
2022-07-31 来源:其他范文收藏下载本文




Not only can students choose when and where to learn for an online course, but they can also take time to think through answers before making a reply.


She is excited by the idea of online learning while he considers it meaningle and usele.


Communicating with native English speakers is a very rewarding experience from which we can learn a lot.


Today, more and more people have acce to the Internet through which they look for the information they need.


He wants her to give up working and stay home to look after the children.She feels, however, that this is too much for her.


Now that we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work.UNIT3


I have decided to accept the new post, even though the job is not very well paid.


The job has been taken to be very simple until (it is) actually started.


Now that you are planning to move to Canada, you must try to adjust to cold weather in winter


He promised to help us to buy the house, but with a little reluctance.


This is an important meeting.Please see to it that you are not late for it.


He is an experienced busineman who has engaged in foreign trade for quite a few years



She was so absorbed in reading the book that she was not conscious of someone coming in.


He was late for almost an hour for the first meeting, leaving a bad impreion on everyone.


Consciously or unconsciously, we make up our minds about people through their eyes, faces, bodies, and attitudes.


Profeor Zhou was committed to the cause of language teaching all his life.


Many how-to books advise you that if you want to make a good impreion, the trick is to be consistently you, at your best.


The media sometimes sends mixed meages, but most people believe what they see over what they hear.



The police got to the station five minutes after the explosion, and so did the reporters.


Even if you disagree with her, she is worth listening to.


The news reporters were given nothing but bare facts by the officials in charge of the investigation


The room was well decorated, but the color of the curtain did not go well with the overall style


Whenever we go back to the place where my husband was born, we always make the rounds of his relatives.


Contrary to his hope, his girlfriend\'s parents are not as approachable as his parents.



There are twenty universities in this city, some of which are world-famous.


The more he thinks about it, the angrier he becomes.


She was filled with pity for the innocent victims.


He was occupied with his busine matters and didn\'t have time to think about.


The country\'s economy depends to some degree on the import of raw material: a holiday.


After several discuions between the members of the committee, a new plan of action began to take shape.


1.我把这张照片放在每天都可以看到的地方,因为它能让我想起我上大学的日子。I keep the picture where I can see it every day as it reminds me of my university days.


In some countries, what is called \"equality, does not really mean equal rights for all people.


He is used to keeping a dictionary at hand so that he can find the meaning of new words he comes acro.


When confronted with personal preure, you should stand firmly for your belief that you will reach your ultimate goal.


In other words, be yourself and face reality, but don\'t sell out to convenience.


I don\'t like those people who always rely on external factors in order to feel good about themselves.




而熟知我的老师和同学们都说我是一个爱做梦的男孩。假如有一天,能够面对着麦克风——我最亲密的朋友,将我心中最美的感受和最多的感动,通过声音和画面传递给更多人。我相信心灵的沟通将是笑颜更加灿烂,情感的交融会让忙碌得你我他多一些宽容和关爱,这就是我的梦想和孜孜以求的目标。 Good morning ladies and gentalman:

I called Guo ruo song is a lively personality, hobbies boy is a soft spot, radio host and imaginative dance.I like to fly freely carrying the dream of my world.If the host language to communicate with the audience, then I like the dancers use the silent body language to communicate with people.

And the well-known teacher and clamates say I love dream boy.If, one day, the face of the microphone - my closest friends, the best feelings in my heart and moved paed to more people through sound and pictures.I believe that spiritual communication will be more brilliant smile, emotional blend makes busy you and me a little more tolerant and caring, this is my dream and pursued the goal.






任何语言都有语体之分,有高雅的、通俗的、粗野 的,还有俚语、公文用语及术语等。文学作品中,作家通过不同的语体来刻画人物的性格特征,更是常用的方法。翻译时,必须审其雅俗,量其轻重,这样,才能恰如其分地表达原文的精神。

(1) 词义有轻重的不同




















to expire 逝世

to pa away 与世长辞

to close (end) one\'s day 寿终

to breathe one\'s last 断气

to go west 归西天

to pay the debt of nature 了结尘缘

to depart to the world of shadows 命归黄泉

to give up the ghost 见阎王

to kick the bucket蹬腿You can kick everything but you can not kick the bucket.

to kick up one\'s heels 蹬腿


She is having a baby.

She is expecting.

She is in the family way.

She is knitting little booties.

She is in a delicate condition.

She is in an interesting condition.


policeman 正式用语

cop 美国口语

bobby 英国口语

nab 美国俚语



He killed the man.


He killed his chances of succe.


He killed the motion when it came from the committe e.


He killed three bottles of whisky in a week.


kill the peace 扼杀和平

kill the promise 取消诺言

kill a marriage 解除婚约


heavy crops 丰收

heavy news 令人悲痛的消息

heavy road 泥泞的路

heavy sea 波涛汹涌的海洋

heavy heart 忧伤的心

heavy reader 沉闷冗长的读物


a broken man 一个绝望的人

a broken soldier 一个残废军人

a broken promise 背弃的诺言

a broken spirit 消沉的意志

broken money 零钱



如果把营销比喻成一场战役,那么成功的品牌名称就像一面不倒的军旗。国际品牌在全球范围内营销,必然要跨越种种文化障碍,如语言差异、消费习惯差异、宗教差异等。 把品牌译为中文必须有巧思。


麦当劳:蕴含多层意义 ,






可口可乐:绝妙之译 ,










“福士伟根”跟希特勒有关 ,




再如,Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company(明尼苏达矿业及制造公司),就是我们熟知的3M公司。西方人对品牌名称的要求比较单纯:一,简单易记;二不重复;三,在别国语言里不会产生误解,对宗教信仰不要有侮辱性含义。为安全起见,有些厂家就干脆造一个新词,如康柏公司“Compaq”(美国电脑生产商)来源于Compact(电脑术语,意思是密集的、压紧的),把词尾变成q,就构成一个新词,它很容易使人联想到源词,使公司的行业特征非常明显。


1.I\'ve got a cold./ I\'ve got a bad cold.我感冒了。/ 我感冒很严重。

2.I\'ve got a runny nose./ My nose is running.我流鼻水。

3.I\'ve got a sore throat.我喉咙痛。

4.I\'ve been coughing day and night.我早晚都在咳嗽。

5.I can\'t stop sneezing.我打喷嚏打个不停。

6.I\'ve got a temperature./ I\'m running a high fever.我发烧了。/ 我发高烧。

7.I\'ve got a very bad headache./ This headache is killing me.我头很痛。/我头快痛死了。

8.I feel sore and ache all over.我觉得全身酸痛。

9.I feel like I\'m dying.我觉得我好象要死了一样。

10.I feel dizzy./ My head is swimming.

我头晕。/ 我头昏脑胀的。


缘分 predestined relationship

缘 reason; cause; sake, relationship, edge; fringe, climb

血缘 blood relationship

人缘 relations with people

姻缘 predestined marriage

前世因缘 predestination

天赐良缘 a godsent marriage; a good marriage arranged in Heaven

天缘巧合 a luck coincidence

喜结良缘 tie the nuptial knot

缔结姻缘 form marital tie

聊得投缘 talk congenially

有缘结识某人 be lucky to get acquainted with sb.

无缘结识某人 have no opportunity to get acquainted with sb.





The wind whistled, the rain pattered and the horse neighed.2.Thunder began to rumble.雷声开始隆隆地响。 3.The cart rumbled past.车轱辘轱辘地过去了。

4.His stomach rumbled emptily.他肚子空空如也咕噜咕噜地叫。

5.哒哒哒哒哒!咚!咚!李先生突然抱着头直跳起来,但随即像一块木头似的倒下去。Rat- ta-ta-ta, boom! boom! Wrapping his arms around his head, Mr.Li leaped up, but immediately fell forward like a log.6.这个时候,长城线上,烽火连天,一辆囚车,却囚着革命英雄,向南急驰。

At a time when the war was raging along the Great Wall, a Carriage, carrying this

revolutionary hero, went rumbling swiftly southwards.7.Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not charity, I am become a sounding bra, or a tinkling cymbal.


8.She drew one out.R-ratch ! Now it sputtered and burned.



一、同一个拟声词,如例1中的“萧萧”,在不同的上下文或结构中,应根据译文的语言习惯或地道用法, 选用不同的与原文意义对应的词或表达方式。

二、根据上一条,自然可以从另一面总结出第二种方法,即原文不同句中的几个不同拟声词可以译成同一个词。如“隆隆地响”、“咕噜咕噜地叫”、“ 轱辘轱辘”均可译成同一个英文拟声词 rumble, 其基本意思是 “make a deep, heavy, continuous sound”。

三、原文中有拟声词,译文中也用拟声词相对应。有的译为独词句,有的译为动词或名词的辅助成分。有时可以将英文的拟声词译为汉语中较为抽象的“..........的叫,...........声”,如he seemed to hear about him the rustle of unceasing and innumberable wings,耳际仿佛传来无数翅膀的拍击声。

四、原文中没用拟声词,但很生动,如例6中的“向南疾驰”,也可以译成拟声词。增加拟声词可以增加效果,如The logs were burning briskly in the fire.木柴在火中哔哔剥剥烧的正旺。

五、与上一方法相对应,原文中用了拟声词,译文中可以不用拟声词,而是用其他能产生同样效果的词语,如例7。译文也可以不用拟声词而直叙其动作,如They splashed through the mire to the village.他们一路踏着泥水向村子去。

关于动物叫声的拟声词不管是在英语还是汉语中,都很具体,在互译中要特别注意选准具体词语。英国人说“......动物怎么叫?”“What dose a XXX go?”现将最常用的具体词语列举如下:

A bee hums (buzzes, drones).蜜蜂嗡嗡(哼哼)的叫。

A fly hums (buzzes, drones).苍蝇嗡嗡叫。

A mosquito hums (buzzes, drones).蚊子哼哼(嗡嗡)叫。

A bird twitters (chirps, chirrups).鸟叫(叽叽喳喳的叫)。

A sparrow twitters (chirps, chirrups).麻雀吱吱喳喳叫。

A cicada chirps (chirrups).知了啾啾叫。

A cricket chips (chirrups).蟋蟀唧唧叫。 A crow caws (croaks).乌鸦哇哇叫。

A dove/ pigeon coos.鸽子咕咕叫。

A magpie chatters.喜鹊喳喳叫。

A nightingale jugs (jug-jugs).夜莺歌唱。

An owl hoots (whoops).猫头鹰叫。

A parrot squawks.鹦鹉叫。

A wild-goose honks.雁叫。

A crane whoops.(风声)鹤叫。

A bull bellows (lows).公牛哞哞叫。

A cow moos (lows).母牛哞哞叫。

A calf bleats.小牛哞哞叫。 A goat bleats.山羊咩咩叫。

A lamb bleats (baas).小羊咩咩叫。 A sheep bleats (baas).绵羊咩咩叫。 A deer bleats.鹿叫。

A hen cackles (chucks, chuckles, clucks).母鸡咯咯叫。 A chick cheeps (pips, peeps).小鸡唧唧叫。

A cock crows.公鸡喔喔叫。

A duck quacks.鸭子呱呱叫。

A goose cackles (gaggles).鹅嘎嘎叫。

An elephant trumpets.大象叫。

A fox yelps.狐狸叫。

An a brays (hee-haws).驴叫。

A horse neighs (whinnies, knickers).马叫。

A lion roars.狮吼。

A tiger growls.虎啸(吼,叫)。

A turkey gobbles.火鸡(咯咯)叫。

A whale blows.鲸鱼(扑扑)叫。

A wolf howls (growls).狼(嚎,号)叫。

A frog croaks.青蛙哇哇叫。

A monkey screeches (chatters, gibbers, jabbers).猴子叫 (猿啼,猿啸)。

A mouse squeaks (peeps).老鼠吱吱(唧唧)叫。

A snake hies.蛇声咝咝。

A cat miaows (miaus, mews, purrs).猫咪咪叫。

A dog barks (yaps, yelps, bays, snarls, growls, howls).狗汪汪叫 (狂叫等)。

A pig grunts (squeals).猪咕噜咕噜(哼哼)叫。





2、形容金属的响声 当当 rattle

3、金属、瓷器连续撞击声 丁零当啷 jingle, jangle, cling-clang

4、鼓声、敲门声 咚咚 rub-a dub, rat-tat, rat-a-tat

5、脆响的(关门)声 吧嗒 clik

6、敲打木头声 梆梆 rat-tat,rat-at

7、重物落下声 咕咚 thud, splash, plump

8、东西倾倒声 哗啦 crash, clank

9、风吹动树枝叶声 飒飒 sough, rustle

10、树枝等折断声 嘎巴 crack, snap

11、不大的寒风声 瑟瑟 rustle

12、踩沙子、飞沙击物或风吹草木 沙沙、飒飒 rustle

13、飞机螺旋桨转动 呼呼 whirr

14、雨点敲击房顶 噼里啪啦 patter

15、水流动声 拔拉 splash, gurgle

16、物体受压 嘎吱 creak

喀嚓 crack, snap

17、溪水、泉水流动声 潺潺 murmur, babble, purl

18、液体、沸腾、水流涌出或大口喝水声 咕嘟 babble, gurgle

19、重物落地声 扑通 flop, thump, splash, pit-a-pat 20、笑声、水、气挤出声 扑哧 titter, snigger, fizz

21、雷声、爆炸声、机器声 隆隆 hum, rumble, roll

22、汽笛或喇叭声 呜呜 toot, hoot, zoom

23、油在锅里 滋滋 sizzle

24、鞭炮爆炸声 噼啪 pop

25、脚踏楼板声 登登 clump



1.Translating the following two paages, paying attention to Note.

提示:练习有关 Tools for Translation(翻译的工具)。英译汉中,用字典、电子辞书、网络词典、网络引擎(google等)等多种翻译工具查询相关的文化背景、弄清楚关键词语的确切意思,从而帮助理解原文。汉译英中,用各种翻译工具查询所翻译的词语并验证其英译用法的正确性和通顺流畅。注意英英单语词典是了解英语词语的精确意义的最好方法,英汉词典则帮助选择汉语译文,但不能一味依靠词典的汉语翻译。


The story1 of English is typically one of maive stealing from other languages.But how did the language of a small island off the coast of Europe become the language of the planet – more widely spoken and written than any other has ever been2?

The English composite character betrays3 a mixed origin.In the simplest terms, the making of English is the story of three invasions and a cultural revolution4.The language5 was brought to Britain by Germanic tribes, the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes6, influenced by Latin and Greek when St.Augustine and his followers converted England to Christianity, subtly7 enriched by the Danes8, and finally transformed by the French-speaking Normans.

From the beginning, English was a crafty hybrid, made in war and peace.It was, in the words of Daniel Defoe, “your9 Roman-Saxon-Danish-Norman English”.In the course of one thousand years, a series of violent and dramatic events created a new language which, by the time of Geoffrey Chaucer, was intelligent to modern eyes and ears10 without the aid of subtitles.

The English have always accepted the mixed blood of their language.There was11 a vague understanding that they were part of a European language family, but it was not until the 18th century that a careful investigation by a gifted amateur linguist began to decipher the true extent of this common heritage.

2) 第四周上课时交作业


可是楼价原来是贵得惊人的。没法子小猪唯有向开士多的表舅母借钱。只是亲戚归亲戚,利息还是少不得的。三只小猪拿着它们认为是很大很大的一笔巨款,仅仅足够给一个连睡房也没有的小单位作首期,余额自然是靠把单位按给银行 – 如何按七成,如何分二十年供等等,这里也不细表。


五年级英语测试姓名———— 一英汉互译

1.我们的学校_______________________2.八门课程 _______________________

3.喜欢语文_______________________4.体育和音乐 _______________________

5.back to school___________________6.new timetable _______________________

7.make a cake _______________________8.go to the playground _______________________


1.welcome back to ________school.A.inB.atC.to

2.It’s time___dinnerA./B.forC.to

3.let’s go___the zooA.toB.tooC./

4.We have three____in the afternoon.A.leonsB.a leon C.subjects


6.what subject do you like?I like___.A.Arts B.ArtC.an Art

7.I want to play football____the playground.A.from B.atC.in

9.____skate.It’s dangerous.A.NotB.Don’tC.No

10.I have seven subjects____school.A.in B.onC.at




3.你告诉别人你喜欢英语和美术,你说:__________________________________________ 4你提醒别人该吃晚饭了,你说:__________________________________ 5你想知道下午上什么课,你问同学:___________________________________




3.youlikesubjectsdowhat ___________________________

4.thetolet’tudygo ____________________________





































英文中很容易就出现从句套从句的长句,这些句子读起来本身就很难理解了,如果翻译的时候还是不加改动,那读者读起来就更难理解。我在这儿举个例子吧,就拿我自己翻译的《钉子与镇魂歌》的开头部分:The episode of the nail and the requiem was one of the most characteristic of all those in which, over a relatively brief period, I was privileged to watch Trevis Tarrant at work.刚开始读到这句话的时候,我自己也愣了好半天,因为这句话完全不是汉语的习惯,如果不假思索地直接翻译,那就是:钉子与镇魂歌的事件是最有代表性的案件之一,在短暂的时间里,这段时间是我有幸观察塔南特工作的那段时间。当然要合并成一句话,也可以这么翻译:钉子与镇魂歌的事件是我有幸观察塔南特工作的那段时间里发生的最有代表性的案件之一。天啊,阅读起来太累了,但是这句话并没有语法问题!我想在翻译的时候要牢记一点:最后形成的是汉语,阅读我们译文的是中文读者。所以在这里必须要调整语序,而且长句要改短,最后我给的译文就是:在我有幸目睹塔南特破案的短暂时光里,钉子与镇魂歌的事件应该是最有代表性的案件之一。 2.定语改表语

英语中常常出现中心语前面出现两三个形容词的情况,这儿我举《绿色危机》第一章的例子:A huge, square envelope, covered with a huge, square handwriting.直译就是很大的方形的信封上面写着大气的方正的字体。看到一句话中有这么多“的”,是不是觉得很烦?虽然说现在“的地得”好像是可以混用了,但实际上“的”一般用于形容词,“得”一般用于动词后,“地”用于副

1 词。我不主张混用,而且还有一点:不要滥用这三个字,这三个字已经将汉语过分稀释了,影响了汉语的美观。老祖宗的文章里基本上不用这三个字,近代的文章中这三个字的使用频率也不是很高,但是现在这三个字的确已经被滥用了。我个人还是希望在翻译的时候能够控制这三个字的使用频率,具体的操作方法就是把定语改成表语。汉语不习惯长句,也不习惯中心语前面加上一连串的定语,除非是作者要刻意造成这种效果。所以这句话我最后翻译成:信封很大,呈方形,上面的字迹方正而洒脱。如果中心语前面有超过一个带上“的”的定语,那种翻译我个人是不太读得下去的。 3.词语的多样性

翻译的时候根本离不开金山词霸。相信很多朋友在翻译的时候免不了要查阅一些字典。但是不知道有没有人注意过这个问题:字典上提供的解释是没有办法覆盖汉语词汇的,也就是说,一个单词字典可能只提供了一个很普通的解释,使用的是最常见的汉语词汇。但是如果你就按照这个意思进行翻译,小说的魅力定会黯然不少。还是用2中的那句话,第二个huge是形容字写得比较大,但是如果就直接翻译成字写得很大,这个翻译只能算是普通翻译。我之所以没有这样翻译,一方面是因为前面的一个huge已经翻译成大了,一个大信封,这个翻译是很贴切的。接下来我不想再重复使用大这个字,所以我翻译成了字写得很洒脱,把大这个意思包含在洒脱里面。常常人们在讨论各位翻译的风格,我想这种词语的多样性就是翻译风格的最好体现。在翻译的时候,应当身临其境,设身处地地去感受小说的行文,这样才能更好地想到应该用什么样的汉语词汇来表达,而且在适当的时候,可以用一些典故和成语,译文定会亮色不少。这儿我也举一个例子吧,《绿色危机》导读中的一句话:By its nature, a military hospital is a theater for drama and tragedy; one is not brought there unle there is a serious problem.Those who await fresh arrivals are prepared only for bad news.我翻译成:很自然地,这座战地医院成了悲剧上演的舞台。不幸的人各有各的不幸,期待着能够到这儿躲进桃源的人,最后都未能如愿以偿。这儿有王婆卖瓜之嫌,不过大家也就原谅我了吧。 4.人称代词的明确


2 时候却占多数。在翻译《绿色危机》的时候,我很头疼的一个问题就是要花很大精力去寻找代词到底指代谁,很多时候必须要结合上下文反复推敲才能得到正确的答案,有时候还会弄错。如果翻译的时候仍然原封不动地保留这些代词,读者的阅读观感必定会受到影响。《恶意》中有句话:讲得通和合情合理是两回事,那我现在也可以说:能够读下去和流畅的阅读也是两回事。如果读者阅读的时候,反而要花大精力去明确人称代词的关系,那这本书的翻译无疑是失败的。这儿我就不举例了,相信大家都有所体会。 5.押韵和双关

如果说词语的多样性可以体现翻译的风格,那么如何处理押韵和双关,则能够全面体现翻译的功力。这两项是最难翻译的,有的根本就翻译不出来。比如我就碰到一个利用you的单数和复数进行双关,想了半天实在无法翻译,最后只能加个注释了事,真的很惭愧。押韵嘛,也碰到一个,原谅我在这儿又王婆卖瓜一次,这个押韵自觉还是翻译的比较好。《绿色危机》第二章中间有一段一名护士的自言自语:forceps, retractors, sciors, knives.But Woods has marvellous legs(伍兹是另外一名护士)!这儿一开始我还没有注意到,看第二遍的时候才发觉这儿是个押韵。想了很久,大致翻译成这个样子,移动了一些词语的顺序:牵开器、剪刀、钳子、刀子,但是伍兹的腿美得不成样子!算是马马虎虎翻译出这种押韵效果了。这儿我推荐大家看看杨绛翻译的《堂吉珂德》,其中的诗句翻译相当纯熟,而且做到了押韵,从中可以学到很多翻译的方法和用语习惯。


总的来说,汉语比英语环保,翻译过来的汉语占据的存储空间一般都比英语小。但是有些时候英文只需几个单词,或者一个前缀,翻译成汉语却要解释半天,而且都不一定能有英语那种效果。这就要对原句进行适当的补充。又是举《绿色危机》中的例子:Since a blowsy trollop of fifty cannot be expected to care for competition from an exquisite, self-poeed little creature of twenty-two, the ex-widow was not sorry to see her go.这句话是说一个寡妇嫁给了故事中一名护士(弗雷德里卡)的父亲, 然后后妈和继女相处不快,所以后妈巴不得继女去战地医院服务,眼不见为净。请注意最后的ex-,寡妇嫁给护士的父亲后,就不是寡妇了,但是作者使用这个前缀,明显有戏谑的味道在

3 里面。翻译的时候要把这种味道体现出来。所以最后我花了一句话来解释:一个50岁面容粗糙的老女人,怎么可能竞争得过22岁的女孩,更何况还是一位高雅沉静的妙龄少女?所以弗雷德里卡离开家,这位寡妇高兴得很。对不起,这儿要更正一下,她现在已经不是寡妇了。如果仅仅翻译成前寡妇,我想在汉语中是体会不出这种效果的。






秦始皇帝陵南靠骊山,背面与渭水相邻。骊山风景如画,绿树成荫。据史书记载:“骊山山南多美玉,山北多黄金。”现在我们看到的这个巨大的封土堆,就是秦陵了。在中国古代,帝王陵墓在建设上都遵循“虽死犹生”的思想,因此,秦始皇陵是依照当时秦咸阳宫的规模修建的。经过几千年的风风雨雨,当时的地面建筑现在已荡然无存了,我们已经无法领略秦陵的全貌。据《史记》记载,从这样的一段描述中我们可以得知:秦陵地宫的顶端是用28颗夜明珠组成的天冥星;陵内还有设置着百官座次的殿堂;并且藏满了各种奇器异宝;还用水银做了江河湖海以象征天地;用人鱼膏点长明灯为了防盗墓;还安装了能自动发射的暗箭。《史记》中对秦陵的内部只做了一个大致的描述。那么陵内到底有多少的奇珍异宝呢?由于科学技术的问题,现在还无法打开帝陵,我们已经发现了它的一个陪葬坑,就是秦始皇秦兵马。我们只能等待陵墓发掘的那一天,相信到时候一定会引起全世界考古界的轰动的 现在,我们面对的是秦俑馆一号坑,坑里就是号称“世界第八大奇迹”的秦兵马俑。面对威武整肃的庞大军阵,你们的脑子里一定会闪现许多问题。现在我就一一回答大家的这些问题。
























三.了解翻译的规律和技巧。上课期间所讲授的“重复和替换”,“增词法”等技巧,这些技巧看似通俗易懂,但是在实际运用中我还是欠缺很多。以前没接触翻译的时候,认为翻译就从字面意思翻译过来,并且语句通顺就可以了。可是上了这个课之后我才发现,翻译不仅仅是把意思翻译过来,而且要结合该国的文化背景和语言习惯表达出来,这样才算好的翻译。这点,在翻译过程中十分常见,比如“班门弄斧”在汉语中只有仅仅四个字,可是用英语翻译出来确实这样的”Don’t try to show off your proficiency with the ax before Lu Ban the master carpenter”。多达十六个字来表述这个成语,而且还会在翻译的时候加以注释,这样外国人才能从根本上明白这个成语的意思。所以这就考验我们翻译的语言能力,同时也考验对中国文化的理解能力了。




Unit 1 Section 1

Page 4

Exercise 4 1) 我很高兴能有机会参加面试。

I am very happy that I have the chance for this personal interview. 2) 我曾经在远东贸易公司兼职当过三个月的人事助理。

I had a part-time job for three months at Far East Trade Company as a personnel aistant.3) 作为一名秘书,我经常要与来自其他文化的人打交道。

As a secretary I usually need to deal with people from other cultures.4) 我的计划就是成为一名成功的秘书,因此在这方面我训练有素。

My plan is to become a succeful secretary because I have been well trained for this.5) 秘书作为团队一员要与同事协作高效地工作

A secretary must team up with other colleagues for a smooth operation to maximize working efficiency.6) 我想问一下该公司的工资和福利是怎样的.

I want to ask about the salary and benefits in the company.

Unit 1 Section 3

Page 10

Exercise 2 1) 我从《中国贸易》的广告得知贵公司正在招聘秘书,本人对该职位很感兴趣。

I know from your advertisement in China Trade that your company is looking for a secretary, This position has aroused my great interest.2) 我所学的专业和已有的工作经验使我有能力胜任这份工作。

My major and working experience will enable me to be competent for this position.3) 东方公司享有很好的声誉,本人很希望在贵公司工作。

Oriental company has been enjoying a very good commercial reputation, so I have a keen interest in working for your company.4) 我希望有机会与你面谈我应聘该职位的条件。

I hope I can have a chance for an interview regarding my qualifications for this position.5)


I am honest, enthusiastic, hardworking and of team spirit.

Unit 2 Section 1

Page 16

Exercise 4 1) 我带你到处转转,见见将和你一起工作的同事。

We should go round and meet some of the staff you’ll be working with.2) 让我们从凌云开始吧。

Let’s start with Ling Yun. 3) 期待着下周见到你。

I’m looking forward to seeing you next week.4) 可以占用你们一点时间吗?

Can I have a few moments of your time? 5) 今明两天你将和他在一起。

You’ll be spending today and tomorrow with him.6) 她这周末将离职,由你取代她。

She is leaving us at the end of the week and then you’ll take her place.

Unit 2 Section 2

Page 19

Exercise 4 1) 作为团队的一员,经验丰富的秘书会保护老板。

As part of the team, the profeional secretary protects the employer.

- 1

4) 建立一种归档系统,使所有需要进入系统的人都容易调阅。

Having a filing system that can be used easily by all who need acce.5) 定期将文件分类,比如在年末或者一个项目完成的时候。

Sort file regularly, for example at the end of the year or the completion of a project.

Unit 4 Section 2 Page 42

Exercise 4

A secretary should know how to deal with unexpected visitors and make them feel welcomed.Enquire about the purpose of their visits before introducing them to the bo.If the bo cannot meet them right now, ask the visitors to wait politely or to make an appointment for another day.


Unit 4 Section 1 Page 40 Exercise 4 1)早上好,先生。能为您效劳吗?

Good morning, sir.Can I help you? 2)是的,我想会见凌云先生。

Yes, I would like to see Mr.Ling Yun please.3)您有预约吗?没有,我没有预约。

Do you have an appointment? 4)我来自威尔森汽车公司,我来见凌云先生是为了讨论一下我们新车型的销售的。

No.I’m afraid I haven’t.I’m from Wilson Motors, and I’ve come to see Mr.Ling to discu sales of our new model.

Unit 4 Section 4

Page 48

Exercise 4 1) 秘书应该将服装看作是适合公司形象的制服。

The secretary should view clothing as a uniform that fits the image of the office and thus advances the secretary’s career goals along with the purpose of the office. 2) 用服饰、发型等来表现自信和职业特点。

Use dre, hairstyle and so forth to convey confidence and profeionalism.3) 给别人真诚的赞美。

Give sincere compliments.4) 愿意与人交流思想,愿意向他人学习。

Be willing to exchange ideas and learn from others. 5) 学会如何在压力下有效地工作。

Learn how to work effectively under preure.

Unit 5 Section 1

Page 52

Exercise 3 1) 她明天有时间吗?

Does she have any time tomorrow? 2) 请您别挂,稍等一会好吗?

Would you please hold the line for a moment? 3) 凌云先生明天的日程已满。

Mr.Ling Yun has a full schedule tomorrow.4) 我会把它记下来。

I’ll make a note of that.

- 3

Dear Doris,

Congratulations on your promotion.

Now you know your hard work has been recognized and accepted by the company.This is a positive sign that you are on your way up, and all of us believe that you really deserve it.

I look forward to congratulating you on your next promotion.

Best regards


Unit 7 Section 1

Page 73 Exercise 5 1).你今天下午需要做会议记录的这次会议室一场大会吗?

Is the meeting that you have to take minutes this afternoon a big one? 2).我只写一个简短的报告就可以了。

I just make a short report.3).你能给我看一份副本吗?

Could you show me a copy? 4) 你必须确保你把一切都包括在内了。首先是时间,然后是地点。

You must make sure that you include everything.First the time and then the place.5).凌云先生说所有的司机都必须遵守城市汽车停车规则。

Mr Ling Yun said that all drivers must obey city car parking regulations. 6)他说将来任何停车罚款都必须由司机本人支付。

He said that in the future, any parking fines would have to be paid by the drivers themselves.

Unit 7 Section 3

Page 79

Exercise 2 大为.约翰先生:

谨定于1月4日(星期五)下午7时在长安街假日酒店18层国际俱乐部举行晚宴。 敬请光临


Mr.and Mrs.Ling Yun

request the pleasure of David Johns’

company at a dinner

on Friday, the fourth of January

at 7:00 p.m.

at the International Club on Eighteen floor, Holiday Inn Chang’an Street, Beijing

Unit 7 Section 4

Page 82

Exercise 4 1)请注意。

Attention please/May I have your attention, please.2)我有个重要通知要发布。

Here is an important announcement./I have an important announcement to make.3)由于天气原因,今天下午的会议将推迟到明天下午进行。

Because of the weather, this afternoon’s meeting will be put off to tomorrow afternoon./will be postponed until tomorrow afternoon.4)请张先生说话。

Mr.Zhang has the floor please./Let’s invite Mr.Zhang to give us a presentation.

- 5


Unit 1 Section 4 Page 12 Exercise 2 1 (T) A secretary sometimes should deal with some private or secret tasks.【秘书有时要处理一些私人或机密的任务。】

2 (F) A secretary of today is only responsible only for carrying out the bo’s wishes.【秘书今天仅只负责执行老板的愿望。】

3 (F) Since a secretary’s work is usually office routine, the methods of handling information are simple.【由于秘书的工作通常是办公室的日常工作,处理方法的信息很简单。】

4 (F) A modern secretary should have the ability to bear responsibility and to make decision without supervision.【现代秘书应该有能力承担责任和作出的决定,没有监督。】

5 (F) According to the survey by APSI, secretary can be divided into different types and they are completely different position.【根据调查,apsi,部长可以分为不同的类型,它们是完全不同的位置。】

Unit 5 Section 2 Page 54 Exercise 4

1 (F) Telephoning skills cannot be learned.【电话技能不能教训。】

2 (F) It is not neceary that the secretary says the name of the company because the caller already knows it.【这是没有必要的,秘书说,公司的名称,因为对方已经知道了它。】

3 (T) Being a good listener is very important to a secretary.【一个好的倾听者是非常重要的一个秘书。】

4 (T) If a secretary promises to call back, he/she should do it as soon as poible.【如果秘书答应回电话,他/她应该尽快做。】

5 (F) A secretary needn’t know how to use the buttons on the telephone.【秘书不必知道如何使用上的按钮电话。】

Unit 5 Section 4 Page 59 Exercise 2 1.(T) Diplomacy is the management of international relations by negotiation.【外交是管理国际关系的谈判。】

2.(F) Diplomacy is a Greek word.【外交是一个希腊词。】

3.(T) Zhuge Liang can be regarded as an ancient diplomat.【诸葛可以被视为一个古老的外交官。】 4.(F) “The Vertical Alliance” was political alliance.【“合纵联盟”的政治联盟。】

5.(F) A diplomat only learns the situation, external or internal, of the countries they are appointed to.【一个外交官只学习情况,外部或内部,他们的国家被任命。】

6.(F) The Qin Kingdom formed the Vertical Alliance in history.【秦国的纵向联盟的形成历史。】 Unit 6 Section 4 Page 70 Exercise 2 1.(T) An embay has a political office, military office, economic and commercial office, cultural office, educational office, and so on.【一个大使馆政治,军事,经济,商业,文化,教育,等等。】 2.(F) Interpreters, typist, and clerks also hold diplomatic paports and enjoy full diplomatic privileges and immunities.【口译,打字员,和职员也持有外交护照和享有完全的外交特权与豁免。】

3.(T) Diplomats are the representatives of their states in the host countries.【外交官是代表他们的国家在东道国。】(T) Diplomats should make friends with the people in the host countries.【外交官应该交朋友与东道国的人。】

4.(T) A secretary is a “diplomat” in a company, somehow.【秘书是一个“外交官”在一个公司,不知何故。】

5.(F) A secretary doesn’t have to know diplomacy.【秘书不必知道外交。】

- 7


Lecture 8 Sentence Translation


一、教学目的:要求熟练理解句子的翻译技 巧,从而在英汉翻译时做到通顺、准确。

二、教学过程: 1. 增译法 省译法 词类转换

正说反译、反说正译法 重译法 语态变换法 词序调整法 拆译法

Omiion (省译法)

1) A book is useful.


2) The earth goes around the sun. 地球绕太阳转。

3) On Sundays we have no school.礼拜天我们不上课。

Omiion (省译法) 任何事物具有两面,翻译既然有增译法,就必定有对应的减译法或省略法。省略法就是指原文中有些词在译文中不译出来,因为译文中虽无其词但已有其意,或者在译文中是不言而喻的。简言之省略法就是删去一些可有可无或有了反而累赘或违背译文表达习惯的词。省略法不是省掉原文的思想内容。这种省略多从语法和修辞角度考虑。




1)He was thin and haggard and he looked miserable.他身体消瘦,面容憔悴,看上去一副可怜相。

• Cf:Like his friends he had many wonderful ideas, but he only put a few into practice. • 他象他的朋友一样,虽然头脑里有许多美妙的想法,却只有少数付诸实施。 2) We live and learn.活到老,学到老。

3) Everywhere you can find new types of men and objects in new Campus.新校区处处可以看到新人、新事物。 4) If you give him an inch, he will take a mile.得寸进尺。

5) I have received your letter and read it with delight.我收到了你的信,愉快地读了。

6) When conditions exist, go ahead; when they don’t, create them and go ahead.有条件要上;没有条件,创造条件也要上。 7) I wash my face in the morning.我早上洗脸。

cf:别把手放在口袋里。Don’t put your hands in your pockets.8) He shrugged his shoulders, shook his head, cast up his eyes, but said nothing.他耸耸肩,摇摇头,两眼看天,一言不发。


①.But it’s the way I am, and try as I might, I haven’t been able to change it.但我就这个脾气,虽然几经努力,却未能改变过来。

②.Anyone who does not recognize this fact is not a materialist.不承认这个事实,就不是唯物主义者。

③. The more you tried to hide your warts, the more you revealed them.越是想掩盖烂疮疤(缺点、瑕疵),就越是会暴露。

④.You must excuse me, I shall not speak of the matter again.请原谅,我以后不会再提这事了。 ⑤.She put up her hand in a solute.她举手致敬。

⑥.Outside it was pitch dark and it was raining cats and dogs.外面一团漆黑,大雨倾盆。

⑦.It is only shallow people who judge by appearances.只有浅薄的人才会以貌取人。

⑧.It was with some difficulty that he found the way to his own house. 他费了不少劲才找到了回家的路。 2.省略连词

我们在讨论增译法时,提到“汉语语言精炼,并列连词较少使用,其上下逻辑关系常常是暗含的,由词语顺序来表示。但译为英语时,需要增补。证实了英语是形合语言,汉语是意合语言的命题。”相反,把英语译成汉语时,很多情况则需省略连词。如: 1).He looked gloomy and troubled.(表并列)


2).As the temperature increase, the volume of water becomes greater.(表原因)


3) If winter comes, can spring be far behind? (表条件)


4) When it is dark in the east, it is light in the west; when things are dark in the south there is still light in the north.(表时间)

东方不亮西方亮,黑了南方有北方。 Practice: 1).It is in the plant that we work together with the workers. 就是在这个工厂内我们同工人一起劳动。

2).The door was opened, and he came in.门开了,他走了进来。

3).He studied in the college for two years, and then he went to join the army. 他在大学念过两年书,后来就去参军去了。 4).If it should rain tomorrow, I shall stay at home. 明天下雨我就呆在家里不出去。

5).When at last he stood upon the cliff, he turned to his little sister and looked upon her sorrowfully.


6).John rose gloomily as the train stopped for he was thinking of his ailing mother. 火车停了,约翰忧郁地站了起来,因为他想起了病中的母亲。



1) The People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949.一九四九年中华人民共和国成立。

比较:中华人民共和国成立于一九四九年。 2) In July, 1956, Egypt had seized the Suez Canal.


比较:埃及占领苏伊士运河是在一九五六年。 3) And on July 1st, 1999, I graduated from university.

一九九九年七月一日,我大学毕业了。 4) Smoking is prohibited in public places. 公共场所不准吸烟。


英语有冠词,汉语没有冠词;因此,英译汉时往往要将冠词省略。相反,汉译英时,多要增加冠词,也就是增译法中的增加冠词。如: 1) A book is useful.

(是)有用(的)。 2) The earth goes around the sun. 地球绕太阳转。

(省略表示独一无二的事物的定冠词 the)又如:The moon was slowly rising above the sea.) 3) A teacher should have patience in his work.当教员的应当有耐心。(省略表示类别的不定冠词a)

4) The girl standing at the window is his girlfriend.


此句中girl后有定语,汉译时定冠词The可省也可保留。) 5) Milk is sold by the pound.牛奶按磅计价。(牛奶是论磅卖的。)

当然,有些场合,冠词是不能省略的。比如不定冠词a 或an 表示数量“一”时,定冠词the 表示“这”或“那”时,均不能省略。 6) He left without a word.他一句话不说就走了。 7) The children are of an age.这些孩子都是同岁的。 Exercises 1.We can not see sound waves as they travel through air.声波通过空气传播,是看不见的。(省人称代词)

2.The dog is stretching itself.这条狗在伸懒腰。(省反身代词)

3.It was a cold, dark day, the sky overcast.寒冷阴沉的一天,乌云密布。(省略非人称代词it) 4.I can do it, and so can you. 我能做,你也能做。(省略并列连词) 5.Smoking is not allowed in the store-house.仓库重地,严禁吸烟。(省略介词) 6.Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。(省从属连词)

7.A wise man will not marry a woman who has attainment but no virtue.聪明的人是不会娶有才无德的女子为妻的。(省关系代词) 8.他们开始研究敌情,分析敌情。

They began to study and analyze the situation of the enemies.(增加并列连词) 9.礼拜天我们不上学。

On Sundays we have no school.(增加介词) 10.孩子就是孩子。

A boy is always a boy.(增加冠词)

Lecture 9 Conversion

(词类转换法) 教学要求

了解并熟悉词类转换法(Conversion)的翻译技巧;在此基础上了解英汉常见的差异。 In terms of conversion we mean that in translating a word in one language belonging to a certain part of speech is not neceary to be turned into one of the same part of speech in another language.As a matter of fact, conversion in the English language is very common.Let’s take the word “round” for example:

This is the first round.(n.) There is a round table in the room.(adj.) Round the corner slowly.(v.) He walked round the table.(prep.) So, conversion is one of the important techniques and is needed primarily by the differences in syntactic structure and idiomatical way in the two languages.Conversion occurs on many occasions.But the most commonly seen are as follow: 1.转译成动词

英语和汉语相比较,汉语中动词用得比较多,这是一个特点。 往往在英语句子中只用一个谓语动词,而在汉语中却可以几个动词或动词性结构连用。如: He is a good eater and a good sleeper. 他能吃能睡。

He admires the President’s stated decision to fight for the job. 他对总统声明为保持其职位而决心奋斗表示钦佩。

A.由动词的派生名词(或含有动作意义的名词)转译为动词 His very appearance at any affair proclaims it a triumph.无论什么事情,只要他一露面,就算是成功了。

An acquaintance of world history is helpful to the study of translation.读一点世界史,对学习翻译是有帮助的。

A view of Mt.E-mei can be obtained from here.从这儿可以看到峨嵋山。

A.由动词的派生名词(或含有动作意义的名词)转译为动词 Exercise: a.The sight and sound of our jet planes filled me with special longing.

b.On the walk through the campus they saw many students reading in the garden.c.He urged upon citizens of the country the neceity of persisting in participation in political controversies.看到我们的喷气式飞机,听见隆隆的机声,令我特别神往。 漫步校园时,他们看见许多学生在公园里看书。 他告诫全国公民,必须坚持参加政治论战。

B.英语中加后缀-er, -or 的名词,在句中并不表身份和职业,而是含有较强的动作意义。 He is no smoker, but his father is a chain-smoker.他倒是不抽烟,但他的爸爸却一支接一支地抽(是个老烟枪)。

He was a regular visitor. 他经常来。

I am afraid I can’t teach you swimming.I think my little brother is a better teacher than I.我未必会教你游泳。我想我的弟弟比我教得好。 C.介词转换为动词

Jones opened the windows to let fresh air in.琼斯把窗子打开,让新鲜空气进来。 That day she was up before sunrise.那天她在日出前就起来了。

“Coming!” Away she skimmed over the lawn, up the path, up the steps, acro the veranda, and into the porch.“来啊!” 她转身蹦着跳着地跑了, 越过草地, 跑上小径,跨上台阶, 穿过凉台,进了门廊。 C.介词转换为动词

Up the street they went, past stores, acro a broad square, and then he entered a huge building.他们沿着大街走去,经过许多商店,穿过一个大广场,然后进入了一座大厦。 in accordance with 符合

on the basis of 根据 by means of 利用

on behalf of 代表 instead of 代替

in favor of 支持,赞成


They were suspicious and resentful of him.他们不信任他,讨厌他。 2.转译成名词

A.Verbs-Nouns 英语中有许多由名词派生的动词,以及由名词转用的动词,在汉语中往往不易找到相应的动词,这时可将其转译成汉语的名词。如: She behaves as if she were a child.她的举止跟一个孩子一样。

A well-dreed man, who looked and talked like an American, got into the car.一个衣着讲究的人上了车,他的言谈举止酷似美国人。 A.Verbs-Nouns Edison patented over one thousand separated inventions during his life.爱迪生一生中得到一千多项发明项目的专利。 It is chiefly characterized by its simplicity of structure.它的主要特点是结构简单。 His image as a good student was badly tarnished.Tarnish: 失去光泽;褪色


B.Adjectives-Nouns 一种情况,英语中有些形容词加上定冠词表示一类的人,汉译时常译成名词(例



1.They did their best to help the sick and the wounded.他们尽了最大的努力帮助病号和伤员。

2.Robin Hood and his merry men hated the rich and loved and protected the poor.

罗宾汉和他的同伴们痛恨富人,热爱并保护穷人。 3.Stevenson was eloquent and elegant—but soft. 史蒂文森有口才、有风度,但很软弱。 4.This problem is no le important than that one.这个问题的重要性不亚于那个问题。 5.Gla is more transparent than plastic cloth.玻璃的透明度比塑料布要好。

Exercise: They are going to build a school for the blind and the deaf.他们将为盲人和聋人修建一所学校。 The White family were religious.王尔德(怀特)全家都是虔诚的教徒。 Hospitals are getting more efficient these days.近日来,医院的效率越来越高了。 C.Adverbs—Nouns It is editorially said that… 社论说……

He is strong physically, but weak mentally.他体力很强,可智力很弱。

The new type of machine is shown schematically in Figure 1.图一所示是这种新型机器的简图。 独立思考是学习所绝对必要的。

Independent thinking is an absolute neceity in study.我们觉得难于解决这个问题。

We find difficulty in solving this problem.3.转译成形容词


1.I can note the grace of her gesture.我可以看到她优雅的举止。

2.We have seen the beauty of Mt.Tai. 我们看到了美丽的泰山。

3.You pa from the heat and glare of a big open square into a cool, dark cavern.你从一个巨大的露天广场上炎热而耀眼的阳光中进入凉爽阴暗的洞穴。 A.Nouns—Adjectives 4.As he is a perfect stranger in the city, I hope you will give him the neceary help.他对这个城市完全陌生,所以我希望你能给他必要的帮助。

英语中有些名词加不定冠词作表语时,往往可以转译成形容词(例4和例5) 。 又如:The blockade was a succe. 封锁很成功。 B.Adverbs—Adjectives

The English language has changed subtly and pervasively.

英语的变化很微妙,很普遍。 She looked at me expectantly.她用期待的眼光看着我。

Hopefully, it will be done early next month.下月初完成这项工作是大有希望的。

Traditionally, there had always been good relations between them.他们之间一直有着传统的友好关系。 B.Adverbs—Adjectives

他慢条斯理地点了一两下头说:“是的。” “Yes,” he said with a slow nod or two.他们热忱地欢迎他。

They give him a hearty welcome.他会立即答复。

He will give an immediate reply.A.Nouns—Adverbs 1.The man nodded with satisfaction.那人满意地点了点头。

2.He had the honor to attend the congre.他荣幸地出席了代表大会。

B.Adjectives—Adverbs 3.He had a careful study of the map before he started off.他在出发前仔细地看了看地图。

4.Can you give an accurate translation of the sentence? 你能准确地把这句话译出来吗?


Exercise 1.It is impoible to live in society and be independent of society.(adj—v.) 生于社会,不能脱离社会。

2.They have not done so well ideologically, however, as organizationally.(adv.—n.) 但是,他们的思想工作没有他们的组织工作做得好。 3.I have the honour to inform you that… (n.—adv.) 我荣幸地通知你。

4.He had the kindne to show me the way.( n.—adv.) 他好意地给我指路。

5.I recognized the absurdity of dealing with them through intermediaries (中间人).(n.—adj.) 我认识到,通过中间人跟他们打交道是愚蠢的。 6.他们怀疑这是否是真的。(v—adj.) They are doubtful whether it is true or not.

7.“放我出去!”房间里的孩子叫道。(v.—adv.) “Let me out!” the child in the room cried. 8.你拨错了电话号码。(adv.—adj.)

You dialed the wrong number.

Lecture 10

Affirmation and Negation

Sentence Translation


二、教学过程: 1.增译法 省译法 词类转换

正说反译、反说正译法 重译法 语态变换法 词序调整法 拆译法

During the proce of E-C or C-E translation, due to different ways or habit of expreing, the transfer of affirmative expreion into negative one or vice versa is not only frequent but neceary.

The reasons of using this method is,

first, to expre the exact meaning of the source language smoothly; second, to conform to norms of the target language Examples: Excuse me.对不起。

“Don’t stop working” he said.他说,“继续干活吧” 別停止工作

He went into the insecure building. 他走进那所危楼。


A.源文从正面表达,译文从反面表达 1.动词

Such a chance denied me. 我没有得到这样一个机会。 2.副词

A: The boy is quite clever. B: Exactly.


乙:一点不错/的确如此。 3.形容词

1)It would be most disastrous if even a rumor of it were given. 甚至只要有一点点风声漏出去,结果就不堪设想。 2)The explanation is pretty thin.


3)His refusal is not final.

他的拒绝不是不可改变的。 4.介词

1)This problem is above me.


2)It was beyond his power to sign such a contract.

他无权签订这种合同。 5.连接词

The guerrilla would fight to death before they surrender 游击队员宁愿战斗到死,而决不投降。

I will not go unle I hear from him 如果他不通知我,我就不去


1)By about six-thirty the sounds of aircraft, trucks and tanks had become quite familiar, but a series of small explosions nearby seemed to cause new anxiety. 大约到六点半,大家对飞机、卡车和坦克的声音已经很习以为常了。但是附近一些轻微的爆炸声似乎又造成了新的不安。


1)The islanders found themselves far from ready to fight the war. 岛民发现自己远远没有做好作战准备。

2)We believe that the younger generation will prove worthy of our trust. 我们相信,年轻一代将不会辜负我们的信任。

3)When Philip mied the last bus, he was at a lo to know what to do.菲利普误了最后一班公共汽车,茫然不知该怎么办。 二.英语从反面表达,译文从正面表达 1.动词

1)I rode around with him one day seeing how the ships unloaded. 一天我和他乘车转了一转,看看船如何卸货。

2)The doubt was still unsolved after his repeated explanations. 虽经他一再解释,疑团仍然存在。


1)He carelely glanced through the note and got away.


2)Many agreed that the Prime Minister had in effect resigned dishonorably.许多人认为首相辞职实际上是很丢面子的。


1)He was an indecisive sort of person and always capricious.


2)All the articles are untouchable in the museum.

博物馆内一切展品禁止触摸。 4.名词

1)He manifested a strong dislike for his father’s busine.他对他的父亲的行业表示强烈的厌恶情绪。

2)I watched with disbelief as a number was put on my right forearm--- 82585.当一个号码—82585刺在我右前臂时,我怀疑地看着。


1)Don’t lose time in posting this letter. 赶快把这封信寄出去。

2)The examination left no doubt that the patient had died of cancer.调查的结果清清楚楚说明病人死于癌症。

3)Students, with no exception, are to hand in their papers this afternoon.

今天下午学生统统要交书面作业。 A.Some Idiomatic Expreions 1.riot police

防暴警察 (即anti-riot police,而不是*的警察) 2.crisis law

反危机法案 (即anti-crisis law) 3.spy film 反谍影片 4.After you, sir. 先生,您先请。

A.Some Idiomatic Expreions 5.Keep in lane!

不准换线! 6.Keep off the lawn!


7.I couldn’t agree more with you.

我完全同意你的看法。 8.Just make yourself at home.


9.He was the last man to say such things. 他绝不会说这样的话。

10.They are non-local laborers in Beijing 他们是在北京打工的外地民工。

11.We must never stop taking an optimistic view of life.我们要永远对生活抱乐观的态度。 Exercises:

1.I’m new to the work.

这工作我是生手。(这工作我不熟悉。) 2.He is free with his money.


3.He realized that he was in trouble.

他意识到遇到麻烦了。(他感到自己的处境不妙。) 4.The station is no distance at all.

车站近在咫尺。(车站一点儿也不远。) 5.It’s no le than a fraud.

这简直是一场骗局。(这无异于一场骗局。) 6.The works of art were left intact, the money gone.

艺术品还在,钱却不翼而飞。 (艺术品原封未动,钱却不翼而飞。)

7.Time is what we want most, but what, alas, many use worst.(adv.) 时间是我们最缺少的,但可叹之至,偏偏许多人最不善于利用。 8.They feel great anxiety about his sickne. 他们对他的病情感到焦虑不安。 9.The criminal is still at large.(phrase) 罪犯还未捉拿归案。 After cla exercises: 1.Isn’t it funny!

2.I am never at a lo for a word; Pitt is never at a lo for the word.3.When Stephen was introduced to the old couple, they said simply, “We’ve read your article.We expected to meet an older man.”

4.In a little town such things cannot be done without remark. 5.The thought of returning to his native land never deserted him.6.That’s a thing that might happen to any man.7.This book is a fool to that both in plot and execution.8.He was 75, but he carried his years lightly. 9.His speech leaves much to be desired.10.John was a fool for danger.



1.The grey-black clouds had suddenly departed and an expanse of colored clouds had blazed up at the western edge of the sky.灰黑的云突然遁去,西天边烧起一片云彩。

2.A pennile la with a long pedigree and a sweet face, she had been raised by a scheming aunt to find a million dollars and marry it.这位小姑娘虽然一贫如洗,却是世家出身,长得俏丽动人,由姑母抚养,这位长辈颇有心计,这心想让侄女嫁个百万富翁。

3.John doesn't invite Mary to coffee because she is a wet blanket.约翰不邀请玛丽去喝咖啡,因为她是一个令人扫兴的人。

4.It was an early September day, cool and bright and just right for running, and I was in the first few miles of a 10.5-mile race over a course through steep exhausting hills.那是九月初的一天,秋高气爽,阳光明媚,正是赛跑的好时光。我正参加一场10.5英里的比赛,刚跑了几英里。比赛路线要穿越一些陡峭、使人精疲力竭的山坡。

5.I wonder whether he is a Trojan Horse.我不知道他是否是个内奸。

6.It is right here, at Geneva, whose very name evokes peace, the will to peace, cooperation among nations, that after long years of discuion, the negotiations were completed which had started on March 24,1984 at Havana on the neceity of creating as part o f the United Nations system a body responsible for regulating international trade.日内瓦是一个唤起和平、唤起各国和平意愿与合作的地方。正是在此地,于1984年3月24日在哈瓦那开始的旷日持久的谈判终于完成了。这次谈判的目的是,有否必要在联合国系统内建立一个负责调节国际贸易的机构。 7.In China, they "made mistakes", suffered by them, acknowledged and studied them, thus planned victory.在中国,他们犯过错误,吃过错误的亏,承认错误,研究错误,从而制定了胜利的方针。

8.The questions were evidently unexpected to the slow-witted spokesman, who instantly found himself tongue-tied.这些问题显然使得这位头脑迟钝的发言人感到意外,他立刻显得张口结舌,哑口无言。

9.They drove in a black limousine, past groves of birch trees and endle rows of identical new buildings.他们驾着一辆黑色大轿车,经过一片片白桦林,穿过一排排鳞次栉比的新建筑。

10.Motion is infinite in variety, and the study of certain simple type of motion constitutes the science of mechanics. 尽管运动的方式多种多样,但是人们通过对某些简单运动形式的研究而创立了力学。


That theory must go hand in hand with practice is a principle we should always keep in mind.12.这家小工厂经过技术改造,发展很快,使人感到惊讶不已。

This small factory underwent a technological renovation, thus developing with surprising speed.13.我们恢复和采取这些贸易方式的原因很简单:我们出口商品就是为了满足国外客户消费方面的需要。

The reason why we have restored and adopted these trade practices is very simple.Our export commodities are for the use and consumption of our foreign customers.14.另一方面,必须用上述材料进行广泛宣传,使人们认识到,自然保护区是保护自然及文化遗产的基本单位,它们是在人类进步里程中长期斗争中形成的,对经济建设有着重要的作用。

On the other hand, it is neceary to carry on the extensive publicity, enabling the public to know that the protected areas are the basic unit of the management of the natural and cultural heritages which are formed in the struggle proce against the nature by human beings and will play an important role in the economic construction.15.最近几年,学校对教学制度进行了改革,最明显的一点是学分制,也就是学生若提前修满规定的学分,就可以提前毕业。

We have been undergoing some educational reforms in recent years.An obvious method is to adopt credit system which means students can graduate ahead of schedule whey then complete the regular credits.

2.1) 全球变暖有人们以前担心的两倍那么快。近来联合国发表报告警告说,21世纪地球气温可能上升近6 摄氏度--比过去1万年的任何时候都要迅速。在过去100年里,地球的气温仅上升了0石摄氏度。但20世纪的最后10年里,气温达到了最高纪录。数个月前在海牙进行的减少5%的温室气体排放的谈判失败了。报道警告说,若地球气温升高5.8摄氏度,随着海洋变暖和极地冰帽融化,海平面将升高3英尺,几千万孟加拉人和埃及人将无家可归。部分英国低地也面临着同样的危险。科学家们相信其预言的升温将带来风暴、洪水和旱灾,部分原因将是空气污染减少。该报告是由在上海举行的有 99国专家参加的一次会议上发布的。这种升温将部分地归咎于污染的消除。引起酸雨的二氧化硫气体排放减少,温室气体的影响随之扩大'。这些气体留住"阳光中的热量,而二氧化硫使空气冷却。联合国气候变化国际专门小组呼吁各国政府进一步努力,减 少排放矿物燃料燃烧产生的诸如二氧化碳等温室气体,以制止全球变暖。

2) 置身幸福环境的人,在思想受到困扰的时候,总有这种体验。接着,他几乎会奢望幸福环境能分担他的困扰并在分担中变得更为真实。在那个星期天,人们感到,一个黄金时代已在昨日宣告结束,而大地对这消息尤浑然不觉。这场变化之所以发生,不是上帝旨意使然,甚至也不是人类的意志使然,而是因为远在别处的少数人怯于开诚布公地善待同类。他们手中握有足以令他们战栗的大权。有一条他们知道不可触动的弹簧,可是如同喜欢捣蛋又战战兢兢的孩子,他们毕竟去触动了,为了他们的淘气,如今全世界的人要受罪了。于是,翌日早晨,人们看见一名预备役士兵穿上了制服,在农舍门口告别妻孥,爬山出谷去了,脸上仍挂着欣喜的笑容。那是出现麻烦的第一个朕兆,一点蛛丝马迹而已,当事人更是尽量不事张扬。归根到底,这片谷地远在可能燃起的战火之外,这儿的一应作物以及用于今年酿酒的梨子和苹果都将在和平环境中收摘归仓。

3.Judging from what we have accomplished in recent years, it should be poible for our economy to reach a new stage every few years.We actually started the reform in 1980.In 1981, 1982 and 1983 it was carried out primarily in the countryside.In 1984 the focus shifted to urban areas.The years from 1984 to 1988 witneed comparatively rapid economic growth.During those five years rural reform brought about many changes: grain output increased substantially, as did the peasants’ income, and rural enterprises emerged as a new force.The purchasing power of peasants increased and many new houses were built.The “four big items” --- bicycles, sewing machines, radios and wristwatches --- entered ordinary peasant household, along with some more expensive consumer goods.The increase of farm and sideline products, the expansion of rural markets and the shift of surplus farm labor to rural enterprises stimulated industrial development.In those five years the gro industrial output value amounted to more than 6 trillion Yuan, with an average annual growth rate of 21.7 percent.:Production of proceed food, clothing, housing, transportation and commodities for daily use, including major appliances such as color TV Sets, refrigerators and washing machines, increased by a wide margin.There was also substantial growth in the production of capital goods such as rolled steel and cement.Thus, agriculture and industry, rural areas and urban areas had a reciprocal impact, progre in one sector promoting progre in the other.This is a vivid, convincing model of the development proce.It can be said that during this period China’s wealth expanded considerably, and the economy as a whole was raised to a new level.

第13篇:英汉互译实践 大纲












As mentioned in front of students, VR technology is very interesting, and also has a lot of advantages, but every invention has advantages and disadvantages.For example, the invention of the car, the car can be used instead of walking and take us very easily from one place to another, but our environment is getting worse, the greenhouse effect is worse.Therefore, VR will also bring bad side, for example, may have some impact on the service industry and tourism, people can get all kinds of games and entertainment experience to see the beautiful scenery in the world, so there may reduce actual entertainment games don\'t even would not use money to the scenic area, there is no need to go to the crowded tourist.So many recreational facilities may be abandoned, the production of recreational facilities workers may be unemployed.To give another example, child can play games through the VR technology, they can imagine themselves as a flying super hero, like iron man, but in fact, they are nothing but a utopian child.This is not good for children’s learning, they will forget what they should do in real word, the learning is what they should do.This is an ecological cycle, a ring, so we should know how to understand and use the VR technology to bring us change, is worth us to think.

As in front of clamates, VR is interesting, has many advantages, but every kind of thing was invented had the pros and cons.Such as the invention of the car, the car can instead of walking and take us easily from one place to another, but our environment is getting worse, the greenhouse effect worse.VR, therefore, also can bring bad side.For example, is likely to service, tourism industry has a certain impact, people can get all kinds of entertainment experience to see the beautiful scenery all over the world, so it is poible to reduce the actual entertainment game even don\'t need, need not spend money to the scenic spot, crowded don\'t go to travel.So many amusement facilities may waste, the production of entertainment facilities may be unemployed workers.This is an ecological cycle, a ring by ring, so how can we use VR technology in a right way, is worth us to think.


题目:The bad side of VR technology As mentioned in front of students, VR technology is very interesting, and also has many advantages, but every invention has advantages and disadvantages.For example, the invention of the car, the car can be used instead of walking and take us very easily from one place to another, but our environment is getting worse, the greenhouse effect is worse.Therefore, VR will also bring bad side, for example, may have some impact on the service industry and tourism, people can get all kinds of games and entertainment experience to see the beautiful scenery in the world, so there may reduce the number of trips and even would not use money to go to the scenic area, there is no need to go to the crowded tourist.So many recreational facilities may be abandoned, the product of recreational facilities workers may be unemployed.To give another example, child can play games through the VR technology, they can imagine themselves as a flying super hero like iron man, but in fact, they are nothing but an utopian child.This is not good for children\'s learning, they will forget what they should do in the actual world but the learning is what they should do.This is an ecological cycle and each link will affect each other.So we should know how to understand and use the VR technology in a right way, is worthy of our thinking.

第15篇:4A 英汉互译 专题训练

4A英汉互译 专题训练







13.在八点二十五分________________14.47加 55_______________________



19.晚安!___________________20.上床睡觉 _____________________



25.来吃些蛋糕 ____________________一个快乐的女孩儿______________

26.又饿又渴____________________27.读读写写 _____________________



32.喜欢你的小扇子_________________33.三只饥饿的老虎________________ 34.你为什么不。。。?________________35.两把短尺子_________________

36.你怎么了? ____________________37.在课上_________________

38.这个新钱包 ____________________39.看她的新毛衣 _________________


42.Nancy的棕色的雨伞______________43.多可爱啊! ____________________

44.在电脑房里 ____________________45.可能她在教室里。_______________ 46.她的可爱的兔子__________________







58.过来 // 进来_____________________59.去电影院____________________



64.奶奶的2条旧围巾_________________65.喜欢你的小水壶 __________________










































策划人: 彭长云,柯甄



实践中现存的问题并找出解决的办法 ,走出目前英汉互译教学的困境促使学生了解文化差异 ,多阅读、勤背诵、常思考、重交流 ,熟练掌握英汉互译的技能。


翻译是跨语言、跨文化、跨社会的社交活动。汉互译教学的任务是培养和提高学生的实际翻译能 乐趣。


学习几个单词或者短语 ,难以全面掌握翻译的技能,



1.翻译教学的目的不明确 语言重在培养学习感觉和灵性。阅读可以提高


2.学生的认识不到位 我所用、信手拈来。背诵是一个日积月累的过程 ,以后的实践中能够自如地运用2.培养学生常思考、多交流

语言学科尤其是英汉互译课程 ,囊括了历史、地 度上领会文化的差异给英汉互译带来的影响。


在英汉互译教学中不断要求学生对身边的一切事物 任何课程都受到外部和内部两大因素的影响。

通过英汉两种语言进行互换思考 ,保持“事事关心 外部因素包括科学技术的发展、社会经济的变化、人

它的表达 ,时时我来表达 ”的积极语言学习态度。 口的流动、文化的变迁等 ,内部因素则包括教育系统

经常性的思考训练 ,有助于培养学生的灵感思维。灵感思维是翻译活动中译者通过对原语的透彻理解 影响。

学生互相学习,经常交流 ,吸取他人的正确思维和语 多思考多讨论 ,要在辅导环节对学生的译文进行评

言表达方式。 析 ,充分调动学生的语言学习积极性。





Play Smarter篮球训练营及教练简介

Play Smarter Basketball国际训练营坐落于美国洛杉矶市圣加百利地区,由理查德.马奎斯教练创办,是一个拥有三十多年历史的国际专业篮球常年训练营。 每年寒暑假,训练营会在不同国家举办培训活动。 培训主要针对12至22周岁的青少年,以培养篮球天才少年为理念,通过篮球技术和头脑反应能力的训练,使营员们感受篮球带来的乐趣,提高个人技术和对球队的信心,改善沟通能力和团队合作能力,学会用自己的智慧执行团队的防守和进攻计划。

What is Play Smarter International Basketball Camp?

The Play Smarter International Basketball Camp, which is located at San Gabriel, Los Angeles , established by Coach Richard Marquis ,is a international profeional training center which has been developing for more than 30 years.The camp performs training activities in different countries during summer and winter holidays each year.They focus on the teenagers aging from 12 to 22 years.Based on the concept of “Play Smarter”, the camp train members the basketball skills and capability of brain reflection, thus enabling them the enjoyment of the happine and pleasure which comes from playing basketball, as well as the self-confidence of their basketball technic.It can also improve their communication and cooperation abilities ,enabling them to perform their group defence and offense plan in a smarter way.Play Smarter Basketball国际训练营已为西班牙,日本、韩国、中国及台湾地区,泰国,菲律宾,波多黎各等二十多个国家培养了大批篮球后备人才,例如原中国奥林匹克希望篮球队。Play Smarter Basketball国际训练营与美国多所大学和高中有着密切的合作关系。 并且优秀的营员可以选择到美国的高中或大学就读和训练。

Play Smarter basketball International basketball training camp has done a lot of works for the improvement of the basketball skills of teenagers in more than 20 countries, such as Spain, Japan, Korea, China and Taiwan region(such as the original Chinese Olympic Hope Team), Thailand, Philippines, Puerto Rico etc, they have developed a lot of talent succeion for these countries. Play Smarter basketball camp has established good relationships with a lot of high schools and colleges in the United States.And excellent players in the camp from other countries are provided for the opportunities to study and train in high schools or universities in U.S. 另外,Play Smarter 篮球训练营也接待来自世界各国的篮球访问团。训练营为交流的球队提供一流的训练设施(包括16块室内木地板球场),并且根据不同球队的水平,特点及要求,安排美国相应的学校篮球队进行交流比赛,提高实战能力。同时,根据需求也可以为交流团队安排旅游活动,例如前往迪斯尼乐园,拉斯维加斯等。Play Smarter作为篮球交流的终端,而非旅行社,为交流球队节省了中间环节费用,提高了交流的价值。最重要的是,交流球队有机会接受美国大学篮球教练的测试,通过选拔的队员可以获得在美国留学的机会。

Moreover, Play Smarter Basketball Camp has been welcoming basketball teams from different countries.The camp offers the first-cla training facilities, such as 16 full courts inside gym, they also arranges their members to play with the local basketball teams for training based on their level and need ,thus improving their competence .Also they can arrange some tour program if required ,such as going to visit the Disney or Las Vegas.Since Play Smarter Basketball Camp is not travel agency, the cost of visiting has decreased a lot, which making the trip much worthy for the visiting teams.Most of all, visiting teams have the opportunity to get the test by coaches from America universities, and players who pa the test may be admitted to study in U.S.

Play Smarter Basketball国际训练营总裁及总教练Coach Marquis在60年代执教于西班牙和法国的最大联赛(后来的FIBA国际篮联世界锦标赛的前身)。之后在NBA执教和工作了13年(1971年-1984年),并且担任了十年的NBA夏季联赛主席(曾任美国NBA洛杉矶湖人队教练员,执教过天钩贾巴尔)。同时,马奎斯教练在青少年篮球训练上有着非常丰富的经验。在美国的高校篮球历史上,只有3名教练有超过1000场胜利的记录,其中就包括马奎斯教练。

President of the Play Smarter Basketball international training camp and main Coach Marquis has performed as a teacher in the biggest league between Spain and France which was once named FIBA .After that he coached for NBA for 13 years (1971-1984) and acted as the summer league chairman for NBA (he also has coached united NBA Lakers in Las Vegas , Kareem Abdul-Jabbar was once be coached by him).At the same time ,Coach Marquis has extraordinary experience in the training of young adult’s basketball.In the history of basketball in united state’s high school, only three of the coaches have the record of more one thousand succeed, including coach Marquis.马奎斯教练是日本和韩国的第一位大学球队外籍教练,2005年,马奎斯教练受聘于厦门大学,成为了中国第一位大学(大超联赛)的外籍教练。 在40年的执教生涯中,马奎斯教练执教过许多国家的男子,女子或者青年男子,女子篮球队,其中包括墨西哥,巴西,泰国,日本,韩国,马来西亚,菲律宾,西班牙,法国,意大利等。

Coach Marquis was the first university basketball coach from abroad in Japan and Korea, in the year of 2005 ,Coach Marquis was employed by Xiamen university ,and became the first foreign coach in Chinese university.In his forty years coaching career, coach Marquis has been travelling all over the world,coaching and teaching basketball both for boys ,girls and adult men female basketball in lots of countries,including mexico, brazil, thailand, japan, korea, malaysia, the philippines, spain, france and italy.

丰富的执教经验使马奎斯教练拥有非常广泛的人际关系,他的很多朋友或者学生执教于美国各大学,中学篮球队。 至今,马奎斯教练为世界各国很多篮球少年提供机会到美国进行特训,并推荐他们到适合的大学进行学习。

His rich experience enabled him the very extensively relationships ,he has a lot of friends or students who are coaching in some of the universities in the united states or in some middle school basketball teams.Up till now, coach marquis also provide the opportunities for teenage basketball members in worldwide countries to get special training in the United States, as well as recommending them to study in proper universities.


We guarantee that you can never find a better training camp because we have been doing it for 30 years.

我们提供哪些价值 what we provide?


Sending Basketball teams to visit US for sports exchange and training 亲身感受美国篮球文化氛围

与美国球队亲自过招,加强队伍实战经历 学习了解最先进的篮球理念



与中国高校合作开展Play Smarter篮球训练营 学习了解当今最新篮球理念及哲学


美国原版篮球训练教材,在竞技和娱乐中轻松掌握英语学习要领 以球会友,这是联系美国大学,高中的桥梁 扩大学校知名度及影响力

Feeling the basketball paradise by yourselves.Have scrimmages with US teams to acquire the experiences.Learning the advanced basketball concept.Watching NBA games to see the famous stars in closer range Local college coaches will watch the training and select the players they like and may help some Chinese students to study aboard because of your basketball.

Cooperate with Chinese universities to promote Play Smarter basketball camp.Learning the advanced basketball drills, concepts and philosophy.Improving your basketball competition skills according to our more than 30 year’s experiences.Original basketball studying materials help for your learning of English.

We are the bridge to connect your high schools & colleges in US.Enlarging the reputation and influence of your schools .照片部分 照片附上说明。 教练的合影照片(与名人) 16片篮球场的照片 球场坐标


赞助商Molten Hoop Rat 的logo出现,表示感谢。 最后附上我们的联系方式 名片出现


















8.明天见9.我们的学校10下课后11.放学后 12.去看电影

13.电脑游戏14下午好 15.在沙发下面



22.坏消息23.在操场 24.在周一早上



31.绿灯行32.黄灯等 33.左转

34.直走35.右转36.下棋37.思考/想 38.看一看39.醒来40.出现41.笔友42.宠物商店


48.have to

49.just do it50.use

56.speak to57.stay at home



