? 17.What is the greatest fear of Dr.Miller’s grandfather? 18.What does Dr.Miller say the “golden years” can often mean? 19.What is the focus of Dr.Miller’s speech?

Now listen to the following recording and answer questions 20 to 22.The 2010 Global Hunger Index report was released today by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).It notes that, in recent years, experts have come to the conclusion that undernourishment between conception and a child’s second birthday can have serious and long-lasting impacts.

Undernourishment during this approximately 1,000-day window can seriously check the growth and development of children and render them more likely to get sick and die than well-fed children.Preventing hunger allows children to develop both physically and mentally.

Says IFPRI’s Marie Ruel, “They will be more likely to perform well in school.They will stay in school longer.And then at adulthood, IFPRI has actually demonstrated that children who were better nourished have higher wages, by a pretty large margin, by 46 percent.”

Ruel says that means the productivity of a nation’s future generations depends in a large part on the first 1,000 days of life.“This is why we’re all on board in focusing on those thousand days to improve nutrition.After that, the damage is done and is highly irreversible.”

The data on nutrition and childhood development has been slowly coming together for decades.But Ruel says scientific consensus alone will not solve the problem.

“It’s not enough that nutritionists know you have to intervene then, if we don’t have the politicians on board, and also the...people that implement [programs] in the field.” Ruel says there are encouraging signs that politicians and implementers are beginning to get on board.Many major donors and the United Nations are targeting hunger-relief programs at pregnant women and young children.They focus on improving diets or providing micro-food supplements.They improve acce to pre-birth care and encourage exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of a child’s life. Ruel says in the 1980s Thailand was able to reduce child undernourishment by recruiting a large number of volunteers to travel the countryside teaching about health and nutrition.“They really did very active promotion of diversity in the diet and good eating habits.So they were providing more food to people, but also educating people on how to use them, and also educating people on how to feed their young children.”

Ruel says countries may take different approaches to reducing child undernutrition.But she says nations will not make progre fighting hunger and poverty until they begin to focus on those critical first thousand days.20.What is





children’s undernourishment in their earliest days of life?

21.What does IFPRI’s Marie Ruel say about well-fed children in their adult life? 22.What did Thailand do to reduce child undernourishment in the 1980s? Now listen to the following recording and answer questions 23 to 25.I’d like to look at a vital aspect of e-commerce, and that is the nature of the product or service.There are certain products and services that are very suitable for selling online, and others that simply don’t work.Suitable products generally have a high value-to-weight ratio.Items such as CDs and DVDs are obvious examples.Books, although heavier and so more expensive to post, still have a high enough value-to-weight ratio, as the succe of Amazon, which started off selling only books, shows.Laptop computers are another good product for selling online.Digital products, such as software, films and music, can be sold in a purely virtual environment.The goods are paid for by online transactions, and then downloaded onto the buyer’s computer.There are no postage or delivery costs, so prices can be kept low.Many succeful virtual companies provide digital services, such as financial transactions, in the case of Paypal, or means of communication, as Skype does.The key to succe here is providing an easy-to-use, reliable service.Do this and you can easily become the market leader, as Skype has proved.Products which are potentially embarraing to buy also do well in the virtual environment.Some of the most profitable e-commerce companies are those selling sex-related products or services.For a similar reason, online gambling is highly popular.Products which are usually considered unsuitable for selling online include those that have a taste or smell component.Food, especially fresh food, falls into this category, along with perfume.Clothes and other items that need to be tried on such as diamond rings and gold necklaces are generally not suited to virtual retailing, and, of course, items with a low value-to-weight ratio.There are exceptions, though.Online grocery shopping has really taken off, with most major supermarkets offering the service.The inconvenience of not being able to see the food you are buying is outweighed by the time saved and convenience of having the goods delivered.Typical users of online supermarkets include the elderly, people who work long hours and those without their own transport.23 What is important to the succe of an online store? 24.What products are unsuitable for selling online? 25.Who are more likely to buy groceries online?


Part II Listening Comprehension Section A 1.C 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.D 6.B 7.A 8.C Section B 9.D 10.B 11.A 12.A 13.B 14.C Section C 16.B 20.A 21.B 25.B 15.D 17.D 22.C 18.A 23.D 19.C 24.A


Vera: Rob, I\'m so excited! Justin Bieber will be leaving the hotel at any minute now.I can hardlywait to see him coming through that door! I want his autograph to add to my collection! 威拉:罗伯,我太激动了!贾斯汀比伯现在任何时间都可能离开酒店。我等不及看他从那扇门走出来了!我想在我的收藏中加上他的亲笔签名!

Rob: I have to say though that his music is not to my taste, but it is fun to be in a place wherethings are happening, I suppose! 罗伯:我得说他的音乐不符合我的品位,但是我想在事件发生的地方很有趣! Vera: It\'s him! It\'s him! I\'ll take a picture, Rob.威拉:是他!是他!我要照照片,罗伯。

Rob: Who\'s this, Vera? This isn\'t Justin Bieber.This guy is much taller and his hair is very darkand it\'s much longer too.罗伯:那是谁,威拉?这不是贾斯汀比伯。这个人更高而且他的头发是深色的,也更长。 Vera: This is Forest Trunk.威拉:那是弗雷斯特特伦克。

Rob: Forest who? I\'ve never heard of him! … 罗伯:弗雷克斯什么?我从没听说过他!

Vera: This is one of the eight members of the band \'Wild Boys\'.He is a celeb! 威拉:他是“狂野男孩”乐队的八位成员之一。他是个名人!

Rob: A celeb?! That\'s not quite right, Vera.Celeb is an informal abbreviation of the word\'celebrity\', which is used in English to refer to people who are actually famous.Let\'s listen tosome examples: 罗伯:一个名人?这不正确,威拉。名人是“知名人士”的不正式的简写,在英语中用来指确实出名的人。让我们来听一些例子:

\"Elizabeth Taylor was a celeb most of her life.She was taken to Los Angeles as a child andbegan her film career at the age of nine.\" “伊利莎白泰勒一生的大部分时间都是名人。她很小就被带去拉斯维加斯然后在9岁的时候开始了电影生涯。”

\"I\'ve been taking singing leons and one day I\'ll record a song with Justin Bieber and become aceleb like him!\" “我一直在上声乐课,有一天我会和贾斯坦比伯录一首歌然后成为一个像他一样的名人!” Vera: Ah, Justin Bieber! Okay Rob, a celebrity or, as we hear a lot nowadays, a celeb, iomeone really famous, like … like her! 威拉:啊,贾斯汀比伯!好吧罗伯,一个知名人士,或者我们现在总是听到的名人,是某个真的很有名的人,比如,她!

Rob: Her who?! Who is that woman? 罗伯:她是谁?那个女人是谁?

Vera: This is another celeb! It\'s Margot Marigold! 威拉:这是另一个名人!是马格特玛丽戈尔德! Rob: Marigold? I\'ve never heard of her.罗伯:玛丽戈尔德?我从没听说过她。

Vera: She is Forest Trunk\'s girlfriend.She is a celeb! 威拉:她是弗雷斯特特伦克的女朋友。她是个名人!

Rob: Well, that\'s the trend nowadays.In our society everything is fast, the world is gettingsmaller and there is a tendency for people who are not really well-known to be called \'celebs\'.So I wouldn\'t be surprised to find this word everywhere.罗伯:好吧,这是当今的潮流。在我们的社会所有事都很迅速,世界变得越来越小而且有把并不太出名的人也被叫为名人的趋势。所以我不会讶异于在所有地方听到这个词。 Vera: Don\'t be sad, Rob.For all of us in Learning English you are a celeb! At the last officeChristmas party you sang lots of songs and became known even to the staff of othercompanies in the building.威拉:不要伤心,罗伯。对所有学英语的我们来说你是个名人!在上一次办公室圣诞派对上你唱了很多歌,这栋楼的其他公司的员工都知道你了。

Rob: Don\'t remind me of that.They are making fun of me to this day because I was so out oftune.罗伯:不要提起这件事了。他们在嘲笑我因为我跑调跑的太远了。

Vera: Everybody knows you now! You are a celeb, even if they don\'t like your singing verymuch.威拉:现在每个人都知道你了!你是个名人,即使他们不太喜欢你唱的歌。

Rob: I might ask Justin Bieber for some pointers.And, by the way, here he comes! 罗伯:我也许应该问一下贾斯汀比伯有什么指示。而且,顺便说一句,他来了!

Vera: That\'s him! Justin Bieber is coming out of the hotel now.Justin, here! I\'m here! 威拉:那是他!贾斯汀比伯现在正从酒店里出来。贾斯汀,这里!我在这! Rob: Justin, teach me to sing! Justin, teach me to sing, lah lah lah… 罗伯:贾斯汀,教我唱歌!贾斯汀,教我唱歌,啦啦啦...Vera: Bye.威拉:再见。 Rob: Bye.罗伯:再见。




(1) 要具备扎实的语音知识和发音能力,只有这样才能使音和意挂钩起来,不然的话,一定会张冠李戴。比如,Tibet 听成tobacco, president Lincoln 听成 president Clinton.(2) 学会抓住一句话或者一个语段的中心意思,而不要抓住每一个词的个别意思,要善于将前后的意群联系起来理解。例如: Natural changes in the climate are probably to blame for the unusual weather conditions in many parts of the world.

(3) 要学会从第一句来预测整段的思路和意向,因为文章的首句通常是topic sentence.其后的几句大多是从原因,结果,条件,时间,空间等方进行说明或阐述的。

例:I should also like to take this opportunity to thank the countle volunteers from so many nations, who rushed to Japan to help with the relief and reconstruction efforts after the earthquake in 1995.




二、关于口译的“记” 两个原则:

1.大脑记忆为主,笔记为辅。2.数字,时间,人名,地名一定要记下来。 例1

1.Thank you, Mr.deputy mayor, for your warm remarks.Now I should like to offer a few of my own on behalf of the Johnson Corporation.// 谢副市热话I say 代Johnson cor.

2.I want to aure you that we will do our best to develop a long term cooperation with the banks, corporations and enterprises in Shanghai.// I 保 we 尽力↗长合→bank.Cor.Ent.In SH

3.The Johnson Corporation is a capital-based lending corporation.We mainly offer loans to developing countries and have busine relations with many countries in the world.// Johns.Cor $ 基,we 贷→发中□&bus tie □ 世

4.This year, we will lower borrowing rates and improve efficiency in order to further enhance busine relations with developing countries, especially with our partners in shanghai.// 今年,we ↓借 利↑效→发中 bus tie , esp.伙 in SH

例2 1.中华人民共和国和美利坚合众国是两个伟大的国家,但两国的文化,政治传统和经济制度相距甚远。// 中美=2 大□,但cul &pol, trad&eco sys: very ≠


But, 2 □ 有 多 com inter , inte 实, by 改tie





例1 It is indeed a pleasure [1]/to stand before the Aembly [2]/ and extend to you, Sir, [3]/in the name of my country,[4]/my most sincere congratulations[5]/ on your election [6]/as president of the present seion of the General Aembly [7]./ 参考译文:


例2 “十五”期间[1]/,上海将形成[2]/一批支柱和优势企业[3]/,形成一批拳头产品[4]/形成一个创新开发机制[5]/,形成一支优秀企业家队伍[6]。 参考译文:

During the period of the Tenth Five-Year Plan [1], Shanghai will set up[2] a number of backbone and flagship enterprises[3], develop a series of knockout products[4], create a mechanism for innovation and development[5], and bring us a troop of outstanding entrepreneurs[6]. 二 重组法:

如果两种语言的表达模式不一致,运用顺译法便会显得牵强别扭,这时则宜采用重组法。具体说来,就是抓住原语中的信息点,根据目标语的思维方式和表达习惯重新组织和安排信息,译出原语真正要体现的内容和情感。 例1 Nothing inspired us more [1] as we watched the breathtaking performance of the gymnasts [2]/ than the final jump of Kelly [3]/ that put the American girls on the champion’s stand [4].参考译文:


例2 在美丽的金秋时节[1]/,我很高兴[2]/,能在古老又充满现代活力的[3]/的古都西安[4]/,迎来[5]/参加“2001中国西部论坛”的[6]/各位嘉宾[7]。/ 参考译文:

In this beautiful golden fall [1], I am very happy [2] to welcome [5] the distinguished guests [7] to China West Forum 2001 [6] in the ancient capital Xi’an [4], an age-old and mysterious city full of dynamism of the modern era [3].练习:


In October, the weather in Shanghai is sunny and refreshing.More than 1,300 players from 35 countries and regions attended the World High School Students Sports Meeting in Shanghai, which is the last games of this kind of this century.


Although these young people from various parts of the World spent a short time in Shanghai, they were still deeply impreed by the outlook of Shanghai and by the traditional Chinese culture.

3.博大精深的中国传统文化令这些年轻的外国朋友感受到了神秘和新奇。The profound traditional Chinese culture struck these foreign youngsters as mysterious and novel.


From then on, they would never forget that there lives such a people in the east of the world.


一 礼仪性讲话(欢迎词,感谢词,祝酒词)



On behalf of sb, I have the honor/ I feel great honored to expre/extend this warm welcome to sb from sp.


Permit me/ please allow me to expre/extend these warm welcome and gracious greetings to our distinguished guests coming from afar.3.我很愉快地以我个人的名义,向某某表示热烈的欢迎。

 例1:

我怀着愉快的心情,以我个人的名义,向光临悉尼农业技术展览会的中国来宾,表示热烈的欢迎。// I am delighted to extend this personal welcome to Chinese visitors to the Sydney Agricultural Technology Exhibition.// 我们在这里向中国朋友全面展示我国的农业成就,并介绍我们所能提供的先进的农业技术。// Here we present to our Chinese friends a comprehensive display of Austrian agricultural achievements and advanced technology in farming that we have to offer.//

我非常珍视澳中两国在贸易合作中发展起来的友谊和建立起来的信心。// I greatly value the friendship and confidence that we enjoy as your trading partner.//


I am certain that this exhibition will strengthen our economic cooperation and contribution directly to our further trade expansion.//


1. On behalf of sb, I„d like to take this opportunity to expre/extend our sincere thanks to sb for their earnest invitation and gracious/incomparable hospitality we have received since we set foot on sp.我愿意借此机会,我谨代表。。。,对。。。的诚挚邀请和我们一踏上。。。便受到的友好款待,向。。。表示真诚的感谢。

2. First of all, permit me to say thank you, sb, for your extraordinary /considerate/thoughtful arrangements and incomparable hospitality.


 例2:

Ladies and Gentlemen, first of all, I would like to expre my heartfelt-thanks to our Chinese hosts for their extraordinary arrangements and hospitality, although I know quite clearly that I can never thank them enough.// 女士们,先生们:首先,我要对我的中国主人们表示衷心的感谢,感谢他们的精心安排和盛情款待,尽管我清楚地知道我对他们的感激是不尽的。

In the short period of ten days of friendly visit, we have acquired a keen sense of the diversity, dynamism, and development of China under your policies of reform and opening up to the outside world.// 在短短十天的友好访问中,我们已经强烈感受到在改革开放政策的指引下,中国到处是一派气象万千,充满活力,不断进取的景象。

Shanghai is to us a memorable and nostalgic home.During our stay here, we have spent a great deal of present time with the Shanghai people---working, shopping, and even touring the city on our bicycles.// 上海是令我们迷恋/想念/怀念和难以忘怀的家乡。在此逗留期间,我们与上海人民一起度过了很多美好的时光——我们一起工作,购物,一起骑着自行车逛城。

These are happy days.They are good days, important days.We have deeply felt that our friendly and cooperative ties have become extensive, affecting all aspects of our lives: commerce, culture, education, and scientific exchange.


(3)祝酒词典型句型: 开头:

尊敬的陛下: Respected Your Majesty 尊敬的殿下: Respected Your Highne 尊敬的阁下: Respected Your Excellency/ Honor 结束(祝酒): In closing,

I‟d like you to join me in a toast ….May I ask you to join me in a toast ….May I propose a toast… + to

The health of your Excellency, The health of all the distinguished guests, The lasting friendship and cooperation of both countries The peace and prosperity of the world.

二 大会发言(开幕词,闭幕词) 开幕词, 闭幕词典型句型: (1) 宣布。。。开幕

declare …open / declare open ….declare the commencement of… (2)预祝。。。取得圆满成功! Wish… a complete succe!! (3) 宣布。。。闭幕

declare the closing of… lower the curtain of…


尊敬的主席先生,各位来宾,女士们,先生们,朋友们:在这春意盎然的美好时节,第八届中国东西部合作与投资贸易洽谈会今天隆重开幕了。// Respected Mr.Chairman, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, all the dear friends, in this beautiful spring season, the Eighth Investment and Trade Forum for Cooperation between East and West China is grandly opened today.

在此,我谨代表组委会和陕西省政府向莅临大会的国内外嘉宾、国家有关部委、各省区市区代表团,表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的祝愿。// On behalf of the current forum‟s organizing committee and the People‟s Government of Shaanxi Province, I‟d like to extend our warm welcome and wholehearted wishes to all the honored guests at home and broad, delegates from participant ministries and commiions, provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government.

同时欢迎港澳台同胞和各界朋友参加这次重要的全国性经贸盛会。// I‟d also like to extend the warm welcome to compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan as well as friends of various circles present at this important national economic and trade gathering.

让我们共同预祝第八届中国东西部合作与投资洽谈会取得圆满成功!谢谢大家!// Let us wish the Eighth Investment and Trade Forum for Cooperation between East and West China a complete succe! Thank you all!!


Your Excellency, ladies and gentlemen, it is an honor to be invited to speak at this closing ceremony of this annual conference on Regional Science and Technology Cooperation.// 尊敬的阁下,女士们,先生们,很荣幸受到邀请在这次地区科技合作年会的闭幕式上讲话。

The presence of his Excellency, the President of the Republic of Mexico, reflects the firm commitment of Mexico towards this conference and the painstaking efforts that your administration has made to ensure its succe.// 墨西哥共和国总统阁下的出席,反映了墨西哥对本次会议的坚定承诺,以及阁下政府为保证会议召开所作出的巨大努力。

On behalf of all the delegations attending the conference and my own behalf, we are also most appreciative of the warm and generous hospitality extended to us, including bringing us to your residence this morning.// 我也要代表参加会议的各代表团以及我本人,感谢你们热情,慷慨地招待,包括今天早上带我们到您的府上拜访。

The significance of this conference cannot be overemphasized.I am sure that we can go away from Mexico City with confidence, determination, and a clear vision of the collective effort and focus of our action into the new millennium.// 本次会议意义重大。我相信我们离开墨西哥城的时候,将满怀信心和决心,将展望共同努力和一致行动的明朗前景,迈上新千年。


It is an honor to be here to speak on behalf of the Microsoft Research Center and to participate in this conference to discu the strategic iues facing this wonderful and dynamic city of shanghai.// 我很荣幸在这里代表微软研究中心,出席本次会议来讨论上海这座美妙且充满活力的城市所面临的战略问题。

In my addre to the conference, I‟d like to concentrate on Microsoft‟s proposed joint ventures in Shanghai, because these ventures confirm our position as a strongly committed partner to Shanghai.// 在我向大会的发言中,我想重点谈一谈微软准备在上海筹建的合资企业,因为这些合资企业可以确认我们决意成为上海合作伙伴的立场。

We understand that, as the fastest growing economy in the world today, China is likely to become the world‟s second largest economy in the mid-21st century// 我们认识到,作为当今世界上经济增长最快的国家。中国很可能在21世纪中也成为世界第二号经济强国。

Therefore, the foreign investor must have a strategic plan and the willingne to form a long-term partnership with China.// 因此,外国投资者必须有战略计划,必须有同中国建立长期伙伴关系的意愿。

三 旅游 (城市或者景点,还有旅游产业的介绍)


例:Many of its world-renowned attractions are specific, such as the Great Barrier Reef, Ayer‟s Rock, Kakadu National Park and Sydney Opera House.


(2)汉译英,则是介绍国内的城市或者景点。难在中文太过文学,措手不及。 例:上海系江南名城,远东巨埠,内联九州,外通四海,物华天宝,人杰地灵。 Shanghai is a famous city in the south of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and a big port in the Far East.Linked with all the places in China and major ports throughout the world, this metropolis is known as a land of attractive resources and magic power and a birthplace of creative minds and gifted talents. 例6

York is the capital of Yorkshire and was once known as England‟s “second city”.It has a long history dating back to Roman times.Indeed many of the streets and roads bear Roman names.// 约克是约克郡的首府,曾经一度被誉为英格兰的“第二大城市。”约克市历史悠久,可以追溯到罗马时代。的确,很多的街道和马路用的都是罗马的名字。

York is a major tourist city for many reasons.The city boasts one of the most famous cathedrals in the world.It has a number of interesting museums and the architecture within the city covers different periods of history.// 约克成为旅游重镇有很多原因。该市拥有世界上最为著名的教堂之一。它有很多有趣的博物馆。另外,成立的建筑风格反映了不同历史时期的风格。

The most famous cathedral is known as York Minister.It dates back to the 13th century.Tourists are captivated by its sheer size, architectural beauty and presence.// 最有名的教堂叫做约克敏斯特。它历史可以追溯到13世纪。游客为其高大的外形,优美的建筑风格和气势所倾倒。

Among the museums of York, the National Museum and the Castle Museum are the most famous.The national Railway Museum covers about 150 years of railway history.The Castle Museum attracts more than 650,000 visitors each year.// 在约克的博物馆中,最有名的当属国家铁路博物馆和城堡博物馆。前者记载了150多年的铁路史,后者则每年吸引超过65万名参观者。

例7: 阳朔是个小镇,人口不足三万。但它极负盛名,每年有成千上万的游客趋之若鹜,从世界各地涌来。// Yangshuo is a small town with a population of le than 30,000.It has such a great reputation that every year tens of thousands of visitors are attracted here from various parts of the world.

1998美国前总统比尔·克林顿来到这里,面对美不胜收的景致,不忍匆匆离去,以致推迟香港之行。// In 1998, the former American president Bill Clinton came here.Facing such a magnificent view, he was reluctant to go away.As a result, he put off his trip to Hong Kong.

阳朔最吸引人的地方就是板石街,又名“西洋街”。该街总长有一千米,有一千四百一十年的历史。// The most attractive place in Yangshuo is, of course, the Slabstone Street, also known as “the Western Street”.This street is 1,000 meters in its total length, and it has a history of 1,410 years.

街道两旁有数百家商店,主要出售外国人喜欢的仿古制品和纪念品。徜徉小街,有人会惊喜地发现在这里东西方文明是如此的水乳互融。// There are a few hundred shops scattered along both sides of the street.These shops mainly sell imitations of antiques and souvenirs which foreigners fancy.Wandering about the street, visitors will be amazed to find that here east and west civilizations are in such complete harmony.

例8 上个月我首次来访上海,在四天五夜的短暂逗留中亲身感受到现代上海的生机动力。// Last months, I visited Shanghai for the first time and, during the brief four-day and five-night stay, experienced first-hand the buzzing dynamism of modern Shanghai.

初访上海的游客第一个印象必然是那些象征着这座大都市财富和魅力的高楼大厦。// First-time visitors to Shanghai will invariably first be captivated by the soaring skyscrapers that symbolize the metropolis‟ wealth and glamour.

与浦西隔江相望的是位于浦东新区的中华第一高楼,88层楼高的金茂大厦。// Acro the Huangpu River, Puxi Area is looking at China‟s tallest building---the 88-storey Jin Mao Tower---which is in Pudong Area.

不过据说它的最高纪录只能保持到2007年,届时由日商投资兴建的94层浦东上海环球金融大厦预计即将完工。// But it is said that the tower will stop to be the tallest when the Global Financial Centre project, a 94-storey edifice by Japanese invertors, is completed in 2007.

例9: As an important part of the tertiary industry, the development of tourism needs a good economic, urban, human and ecological environment.// 作为第三产业的重要组成部分,旅游业的发展需要良好的经济环境、城市环境、人文环境和生态环境。

In recent years, the city of Kunshan has greatly improved its urban and rural environment by carrying out a series of activities, such as setting up a national sanitary city and a model city for environmental protection.//近几年来,昆山市通过创建国家卫生城市、环保模范城市等一系列活动,城市环境大大改善。

Now the city of Kunshan is making every effort to become an outstanding tourist city in China, to perfect the tourist functions of the city and to upgrade its tourist services.// 现在,昆山市又在积极争创中国优秀旅游城市,进一步完善城市旅游功能,提高旅游服务水平。

The ancient and beautiful city of Kunshan is ready to welcome visitors from all parts of the world with an open attitude.The rising tourist industry in Kunshan will march into the promising future of sustainable development with a brand-new look.// 古老而美丽的小城昆山将以开放的姿态迎接八方来客,崛起的昆山旅游业将以崭新的姿态走向可持续发展的充满希望的未来。

四 环境保护 例10

Environmental pollution is a term that refers to all the ways by which man pollutes his surroundings.// 环境污染是指人们用各种方式污染周围环境的一个术语。

Man dirties the air with gases and smoke, poisons the water with chemicals and other substances, and damages the soil with too many fertilizers and pesticides.// 人们通过气体和烟雾来污染空气,用化学物质以及其他物质污染水源,还用大量的化肥和杀虫剂破化土壤。

Man also pollutes his surroundings in various ways.For example, people ruin natural beauty by scattering junk and litter on the land and in the water.They operate machines and motor vehicles that fill the air with disturbing noise.// 人们还通过其他方式污染着他们的环境。例如,总有人在地面上和水里扔垃圾,破害自然美。人们使用的一些机器和交通工具噪音很大。

Nearly everyone causes pollution in some way.Environmental pollution is one of the most serious problems facing mankind today, and badly polluted air can cause illne, and even death.// 几乎每个人都在某种程度上对周围的环境造成了污染。环境污染是当今人们所面对的一个非常严重的问题。被严重污染的空气会引起疾病甚至死亡。

例11 1992年联合国地球峰会以来,越来越多的人和政府接受了“可持续发展”的观念。// Since United Nations Earth Summit in 1992, more and more people and governments have adopted the idea of “sustainable development”.

这一观念认为,现今的经济发展不能以子孙后代的资源和选择作为代价,规划和发展不仅仅要确保经济增长,还要保证社会进步和环境健康,这就是说一些经济行为必须受到制约。// This is the idea that today‟s economic growth should not be at the risk of the resources and options for future generations.Planning and development need to ensure not only economic growth, but also social advancement and environmental health, and this means that some economic behaviors must be restricted or controlled.

中国面临着很多严峻的环境问题:空气污染,水污染,沙漠化,过渡捕捞,对自然栖息地的破坏,酸雨,对野生动植物的过渡消费等等。所有这一切的背后都是经济增长和环境保护之间的矛盾。// There are many serious environmental problems in China: air pollution, water pollution, desertification, overfishing, destruction of natural habitats, acid rain, over-consumption of wild animals and plants, etc.Behind them all, is the contradiction between economic growth and environmental protection.

将可持续发展原则逐步融入到政府规划,资源管理和经济政策中去,这是中国解决环境问题所能够采取的最重要的一步。// Instilling principles of sustainable development into governmental planning, resources management and economic policy is the most important step China could take to solve its environmental problems.

五 教育(学校的介绍,中国教育状况的介绍) 例12:

松江大学城作为本市最大的大学社区,于昨日正式启用,迎接来自上海外国语大学,上海外贸学院及立信会计学院三所高校的5500名新生。// Songjiang College Town, which is the largest college community in Shanghai, was officially opened yesterday.It welcomed 5,500 new students from three institutions of higher learning, namely, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai Foreign Trade Institute and Lixin Accounting College.

该大学城占地306公顷,其中240公顷用于教室等各类教学设施,其他用于寝室,食堂和商店。整座大学城的建成耗资25亿人民币。// The College Town covers an area of 306 hectares, among which 240 hectares are used for various kinds of teaching facilities and clarooms and the rest are for dormitories, canteens and shops.The total cost of building the whole college town will be 2.5 billion yuan.

松江大学城的建立,旨在使大学生得到全面,健康的发展,即每个学生都得在德,智,体各个方面有所提高。// The founding of Songjiang College Town is to enable the college students to have an all-round and healthy development.That is to say, every student is given the chance to improve himself morally, intellectually and physically.

按计划,今年年底松江大学城将完成一批大型体育综合型设施——包括运动场和体育馆。据市教育部门的官员说,这些设施能承担国际性的比赛。// According to the schedule/It is scheduled that by the end of this year, a maive sports complex will have been completed in Songjiang College town, including stadiums and gymnasiums.The city education officials say that these facilities can be used for international competitions. 例13:

I think a high school graduate with superior aptitude should by all means go on to college.With superior study skills, this student will probably do well in college and be able to find work upon graduation.// 我认为一名具有出色天赋的中学毕业生绝对应该继续念大学。因为掌握了良好的学习技能,这位学生很可能在大学里成绩出众并且能够在毕业时找到工作。

But high school students should really think twice about going to college.They should really consider what they want to get, or need to get, out of a college education.// 但是中学生对于上大学这个问题的确应该三思。他们的确应该想想他们想从大学教育中得到什么,或者需要从中得到什么。

If the student studies for a degree simply for the money, he should probably plan a career in which there is likely to be openings in the future.// 如果一名学生取得学位的目的只是为了赚钱,那么他就应该好好设计一条职业道路,保证将来可能会有好的出路。

If the student is one of those people who just want to learn, he‟d better make sure that he either has rich parents or will soon inherit a fortune.// 如果这个学生属于那种纯粹是为了学习而学习的人,那么他最好能有把握要么有有钱的父母撑腰,要么不久就会继承一大笔财产。



Founded in 1905, Fudan University is a comprehensive, research-oriented key university comprising the humanities, science, technology, medicine and social sciences.

该校拥有一支高水平的师资队伍。在众多学科中,既有享誉四海,造诣弥深的老学者,又有一批优秀的中青年学科带头人。// It boasts a high-level faculty.Various branches of learning witne both the word‟s most respectable and highly accomplished senior scholars and distinguished young and middle-aged academic leaders. 在2400余位的教师队伍中,有教授,副教授1600余位,其中博士生导师近500人,中国科学院,中国工程学院院士20余人。// Among the 2400 faculty members, there are over 1600 full and aociate profeors, and nearly 500 Ph D advisers.20 people are members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.


In some backward rural areas, young girls usually become labors in their families at the age of ten.They have to look after their younger brothers and sisters and also do some farm work.// 在许多落后的农村地区,女孩子一般十岁以后就要成为家庭中的劳动力,既要照看弟妹,又要做农活。

Quite a lot of farmers know that they should make investments in the intellectual development of their children.// 不少农民是懂得教育投资的。

However, due to a limit to their economic conditions, they have to have their sons educated first, for they are the most stable members of their families.As a result, there has been an increase of female illiteracy.// 但由于经济条件有限,他们首先要培养男孩,因为男孩是家庭中最稳定的成员。这样文盲中妇女所占的比例就会越来越大。

A mother in a family, who is illiterate, can hardly shoulder the responsibility for a good education of their younger generation.// 一个母亲如果没有文化就很难担负好教育下一代的责任。 If we fail to improve the cultural quality of women who hold half of the population, we can by no means improve the cultural quality of the whole nation.// 占中国人口半数的女性的文化素质不提高的话,全民族的文化素质也难以得到提高。

六 外交关系(国际关系,中国的对外关系,港澳台关系) 例16:

和平稳定的国际环境是社会发展的前提条件,社会发展与国际和地区安全形势密切相关。// Peaceful and stable international environment is the prerequisite for social development,which is closely linked with the security situation of the region and the world at large.

不幸的是,在过去的10年里,国际和地区的总体安全形势很不稳定,武装冲突延绵不断,致使许多国家特别是发展中国家无暇集中精力搞建设,更谈不上追求社会发展。// Unfortunately, in the past decade international and regional security situation has been highly unstable on the whole, with armed conflicts cropping up now, and then distracting many countries, the underdeveloped members in particular, from economic development, still le social development.

因此,努力营造和平的国际和地区环境,遏制冲突,建立公正合理的国际秩序,使各方落实承诺,实现发展目标的必要条件和头等大事。// Therefore, striving to create a peaceful international and regional environment, preventing conflicts and establishing a fair/ equitable and reasonable international order stand out as the eential conditions and top priority for all parties to keep the commitments and realize the development goals.

俗话说:一千个承诺,不如一个行动。这说明行动的极端重要性。各种政府应首先树立历史责任感和紧迫感,切实落实行动计划以及采取行动所需的机制和资源。// As a saying goes, “One thousand promises are not as good as one action.” That means action is extremely important.National governments must have the sense of historical responsibility and urgency to implement solid actions as well as neceary mechanisms and resources for these actions.


Terrorism is the common enemy of mankind.The world counter-terrorism endeavor will be a long-term task.// 恐怖主义是人类的公敌,国际反恐斗争是一个漫长的过程。

Since the beginning of this year, terrorist attacks all over the world have become more rampant.According to the statistics, there have been 1,700 attacks this year, which is 58% of the last three years‟ total.//


Our position on terrorism must be consistent and clear.First, we should oppose all forms of terrorism.Terrorist activities happening anytime, anywhere, organized by anybody and in whatever form, should be combated jointly and resolutely.// 我们必须在反恐问题上采用一贯和明确的立场。首先要反对一切形式的恐怖主义。恐怖活动不论发生在何时,何地,由何人组织,以何种方式出现,均应采取一致立场,坚决打击. Second, it is neceary to look into the root and acts of terrorism.Only by paying attention to and uprooting the cause of terrorism, can we solve the iue once and for all.//



两岸同胞血脉相连,情同手足。中华儿女共同创造的五千年灿烂文化,是维系全体中国人民的精神纽带。// Compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are limbs of the same ancestry.The brilliant/splendid culture created by the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation over 5.000 years has always been the spiritual bond for all the Chinese.

两岸共同继承和弘扬中华文化的优秀传统,将使中华文化在新的时代焕发新的光彩。// By jointly inheriting and carrying forward the fine traditions, our compatriots on both sides of the straits will give new luster to the Chinese culture in the new age.

青年是国家的未来。两岸青年应加强交往,增进了解。我们欢迎更多的台湾青年来祖国大陆学习深造,开创事业,施展才华。// The youth are the future of our nations.Young people on both sides should reach out for more contacts and closer understanding.More young people from Taiwan are welcome to the mainland to pursue their studies, advance their careers and give full play to their talents.

我们也欢迎台湾各界人士前来参观,访问,同我们交换有关两岸关系与和平统一的意见。// 

We also welcome people from various walks of life in Taiwan to tour and visit the mainland to exchange views with us on cro-strait relation and peaceful reunification.

七 科技(生物工程,信息技术,医学方面) 例19:

The ongoing economic globalization and rapid advancement of science and technology have generated unprecedented technological conditions for global economic and social development in the new century.// 当前,经济全球化和科学技术的突飞猛进为新世纪全球经济和社会发展创造了前所未有的技术条件。

However, the information and communicationes development worldwide is seriously unbalanced.The gap between the rich and the poor in enjoying the benefits of and utilizing information resources and information technologies is widening instead of narrowing.然而,世界范围内信息技术发展极不平衡,贫富国家享有和利用信息资源和技术的差距不是在缩小,而是在扩大。

Narrowing and ultimately eliminating the “digital divide” is a major iue to be addreed in the proce of building the information society.Otherwise, we would not be able to attain the goal of sustainable, sound and coordinated development of the global information society.如何让缩小直至消除“数字鸿沟”,是建设信息社会过程中急需解决的重大问题。否则,我们就无法再全球范围内实现信息社会持续,健康和协调发展的目标。

Against this backdrop, the international community decided to convene a World Summit on the Information Society to discu and find solutions to iues related to the development of the information society.Such a decision is absolutely right and neceary.// 在这种情况下,国际社会决定召开信息社会世界峰会,讨论解决有关建设信息社会的问题无疑是正确的,必要的。


Heart disease is Britain‟s biggest killer.Around 270,000 people suffer a heart attack every year and nearly one in three die before they even reach hospital.// 心脏病是英国最大的杀手,每年约有27万人心脏病发作,并有近1/3的人在送抵医院之前就停止了呼吸。

High blood preure, or hypertension, affects one in five people in the UK and is a major risk factor for heart disease.The higher it climbs, the greater the force exerted by blood on the walks of the arteries when the heart beats.// 每五个英国人中就有一个患有高血压,高血压是心脏病发作的主要诱因。血压升得越高,心脏跳动时血液对动脉壁施加的压力就越大。

A study shows that the stre of returning to work on a Monday morning can trigger a dangerous increase in blood preure.Most people are free of the mental and physical burdens of work on a Sunday and experience a more streful change from weekend leisure activities to work activities on Mondays.// 一项研究表明,周一早上重返工作时的压力可以导致血压升高到危险的程度。很多人在星期天卸下了工作带来的精神和身体上的负担,但是从周末的休闲活动转换到周一的工作状态时,他们面临的压力增大。

An early morning rise in blood preure is probably a normal part of the body‟s 24 hour rhythm and unlikely to be a problem for healthy people.However, if somebody already has cardiovascular disease, then it might just tip them over the edge and trigger a heart attack.



For those of you who have ever seen our ads, you know that they end with the phrase, “everything is poible”.A cynic might say that is just a marketing slogan, but I actually believe that.// 如果大家看到我们的广告,就知道我们的广告语是“万事皆有可能”。也许有人会嘲讽说这是营销口号,但是我们相信这是可以做到的。

I don‟t think everything is easy and things happen right away.But I do think that everything is poible.//


For all the remarkable advancements we have seen in recent years, nothing had matched the power of information technology in changing our world for the better.And in the next decade, the impact it will exert is beyond our imagination today.// 就我们最近看到的显著进展而言,信息技术带给世界的好处是任何其他力量无可比拟的。未来十年它能够产生的影响是我们今天不可想象的。

I know something that might sound strange, because we always think of the dangers and challenges in the world around us.But I do believe this is an era of great promise and great opportunity.// 有时候听上去可能很奇怪,因为我们总是觉得周围充满了危险和挑战,但我相信这确实是一个充满机会和希望的时代。

八 改革开放 a经济: 例22:

我们深切体验到,封闭必然落后,开放才能发展。因此,我们把对外开放作为基本国策,走面向世界的发展道路。// We are deeply aware that locking doors against the world will make us lag behind, and only by opening to the outside world can we realize development.We set “opening to the outside world” as a basic state policy and embarked on the road of development oriented towards the world.

从设立经济特区到开放沿海城市,以致全方位对外开放,中国已经由封闭半封闭型经济转变成开放型经济。// With the setting up of special economic zones, then the opening of coastal cities and finally opening multi-dimensionally to the outside world, China‟s economy has been turned into an open economy from the closed or semi-closed economy into

同时,我们清醒地认识到,中国是个发展中的大国,我们的发展不能也不可能依赖外国,必须也只能主要依靠自己的力量,立足于扩大国内需求, 通过系统和体制创新来创造活力。// In the meantime, however, we are fully aware that China is still a big underdeveloped country.Our development should not and cannot rely on foreign countries but on our own efforts.We should be based on expanding the domestic demand, and activate creativity through innovations in systems and mechanisms.

我们大胆学习和吸收人类社会创造的一切文明成果,同时又坚持弘扬中华文明,从而为我国现代化建设注入了强大的精神动力。// We have been hold in learning and absorbing all advanced achievements of human civilizations while carrying forward the Chinese civilization so as to inject strong spiritual vitality to our modernization drive. 例23:近年来,随着上海市民人均收入的逐年增加,消费结构发生了根本性的变化。// In recent years, as the per capita income of Shanghai residents have increased year after year, the consumption structure has undergone fundamental changes.

许多传统的消费热点正在悄悄降温,新的消费亮点已展露头角,过去单一的节假日购物消费已向多元化消费转变。// Many traditional consumption fads are quietly losing their charms, while new/fresh consumption forms/ways are catching on.Shopping used to be the only form of holiday consumption, but the consumption fashion has been diversified/taken on various forms now.

从节假日购物消费来看,同样也在悄然发生着变化。人们的节日休闲娱乐消费已突破了以往上舞厅,打保龄球等传统形式。// Changes have also occurred stealthily/ quietly in recreational consumption during holiday seasons.In this regard, people have gone beyond the traditional practice of going to the discos or playing bowling.

取而代之的是市民选择在图书馆静静地阅读,或举家到博物馆浏览参观。市民娱乐消费的文化气息正在不断增强。 Instead, people/local residents choose to read quietly in the libraries, or visit the museum with the family.In short, the culture-related recreational consumption is gradually gaining currency.

b金融: 例24: 《财富》杂志排出了全球500家大企业,中国银行再次入选,位列第172位。迄今为止中国银行已连续十年入选。// The Bank of China was chosen again by Fortune as Global Top 500 and given the 172nd rank.Up to now, it has been chosen into the Fortune Top 500 list for ten years running.

中国银行有国内机构15,251个,海外分支机构548家,分布在世界五大洲的22个国家和地区,是具有强大的资金实力,发达的电子化网络系统,严密的风险防范体系和灵敏的市场反应能力的国际大银行。// The Bank of China has 15,251 organizations set up at home, and 548 abroad, distributed in 22 countries and regions all over the world.It is an international large-scale bank with rich funds, advanced electronic networks, a strict system of precautions against risk and quick response capacity.

中国银行是1999年被世界知名的英国杂志《银行家》列入全球前500家跨国银行的国内唯一的银行,在国内金融界始终保持一流地位。// It was the only domestic bank ranked in Global Top 500 Transnational Banks list in 1999, sponsored by the famous Banker magazine of Britain.It has kept at the first rank in domestic financial circles.

在海外,中国银行利用其分布在世界各地众多的机构,为全球的客户提供了广泛的金融服务,为促进我国的对外经济贸易发展作出了突出贡献。 Abroad, the Bank of China utilizes its distribution organizations all over the world to give extensive financial service to the users worldwide, and has made remarkable contribution for promoting the foreign economic trade development of China.

例25: The Asian Development Bank said it would set up a 600-million$ fund to deliver prompt emergency funding to Asian countries hit by the Indian Ocean tsunamis in December, last year.// 亚洲开发银行宣布,它将设立总值6亿美元的基金,以便为去年12月遭受印度洋海啸之灾的亚洲国家提供紧急资金援助。

The Asian Tsunami Fund will deliver grants for emergency technical aistance and investment projects to support reconstruction and rehabilitation in India, Indonesia, Maldives, Sri Lanka and Thailand.// 亚洲海啸基金将为紧急技术援助和投资项目拨款,以便支持印度,印度尼西亚,马尔代夫,斯里兰卡和泰国的重建和修复工作。

Funding could be granted for public services such as water supply, electricity and communications; infrastructure such as roads, railways and ports; health and education services; agriculture and fisheries; housing; and containment of environmental damage.// 基金将用于水,电以及通讯等公共服务领域,公路,铁路,港口码头等基础设施领域,卫生教育服务,农业,渔业,房屋休复和遏制环境破坏等。

The bank will host a high-level meeting here on March 18 to take stock of the recovery and pledges of support, and to reach a common understanding on rehabilitation and reconstruction programs over the next four to five years.// 亚洲开发银行拟定于3月18日在此召开特别会议,评估灾后恢复情况以及援助呈弱的执行情况,并就未来四到五年内受灾国家的修复和重建工作达成共识。

c家庭,社区,和谐社会: 例26: 俄罗斯有句谚语:“上帝让我们为邻”。中国也有句谚语:“远亲不如近邻。”// As a maxim in Ruia goes, “God makes us neighbors.” There is also a similar saying in China, which says, “A distant relative is not as helpful as a near neighbour.”

中国自古以来就有亲仁善邻,崇信修睦的优良传统。// China boasts a good tradition of seeking friendship and living in amity with its neighbors.

我们将坚持与邻为善,以邻为伴,继续实行睦邻,安邻,富邻的政策,致力于同俄罗斯全面发展战略协作伙伴关系。// We will persist in building good-neighborly relationships and partnership with the neighboring countries, continue pursuing the policy of bringing harmony, security and prosperity to neighbors and commit ourselves to developing China-Ruia strategic and cooperative partnership in an all-round manner.

让我们两国人民携起手来,共同创造中俄关系的美好未来! Let the people of our two countries join hands and create jointly a bright future for China-Ruia relations.

例27: 中华民族历史悠久,拥有很多的优良传统。早在古代,中国的先贤就主张“齐家,治国,平天下”的理念,倡导家国兼顾,尊老爱幼,和谐稳定的思想。// The Chinese nation takes pride in its long history and boasts many good traditions.Already in ancient times, Chinese sages advocate the philosophy of “family harmony leading to good government and in turn to universal peace”.They argued for balance between state and family interests, reverence of the old and care for the young and streed family harmony and stability.


Since the founding of the new China, the government has sought to ensure family harmony and stability through legal protection, policy guidance and moral restraints.The saying “prosperity follows family harmony” has been a motto for every family in China seeking happine.

中国政府有关部门十年来主办了一系列以家庭为主题的活动,如“五好文明家庭”评选,家庭文化艺术节,家庭文明工程等。// The relevant government agencies have sponsored a host of family-oriented activities, such as the “5-virtues family” award, family cultural and art festivals and projects aimed at promoting the civilized family.

中国人口与计划委员会还将举办“世界家庭峰会”。全面回顾和评估“国际家庭年”确定的目标和成果,从家庭的角度推动实现千年发展目标。// A world summit on the family, sponsored by China‟s National Population and Family Planning Commiion, will be held.The summit is to comprehensively review and ae the progre made so far since the realization of the Millennium Development Goals from the family perspectives.


所谓“国家兴亡,匹夫有责”,每一个中国人都要关心和参与国事,以负责任的态度来提出意见和看法。// All citizens have a duty to the country.Every Chinese should care about national affairs, come forward to take part, voice their views and opinions in a responsible manner.

同时也要虚心接受和包容别人的意见。这样,我们就能加强人民在国家建设中的参与感,民族认同感和自豪感。// At the same time, they should accept and accommodate others‟ views with an open mind.This way, we will be able to enhance people‟s sense of participation in national building, as well as their sense of national identity and sense of pride.

当然,在多民族社会,我们不仅要促进文化发展,还要强调社会和谐的必要性。// Of course, in a multi-racial society, we must not only promote cultural development, but also stre the need for social harmony.

正如儒家所说,“君子和而不同,小人同而不和。”各民族的文化有着不同的,独特的习俗,但也有着共同的行善宗旨。我们必须求大同,存小异。// It has been the Confucian philosophy to accommodate divergent views.All ethnic cultures have different unique practices, but they also share a common goal of doing good.We should all work for the common goal while preserving our minor difference.

d住房: 例29: 根据房地产权威部门的统计,去年中国的平均住房价格达到了每平方米2,226元,比前年高出6%。// According to the statistics from the housing/real estate authority, last year the housing price of China averaged 2,226yuan per square meter, which was a 6 percent up over the year before.

北京,上海和广州的住房价格在全国范围内位居前列,每平方米超过了3,400元。市中心商业区及周边地区的住房价格则更为昂贵。// Housing in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou ranked the most expensive acro the country, because their prices exceeded 3,400yuan per square meter.Houses in and around commercial districts in the city centre were even more expensive.

上述三大城市的住房销售资料显示,去年房地产市场的总体增长主要出现在上半年,下半年的增长幅度有所下降。// The sales reports of the houses in the above-mentioned three cities suggest that the overall growth in the real estate market last year occurred mainly in the first half of the year.In the second half of the year, the growth rate showed a somewhat downward trend.

我认为,由于去年下半年新建成的房地产项目已不断积累,未售出的存量房增长幅度已经超过7%,今年的住房销售总量将有所减缓。// I think because in the second half of last year, newly-completely housing projects kept growing in number, and because the growth rate of unsold stockpile houses was over 7%, the total sales volume of houses this year will be reduced to some extent.

九 文化 a 节日: 例30: In many countries of the world, the celebration on December 25th

is a high point of the year.Form November onwards, it is impoible to forget that Christmas is coming.// 在世界上的许多国家,12月25日的庆祝活动是一年中的一个亮点。从11月开始,人们不可能忘记圣诞节就要来临。

Colored lights celebrate many town centers and shops, along with shiny decorations, and artificial snow painted on shop windows.Shopping centers become busier as December approaches and often stay open till late.// 彩灯装饰着很多城镇的中心和商店,还有亮晶晶的装饰物,以及人造雪花喷在商店橱窗上。购物中心越来越繁忙,因为12月就要到了,他们常常营业到很晚。

Shopping center speakers systems will play the traditional Christmas songs, and groups of people will often sing Carols on the streets to raise money for Charity.In many countries, most people post Christmas greeting cards to their friends and family.// 购物中心的喇叭里会播放传统的圣诞歌曲,成群结队的人们常常会在大街上高唱圣歌,为慈善机构筹款。在很多国家,大多数人会给朋友和家人寄圣诞贺卡。

In shops or at children‟s parties, someone will dre up as Father Christmas and give small presents to children, or ask them what gifts they want for Christmas.Christmas can be a time of magic and excitement for children.// 在商店里或孩子们的聚会上,有人会装扮成圣诞老人分发小礼物给孩子们,或者文他们要什么样的圣诞礼物。圣诞节对孩子们来说,是一个神奇而兴奋的日子。

例31: The traditional food eaten on Halloween is barnbrack, a kind of fruitcake that can be bought in stores or baked at home.// 万圣节的传统食品是barnbrack,它是一种水果蛋糕,即可以在商店买到也可以在家里烘制。

Pumpkin carving is a popular part of modern America‟s Halloween celebration.Come October, pumpkins can be found everywhere in the country from doorsteps to dinner tables.// 在美国现代万圣节的庆祝活动中,刻南瓜是广受欢迎的一个活动。十月来临,南瓜在美国随处可见,无论是在门前的台阶上,还是在餐桌上。

Despite the widespread carving that goes on in this country every autumn, few Americans really know why or when the Jack-o‟-lantern tradition began.// 尽管每到秋天,美国的刻南瓜活动是非常普遍,但是很少会有美国人知道为什么会有“杰克灯”的传统,以及这个传统是何时开始的。

The Irish used turnips as their “Jack‟s lantern” originally.But when the immigrants came to America, they found that pumpkins were far more plentiful than turnips.So the Jack-o‟-lantern in America was a hollowed-out pumpkin, lit with an ember.// 爱尔兰人最初是用萝卜做“杰克灯”的。但是当爱尔兰移民来到美国后,他们发现南瓜可比罗卜多多了。因此,美国的“杰克灯”是一只掏空了的南瓜,里面点着余火。

b 有中国特色的东西(书法,国画,中医,中餐,京剧„„): 例32: 中国有着引以自豪的辉煌历史和美好的未来。我很高兴从过去曾是中国的古都,如今仍是中国的中心城市西安开始我的旅程。// China is bleed with both a profound history and a beautiful future.I am delighted to begin my journey in Xi‟an, once the capital of China, still the heartland of China.


Tomorrow,I am looking forward to visiting the Terracotta warriors and horses and the ancient city walls.I am also looking forward to learning more about China‟s great contributions to the store of human knowledge, from medicine and printing to mathematics and astronomy------discoveries on which so much of the whole world‟s progre is based. 例33: 中国正逐渐崛起成为世界政治经济强国,是中华文化在美国日益风行的原因。// The gradually emergence of China as a potential world political and economic superpower is the reason that the Chinese culture is gaining increasingly popularity in the United States.

中国的对外开放,也让许多美国人有机会亲身体验这个文明古国的风采。// China‟s reform and opening up has enabled an increasing number of Americans to travel there in order to experience at first hand and splendor of this age-old country with great civilization.

此外,许多美国城市的繁荣华人社区,享有模范少数民族的美誉,更让美国人对这个和他们的文化大相径庭的古老文明产生浓厚的兴趣。// Besides, the thriving Chinese communities in many American urban centers and their reputation as a model minority have aroused further their interests in this distant land, which is so vastly different from theirs.

除了他们赞不绝口的中国菜肴外,有越来越多的美国人尝试针灸,草药和中华武术。他们也看功夫电影,学习东方时装潮流和手工艺。// Apart from their love affair with Chinese cuisine, more American are turning to its acupuncture, herbal medicines, martial arts, gongfu films, fashions, art and craft.

c 语言 例34: Mother tongue is the first language that a person picks up and is usually the standard language or dialect of that particular ethnic group.// 母语是一个人最早学会的一种语言,通常也是他所在民族的标准与或某一种方言。

According to a UNESCO report on the International Mother Tongue Day, about half of the 6,700 or so languages in the world are in danger of dying.// 在“国际母语日”上,联合国教科文的一份报告指出,全球大约6,700种语言中,约有半数正面临消失灭绝的危机。

In a globalized economy where a computer is all that is needed to acce information all over the world, it is inevitable that weaker languages are replaced by the more dominant ones.// 在全球化的经济中,一台电脑就能处理世界各地的信息,弱势语言为强势语言所取代是必然的趋势。

The presence of different races, languages and cultures has made the world so much more interesting and the languages and dialects of minority races do have their own small roles to play.// 不同的民族,语言和文化的存在使世界变得多姿多彩,少数民族的语言和各种方言也应该拥有一席之地。

十热点 a奥运: 例35: One of the primary goals of the Olympic Movement is to unite the world in peace through sport, and through the celebration of each and every Games.// 奥林匹克运动的主要目的之一就是通过举办每一届奥运会来团结全世界,以体育促进世界和平。

When China returned to the Olympic Games in Los Angeles in 1984, after a 50 year absence, it marked a great turning point.It suggested that the Olympic Movement had leapt ahead in its efforts to bring the whole world together in peace and friendship.// 1984年的洛杉矶,中国在时隔50年之后重新出现在奥运会上,这是一个重大的转折。它意味着奥林匹克运动在促进世界和平和友谊方面向前迈进了一大步。

China won 16 medals in Los Angeles, and since then has achieved in winning another 120 medals.China‟s competitive standard is high, and Chinese athletes are among the best in the world.// 中国在洛杉矶奥运会上赢得了16块奖牌。此后的奥运会比赛中,中国又赢得了120块奖牌。中国又很高的竞技水平,中国的运动员已经跻身于世界最优秀的运动员之列。

China‟s contributions on the field of competition have served to enhance the Olympic Movement and global sport.// 中国在比赛场上做出的贡献进一步推进了奥林匹克运动和全球体育事业的发展。

例36: 这是一个激动人心的时刻,作为第一家成为国际奥委会全球合作伙伴的中国企业,联想集团正式成为国际奥林匹克大家庭中的重要一员。// It is an exciting moment because Lenovo Group is the first Chinese company to become a global partner of the International Olympic Committee, thus becoming an important member in the Olympic family.

作为国际奥委会的全球合作伙伴,联想集团将为2006年都灵冬季奥运会和2008年北京奥运会提供关键支持。联想集团将为现代奥林匹克运动的成功举行提供强大的资金支持、人员支持和设备支持。// As a global partner of IOC, Lenovo will provide critical support to Torino for the staging of the 2006 Olympic Winter Games and to Beijing for the 2008 Olympic Games.By providing strong support in funding, manpower and equipment, Lenovo will play a key part in the staging of succeful modern Olympic Games.

同联想集团的这种合作,必将推动奥林匹克在中国、亚洲乃至全世界的深入发展。// In addition, the relationship will play an important role in the promotion of the Olympic Movement and sport throughout China, Asia and acro the globe.

奥运会提供了一个独一无二的、强大的国际市场平台。我坚信这次合作能够发展成一种长期的互利互惠的关系。// The Olympic Games provides a unique and powerful global marketing platform.I am sure that this cooperation will grow into a long-term mutually-beneficial relationship. b AIDS: 例37: 艾滋病是人类共同的挑战,给人民的身体健康、生命安全,乃至一国和地区的稳定带来严重威胁。// AIDS has posed a challenge to the entire mankind, producing serious threats to people‟s health and life and even national and regional stability.

近年来,尽管全世界艾滋病防治工作取得了一些进展,但形势仍非常严峻。今年全世界艾滋病病毒感染人数又创新高,突破3900万人,新增感染者490万人。// In recent years, though there has been certain progre in global fight against AIDS, the situation remains grave.The number of this year‟s 39 million HIV infections has set a new record with an increased number of 4.9 million.

防治艾滋病也是中国政府面临的一项艰巨而复杂的任务,据不完全统计,中国有艾滋病感染者84万多人。// AIDS prevention and treatment is an arduous and complex task for the Chinese Government.According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 840,000 AIDS patients in China。

艾滋病防治是关系中华民族素质和国家兴亡的大事,目前中国政府加大了工作力度,预防并坚决遏制其蔓延势头。// AIDS prevention and treatment is a major iue pertinent to the quality and prosperity of the Chinese nation.At present, the Chinese Government is reinforcing its efforts to prevent and contain the spread of AIDS.

c 世博: 例38: 世界博览会是一种规模宏大,影响深远的大型展示活动。它综合反映了当代世界各国政治,经济,文化和科技发展水平及成就,因而被誉为“经济,科技和文化”的奥运会。// The World Exposition is a large-scale, far-reaching grand show, reflecting comprehensively the development and achievements of different countries in the fields of politics, economy, culture as well as science and technology.Therefore, it is known as “Olympics of Economy, Science and Technology, and Culture.”

自1982年至今中国已经参加了九次世界博览会。// China has participated in nine World Fairs since 1982.

去年,中国成功地在云南昆明举行了世界园艺博览会。这是中国第一次举办由世界博览会管理机构即国际展览局确认的顶级专项世界博览会。// Last year, China succefully held the World Horticulture Exposition in Kunming, capital of Yunnan Province.This was the first time that China hosted a top-cla specialized world exposition confirmed by the Bureau of International Exhibition, the administrative body of the World Exposition.

d 西部大开发: 例40: 在中国中部地区吸收外资迅速增长的同时,西部地区吸收外资也取得了明显进展。// While the absorption of foreign investment in the eastern areas of China is growing at a rapid speed, the western regions have also made obvious headway in its attraction of foreign investment.

截至2001年6月底,西部地区吸收外商直接投资的项目数、合同外资金额和实际使用外资金额,在全国总量中所占比重分别为7.3%、6%、5.3%。// Up to the end of June 2001, the project number, contractual value and actually utilized value of direct foreign investment in the west accounted for 7.3%, 6% and 5.3% respectively of the national total.

今年1月至6月底,西部地区新设立外商企业742家,合同外资19.1亿美元,实际使用外资7.1亿美元。// In the first six months of this year, 742 new foreign invested enterprises were set up in the western regions with the contractual value amounting to USD 1.91 billion and actually utilized value, USD 710 million.

随着西部大开发战略的稳步推进,西部地区的资源优势、经济优势到充分发挥,经济增长的质量和水平将进一步提高。// As the strategy of developing the western regions is steadily pushed forward, the resource and economic advantages of the west will be brought into full play, thus further raising the quality and level of its economic growth. e 世贸: 例41: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.I‟d like to take this opportunity to brief you on China‟s acceion to WTO and participation in economic globalization.// 我愿借此机会向各位朋友介绍中国加入世贸组织和参与经济全球化的有关情况。

After its acceion to the WTO, China‟s reform and opening up will enter a new stage.// 入世后,中国改革开放将进入一个新的历史阶段。

Joining the WTO is the requirement of our reform and opening up which is the fundamental interest of China.// 加入世贸组织是我国改革开放的需要,符合全中国人民的利益。

Joining the WTO will enable China to conduct international trade and economic cooperation under the multilateral, stable, and unconditional MFN (most favored nation) principle.加入世贸组织将使中国能够在世贸组织成员提供的多边,稳定,无条件的最惠国待遇原则下进行国际贸易和经济合作。

















