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《三峡》(郦道元 北魏著名地理学家、散文家)

1、文学常识:作者:郦道元 , 北魏著名地理学家、散文家 。《三峡》一文出自《水经注》这是记叙我国古代水道的一部地理书。

2、实词:自:从。嶂:像屏障一样的高山。 曦月:阳光,月亮。

襄:漫上。 沿:顺流而下。 溯:逆流而上。

御:驾。 献:山峰。 良:实在、真。

肃:寂静。 属:连续。 引:延长。 绝:消失。

清荣峻茂 素;白色。旦;早晨。



属:属引凄异(连续) 绝:久绝(消失)。 自三峡„„(从)

有良田美池桑竹之属 (类) 绝 献:极 自非„„(如果)

属予作文以记之(嘱咐)。 阻绝:断



春冬之时,则素湍绿潭,回清倒影 常有高猿长啸,属引凄异






(2)写水流湍急的句子:有时朝发白帝,暮到江陵。 4)写春冬三峡水的特点的句子:素湍绿潭,回清倒影。








11、欣赏:(1)你喜欢文中那一点?说出喜欢的原因。如;用词精当,趣;表愉快心情。或 引用渔歌起反衬作用。




Unit1 What’s the matter?



要求:(1)内容包含所提供的信息,可适当发挥;(2)书写认真,句子通顺;(3)词数:60词左右。 【优秀满分范文】

Jack is my friend.He likes playing computer games very much.He often sits in the same way for too long without moving.Now he has a headache, sore eyes and a sore back.He doesn’t sleep well at night, so he feels tired every day.I think he should take breaks away from the computer.He shouldn’t use the computer for a long time.He should do eye exercises to relax his eyes and go to bed early at night.I think if he has a good rest, he will feel well soon.Unit2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks.


你们班下周要进行英语演讲比赛, 主题是My life in 20 years。 请你写一篇短文, 畅想一下二十年后的生活, 包括学习、工作、居住环境、生活等的变化。 【优秀满分范文】

My life in 20 years In 20 years, I think I will be a tour guide because I like to travel.

As a tour guide, I will go to different places of interest and meet a lot of tourists.I will learn several kinds of foreign languages because I will meet tourists from different countries.I will live in Yongchuan.Because it’s a beautiful city.And I will also get married.I will have a beautiful wife and two children.I love the nature, so I will go hiking with my family.I’m sure my life will be very wonderful in the future.Unit3 Could you please clean your room?

【题目要求】 假如你是David,下面是一张做家务的情况表。请根据所给的信息写一篇短文,谈谈你和家人所做的家务以及你对做家务的看法,要求内容完整,语句通顺,80字左右。


I’m David.There are three people in my family.They are my father, my mother and I.My father does the dishes on weekends.He sweeps the floor on Wednesdays.My mother cooks meals everyday.She washes clothes on Tuesdays and Saturdays.As for me, I do the dishes on weekdays.I take out the rubbish everyday.I sweep the floor on weekends.I think it’s neceary for us students to do chores.Doing chores can help to develop our independency, and we can learn to take care of ourselves.Unit4 Why do’t you talk to your parents?



【优秀满分范文】 Dear Li Mei, I’m sorry to hear that you have too much preure and don’t sleep well at night.Your parents want you to get good grades,so they send you to all kinds of after-school clubs including language learning, music, math claes and so on.And you really don’t know what to do.I think your parents really love you and they hope you have a wonderful future.If you feel uncomfortable, there are many things you can do.You could talk about it with your parents.You should tell them that kids need more free time to relax.At the same time, you should study hard and try your best to get good grades.Best wishes!

Yours, Tom Unit5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?


Susanna所在的城市昨天晚上发生了一场地震。很幸运,地震并不强烈,他们全家安然无恙。假如你是Susanna请描述一下地震发生时家里人的活动情景,80词左右。 【优秀满分范文】 My name is Susanna.In our city, there was an earthquake at 8:32 yesterday evening.At that time, I was taking a shower in the bathroom.My motherwas cleaning up the kitchen and my father was watching TV in the livingroom.My elder sister Alice was working on her computer in her room.We were very scared.Luckily, the earthquake was not heavy and it didn’t last long.And we were all safe.Unit6 An old man tried to move the mountains.


同学们对“愚公移山”的故事一定有着很深的印象吧?请根据本单元所学内容及下面的提示词语,以The story of YuGong为题,把“愚公移山”的故事用英语简要叙述一下,并谈一谈你从故事中学到了什么。80词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。

提示词语:90,move themountains, zhisou, die, sons, grandsons, continue, god, be moved, help 【优秀满分范文】

The story of YuGong Once upon a time, there was an old man called YuGong.Although he was almost 90, he decided to move the mountains.A clever man called Zhisou said,“you are too old to move the mountains.”Yugong said,“If Idie, my sons still do this, and if my sonsdie, my grandsons continue doing this.”then a god was movedby Yugong, so he sent two gods to help him.From this story, I learn that anything is poible if we work hard.

Unit7 What’s the highest mountain in the world?


做为一个中国人,你对我们的中国了解多少呢?请给你在美国的笔友 Dave 写封信,向他介绍你的祖国。80 词左右,恰当运用比较级和最高级,可适当发挥。

中国是亚洲最大的国家。和美国差不多大。 中国有世界上最多的人口。人们友好勤劳。

长江是世界最长的河流之一。 中国有超过 5000 的悠久历史。比美国的历史长多了。


词汇:as…as, population,the Yangtze River ,the third longest ,much longer, Qomolangma 【优秀满分范文】 Dear Dave, I’m happy to be your pen pal.I’d like to tell you something about China.China is the biggest country in Asia.It’s almost as big as the USA.China has the biggest population in the world.The people here are friendly and hard-working.The Yangtze River is one of the longest rivers in the world.China is over 5000 years old.It has a much longer history than the US.The Qomolangma is the highest mountain in the world.I love China very much.Welcome to China and play with me.

Yours Li Lei Unit8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?


介绍你读过的一本书。Robinson Crusoe 提示:1.我是一个书迷,我读过很多书

2.我已经读了《鲁滨逊漂流记》。它是一本有趣的书。 3.Robinson Crusoe 是一个勇敢的人。年轻的时候,他梦想着在大海上航行。 4.长大以后,他在一个岛上独自生活了 28 年。他总是努力面对任何危险。 5.这个故事激励着我。

提示词: book lover, have finished , dream of sailing, live alone, encourage 【优秀满分范文】

A book I have read As a book lover, I have read a lot of books.I have finished reading Robinson Crusoe.This book is very interesting.Robinson was a brave man.When he was young, he dreamed of sailing on the sea.After he grew up, he lived on an island alone for 28 years.He always tried to face any danger.His stories encouraged me deeply.I love Robinson.Unit9 Have you ever been to a museum?

本单元围绕话题“曾经去过的地方”展开,使用现在完成时表达已经做过的事情。表达的时候不要单独使用一种时态,应多个时态交叉使用。 【题目要求】

假如你到过济南旅游过几次,那里的植物园(Botanical Garden),趵突泉(Baotu Spring) 大明湖(Daming lake),动物园,以及交通,购物等给你留下了深刻印象。80—100 词左右。 请用英语写一篇来分享一下你的游历。 提示词:have been to, fall in love with , have fun , such as , would like to, guide 【优秀满分范文】

Have you ever been to Jinan? I have been there several times.I think it’s really a beautiful city.I fell in love with it when I first travelled there.There are some beautiful places to have fun , such as Baotanical Garden, Baotu Spring and Daming Lake.In the zoo, you can see many kinds of animals walking around and some are sleeping.You can easily buy what you want.Because there are lovely restaurants and fantastic gift shops everywhere.Buses and taxis can take you where you want to go.Welcome to Jinan.I would like to be your tour guide.Unit10 I\'ve had this bike for three years. 【题目要求】 某英文报举办“家乡的变化”主题征文活动。请你根据以下提示,“The changes in my hometown”为题,用英语写一篇80词左右的短文。 过去:

生活贫困,房屋破旧。 污染严重,垃圾遍地。 交通不便,游客很少。 现在:

住房宽敞明亮,许多人有了自己的汽车。 山更绿了,水更清了,天更蓝了。 每年有成千上万来自世界各地的游客。 将来:

请你展望家乡的未来。 【优秀满分范文】

The Changes In My Hometown In the past, my hometown was very small, and people lived a poor life.The houses were old and small.Pollution was very serious, and there was rubbish everywhere.The traffic was not convenient, so few visitors came here.Now great changes have taken place in my hometown.The environment has become more beautiful.The mountains have turned greener, the rivers are clearer and the sky are bluer.There are trees, flowers and gra everywhere.People live a better life.Their houses are large and bright.Many people have their own cars.Every year , thousands of people from all over the world come to our city.

I’m sure it will get richer and more beautiful in the future.I love my hometown.


Unit One

1.How often do you exercise ? → How often + 助动词do(does或did) + 主语 + do sth.? 疑问词how often是问频率(多经常), 在这里助动词do(does或did) 是起帮助构成疑问的作用Every day / Once a week / Twice a month / Three times a month / Three or four times a month .

2.What do you usually do on weekends ? 第一个do 为助动词, 在这起帮助构成疑问的作用;而第二个 do 则是实义动词。 I usually play soccer .

3.What’s your favorite program ? It’s Animal World .

4.What do students do at Green High School ? 第一个do 为助动词, 在这起帮助构成疑问的作用;而第二个 do 则是实义动词。

5.As for homework , most students do homework every day .as for...意思是“至于;关于”,常用于句首作状语,其后跟名词、代词或动词的-ing形式(即动名词)。如:

As for him,I never want to see him here.至于他,我永远不希望在这里见到。

As for the story,you\'d better not believe it.关于那故事,你最好不要相信。

6.The results for “ watch TV ” are interesting .

7.Mom wants me to get up at 6:00 and play ping-pong with her .→ want to do sth.意思是“想要做某事”;want sb.to do sth.意思是“想要某人做某事”。如:

Do you want to go to the movies with me?你想和我一起去看电影吗?

The teacher doesn\'t want us to eat hamburgers.老师不想让我们吃汉堡包。

8.She says it’s good for my health .→ be good for...表示“对„„有益(有好处)”。其反义为:be bad for...。(这里for 是介词,后跟名词、代词或动名词)如:

It\'s good for us to do more reading.多读书对我们有好处。

Reading in bed is bad for your eyes.在床上读书对你的眼睛有害。

9.How many hours do you sleep every night ?

10.I exercise every day , usually when I come home from school .

11.My eating habits are pretty good .这里pretty相当于very 。

12.I try to eat a lot of vegetables , usually ten to eleven times a week .→ try to do sth.表示“ 尽力做某事 ” ,不包含是否成功的意思 / try doing sth.表示“ (用某一办法)试着去做某事”。 如:You’d better try doing the experiment in another way.你最好试试用另一种方法做这个试验。

13.My healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades .→ help sb.(to) do sth.帮助某人做某事

14.Good food and exercise help me to study better .→ help sb.(to) do sth.帮助某人做某事 / 这里better是well的比较级,而不是good的比较级

15.Is her lifestyle the same as yours or different ? =Is her lifestyle the same as your lifestyle or is her lifestyle different from your lifestyle ? → be the same as „ / be different from „

16.I think I’m kind of unhealthy .kind of = a little / a kind of 意思是“一种”

17.What sports do you play ?

18.A lot of vegetables help you to keep in good health .keep in good health = keep healthy = stay healthy

19.You must try to eat le meat .→ try to do sth.表示“ 尽力做某事 ” , 不包含是否成功的意思 / le是little的比较级

20.That sounds interesting.这是“主语+系动词+表语”结构的简单句。sound(听起来),look(看起来),smell(闻起来),taste(尝起来),feel(觉得),seem(好象),grow(变得) , get(变得)等词在英语中可用作系动词,后跟形容词作表语。如:

It tastes good.这味道好。

The music sounds very sweet.这音乐听起来很入耳。

The smoke grew heavier and heavier.烟雾变得越来越浓了。

Unit Two

1.What’s the matter ? What’s the mater with you ? with为介词,后跟名词、代词或动名词。人称代词必须用它的宾格。

I have a cold / have a sore back / have a stomachache

2.You should lie down and rest / drink hot tea with honey / see a dentist / see a doctor .

3.I’m not felling well .这里well表示身体状况,不能用good代替

4.When did it start ? About two days ago .

5.That’s too bad .

6.I hope you fell better soon .这里better是well的比较级

7.Traditional Chinese doctors believe we need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy .这里 to be healthy是动词不定式短语,作目的状语

8.Maybe you have too much yin .too much后跟不可数名词,而too many后跟可数名词复数

9.It’s easy to have a healthy lifestyle ,and it’s important to eat a balanced diet .→ It’s easy to do sth .做某事容易 / It’s important to do sth .做某事重要

10.Everyone gets tired sometimes .这里get连系动词,tired是形容词作表语,属系表结构

11.A sore throat can give you a fever .→ give sb.sth .= give sth.to sb.把某物给某人

12.Don’t get streed out.It’s not healthy .在这里get是连系动词,streed out是表语

13.I have a toothache .I need to see a dentist .→ need意思为 “需要” ,作实义动词时,后跟动词不定式,否定式为don’t /doesn’t / didn’t need (to do sth.) ;作情态动词时,只能用于否定句或疑问句中,否定式为needn’t(do sth.) ,除有过去式外,没有其它的形态变化

14.Eat a balanced diet to stay healthy .to stay healthy是动词不定式短语,作目的状语

15.I’m not feeling very well at the moment .at the moment = now

Unit Three

1.What are you doing for vacation ? I’m babysitting my sister .

Where are you going for vacation ? Italy .


2.Who are you going with ? I’m going with my parents .with my parents是介词短语,在这里作伴随状语,起修饰谓语动词are going的作用

3.When are you going ? I’m going on Monday .

4.What are you doing there ? I’m going hiking in the mountains .

5.How long are you staying ? Just for four days .I don’t like going away for too long .疑问词hwo long是对时间长短或事物的长度提问,在这里是对时间的长短进行提问。

6.Have a good time .= Enjoy oneself .玩得开心、愉快

7.Show me your photos when we get back to school .→ show sb.sth.= show sth.to sb.把某给某人看

8.I’m going to Hawaii for vacation .for vacation是介词短语,在这里作目的状语,起修饰谓语动词的作用

9.What’s it like there ? 这里like是介词,而不是动词

10.Can I ask you some questions about your vacation plans ? → ask sb.sth .问某人某事

11.Ben Lambert , the famous French singer , is taking a long vacation this summer ! → take a

vacation 度假

12.He thought about going to Greece or Spain , but decided on Canada .→ think about 考虑 / decide on 决定 这里的about和on都是介词

13.“ I always take vacation in Europe ,” he said .“ This time I want to do something different .” → (1).want to do sth.(2).修饰不定代词(something , nothing , anything等)的定语常放在不定代词的后面

14.He plans to have a very relaxing vacation .→ plan to do sth.计划做某事

15.I’m planning to spend time in the beautiful countryside .

16.I just finished making my last movies .→ finish doing sth.完成做某事

17.I hear that Thailand is a good place to go sightseeing .to go sightseeing是动词不定式短语,作a good place的后置定语

18.She’s leaving for Hong Kong on Tuesday .→ leave A for B 离开A地去B地

19.I want to ask you about places to visit China .to visit China是动词不定式短语,作places的后置定语

20.I’m planning my vacation to Italy this weekend .to Italy是动词不定式短语,作my vacation的后置定语

21.What should tourists take with them ? with them是介词短语,在这里作伴随状语,起修饰谓语动词take的作用

22.Where are you leaving from ? leave from 离开某地(注:from是介词)

Unit Five

1.Can you come to my party ?

Sure , I’d love(like) to ./ I’m sorry , I can’t .I have to help my parents .

Can you play tennis with me ?


2.I have too much homework this weekend .too much后跟不可数名词;too many后跟可数名词复数

3.That’s too bad .

4.Maybe another time .

5.Thanks for asking .for介词,后跟名词,代词或动名词

6.Come and have fun ./ Come and join us .

7.On Wednesday , I’m playing tennis with the school team .

8.I have to study for my science test on Thursday .have to强调客观原因;而must强调主观原因

9.Please keep quiet ! I’m trying to study .→ try to do sth.表示“ 尽力做某事 ” , 不包含是否成功的意思

10.Do you want to come to my birthday party ? → want to do sth.意思是“想要做某事”

11.Li Lei is going fishing with grandpa the whole day .the whole day = all day 整天

12.Can you come over to my house ?

13.I’m free till 22:00 .

Unit Four

1.How do you get to school ? 疑问词how 在这里是对方式进行提问

I ride my bike / walk / take the subway .By bike / bicycle / bus / train / subway / taxi / air / plane / ship / boat .On foot .

How do I get there ? 因there是副词,所以不能说get to there Don’t worry .Let me look at your

map .Ok , first „ , next „ .Then „ .

2.How long does it take ? 疑问词hwo long是对时间长短或事物的长度提问

It takes about 25 minutes to walk and 10 minutes by bus .

How long does t take you to get from home to school ?

It takes twenty-five minutes .→ take sb.some time to do sth.花费某人„„时间做某事

3.Lin Fei’s home is about Kilometers from school .

4.How far is it from your home to school ? It’s three miles .

How far do you live from school ? I live 10 miles from school .

疑问词how far在这里是对距离进行提问

5.In other parts of the world , things are different .

6.In China , it depends on where you are .→ depend on 视„„而定;决定于

7.That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus .

8.In North America , not all students take the bus to school .not all是部分否定,意思是并不是所有的;不是全部的

9.Other parts of the world are different from the United States .

10.A small number of students take the subway .→ a number of = many 许多

11.What do you think of the transportation in your town ? → think of 对„„有某种看法

12.When it rains I take a taxi .

13.I have a map but in Chinese .

14.If you have a problem , you can ask a policeman .


1.Can you come to my party ?

Sure , I’d love(like) to ./ I’m sorry , I can’t .I have to help my parents .

Can you play tennis with me ?


2.I have too much homework this weekend .too much后跟不可数名词;too many后跟可数名词复数

3.That’s too bad .

4.Maybe another time .

5.Thanks for asking .for介词,后跟名词,代词或动名词

6.Come and have fun ./ Come and join us .

7.On Wednesday , I’m playing tennis with the school team .

8.I have to study for my science test on Thursday .have to强调客观原因;而must强调主观原因

9.Please keep quiet ! I’m trying to study .→ try to do sth.表示“ 尽力做某事 ” , 不包含是否成功的意思

10.Do you want to come to my birthday party ? → want to do sth.意思是“想要做某事”

11.Li Lei is going fishing with grandpa the whole day .the whole day = all day 整天

12.Can you come over to my house ?

13.I’m free till 22:00 .Unit Six

1.I’m more outgoing than my sister .→ 主语 + 动词 + 形容词比较级别 + than + 比较对象

2.As you can see , in some ways we look the same , and in some ways we look different .

3.However , we both enjoy going to parties .→ enjoy doing sth.= like doing sth.喜欢做某事

4.Liu Li has more than one sister .more than 不止

5.Liu Li and Liu Ying have some things in common .→ in common (团体)共同的;公有的

6.Liu Ying is not as good at sports as her sister .as „as 和„„一样 (其中as„as之间的形容词必须用原级);它的否定式是:not as(so) „ as

7.Liu Ying talks more than Liu Li .这里more是much的比较级,而不是many的比较级

8.Both girls go to lots of parties .lots of = a lot of 许多

9.My friend is the same as me .→ be the same as „ 与„„一样 / be different from „与„„不同

10.I think a good friend makes me laugh .→ make sb.do sth.使某人做某事

11.For me , a good friend likes to do the same things as me .→ like to do sth.

12.That’s not very important for me ….

13.What’s your opinion ?

14.Should friends be different or the same ? same前常有定冠词the

15.I like to have friends who are like me ./ I like to have friends who are different from me .→ like to do sth.中的like 是动词,意思是“ 喜欢 ”;而are like me 中的like 是介词,意思是“ 像 ”。要注意区别like的词性。

16.I’m quieter than most of the kids in my cla .

17.We both like doing the same things .→ like doing sth.(现在)喜欢做某事

18.Who do you think should get the job , Ruth or Rose ?

19.You must be good with children / enjoy telling jokes .→ be good with sb.对某人好;与某人相处融洽 / enjoy doing = like doing sth.(现在)喜欢做某事

20.He can’t stop talking .→ stop doing sth.意为“ 停止(正在)做的事情” ,doing在句中是stop的宾语。如:When the teacher came in , the students stopped talking and laugh .老师走了进来,学生们停止了谈笑。 / stop to do sth.意为“ 停下(正在做的事)去做某事” ,动词不定式短语to do sth.在句中作动词 stop 的目的状语。 如:He stopped to write a letter to her .他停下手边的工作,给她写信。

21.He always helps others .

22.She likes to stay at home and read .→ like to do sth.(经常)喜欢做某事 / stay at home 呆在家里

Review of units 1-6

1.You use milk to make cheese and you can drink it , too .动词不定式短语to make cheese在这里作目的状语,修饰use milk

2.A part of your body beginning with “ a ” .→ begin with 以„„开始 (注意:with是介词)

3.The opposite of short is long or tall .

4.The neck is between your head and your body .→ between „ and 在„„和„„之间

5.Carrots , onions and peppers are all vegetables .→ all用于三者或三者以上;both用于两者。同时要注意它们在句中的位置,即位于连系动词(be),助动词(be , will , shall , should 等),情态动词(can , may , must , have to等)的后面;其它动词的前面。

6.I like reading books in my free time .like doing sth.(现在)喜欢做某事 / in one’s free time 在空余时间

7.I feel terrible , doctor .在这里feel是连系动词,terrible是形容词作表语,feel terrible是系表结构作复合谓语

8.I usually relax in my swimming pool .

9.I’m very excited to be taking a vacation around China ! → be excited to do sth.做某事很激动

10.Who is more athletic , Gao Yan or Li Tong ?



由一个元音构成的音节:I /aI/“我”、oh / u/“哦”、a/eI, /“一个”、ear/I /“耳朵”等;由一个元音加一个辅音构成的音节: bee/bi:/“蜜蜂”、ill /il/“生病”、my/mai/“我的”、see /si:/“看见”等;

由一个元音加几个辅音构成的音节:bed /bed/“床”、bag/b g/“袋子”、clock /kl k/等。

英语的词有一个音节的,也有两个音节或三个音节以上的。顾名思义,一个音节叫做单音节,两个音节叫做双音节,三个或三个以上的音节叫做多音节。例如good /gud/只有一个音节,所以叫做单音节词;morning/`m :nI /分别有/m :n/和/I /两个音节,所以叫做双音节词;而afternoon /`a:ft `nu:n/有/a:f/、/t /、/nu:n/三个音节,所以,叫做多音节词。

在英语中,双音节或多音节的单词,每一个词都有一个读得特别响亮的音节,叫做重读音节,重读音节以重读符号“`”来表示。例如在evening /`i:vni /一词中,/i:/是重读音节。一般来说,只有一个音节的单词往往重读,但通常不标重读符号;双音节词和多音节词至少有一个音节重读,并在重读的音节左上方标出重读符号。

音节分为开音节和闭音节。以元音字母a 或 e, i, o, u结尾的音节叫做开音节,如nice, hi, hello, fine等都是以开音节结尾的单词;以辅音字母结尾的音节叫做闭音节,如meet, bed, what, wall, mom等都是以闭音节结尾的单词。

1.记单词的最好办法是什么? 把一个单词造出多个句子,训练把这多个句子在场景下脱口说出。句子记住了,单词也当然得到了充分理解和长期记忆。







1 Thank you for your I____ to go to the movies next week. 2 My mother is busy with housework .I have to b___ my sister. 3 I like to listen to music when I am f____.4 It‟s a p____ that you can‟t go with you.5 I‟m still hungry , please give me a___ one.6 It took him the w___ morning to study for the test.7 Can you come o_____ to my house to help me with my English.8 We have to s___ for the math test.9 Richard is going to be an a____, so he is going to take acting leon 10 She can speak three f_____ languages , such as English ,French and Japanese .根据句意及所给的首字母写出适当的单词

1.Mary, would you please tell me your new a ______so that I can write to you? 2.-Does this piece of m ______ sound nice? -Yes, it\'s wonderful! 3.May 12th is the International N______ Day.Let\'s say \"Thanks” to them for their work in the fight against SARS.4.The more dirty water the factory pours into the river, the w___ the environment nearby will be.5.Victor is a b ______boy and he learns quickly.6.Please c_____those exercises down from the blackboard so that you can do them after school.

7.-What\'s the b_______ hours of that supermarket ? -8:30 a.m-9:30 p.m.8.-Mum, if Hurry is not well enough to do the work.Let me do it i______. -You\'d better have more rest .

9.Father got up late this morning and m ______the 6:00 train.10.-I h_____ go to bed before midnight.

-I thinks that\'s too late and it\'s not good for your health.11.Boys and girls, you mustn\'t m ______any noise in the library.12.Mr George u_____ to take a walk after supper when he was in the countryside.13.Tom did well in the composition, so his clamates spoke h____ of him.14.Great h_____ makes great man.15.Could you cut the water melon into eight h_____ 16.Two h _____ ride is not so long.17.1 usually go to see my grandparents t______ a month.18.-What can you find u _____ the sea? -Different kinds of fishes.19.Go along this road until you r _____ the end.20.Good news! We have w _____ the relay race.21.Qingdao is one of the best places for s______ in China.22.It is n ______ eight you must hurry or you\'ll mi the train.23.The road was so n_____ that the truck couldn\'t pa.24.My teacher often e______ us to speak English.25.Yesterday I took part in the b ______ 100-metre race.

26.A 12-year-old boy named Li Lida succefully went a ______the Qiong zhou Channel.27.Don\'t draw pictures on p_____ walls.28.You should pick up the rubbish and throw it into a d_____ 29.They are collecting waste paper for r_______

30.The beautiful s______ of the mountain attracts lots of visitors.31.The camera costs too much.I can\'t a______ it.32.When the sun came out, the snow d______ soon, melted.33.Do you know that some dinosaurs were covered with f_____ ? 34.Who can d______ what the robber looks like? 35.I think it p______ to finish the work in a week.36.The s______ surfer is quite different from the so called beach boys.37.Don\'t forget the c _____when you clean the claroom.38.In the school library you can see many things, like d_____, magazines and so on.39.This is a d _____ camera.I bought it online last week.40.All members of the audience should be dreed n______ 41.Father Christmas can\'t climb down every chimney in the world in a s ______night.42.There\'s an u _____ Dinosaur World in the museum.43.You can see the f ______ fish in coal.44.The waves at Makaha are t_____ .45.The ship is used to e ______ under the sea.46.Water is very important to our e________.47.Computers are very useful in the m ______ world.48.Christ People call it Christmas, w______ comes from the name Chirst.

49.Can you tell any d______ between the twins ? 50.Make sure you have put all the r______ into the dustbin. 51.-Is India a d______ country? -Yes, I think so.52.The boy was h ______ by the doctor yesterday.53.Did you n______ the chemical teacher do the experiment? 54.This story is very interesting.It\'s w______ reading.55.E______ is the best teacher.56.We can get more i______ on the Internet.57.The lonely people often r _____ the pets as their family members.58.The i_____ population may be the greatest challenge of the world today.59.I w ______ if everyone in your office can use the computer.60.The Eiffel Tower was d_______ by a Frenchman called Gustave Eiffel over 100 years ago.

根据句子意思和首字母提示用适当的单词填空 : 1.My dre is getting d_______ and needs washing .2.Could you please put the r_______ into the dustbin ? 3.There is a truck c_______ lots of litter outside , then it will carry all the litter out of the city .4.W______ we live , we should do something useful around our neighbourhood .5.Most of the waste things can be r________ to make some new things . 6.Today p_________ the environment is very important .7.You will never draw pictures on p_______ walls . 8.Suddenly a piece of music c______ to my ears .

9.We must do something useful to make a c__________ to make our world beautiful .10.In summer I often go swimming in a swimming pool n_______ .11.The beds and chairs in the house are rather c__________ .I like living here .12.They stopped to watch the beautiful s_________ on the way to the Great Dam .13.Jack often practices s__________ English with foreigners at weekends .14.After the Spring Festival , winter won‟t l_______ long .15.Jim thought the train was like a big m_________ party .16.I think t_________ by train is the best .17.Please find five differences at l________ between the two pictures .18.There are many beauties‟ photos on the cover pages of those m__________ .19.To offer hot water and check the tickets is her job .We know she is a c________ .20.Mout Tai is one of the most beautiful m__________ in China .


( )1.There is _____with the computer. A.something wrong B.anything wrong C.wrong something D.wrong anything ( )2.Don‟t forget the lights when you leave the claroom.A.turn on B.turn off C.to turn on D.to turn off ( )3.—Can you come to my party? — .A.No, I‟d love to B.Sure , I‟d love to C.No, I can‟t D.I‟d love

( )4.There is snow here in winter.

A.too much B.too many C.much too D.many ( )5.Thanks for .A.to ask B.asking C.ask D.asked ( )6.Let‟s ask the man us. A.help B.to help C.helping D.helps ( )7.What about for a walk?.A.to take B.take C.takes D.taking ( )8.—Must I do it now? .A.No, you needn‟t B.Yes , you mustn‟t C.No , you must D.No, you mustn‟t ( )9.Do you mind the windows? A.my open B.my opening C.I open D.to pen ( )10.Can you my house? A.come B.came C.came to D.come over to ( )11.of the two men is my uncle.A.The older B.older C.The old D.The oldest ( )12.Lucy‟s Skirt is nicer than .A.Lily‟s B.Lily C.Lilys D.Lilys ( )13.The weather(天气)in Guangzhou is hotter than A.that B.it C.very D.too ( )14.Our country is one of in the world.A.more beautiful country B.the most beautiful C.the most beautiful countries D.beautiful countries.

in Haerbin

( )15.Do you think he is a boy? A.nine—year—old B.nine years old C.nine—years—old D.nine year old ( )16.Tom is more intellectual than Jim A.many B.a lot of C.much D.large ( )17.I like to have friends who different me.A.is , from B.are , to C.has , from D.are , from ( )18.—I‟d like a friend who likes to do the same things as me.— .A.So he is.B.So is he.C.He would so D.So would he.( )19.He does than me this time .Next time I‟m sure that I can catch up with him.A.a little better B.well C.much more D.a little more ( )20.I don‟t like to do things as she .A.same ,do B.the same , does C.any , does D.many ,is

三、用动词的适当形式填空。(10分) 1.Could you help me ________(carry) the bag? 2.There_______(be) some bread and some cakes on the table.3.I have no time ______(play)games with you.4.________(not worry) about me.5.What about _______(watch)TV? 6.What________(do) you have for lunch yesterday? 7.They_______(take) the subway back to school yesterday.

8.We ________(have) breakfast at 7:00 this morning.9.She (not do )the housework yesterday.10.His family_______(visit) America next week.四 把下列句子翻译成英语(10) 1谢谢你照顾我的狗 2带着他散步 3不要忘记收拾床铺

4当我度假是你能帮我照看一下小狗吗 5我不喜欢洗碗,那时令人讨厌的


Once, a king showed two men a large basket in the garden.He told them to fill it with water from a well.After they 1 their work, he left them, saying, “When the sun is down, I will come and see your work.”

At last one of them said, “What‟s the use of doing this foolish(愚蠢的) work? We can __ 2 fill the basket.” 3 man answered, “That is none of your busine.” The first man said, “You may do as you like, but I am going to work at

4so foolish.” He

5his bucket(桶) and went away.The other man said no word, and kept on carrying 6

.At last the well was almost 7 .

As he poured(倒) the last bucket of water into the basket, he saw a bright thing in it.He picked it up.It was a beautiful gold ring (金戒指).Just then the king came. 8

he saw the ring, he knew that he had found the kind of man he wanted.He told him to keep the ring for himself.“You 9 so well in this little thing,” he said, “

10 now I know I can believe you with many things.”


) 1.A.finished



D.had (

) 2.A.ever



D.no (

) 3.A.The other

B.Another C.One

D.A second (

) 4.A.anything

B.something C.nothing D.everything (

) 5.A.picked up B.put away C.took away D.throw down (

) 6.A.water



D.work (

) 7.A.full


C.filled D.clean (

) 8.A.While

B.As soon as C.Before

D.Since (

) 9.A.have done B.will do C.do

D.are doing (

) 10.A.what B.why

C.when D.that

六、阅读理解 (20)

The Internet is becoming important in our life.How much do you know about it? What is the Internet? The Internet is a large, worldwide collection(聚集) of computer networks(网).A network is a small group of computers put together.The Internet is many different networks from all over the world.These networks are called the Internet.Once you have learned to use the Internet, you can do a lot of interesting things on the World Wide Web.What is the World Wide Web? The World Wide Web has been the most popular development of the Internet.The Web is like a big electronic(电子的) book with millions of pages.These pages are called homepages(主页).You can find information(信息) about almost anything in the world on these pages.For example, you can use the Internet instead of a library to find information for your homework.You can also find information about your favorite sport or film star,

talk to your friends or even do some shopping on the pages.Most pages have words, pictures and even sound or music. What is e-mail? Electronic mail is a way of sending meages to other people.It‟s much quicker and cheaper than sending a letter.If you want to use e-mail, you must have an e-mail addre.This addre must have letters and dots(点) and an „@‟(meaning „at‟).This is what an addre looks like: Emily@star.net.Write a meage, type(打字) in the person‟s e-mail addre, then send the meage acro the Internet.People don‟t need to use stamps, envelopes or go to the post office since the invention of the Internet.Quick, easy and interesting--- that‟s the Internet! ( ) 1.The Internet is _______. A.a big computer B.a small group of computers C.lots of computer networks D.the World Wide Web ( ) 2.The World Wide Web is like_________. A.an electronic book B.homepages C.an electronic page D.an interesting picture ( ) 3.What does “talk to your friends on the pages” mean? It means __.A.you can talk to your friends face to face B.you can type your words in the computer and then send them to your friends acro the Internet C.you talk to your friends through the same computer D.you go to your friends‟ houses to talk to them

( ) 4.People like to use e-mail to send meages to their friends and family

because______.A.they don‟t have to pay any money

B.it‟s faster and cheaper

C.they don‟t need to have stamps, envelops or addrees

D.sending e-mail is interesting ( ) 5.The “e” in e-mail means ______. A.easy B.electrical C.electronic D.enjoyable One day Mr.and Mrs.Black were driving to a party .Mr.Black drove the car very fast.“Please don‟t drive so fast.”Mrs .Black asked his husband to drive more slowly .”If you drive so fast , maybe we‟ll have some trouble.” “Oh , no , Don‟t be worried , my dear .”said Mr.Black with a smile .“You know I‟m good at driving .You won‟t be in danger .And there is a little time .If I don‟t drive fast , we‟ll be late for the party.” A few minutes later , his wife , Mrs.Black , said to him:“If you don‟t slow down ,We‟ll be in hospital.”

Just at this moment a car came out of a side road and croed in front of their car .Mr.Black stopped their car quickly .It nearly hit that car:“Oh , dear , I‟m sorry for that .You are right , my dear,”said Mr , Black .“I‟ll never drive fast later .Now let me drive slowly .”Then car drove every slowly to the party .Of cause they were very late for the party.( )1.Mr.and Mrs.Black were driving to one day.A.a meeting B.their home C.a party D.work ( )2.What did Mrs.Black ask her friends to do? A.To stop the car B.To drive more slowly

C.To drive to a hospital D.To drive fast ( )3.Mr.Black drove so fast , because .A.he was good at driving B.he was very happy C.he was in danger D.he didn‟t want to be late for the party.( )4.What happened to them a few minute later ? A.Their car hit another car B.their car nearly hit another car C.Their car was broken D.Something was wrong with their car ( )5.At last Mr.Black drove their car to the party A.faster B.slowly C.more slowly D.happier

1.The teacher left his office_________ without saying a word(angry) 2.At _______you should say \"thank you\".(little) 3.How can you make yourself ____________if you can\'t expre yourself clearly?(understand) 4.We\'re going to have a three-day holiday(改为同意句)

We\'re going to________ three days________.

Answers I.根据句意及所给的首字母写出适当的单词

1.addre 2.music 3.Nurses‟ 4.worse 5.bright 6.copy 7.busine 8.instead 9.mied 10.hardly 11.make 12.used 13.highly 14.history 15.halves 16.hours\' 17.twice 18.under 19.reach 20.won 21.surfing 22.nearly 23.narrow 24.encourages 25.boys\' 26.acro 27.public 28.dustbin 29.recycling 30.scenery 31.afford 32.disappeared 33.feathers 34.describe 35.poible 36.serious 37.corners 38.dictionaries 39.digital 40.neatly 41.single 42.underground 43.foil 44.terrific 45.explore 46.environment 47.modern 48.Which 49.differences 50.rubbish 51.developing 52.healed 53.notice 54.worth 55.Encouraging 56.information 57.regard 58.increasing 59.wonder 60.designed

II.根据句子意思和首字母提示用适当的单词填空 :

1-5 dirty , rubbish , collecting , Wherever , recycled , 6-10 protecting , public , came , contribution , nearby ,

11-15 comfortable , scenery , speaking , last , moving , 16-20 travelling , least , magazines , conductor , mountains .

笔试部分 (共80分) I.词汇。(10分)

A) 根据句意和首字母,完成单词。(5分)

1.I like chicken much b______ than fish. 2.Nicholas Tse is a f______ Hong Kong actor. 3.Last Sunday I v______ my English teacher\'s house. 4.People are never too young to s______ doing things. 5.Michael Jordan is a s______ star.

B) 选用方框内所给的词或词组完成句子。(5分)

6.______ you go to the Chicago Zoo last Sunday? 7.______ did you see at the aquarium? 8.______ were monkeys and bears in the zoo. 9.______ any seals at the zoo?

10.______ did you go after visiting the zoo? II.单项选择。(10分)

11.______ milk do you need?

A.How much B.How many C.How D.What 12.How do you ______ a super chicken sandwich?

A.take B.do C.make D.peal 13.______ be angry, please. A.Not B.Aren\'t C.Don\'t D.Isn\'t 14.―Let\'s make a banana smoothie. ―______.What do we need? A.Good idea B.It\'s good idea C.That\'s all right D.That\'s nothing 15.―I watched TV last night. ―______ did you do then? A.What else B.Anything C.Else what D.Other what things


16.We had seafood at a Guangdong restaurant.(改为一般疑问句)

______ you ______ seafood at a Guangdong restaurant? 17.We did some reading last night.(改为否定句)

We ______ ______ ______ reading last night. 18.Were they here last Sunday?(作否定回答)

______, they ______.

19.It was November 1st yesterday.(对划线部分提问)

______ ______ ______ ______yesterday?

20.What else can you see at the aquarium?(改为同义句)

What ______ ______ can you see at the aquarium? IV.单句改错。(10分)


21.How many(A) gla(B) of milk(C) do(D) you want? 22.His friend(A) Lisa like(B) tomatoes(C) in(D) the sandwich. 23.How old(A) were(B) you when you started(C) learn(D) English? 24.―How long(A) did you become(B) an actor(C)? ―Three years ago(D).

25.There are(A) two pens in(B) the box.One(C) is long, another(D) is short. V.动词填空。(10分)


Dan was traveling around the country, and one day he __26__ (be) in a hotel(旅馆) in a small town.It served(服务) lunch from twelve thirty to one thirty.Dan __27__ (go) out for a walk in the morning, but he __28__ (forget) to wear(戴) his watch.He walked for a long time, and then he __29__ (see) a young man in the street, so he said to him, \"Excuse me, can you please __30__ (tell) me the time?\"

The young man looked at his watch and answered, \"It\'s twelve o\'clock.\"

Dan __31__ (be) a little worried when he heard this, and asked again, \"Isn\'t it later than that?\" He was hungry, and he wanted his lunch.\"No,\" the young man answered.\"It never __32__ (get) later than twelve o\'clock in our town.\"

Dan was surprised and said, \"That\'s inte- resting.What do you __33__ (mean)?\"

\"Well,\" the young man __34__ (answer), \"Whenever(无论何时) it becomes twelve o\'clock,

it always __35__ (start) from the beginning again-one o\'clock, two o\'clock...\" 26.______ 27.______ 28.______ 29.______ 30.______ 31.______ 32.______ 33.______ 34.______ 35.______ VI.阅读理解。(10分)

Do you live in the city? Do you know how cities began? Long, long ago, the world had only a few thousand people.These people moved from one place to another.They moved over the land, hunting animals for food.

No one knows how or where these people learned about growing food.But when they did it, their life changed.They could stay in one place and grew crops to eat.

People began to live near one another.And so the first villages grew.Many people came to work in the villages.These villages grew bigger and bigger.

When machines came along, life in the villages changed again.Factories were built.More and more people lived near the factories.Then cities grew big. Today, some people are moving back to small towns.Can you tell why? 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。

36.Long, long ago, a few people could stay in one place, hunting animals for food. 37.Everyone knows how and where cities began.

38.When these people learned to grow food, their life changed. 39.When machines came along, life in the villages changed again. 40.Some people don\'t like to live in big cities. 笔试部分

I.1.better 2.famous 3.visited 4.start 5.sports 6.Did 7.What 8.There 9.Were there 10.


II.11.A.milk为不可数名词,所以应用how much来提问。12.C.\"如何做一个......\"动词应用make。13.C.祈使句的否定形式是\"Don\'t+动词原形+其它\"。14.A.表示赞同对方的提议,应用:Good idea.15.A.else意为\"别的;其他的\",常用在疑问代词、疑问副词和不定代词之后,如:Do you want anything else?

III.16.Did, have 17.didn\'t do any 18.No, weren\'t 19.What was the date 20.other things IV.21.B.gla→glaes 22.B.like→likes 23.D.learn→learning 24.A.How long→When 25.D.another→the other

V.26.was 27.went 28.forgot 29.saw 30.tell 31.was 32.gets 33.mean 34.answered 35.starts

VI.36-40 FFTTT VII.One poible version: Friday, September 18th

Yesterday I got up at a quarter to seven.After a quick breakfast I went to school.But I found there were no students in the school when I got there.\"Oh, it\'s Saturday today.We needn\'t come to school.\" I suddenly remembered.So I asked some friends to go to the park.We had a picnic in the park.We enjoyed ourselves there.We went back home by bus.I felt tired when I reached home, so I went to bed early at nine.What a happy day!


第14页The Spirit of Christmas圣诞精神


圣诞欢歌》是查尔斯·狄更斯写的著名短篇小说。这篇小说讲述的是一位叫斯克鲁奇的从来不笑的老人的事。他吝啬自私,从不与人为善。他只关心能否挣到更多的钱,并且厌恶圣诞节。一个圣诞前夕,斯克鲁奇看到了他死去的生意伙伴雅各布·马利的鬼魂。马利过去曾经就像斯克鲁奇一样,所以在他死后受到了惩罚。他告诫斯克鲁奇,如果他不想最终像他一样,就要改变他的癖性。他还告诉斯克鲁奇将有三个(圣诞)精灵年拜访他。 那天夜里,三个鬼魂拜访了斯克鲁奇。首先,“圣诞节的过去之灵”带他回到了他的童年时代,使斯克鲁奇回想起孩提时代的欢乐时光。



《圣诞欢歌》这本书真的很好看,可以去看看哦~ 第11页

Full Moon, Full Feelings 满月,圆满的感情

中国人庆祝中秋节和吃月饼的习俗已经有几百年了.月饼有着中秋之夜里满月的的形状,它包含着人们对家庭的爱和思念.关于这个节日,有许多民间的故事.然而,大多数人认为其中有关嫦娥的是最感人的.嫦娥是后羿的美丽妻子,在后羿射下9个太阳后,一个女神给了他一种魔药表示感谢.无论是谁喝了它都将获得永生,而且后羿准备和嫦娥一起喝了它.可是一个坏人,逢蒙,试图在后羿不在家的时候去偷药.嫦娥不肯给他喝,于是就自己一个人喝完了.她开始变得特别轻,居然飞到了月亮上面.后羿非常伤心以至于他每天晚上对对着月亮大声呼唤她的名字.一天晚上,他发现月亮又亮又圆,并且看到了他的妻子在那里.他很快的在花园准备了把她最喜欢的水果和甜点.他是多么希望嫦娥能回来啊! 在这之后,人们开始了赏月并且与家人分享月饼的习俗.

第24页 could you please...的课文翻译

当你在外国旅游时,知道如何礼貌地寻求帮助是很重 要的.例如:“休息室在哪里?”或者“请问能告诉我 休息室在哪里吗?”是问一个地方在哪里的相似问法.两种说法语法都正确,但是第一种没有第二种听起来礼 貌.那是因为第一种问法太直接.只是正确地提问还不 够.当我们在寻求帮助的时候,我们还需要学会如何在寻 求帮助时表现礼貌而且用不那么直接或者更间接的方法.就像中文里,在英语中我们会和不同的人交谈改变不 同的说话方式.你使用的短语可能取决于你说话的 对象或者你了解他们的程度.如果你对老师说“哪天去 校游?”,这可能听起来不太礼貌.但是如果你说“韦斯特先 生,打扰一下,你知道哪天去校游吗?”,这样听起来会礼 貌得多.但是,在某些情况下直接提问是没有关系的,比 如和你的同学们在一起.礼貌的问题通常比较长,而且包含例如“请问你 能„„?”或“我可以问一下„„?”等更多的语言.“彼得,请问你能告诉我你的邮箱地址吗?”比“彼得,告诉我你 的邮箱地址.”听起来更礼貌.有时候我们甚至需要花时间 来引到请求上.例如,和陌生人在街上,我们可能会在寻 求帮助前先开始说:“打扰一下,不知道你是否可以帮我”或 者“很抱歉打扰你,但是„„”

礼貌地说话比起直接说话可能看上去更难.但是,学 会如何使用正确的语言很重要.这还会有助于你把 英语学得更好,或者其他任何你想说的语言.




How Can You Become a Succeful Learner?怎么样你才能成为一名成功的学习者? 每一个人天生都有学习的能力.但是否你能学得好取决于你的学习习惯.研究显示,成功的学习者一般都具有某些好习惯.对所学习内容产生兴趣






初二英语期末模拟题 afternoon the next day.__5_ wanted to watch it very

一、单项选择 much.But he couldn\'t.He would have a physics test in )1.we need to ____ up with a plan on Clean-up Day.__6__afternoon.

A.come B.go


D.study “Can we have a video, mom?” Jim asked his mother 2.—What a nice meal ! Thank you for having us.__7__he went to school.\"Then from our TV set you can

—_________.record the match for me.\" A.It doesn’t matter

B.It was a pleasure C.Not “I\'m __8__we can\'t afford (买得起) one,” said his nice enough

D.With pleasure mother.The next morning Jim went home with a smile, 3.—What’s the matter with you? ___9__a new video.“But where did you get the money, —I caught

bad cold and had to stay in

Jim?” His mother asked in surpris

e.bed.A.a; /

B.a; the

C.a; a

D.the; the 4.I think math is as ___ as English.A.important

B.very important

C.le important

D.the least important 5.It took me two hours ___ my homework last night.A.to finish B.finishing

C.finish D.for finishing 6.What about ___ the hill? A.climb up B.to climb up C.climbing up D.to climb 7.The radio is too noisy.I can’t go to sleep.Would you please ___? A.turn it upB.turn it down C.turn up it D.turn down it 8.It’s easy

the problem.A.for him solve B.for him to solve C.of him solving D.of him to solve 9.They reached Beijing ____ the morning of July 6. A.in



D.from 10.He can see ___ now.Because there is something wrong with his eyes.A.anything B.nothing


D.no thing 11.He with his mother_____ shopping every Sunday.A.is going B.go


D.is going to 12.Don’t______.I’ll help you.A.worry B.worried C.be worry D.to worry 13.Thank you for__ me the news.I’m glad to hear that.A.tell



D.telling 14.It_____ the workers one year to build the hospital.

A.take B.takes


D.uses 15.She has to help her mother__________.A.doing washing

B washing

C.for the washing

D.with the washing 16.Let the old man________ the bus first.A.get on B.to get up C.to get on

D.getting up 二.完形填空。 Peter is an American boy.He likes _1__football matches, _2_ _he hasn\'t enough money to buy tickets.He has to watch the matches __ 3__TV at home when he has ___4___homework.He must go to school from Monday to Friday, so he mied a lot of important football matches. A big football match would be held (举行) in the “That\'s __10__, mom.I sold our TV set.” 1.A.watching

B.seeing C.playing D.looking 2.A.and

B.so C.but

D.or 3.A.in B.on


D.with 4.A.few B.a few C.many

D.quite a little 5.A.Mother

B.Father C.Teacher

D.Jim 6.A.the sameB.the different


D.as 7.A.after B.before


D.as 8.A.glad B.afraid


D.happy 9.A.carrying B.listeningC.watching

D.playing 10.A.difficultB.easy C.difficulty

D.easily 三.阅读理解。

One day, Mr.Smith went to a dinner party.He was wearing very old clothes.He came into the room.But people in the room didn’t look at him.They didn’t ask him to sit at the table.He wasn’t happy.But he said nothing.Mr.Smith went home quickly and put on (穿上) his best clothes.He went back to the party.Everyone in the room stood up and looked at him.They gave him good food to eat.Mr.Smith took off his coat, and put it on the food and said, “Eat, coat! The other people were surprised and asked, “What are you doing? Why do you do that?” Mr.Smith answered, “I am asking my coat to eat food.When I wore old clothes, you didn’t look at me.You didn’t ask me to sit down.Now I am wearing these nice clothes.And you give me good food.Now I see, you give the food to my coat, not to me.1.One day, Mr.Smith went to__________ A.a birthday party

B.a dinner party C.an English party

D.a movie 2.When he came into the room, the people didn’t look at him.Why?

A.Because the people didn’t ask him to come.B.Because Mr.Smith wore old clothes.C.Because Mr.Smith didn’t say hello to them first.D.Because it was night, they didn’t see him.3.Why did he go home quickly? A.Because he didn’t want to stay here.B.Because he went home for his best clothes.C.Because the people there asked him to leave.D.Because he didn’t like the food there.

4.What’s the meaning of “surprised”in Chinese? A.高兴的




5.Which statement is right?

A.A person in good clothes should eat good food.B.A good coat should eat good food.C.We can’t judge(判断)a man by his clothes.D.Mr.Smith is stupid(愚蠢的).


1.Can you come to my birthday p______ next week? 2.Thank you for your i____________ to have dinner with your family next Sunday.3.She can’t come, because she h________ to babysit her brother.4.He has a toothache.So he has to go to the d______.5.All the boys go to play football, but I can’t. I have to have a piano l

.6.Let’s watch the basketball m___________ at 5:00 p.m.on TV.7.Cla, you can d____________ this question first, and then tell me the answer.8.I have a r_____________ busy week.


1.My grandparents live in a village nearby.I go ________ (see) them once a week.2.Does your brother enjoy_______________(take) a walk after supper? 3.I would love__________(make) friends with him.4.Can you come to_________ ( I ) birthday party? 5.Thanks for___________(tell) me the way to the post office.6.Listen! Who_________ (sing) in the next room? 7.Jackson_________(be) my favorite singer.I enjoy __________ (listen) to his song.8.Hurry up.The film____ (begin) in a few minutes.9.____(not read) in the sun.It’s bad for your eyes.10.You must look after yourself and keep___________(health).1.The worker often went h

because the bo didn’t give him enough food to eat.

2.I do not go out.I\'m in my office the w______day.3..Don\'t talk! Please be q______.

4.If you have a toothache,you may see a d______ . 5.Can you come o____________ to my house this weekend? 6.I think I can f________ up the clock.7.In the f___________,there will be more fresh water.8.Computers and rockets seemed i____100 years ago.9.She was very t______, and soon she fell asleep in bed.10.Beijing is f_________for many places of interest.八.完成句子


I’d like to ________ ________ sick kids.2.我喜欢在公园散步

I ____________ ______________in the park.3.你通常晚上几点钟睡觉

What time__________ you usually ___________to bed at night?


____________you like __________iced tea? 5.你们昨天玩的高兴吗?

________________you ________________a good time yesterday?


is he going to

a basketball player?


I don’t want to talk about it _________ ________ __________.

8、今后在这座城市将会有更多的树木,更少的污染。 There will _____ _____ trees and _____ pollution in the city in future.

1.这一著名歌唱家捐赠了许多钱给希望工程。The well-known singer ___________________________________to“Hope Project”.


Please __________ some salt __________ the vegetables.

4.如果你真那样做了, 你会玩得很开心的。 You will __________________________________________if you do like this.


Milk ______ good ________ health. We should ______ more milk.


I’d like to ________ ________ sick kids.10.每个人应该参与到拯救地球的活动中。

Everyone should_______ _______ _______saving the earth.



Jim邀请Lily参加他这周日的生日宴会,但Lily的父母出差要到下周才回来,爷爷又卧病在床,需要人照顾。再说数学考试即将来临,因此,Lily无法前去参加生日宴会。Lily感到很 抱歉,只好写信辞谢。 Dear Jim,

Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party.I\'d love to go but I can\'t.My parents...____________________________________________



、It’s said that…

2、No matter what/which/who/where/when/whose+从句

3、It is/was +被强调部分 +that (who) +剩余部分

• It happened (chanced) that +从句=sb.Happened/chanced to do sth.= sb.did sth by



It +谓语+时间段 +before +主语 +谓语(before引导的是时间状语从句)

7、When/ So long as/ As long as/ Once +从句,+主句(从句也可放在主句之后)

• No sooner + had +主语 +done„than +主语 + did


• 倍数+more than,倍数+as much as..

10、形容词、副词、名词 + as/though + 主语 +谓语 +主句

• (1)句式要有变化。改变句子的开头方式,不要一味地以主语开头,接着是谓语,


• [原文] We met at the school gate and went there together early in the morning.

• [修正] Early in the morning we met at the school gate and went there together.• [原文] The young man couldn’t help crying when he heard the bad news.• [修正] Hearing the bad news, the young man couldn’t help crying.

• 在整篇文章中,避免只使用一两个句式,要灵活运用诸如到装句、强调句、主从复


• ①强调句

• [原文] My parents praised Ah Fu warmly.It had saved my little sister bravely.

• [修正] My parents praised Ah Fu warmly.It was our brave Ah Fu who had saved my

little sister bravely.

• ② 由what等引导的从句,此处的what相当于中文中的“所… …”,有很强的概括,


• [原文] We had to stand here to catch


•[修正] What we had to do was ( to ) stand

there, trying to catch the offender.

③ 由with或 without引导的短语。如:

He sat in a chair with a newspaper in the hand.

④ 分词短语.如:

Satisfied with the result, he dicided to go on with a new experiment.• ⑤倒装句

• Only in this way can we achieve our goal.

• Never before have I seen such a wonderful film.

• ⑥ 省略句

• If so, victory will be ours.

• You can make some changes wherever neceary.

• ⑦ 对比,这在中文中也是常使用的方法.如

• Failure is not a crime, but failure to learn from failure is.When I play, I feel excited, and after it I feel relaxed.(3) 通过分句和合句,增强句子的连贯性和表现力。 [原文] He stopped us an hour ago.He made us catch the next offender.[修正] He stopped us an hour ago andmade us catch the next offender.[原文] We had a short rest.Then we began to play happily.We sang and danced.

Some told stories.Some played che.

• [修正] After a short rest, we had great fun singing and dancing, telling jokes and

playing che.

• Write at least 60 words on the topic “A Story about My Parent(s)”.

•( 以“爸爸 / 妈妈的故事”为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)

• ( 注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。) 我的父亲母亲

• 先中文构思

• 尽量避免复杂的词句

• 将中文翻译成英文

• 加入适当的连词,组成文章

• 注意全文用过去式写作



• 1)A Story about My Parent;

• 2)In mum’s family, there were seven people: mum’s parents, mum’s two

brothers and two sisters and mum.When mum was young, her father was a doctor in the small village and her mother was just a worker;

• 3) At that time, for lack of TV and computer, everyday after school mum along with

her brothers and sisters would go home to help their mother with the housework.For example, they helped to make supper or wash clothes.Mum told me that though the life at that time was very hard, she felt happy.

• My mum was born in a small village.In her family, there were seven people: mum’s

parents, mum’s two brothers and two sisters and mum.When mum was young, her father was a doctor in the small village and her mother was just a worker.

• At that time, for lack of TV and computer, everyday after school mum along with

her brothers and sisters would go home to helped their mother with the housework.For example, they help to make supper or wash clothes.Mum told me that though

the life at that time was very hard, she felt happy.比较型作文写作

• 常用词组:

• Prefer A to B I show my strong preference to A.Compared with A, I shed more light on B.In comparison with A, I find that B is more..






• In facing the high school entrance examination, we have to make choices about

which school to attend.Between the two choices, I will choose„..The reason for that is are as following.


• 南方大学:学费8000/年 招生20人 无优惠政策

• 北方大学:学费5000/年 招生10人 加20分优惠

• 选择南方:




• 选择北方:






• Though the tuition is higher in the southern University, yet I prefer the ways of

living here in the south.

• The Northern University offers an additional 20 scores.However, I still have a

strong inclination to the Southern University.


• Concerning the reasons above, I would not hesitate to choose….

• In conclusion, concerning the convenience, the tuition and the other reasons, I will


• In all, to conclude, to put all the reason together,

• 根据英文提示,以“我的心爱之物”为题写话,不少于50个词。内容必须包括英


• 题目:My Favorite Thing(s)

• What the thing(s) is (are) When and / or where, and how you got if (them) Why you like it (them) and why it is (they are) special to you I have many small things in my home such as stamps, toys.But among those things,

my favorite thing is a green watch.It is a digital watch with a duck on the bottom of it.And it is my birthday present given by my best friend.I got it on my 12th birthday.I like it very much because I can read time since then.Because it was the present given by my best friend, it is very special to me.



Help Unit1

What should we do before help arrives? Ms James: This morning\'s cla is about first aid, or giving someone basic medical help.Let\'s imagine an accident.A boy is lying at the bottom of the stairs.He isn’t moving or making a sound.He is in pain.What can we do to help him? Betty:First of all, find out what\'s wrong with him.Ms James: How do we do that? Betty: Ask him Ms James: OK, But he could have trouble hearing you or speaking to you.Lingling: Shout for help?

Call 120? Ms James: Good idea, but what should we do before help arrives? Tony: Make him comfortable.Ms James: And how can we do that? Tony: Lift him up and sit him on a chair?

Ms James: No, that could be harmful! You could drop him and hurt him even more.Betty, you must know! You did some basic medical training.Betty: Make sure he\'s warm.Cover him with a coat.

Ms James: That\'s such good advice that you could be a doctor, Betty!


Help Unit2

Stay away from windows and hervy furniture Read the paage and check your answer to Activity 2.

What to do in an earthquake

Earthquakes always happen suddenly, so it is difficult to warn people about them.Usually people have little or no idea about what to do during an earthquake, so here is some advice.Inside l.Do not jump out of high buildings.2.Hide under a table.Stay away from windows and heavy furniture.Keep clear of fires.3.Leave the building quickly when the ground stops shaking, but do not use the lift.4.Keep calm, especially when you are with other people.Be brave and be helpful.Outside 1.Move away from buildings, because parts of

a building may fall on you.2.Do not stand near street lights or under lines.3.Stay away from bridges and trees.If you are in a bus or car, stay in it.4.In the mountains, be careful of falling rocks.

5.On a beach, run away from the sea and move quickly to higher ground.

In short, follow what you learnt in school.You can be safe and you can also help save others.




There are at least two good reasons accounting for (算起)______.

1.On the one hand, ________.On the other hand, ______一方面另一方面

due to(由于) the fact that ________.In addition(另外), ________be responsible for _______.

2.Maybe there are some other reasonsto show ________.

I am sure my opinion is (adj.有凭有据的,有充分依据的;有坚实基础的,功底厚的).


a) Your addre

Month, Date, year

Receiver\'s addre

4.Dear ...,

I am extremelypleased to hear from you./ to see your advertisement for the

position in ....And I would like to write a letter to tell you that.../ I am confident

a) that I am suitable for the kind of the job you are advertising.

b) .../ I feel I am competent to meet the requirements you have listed.On the

one hand, ....On the other hand, ....I am enclosing my resume for your kind

c) consideration and reference.

I shall be much obliged if you will offer me a precious opportunity to an

d) interview.I will greatly appreciate a response from you at your earliest

e) convenience/ I am looking forward to your replies at your earliest convenience.

5.Best regards for your health and succe(祝你健康成功).



8.What amaze us most is (最使我们惊奇的是)

9.The main reason is

10.What is more 而且

11.Thirdly 第三

12.As a result 结果

13.For one thing 首先,一则

For another第二,其次

14.In conclusion 总之,最后


16.As is known to all(众所周知)

17.In fact 实际上

18.The reason of ___is in several aspects方面.

19.firstly /secondly/thirdly /finally

20.on the one hand/on the other hand/therefore因此


22.Nowadays 当今,时下

Many remarkable( adj.卓越的;非凡的;值得注意的) factors contribute to (由于)

23.As to me 对我来说

24.besides 另外

25.in a word 简言之


27.It so happened that

28.just at the moment 就在那时

29.what happened was

30.What’s more/As a result /As I understand


32.Recently, we may hear quite different opinions

33.They argue that 他们认为

34.Further more 而且,此外

35.different people will offer quite different ideas


37.With the _____of ____(问题出现的背景)

38.So it is of great important for us to

39.So it is high time for us to 因此我们做…的时间到了

40.In spite of all these , there are still many ways 尽管所有这些,仍然有很多方法

41.only in this way


as is shown/indicated/illustrated by the figure/percentage in the

table(graph/picture/pie/chart), ___作文题目的议题_____ has been on rise/ decrease (goesup/increases/drops/decreases),

significantly/ dramatically/ steadily rising/ decreasing from______ in _______

to ______ in _____.From the sharp/marked decline/ rise in the chart, it

goes without saying that ________.

There are at least two good reasons accounting for ______.

On the one hand, ________.On the other hand, _______ is

due to the fact that ________.In addition, ________ is

responsible for _______.Maybe there are some other reasons

to show ________.But it is generally believed that the above mentioned reasons are commonly convincing.

As far as I am concerned, I hold the point of view that _______.

I am sure my opinion is both sound and well-grounded.


Your addre

Month, Date, year

Receiver\'s addre

Dear ...,

I am extremely pleased to hear from you./ to see your advertisement for the

position in ....And I would like to write a letter to tell you that.../ I am confident

that I am suitable for the kind of the job you are advertising.

.../ I feel I am competent to meet the requirements you have listed.On the

one hand, ....On the other hand, ....I am enclosing my resume for your kind

consideration and reference.

I shall be much obliged if you will offer me a precious opportunity to an

interview.I will greatly appreciate a response from you at your earliest

convenience/ I am looking forward to your replies at your earliest convenience.

Best regards for your health and succe.



2.What amaze us most is

3.It is true that

4.There are many reasons explaining

5.The main reason is

6.What is more


8.As a result

9.Considering all these

10.For one thing

11.For another

12.In conclusion


1.As is known to all

2.In fact

3.The reason of ___lie in several aspects.

4.firstly /secondly/thirdly /finally

5.on the one hand/on the other hand/therefore 现象解释型三


2.Many remarkable factors contribute to

3.As to me/besides /in a word


1.It so happened that

2.just at the moment

3.It impreed me most because

4.what happened was

5.Almost at the same time

6.What’s more/As a result /As I understand 对比选择型模板一

1.Recently, we may hear quite different opinions

2.Most people take it for granted that

3.However, others hold

4.There is a heated debate over

5.They argue that

6.Considering one after another, I stand on the side of

7.Further more

8.different people will offer quite different ideasMany people aert

However, others believe


1.With the _____of ____(问题出现的背景)

2.So it is of great important for us to

3.There has been a discuion recently about

4.It is true to the present situation that

5.So it is high time for us to

6.There is a growing concern on

7.In spite of all these , there are still many ways

8.only in this way










5、认真钻研教材,掌握每单元的教学目的和要求,正确地把握 1































































Unit 1第一周----第二周

Unit 2第三周---第四周

Unit 3第四周---第五周

Unit 4第六周---第七周

Unit 5第七周---第八周

Review and Mid-Test 3课时 第九周

Unit 6第十一周------第十二周

Unit 7第十二周------第十三周

Unit 8第十四周---第十五周

Unit 9第十五周---第十六周

Unit 10第十六周---第十七周

Review and Final-Test 11课时 第十八周






























3月12日—3月16日 Unit One

3月19日—3月23日 Unit Two

3月26日—3月30日 Unit Three

4月2日—4月6日 复习准备月考

4月9日—4月13日 Unit Four

4月16日—4月20日 Unit Five

4月23日—4月27日 Unit Six

5月7日—5月11日 复习准备期中考试

5月14日—5月18日 Unit Seven

5月21日—5月25日 Unit Eight

5月28日—6月1日 复习Unit Seven、Unit Eight

6月4日—6月8日 Unit Nine

6月11日—6月15日 Unit Ten

6月18日—6月22日 复习Unit Nine、Unit Ten

6月24日—期末 总复习准备期末考试




自己物品的意见,请就此向她发一封e-mail表示你的诚意。(80 words)

Dear Jane,

I’m sorry to argue with you several days ago.Let’s be best friend again, OK?

Yours ever,



























3月2日—3月31日Module One 4月1日—4月11日 Module Two 4月12日—4月22日Module Three 4月23日—4月30 复习准备期中考试 5月1日—5月13日Module 4 5月14日—5月27日 Module5 5月28日—6月11日 Module6 6月12日—6月23复习Module123456 6月24日—期末 总复习准备期末考试




我曾经很多次的读过这本书,每次都会有新的收获,给我带来的震撼至今难以忘怀, 它冲击着我的思想,甚至无形中让我接受了它对生活的诠释,让我感到什么是人生的感动、生活的无常、人情的冷暖。重拾这本书,本以为我渐渐成长、成熟了,不会在“泪水横流”,然而我错了,那些感动仍然实实在在。无论我如何掩饰,如何遮蔽,我都会情不自禁发出对生活的感慨。






































Dear Tony,

How are you? Thank you for your letter.

My clamate Wang Fei and I are going to learn English.We\'ll listen to English on the radio.We will go to the English Corner in the park near our school on Saturday morning.We will speak English there.I will go to Shanghai next month.Would you like to go with me?

Yours ever

Liu Ming

2.My life

My school life is a lot of fun.I like studying in the claroom with my lovely clamates.We get on well with each other.We play sports and sing together.I often mi my clamates and teachers if I don’t see them for a long time.But sometimes our teachers give us too much homework.Parents and teachers often put great preure on us.

I wish a happy life in a big city in the future.I will live in a big house with a garden, and drive to work.I will travel a lot in my spare time.

I’ll work hard so that I can go to a good university.Then I can get a good job in the future and my dream will come true.


When I was dreaming just now, my robot woke me up.Oh, it was nine o\' clock.Now I get up.It\' s time to get up! This morning I will study science leon on the computer.I needn\' t go to school.There are fewer schools now.It is a sunny day today.My parents work in the other city.They often ask me about my leons through the television.But I always want to play with my friends.Now the robot is helping me clean my house and the garden.After that it will stay with me till I go to bed.It will work out the problems of the computer and cook meals for me.

4.某个星期天,你是家里的主人,有来客造访。用英语写写你怎样招待Uncle John和Aunt Mary的。词数80以上,文体不限。

Today is Sunday.I didn\' t go to school.When the door bell rang, I was watching TV in the morning.I opened the door.Oh, my god! They\' re my uncle and aunt! They are from Australia.I let them in and sit down on the sofa.Then I brought some Chinese green tea for them.They both said the tea was wonderful.Uncle John is a computer program-mer.Aunt Mary is a actor.They didn\' t come to my house for a long time.I talked with them, and showed them my photo album.At noon, we went out to have our lunch in a restaurant.I paid for the meal.In the afternoon my parents

came back home.We went shopping together.I knew my uncle and aunt were

interested in our city.



This term I should study harder.I am good at math, physics and

science leons.My English is not good.I think I should learn from my

friend Nari.His English is good.Perhaps he would like to help me.Teacher

said, my compo-sitions were not good.So I should read more useful books

after cla.I believe I will do well in English.On the other way, I should

do more exercise, this will make me strong.I like playing ball games.

After cla I should make more friends, because the more we are together,

the happier we are.6.你和你的好朋友Jean发生了争执,在自我反省过后,你觉得有必要给她写一



Dear Jean,

I am sorry to argue with you several days ago.We haven\' t talked

with each other these days.You are my best friend, aren\' t you?

Few days ago when I heard you lost my lovely book, I was really

mad, so I argued with you, and said that I could not be your friend from

then on.Later, I didn\' t sleep well those days.I always remembered a

lot of fun we had.So I decided to write a letter to say sorry to you.

I also think you should be careful and take good care of your things.Let\'

s be best friends again, OK?

Yours ever,


8.以“My Beautiful Dream”为题用英语写一篇短文,词数在60左右。

My Beautiful Dream

Last night I had a beautiful dream.I had turned into an alien.

I flew my UFO in the sky.Suddenly I saw some people playing in a park.

They were very happy.I wanted to join them.So I landed in the park and

got out of the UFO.When the people saw me, they were scared.I said hello

to them.But they didn\' t understa-nd me.After a while, only a kid came

to me and asked, \"Who are you?\" \"I am your friend.\"The boy got happy.

He moved to my UFO.\"May I play with you?\" \"Sure.You can play in the UFO

with me.\"When we got into the UFO, it started to fly into the sky.Suddenly

it fell to the ground.I was scared and jumped up from the bed.Oh! It

was a dream!



My father

My father is a busineman.He sells computers.He is a kind man.

He isn\' t good at talking.He is very busy.

Last week he flew to London.I told him to bring some interesting

things to me.But when he came back home, he brought nothing.I was mad.

But he said he had bought some snacks and some books for me.When he flew

back to this city, in the street, he met a poor girl.She didn\' t have

enough money to go to school.She was begging in the street.My father

gave her the snacks and books and some money.So I had nothing.But I was

also happy.I am proud of my father.

13.你有集邮(collect stamps)的爱好吗?请谈谈你集邮的历史。如果没有,


I like to collect many things, such as nice stones, names of movies,

books, toys, photos of famous people.But I like collecting stamps best.

I have been collecting stamps for five years.When I was very young, my

uncle sent me a stamp from Australia.I loved it at once.Since then I

tried to collect stamps and fell in love with it.I have more than one

hundred stamps.Some were sent by my friends, some were collected by myself;

some were from foreign countries, some were Chinese.I like them.Often,

I take them out and show them to my friends.



I am a friendly boy.I like to make friends.But I like to eat,

too.My mother gives me some money every day.I always go to buy something

to eat.I eat in the cla, after school and while playing.

One day I went to school with 10 yuan.Suddenly I saw a little

boy sitting at the gate of a shop.He was asking people for money.I was

surprised.A boy, younger than me! He should go to school like me! I walked

to him, asked, \"What\' s wrong, little brother?\" \"My parents were dead.

So I had nothing.\"He was sad.I touched my money.I really wanted to buy

some delicious snacks to eat.At last, I gave him my money! He was very

happy, so was I.



I like little animals.I want to get a cat long ago.But my mother

doesn’t like them.Last month my friend gave me a white cat.I was so

glad that I often played with it after school.My mother was annoyed by

the cat\' s voice.She said it always broke the things and the sofa ,and

its hair could be seen here and there.So last Friday when I came back

home and wanted to play with my pet, it didn’t appear.I asked my mother,

she told me she had sent the cat to the zoo.I was mad at her.I shouted

and cried, and didn’t listen to her.When my father came home, I told

him the event.He also said it wasn’t an important thing.Later, I said

sorry to my mother and so did she.


1.The life in the future

In the future ,there will be computers in each home.They will help us know more

about the world ,We will be able to talk online.Kids won`t go to school and study at

home on computers .Scientists will make lots of robots.They can help us do some

homework .For example,cooking ,cleaning.And I think there will be more cars and

pollution.So we should grow more trees and find other useful solutions to protect our

environment.In a word ,the life in the world will be wonderful.

2.问题 Dear Mary ,

I have a problem these days ,and I need your help.I’m not getting on well with some

of my clamates.I don`t know why.Last Sunday ,one of my clamates had a birhtday

party at home .He invited all the clamates except me .I feel worried and I don`t

know what to do .Could you tell me what I should do?


3.建议Dear Bob,

I have known your problems.There are a lot of things you coulddo .Here are some

advice for you.From your letter,I know you have different ideas about your clamates.

I think you should have a talk with him,because you can understand each other better.

Or maybe you could write a letter to him,give him a birhtday gift.He will feel very

surprised.I believe you can find a better way.Good luck!


Dear Mum,

I finished my end-of year exams last week and got my report card today.I always feel

nervous when I got my report card ,but luckily I did Ok this time.My Chinse teacher

said I was the best in cla,because I had a really hard time with it .But my worst

report was from my math teacher.He said I was lazy.And my八

science teacher said I could do better.That`s all for my report card .Best wishes.


5.晚会规定:There will be an English party from 5pm to 9 pm on Friday.you can

come to the party with your friends.Here are some rules you muat remember.Don`t

bring food and drinks to the party.Don`t leave during the party.You mustn`t wear

jeans.If you wear jeans ,we won`t let you in.And please bring your ID card.

6.爱好I like to collect many things,such as nice stones,names of

movies,books,toys,photos of famous people.But I like collecting stamps best.I have

been collecting stamps for five years.When I was very young,my uncle sent me a

stamp from Australia.I loved it at once.Since then I tried to collect stamps and fell in

love with it.I八下英语作文范文译文:











4 亲爱的妈妈,





have more than one hundred stamps.Some were sent by my friends,some were collected by myself;some were from foiregn countries,some were Chinese.I like them.Often,I take them out and show them to my friends.


Dear Mr Smith,

I am glad to be your neighborhood.I know your work must be tired,because you got home very late.However, I don`t like sleep too late.Would you mind not make too much noise? Would you mind turning down your TV?Could you please keep quiet.?I am sorry to disturb you.But i think you can understand me,don`t you?Thanks!

8.介绍宠物 Many people like animls.I like dogs best.They are popular pets.Because they are easy to take care of .They are cheaper than rabbits or cats.But they are not quiet enough.I like

my dog very much.At night he watches TV on my legs with me When I do my homework,he is always around me.When I have some sad things ,I enjoy talking with him.He`s my best friend.

9.致谦信:Dear Tom,

Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party.I\'d love to go but I can\'t.My parents are out on busine.They are coming back next month.And now I have to look after my grandma because she is ill in bed.And I also need to study for my coming end-of-year exam.I\'m very sorry but I can\'t go to your party.Thank you for asking me.I hope you can have a good time.

Yours, Jim















2)学唱英文歌曲2首:Top of The World(By Karen Carpenter), Peerle (By Darin



