
2022-09-15 来源:其他范文收藏下载本文



Lijiang is a beautiful shining jewel on the Northwest Yunnan Plateau neighboring the southeast side of the Tibetan Plateau which is considered to be the \"Roof of the World\".It is impreive because of its scenery and lush vegetation.

Lijiang boasts of breath-taking wonderful sights such as Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and its modern maritime glacier, the only one of its kind in the southern end of the Northern Hemisphere; Tiger Leaping Gorge; the world - famous grand canyon; Lugu Lake, the cultural cradle of the \"Matriarchy\" of the Yongning Mosuo people in Ninglang.Lijiang Town is officially called \"Dayan Town\"—— \"Dayan\" literally means a \"great inkstab\", a graphic description of the town’s location on a piece of rich flatland fed by a river and surrounded by green mountains.There is no other town in China like Dayan which incorporates the folkways of so many people and the architectural styles of both north and south China.

The people of Naxi, while developing their land of snow-clad mountains and turbulent rivers since ancient times, have to their credit the \"Dong Ba Culture\" seen as one of the world wonders, a culture all-embracing while unique.

All these natural sceneries and these cultural treasures of the minority peoples have been continuously drawing tourists from all over the world and have recently vote Lijiang as one of the favorite destinations in China.


1.Lijiang 丽江

2.Roof of the World 世界屋脊

3.Jade Dragon Snow Mountain 玉龙雪山

4.Tiger-leaping Gorge 虎跳峡

5.Lugu Lake 泸沽湖

6.Dayan Town 大研镇


Welcome to Lijiang, this beautiful place.It’s my honor to be your guide.Today I will bring you to the Lijiang Dayan Town.Maybe you are more familiar with the name” the ancient town of Lijiang”.

We will get there in a few minutes.So now I will give you a brief introduction of Lijiang.It is located in Lijing Prefecture in the Northwest of

Yunnan province.The population of Lijiang Prefecture is over 1 million involving 21 nationalities, for example, the Naxi, Yi, Lisu, Pumi,etc.And later you will see the houses of Naxi people in the ancient town.

Lijiang Prefecture is the major developing tourist area of Yunnan Province.It contains beautiful natural scense, unique minority amorous

feelings, age-old minority cultures, and rich tourist resources.The scenic spots are mainly scattered in Lijiang County and Ninglang County.We can conclude them into:” two mountains, one town, one lake, one river, one culture and one folk custom.”.Two mountains refer to Yulong Snow

Mountains and Laojun Mountains, one town is Dayan Town, one lake refers to Lugu lake, one river is 金沙 river, one culture is Dongba Culture and one folk custom refers to the Moso people’s custom, which we call the “Aixa”.What does that mean? I will leave it to you to discover.Soyou see Lijiang, with its rich resources in plants and animals, the natural beauties and the amazing minority folk customs, attracts more and more tourists from home and abroad.

Soon we will get the the Ancient town of Lijiang, it has a history of almost a thousand years.The scenes are unique and unconventional.It is one of the best-historical, cultural cities at the state level in China.It consists of three parts: 大研、白沙、束河.So why is it called Dayan? Because it is in the middle of Lijiang basin, and the Lijiang basin looks like a big inkstone, and in Chinese the pronunciation of that is “yan”.

Ok, everyone, this is the entrance of the Dayan town.Maybe you have already notice the couple of the mill wheels over there.Besides it is the Chinese Characters written by Jiang Zeming.And there is a eye-catching pillar, we call it the “水龙”, which means the water dragon and indicates the wish to avoid the fire in the town.

Let’s get inside and see.The Dayan town is famous in China for its old and simple architectural style and the elegant art for the lay-out of the town.In the town the 玉泉 river winds in many streams acro the town and past all the houses.The roads here are parallel to the streams, and the door of each house is facing a stream.Whatever street and whatever lane you go in ,there is a small stream with small bridges acro it here and there.As a saying has it : A house beside a stream with a small briage acro it makes a wonderful scene which you can only find here.” That’s why we regard Dayan town to be the “Oriental Venice”.

Here we are.In the center of the ancient town, here is the Sifang Street.It is a place for country fair trades.Since ancient times, Sifang Street has been a collecting and distributing center of all kinds of products with travelers and traders going and coming everywhere.On a market day people of different minorities in their unique costumes come here to do busine and make the place crowed and noisy.If you spend a whole day here, you can experience the poetic changes here.In the morning, the street stretch its arms and woke up; in the midday, it becomes a busy man; When the night comes, the light is on, it changes into a dreed young lady; And at night it becomes quiet and fell asleep.

Why the street has a name of “Sifang”? There are two kinds of explanation, one is that the ancient leader in Lijiang named it with a meaning of “spread his power around”, and the other is that “Sifang” in Chinese means four directions, and the street has people and goods from every area.Dayan Town is quite different from the other ancient towns in China, no town walls around it.Do you know why? That has something to do with the name of the governor of the town at the ancient time, before I tell you the reason, let’s visit the governor’s place first, later you will know why there is no wall here.













Everybody is good! I am your tour of lijiang tour guide.I am very glad to be with you the happy time together! My name is zhang.You can call me a guide.Please come with me.Here is the old town of lijiang.I\'ll give you a brief introduction of lijiang.Lijiang also known as dayan town, is located in the middle of lijiang dam, known as \"one of the most preserved ancient city of the big four\".It is the only ancient city without walls in China\'s famous historical and cultural city.Lijiang ancient city is located in the yunnan-guizhou plateau, 2400 meters above sea level, the area of the city 3.8 square kilometers, the ancient times is known fairs and towns.The ancient city of existing residents 6200 households, 25000 people.Among them, the naxi nationality for the vast majority of the population, 30% of the residents are still engaged in produced with copper, silver, fur, leather, textiles, brewing traditional handicraft industry and busine activities.

Ok, now you give me into the city to see.

Lijiang is an ancient city without walls, dayan ancient city is a strong cultural atmosphere of the town.

Lijiang ancient and the street of the city of mountain was built, mostly covered with red breccia, the rainy season will not muddy, also won\'t fly ash of the dry season, the stone patterns of natural elegance.Look, smooth and clean green flag road, completely hand-built civil housing structure, ubiquitous Bridges.

Is in front of the old city center square street.Full of beautiful things in this arts and crafts.Sentiment towards prosperity.Shouldn\'t have come to city square street.Large water wheel on the border between ancient city and new city is the symbol of the ancient city of lijiang, near the ancient city of large water wheel has a large screen, daily broadcast songs is the special features of the most popular songs, including \"naxi net to\" is one of the more famous songs.Now let\'s take a picture give you ten minutes, you must feel good!

In lijiang ancient city, built 354 Bridges, the density of the average per 93 square kilometers.Shape, a variety of Bridges, a famous cui bridge, a lock in...

Lijiang ancient town of mu\'s residence was hereditary wood\'s yamen toast.Five phoenix tower was built in the Ming dynasty wanli twenty-nine years (AD 1601), the building of which was 20 metres high.Because of its architectural form like five flying colourful feng, so the name \"the five-phoenix towers\".There is white sand local-style dwelling houses building, a group of beam river residential buildings...For a moment you free for a visit.

Lijiang has a long history, natural style.City layout strewn at random have send, already have mountain view, and abound of lasting appeal.Lijiang residence is harmony the han, bai, yi, Tibetan ethnic eence, and has a unique style of the naxi nationality, is very unique!!!! Today, I would like to introduce you to here.Wish everyone have a happy journey! Good bye!








Dear visitors, everybody! I am the guide from you He Re empty, you can call me ho.Today I want to take you visit the place is lijiang city of yunnan province lijiang ancient city, I hope I can accompany you a nice day.

Lijiang ancient city was built in the early yuan dynasty, also known as dayan town, is China\'s famous historical and cultural city in the only ancient city without walls.Its reason is said to be the old town of lijiang hereditary surname wood, think of the ancient city with the wall as \"wood\" word box, which read \"trapped\", quite unlucky, so after the completion of the old town of lijiang, there is no walls.The ancient city of existing residents 6200 households, more than 25000 people, mostly in the naxi.Here, 30% of the population engaged in textile, made of silver, and other traditional crafts, you can be in play in the proce of choosing a few back to hometown, must be a memorable exquisite handicrafts.

Now we\'ve come to the entrance of the old town of lijiang, you see the entrance that reads \"lijiang\" four characters of the brand? We can take a photo here after, to continue our journey...

Good, you packed the camera, check your belongings, we continue to go forward., in lijiang ancient town, we can see that is full of manual of civil structure of the building, the ubiquitous Bridges, smooth and clean green flag road...Take a look at our feet, the spreading of the slab are red breccia, the rainy season will not muddy, also won\'t fly ash of the dry season.Look, SLATE and decorative pattern, and the whole city environment bring out the best in each other...

Now everyone\'s position is the center of the ancient city of lijiang, square street! From the square street, one hundred meters to the east of ancient city and new town at the junction, lijiang ancient town, and there are the most distinctive landscape, large water wheel is one of the old town of lijiang sign.

Everyone can enjoy the scenery, took photos, to savor the \"Oriental Venice\" beautiful lijiang!













5,古城子非鱼餐馆:五一街文华巷57号,在万子桥附近。老板是东北滴,主要就是东北炒菜,分量很足哦,就像我们说的“东北人实在”,他们家的菜分量也很实在,价格适宜,味道也不错。最近又在附近开了个分店,主营火锅,有鱼火锅,羊排火锅,牛尾火锅,鸡火锅等,满满的一大锅价格不过68-88元,挺合适的,味道也不错,刚开业那天偶去 “考察”了一番呢,嘿嘿。卫生条件好不说,环境也好,吃起饭来,心里也舒坦。缺点是位置有点偏





































古城民居的特色是“三坊一照壁”、“四合五天井、走马转角楼”。它们多以院子为中心,内向的庭院 组合,厦子(外廊)是纳西民居的重要组成部分,融北京的四合院和当地土木结构特色于一体:正房堂屋,两旁侧室,走廊宽敞,天井宏亮,门窗多精雕细刻花鸟图案,门楼修得富丽堂皇。纳西人生在花的王国,又酷爱栽花种草,几乎每家庭院都摆着盆景花卉,浓绿中亮出五颜六色的芬芳。


四方街是大研镇的中心,象征着“权镇四方”,而“田方街”却是游人不应错过的所在,那里是丽江有名的贸易市场,身着五颜六色民族服装的各族人民在此交易商品,是大研镇最热闹喧哗的地方。 四方街街面宽广,主街有四条,向四周辐射。每条街道又分出许多小街小巷,街巷相连,四通八达。每条巷道,均由五彩花石铺就,雨季不泥泞,夏季无尘土,显得光滑平整





雪山以万年古雪才孕育出的黑白水,纳西民族对它有着特殊的情感, 东巴经《鲁般鲁饶》卷中以黑白来解释世间万物,指出阴阳调和,黑白不分开,世间就和谐有序,眼前的黑白水河,是一条自然之河,爱情之河,对您来讲,黑白水寓意着行路无阻拦、过河没障碍、旅途保平安。












Dear visitors, everybody is good, very glad to be your tour guide, my name is dai, you can call me wear guide, today we\'re visiting place ─ ─ of lijiang.

You come with me.Here is the old town of lijiang.Lijiang has the dual nature and culture charm known as forget time, also known as \"one of the most preserved ancient city of the big four\".It is China\'s famous historical and cultural city not only in the ancient city wall.Lijiang ancient city is located in the yunnan-guizhou plateau, 2400 meters above sea level, the area of the city 3.8 square kilometers.Now we came to the tiger leaping gorge.

There is a legend.Nu river, lancang river and jinsha river is the three sisters, sister nujiang love angry, two elder sister love try so hard, the lancang river three younger sister jinshajiang wanxian.Parents would send three sisters marry to the west, jinsha river dark about two sisters fled to south.Came to the town of lijiang, shek kwu, two sisters would continue to head south, jinsha river is determined to go to the east of the sun, just say goodbye to my sister, and turned toward the east, and formed the \"Yangtze river first bay\".Parents send yulong, khabarov brothers pursuit of the three sisters.Sit face to face two brothers came to lijiang white sands, blocking the way to the east.Run tired, two people take turns to wait agreement, who as French WenZhan let sisters.Turn khabarov waiting, yulong fell asleep.

Jinsha river before, put light footsteps, singing beautiful hypnosis.Her a gift for 18 teams, khabarov listen also fell asleep.Jinsha river from their feet slipped between the past.Yulong wake up and see the jinsha river ran to the east, early and khabarov still in a deep sleep, so we have to according to the French cut down khabarov head, turns back and wept bitterly.Two brothers turned to jade dragon snow mountain and haba snow mountain, khabarov head into a boulder fell into the river, tiger leaping gorge, and jinsha river sing eighteen song into 18 beach, tiger leaping gorge.


Everybody is good! I am a youth hostel Robert zou, you can call me small fang, but not the small fang in the village.Welcome to the world heritage of \"lijiang ancient city\".

Dear visitors, we have been in the beautiful ancient city, in front of the ancient city, you will see two large wind turbines turn happily in the water, the water inside will be measured, so please be careful.The windmill represents the symbol of the ancient city of.Here, let me introduce the lijiang ancient city, lijiang ancient city, 2400 meters above sea level, is the center of the lijiang naxi autonomous county, city, city formed in the late southern song dynasty, has a history of eight hundred years, the area of 3.8 square kilometers, has about 30000 inhabitants, was listed as a world heritage site in 1997.

Is the center of the city square street, the ground is paved with multicolored, step will be clicked, no two sifang street inn central design is the same, you can also visit.Said so much, I still take you to a creek, everyone to see! This stream is put river lanterns.Put river lamp is a kind of old custom, it is said that every night dragon king to tour city, put a river light! However, please do not litter.

The tourists, lijiang ancient city is filled with the beauty of the people linger, said also said not, I hope you come again next time.


Everybody is good! I am your tour of lijiang tour guide.I am very glad to be with you the happy time together! My name is zhang.You can call me a guide.

Please come with me.Here is the old town of lijiang.I\'ll give you a brief introduction of lijiang.Lijiang also known as dayan town, is located in the middle of lijiang dam, known as \"one of the most preserved ancient city of the big four\".It is the only ancient city without walls in China\'s famous historical and cultural city.Lijiang ancient city is located in the yunnan-guizhou plateau, 2400 meters above sea level, the area of the city 3.8 square kilometers, the ancient times is known fairs and towns.The ancient city of existing residents 6200 households, 25000 people.Among them, the naxi nationality for the vast majority of the population, 30% of the residents are still engaged in produced with copper, silver, fur, leather, textiles, brewing traditional handicraft industry and busine activities.

Ok, now you give me into the city to see.

Lijiang is an ancient city without walls, dayan ancient city is a strong cultural atmosphere of the town.

Lijiang ancient and the street of the city of mountain was built, mostly covered with red breccia, the rainy season will not muddy, also won\'t fly ash of the dry season, the stone patterns of natural elegance.Look, smooth and clean green flag road, completely hand-built civil housing structure, ubiquitous Bridges.




Good morning, my dear friends, welcome to Lijiang ancient town.I am your tourist guide.丽江古城坐落在玉龙雪山下丽江坝子的中部,因四周青山环绕,城中碧水滢滢,宛如一方碧玉大砚而取名为“大研镇”。古城始建于南宋后期,距今约有800年的历史了,历代均为滇西北的政治、军事重镇。

Lijiang ancient town is located on the foot of the Yulong snow mountain and in the middle of Lijiang basin.It is surrounded by green hills and filled with blue lakes, just likes a huge jade ink stone, which is “yan” in Chinese the pronunciation.So it was named “Dayan Town”.With long history of 800 years, the ancient town was originally built in the late Southern Song Dynasty and had the important political and military status in history.


My dear friends, maybe you have found that Lijiang ancient town has not the wall around it.Do you know why? Because the family name of the hereditary rulers in Lijiang was Chinese character “MU”.If the wall around the town was built and the rulers’ family lived in, it would like the Chinese character MU changing to the “KUN” with the meaning of being trapped.Because of this taboo, the wall was not built.


The town is defended by three mountains and different parts of the town are linked by Yu Rivers.It is naturally laid out.The Yu River consists of West River, Middle River and East River.The rivers go through the streets, alleys and flow along the houses, forming more tributaries.The scenery of the small bridges over the flowing streams is known as “the Gu Su city on the plateau” and “Venice in the east”.The layout of body channels, the style of “winding, deep, narrow and convenient” and well-arranged design are rarely reserved in Chinese ancient town.It had been listed as the world culture heritage by the UNESCO in 1997.说话间,我们就到了古城门口了,请大家随我一起进去参观游览吧!(也可以不要)

Ok, we are at the gate of the ancient town.Please follow me to visit in the town.



Hello, my fellow friends,

Welcome to Lijiang--- this beautiful place.It’s my great honor to be your guide.Today I will take you to the ancient town of Lijiang.A Brief Introduction to Lijiang

We will get there in a few minutes.So now I will give you a brief introduction to Lijiang.It is located in Lijing Prefecture in the Northwest of Yunnan province.The population of Lijiang Prefecture is over 1 million involving 21 nationalities, for example, the Naxi, Yi, Lisu, Pumi,etc.And later you will see the houses of Naxi people in the ancient town.

LijiangPrefecture is the major tourist area of Yunnan Province.It contains beautiful natural resources, unique minority amorous feelings, age-old minority cultures, and rich tourist resources.The scenic spots are mainly scattered in Lijiang County and Ninglang County.We can conclude them into:” two mountains, one town, one lake, one river, one culture and one folk custom.”.Two mountains refer to Yulong Snow Mountains and Laojun Mountains, one town is Dayan Town, one lake refers to Lugu lake, one river is Jinsha river, one culture is Dongba Culture and one folk custom refers to the Moso people’s custom, which we call the “Aixa”.What does that mean? I will leave it to you to discover.So you see Lijiang, with its rich resources in plants and animals, the natural beauties and the amazing minority folk customs, attracting more and more tourists from home and abroad.

Soon we will get the the Ancient town of Lijiang, it has a history of almost a thousand years.The scenes are unique and unconventional.It is one of the best historical, cultural cities at the state level in China.It consists of three parts: Dayan、Baisha、Shuhe.So why is it called Dayan? Because it is in the middle of Lijiang basin, and the Lijiang basin looks like a big inkstone, and in Chinese the pronunciation of that is “yan”.

What’s more,it is also a unique city throughout China.Have you heard about it? Yeah,it is a city which has no walls.It exprees the open-minded character of Naxi people.


Ok, everyone, this is the entrance of the Dayan town.Maybe you have already notice the couple of the water wheels over there.Do you know the function of it ? It is used to transport water and to make use of hydropower to grind grains and crops.Besides it is the Chinese Characters written by Jiang Zeming.And there is an eye-catching pillar, we call it “Dragon Post”, which means the water dragon and indicates the wish to avoid the fire in the town.

Let’s get inside and have a look.The Dayan town is famous in China for its old and simple architectural style and the elegant art for the lay-out of the town.In the town the Yuquan River winds in many streams acro the town and past all the houses.The roads here are parallel to the streams, and the door of each house is facing a stream.Whatever street and whatever lane you go in ,there is a small stream with small bridges acro it here and there.As a saying indicates : A house beside a stream with a small briage acro it makes a wonderful scene which you can only find here.” That’s why we regard Dayan town to be the “Oriental Venice”.


Here we are.In the center of the ancient town, here is the Sifang Street.It is a place for country fair trades.Since ancient times, Sifang Street has been a collecting and distributing center of all kinds of products with travelers and traders going and coming everywhere.On a market day people of different minorities in their unique costumes come here to do busine and make the place crowed and noisy.If you spend a whole day here, you can experience the poetic changes here.In the morning, the street stretch its arms and woke up; in the midday, it becomes a busy man; When the night comes, the light is on, it changes into a dreed young lady; And at night it becomes quiet and fell asleep.

Why the street has a name of “Sifang”? There are two kinds of explanation, one is that the ancient leader in Lijiang named it with a meaning of “spread his power around”, and the other is that “Sifang” in Chinese means four directions, and the street has people and goods from every area.

Do you know how do people clean the square? They create three wooden boards as a movable sluice in the western river.When the water overflows, it will remove the sluice, then the streets can be washed automatically.How wonderful!


Now you can see the Kegong Archway.“Kegong” means achievements in imperial examinations.A question for you,do you know why do people construct the archway? It is used to commemorate three succeful candidates in imperial exam at provincial level .What amazing is that they all came from the same family.So you can understand how much people care about the imperial exam.

Ok, that’s all for my introduction, now you have 30 minutes to appreciate the nearby scenery, help yourselves ! Please be careful and take your time!



Dear visitors! Welcome to visit lijiang ancient city, I am the yunnan tour guide GuRunLu, nice to meet you.

Lijiang ancient city is located in the middle of lijiang dam, xiangshan, Jin Hongshan, west to the north pillow of sierra leone, the fertile land in the southeast face dozens of example.Lijiang is an ancient city with a long history of culture, historical and cultural atmosphere here, like the ancient naxi music, baisha murals, dongba text, baisha fine music, is containing the rich cultural connotation.Old town of lijiang also known as dayan town, it is an ancient city without walls, is very special.The minority here, bai, yi, Tibetan, lisu, pumi, etc., said that I want to ask you, live here, most of the main ethnic minorities, what is family? Ha ha, yes, it\'s the naxi.Construction of the naxi nationality is also very distinctive, we will in the next journey with you to visit the naxi people live in a house, understand their life.

Say so many, some friends ask here have delicious, characteristics of food, that is too much, is famous acro the bridge rice noodle, BaBa, barbecue, dongba grilled fish, not only have to eat and drink, barley wine, men and women all appropriate, pure grain brewing, distinctive flavour.I saw some friends had drool ah, after a brief introduction, you already have a preliminary knowledge of lijiang, want a more detailed understanding of lijiang local conditions and customs, feel the exotic amorous feelings, to start our wonderful city tour.


Everybody is good! I am your tour of lijiang tour guide.I am glad to enjoy the happy time with you! My name is Lin, my name is you can call me Lin guide line.

Please come with me.Here is the old town of lijiang.I\'ll give you a brief introduction of lijiang.Lijiang also known as dayan town, is located in the middle of lijiang dam, known as \"one of the most preserved ancient city of the big four\".It is the only ancient city without walls in China\'s famous historical and cultural city.Lijiang ancient city is located in the yunnan-guizhou plateau, 2400 meters above sea level, the area of the city 3.8 square kilometers, the ancient times is known fairs and towns.The ancient city of existing residents 6200 households, 25000 people.Among them, the naxi nationality for the vast majority of the population, 30% of the residents are still engaged in produced with copper, silver, fur, leather, textiles, brewing traditional handicraft industry and busine activities.

Lijiang ancient and the street of the city of mountain was built, mostly covered with red breccia, the rainy season will not muddy, also won\'t fly ash of the dry season, the stone patterns of natural elegance.Look, smooth and clean green flag road, completely hand-built civil housing structure, ubiquitous Bridges.

Is in front of the old city center square street.Here full of beautiful things in eyes of arts and crafts, sentiment.Shouldn\'t have come to city square street.

Lijiang has a long history, natural style.City layout strewn at random have send, already have mountain view, and abound of lasting appeal.Lijiang residence is harmony the han, bai, yi, Tibetan ethnic eence, and has a unique style of the naxi nationality, is very unique!!!!

Today, I would like to introduce you to here.Wish everyone have a happy journey! Remember when you go out to see something here you can\'t throw things on the earth, and to throw it is thrown into the dustbin.Are you playing when you need to pay attention to safety, their luggage, what protection better.


Everybody is good! I am a youth hostel Robert zou, you can call me small fang, but not the small fang in the village.Welcome to the world heritage of \"lijiang ancient city\".

Dear visitors, we have been in the beautiful ancient city, in front of the ancient city, you will see two large wind turbines turn happily in the water, the water inside will be measured, so please be careful.The windmill represents the symbol of the ancient city of.Here, let me introduce the lijiang ancient city, lijiang ancient city, 2400 meters above sea level, is the center of the lijiang naxi autonomous county, city, city formed in the late southern song dynasty, has a history of eight hundred years, the area of 3.8 square kilometers, has about 30000 inhabitants, was listed as a world heritage site in 1997.

Is the center of the city square street, the ground is paved with multicolored, step will be clicked, no two sifang street inn central design is the same, you can also visit.Said so much, I still take you to a creek, everyone to see! This stream is put river lanterns.Put river lamp is a kind of old custom, it is said that every night dragon king to tour city, put a river light! However, please do not litter.

The tourists, lijiang ancient city is filled with the beauty of the people linger, said also said not, I hope you come again next time.


General overview of Lijiang Lijiang is a beautiful shining jewel on the Northwest Yunnan Plateau neighboring the southeast side of the Tibetan Plateau which is considered to be the \"Roof of the World\".It is impreive because of its scenery and lush vegetation.All the natural sceneries and cultural treasures of the minority peoples have been continuously drawing tourists from all over the world and have recently vote Lijiang as one of the favorite destinations in China. 一: History of Lijiang

The Old Town of Lijiang is also known as Dayan Town in Lijiangba.It is an intact ancient city inhabited mostly by Naxi ethnic people and covers an area of 1.5 square kilometers.

It was first built in Southern Song Dynasty and in 1253, Kublai (the first emperor of the Yuan Dynasty) was stationed here on hismarch into the south.In Ming and Qing dynasties, it became much larger.Lijiang is world renowned as an ancient city built in a simple and artistic style and scientifically laid out.There is a square in its center.It was listed as a national historical and cultural city in 1986.Geography Lijiang City is located in the northwestern portion of Yunnan and borders Sichuan.It is in a region where the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (青藏高原) and Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau (云贵高原/雲貴高原) converge.Climate Owing to its low latitude and high elevation, the city centre of Lijiang enjoys a subtropical highland climate (Koppen Cwb).Winters are normally mild, dry, and the sunniest time time of the year, with a highs of 13.7 to 14.8 °C (56.7 to 58.6 °F), but due to the aridity this time of year, lows often fall to around the freezing mark.Spring lasts from March to early June and begins relatively dry and sunny, but conditions progreively get moister and more overcast.Summers are warm and damp, with June and July means of 19 °C (66.2 °F), much cooler than lowland areas.Autumn lasts from late September to early December, progreively drying out.Annual precipitation is around 970 millimetres (38.2 in), almost all of it falling from May to October Transport Lijiang Airport is located in the south of Lijiang city, 28 km away from downtown.There is an airport shuttle bus service in downtown Lijiang.The airport was opened in July 1995 and has flights to Kunming, Chengdu, Xishuangbanna, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Guiyang.It also offers chartered airplane service.There are flights from Kunming to Lijiang every day and is about 30 minutes flight time.

There are bus services to, amongst others, Kunming City (8 hrs), Dali City (3 hrs), the Tiger Leaping Gorge and Shangri-La.

There is a train service to Kunming with one overnight and two day trains, and one day train to Dali. 二: PLACES OF INTEREST The town has a history going back more than 800 years and was once a confluence for trade along the old tea horse road.The Lijiang old town is famous for its orderly system of waterways and bridges.The old town of Lijiang differs from other ancient Chinese cities in architecture, history and the culture of its traditional residents the Nakhi people, therefore people there are called 胖金哥 and 胖金妹 (pàng jīn gē, pàng jīn mèi, male and female respectively.THE OLD TOWN

This town was built about 800 years ago during the Southern Song Dynasty.Owing to it\'s unique ethnic culture and urban layout, this old town (including Baisha and Shuhe housing clusters) was enlisted to be one of World Cultural Heritage in 1997.This ancient town has an area of 3.8 square km with about 30,000 residents living in it.Two major families resides in this town: the Mu Family (the former ruling family) and the He Family.There are three entrance to the Old Town.Strolling causally along the Old Town, you can find beautiful cobbles stone path acro the narrow streets.Most of the Naxi\'s houses were errected along the fast flowing streams in the old town.NAXI HOUSES There are two basic types of Naxi houses in the Old Town.The first type has a courtyard enclosed by three sets of apartment and a wall.The second type has a big courtyard enclosed by four sets of apartment.There are also smaller courtyards at the four corners of the of house, one of which is the entrance.


The crystal water that flows into the Old town originated from the spring in the Black Dragon Pool.When it reaches the Jade Bridge in front of the main entrance of the Old town, it splits into three different streams: the western, middle and eastern stream.These three streams of water are then further divided into other smaller streams to provide the Town with water. BLACK DRAGON POOL

This site is situated just at the foot of the Elephant Hill, which is about a mile north of the Old Town.It is also called Jade Spring Park.In this park, you can find several traditional structures with their own unique and fascinating stories.To the south of the pool is a small waterfall where the water also flows into the Old Town.On a clear day, you could take many scenic pictures with the beautiful Jade Dragon Snow Mountain as the background in this park.You can also enjoy the traditional Naxi music at the Opera Platform.

These pools are situated along the mountain ranges reaching a height of 3,500 meters above sea level.The best time of the year to hike up to this mountain is from April to July.During these months, the beautiful Azalea flowers will be blooming all over the mountain and dons the whole place with its magnificent colors.

三:Tourism development

The development of Lijiang\'s tourism is based on the realities and follows a road with Lijiang characteristics.It combines the beautiful natural landscape with the colorful ethnic culture and focuses on developing cultural tourism.The city has made good use of its unique culture to boost the development of its tourism industry, which has in turn promoted the development of its cultural industry.In this way, the two industries have maintained a coordinated and sustainable development.

The development of Lijiang\'s tourism started in the 1990s and after the development during the Ninth Five Year Plan, the 10th Five Year Plan, and the 11th Five Year Plan, the number of domestic and foreign visitors to Lijiang increased 8-fold from 840,000 in 1995 to 7.6 million in 2009, with an average annual growth rate of 17 percent.The total revenue of tourism also increased from 326 million yuan in 1995 to nearly 8.9 billion yuan in 2009, an increase of 23 times with an average annual growth rate of nearly 26 percent.

Furthermore, the added value of the cultural industry increased from 235 million yuan in 2001 to 1.3 billion yuan in 2009, increasing 5.6 times.Now, tourism is the pillar industry in Lijiang, and the tertiary industry led by tourism accounts for half of the whole national economy.Lijiang\'s economic and social development cannot be separated from the promotion of the tourism.

The city has developed some well-known cultural brands such as the Dongba Culture, Naxi Ancient Music, and Mosuo Culture, and tourists can appreciate excellent performances such as the magnificent outdoor show \"Impreion Lijiang\" and a type of folk dance named \"Lishui Jinsha,\" which has greatly increased the cultural value of this tourist city.Fourth, stick to the principle of being market-oriented.Any product in China\'s socialist market economy should follow the laws of market economy.

On December 4, 1997 Old Town of Lijiang with a long history, unique style, splendid culture heritage by the United Nations Organization World Heritage List, became the first responsibility to protect shared by all mankind of the world heritage city .五.Evaluation of the World Heritage Committee: The ancient city of Lijiang, the economic and strategic powerhouse with the rugged terrain skillfully together, true, perfect preservation and reproduction of the ancient style.After numerous ancient dynasties building the baptism of viciitudes, which integrate the cultural characteristics of each nation and famous.Lijiang also has the old water supply system, the system cri-cro, delicate unique, still play a role effectively.


My name is peter.I am six years old.I am from Taiwan.Many people ask me about my Chinese name because they think the meaning of it is very interesting.But I hope my friends can remember my English name rather than my Chinese one.My hobby is playing basketball.I usually play it with my friends after school, and I believe playing basketball will bring me good health.I am a talkative person.It is very difficult for me to keep quiet.Now I am studying in English, so I hope everyone can speak English to me.Otherwise I will feel very bad if I keep quiet.

I am xxx and I am 12 years old.My favorite sports include basketball, swim and football.One of my

favorite stars is Liu Xiang because he is the fastest runner in the world and a pride of our country.I have love fruits like watermelon, grapes, banana, and so forth.When I have time, I like watching TV, playing games on my computer, surfing the web, and reading.I have a lot of friends and we often play football together.

My Chinese name is xxx.My English name is xxx.I’m a boy .I’m nine years old.I’m from Ruian Xincheng Experimentation primary school.

I’m in Cla three Grade four.I’m clever.I’m a good boy.I’m helpful.I often help clamates.My best friend is Caichenglai.He’s nine years old too.We eat play and read together.We learn each other.

I like swimming,roller-skating and computer games.

I swim everyday in the summer holiday.I ofen roller-skating on the weekend.

I like blue and red .

I like the blue sky.I like the red auturm .

There are three people in my family.They are my mother my father and I.My mother is thirty-seven years old.She’s an accountant.She likes to go travelling.Myfatheris thirty-seven years old too.He is a teacher.He likes to reedbooks.

hello, everyone, it\'s my honor to stand here introducing myself.

大家好, 很高兴有机会在这里介绍我自己。

My name is xxx, from Cla 2, Grade six,xxxx Primary School.


I\'m doing well in my study, besides I\'m the monitor of my cla and I get on well with my clamates.我学习成绩优秀,是班上的班长并且我和同学们相处很融洽。

I\'m a happy and talented girl.I\'m good at drawing and many of my drawings have won prizes.At the same time, I like telling stories.


I\'m interested in learning English very much, and I believe that I will do well in future.I won\'t let you down!我很喜欢学习英语,我相信我会表现的出色,我不会让大家失望的。

Thanks for your listening.




My name\'s( ).我的名字叫( )

I\'m in Cla( )Grade six of( )school.我在( )学校6年级()班级

I\'m tall(short).I\'m ( )centimeters.我很高(矮),我()厘米。

I like English very much.我非常喜欢英语

Beacuse English is interesting.因为英语很有趣。

So my English is very good.所以,我的英语很好。

I acquire many award.我获得过很多奖项。

I hope that every of you will love me。希望大家能喜欢我。

Hello,everyone.My name is ***(你的名字),I\'m *(你的年纪) years old.I study in ***(你的学校名) Primary School.I\'m in Grade*(你的年级) Cla*(你的班级).

I like football and English very much,and i often play football with my clamates after schoo.My English teacher is ***(你英语老师的名字),she/he(女的选she,男的选he) is very nice to us,I like her/him(女的选her,男的选him) a lot.

There are three members in my family:my father,my mother and I.Both of parents love me and I love them too.

That\'s all,thanks。

hello !!! boys and grils

my name is forest , i 12 old , my is girl .my family have a three people .my is youngest than other two and i is oldest of the tow.my father and my monther very love me,i love them too.i at my family very happily.i love my family very much, and you?

i have a big eyes and a big mouth .i have a short between hair.

i have a lot of hobbies ,for example : ilike play football , basketball , badminton , table tennis , i like draw a paintings, watercolours and landscapes,i like is it .and you?

now, i in a six grade.i like chinese cla very much, it very fun ,i love go chinese cla.my best like p.e.it very happy.and you?

my dream is to be a computer engineer when i grow up, because i very like playing computers.and you?i study very hard , i very like study .

one day , is a summer holiday .i and my mother and my father together clambing mountian ,my father and my mother suddenly listenning:\"oh!!! hlep me!! help me !!you say :\"why???\" i say to you :\"because my suddenly lie down .\"




























































Nanning, the capital of GuangxiProvince, is located in Southern Guangxi, which Yongjiang River runs.Nanning has a history of over 1680 years and Nanning was set as the capital city of Guangxi in 1958.

As an important gateway to Southeast Asia, Nanning is a hub, a regional center and an opening city that plays an active role in the communication between China and Asian countries.

With the development of economy, Nanning attaches great important to improving natural environment and it enjoys the reputation of “the Green City of China” because of its green coverage in the country.

1.青秀山Mount Qingxiu of Nanning 清秀山风景区位于南宁市东南面约五公里,南临邕江,是国家AAAA级旅游区。包括凤凰岭,凤翼岭和青秀山,海拔高度八十二米至一百八十九米。景区内山峦起伏,群峰叠翠,山上绿树成荫,四季常绿,且泉清石奇,被誉为“南宁市的绿肺”。







良凤江国家森林公园Liangfengjiang National Forest Park



介 绍






伊岭岩Yiling Cave


Nanning welcomes visitors from all over the world.Its beautiful subtropical scenery and exotic ethnic minority culture have been attracting millions of tourists for years.

Qingxiu mountain in Nanning about five kilometers to the southeast of the Yongjiang river,which is known as \"the giant lung of Nanning \".qingxiu mountain, also called qing mountain.It’s famous for the plants and beautfull scenery, and is a main entertainment place for nanning people.The mountain is not very high but very beautfull, and the water there are very clean and clear.The forest in the mountain are very big, can blot out the sun, when there is a wind, sounds of trees shaking just like the sounds from the sea, it’s a famous scene.The forest in the mountain are very big, can blot out the sun, when there is a wind, sounds of trees shaking just like the sounds from the sea, it’s a famous scene.Qingxiu mountain scenic area was formed in ming dynasty ,and was badly destroyed in world war 2, after liberation, the government paid a lot attention on rebuilt this scenic area, rebuilt the longxiang pagoda , tianchi and so on , at the same time , built some new scenic spots.


Nanhu Lake Park is located in the southeast of Nanning City and features aquatic sceneries(水上景观) and subtropical gardening landscapes.It covers an area of 1.3 square kilometers (about 0.5 square miles) and a quarter of the whole park is covered by the lake.Nanhu Lake is an ideal place to entertain yourself.In the park, you can fully appreciate the views of various plants, such as Pinang(槟榔树) , Chinese fan palms, and other tropical trees.Nanhu Lake was once a brook connected to a river but during the Tang Dynasty (618-907), a major flood occurred and submerged the surrounding fields and houses, which was how Nanhu Lake was created.In addition, there is a museum set up in 1984 to commemorate two uprisings in history.It was constructed in the Guangxi folk style which is also of tourist value.南湖公园位于东南南宁市和特色水产的风景(水上景观)和亚热带园林景观。它占地1.3平方公里(0.5平方英里),一季度全园覆盖的湖。南湖是娱乐自己的一个理想的地方。在公园里,你可以充分了解各种植物的看法,如槟榔(槟榔树),中国球迷手掌,和其他热带树木。南湖曾经是一条小溪与河流却在唐代(公元618-907年),发生了大洪水,淹没了周围的田地和房屋,这是多么的南湖被创造出来的。另外,有一个博物馆在1984成立,纪念历史上的两起义。它是在广西的民俗风格,也是旅游价值。

Guangxi Ethnic Relics Center, occupying an area of 24,000 square meters (about 28,704 yards), is an outdoor exhibition center that combined with knowledge and entertainment.It features relics, folk buildings, ethnic flavor, and folk customs of four minorities, Zhuang, Dong, Yao, and Miao.Upon entering the central gate, one will see a huge timbal(巨鼓) which is a wonderful achievement of the bronze culture(青铜文化) in ancient China, with a history of more than 2,700 years.There are more than 320 timbals in the centre, among which the Yunleiwen Timbal(云雷纹鼓) is the largest in the world.It weighs around 300 kilograms (about 661 pounds), with a diameter of 165 centimeters (about 65 inches) and stands 67.5 centimeters (about 26.5 inches) in height.Typical buildings of several minorities can be seen here, such as dwelling houses of Zhuang people, bamboo buildings of the Yao‘s(瑶族竹楼), houses constructed on water by the Miao people(苗族吊脚楼) and finally, the drum-towers of Dong people(侗族鼓楼).Their daily utensils and handicrafts are also displayed in each respective model house.Various folk performances will be shown during festivals.This is where one can fully appreciate the enchanting and






of Guangxi.Accommodation is available to visitors in the centre as well.广西文物中心,占地24000平方米(约28704码),是一个以知识和娱乐相结合的户外展览中心。它的特点是文物、民间建筑、民族风味和民俗风情的四个少数民族、壮族、侗族、瑶、苗。在进入中央门,你将看到一个巨大的铜鼓(巨鼓)是青铜文化的好成绩(青铜文化)在古代的中国,有2700多年的历史。有320多个铜鼓的中心,其中云雷纹铜鼓(云雷纹鼓)是世界上最大的。它重约300公斤(约661磅),一个直径165厘米(约65英寸),身高67.5厘米(约26.5英寸)高。各民族典型的建筑随处可见,如壮族民居,瑶族的竹建筑(瑶族竹楼),建造的房子对水的苗族人(苗族吊脚楼)最后,侗族鼓楼(侗族鼓楼)。他们的日常用品和手工艺品也在每个样板房里展出。各种民间表演将在节日期间显示。这是一个可以充分领略广西少数民族风情的迷人风情的地方,也可以在中心的参观者中提供住宿。


Dre culture is introduced


Hanfu clothing is the traditional clothing of the Han Chinese (Han -the predominant ethnic group of China).汉服是中国汉民族传统服饰。

It\'s the significant cultural symbol of Chinese civilization, and it has had a long history for nearly 4000 years since China originally began.


However, it has been eliminated during the establishment of Qing Dynasty (the Manchu minority ruled dynasty) in about 300 years.The ruling cla of Manchu banned Han Chinese clothing and replaced it with their own costume.This is why today\'s Chinese national costume was widely known as Qipao (Chi-Pao), a Manchu style of clothing.Our effort is to re-promote and advocate Hanfu to the public awarene.

The main feature of Hanfu is wrapping the right side over before the left.There are casual wear and formal wear of it.


For the casual wear such as Shenyi (Shen-Yee): a long full body garment; Ruqun (Zu-Chin): a top garment with a separate lower skirt, etc.Formal garments may include: Xuanduan (Shyan-Duan): a dark robe, this dre is mostly used in sacrificial ceremonies and state occasions; Yuan-Lin Shan: a closed, round collared robe, mostly used for official or academic occasions.

Chinese civilization, also called \"Hua-Xia\" (\"Hwa-Shia\").\"Hua\"(\"Hwa\") means the beauty of the dre & decoration which is Hanfu clothing; \"Xia\"(\"Shia\") is the grandeur of rites and social conduct.


Many East Asian national costumes, such as the Japanese Kimono, the Korean Hanbok still share the basic style with Hanfu, as historically these nations were largely influenced by (Han) Chinese culture.东亚许多民族的传统服饰,比如日本的和服、韩国的韩服,都是在汉服的基础上发展而来。 Costume in the Han Dynasty


China\'s complete code of costume and trappings was established in the Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD).The yarn-dyeing, embroidering and metal-proceing technologies developed rapidly in the period, s中国完整的服装服饰制度在汉朝确立的。汉代染织工艺、剌绣工艺和金属工艺发展较快,推动了服装装饰的变化。 purring changes in costume and adornments.汉时劳动女子总是上穿短襦,下穿长裙,膝上装饰长长垂下的腰带。劳动男子常服是上身穿襦,下身穿犊鼻裤,并在衣外围罩布裙;这种装束不分工奴、农奴、商贾、士人都一样。

The costume code of the Western Han Dynasty (206BC-8AD) followed the one established in the Qin Dynasty (221-206 BC).In the Eastern Han Dynasty, people in black had to wear purple silk adornments to match their clothes.People usually wore costume with a long hat at grand ceremonies offering sacrifices to gods or ancestors.The dre of the queen in these ceremonies consisted of dark-purple frock and black trousers.The silk dre of the queen consisted of cyan frock and buff trousers.西汉建立时基本上沿用秦朝的服制。东汉时期穿黑色衣服必配紫色丝织的装饰物。祭祀大典上通用的是“长冠服”。皇后的祭祀服是:上衣用绀色,下裳用皂色。皇后的蚕服,上衣用青色,下裳用缥色(浅黄色)。汉文帝当政时比较俭朴,自己穿黑色丝织衣、皮鞋。一般官员要穿禅衣,又名“祗服”。

The Western Han Dynasty implemented the Shenyi (long coat) system, which featured a cicada-shaped hat, red clothes and \"田\"-shaped collar.In addition, people of that time wore jade articles and red shoes.The frock and skirt were sewn together in the Shenyi system.Underpants for memorial ceremonies were decorated with black brims, and those for court dre in feudal China were decorated with red brims.All the garments were collectively called as Chanyi (unlined garment).在西汉时期二百年之中,服饰实行“深衣制”,它的特点是象蝉一样的头冠(帽子)、红色的衣服、象田字状的领子、戴玉、红色的鞋。深衣形制是上衣下裳相连接缝在一起,做祭服的中衣,要缘黑色边,作为朝服的中衣,需缘红色边,当时男女服用极为普遍。服饰总称“禅衣”。禅衣是单层的外衣。禅衣里面有中衣、深衣,其形与禅衣无大区别,只是袖形有变化,都属于单层布帛衣裳。官员在上朝时都要穿黑色禅衣。 Costumes in the Han Dynasty fell into two categories according to Yijin (one or two pieces making up the front of a Chinese jacket or grown).There were two types of garments: the curving-front unlined garment with buttons deviously down from the collar to the axilla; the straight-front unlined garment with buttons were straightly down from the collar to the lower part.Curving-front garment originated from the Shenyi (long coat) prevalent in the Warring States Period, and was still in use in the Han Dynasty.But few people wore the Shenyi garments during the Eastern Han Dynasty.汉衣款式以衣襟分类,可以划分两种:一为“曲裾禅衣”,即开襟是从领曲斜至腋下;一为直裾禅衣,是开襟从领向下垂直,此种禅衣又称“


There were specific stipulations on colors of court garments in the Han Dynasty.Officers must wear garments according to the five time periods, i.e.cyan garments in the spring, red in the first two months of the summer, yellow in the last month of the summer, white in the autumn and black in the winter.汉代朝服的服色有具体规定,一年四季按五时着服,即春季用青色;夏季用红色;季夏用黄色;秋季用白色;冬季用黑色。

Costumes of the Han Dynasty had 7 features: 汉代着衣有七个特点:

1.Wearers must expose underpants\' collar form , as the collar was big and curving ;

1、穿外衣时,由于领大而且弯曲,穿衣时必需暴露中衣的领型;2.Clothes must use white cloth as lining;


3.The width of sleeve was 0.4 meters;

3、袖宽为一尺二寸;4.The blouse had no sleeve;


5.Wearers of fur clothes should have the fur facing outside;


6.Waistband was very exquisite.Belt hook was made of gold in various lively and interesting animal figures;


7.The male kept the habitude of wearing walking sabres without blades for decoration only.

7、男子保持佩刀习俗,但所佩之刀有形无刃,因此失去了实际价值,主要是显示仪容。Female laborers of the Han Dynasty always wore short jackets and long skirts, and their knees were always decorated with long hanging waistbands.dreing style at that time.

汉代祭服延用“大 制度”,遵从古礼穿冕服佩绶、佩玉。皇帝、公卿、诸侯均用大 ,只是在所系玉石的串珠或丝绳的质地上加以区别。皇太后、太后、公卿夫人等的祭服(谒庙服)、亲蚕服、朝见服和婚礼服的形式都采用深衣制。

Male laborers often wore jackets and calf-nose trousers with aprons around the garments.Farmers, workers, businemen and scholars were all in the same 汉时劳动女子总是上穿短襦,下穿长裙,膝上装饰长长垂下的腰带。劳动男子常服是上身穿襦,下身穿犊鼻裤,并在衣外围罩布裙;这种装束不分工奴、农奴、商贾、士人都一样。

Clothing is the spirit of the age, ethnic 服饰是时代精神,民族的反映



Hollywood is located in the outskirts of Los Angeles, California, United States West Coast, this is a yard, a scenic place.Was first found by photographers looking for a location to about the beginning of the 20th century, where they attracted a lot of photographers, and then coming in order to evade(逃避) the patent(专利) control of small companies and independent producers(独立制片商) who have gradually formed a film center.Within a period of time before and after the First World War, Griffith and Chaplin film masters for the United States won the World Emeritus(世界名誉), Wall Street\'s big financial groups to intervene(插手) in the film industry, the rapid rise of Hollywood City, precisely adapted the United States in this period of rapid economic development needs, movies and further into economic mechanism(机制) has become a part of making a profit.Strong capital increase in the production of film, to ensure that the dumping(倾销) of the American film market in the world, the small village eventually became a huge film city on the outskirts of Los Angeles, Hollywood also has virtually become(在无形中成为) synonymous(代名词) with the American movie.


In 1853, Hollywood was only one house.1870, has become a thriving farmland.1886 Harvey Wilcox, real estate agents in suburban Los Angeles to buy a piece of 0.6 square kilometers of land.Mrs.Wilcox a trip to hear a man next to her said she was from Ohio, a place called Hollywood, and she liked the name, returned to California, her Scottish shipped a large number of holly tree planted here, her husband\'s farm was renamed the \"Hollywood\", so with a Hollywood name.In English the word means holly woods.威尔考克斯计划在这里建造一座小城,1887年2月1日他在地区政府正式注册此名。在他夫人的帮助下他得以铺设了今天的好莱坞大街做为城市的主街,在这条大街和其它大街的两旁种了胡椒树并开始出售产权。他的夫人募资建了两座教堂、一座学校和一座图书馆。为了使好莱坞名符其实,他们还进口了一些英国冬青,但这些植物在加州的气候下没有存活很久。

Mrs.Wilcox plans to built a small city, on February 1, 1887, he officially register this name in regional government.With the help of his wife, he was able to lay a Hollywood Street today as the city\'s main street, along both sides of the street and other streets have planted pepper trees and began to sell property.His wife raise built two churches, a school and a library.In order to make worthy of Hollywood, they have also imported some United Kingdom Holly, but plants in California\'s climate does not survive very long.到1900年,好莱坞已经有一间邮局、一家报社、一座旅馆和两个市场,其居民数为500人。10万人的洛杉矶位于市东11公里处。在好莱坞和洛杉矶间只有一条单轨的有轨电车。1902年,今天著名的好莱坞酒店的第一部分开业。1903年,此地升格为市,参加投票的177位有选举权的居民一致赞同以“好莱坞”为之命名。当年下的两条命令是:除药店外其他商店禁酒,及不准在街上驱赶数量多于200的牛群。1904年,一条新的被称为好莱坞大街的有轨电车开业,使好莱坞与洛杉矶间的往返时间大大缩短。1910年,好莱坞的居民投票决定加入洛杉矶。原因是这样他们可以通过洛杉矶取得足够的饮水和获得排水设施。

By 1900, Hollywood has a post office, a newspaper, a hotel and two markets, the number of its inhabitants is 500.10 million people in the City, East Los Angeles is located at 11 km.Between Hollywood and Los Angeles only a monorail tram.1902, today opened the first part of the famous Hollywood Hotel.1903, upgraded to a city in the land, 177 voting residents the right to vote unanimously endorsed the name \"Hollywood\" whom.Year under two commands: In addition to other shops outside the drugstore temperance, and the expulsion of more than 200 the number of cattle are not allowed on the street.In 1904, the opening of a new called Hollywood Avenue streetcar, greatly reducing the round-trip time between Hollywood and Los Angeles.In 1910, Hollywood residents voted to join the Los Angeles.The reason is so that they can obtain enough water through Los Angeles and drainage facilities.好莱坞不仅是全球时尚的发源地,也是全球音乐电影产业的中心地带,拥有着世界顶级的娱乐产业和奢侈品牌,引领并代表着全球时尚的最高水平,比如梦工厂、迪士尼、20世纪福克斯、哥伦比亚公司、索尼公司、环球公司、WB(华纳兄弟)等等这些电影巨头,还有像RCA JⅣE Interscope Records这样的顶级唱片公司都汇集在好莱坞的范畴之内,这里的时尚与科技互相牵制发展,自然是不造作的,拥有着深厚的时尚底蕴和雄壮的科技做支持,一直被全球各地争相模仿

Hollywood is not only the birthplace of the global fashion, but also the heart of the global music movie industry, has the world\'s top entertainment industry and luxury brands, to lead and represent the highest level of global fashion, such as DreamWorks, Disney, 20th Century Fox, Columbiathe film giant company, Sony, Universal, WB (Warner Brothers), and so on, as well as top record companies like the RCA J Ⅳ E Interscope Records this are brought together within the context of Hollywood, fashion contain each other and Technology development, naturalis not pretentious, and has a rich fashion heritage and majestic Technology support, has been imitated around the world.好莱坞最重要的景点之一就是位于好莱坞大道上的中国戏院,以知名明星的手印、脚印吸引各国游客到此一睹明星足迹。当然,更著名的就是好莱坞星光大道,这是条沿着美国好莱坞与藤街伸展的人行道,上面有2000多颗镶有好莱坞商会追敬名人姓名的星形奖章,以纪念他们对娱乐工业的贡献。

One of the most important attractions in Hollywood is located in the Chinese Theater on Hollywood Boulevard, a well-known star handprints, footprints to attract tourists to this country to meet the stars footprint.Of course, the famous Hollywood Walk of Fame, which is a stretch of sidewalk along the American Hollywood and Vine Street, above star medal over 2000 pieces inlaid with the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce chasing King celebrity name to honor their contribution to the entertainment industry.



Most noteworthy Hollywood logo, a word of it is the height of 13.7 meters, the well-known buildings in Los Angeles, we often see its shadow in Film and Television.

Understand about Hollywood, I believe that we all want to witne its elegance.I hope we have the opportunity to watch the perfect landscape.

That’s all.Thank you.


Good afternoon, everyone, my name is xxx.I am the general manager of the r&d department.Our Department is mainly responsible for products design and development and includes 50 employees.It occupies a very important position in the company.Besides, our department promotes the efficient functioning of the company by establishing Close contact with other departments.Today I feel very honor to represent our department to introduce our new products to you.

In recent time, we conducted a market research.According to the results, we found that nowadays people often choose Some famous brands such as channel .dior。It is obvious that they all have their own strong points.But recently, based on the different characteristics between men and women,Our company also launched our latest producttrue love miracle’s inspiration comes from the sun shone。Seen from the top of the bottle, its body is very Transparent, which shows age style and taste.The top note contains fresh gra incense and sweet fruit, which gives a person a feeling of pleasure.The middle note has a strong contrast between elegant mulan and unyielding chili.The fundamental key, it has the rose which can expre the Female sensibility to the fullest.

As to the Male perfume - power miracle, it shows a simple, fresh, natural style, which perfectly represent Men\'s hearts of nature and the vast.the fragrant air is very fresh .Its top note is green apple, the middle note is jasmine, and the base note is Vanilla.We believe in that it will be favored by male consumers.

In addition to the above mentioned, because Christmas is coming, we also plan to introduce the limited edition in order to memorize the festival, whose packaging is shown in the following figure: Seeing from the outward appearance, we choose red as the main color, which can cater to the festive atmosphere to a certain degree.Moreover, we Change the shape of the bottle to round.By doing this, our new product will looks more special and attract customers to center on it.In a word, we put a lot of effort in the design and packaging of new products.And we believe that our effort will not be wasted.


Lantern Festival falls on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.This is the first full moon of the new year, symbolizing unity and perfection.Lantern Festival is an important part of Spring Festival , and marks the official end of the long holiday.元宵节是农历正月的第十五天,这是新年的第一次满月,象征着和睦和团圆。元宵节是春节的一个重要组成部分,也象征着春节长假的正式结束。

元宵节习俗英文介绍:Eating Yuanxiao吃元宵

Yuanxiao is the special food for the Lantern Festival.It is believed that Yuanxiao is named after a palace maid, Yuanxiao, of Emperor Wu Di of the Han Dynasty.Yuanxiao is a kind of sweet dumpling, which is made with sticky rice flour filled with sweet stuffing.And the Festival is named after the famous dumpling.It is very easy to cookand eaten as a deert.元宵是元宵节的特色食品。据说,元宵是因汉武帝时期的一位名叫元宵的宫女而得名。元宵是一种带馅儿的甜食,是由糯米粉加上甜的馅料制成。元宵节就是因此食品得名。元宵的烹制方法非常简单,将元宵倒入装满沸水的锅中煮几分钟就可以了。

Gueing lantern riddles元宵节习俗:猜灯谜

\"Gueing lantern riddles\"is an eential part of the Festival.Lantern owners write riddles on a piece of paper and post them on the lanterns.If visitors have solutions to the riddles, they can pull the paper out and go to the lantern owners to check their answer.If they are right, they will get a little gift.The activity emerged during people\'s enjoyment of lanterns in the Song Dynasty (960-1279).As riddle gueing is interesting and full of wisdom, it has become popular among all social strata.猜灯谜也是元宵节活动的一个基本组成部分。灯笼的所有者将谜语写在一张纸条上,然后将纸条展示在灯笼上。如果赏灯者猜出谜语,就将纸条取出,然后找灯笼所有者确认答案。打对的话,他们就可以领取一份小礼品。这个活动起源于宋朝(960——1279)。猜灯谜活动极富情趣和智慧,因此在全社会广受欢迎。

Watch fireworks 元宵节习俗:看烟火

In the daytime of the Festival, performances such as a dragon lantern dance, a lion dance, a land boat dance, a yangge dance, walking on stilts and beating drums while dancing will be staged.On the night, except for magnificent lanterns, fireworks form a beautiful scene.Most families spare some fireworks from the Spring Festival and let them off in the Lantern Festival.Some local governments will even organize a fireworks party.On the night when the first full moon enters the New Year, people become really intoxicated by the imposing fireworks and bright moon in the sky.元宵节的白天会有舞龙舞狮、划旱船、扭秧歌、踩高跷。而在晚上,除了各种大型灯会,灿烂的焰火也是一幅美丽的画卷。很多家庭在春节时会留下一部分烟花等着元宵节放。有的地方政府甚至会组织焰火晚会。当新年的第一轮圆月升上夜空时,人们都会因燃放的烟火和空中的明月而兴奋。


New Zealand is an island country in the south-western Pacific Ocean comprising two main landmaes (the North Island and the South Island) and numerous smaller islands, most notably Stewart Island and the Chatham Islands.The indigenous Māori name for New Zealand is Aotearoa, commonly translated as land of the long white cloud.The Realm of New Zealand also includes Tokelau; the Cook Islands and Niue (self-governing but in free aociation); and the Ro Dependency, New Zealand\'s territorial claim in Antarctica.新西兰是由两个主要的自转 (北岛和南岛) 和许多较小的岛屿组成的西南太平洋岛屿国家最引人注目的是斯图尔特岛和查塔姆群岛。新西兰土著毛利人名称是教徒,通常译为长白云之乡。新西兰的领域还包括托克劳 ;库克群岛、纽埃 (自由结盟的自治但) ;和罗斯属地,新西兰的南极的领土主张。

New Zealand is geographically isolated, situated about 2,000 kilometres (1,200 mi) southeast of Australia acro the Tasman Sea.Its closest neighbours to the north are the Pacific islands of New Caledonia, Fiji and Tonga.The country\'s sharp mountain peaks owe much to the earthquakes and volcanic activity caused by the clashing Pacific and Indo-Australian Plates.The climate is mild and temperate and most of the land was originally covered in forests of podocarp, kauri or southern beech.During its long isolation New Zealand developed a distinctive fauna dominated by birds, a number of which became extinct after the arrival of humans and introduced mammals.新西兰是地理上的孤立,位于约 2000 公里 (1,200 mi) 东南的澳大利亚跨塔斯曼海。其最接近的邻国向北太平洋岛屿新喀里多尼亚、斐济和汤加。该国的锋利的山峰,归功于地震和火山活动引起的矛盾冲突的太平洋和印度-澳大利亚板。气候是温和和温带和 podocarp、贝壳或南部的山毛榉林原本覆盖着的大部分土地。在其长期隔绝,新西兰开发独特的动物以鸟类为主,其中若干绝种了人类抵达后和介绍哺乳动物。

Polynesians settled New Zealand in 1250–1300 AD and Europeans first made contact in 1642 AD.In 1840 a treaty was signed between the Māori and British, making New Zealand a colony of Britain.The colony became self governing in 1852 and was made a Commonwealth realm in 1947.During liberal reforms in the 1890s New Zealand became the first country to extend voting rights to women and to develop a system of compulsory arbitration between unions and employers.Elizabeth II, as the Queen of New Zealand, is the country\'s head of state and is represented by a Governor-General.The Queen\'s role is limited and executive political power is exercised by the Cabinet, led by the Prime Minister.New Zealand has close ties with Britain, Australia, the United States and several Pacific Island nations.原住民定居新西兰 1250–1300 AD 和欧洲人第一次做的接触 1642年广告。1840 年毛利人和英国,使新西兰的英国殖民地之间签署了一项条约。香港成为自我规管在 1852年和 1947 年了英联邦的境界。在 1890 年代自由化改革在新西兰成为了延长妇女的投票权,工会与雇主之间强制仲裁制度发展的第一个国家。作为新西兰女王伊丽莎白二世,是国家的国家元首,并由总督。女王的角色是有限和由内阁由总理行使行政的政治权力。新西兰有着密切的联系,与英国、澳大利亚、美国和几个太平洋岛国。

New Zealanders enjoyed one of the highest standards of living in the world until the stagflation of the 1970s.The county underwent major economic changes during the 1980s, transforming from a protectionist economy to a liberalised free-trade economy.The economy is highly dependent on trade, particularly in agricultural products.The majority of New Zealand\'s population is of European descent; the indigenous Māori are the largest minority followed by Asians and non-Māori Polynesians.English, te reo Māori and New Zealand Sign Language are the official languages, with English the most prevalent.Much of New Zealand\'s culture is derived from the Māori and early British settlers, although recently it has been broadened by globalisation and immigration from the Pacific Islands and Asia.

新西兰享有世界最高标准的生活之一直到 20 世纪 70 年代的滞涨。县经历了八十年代,从贸易保护主义的经济开放的自由贸易经济转型的重大经济变化。经济是高度依赖贸易,特别是在农业产品。新西兰人口的大多数是欧洲人后裔 ;其次是亚洲人和非毛利人原住民最大的少数民族土著毛利人。英语,选举事务处 te 毛利人和新西兰手语为官方语言,学英语最普遍的。新西兰的文化的大部分来源于毛利人和早期英国定居者,虽然最近它已扩大经济全球化和移民来自亚洲和太平洋岛屿。

New Zealand

Island country, South Pacific Ocean.Area: 104,454 sq mi (270,534 sq km).Population (2005 est.): 4,096,000.Capital: Wellington.Most of the people are of European origin; about one-tenth are Maori, and some are Pacific Islanders and Chinese.Languages: English, Maori (both official).Religions: Christianity (Protestant, Roman Catholic); also Buddhism, Hinduism.Currency: New Zealand dollar.New Zealand consists of the North Island and the South Island, which are separated by Cook Strait, and several smaller islands.Both main islands are bisected by mountain ranges.New Zealand has a developing market economy based largely on agriculture (dominated by sheep raising), small-scale industries, and services.It is a constitutional monarchy with one legislative house; its chief of state is the British monarch represented by the governor-general, and the head of government is the prime minister.Polynesian occupation dates to c.AD 1000.First sighted by Dutch explorer Abel Janszoon Tasman in 1642, the main islands were charted by Capt.James Cook in 1769.Named a British crown colony in 1840, the area was the scene of warfare between colonists and native Maori through the 1860s.The capital was moved from Auckland to Wellington in 1865, and in 1907 the colony became the Dominion of New Zealand.It administered Western Samoa from 1919 to 1962 and participated in both World Wars.When Britain joined the European Economic Community in the early 1970s, its influence led New Zealand to expand its export markets and diversify its economy.New Zealand also became more independent in its foreign relations and took a strong stand against nuclear proliferation.The literacy rate is nearly 100%.The cultural milieu is predominantly European, although there has been a revival of traditional Maori culture and art, and Maori social and economic activism have been central to political developments in New Zealand since the late 20th century.

岛屿国家,南太平洋。面积: 104454平方米( 270534平方公里) 。人口( 2005年峻工) : 4,096,000 。首都:惠灵顿。大部分的人都是欧洲血统;约十分之一是毛利,有的太平洋岛民和中文。语言:英语,毛利语(官方) 。宗教:基督教(新教,罗马天主教) ;也是佛教,印度教。货币:新西兰元。新西兰分为北岛和南岛,而远隔库克海峡,和几个较小的岛屿。两个主要岛屿都是由行政院山脉。新西兰已发展市场经济主要基于农业(主要是养羊) ,小规模工业和服务业。这是一个君主立宪制的一个立法家;其主要国家是英国女王的代表总督府,政府首脑是总理。波利尼西亚入伙日期至c 。公元1000 。第一目光由荷兰探险janszoon阿贝尔塔斯曼在1642 ,主要岛屿共绘由上尉詹姆斯库克于1769 。命名了英国的直辖殖民地, 1840年,该地区被现场战之间殖民者和土著毛利人通过1860 。首都迁移至奥克兰,惠灵顿于1865年,并在1907年殖民地成为统治纽西兰。它经管西萨摩亚从1919年至1962年,并参加了两次世界大战。当英国加入欧洲经济共同体在70年代初期,其影响力率领新西兰扩大其出口市场的多元化和经济的发展。新西兰也变得更加独立,其对外关系和采取了强硬立场,反对核扩散。识字率几乎是百分之一百。文化氛围是欧洲为主,虽然出现了复苏的毛利人的传统文化与艺术,而毛利人的社会和经济活动都被中央政治发展在新西兰自20世纪后期。


Handan is a medium-sized city located in the southern part of Hebei Province .It lies at the east foot of Taihang Mountains (太行山), and borders the North China Plain (华北平原) in the east.it is in the communication center of Hebei, Henan , Shanxi and Shandong provinces. Handan has a history of more than 2,500 years, and is considered one of China\'s historical and cultural cities’.It was the capital of the Zhao Kingdom (赵国) in the Warring States Period (战国时期).It is also a commercial centre during the Western and Eastern Han Dynasties (西汉和东汉).There are many renowned historical figures such as the First Emperor of China, Qinshihuang (秦始皇), Emperor Wuling (武灵王) of the Zhao Kingdom, Lian Po (廉颇) and (蔺相如), etc As a notional historical and cultural city, Handan is the hometown of idiom and allusions, There ore over 500 Chinese idioms and allusions derived from Handan including the following typical ones: Riding and shooting in Hu\'s garbs, carrying rod to ask for punishment(负荆请罪).imitating another without succe and losing what used to be own ability(邯郸学步). As we all know beautiful girls always come from Handan.Xishi, do you know? Yeah, she is the best beautiful girls in ancient china.Her beauty is said to be so extreme, that while leaning over a balcony to look at the fish in the pond.The fish would be so dazzled that they forgot to swim and gradually sunk away from the surface.Birds would forget to fly and fall down from the sky, The moon would fade, and flowers would close their petals in shame in comparison to her. (Thus the idiom 沉鱼落雁,闭月羞花, which is used to compliment somebody,s beauty). Nowadays, Handan has a very good reputation, It is called an \"Excellent Tourism City (优秀旅游城市)\", \"National Garden City (国家园林城市)\", \"National Double-supported Model City (全国双拥模范城市)\", \"the Hometown of Idiom and Allusions (成语典故之都)\", \"the City of Prose (散文之城)\" and “the Cradle of Tai Chi (太极之乡)\".Handan is also approved by the State Council (国务院) with local legislative power. Welcome to Handan and enjoy its beautiful landscape and culture.

idiom and allusions Riding and shooting in Hu\'s garbs --(胡服骑射)

Returning the jade intact to the state of Zhao --(完璧归赵)

The story \"The General and the Premier Make Up

--- (将相和)\".The carriage return alley Carrying rod to ask for punishment --(负荆请罪)

Imitating another without succe and losing what used to be one\'s own ability --(邯郸学步) Volunteering one’s service (毛遂自荐); Relieving the besieged by besieging the base of the besiegers (围魏救赵); No one picks up and pockets anything lost on the road (路不拾遗); Embracing a woman on his breast, one has no indecent feeling (坐怀不乱); Worth a couple of towns together (价值连城); When the snipe and the clam grapple, it is the fisherman who stands to benefit (鹬蚌相争, 渔翁得利); Burning one\'s own way to retreat and being determined to fight to the end (破釜沉舟); The proverbial Lord Ye who claimed to be fond of dragons was in fact mortally afraid of them ( 叶公好龙).


