
2022-07-15 来源:其他范文收藏下载本文



dear headmasters,teachers,clamates and friends:

i’m very proud that i have chosen to speak to you all today, i’m a bitnervous as i’ve never made a speech before to so many people ,so please forgive me if it shows.as we all know,the environmemt around us is getting worse and worse .in some places we can’t see fish swimming in the river or trees on the hills.some people even have no clean water to drink.so i think we must do something to protect the environment..but what can we do? how to protect our environmemt? for exle, we can go to school on foot or by bike .we can use shopping bakets not plastic bags .when we go shopping and we can use both sides of the paper when we write .in a ,if everyone pays more attention to our environment ,there willbe le pollution and our life will be better.‚there is only one earth‛,i hope everyone will protect our environment well.thanks! 亲爱的校长、老师、同学和朋友: 今天,我很自豪的是,我已经选择与你说话,我有一点紧张, 我从来没有在这么多人面前讲话,就请原谅我是否会表现出来的。


能做些什么呢?如何保护环境吗?比如,我们可以上学步行或者骑自行车。当我们去买东西时,我们可以用购物袋, 当我们写东西时,这张纸两面都可以用。总之,如果每个人都非常重视对我们的环境、污染就越少,我们的生活将会是比较好的。

‚只有一个地球‛,希望每个人都能保护我们的环境。谢谢! the earth scale change of climate has brought a new kind of natural disaster and the developed and plicated city system is holding a latent risk of expanding the damage artificially.also people has been spoiling the health since the immense quantity of chemicals have been produced and already used in pursuit of convenience and various toxic substances have been produced unintentionally and accumulated in environment.therefore, we need some countermeasures from the viewpoint to prevent the city environment form disaster and to manage environmental risks.so we will develop and improve a new risk management system and a disaster prevention system to preserve and create the city environment where people feel easy and sound in their life.地球规模气候的变化带来了一种新型的自然灾害和发达和复杂的城市体系,手里拿着一个潜在风险扩大伤害人工。同时,人们已经弄坏了健康的化学品的数量巨大以来,已经产生了使用方便、追求生产各种有毒物品堆积,无心环境。因此,我们需要一些解决这些问题的观点来防止城市环境形成灾难和管理环境风险。我们将开发和改进的新的风险的管理制度和防灾系统维护并创造城市环境,让大家感到轻松,声音,在他们的生活。

some people believe that economic development should never be at the cost of the environment.they think the present serious environmental problems are largely caused by rapid?economic development.for exle, land resources are shrinking because of the industrial development and the expansion of cities.deserts are spreading because of over grazing, poor fanning, tree cutting, and strip mining.our air and water supplies are being polluted by poisonous gaesand waste products.it is important, therefore, that we should take another look at the way in which our industries and cities are developing.however, other people think it unneceary to consider environmental problems now and our first priority should always be given to economic development.they believe that environmental problems are inevitable and unavoidable in the proce of economic development.they are only the by products of economic development, which can be dealt with later when we have the time and money.i think the second idea is pletelywrong.our ultimate aim in economic development is to provide a fortable and happy life for our people.what is the point of economic development if we achieve it at the cost of our environment? there has been much evidence to prove that a balance between the two helps more rapid and continuous development.有些人认为经济发展不应该在环境为代价。他们认为目前的严重的环境问题在很大程度上是造成快速?经济发展。例如,土地资源正在收缩因为产业发展和扩展的城市。沙漠是传播因为过度放牧,可怜的


然而,另一些人认为没有必要去考虑环境问题了,我们的 temperature .look what we\'ve done to our planet ! it\'s time for us to heal the world ! fortunately , more and more people have realized that the earth is sick and people are also in big trouble.thus alow-carbon life style is advocated,and in some countries the private cars are not allowed to drive ever day.guys, as teenagers of the 21st century,as the children of the earth ,i think we have duties to save our planet.let\'s start from the small things in our daily life .such as planting a tree, using the public transportation , saving tap water ,stopping littering around ,… these are all easy things for us.as the old saying goes ,\"drop by drop fills the tub\" .if we do work together ,i believe we\'re gonna make a great difference toward the earth.so let\'s start by ourselves,start by today!that\'s all.thanks for your attention ~~?? is a waste, and energy saving.in everyday life, there are many waste of resources.for exle, many the use of disposable chopsticks, disposable plastic bags, waste water etc.for our mon homeland, i think everyone is responsible for our survival environment to do something useful things.above all, want to improve people\'s maive propaganda, enlightenment and understanding, strengthen the consciousne of environmental protection.next, want to undertake recycling of forest trees, reduce the deforestation.strengthen the white pollution treatment, use le plastic products.finally, to make improvement.make clean city.a more orderly daizhuanghua garbage.this can not only reduce the sanitation workers le workload, still can better play recycling, reduce pollution and save resources.buy vegetables, use le plastic bags, try to use bamboo basket.eating out as far as poible need not disposable lunch boxes. and the attitude to the environmental problem, and exprees our human beings’ desire of pursuing the better environment.every year the united nations environment program proposes a theme, and the XX theme of this day will focus on ‘small island and climate change’ and the slogan is ‚raise your voice not the sea level‛.

world environment day can be celebrated in lots of ways, for instances, planting trees, doing some recycling, participating the clean-up caigns and so on.certainly people can also do something simple, like going to work by bus instead of private cars.i believe if everyone takes environmental actions as a habit, we are doing a big difference for the better environment.世界环境日为每年的6月5日,起始于1972年,它是联合国为了提高全球的环保意识而创建的。环境日的创立展现了人们对环境问题的认识和态度,表达了人们对美好环境的追求渴望。每一年联合国环境规划署都会提出一个环境日主题,而XX年的主题主要着重于小岛屿与气候变化,今年的口号是‚提高你的呼声,而不是海平面‛。


it\'s time to do something about it.we need fresh air to breathe.we need pure water to drink.we need a clean environment to be healthy.people have to stop littering.we have to respect our surroundings.we must bee friends of the earth.first,everyone must get involved.everyone must lend a hand.together we can clean up our neiborhoods.second,we can practice conservation.we can reduce waste and reuse things.we can recycle paper,bottles,and plastic.third,we can put up more \"don\'t litter\" signs.we can trashcans on every corner.we can pick up garbage when we see it.we must take action to fight pollution.it\'s our future we\'re protecting.it\'s our duty to keep our planet clean.so,please don\'t pollute.don\'t be a litterbug.don\'t be afraid to remind others,too.let\'s protect nature\'s beauty.let\'s make our future bright.let\'s start to

clean up now.



1)开始时对听众的称呼语 最常用的是 ladies and gentlemen,也可根据不同情况,选用 fellow students, distinguished guests, mr chairman, honorable judges(评委)等等。

2)提出论题 由于演讲的时间限制,必须开门见山,提出论题。提出论题的方法有各种各样,但最生动,最能引起注意的是用举例法。比如:你要呼吁大家关心贫穷地区的孩子,你可以用亲眼看到的或者收集到的那些贫穷孩子多么需要帮助的实例开始。另外,用具体的统计数据也是一个有效的引出论题的方法,比如:你要谈遵守交通规则的话题,你可以从举一系列有关车辆、车祸等的数据开始。

3)论证 对提出的论题,不可主观地妄下结论,而要进行客观的论证。这是演讲中最需要下功夫的部分。关键是要把道理讲清楚。常见的论证方法有举例法、因果法、对比法等等,可参见英语议论文的有关章节。

4)结论 结论要简明扼要,以给听众留下深刻印象。

5)结尾 结尾要简洁,不要拉拉扯扯,说个没完。特别是不要受汉语影响,说些类似‚准备不足,请谅解‛,‚请批评指正‛这样的废话。最普通的结尾就是:thank you very much for your attention。

certainty, that no evil can happen to a good man, either in life or after death.he and his are not neglected by the gods; nor has my own approaching end happened by mere chance.but i see clearly that the time had arrived when it was better for me to die and be released from trouble wherefore the oracle gave no sign.for which reason, also, i am not angry with my condemners, or with my accusers; they have done men harm, although they did not mean to do me any good; and for this i may gently blame them.still i have a favour to ask of them.when my sons are grown up, i would ask you, o my friends, to punish them; and i would have you trouble them, as i have troubled you, if they seem to care about riches, or anything, more than about virtue; or if they pretend to be something when they are really nothing, ─then reprove them, as i have reproved you, for not caring about that for which they ought to care, and thinking that they are something when they are really nothing.and if you do this, both i and my sons will have received justice at your hands.the hour of departure has arrived, and we go our ways─i to die, and you to live.which is better god only knows.法官们啊,不必为死亡而感丧气。要知道善良的人无论生前死后都不会遭逢恶果,他和家人不会为诸神抛弃。快要降临在我身上的结局绝非偶然。我清楚地知道现在对我来说,死亡比在世为佳。我可以摆脱一切烦恼,因此未有神谕显现。为了同样的理由,我不怨恨起诉者或是将我判罪的人。他们虽对我不怀善意,却未令我受害。不过,我可以稍稍怪他们的不善意。



i, general de gaulle, speaking from london, invited the french officers and soldiers who may be in british territory now or at a later date, with their arms or without their arms─i invent the engineers and the workers skilled in the manufacture of armaments who may be; now or in the future, on british soil─to get in touch with me.

whatever may e, the flames of french resistance must never be extinguished; and it will not extinguish.tomorrow, as i have today, i shall speak over the london broadcast.我,戴高乐将军,现在在伦敦发表广播讲话。我吁请目前或将来来到英国国土的法国官兵,不论是否还持有武器,都和我联系;我吁请精于制造武器的技师与技术工人,不论是现在或将来来到英国国土,都和我联系。



on the whole, sir, i can not help expreing a wish that every member

of the convention who may still have objections to it, would, with me, on this occasion, doubt a little of his own infallibility, and, to make manifest our unanimity, put his name to this instrument.总的来说,先生们,我情不自禁地要表达一个愿望:让每一个仍然反对这部宪法的与会者,在这个场合都与我一起稍稍怀疑一下,自己是否一贯正确,并且,为了表明我们的一致意见,请都在这份文件上签上自己的名字。

i preach to you, then, my countrymen, that our country calls for the life of ease, but for the life of strenuous endeavor.the twentieth century looms before us big with the fate of many nations.if we stand idly by, if we seek merely swollen, slothful ease, and ignoble peace, if we shrink from the hard contests where men must win at hazard of their lives and at the risk of all they hold dear, then the bolder and stronger peoples will pa us by and will win for therefore the domination of the world.let us therefore boldly face the life of strife, resolute to do our duty well and manfully; resolute to uphold righteousne by deed and by ; resolute to be both honest and brave, to serve high ideals, yet to use practical methods.above all, let us shrink from no strike, moral or physical, within or without the nation, provided we are certain that the strife is justified; for it is only through strife, through hard and dangerous endeavor, that we shall ultimately win the goal of true national greatne.因此,我的同胞们,我对你们要讲的是,祖国要求你们不要过安逸的生活,而要过艰苦奋斗的生活。20世纪已赫然在目,它将决定


i....has both advantages and disadvantages.……既有利又有弊。例如:

1.obviously television has both advantages and disadvantages. 2.living in a city has both advantages and disadvantages. 3.pared with cars,bikes have their advantages and disadvantages. 举一反三:

1.although puters bring people a lot of convenience,they have many disadvantages.

2....has many advantages.for exle,...however,just as every coin has two sides,...has its disadvantages.(本例将利弊分开讲,转折过渡自然。just as every coin has two sides也很值得背诵。)

ii....play(s)an important role /part in...……在……中扮演重要角色/起重要作用。例如:

1.puters play an important role in science and technology. 2.puters play a more and more important role in our life.

puters play an increasingly important role in our studies. 3.education plays an important part in developing our mind. 4.addiction to alcohol and drugs play a role in homelene. 举一反三:

1.advertisement plays an informative role in our daily life. 2.in the past,letters played a decisive role in long-distance munication.but now ,telephone,email,fax have taken their place.

iii.with the development of...,随着……的发展,例如: 1.with the development of our economy,m any chinese families can afford a car.

2.with the development of our economy and society,pollution is more and more serious.

3.with the rapid development of science and technology,people can get a college degree by taking online-courses at home.

4.with the current social and technological developments,employees with more knowledge and higher academic degrees are needed.


1.with the rapid increase of china\'s population,housing problem is being more and more serious.


2.with more and more women entering society,people\'s attitude towards women is changing.

随着越来越多的妇女走入社会,人们对妇女的态度也在改变。 3.with the deepening of chinese reform and opening up,an increasing number of chinese families can afford a car.

随着中国改革开放的深入,越来越多的中国家庭买得起车了。(‚越来越多‛除了常用的more and more外,还可以用an increasing number of, a growing number of,a significant number of,a great number of等来表达。)




iv.when it es to...,some people think /believe that...,others argue /claim that opposite /reverse is true.there is probably some truth in both arguments /statements,but...当说到……,有些人认为……,但另一些人则持相反的观点……。这两种观点可能都有点道理,但……。

本结构先用when it es to ...引出话题,再用some...others ...这个对立的结构引出了两种相反的观点,然后说there is some truth in both...表明严谨公正的态度,最后用but...很自然地引出了自己的论点。请看下面这个例子:

tv,a good thing or bad thing when it es to tv,some people believe that it is extremely valuable,as it provides relaxation, entertainment and education. others argue that it is harmful for it begins to control our lives and deprives people of time to do other activities.there is probably some truth in both sides.but we must realize that television itself is neither good or bad.it is the uses to which it is put that determines its value to society.

英语议论文多以简要总结全文或对所讨论的问题提出解决办法来结尾。总结全文时除常用到in one /a ,generally speaking等外,没有固定模式。提出解决办法时却常使用下一句型。

v....take measures to do sth.例如:

1.we should take measures to control pollution in order to save the world.

2.we\'d better take effective measures to prevent students from cheating on exams.

3.the government decided to take strong measures against drug abuse.

4.urgent measures should be taken to prevent terrorists from carrying out further attacks.

1.as far as ...is concerned 2.it goes without saying that...3.it can be said with certainty that...4.as the proverb says 5.it has to be noticed that...6.it`s generally recognized that...7.it`s likely that 8.it`s hardly that...it’s hardly too much to say that...

what calls for special attention is that...需要特别注意的是 there’s no denying the fact that...毫无疑问,无可否认

nothing is more important than the fact that...what’s far more important is that...a case in point is ...as is often the case...as stated in the previous paragraph如前段所述

but the problem is not so simple.therefore然而问题并非如此简单,所以…… but it’s a pity that...

for all that...in spite of the fact that...further, we hold opinion that...however , the difficult lies in...similarly, we should pay attention to...not(that)...but(that)...不是,而是

in view of the present station.鉴于目前形势 as has been mentioned above...in this respect, we many as well (say)从这个角度上我们可以说 however, we have to look at the other side of th(请继续关注好 )e coin, that is...然而我们还得看到事物的另一方面,即

i will conclude by saying...therefore, we have the reason to believe that...all things considered,总而言之 it may be safely said that...therefore, in my opinion, it’s more advisable...

it can be concluded from the discuion that...从中我们可以得出这


from my point of view, it would be better if...在我看来……也许更好

let’s take...to illustrate this.试举例以兹证明 let’s take the above chart as an exle to illustrate this.it’s remains to be further studied...there’s question is how... 第二,可讲性。演讲的本质在于‚讲‛,而不在于‚演‛,它以‚讲‛为主、以 ‚演‛为辅。由于演讲要诉诸口头,拟稿时必须以易说能讲为前提。如果说有些文章和作品主要通过阅读欣赏,领略其中意义和情味,那么,演讲稿的要求则是‚上口入耳‛。一篇好的演讲稿对演讲者来说要可讲;对听讲者来说应好听。因此,演讲稿写成之后,作者最好能通过试讲或默念加以检查,凡是讲不顺口或听不清楚之处(如句子过长),均应修改与调整。







dear headmasters,teachers,clamates and friends:

i’m very proud that i have chosen to speak to you all today, i’m a bitnervous as i’ve never made a speech before to so many people ,so please forgive me if it shows.

as we all know,the environmemt around us is getting worse and worse .in some places we can’t see fish swimming in the river or trees on the hills.some people even have no clean water to drink.so i think we must do something to protect the environment..but what can we do? how to protect our environmemt? for

example, we can go to school on foot or by bike .we can use shopping bakets not plastic bags .when we go shopping and we can use both sides of the paper when we write .in a word ,if everyone pays more attention to our environment ,there willbe le pollution and our life will be better.

“there is only one earth”,i hope everyone will protect our environment well.thanks!


今天,我很自豪的是,我已经选择与你说话,我有一点紧张, 我从来没有在这么多人面前讲话,就请原谅我是否会表现出来的。



当我们去买东西时,我们可以用购物袋, 当我们写东西时,这张纸两面都可以用。总之,如果每个人都非常重视对我们的环境、污染就越少,我们的生活将会是比较好的。


the earth scale change of climate has brought a new kind of natural disaster and the developed and complicated city system is holding a latent risk of expanding the damage artificially.also people has been spoiling the health since the immense quantity of chemicals have been produced and already used in pursuit of convenience and various toxic substances have been produced unintentionally and accumulated in environment.therefore, we need some countermeasures from the viewpoint to prevent the city

environment form disaster and to

manage environmental risks.so we will develop and improve a new risk management system and a disaster

prevention system to preserve and create the city environment where people feel easy and sound in their life.


some people believe that economic development should never be at the cost of the environment.they think the present serious environmental problems are largely caused by rapid?economic

development.for example, land resources are shrinking because of the industrial development and the expansion of cities.deserts are spreading because of over grazing, poor fanning, tree cutting, and strip mining.our air and water supplies are being polluted by poisonous gaesand waste products.it is important, therefore, that we should take another look at the way in which our industries and cities are developing.however, other people think it unneceary to consider environmental problems now and our first priority should always be given to economic development.they believe that environmental problems are

inevitable and unavoidable in the proce of economic development.they are only the by products of economic development, which can be dealt with later when we have the time and money.

i think the second idea is

completelywrong.our ultimate aim in economic

development is to provide a comfortable and happy life for our people.what is the point of economic development if we achieve it at the cost of our

environment? there has been much evidence to prove that a balance between the two helps more rapid and continuous development.




?? ??? ??

2??5? 6? ???

good *** ladies and gentlemen! my name is kim seung-eun.today i am very excited to stand here to tell you a little bit about the poor situation of global environment.

for a long time,people have exploited mineral resources for developing industry.the wide use of mineral resources causes a lot of pollutions.for example,burning oil can emit carbon dioxide and many other harmful gases.the

carbon dioxide contributes to global warming which also leads to the melt of iceberg .besides mineral resources ,woodwhich is the most common material also attracted people’s attention.according to the report ,in every one minute ,there are 2014 square meters of forest being destroyed.as people cutting down trees crazily, serious desertification appears ,sandstorm is getting more and more frequent,and the earth is hardly keep its temperature .look what we’ve done to our planet ! it’s time for us to heal the world ! fortunately , more and more people have realized that the earth is sick and people are also in big trouble.thus alow-carbon life style is advocated,and in some countries the

private cars are not allowed to drive ever day.

guys, as teenagers of the 21st century,as the children of the earth ,i think

we have duties to save our planet.let’s start from the small things in our daily life .such as planting a tree, using the public transportation , saving tap water ,stopping littering around ,… these are all easy things for us.as the old saying goes ,”drop by drop fills the tub” .if we do work together ,i believe we’re gonna make a great difference toward the earth.so let’s start by ourselves,start by today!that’s all.thanks for your attention ~~??


三分钟英语演讲稿范文关于环境污染的 同上 满意答案: in china, i think the most serious environmental problem is the air pollution, water pollution, land desertification, soil erosion.i think the earth’s temperature rises

is the most serious.after evaporation temperatures, more intense, so will cause drought.temperatures, glacier melt after,

sea level will rise, a direct impact on people’s life.

i think, water can be recycled.because water is limited resources, is not renewable, water recycling

is a waste, and energy saving.

in everyday life, there are many waste of resources.for example, many the use of disposable chopsticks, disposable plastic bags,

waste water etc.

for our common homeland, i think everyone is responsible for our survival environment to do something

useful things.above all, want to improve people’s maive propaganda, enlightenment and understanding, strengthen the consciousne of environmental protection.

next, want to undertake recycling of forest trees, reduce the deforestation.strengthen the white pollution treatment,

use le plastic products.

finally, to make improvement.make clean city.a more orderly daizhuanghua garbage.this can not only reduce

the sanitation workers le workload, still can better play recycling, reduce pollution and save resources.

buy vegetables, use le plastic bags, try to use bamboo basket.eating out as far as poible need not disposable lunch boxes.

world environment day is commemorated each year on june 5th, and started from 1972, which is established by the united nations general aembly for raising global awarene to take actions to protect the nature.the establishment of world environment day shows people’s the cognition and the attitude to the environmental problem, and exprees our human beings’ desire of pursuing the better environment.every year the united

nations environment program proposes a theme, and the 2014 theme of this day will focus on ‘small island and climate change’ and the slogan is “raise your voice not the sea level”.

world environment day can be celebrated in lots of ways, for instances, planting trees, doing some recycling, participating the clean-up campaigns and so on.certainly people can also do something simple, like going to work by bus instead of private cars.i believe if everyone takes environmental actions as a habit, we are doing a big difference for the better environment.





i’m worried about my country.

there is polution everywhere.

it’s time to do something about it.

we need fresh air to breathe.

we need pure water to drink.

we need a clean environment to be healthy.

people have to stop littering.

we have to respect our surroundings.

we must become friends of the earth.

first,everyone must get involved.

everyone must lend a hand.

together we can clean up our neiborhoods.

second,we can practice conservation.

we can reduce waste and reuse things.

we can recycle paper,bottles,and plastic.

third,we can put up more “don’t litter” signs.

we can trashcans on every corner.

we can pick up garbage when we see it.

we must take action to fight pollution.

it’s our future we’re protecting.

it’s our duty to keep our planet clean.

so,please don’t pollute.

don’t be a litterbug.

don’t be afraid to remind others,too.

let’s protect nature’s beauty.let’s make our future bright.let’s start to clean up now.

推荐第3篇:英语演讲稿 环境

英语演讲稿 环境

dear headmasters,teachers,clamates and friends:

i’m very proud that i have chosen to speak to you all today, i’m a bitnervous as i’ve never made a speech before to so many people ,so please forgive me if it shows.as we all know,the environmemt around us is getting worse and worse .in some places we can’t see fish swimming in the river or trees on the hills.some people even have no clean water to drink.so i think we must do something to protect the environment..but what can we do? how to protect our environmemt? for exle, we can go to school on foot or by bike .we can use shopping bakets not plastic bags .when we go shopping and we can use both sides of the paper when we write .in a ,if everyone pays more attention to our environment ,there willbe le pollution and our life will be better.“there is only one earth”,i hope everyone will protect our environment well.thanks! 亲爱的校长、老师、同学和朋友: 今天,我很自豪的是,我已经选择与你说话,我有一点紧张, 我从来没有在这么多人面前讲话,就请原谅我是否会表现出来的。


能做些什么呢?如何保护环境吗?比如,我们可以上学步行或者骑自行车。当我们去买东西时,我们可以用购物袋, 当我们写东西时,这张纸两面都可以用。总之,如果每个人都非常重视对我们的环境、污染就越少,我们的生活将会是比较好的。

“只有一个地球”,希望每个人都能保护我们的环境。谢谢! the earth scale change of climate has brought a new kind of natural disaster and the developed and plicated city system is holding a latent risk of expanding the damage artificially.also people has been spoiling the health since the immense quantity of chemicals have been produced and already used in pursuit of convenience and various toxic substances have been produced unintentionally and accumulated in environment.therefore, we need some countermeasures from the viewpoint to prevent the city environment form disaster and to manage environmental risks.so we will develop and improve a new risk management system and a disaster prevention system to preserve and create the city environment where people feel easy and sound in their life.地球规模气候的变化带来了一种新型的自然灾害和发达和复杂的城市体系,手里拿着一个潜在风险扩大伤害人工。同时,人们已经弄坏了健康的化学品的数量巨大以来,已经产生了使用方便、追求生产各种有毒物品堆积,无心环境。因此,我们需要一些解决这些问题的观点来防止城市环境形成灾难和管理环境风险。我们将开发和改进的新的风险的管理制度和防灾系统维护并创造城市环境,让大家感到轻松,声音,在他们的生活。

some people believe that economic development should never be at the cost of the environment.they think the present serious environmental problems are largely caused by rapid?economic development.for exle, land resources are shrinking because of the industrial development and the expansion of cities.deserts are spreading because of over grazing, poor fanning, tree cutting, and strip mining.our air and water supplies are being polluted by poisonous gaesand waste products.it is important, therefore, that we should take another look at the way in which our industries and cities are developing.however, other people think it unneceary to consider environmental problems now and our first priority should always be given to economic development.they believe that environmental problems are inevitable and unavoidable in the proce of economic development.they are only the by products of economic development, which can be dealt with later when we have the time and money.i think the second idea is pletelywrong.our ultimate aim in economic development is to provide a fortable and happy life for our people.what is the point of economic development if we achieve it at the cost of our environment? there has been much evidence to prove that a balance between the two helps more rapid and continuous development.有些人认为经济发展不应该在环境为代价。他们认为目前的严重的环境问题在很大程度上是造成快速?经济发展。例如,土地资源正在收缩因为产业发展和扩展的城市。沙漠是传播因为过度放牧,可怜的


然而,另一些人认为没有必要去考虑环境问题了,我们的 temperature .look what we\'ve done to our planet ! it\'s time for us to heal the world ! fortunately , more and more people have realized that the earth is sick and people are also in big trouble.thus alow-carbon life style is advocated,and in some countries the private cars are not allowed to drive ever day.guys, as teenagers of the 21st century,as the children of the earth ,i think we have duties to save our planet.let\'s start from the small things in our daily life .such as planting a tree, using the public transportation , saving tap water ,stopping littering around ,… these are all easy things for us.as the old saying goes ,\"drop by drop fills the tub\" .if we do work together ,i believe we\'re gonna make a great difference toward the earth.so let\'s start by ourselves,start by today!that\'s all.thanks for your attention ~~?? is a waste, and energy saving.in everyday life, there are many waste of resources.for exle, many the use of disposable chopsticks, disposable plastic bags, waste water etc.for our mon homeland, i think everyone is responsible for our survival environment to do something useful things.above all, want to improve people\'s maive propaganda, enlightenment and understanding, strengthen the consciousne of environmental protection.next, want to undertake recycling of forest trees, reduce the deforestation.strengthen the white pollution treatment, use le plastic products.finally, to make improvement.make clean city.a more orderly daizhuanghua garbage.this can not only reduce the sanitation workers le workload, still can better play recycling, reduce pollution and save resources.buy vegetables, use le plastic bags, try to use bamboo basket.eating out as far as poible need not disposable lunch boxes. and the attitude to the environmental problem, and exprees our human beings’ desire of pursuing the better environment.every year the united nations environment program proposes a theme, and the XX theme of this day will focus on ‘small island and climate change’ and the slogan is “raise your voice not the sea level”.

world environment day can be celebrated in lots of ways, for instances, planting trees, doing some recycling, participating the clean-up caigns and so on.certainly people can also do something simple, like going to work by bus instead of private cars.i believe if everyone takes environmental actions as a habit, we are doing a big difference for the better environment.世界环境日为每年的6月5日,起始于1972年,它是联合国为了提高全球的环保意识而创建的。环境日的创立展现了人们对环境问题的认识和态度,表达了人们对美好环境的追求渴望。每一年联合国环境规划署都会提出一个环境日主题,而XX年的主题主要着重于小岛屿与气候变化,今年的口号是“提高你的呼声,而不是海平面”。


it\'s time to do something a(更多文章请关注)bout it.we need fresh air to breathe.we need pure water to drink.we need a clean environment to be healthy.people have to stop littering.we have to respect our surroundings.we must bee friends of the earth.first,everyone must get involved.everyone must lend a hand.together we can clean up our neiborhoods.second,we can practice conservation.we can reduce waste and reuse things.we can recycle paper,bottles,and plastic.third,we can put up more \"don\'t litter\" signs.we can trashcans on every corner.we can pick up garbage when we see it.we must take action to fight pollution.it\'s our future we\'re protecting.it\'s our duty to keep our planet clean.so,please don\'t pollute.don\'t be a litterbug.don\'t be afraid to remind others,too.let\'s protect nature\'s beauty.let\'s make our future bright.let\'s start to

clean up now.

英语演讲稿 自信

as everyone knows,english is very important today.it has been used everywhere in the world.it has bee the most mon language on internet and for international trade.if we can speak english well,we will have more chance to succeed.because more and more people have taken notice of it,the number of the people who go to learn english has increased at a high speed.

but for myself,i learn english not only because of its importance and its usefulne,but also because of my love for it.when i learn english, i can feel a different way of thinking which gives me more room to touch the world.when i read english novels,i can (请勿抄袭)feel the pleasure from the book which is different from reading the translation.when i speak english, i can feel the confident from my s.when i write english,i can see the beauty which is not the same as our chinese...i love english,it gives me a colorful dream.i hope i can travel around the world one day.with my good english, i can make friends with many people from different contries.i can see many places of great intrests.i dream that i can go to london,because it is the birth place of english.i also want to use my good english to introduce our great places to the english spoken people,i hope that they can love our country like us.i know, rome was not built in a day.i believe that after continuous hard study, one day i can speak english very well.if you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable.so i believe as i love english everyday , it will love me too.

i am sure that i will realize my dream one day! thank you! 正如每个人所知,英语在今天十分重要。它已经被应用到世界的各个角落。它已经成为商业上最为通用的一门语言并广泛的用于国际贸易。如果我们能说好英语,我们就有更多的机会成功。因为越来越多的人注意到这一点,学英语的人数正在已很高的速度增长。






我相信总有一天我会实现我的梦! confidence is power--the power to attract, persuade, influence, and succeed.imagine what your life would be like if you had an abundance of selfconfidence ! confidence isn\'t an inherited trait, it\' s a learned one.this means that you can have an abundanceofself-confidence.start here, right now.confidence starts in the mind.what you think of yourself very much influences the way you feel about yourself.this, in turn, affects the way you speak and act.no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.the very first thing you have to do to create abundant self-confidence is to start thinking ourselves with confidence.pay attention to your internal dialogue, and learn to notice when you allow negativity or doubt to control the course of your thinking.your environment has a tremendous influence on you.the books you read, the people you spend time with, and the music you listen to all influence the way you think and feel about yourself and the world around you.in a nutshell, your environment can either build up your self-confidence or drag it down.if you\'re in a situation where you\'re discouraged, such as an unhealthy relationship or a miserable job, you have to change that situation if you want your self-confidence level to grow.create an environment that supports you if your desire to have

abundant self-confidence.spend time with confident people.remember those, self-confidence can be yours.take it! 自信

自信就是力量——吸引人、说服人、影响人并取得成功的力量。设想一下,如果你充满自信,你的生活会是怎样一番景象! 自信并非来自遗传,是需要后天学习的。这就意味着,你也可以充满自信。从现在、从这里开始。



充满自信的 life.whether he is at school or at work, a person is more likely to succeed if he is hard-working, honest, intelligent, responsible, and so on.but of all the poible characteristics that can affect one’s succe, i believe self-confidence to be the most important for the following reasons.the first reason is that when a person has self-confidence he believes in himself.he believes that he can and will succeed, and this gives him the courage to try new things.in order to be succeful we must be willing to take some risks, so having self-confidence is very important.another reason is that a confident person rarely gives up.when he fails he tries again and again until he wins.a final reason is that confident people are not afraid to show off their achievements.this is not to say that they should brag, but that they should gracefully and confidently accept the pliments of others.when their achievements are noticed more by others at school or work, they are more likely to succeed.in short, i believe self-confidence to be the most important factor in succe.it enables people to take risks, try again when they fail, and enjoy their acplishments when they win.with these abilities, a confident person can succeed easily at school or work.自信




usually cover a broad range of college life, from curriculum adjustment to canteen service.and almost every time, the questionnaire includes one eential question, that is: as a college student, what are your major challenges? and almost every answer includes two aspects: studying and profeional.these two challenges will remain our preoccupations as long as we live in such a petitive world.a series of challenges in our studies start from almost the beginning of our freshman year.we may wonder whether we\'ve chosen the right major.we may wonder if the extracurricular activities add credits to our studies.we may work our heads off to get a glorious a, because b is already mediocre and c is almost unacceptable.later on we may be peting with our hardworking, intelligent peers, including our best friends to get into an ideal graduate school.all of these sound so familiar and they have somehow made our college education so goal-obseed that we sometimes fail to fully enjoy our educational experience.apart from challenges in learning, there are also profeional challenges.the petitive world today has also brought about the \"knowledge economy,\" which requires the effective use of knowledge for economic and social development, and also requires skilled and multi-oriented students with a marketable vocational sense.therefore, sophisticated calculations upon the value of a university degree are being made.graduate employability statistics are being scrutinized.programs like resume writing and interview skills are seen as a must.again as i\'ve said above, when profeional concern

dominates our college education, we may lose the eence of our educational experience.indeed, facing these two challenges, how can students manage to be what the employers seek and at the same time to enjoy a valuable, insightful and rewarding educational experience? for me, the solution to the problem lies in what can be called an \"educational synthesis\".i remember attending a lecture by profeor tu weiming, director of harvard yenching institute.in his lecture, profeor tu argued that the ideal state of college education is to arrive at a synthesis, a bination of specific knowledge, humanistic insight and sense of social responsibility.admittedly, there is much to do to bridge the gap between our educational experience in college and the social employment in society.\"educational synthesis\" can help us narrow the gap.fortunately, today\'s college education provides us with such a diverse world.from this diverse world we may choose what we want to form our own educational synthesis.ladies and gentlemen, as charles dickens once mented upon the time of the french revolution, \"it was the best of times; it was the worst of times.\" and i\'m afraid so it is with our time.i believe, once we achieve our own educational synthesis, we will be able to transform our challenges into opportunities.we will be able to see the best time of our life.and more importantly, we will be able to see the best time of our nation.thank you.


就少了一位熠熠闪光的中国人了吗?当年,钱学森如果不是对着热血沸腾的中国青年说出那句“我们中国人并不比外国人差”的豪言壮语,又怎么会有今天中国的载人航天飞行让全世界惊羡?当年,如果没有爱迪生一千多次的反复试验,又怎么会有我们今天霓虹闪烁、流光溢彩的美妙生活呢??? 太多太多的“如果”之事,让我们感慨万千,太多太多的自信之人,让我们肃然起敬。















英语教育是离不开环境的。《英语课程标准》明确提到:“英语教学的特点之一是使学生尽可能多地从不同的渠道、以不同的形式接触和学习英语。亲身感受和直接体验语言及语言运用。” 校园中一景一物,皆具教育含义,对培养学生的创新意识具有“润物细无声”的功效。因此通过精心设计校园环境和各种形式的校园文化,让每一面墙,每一件物,每一句口号,每一个标记,都不但从语言上,更是从思想品德上给学生以无声的熏陶,乃是学校发展的极其重要的一环。要让学生一走进校门,就感到换了一个语言环境,时时、事事处处看到英语,听到英语,使用英语,逐步让英语成为校内师生之间,学生之间交际的手段。下面英语组从如下几个方面阐述如何创设校园环境,营造英语文化氛围。




1.每个教室可以在黑板报上或在某个教室角落设计英语标语。如: Learn how to life; Learn how to live a meaningful life; Learn how to create your life.(热爱生活,学会生活,创造生活);English is the bridge to the world.(英语是走向世界的桥梁);Succe, we all create together!(成功,我们共同创造);Master English you can roam the world.(精通英语,走遍天下) 等等。

2.班级宣言、班级建设可以使用双语模式。比如:班主任(Head Teacher),班长(Monitor),班级宣言:开心快乐每一天 (Happy Everyday.)等等 3.班主任可根据自身想法,与本班英语教师一同打造属于本班特色的建设。比如黑板报、英语学习园地、英语展示台、英语图书角等。



1.走廊墙上可以张贴一些生活用语,如:Have a good time (玩得开心);Hands up (举手); Sit down(坐下);Be Careful So as Not to Bump Your Head(小心碰头);Be careful!Slippery(小心路滑);Pay Attention to Safety(注意安全)等。楼梯台阶可张贴些励志名言,如:knowledge is power.学生上楼梯抬头就可见。



1 或悠闲走动时抬头可见。

(三) 标识牌双语文化:

1.学校办公楼、教学楼、各机构办公室、语音室、会议中心的名称,均用中英文对照。如:Teacher’s Office(办公室); Music Room(音乐室)。(目前学校大部分标识牌均使用双语)



1.在卫生间抽水马桶处张贴厕所文明标语,如:please keep tidy! (请保持清洁),Don’t forget to flush the toilet after you’re finished! (上完厕所后别忘记冲水!)

2.在卫生间洗手盘处的瓷砖上张贴如Save the water.(节约用水); Our actions improve the campus beautiful.(我们用行动美化校园)等标语; 3.在卫生间的门后张贴中英文双语结合的“简短英语小故事”或者张贴一些英文幽默小故事或小笑话,让你在时间流逝的无趣间体会英语世界的乐趣。


1.班主任与学生一起,给各自班级的学生宿舍取名号,并用中英文双语做好标签张贴于门口。比如:温馨小窝(Sweet House)。








2 读物,以及英语周刊。









1. 小学一二年级主要视听“迪斯尼神奇英语”或者 原版英语卡通英语,如“白雪公主”等。上课老师要融合相关的英语表演,游戏等学生喜欢的语言活动,设计师生互动和反馈环节。(一节课试听和活动时间约各占20分钟)。计划在学期末进行开展一次“英语视听观摩活动”,希望能作为对外公开课邀请家长进行观摩。

2. 语言的输入之后,我们重心着重在语言的输出。力争把“英语生活化”,让学生自然而然的把课堂学的内容在生活中表现出来。例如:我们模拟创设晚餐情景,亲戚朋友间的打招呼问候等实景演练模拟。老师带领学生反复操练可能的用到的语言,并不断让学生自己进行语言输出,以便学生能脱口而出;同时经过一定的积累慢慢形成自己的校本教材(约两三年就可以完成)。计划两周或一月开展一次情景模拟展示课。



1. 开展班级英语阅读角展示比赛

2. 举行英语阅读绘本交换活动,类似国外的跳骚市场(可相互借阅与买卖同时进行)

3. 开展“我爱阅读并读后感活动”,优秀的文章可以在校广播站播放并上报德育处进行班级加分评选流动红旗或者在升旗仪式上朗诵。


为了挖掘学生英语特长并备战小升初,中考,我们把英语学习”挑战化 “ “竞赛化”。



3 过级了最好学校给颁发证书,当然班级微信群要通报表扬,给予加分鼓励)。“



1.邀请音乐老师和外语组一起整理适合学生唱的“英语歌曲集”,教学生。,希望学生用餐排队使用英语口令,例如 one two one ;one two three… 配简洁嘹亮的英语儿歌或歌曲高潮。学校活动中可以进行英语歌曲展示活动。如亲子活动运动会,秋游活动。




(六) 兴趣班


2.英语口语兴趣班,如英语讲故事,演讲等;一周可以进行一次英语角活动,希望能吸引外教参加。 3.及具西方文化的烘焙课







推荐第5篇:英语作文 关于环境

It’s our duty to save water(节约水是我们每个人的责任。)

As we know , water is very important to man,we can’t live without water.The amount of water which is suitable to drink is le and le.But some people don’t care about it .They waste a lot of water in their daily life.Even worse, they pour dirty water in to rivers.They throw rubbish into rivers , too.Many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted.Something must be done to stop the pollution.Only in this way can we live happily.If we don’t save water, the last drop of water will be a tear-drop of us.

中考英语作文范文 保护我们的城市(Saving Our City)

It is very important to deal with the rubbish in cities.Rubbish must be thrown away or reused properly.Or it may cause a lot of problems.It may pollute the air and water.People may get ill when they breathe the polluted air or drink the polluted water.

Our city has started to face the problem.Some rubbish is sorted and sent to a certain place .Waste gas is cleaned before it goes into the air.Waste water is also cleaned before it is poured into rivers.

People should be prevented from throwing rubbish everywhere.We should try our best to take care of our environment and fight against pollution.


典型句子1.It’s our duty to save wate

2.As we know , water is very important to man,

3.we can’t live without water.

4.The amount of water which is suitable to drink is le and le.

5.But some people don’t care about it .

6.Many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted.Something must be done to stop the pollution.

7.It\'s our duty to protect our environment。

8.It is very important to take care of our environment

9.We should not throw litter onto the ground

10.We should not spit in a public place/cut down the trees

11.We should plant more flowers and trees。

12.We must pick up some rubbish and throw it into a dustbin

13.If everyone makes contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become much more beautiful。

14.Trees are very helpful and important for us.

15.We should plant more and more trees in order to live better and more healthy in the future.it’s everyone’s duty to love and protect the environment.




【1】The environment has been polluted.(环境已经被污染了。) W must to do something for the environment.(我们需要为环境做些什么。) We have to protect our environment.(我们需要保护我们的环境。) 另附一些词语:fume(尾气)、acid rain(酸雨)、overbuilding(楼群过密)、overcrowding(过度拥挤)、overpopulation(人口过多)、global warming(全球变暖)、inflation(通货膨胀)、poverty(贫穷的)、famine(饥荒)、ease pollution(减少污染)、fight government corruption(打击政府腐败)。

【2】范文Reality just telling us, environmental protection has become more and more important in both sencitific field and in our daily li

ves.So It\'s neceary for us to pr

otect the environment from just n

ow.Strengthen the environmental

protection is one of the basic national policies in China.The environment protection in Hunan began from the end of 1970’s, and the developing period is in 1980’s.The work of environment protection is changed from few people’s work to the concentration of the whole society.In recent 20 years, it gets outstanding achievements.Let\'s protect our environment right now.Nothing is impoible, just do it, let\'s go!

【3】Good environment can make people feel happy and fit .To improve

the environment means to improve our life.

We should plant more trees and flowers around us .We shouldn’t cut

them down .We should stop factories from pouring waste water into the river and waste gas into the air.Whenever we see litter on the ground , we should pick it up and throw it into dusbins.Never spit in public.Don’t draw on public walls.It’s







【3】Harmony with the environmen

t is that we live in on Earth, who

is a natural son, and not only to

natural persons as the conqueror,

as we all know, there is only one

earth and the mountains on Earth,

the animals.中文是: 人与环境是和







公德联系起来,与实践行为作为人格教育的一项重要内容来抓。每个人都要履行保护环境的责任和义务。保护环境 目前环保还存在着许多问题。最严重的问题就是空气、水和土壤的严重污染。污染的空气对人类的健康十分有害。污染的水引起疼病,造成死亡。更有甚者,随着现代社会的迅速扩建,植被大大的减少。 为了保护环境,各国

政府做了大量的工作。采用了立法措施控制大气污染,保护森林资源和海洋资源,制止任何环境污染。因此,在当今的环保中政府起着最重要的作用。 我的看法是,为了保护环境,政府应当采取更具体的措施。首先,应当通过教育的方法使人们充分謒到环境保护的重要性。第二,应更加努力把计划生育政策付诸实施,因为人口多就意味着污染严重。最后,要严惩那些故意破坏环境者。使他们破坏环境就是毁灭人类自己。 - There are still many problems of enviromental protection in recent years.One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air,water and soil.The polluted air does great harm to people\'s health.The polluted water causes diseases and death.What\'s more, vegetation has been greatly reduced with the rapid growth of modern cities.To protect the environment,governments of many

countries have done a lot.Legislative steps have been introduced to control air pollution, to protect the forest and sea resources and to stop any environmental pollution.Therefore, government are playing the most important role in the environmental protection today.In my opinion , to protect environment, the goernment must take even more concrete measures.First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education.Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people mean more pollution.Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionalli should be severely punished.We should let them know that destroying environm

ent means destroying mankind themselves.关于网络方面的 :

Value of Knowledge In the Information Age, public awarene of the value of knowledge




economic growth of a nation.The schematic diagram clearly shows how the value of knowledge evolved in China in the past 50 years.The schematic diagram mainly consists of three parts.From 1950 to 1966, the curve was roughly a straight line slightly above zero, showing that China was a poorly-educated nation then.In 1966, the curve drastically dropped below zero, moving down hopelely in the next 11 years.This period coincided with the \"Culture Revolution\".Our society went mad then, books were burned, schools were closed and all kinds of academic activities were

banned.Knowledge inflicted its masters nothing but disasters.Life was a nightmare for Chinese intellectuals, including famous scholars as well as common people who received higher education or whose profeion had anything to do with knowledge.It was a time when ignorance was a virtue and knowledge was a crime.People tried desperately





knowledge.As a result, China lagged farther behind the rapid progreing world.This was the darkest time in the history of New China.The curve returned to its original non-zero position around 1978 and moved up but slowly.From 1984 on, it has been shooting up.The open-up policy encourages people to study and to channel their knowledge to the market economy.Millions of Chinese are bettering off by means of their

knowledge and more Chinese enjoy the fruits of knowledge and say goodbye for good to poverty that haunted them for generations.As our world is rapidly advancing towards the Information Age, increasing number of people realize that knowledge is power and creativity is everything.Only when China becomes a better educated nation, can China be a great nation with international prestige.




因此,对环境的污染无处不在,地球就会失去光泽,我的朋友们, should我们还能够无动于衷吗?我们的地球母亲不笑了,我们还可以索取吗?就现在我们可以用以下方法来保护环境:一些垃圾要分类,然后要送到不同的工厂,进行再利用。像旧报纸、玻璃等可以被重新利用。 一些有害的垃圾可以送到某一个地方埋掉。废气在被排放之前可以先净化,废水可以在流入江河之前被处理。平时用水要节约。现在正值春天,我们还可以去植树。为了保护我们的环境,要约束自己做到最少污染环境,政府可以通过法规来阻止人们乱扔垃圾。


My Understanding of Environmental Protection

Harmony between man and the environment , our survival on Earth , the man is a natural son , and not only to natural persons as the conqueror

Only one earth , the mountains on Earth , animals .The plant is the human cells , it damaged , destroyed the organization of nature , and the eradication of mankind .

Therefore , the environmental pollution is everywhere , the Earth will lose its luster , my friends , should we also be able to remain indifferent to this ? Our Mother Earth, do not laugh , we can also obtain a copy of this ?

For now we can use the following methods to protect the environment: some garbage to claify , and then sent to different factories , for reuse.Like old newspapers , gla can be re-used .Some hazardous waste can be sent to a place to bury .Before the exhaust gas emiions , can purify waste water can be proceed into rivers .Usually water savings.Now is the time in the spring, we can also go to planting trees .In order to protect our environment , we must discipline themselves to do the least polluting the environment , the government can adopt legislation to stop people from littering .

We should try to make the protection of our environment , fight against pollution .


Better City ,Better life 优质的城市,优质的生活

Environmental problem has become an important and crucial iue.The abysmal lack of fresh water, the desertification, the green house effect and the extinction of creatures are the main iues in environment.


With each second that paes, a water crisis takes another step closer to reality.Consumption of fresh water has tripled since 1950; and fresh water is becoming a very scarce resource.Agricultural practices, mainly irrigation, account for 67% of world water consumption.Over one billion people worldwide don?t have acce to clean drinking water.So it is incumbent upon all to respect every drop of water and avoid the generation of waste.


The soil under our feet is also getting away from us.Removal of the natural vegetation leaves extensive tracts of land devoid of a plant cover and susceptible to wind and water erosion.Finally, desertification is accomplished.Four specific activities have been identified as major contributors to the desertification procees: over-cultivation, overgrazing, firewood gathering, and over-irrigation.The extreme seriousne of desertification results from the great difficulty in reversing or even slowing the proce.Once the soil has been removed by erosion, only the paage of centuries or millennia will enable new soil to form.The tree planting is a dominant contributor to the development of the disaster.Another effective measure is to restrain the utilization of the land and to exploit the new technology to improve the productivene of the arable land.


Our globe is warming up.GHG gases are the main contributor.Carbon dioxide emiions to air are almost exclusively aociated with the conversion of energy carriers like natural gas, crude oil, and so forth.Optimization of energy efficiency and, thus, reduction of CO2-emiions and reduction of other GHG emiions contributed from production procees may be the first to be discued.And the mitigation of carbon emiions through the development of alternative projects such as solar or wind energy or reforestation, represents one way of managing a carbon footprint.


The greed of human beings is using up the plants and animals.Tigers once roamed over most of Asia and we can only see them in the zoo.Whales are once the dominant species in the ocean and now they have got out of our sight because of over-harvesting.We must stop harvesting natural resources to exce and bring them back from the brink of extinction.If we take from the wild we must do it in ways that allow natural populations to recover and last long into the future.


The earth is not the human’s planet, it is our planet.It’s time to take measures to improve the environment for both humans and other creatures.A safe, clean and sustainable environment depends on more than lip service.Both the government and individuals have the responsibility to minimize direct impacts against the environment.All of us can start planting plants in our home, limiting the use of private cars and using public transportations.And the government should impose neceary standards upon the whole society.The beautiful and vigorous earth will come back soon.




First off, allow us to apologize for the abductions.Although it seemed like a good idea at the time, we recognize that too often you did not find the experience as satisfying as we did.We genuinely regret the way things got out of hand.It started out as just something to do, an occasional way to blow off steam after a long day of observation.We tried not to break anybody, and we always put you back where we found you.Frankly you aren\'t all that interesting, and we might soon have grown tired of the whole thing.But we got such a kick out of your cute eyewitne accounts, what with the stories of our big dark eyes and little arms and all.You made us feel special, even if your tales were complete crap.The books, the movies, the T-shirts—we were like celebrities.And some of you took it all so seriously, with your conspiracy theories and everything.It was really quite a hoot.Then this guy Whitley Strieber came along, and he sort of took the joy out of it, you know? What a killjoy shitbag he is.Today we abduct only nerdy guys who live alone in Airstream trailers, primarily because they\'re nerds and, truth be told, we just like to me with their heads.Many of you have written asking about crop circles, so let\'s set the record straight.It ain\'t us.Really, it\'s not.Think about it.You people have trouble reaching your own moon, and even you have cell phones, satellite TV, and high-speed DSL.We sail between stars at speeds you believe impoible—you think we have to knock down veggies in order to communicate? And why do you always aume we land in rural areas? Please.On a planet with New York, Rio de Janeiro, Paris, and Amsterdam, you figure we\'d choose to hang out in Roswell, New Mexico? Have any of you actually been there? (By the way, Area 51 is a real hole.In the unlikely event we\'re ever in the neighborhood again, we\'re staying someplace else for sure.) We would be remi if we failed to mention the anal probing.For the longest time, we swear we thought those were data ports.We meant no harm, and hope that you will, like us, try to forget this unfortunate chapter in our history.In retrospect it was simply a bad idea.Now we don\'t want to be seen as whiners, but there are a few things we wish to discu.For one thing, we are troubled by the way we have been portrayed in the media.We represent an array of life whose richne and sheer scope would astound you.Yet for the most part, on this planet we are typecast as either hairle dweebs with foreheads like watermelons, or else giant insects who want to eat you.No offense, but this is especially hard to take from a backwater planet most beings have never heard of.(In fairne, this is not entirely true.Earth is generally known for one thing: cottage cheese.Seriously, nobody else ever thought of that.Not even the Loboölata, who are themselves dairy products.) The very word “alien” is plagued by negative aociations.According to our latest focus groups, the term conjures up images of 1) slimy, parasitic creatures who spring onto the faces of unsuspecting beings in order to plant their young inside, or 2) people picking cabbages.(Apologies to the Bulibians: slimy, parasitic creatures who actually do spring onto the faces of unsuspecting beings in order to plant their young inside.) We\'ve discued this among ourselves, and we no longer wish to be called aliens.Henceforth, we prefer to be called “Chuck Norris®.” Please do not shorten, hyphenate, or alter this in any way.The plural form is the same, as in, “Hey, there goes a Chuck Norris®.Wait, there goes another one.\" Finally, some advice.Look, from where we sit, you\'re all the same.We appreciate that human beings come in slightly different models and colors, and to you these nearly imperceptible differences seem to cause no end of trouble.But honestly, we\'re astounded that you can even tell yourselves apart.In blind taste tests, in fact, the average Chuck Norris® cannot detect any difference whatsoever.So chill, people of Earth, and try to get along.While you\'re in a reflective mood, take a closer look at what you\'re doing to your planet.You are ruining it: depleting your natural resources, polluting your air, sickening your oceans, and destroying unique species forever.This is just plain wrong, not to mention completely irrational.Everyone knows that the logical thing is to find somebody else\'s planet and ruin that.Noobs.How can you poibly expect to survive in the coming interstellar economy? By the way, we\'ve elected you to come up with the new shared unit of galactic currency.Just pick something small and ubiquitous, something of nominal value that you won\'t mi much.It\'s your call, but we suggest hamsters.In closing, much of what you do befuddles us.Many of your core concepts—such as guilt, selflene, and David Haelhoff—simply have no counterparts in non-Terran cultures.You\'re what galactic sociologists call “a bunch of strange ducks.\"

Yet for reasons not entirely clear, we have developed a certain affection for you.We\'d just as soon keep you around, if only for the entertainment value.We\'re going away for a bit now, and when we return, we expect to find that you have made significant progre toward sitting at the adults’ table.This will, of course, mean fewer sensele military conflicts, le reality television, and no more Sudoku.Don\'t make us come down there.


Many people believe that human activity is causing the earth’s temperature to rise.They say that this global warming will have dreadful consequences for our environment, such as drought and flooding.

What should governments do to help prevent global warming? Give reasons for your suggestions.

The earth’s temperature is rapidly changing.As a result there has been a lot of climate change such as heat waves, droughts and floods.Scientists believe that this is the result of human activity, which is polluting the Earth’s atmosphere.This could become a disaster if governments do not act to help prevent global warming.They can act in three ways; by supporting research, by making laws and by keeping the general public informed.

Firstly, governments can support research.For example, they should encourage companies to develop vehicles that cause le pollution.They should also support alternative sources of electricity from wind and water rather than from oil and coal.As well, they should sponsor conferences to discu the effects of greenhouse gas emiions and poible solutions to the problem.Secondly, they should make laws that limit the amount of greenhouse gases that companies can emit.Private companies should be rewarded for following these laws.They should also be punished for creating pollution.

Finally, everybody is affected by global warming.Therefore, it is important that governments involve individuals in the problem solving proce.For example they should encourage households to save as much energy as poible by using more efficient light bulbs or le hot water.They should also encourage the public to recycle, and this should be compulsory for everyone.Another way of saving energy is by public transport systems.Governments should spend money on public transport to make it as easy as poible for the public to save energy.

In summary, it is clear that there are a lot of things that governments can do to prevent global warming.They should involve companies, support scientists and encourage individuals to protect the planet.

高中生英语演讲稿:Caring for Environment来源: 未知


更新日期:2010-12-27 19:15:46



Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen: Today, it is my great honor to be here and talk about environment, I\'ll try my best! The title of my speech is Let us put our words into our deeds.China will never forget the day July 13, 2001, on whic Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen:

Today, it is my great honor to be here and talk about environment, I\'ll try my best! The title of my speech is\" Let us put our words into our deeds.\" China will never forget the day July 13, 2001, on which China succeeded in the bid for the 2008 Olympic Games.Never will China forget the promise that she has made to the whole world---by September 2008, the capital will be turned into a \"green city\", with the clean air,a pretty envirnment and a good ecosystem,to meet the demands to host the Olympic Games.It\'s a long way to go, and it\'s a long long long way to go for us to save the earth.

For China,tourism is one of the most promising industries in the 21st century.It provides people the great opportunity to seeeverything there is to see and to go any place there is to go.It has become a lifestyle for some people,and has turned out to be the driving force in GDP growth,it has the magic to turn a backward town into a wonderland of prosperity.But on the other hand, tourism has caused many problems on our environment.According to a survey by China Biosphere National Council, 22% of nature preserves in china have been damaged as a result of the development of tourism, 11% of natural resources have degenerated.ww


Suppose you are standing in a forest,birds are flying in the sky,they are so happy;red flowers,green gra,butterflies are dancing in the air,they are so cheerful.Then one day a strange creature appears, walking on its two hind legs and staring at you.Greatly alarmed, you stop singing and fly away.Since then, more creatures have appeared.They clear the land and cut down trees.As a result, you don\'t have enough food or shelter.Some of your friends have died of drinking the wastewater they pumped into the stream or of eating the litter they left on the ground.The forest is dead silent now except for the noises those creatures make.Sadly, you think by yourself, \"Maybe it is time for me to go.\" I hate to see that the global environment has changed for the worse during the past few years: Forests are cleared, prairies trampled, rivers and lakes polluted, wild animals are driven away and plants are endangered.We should realize that we can no longer stand by and do nothing.The nature is the cradle of human beings and it is also the base of the tourist industry.The nature is harmonious because of the chain of life that exists everywhere.It is poible for us to maintain a balance between the needs of man and the needs of the nature.But the nature is also fragile.Every minor damage in one link may result in an ecological disaster.

We must do something to protect environment, we must put our words into our deeds.It can be as simple as do not litter, strictly observe the rules and regulations of the tourist areas, Use as few plastic bags and boxes as poible.When traveling , wherever poible, use public transportation instead of always driving your own car.Once you are in a scenic area, like in the mountains or in a forest, don\'t make loud noises, keep quiet so as not to disturb birds or animals.One more thing, go up and interfere whenever you see anyone doing something harmful to the environment.So let\'s shake hands together now as friends and see what we can do to make our one and only home a place of love and harmony.Just think what a woundful world it will be! That\'s all.Thank you very much!



The desert and the forest 道具: 10张A4纸板, 正面用颜色大字显示角色身份,例:树,河流,湖泊用绿色背面:角色要做的动作,要说的对白,和时段的说明, 一块大布,最好是金色或土黄色的,用来表示沙漠 演员共8名: 1.角色安排

人:1名沙漠:1名老虎:1名小猴子:1 名树木: 2 小树苗:1名河流:1名 2.树木+河流+沙漠,混合站在一起,只有老虎和猴子可以走动追逐 3.沙漠为反面角色 剧情: 1.沙漠大声说:“我是沙漠,没有水只有沙,扼杀绿色、扼杀生命是我的拿手好戏!哈哈哈哈!”

I’m desert, no water but only sand, killing the green and lives is my dab hand! Hahahaha!(奸笑,并张开双手,向树木、河流、湖泊逼过去。

2.树木,河流,湖泊,拉起手,挡住沙漠的去路:“有我们在,你休想猖狂。” Wherever we are here, don’t imagine you can act violently! (沙漠退回去,树木重新散开。


I ’m the king of the forest, there is water I want to drink, there is meat I want to eat here.(向小猴子靠近过去。


I m a little monkey, there are fruits I like to eat , and big trees I like to climb here.5.人来了,走到树木1(相对高大的演员前面看了又看,说:“这树木真粗壮,可以用来盖房子!”

So strong the tree is , it can be built a big house! (作砍伐状。 6.树木1:“你们人类太过分了,会遭到报应的。”

You humans have gone too far, you will answer for what you did finally.(应声倒下,然后退出舞台。


The bloom on the trees looks lovely, How wonderful it is to dig and plant them in my yard ! (作挖掘状。

8.树木2:“你们人类太过分了,会遭到报应的。”You humans have gone too far, you will answer for what you did finally.(应声倒下,然后退出舞台。


The tree is usele and it is flat to cook.(作砍伐状。


You humans have gone too far, you will answer for what you did finally.(应声倒下,然后退出舞台。


Where is my forest? No forest, I can’t find any food to eat, so I will eat people! (扑向人状。


14.小猴子:“树林没有了,吃的东西没有了,我就要饿死啦!呜呜~。” No forest, we haven’t found any food to eat, I am almost starving.Woo-woo! (退出舞台


No forest, I will grab the domain.16.这时场上唯一的一棵树木4,说到:“只有我一棵树,怎么能挡住沙漠呢?”

I’m the only one here, how can resist the desert? 叹气之后退到舞台。 17.河流说:“没有了树木的保护,我要干枯了~~”(退出舞台。 I will die without the protection of trees .18.湖泊说:“河流,没有了你,我的日子也不长了~~”(退出舞台。 River, without you, my days are numbered …….


My god, more and more dust storm , what shall we do? 20.沙漠:“哈哈! 只要人类还肆无忌惮地继续砍伐森林, 总有一天,地球就是我伟大的沙漠的地盘啦!” Haha, so long as the humans deforest unscrupulously, some day, the earth would be the domain of mine.(作哈哈狂笑状 21 一颗不起眼的小树苗(张开幼小的臂膀,勇敢的摇摆的站 立起来):现在沙漠肆虐,人们又砍倒了我的家人.我是多 么的可怜!叔叔阿姨们,你们再不要毁坏我们的生命了,快 来种下更多更多的小伙伴吧。总有一天,我和小伙伴们长成 了参天大树,还能为你们抵挡沙漠的侵袭,还能为你们建立 和谐的生态环境。请相信,我们是地球绿色的未来! Now the desert rages through the earth, the humans have cut down my families.How poor I am! Uncle and aunts, please don’t destroy our lives any more, come quickly to plant more and more little partners.Some day, my partners and I will grow into gigantic trees.We can still resist the desert , still build the harmonious environment for you.Trust us, we are the green future in the earth.(环顾四周,拉着小伙伴的手充满希望的跳起了希望的舞 蹈) The end.江汉区张玲老师原创


In August 1973, the first national environmental protection conference was held in Beijing.In December 1978, the central committee of the communist party of China turn the fourth meeting of the leading group of environmental protection under the state council by the environmental protection work report points.In September 1979, the environmental protection law of the People\'s Republic of China (try out) \"promulgated, the first legally required all departments and all levels of government in formulating the plan for national economic and social development must consider environmental protection plan as a whole, in order to achieve environmental and economic society coordinated development provides legal protection.The law of the People\'s Republic of China on the prevention and control of water pollution (May 1984), the law of the People\'s Republic of China on the prevention and control of atmospheric pollution (September 1987), the graland of the People\'s Republic of China \"(June 1985), the law of the People\'s Republic of China on water act (January 1988), and other environmental protection single have enacted laws and regulations.In December 1989, the environmental protection law of the People\'s Republic of China iued and implemented formally.From then on, the environmental protection law has become an important role in promoting the environmental protection work in China, as an important part of socialist legal system in our country.In 1990, the state council iued by the \"decision on further strengthening of environmental protection\", emphasize the strict environmental protection laws and regulations, take effective measures to prevention and control of industrial pollution in accordance with the law, fully implement the responsibility system for the environmental protection goal, the comprehensive improvement of urban environment quantitative appraisal, the discharge of pollutants permit system, pollution control, time limit, environmental impact aement system, the \"three simultaneity\" system, pollution charge system, and so on eight environmental management system, and the implementation of environmental protection on the target responsibility system.



1 It provides people the great opportunity to see everything there is to see and to go any pl ace there is to go.It has become a lifestyle for some people,and has turned out to be the driving force in GDp growth,it has the magic to turn a backward town into a wonderland of prosperity.

2 According to a survey by China Biosphere National Council, 22% of nature preserves in china have been damaged as a result of the development of tourism, 11% of natural resources have degenerated.

3 The nature is harmonious because of the chain of life that exists everywhere.It is poible for us to maintain a balance between the needs of man and the needs of the nature.But the nature is also fragile.Every minor damage in one link may result in an ecological disaster.

4 So let\'s shake hands together now as friends and see what we can do to make our one and only home a place of love and harmony.Just think what a woundful world it will be!

China will never forget the day July 13, 2001, on which China succeeded in the bid for the 2008 Olympic Games.Never will China forget the promise that she has made to the whole world---by September 2008, the capital will be turned into a \"green city\", with the clean air,a pretty envirnment and a good ecosystem,to meet the demands to host the Olympic Games.It\'s a long way to go, and it\'s a long long long way to go for us to save the earth.

For China,tourism is one of the most promising industries in the 21st century.It provides people the great opportunity to see everything there is to see and to go any place there is to go.It has become a lifestyle for some people,and has turned out to be the driving force in GDp growth,it has the magic to turn a backward town into a wonderland of prosperity.

But on the other hand, tourism has caused many problems on our environment.According to a survey by China Biosphere National Council, 22% of nature preserves in china have been damaged as a result of the development of tourism, 11% of natural resources have degenerated.

Suppose you are standing in a forest,birds are flying in the sky,they are so happy;red flowers,green gra,butterflies are dancing in the air,they are so cheerful.Then one day a strange creature appears, walking on its two hind legs and staring at you.Greatly alarmed, you stop singing and fly away.Since then, more creatures have appeared.They clear the land and cut down trees.As a result, you don\'t have enough food or shelter.Some of your friends have died of drinking the wastewater they pumped into the stream or of eating the litter they left on the ground.The forest is dead silent now except for the noises those creatures make.

Sadly, you think by yourself, \"Maybe it is time for me to go.\"

I hate to see that the global environment has changed for the worse during the past few years: Forests are cleared, prairies trampled, rivers and lakes polluted, wild animals are driven away and plants are endangered.We should realize that we can no longer stand by and do nothing.The nature is the cradle of human beings and it is also the base of the tourist industry.The nature is harmonious because of the chain of life that exists everywhere.It is poible for us to maintain a balance between the needs of man and the needs of the nature.But the nature is also fragile.Every minor damage in one link may result in an ecological disaster.

We must do something to protect environment, we must put our words into our deeds.It can be as simple as do not litter, strictly observe the rules and regulations of the tourist areas, Use as few plastic bags and boxes as poible.When traveling , wherever poible, use public transportation instead of always driving your own car.Once you are in a scenic area, like in the mountains or in a forest, don\'t make loud noises, keep quiet so as not to disturb birds or animals.One more thing, go up and interfere whenever you see anyone doing something harmful to the environment.




The campus environment is becoming more and more serious, the plastic bags are strewn all over the floor, the scraps of paper are flying, and there is a smell of smoke from time to time.As a result of this, it is conceivable that the school will be what it will be, and no one will dare to imagine it again.

Therefore, in order to make the campus more beautiful and clean, as long as we work together, we will take care of the plants and trees as they do to our lives.Don\'t litter the peel and plastic bags.We want to be like a cleaning worker, and when the plastic bags and the scraps of paper are thrown on the ground, whether you throw it or not, you must always pick it up.In school, it is hard to prevent spitting or snot.

The students put out their hands, let us protect the campus together, let those bad phenomena which harm the clamate bad, the harm to the clamate disappear forever! In this way, the sunshine will be brighter tomorrow, the air will be clearer and the campus will be more beautiful and tidy.

The environment is the harbor of the mind; The artist said: \"the environment is the source of inspiration.The military says that the environment is the key to succe.Educationalists say that the environment is the cradle of creation.Students say: the environment is a neceary condition for our study.Each of us is the master of this campus and has the duty and responsibility to safeguard the campus environment.

The quality of campus environment directly affects the work, study and life of teachers and students.Nowadays, on our campus, we still have the food packaging bags, scraps of paper, and beverage bottles scattered by our clamates.Every time the wind blows, the rubbish will dance on our campus, all of which is out of proportion to the green environment on our campus.\"Campus is my home, cherish the people\", believe no teacher, the clamate hope to learn in the environment that rubbish everywhere, life.

So from now on, we should take good care of the campus environment and conscientiously maintain the cleanline and hygiene of the campus.Develop good hygienic habits, and make the rubbish into bins and bagged garbage.Pick up scraps from the ground at any time, throw them into the trash, make sure the ground is clean, and remind and stop littering.Take good care of the campus public goods, not mey painting and so on.

Remember, the first day when I walk into our campus, I found the campus everywhere \"care for the environment, everyone duty\" signs, see the signs, I feel very happy, because I know, I live in the campus must be a beautiful environment, suitable for the place where we grow.However, the reality is very cruel and in our campus, always can see some disharmonious white trash, always can see the ground of debris-brick, I sad for it.

Today, who is destroying our campus environment, who has taken away the beauty of the campus? Everyone should know that it is us who destroy the campus environment.There are a lot of students who learn to \"paint\" on a clean wall.These bad behaviour, has attracted many students, however, we are always at the bottom of the moan, hardly anyone can bent down and picked up the ground of debris-brick; Few people can voluntarily erase the footprints on the wall.Is because of this, after the morning cleaning the health, in the afternoon, the campus is no longer beautiful, so today, here I take this opportunity to call for everyone: civilized and harmonious environment depends on everybody, let each of us to maintain the environment consciously, don\'t scribble on the wall, don\'t litter and pick up the waste paper.

I believe that as long as we everyone involved in protecting the environment, our campus will be bright blue sky, the wall of our campus more white, our campus will be beautiful and clean.


Developing Economy or Protection the Environment

Some people think that the urgent task is to develop economy on a large scale.First, they hold that many people are living in poverty and can’t afford the basic schooling for their children, who often have to drop out of school halfway.Second, they believe only by further develop our economy can we strike a balance between the developed east and the developing west and finally we help the poor get rid of poverty and gain an overall prosperity.有些人认为,最紧迫的任务是要发展进行了大规模的。首先,他们认为,许非常多,艺术设计多的确是的爱好艺术的确是的人生活在贫困和不起这个基本教育他们的孩子,他们常常不得不辍学。第二,他们认为只有通过进一步发展我们的经济能够我们之间找到平衡点的东部和西部大开发研制,最后我们帮助穷人摆脱贫困,获得全面繁荣。

On the other hand, there are many people who insist that environment protection should be a top priority.First, they claim that we have only one mother earth.If our ecological environment is heavily polluted or ruined, we could not even survive on this planet.Second, they believe that it’s the rapid and advanced development of economy that leads to many of the serious problems we are facing today, including the awful pollution of our environment.If the problem is left unsolved, we may soon have no water fit to drink, no clean air to breathe, let alone develop our economy.



In my opinion, both economy and environmental protection are our urgent tasks now.Without economic development, we would remain backward and be conquered by other nations.And without environmental protection, we would lose our chance of survival.Therefore, the best solution is to develop environmental protection oriented industries and agriculture so as to kill two birds with one stone.在我看来,双方的经济和环境保护是我们迫切的任务。没有,我们仍会保持经济发展落后、被征服。无保护环境,我们就会失去我们的生存的机会。因此,最好的办法是发展环保产业和农业为导向,一举两得。

Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world.For example, cars have made the air unhealthy for people to breathe and poisonous gas is given off by factories.Trees on the hills have been cut down and waste water is being poured continuously into rivers.Furthermore, wherever we go today, we can find rubbish carelely disposed.Pollution is, in fact, threatening our existence.全世界的环境问题变得越来越严重。例如汽车污染的空气影响了人们的呼吸,工


The earth is our home and we have the duty to take care of it for ourselves and for our later generations.Fortunately, more and more people have realized these problems.Measures have been taken to cope with these problems by the government.Laws have been paed to stop pollution.I hope the problem will be solved in the near future and our home will become better and better.


Many people are active in fighting against unfair treatment to colored people, women , animals and so on.Right now I am talking about fighting for respect to our environment.Though the environment doesn’t have a mouth to deprecate what humans have done to her, she retaliates through action.In the early years the Chinese cut down large quantities of trees, at the source of the yellow river, which led to the disappearance of big forests and terrible floods.As a result,the Huangtu

plateau which was once covered with gra and forests was turned into barrens that supported fewer plants.Another example was in several developed countries.Because many chemical factories discharged poisonous gas without filtering it, cities were covered with so much poisonous gas that people were killed by the air they breathed in.What horrible scene!

What we are suffering is only a small part of what the nature once suffered.If we don’t take action to show respect to the environment, we will have to face an increasingly awful situation.

Measures should be taken to protect the environment on which we are relying.First governments should forbid destroying vegetation, rivers and lakes, oceans, as and the atmosphere as well.Second voices should be made to announce the public of the importance of protecting the environment.Third enterprises should pay special attention to the effect they have on the environment and work out solutions for the problems.

Only by changing the way we treat the environment can we get along well with it.Only by saving the environment can we save ourselves.

Harmony with the environment is that we live in on Earth, who is a natural son, and not only to natural persons as the conqueror, as we all know, there is only one earth and the mountains on Earth, the animals.

Plant human cells, if it damaged, destroyed nature organizations, to the eradication of mankind.Therefore, the environment must be linked with social ethics, character education and practice acts as an important element of it.Everyone must fulfil its responsibilities and obligations to protect the environment.作文地带提供中文翻译:人与环境是和谐相处的,我们生存在地球上,人是自然之子,而不能仅把人看作自然的征服者,大家都知道,人类只有一个地球,地球上的山山水水、动物。植物是人类的细胞,如果我们把它损坏了,破坏了大自然的组织,等于消灭人类。因此,环境要与社会公德联系起来,与实践行为作为人格教育的一项重要内容来抓。每个人都要履行保护环境的责任和义务。

清洁我们的环境 Cleaning up Our Environment

The sky looks grey; the rivers become black; the gra is covered with plastic bags.You will easily get your hair and shoes dirty while walking along the streets, and the air smells terrible.

That is our environment now.That is the world we live in.Wherever you are, whatever you do, you can hardly escape from pollution.But is there anything we common people carl do about it? Yes, there is much that we can do.We can throw rubbish not on the ground, but in garbage cans; we can help to publicize the importance of environment

preservation; we can write letters to our friends on ordinary paper instead of sending cards, because 4,000 cards amount to one tree, and trees are important to better our environment.

Moreover, we can encourage the government to punish the.act of pollution.When the sky is blue again, the rivers become clean, and the gra is always green, we will live a healthier and happier life.

There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years.One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air, water and soil.the polluted air does great harm to people’s health.The polluted water causes diseases and death.What is more, vegetation had been greatly reduced with the rapid growth of modern cities.To protect the environment, governments of many countries have done a lot.Legislative steps have been introduced to control air pollution, to protect the forest and sea resources and to stop any environmental pollution.Therefore, governments are playing the most important role in the environmental protection today.In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures.First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education.Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning

policy into practice, because more people means more people means more pollution.Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished.We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves.保护环境




We live in the world every day We eat food, drink water, wear clothes, watch TV, use puters and so on We are producing waste every moment.

Generally speaking, there are four sorts of waste They are material waste, organic waste, inorganic waste and poisonous & harmful waste

Now, we are going to talk about each sort of waste one by one

Material waste: it means the waste of substance or things from which something else can be made For example, people throw away the used metal products and buy a new one, so the old metal waste accumulates At last, they bee waste For example, when people finish reading newspaper, the paper will bee waste When the gla is broken, it also bees waste Nobody wants to use a broken window or drink with a broken gla or wear a pair of broken glaes Once it is broken, it bees waste The rate of using plastics is increasing day by day People use plastic bags because they are convenient When they get home, they throw the plastics way, paying no attention to the environment The more convenience plastics brings to us, the more plastic waste is produced This is called “white pollution” as most plastics are white Some of our products we use every day are made of rubber, just like the tyres and the bottom part of our shoes It’s true that rubber plays an important role in our life However, it also brings us some trouble when it has been used for a long time and bees old The old tyres bee waste because it can’t break down by nature This is really a big problem

Organic waste: it refers to waste from living things, including waste from animals, plants and people Some parts of vegetables are thrown away as

waste because they don’t taste good In the past, people cooked their food using burning coal, so there left the burned coal, which is usele, like the thrown vegetables All this sorts of waste contain organism, so it is called organic waste

Actually, we also have inorganic waste, the opposite to organic waste, including building waste, broken pottery and , and cinder

The last part is harmful and poisonous waste, such as used batteries, electrical apparatus and medical supplies puters and TV sets are one part of electrical apparatus You see, the old electrical apparatus can set off some dangerous rays and make the soil harder, even damage the under ground water Mobile phones are as dangerous as puters and TV sets As we know, X-rays can be used to examine patients, but the X-rays machines are dangerous when they are thrown away without any treatment They can’t be used to treat the sick, but they still can give off rays For the normal people, they can be dangerous So, we must think about this problem

As waste has four sorts, we can sort them into each sort that they belong to It’s convenient to treat them after they are sorted Then we can deal with them sort by sort We have thought out some methods like storing

them in order to change them into plant food, or burning them in a huge stove and use the heat to make electricity For the first way, the change rate is much too low and it may pollute the under ground water For the second one, of course it’s wonderful if it’s easy to be tried out But to build such a huge stove will cost too much Not a good method Now you see, treating waste is not an easy job




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张冰姿教授是国内著名的英语专家。她有一次回答一名记者采访时说:\"很多人想去外国留学,以为只有到外国才能把英语学好。其实不然。我的基本功都是在中国学的。我第一次去英国已经57岁,演讲完了,掌声雷动。不久就被邀请到BBC当播音员。我的英语学习经验就是在中国跟着唱片学,一篇课文至少模仿300遍,说完争取跟英国人一模一样。我的学生刚学完16篇课文,就可以去广交会当翻译,听口音外国人都以为他们是刚留学回来。出国不过是多了一个应用环境,你讲得不好,人家一样当你是外人。怎么才能学好英语?首先要问自己:为什么要学英语?明确了目的,贵在坚持,雷打不动。学了就要用,千方百计创造环境用。\" 可以看出,不出国学好英语是完全可能的。






以下这段话摘自2002年4月18日晚,英国莱斯特大学语言学家、雅思考试创始人Keith Taylor教授在福州大学科学报告厅为福州大学师生350余人作了一场题为“英语学习方法”的报告。

“请问各位,哪儿是学英语最好的地方呢?我在这里要告诉大家:是——洗澡间。洗澡间其实是最好的学英语的地方。大家一定会笑吧。要知道教室并不是学习英语的最好地方,在课堂上,我们所能学到的是如何去学习。而洗澡间才是学习的好地方,在座的肯定有在洗澡时唱歌的吧?的确,洗澡时唱歌是一件令人惬意的事情。下次,大家冲澡的时候不妨朗诵一段英语。要朗诵多久呢?不长,只要两分钟就足够了。大声地朗读,每天坚持大声地朗读两分钟英语就够了。只要坚持几个月,也许三个月,也许两个月,大家就会发现自己的英语突飞猛进。相信我,信任我, 这个方法非常有效,如果大家不相信的话,不妨试试。2分钟在洗澡间,那么另外的15分钟呢?在睡觉前的15分钟你可以听听英国广播公司BBC的节目,也就是我们英国人所熟悉的Radio 4。记住:是在睡觉前的15分钟。为什么要在睡觉前15分钟?这是由于当我们睡觉的时候,我们的大脑并没有休息,它依然











2002年11月21日 此文章共被浏览 33951 次































2002年1月14日 此文章共被浏览 25083


















World Environment Day is commemorated each year on June 5th, and started from 1972, which is established by the United Nations General Aembly for raising global awarene to take actions to protect the Nature.The establishment of World Environment Day shows people’s the cognition and the attitude to the environmental problem, and exprees our human beings’ desire of pursuing the better environment.Every year the United Nations Environment program proposes a theme, and the 2014 theme of this day will focus on ‘Small Island and Climate change’ and the slogan is “Raise Your Voice Not the Sea Level”.

World Environment Day can be celebrated in lots of ways, for instances, planting trees, doing some recycling, participating the clean-up campaigns and so on.Certainly people can also do something simple, like going to work by bus instead of private cars.I believe if everyone takes environmental actions as a habit, we are doing a big difference for the better environment.




中考英语作文范文 环境问题

环境问题:今天环境变得越来越糟糕环境问题影响着人们的工作学习生活等而我们的工作生活生产等又使环境污染越来越严重..........如何保护我们的环境?请以“ How to protect/save our environment/world? ”为题写一篇短文。提示:存在问题:1.水污染越来越严重 2.砍伐森林严重 3.大气污染严重

4.白色垃圾 等 要求 : 如何改善/保护环境?至少:3---4个方面, 80字左右的。

范文: How to protect/save our environment/world?

The environmental pollution is worse and worse /more and more seriously today .Water is polluted we have no clean water to drink Many trees are cutting down some animals is getting le and

le.Some factories is poring dirty air in the sky the population isincreasing faster and faster resources is getting le and

le„etc.Not only does it affect our lives and health it also has a great affection in the future.people\'s health has been greatly affected by air noise and water pollution.Many people died of diseases.In order to live a better life we need protect our world.We should n’t throw away rubbish everywhere.We want to recycle reduce reuse things .Don’t waste things This saves money and reduces pollution.Use things for as long as poible.We don’t use plastic bags .We mus plant more trees and stop the people cutting them .We hope our world is more and more beautiful .












Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world.With the development of industry and agriculture, cars make great noises and give off poisonous gas.Trees on the hills have been cut down,and wastewater is being poured continuously into rivers.Furthermore,wherever we go today, we can find rubbish carelely disposed.Maive destruction of environment has brought about negative effects and even poses a great threat to man\'s existence.We must face the situation that exists and take actions to solve our environmental problems.For instance, new laws must be paed to place strict control over industrial pollution, the pub!ic must receive the education about the hazard of pollution and so on.We hope that all these measures will be effective and bring back a healthful environment.关于环境保护的英语作文范文

Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world.For example, cars have made the air unhealthy for people to breathe and poisonous gas is given off by factories.Trees on the hills have been cut down and waste water is being poured continuously into rivers.Furthermore, wherever we go today, we can find rubbish carelely disposed.Pollution is, in fact, threatening our existence.全世界的环境问题变得越来越严重。例如汽车污染的空气影响了人们的呼吸,工厂释放污染的气体,山上的树木被砍伐,污水不断被排人河里。另外,无论我们走到哪里,到处可见随意丢弃的垃圾。事实上,污染正威胁我们的生存,

The earth is our home and we have the duty to take care of it for ourselves and for our later generations.Fortunately, more and more people have realized these problems.Measures have been taken to cope with these problems by the government.Laws have been paed to stop pollution.I hope the problem will be solved in the near future and our home will become better and better.地球是我们的家园,我们有责任为我们自己和我们的后代去照顾好它。庆幸的是,愈来愈多的人们已经意识到这些问题。政府已经采取了很多措施去解决这些问题,法律已被通过以制止污染。我希望这些问题在不远的将来能得到解决,我们的家园变得越来越好。

Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world.With the development of industry and agriculture, cars make GREat noises and give off poisonous gas.Trees on the hills have been cut down, and wastewater is being poured continuously into rivers.Furthermore,wherever we go today, we can find rubbish carelely disposed.The whole ecological balance of the earth is changing.Maive destruction of environment has brought about negative effects and even poses a great threat to man\'s existence.全世界的环境问题在变得越来越严重。随着工农业的发展,汽车制造噪音、排放毒气,山上的树木被砍伐,污水不断被排入河里。另外,无论我们走到哪里,到处可见随意丢弃的垃圾。整个地球生态平衡正在改变,环境的巨大破坏已带来负面影响,甚至对人类生存带来巨大威胁。

We must face the situation that exists and take actions to solve our environmental problems.For instance, new laws must be paed to place strict control over industrial pollution, the pub!ic must receive the education about the hazard of pollution and so on.We hope that all these measures will be effective and bring back a healthful environment.我们必须面对现实,采取行动解决环境问题。例如必须通过新的法律严格控制工业污染问题,大众必须接受污染危害的教育等。我们希望这些措施的有效实施能带给我们一个健康的环境.


Hello America

PART 1 Leon 1 It\'s not bad, but I think it needs more work.Chris: I\'m Chris Bloom, hoping you have more of everything you want this spring.Chris: Thanks for looking at my work, Jake.Jake:

I\'m glad to help, Chris.People helped me when I was just an aistant.Besides, you\'re an old friend.Chris: Before you say anything, remember you\'re watching my first interview.Jake:

That\'s OK.Most new reporters don\'t do very well on their first try.Chris: What do you mean? Could you be more specific? Jake:

Most television viewers don\'t have much patience.They want faster interviews.They want more actionmore answersJake: Explain once more what you were trying to do.Chris: My aignment for school was to interview people about their lives.So I thought it would be interesting to ask people what\'s miing in their lives.What would make their lives better.And I just asked anyone who walked by.Should I play it now? Jake: Sure.Chris: Hello, this is Chris Bloom.Today is the first day of spring.It\'s a time when people feel energetic.They have a new outlook on life.We decided to find out what people want out of their lives this spring.Mike: More time.I definitely want to find more time.Steven: More money and fewer financial problems.Rita:

More love in my life.That\'s what I want.Terry: More friends.Roger: More clothes, more money, and fewer arguments.Detective Modine: Le crime and more parking places.Terry: Le preure and more time to enjoy life.Chris: But the answer most people gave was time.More people want more time to accomplish their goals and enjoy their lives.I\'m Chris Bloom, hoping you have more of everything you want this spring.Jake: It\'s not bad, but I think it needs more work.The problems that it\'s not news.We would never use it on the air.You need to find a real news story.Chris: Like what? Jake: Come on, I\'ll show you.just heard that someone wants to take over part of the Stamford Nature Center and turn it into apartment buildings.Chris: Oh, no.Boy, that\'s a story! Can I bring my camera? Jake: Sure.Chris: Oh, Right!

Leon 2 Do you like to live dangerously, Rita? Rita: How\'s my favorite cameraman? Oh, my back.Mike: Those tapes were too heavy for you.Rita: A few years ago, I could carry twenty tapes if I wanted.Mike: We all get older.Rita: You know, Mike, I never thought it would come this fast.I just can\'t believe it\'s time for me to retire.How did I get so old so fast? Mike: Most people don\'t retire at your age.You look great.Rita:

I feel great.In fact, I feel marvelous.Mike: So, why are you retiring? Rita:

I love my job.I love being a make up artist.But I always promised myself I would start a new life when I reached this age.Mike: I think that\'s terrific.There are so many things you can do with your life.You\'re still young enough to enjoy yourself.

- 2world...But Singapore is crowded, and you can\'t live here cheaply, Rita.Singapore is expensive.Milan is more relaxed...It\'s center of culture...Milan has more nightclubs and fewer problems than Singapore...And the man are very romantic, Rita.You could live here nicely.That\'s all for now.I have to run.Steven: Before I say anything else, Jake, I want to compliment you.I think you\'re doing a fine job.Jake:

Thank you.And I think you\'re doing a great job too.People seem to be very happy here.You\'re a good producer.By the way, I like your beard.Steven: Thanks.But I have a problem.Peter Case, my bo, the man who owns this station, hoped he could improve the ratings.Instead, our audience is disappearing.Jake:

What? I thought we were doing well.Steven: Bad things keep happening, Jake.For example, we showed three movies last month.They were very inexpensive and we found out why.They all had technical problems.Bad sound.Bad picture.We won\'t buy cheap movies anymore.Jake:

I gue it\'s like what Abe Lincoln said: \"You can fool some of the peole all of the time; You can fool all of the people some of the time; You can\'t fool all the people all the time\".Steven: There\'s another problem.Look at these ratings.We lost half of our viewers last night.Jake:

How is that poible? Steven: Everything was going beautifully.And then you did your storywinning show on Iran.He\'s an excellent editor.He works quickly and profeionally.Steven: Can he work well with people? Maybe he can work with that aistant, Chris.Jake:

I don\'t know about Chris, but I\'ll get something flashy for tonight\'s news.Steven: Thanks, Jake.I knew I could count on you.Jake:

In Washington today, the President made important decisions about the budget.Connie Swift is at the White House with a report on the President\'s announcement.Mike: Milan has more nightclubs and fewer problems that Singapore...And the men are very romantic, Rita.You could live here nicely.Jake:

I\'m sorry.We\'re experiencing technical difficulties.Obviously, that was not Connie Swift at the White House.We\'ll have that story for you a little later in the show.First, here\'s Jim Stuart at the mayor\'s office.Jake:

Steven, what happened? How did Rita\'s tape get on the air? Something\'s going on here, and I don\'t like it.

Leon 4 That was one of the strangest mistakes I\'ve ever seen

- 4you want to buy \"petrol\", you\'ll need to go to a \"petrol station\".So, travel to Britain.The British will be delighted to see you there, especially if you spend a lot of money.But, please, mind your language.Call things by their proper names.This is James Morgan on travel.Jake: James Morgan will be a regular feature on \"The Weekend Report \"from now on.I\'m Jake Seltzer for all of us at \"Hello America\".

Leon 5 It\'s all so mysterious Jake:

You\'ve been here for a week, Roger.How do you like it? Roger: Just fine, Jake.I\'m glad I had a few extra weeks to help out an old friend.Jake:

Well, it\'s treat to have you at WEFL.We need a good editor, and we need some good ratings.You\'ll like Mike Davis.He\'s such a good cameraman.His work is excellent.His work is so good that I hardly need to edit it.Roger: Well, then you don\'t need me.Jake:

Of course we need you, Roger.But Mike does such good work that editing is easier.Here, let me show you...This place is so mey that I can never find anything.It was clean yesterday.Ah, here it is.Jake:

Look at this.It\'s the Nature Center.Roger: It\'s pretty.Jake:

It\'s also important to the whole city...But someone is planning to build apartment buildings here, in these woods.Roger: So what? Jake:

Apartment buildings could ruin the Nature Center.It\'s such an important decision that WEFL is asking some tough questions about it.We don\'t have very many answers yet.It\'s all so mysterious.Roger: Hey, what\'s wrong with the tape? Jake:

I don\'t understand what\'s going on here.The whole tape is like this.It\'s damaged.Roger: When you figure it out, let\'s get to work.Jake:

I don\'t get it.I looked at this last night and it was perfect.Now the tape is so damaged that I can\'t use it.Roger: You\'d better talk to your cameraman.Meanwhile, it\'s such a beautiful day that I think I\'ll go for a drive.Jake:

What are you doing? Roger: I don\'t need it.I lost the other one.Oh, well...Hi.Chris:


Wow, Roger Ward! He\'s such a good editor.He did the famous program about Iran.It was one of the best pieces of journalism I\'ve ever seen.I think he won an award.Jake:

This is so strange that I can\'t believe it.This tape was perfect yesterday.Chris, you didn\'t look at this tape without me, did you? Chris: No.What happened? Jake:

It\'s in such bad condition that I can\'t even watch it.Chris: Oh, no.How? Jake:

I don\'t know.First it was Rita\'s silly tape.And now this.I don\'t know what to think.Chris:

I shot some videotape at the Nature Center.

- 6Chris: You know Rita.She\'s so nice that people tell her everything.I told her about going to the Nature Center with you.Jake:

What do you know about Rita\'s new boyfriend? Chris: He\'s one of the nicest guys she\'s ever gone out with.He\'s such a nice guy that she\'d like to marry him.And he\'s an editor for the mystery program \"Murder at Midnight\".Jake: What\'s his name? Chris: I can\'t remember...Terry something.But wait- I have it here on this tape.I\'ve been interviewing people at the station.I did a long interview with Rita.She told me about Terry.Jake:

Can I see it? Chris: Yes, of course.Chris: You work so hard that you don\'t have much time for anything else.Rita:

It\'s true.I\'ve been so busy that I haven\'t had much of a social life.In fact, my social life wasn\'t great until recently.Chris: What\'s changed? Rita:

I met a man.He\'s one of the most interesting men I\'ve ever known.He\'s so interesting that I don\'t even think about my job.Chris: What\'s his name? Rita:

Terry.Terry Smithers.I never thought I\'d feel this way toward anybody again, A friend introduced us.We went out to dinner and we had such a good time that we stayed until the restaurant closed.And the food was so bad!It was one of the worst restaurants I\'ve ever been to.It was so bad that it was funny.We laughed so hard, we cried.It was wonderful.We talked about everything.And after that, we went dancing.Chris:


Yes.He\'s such a good dancer.Chris:

You are too.Rita:

You should have seen us dance.We danced so well together that people stopped to watch.And we\'ve been together ever since.Jake:

Rita is such a talker.She knew you were taping her, didn\'t she? Chris: Yes.I\'ve been taping everyone at the station.Jake:

You didn\'t tape me.Chris:

I\'m saving the best for last.Jake:

People like to talk to you.I\'d like to see more of your interviews.Maybe we\'ll find a clue to what\'s going on here.

Leon 7 I keep trying to figure out why.Rita:

I love the peace and quiet here.I have no desire to go back to work.Terry: I wish I didn\'t have to go back to work either, but I have so much to do.Rita:

You\'re so mysterious.You haven\'t even told me what you\'re working on.Terry: \"Murder at Midnight\".Rita:

I know that.But you\'ve been working on something else.I have so many questions and you avoid answering

- 8Jake:

And? Chris: He didn\'t know very much about him.Jake:

Did he find the technical Problem? Chris:

No.He talked about it a little bit.He\'s looking for a bad wire in the control room.Jake, you don\'t think that Mike had anything to do with it,do you? Jake:

No, I don\'t.Did you talk to anybody else? Chris: Not yet.I\'m going to talk to Terry later today.Jake:

Good.Ask him how ofter he goes to the Nature Center.So there\'s nothing else for me to look at? Chris: Well, yes, there is.Jake:

What? Chris:

My latest story for school.Will you look at it and tell me what you think about it? Jake:

Is there anything special you want me to look for? Chris: Just watch for mistakes.And promise you won\'t laugh at me.Jake:

I never laugh at you.Chris: OK.Here goes.I worked on this for a whole day, so be kind.Jake:

I\'m waiting for you to turn it on.Chris: OK.Chris: Spring! It\'s the time for new beginnings.Long walks and romance.Has spring fever come to Stamford? Chris: Jake, what did you think of my story? Jake:

Well, I thought it was remarkable.Chris:

You promised not to laugh.Jake:

I\'m not laughing.Chris: Oh, you! Jake:

Look out! You\'ll break something.Jake:

You\'re getting better, Chris.It\'s still not news, but it\'s getting better.Chris: I think spring romance is interesting.Look at all the plays and movies about it.Jake:

The subject is interesting, but it\'s not news, Chris.Who cares? Find a real story.Chris:

Like what? Jake:

OK.You want to work on the Nature Center story? Look at the history of the Nature Center.How did it start? Why can a developer buy land right on the property?...I have a show to do.

Leon 9 Why does this deep happening? Rita:

I talked to Bob Todd, the accountant, about my taxes.I don\'t know why I wait until the last minute every year.Terry: My taxes were done weeks ago.Rita:

Well, you\'re so smart.I\'m still filling in this form.What\'s your advice? Terry: My first advice is hurry up.The deadline is tomorrow.Rita:

What do you think about joint tax-return forms? Terry:

I don\'t like them.But I might make an exception.It\'s important to look at what kind of income your spouse has.

- 10changes that will affect every American.A WEFL/Stamford Gazette poll shows that forty-eight percent of the American people agreed with the tax changes.But fifty percent disagreed with the President on taxes.Only two percent said they were undecided.In other news, there was a fire at Scotto\'s Restaurant on Main Street.Firefighters were waiting for the smoke to clear before they looked for the cause.And it\'s that time again.Income taxes are due tomorrow.Time for fill out and send in your tax returns.We have as our guest tonight accountant, Robert Todd.Rita: Gray skies are gonna clear up, put on a happy face.Brush off the clouds and cheer up, put on a happy face.Take off the gloomy mask of tragedy, it\'s not your style.You\'ll look so good that you\'ll be glad, you decided to smile.Pick out a pleasant outlook, stick out that noble chin.Wipe off that full-of-doubt look, slap on a happy grin.And spread sunshine all over the place.Just put on a happy face....Rita: I\'m on the air again.Terry: Oops, wrong tape.What is it? Rita:

It\'s my singing and dancing leon.How did they get that tape? Why does this keep happening?

leon 10 Raymond modine will be asking a lot of questions tomorrow.Steven: Look it over and tell me what you think.Jake:

We\'re losing viewers.Steven:

Our owner, Peter Case, will be broke in a month, Jake.Jake:

Is the situation that bad?

- 11no one is going to buy it, Jake...not at the price he\'s asking.Especially if they find out that we\'re having technical difficulties.Jake:

Technical difficulties! These aren\'t technical difficulties.Someone is deliberately trying to hurt us Steven: I think so too, Jake.I\'ve called up a detective.His name is Raymond Modine and he\'ll be coming in tomorrow.My secretary will be handing out a letter to everyone at the station, explaining the situation.Jake:

Is that a good idea? Steven: Raymond Modine will be asking a lot of questions tomorrow.You\'ll be here, won\'t you? Jake:

I\'ll be working at the Nature Center in the morning.Steven: The Nature Center.That\'s a pretty big story.I hope we\'ll be able to run it.Jake:

Why shouldn\'t we? Steven: Well, nothing else that we want to get on the air seems to get there.Detective Modine can see you in the afternoon.Please find some time for him.Jake:

I don\'t know if I\'ll be back in time.Steven: He\'ll be talking to everyone who works here.I expect you to cooperate.Jake:

OK.But I want this solved, Steven.When I decided to stay at WEFL,I thought I was working for a solid station.Now I feel like looking for another job.Steven:

That\'s your decision.I\'m going to do everything I can to stay here.But let me know what you\'re going to do.Jake:

You\'ll be the first to know.Chris:

Tonight I\'ll be interviewing Terry.You know, he could be the one who\'d doing all this.He\'s an editor.he knows the equipment.And then I\'ll be planning my interviews with Steven and Peter Case.Jake: Will you be working late? Chris: I\'ll be working as late as I have to.And I\'ll be waiting for you.Jake:

Why? Chris: Won\'t you be staying late tonight? Jake:

No, I don\'t think so.Chris: But I\'ll have a lot of interviews for you to see.Will you be coming in early tomorrow? Jake:

I probably won\'t be coming in at all tomorrow.Chris: Won\'t Detective Modine be looking for you? Jake:

He might, but I\'ll be interviewing someone at the Nature Center.Chris: Jake, I want you to look at the interviews.Jake:

I asked you for some research on the history of the Nature Center? Where is it? Chris: I\'ll have it for you tomorrow.Jake:

Chris, I need the research.If you can\'t do it, I\'ll do it myself.Chris: Thanks.I thought you were my friend.I thought you were the great journalist, the great teacher.Jake:

Yeah, well, the great journalist is going to be bust.And you\'ll be busy doing research on the history of the

- 12Terry: Well, yes.Rita:

Or you.Terry: Hey.Rita:

I\'m just kidding, Terry.Let\'s go.James Morgan: You\'ll need to post a small parcel in the letter box.Have you got any change? You\'ll need it for stamps.Chris: James Morgan! I know how to mail a pacikage in a mailbox.How did you get on my shelf? James Morgan: Have you got any pets.Please don\'t bring them.Chris: I haven\'t got any pets.And I\'m not going on holiday because I haven\'t got any money.I haven\'t got any time either.

Leon 12 Where have I seen that glove before? James Morgan: If you\'ve got a cold,you\'ll need to go to the chemist\'s to buy some medicine.You Americans call that the pharmacy or drugstore.And you won\'t want to mi going to the cinema, or movies, as you call them...Chris:

Who\'s been moving these tapes? The labels are all gone! I\'ll be here all night! James Morgan:...Take a flat.That means \"rent an apartment\".You\'ll have your own cooker and fridge so that you can make your own meals.You may be lucky enough to have a lift in the building.That means an elevator...You\'ll need a telephone, so that you can ring up our world-famous theaters for tickets to all the shows...Chris:

Oh, come on.James Morgan: The British call it going on holiday The Americans call it going on vacation...if you ask for the subway in London, you won\'t find the underground train system at all.We call that the \"underground\" or the \"tube\"...into a car or a large lorry.That\'s the correct \"English\" name for a truck...We haven\'t got \"gasoline\" in England.We\'ve got \"peteol\".Chris: I haven\'t got any patience left.Where is that tape of Terry\'s interview?...I\'ve got the right tape now.I hope this has a clue.Terry: How did I become an editor? When I was growing up,I went to the movies all the time.I was fascinated by the way movies were edited.I wasn\'t able to get a job editing movies.A friend of mine was working as a writer for a television show.He was shooting a story that nobody was interested in buying.He showed it to me, and I worked with him to edit it.The producers liked it so much, they hired me.Chris:

OK, Terry, what about your future? Terry:

I never know.I\'m sure I\'ll be doing some kind of editing for television.I\'ll be working in a television station like this one.Chris:

What kind of editing? Will you be editing mystery stories or news programs? Or will you be editing sports? Terry:

I won\'t be editing sports programs.I don\'t liked sports.I\'ll be editing mystery programs or news.I like them both.Chris:

Where is that part about the station? Terry:

What was I doing when Rita\'s travel tape came on? I\'m not sure what I was doing when it happened.I know what I was doing when Rita\'s singing leon came on the air.I was talking to her in the studio.

- 14Chris: I didn\'t know until I stood up.Jake:

Sit down...I\'ll get some ice.Chris: Where are you going? Don\'t leave me here alone.Jake:

I keep a chest of ice with some soda in my office.Do you want some soda too? Chris: OK...Oh, I feel like such an idiot.Jake:

You should have told me about your ankle.We might have stopped the swelling.Chris: Jake.Jake:

Yeah? Chris: I\'m glad you\'re here.Jake:

So am I, chris.How does that feel? Chris: Cold.Jake:

So did you find anything out when you were going through the tapes? Chris: I think so.Do you remember when you were working with Roger Ward? Jake:

I\'m still working with him.Chris: Remember the day he threw his glove out? Jake:

Not really.What does that have to do with anything? Chris: Terry has Roger\'s glove, or one just like it.Jake:

Chris, I don\'t see the connection.Chris: There is a connection.I\'m not sure what it is, but I know there is one.Jake:

OK, Mi Detective.Let\'s start walking.

Leon 2 Until I came to WEFL, I had never worked with a famous person like Jake.Jake:

This is going to be a very interesting interview, Mike.We\'re talking with Thomas Ames, head of Mirage Realty.Mike: Who are these people? Jake:

They claim to be one of the nation\'s biggest real-estate developers.Mike:

I\'m surprised that I haven\'t heard of them.Jake:

Chris did some research on them for me.Until recently, no one had ever heard of them.Mike:

So why are we doing a story on them now? Jake:

This company is trying to build apartments on the Nature Center.Jake:

Mr.Ames, thank you for talking with us.Ames: Anything I can do to help.Jake:

Mr.Ames, why are you doing this to the Nature Center? Ames: Please don\'t put it that way, Jake.We didn\'t begin this project.Another company started it.By the time we took over, the plans had already been made.Jake:

The director of the Nature Center told me that until last week, he hadn\'t heard a word about the apartments being built.Ames: It was a quick deal.Jake:

Isn\'t that unusual?

- 16now? Chris: When I see dinner, you get the research.Chris: Oooh, I shouldn\'t have eaten all that.Jake:

Did you like it? I couldn\'t tell.Chris: I was fine until I got to the egg rolls.You should have stopped me.Jake:

I should have stopped you? Hah! I should have stopped myself! Chris: We shouldn\'t have ordered so much.Jake:

Um, you\'re right, I think we should have left out the shrimp dish.Chris: No, I liked the shrimp.We shouldn\'t have ordered the spareribs.Jake:

Oh, yes, we should have.It was too mush fun watching you eat them.Chris: So, how\'s my research? Jake:

It\'s good.Chris: Oh.You like it? Jake:

Write a story.We\'ll record it in the morning.Chris: Write it? Record it? Jake:

It\'s the best way to learn.Chris: I don\'t have much time.Jake: That\'s right.I\'ve been looking at my interview with Thomas Ames.He\'s a very strange man.Remember Roger\'s glove? Chris: Yes.Jake:

Ames had one too.Chris: You\'re kidding? Do you think he has something to do with what\'s been going on at the station? Jake:

I\'m not sure.I\'ll have to think about it.Rita:

I thought I smelled Chinese food.Can I join you? Chris: Sure.Weren\'t you supposed to have dinner with Terry? Rita:

Yes.He was going to teach me about cameras.I thought that might be a good hobby for me, you know, photography.I waited and waited, but he didn\'t show up.Chris: Oh, no.Rita:

Yeah.By the time he called, I had already made the entire dinner.I had cooked the roast and set the table.I had made the salad.I had even poured the wine.Wait until I see him face to face.He\'s going to hear about this, believe me.Chris: He really stood you up.Rita:

The only thing I hadn\'t done was light the candles.Jake:

You should have invited someone else.Rita:

I tried to call a girlfriend, but by the time I called her, she had already made other plans.Chris: You should have just eaten it yourself.Rita:

I didn\'t feel like eating alone.I came here to clean up my makeup room a bit.Chris: We have lots of food left.Stick around and help us finish it.Rita:

Actually, I\'m starved.Oh, that chicken looks wonderful!

- 18

Leon 5 I wish I didn\'t have to keep any secrets from you.Rita:

I wish I hadn\'t started my diet today.Terry: Why? Are you still hungry? Rita:

I\'m starving.There\'s nothing left in here.I wish I had packed a huge turkey sandwich on a roll with mustard and mayonnaise and lettuce and tomato and cheese.Terry: I wish I had known.I wouldn\'t have eaten everything.Rita:

No.It\'s better this way.Terry: Are you sure? Do you want to go into town and buy something to eat? Rita:

I\'d rather stay here.Terry: All right.Whatever you say.Rita:

Mmmm.Terry: What? Rita:

Do you have anything left in that bag? Terry: I have a bag of potato chips.Rita:

I wish you hadn\'t mentioned potato chips.Now I\'m going to be thinking of potato chips all day.Terry: Would you like some? Rita:

I wish you hadn\'t offered.Terry: Well, what was I supposed to do? Rita:

Oh, give me the potato chips.Terry: Think of something else...such a beautiful day.Rita:

Yes.I wish I didn\'t have to go back to work.Terry: I wish I hadn\'t had to work this morning.We could have taken a drive somewhere.Rita:

That would have been nice.Terry: Rita, did you send in your application for veterinarian school? Rita:

No.I can\'t make up my mind what to do.I wish I had never thought about retiring.It was all so much easier when I woke up in the morning, went to work, and came home.Terry: I\'ve never heard you sound so down.Rita:

Sorry.Terry: What\'s bothering you? Rita:

It has to do with all this stuff that\'s been going on at the station.Terry: What do you mean? Rita:

I don\'t like it.Terry: Neither do I, but it\'s not stopping me from enjoying this beautiful day.Rita:

That\'s what\'s bothering me.Terry: What are you getting at? Rita:

Maybe I don\'t know enough about you.What are you up to? Terry: It sounds like you are accusing me of something.How come?

- 20Stan Smith: Some of the things that you go through on the tennis court, you know, coming back, uh, from adversity, from having an injury, from getting behind, from getting discouraged, from struggling-uh, those are all things that we go through in life in general.Hopefully, we can influence them in a way that might help them in their entire life, and not just in tennis.Roger: It\'s good.What do you think? Chris: If I had been there, I would have talked to more people.There were only six interviews.Roger: That would have been interesting.Chris: I wish I could edit a story like that.Roger: Here, let me show you something else.Roger: If he had put it together with this shot, he would have made a much more interesting point.Chris: I wish I had thought of that.You\'re such a good editor.Roger: Thanks, Chris.I wish I had more time, but- Chris: That\'s OK.You\'ve been very helpful.Roger: You\'ll learn more as you go along.Chris:

But you\'re so fast.How do you edit so fast? I\'ve never seen anybody work so fast.

Leon 7 These young people are about to become teachers.Jake:

Good evening.I\'m Jake Seltzer and this is \"Hello America\".Tonight, a report on teachers.Jake:

These young people are about to become teachers.But there are not enough of them.Experts are trying to convince young people like these to choose teaching as a career...Profeor Marvin Breler of Princeton University said it was an enormous privilege to be a teacher.Prgfeor Breler: It is an enormous privilege to be a teacher and to see people come alive from time to time.Jake:

Alan Grskin told the audience that young people could make a difference.Alan Grskin: The meage he left behind was that young people could make a difference in helping to create a better and more peaceful world.Jake: Many teachers will be retiring soon.There are not enough young teachers to replace them.According to Mary Futrell, we will need 1.4 million new teachers.Mary Futrell: Uh, we will need approximately 1.4 million new teachers before the end of this decade, and those will be teachers at every grade level.Uh, every community in the country will be looking for new teachers.Jake: Not everyone can be a teacher.It is a very diffficult job.Thomas Gilhool was a lawyer.Now he\'s a full-time teacher.But it wasn\'t easy.Thomas Gilhool: I\'ve been a full-time teacher, I can say now, proudly, for eight days.At the third day, I did not think I would see the eighth day.Jake:

How important are teachers? The President said yesterday that our future would depend on good schools.The experts tell us that good schools depend on good teachers.As Thomas Gilhool said, \"Teaching isn\'t easy, but it can be the most rewarding job in the world\".I\'m Jake Seltzer.Goodbye for now.Jake: Did everything work this time? Were there any strange problems? Steven: No.I don\'t think there were any technical mistakes.Jake:

That\'s a good news.

- 22Roger: You\'re very clever.You always have been.But I know your interviewing tactics.You\'re trying to find out what I know.But I\'m telling you I don\'t know anything about him.Look, here\'s the shot we were looking for.Chris:

Did Terry really ask you to run away with him? Rita:

Yes.Isn\'t that sweet? Chris: It is.He\'s so romantic.Rita:

Yeah.Chris: I wish someone would ask me to run away with him.Rita:

One day someone will.Chris: Well, are you going to? Rita:

What? Chris: Run away with him.I asked you if you were going to run away with him.Rita:

I don\'t know enough about him.At times, he\'s very secretive.Besides, I still don\'t know what I\'ll do after I retire.Chris: Are you still upset about retiring? Rita:

Not really.I\'m kind of looking forward to it.Chris: Wow! What a difference! How did you do that? Rita:

The tricks of the trade.Have you ever thought about wearing your hair up? Chris: I\'ve thought about it, but I don\'t think it would look good.Do you? Rita:

I think it would look great.Chris: You do? Rita:

Yes, I do.Do you want to try it? Chris: I don\'t know...Rita:

Oh, come on.Be daring.Try it.You can always take it down.Chris: All right.Rita:

When are you going to do your report? Chris: Report? Oh, this isn\'t for a story.Rita:

I thought we were doing this for your tape.Chris: Not exactly.But it\'s for my career.OK, I\'m ready.Do whatever you want.

Leon 9 He just asked me if I would take you off the story.Steven: He\'s a reporter.I can\'t control him.Ames, get off my back...Come in.Jake:

How are you, Steven? Steven: How can you ask me that? Have you seen the paper? Jake:

Yes, The new isn\'t good.Steven: The abvertisers aer leaving WEFL because we don\'t have enough viewers.Peter Case won\'t be able to give the station away.Our news operation is a joke.With news like that, how well can I be? Jake:

I\'m sorry.Is Detective Modine making any progre? Steven: He spoke to a few people.He\'s been asking a lot of questions.I\'m not sure what he\'s found out yet.Jake:

Steven, what\'s your connection to Thomas Ames?

- 24Steven: It\'s for my stomach.My doctor says I\'m getting an ulcer.He says if I don\'t calm dowm, I\'m going to wind up in the hospital.Jake:

You are too nervous.Don\'t worry, Steven.I\'m going to figure this out.Steven: Hurry, Jake.We don\'t have much time.

Leon 10 May I have the soda, please? Chris:

Oh...I thought you were somebody else.Modine: Jake, perhaps? Chris:

I gue you know a lot about everything that happens here.Modine: It\'s my job.Chris:

My appointment with you wasn\'t still later.Modine: I had a bit of time so I thought I\'d talk to you now, if that\'s all right.Chris:

I was waiting for Jake.Modine: I won\'t be long.Chris:

Who knows if he\'s coming anyway? So, are you hungry? Modine: Yes.As a matter of fact, I am.Chris:

Do you want some pizza? Modine: Thank you.Chris:

Could you please hand me a plate? Modine: Delighted.Chris:

Here\'s a slice for you.Modine: Thank you.Would you mind handing me a napkin? Chris:

Sure.Do you want some soda? Modine: No Thanks.I\'d like a cup of coffee.Chris:

The coffee machine is around the corner.Modine: I saw it when I came in.The coffeepot is empty.Chris:

I could make some more, if you like.Modine: No.That\'s OK.Chris:

So...you\'re not at all what I expected.Mdine: No? Chris:

Nope.I thought you\'d be some guy in a rumpled) raincoat.Modine: No rumpled raincoat.I have to ask you some questions now.Chris:

Sure.Modine: Who do you think has been sabotaging the station? Chris:

I don\'t know.I\'m totally confused.First, I thought it was Terry.Then I thought it was Mike.Then for a second, I even thought it was Jake.It\'s definitely not Rita.Modine: Good thinking.May I have the soda, please? Chris:

Sure.Here\'s a gla...How\'s the pizza?

- 26Jake:

He met with you.Chris: He came and he accused me of causing all the trouble here.Jake:

No.Really? He accused you? Chris: That wasn\'t supposed to be funny.Jake:

Sorry.Chris: I don\'t think he thought it was me.I just think he was trying to trick me into giving him some information.Jake:

Do you have any to give? Chris: Yes.I was saving it for you.But now Detective Modine knows too.Jake:

What is it? Chris: Terry Smithers.Jake:

What about him? Chris: He\'s doing something in the editing room every night.Jake:

How did you find that out? Chris: Never mind.I have my ways.Jake:

That\'s interesting.He seems so nice.I wonder about Roger.I talked with him today.Chris: I talked with him too.I helped him edit a tennis story.Jake:

Did you tell Detective Modine about Terry? Chris: Yes.I had to.Are you angry? Jake:

Why should I be angry? You\'re supposed to tell him everything.Listen, now that I know this, uh, I have to go.Chris: Don\'t you want some pizza? Jake:

No, It looks...cold.I\'ve got to go.Chris: I\'m all dreed up with nowhere to go.Jake:

I forgot this...By the way, you look terrific.Steven: You\'re supposed to solve this mystery soon.Do you think you\'ll have an answer for me in the next 24 hours? Modine: I think I\'ll be able to tell you sooner.Steven: You don\'t actually think that Chris had anything to do with our problems.Modine: No.I\'m sure she had nothing to do with them.But I do think she had some interesting information.She tells me that Terry works in the editing room at night.And she has some great pizza up there.You should get yourself a slice.Steven:

I can\'t.I\'ll have to do without pizza.I\'m not supposed to eat any until my stomach clears up.Modine: Well, your problems will all be over soon.I have to hurry.I parked my car in a lot with parking meters.Steven:

You aren\'t supposed to park there for more than an hour.Modine: Actually, it isn\'t a one-hour meter.It\'s supposed to run for two hours.The meter runs in exactly four and a half minutes.Steven: I could have gotten you a permit to park in the garage here.Modine: No, that\'s OK.I never get tickets because I time myself.When my alarm goes off(发出响声),...I know that I have to leave.See you tomorrow, Steven.Get some sleep.

Leon 12 Maybe I\'d better show this to detective modine.

- 28


Leon 1 I\'m so tired of this whole thing.Steven: I got here as fast as I could.I\'m very upset about this investigation.Detective Modine: I\'m certain of that.Steven: Well? Detective Modine: I asked you to meet me here,because I was concerned about meeting in your office.Steven: Why would you be concerned about that? Detective Modine Your office might be bugged.You can\'t be too careful about anything when you\'re dealing with criminals.Steven: I\'m so tired of this whole thing.I don\'t want to worry about this anymore.I don\'t want to think about criminals or sabotage.I just want to do my job.I just want to produce a news show.Detective Modine: I can see how you feel.You\'re probably disappointed in the investigation.Steven: Yes, I am.I\'m surprised at how long this is taking.I think you\'re a little slow at solving this case, Ray.Detective Modine: Now, don\'t be angry at me.These investigations are very delicate.Steven: Ray, tell me what you know.Detective Modine: I\'ll give it to you in two words.Steven: Yeah? Yeah? What? Detective Modine: Leather glove...Steven: Leather glove? Detective Modine: That\'s it.Leather glove.Steven: Did you call me all the way out here to say the words leather glove to me? Detective Modine: Yes.The leather glove is the key to the case.You seem disappointed.Steven: Disappointed? Are you kidding? Wait until I tell Peter Case I\'ve been spending money to pay a detective, and all he could come up with was the words leather glove.He\'s not going to be happy about this, Ray.Detective Modine: Be patient with me, Steven.There\'s something I didn\'t tell you.You\'re going to be interested in this.Steven: What? Detective Modine: The leather gloves are the miing link.Detective Modine: First, Roger Ward had one.Then Jake saw Thomas Ames with one exactly like it.Finally, one of the gloves was on the tape that Chris made of Terry.Steven: Does Thomas Ames know Roger Ward? What about Terry? Detective Modine: Terry may be involved.Steven: No! He\'s so kind and friendly to everyone.Are you sure about Terry? Detective Modine: You\'re not always the beat judge of character, Steven.Sometimes you can mi important clues.That\'s why you hired me! Steven: Where are we going? Detective Modine: To my car.It\'s parked at a meter.I\'m worried about getting another ticket.Look, isn\'t that Terry Smithers? Steven: Where?

- 30Jake:

Roger.Detective Modine: I don\'t have absolute proof.I don\'t even know how he\'s been doing it.But I plan to find out.And I need you to help me find out.Jake:

OK, I gue I suspected it all along.But I\'m still surprised to hear that it\'s definitely Roger.Detective Modine: He\'s in the studio now.I want you to talk to him...

Leon 3 I don\'t know what you\'re talking about.Jake: Hollo, Roger.Roger: Jake.What are you doing here? How\'s the story coming? I think you viewers will like it.Jake: So do I...I\'m surprised at you, Roger.Roger: What do you mean? Jake:

I don\'t get it.You were always good at whatever you did.Why would you ruin a good career to go to work for Thomas Ames? Roger: I don\'t know what you\'re talking about.Jake:

Don\'t pretend to be surprised at what I\'m saying, Roger.I know that you\'re working for Ames.I know that he\'s been paying you to sabotage WEFL...What I\'m interested is in why.Roger: I\'m disappointed in you, Jake.You were so slow at figuring this out.What took you so long? Jake:

I thought you were my friend.Roger: You were never good at judging who your friends really were.Jake:

I believed in you...When we were in college and no one would give you a chance, I did.I helped you.I cared.Why would you do this to me? Roger: I didn\'t mean to hurt anyone, Jake.Jake:

So it was you.Roger: Yeah.It was me.The travel tape.The singing leon.All the technical difficulties at the station were my fault.Jake:

But why? Roger: Money.I needed money.But it wasn\'t supposed to be like this, Jake.It went too far.Jake:

Money? Roger: Yes.I left the big television networks and started my own busine.I was lucky at getting started.I got a lot of work.But then the networks hired new people and my busine began to decline.I put everything I owned into that busine, Jake.Everything.I was in debt.Then I met Thomas Ames.He helped me.He invested in my busine.He loaned money to me.He told me about WEFL and helped me get some work here.But then he asked me to arrange for some technical difficulties at WEFL.I thought it was nothing.It seemed funny at first, like a big joke.Then Ames threatened me.He was going to take over my busine unle I helped.He wanted me to lower WEFL\'s ratings so Peter Case would have to sell him the station.By that time, I was worried about the money I owed him.I was afraid of Ames...So I did it.To tell you the truth, Jake, I\'m glad it\'s over.It was like a nightmare.Steven: I\'m shocked at how quickly the time has gone by.It feels like just yesterday that Peter was born.He\'s six months old already and he\'s becoming a real person.Now that Ray Modine is close to solving this mystery, I\'m thrilled at the chance to spend more time at home.I haven\'t been spending enough time with Peter.I

- 32Detective Modine: Let me see if I understand this, Mike.If I wanted to put a tape about the president out on the air, I would put it on playback machine A, which is in the control room.Mike:

Right.Detective Modine: If I wanted to edit a tape about the Nature Center, I would work on playback machine B.That\'s in the editing room.Mike:

Exactly.Detective Modine: OK.That\'s clear, but I still don\'t understand what this switch does.Mike:

I had to explain the first part so that you would be able to understand this part.Detective Modine: I understand.Mike:

This switch determines which tape goes ut over the air.If it\'s in position A, the tape about the President from playback machine A will go out over the air.If it is in position B, the tape in playback machine B, in the editing room, will go out over the air instead.Detective Modine: Roger Ward came in here, and he moved the toggle switch to position B.That means the tape in the editing room went out over the air.Mike:

That\'s true, but that\'s not the whole story.Roger is clever, and he also understands how these machines work.Detective Modine: He knew that would have been too simple.Mike:

We would have noticed, and we could have stopped this a long time ago.Roger was more clever than that, but he wasn\'t clever enough.Detective Modine: Criminals are never clever enough, Mike.Mike:

Roger is familiar with the machines, so he knew how to rewire the board.Detective Modine: So that\'s what he did! Mike:

Yes, Roger rewired the toggle switch so that he could control it from the editing room.Detective Modine: Brilliant! Mike:

Roger was able to put on another tape, and he could do it when no one was looking.Detective Modine: Incredible! Mike:

Detective, what are you thinking about? Detective Modine: Parking tickets, Mike.I\'m thinking about parking tickets.

Leon 5 I always thought you\'d be a devoted father Chris:

I can\'t believe I\'m going to interview Thomas Ames.I\'m nervous about this even though I\'ve practiced.I\'m not sure why.I\'m nervous because I want to do a good job.I\'m also nervous because Thomas Ames is so wealthy and important.No.I don\'t care about his wealth.I\'m nervous because this is my big chance to be a reporter at WEFL.Even though I\'ve done a good job as an aistant, Steven may not hire me.The ratings are down, and WEFL doesn\'t have much money.Even though the ratings are down, Steven might hire me if I do a good interview...Mike was sure surprised when I was chosen to do this interview.He said that this was Jake\'s big story.But I got the story because Ames won\'t talk to Jake.Although Jake is a better interviewer than I am, I can probably get Ames to talk to me more openly than Jake can.I keep telling myself I have nothing to worry about.Right?

- 34Chris: Because you would have scared him away, you sent me.Jake:

You asked tough questions anyway , so we don\'t have a good interview.Chris: Well, I didn\'t like him either.But watch.Even though I was tough on Ames, he answered the questions anyway.He lost his temper and made mistakes, so we have a good interview.Watch.Chris: Do you care about anything except making more money for yourself? Ames: I\'m tired of you reporters and your stupid questions.It\'s my land and I\'ll do whatever I want to with it, and I\'m not going to change just because of a little pollution.Now get out! Chris: Do you care about the animals at the Nature Center? Ames: I hate animals!...Get out, Ms.Bloom! Jake:

Wow! You weren\'t kidding.He really got hot under the collar.How did you have the courage to ask that last question? Chris: Even though I don\'t sound scared on the tape, I was terrified.I was also very angry with Thomas Ames.Jake:

Let\'s watch it again.We\'ll decide how to edit the story.

Leon 7 Terry is the kind of person who saves everything.Steven: I don\'t think of you as a man who likes to feed ducks.Detective Modine: That\'s me.I like cars that are fast.I like women who are beautiful.And here\'s the interesting part.I\'m the kind of person who likes to feed ducks.Steven: I\'ll never figure you out,Ray.Steven: Why are we meeting here instead of my office? We know who was sabotaging the station.Detective Modine: The sun is out, and the air is crisp.It\'s day that comes only once a year.You\'re the kind of person who wouldn\'t take advantage of a beautiful day.That\'s why I wanted to meet here.Steven: Thanks.I appreciate your concern for me, but I have a lot of work to do.Detective Modine: So do I.So do I.Well, I gue we wrapped this case up.Steven: Wait a minute.I know it was Roger who was sabotaging the station, but you never told me how you figured it out.Was it the glove that gave him away(=reveal=betray)? I thought you thought that it was Terry who did it.Detective Modien: Actually, it was Terry who helped me figure out the part about the gloves.It was Mike who discovered how Roger did it.Jake is the one who got Roger to confe.Steven: So what did we pay you for? Detective Modine: You always had a remarkable sense of humor.Steven: How did you figure out that it wasn\'t Terry who did it? Detective Modine: Remember the day I found him standing by my car in the parking lot at the Nature Center? He heard that I thought he was the one who might be guilty, so he wanted to clear things up.Steven: What did he say that made you realize it wasn\'t him? Detective Modine: It wasn\'t anything that he said.It was something Chris said.Chris discovered the glove that Roger threw in the garbage.She noticed it matched the one which Jake saw in Ames\'s office.Chris also saw the same glove in Terry\'s interview.Steven: But Terry didn\'t do it.Detective Modine: NO.Terry is the kind of person who saves everything.Do you know he saves nowspapers after

- 36Rita:

It\'s a dre which Deborah Hall wore in one of our productions.Terry: What do you want me to do with this book? Rita:

Let me see that...Will you look at this! Terry: What is it? Rita:

This is a diary which is full of secrets about the people at WEFL.Terry: Let me see.Rita:

No way.Terry: Oh, come on.I\'m curious now.Rita:

If I did that, there are some people who would kill me.Terry: I\'m not interested in the people who you wrote about.I\'m interested in the thoughts that you had when you were younger.Rita:

Here\'s something that I wrote.It\'s kind of funny.Terry: Read it.Rita:

March 19th, 1962.This isn\'t a job which I\'m going to have for a long time.I like the people whom I make up.I like the people whom I work with.But that isn\'t everything.I\'d like a job where I can meet famous people.I want a job where there\'s lots of excitement.This job is fun for now, but I don\'t know who I\'m going to be when I grow up.Terry: Well, nothing\'s changed.Rita:

I can\'t believe that I wrote that so long ago.Terry: Don\'t look so sad.Rita:

Why not? Terry: I have something to tell you that will cheer you up.Rita:

What is it? Terry: I want to tell you what I was doing in the editing room.Remember all those times that you asked me about it? Rita:

At last! Terry: All the time you thought that I was involved in the mystery, I was working in the editing room on something for you.Rita:

I never thought you were involved in the mystery.Terry: Oh, yes, you did.Rita:

Only for a second.You were working on something for me? Terry: I was working on a tape for you.I think you\'re going to love it.Rita:

A tape for me? Terry: It\'s sort of a history of your time here.I wanted to save it for your retirement party, but now is as good a time as any.Rita:

Oh, Terry, this is so sweet.I\'m not the kind of person who is usually speechle, but I don\'t know what to say.Terry:

\"Thank you\" would be a good start.

Leon 9 Rita is the kind of person who gives you everything she\'s got.Steven: Rita is the kind of person who gives you everything she\'s got.

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Leon 10 When will the show be aired? Steven: When do we start fishing? Mike:

At six o\'clock.Steven: In the morning? Mike:

You got it.It should be a lot of fun.Come on, Steven.You need a break.Things have been very difficult at WEFL.I\'m sure your wife will understand.Steven: I know.But the weekends are the only times I get to spend with Peter.You\'re right, though.It will just be one sunday out of a million.Mike:

Right.Steven: What do I need? Mike:

Luck, your fishing rod,and a picnic lunch are the only things that are required.Steven: A picnic lunch? Mike:

Yes, We\'ll be out on the boat all day.Steven: Whose boat are we going out on? Mike:

Actually, I\'m not sure.I didn\'t make the reservation.It was made by someone who\'s going with us.Steven: So how do you know we\'re starting at six? Mike:

My friend told me he made the reservation for six.Steven: Maybe the reservation should be made in my name.And maybe it should be made for seven.Mike:

That\'s a good idea.The reservation can be made in your name.They know you\'re the producer here, and we may get a better boat.But you should make the reservation for six, Steven.By seven, the fish won\'t be hungry.Steven: All right, six o\'clock.Mike:

I\'ll give you a wake-up call.Steven: Right.Thanks.Jake: Hi.Chris: You\'re not going to believe it! Look what I found at Town Hall! Jake: What is it? Chris: The deed to the property that Thomas Ames is building on.Read it.Jake:

Let\'s see...The property was owned by someone elseChris:

What was done by Roger, and what is left to do? Jake:

The new interview has to be edited.I\'ll ask Terry to help.Chris: What\'s our deadline? When will the show be aired? Jake:

I\'m not sure.It may be aired tonight.Chris: That really doesn\'t give us that much time.Jake: The Stamford Nature Center is used by adults, by children, and by senior citizens.Now it\'s in danger.The Nature Center was built in 1936.The farm was established in 1945.It was created to preserve the original beauty and history of a small New England farm.A part of the Nature Center was sold to real-estate developer Thomas Ames.Ames has been planning to build apartments on the land.Several weeks ago I spoke with Mr.Ames about his plans.Ames: But let me tell you, Jake, these will be beautiful buildings.They will be built with the most modern materials.Jake:

But here is what Ames said in a recent interview with Chris Bloom of WEFL.Ames: I\'m tired of you reporters and your stupid questions.It\'s my land and I\'ll do whatever I want to with it, and I\'m not going to change just because of a little pollution.Now get out! Chris: Do you care about the animals at the Nature Center? Ames: I hate animals!...Get out, Ms.Bloom! Jake:

Thomas Ames shouldn\'t be allowed to build at the Nature Center.The water will be polluted.The animals there could be killed.The farm could be ruined.But WEFL has recently discovered that Thomas Ames was lying about his deed.The deed to Thomas Ames\'s land prohibits building there without the permiion of the City.Whether to give that permiion will be decided tomorrow.WEFL will keep you informed of all details involving this critical iue.

Leon 11 I\'m going to have my hair cut once a month.Rita:

I\'m proud of you, Chris.You did a great job.Do you realize that because of your research, the Stamford Nature Center will probably be saved? Chris: I just hope the right decision will be made.What do you want me to do with these? Rita:

Throw them away, I gue.I can\'t go on saving everything.Chris: Look at those ladies in that beauty parlor.Can you imagine sitting there getting your hair cut and having your nails done? Who has the time? Who has the patience? Rita: I do.At least now that I\'m retiring, I have the time.I tell you, I\'m going to have my hair cut once a month.I\'m going to have my nails manicured once a week.I\'m going to get my hair done once a week.Chris: Really? You? I just can\'t imagine you sitting around leading that kind of life.I thought you\'d be having adventures.Rita:

I have it all planned.Every Monday, I\'m going to get my back maaged.On Tuesdays, I\'m going to have my house cleaned.On Wednesdays, I\'m going to have my nails done.On Thursdays, I\'m going to get my hair done, and on Fridays, I\'m going to relax.Chris:

That sounds like you\'ve gotten your first week of retirement taken care of.What are you going to do after that? Rita:

There are so many things I\'ve wanted to do, but I just haven\'t had the time.I haven\'t had my car serviced in

- 41back, and I love it.Chris:

Am I making a mistake? Should I ask Steven now? Mike:

Definitely.Steven hasn\'t been this happy since his baby was born.Chris:

I just don\'t want to blow it.Mike:

You\'re not going to.He knows you did a great job on the research for Jake\'s story .He knows you\'re a good reporter.Ask him now.Chris:

OK.Just wish me luck.Mike:

Good luck! Rita:

Do you have a lot more work to do? Terry: I\'ll be done in a few minutes.Hey, you look beautiful.Rita:

Really? You should have your eyes examined.Terry: No, really.Your hair looks very pretty.Rita:

I had it done at the beauty parlor.Do you like it? Terry: Very much.Rita:

Good.Now do me a favor and take me to lunch.Terry: The show will be edited in a few minutes.Rita:

Please hurry up, Terry.I\'m so hungry, I could eat a horse.Terry: So why go out? Why don\'t we have some food delivered? Rita:

Eat lunch here? Nothing ever changes.I\'ll never get out of this place.Chris: He said yes.Steven hired me as a reporter.I\'ve never been so excited in my life.Jake:

That\'s wonderful, Chris.That\'s great you were hired.We\'ll work a lot together.Chris:

This is the best thing that has ever happened to me.Jake:

The best thing? Chris:

One of the best things.Jake:

Want to have dinner to celebrate? Chris:

I\'d love to.Jake:

Eight o\'clock.Chris:

Eight o\'clock tomorrow night would be great.Jake:

Tomorrow night? Chris: Sorry.I have plans tonight.Jake:

OK,I gue.Chris: But I think I\'ll cancel them.Jake: All right.Steven: Mike, it\'s been a rough couple of months.I\'m really looking forward to the fishing trip on Sunday.Mike:

So am I, Steven.So am I.

The United States of America

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