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Directions: Addison said,“Every man should have a purpose in life.A man without a purpose lives on, like a cabbage in a field, but he knows no life.” According to him, having a purpose in life is very important for us.With Addison’s words as your point, write an eay with no le than 300 words.You can add a title by yourself.



“The more you do, the more mistakes you will make.” This is true, but we can not avoid making mistakes.Mistakes are indispensable.

When we grow up and on the way to succe, we have to face all sorts of problems and make many choices.Sometimes we make mistakes—we are in big trouble and we However, as long as we are doing what we like, we feel happy.Also, making mistake is a kind of “I was so stupid at that time”, but we will never regret—what we have done are for our dreams! Yes, mistakes may make our life journey difficult and challenging, but that is what really makes life meaningful and beautiful, isn’t it?

But what can we do now? Parents always want to “protect” us from making mistakes, so they don’t give us too many chances to try.They don’t want us to be someone who is “unusual”, but tell us to be what they want us to be.We are in a hard situation—we want to achieve our own dreams, but our parents want us to do things as they tell us to.We also love our parents, we don’t want to let them down.So we choose to listen to them instead of following our heart most of the time.However, I really want to say: dear parents, can you give us an opportunity to be ourselves? We will never really grow up and learn until we start making our own mistakes.Mistakes are our valuable wealth.Without them, our lives will be incomplete.

Finally, it is natural for us to make some mistakes.Though we may be hurt sometimes, we learn more from them.The things we learn and the experiences we have will be of good help in the future, and we will have a better tomorrow.

“The more you do, the more mistakes you will make.” This is true, but we can not avoid making mistakes.Mistakes are indispensable.

When we grow up and on the way to succe, we have to face all sorts of problems and make many choices.Sometimes we make mistakes—we are in big trouble and we really want and need in our lives.Also, as long as we are doing what we like, we feel happy.Many years later, when we think about the mistakes we have made, we may laugh and say: “I was so stupid at that time”, but we will never regret—what we have done are for our dreams! Yes, mistakes may make our life journey difficult and challenging, but that is what really makes life meaningful and beautiful, isn’t it?

But what can we do now? Parents always want to “protect” us from making mistakes, so they don’t give us too many chances to try.They don’t want us to be someone who is “unusual”, but tell us to be what they want us to be.We are in a hard situation—we want to achieve our own dreams, but our parents want us to do things as they tell us to.We also love our parents, we don’t want to let them down.So we choose to listen to them instead of following our heart most of the time.However, I really want to say: dear parents, can you give us an opportunity to be ourselves? We will never really grow up and learn until we start making our own mistakes.Mistakes are our valuable wealth.Without them, our lives will be incomplete.

Finally, it is natural for us to make some mistakes.Though we may be hurt sometimes, we learn more from them.The things we learn and the experiences we have will be of good help in the future, and we will have a better tomorrow.

















营别:□决赛圆梦营 □飞跃突破营


















































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Read the following paragraph and write a composition as stated at about 300 words in 60 minutes.Your composition will be graded according to clarity, accuracy and meaningfulne.

Some experts claim that parents` attitudes toward solving teenage problems are crucial determinants of child personality development.Do you agree or disagree? What role does parental attitude play in child rearing and personality development? You writing ought to contain three parts, your viewpoint, the supporting ideas, and the conclusion.



Read the following paragraph and write a composition as stated at about 300 words in 60 minutes.Your composition will be graded according to clarity, accuracy and meaningfulne.

In accordance with CRI news, the spirit of Chinese volunteers, from responding to the May 12 earthquake to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, not only touched the Chinese people, but also generated worldwide attention.Official statistics show that china has accumulated about 8 billion hours of volunteer work from 380 million volunteers since 1993 and is going to have more and more volunteers, especially the youth.

How do you understand volunteer work? In what way(s) is it important to promote the well-being of individuals, families, communities and the world at large? Your writing ought to contain three parts, your viewpoint, the supporting ideas, and the conclusion.


Directions: Some people maintain that universities are the best place for young people to receive higher education; other people believe that young people can be equally educated by taking correspondence courses or going to evening claes and open universities in their spare time.

Write an article of about 300 words in which you compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of formal university education and informal higher education.Which do you think is more effective and desirable? Support your argument with appropriate examples or illustrations.命题思路:本试题要求学生对比高等教育的两种主要形式:正规的大学课堂教育与函授、夜大学、电视大学等业余的非正规高等教育。学生必须在对比权衡两种不同模式的利弊后,阐述自己的观点,并有适当的例证。

Informal Higher Education Serves Better

Although most students are still fighting for the diploma in universities after graduation from high school, it has been a clear trend that more and more students choose to start their working career earlier and receive informal higher education, which in my opinion, serves better to build more competition (competitive) and suitable personal abilities.

Informal higher education offers better opportunities to adapt to social life for students, and help them understand better the reality of their social community and responsibilities they are to take.Compared with those who spend entirely their time in the (on) campus, students who take evening claes could contact with more people, develop their communication skills and social behaviors during working hours.They know better how cruel and realistic the society is and that it is your power and capabilities that only speak.They understand and adapt better to the preure of life‟s difficulties which in universities could hardly be realized.

Secondly, after experiencing real working life, these (those) who attend correspondence courses would know better what kind of knowledge and abilities they must master, which definitely help them in future advancement and career choices.Suppose you‟re a graduate from high school and become an aist of a car repairing workshop.Then you‟ll have to know how the engine and different parts of the car works and how to deal with various crisises (emergent problems).Therefore, night schools‟ education (evening claes) would enable you (插入 to) acquire more specialized knowledge which are fit to you.However, in universities, you have to learn a great many courses, some of which are comparatively usele and can even make you bewilded of future

(bewildered to the future).

Furthermore, as they have more time to manage for themselves, students drop higher education in universities could earn some money and gain earlier start in career.These will ease their families‟ burdens and satisfy their desire for basic money needs.As a matter of fact, nowadays, more than a few American teens abandon university‟ s education and try to become a worker like air-conditional repairer (air-conditioner repairman) who can earn as much as $ 30, 000 for the first year.Thus, their decisions benefit themselves and their families.

Conclude (To conclude) from all the facts talked above, we can safely arrive at the summary that informal higher education is more efficient and serves better.It make (makes) you ahead of others in career development with more competitive skills, fit knowledge, pre cious experiences of social life and more leisure to earn some eential financial supports.As we‟ll one day indulge ourselves in the real soci (walk into the realistic society,) informal higher education serves better for our present and future developing.(development)

Universities or Informal Education?

It is an undeniable fact that, nowadays, a controversial debate has (插入 been) risen as to whether universities or informal higher education is more eential for students, (which is more eential for students, universities or informal higher education).People vary in their opinions on this question.

Those who are in favor of universities often provide the following evidence.First of all, universities are run by the government and seem to be more reliable, whereas informal higher education is short of serious disciplines.Moreover universities have the incomparable merits that with students living in their dormitories they provide (are provided) plenty of time to gain the knowledge they long for.

Neverthele, there are also people who set forth a totally opposite idea.They claim that there are various kinds of informal education ranging from correspondence courses to open universities and evening claes, from which students can choose freely according to their own needs and likes.Furthermore, students can get more spare time to step into other activities or continue their work during the daytime.While in universities, students have to stay inside all day.This, of course, will reject those workers who have an appetite for knowledge and want to further their study.

From my perspective, I think the former group‟s idea is more favorable.Three key components account for my choice.First and foremost, with a longer history, universities provide students with more accurate knowledge and can equip them better for their future career.What‟s more, during the four years of acdamic (academic) life, students can broaden their eyes, deepen their understanding, sharpen their mind and maintain specialized training.Last but not least, it is commonly accepted that universities are more experienced in education and have a better environment for students to develop themselves both mentally and physically.

Taking all these factors into consideration, I confidentally (confidently) come to the conclusion that one should give priority to universifies.Only in this way can they arm themselves with more knowledge and perfect their personalities.

Fruit & the Vitamin Medicine

With the world developing in (at) high speed, more and more young people take part in higher educated (education).Some of the (them) choose to go to universities, and the others joined evening claes and open universities or took correspondence courses.I think, if we put the formal university education as the fruits we eat and the informal higher education would be like the vitamin medicine.Both of them could give us what we need.

Let‟s see two examples: The first one is my elder sister, who studyed (studied) very well and went into Beijing University with a high mark.Now, after the four-year university life, she was employed by a lawyer firm and makes a large sum of money every year.

Another example is a girl who used to working in (work in) my father‟s bar.She was a country girl, (插入 and) she worked hard but got little money, so under my father‟s encouragement, she attended an evening cla in spare time.The first two years was a hard time, because on one hand, she must to (去掉) learn knowledge in the evening when she was very tired after one day\'s work; On the other hand, she had to make money to pay for the evening cla.But then her way was wider and wider, and now

she found a better job in a small company and can offer much more money to her poor family.

In my opinion, even both the girl and my sister got a good job at last, but I still think that enter (attending) formal university is better.Because in universities we could make more friends, we could get more chances to communicate with the experienced profeors, we could get more ways to receive information of our future jobs, and we could also send ourselves into the coulful (colorful) groups in the university so that we could have a happier higher educated life.But in the informal education, there could not be so much fun.

Though I thought like this, but I have to say equally that both fruit and vitamin medicine can give us the vitamins we need, the only difference between them is that some people love fruits and the others may thought (think) having medicine is easier.So whatever you choose, the fruit or the medicine (the formal university education or the informal higher education), the most important is that you can get the knowledge you wanted, isn\'t it?

Directions: We can be sure that most people have experienced failure and succe.Most often, when we are succeful we are happy.If we fail, we are sad.Now, you are asked to write an eay on the topic of Failure and Succe.You can give some examples and facts to support your opinion.Your eay should be written in English with on le than 300 words within 60 minutes.

Failure Leads to Succe

Staring at my marks, I was trembling.The highlighted „50‟ was like explosions in the sky (a bolt from the blue) , which suggested I was (去掉) utterly failed.However, to my astonishment, my mother didn‟t keep a straight face with my paper in hand.Slowly she said, “It‟s compulsory to face the music, boy.Always remember: Failure leads to succe.” Ever since then, I committed those words to memory to stand up again after failure.

My dear friends, failure is not dire.What is (去掉) really awesome is giving yourselves over to the bad mood after failure.It‟s a common sense that everybody wants to end up in succe, so sparing no effort to work hard becomes a corollary.In history, examples of peoples who succeeded after failure were as many as stars can be (去掉).

For instance, Edison was kicked out of school on account of his bad grades.However, he immediately overcame the sadne and committed himself to scientific invention.Then, as we all know, he became the greatest inventor after failure and was universally highly though (thought) of.From this, we can see, failure never defeated Edison.On the contrary, failure turned into the power of his succe.

On top of that, I want to mention Alert Einstein, whose life was considered a downright failure by his teachers.Alert‟s teacher used to maintain that he (the boy) was too iconoclastic and inevitable to become a philistine.Alert took a very view of that.He developed his interest in physics and tried his best to do research on some moscopolitan (cosmopolitan) problems.At last, his “Theory of Relativity” made the world convinced that he was succeful.

Depending on my personal experience and emotional concern, failure is totally the darkne before dawn.if (If) we pull ourselves out of the black aby, we will see the sun shining above the horizon.” God helps those who help themselves.” Only when we help ourselves in (out of) failure, it eventually leads to succe (can we eventually achieve succe).

Attitudes towards Failure and Succe

It‟s no exaggeration to compare our life stage to a battle field which is loaded with both failure and succe.From cradle to grave, people from different levels of life, almost everyone has to experience different kinds of battles: the competitions between students, between businemen, even between countries, etc.As a consequence, we will face not only succe but also failure.From the point of my view, proper attitudes should be taken towards failure and succe.

Most often, when we are succeful we are happy.After all, competition means that one do (does) one‟s utmost to reach for things which are wanted by others, blow that you are succeful, it means that you are the winner.So to speak, everyone dreams of succeeding and it‟s common to be happy if your dream comes into reality.However, just as an old saying goes: Pride goes before a fall.We mustn‟t sink our self (ourselves) into the world of flowers and congratulations.Come down to earth, more things of the eence remained to be done yet.History abounds with the example of that.Qing Dynasty fell behind other countries on account of its ridiculous satisfaction.It closed its window to the world and no foreign trades were allowed.Finally, it was beaten

by western countries.

Thus, we must be aware of the circumstances and can‟t be too proud of ourselves.Meanwhile, as failure is unavoided (unavoidable) in our life, more attention should be paid to failure.

First and foremost, we must absorb leons from our failure.One mustn‟t fall in the same place twice.Just as a proverb goes: Fall in a pit gain in your wise (A fall into a pit, a gain is your wit).Besides, everyone makes mistakes.Someone has said that show me a man who never makes mistakes and I will show you a person with two heads.That is to say, it‟s undeniable for one to make mistakes and failure is a piece of dish that everyone must taste, despite (although) you are reluctant to face it.As a result, positive attitude (attiutdes) should be taken towards failure.Failure is the mother of succe.Only if you are aware of that, you will succeed in the end.As is known to all, Napolon (Napoleon) is considered as the greatest person in France.He had experienced numerous wars before he succeeded.I remember that he once said, “You can never find „ failure‟ in my dictionary.“ Yes, he succeeded and he never regreted (regretted) for what he had done.Keep in mind that there is only one winner, but everyone should strive for it.Most often, the obstacle to succe is not our failure, but is our fears.If you failed, cheer up, everthing (everything) will be OK.

All in all, no matter it is sunny or cloudy, as long as we take positive attitudes towards it, succe will finally come.Confidence is the first step to succe.Come on, we are the best.

Failure and Succe

No one can avoid being influenced by failure and succe.As far as I know, there are countle people, who enjoy a high level of reputation, suffering from a great deal of failure and succe.Actually, the road of Life is twittered (littered) with boulders and pitted with holes.It seems the same that life is filled with failure and succe, making it more and more colorful .Because of them, the life is a long wonderful word.

As (插入 the) saying goes that no cro, no crown, failure always wins respect of many great scientists, for it adds color to the dull routine of everyone‟s life.For example, Madam Cuie (Madame Curie) suffered a large number of sufferings, achieving her goals.Eventually, she won the Nobel (插入Prize).Though it‟s poible to measure the value of material goods in terms of money, it‟s extremely difficult to estimate the true value of failure, for it maybe marks the prelude to a series of succe.

Obviously, succe is a shining star sought by a great many people.Some people hold a view that achieving one‟s goals is the only succe that matters.Frankly speaking, achieving one‟s goals is just a personal succe.Whether or not it is accepted by society depends on what the goals are and what the ways are.If your succe is built on another‟s suffering, it‟s not only unacceptable, but also immoral.In the light of this statement, Making (making) a contribution to society is the best way to enjoy succe, for your efforts and values are appreciated by society, so you will be succeful in the eyes of the public.

In the final analysis, failure is connected to succe, and they exert a great influence on us everyday.As a result, the more the failure we suffered, the more (greater) the succe we gained.So, come on, everyone, let‟s be greed of (greedy for) failure so that we can poe a colorful future filled with flowers!



Directions: Addison said,“Every man should have a purpose in life.A man without a purpose lives on, like a cabbage in a field, but he knows no life.” According to him, having a purpose in life is very important for us.With Addison’s words as your point, write an eay with no le than 300 words.You can add a title by yourself.人生目标(词语解析)

常常有人问;我从哪里来,我要到哪里去,却不问我到这里干什么,有什么任务 人生目标的不选择,可以看看猪是没有选择的,牛是没有选择的,春去冬来,与叶同腐。是一种自然现象。牛其以耕地却不懂鸟会飞翔。 人生目标的错误选择 人生目标有什么任务呢?当然是来这里适应这个世界,适应及促成这个宇宙的从无到有的规律。如果反对规律,此乃毁灭,这在宇宙没出生之前的时间已经度过了,没意思的,所以一定要促成这个宇宙的从无到有的规律,才有意思,再说反对规律就是到处碰壁,拿石头砸自己的脚,是自毁,是很痛的,是下下策,是不动脑子的,被贫穷所迫的,被自己脑子惰性限制所迫的,被因为选择反对规律被规律折磨的造成脑子惰性限制所迫



我的目标是成为一个企业家,我的目标是让我的父老乡亲们共同富裕起来。 也可以说,是自己的一个人生规划,这个规划在某种意义上是比较人文化,社会化的。

人生目标使我们在规划人生的同时可以更理性的思考自己的未来,初步尝试性的选择未来适合自己从事的事业和生活,尽早(多从学生时代)开始培养自己综合能力和综合素质。每个人都应该有自己的目标,并为之而奋斗。 上帝让每个人都玩同样的游戏就是“人生”。只要好好走下去就会是最后的赢家!朝着自己的目标奋斗吧!























The Difference in Income Sources between American and Chinese Student

As is described in the chart, we can clearly learn that Chinese students depend on parents much more than American students.It is reported that American students get a large amount of income from their part-time jobs rather than from parents which suggests that American students are much more independent.

There are many reasons accounting for that case.First of all, as we all know, Chinese students are ordered to keep on studying for a long time in order to pa exams while American students have much more free time when they can earn money.Secondly American students are taught to be independent when they are young.On the other hand, Chinese students’ priority is to study well since they set foot into schools.Thirdly, American government allows children to do part-time jobs, while Chinese government doesn\'t.Last but not least, the college scholarships in China are not enough to meet most of Chinese students\' needs.As a result, it\'s quite evident that why there exists such a big difference in income sources.As we all know, the way American students use to earn money will make

them much more independent, while we Chinese students will never catch up with up with them.So it’s high time that we were supposed to take measures.

In my opinion, the Chinese should learn from Americans.The students should find more chances for part-time jobs in spite of parents\' help, because they can not only lighten the heavy load of high tuitions fees on their family, but also gain neceary social skills and experience in communication or others.By means of doing part-time jobs, they can also have an objective view on this country, and even develop their creative ability.Therefore, Chinese students\' income source should be diversified.(294)


Doctor: Hello! What’s wrong with you? You aren’t looking very well.Come here and I’ll give you

a check.

Patient: Yes, I am not feeling very well, do you think I have come here just for fun?

Doctor:Oh, I didn’t mean that! I just want to help you, because I am an expert, I have learnt about

thousands of disease, so I think I can help you.

(A few minutes later…)

Oh, your disease is rare.Let me look over the medical books.Maybe I can find other

disease the same as yours.Don’t worry, I need observe you for some days.

Patient: You have to learn about thousands of diseases, but I only have to focus on fixing what\'s

wrong with ME! Now which one of us do you think is the expert?

Nowadays, health is taken notice by more and more people.Going for doctors is an important part of people’s life.So being a good doctor is neceary, especially being an expert.As every knows, experts have high status and more salaries than ordinary doctors.Experts should being competent for their jobs and reliable for their patients.

Li Shizhen, a famous doctor in Chinese history.He tasted hundreds of herbs and wrote books for helping people.Norman Bethune, he worked selflely in China as a doctor and saved many Chinese soldiers.From this, we can see that they were remembered by people because of their great qualities.

But how to become a competent expert?

First of all, an expert should skilled in the area he studies.He should know the patients’ condition according to his knowledge and rich experience.And he should also know how to deal with the problem and recover patients’ health


Besides some eential knowledge, an expert should also have a warm heart.Sometimes, there are some impolite patients.An expert should patiently communicate with them.Some patients think about they know their disease clearly, so they don’t listen to the experts’ advice.When those things happen, the experts should explain to the patients.Because the patient is the expert of god.

All in all, being a competent expert not only for occupation requirements, but also for own’s responsibility.That’s is the most important.


11 Directions: Would you expect a “thank you” when you give your seat to an old man, or a woman with her baby? How do you feel if they take your seat without even taking a look at you? Would you be angry? You are given 60 minutes to state your view on the topic within le than 300 words.You can add a title by yourself.

“Thank you”—a powerful gift

Recently, some individuals would not give their seats to the old or the pregnant as the result of no reaction given back.Naturally, problems arouses: Must we demand a “thank you” when we give a seat to others? As my opinion, a “thank you” is both beneficial to the seat sharers and the ones who take the seat.

A smile and a “thank you” paid back can promote the phenomenon of giving seats and enhance the moral value of the society.The first time Igave my seats to a pregnant and she smiled to me saying “thank you”.That time I felt the flower of my heart come out and bloomed .So I kept on doing that until an old lady once stared at me without saying a word when I gave my seat to her.I felt as if I would never do that again and got off of the bus.Apparently, the simple smile and words motivate people to do more moral things for the ones needing help while everyone is longing for a “thanks” when they do things for you.Your reactions are really important to others.

If we are ignored by the ones who take your seat, do not be sad and keep on doing the things we think are right.We might be disappointed ,or even sad, when we are ignored as our own view.But have you ever thought that the impolite actions might be reasonable? Maybe those individuals were in a bad mood and did not tend to talk to anyone else.Or maybe they just got some bad news of their body and were extremely week so that they could not make an reaction.Standing in others view can always alleviate our disappointment on them and encourage us to keep on the good things.We should always believe that the world ,with our positive outlook and action, will be increasingly beautiful and warm and advance morally.

In conclusion, we should continue to give seats to others and give others a thank you and a smile when they do the same to us.Like the saying : “Giving others roses and the scent will remain.” Let’s make our slightest action as a gift to others and contribute to a happier world positively.

10 Directions: Chinese people always have the tradition of helping others; regardle of a friend or a stranger.However, in recent years, people find that when they try to help others, some changes are taking places.One of the most common examples is that, a paer-by who sent an injured senior people to hospital would be very likely to be recognized as the accident-maker.This kind of events is being rerun again and again.When trapped in the dilemma of tradition and trouble, what would be your choice?

The rose\'s in others’ hand, the flavor in mine.

News about helping others but getting punished are often seen these days with negative effects.Inevitably, debate has arisen: whether or not we should keep on helping others? People think variously.As far as I am concerned, I would choose to keep on helping others and deepen the Chinese moral value of helping others in my mind for reasons below.

To begin with, helping others, one regarded as our traditionally moral value, enhance the positive power of our society.For example,Lei Feng , one that always help others in his life, behaved as a positive moral role, teaching children of China to help others and awaking public of their social responsibilities.Apparently, we can see that if you do minors to help ones, then those who receive your help are more likely to help others, thus enhancing the positive power of our society.

Furthermore, giving others a hand while they are in need can make ourselves more confident and happy.As a student, have you ever taught your clamates on how to work out a hard exercise? If your answer is yes, then you must have felt the sense of happine and confidence from the bottom of your heart.Similarly, when we give others a hand, regardle of what way you do that, you will feel the real warm and happy like raising a flower till they broom in the spring.

Of course, you do not have to help others every time they need you.Concern about your power carefully before you help others.Do not risk your life to help them impulsively! If you can not help one immediately, you can turn to the adults or think about other ways to make it.

In a nutshell, the major reasons why we should help others, although there are some other minors, have been discued above.What we should do is attempt to help others no matter what the man think of you.Hopefully, the discuion would exert further concern of public in order to search a better answer and many individuals have changed their mind .Is that meaningful?


Should We Follow Fashions?


Some people say that fashion is just for selling clothes, so we should not follow it and we should dre what we like and feel comfortable in it.How far do you agree with them? Write an eay on the following topic: should we follow fashions?


Illustrate your view on the topic with no le than 250 words and write down your opinions and reasons so long as they are reasonable.

Should We Follow Fashions?

Chasing fashion is always a hot topic among teenagers and adults.Inevitably, debate has arisen: Whether or not should we follow the fashions? People think variously.As far as I am concerned, We should follow the fashions properly as discued below.

To begin with, following the trend is not just for special outlook, it is also believed as a way of keeping our pace with the world.As is known to all, many individuals are not willing to catch up with the advance trend, leading to their common position all their lives.Obviously, following the fashion is one of the ways to keep pace with the changing world.If you tend to lead the advanced culture and contribute to a new world, you have to follow the fashion first.

Furthermore, chasing the fashion is not a waste of money but a kind of invest to your outlook which enhance your social position.It is accepted by many manager that they would more like staff with fashion outlook than those who are out of fashion as a result of the fashionable ones always come up with more creative ideas and make more innovation.From that we can see that if you follow the trend ,you will get advantages over others in chances and social position.

However, everything is never without its drawbacks.Some individuals, especially teenagers, lack self-control in terms of the money they spend on fashion.We have to know that our chasing fashion is based on our well-being life and enough disposable deposit.Fortunately, schools and medias have taken some measures to addre the iue.

In a nutshell, the major reasons why we should follow the fashion ,although there are some other minors, have been discued above.What we should do is properly follow the fashion .Hopefully, the discuion would exert further concern of public in order to search a better answer and lead public to the real fashion.Is that meaningful?




How to Eliminate Fake Diplomas

As is known to us all, jobs or something else.What’s worse, someone even takes faking diplomas as their jobs.

It is generally accepted that faking diplomas does no good to not only the universities or companies but also the owners.The universities or companies may have some low-skilled students or workers, which will make the institutions suffer a lot.For the owners, faking diplomas may cause a bad thought in their mind, because they hold the opinion that faking diplomas can solve all the problems.If this trend came into being, the whole society would be in such a me.Therefore, how to solve the problem is worth paying more attention to.What’s worse, our country may fall behind compared with other countries, if the trend continues.

The following ways can be adopted to eliminate fake diplomas.Firstly, the universities and companies can have a search to see whether the diplomas are real or not online.Secondly, they can give exams to check whether they have skills.Thirdly, our government should take measures.For example, the government can set an online data base store to help universities or company check online conveniently.Last but not least, we, the civil, should set up a proper attitude to faking diplomas, and refuse to do that.And if we see someone is faking diplomas, we should give an alarm to the police in order to make a harmonious society.

It\'s true that we need high-skilled workers, but what we need more is honesty.Only if we treat others in honesty can we set up a world in harmony.However, eliminating fake diplomas is still on the way.We need to spare no effort to do that.Only when we stop this trend can we live in a fair society.

Never Give Up

As an old proverb goes, never give up.At anytime, whether giants in any field or common people, the old saying can refer to them.No doubt, only with the determination of “Never giver up” can we achieve the final succe.

Many remarkable reasons contribute to this argument.First of all, succe usually can’t be achieved until after a lot of failures.It is not unusual for us to fail in our first attempt at something new, so we should not feel discouraged by our failures but should try again, which is the main basic spirit of “never give up”.What’s more, a lot of scientific achievements are created under the spirit.For example, if Edison had given up his research after a few failures, we might not have the electric light today.

If WangXizhi once had given up his ambition to write excellently, I’m afraid we might not have the brilliant handwriting.Besides, we can develop confidence from our mistakes and failures.In addition, it also helps us to improve our skills.

All mentioned above tell us that it is neceary for us to do the right things without giving up.If we give up, we will not achieve anything.Besides, if we give up, it may make us lose heart.And if we always give up when confronted with difficulties, we will not be able to develop new skills and see miracles come out

All in all, “never give up” is a basic requirement for us.Not only can we achieve succe but also make us confident.We should never give up when working towards our goals.Therefore, there is no denying that we should have the determination of “Never give up”, whatever we do.

Only with this belief in mind can we really achieve something.

The Difference in Income Sources between American and Chinese Student

As is described in the chart, we can clearly learn that Chinese students depend on parents much more than American students.It is reported that American students get a large amount of income from their part-time jobs rather than from parents which suggests that American students are much more independent.

爱心用心专心 1


There are many reasons accounting for that case.First of all, as we all know, Chinese students are ordered to keep on studying for a long time in order to pa exams while American students have much more free time when they can earn money.Secondly American students are taught to be independent when they are young.On the other hand, Chinese students’ priority is to study well since they set foot into schools.Thirdly, American government allows children to do part-time jobs, while Chinese government doesn\'t.Last but not least, the college scholarships in China are not enough to meet most of Chinese students\' needs.As a result, it\'s quite evident that why there exists such a big difference in income sources.

As we all know, the way American students use to earn money will make

them much more independent, while we Chinese students will never catch up with up with them.So it’s high time that we were supposed to take measures.

In my opinion, the Chinese should learn from Americans.The students should find more chances for part-time jobs in spite of parents\' help, because they can not only lighten the heavy load of high tuitions fees on their family, but also gain neceary social skills and experience in communication or others.By means of doing part-time jobs, they can also have an objective view on this country, and even develop their creative ability.Therefore, Chinese students\' income source should be diversified.

Telephone or letter

Quite a few people take it for granted that telephone has taken the place of letters.Even some hold the opinion that we don\'t need letters anymore.On the other hand, some prefer to write rather than make a phone call.In my view, I\'m in favor of the former.

Of course, writing can organize one\'s thoughts more logically.By writing they expre themselves more easily.But writing a letter takes a lot of time and sometimes it makes one so eager to receive his letter that he may get worried.Besides, it will cost us a lot of money if we want to write to a friend far from us.

As we all know, as a convenient way to making a phone call gets more and more popular.The following reasons can account for my argument.First, the telephone provides us a quick way to get connected tothe person who we want to contact.A good example is that it takes us only a few minutes to call an ambulance by phone.Second, by making a call, we can listen to the speaker\'s voice on the line as if we are talking face to face, which, I believe, can strengthen the relationship between each other.Third, it suits the world\'s fast current on economy and life style.If we wrote instead of making a phone call, we would lose chances or right time to earn money or to develop our companies.Last but not least, with the development of Internet, the Internet telephone is more popular, which costs a little.

All in all, I still hold the opinion that writing must be set aside(建议用make way) for making a phone call, because the former doesn\'t suit our fast steps at all.What we need is a much cheaper and fast way for daily life.(302)

爱心用心专心 2


11 Directions: Would you expect a “thank you” when you give your seat to an old man, or a woman with her baby? How do you feel if they take your seat without even taking a look at you? Would you be angry? You are given 60 minutes to state your view on the topic within le than 300 words.You can add a title by yourself.

―Thank you‖—a powerful gift

Recently, some individuals would not give their seats to the old or the pregnant as the result of no reaction given back.Naturally, problems arouses: Must we demand a ―thank you‖ when we give a seat to others? As my opinion, a ―thank you‖ is both beneficial to the seat sharers and the ones who take the seat.

A smile and a ―thank you‖ paid back can promote the phenomenon of giving seats and enhance the moral value of the society.The first time Igave my seats to a pregnant and she smiled to me saying ―thank you‖.That time I felt the flower of my heart come out and bloomed .So I kept on doing that until an old lady once stared at me without saying a word when I gave my seat to her.I felt as if I would never do that again and got off of the bus.Apparently, the simple smile and words motivate people to do more moral things for the ones needing help while everyone is longing for a ―thanks‖ when they do things for you.Your reactions are really important to others.

If we are ignored by the ones who take your seat, do not be sad and keep on doing the things we think are right.We might be disappointed ,or even sad, when we are ignored as our own view.But have you ever thought that the impolite actions might be reasonable? Maybe those individuals were in a bad mood and did not tend to talk to anyone else.Or maybe they just got some bad news of their body and were extremely week so that they could not make an reaction.Standing in others view can always alleviate our disappointment on them and encourage us to keep on the good things.We should always believe that the world ,with our positive outlook and action, will be increasingly beautiful and warm and advance morally.

In conclusion, we should continue to give seats to others and give others a thank you and a smile when they do the same to us.Like the saying : ―Giving others roses and the scent will remain.‖ Let’s make our slightest action as a gift to others and contribute to a happier world positively.

10 Directions: Chinese people always have the tradition of helping others; regardle of a friend or a stranger.However, in recent years, people find that when they try to help others, some changes are taking places.One of the most common examples is that, a paer-by who sent an injured senior people to hospital would be very likely to be recognized as the accident-maker.This kind of events is being rerun again and again.When trapped in the dilemma of tradition and trouble, what would be your choice?

有一句话推荐你思考一下:Virtue is its own reward.其实这个话题就是对这句话的思考。

The rose\'s in others’ hand, the flavor in mine.

News about helping others but getting punished are often seen these days with negative effects.我知道你开头想表达最近又有什么社会现象„„,这是很常见的开头套路,针对它的翻译也基本很难耍出什么新鲜花样,所以干脆换中文表达:最近我们常常看到这样的新闻„„。这个思路挺好的,但是with negative effects 很奇怪,去掉就可以了。

修改1:News about helping others but getting punished are often seen these days.


修改2:Good deeds can cost you a large fortune – it is nothing new in today’s China.

Inevitably, debate has arisen: whether or not we should keep on helping others? People think variously.纵观全文,中式英语是硬伤啊,你的词汇量神马绝对不是问题,但是用的是否准确就难说了。解决这个问题的方法很简单啊,积累,不要局限于导致,结果,因此这些逻辑连接词,任何可以精简你的文章的动词和名词都可以啊。


whether or not后面引导了宾语从句,陈述语序后面你加了问号?口语中可以,但是写作就显得不正式了。

修改:As a result, people often find themselves between a rock and a hard place whenever they run acro a person in need of help.On the one hand, they are in fear of being wrongly identified; on the other hand, they are morally obliged to lend a hand.


As far as I am concerned, I would choose to keep on helping others and deepen the Chinese moral value of helping others in my mind for reasons below.


修改:As far as I am concerned, despite all the poible consequences, I would still insist on helping others, as ―virtue is its own reward‖.


我的总观点很简单,因为美德本身就是一种奖励(A),所以我愿意继续帮助别人(B)。 那么我接下来必须要证明为什么美德本身就是一种奖励,(好难啊!T^T)









To begin with, helping others, one regarded as our traditionally moral value, enhance the positive power of our society.For example,Lei Feng , one that always help others in his life, behaved as a positive moral role, teaching children of China to help others and awaking public of their social responsibilities.Apparently, we can see that if you do minors to help ones, then those who receive your help are more likely to help others, thus enhancing the positive power of our society.


我摘录一点给你看看,如果你有兴趣就去看全文把 Basically it means that being a virtuous person is in your self-interest (It would benefit you).In other words being a moral person has a reward on its own.For example If you see an old man fall and you help him up, it would make you feel good about yourself.

对你有好处,这一段就有三种替换方法:be in your self-interest, benefit sb., has a reward on its own

Busine ethics? Hmm..I\'m not sure.You can include what Plato said about being a virtuous person.He said virtues are intrinsic to self-interest; he argued that there are 3 main virtues that we must all have: wisdom, courage and self-discipline.

intrinsic, (价值或性质)固有的,本质的,多么牛掰的一个词,我可以在自己的文章里说: According to Plato, there are 3 main virtues that we must have – wisdom, courage and self-discipline.If we give up extending our kindne to others due to fear, we lose the courage to face the evil, the wisdom to judge, the self-discipline that keeps the society in order.So instead of walking away and being tortured by the guilt brought by our intrinsic virtue, coming to people’s help is beneficial for both the helpers and the ones in trouble.



Virtue is its own reward, and brings with it the truest and highest pleasure; but if we cultivate it only for pleasure\'s sake, we are selfish, not religious, and will never gain the pleasure, because we can never have the virtue.

Furthermore, giving others a hand while they are in need can make ourselves more confident and happy.As a student, have you ever taught your clamates on how to work out a hard exercise? If your answer is yes, then you must have felt the sense of happine and confidence from the bottom of your heart.Similarly, when we give others a hand, regardle of what way you do that,

you will feel the real warm and happy like raising a flower till they broom in the spring.

Of course, you do not have to help others every time they need you.Concern about your power carefully before you help others.Do not risk your life to help them impulsively! If you can not help one immediately, you can turn to the adults or think about other ways to make it.

In a nutshell, the major reasons why we should help others, although there are some other minors, have been discued above.What we should do is attempt to help others no matter what the man think of you.Hopefully, the discuion would exert further concern of public in order to search a better answer and many individuals have changed their mind .Is that meaningful?


Should We Follow Fashions?


Some people say that fashion is just for selling clothes, so we should not follow it and we should dre what we like and feel comfortable in it.How far do you agree with them? Write an eay on the following topic: should we follow fashions?


Illustrate your view on the topic with no le than 250 words and write down your opinions and reasons so long as they are reasonable.

Should We Follow Fashions?

Chasing fashion is always a hot topic among teenagers and adults.Inevitably, debate has arisen: Whether or not should we follow the fashions? People think variously.As far as I am concerned, We should follow the fashions properly as discued below.

To begin with, following the trend is not just for special outlook, it is also believed as a way of keeping our pace with the world.As is known to all, many individuals are not willing to catch up with the advance trend, leading to their common position all their lives.Obviously, following the fashion is one of the ways to keep pace with the changing world.If you tend to lead the advanced culture and contribute to a new world, you have to follow the fashion first.

Furthermore, chasing the fashion is not a waste of money but a kind of invest to your outlook which enhance your social position.It is accepted by many manager that they would more like staff with fashion outlook than those who are out of fashion as a result of the fashionable ones always come up with more creative ideas and make more innovation.From that we can see that if you follow the trend ,you will get advantages over others in chances and social position.

However, everything is never without its drawbacks.Some individuals, especially teenagers, lack self-control in terms of the money they spend on fashion.We have to know that our chasing fashion is based on our well-being life and enough disposable deposit.Fortunately, schools and medias have taken some measures to addre the iue.

In a nutshell, the major reasons why we should follow the fashion ,although there are some other minors, have been discued above.What we should do is properly follow the fashion .Hopefully, the discuion would exert further concern of public in order to search a better answer and lead public to the real fashion.Is that meaningful?


11 Directions: Would you expect a “thank you” when you give your seat to an old man, or a woman with her baby? How do you feel if they take your seat without even taking a look at you? Would you be angry? You are given 60 minutes to state your view on the topic within le than 300 words.You can add a title by yourself.10 Directions: Chinese people always have the tradition of helping others; regardle of a friend or a stranger.However, in recent years, people find that when they try to help others, some changes are taking places.One of the most common examples is that, a paer-by who sent an injured senior people to hospital would be very likely to be recognized as the accident-maker.This kind of events is being rerun again and again.When trapped in the dilemma of tradition and trouble, what would be your choice?


Should We Follow Fashions?


Some people say that fashion is just for selling clothes, so we should not follow it and we should dre what we like and feel comfortable in it.How far do you agree with them? Write an eay on the following topic: should we follow fashions?


Illustrate your view on the topic with no le than 250 words and write down your opinions and reasons so long as they are reasonable.


Read the following paragraph and write a composition as stated at about 300 words in 60 minutes.Your composition will be graded according to clarity, accuracy and meaningfulne.

In accordance with CRI news, the spirit of Chinese volunteers, from responding to the May 12 earthquake to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, not only touched the Chinese people, but also generated worldwide attention.Official statistics show that china has accumulated about 8 billion hours of volunteer work from 380 million volunteers since 1993 and is going to have more and more volunteers, especially the youth.

How do you understand volunteer work? In what way(s) is it important to promote the well-being of individuals, families, communities and the world at large? Your writing ought to contain three parts, your viewpoint, the supporting ideas, and the


Come and join us in volunteer work right now!



With the development of computers, more and more people are working with computers.But, we know that computers are harmful as well as useful and helpful .Here, you are asked to write an eay on the topic “The Advantages and Disadvantages of Computers”.You can give some examples and facts to support your opinion.Your eay should be written in English with no le than 300 words within 60 minutes.


Writing Topic for Semifinals


We can be sure that most people have experienced failure and succe.Most often, when we are succeful we are happy.If we fail, we are sad.Now, you are asked to write an eay on the topic of Failure and Succe.You can give some example and facts to support your opinion.You can give some examples and facts to support your opinion.Your eay should be written in English with on le than 300 words within 60 minutes.



指导单位;湖南理工学院招生与就业指导处 主办单位: 湖南理工学院大学生创业协会 赞助单位:待定

目 录


























(六) 冠名宣传




(二)活动对象: 全院学生 (三)活动流程:


a.报名工作:设点报名,在南院食堂(15栋教学楼对面)和大学生俱乐部楼下广场。登记参赛者的项目和资料。时间待定。 b.宣传工作 c.活动申请





(环保创意 4分 , 排版2分, 字迹2分,构图新意2分)

3、奖品设置:一等奖一名 80元,二等奖二名 50元 三等奖三名 20元)

(评比结果在赛后用海报形式张贴公布 地点:南院新老食堂前;同时获奖选手将通过手机飞信进行通知 )




3、评比结果在赛后用海报形式张贴公布 地点:15栋教学楼宣传栏;同时获奖选手将通过手机飞信进行通知。










2、奖品:赞助商提供的优惠券或物资等 300

2、宣传单、横幅、海报: 300





3、本次活动我们的宣传度高,能为赞助商进行全方位的宣传,商家风险低,无形中提高了赞助商的信誉度和知名度,美化了企业形象,从而达到双赢的效果。我们相信这次活动一定可以在提高大家环 保创新意识的同时也为贵公司在本校树立良好的品牌形象。













8、本届大赛报名时间、报名条件、报名费用? ................1 第八届多少人报名?有多少优胜者? ....................1 报名方式、报名地点、交费方式? ..................2 团报怎么操作?........................2 第九届创新英语大赛比赛形式? ....................2 第九届创新英语大赛有那几个分赛区? ................3 第九届创新英语大赛初赛考试时间、考试内容? ................3 第九届创新英语大赛复赛报名时间、报名费用? ................3

9、第九届创新英语大赛复赛人数、复赛考试内容? ...........3

10、第九届创新英语大赛决赛时间、决赛内容? .............3

















答:上届有5000人报名,由于集中在北京进行复赛,所以只选取全国前400多名参加复赛,最终复赛到场参赛考生共403人,通过笔试和口试的严格选拔,评选冠亚季军各一名,按照大赛既定规则,决出到场参赛考生的30%为本届大赛优胜者,优胜者共122人。今年大赛组委会有没有复习资料、题库、培训班? ................4 评卷老师都是哪个学校的? ................4 初赛考试怎样保证公平性,怎样预防他人代考? .............4 参赛学生可得到的优惠条件?优胜者可以享有的高考优惠? .........4 对参赛学生辅导老师的表彰? ....................4 对组织团报的参赛学校的表彰? ................5 本次大赛组织单位? ....................5 可以享受到哪些学校的自主招生资格?...............5 大赛的优胜者都可以享受所有学校的自主招生资格吗? ...........5 是否真的可以享有高考优惠条件?教育部承认吗? ................6 关于自主招生: ....................6 咨询考试内容、考题类型、应该在哪方面着重复习? .............6 第九届大赛大约会有多少人报名?胜出的几率有多大? .........6








2、传真号码:【北京】传真010——64803790 【成都】传真028—86654294









































































Read the following paragraph and write a composition as stated at about 300 words in 60 minutes.Your composition will be graded according to clarity, accuracy and meaningfulne.In accordance with CRI news, the spirit of Chinese volunteers, from responding to the May 12 earthquake to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, not only touched the Chinese people, but also generated worldwide attention.Official statistics show that china has accumulated about 8 billion hours of volunteer work from 380 million volunteers since 1993 and is going to have more and more volunteers, especially the youth.

How do you understand volunteer work? In what way(s) is it important to promote the well-being of individuals, families, communities and the world at large? Your writing ought to contain three parts, your viewpoint, the supporting ideas, and the conclusion.

Come and join us in volunteer work right now!

On Volunteer

黄昕彤 辽宁省鞍山市鞍山一中108班

The definition of the word volunteer in Lougnan(Longman) Dictionary is someone who helps others sponstaneously(spontaneously) and willingly.That\'s true! Life is a style of enjoying yourself, not only by entertaing and enriding yourself, but also by the proce of helping others.

Undoubtfully, those volunteers reveal their great love and paion for their country.Love is the eternal theme of the world, Without hove(love), it\'s like birds without wings, failing to show its talents of flying, It\'s like spring without flowers, burying is charming fragrants in the deep soil.Their volunty work unites China, shouing the world how united Chinese people are shocking the world of its cooperation.

People around the country are making their efforts to helping others, which leaves the world an impreion that China is a veal country, and all the people here are like brothers and sisters, who cares a lot for others.You can never imagine how touched I was when I watched the TV program called “Moving China”.13 peasants from tangshang volunteered to help those victims of Sichuang on hearing the tremendous earthquake happened there, leaving all their farm work done in the field they sacrifiled anything and helped others at any cost, for they knew the glant pains the earthquake brings to people.They can never forget how much pains they havendertaken in the earthquake and how much help they have received from the world.They compared their own feelings to the victims and paed the splrit on.In this sense, people will pa the spirit from generation to queneration, from China to all over the world.Then, how sweet will the World be!

I have a dream that one day, I will be a member of the volunteer team.I have a dream that oneday, I\'ll make contributions to China however slightest it may be.I have a dream that one day I\'ll be a founder of a world Charity, helping people all over the world.I\'m firmly convinced that it will not only be a drean for me, but also a drean for people all over China, all over the world, and for the great Global Village.





陈茜 江苏省哈尔滨市第三中学高三18班

Dear grandfather:

How are you?

I am writing to invite you to join us, in the next year, to be a voluntear in the great event, which is to hold in Shanghai.We, a generation born in the 90s in our city, have made a team to do the volunteer work.And you are welcomed by all our team members awing to your great amount of knowledge about Chinese traditions and culture.Please don\'t tell me you are too old to do this job.I believe you are sure to accept my invitation after reading my following explannation of the importance of the volunteer work.

Nowadays, volunteer work, which has raised public interest and concern, is becomming more and more popular throughout the world.As is known to all, volunteer work is not only meaningful but also neceary.One my personal wete, what\'s more, it\'s interesting and pleasant! It help us develop oursel .

Firstly, for individuals, especially those young, to do volunteer work is an awailuabe wany to goin social experience.By doing volunteer work, they can meet vorrious people and they may run acro all kinds of troubles.They however, can become mature and determined by solving these problems.You know, no pains, no gains.Also, individuals will realize that they do make a difference in someone else\'s life, even the whole event, the world! Their confidence can be rovised and confidence is what it takes to do any job well.

For families, if you\'re the side that received the help of the volunteers, of couse your iue will be more easily dealt with.If you\'re the side who give others your hand, you will realize there exists no better way to educate your children that “a virtwre deserues amother” because you\'ll get the best presentsmall at first, contained within its banks, flood paionally then merged into the sea, for the sense of moral considerations.And now, I quite support to be a volunteer.

We can never forget these moving scenes: A group of adolecents from Beijing dashed to the City of Wenchuan who gave up their comfortable living situations and picked up the heavy burden to save people buried into the ground, while a middle aged white collar who threw away his computer and salary came here to fetch wictims\' lives from the death.It is volunteers who rushed to this place which has suffered from the catastrophe that gave a great help to those victims in need.A volunteer can support a piece of sky, and this one reason I am eager to join them.

Secondly, only a volunteer who is in active part in Beijing Olympic Games will he give a great help to those losers.It is volunteers who gave us a warm welcome to Beijing that put the glorious sports meeting from in chaos to in order.A person, as we know, who hasn’t join into the group of volunteer is one of the unfortunate victims of this society which is occupied with love.All of us are in high preure in this adverse circumstance.Our mind catches hold of something and will not let it go, if we choose the way to argue with the mind, the stronger the will, the more fuitile the task, so we, should choose a way to help others, to see the smile from others.Then the preure get out suiftly.I always go into rapture at a mere mention of being a volunteer and regard it as a person who is eager to help others or a group not in the same cla with the suburban social-climbers.It seems a cliché but a saying which is an infallibility that a splendid case can not leave a volunteer just as a fish can not live without water.



Let us shine

徐叶子 江苏省张家港市张家港外国语学校高二4班

Volunteers are just like diamonds in the sun, and the diamonds are forever, especially the youth.Volunteer work is just like a miracle.From the May 12th earthquake to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, volunteer work made unbelievable contributions.

60 years ago our country was set up, today we will celebrate its 60th birthday.In this proce, volunteer work did a lot of help and now our country is standing in the world just like a giant.In the past years, volunteers have helped a large number of people, the old, the young, the poor and the homele.All the volunteers know that the road ahead will be long and cragged, but no matter what obstacles stand in their way they will never stop.Because they have a creed and they believe everything is poible.Oh the creed of volunteer work, you make volunteers keep on going without hesitation.Oh the creed of volunteer work, you make volunteers hand in hand and be with together forever.Oh the creed of volunteer work, you make volunteers go to the edge of the world and let them know the true meaning of life.Do you know what the creed is? Yes, it is love.With love, volunteer work makes people open their mind and let them find the sky is theirs.With love, volunteer work makes people look into their hearts and let the sunshine in.With love, volunteer work makes people believe that smilers will never lose and frowners will never win.

I know something has changed because of volunteer work.I know it for real because it feels so right and the world looks so much brighter.Love is important to volunteer work and volunteer work is important to the whole world.

The infinite sky is motionle and the blue ocean is boisterous.This moment is perfect.Let us become volunteers and try our best in volunteer work.It can be the start of something new and it\'s our turn to learn some or win some.So, let\'s make a wish and get ready to shine like diamonds.


建议该考生在语言流畅的基础之上,注意两方面问题。第一,用词更具体些,避免使用语义较为空泛的表达,如learn some or win some。第二,文章华美有余,但逻辑层次不足。需加强句子与句子之间以及段落与段落间的逻辑性。




My name is ________.I am graduate from ________ senior high school and major in ________.There are ________ people in my family.My father works in a computer company.And my mother is a housewife.I am the youngest one in my family.

In my spare time, I like to read novels.I think reading could enlarge my knowledge.As for novels, I could imagine whatever I like such as a well-known scientist or a kung-fu master.In addition to reading, I also like to play PC games.A lot of grownups think playing PC games hinders the students from learning.But I think PC games could motivate me to learn something such as English or Japanese.My favorite course is English because I think it is interesting to say one thing via different sounds.I wish my English could be improved in the next four years and be able to speak fluent English in the future.


I am ___________.I was born in _________ .I graduate from senior high school and major in English.I started learning English since I was 12 years old.My parents have a lot of American friends.That’s why I have no problem communicating with Americans or others by speaking English.

In my spare time, I like to do anything relating to English such as listening to English songs, watching English movies or TV programs, or even attending the activities held by some English clubs or institutes.I used to go abroad for a short- term English study.During that time, I learned a lot of daily life English and saw a lot of different things.

I think language is very interesting.I could expre one substance by using different sounds.So I wish I could study and read more English literatures and enlarge my knowledge.


My name is___________ .There are 4 people in my family.My father is a Chemistry teacher.He teaches chemistry in senior high school.My mother is an English teacher.She teaches English in the university.I have a younger brother, he is a junior high school student and is preparing for the entrance exam.

I like to read English story books in my free time.Sometimes I surf the Internet and download the E- books to read.Reading E- books is fun.In addition, it also enlarges my vocabulary words because of the advanced technology and the vivid animations.

I hope to study both English and computer technology because I am interested in both of the subjects.Maybe one day I could combine both of them and apply to my research in the future.


My name is __________ .I am from ______________ .There are _______________ people in my family.My father works in a computer company.He is a computer engineer.My mother works in a international trade company.She is also a busy woman.I have a older sister and a younger brother.My sister is a junior in National Taiwan University.She majors in English.My brother is an elementary school student.He is 8 years old.

Because of my father, I love surfing the Internet very much.I play the on-line game for about 2 hours every day.I wish I could be a computer program designer in the future.And that is why I am applying for the electronics program in your school.Sample5:

From a middle cla family, I was born in Hsin Ying, Tainan on October 10th, 1965.My father is a civil official at Tainan City Government.My mother is a house wife good at cooking.Although I am the only child of my parents, I am by no mans a spoiled one.On the contrary, I have been expected to be a succeful man with advanced education.I study hard at school.Besides texts knowledge, journalism is my favorite; whenever reading, my heart is filled with great joy and interesting.

“Being good is must; succeful, however, is plus.” Father adopts the idea of his father.Especially in military service, I realized it more precisely.People said: Military service makes a boy to man, I agree that.

I realized the importance of English and began to study diligently when I was eighteen.I did not start in my early age, but I hope that I could pa the test of General English Proficiency Test.And this is my best wish at the moment.


After completing my military service, I have been looking for a challenging goal for me to achieve.And I found that the Intermediate of General English Proficiency Test fits my new achievement properly.

I graduated from Taipei Commercial Junior College, majored in busine administration.Instead of spending much time in playing, I devoted myself to my studies and paid attention to all meaningful things happened in daily life.By the way, I learned a lot from Mr.Wang, the profeor of my busine cla.He is my good friend till now an often gives some appropriate suggestions toward my problem confusion.

My father is, in the same way, a good consultant to me.As he said: I am in poor education,

little for you; to clarify, what he have given is far beyond his words, I do think so.I was born in a country of Ping Tung Country, farming is our career of generations.There are four people in my family, Mother is housewife and my brother is a student of an Agriculture College.I am optimistic and active, and I am confident that I can pa the test.Thank you for your precious to read my autobiography.

Good morning,my dear teachers,my dear profeors.I am very glad to be here for your interview.My name is Song Yonghao,I am 22 years old.I come from Luoyang,a very

beautiful ancient city.my undergraduate period will be accomplished in Chang\'an university in July,2004;and now,I am trying my best for obtaining a key to Tongji University.Generally speaking,I am a hard working student especially do the thing I am interested in.I will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is.When I was sophomore,I found web design very interesting,so I learned it very hard.To weaver a homepage for myself,I stayed with my personal computer for half a month,and I am the first one in my cla who own his homepage.Furthermore,I am a person with great

perseverance.During the days preparing for the first examination,I insist on running every day,no matter what the weather was like.And just owning to this,I could concentrate on my study and succeeded in the end.

Well,in my spare time,I like basketball,tennis and Chinese che.Also English is my favorite.I often go to English corner to practise my oral English on every Thursday,and write compositions to improve my written ability.But I know my English is not good enough,I will continue studying.

Ok, that is all, thank you for your attention.

第17篇:创新英语大赛初赛The rose and the flavor

The rose and the flavor

In contemporary society, the topic of effectivene has become dramatically prevalent and pervasive.Growing numbers of people are eager to choose an efficient and effective life style.However, how can we approach to it succefully? Quantities of recipes are given and

shinning in books.From where I stand, in order to achieve the target, we do need to lay stre on thinking win-win.Such a rewarding habit is thinking win-win that we could reap much more fruits from the proce of cooperation.My following experience could show some evidence to support my view.Our school pre corps, which is set up recently, is a dynamic and energetic team.Last year, as a journalist of the team, I was always required to write a pre release in a week about our new school uniforms.Sometimes, surrounded by little material, I felt like I am in a maze and incapable of determining where to start.Although pushed by the deadline, I was still uninspired, and I would feel gradually that all my imaginative power has declined.It is really awful for me.Fortunately, one of my closed friends, making a thorough survey at the same time, came and asked for my help.I promised to her request without hesitation.On that afternoon, it only cost us three days to accomplish all tasks, and we both got what we need then: she the perfect surveys, and I sufficient materials.

From a brand new perspective, thinking win-win has a tendency to set up an enormous amazing and positive impact on us.If we think win-win, other people will catch the sweet fruits and reflect their intelligent ideas in turn, which may do a huge favor for us to ponder over the situation from a diametrically new angle.I will show you another true story about myself.Last semester, the grade of my clamates was on the decline.The disappointing fact not only attractour head teacher\'s attention but also mine.After a clamates\' meeting, we got to put up a clamate-union which was consist of we clamates.Our duty is to help others solve different challenges during in the proce of learning, meanwhile the academic record of the union members was supervised by the other clamates.This team was expected to hold meetings to discu and better the situation every week.During the meeting, all my clamates exchanged their views equally and actively.At last, in the final examination of that semester, which was just two months later after the establishment of the clamate union, our cla beat the vast majority of competitors and won the third prize in a knowledge competition.

In summary, the English language poees a vivid saying.“The rose in her hand, the flavor in mine.” I do embrace an unshakeable belief that we can reap huge fruits from thinking win-win.Only if we build up the fabulous and fascinating habit of think win-win could we cherish both the rose and smell the flavor.















Talent—search Show on Campus

In modern society, talent-search show on campus has been brought into focus, which also arouses hot debate.There have been a number of so-called talent-shows such as “Happy Boys” and “Super Girls”.

Why do such shows come into hotter and hotter situation? In my opinion, firstly, the people who take part own a belief that it\'s an easy way to succeed without working hard.Second, once they succeed indeed, they are sure to get fame and money so that they can live a comfortable life which they have been dreaming all the time.Besides, such shows can rescue students from the burden they get from study.

As everyone knows, the talent-shows bring both good and bad influence.Above all, these activities make students\' after-cla life colorful and provide them opportunities to show themselves.Also, by attending such activities, they will gain more and more confidence.

On the other side, some students will get lazy because they want to achieve fast even they give up study.What\'s worse, the activities will disturb students\' study, which will make a bad trend.

As far as I\'m concerned, we should hold the belief that we should take caution of such activities.The task which the student burden with is study.While we must admit that talent-shows can make our life out of boredom, the overall quality of these activities should be improved in order to suit college students, while the students should be warned to pay more caution to the shows.And our government should restrict its development in case so many shows may leave a bad effect on students\' mind.Last but not least, the students themselves should focus more on their study rather than talent-show.After all, that\'s the traditional way to succeed.After all, university is a place for students to show their talents on study not for sing or dance.(词句作为结尾不好,英文没有紧扣主题。)









(一)听力、作文考试时间 2012年7月15日上午8:30-9:50。

8:00――8:15核对证件 选手进入考场





(二)口语考试时间 2012年7月15日上午10:30-12:30,下午13:30-18:00。

















































My name is„

My number is„

I have a dream„

























