
2022-08-13 来源:其他范文收藏下载本文



170班 杨劲松


这本书写的是因为温室效应,多年之后,所有陆地生物都会被淹没,人类要生存就不得不到水里去,为了人能在水底呼吸,一个有钱的人偷偷在一个沉没的海底城堡里用人做实验制造人造腮的故事。后来三个孩子用他们的智慧勇敢与坏人们做斗争,他们在破案过程中有危险有时也会受伤,可是他们也不放弃,坚持不懈,最终将坏人绳之以法,让那些被用来做实验的人重新获得自由 我只喜欢的主人公是路克坎平斯基,因为他是最会出主意的,他也是最聪明的一个。他虽然才11岁,可是他的智慧却让我们感到很震惊。 作者是奥地利的作家托马斯布热齐纳,他是一个很棒的作家,他所写的文章生动形象而且都很有趣,所以我很喜欢他写的书,他所写的《冒险小虎队》就热销于这几个国家。


《假如给我三天光明》读后感 170班刘芮含



海伦出生在一个幸福的家庭,可她却很不幸。在她出生的19个月后,一场意外的生病却让她永远的失去了光明和声音。无论是夜晚还是早晨,无论是白天还是黑夜,她的生活只剩下了黑暗,她再也看不见色彩斑斓的世界了;再也听不见动听的声音了。在没有光和声音的世界中,她唯一的感受只有宁静。就在海伦6岁零9个月的时候,莎莉文老师走进了她的生命,莎莉文老师就象是一把明亮的灯火,点亮了海伦·凯勒心中的那盏黑暗的灯,让海伦·凯勒成功的从黑暗走向了光明,懂得了爱与希望。海伦·凯勒在莎莉文老师的细心教导和父母的引导下,并且经过自己的不懈努力,顺利地考上了著名大学——哈佛大学。还掌握了英、法、德、拉丁和希腊五种文字。她始终致力于残疾人事业,为每一个残疾人加油鼓劲。最终成为了一名著名的慈善家、演讲家和教育家。 我看完书后,深刻地认识到:一个人能不能取得成功,不在于条件的好坏,而在于有没有奋斗的精神。一个人只要有胸怀远大的理


推荐《钢铁是怎样炼成的》一书 179班曹珈源



它向我们提示了: 钢铁是怎样炼成的,成长是需要怎样坚强的。 它很适合我们班的现况。现在,我们班还是一气不振。各位同学在学习上落后于其它班,就应该去努力,更应该学习保尔在失明并残疾情况下勇于创作精神!我想我们不可能到那种程度,但是我们也是





在这个世界上,书像天上的繁星,数不胜数;伟大的诗人杜甫说过,书籍是人类的营养品,俗话说;读书破万卷,下笔如有神。我曾经读过这样一本书叫;《做最好的自己》,这本书的作者叫李开复,这本书真的很有趣,作者是结合自己人生所经历过的事情写的。也是写给中国的青少年的,这本书我很喜欢,它所讲的内容 就是帮助青少年们实现引导他们走向成功的方向。

作者李开复 在书中写道;要时刻有着一种自信而积极的人生态度,去做最好的自己就是成功。拥有自信和积极的态度,的确是必不可少的,因为每个人的成功都是独一无二的,我们一生总是再做两件事情,一是追逐快乐,二是在逃避痛苦。每当我读到这里的时候,有时我就会对自己说,我一定要像作者李开复一样,只有改变自己的心态,改变自己的情绪,要尽自己最大的努力,做最好的自己,就可能成功的人士。我最喜欢书中的有一句话,真诚坦的人,才是值得信任的人。这一句话在这本书中给我留下了一个很深刻的印象。




丁婧媛 170 在上个月的读书活动中,我读了一本对我很有意义的文学作品:《梦幻薰衣草》。




友谊县第二小学 周璇 《名人传》读书笔记



在这本《名人传》中最令我感动的就是贝多芬的故事。贝多芬是个音乐天才,他的天分很早就被他的父亲发现了,不幸的是,贝多芬的父亲并不是一个称职的好父亲,他天天让贝多芬练琴,不顾及他的心情,一个劲儿的培训他,有时甚至把贝多芬和一把小提琴一起放进一个屋子里关起来,一关就是一整天,用暴力逼他学音乐。 贝多芬的童年是十分悲惨的,他的母亲在他十六岁时就去世了,他的父亲变成了挥霍的酒鬼。这些不幸一起压到了贝多芬的头上,在他心中刻下了深深的伤痕,也因此导致他的脾气暴躁而古怪。但是贝多芬没有因此而沉沦,他把自己的全部精力,都投入到了自己所热爱的音乐事业中去了。由于他的天分和勤奋,很快地他就成名了。当他沉醉在音乐给他带来的幸福当中时,不幸的事情又发生了:他的耳朵聋了。对于一个音乐家而言,最重要的莫过于耳朵,而像贝多芬这样以音乐为生的大音乐家,却聋了耳朵,这个打击是常人所接受不了的。


读《名人传》,在首篇的引言中有这样一段话:“我们周围的空气多沉重。老大的欧罗巴在重浊与腐败的气氛中昏迷不醒,鄙俗的物质主义镇压着思想,阻挠着政府与个人的行动。社会在乖巧卑下的自私自利中而死,人类喘不过气来。打开窗子罢!让自由的空气重新进来!呼吸一下英雄们的气息。” 显然,罗曼·罗兰要用英雄主义的精神来矫正时代的偏向。 在罗曼·罗兰看来,真正的英雄、真正的伟大是痛苦和孤独,是自我同无形物的抗争。在同一引言中他还说:“我称为英雄的,并非以思或强力称雄的人;而只是靠心灵伟大的人。”他正是紧紧抓住了英雄伟人痛苦的心灵,把战胜苦难作为衡量英雄的一把闪亮标尺。而他的《名人传》就是揭示人类历史上三位苦难英雄的心灵传记,他们是19世纪德国伟大音乐家贝多芬、文艺复兴时代意大利著名雕塑家米开朗琪罗、俄国文坛巨子托尔斯泰。 他在《贝多芬传》的结尾这样写道: “一个不幸的人,贫穷、残废、孤独,由痛苦造成的人,世界不给他欢乐,他却创造了欢乐来给予世界;他用他的苦难来铸成欢乐,好似他用那句豪语来说明的——那是可以总结他的一生,可以成为一切英勇心灵的箴言:用痛苦换来欢迎。”确实,“用痛苦换来欢乐”正是罗曼·罗兰追踪贝多芬一生命运的视野,这句话构成了《贝多芬传》内在的紧张和扣人心魂的思想魅力之所在。 是什么支持着贝多芬?是不向皇权低头的品质,是不被金钱收买的决心,是扼住命运咽喉的勇气!正是依靠着这些超凡的精神力量,贝多芬越过了人生的无数个痛苦险峰,达到了对人生最清醒的领悟。 如果说《贝多芬传》是英雄主义的号召,是力的颂歌,那么《托尔斯泰传》则是一首安魂曲、一支哀歌,一阕送葬曲。贝多芬伟大的痛苦是因为他在人生的盛年遭到厄运,托尔斯泰伟大的痛苦在他自身主观意志的选择。 《复活》是托尔斯泰暮年的又一部力作,罗曼·罗兰所说:“妻子、儿女、朋友、敌人都没有理解他,都认为他是堂·吉诃德,因为他们都看不见他与之斗争的那个敌人,其实这个敌人就是他自己。” “托尔斯泰,你是否依照你所宣扬的主义而生活!”他痛苦地回答:“我羞愧欲死,我是罪人,我应当被人蔑视。”终于,在82岁的暮年,托尔斯泰在一个寒冷的冬夜,独自逃出了家门,在一个无名的小城一病不起。弥留之际,他号啕大哭,对守在他周围的人们说道; “大地上千百万的生灵在受苦;为何大家都在这里只照顾一个列夫·托尔斯泰?” 其实,托尔斯泰发出的是对苍生的疑问,也是对痛苦心灵的回应,在这里我们分明又听到了贝多芬对生命的欢乐歌唱。 这就是罗





读书笔记 1.老人与海

我读了美国著名作家海明威的小说老人与海,十分佩服小说中老渔夫的意志,他让我懂得了一个人一定要有坚持不懈的精神,才能获得成功。 小说描写的是一个年近六旬的老渔夫,在一次单身出海打鱼时,钓到了一条大鱼,却拉不上来。老渔夫同鱼周旋了几天后,才发现这是一条超过自己渔船数倍的大马林鱼,虽然明知很难取胜,但仍不放弃。后来又因大马林鱼伤口上的鱼腥味引来了几群鲨鱼抢食,但老人仍不愿就这样放弃,最终突出重围,将大鱼带回了渔港,让其他渔夫佩服不已。 2.童年

这本书是作者真实生活的写照,高尔基根据自己的亲身经历,再现了黑暗统治下的孩子从觉醒到长大的苦难历程。阿廖沙是一个悲惨、可怜的小孩,他的童年是在外祖父家度过的,他的生活可不像我们现在这样幸福,充满阳光和爱。他的外祖父性情暴躁,贪婪、自私;两个舅舅也很自私、粗暴,这些都在年幼的阿 廖沙的心里留下了深深的烙印。这本书让我了解到了当时沙皇统治时期的困苦生活,让我知道了现在的美好生活的来之不易。我们要珍惜现在的幸福生活,热爱生活,努力学习,用自己的能力和智慧把这个世界建设得更加美好。 3.海底两万里

这几天,我看了一本海底两万里,这本书非常有意思。其中,我被海底两万里中的冰山这一节内容深深打动了。 他们在南极地区航行,在回来的路上,不幸被冰山困住,但他们用自己的智慧拯救了自己的生命。 多么惊心动魄的一刻啊!想想他们,在危险的情况下,他们头脑清醒,用智慧战胜了困难。那我呢?我从小到大都很胆小,而且在困难来临的时候没有勇气去面对、去战胜它。而海底两万里给了我一些勇气,我应该学习他们的那种不畏艰险的精神!海底两万里虽然只是一本冒险小说,但它却给了我许多的勇气,它让我勇敢地去面对现实,不能胆小怕事! 4.假如给我三天光明

假如给我三天光明这本书记录的是海伦.凯勒一生的事。书中感人心腑的故事,总是在我受到困难和挫折是鼓励我,不要后退。海伦.凯勒从小就失去了听觉、视觉和甜美的声音。她也曾因自己的缺陷而放弃过,可她又很快振作起来。在莎莉文老师的帮助下,凭着超人的毅力,不但学会了说话,还学会了五种语言文字!她一生熬过了八十七个无声、无语、无光的孤独岁月!一个人只要胸怀大志,并不懈向着目标努力奋斗,就不会被一些客观条件束缚,你就会拥有无限的力量去实现它!坚贞不屈、不断进取的精神是海伦.凯勒所拥有的,我们——祖国的接班人更应该拥有这种美好的精神品质! 6.居里夫人传

居里夫人传详细叙述了居里夫人的一生,也介绍了比埃尔-居里的事迹,着重描写了居里夫妇的工作精神和处事态度。书中引用了居里夫妇的许多信札和日记,书的最后还附录了居里夫人一生所得的奖金,奖章的情况以及罗列他所得的名誉头衔,是一本很翔实的个人纪录。在书中,我们可以看到居里夫人从来没有浪费时间,只有严谨的生活;没有享乐的懒散,只有英勇的奋斗;没有奸诈的人和事,只有和谐的空气;没有丑恶的画面,只有纯洁的灵魂---这是一本最精彩的历史人物传记。 6.草房子


显露出自卑。他的坚强让我惭愧。我们现在在家里人人都是“小公主”,衣来伸手,饭来张口。面对困难时,只是想别人来帮助自己。我知道了贫穷并不可怕,可怕的是你的胆怯。 7.龟兔赛跑

的故事,是一只乌龟和兔子赛跑,兔子因为跑到一半就睡觉了,没有比上乌龟,这个故事使我懂得了一个道理:做事不能做到一半就不做了,否则会一事无成。乌龟不怕困难,坚持下去才会成功得到了第一名我们要向乌龟学习,克服困难,坚持到底一定能成功。 8.玫瑰与教育

我体会到读书的重要,作为教师更应做好“读书思考实践”。窦老师是一名语文教师, 书中写的都是她教学生活中的随笔和感想,从书中我看到了她那淳朴、自然的人格魅力,心中盛满阳光,

怀着一颗感恩心为人处事的窦老师。这本书中,窦桂梅并没有讲大道理,也没有罗列出许多原则和规律,而是选择了一个新的视角:从研究教学活动中的“细节”入手,从一些我们常常熟视无睹的“小事”入手,以小见大,见微知著,让读者自己去悟出“规律”. 9.活了一百万次的猫


讨厌那些生活呢?因为猫一直都不是自己的猫,而是别人的猫,它生了又死,死了又生,它一直不满足,它一直在寻找自己理想的生活,直到它遇到那只平凡的白猫,它终于找到了自己想要的生活。最后,白猫死了,白猫再也不可以复生,它觉得世界上再也没有一只猫可以替代白猫了,它愿意陪白猫去另一个世界生活,所以它陪着白猫死了,猫再也没有活过来。 10.鲁滨逊漂流记






星期 篇5:读书笔记



心灵的宁静之道,一是要不受物役,不抱怨社会分配给你的东西不公平;二是要不为名累,想一想不仅身体,身后的名声也是过眼烟云;第三是也别人的恶所左右,不用他人的错误来惩罚自己。 从容淡定,意味着时刻能保持好心情;谦虚谨慎,戒骄戒躁,意味着自己还有更广阔的境界,更宏大的作为,而在事业之余,对美好事物有更好的鉴赏力。




















时间:2009-05-07 14:00作者: 点击:


写作的重要性 6分最低限,只要结构不出错,得分应该为9分。 评判作文


内容不跑题即可,注意:1.不要妄图以情动人;2.不要妄图在构思上出奇制胜。 结构上牢记总分总:先写主题句(Topic Sentence),再写分论点,最后写总结句(Conclusion)。

语言最重要,往往使评分产生重大差异,语言要模仿和包装。 基本表达

人们认为:it is generally/ widely believed/ held/ agreed that 越来越:be increasingly + adj., be on the rise, the growing number of 万能理由(Omnipotence)

1.方便:convenient/ convenience 2.效率:efficient/ efficiently/ efficiency 3.节省和浪费:save time/ money/ space; economical, thrift waste time/ money/ space; costly, lavish 4.人的心理健康:independent, cooperative, competitive, considerate, confident, creative, sociable, perseverance; selfish, isolated, conserative 5.人的身体健康:health, disease, strong, strength, energetic 6.娱乐:colorful, pleasure,joy, recreation, entertainmentm, relax tired, boring, lonely 7.环境:environment, pollute, poisonous, dirty 8.安全和危险:safe, danger, risk 9.经验:experience, social experience, enter the society 10.人际:humane, fair, unfair, help, aist, freedom, freely 写完之后修改注意:(内容方面尽量不要修改)






6、名词单复数 实例一

题目:Bicycles――An Important Means of Transport in China提纲:(1)为什么自行车在中国这样普及(2)和汽车的比较(3)自行车在中国的前途 Score: 8 Bicycle is an important means of transport in China.The important reason of it is the economy of Chinese.The use of bicycle in China is widely because people in China have not high wage.They can only afford a bicycle, and they have no money to buy a car which is too expensive.So Chinese usually buy a bicycle, and use it to go to work, or go to travel and so on.The other reason is the large population of China.All these made the bicycle become the important means of transport. The bicycle, compared to the car, is not too expensive and it is easy to learn and to use and it can save the surface of putting it.It doesn’t ask to build the garage like car.This point is very important to China, because of the lack of land.It isn’t too expensive, so Chinese can afford it.It doesn’t need any oil, and it can’t cause the polusion.All of these are the good needs compared to the car. In the future, bicycle will be widely used.And it will be in good demand.People will produce much more modern bicycles.Score: 14 Bicycles are very popular in China.Almost every family in the city has two or three bicycles.During the rush hour, you can see that thousands of people -- man and woman, old and young -- ride their bicycles to work and study.That is why China is called “the kingdom of bicycles”.注:1.第一句总写,第二句和第三句分写,最后总写。 2.During the rush hour 分词结构开头。 3.破折号内容为同位语,句式多变化。

Compared with cars, bicycles are superior in many ways.First, they are cheap, convenient and easy to ride.Second, riding bicycle is good for health.Third, they bring no noise nor air pollution.Though cars are faster and more comfortable, they are too expensive.They consume plenty of oil and they pollute the air.Sometimes, it is difficult for a driver to park his car.Moreover they often cause traffic jams and accidents.注:1.Compared with cars 分词结构开头。

2.be superior to/ be inferior to 优于/ 低于

3.thirst, second, third 英语语言有层次感,信号词 4.cheap 便宜,最好用inexpensive 5.be good for health 对健康有好处(万能理由) 6.Moreover 表示递进

In my opinion, the future of bicycle is very promising.Since China is a developing country and has a large population, I think, riding bicycle is appropriate to Chinese present conditions.It will be an important means of transportation for quite a long time.注:promising 有前途的 a promising young man Score: 11 There millions of bicycles in today’s China.Bicycles are very important means of transport in people’s daily lives.Because to ride a bicycle is very simple, to buy a bicycle will not cost so much money, to park a bicycle needs just a small room and to ride a bicycle does not need oil but the rider’s strength, bicycles are popular all over the world, especially in China.注:第一句应该用there be结构

Compared with a car, a bicycle is much cheaper.It is more suitable for China as a developing country.And a bicycle has almost caused no pollution but a car has.On the contrary, a bicycle is too slow, it costs more times than a car.I think the population of China’s bicycle will be kept for the long run.Because it will be replaced by a car, a bus and so on in some developed areas in China, and it will be made a wide use in the developing areas in China, the number of bicycles in China will be the same as today but I believe that it’s quality will be improved.

I、对比观点选择题:1.有人认为„„; 2.另外一些人认为„„; 3.谈谈你的观点和看法。(最好写成4段) 实例二 99年6月真题

Reading Selectively Or Extensively? Outline: 1.有人认为读书要有选择2.有人认为应当博览群书 3.我的想法

How should we read? Should we read selectively or extensively? Everyone has his own view.Some people think we should read selectively.They argue that with the development of modern science and technology, more and more books are published.It is impoible for us to read all the books.What’s more, there are many bad books that are poisonous to our mind, and we shouldn’t read them.Since we can’t read all the books and we shouldn’t read bad books, we must read selectively.But others may not agree, they emphasize that today\'s society is not what it was.If one man has many kinds of knowledge, he will have more chances to succeed.If a man knows much in one field but knows nothing in other fields, he may be usele.Since we must have many kinds of knowledge, we must read extensively.Who’s right? I think both of them have something right.But I think we should read extensively first.We should read books in many fields, and read selectively in one field.典型的对比观点选择题的文章逻辑结构:

(启)Paragraph I:(1)引出将要评论的事物或者是观点; (2)简明扼要的提出人们在这个问题上的两种不同看法。 Score: 14分

How should we read? Should we read selectively or extensively? Everyone has his own view.(启)

注:第一句提出问题,第二句提出两种见解 典型的对比观点选择题的文章逻辑结构: (承)Paragraph II:(1)提出一种观点或优点;(2)本段的支持性分论点;(3)本段总结(可以省略)。

Some people think we should read selectively.They argue that with the development of modern science and technology, more and more books are published.It is impoible for us to read all the books.What’s more, there are many bad books that are poisonous to our mind, and we shouldn’t read them.Since we can’t read all the books and we shouldn’t read bad books, we must read selectively.(承) 注:1.本段总分总结构

2.they argue that = they think that 3.with the development of...随着„„的发展 4.what\'s more 递进关系,moreover 5.bad = pornographic 色情的 & violent 暴力的 典型的对比观点选择题的文章逻辑结构:(转)Paragraph III:(1)承上启下的过渡句; (2)提出另一种观点或缺点;(3)本段的支持性分论点(4)本段总(可以省略)。

But others may not agree, they emphasize that today\'s society is not what it was.If one man has many kinds of knowledge, he will have more chances to succeed.If a man knows much in one field but knows nothing in other fields, he may be usele.Since we must have many kinds of knowledge, we must read extensively.(转) 注:1.But 转折词(信号词)

2.they emphasize that = they think that 3.today\'s society is not what it was 现代社会今昔非比 4.许多知识 a wide range of knowledge/ a large scope of knowledge/ much knowledge;

获取知识 acquire/ get knowledge 5.knows nothing→little;he may be usele→he may not be of great use to the society 后者比前者更委婉

典型的对比观点选择题的文章逻辑结构:(合)Paragraph IV:(1)平衡两种看法;(2)给出自己的观点。

Who’s right? I think both of them have something right.But I think we should read extensively first.We should read books in many fields, and read selectively in one field.(合) Score: 11分

When it comes to reading, some people think that reading selectively is a good way, but some other people do not agree with them, they think that reading extensively is better.注:结构非常好,可以套用。

Those people, who think that reading selectively is better, believe that good books are as many as bad books.Those good books can give us pleasure and knowledge, while those bad books can only lead us to the wrong way.So, they suggest that we should only choose the good books to read and never touch the bad books.注:1.“people, who...,”应去掉逗号,改为限制性定语从句。 2.as many as bad books 改为 as many as bad ones 3.lead us to the wrong way 改为 lead sb.astray 4.they suggest that = they think that 5.touch 碰(闪光点词汇:如教材P7:shouldering the responsibility of doing sth.肩负起责任)

But, the other people, who hold that reading extensively is better, think that one kind of books can only give us one aspect of knowledge.Even the best book only contains one field of information.So, they can easily come to the conclusion that “to know more, to read more”.So they believe that reading extensively is better.注:1.hold 认为 同样表示“think”的词还有argue, emphasize, believe, suggest, claim, insist, maintain, agree, hold 2.the best book 在西方国家是“圣经”的意思 3.to know more, to read more 错误,中式英语

To my point, we should choose good books to read and read good books as many as poible.By this way, we can increase the quality and quantity of reading.范文22.Is Television a Bleing or a Curse? Now, it is generally accepted that television plays an important part in people’s lives.But, there is an ongoing heated discuion as to whether television is a bleing or a curse.注:it is generally accepted that 人们通常认为

As is often pointed out by some people, television keeps one better informed about current events, allows one to follow the latest developments in politics and science, and offers an endle series of programs which are both instructive and stimulating.The most distant countries, the strangest customs and the most attractive scenes of nature are brought right into one’s room.

注:1.As is often pointed out by some people = Some people think that 2.“使„„”不用make,而用keep, allow, offer However, other people insist that television is a curse rather than a bleing.They argue that it has brought about many serious problems.The major one is its effects on young people.They are now so used to getting their information, education and entertainment from television that their literacy as well as physical ability has been greatly weakened.Even worse than that, vulgar commercials and indecent programs may cultivate their bad tastes, distort their viewpoints towards human life to such a degree that their minds might be corrupted.In summary, television has both advantages and disadvantages.Whatever effects it has, one thing is certain, television in itself is neither good nor bad.It is the uses to which it is put that determines its value to society.范文5.Travelling People who like travelling have their reasons.They maintain that travelling can help them expand their scope of knowledge, especially geographical and historical learning.They go on to point out that touring will provide more chance for them to enjoy food and try on clothes that they otherwise cannot poible have.注:geographical and historical 押尾韵,如:押头韵 clear & clean Those who dislike travelling have their reasons.They would argue that travelling means a considerable amount of money and energy.For example, traffic and accommodation require money and walking while seeing sights often tires you.In practice, travelling does more good than harm.If your finance and health permit, you might as well do some travelling from time to time.It will at least enable you to get familiar with people and things that you will probably grow to like and love.注:1.in practice = I think 2.does more good than harm 好处比坏处多,其他表达方法:be superior to/ inferior to 比如:the advantages are superior to the disadvantages 3.enable 使 范文1.Is a Test of Spoken English Neceary? A test of spoken English will be included as an optional component of the College English Test (CET).Some people argue that it is absolutely neceary to hold a test of spoken English in China because we have been informed frequently that a Chinese student who has been learning English for over ten years cannot even communicate with a native speaker.Sometimes even those top students who excel in grammar and writing skills find their English inadequate to expre their thoughts freely.A test of English will bring the college students an awarene of the importance of oral English, and will thus help them with their communicating skills.使句子具有表现力的手段:



On the other hand, some others still maintain that a good command of reading and writing skills will be enough for the English learners.To some extent their opinion derives from the fact that students are already under considerable preure from their opinion derives from the fact that students are already under considerable preure from their coursework.Another required test will only add to their burden.Moreover, some students may take the shortcut by focusing on several gueed questions according to the fixed format of the test, hoping for a coincidence to bring them good luck.In my opinion, a test of spoken English will do more good than harm.Since China will continue its policy of opening and reform, the ability to speak English fluently is a must for anyone who wants to surpa others in a highly competitive society.Whether I take the test or not, I shall spare no efforts to practice oral English in the remaining years of my college study.范文21.Should smoking be banned? Should smoking be banned? Answers to this question vary greatly.Some people are in favor of the idea of smoking.They always say that it can get rid of the tiredne and make them refreshed.And they also say that giving and being given cigarettes is a sign of friendship.Therefore, they carry cigarettes with them wherever they go.注:1.vary greatly 许多种2.be in favor of = agree/ be of the opinion that 3.get rid of the tiredne and make them refreshed 使人神清气爽 4.Giving and being given 给与被给。主、被动关系在英文中用现在、过去分词表达。

But other people consider it very harmful to people’s health.They have heard the official reports that one person in the world dies from smoking every second.And they have heard the doctor’s warning that smokers are more likely to have lung cancer and to increase their chances of having heart attack.In addition, smoking pollutes the air and may cause fire accidents.Thus it has become a major threat to people’s life and property.注:1.They have heard the official reports that ...官方报告表明..2.be more likely to 更有可能,更容易3.chance 可能

There is some truth in both arguments, but human’s life and property outweighs anything else.If smoking brings us illne and death, why not have it banned by the government? Without cigarettes, can’t we come up with better ways to expre our friendship and to make us refreshed?注:1.outweigh 比„„重要,同样的表达:be superior to/ be inferior to。overweight 超重2.最后用两句反问句结尾,非常精妙。 课后作业 Private Cars 写成4段的首段写法:

In recent years, with fast economic growth, private cars have appeared in many families in China.People\'s attitude toward private cars varies widely.② With the increase in the general standard of living, some ordinary Chinese families begin to afford a private car.Yet, people\'s opinions of private cars vary from person to person/ public attitude toward it varies greatly/ widely./ is quite of the contrary./ differs sharply.③ In recent few years, the phenomenon/ iue/ problem of owning a private car has been brought to public attention/ in the limelight.People\'s views on/ opinions of owing a private car vary widely.写成3段的首段写法:

With the development of modern society/ science and technology, / With the improvement of people\'s living standard, more and more people can own private cars.cars are entering ordinary families.the growing number of people/ people in ever increasing numbers can have acce to private cars.(此句是引言) 支持段的主题句:

Some people claim that/ As is pointed out that/ It is generally believed that/ It is widely accepted that, there are some advantages of owning a private car.There is no doubt that private cars benefit people hugely.支持段的分论点:

① 方便 First, private cars provide people with the most convenient form of transportation.② 舒适 Second, it is comfortable for people to travel in, especially in changeable weather/ raining days/ sand storm.③ 炫耀 Third, only a private car can show a person\'s social status/ achievement/ succe/ prosperity in his or her career.否定段的主题句:① However (Nonethele/ Neverthele/ But), there are some disadvantages of owing a private car/ Every coin has two sides.② While enjoying the convenience that private cars bring us, we should not ignore the problem they create/ produce/ introduce/ make.③ Despite/ In spite of/ For all the advantages, they brings their own disadvantages/ problems/ negative effects ④ Like anything else, private cars also have their own weakne/ limits.⑤ However, private cars are not without shortcomings/ faults.⑥ Yet other speak of the problems private cars have brought.They complain that......⑦ However, private cars may also bring with it problems our society had not previously faced.⑧ Despite the increase in efficiency and convenience generated by private cars, the changes they bring could very well lead to potentially adverse consequences.否定段的分论点: ① 占有空间 On the one hand, private cars take up/ occupy too much space.② 交通事故 On the other hand, a driver should be careful/ cautious while driving, otherwise, car accidents are more likely to happen.③ 污染环境 What\'s more/In addition, private cars give off/ discharge/ release CO which pollute the environment/ air.注意:所谓上义词是指抽象、概括和笼统的,就是比较superordinate的词;而下义词就是具体的东西,即subordinate的东西。 第四段(总结段)的写法:

① Despite all the disadvantages mentioned above, I still think that the advantages outweigh/ are greater than the disadvantages.As for the above problem, I\'m sure they will be settled by the scientists in the future/ It is only a matter of time for the problems to be solved.② Unquestionably, the challenge of private cars means we all should consider how we can control them, so that they will not control us.③ Whether the private cars are a bleing or a curse is a difficult question to answer, yet the desire for the comfort and independence a private car can bring will not be elminated.④ Anyway/ Anyhow/ In any case, whether the effect is good or bad, one thing is certain: private cars have changed and will continue to change the way of our transportation, our leisure and our life.选择题型变体逻辑结构(My View on Sth.) 选择性观点的变体的文章写作逻辑结构:

Paragraph I:(1)引出将要评论的事物或者是观点; (2)简明扼要的提出人们在这个问题上的两种不同看法。

Paragraph II:(1)提出作者观点(本文主题句);


Paragraph III:(1)总结全文(再次强调作者观点) 范文17.My View on Fate There is no consensus of opinions among people as to the view of fate.Some people believe that everyone is born to a certain that he can not change, while some other people think that every man is the master of his own life.注:1.consensus 相同意见

2.第一句话可以套用,如范文18:There is no consensus of opinions among people as to the view of wealth. 3.while 轻微转折和对比,强转折用词but, however 4.master 主人 As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion.There is a saying, “Everyone is the architect of his own future.” Which means one’s fate is decided in his own hands.In fact, no one is destined to a certain fate in his or her life.Those who claim that they were born to fail or be unlucky just can’t realize how much inner strength and ability they have.We must depend on ourselves to changes our lives and make us succeful and happy. 注:1.第一句as far as与I agree重复,把后半句改为the latter opinion seems more reasonable。

2.architect 建筑师,archor 弓箭手

3.In fact 前后是转折关系,之前从正面阐述,之后从反面阐述 范文17.My View on Fate (续)

Let’s take Helen Keller, an extraordinary American woman, for example.When she was only 19 months old, she became blind and deaf.Instead of accepting her misfortune helplely, she showed great courage and unconquerable spirit in fighting against her destined fate and was awarded the President’s Medal of Freedom in 1964 because of the achievements she had made for helping the blind, the deaf and the speechle.This story tells us that a wise man is always creating his own fate rather than waiting for good luck.注:1.本段开始举例

2.Let\'s take„„for example 中间是插入语,表示强调,举例不宜太长。

In conclusion, I believe that everyone is born equal and is the builder of his own fate We can have good fortune only if we take pains and work hard.We should bear the following saying in mind, “Every man is the master of his own fate.”

注:bear sth.in mind:把„„牢记在心 范文13.The Way to Succe 第二段:Strong will, perseverance and diligence are the three eentials of succe.A man of strong will and perseverance always has an inflexible spirit.He sticks to his cause no matter how tough it might be.Dr.Sun Yat-sen was such a man.Many of his attempts failed, but he held to his purpose with firmne and finally succeeded in overthrowing the Qing Dynasty.Diligence means steadine in one’s work and study.Su Qin stabbed himself in order to keep attentive to studies.Marx often worked 15 hours a day.Life is short and we have many things to do.Without diligence no one can achieve anything.II、社会热点话题写作逻辑结构

Paragraph 1: (1) 概括性的引出要评论的事物或观点(general); (2) 具体描述这个事物或者观点(或者是我对这个现象/ 事物的基本看法specific)。

Paragraph 2: (1) 作者对该现象货问题的基本看法,即文章的论点句; (2) 支持性的细节分论点(至少两点); (3) 本段总结(可以省略)。

Paragraph 3: (1) 总结全文,定下结论(通常为我的对策或看法)。 四级作文试题2000年1月 Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic How I Finance my College Education.You should write at least 100 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1.上大学的费用(tuition and fees)可以通过多多种途径解决。 2.哪种途径适合我(说明理由)。 How I Finance My College Education How I Finance My College Education 第一段:首先,应该是用一种描述性的语言引出讨论的重点:

Nowadays/ At present/ Currently/ These days/ Today, tuitions and fees for college students are 【more expensive】 much higher than ever before.How to finance my college education has become a matter of concern.第二段:有多种的方法,例如:1.向父母; 2.银行贷款 3.打工挣钱 第二段主题句:There are many ways to support my college education financially./ Ways to support my university study financially vary greatly/ are various.第二段分写:

In the first place, I can get/ gain/ obtain all the money from my parents.In the second place, I can apply for/ ask for a bank loan, especially set up/ established for college students/ undergraduates.What’s more, I can find a part time job to earn enough money.第三段:我所赞同的方法(阐述原因,为何不选其他的方法)。 Personally/ As far as I’m concerned/ In my opinion/ From my point of view/ To my way of thinking/ As I see it, I prefer the bank loan for the following reasons.For one thing, my parents are not rich enough to afford me.For another, I will not have enough time and energy to study after finishing my part-time/ temporary/ odd jobs.In addition, I believe I can hunt a rewarding/ dream job after graduation, and then I will be able to pay off/ pay back/ return/ give back.Therefore /So /Hence,.....使文章富有表现力的手段:




4、使用倒装句;(not only...but also...;only...)

5、尽可能地使用名词,而不是习惯中的动词和形容词。绿化我们的城市 第一段:

近年来,随着工商业的迅猛发展,许多大城市中树木的数量大幅度降低。人们作出各种努力防止树木被砍伐,但是,认识到绿化城市也同样重要。 普通版

Recently, with the development of businees and industries, more and more trees have disappeared in big cities.We have tried our best to prevent people from cutting trees.But, it is important to realize to make our cities green. 润色版

In contemporary society, while our industries and businees have experienced a(n) rapid/ fast/ amazing/ marked/ fantastic development, the number of trees in many large cities has declined/ decreased/ reduced sharply/ dramatically.Although remarkable efforts have been exerted to prevent more trees from being cut, the realization of making cities greener is still of great importance.注:区分industry 和 industrial 绿化我们的城市(续) 第二段:

绿化城市会带来很多好处。其一,绿化城市能够净化空气。科学研究已经证明树木通过吸收作用可以降低大气中碳化合物的含量。其二,它能够美化城市。到处是花草树木,我们会欣然地感到自己置身于美丽的花园中。最后,绿化城市能够带来大量木材,这是解决自然资源短缺的有效办法。 普通版

There are many advantages in making cities greener.First, it makes our air clean.Scientific research has proved that trees can reduce a great amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere through absorption.Second, it adds to the beauty of our cities.With trees and flowers everywhere, there is a pleasant feeling that we live in a beautiful garden and are closer to nature.Finally, it will bring us a lot of timber.And this is an effective way to solve the problem of lack of natural resources.润色版 What benefits can the program of making cities greener bring to us? First, the air will be cleaner.Scientific experiments have already proved that trees can reduce air pollution by producing a lot of oxygen.This will improve the quality of the urban environment.Second, our cities will look more beautiful.Just imagine the city which is full of trees and flowers.What an attractive garden it is! What’s more, by making cities greener, we can provide our industry with timber the precious natural resources.绿化我们的城市(续) 第三段:

绿化城市需要全国人民共同努力,人们不仅要广泛认识到城市绿化对城市环境的贡献,还应该同心协力栽植更多的树木并保护它们不受商业使用的侵犯。 普通版

Making cities greener requires people’s efforts all over the country.And people should not only realize that it is important to make cities greener for its contribution to urban environment, but also plant trees and protect them from being used in busine.润色版

Making cities greener requires more than widespread awarene; it calls for an immediate commitment to planting more trees and growing more flowers.(Making cities greener requires the whole nation’s efforts.And not only should most people gain the awarene of the significant contribution of making cities greener to urban environment, but also make a commitment to the protection of more trees against busine.) 句型变化 A.(1) We can imagine the beautiful surroundings.(2) There are many trees along the streets.(3) There is a clean river in the city.(4) There are many fishes in the river.(5) There are willow trees on the one side.(6) There are some pieces of graland on the other side.(7) There are many flowers on them.B.(1) Just imagine the beautiful surroundings if we have made our cities greener.(2) Green trees line the streets.(3) A clean river winds through the city, in which a lot of fishes abound.(4) On the one side stand rows of willow trees.(5) On the other side lies a stretch of graland sprinkled with many yellow and red flowers.1.There be...1) a.There are fewer and fewer citizens who like to see films. b.Films are now losing their appeal for many citizens.2) a.There are many people who complain of severe housing shortages. b.Housing shortages become the source of great complaint.2.If 1) a.If you compare the two methods carefully, you will find the difference. b.Careful comparison of the two methods will show you the difference.2) a.If we only apply book knowledge, we will not get good result. b.The application of book knowledge alone will not bring you good result.3) a.If there is no pollution, man can certainly survive. b.Man can certainly survive in the world where there is no pollution.3.In order to 1) a.In order to prevent the problem becoming too serious to solve, we must take an immediate step. b.An immediate step must be taken before the problem becomes too serious to solve.2) a.In order to build a stable and prosperous nation, people should make new efforts. b.New efforts will bring ...4.More and more 1) a.More and more people now prefer to stay at home and watch TV. b.People in ever increasing numbers prefer to stay at home and watch TV.2) a.More and more people who become more and more rich can afford a motorcycle. b.The growing number of people who become increasingly rich can now afford a motorcycle.3) a.More and more teenagers smoke cigarettes in recent years. b.Teenage smoking is on the rise/ increase/ decrease/ decline in recent years.4) a.More and more teachers are needed with the development of economy. b.There is an increasing demand for teachers with the development of economy.5) a.More and more trees have disappeared in the city.b.There is a sharp decline in the number of trees in the city.社会热点话题

写作练习:Jobs for Graduates 1) 大学生难找工作 2) 原因很多 3) 解决的办法 With the fantastic development of modern society, people in ever increasing numbers have acce to tertiary education (高等教育).As a result, job-hunting is now becoming headache for most graduates.范文23:Nowadays, college graduates come to realize that it is not easy to get a rewarding job.Most/ Many of them can not get a job right after graduation. The job market for college students/ graduates is getting tighter and tighter.According to a survey, only 80% of college graduates of the cla of 2002 found jobs the year they graduated, compared with 95% in 2000.Why do college graduates find it increasingly difficult to get jobs? 第二段细节论证 分析原因:

1、Among the most convincing/ important reasons given/ cited/ offered/ identified by people for this problem/ phenomenon, one should be streed/ emphasized/ mentioned...

2、One may regard/ see/ view/ think of the trend/ increase/ phenomenon as a sign of/ result of/ response to/ reaction to ...

3、The increase/ change/ failure/ succe in ...mainly/ largely/ partly results from/ arises from is due to/ owing to/ attributable to the fact that/ several factors ... Several years ago, many students were enrolled in/ admitted to/ taken in/ matriculated popular major, so that the supply is superior to/ outweigh/ exceeds the demand.Many graduates are reluctant to work in the remote areas/ western provinces/ developing areas/ le developed country.Graduates without working experiences are now losing their appeal for many international cooperations, such as ...国家制定法律法规 个人接受教育

III、图表题(table, bar graph, pie chart, line graph) 图表题的写作逻辑结构:

Paragraph I:(1)概括描述图表:趋势描写;

(2)具体描述图表:必要数据支持(细节性)。 Paragraph II:(1)提出自己理由和观点(本段主题句);


Paragraph III:(1)预测未来和提出解决方法;

(2)总结全文和表达作者自己观点 【标题】Changes in People’s Diet

Directions: Write a three-paragraph composition to: 1.State the changes in people’s diet in the past five years.2.Give poible reasons for the changes.3.Draw your own conclusion.You should quote as few figures as poible.【短文】Changes in People’s Diet

In the past five years there have been many changes in people’s diet.Grain, as the main food of most Chinese, is now playing a le important role, while the proportion of some high-energy foods, such as milk and meat, has increased.What has caused these changes? I think there are two reasons.First, people now have more money.The price of meat and milk is much higher than that of grain, so in the old days people couldn’t afford them.Now they have enough money to buy both meat and milk.Second, people nowadays pay more attention to the elements of their diet.They look for a well-balanced diet that will be good for their health.In short, there have been changes in people’s diet in the past five years because of financial and health reasons, and there will be further changes in the future 【修改版】

As can be seen from the table, the past five years has witneed dramatic changes in people’s diet.Grain, as the staple food of most Chinese, is now playing a le important role in their diet, while the consumption of high quality food such as meat, milk and fruit has greatly increased. There are two factors leading to the change.For one thing, people now enjoy a higher standard of living.In the old days few families could afford meat and milk every day, which often meant a big chunk of the family income.But now people have enough money to taste a rich verity of foods.For another, people of today attach more attention to nutrition.They are not merely content to fill the stomach.They are seeking the most reasonable diet which will do good to their health. In a word, with people’s standard of living getting higher and higher, changes in their diet will be more obvious and greater.图表题的适用句型:

1.As we can see from the chart/ graph/ table/ diagram, ...2.The chart/ graph shows/ displays that ...3.As can be shown in the table ..., 4.The figures/ statistics in the chart reflect/ show/ reveal that ..., 5.It is clear/ apparent from the chart/ table that ...V、谚语格言题逻辑结构

Paragraph I:(1)点明要阐释的谚语或名言( general );

(2)用自己的话解释这一谚语或名言的意思,有时有正反两面的逻(specific )。

Paragraph II:(1)作者对该谚语或名言的观点态度,即文章的论点句;


Paragraph III:总结全文,定下结论(通常为阐明其现实或更深远意义)。 Practice Makes Perfect Practice is the key to succe in all fields of activity.It is practice alone which enables us to build up speed and efficiency.When we accomplish something perfectly without wasting effort, this is the result of long practice.【改写为】An English proverb says/ One of the greatest men once remarked/ Nearly every civilization has its own equivalent to the proverb: \"Practice makes perfect\".It means that/ In other words, it is practice alone which enables us to build up speed and efficiency.When we accomplish something without wasting effort, this is the result of long practice.Practice Makes Perfect(续) Take the study of English for example.Only practice can enable us to spell words correctly and master the rules of grammar.And it is only through practice that we can become fluent in speaking and writing, there is no other way.Another good example is sports.Practice is the only way to become stronger and run faster.Besides, in team games practice is what improves our sense of cooperation and helps the team to win.【改写为】History/ Our society abounds with the examples of \"Practice makes perfect\".......(正反两方面都举例子) On the other hand/ On the contrary, no practice will only lead us to failure.There is hardly/ scarcely a man who can achieve succe without practice.All evidence points to/ justifies/ lends supports to the fact that practice is the key to succe in all fields of activity.举例一般为:英语学习;体育锻炼

To sum up, there can be no achievement which is not based on a solid foundation of practice.【改写为】For us college students, the saying/ proverb has a profound and realistic significance: there can be no achievement which is not based on a solid foundation of practice 课后复习(self-study Program)


2、写作练习:2002年6月真题(Student Use of Computers)


4、完型填空练习:完成Paage 1--Paage 3 做题步骤:





(5)核实答案。 图表题:2002年6月考题

Topic: Student Use of Computers (at least 150 words)




3、你认为目前大学生在计算机使用中有什么困难或问题。2002年6月的图表题作文: As is shown by the bar graph, the average number of hours a student in a certain university spends on the computer per week increased dramatically over the period from 1990 to 2000.In 1990, it was le than two hours.And in 1995, it hit/ reach four hours.And in 2000, the number soared to(飞速上升) nearly twenty hours, which is over ten times than that of 1990.注:soared to/ boom/ shoot up/ rocket/ jump 飞速上升 climb 上升很慢 shrink 下降,缩水

第一段还有一种写法:„„In 1990, the number was le than 2 hours, while the figure hit 4 hours(或者这样写:while in 1995,)as compared with that of 1990, it had almost doubled.And what impre us most is that the figure soared to..., which„

Obviously computers are becoming increasingly popular for males and for females.A multitude of factors could account for the rise.In the first place, computers facilitate us in more aspects of life.Also, the rapid development of the internet enlarges our demands for using computers.We can easily contact friends in remote places through the internet.In the second place, the prices of computers are getting lower and lower, which enable more students to purchase them. However, there still exist some problems, such as, poor quality, out-of-date designs and so on.And how to balance the time between using computers an studying is also a serious problem.Anyhow, we will benefit a lot from computers as long as we use them properly.IV、书信题的写作方法:





称呼(后面的标点是逗号):Dear Sir or Madam, To whom it may concern, 正文:空4个字节或者顶格写,段与段之间空行)

签名:sincerely yours 书信写作的五点要求:


2、咨询/ 建议








1、告知对方你的身份(假如对方不认识你) Dear Sir/ Mr.Prometheus, I was a student at your college, enrolled in Philosophy Department./ I am a„ at your„

/ I am a „ at your college, enrolled in the„ course./ My name is„, I am„

2、问候收信人(假如他/她是你的朋友) Dear Prometheus, Hello / Hi.How are you? / I hope everything is fine./ How are things going with you? / How are you getting on in / getting along with„..?

3、解释写信的原因 (1) 致谢:

I deeply appreciate your courtesy and I hope to reciprocate your favor when the opportunity arises./ I am greatly indebted to you for (the double) you have gone to on my behalf./ Thank you for your letter about studying in Canada./ I am writing to tell you how grateful I am for„ / I would like to thank you most sincerely for„ (2) 抱怨:

I am writing to complain about the poor service at your dining-room./ I am writing to expre my diatisfaction with / at„ / I wish to make a complaint about„

/ I am writing to draw your attention to„./ I am afraid I have got a complaint about„.(3) 致歉:

I would be grateful if you would be so kind as to provide me with certain eential information regarding the following aspects./ I am writing to you because I am unable to„./ I an terribly sorry that„.

/ I would like to expre my apologies for not being able to„.(4) 询问:

I would like to obtain /request/seek/inquire about some information about„

/ I am writing to ask if you can do me a favor. / I would like some detailed information on/about„.



(1)Please give this matter your immediate attention.(2)I would very much appreciate it if„„as soon as poible.(3)Please render me some valuable advice which is conductive to my final decision.


(1)I hope these„„will be helpful, and please feel free to contact me for more information.(2)„„will be taking responsibility for you and if you should need any aistance, she/he will be pleased to help you


(1)Thank you for your kind aistance.(2)Please accept my heartfelt thanks and deepest gratitude, now and always.(3)I am sorry that I cannot„„, and trust that you will understand.(4)In addition, let me apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused.(5)I shall feel obliged by a reply at your earliest convenience.(6)Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.

4、期盼回信:R.S.V.P.(1)I look forward to your prompt response.(2)Looking forward to a prompt reply, (3)I expect to hear from you very soon.(4)I hope to receive your reply shortly.(5)I am already eagerly awaiting your reply to this first letter.书信题范文:2001.6 Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a letter. Suppose you are Zhang Ying.Write a letter to Xiao Wang, a schoolmate of yours who is going to visit you during the week-long holiday.You should write at least 100 words according to the suggestions given below in Chinese.1. 表示欢迎

2.提出度假安排的建议 3.提醒应注意的事项

A Letter to a Schoolmate June 23, 2001 Dear Xiao Wang Example I: Dear Xiao Wang, I am very happy to learn that you are going to visit me during the week-long holiday.My parents will also be happy to see you again.I am sure you will enjoy every minute here.I know you like swimming.A river lies not far away from my home.We can go swimming there.I think it would be very pleasant and refreshing to swim in such hot summer days.In every big room of my home there is an air-conditioner.We can watch TV, play VCDs or read books very comfortably at home.A mountain about two miles away from here is beautiful and it is worth touring.We can go there on foot.When we climb to the top of the mountain, we can have a wonderful birds eye view of the whole village.Just phone me before you set off.There is no need for you to take anything.I’ll prepare everything for you.

I am looking forward to seeing you soon.Yours, Zhang Yin 公文信函: 2002.1 Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: A Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus You should write at least 100 words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below: 假设你是李明,请你就本校食堂的状况给校长写一封信,内容应涉及食堂的饭菜质量、价格、环境、服务等,可以是表扬,可以是批评建议,也可以兼而有之。

January 12th, 2002 Dear Mr.President, Li Ming freshman 大一 sophomore 大二 junior 大三 senior 大四 Example II: Dear Mr.Prometheus, I am a student at your TOEFL cla and I am writing to explain my absence from claes since March 11, 2001.On March 10, 2001, I was involved in a serious motor vehicle accident.I was transported to the hospital in an ambulance, where I was treated for a broken ankle, fractured collarbone, and 3 bruised ribs.My doctor advised complete bed rest for 6 weeks, and as a result, I have been unable to attend claes since March 11, 2001.I am concerned about keeping up with my studies, and have been doing the required readings, as aigned by you.My biggest concern is whether I will be able to participate the final cla.Would you please advise me regarding my courses, specifically if there will be any special consideration given to me in light of my current situation? Thank you for your kind aistance.I look forward to hearing from you soon.Sincerely, Janet, Student No„ 题型总结:

对比观点选择题:4段 社会热点话题:3段 图表题: 书信题: 格言题:

描写叙述题: 完型填空 做题技巧

(一)Prep Tips for Cloze I.做题步骤:





5、核实答案。 II.出题重点: 1.词语的辨析:

1)同义词; 2)反义词; 3)形近词;

形近词举例:Test 2 ...or down frightening hillsides to towns __87__ in deep valleys. 87.A) lying B) laying C) laid D) lied 注:说谎:lie lied lied lying 躺:lie lay lain lying 放置,下蛋:lay laid laid laying 2.逻辑关系:


such„as; especially; in particular; specifically; for example; for instance; likely; 2)因果关系: because (for); due to; owing to; thanks to; since; for; as; for the reason that; seeing that; 3)并列/递进:

besides; likewise; moreover; also; too; what’s more; apart from; except; furthermore; not noly„but also„.; in addition; 4)转折/让步关系:

however; but; never the le; nonethele; whereas; still; though; although; anyhow; anyway; in any case; yet; 5)对比关系:

by contrast; in contrast; by comparison; like; as„as; on the contrary; conversely; oppositely; „.than„.; 逻辑关系举例1:Test 4 Sometimes homework is returned 76 brief written comments but without a grade.76.A) by B) in C) for D) with 逻辑关系举例2:Test 2 The United States is well-known for its network of major highways designed to help a driver get from one place to another in the shortest poible time.__71__ these wide modern roads are generally __72__ and well maintained, with __73__ sharp curves and many straight __74__, a direct route is not always the most _ 75__ one.71.A) Although B) Since C) Because D) Therefore 72.A) stable B) splendid C) smooth D) complicated 73.A) little B) few C) much D) many 74.A) selections B) separations C) series D) sections 75.A) terrible B) poible C) enjoyable D) profitable 3.固定结构的识别:提高阅读的速度、对于内容有合理的预期、有利于总体把握文章:

either„or„; neither„nor„; too„to„; so„that„; not„until„; hardly„when„; no sooner„than„; not only„but also„ 固定结构举例:Test 3 76 geography books focus on a small area 77 a town or city.Others deal with a state, a region, a nation.Or an 78 continent.Many geography books deal with the whole earth.Another 79 to divide the study of 80 is to distinguish between physical geography and cultural geography.The former focuses on the natural world; the 81 starts with human beings and 82 how human beings and their environment act 83 each other.but when geography is considered as a single subject, 84 branch can neglect the other.76.A) Some B) Many C) Most D) Few 77.A) outside B) except C) as D) like 81.A) second B) later C) next D) latter 2. 搭配:

例如:a.+ n.; ad.+ v.; take advantage of„.; make use of„.等; 3. 动词用法:

1)主谓一致; 2)时态; 3)语态; 4)非谓语动词; 4. 介词用法:

1)介词与名词; 2)介词与动词; 3)介词与形容词; 顶一下 (62) 68.9% 踩一下 (28) 31.1% 2010上海世博会相关英语作文大全范文 World Expositions are galleries of human inspirations and thoughts.Since 1851 when the Great Exhibition of Industries of All Nations was held in London, the World Expositions have attained increasing prominence as - 2010上海世博会相关英语作文大全范文 关于2010世博会英语作文

How To Be A Lovely Citizen(如何成为一个可爱的上海人)

Great changes have taken place in Shanghai and more and more people throughout the world are focusing their attention on Shanghai now.As a citizen of Shanghai, I feel I must spare no efforts to do my bit.First, I decide to help plant more trees to make our city more beautiful.Second, I should obey seven nos and be good at learning from others.Third, I should study hard so that I can do something better for my city in the future.The World Expo in 2010(世博会)英文作文

The World Expo in 2010(2010年世博会)

The World Expo in 2010

Shanghai will host the 2010 World Expo.The World Expo has a long history but it has never been held in Asia.So the 2010 World Expo is an honor for all of the Asians.our government has promised that it will be the best one.And Shanghai, as a host city, will have more chances to develop quickly. As a student in Shanghai, I should learn English well so that I can be a volunteer in the Expo to help foreigners know more about Shanghai.From Joozone.com.世博会英语作文

Right from its establishment in 1992, Shanghai International Exhibition Center has provided much needed new potential for the exhibition industry in Shanghai , becoming the birthplace of many industry definitive exhibitions in Shanghai and making acclaimed contributions to the development of Shanghai exhibition industry.With its quality exhibition facilities and excellent services,it has been the first international exhibition center in China.As a member of the exhibition industry, Shanghai International Exhibition Center is committed to perfecting its hall services to exceed customers expectations, establishing exhibition brands, enhancing our capabilities of customer service and making contributions to the development of the exhibition industry in Shanghai and China as well! 作文地带提供,这些简单概括就是说 :上海世博会对上海的新发展奠定了基础,发挥了作用。要是作为上海世博会的一名成员的话,应该在力所能及的范围内去帮助世博会拥有更多项超越顾客所期待的服务,让上海世博会越发展越好.What should we do Ladies and gentlemen the World Expo is coming.What should we do as a student of Shanghai.The first ,study English hard.Millions of foreigners will visit Shanghai during 2010 World Expo.So we must study the international language harder.The second,be polite,be civilized.Do it from little things.Like do not spit sputum in rude.When you do somethings ,remember ladies first.In all,be a kind and polite man.Welcome World Expo!A time to make friends.Thanks you very much. 本文来自作文地带:http://www.daodoc.com/ 世博会英语作文

World Expositions are galleries of human inspirations and thoughts.Since 1851 when the Great Exhibition of Industries of All Nations was held in London, the World Expositions have attained increasing prominence as grand events for economic, scientific, technological and cultural exchanges, serving as an important platform for displaying historical experience, exchanging innovative ideas, demonstrating esprit de corps and looking to the future.世界博览会是人类文明的驿站。从1851年伦敦的“万国工业博览会”至今,世博会正日益成为全球经济、科技和文化领域的盛会,成为各国人民总结历史经验、交流聪明才智、体现合作精神、展望未来发展的重要舞台.作文地带(www.daodoc.com) 有翻译的英语作文网

With a long civilization, China favors international exchange and loves world peace.China owes its succeful bid for the World Exposition in 2010 to the support for and confidence of the international community in its reform and opening up.The Exposition will be the first registered World Exposition to be held in a developing country, which gives expreion to the expectations the world’s people place on China’s future development.

具有悠久东方文明的中国,是一个热爱国际交往、崇尚世界和平的国度。中国取得了2010年世博会的举办权,这将是注册类世界博览会首次在发展中国家举行,体现了国际社会对中国改革开放道路的支持和信任,也体现了世界人民对中国未来发展的瞩目和期盼。 另外一篇世博会英语作文,本文是关于世博会自愿者的英语作文

Shanghai will host the 2010 World Expo.The World Expo has a long history but it has never been held in Asia.So the 2010 World Expo is an honor for all of the Asians.()ur government has promised that it will be the best one.And Shanghai, as a host city, will have more chances to develop quickly.As a student in Shanghai, I should learn English well so that I can be a volunteer in the Expo to help foreigners know more about Shanghai.

First, I’ll say something about World Expo History.As we know, the very first World Expo, the Great Exhibition of 1851, took place in the Crystal Palace in London.UK.Ever since then, the goals of World Expos have been both high-minded as well as commercial.Visitors are able to explore the world outside of their everyday experience—outside cultures, new scientific advancements, and new inventions.World Expos have excited and inspired more and more people in the world.上海世博会范文:

On December3, 2002, the Bureau of International Expositions (or call it BIE) announced that Shanghai will host Expo2010.the BIE had received bids from five cities to host Expo2010.Among the 5 nice cities, the BIE chose Shanghai at last! It’s really an exciting news for not only Shanghainese, but also all of Chinese people.Here are some details about it.世博会logo(会徽)介绍:

Look at this profile carefully.The title is “The 2010 World Exposition ,Shanghai, China ”.this is the logo.And the theme is “better city., better life”.OK, let’s gue who is the image representative? Yeah, you’re right, Yao Ming!

Shanghai Expo is the first comprehensive World Expo held in a developing country.And it is also the first one that takes “the city” as its theme, hoping that it can push forward the city development and help bring about a better urban living environment, just like the theme: better city, better life.

I think, as a student in Shanghai, we should learn to be a gentle person and keep good manners from now on.And try to practice English more in order to communicate with foreigners fluently in the near future.Because, we’re a part of Shanghai! 世博会相关的词组:

中国上海2010年世博会:Eopo 2010 Shanghai China 世博会会徽: the Expo emblem 世博会会徽看起来像三个人手挽着手。The Expo emblem looks like three people holding hands.世博会将持续半年。The Expo will last six months.世博会的主题: the theme of Expo 城市,让生活更美好。Better city, better life.世博园区: the Expo Site 沿黄浦江两岸:along both sides of the Huangpu River 主题馆: the theme pavilions 中国馆:China\'s pavilion 东方之冠:The Crown of the East 中国成功申办2010年世博会英语作文

On December, 2002, China won the bid to hosting Expo 2010.This is the first General Exhibition hosted by a developing country; However, China has a long-standing relationship with World Expo.Chinese people have participated in World Expo since its first presence.After wining its liberation, the People’s Republic of China has taken part in 12 world expositions.Chinese exhibits won many prizes in previous world expositions.The Yisheng Wine was awarded with the gold medal at Expo 1906 Milan Italy; many others like the embroidery of the Portrait of Jesus, Gold Prize Brandy , and Mao-Tai Chiew were among the highlights at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition—San Francisco 1915.














他们是南北战争之前,美国南部农奴制下的典型的南方种植园主。她生活在那个美国历史上的乱世里。几经波折,当年那个勇敢大胆的少女终于认清了她心中的真爱,不是理想得不符合实际的卫希礼,而是真实地一直陪在她身边的白瑞德。那个同样倔强、骄傲的充满了野性的船长,为了她,放下了骄傲的姿态,在那么多年的等待之后,终于得到了自己的真爱。哪怕赫思嘉一直都没有发现,她实际上早已爱上了他。也许,爱情的光芒还是抵不过岁月的磨砺吧!他守在她身边,却清楚地知道她对卫希礼的牵挂。于是,再执著的等待也会有到头的那一天。幸好,邦妮出生了,白瑞德把爱的重心放在小女儿的身上,他呵护她,就像是呵护着心中的月亮一样。那样的温暖和关爱,生怕一不留神,就把她碰碎了。好景不长,年幼的邦妮因为意外而丧生,这让已经对赫思嘉绝望的白瑞德彻底失去爱人的希望,哪怕是他知道,就在这个时候,赫思嘉已经明白了自己的心。可是,这一次,他却是累了,再不想继续你追我赶的游戏,所以他选择离开。那么,赫思嘉呢?难道她就这样对命运屈服了吗?当然不,那个曾经骄傲的少女,那个精明能干的商人,那个骨头里流淌着爱尔兰人对困难绝不屈服精神的女人,哪怕,已经身为人妻,却依然不曾丧失掉最初的那一点勇敢。她相信,她能够挽回她爱人的心,她爱白瑞德。所以,她不会眼看着幸福溜走,“tomorrw is a other day。”所以,我亲爱的赫思嘉,你一定可以找回你的白瑞德,不是吗?我勇敢的爱尔兰姑娘。


一些感受。这是值得肯定的。再者,作者在抒发感受时,夹叙夹议,兼带抒情,在一定程度上表达出了自己的看法以及以主人公的赞美之情。但本文有些不足之处,最明显的是主《飘》这篇小说主人公的名字是什么?Scarlett,是其英文名。“赫思嘉”是否翻译不妥?其次文章的思路很混乱,只能从总体上看出作者对女主人公的赞美之情,但文章的层次有些混乱,这一点是文章的最大不足。另外,建议文章 多分段。












丁 虹














浙江龙游中学 吕笋


石窟位于县城的东北面约5000米,距今已有 2200多年历史。这天早上,我终于乘上一辆出租车,去游览这令我心仪已久,却一直未能成行的神秘处所。














生:看来观察是抓住景物特征的第一步。可是每个人的观察角度不同,因此感触自然也应不同。 师:正所谓“横看成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同”。要的就是这“不同”,否则千人一面,必然平淡乏味。生:明白了。另外,我觉得本文的用语也很精当。比如刚入洞时,环顾四周景致那一段用了大笔勾勒的手法,“立方体”“粗犷中随处透出一种美感”这些都是概括性极强的语句。而在阐述神秘何在时,却适时使用工笔细描,比如描写凿痕的间隔距离、石窟顶壁与水平面所成的角度、石柱所处的位置以及洞中石像等。但是,我觉得在用语方面有一点遗憾;大量的数据过于抽象,如果能用一些修辞手法(比如拟人、比喻)将之形象化就更好了。






江苏省梁丰高级中学 郭奕慧


















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陈思宇 已发表年级:五年级 体裁:话题作文 2013-11-14 特殊的一节课

义气同桌已发表年级:五年级 体裁:叙事作文 2013-11-14 应乐

罗馨瑜 已发表年级:五年级 体裁:写人作文 2013-11-14 【微作文】捣蛋

成语对对碰已发表年级:四年级 体裁:话题作文 2013-11-14 王淼文



阮佳妮 已发表年级:五年级 体裁:叙事作文 2013-10-29 “吝啬”的爷爷 已发表年级:五年级 体裁:写人作文 2013-10-29 [PK赛]关于爱的作文:一次传币,一分诚信 已发表年级:六年级 体裁:话题作文 2013-11-01 [PK赛]关于爱的作文:生活,让我懂得了感恩

已发表年级:六年级 体裁:话题作文 2013-11-01

[PK赛]关于爱的作文:爱心无价 充满爱心的小女孩




王淼文应乐沈搏 已发表年级:六年级 体裁:话题作文 2013-11-01 已发表年级:五年级 体裁:写人作文 2013-10-28 已发表年级:五年级 体裁:写人作文 2013-09-27 林文垒 岑杰 已发表年级:二年级 体裁:写景作文 2013-08-08 已发表年级:六年级 体裁:话题作文 2013-08-07


已发表年级:五年级 体裁:叙事作文 2013-08-07




岑杰 已发表年级:五年级 体裁:叙事作文 2013-08-07 沈子博 岑杰

沈紫仪 沈搏 沈搏 王承恩宓湛挺 已发表年级:六年级 体裁:话题作文 2013-08-07 已发表年级:五年级 体裁:叙事作文 2013-08-06 猜猜橡皮在谁手 已发表年级:五年级 体裁:叙事作文 2013-08-06 都是“烟头”惹的祸 小猫咪咪已发表年级:五年级 体裁:话题作文 2013-08-04 已发表年级:五年级 体裁:状物作文 2013-08-04 两面派的妈妈已发表年级:二年级 体裁:写人作文 2013-07-31 他留在了我的记忆中


雨中一点红已发表年级:五年级 体裁:写人作文 2013-07-31 宓柯欣岑杰

王晶晶 已发表年级:五年级 体裁:话题作文 2013-07-25 已发表年级:六年级 体裁:叙事作文 2013-07-21 贪吃懒惰的小黄狗神奇的声音已发表年级:五年级 体裁:状物作文 2013-07-21 王承恩 王承恩 王承恩 王承恩 已发表年级:三年级 体裁:写景作文 2013-07-21 顽强的仙人球云已发表年级:二年级 体裁:状物作文 2013-07-21 已发表年级:二年级 体裁:写景作文 2013-07-21 打篮球

已发表年级:三年级 体裁:叙事作文 2013-07-08



《童年》读后感800字 每一个人都有自己值得回忆、值得珍惜的美好时光。对于我来说童年是我最宝贵的收藏,就高尔基写的《童年》这本书来说,童年应该是他的一段悲惨遭遇,一段深情的回忆! 在假期中我看了不少书,对《童年》这本书最感兴趣。据我了解,《童年》是高尔基用自传体写的小说三步曲的第一部(第

二、第三部《在人间》和《我的大学》),它向我们艺术地展示了阿廖沙在黑暗社会追求光明的奋斗历程,还有十九世纪七十到八十年代的俄国社会风貌。我读完《童年》,感受到了作者儿时的悲惨遭遇,觉得我是幸运的,起码我比他幸福。因为作者3岁时,父亲病故,母亲就带他回了娘家。可惜外公是个自私、贪婪而又专横的小业主,残酷剥削雇工,放高利贷,但是资本主义俄国的发展打断了外公的发财梦,从此破产以至于贫困潦倒。可怜的母亲改嫁之后,生病而死,十一岁的作者被外公残忍地赶出了家门,到社会上自谋生路…… 高尔基真实地描述了自已苦难的童年,我为自己庆幸——没有出生在那个时代,没有受到这种苦,自己没有失去父母……我很幸福,因为我有一段美好的童年。记得在小时候,我很调皮,也很淘气,经常做一些稀奇古怪的事。有一次,阿姨帮我买了几条小金鱼,但她没告诉我怎么养就走了,爸妈又不在家。我看到柜子上有一个插着花的花瓶,灵机一动,把花瓶拿下来,丢掉里面的花,加了点水,把小金鱼放了进去。看到小金鱼在花瓶中自由自在地游来游去,心里乐滋滋的。到了晚上,妈妈回来了,看到我趴在桌上一动不动地看花瓶,就笑着问我:“你干嘛呢?”“看金鱼呀!”我回答道。妈妈一听,说道:“啊?不会吧!你把金鱼放在花瓶里了。不行,这花瓶一会儿外婆还要拿走呢。”我二话没说,把花瓶抱进房间,就是不让她们拿走。最后,妈妈拿我没辙,只好打电话给外婆,告诉她事实,外婆听了这件事,也哈哈大笑起来……我的童年就是这样充满了欢乐、充满了幸福,所以我要珍惜现在所拥有的一切。! 看了《童年》这本书,我有很大的启发,书中告诉我们要执着求知、不怕困难、持之以恒、积极的态度对待学习和生活! 《童年》读后感800字 最近,我读了《童年》这本书的(第二)。高尔基令人怜悯的童年故事,让我心里久久不能平静。 《童年》

(二)是写了幼小的高尔基过早地体会到人间的痛苦和丑恶,被臭骂、挨打;幸好也有慈祥的外祖母在细心照料他。阿廖沙那幼小的心灵因受到许多许多次沉重打击而深深震动,我也感到了阵阵悲痛。他的家又旧又烂,小染坊也毁了,家庭环境越来越差。你啊,不管遇到外祖父的毒打,还是遇到家人的笑话,你都勇敢面对;从不软弱,也不会轻易被人吓倒……阿廖沙,你比我们坚强一万倍! 当我写到这儿,我便想起我的生活:住在大城市里头,环境幽雅,房屋整洁、宽敞明亮;拥有丰富的玩具和读物……并没有阿廖沙家里那么乱。而且,我的生活比他更有趣,在家中不用受毒打,也有同学玩;可以上学,学到更多的知识。阿廖沙也没有我们这么富有,穿的只是旧衣服!我更想起一些事:周末,我和爸爸妈妈去逛街,眼花缭乱,应有尽有。还去了图书馆借书看,课外读物真多呢!回到家,能看电视,做作业等。 哎,我多么幸福啊!我也得努力学习,报答父母对我的期望!不能辜负他们。 阿廖沙的生活并不完美,和我们相比,可真是差十万里远!虽然你的童年没有其他孩子那样幸福,但是,你要坚强活下去,长大后,我相信你们家会越来越好的。 《童年》读后感800字 高尔基,年幼时常听大人们提起,却不知道他是谁,欲知他的身世,柯达人们总是说你还小不懂的。初中时了解到了他,他的身世如此悲惨,但也获得了许多名号、荣誉。并且他还为后世留下了宝贵的精神财富,而《童年》也正是他写的一本自传体小说。 这本书讲述了高尔基悲惨的童年,看完后我不禁想到了自己的童年。每个人都有童年,我的童年包括大家的童年估计都是充满了快乐的,然而高尔基的童年如此残酷,他也成为了如此了得的人,我感到很是敬佩。高尔基早年丧父,一直跟着妈妈和年迈的奶奶过着贫困的生活。然而他并没有抱怨过,而是努力的学习,长大后想要孝敬妈妈,这点我也是很佩服的。此书记载了高尔基凄惨的童年的故事,里面夹着一些苦涩,和做人的道理。 看了这本书,我很庆幸自己生在了这个充满人道的社会主义国家,这里没有伤人的鞭子,没有层出不穷的暴行,这里的人们善良、团结、充满爱心。走进书香四溢的校园,成为一名莘莘学子,开心的迎来充实的一天。校园里老师们热心的传授给我们知识,我们如同一个个树苗在这个平和的社会里渐渐长大。让我们珍惜现在吧,珍惜每一秒,长大后回报这个人道的国家。让书中亲人朋友间勾心斗角的事永远不要变成现实,让这个人道主义的国家一直延续吧。 我们也将要向高尔基学习,古人说的好:“见贤思齐焉”。 《童年》读后感800字 读了《童年》这本书,我心里久久不能平静,想了许多许多。高尔基那悲惨、令人怜悯的故事,顿时把我吸引住了。故事生动地再现了19世纪七八十年代俄罗斯下层人民的生活状况。 故事主要写了高尔基童年时的痛苦生活,在这样一个弥漫着残暴和仇恨的家庭里,幼小的“我”过早地体会到人间的痛苦和丑恶,小小的心灵因受到许多打击而深深震动。而外祖母和那些像外祖母一样的人,保护和支持了“我”……从而展示了充满残酷、野蛮、愚昧、污秽的令人窒息的生活,令我们深深地体会到沙皇专制制度的腐败、丑恶,老百姓身处黑暗而不知的奴性与麻木,和年轻一代反抗黑暗、奴役,追求自由、光明的苦难历程。 这时,我的脑子里也随着产生了一个新奇的想法:如果我是一个市长,那该多好啊!要是真的能实现理想,我必定救人们于水深火热之中! 能把幻想变成现实,那一定是很美好的。我期望自己忽然长大成人,当上了市长,我要尽自己最大的能力,领导各阶层人民,把我市建设成为第一的城市。不再希望有高尔基那童年般的生活。当我一上任,会执行任务:第一:严厉打击违法犯罪活动,抓好社会治安管理。因为只有这样做,社会才会进步,才不再有“贪污”的现象,人们才不再过上被压迫的生活。第二:抓好教育事业…… 虽然这只是一个孩子的愿望,但我相信凭着自己的努力,这个理想一定会实现的。为了能早日实现这个理想,我要认真刻苦地学习,汲取广博的知识,如同即将冲锋的战士,做好了出发前的准备 《童年》读后感800字 马克西姆。高尔基的《童年》举世闻名。在一个很平凡的星期天下午,我翻开了它。情绪也随着书上一行行黑色的宋体字忽起忽落…… 主人公阿廖沙痛苦的童年生活打动着我:四岁丧父,跟随悲痛欲绝的母亲和慈祥的外祖母到专横的、濒临破产的小染坊主外祖父家,却经常挨暴戾的外祖父的毒打。但善良的外祖母处处护着他。在外祖父家,他认识了很多“安安静静”的亲戚,其中包括两个自私、贪得无厌的、为了分家不顾一切的米哈伊洛舅舅和雅科夫舅舅,还有两个都叫萨拉的表哥。朴实、深爱着阿廖沙的“小茨冈”(伊凡)每次都用胳膊挡外祖父打在阿廖沙身上的鞭子,尽管会被抽得红肿。但强壮的他,后来却在帮二舅雅科夫抬十字架时给活活的压死了…… 阿廖沙的童年是在一个典型的俄罗斯小市民的家庭里度过的:贪婪、残忍、愚昧;父子、兄弟、夫妻之间勾心斗角;为争夺财产常常为一些小事争吵、斗殴……但在这个黑暗的家庭里,有一个勤劳、坚强、善良的外祖母。她常常给阿廖沙讲好听的神话故事,也潜移默化地教他做一个不想丑恶现象屈膝的人。 阿廖沙的童年是黑暗的,就像他的家庭一样。周围残酷的事情太多了,有时甚至连他自己都不敢相信竟会发生那样的事情。但好在有外祖母——全家人的精神支柱。阿廖沙也还认识很多其他的人:搬进新房子后的几个房客、隔壁的三少爷,等等。阿廖沙从家人的一些“奇怪”的举动中懵懂的明白了一些道理。 和阿廖沙相比,我们的童年是灿烂的,是彩色的;是没有烦恼痛苦的,更是无忧无虑的。有那么多的孩子甚至不懂什么叫做“打”,因为我们从没有经历过被人打、被人拿鞭子抽的滋味。那也许是一种无法想象的痛苦吧。当然,除此之外,我们的生活中也很少有家人之间的勾心斗角,为争夺财产而打架斗殴之类贪婪、凶狠的事情。更不会发生残忍的把某个无辜的人无端地折磨致死这类想都没想过的“恐怖事件”。 天哪,如此比较,我们的童年和阿廖沙的有着天壤之别。我们每天生活在蜜罐儿里,被甜水泡着,被金灿灿的钱堆着……我们是多么幸福呀!我们从来不用考虑衣食住行,这让大人么操心就足够了,还轮不到我们呢。 但拥有着这些,我们并不知足。我们总是奢求更多。因为,在我们眼里,大人们挣钱是那样的容易,似乎都不费吹灰之力。我们多天真啊。的确,我们不用像阿廖沙那样只十一岁就到“人间”独自闯荡。但读过《童年》之后,我们应该悔过自己曾经的奢侈,我们应该不再浪费,我们应该学会珍惜。 那么,就从现在开始吧。我们不再奢侈,不再浪费;我们开始为长辈着想,体谅他们;我们更应该开始满足自己的幸福生活。为了以后,为了将来,为了我们到“人间”的那一天。 《童年》读后感800字 今年暑假,我读了《童年》这本书,我明白了当时高尔基那么悲惨、令人怜悯的故事,使我感动!故事表达了当时19世纪七八十年代俄罗斯下层人民的生活状况。高尔基【1868~1936】前苏联无产阶级作家,社会主义现实主义文学的奠基人。他出身贫苦,幼年丧父,11岁即为生计在社会上奔波,当装卸工、面包房工人,贫民窟和码头成了他的“社会”大学的课堂。他与劳动人民同呼吸共命运,亲身经历了资本主义残酷的剥削与压迫。这对他的思想和创作发展具有重要影响。 故事主要写了高尔基童年时的痛苦生活,在这样一个充满着残暴和仇恨的家庭里,四岁丧父,跟随悲痛欲绝的母亲和慈祥的外祖母到专横的、濒临破产的小染坊主外祖父家,却经常挨暴戾的外祖父的毒打。但善良的外祖母处处护着他。幼小的他过早地体会到人间的痛苦和丑恶,他小小的心灵受到许多打击,而外祖母和那些像外祖母一样的人,保护和支持了高尔基。这使我深深震动。……从而也展示了当时残酷、野蛮、愚昧、污秽的令人不堪回首的往事,令我深深地体会到沙皇专制制度的腐败、丑恶,老百姓们身处水生火热中,和年轻有志的青年人一代反抗黑暗、残酷,追求自由、光明的苦难历程。 我看着书想着想着,我们现在的社会中,不还是有贫富之分、不平等的看待吗?当我们走在街上,随处可见一些衣衫破烂的乞丐,楚楚可怜的小孩子和孤苦伶仃的老人。这见证了现时社会官员的无能、贪污的不良风气。而政府前面张贴的反腐败的漫画和标语,只是口号,没有实际又有什么用呢?这样的社会怎么能繁荣昌盛呢?这样的社会怎能迈向新的旅程呢? 和高尔基相比,我们的童年是灿烂的,是彩色的。我们在家里是独生子女,是父母亲的掌上明珠。我们每天生活在蜜罐儿里,被甜水泡着,被金灿灿的钱堆着……父母们出出保护我们,关心我们,是没有烦恼痛苦的,也是无忧无虑的。甚至有些不懂什么叫做“打”,什么叫做“骂”,因为我们从没有经历过被人打、被人拿鞭子抽的滋味。这也许是一种不可能经历的的痛苦吧。所以,我们更要珍惜如今美满、幸福的生活。我们要抓住童年的尾巴,努力学习,千万别身在福中不知福。这样优秀的学习环境,这样美好的童年生活,我们再不好好学习,那就太对不起父母了。 高尔基在小的时候就非常喜欢数学,而且也十分聪明。在一节数学课上,老师出了一个题目考在班上的同学,题目是:“1+2+3+4+……+100=?”这可为难了很多同学,他们一个个都很着急,只有高尔基算出来了,等于五千零五十。从此, 老师们再也不会因为他们家穷而瞧不起他们,而是觉得他很有数学天赋。 就是在这样艰苦的条件下,成长了一个伟大的人物——高尔基。他也十分努力创作了《奥古洛夫镇》《夏天》《马特维柯热米亚金的一生》《意大利童话》《俄罗斯童话》以及稍后完成的自传体长篇小说三部曲的前两部《童年》和《人间》。 高尔基不仅是伟大的文学家,而且也是杰出的社会活动家。他组织成立了苏联作家协会,并主持召开了全苏第一次作家代表大会,培养文学新人,积极参加保卫世界和平的事业。 人间的苦难,生活的辛酸,磨练了他的斗志。我还记得书最后讲了一句话:“对社会底层人民痛苦生活的体验和深切了解成为他创作中永不枯竭的源泉。” 不要慨叹生活的痛苦!……慨叹是弱者……这是高尔基一直以来鼓励自己的话,我希望大家也能学习高尔基那样的高尚精神!


刀豆文秘助手(www.daodoc.com)之英语作文网 my dream


my dream future

i decided to be a middle teacher after college.there are many reasons contribute to this decision.

firstly, when i was a little girl, i have been dreaming of being a teacher.it seemed so fascinate to me and i hope i can make my dream come true.

and, i like so much to be with middle school students.most of the students at that age are full of youthful spirity and i am sure their paion would pa to me.i will retain all the zest of adolescence.the most important reason is that our country needs plenty of teachers.so far, teaching is considered a tough and low-income job in china.however, if we have not enough teachers, our future will lack of excellent scientist, managers, businemen, soldiers and even goood workers and farmers.how can our country to be strong and wealthy?i wish my country to be a better one.i am ready to be a teacher and hope all the persons with lofty ideals may dedicate themselves to this meaningful career.i hope my dream future will come ture!



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1 认真写作,积极投稿.投稿前先写好改好, 注意标点和格式.2 热情评点,善意指出同学的不足,不乱打分,不要找人要分

3 踊跃推荐新人新作, 敢于指出抄袭和垃圾内容.





投稿箱为会员新投稿件。发表区包括所有经过会员或老师认可的作文。精品区为比较好的作文。退稿箱为被认为不合格的投稿 注册会员可以阅读全文,不能打分,不能写评语; 初级会员及高级会员可以阅读,写评语。还可投票。




只有登录后才能投稿。 入门级会员的投稿进入未公开区。未公开的作文别人是看不到的。 初级会员、高级会员的投稿首先进入未公开区。如果以后还要修改,可以保留在未公开区。如果已经定稿,就要公开到投稿箱。 进入发表区前,会员可以修改,删除自己稿件。 作文由老师、管理员、高级会员来推荐发表。 如果你投的作文,你自己认为是你近期最好的,得到了老师同学的好评,你可以到论坛的精品自荐栏目发贴,向管理员推荐,由管理员来决定是否精品。 投稿注意事项: 要认真写作,写完后多读几遍,多改几遍。 将写好的作文先输入到“记事本”或“WORD”,并在自己的电

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会员作文评论得到作者或老师认可 奖1-5分,作者每篇可奖分最多20分(老师不受此限)

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开头的写法:万事开头难,写作文也是如此,但文章的开头很重要。常用的方法有以下几种:(1) 背景法:说明事件发生的时间、地点、情景等背景。(2) 人物法:交代文章所要描述的主要人物或有关人物。(3) 主题句法:提出一个观点或论据作为文章要阐明或论述的主题。(4) 问题法:用提问的方式来引出文章的内容,以引起读者的注意力。(5) 惊语法:用令人感到惊奇的句子开头,激起读者的兴趣。(6)

故事法:以讲故事的形式作为文章的开头,在此基础上展开文章。多用于记叙文,也可用于议论文。(7) 数据法:引用已经被证实的数字来引起话题。(8) 引语法:引用名人名言或常见习语、谚语等作为文章的开头。(9) 定义法:常见于对标题下定义,然后通过举例、逻辑推理等方法加以详细说明。(10)夸张法:以一个绝对不可能发生










高 中 英 语


语法 :1.复习时态6.合成词2.分词—ing —ed3.比较级 最高级 用法4.冠词的用法

技能:听说读写 (听力练习.朗读课文.英语作文)(复述课文 改写课文)词汇及日常英语(约600词 短语约260)

5.分数.百分比.及数词 第二册

语法:1.状语从句2 .非谓语动词第三册

语法: 1.被动语态2.系动词3.直接引语4.间接引语5.定语从句6.非限制性定语从句 第四册

语法:1.将来进行时 将来完成时


语法:1 动词 1~32 被动语态1~33 状语从句4定语从句5名词性从句

英语教学: 夯实基础





词汇及日常英语(约300词 180短语)





词汇及日常英语 (约380词 180短语)



词汇及日常英语:约400词 180短语

技能;1 听力2 谈话题3 改写课文4命题作文

词汇: 约700词 230短语 共计约3500个


.如何交朋友(How to Make Friends)

Everyone needs friends.A friend can give us help and share our difficulties and happine.But how can we make friends?

First, to make friends, you must be friendly to others.Smile at others and you are sure to get a smile in return.You should try to make a stranger feel at home wherever he happens to be.Think more of others than of yourself and never judge a person by his appearance and clothes.

Second, friends should negotiate instead of quarrel.When you don’t agree someone, please discu with him.

Finally, never believe in those who leave you when you are in trouble.And never leave your friend when he is in trouble.Remember, a friend in need is a friend indeed.Friends should be faithful to each other.So long as you can put your friend’s interests in front of yours, you will have a lot of good friends.

3.你相信有人有特异功能吗?(Do You Believe There Are Persons with Supernatural Power?)

It is said that there are persons who have supernatural power, such as someone who can see things next door through the wall, see gas pipes underground and the organs in a human body, someone who is able to get things out of a covered bottle by his will, and someone who is capable of reading with his palm.

Although there are quite a lot of phenomena in the world which seem inexplicable and quite a number of things which we don\'t under stand, I don\'t think there are persons with supernatural power.Those so-called supermen may be only persons who wish

themselves to be supermen and therefore become supermen in their own imagination.Then they will show wonders through magic tricks.I don\'t believe it because no scientific experiments have proved its truthfulne yet, and I have never seen any person who has supernatural power.As the proverh goes, seeing is believing.Perhaps I\'ll believe it when I meet someone who will show me his supernatural power.With the development of

science, the question whether there are persons with real supernatural power will become clear.

4.A Meaningful Activity

In order to improve the quality of the students, our school has now started an activity called\"Build Civilised Claes and a Harmonious Campus\".The topic is to get rid of bad habits and meet civilization.

Bad habits do exist.Some students throw rabbish and plastic bags everywhere or spit in public.Some boy students wear long hair.Others are even addicted to smoking and

drinking.We require that students break away from these bad habits .We urge the students to wear their school uniforms and be polite to others.

During the activity, we\'ll have picture shows, competitions of clarooms and dormitories decoration.


依靠自己(Depend on Yourself)

Depend on yourself\" is what nature says to every man.Parents can help you.Teachers can help you.Others still can help you.But all these people only help you to help yourself.

There have been many great men in history.Many of them were very poor in childhood, and had no uncles, aunts or friends to help them.Schools were few and not very good.They could not depend on them for education.They saw how it was, and set to work with their strength to know something.They worked their own way till they became well-known.One of the most famous teachers in England used to tell his pupils, \"1 cannot make worthy men of you, but I can help you make men of yourselves.\"

Some young men don’t try their best to make themselves valuable to human beings.They can not gain achievements unle they see their weakne and change their course.They are nothing now, and will be nothing as long as they live, unle they accept the advice of their parents and teachers, and depend on their own efforts.

6.the selection of universities

Nowdays many students send up thier minds about going into which college for diffent aids.

In my minds, we should select college according to both of intresting and the needs of social life.And thus they will have a righter choice about going into which college.

When we talk the selection of universities , the first thing we always think about is what can your parents do for you after you graduate from the university you chose , so this kind of question usually boring us a lot , and the more earthy question is the school we chose will not be we preferred .in my opinion , chosing a favorite is more important than one you dislike .what your goal is makes you will be in the future .what is a university for ? a job ? or a dream you want to fulfil .there were so many people they lost their dreams when they gave up the things they were chasing ! do not make yourself repentent.


Chinese New Year or Spring Festival is the most important of the traditional Chinese holidays.It is sometimes called the \"Lunar New Year\" by English speakers.The festival traditionally begins on the first day of the first month (Chinese: 正月; pinyin: zhēng yuè) in the Chinese calendar and ends on the 15th; this day is called Lantern Festival.Chinese New Year\'s Eve is known as chú xī.It literally means \"Year-pa Eve\".

Chinese New Year is the longest and most important festivity in the Lunar Calendar.The origin of Chinese New Year is itself centuries old and gains significance because of

several myths and traditions.Ancient Chinese New Year is a reflection on how the people behaved and what they believed in the most.


Everyone needs friends.A friend can give us help and share our difficulties and happine.But how can we make friends? joozone.com

First, to make friends, you must be friendly to others.Smile at others and you are sure to get a smile in return.You should try to make a stranger feel at home wherever he happens to be.Think more of others than of yourself and never judge a person by his appearance and clothes.

Second, friends should negotiate instead of quarrel.

When you don’t agree someone, please discu with him.

Finally, never believe in those who leave you when you are in trouble.And never leave your friend when he is in trouble.Remember, a friend in need is a friend indeed.

Friends should be faithful to each other.So long as you can put your friend’s interests in front of yours, you will have a lot of good friends.


Apparently, most schools often organize sports activities, such as football games, races and etc.However, people have different views about these sports activities.

Most teachers hold the opinion that sports activities are good to the health of the students and can reduce the poibility of illne.There\'s a saying which can expre their

reason-life lies in motion.And they also believe that during those activities, the students can develop the spirit of hard work and cooperation, and as a result, they will be more active in their leons.

On the contrary, most students argue that these games are completely a waste of time.If they can use the time learning their subjects instead of playing football, they\'ll make great progre in their leons.What\'s more, they feel very tired after these activities, which has a bad effect on their learning efficiency.

From my perspective, sports activities should be supported.We can shorten the time of these activities so that they may not affect our leons.Although we may feel tired after these games, we can learn to relax ourselves by listening to music or something else.And then we\'ll surely become energetic again.In conclusion, health is our foundation to work.And the only way to keep fit is to take exercise.

10.How to Reduce Stre

Directions: You are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic How to Reduce Stre.to-day basis, stre may result from the small things: taking an exam, waiting in line, and having too many things to do in a limited time.

We all need stre to add flavor, challenge, and opportunity to life, but too much stre can seriously affect our physical and mental well-being, It reduces the body’s immunity and harms the brain, If the stre lasts a long time, it may cause physical illne, insomnia, headaches, backaches, ulcers, high blood preure-even heart disease.

When stre does occur, it’s important to recognize and deal with it.There ore some

methods we can try.A large number of physical activities can reduce onxiety.Shoring our stre with others can be enormously helpful.Making time for fun such os listening to music may be good medicine.Sometimes even crying is on efficient way to releose stre.


回答者: lonkicz


Is Failure a Bad Thing?

Everyone wishes to succeed.Nobody hopes to fail.Can we succeed in everything we do all the time?No, of course not.Whatever we do, the result is either succe or failure.So failure is a common occurrence in our daily life.

Different people have different attitudes towards failure.Some people think that failure is a bad thing.If they have one or two failures in doing a thing, they become sad and begin to lose heart.Others, however, never give in even when they fail and they learn leons from it.Then try their best again and again until they succeed.

As for me, I like succe, but at the same time, I don\'t mind failure because it is not always a bad thing.Failure is the mother of succe.Failure enables you to learn many things and you can draw a lot of leons from it.Failure can lay solid foundation for your future succe.失败是坏事吗?




We Are Not Made in Vain

The day was sunny, but I was in a bad mood.At the coming party I would have to do some cleaning, for I was considered unable to dance or sing.I could not but accept the task.During the party, I tried hard to keep the room clean.When seeing all those present joyful, I felt my job worthwhile.

When being told that the entire room would have been a dustbin without me, I thought of a well-known saying, \"There must be a use for my talent.\" My friends, you may have no special talent, but as long as you do your best to do everything well, you will find everything is beautiful at every corner of your life.天生我材必有用



An Ideal Friend

Friends can be clafied into two kinds, good friends and evil friends.Evil friends lead us astray and may destroy our life, while good ones drive us towards the right and make our life succeful.

These two kinds of friends exist in our daily life.However, ideal friends exist in people’s mind.They should be diligent, succeful and loyal.When you need help, they will stand beside you and be delighted to give you a hand.Also, you can share your happine and sorrow together.

In my opinion, friends can share something but they also should keep their own secrets.So I wish my friends wouldn’t interfere in my privacy too much.On the other hand, my friends should have something in common with me, as well as something special.In this way we can attract each other and learn from each other.





Yang Hongde---- a Star Student

In this year’s NMET of Shandong, Yang Hongde, a Senior 3 student from our school, got high mark and was admitted to Hong Kong Chinese University, winning a scholarship of HK $ 500 000.

But three years ago, when Yang, aged 16, just began his Senior 1 school life, his father was killed in a traffic accident.His mother became seriously ill in bed because of his father’s death, losing the basic ability to support herself.

Thus Yang had to take the burden of supporting the family and nursing his sick mother.He overcame every unthinkable difficulty that he confronted.Meanwhile, he studied even harder and did pretty well in all his subjects.Moreover, he is always ready to help other students and teachers.

Yang Hongde set a fine example for us both in daily life and study.We should learn from him.

杨弘德—— 一名星级学生





Recently I learned from the newspaper that normal universities belonging to the Education Department would recruit some students free of charge.As a return, the students must serve as a primary school teacher or middle school teacher for at least 10 years in his( or her) hometown.I feel that is good news for me and I will contact the universities to get enrolled.

First of all, as a farmer\'s child, my family\'s living condition is not so good.I can hardly afford the high tuition of regular universities.I am so happy to get this chance to become a college student and continue my study.

Secondly, serving as a teacher is my dream since I was a child.I was brought up in a mountain village.Many of my little friends got poor education and they had to get to work as a teenager.If I become a teacher, I will devote myself to giving them better education.

Lastly, our country is in great need of teachers, especially in rural areas.After I graduate, I will return to my hometown and serve as a good teacher





Located on the outskirts of Guilin city is Yao Mountain.It got its name from a Yao emperor temple which was built in Tang Dynasty on the top of the mountain.It is well known for the natural beauty and the highest mountain in Guilin.There are different views in different seasons.In spring it is full of beautiful flowers.There are pine and bamboo to view in summer.The mountain is covered with the red maple leaves and chrysanthemum flowers in Autumn, and snow covers all of the mountain in winter.

The cable car and toboggan nicely combine natural beauty and man-made scenery.Come and join us in experiencing natural and excited feeling.




高中英语作文范文:Make Our Cities Green

With industries and busine developing quickly, the number of trees in many big cities has dramatically reduces.Efforts are being made to prevent people from cutting more trees.But a lot of trees are being destroyed by people who have never thought of the importance of green plants.Making cities greener has many advantages.First, it can make our air cleaner.Some researchers have proved that trees can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere through absorption.Second, it can make our cities more beautiful.With trees and flowers everywhere, living conditions can be improved.

Finally, it can produce timber----an effective way to solve the problems of limited supply of natural resources.Making our cities greener requires nationwide efforts.People in every field should not only know about the importance of keeping the quality of urban environment, but also take common action to plant more trees and flowers so as to improve our living conditions.

高考英语作文范文:The Value Of Time

I always think there is not enough time.For example, I have just taken a three-day holiday.But when I look back, I just feel that it’s only one day.There goes a proverb, “Time is money”.Now I want to say, time is more precious than money, because when money is spent, we can earn some more again.However, when time is gone or lost, never will it return.Time goes without being noticed.The time for our study and work is usually limited.So I think we must make full use of our time.But it’s a pity that I am always not aware of the importance of time until it’s too late.

So I think, I should get into the good habit of saving time because wasting time is equal to wasting one’s life.Do not put off what can be done today till tomorrow!


Throughout its existence of more than 150 years, the Expo will bring new knowledge from a specific period of time and trend of development, reflecting the human civilization.The main attractions of the first seion of the World Expo in 1851 in the Crystal Palace in London: almost 500 meters long palace built of cast iron and gla.Subsequently, the participating countries will offer similar advantages to introduce from time to time every few years.

Today EXPO is the economic and cultural Olympiad of the world, a competition among nations, as well as among exhibitors from the private sector on a given subject.At the same time, it is about marketing countries internationally.Expositions of the first category last a maximum of 6 months and may be held on an enormous area.But at a time when information as well as goods can be had through the internet and other technologies, they remain a place of rendezvous and of authentic experiences.


Dear Bob,

I’m so glad that you are coming to learn Chinese here.I’ve already found you a house near our school.I’d like to tell you something about it.

You may get on No.ll bus at Fang Cao Street and the next stop is just Jian Xin Chinese School.The house is near the school.It is about 25 square metres.In the bedroom, there is a bed, a sofa standing against the wall and a table near the window.You may find a light on the table and a chair next to it.There are two other rooms connecting the bedroom.The left one is a bathroom and the right one is a kitchen.So you may cook by yourself.The rent for the house is 500 yuan per month.

Hope you’ll enjoy staying here!Yours,Lihua


Have you heard of a man called Zhuzhiwen? He is famous as a singer to many people.At first, he works as an ordinary peasant.He liked music from an early age.From then on, he has been practising singing.It is because of his efforts that he succeeded in his forties.His songs make a deepimpreion on people.People love him so much that they kindly call him Brother Coat.Many musicians are satisfied with his way of singing.

Dear xxx,

I am glad to receive your letter.How is everything going recently? In your last letteryou asked me some advice on how to relieve the preure of study.

Different students have different ways to reduce the preure of study.As far as I am concerned, taking exercise is one of the best ways.No matter when I feel tired, I always spend an hour in walking or jogging.What’s more,I often play table tennis with my clamates after cla.

In conclusion,taking exercise not only relaxes my

brain,it can also build up my body.Besides exercise,you may also try listening to music or taking part in all kind of after-school activities.

I hope you can bebefit from my advice and I’m looking forward to receiving your letter again.Best wishes.


xxxDear Jack,

Thank you for your letter.In your letter you asked me about our discuion on low carbon lifestyle.Here is somethingaboutit.

We can do a lot in our daily life to achieve the goal of livinglow carbon life.Firstly, we’d better turn off lights if poible and spend le time watching Tv or surfing the Internet.Saving water is also very important.Secondly, we should sort out the rubbish.I hope that we might recycle some rubbish, which will bebefit us a lot.In addition,we suggest using handkerchiefs instead of tiues so that we can prevent more trees from being cut down.More importantly,when we go out,walking,riding bikes or taking buses should be our

first choice,which contributes to a cleaner world.Best wishes.



Zhoukai is crazy about football.He is very healthy,because his mother always makes sure he eats healthily.Fresh fruit and vegetables are a very important part of his diet.He doesn’t have a sweet tooth.He rarely gets colds.He had a bad cold and a bit of fever last week.But that’sbecause he played football in the rain.He ofen tells others that if they eat healthily and take more exercise,they will keep healthy.

As we all know,smoking is harmful to health.More and more people have realised that smoking may cause many diseases.Our government has taken measures to help people give up smoking.Many people make up their minds to stop smoking.Please get rid of smoking for your and your family’shealth.So we are more likely to live a healthy life.


Woh -- woh -- yeah -- yeah I love you more than I can say

I\'ll love you twice as much tomorrow Love you more than I can say Woh -- woh -- yeah -- yeah I\'ll mi you every single day

Why must my life be filled with sorrow I love you more than I can say I don\'t you know I need you so Oh tell me please I gotta know Do you mean to make me cry Am I just another guy

Woh -- woh -- yeah -- yeah

I\'ll mi youmore than I can say

Why must my life be filled with sorrow I love you more than I can say

I don\'t you know I need you so Oh tell me please I gotta know Do you mean to make me cry Am I just another guy

Woh -- woh -- yeah -- yeah I love you more than I can say

I\'ll love you twice as much tomorrow Love you more than I can say I love you more than I can say I love you more than I can say Woh more than I can say

More than I can say




英 语(高中教育岗位)

曲 靖 市 教 育 局

一、考 试 性 质






以现行的《全日制义务教育 普通高级中学英语课程标准》(实验搞)为依据,以《高等院校英语专业英语教学大纲》为参考,结合高中教材的英语知识内容和高中英语教师应具备的英语专业知识水平和英语教育能力要求而确定考试内容。














7.副词:疑问副词、关系副词、副词比较级、副词最高级、副词的摆放位置、副词的 句法功能。


9.感叹词:感叹词what 和why的用法。

10.动词:及物动词、不及物动词、系动词、助动词、情态动词、非谓语动词(分词, 不定式,动名词)。



13.虚拟语气:虚拟条件句、wish后的宾语从句、if only引起的感叹句。

14.主从复合的搭配句:表语从句、宾语从句、定语从句、主语从句、状语从句和同 位语从句。







































I.Vocabulary and Structure

Directions: For each sentence there are four choices marked A., B., C., and D.Choose the One

that best completes the sentence.

1.You must have done your writing last night, ________?

A.didn’t youB.haven’t youC.mustn’t youD.don’t you

2.The captain was unwilling to _______ the command of his ship.

A.hand toB.hand onC.hand forD.hand over

3.They are _____ of his hard work.


II.Reading Comprehension

Directions: Each paage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of

them there are four choices marked A., B., C., and D.You should decide on the best


Paage One

Government policy is made by elected officials who are members of political parties.In the United States most elected officials are members of either the Democratic or Republican Party, though occasionally members of smaller parties are also elected.Political parties are organizations that wish to achieve control of the proce of government.They differ from interest groups that only want to have an influence on government policy through influence or education of the public.A party gains control of government by getting more of its candidates elected to office than its opposition parties do.In Great Britain, for example, more Conservative Party candidates won representation in Parliament in the elections of April 1992 than did Labor Party candidates.The Conservatives therefore, were able to decide which programs the government should adopt, and they had enough votes in Parliament to pa their legislation.In the earliest decades in which political parties existed, their memberships were quite small.In the United States and England, for example, most citizens were not allowed vote.Party membership, therefore, consisted mainly of landowners, members of the nobility, factory owners, merchants, and somewhat later in Europe, the right to vote

was extended to include most white males.When more people could vote, party memberships increased.By the middle of the 20th century, after women had gained the right to vote in most nations, political parties became more dependent upon ma support.

1.A political party is different from any interest group in which ______.

A.the former is consisted of candidates while the latter isn’t

B.the former aims to getting power while the latter exerts influence

C.the former is small in number while the latter isn’t

D.the former gets le of its members into government than the latter.

2.In 1992 in Great Britain _______.

A.John Major became the prime minister the first time in his life

B.the Conservative Party paed their new legislation

C.more seats in the parliament were taken by the Conservative Party

D.the Labor Party was driven out of government

3.In the earliest time when political parties existed ________.

A.they were big and strong and denied most citizens the right to vote

B.there were only a small number of men and women in each party

C.not all the party members had the right to vote

D.party members were all rich men

4.The parties became large when _______.

A.more nations granted the ordinary people the right to vote

B.women had gained the right to vote in most nations

C.the right to vote was extended to include most white men

D.parties became more dependent on the support of the public

5.The word “legislation” means ________.

A.the parliamentB.a political partyC.representationD.laws

III.Proofreading and Error Correction

Directions: The paage contains 10 errors.Each indicated line contains a maximum of ONE

error or no error.In each error case, only ONE word is involved.You should

proofread the paage and correct it in the following way:

When ^ art museum wants a new exhibit, it(1)(2)them on the wall.When a natural history museum(3)(4)

From the beginning, new England towns had a special democratic(1) _________

system of government.At that time all the citizen would aemble(2)_________

at a town meeting, where they will discu local problems and(3)_________

expre opinions freely.They also elected the town’s officers at(4)_________

these gatherings and made for decisions about the taxes they would(5)_________

pay and about community matters.These meetings usually held(6)_________

at the town hall, after such a building had been constructing in the(7)_________

central square.In 18th-century town meetings, only men who owned(8)_________

property and who were church members actually voted, although(9)_________

all the people were allowed to expre his opinions.Later, all citizens(10)_________ were allowed to vote.Thus the town meeting became truly democratic.教法技能(英语教学)

I.Translation from English into Chinese

In the 21st century, English teaching of middle schools is one part of basic education, and teachers should think more about better ways of developing quality-oriented education and improvement of students’ creativity.A main problem is how to make the students to take an active part in English learning.It is not easy to build up their creativity.In the early education, students should be trained for the creative individual characteristics.Teachers should spurn the outdated teaching methods and establish a new kind of educational strategy.In cla, they should construct a peaceful democratic, creative situation of the learning activities, place a premium on students’ curiosity, and encourage students to make bold attempts and cooperative efforts at the tasks arranged.They also try to let students be ready and free to question doubts about their studies, develop their wide thoughts and enrich their imaginations.

Future society requires people to make continuous or even life-long studies.In this sense, autonomous learning ability is crucial to the sustainable development of students.In teaching of English, teachers should enable students not only to learn something, but also to know how to learn.Therefore, much attention should be paid to arousing the students’ interest in learning, making them be aware of the objectives of their studies and developing a good sense and abilities of autonomous study.In this way, a bridge to succe should be built to guarantee the sustainable development of the students.


Some people hold the opinion that “city children are more intelligent than country children.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Your article will be about 250 words in length.In the first part of your article you will present your statement, and in the second part you will support your thesis statement with details.In the last part you will briefly bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.Please supply a title for your article.



2.《全日制义务教育 普通高级中学英语课程标准(实验稿)》中华人民共和国教育部制订,北京师范大学出版社。




