
2022-09-01 来源:其他范文收藏下载本文


Hi Kelvin,

Glad to hear that you\'re on the market for flashlight and other promotional items.

This is C from *** Ltd in China.We specialized in flashlights and premiums for 10 years, with the customers of Coca-Cola, Craft, Pepsi, etc., and hope to find a way to cooperate with you!

Please find the pictures with models and different packaging in attachment.An American guy purchased this model in BIG quantity last year.I would like to try now, if it\'s suitable for Europe.

FREE SAMPLES can be sent on request.Call me, let\'s talk more!

Thanks and best regards,


*** Ltd

Tel: ***

Fax: ***

Mail: ***






曾经有不少学员问苏维博欣说外贸开发信是不是越短越好呢?其实我想说的是简单明了是任何开发信的写作原则,但并不是说越短越好。外贸开发信简简单单,只有一两句话,可以是一种形式;外贸开发信长篇大论,详细介绍你的产品和服务的突出优点,并且始终突出对客户的利益和好处,也会给人留下深刻印象。这里的关键在于:你是不是能够始终紧扣WII FM法则,让对方饶有兴趣地从头尾读完你的外贸开发信。有很多外贸开发信,尽管写得不长,可是其中语句拼写错误、文字不通顺、内容假大空,可以让对方看的火冒三丈,逼迫他跳起来写骂人的回复,让你不要再去打扰他。可悲的是,写这样开发信的外贸同行往往还以为自己是对的、自己的水平很不错。不反省自己,却总是认为是对方没有礼貌、对方是错误的。而且更多的时候,我们看到的国内有些外贸企业的开发信总是啰啰嗦嗦地说上一大堆文绉绉别扭扭的空话。大体归结起来,无非就是说:我们价格低廉、我们质量高、我们是生产商三句老生常谈的话题。如果你的公司、产品、服务等真是那么回事,那你还不如直截了当说上这三句,并以确凿图像或数据证明一下:“WearemakingXYZherein China.Ourpriceisthelowestandourqualityisthehighest.Hereistheproof.”可惜,又有几家能以这样的气势说话呢?






网友对情书的精彩定义列举如下:“情书是一种对于爱情的勇敢表现,即使情书送出去后没有得到对方的认同,也没关系,那代表老天帮你安排的人不是他/她,你反而可以感到开心了,因为那代表你可以不用浪费时间在他/她身上了”,“一个人写给另一人的表达自己对他的爱慕之情,想追求别人的信”...... 作为外贸人,哪怕你刚走出校门,可能对情书已经不陌生了,甚至还写过,用过,成功过,最终抱得美人归或钓得金龟婿。啊,你说你没写过没用过没尝试过,那,无语......俗话说,没养过猪,也见过猪,没见过猪跑,也吃过猪肉吧?实在不行,只有上网相关搜索一下,补下功课,不然,对下面的内容,可不好理解哦!建议最好现在就开始动笔,给你心中那个他/她写一个,等几天再回来看这篇文章,说不定会更有收获哦。



3.1 外贸开发信写给谁?



裁判:路人甲,姑且算正解,+10分。路人乙,你知不知道你那样子,真的真的好“傻”也......[本来想说很“蠢”的,算了,对年轻人还是要爱护的] 现在说外贸开发信,对方能够被你评判为你的潜在客户,那么你一定通过某种渠道对其有所了解。如果毫无了解,那么就是典型的路人乙了。












我们写情书,辛辛苦苦写了,当然希望“心目中那个他/她”能够打开好好看,自己当年曾经使用过的小手段有:1.转交 收买心仪对象的好朋友,嘿嘿,怎么收买,山人自有妙计,佛曰:妙,不可言;老子说:道可道,非常道。2.观察 密切观察心仪对象的生活习惯,放在其经常使用的物品里面 不放在外面,避免被别人打开,到时候不仅自己尴尬,还连累那个他/她3.制作介质精美,比如使用彩色带香味的信纸...... 外贸开发信也一样,写的目的当然希望潜在客户能够收到并打开。这就要求你对所采用的传递方式,传递方法熟悉并用好。1.转交 老朋友或老客户推荐,注意,千万别引起“吃醋”现象哦,醋坛子一翻,你麻烦就大了,说不定还失去老朋友或老客户。所以,一定要注意保证的是,你和潜在客户建立新的友好合作关系,不仅对现有的老朋友或老客户不造成有害的冲击,还能带来“好处”。什么“好处”,呵呵,多动动脑筋,好好“收买”吧。2.观察 了解潜在客户,要发送到潜在客户经常关注的地方3.制作介质精美 对最常用的外贸开发信传递手段来讲,就是电子邮件,而一个好的发送邮箱和一个细细斟酌的邮件标题对潜在客户是否打开你的邮件是很关键的。其他的待补充,呵呵,本来就打算是抛砖引玉的。




称呼,每个人最喜欢听的就是名字,所以,能不用Dir Sir./Madam就最好别用,尽量使用对方的名字;尽量别让客户一眼看出你在邮件群发,把客户的信箱对在一大堆收件信箱地址里面。































26.对方对你的公司与产品缺乏了解,有心理防范作用,担心上当受骗; 27.某些客户由于对产品的需求时间较急,喜欢更直接的联系方式,例如电话,传真等,但是开发信上没有标明这些联系方式;

















1.客户网站-About Us;












3) 开发信内容



1)邮件写得过长。客户每天有许多事要处理,面对邮箱几百封相似的邮件,而那些个又臭又长的陌生邮件,说不定还有许多个关于公司介绍的附件,怕是他没看就直接删除了吧。换个角度想想你自己会不会看呢?况且老外往往时间观念强烈。我了解到客户一般都会预留几块固定时间来处理邮件,长的,陌生的,很多时候都不会看。除非你的邮件非常吸引人。一些西欧客户,处理邮件的时间一般是2-3秒。大致上就是随眼一看,找到几个关键词,有意思的就看下去,不重要的,会在outlook里标注上要处理的具体时间,然后从inbox拉到相应的子目录里。换句话说,只要客户的邮箱地址是对的,也是你要找的right person,你的开发信只能停留在他眼前2-3秒,就是决定命运的时刻了。这种情况下,试问你敢不敢把邮件写得很长?


有些人写邮件会这样设置主题:“we are the manufacturer of lights”,又或者“need cooperation”,或者“Guangdong *** trading company ltd”,或者“price list for lights-Guangdong *** trading company ltd”等等,一看就知道是推销信。如果你一天收到N封推销信,当然会很讨厌,直接删掉算是客气的了。

3)基本上都是广告信息。工厂的业务员,开发信实在叫人不敢恭维啊,简直可以说是惨不忍睹, “我们是某某照明灯具厂,地处美丽的长江三角洲东南,交通便利,风景优美,离上海和杭州仅仅2小时车程,我们公司成立于2002年,具有丰富的太阳能灯生产和开发经验,享誉全球,我们工获得ISO9001:2000质量体系,严格按照5S管理,真诚欢迎您来我厂参观拜访,希望和您建立起长久的业务关系,我们以真诚和服务赢得客户„„”诸如此类的话,客户会看得很不耐烦,即使你是一个很好的公司或很好的工厂,第一次就收到这样一封邮件,任谁都会感到厌烦的。





一般的无论您使用的是免费邮箱还是收费的企业邮箱,一个邮箱帐户每天最多的发送量要求是【不能超过1000封】, 强比科技和网易企业邮箱都是反对群发垃圾邮件的,但对于应用型的邮件和向会员发送邮件,就不在此列。







5、使用的发件帐户,建议每天发送不要超过200封邮件,可使用不同的邮件帐户进行发送,如果连续向比如@163.com, @sina.com这样的帐户发送超过1000封以上的邮件时,如果您洽好使用的是ADSL上网,请重启adsl,便更换IP进行发信





Hi Kelvin,

Glad to hear that you\'re on the market for flashlight and other promotional items.

This is C from *** Ltd in China.We specialized in flashlights and premiums for 10 years, with the customers of Coca-Cola, Craft, Pepsi, etc., and hope to find a way to cooperate with you!

Please find the pictures with models and different packaging in attachment.An American guy purchased this model in BIG quantity last year.I would like to try now, if it\'s suitable for Europe.

FREE SAMPLES can be sent on request.Call me, let\'s talk more!

Thanks and best regards, C *** Ltd Tel: *** Fax: *** Mail: ***




Hello XX,

You are quite correct I am extremely busy every day and I would imagine so other busine men.I have talked to other men in similar busine to us and they also regard all the emails they receive everyday from suppliers around the world as a waste of time and annoying.

I’m not sure if I can help you but I have a few suggestions re email marketing.

If you send emails to new companies I would include a list of customers that you currently export to in various countries •

I would also include customer testimonials from your buyers.This are very powerful and give you credibility.•

Try to word your email differently from all the other suppliers.They all look and sound the same so most of them will be deleted or ignored immediately If you want to be noticed and if you want your email to be read you must be different and create an email that is interesting and will catch the attention of your prospective customer.If you don’t then you will be rejected just like all the others.Remember that companies like us and others who import product are very concerned about quality control of products.Unfortunately China has gained a reputation as a supplier of cheap but poor quality products.Price is always important but it is not the MOST important part of a product.Regards,


我不知道我是否可以帮得上你,不过我可以给你在写开发信上提些建议: 1,列出在世界各国中,你和哪些进口商合作, 2, 写出进口商对于你产品的评价,这是相当有分量的,可以增加你的信用度, 3,写的邮件要尽力与众不同。老调重弹,缺乏新意的信只会被马上拉进垃圾箱。 如果你想引起进口商的注意,如果你希望进口商阅读你的邮件,你要与众不同!让你的邮件显得有趣,抓住你的潜在客户的眼球。如果你不这么做,你只能和别的出口商一样被拒绝。










1)缺失标题,或标题很弱、缺乏冲击力:对方根本没有兴趣点开 2)过于自我的态度,没有突出“you\":被视为没有任何价值、立即被删 3)假大空文风、企业口号式宣传:令人厌恶、被当成骗子或弱智


1)低声下气、缺乏底气:清朝灭亡已97年了,奴才还占据了CCTV的荧屏与很多人的思想。生意不是求出来的,而是积极争取去做出来的。所以,外贸开发信要写得礼貌但不要卑下。 2)缺乏行动召唤:不是报个网站链接给对方就万事大吉了,要充分说明,对方为什么要看你的网站?


4)技术资料堆砌:再便宜再高质,不与对方的想法联系起来,别人不会有兴趣。 5)文体或调子随意而为:外贸开发是严肃的商业行为,要亲切自然但不是率性随便。 6)其它:(暂时想不起来,看到再补充)

外贸开发信撰写之小错(执行层面,一个扣10分): 1)空格错用、乱用 2)s 漏用、错用 3)语法错误 4)拼写错误 5)中式英语 6)内容或事实错误 7)字体、色彩出错 8)其它



2)再做最有价值的战略研究:对方是谁?对方希望的是什么?(绝对不是很多人所习惯啰嗦的 we we we our our our I I I 等字眼)






阿里上面需要的是曝光量,你的产品越多,被浏览到的概率越大,收到询盘的概率就越大。可以把同一个产品发好几十遍,但是关键词设置不一样,第一个可以设成cellphone acceory,第二个设成mobile charger,第三个设成charger,第四个设成mobile acceory,第五个设成promotional charger,第六个干脆设promotion,第七个设premium,第八个设gift,第九个设promotional gift,第十个设souvenir,第十一个设mini gift,第十二个设usb charger,第十三个设usb item,第十四个设promotional item,„„总之一个产品你重复发个几十遍,设的关键词不一样,那不同的客人输入不同的关键词都能搜到你。曝光量迅速增加后,询盘自然大大多起来了~~



我以前听到这句话,总会笑笑,然后对老外说,“I think so, that\'s a little expensive, but...” 先同意他的观点,表示价格的确有那么一点点贵,但是„„。请注意,他说too,我说a little,这样一来,你一同意他的观点,你们之间的谈判氛围就会略微不那么紧张。然后等你转折以后,你要做的就是“让他有赢的感觉!”你可以解释给他听,我们的产品为什么要卖这个价钱,差别在哪里,优势在哪里。如果他嫌贵,你可以在改动某些材料、配件甚至包装的情况下把价格降下来,但是你不希望他采购这样的产品。




......Frank: C, that\'s increadible! Your price is too high! C: Frank, please, that is actually our best offer! I think it is very competitive in Germany.

Frank: Joking? You quoted me EUR2.35, but my competitor bought from a middle man in Austria, just EUR2.15!

C: Hey, I also wanna support you to expand your market, but the price...Could you pls send me a sample for evaluation? I\'ll check why their price is too low.

Frank: C, listen! I don\'t have time! The promotion date is Jul.15th, we have just two months!!!!!!! C: What about doing a little change? For example, using silk printing instead of heat transfer, and using super heavy duty batteries instead of alkaline ones, the price will be EUR2.05 then.If ok, I\'ll send you PI right now.

Frank: That\'s great! But if using super heavy duty battery, the quality maybe weak.C: Well, just changing the printing, but keep alkaline ones, EUR2.15/pc, okay?

Frank: Please do EUR2.00, I\'ll give you order! 3,000pcs! C: Give you 3% discount, EUR2.09/pc, 6,000pcs.Frank: You killed me! The quantity is too much! C: OK, keep EUR2.35/pc, 4,000pcs fixed, but we accept the freight to Hamburg.

Frank: Really? CIF Hamburg? But I just can place 3,000pcs.C: No, C&F, you pay the 1% insurance.4,000pcs will be accepted.Frank: OK, 4,000pcs.Pls help me for the insurance...C: Let me talk with my bo, pls hold on...Frank: Sure...C: Confirmed! Please check the mail I sent you 1 min before, pls confirm the PI by return today! We need to arrange the ma production at once! Frank: OK, I\'ll confirm soon.C: Not \"soon\", today is a must! Because of the tight time for manufacturing.Come on...Free display boxes will be delivered together with goods.I think that\'s good for your promotion!

Frank: Free PDQ? That\'s amazing, thank you, C! I appreciate for your kind help.C: My friend, don\'t hesitate, sign it right now.We\'re also pretty busy this month, pls give me plenty of time for ma production.

Frank: Sure, sure, I will...Pls pay more attention to the quality and ETD.Thank you! C: u r welcome.Bye.

Frank: Nice talking with you.Bye!

www.daodoc.com.au 这是澳洲本土最大的搜索引擎,相当于百度在中国的实力了~ www.daodoc.com

这个是用来搜索美国公司的~ www.virgilio.it

这个是意大利的搜索引擎~ www.ypag.ru 这个是俄罗斯的黄页,也是有些东西的~ www.wlw.de 这个是德国的~ www.yellowpages.biz.pk 黄页都被人用烂了,那找找小国家的吧,可能还有一点点机会,这个是巴基斯坦的~



Dear C, I\'m sure your product holds high quality, but the price was too high as well.Maybe next time.Rgds, Kelvin

看来是价格的问题,也有可能是客人随口以价格为理由的委婉拒绝。不管怎么样,既然客人有反应,自然要跟下去了。我接着回复: Hi Kelvin, Thank you so much for your kind mail! Sure, our models with top quality, and think all of them meet the quality level in your local market! If the price is not suitable in your price range, could you pls accept to do a little change? The price will be reduced 3%.That is, EUR2.13/pc.Looking forward to your early reply.Thanks.Kind regards, C

告诉客人,如果价格和您的价格范围是有差距的,我们可以略作改动,价格可以下调3个点,希望可以有机会合作。这里我故意不说明白,具体怎么改动,从而节约成本,这是故意留的一个陷阱,也可以说是悬念,就是为了吊起客人的胃口,让他主动来问我。我当时的目的就是希望能和客人多互动交流,来来往往的邮件越多,最终拿下订单的可能性就越大。果然,客人很快就回了: C, What change is ok? Will it effect the quality? Kelvin

这表明客人的兴趣在增加,否则他不会仔细去问具体的改动在哪里。而且他提到质量的问题,很明显客人对品质要求很高,不希望因为价格的因素而降低品质。看来有戏,客人还是在我设定好的圈子里打转。我连忙回复: Dear Kelvin, Pls don\'t worry about the quality.Price is important, but quality counts for much more! Here is just a little change, the original length of the flashlight is 102mm, and now we just make it short, 89mm instead! And then, the total cost will be reduced 3% because of the material saved! All the luminosity and the body look the same! I think it\'s workable for both of us.Any comments?

Best regards, C

现在告诉客人,其他都不会改动,也不会影响质量,只是把电筒的长度稍微做短一点点,价格降3个点下来。接着客人没了消息,一直到两天以后,才有新的邮件过来,这次是真正的好消息!!! C, Pls give me back C&F air Stockholm.Kelvin








Dear Sir,

Good day!

Purchasing from overseas can always be a challenge especially for Granite Monuments.

FACT 1: China is one of the most important stone exporting countries.Chinese manufacturers make stone products using not only Chinese stones but also stones from worldwide.

FACT 2: 60% of China\'s stone export is from one place: Xiamen and its surrounding areas (Fujian Province, South China)

FACT 3: There are over one thousand suppliers in Xiamen and they all look similar if not the same.

If you ask them two simple questions: \"Who are you?\", and \"How are you different?\"Most of the suppliers may tell you how big they are, how many countries they are selling to, how many workers they have, what ISO quality control system they implement, etc.

We can tell you the same things since we have them all, but that is not good enough to make us a big difference.I would like to share you with one thing for now that really makes us different: \"Our customers are happy and they always come back.\" We are big enough to handle your order no matter it’s big or small!

Thank you for your attention!


1.Please accept our thanks for the trouble you have taken.有劳贵方,不胜感激。

2.We are obliged to thank you for your kind attention in this matter.不胜感激贵方对此事的关照。

3.We tender you our sincere thanks for your generous treatment of us in this affair.对贵方在此事中的慷慨之举,深表感谢。

4.Allow us to thank you for the kindne extended to us.对贵方之盛情,不胜感谢。

5.We thank you for the special care you have given to the matter.贵方对此悉心关照,不胜感激。

6.We should be grateful for your trial order.如承试订货,不胜感激7.We should be grateful for your furnishing us details of your requirements.如承赐示具体要求,不胜感激。

8.It will be greatly appreciated if you will kindly send us your samples.如承惠寄样品,则不胜感激。

9.We shall appreciate it very much if you will give our bid your favorable consideration.如承优惠考虑报价,不胜感激。

10.We are greatly obliged for your bulk order just received.收到贵方大宗订货,不胜感激。

11.We aure you of our best services at all times.我方保证向贵方随时提供最佳服务。

12.If there is anything we can do to help you, we shall be more than pleased to do so.贵公司若有所需求,我公司定尽力效劳。

13.It would give us a great pleasure to render you a similar service should an opportunity occur.我方如有机会同样效劳贵方,将不胜欣慰。

14.We spare no efforts in endeavoring to be of service to you.我方将不遗余力为贵方效劳。

15.We shall be very glad to handle for you at very low commiion charges.我方将很愉快与贵方合作,收费低廉。

16.We have always been able to supply these firms with their monthly requirements without interruption.我方始终能供应这些公司每月所需的数量,从无间断。

17.We take this opportunity to re-emphasize that we shall, at all times, do everything poible to give you whatever information you desire.我们借此机会再此强调,定会尽力随时提供贵方所需的信息。18.We are always in a position to quote you the most advantageous prices for higher quality merchandise.我们始终能向贵方提供品质最佳的产品,报价最为优惠。

19.This places our dealers in a highly competitive position and also enable them to enjoy a maximum profit.这样可以使我方经营者具有很强的竞争力,还可获得最大的利润。

20.We solicit a continuance of your confidence and support.恳请贵方继续给予信任,大力支持。



Dear Purchasing Manager,(别用Sir or Madam, 这样子没有人知道你的信给谁也不会帮忙转达,也不尊敬)

Good morning my friend (问候是必须的,体现出礼貌,另外一点是Good morning永远不会过时)

Thanks for your time to read my email (对于别人的时间要给予感谢)

Glad to know you are in the market of 产品名称或者产品关键词 (表现出你对这个潜在客户是经过了解才发的信,并不是瞎搞)

We are a manufacture of 贵公司产品国际通用名称或者客户网站或者客户所熟知的产品名称 (点明自己是干吗的,让客户有个心理准备)

Would you mind to visit our website :(使用恳请的语气,谦卑的邀请对方查看网站)

Wish our products will be helpful for your busine (表达合作意向)

Any questions, Welcome here

Best Regards


邮件标题: 一般采用简单的单词组合,比如客户目前网站上所销售的产品名称或者型号 商务信函写作要点

所有您需要做的就是,用简单朴实的语言,准确的表达自己的意思,让对方可以非常清楚的了解您想说什么。他们宁愿写“Your letter has been received”,“Your complaint is being looked into”而不是“I have received your letter”或者“We are looking into your complaint”。简单地说,就是多用一些被动语态。

想象一下,如果您由于无法准时交货而在电话上跟您的合作伙伴表示歉意时,您会怎么说?我想您会说“I am sorry we cannot deliver the goods today”。 既然在电话中您会这样说,为什么在信件中要改成“It is regretted that goods cannot be delivered today”?放弃这种所谓的“生意腔”吧,让您的信也象谈话那样简单,自然,人性化。 简单地说,就是多用一些口语化词。 就象前面提到的,要用简洁朴实的语言来写信函,让您的信函读起来简单,清楚,容易理解。用常见的单词,避免生僻或者拼写复杂的单词。一个单词可以表达,就不要用词组。多用短句,因为短句更容易理解。少用“and”,“but”,“however”,“consequently”这些让句子变得冗长的连词。在同一封信函里,不要使用多个相同含义的单词。比如,您前面写了“goods have been sent”,那后面再提到这件事时就不要再用其他单词如“forward” “dispatch”等。因为这样写会误导您的读者无谓地去考虑这些词之间是否另有含义。


请在邮件中写上对方公司的名称,或者在信头直接称呼收件人的名字。这样会让对方知道这封邮件是专门给他的,而不是那种群发的通函,从而表示对此的重视。当然,如果您无法确定收信人的名字,那就在称呼一栏里写“Dear Sirs” or “Dear Sir or Madam”。

前面我们说过,商务信函不需要用华丽的词句。根据西方的语言习惯,他们更愿意使用简练而朴实的语言。所以当我们跟西方人进行商务沟通时,也要尽量避免华丽复杂的词句。比如“We look forward to a bright and glorious future of cooperation”,还不如直接写成“We hope to have the opportunity to work together with you in the future.”这样才更符合西方人的语言习惯。 给买家的回复,千万要迅速及时。因为买家通常只看最先收到的几封回复,从中去选择合适的供应商。如果您的回复不够及时,就可能因为抢不到先机而失去商机。

这一点是特别针对写电子邮件的。也许很多人都没有意识到,事实上,E-mail的标题是很重要的一个部分,您的邮件给对方的第一个印象就是通过标题来完成的。如果标题没有内容,看起来象群发的垃圾邮件的话,很多买家就会直接删除。比如这样的标题“How are you?” ,“Can we work together?”,建议您改成“Proposal: Bright Ideas Imports--Zhejiang Textile\'s Pa








We are pleased to get to know that you are presently in the market for产品名称,and as a specialized manufacturer and exporter for this product in China, we sincerely hope to establish busine relations with your esteemed corporation.

Herewith pls find our competitive offer as flws:




Quantity: as per yr requirement

Payment /C sight

Shipment: prompt

If the product we offered above is some different from what you require actually, kindly inform us in detail, we will be pleased to re-offer you as per yr actual requirements asap.

Pls note that the product pictures will be sent to you upon yr request,and a small sample could also be sent to you for yr final checking if the price is finally acceptable.

To konw more about our corporation, kindly visit our website:www.

Pls kindly check and revert at yr earliest.


Co: Add: Tel: Fax: E-mail:









有人说,客户询盘中规格说的不全,无法报价,事实上,没有那个外商会在询盘中一次就把要求说完的,你可估摸着试探性报,报错了没关系,这只是证明你是专业的、多年做该行的,如所报的规格与客户所要的不符,客户一般会很快回复你并详细告诉你他所需产品的具体要求的;有人总喜欢第一次联系客户时就问东问西的,有些国家的客户(如印度、韩国)可能会耐心回你,但对大多数欧美客商(如美国)来说,他们一般是不会回复该类邮件的; 5,所报的价必须是实价,必须与现有的市场行情相吻合,价太低,客户知道你不是做该行,不会理你;价太高也会吓跑客户,客户也不会回你,所以,切勿乱报价,应了解清楚了、多比较后再报,对新产品、对外贸公司来说这点尤其重要;






1.Dear Sirs,

We owe your name and addre to the Commercial Counselor’s Office of the Swedish Embay in Beijing who have informed us that you are in the market for Textiles.We avail ourselves of this opportunity to approach you for the establishment of trade relations with you.

We are a state-operated corporation, handling both the import and export of Textiles.In order to acquaint you with our busine lines, we enclose a copy of our Export List covering the main items sup pliable at present.

Should any of the items be of interest to you, please let me know.We shall be glad to give you our lowest quotations upon receipt of your detailed requirements.

In our trade with merchants of various countries, we always adhere to the principle of equality and mutual benefit.It is our hope to promote, by joint efforts, both trade and friendship to our mutual advantage.We look forward to receiving your enquiries soon.Yours faithfully, Encl.

2.Dear Mr Smith Wish you enjoy a great day!

I would like to introduce myself.I am Stone Lee and I represent Efront Digital Textile company in Hangzhou, China.We are glad to know that you are a large retail enterprise in USA to deal with …… I was referred by friend in USA retail busine who is familiar with your corporation.

As a profeional manufacturer, I would like to introduce our products to you and offer you a quote.

We are a manufacturer of household textile products, including chenille bedspread, Spanish bedspread, tapestry wallhanging, throw, tapestry cushion, chenille carpet, upholstery fabric and more which are all digital jacquard machine weaved by import looms(16 in total from German and Italy).The catalogue I attached includes just some of our high quality products.Please visit our website at www.daodoc.com

We have paed through ISO9001:2000;ISO14001:2004;ecological textile certification.It would be our pleasure to begin a busine relationship with you and supply your stores with our quality products,.

Sincerely yours,

3.Dear Mr.Steven Hans,

We get your name and email addre from your trade lead on www.daodoc.com that you are in the market for ball pen.We would like to introduce our company and products, hope that we may build busine cooperation in the future.

We are factory specializing in the manufacture and export of ball pen for more than six years.We have profuse designs with series quality grade, and exprely, our price is very competitive because we are manufactory, we are the source.You are welcome to visit our website http://www.daodoc.com which includes our company profiles, history and something latest designs. Should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know, We will be happy to give you details.

As a very active manufactures, we develop new designs nearly every month, If you have interest in it, it`s my pleasure to offer news to you regular. Best regards, Dafu Wong

4.Dears :

Good day! This is Mickel from China.We are writing to you to establish long-term trade relations with you.

From your company web,we get to know that your company is an influence company in your busine and are dealing with razor barbed wire.We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company and products.

We are a leading company with many years\' experience in wire mesh export busine.Our products are razor barbed wire,which enjoy popularity in Middle East & Europe markets.You may also visit our online company introduction, which includes our latest product line.

Should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know.We will be happy to give you a quotation upon receipt of your detailed requirements.We look forward to receiving your enquires soon.Sincerely, Mickel Liu

Company: Add: Contact: Tel: Fax: URL: 5 Dear Sir,

This is XX from a manufacturer specializing in producing XXX in China.

We have been in this industry for over 10 years,please have a look at our website:XXX,you will find there are many products same as the ones you displayed.

Anyway,you could find some other items which you can also put on your market.

Any inquiries on the XXX please do not hesitate to contact us.

We are looking forward to establish win-win busine relations with you.

Many Thanks & Best Regards 首先是一封来自澳大利亚客户对开发信的建议和意见,然后是几封经典开发信


澳大利亚客户教你开发市场,推荐产品(对写开发信会有启发)。 Hello ,

You are quite correct I am extremely busy every day and I would imagine so other busine men.I have talked to other men in similar busine to us and they also regard all the emails they receive everyday from suppliers around the world as a waste of time and annoying.I’m not sure if I can help you but I have a few suggestions re email marketing.

• If you send emails to new companies I would include a list of customers that you currently export to in various countries

• I would also include customer testimonials from your buyers.This are very powerful and give you credibility.

• Try to word your email differently from all the other suppliers.They all look and sound the same so most of them will be deleted or ignored immediately

If you want to be noticed and if you want your email to be read you must be different and create an email that is interesting and will catch the attention of your prospective customer.If you don’t then you will be rejected just like all the others.Remember that companies like us and others who import product are very concerned about quality control of products.

Unfortunately China has gained a reputation as a supplier of cheap but poor quality products.Price is always important but it is not the MOST important part of a product.Regards, We owe your name and addre to the Commercial Counselor’s Office of the Swedish Embay in Beijing who have informed us that you are in the market for Textiles.We avail ourselves of this opportunity to approach you for the establishment of trade relations with you.We are a state-operated corporation, handling both the import and export of Textiles.In order to acquaint you with our busine lines, we enclose a copy of our Export List covering the main items sup pliable at present.Should any of the items be of interest to you, please let me know.We shall be glad to give you our lowest quotations upon receipt of your detailed requirements.In our trade with merchants of various countries, we always adhere to the principle of equality and mutual benefit.It is our hope to promote, by joint efforts, both trade and friendship to our mutual advantage.We look forward to receiving your enquiries soon.Yours faithfully, Encl.Wish you enjoy a great day! I would like to introduce myself.I am Stone Lee and I represent Efront Digital Textile company in Hangzhou, China.We are glad to know that you are a large retail enterprise in USA to deal with …… I was referred by friend in USA retail busine who is familiar with your corporation.As a profeional manufacturer, I would like to introduce our products to you and offer you a quote.We are a manufacturer of household textile products, including chenille bedspread, Spanish bedspread, tapestry wallhanging, throw, tapestry cushion, chenille carpet, upholstery fabric and more which are all digital jacquard machine weaved by import looms(16 in total from German and Italy).The catalogue I attached includes just some of our high quality products.Please visit our website at www.daodoc.com We have paed through ISO9001:2000;ISO14001:2004;ecological textile certification.It would be our pleasure to begin a busine relationship with you and supply your stores with our quality products,.Sincerely yours, We get your name and email addre from your trade lead on www.daodoc.com that you are in the market for ball pen.We would like to introduce our company and products, hope that we may build busine cooperation in the future.We are factory specializing in the manufacture and export of ball pen for more than six years.We have profuse designs with series quality grade, and exprely, our price is very competitive because we are manufactory, we are the source.You are welcome to visit our website http://www.daodoc.com which includes our company profiles, history and something latest designs.Should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know, We will be happy to give you details.As a very active manufactures, we develop new designs nearly every month, If you have interest in it, it`s my pleasure to offer news to you regular.Best regards, Dafu Wong Good day! This is Mickel from China.We are writing to you to establish long-term trade relations with you.From your company web,we get to know that your company is an influence company in your busine and are dealing with razor barbed wire.We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company and products.We are a leading company with many years\' experience in wire mesh export busine.Our products are razor barbed wire,which enjoy popularity in Middle East & Europe markets.You may also visit our online company introduction, which includes our latest product line.Should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know.We will be happy to give you a quotation upon receipt of your detailed requirements.We look forward to receiving your enquires soon.Sincerely, Mickel Liu Company: Add: Contact: Tel: Fax: URL: This is XX from a manufacturer specializing in producing XXX in China.We have been in this industry for over 10 years,please have a look at our website:XXX,you will find there are many products same as the ones you displayed.Anyway,you could find some other items which you can also put on your market.Any inquiries on the XXX please do not hesitate to contact us.We are looking forward to establish win-win busine relations with you.Many Thanks & Best Regards 外贸开发信范文

外贸新手都渴望得到葵花宝典一样的经典外贸开发信范文,希望在与客户联系时攻无不克,战无不胜。网络上的范文也多为教科书上的那几篇,好像每本书都是一样的,比如下面这封: Dear Sir, This is ______ from a manufacturer specializing in producing ______ in China.We have been in this industry for over 10 years,please have a look at our website:http://www.daodoc.com,you will find there are many products same as the ones you displayed.Anyway,you could find some other items which you can also put on your market.Any inquiries on the _____, please do not hesitate to contact us.We are looking forward to establish win-win busine relations with you.Many Thanks & Best Regards

其实这些教材几乎都是学院派人士编的,不是老掉牙过时的东西,就是和现实基本脱节的。很多老师一辈子都呆在学校里,连外贸都没做过,你怎么能指望从他们这里学到写商务信函的精髓?(不管怎样,我们的老师还是需要尊重的) 估计中国的外贸业务员一开始用的范文总共就那么几篇,而有用的也就是几句话而已。




1 Dear Sirs,

Through FOB Busine forum,we get your email addre that you are in the market for metalwork.We would like to introduce our company and products,in the hope of establishing busine relations with you.

We are factory specializing in the manufacture and export of shoring props,scaffolding,coupler and protect hurdle We have profuse designs with series quality grade, and exprely, our price is very competitive because we are manufactory, we are the source.You are welcome to visit our website:www.daodoc.com which includes our company profiles, history and something latest designs.Should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know, We will be happy to give you details.

As a very active manufactures, we develop new designs nearly every month, If you have interest in it, it`s my pleasure to offer news to you regular

Best regard

2 Dear Sirs: I got your name and addre from Internet and knew you are one of the largest importers in XX, which is within the scope of our busine.Take this opportunity, we introduce my factory, as one of the biggest manufactures of XX in Hubei province, mainly X products.We export large quantity to xx,xx and xx countries, deal to high quality and reasonable price.We are ready to refer you our favourable price and relative samples, for quality evaluation and marketing activities.Should you have interest of items mentioned above? Kindly let us know by return mail.For getting all the detailed information, you are invited to visit our web site: http:XXXXXX Looking forward to hearing from you soon.Best regards.

3 Dear Sirs, We owe your name and addre to the Commercial Counsellor\'s Office of the Swedish Embay in Beijing who have informed us that you are in the market for Textiles.We avail ourselves of this opportunity to approach you for the establishment of trade relations with you.We are a state-operated corporation,handling both the import and export of Textiles.

In order to acquaint you with our busine lines,we enclose a copy of our Export List covering the main items suppliable at present.

Should any of the items be of interest to you,please let me know.We shall be glad to give you our lowest quotations upon receipt of your detailed requirements.In our trade with merchants of various countries,we always adhere to the principle of equality and mutual benefit.It is our hope to promote,by joint efforts,both trade and friendshp to our mutual advantage.We look forward to receiving your enquiries soon.

Yours faithfully,

4 TO:......




Dear Sir,

Your esteemed name and addre has been recommended

to us by ......As being one of the most potential

importers in your country, and we take the liberty to

write you with the earnest desire of having the opportunity

to enter into busine relation with you .

We are one of the leading manufactures of......

in ......, Ascribed to our excellent quality control and

competitive price, our products have won a good reputation

both at home and abroad.

Enclosed please find our company data and web site

for yourreference, and we hope you will find some

items interesting.We shall be pleased to provide you

our best prices and deliveries.For further

information you may need,

please let us know.

Your courtesy and early reply will be appreciated.

Yours Faithfully,

5 Dear Sirs,

As a leading manufacturer of Signal and Warning

Light in ......, we would like to introduce our products

to you to seek a mutual benefited busine relationship

in this year.

All our products are designed with water-proof

function which applied for marine and land use.If

use it as traffic light indication ,it will be more

functional with automatic reflecting light system.

In day time with sunshine, it will turn off automatically

whereas at night or even in day time but not bright

enough, it will turn on by itself.Labor operation is

no need at all.

Attached illustrated catalogues with detail

specification for your selection.

Meanwhile, customized design are most welcome.We

hope to hear from you soon.

Faithfully yours,

Tony Lao- President


Hello ,

You are quite correct I am extremely busy every day and I would imagine so other busine men.I have talked to other men in similar busine to us and they also regard all the emails they receive everyday from suppliers around the world as a waste of time and annoying.I’m not sure if I can help you but I have a few suggestions re email marketing.• If you send emails to new companies I would include a list of customers that you currently export to in various countries • I would also include customer testimonials from your buyers.This are very powerful and give you credibility.• Try to word your email differently from all the other suppliers.They all look and sound the same so most of them will be deleted or ignored immediately If you want to be noticed and if you want your email to be read you must be different and create an email that is interesting and will catch the attention of your prospective customer.If you don’t then you will be rejected just like all the others.Remember that companies like us and others who import product are very concerned about quality control of products.Unfortunately China has gained a reputation as a supplier of cheap but poor quality products.Price is always important but it is not the MOST important part of a product.Regards,

1.Dear Sirs,

We owe your name and addre to the Commercial Counselor’s Office of the Swedish Embay in Beijing who have informed us that you are in the market for Textiles.We avail ourselves of this opportunity to approach you for the establishment of trade relations with you.

We are a state-operated corporation, handling both the import and export of Textiles.In order to acquaint you with our busine lines, we enclose a copy of our Export List covering the main items sup pliable at present.Should any of the items be of interest to you, please let me know.We shall be glad to give you our lowest quotations upon receipt of your detailed requirements.In our trade with merchants of various countries, we always adhere to the principle of equality and mutual benefit.It is our hope to promote, by joint efforts, both trade and friendship to our mutual advantage.We look forward to receiving your enquiries soon.Yours faithfully, Encl.

2.Dear Mr Smith

Wish you enjoy a great day! I would like to introduce myself.I am Stone Lee and I represent Efront Digital Textile company in Hangzhou, China.We are glad to know that you are a large retail enterprise in USA to deal with …… I was referred by friend in USA retail busine who is familiar with your corporation.As a profeional manufacturer, I would like to introduce our products to you and offer you a quote.We are a manufacturer of household textile products, including chenille bedspread, Spanish bedspread, tapestry wallhanging, throw, tapestry cushion, chenille carpet, upholstery fabric and more which are all digital jacquard machine weaved by import looms(16 in total from German and Italy).The catalogue I attached includes just some of our high quality products.Please visit our website at www.daodoc.com We have paed through ISO9001:2000;ISO14001:2004;ecological textile certification.It would be our pleasure to begin a busine relationship with you and supply your stores with our quality products,.Sincerely yours,

3.Dear Mr.Steven Hans, We get your name and email addre from your trade lead on www.daodoc.com that you are in the market for ball pen.We would like to introduce our company and products, hope that we may build busine cooperation in the future.We are factory specializing in the manufacture and export of ball pen for more than six years.We have profuse designs with series quality grade, and exprely, our price is very competitive because we are manufactory, we are the source.You are welcome to visit our website http://www.daodoc.com which includes our company profiles, history and something latest designs.Should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know, We will be happy

to give you details.As a very active manufactures, we develop new designs nearly every month, If you have interest in it, it`s my pleasure to offer news to you regular.Best regards,

Dafu Wong

4.Dears : Good day! This is Mickel from China.We are writing to you to establish long-term trade relations with you.From your company web,we get to know that your company is an influence company in your busine and are dealing with razor barbed wire.We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company and products.We are a leading company with many years\' experience in wire mesh export busine.Our products are razor barbed wire,which enjoy popularity in Middle East & Europe markets.You may also visit our online company introduction, which includes our latest product line.

Should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know.We will be happy to give you a quotation upon receipt of your detailed requirements.We look forward to receiving your enquires soon.Sincerely, Mickel Liu Company: Add:





5 Dear Sir,

This is XX from a manufacturer specializing in producing XXX in China.We have been in this industry for over 10 years,please have a look at our website:XXX,you will find there are many products same as the ones you displayed.Anyway,you could find some other items which you can also put on your market.Any inquiries on the XXX please do not hesitate to contact us.We are looking forward to establish win-win busine relations with you.

Many Thanks & Best Regards


We understand from your information posted on www.daodoc.com that you are in the market for textile.We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company and products, with the hope that we may work with Export Ideas Textile in the future.

We are a join venture specializing in the manufacture and export of textiles.We have enclosed our catalog, which introduce our company in detail an covers our main product we supply at present.You can also visit our online company introduction at www.daodoc.com, which includes our latest product line.

Should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know, we will happy to give you a quotation upon receipt of your detailed requirement.

We look forward to receiving your enquires soon!

Yours, sincerely

Vanterry Lee


Dear sir:

How are you? Hope everything goes well with you.

This is Jim from ABC company located in China.

We are a worldwide leading manufacture of chest freezer, refrigerator, commercial freezing machine, washing machine and air condition.

We are famous for the top quality, competitive price and excellent service in China’s household appliance industry.

Pls kindly check the quotation sheet enclosed.

If you have any question, pls feel free to contact me.

Your friendly reply is highly appreciated.

Thank and regards









第一:说明客户信息来源,即如何取得对方的资料。 可以如下方式来表明客户信息的来源:

1) We learned from the Commercial Counselor‘s Office of our Embay in your country that you are interested in Chinese Chemical.

2) We have obtained your name and addre from the Internet.3) Our market survey showed that you are the largest importer of cases and bags in Iran.第二: 言明去函目的


1) In order to expand our products into Iran, we are writing to you to seek cooperate poibilities.,

2) We are writing to you to establish long-term trade relations with you.\" 3) We wish to expre our desire to enter into busine relationship with you.



1) We are a leading company with many years\' experience in chemical export busine.

2) We enjoy a good reputation internationally in the circle of chemicals.

3) A credible sales network has been set up and we have our regular clients from over 100 countries and regions worldwide.





1) Feel free to contact with us if you have any questions regarding our products..,

2) We are looking forward to your specific inquiries.

3) As the manufacturer, hope we can offer competitive price and best quality to you.



Dear Mr.Steven Hans,

We get your name and email addre from your trade lead on www.daodoc.com that you are in the market for ball pen.We would like to introduce our company and products, hope that we may build busine cooperation in the future.

We are factory specializing in the manufacture and export of ball pen for more than six years.We have profuse designs with series quality grade, and exprely, our price is very competitive because we are manufactory, we are the source.

You are welcome to visit our website http://www.daodoc.com which includes our company profiles, history and something latest designs.

Should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know, We will be happy to give you details.

As a very active manufactures, we develop new designs nearly every month, If you have interest in it, it`s my pleasure to offer news to you regular.

Best regards,

Dafu Wong




此外,开发信不同于Trade Lead,为表示诚意,不宜千篇1律,应该根据客户的规模、国籍不同略作调整,在信件中适合的地方自然地点一下客户的公司名字,暗示这封开发信是专门诚意写给贵公司的,而不是草率地广告。这些小技巧虽然不起眼,但颇能给客户以好感。







さて、突然のことではございますが、貴社と新規にお取引願いたく、本状を差し上げます。 突然のメール失礼致します。このたび、日本にも新規の取引先をお願いしたいと考えていたところ、貴社のご隆盛のご承り、是非ともお取引願いたいと存じたいです。





営業部 業務部








Email: s



1.Nice day today!

2.Long time no talk,how are you now?Hope everthing is well with you.

3.In the meantime,please pay attention to relax when you are busy in your busine and tried journy.

4.Sincerely wish whatever weather is,you will keep the sunny mood always!:-) take care.

Have a nice dinner.

Have a good time

Have a good day,

Have a nice dream.







Dear Mr.Steven Hans,

We get your name and email addre from your trade lead onthat you are in the market for ball pen.We would like to introduce our company and products, hope that we may build busine cooperation in the future.

We are factory specializing in the manufacture and export of ball pen for more than six years.We have profuse designs with series quality grade, and exprely, our price is very competitive because we are manufactory, we are the source.You are welcome to visit our website http:// which includes our company profiles, history and something latest designs.

Should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know, We will be happy to give you details.

As a very active manufactures, we develop new designs nearly every month, If you have interest in it, it`s my pleasure to offer news to you regular.

Best regards,

Dafu Wong








以我公司玩具(toys)为例子,通过美国提单数据查询WOODY TOYS公司经营此类产品,通

过搜索,可立即获得它的网 英语学习网站




第一: 说明客户信息来源,即如何取得对方的资料。



1) We learned from the Commercial Counselor\'s Office of our Embay in your country that you are interested in Chinese handicraft.

2) Mr.Bowins, Head of Arcolite Electric AG has recommended you to us as a leading importer in Korea of lightweight batteries for vehicles.

3) We have obtained your name and addre from the Internet.4) Our market survey showed that you are the largest importer of cases and bags in Egypt.第二: 言明去函目的


1) In order to expand our products into South America, we are writing to you to seek cooperate poibilities.

2) We are writing to you to establish long-term trade relations with you.

3) We wish to expre our desire to enter into busine relationship with you.



1) We are a leading company with many years\' experience in machinery export busine.

2) We enjoy a good reputation internationally in the circle of textile.

3) We have our principle as \"Clients\' needs come first\".

4) A credible sales network has been set up and we have our regular clients from over 100 countries and regions worldwide.

5) Located in Shanghai, we take the advantage to set up our solidified production basis in coasted and inland areas.




1) Art.No.102 is our newly launched one with superb quality,fashionable design,and competitive price.

2) We have a good variety of colors and sizes to meet with different needs.

3) Our products are enjoying popularity in Asian markets

4) To give you a general idea of our products,we are enclosing our catalogue for your reference.



1) Your comments on our products or any information on your market demand will be really appreciated.

2) We are looking forward to your specific inquiries.最后:任何可以打动客户的特殊东西都可以随信而发或者随样品而寄。



To confirm; Confirming; Confirmation; In Confirmation of(为确认……,为证实……); A letter of confirmation(确认函或确认书)


To have the pleasure to do; To have the pleasure of doing; To have pleasure to do; to have pleasure in (of) doing; To take (a) pleasure in doing (something); To take pleasure in doing (something); To be pleased to (with)(by); to be delighted at (in)(with); To be glad to (of)(about); To be rejoiced in (at).


Enclose; Inclose.

(14)迅速,立刻dispatch 派遣,分派,急件

Urgently; Promptly; Immediately; With all speed; At once; With dispatch; With all despatch; With the quickest poible despatch; With the least poible delay; As soon as poible; As quickly as poible; As promptly as poible; At one’s earliest convenience; At the earliest

poible moment; At an early date; Without delay; Without lo of time; Immediately on receipt of this letter; By expre meenger; By Special meenger; By special delivery; By expre letter.


By return; By return of post; By return of mail; By return of air-mail.


According to; Agreeably to; Conformably to; pursuant to; In accordance with; In conformity with (to); In obedience to; In deference to; In compliance with; In agreement with; In pursuance of.


About; Regarding; Concerning; As to; As regards; With regard to; In regard to;(of); Respecting; Relative to; Anent; In connection with; Referring to; With reference to; In reference to; Re.


To be due; To fall due (become) due(日期将到); Duly(正时,及时); In due Course (依照顺序).


Per(=by, through) rail.(post,mail,steamer)(通过铁路,邮政,轮船)

Per pro.= by proxy (由代理)proxy[prcksi]

Per annum (=yearly,每年)

Per mensem (=monthly,每月)

Per diem [daiem] (=daily,每日)

Per man, per capital (=per head,依照人数,每一人)

Per piece(每一个,每一件)


To take the liberty of doing something; To take the liberty to do something; To take the liberty in doing something.


To regret; To be sorry; To be chagrined; To be mortified; To be vexed; To regret to say; To be sorry to say; To one’s regret; To feel a great regret for; To expre regret; To be regretted; To be a matter for regret; To be regrettable; To be deplorable.


To have the honour of doing (being); To have the honour to do (be); To do one (oneself) the honour of doing (being); To esteem (regard) it as a high honour to do (be); To appreciate the honour to do (be); To feel honoured to do (be); To owe one a debt of honour to do (be); To be honoured with doing (being) something; To honour one with doing (being) something.


Please; Kindly; be good enough; Be kind enough; Have the kindne.


To thank; To be (feel) thankful; To be (feel) grateful; To be obliged; To be indebted; To esteem[尊重/敬,认为] (it) a favour (privilege); To give (tender, return) one’s thanks; To

expre one’s gratitude (appreciation); To tender one’s sincere thanks for; To be overwhelmed with gratitude[感谢的心情].


(Noun)(请吩咐)Command; Order; Service

(Verb)(服务) To command; To order; To serve; To be at one’s service; To render service to one; To do one a service; To be of service to one.

Render呈递, 归还, 着色, 汇报, 致使, 放弃, 表演, 实施




交纳, 粉刷, 打底

render a service to

效劳, 贡献

第17篇:外贸开发信 英语开发信


模板1 Hi, Dear Mr Harold.Sacks, We produce Medical Appliances with high quality & very competitive price for 15 years in China; Hope to find a way to cooperate with you.E-catalogues will be sent if needed.Write me back or call me pls, let’s talk more in details.Thank you.Best Regards Yours sincerely Zarah Sales Manager

模板2 Dear, How are you today? ABC Co., Ltd manufacture LED Lights for 8 years in China, and supplier of walmart, hope to be one of your supplier.FREE SAMPLES & Catalogues will be sent if needed.Write me back or Call me please, let me talk details.Looking forward to working with you in the near future.Best Regards and thanks.Alice Sales Manager

模板3 Hi Sir/Madam, Glad to hear that you\'re on the market for furniture, we specialize in this field for 14 years, with the strength of ERU&USA ANTIQUE FURNITURE, with good quality and pretty competitive price.Also we have our own profeional designers to meet any of your requriements.Should you have any questions, call me, let\'s talk details.Best regards! Leon

模板4 Dear purchasing manager, Hello, this Lily Lee from xxx company, our company is a profeional xx manufacturer with years‘s experience.so we want to avail ourselves of opportunity establishing busine relation with you.Please link our company web site:.............if you want to know more about our product.By the way, free sample are available.Thank you in advance! Best regards] Xxx Company name: Tel:…….Fax:…….MSN:..........Skype:………..

模板5 Subject: XX (products name) you need/ XX factory / xx good quotation

Dear Sirs:

We glad to get your information posted on xxxxxx.that you are in the market for XXXX.We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company and products, with the hope that we may work together in future .

This is (Name ) from (Company Name ) which is specializing in (Products Name ) for many years.According to your information posted on xxxx, we\'d like to introduce this item for you, and its future have XXXXXXXXXXX ( products information).....If you want to see more items, pls visit our website Should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know.We will be happy to give you a quotation upon receipt of your detailed requirements. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Best Regards,

Your name ( position) company date ....(NAME, ADDRESS, WEBSITE, MAIL, TEL AND FAX ETC.)

模板6 Hey guy, XYZ trading here, exporting LANTERNS with good quality and low price in US.Call me, let\'s talk details.Rgds, Rick Cell phone: *** (这是一个巴西的贸易公司写给陌生的美国公司的开发信)

模板7 Dear Mr.Mound Klamath, Glad to get your contact info from India mart! We supply homogenizers and ice cream freezing machine with good quality and very competitive price.Hope to be a partner of your company! E-catalog will be provided if needed.

Email me or just call me directly.Thank you!

Best regards, Mandy ******Co., Ltd.Add: *** Tel: *** Fax: *** Mail: *** Web: ***

模板8 To: Purchase Manager Re: Supplier of Deep Groove ball bearing

April 29, 2010

Dear Sirs,

It is glad to write to you with keen hope to open a busine relationship with you.I obtained your company name and email addre from the Internet.Ningbo Fenghai Bearing Co., Ltd.is a factory specialized in Deep Groove ball bearing.Our products had adopted ISO9001:2000 Quality System Authorities.For more information, we would like to let you know our company web site as below.Hope to hear good news from you. Sincerely Yours, Sky

Export Manager Ningbo Co., Ltd.TEL: FAX: Email: Website

模板9 Hi, purchasing manager.Good day! We are XXXX supplier, and we have researched & designed some new product.If you are interested in, I \'ll send you our catalogue.Thanks for your valuable time.Regards.Yours, XXX(Ms) company name Website: www ADD:XXXXXX TEL:+86 XXXXX FAX:+86 XXXXX

模板10 Hi Kelvin, Glad to hear that you\'re on the market for flashlight and other promotional items.This is C from *** Ltd in China.We specialized in flashlights and premiums for 10 years, with the customers of Coca-Cola, Craft, Pepsi, etc., and hope to find a way to cooperate with you! Please find the pictures with models and different packaging in attachment.An American guy purchased this model in BIG quantity last year.I would like to try now, if it\'s suitable for Europe.FREE SAMPLES can be sent on request.Call me, let\'s talk more! Thanks and best regards, C *** Ltd Tel: *** Fax: *** Mail: ***

模板11 Hi Chris, Glad to hear that you are on the market for stainle steel spinning parts.We, xxx Co.Ltd, is profeional in precision machining for nearly 10 years, covering high precision machining parts, casting parts, metal parts, etc.Hope to establish busine relationship with you! Should you want know more about our company, pls visit Any comments, that\'ll be appreciated! Thanks.Best regards, xxxx xxx Co., Ltd.TEL: FAX: Email:

模板12 Dear Sir or Madam, Are you interested in saving some money on importing any of the following?:Bench planerWoodworking machines All of our products are very affordable as a result of being produced in special economic development regions of China and we are more than happy to help you with the import/export proce too! My contact details are below, and I would be glad to hear from you.Kind regards, Kevin Zhu Sales Executive









2)没有明确的主题。一个不明确的主题,会让客人根本没兴趣去打开陌生人的邮件。这个就需要经验了,内容要言简意赅,直接吸引客人通过主题去点开邮件,目的就达到了。至于他看了以后有没有反应,就要看实际情况和你内容的功力了。有些人写邮件会这样设置主题:“we are the manufacturer of

lights”,又或者“need cooperation”,或者“Guangdong *** trading company ltd”,或者“price list for lights-Guangdong *** trading company ltd”等等,一看就知道是推销信。当你一个礼拜就收到一封推销信,你可能会有兴趣看看,但是如果你一天收到N封推销信,估计就会很厌烦,直接删掉算是客气的了。所以如何把主题写好,让客人知道这是封推销信,还是要忍不住打开看看?就要根据之际情况来判断了。

举个例子吧,假设我是做太阳能灯的公司DEF Co.Ltd,目前公司最大的客人是美国的Home Depot,尽管可能是通过贸易商做的,不是直接合作,但是完全可以当作一个开发新客人的筹码!如果我要写一封开发信给美国的ABC inc(这个名字是我编的),我从google上了解了一些这个公司的信息,知道他们是美国的进口商,有做太阳能灯系列,希望能试着开发这个客人,我一般会这样写主题,“Re: ABC inc/Home Depot vendor-solar light/DEF Co., Ltd.”其中,ABC inc代表了客人的公司名,你在写给他的主题上首先加上他公司名,表示对他们公司的尊重;Home Depot vendor-solar light明确表示你是北美第二大零售商Home Depot的太阳能灯供应商,既表明了实力,也勾起他的兴趣;最后的DEF Co., Ltd.代表自己公司。这样一来,假设你找对了人,这个正是ABC公司太阳能灯的buyer,又或者是他的某一个主管,突然某一天收到这么一个主题的邮件,哇,home depot的供应商找上来了,太棒了,应该看看是不是有合作机会,是不是比原有供应商更好?他打开邮件的概率会非常非常大!再说了,这个主题设置的还有一个好处,就是客人即使暂时不回你邮件,只是放在收件箱里,但是将来某一天他突然想让你报报价,很容易就能找到这封邮件!只要关键词输入home depot,保证一下子就找到。


有朋友会反问,那是不是完全不写呢?我的回答是,也不一定,要看具体情况。如果你的公司有突出的优势,可以写,但是最好一笔带过就可以了。可以这样写:We supply solar lights for Home Depot with high quality and competitive price.Hope to cooperate with you!





5)喜欢用奇奇怪怪的字体。很多人为了追求醒目,总喜欢用很夸张的字体,颜色,甚至放大,加粗,再用斜体等等,其实一眼看上去会让人很不舒服。经常跟老外写email的人会发现,客人很少会用奇怪的字体或者粗体,甚至全部大写来写邮件,除了少数的尼日利亚、非洲客人,我还真没遇到过别的。欧美人一般比较常用的字体就是以下几种:Arial,Verdana,Calibri,Times new roman,也有一些用Tahoma字体的,但相对少一点。一部分台湾和香港客人会用PMingLiU这种字体。至于颜色,一般都是黑色或者蓝色,别在一封邮件里出现多种奇奇挂怪的颜色,像彩虹一样,看着不舒服。


Dear C,

Please help to send the samples to my HK office BEFORE THIS WEEKEND.





比如说,我们明天会寄你样品。中国人喜欢说We\'ll send you the samples tomorrow.这句话没错,语法正确,意思清楚,但是老外就不喜欢这样说。他们通常会这样写:Samples will be sent to you tomorrow.用得是被动语态,人称就没有了。

7)经常会问一些毫无意义的话。比如Do you want our products?这句话被我列为最傻疑问句排行榜第一名。如果客人说No,你怎么回复?那就没下文了哦。而且本身你是去推销的,你希望客人感兴趣,你要引起客人的兴趣。但是这句话就大煞风景,等于一下子就把客人逼到了绝路上,一定要说是或者否。还有诸如Do you interested in our products? Are you sourcing for *****? How is your busine recently? Would you like to cooperate with us? 这些都是毫无意义的话。







10)语气过于生硬。其实邮件本身是比较死板的,在电脑面前阅读那些冰冷的字眼,和面对面的交谈或者电话沟通是完全不一样的。看一句话“Pls give me reply today.” 这句话如果面对面讲,客人不会觉得有什么问题,会很高兴说ok,或者no problem;如果电话里说,也不会有大问题;但如果放在邮件里,是不是略微生硬了一点点呢?如果改成\"Could you please help to give me reply

today?\" 用的是疑问句,加上could, help这样的字眼显得十分委婉,但是又明确表达了你希望今天得到答复的准确意愿。这样不是更好么?

所以\"please, help, kindly, could, thank you, appreciate\"这样的话在邮件来往中是很普遍的。除非你和客人已经非常熟了,偶尔客套一下即可,平常就可以不需要了。


RE:win-win busine on power inverter and solar controller


Nice to contact you.

This is wade,we supply power inverter and solar controller.We also had contacted before.

So,do you have any purchase plan on power inverter or solar controller?

We could give your our best prices for you.

By the way,we will also go to HK fair and canton fair next month.Our booth is 5E-E35 for HK fair.

5.1hall,Y05-06 for canton fair.

Warmly welcome your arrive.

Have a nice day.




here, exporting with good quality and low price in US.

Call me, let\'s talk details.

Rgds, 开发信模板

We, Co.Ltd, is profeional in precision machining for nearlly 10 years, covering high

precision machining parts, casting parts, metal parts, etc.

Hope to establish busine relationship with you!

Should you wanna know more about our company, pls visit .

Any comments, that\'ll be appreciated!


Hi Sir,

Glad to hear that you\'re on the market fortire valves.

We specialize in this field for several years, with the strength of, with good quality and pretty

competitive price.Should you have any questions, pls do not hesitate to contact me.

FREE SAMPLES will be sent for your evaluation!

Tks & br,

没反应 持续骚扰模板

Dear ,

Sorry to trouble you again!

Please find my mail below.

Could you please kindly check by return today? Because we\'ll be on holiday from May.1st to


Thank you in advance!

Best regards,


Hi ,

Me again, .

Did you already receive my mail dated on ?

Now, I\'d like to recommend a HOT-SELLING ITEM to you! Another US customer in Chicago

gave me a big order in this model.Would you like to have a try in you state?

Please find the photos with manuel in attachment.

FREE samples already prepared, and will be sent to you asap.

Hope we can deal!

Kind regards,


Hi ,

Thank you so much for your kind reply!

Sure, samples will be prepared soon.Could you pls give me your courier

account? Such as FedEx, DHL, UPS, TNT, etc.Each one is ok.

I\'ll inform you the tracking number after parcel picked!

Please contact me if further questions.

Thank you!

Kind regards,


Dear sir,

Pls find the re-checking the price as follows:

1) Super grade, USD , give you a special discount of 2%

2) A grade, USD , similar as super grade, but price much more competitive.

Hope we can deal.

Thank you!Rgds,

介绍新奇产品 模板

Hi sir,

Glad to inform that we already developed a unique model, Mini cell phone charger, which

good for promotion!

We\'d like to highly recommend this model to you, pls have a try in your local market if


Enclosed the picture with technical info for your review.

Free samples can be sent on request!

Thanks and best regards,

追踪样品反馈 模板

Dear ,

What about the final decision about our samples?

We need your comments to go ahead!Thank you!

Kind regards,


