
2022-10-11 来源:其他范文收藏下载本文





The president said it was not easy to manage a company,___(1)___ that the financial crisis (金融危机) ____(2)___the difficulties.However,the dormitory (宿舍) for the workers must ___(3)___and they would __(4)____a toilet ___(4)____each room.The week before,he___(5)___all the expenses and the total____(6)___more than 100,100 yuan.

【答案】(1)adding(补充说) (2)added to(增加)(3)be added to(扩建)(4)add…to(把……加到……上)(5)added up(把……加起来)(6)added up to(加起来的总和是,共计)



Though the public are against the parks ___(收门票) before they ___(许可进入)it,the park ___(不承认)that they are making a profit from the public.

【答案】 charging for admiion;are admitted into;make no admiion



He is a good __(1)__and he always __(2)__on how to learn English well,which helps me a lot.He _(3)_(建议朗读英语)in the morning.He also __(4)__(建议我写英语日记)every day to improve my writing.

【答案】 (1)advisor (2)gives me some advice (3)advises reading English aloud (4)advises me to keep an English diary



This private school __(1)__(不许睡觉)in cla.The teachers __(2)__(不许学生上课聊天).If a student breaks the rule,the teacher __(3)__(不让他进教室).In a word,this private school __(4)__(不许违反规定) of school rules.

【答案】(1)doesn’t allow sleeping (2)won’t allow the students to chat in cla (3)won’t allow him into the claroom (4)doesn’t allow violation



The salesman __(1)__the child __(2)__(buy) the cigarette in the store though the store rules didn’t __(3)__it.What’s more,he__(4)__him __(5)__(bring) more clamates here.As a result,his store was closed because in our country,cigarette __(6)__sell to the people under 18.

【答案】(1)allowed(2)to buy(3)permit (4)advised (5)to bring(6)is forbidden to



Seeing everyone ____at the ____joke,he kept silent,finding it was easier to___others than to___.

【答案】was amused;amusing;amuse;amuse himself



The workers,who __(1)__(为……而争论)their own rights,__(2)__(同……争论)the bo for a few days,but failed to __(3)__him __(4)__(说服……做某事)giving them a rise in wages.1

【答案】(1)argued for (2)argued with (3)argue (4)into



She looked at me as if she __(1)__:I__(2)__then and nothing could__(3)__.So she came to stand beside me,saying,“Wish you good luck,but you must__(4)__that I am waiting for you to come back.”

【答案】(1)had read my mind (2)had made up my mind (3)change my mind (4)keep it in mind

9.come up(M1U2)


The other day when I was walking in the street,I __(1)__Wang Lei,an old friend of mine.

She told me a story of his brother’s.He once saw a dog __(2)__a boy,which made the boy die of a disease related to a dog disease.At that time,he __(3)__the idea to learn medicine and find a cure for the disease.In the next 10 years,he __(4)__a lot of difficulties and his dream finally __(5)__.Last month,his experiment for the drug __(6)__very succeful and it was predicted that the number of people who can benefit from his research will __(7)__1,000,000 a year.

【答案】(1)came acro (2)come at (3)came up with (4)came over (5)came true (6)came out

(7)come to


As the youngest __(1)__,John had to competed __(2)__the writing contest __(3)__30 other top students __(4)__the annual award of writing.So he must be very __(5)__so that he could win in the __(6)__.

【答案】(1)competitor (2)in (3)with/against (4)for (5)competitive (6)competition


①competition:可指各种形式的比赛与竞赛,如reading competition,che competition等。 ②race:指速度上的竞赛,如relay race;horse racing等。

③game:指有一定规则的比赛或游戏,也可指多局比赛中的其中一局。其复数形式可指大型体育运动会。如:Asian Games;Olympic Games等。

④match:指体育代表团之间较重大的公开竞技赛事,如football match等。


Jack was disappointed to lose the 100 metre __(1)__last Saturday,but to her great joy,he won the writing __(2)__this morning.Now the 2008 Olympic __(3)__are being held in Beijing and Jack is watching the volleyball __(4)__between China and Cuba.

【答案】 (1)race (2)competition (3)Games (4)match



Besides doing his research work,Profeor Li ___(1)__(从事) social work.For example,he __(2)__(关心) world peace and human progre.He also made it clear that his research work should __(3)__(与……有关)the farmers’ income because __(4)__,to increase the farmer’s income is of greater importance than anything else.

【答案】(1)concerns himself with/in;or:is concerned with/in

(2)shows concern about/for;or:is concerned about/for

(3)be concerned with;or:concern

(4)as far as he is concerned



Though he __(1)__(对他现在的薪水不满意),he is __(2)__(安于现状).As a matter of fact,a beer every meal __(3))__(足以使他满意了).

【答案】(1)isn’t content with his present salary (2)content to remain where he is now (3)is enough to content him

14.declare (M7U2)


When George Bush __(1)__Saddam Huein __(2)__a dictator(独裁者)and he decided to __(3)__Iraq,many people in the world__(4)__war and they __(5)__that Bush was a trouble-maker.

【答案】 (1)declared (2)to be (3)declare war on (4)declared against (5)declared



To Anne’s great joy,she was finally __(1)__Jack,her husband.After many years’ struggle,she gained her __(2)__and could totally __(3)__herself to lead a new life.

【答案】 (1)independent of (2)independence (3)depend on

16.every two days/every other day/every second day每两天


She was chosen as chairman of the union on the basis of her ability (由于她的能力)and in order to know more about the situation of the union,she decided to hold a meeting __(2)__(每两个月) on a regular basis.

【答案】(2) every second month



One day,I was having lunch at a five-star hotel,when a waiter told me that he __(1)__the cup I broke __(2)__the bill.What a me!I totally didn’t __(3)__what on earth happened.At last,he didn’t __(4)__the money,but I decided never to eat there.

【答案】(1)had figured (2)in (3)figure out (4)figure up



It was reported that two peasant workers __(1)__(被迫) work 14 hours a day but with little money.One of them couldn’t stand it and one of them __(2)__(强行前进或进入) the bo’s house and killed him.The others__(3)__(强迫)a bank clerk __(4)__(hand)in the money.

【答案】(1)were forced to (2)forced his way into (3)forced (4)into handing



Two years ago Andy filled in a __(1)__and became a member on his city basketball team where he could receive __(2)__training.He practised hard and was __(3)__good__(4)__,so he did win the respect of others.But last year he ate too much fat__(5)__chocolate and ice cream and he became fatter and fatter and __(6)__.Therefore he was fired when the team decided to__(7)__,which made his __(8)__fans quite disappointed.

【答案】(1)form (2)formal (3)in (4)form (5)in the form of (6)out of form (7)reform (8)former





【答案】 Shenzhen imprees tourists from home and abroad.First,they have a good impreion on the city’s road and traffic.Besides,the city imprees its friendline and hospitality upon their mind.Above all,many places of interest in this city are very impreive,such as Window of the World,the Happy Valley and so on.

21.in danger of


Last month Jane was seriously ill and was __(1)__.Thanks to the doctors,she received the operation in time and so she was __(2)__at last.Unfortunately,when she came back to the factory,she learned that she was __(3)__losing her job because the bo thought she was too weak to do the work.

【答案】(1)in danger (2)out of danger (3)in danger of



John is famous for __(1)__stories.When he was young,he was so poor that nobody

would__(2)__with him and even looked down upon him,so one day he __(3)__to be wealthy.He went to London hoping to __(4)__.At first,he __(5)__by helping people write letters.It was hard work and persistence that led to his succe.

【答案】(1)making up (2)make friends (3)made up his mind (4)make money (5)made his living

23.mean(M8U1 means)


When I was young,Mother always __(1)__me to do extra exercises and my brother

__(2)__practice playing the piano.We __(3)__ give up,but Dad told us persistence__(4)__succe.

【答案】(1)meant (要求某人做)(2)was meant to(被要求做)(3)meant to(打算做) (4)meant(意味着)



The other day,my husband __(1)__buy a coat as he thought it was too long.However,the aistant tried hard to __(2)__me __(3)__the good quality and fashionable style of it.Therefore,I couldn’t help__(4)__buying it.So you can see how easy it is__(5)__a woman __(6)__things that aren’t suitable for her.

【答案】(1)persuaded me not to (2)persuade (3)of (4)being persuaded into (5)to persuade (6)to buy/into buying

25.poeion n.(M6U1 poe)



【答案】 He took poeion of a lot of jewels from Mr.White,so he had poeion of a lot of wealth.However,he later found the poeion of wealth didn’t bring happine.So he sold all the wealth in his poeion and went to the country to live a simple life.



As Tom wasn’t interested in his leons,whenever there was an exam,he would __(1)__(假装生

病).Last week,he__(2)__(假装头痛)when the teacher was going to give a quiz.He __(3)__(假装痛得厉害)during the quiz.An hour later,when the quiz was finished,he__(4)__(假装好了).

【答案】(1)pretend that he was ill/pretend to be ill (2)pretended a headache (3)pretended to be suffering great pain (4)pretended to have recovered



She__(1)__to collect some money for these poor children.Everybody knew she had never __(2)__before.That is,once she__(3)__,she would try her best__(4)__.So they all believed the poor children would have a __(5)__future.

【答案】(1)promised (2)broken her promise (3)made a promise (4)to keep it/to carry it out/to keep her promise (5)promising

28.put in prison(M1U5)


Tom__(1)__once__(2)__for killing his wife.After he __(3)__for three years,he tried__(4)__.However,the police captured him and thus he__(5)__again.

【答案】 (1)was (2)put/thrown/cast in prison (3)had been in prison (4)to break out of prison

(5)was taken to prison



She said that ___(1)__(没有理由要她) to do the same job for so long and she could not __(2)__(说出理由)for her absence from work.So __(3)__(有充分的理由推断)that they were right to say she was considering changing her job.

【答案】(1)there was no reason for her (2)explain the reason (3)there was every reason to reason



She__(1)__(没有放回原处)the cup after using it,so it fell to the ground and was broken,which made her very disappointed.Her husband suggested __(2)__(用塑料杯取代它)so that it wouldn’t be so easy to be broken,but she said nothing could__(3)__(替代)this cup as it was made over 1,000 years ago.

【答案】(1)didn’t replace (2)replacing it with a plastic one (3)replace



The millionaire decided to __(1)__(立遗嘱)when he could still think clearly,because with a lot of difficult problems __(2)__(要解决),the newly-elected CEO is having a hard time.Sometimes he was so upset that he could not __(3)__anything(安下心来做某事).He sincerely hoped to __(4)__where nobody knew him.

【答案】 (1)settle down his affairs (2)to settle (3)settle down to (4)settle down



Mr.Wang and Mrs.Li agreed on the contract finally.They __(1)__each other to__(2)__the deal,with their hands __(3)__slightly __(4)__joy.

【答案】(1)shook hands with (2)shake on (3)shaking (4)with



Mr.Green was the only__(1)__who__(2)__(在地震中幸存).He told us he__(3)__a bottle of mineral water.Everyone said his__(4)__was a miracle.

【答案】(1)survivor (2)survived the earthquake (3)survived on (4)survival



__(1)__Joan and I were good friends.She was a kind girl and I could go to her for help __(2)__I had any difficulty because I knew she would always slove the problem __(3)__.Joan was clever,and __(4)__she was diligent.She liked to finish her homework __(5)__and then she could have time to practise writing.Joan also liked walking.__(6)__we would take a walk along the river bank after supper.Joan had a good memory.One day she recited more than twenty long poems __(7)__when we were walking along the river.

【答案】 (1)At one time (2)at any time (3)in time (4)at the same time (5)ahead of time (6)From time to time (7)at a time



My mother never __(1)__doing housework and likes to ask me to help her,though I __(2)__doing it.But sometimes when I see my mother __(3)__without any complaint,I will blame myself and determine I won’t have her __(4)__doing housework.

【答案】 (1)tires of (2)get tired of (3)tire out (4)be tired with



The company used to have 230 clerks in __(1)__and their income __(2)__50,000 yuan per year.But last year things changed __(3)__and the products could not be sold out.Most of the workers became out of work,which made them in __(4)__despair.

【答案】(1)total (2)totaled (3)totally (4)total



He thought it was really __(1)__that he was caught cheating in the maths examination.Since the school __(2)__cheating,he got zero in maths.Besides,he lost his face to stand in front of all the students in his school to say sorry for his mistake.During the whole winter holiday,he was __(3)__.At last he __(4)__:to leave this school and began his new life.He knew he must be __(5)_to himself if he wanted to succeed.

【答案】 (1)tough luck (2)took a tough line on (3)having a tough time (4)made a tough decision




As a mother,I __(1)__(突然很想帮助他),I wanted __(2)__(敦促他采取行动).I should also __(3)__(主张他先订一个可行的计划).Of course,I __(4)__(会鼓励他获取成功).

【答案】(1)had a sudden urge to help him

(2)to urge him to take action

(3)urge that he should make a practical plan at first

(4)would urge him on succe



2009-6-22 11:26 【大 中 小】【我要纠错】



A culture of one nation may become international, which is beneficial for all mankind.Since China has opened its doors widely to the outside world, many people from different countries want to visit China.They will come to accept and love Chinese culture as a whole.In addition, Chinese culture should be shared generously with foreign people, who show great interest in it.Meanwhile, as more and more foreigners come to China, they bring aspects of their own culture to share with the Chinese people.In this way, people from various nations in the world will be able to acquire a better understanding of each other and live peacefully together.一个国家的文化可能成为世界文化,这对全人类都有益。由于中国已经向外界敞开了国门,许多来自不同国家的人都希望来看一看中国。他们会开始接受并喜欢整个中国文化,中国文化应该大大方方地让感兴趣的外国人分享。与此同时,随着来中国的外国人越来越多,他们也把他们自己的文化带给了中国人。这样,世界各国的人们就能够更好地相互理解、和平相处。


The rapidity of the population„s aging has made it more urgent for the adoption of countermeasures.No doubt, the key is to build a solid economic foundation.Meanwhile, importance should be attached to overall social progre by changing the backward situation in social security, welfare and service.What‟s more, family care and community services should also be encouraged.





As is shown in the chart, the average hours a student spends using computers has grown up tremendously.For one thing, from 1990 to 1995, the average hours that students spent on computers in every week only doubled.For another, in 2000, college students averagely spent 20 hours per week on computers, which is five times as large as that of 1995.It is obvious that college students become more and more crazy about computers.


Recently, we often hear complaints about dishonesty.What amazes us most is that a lot of students cheat in exams.And people seem to get accustomed to many dishonest behaviors.We can see that there are dishonest practices in all walks of life.Nowadays, 描述现象.For one thing,支持这一道理的一个方面.For another,支持这一道理的另一方面.It is obvious that 指出现象具有典型性的一面.描述背景段模板 With the development of the H.R.market, the interview is becoming more and more important in job-seeking.So it is of great importance for us to master skills on interview.On the one hand, the interviewer can know about the candidates in the interview.On the other hand, the interviewee can get neceary information directly from the interviewer.


It so happened that one day we were having an English cla in the language lab.Just at the moment, my clamate Lucy next to me fell unconscious suddenly.It impreed me most because her face was so red that it seemed to be burning.What happened next was moving and unforgettable.


Many examples can be found to prove it.Take the English study as a typical example.(举一个例子).People can learn the words and grammatical rules well only if they follow the saying “practice makes perfect”.(展开句).Furthermore, more practice will make us use a computer more skillfully.(进一步具体阐述) Many examples can be found to prove 主题.Take 例子 as a typical example, 阐述例子.People 人们的习惯做 法.Furthermore, 其他相关的事实.A case in point is 提出具体的例子.This is close to suggest 深入探讨这一事例.It is true that 重申理论的正确 性.In addition, 其他相关的事实.

5 说明原因段

There are many reasons explaining these dishonest behaviors.The main reason is that countle people neglect the moral values in pursuit of their own interests.What is more, we lack effective laws and regulations of supervision so that a great many dishonest people can escape punishment.As a result, the problem of dishonesty becomes very serious.The reasons of 主题 lie in several aspects./ Many remarkable factors contribute to 主题.Firstly/ first of all, 理 由一.Secondly/ In addition, 理由二.Finally, 理由三. 6说明方法段

We have figured out many ways to know the outside world.Firstly, we can learn about the world from ma media such as TV and the Internet.Secondly, social service is another good choice for us.Thirdly, we can also conduct investigations in factories and villages.As is known to all, there are many ways 主题.First of all, 解决方法一.Furthermore,解决方法二.Last but not least,解决方法三.


It is well known that 论点.The truth of it is self-evident.No one can deny 观点的理论依据.Therefore, 总结句.It is believed that 论点.The truth is deep and profound.As we know, 观点的理论依据.Consequently, 总结句.It is well known that we should not hesitate to say “No” on many occasions.(提出观点) The truth of it is self-evident.(强调观点的显明性)No one can deny that when we are unable to offer help, we should say “No”.(进一步说明观点) Therefore, a direct reply “No” should be used to avoid misunderstanding among us.(总结句) It is well known that practice makes perfect.(通过点题突出论点)The truth of it is self-evident.(说明观点的 正确性)No one can deny that the more you practice the more skillful you will be.(解释观点) Therefore, we should be down-to-the –earth and practice a lot before we can actually acquire some skills.(总结句)


A test of spoken English will be included as an optional component of the College English Test.This news causes a heated debate over the neceity of the test.(点明争论焦点)There are mainly two kinds of opinions.(指出 存在两种观点)It is commonly accepted that such a test in China is very neceary.(观点一)In contrast, others think it unneceary.(观点二) There is a heated debate over 争论焦点.There are mainly two kinds of opinions.It is commonly accepted that 观点一.In contrast, others 与观点一对立的观点二.Different people will offer quite different ideas 争论焦点.There are mainly two kinds of opinions.Many people aert 观点一.However, others believe 与观点一对立的观点二.There is a heated debate over


As I understand, 我的看法或偏好.On the one hand, 个人看法的依据一.On the other hand, 个人看法的依据 二.In conclusion, 个人的结论或文章的结论.As to me, I prefer 我的看法或偏好.First, 个人看法的依据一.Second, 个人看法的依据二.In a word, 个人的 结论或文章的结论.There is no doubt that 观点在日常生活中的体现.That is because 支持观点的理由.So it is 行动的重要性 for us to 应采取的行动.In conclusion, 总结全文.All mentioned above tells us 重申观点.As a matter of fact, 观点在日常生活中的体现.There is no denying that 结论.In short, 总结全文.There is no doubt that the skills for the job play a decisive role.That is because skills enable a person to cope well with his future work.So it is important for him to show all his abilities to the interviewer.In conclusion, a qualified candidate must give an excellent performance.(非第一人称总结)



















































1、I don’t think that there is anything maively disruptive about this shifting sense of community.The continuing search for connection and shared enterprise is very human.But I do feel uncomfortable with our shifting identity.The balance has tipped, and we seem increasingly dependent on work for our sense of self.If our offices are our new neighborhoods, if our profeional titles are our new ethnic tags, then how do we separate ourselves from our jobs? Selfworth isn’t just something to measure in the marketplace.But in these new communities, it becomes harder to tell who we are without saying what we do.

2、Onward and upward was the course she set.Small progre was no excuse for feeling satisfied with yourself.People who stopped to pat themselves on the back didn’t last long.Even if you got to the top, you’d better not take it easy.“The bigger they come, the harder they fall” was one of her favorite maxims.It wasn’t the gin that was shouting.It was my mother.The gin only gave me the courage to announce to them that yes, by God, I had always believed in succe, had always believed that without hard work and self-discipline you could never amount to anything, and didn’t deserve to

3、With no idea what to do next, I resolved literally to “sail off into the sunset,” following the coastline from Connecticut to Florida.But somewhere off New Jersey I turned due east, straight out to sea.Hours later, I climbed up on the stern rail and watched the dark Atlantic slip beneath the hull.How easy it would be to let the water take me, I thought.Everyone, at some point, will suffer a lo — the lo of loved ones, good health, a job.“It’s your ‘desert experience’ — a time of feeling barren of options, even hope,” explains Patrick Del Zoppo, a psychologist and bereavement specialist with the Archdiocese of New York.“The important thing is not to allow yourself to be stranded in the desert.”

4、Happine is never more than partial.There are no pure states of mankind.Whatever else happine may be, it is neither in having nor in being, but in becoming.What the Founding Fathers declared for us as an inherent right, we should do well to remember, was not happine but the pursuit of happine.What they might have underlined, could they have foreseen the happine market, is the cardinal fact that happine is in the pursuit itself, in the meaningful pursuit of what is life-engaging and life-revealing, which is to say, in the idea of becoming.A nation is not measured by what it poees or wants to poe, but by what it wants to become.

By all means let the happine-market sell us minor satisfactions and even minor follies so long as we keep them in scale and buy them out of spiritual change.I am no customer for either Puritanism or asceticism.But drop any real spiritual capital at those bazaars, and what you come home to will be your own poorhouse.

6、What they should say is “Don’t be afraid to fail!” Failure isn’t fatal.Countle people have had a bout with it and come out stronger as a result.Many have even come out famous.History is strewn with eminent dropouts, “loners” who followed their own trail, not worrying about its odd twists and turns because they had faith in their own sense of direction.To read their biographies is always exhilarating, not only because they beat the system, but because their system was better than the one that they beat.

Who is to say, then, if there is any right path to the top, or even to say what the top consists of? Obviously the colleges don’t have more than a partial answer — otherwise the young would not be so disaffected with an education that they consider vapid.Obviously busine does not have the answer — otherwise the young would not be so scornful of its call to be an organization man.

7、Fatherlene is the most harmful demographic trend of this generation.It is the leading cause of the decline in the well-being of children.It is also the engine driving our most urgent social problems, from crime to adolescent pregnancy to domestic violence.Yet, despite its scale and social consequences, fatherlene is frequently ignored or denied.Especially within our elite discourse, it remains a problem with no name.

Surely a crisis of this scale merits a name and a response.At a minimum, it requires a serious debate: Why is fatherhood declining? What can be done about it? Can our society find ways to invigorate effective fatherhood as a norm of male behavior? Yet, to date, our public discuion has been remarkably weak and defeatist.There is a prevailing belief that not much can or even should be done to reverse the trend.

10、I have always been intrigued by the African tribal maxim that it takes a village to raise a child.In a similar sense, I would argue it takes the whole campus community — students, faculty, and administrators — to effectively educate a student.If our only goal is to reduce cheating, there are far simpler strategies we can employ.But if we have the courage to set our sights higher, and strive to achieve the goals of a liberal education, the challenge is much greater.Among other things, it is a challenge to develop students who accept responsibility for the ethical consequences of their ideas and actions.Our goal should not simply be to reduce cheating; rather, our goal should be to find innovative and creative ways to use academic integrity as a building block in our efforts to develop more responsible students and, ultimately, more responsible citizens.Our campuses must become places where the entire “village” — the community of students, faculty, and administrators — actively works together to achieve this goal.

Having decided that sanctions do little more than to permanently mar a student’s record, an increasing number of schools are taking a more educational approach to academic dishonesty.They are striving to implement strategies that will help offending students understand the ethical consequences of their behavior.These strategies seem often to be win-win situations.Faculty are more willing to report suspected cheating, or to addre it themselves, when they understand that educational rather than punitive sanctions are likely to result.



1、I don\'t know what I do now is right, those are wrong, and when I finally die then I know these.So what I can do now is to try to do everything well, and then wait to die .Sometimes I can be very happy to talk to everyone, can be very presumptuous, but no one knows, it is but very deliberatelycamouflage, camouflage; I can make him very happy very happy, but couldn\'t find the source of happine, just giggle.



2、If not to the sun for smiling, warm is still in the sun there, but wewill laugh more confident calm; if turned to found his own shadow, appropriate escape, the sun will be through the heart,warm each place behind the corner; if an outstretched palm cannot fall butterfly, then clenched waving arms, given power; if I can\'t have bright smile, it will face to the sunshine, and sunshine smile together, in full bloom.



3、Time is like a river, the left bank is unable to forget the memories, right is worth grasp the youth, the middle of the fast flowing, is the sad young faint.There are many good things, buttruly belong to own but not much.See the courthouse bloom,honor or disgrace not Jing, hope heaven Yunjuanyunshu, has no intention to stay.In this round the world, all can learn to use a normal heart to treat all around, is also a kind of realm!



4、Swim, let nature cleanse your heart; read, let the words warmyour stillne; keep a raise, let free conditioning your exhaustion; put out of your mind, let things.Fun, let laughteraround your heart; sing, let the song expre your memories; let a let, let pa to retain your tolerance; say, let you unlock your doubts; look, let the distance from your hope.



5、The sun, not only from the sun, but also from our hearts.Have a heart of the sun, can see the bright side of the world; there is sunshine in the heart, with the wrong people heart to heart; the heart of sunshine, even in a sad day, will retain the warmth andenthusiasm; the heart of sunshine, can improve the quality of life.Self-confidence, tolerance, give, love, gratitude, let the heart of the sun, illuminate the little drops of life, the heart of the sun, the sun makes the fate.



6、Childhood is a cup of coffee, drink a people lead a person to endle aftertastes; childhood is a book, each page is a record of our hours of the paions; childhood is a cup of tea, after drinking, the mouth is also revealing the sweet taste; childhood is a painting, we have a colorful life picture.An insect, a toy, a discovery, a quarrel.Not worth mentioning are full ofhappine, the pursuit of dreams and.Childhood innocence,unforgettable years.



7、Sometimes you dream to be a kind of happine, sometimes the dream is also a kind of happine; sometimes is a kind of happine, sometimes the lo is also a kind of happine;sometimes succe is a kind of happine, sometimes failure is also a kind of happine.Sometimes the rich is a kind of happine, sometimes poverty is also a kind of happine.\"Not happy\" today, now can not be \"happy\", while it may be tomorrow or later become \"happine\"!



8、Sometimes when we don\'t want to work, sometimes will suddenlywant to drink, sometimes you want to travel alone, sometimes you want to get married.There are so many thoughts in our minds, but just think about it.Perhaps we really need some courage, for some sudden ideas to try.Maybe, it will give you a big surprise!

















2.为什么解读关键词?让含蓄、有多种象征意味的词变得显豁明白 使自我常在



蓄势、勃发 优秀片段欣赏——




供探讨的语段—— 语段一:


——摘自作文《沉潜后飞跃》 语段二:



了解“别人的观点”,可以在立论时用“不是,不是,而是”这类句式从侧面阐释自己的观点,使观点立得更稳。(特别适合思辨性题目) 多走一步




我主张多走一步,不是不辨方向地走,不是不管实力大小地走,也不是没有目的地走,而是在方向正、实力强、目的明的条件下多走一步。 ——摘自广州一模优秀作文















所谓“憋”,依我管见,至少有熬、悟、磨三层意思。(中心观点分解) 先说“熬”。 „„




——摘自傅笑千《蓄势未必勃发,不蓄势定难勃发》 升格稿——





(1)观点与材料圆合得可以更细腻一些。 片段一:


——作文 片段一升格:






——作文片段 片段二----升格






——作文《勃发需蓄势,蓄势造勃发 》片段
































——作文《蓄势三千只为勃发之美 》片段







“怎么做”出彩的方法就是比较。 示例:



美文:交 友 之 道(片断)(张保振)














——红岭中学刘禺岑作文片段 在“我怎样”这一角度用力:高分作文的秘诀之一


















火山不是每时每刻都在喷发,大海不是每时每刻都在咆哮,不断积蓄力量,在最好的时刻爆发,这是大自然原本就有的道理,在人类社会同样通用。(类比开篇) 蓄势,就是韬光养晦。将自己的锋芒、气场收敛起来,慢慢积累力量,等候勃发的时机。勾践做到了,所以“三千越甲可吞吴”;姜子牙做到了,所以“愿者上钩”的故事流传千古;刘裕做到了,所以这个卑微的北府士兵摇身变为刘宋王朝的开创人,(面例)就像足球比赛中罚点球时,如果没有完美的助跑,何来那令人叫绝的射门?蓄势,正需要人沉静下来,在看似并不显著的运动中积累力量,迎接壮美的勃发。(分析论证,语言有力度。)

蓄势,决不可安于蓄势。多少人在蓄势的过程中忘记了蓄势的目的是为了勃发。数学中有一个名词叫“拐点”,到达拐点,曲线或上升就下降。有的人就在快到达拐点时失去方向,忘记了勃发才是蓄势的初衷,于是在时机来临的那一刻,他们的前势泻尽,人生成为一条减函数的曲线。为了不安于蓄势而忘记了勃发,岳鹏举背上刺字“精忠报国”,时时鞭策自己不要苟且于日日操练的例行公事,而要将剑尖指向金人,与之搏命。他明白自己的使命是杀敌,而朝廷让他练兵的目的只是主降派为消磨自己斗志的伎俩。他的确在练兵,他的岳家军声名远播,但他在该冲锋时毅然冲上,在血与火的较量中让生命的热血勃发。(对比论证) 蓄势,只为那一刻的勃发。在蓄势的过程中,需要人付出的实在太多——时间、金钱,有时甚至是生命——但并不能因此认为不值得。对于一个民族,一个国家,一种文明来说,蓄势不但必要,而且是唯一的兴盛繁荣之路。经历了巨大屈辱的中国和中华文明,它失去了无数仁人志士的宝贵生命,屡次置于绝境,它默默地忍受,在沉默中隐忍,它要在沉默中爆发。蓄势多年的中国,正等待勃发的时机。(由个人到一个民族,一个国家,一种文明;与前文构成层进式结构。) 夜半时分,昙花静静地开,艳冠群芳。然而它的绽放、它的勃发又是如此惊心动魄——蓄势半生的它,只为这一刻。(点题,语言隽永。) 蛰伏的力量

冬小麦的种子在雪地里蛰伏一个冬季,才有春天破土而出的力量;弓箭的弦充分拉伸,才有穿墙裂石的神力;也如同南极的企鹅有了笨拙的沉潜才划出那优美的弧线,每一次蛰伏是力量的积蓄,每一次力量的积蓄后才能拥有勃发的惊艳。 蛰伏是积蓄能量的一种方式,但并非是单纯静止不前而是沉默中自我磨砺。陶行知在学术研究上被笑称“十口柴扉九不开”,但他坚定“十口柴扉九不开”的信念默默钻研,终于在教育界留下绚丽的光辉;林肯在成为总统前体会过各种底层人民的生活如当洗碗工、报童等,可他在艰苦中积累经验,关注民生终成美国总统史上光辉的英雄;当今的无臂钢琴师刘伟数年来以脚练琴,最终在“中国达人秀”的舞台上一举成名。他们如同沉潜的企鹅感受到来自水的压力,但仍不气馁,一直寻觅最合适的温度与水压,最后展示在人们面前的是完美一跃,昂然勃发。 选择在适时蛰伏是一种睿智的达观与勇气。当没有可以攀爬的前肢却还想当北极熊,只会是“以若所为求若所欲,如缘木求鱼”,当个人缺乏有利于已的时机、工具或者外部条件,明智地选择沉潜才能积攒下足够的力量,为日后的勃发寻找完备的助推器。我很欣赏刘翔在北京奥运会的退赛,因为他明白蛰伏的力量。蛰伏与退出并不等价,蛰伏是勃发的前提与铺垫。如同一管弹簧,受到了下压的力后才会释放向上的反作用力,蛰伏的力量在于给予勃发施展反作用力的机会。 适时的勃发才能给蛰伏带来最美的谢幕。蓄而不发,引而不拉是功亏一篑的怅惘。人们遗憾,牙买加老将奥蒂以37岁高龄奔跑,却仍梦碎雅典;项羽在鸿门宴放走刘邦,最终乌江自刎„„其实,勃发是对蛰伏的必备诠释,勃发才能给蛰伏后的力量一个归宿。





倘若说蓄势是低姿态的奋斗,那么勃发便是高姿态的出彩。倘若说蓄势是滴水的积累,那么勃发便是穿石的质变。勃发不需要额外的谦让,需要的是毛遂自荐的勇气。一鼓作气,再而衰,三而竭。蓄势到了一定程度,集聚的力量如即将离弦之箭,此时不发,尚待何时?邓亚萍寒窗苦读,一把把脱落的头发,宿舍里成堆的学习器材,春节期间的速冻饺子,这些数不清的蓄势酿造了她今日耀眼的勃发。即便是一丝丝的拖延,也会使蓄势付诸东流。不实现勃发,蓄势是徒劳。 然而,蓄势并非易事,勃发更非一般。正如企鹅沉潜,潜得越深,海水所产生的压力变越大,同时,所获得的浮力也越大。这一复杂矛盾的过程在蓄势上展露无遗,同时也透露一个信息:在蓄势时,险阻的大小和力量的大小成正相关。长征的二万五千里是摆在红军面前做大的磨难与险阻,然而也正是如此,他们缔造了长征精神,播种下了革命的种子。因此蓄势需要革命的精神。

勃发的瓶颈在于度的把握。火候太小,汤便不熟,火候太大,汤便成焦。恃才旷物的文人最终落得个死无全尸的下场,这种现象不为少数。隐忍谦让的人才最终落得个无人欣赏的下场,这种想象更不为少数。因此勃发需要胆大心细的品质。 蓄势与勃发从不落单,他们不是孪生兄弟,却形影不离。勃发需要蓄势,蓄势造勃发,识物始终,也不过如此。



















①From the picture (graph, chart, table, pie, bar), we know that 图表内容总概括).②On the one hand, the left/first picture tells us that 情况一,图一/表一的内容).③On the other hand, (the right/second)picture informs

us that 情况二,图二/表二的内容).④It can easily be seen that



①As is vividly shown/described/depicted in the cartoon/picture,

图表内容总概括).②In the first picture,

描述图/表一内容,如果是一个表,则可左或上半部分).③As is shown in the second

drawing/picture, 描述图/表二内容,如果是一个表,则右或下半部分).④It is safe to draw the conclusion

that 提示寓意,或主题句,回应主题但不是主题句的重复).



①Judging from the pictures, we can clearly infer that the drawer’s intention

is 主题句).②

(扩展句).③For one thing/First of all/Firstly,

第一个层面).④For another/Besides/Moreover/In addition/Secondly, 第二个层面).⑤Thus/As a result/Therefore/Finally,



①To begin with, the purpose of the drawings is to show us that 主题句),yet the symbolic meanings subtly conveyed should be taken more seriously.

(扩展句)is naturally aociated with, to be specific 第一个层面).③Besides/Moreover/In addition,

第二个层面)。④As a result/Therefore,




①There are many reasons responsible for this phenomenon/case/instance and the following are the typical ones.

② The first reason is that

理由一).③The second reason is that

理由二).④The third reason is that/A case in point is that/The typical example

is that 理由三).


①There are many reasons to explain/explaining the effect/phenomenon/case/instance.②The most contributing one is/the main reason

is no other than 理由一).③What is more,


(理由三)also play a role in this case.



①Considering all these reasons/this situation/Confronted with such a problem, I think we need to take some positive measures.②On the one hand, 方法/建议一).③On the other hand, it is neceary for us to

方法/建议二).④Thus/Only in this way, can



①In order to improve the situation/To sum up the above argument/Confronted with such an iue/problem, we should find several solutions to it/need to take some positive measures.②On the one hand/For one thing, we should

方法/建议一).③On the other hand/For another, 方法/建议二).④Therefore/Thus/Only in this way, can




Accordingly, it is vital for us to derive positive implications from these though-provoking drawings.②On the one hand, we can frequently use them to

enlighten that 主题).③On the other hand, we should be sensible enough to

观点/态度).④Only by

段落总结句), and only in this way can we have a brilliant future.[/u




1.问题解决型:2010年6月、2010年12月 2.观点对比型(利弊分析):2011年6月 3.现象阐述型:2009年12月 一:观点对比型作文必背 以2011年6月真题为例

现象描述段:思路:引出话题(时间副词+伴随状语+there be举行/现在进行时 + 具体描述 第一段(2—3句)

(主题)①In contemporary world, it has become a prevalent trend for individuals to ……

Nowadays/Recently/Currently/In recent years, with the rapid development of society/science and technology ,……

……there is an increasing concern on+话题 can increasing number of SB’s are concerning/discuing/paying attention to+话题

②In the meanwhile, an increasing number of people find it convenient and inexpensive…… People’s view on……vary from person to person Different people hold different attitudes toward……this new phenomenon/this newly emerged phenomenon.Attitudes towards……vary from person to person There are different opinions among people as to…… People may have different opinions on……

③Taking a look around, we can find a great many…… 利弊分析段:思路:观点+理由1+理由2+观点2+理由1 第二段(5句)

(利)A number of people favor online shopping.In their eyes, without it, it is impoible for them to……In addition, they argue that……can help them expand their scope of……and enrich…… (弊)Even so, others hold a different view that……carries some risks.Firstly, it calls for time, energy and money to……; however, the quality of……is not always as satisfactory as expected.Besides, what worries many shoppers is that…… ④A host of SB’s insist/hold the idea that……+观点

⑤First and foremost……+理由1(to begin with, initially, first of all) ⑥Moreover,+理由2(Secondly/On second though/Furthermore/what’s more/additionally/in addition ⑦/⑧However, other SB may argue that……+观点=(exports/scholars/profeors+ believe that……+理由解释)

建议总结段:思路:陈述看法+原因解释+结论重申 第三段(3句)

(主题句)As a……, I am convinced that there are various ways in which we can enhance (建议 1)First, it is eential that regulations should be worked out and enforced to regulate

(建议2)Then, we should educate, advocate and encourage our friends, clamates, and acquaintances to……If we try our utmost to do so, the future of……will be promising, hopeful and rosy.我的看法补充 ⑨From my point of view, it is more reasonable to support the first opinion rather than the second I cannot entirely agree with the idea that……

In my opinion, it is more advisable to do……rather than…… I sincerely believe that……

Personally, I am standing on positive/negative side of…… As far as I am concerned, I prefer the former/latter idea ⑩This is simply because+理由阐释

11From what I have mentioned above, it is not difficult to come to the conclusion that+重申观点 Taking all these factors into account/consideratont, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that……

Hence/Therefore, we’d better come to the conclusion that…… 二:问题解决型必背范文 以2010年12月真题为例

Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short eay entitled How Should Parents Help Children to Be Independent? You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below.1.目前不少父母为孩子包办一切 2.为了让孩子独立, 父母应该……

两个提纲 三个提纲  三个功能段落 1.目前不少父母为孩子包办一切 2.该现象产生原因

3.为了让孩子独立, 父母应该……

首段现象描述: 1.目前不少父母为孩子包办一切

(主题句)In contemporary society, it has become a trend for many parents to do everything for their kids: food, clothes, tuition, and even marriage.(事实描述)In the meanwhile, an increasing number of children find it difficult or troublesome to live on their own without parents.(举例描述)Taking a look around, we can find a great many parents and children like this. 2.该现象产生原因

(主题句)It is evident that the causes of this phenomenon is diverse.(原因1:家庭)To begin with, the change of family structure is the root cause.(原因1体现)A typical example of this is that in most families, there is only one child who is loved by not only parents, but also grandparents.(原因2)In addition, the incorrect sense of parents’ love constitutes another major cause.(原因2体现)To be specific, as parents, they are convinced that loving means giving children all they want. 万能原因补充

①In addition, social prejudice/ignorance/ emphasis / concern plays a critical role in this matter/iue.

②Furthermore, the related policy being carried out in China (does not) enables ____ to attach importance to _____.

3.为了让孩子独立, 父母应该……

(主题句)There are various ways in which parents can help their teenagers to be independent.(建议1) First, it is suggested that parents should strengthen the awarene of loving children appropriately.(建议2)Then, they should educate, advocate and encourage their kids to deal with their own problems independently in life and study.(展望未来)If all parents can try their utmost to do so, the future of our next generation will be hopeful, promising and rosy. 总结:

现象、原因、建议、危害、利弊分析逻: 一个中心,四个基本点:

以孩子(学生、事件)为中心,以家长(老师、相关人员)、家庭(学校、管理机构)、社会、法规(道德意识)为基本点 三:现象阐述型必备范文 以2009年12月之真题为例

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short eay on the topic of Creating a Green Campus.You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below: 1.建设绿色校园很重要(意义段:利)

2.绿色校园不仅指绿色的环境…(现象段:描述) 3.为了建设绿色校园,我们应该…(建议段) Creating a Green Campus 1.建设绿色校园很重要(意义段:利)

The idea of “Green Life” has gained wide popularity among Chinese people, and it is of great significance for universities to build green campuses.Without green environment, it is impoible for college students to have an enjoyable life in the Ivory Tower.In addition, green campus may broaden/consolidate students’ awarene of environmental protection.2.绿色校园不仅指绿色的环境…(现象段:描述) 主题句:In addition to the green environment, green campuses also refer to students’ behaviors or ethics.However, (举例) taking a look around, we can find a great many examples of inappropriate behaviors:(排比) some discard litters everywhere; some students cheat in tests; some waste food on canteens; some are always late for claes; some guys even watch pornographic or violent films in dorms.In fact, it has become a trend for many students to turn a blind eye to their own bad acts.3.为了建设绿色校园,我们应该…(建议段)

(主题句)Accordingly, it is imperative for us to take measures to maintain green campuses.(建议1法规)First, it is eential that regulations should be worked out to ban these negative behaviors.(建议2发动群众)Then, we should educate, advocate and encourage our clamates, friends and acquaintances to refuse all uncivilized acts.(未来展望) If we try our best to do so, the future of our college life will be hopeful, promising and rosy.通顺、连贯、句子结构词多变

1) 句子衔接:and, but, so; however, nonethele 2) 逻辑衔接:起承转合

起:In contemporary society, on many campuses, currently, first, to begin with, first and foremost, first of all 承: Second, Third, Last, Next, Then, finally, meanwhile, in addition, furthermore, besides, in the first /second place, for one thing, for another, last but not the least 转:However, but, on the contrary, On the other hand, yet , although, by contrast, while, whereas, instead, neverthele, otherwise 合:(因此)As a result, Therefore, Thus, hence, accordingly, consequently, as consequence, as a result; (总之):In a word , In short, on the whole, in conclusion, to sum up, in brief, in summary, to conclude, to summarize




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综上所述,段落写作对于还处于基础性语言表达能力学习阶段的中小学生的作文训练而言具有实实在在的可操作性意义。它激发了学生的探究欲望和表达欲望,绝大部分学生因此变得有话可说,有话可写,敢于说话,敢于作文,而且还能“言之有物、言之有序、言之有情”。需要强调的是,加强“段落写作训练”,要按照语文课程标准对写作教学的要求,针对学生的实际情况,合理地设置作文训练的序列,有台阶、有梯度,善启善诱,循序渐进,在引导学生“悟法”的同时,要进一步使之夯实生活和思想情感的“底子”,实现写作技能训练和生活积累同步发展。 参考文献:



[3]张国东:《段落训练──—作文训练的轻骑兵》,《语文教学之友》2004年第12期。 [4]鲁迅:《不应该那么写》,见刘国正、陶伯英编:《中国近现代名家作文论》,文心出版社1992年版,第79页。












假设分析法和因果分析法的写作方法。 教学时间:1课时 教学过程:










首先,我们来认识一下议论文的主体段。这是一个标准的议论文例证段。 (投影)例1坚持就是胜利。(观点句)面对困难和险阻,唯有坚持,勇于永不言弃,才有可能成功。(阐释句)欧立西为了发明一种新药,坚持进行实验,失败了,总结教训再干,一直实验了606次,才获得了成功,制出了以实验次数命名的新药606。(材料句)新药的问世是坚持的结果。假如欧立西仅仅实验一次,失败后就撒手不干了,新药当然不会问世。就是他实验了605次,失败了以后不再坚持,也绝不可能有新药的制成;(分析句)正是因为他坚持到了最后,才获得了最后的胜利。(总结句)

(1)学生默读例段。 (2)指名朗读。




1、观点句特点:位置 段首 句式 简洁的陈述句 数量 一句。句末标点 句号





答案示例:论点一: 逆境出人才;阐释一般简短。多是多内涵上和因果上作解释:逆境因其充满艰难与困苦而更能考验和磨炼人的精神和意志。或:灾难是真理的第一程。——拜伦。奇迹多是在厄运中出现的。——培根。 阐释句既直到解释观点句的作用,又起来引出材料句的作用。并且,如果观点句文字较多,较具体,也可不用阐释句。

论点二:有志者,事竟成。阐释:远大的志向可以催人奋进,成就人生壮丽的诗篇。或:苏轼云,古之立大事者 不惟有超世之才 亦必有坚忍不拔之志。







分析:事例为观点服务。观点为主,事例为宾。思考本事例中直接关乎逆境的内容,关乎成就的内容。 修改:逆境出人才。逆境因其充满艰难与困苦而更能考验和磨炼人的精神和意志。西汉司马迁因替投降匈奴的李陵辩解而被汉武帝处以“宫刑”,身体受到摧残,精神受到折磨,曾经痛不欲生。但为了实现自己的理想,他忍辱负重,经过前后十六年含辛茹苦,用生命写成巨著《史记》。



3、要点提示: 概括事例材料要求


要点:不要细节描写 删除无关情节



1、学会讲理第一招——假设分析法(投影) (1)怎样讲理呢?回看前例。 (投影)例1坚持就是胜利。(观点句)面对困难和险阻,唯有坚持,勇于永不言弃,才有可能成功。(阐释句)欧立西为了发明一种新药,坚持进行实验,失败了,总结教训再干,一直实验了606次,才获得了成功,制出了以实验次数命名的新药606。(材料句)新药的问世是坚持的结果。假如欧立西仅仅实验一次,失败后就撒手不干了,新药当然不会问世。就是他实验了605次,失败了以后不再坚持,也绝不可能有新药的制成;(分析句)正是因为他坚持到了最后,才获得了最后的胜利。(总结句)

师生找出段落中讲道理的句子,分析讲道理的方法。 假设条件

仅仅实验一次,失败后不干了 观点的对立面 推导结果





观点的对立面 推导结果



原则:围绕论点,寻找对立面。思路:反面假设→ 结果展示→正面强调。












本段论点 结果















要求 ①要有事实论据


第12篇:教案21 段落写作(推荐)



一、复习提问 段落结构分析


第一节 段落简介 1.1段落

段落是构成文章的一组句子。段落必须表达完整的意思:或描写事物(describe something),或争论某事(argue about something),或对某事提出疑问(question something),或要求什么(demand something),或给事物下定义(define something),或驳斥某观点(reject something)。 1.2典型段落的构成

一个典型的段落通常由三部分组成:(1)主题句(the topic sentence);(2)说明或支持主题的扩展句( supporting sentences);(3)结论句(the concluding sentence)(有些段落没有该部分)。 示范段落1-1 We all know that cigarette smoking is a dangerous habit because it causes health problems. Doctors say it can be a direct cause of cancer of the lungs and throat and can also contribute to cancer of other organs. In addition, it can bring about other health problems such as heart and lung diseases. It is clearly identified as one of the chief causes of death in our society. 1.3示范段落分析


主题句: We all know that cigarette smoking is a dangerous habit,because it causes health problems.

扩展句: 1. Doctors say it can be a direc cause of cancer of the lungs and throat and can also contribute to cancer of other organs.

2. It can bring about other health problems such as heart and lung diseases. 结论句: It is clearly identified as one of the chief causes of death in our society.

从以上提纲可见,主题句提出了一个问题: What kind of health problems does cigarette smoking cause?随后的两个扩展句回答了这个问题,结论句总结了扩展句并再一次强调主题句。 Exercise 1-1 Directions: Read the following paragraphs and find out the topic sentence,

- 1 –



the supporting details and the concluding sentence, if there is one.

(1)The need for wildlife protection is greater now than ever before.About a thousand species of animals are in danger of extinction,,and the rate at which they are being destroyed has increased. With mammals, for instance, the rate of extinction is now about one species every year; from A. D. 1 to 1800, the ratewas about one species every fifty years. Everywhere, men are trying o solve the problem of preserving wildlife while caring at the same time for the world’s growing population.

Topic Sentence:____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Details: 1.________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ 2._______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Concluding Sentence:________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

(2)The Americans and the British not only speak the same language but also share a large number of social customs.For example, in both America and England, people shake hands when they meet each other for the first time. Also, most English men will open a door for a woman or offer their seat to a woman, and so will most Americans. Promptne is important both in England and in America. That is, if a dinner invitation is for 7 o’clock, the dinner guest either arrives close to that time or calls up to explain his delay. Topic Sentence:________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Details: 1.______________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 2._______________________________________________________________________________________________________3.________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Concluding Sentence:________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

(3)Birds use many different materials to build nests.Some birds use bits of

- 2 –



gra. The tailor-bird of Africa and India uses gra to sew leaves together. Other birds find twigs and pebbles useful. Topic Sentence:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Details:

1._______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2._______________________________________________________________________________________________________3.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Concluding Sentence:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________

第二节 主题句简介


作者的首要任务是让读者知道所写段落要谈的是什么,这就是每段的主题句的作用。因此主题句应该阐明段落的主要思想,所有支持主题句的细节和描述都与这一主要思想有关。 2.2主题句的形式


1)肯定句(Affirmative Sentence)

Example: The need for wildlife protection is greater now than ever before. 2)反诘句(Rhetorical Sentence)

Example: How do you think people will solve the problem of wildlife protection?


Example: And the workingman? 初学者最好使用肯定句作为主题句。 2.3主题句的位置

主题句出现的位置有以下四种情况: 1)段首(At the beginning)


- 3 –



2)段末(At the end)

用推理方法展开段落时,主题句往往位于句末。 3)段中(In the middle)

有时为了使段落多样化,主题句也可以居于段中。 4)隐含(Implied)

有时候,尤其在写叙述性或描写性段落时,当所有的细节都围绕着一个显而易见的主题时可以不用主题句。 Exercise 2-1 Directions: Read the following paragraphs and identify the topic sentence. If it is implied, summarize it yourself.

(1)But no matter what it is called, all polyester has certain good points. It does not wrinkle easily. It dries quickly after it is washed. It holds its shape. It is strong and keeps its colors well.

Topic Sentence:____________________________________________ Position:________________

(2)Black is the colour of mourning. Red symbolizes danger,violence,or bloodshed. If you are afraid, you are yellow. None of these sayings is true outside the English speaking world. In China and Korea, white is the color of mourning. In Ruia red stands for beauty and life. In Italy and Germany you are yellow with anger,not with fear.

Topic Sentence:_____________________________________________ Position:__________________

(3)Our chief source of fresh water is rainfall that collects in lakes,rivers, and reservoirs. Recently, however, we have discovered anew source, aquifers, which are rock formations containing water.Even under deserts, vast aquifers may be waiting to be tapped.Companies drilling for oil in the Middle East have sometimes struck aquifers, which provide unexpected water supplies for arid regions.

Topic Sentence:____________________________________________ Position:_____________

(4)Suppose you’re playing a game. You make a silly mistake and lose. Do you become angry? Or can you laugh at yourself and hope to do better next time? Suppose you are at a special dinner.You accidentally spill some food.Why keep worrying about how clumsy you look?Why not laugh it off

- 4 –



and enjoy yourself anyway?If you can, it’s good sign you\'ve really grown up.

Topic Sentence:____________________________________________ Position:____________

(5)Young men sometimes bring edelwei back for their girlfriends. The girls think of the flowers as a proof of true love.Mountain climbers, guides, and hunters pick edelwei too.They wear it on their hats. To them it is a sign of courage and daring.

Topic Sentence:____________________________________________ Position:____________

第三节 如何写好主题句

3.1关于写主题句的建议 1)要写合乎语法的句子

Example 1: Two causes of the American Civil War.

这个句子是个不完整的句子,不合乎语法,因此不能用作主题句。 Example 2: There were two causes that led to the American Civil War. 重写后的句子合乎语法,是个较好的主题句。 2)要使用限写词限定主题


Example 3: Air travel is more convenient than train for at least three reasons. 从上例主题句我们得知作者将要写“air travel”( topic),他将要把 “train”( aspect)和“ air travel”作比较,并且陈述“reasons”。由此可见,作者在“aspect”(方面)和“reason”(原因)两方面限制他的主题。 3)要注意主题的可写性

所定的主题不能太笼统,也不能太具体。 Example 4: In Hemingway\'s story “Soldier’s Home”,Krebs tells his mother that he wants no part of God\'s Kingdom.

这个句子太具体以至于无东西可写,无法展开段落。 Example 5: In Hemingway\'s story “Soldier’s Home”, Kreb is a lonely, cynical veteran.


- 5 –





- 6 –



Youth Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshne of the deep springs of life.

Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human being’s heart the lure of wonder, the unfailing childlike appetite of what’s next and the joy of the game of living.In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wirele station: so long as it receives meages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the Infinite, so long are you young.------

Risks To laugh is to risk appearing the fool.To weep is to risk appearing sentimental.To reach out for another is to risk involvement.To expose feelings is to risk exposing your true self.To place your ideas and your dreams before a crowd is to risk their lo.To love is to risk not being loved in return.To live is to risk dying.To hope is to risk despair.To try is to risk failure.But risks must be taken, because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.The person, who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing and is nothing.This person may avoid suffering and sorrow, but cannot learn, feel, change, grow, love, live.Chained by attitudes he is a slave; and forfeited freedom.Only a person who risks is free.


To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

Ecclesiastes 3:3


Bleed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Bleed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.Bleed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.Bleed are they which do hunger and thirst after

righteousne: for they shall be filled. Bleed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.Bleed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.Bleed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the

children of God. Bleed are they which are persecuted for righteousne\' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Bleed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. --Matthew 5:3-11 ------

Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread.And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever.Amen.

--Matthew 6:9-13 ------

First they came for the communists, and I didn\'t speak out because I wasn\'t a communist.Then they came for the socialists, and I didn\'t speak out because I wasn\'t a socialist.Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn\'t speak out because I wasn\'t a trade unionist.Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me.

--Martin Niem?ller ------

An Anonymous Poem After a while you learn the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul, And you learn that love doesn’t mean leaning and company doesn’t mean security,

And you begin to learn that kies aren’t contracts and presents aren’t promises,

And you begin to accept your defeats with your head up and your eyes open, with the grace of an adult, not the grief of a child, And learn to build all your roads on today because tomorrow’s ground is too uncertain for plans.After a while you learn that even sunshine burns if you get too much.So plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.And you learn that really can endure…that your really are strong, And you really do have worth.


Happine Consists in Love

Who can say in what remotene of time, in what difference of earthly shape, love first comes to us as a stranger in the jungle? We, in our human family, know him through dependence in childhood, through poeion in youth, through sorrow and lo in their season.In childhood we are happy to receive; it is the first opening of love.In youth we take and give, dedicate and poe—rapture and anguish are mingled, until parenthood brings a dedication that, to happy, must ask for no return.All these are new horizons of content, which the lust of holding, the enemy of love, slowly contaminates.Lo, sorrow and separation come, sickne and death; poeion, that tormented us, is nothing in our hands; it vanishes.Love’s elusive enchantment, his ubiquitous presence, again became apparent; and in age we may reach a haven that asking for nothing knows how to enjoy.


Mystery We are all still romantics at heart.The romantics give us back our moon, for instance, which science has taken away from us and made into just another airport.Secretly we all want the moon to be what it was before—a mysterious, hypnotic light in the sky.We want love to be mysterious too, as it used to be, and not a set of psycho-therapeutic rules for interpersonal relationships.We crave mystery even as we forge ahead toward the solution of one cosmic mystery after another.



Unit 1Para 11--12page 4

We had wanted to let him know that no matter how difficult things got in the world, there would always be people who cared about him.We ended up reminding ourselves instead.

For Jimmy, the love with which we sang was a welcome bonus, but mostly he had just wanted to see everyone else happy again.

Just as my father\'s death had changed Jimmy\'s world overnight, September 11th changed our lives; the world we\'d known was gone.

But, as we sang for Jimmy and held each other tight afterward praying for peace around the world, we were reminded that the constant love and support of our friends and family would get us through whatever life might present.The simplicity with which Jimmy had reconciled everything for us should not have been surprising.

There had never been any limitations to what Jimmy\'s love could accomplish.

Unit 2Para 10 page 10

If iron levels are low, talk with a physician to see if the deficiency should be corrected by modifying your diet or by taking supplements.In general, it\'s better to undo the problem by adding more iron-rich foods to the diet, because iron supplements can have serious shortcomings.Supplements may produce a feeling of wanting to throw up, and may be poisonous in some cases.The best sources of iron, and the only sources of the form of iron most readily absorbed by the body, are meat, chicken, and fish.Good sources of other forms of iron include dates, beans, and some leafy green vegetables.

Unit 3Para 14 page 60

Commitment among parents is a key ingredient in the Hyde mixture.For the student to gain admiion, parents also must agree to accept and demonstrate the school\'s philosophies and outlook.The parents agree in writing to meet monthly in one of 20 regional groups, go to a yearly three-day regional retreat, and spend at least three times a year in workshops, discuion groups and seminars at Bath.Parents of Maine students have an attendance rate of 95% in the many seions.Joe and Malcolm Gauld both say children tend to do their utmost when they see their parents making similar efforts.The biggest obstacle for many parents, they say, is to realize their own weaknees.

Unit 4Para 9-10 page 89

Grant Wood instantly rose to fame in 1930 with his painting American Gothic, an

often-copied interpretation of the solemn pride of American farmers.The painting shows a serious-looking man and a woman standing in front of a farmhouse.He was strongly influenced by medieval artists and inspired by the Gothic window of an old farmhouse, but the faces in his composition were what captured the world\'s attention.

Wood liked to paint faces he knew well.For the grave farmer he used his dentist, a sour-looking man.For the woman standing alongside him, the artist chose his sister, Nan.He stretched the models\' necks a bit, but there was no doubt who posed for the portrait.Nan later remarked that the fame she gained from American Gothic saved her from a very boring life.

Unit 6Para 7 Page 148

Although scientists still cannot predict earthquakes, they are learning a great deal about how the large plates in the earth\'s crust move, the strees between plates, how earthquakes work, and the general probability that a given place will have an earthquake.Someday soon it may actually become poible to predict earthquakes with accuracy.However, even if prediction becomes poible, people who live in areas where earthquakes are a common occurrence will still have to do their best to prevent disasters by building structures that are resistant to ground movement and by being personally prepared.These precautions can make a great difference in saving lives and preventing the lo of homes.Education concerning how to survive an earthquake should be a major emphasis for all government programs and earthquake-related research projects.

Unit 9Para 3 Page 229

Prenuptial agreements-or “prenups”-are designed to addre these problems as they arise.Prenups are negotiated by lawyers for the prospective spouses ,and signed before a minister binds then in marriage.They have been gaining in acceptance in the United States since the early 1980s,when more states began paing laws that affected the division of financial aets in a divorce.The laws are based either on “community property”(split evenly) or on “reasonable distribution” (whatever a

judge thinks is “fair”).



l Enhance Awarene to Guard against Campus Thefts “If you don’t want to wake up and find you have no pants to wear, you’d better put them on in sleep,” goes a popular joke among students.Obviously, campus thefts have become increasingly annoying as they occur far more often than before.And it seems that the thieves are le choosy these days, with their targets ranging widely from bikes, cell phones, purses, pre-paid IC cards to sunglaes, bags, and even underwear.In short, anything that worth a dime is likely to be stolen.What makes students the easy targets? The reasons are not hard to find.But I believe of all these reasons, the lack of anti-theft alertne is the most important one.For lack of alertne, the students tend to leave the doors and windows wide open during sleep at noon or at night in summer.For the same reason, they’ll also leave their bikes unlocked outside a store or by a road, or forget to take away their personal stuff before they go out of the claroom to make a phone call.These acts undoubtedly have increased their exposure to the light-fingered monsters.In order to minimize poible loes, the students must stay on guard in the first place, as awarene of the thefts around often makes a big difference.To be more specific, the students should not hide any tempting amount of cash in the dorm.Put it in the bank instead.Besides, do not leave any valuable items unattended.Take them wherever you go.In addition, it’s advisable to develop a neighbourhood watch programme with other students in the dorm and neighbouring dorms.第一段思路点评:

陈述校园盗窃案件发生的情况 语言点提示:

it seems that此句型表示一种可能性 第二段思路点评: 说明被盗原因 语言点提示:

(1)What makes students the easy targets?此句引出下文 (2)anti-theft alertne防盗意识 (3)lack of alertne缺乏警惕






要求考生从一个主题出发,按照提纲的要求进行写作。对这类题型,通常分为三个步骤来写: 第一段、总结描述

先用一句话描述当今社会的某种现象或者事物,并且用简单的话扩展说几句: 主题句+扩展句 第二段、举例说明现象

主题句+举例1+举例2+举例3 第三段、表明自己的观点并结束全文 在结尾的时候,一定要表明自己的观点。


Directions:For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Pollutions.You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline below:




[DIY写作模板:架构阶段] 第一段:

主题句:________has become a serious problem about which we worry.扩展句:

1、Wherever we turn, we find ________.

2、And this is threatening the survival of the human race.第二段:

主题句:The real problem with _______ is _____.扩展句:

1、It is ____ that _____.

2、It is also _____ that ________.

3、Ironically, it is _______ itself that _____.第三段:

结尾句:We must do something to solve _____.扩展句:

1、First of all,we must let everyone see the imprtance of ____.

2、Then we _____

3、Only when everyone makes a joint-effcet to ____can this problem be solved.[DIY写作模板:填充阶段] 第一段:

主题句:Pollution has become a serious problem about which we worry.扩展句:

1、Wherever we turn, we find pollution: polluted air, polluted water, polluted food and polluted environment.

2、And this is threatening the survival of the human race.第二段:

主题句:The real problem with pollution is people.扩展句:

1、It is people that throw millons of tons of waters into rivers, lakes and seas.

2、It is also people that destroy biologic balance of nature.

3、Ironically, it is the people themselves that must breathe, eat and drink their own pollutants.第三段:

结尾句:We must do something to solve our environmental problems.扩展句:

1、First of all,we must let everyone see the imprtance of keeping our enviroment clean.

2、Then we make more strict laws to protect our surroundings from being spoiled.

3、Only when everyone makes a joint-effcet to eliminate pollution can this problem be solved.


Pollution has become a serious problem about which we worry.Wherever we turn, we find pollution: polluted air, polluted water, polluted food and polluted environment.And this is threatening the survival of the human race.

The real problem with pollution is people.It is people that throw millons of tons of waters into rivers, lakes and seas.It is also people that destroy biologic(生物的 生物学的) balance of nature.Ironically [aiE5rCnikEl](说反话的 讽刺的), it is the people themselves that must breathe, eat and drink their own pollutants(污染物质).We must do something to solve our environmental problems.First of all,we must let everyone see the imprtance of keeping our enviroment clean.Then we make more strict laws to protect our surroundings from being spoiled.Only when everyone makes a joint-effcet to eliminate pollution can this problem be solved.


要求考生从正反两个方面来论证某一观点,对这类题型,通常分为四个步骤来写: 第一段、文章开头,简单一下事件

第二段、阐述提纲中列举的第一种看法,给出理由或者举例说明: 主题句+理由/举例1+理由/举例2+理由/举例3 第三段、阐述提纲中列举的第一种看法,给出理由或者举例说明: 主题句+理由/举例1+理由/举例2+理由/举例3 第四段、表明自己的观点结束全文 在结尾的时候,一定要表明自己的观点。 第二部分、正反观点题型作文DIY写作范文练习[实战演练]

Directions:For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic China Jointing WTO.You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline below:




[DIY写作模板:架构阶段] 第一段:文章的开头

开篇句句:________finally succeeded in _____ after many's efforts.扩展句:_____ will influence _____ greatly.第二段:表达正面观点

主题句:____ brings ____ many benefits and opportunities.扩展句:

1、As _____ , ______ can ______.

2、What's more, __________.第三段:表达反面观点

主题句:Every thing has two aspects.扩展句:

1、___ can also bring us some challenges.For example, ______.

2、In addition, it will be more difficult for _____ to _____, as ____.第四段:结尾,表明自己看法

结尾句:However, ____ does more good than harm to ____.扩展句:What we should do is to ______.[DIY写作模板:填充阶段] 第一段:文章的开头

开篇句句:China finally succeeded in jointing the WTOafter many's efforts.扩展句:This eventwill influencethe economy in Chinagreatly.第二段:表达正面观点

主题句:Jointing the WTO brings China many benefits and opportunities.扩展句:

1、As a member coutry, China can enjoy many rights that can boost the development of the economy in China.

2、What's more, the Chinese people can buy productd of high quality with le pay.第三段:表达反面观点

主题句:Every thing has two aspects.扩展句:

1、Joining the WTO can also bring us some challenges.For example, some producers may be wiped out because of the intense competition.

2、In addition, it will be more difficult forus to get a job, as the requirement for the employees will become higher.第四段:结尾,表明自己看法

结尾句:However, this great event does more good than harm to us.

扩展句:What we should do is to improve ourselves to become qualified for certain positions and live a better life.第三部分、范文

China finally succeeded in jointing the WTO after many's efforts.This event will influence the economy in China greatly.Jointing the WTO brings China many benefits and opportunities.As a member coutry, China can enjoy many rights that can boost the development of the economy in China.What's more, the Chinese people can buy productd of high quality with le pay.Every thing has two aspects.Joining the WTO can also bring us some challenges.For example, some producers may be wiped out because of the intense competition.In addition, it will be more difficult for us to get a job, as the requirement for the employees will become higher.However, this great event does more good than harm to us.What we should do is to improve ourselves to become qualified for certain positions and live a better life.

社会问题(现象)式A.一个社会问题或者现象 B.产生的原因

C.对社会和我们生活的影响 D.如何杜绝。(如果是问题的话) E.前景的预测。

Nowadays, there exists an increasingly serious social/economic/environmental problem.(X has increasingly become a common concern of the public).According to a survey, 调查内容说明这种现象的情况。(或者是一个例子)。 There are a couple of reasons booming this problem/phenomenon.下面参照辩论式议论文写法。 X has caused substantial impact on the society and our daily life, which has been articulated in the following aspects.参照辩论式议论文的写法。 A dozen of measures are supposed to take to prevent X from bringing us more harm.同上Based on the above discuions, I can easily forecast that more and more people will ……..


When asked about…,the vast/overwhelming majority of people say that….But I think a bit differently.现象法:引出要剖析的现象或者问题然后评论

Recently the iue of the problem(phenomenon) of…has been brought to public attention.观点法:开门见山,直截了当地提出自己对要讨论的问题的看法。

Now people in growing/significant numbers are beginning to realize that…


模版1 Some people believe (argue, recognize, think) that 观点1.But other people take an opposite side.They firmly believe that 观点2.As for me, I agree to the former/latter idea.

There are a dozen of reasons behind my belief.First of all, 论据1. More importantly, 论据2. Most important of all, 论据3.

In summary, 总结观点.As a college student, I am supposed to 表决心. 或 From above, we can predict that 预测. 模版2

People hold different views about X.Some people are of the opinion that 观点1, while others point out that 观点2.As far as I am concerned, the former/latter opinion holds more weight. For one thing, 论据1. For another, 论据2.

Last but not the least, 论据3.

To conclude, 总结观点.As a college student, I am supposed to 表决心. 或 From above, we can predict that 预测. 模版3

There is no consensus of opinions among people about X(争论的焦点)。Some people are of the view that 观点1,while others take an opposite side, firmly believing that 观点2。As far as I am concerned, the former/latter notion is preferable in many senses.The reasons are obvious.

First of all, 论据1。

Furthermore, 论据2。

Among all of the supporting evidences, one is the strongest.That is, 论据3。

A natural conclusion from the above discuion is that总结观点。

As a college student, I am supposed to 表决心. 或 From above, we can predict that 预测.

英文信函题型 要求考生根据提纲写一封英文书信,对这类题型,通常分为5个步骤来写: 第一段、文章开头:称呼


寒暄句+主题句(注:寒暄句和主题句可以是同一个句子) 第三段、根据提纲扩展主体段落: 主题句+扩展句1+扩展句2+扩展句3 第四段、表明自己的观点,并结束书信主体段落 在最后要他谈自己的看法 第五段、寒暄句+落款



Directions:For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topicA Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service Campus.You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline below: 假如你是李明,请你就本学校食堂的状况给校长写一封信,内容应包括:食堂的饭菜质量、价格、环境、服务等,可以是表扬,也可以是批评建议,也可以都有。 [DIY写作模板:架构阶段] 第一段:称呼 Dear Mr.President, 第二段:引出写信的目的

主题句: This letter comes to you from ____.扩展句: In it, some opinions are put forward for you to reflect upon.第三段:对学校食堂正面的看法

主题句:As you know, _____ .But unfortunately, ______.扩展句:

1、___.(举例)As a result, _____.

2、Besides, ______.

3、And what's more,_____.第四段:对学校食堂负面的看法

主题句:Some people may argue that ____.扩展句:

1、For instance, ____ and ____.

2、But in my opinon, ______.第五段:结尾,表明自己看法

结尾句:To be belief, though a bit diatisfied with _____.扩展句:I do believe that, with the efforts of all people concerned, we can solved the problems there.Thanks.Li Ming [DIY写作模板:填充阶段] 第一段:称呼 Dear Mr.President, 第二段:引出写信的目的

主题句: This letter comes to you from one of your students.扩展句: In it, some opinions are put forward for you to reflect upon.第三段:对学校食堂的看法

主题句:As you know,our students are the main customers of the university canteen.But unfortunately, we don't find the service there satisfying sometimes.扩展句:

1、The food is not as nutritious as it should be.(举例)As a result, some of us become thinner and weaker at university.

2、Besides, sometimes the canteen people just bring us steamed bread with their dirty bare hands.

3、And what's more,the fare is also a little higher at university.第四段:别人对食堂看法

主题句:Some people may argue that measures have been taken and things are improving there.扩展句:

1、For instance,Ic cardshave taken the place of money in the canteed, and the attitude of the service people is also changing.

2、But in my opinon, progre is not so quick and thorough.第五段:结尾,表明自己看法

结尾句:To be belief, though a bit diatisfied with the present canteen conditions, 扩展句:I do believe that, with the efforts of all people concerned, we can solved the problems there.Thanks.

第三部分、范文 Dear Mr.President, This letter comes to you from one of your students.In it, some opinions are put forward for you to reflect upon.As you know, our students are the main customers of the university canteen.But unfortunately, we don't find the service there satisfying sometimes.The food is not as nutritious as it should be.As a result, some of us become thinner and weaker at university.Besides, sometimes the canteen people just bring us steamed bread with their dirty bare hands.And what's more, the fare is also a little higher at university.Some people may argue that measures have been taken and things are improving there.For instance, Ic cards have taken the place of money in the canteed, and the attitude of the service people is also changing.But in my opinon, progre is not so quick and thorough.To be belief, though a bit diatisfied with the present canteen conditions,I do believe that, with the efforts of all people concerned, we can solved the problems there.


Your students,

Li Ming


要求考生写一篇记叙文,描述事件发生的时间、地点、原因、人物及结果,最后对事件进行简单分析。对这类题型,通常分为三个步骤来写: 第一段、总结描述

交代清楚故事涉及的人物、时间、地点: 主题句


具体描述事件发生的原因、经过和结果 起因+经过+结果 第三段、对事件的分析 分析句1+分析句2+分析3 第二部分、记叙文题型作文DIY写作范文练习[实战演练]

Directions:For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic The Day My Clamate Fell Ill.



3、人和人之间的这种相互关爱给我的感受是....[DIY写作模板:架构阶段] 第一段:

开篇句:About _____ O'clock one evening in _______, _____.扩展句:________.(展开描述一下事件) 第二段:

主题句:Without hesitation, _____.It wasn't long before _____.扩展句:

1、One ______.

2、Another _______.

3、Our teacher _______.第三段:

结尾句:Is _______? Who can tell ? But ______.扩展句:

1、When ____ , people showed _____ spirit regardle of ____.

2、This kind of care between persons is the very kind giving, unselfish and pricele devotion or sacrifice.

3、And it is just because of this care that we can have warm families, a happy life and a beautiful world.[DIY写作模板:填充阶段] 第一段:

开篇句:Aboutnine O'clock one evening inMay, my roommate Li Ming was lying in bed, trembling with cold and having a cough.扩展句:His head was aching so intensely that he kept groaning.His forehead felt very hot.We took his temperature.It was 38.5℃.(展开描述一下事件) 第二段:

主题句:Without hesitation, I dialed "120".It wasn't long before an ambulance arrived.扩展句:

1、One roommate brought a blanket for him.

2、Another supported him in the ambulance.

3、Our teacher insisted on giving him some money.第三段:

结尾句:Ishe a suspedted SARS patient? Who can tell ? Butwedid't retreat.扩展句:

1、Whenthe savage SARS was spreading,people showedfearle spirit regardle of dangers to their own health.

2、This kind of care between persons is the very kind giving, unselfish and pricele devotion or sacrifice.

3、And it is just because of this care that we can have warm families, a happy life and a beautiful world.第三部分、范文

About nine O'clock one evening in May, my roommate Li Ming was lying in bed, trembling with cold and having a cough.His head was aching so intensely that he kept groaning.His forehead felt very hot.We took his temperature.It was 38.5℃.

Without hesitation, I dialed "120".It wasn't long before an ambulance arrived.One roommate brought a blanket for him.Another supported him in the ambulance.Our teacher insisted on giving him some money.Is he a suspedted SARS patient? Who can tell ? But we did't retreat.When the savage SARS was spreading, people showed fearle spirit regardle of dangers to their own health.This kind of care between persons is the very kind giving, unselfish and pricele devotion or sacrifice.And it is just because of this care that we can have warm families, a happy life and a beautiful world.图表式作文模板

It is obvious in the graphic/table that the rate/number/amount of Y has undergone dramatic changes.It has gone up/grown/fallen/dropped considerably in recent years (as X varies).At the point of X1, Y reaches its peak value of …(多少).What is the reason for this change? Mainly there are … (多少)reasons behind the situation reflected in the graphic/table.First of all, …(第一个原因).More importantly, …(第二个原因).Most important of all, …(第三个原因).From the above discuions, we have enough reason to predict what will happen in the near future.The trend described in the graphic/table will continue for quite a long time (if neceary measures are not taken括号里的使用于那些不太好的变化趋势).说明原因型模板

These days we often hear that (1).It is common that (2).Why does such circumstance occur in spite of social protects? For one thing, (3).For another, (4).What is more, since (5),it is natural that (6 ).To solve the problem is not easy at all, but is worth trying.We should do something such as (7) to improve he present situation, and I do believe everything will be better in the future.注释: (1) 提出论题(2) 说明现状(3) 理由一(4) 理由二(5) 理由三(6) 理由三引起的后果(7) 解决方法

相应作文: Pollution of environment

These days we often hear that (our living conditions are getting more and more serious because of the destruction of our environment ).It is common that (many trees and animals are near extinction, and the all-important food chain has been destroyed.).Why does such circumstance occur in spite of social protects? For one thing, (the population of the world is increasing so rapidly that the world has been so crowded.).For another,(the overuse of natural resources has influenced the balance of natural ecology ).What is more, since (the industrial revolution ),it is natural that (a great number of factories have been springing up like mushrooms.The smoke and harmful chemicals released from factories also pollute the environment).To solve the problem is not easy at all, but is worthing.We should do something such as (planting more trees, equipping cars with pollution-control devices and learning to recycling natural resources )to improve the present situation, and I do believe everything will be better in the future.




There are different opinions among people as to ____ .Some people suggest that ____.


There is an old saying______.Its the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today.


Today, ____, which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life.First, ____ Second,____.What makes things worse is that______.


Nowadays, it is common to ______.Many people like ______ because ______.Besides,______.


Everything has two sides and ______ is not an exception,it has both advantages and disadvantages.


People's opinions about ______ vary from person to person.Some people say that ______.To them,_____.


Man is now facing a big problem ______ which is becoming more and more serious.


______ has become a hot topic among people,especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way.


______ has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.It has 的 brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.


According to the figure/number/statistics/percentages in the /chart/bar graph/line/graph,it can be seen that______while.Obviously, ______, but why?



On the contrary, there are some people in favor of ___.At the same time, they say____.


But I dont think it is a very good way to solve ____.For example,____.Worst of的all,___.


______is neceary and important to our countrys development and construction.的First,______.Whats more, _____.Most important of all,______.


There are several measures for us to adopt.First, we can______


Confronted with______, we should take a series of effective measures to______.For one thing,______For another, ______



It is high time that something was done about it.For example._____.In addition.的_____.All these measures will certainly______.


Why______? The first reason is that ______.The second reason is ______.The third is的______.For all this, the main cause of ______due to ______.


However, just like everything has both its good and bad sides, ______also has its own的disadvantages, such as ______.


Nonethele, I believe that ______is more advantageous.


I fully agree with the statement that ______ because______.


1.认真审题立意,定文章之灵魂对命题作文必须认真审题,对自由作文必须立好意。文章要有明确的主题,必须具备4个条件:准确、鲜明、深刻、集中。以命题作文"The English teacher I Admire Most"为例,文章的主题是关于记叙我最欣赏的一位英语老师,因而就不能泛泛谈论老师这一职业或自己的几位老师。

2.草拟提纲,打造文章之骨架审好题,立好意后,就要写提纲,打造文章的骨架。文章布局要做好3件事:安排好层次段落,铺设好过渡,处理好开头和结尾。如命题作文中有提示句,还要从提示句的关键词出发,围绕关键词开拓思路,发挥联想,记录下联想到的东西,可以是句子或单词词组,可以是英语或汉语。仍以"The English Teacher I Admire Most"为例,提纲可以这样写:

1)Who is the English teacher I admire most

2)My reasons

3)What can I learn from the teacher



有了段落主题句后,还需要顺着段落主题句的方向,参照提纲中的思路,从而完成各个段落。引导段要能引起读者的注意和兴趣,为主题段铺路架桥。主题段应围绕文章和该段的主题来展开。展开的方式包括:顺序法、举例法、比较法、对比法、说明法、因果法、推导法、归纳法,和下定义等。可以根据需要任选一种或几种方式。还是以"The English Teacher I Admire Most"为例,主题段中就能用到举例法、说明法、因果法等。













2)转折:however,but,neverthele,after all

3)总结:finally,at last,in brief,to conclude

4)强调:really,indeed,certainly,surely,above all

5)对比:in the same way, just as, on the other hand,






3.是否有语法错误主谓是否一致,动词的时态、语态、语气的使用是否正确,词组的搭配是否合乎习惯。还是以"The English Teacher I Admire Most"为例,根据此标题,文章肯定用第一人称"I"写,一般性的描述用现在时,举过去的事例用过去时。











四、六级写作高分,应做到丰富多变。丰富多变体现在词汇和句型两方面。同一词语在一句话、一个段落乃至一篇文章中最好不要重复出现,应尽量使用同、近义词替换(无法替换的关键词除外)。例如:think可以替换为reckon, aume, argue等词。如果想不到同、近义词,可以使用上义词进行替换。此外,句型也应富于变化,不要拘泥于主谓宾句型,可以使用主系表、过去分词和现在分词短语作状语、不定式短语作状语、状语从句等多种句型。












背完经典范文后,进行默写。然后对照原文纠错,搞清楚错在什么地方。多数同学在写的时候都会犯小错误,如拼写、单复数、大小写等。这些就是你在写作中的弱点,也是阅卷老师最不能容忍的地方。培根说过:“Writing makes an exact man.”(写作使人精确。)只有默写下来你才会发现自己常犯哪些错误。






四、六级英语写作水平最有效的方法。在练习写作的初始阶段, 可勤查语法书和字典等工具书, 背记常用词和短语, 以扩大词汇量, 拓展知识面。背单词时要深刻理解所背词语的内在含义, 并了解其使用环境。备考时,熟记一些过渡词、句型和范文,并进行仿写。考试时,使用学习过的、熟悉而有把握的词汇和句型,没有把握的句子,尽量采取“回避政策”,切忌自编自造汉语式的英语词组和句型。



翻译是一门艺术, 同时又是一种实践。它是对英语综合能力的考查,没有一定的英语基本功,要想在这部分得到高的分数是不可能的。但是,具有了一定的英语基础,并不等于具有较高的翻译能力。因此在学习和复习时掌握一些翻译的基本常识和一些常用方法,针对考试中经常出现的一些语言现象, 仔细分析一些翻译实例, 总结出一些规律性的东西, 再加以必要的练习, 对考生来说是非常必要的,而且在短时间内提高自己在该部分的得分是完全有可能的。





3.考查的翻译技巧主要包括: (1)定语从句的译法; (2) 被动语态的处理; (3) 长句的的处理等等。

掌握这些规律为我们复习应考提供了很大的方便,考生可以根据自己的实际情况,多选择一些与上述内容有关的文章,多做一些有关的练习,并结合这类文章的特点,在练习的过程中总结出一些规律性的东西。根据我们的经验, 考生在这部分表现出的主要障碍有以下几个方面:


作为公共英语学习者, 由于客观条件的限制, 他们在英语学习的过程中很少或根本就没有进行过系统的翻译训练, 更缺乏对翻译要求以及翻译过程等一些常识性的东西基本的了解, 因此在考前复习和考试过程中一筹莫展, 无从下手。


任何事情都有其内在的规律, 翻译也不例外, 作为考生, 在备考时应掌握一些英译汉过程中经常采用的翻译技巧, 注意体会英语和汉语之间的差异, 同时要特别注意考试中经常考的一些技巧, 并总结其中的翻译规律。


为了增加试题的难度, 试题设计者往往选择那些语法结构错综复杂的部分, 这就要求我们在复习时, 对于翻译练习的句子, 要仔细分析它们的语言结构, 尤其是要注意那些具有分割定语从句等复杂语法现象的句子, 在分析好句子结构并真正理解之后,再动手翻译。

4.语表达不清, 缺乏中文表达能力

英译汉是英语和汉语两种语言之间的转化, 要求汉语准确完整, 符合汉语的表达习惯, 因此, 考生在复习时也应该注意训练自己的汉语表达能力。另外, 考生在使用汉语表达时, 还存在着用词不准, 违反自然科学常识的现象。


语言的使用总是发生在一定的语言环境之中, 在语言的使用过程中, 为了避免重复,往往需要使用一些代词来代替前面所提到的人或物, 在考试的过程中, 考生应该仔细地阅读全文, 找出划线部分中英语代词所指代的人或物,并尽量明确地把它们翻译出来。而且,还要把代词翻成它(们)所代的名词、短语。



(1) 汉语所要表达的是英语原文的内容, 即句子或文章的意义, 而不是句子结构;

(2) 在翻译过程中, 英语原文的内容要准确而完整地重新表达出来,而不是将两种语言结构进行简单的转换。因此,在做英译汉的题目时, 汉语所表达的意义应与原文保持一致, 而汉语的句子结构只是为这一表达服务, 而不应拘泥于原文。

另外, 应付英译汉考试和一般的从事翻译创作不同, 因为各自有不同的衡量标准, 翻译创作的标准为“信、达、雅”, 而英译汉考试则只要做到“忠实、通顺”即可。要做到忠实原文,就应该掌握好适度原则, 即要把原文的内容准确完整地表达出来, 既不能改变和歪曲,也不能增加或删减。

英译汉的过程包括理解,表达和校核三个阶段,解是表达的前提, 若不能正确地理解原文就谈不上确切的表达, 但理解与表达通常是互相联系, 往返反复的过程, 在进行汉语表达的时候, 又可以进一步加深对原文的理解, 因此, 在英译汉的过程中, 往往需要考生从英语到汉语,再从汉语到英语反复的推敲。

1.理 解

理解阶段的目的在于读懂英语原文, 弄清原文的意思。为了透彻理解原文, 建议考生在复习和应试时采取下列步骤:


通读全文的目的在于从整体上把握整篇文章的内容,理解划线的部分与文章其他部分之间的语法与逻辑关系。在段落中要搞清划线的句子和其他句子之间的关系, 特别要弄清代词it, they, them, this, that, these, those other所指代的词或词组。这些词和词组有时在划线的部分就能找到,有时则要到前面有关的句子中去找。



(3) 理解分析划线部分的含义。

考生不仅要弄清句子中所有实词和虚词的词汇意义, 还要理解全句的整体意义。理解句子的依据除了句子本身之外, 还有该句子所处的具体的语言环境。在此阶段应清楚下列问题:

A.句子中是否含有代词和其他具有指代意义的词, 如果有, 应根据上下文确定它们代的内容是什么;

B.句子中的短语和一些常用的词往往具有多种含义和用法, 那么, 在该句中它们的具体含义是什么;

C.按照你的理解, 该部分的意义是否与全篇文章的内容一致, 有无相互矛盾。总之, 在动手翻译之前, 首先要读懂原文, 不要一上来就急于动手翻译, 这样做往往会出现一种情况:该题快要翻译完了, 猛然又发现自己理解有误,马上就急忙修改, 搞的卷面上一塌糊涂,而且很容易忙中出错, 把本应拿到的分数丢掉了, 这是非常令人可惜的。


表达就是译者把自己从英语原文理解的内容用汉语表达出来, 表达的好坏取决于译者对英语原文的理解程度以及汉语的修养水平。理解是表达的基础,表达是理解的结果,但是理解正确并不意味着一定会有正确的表达,许多同学反映,有时对原文理解之后还不知如何用汉语表达,就充分说明了这一点, 因为在表达上还存在许多具体的方法和技巧。关于这些方法和技巧我们将在后面详细论述, 在此我们只是介绍两中基本的翻译方法:直译和



所谓直译, 就是在译文语言条件许可时, 在译文中既保持原文的内容, 又保持原文的形式。汉语和英语两种语言存在着许多共同之处,许多英语句子的翻译完全可以采取直译的方法, 这样可以获得一举两得之功效, 既保持了原文的结构, 又正确表达了原文的内容。意译

汉语和英语在词汇、句法结构和表达方法上具有很多的差异。当原文的思想内容与译文的表达形式有矛盾不易采用直译的方法处理时, 就应采用意译法, 意译就是不拘泥于原文的形式, 重点在于正确表达原文的内容在具体的翻译过程中, 我们应该采取灵活的方法,不论是直译还是意译, 只要是符合“忠实、通顺”的翻译原则,都是可取的。在这里我们建议考生对结构比较复杂的句子可以先采取直译的方法,然后再对直译得出的结果进行加工润色,在保持原来句子意义的基础上,根据汉语的表达习惯,用既符合原文的意义又符合汉语表达习惯的句子表达出来。

在翻译的过程中, 我们务必注意以下几点: (1) 理解透彻之后再动手表达, 否则表达的果会令人莫名其妙;(2) 切忌在翻译时把汉语和英语对号入座, 逐字逐句的对号入座的结果往是不伦不类; (3) 切忌擅自增减词意,增减意义与翻译技巧中经常提到的增词法与减词法根本就不是一回事。

3.校 核

对原文内容进一步核实以及对译文语言进一步推敲的阶段, 因此, 校核是翻译过程中一个很重要的阶段, 并不是可有可无的, 通过表达之后的校核, 我们可以发现译文中可能存在的一些问题,确保自己理解和表达的内容准确完美。在校核阶段, 一般应注意与下列各项有关的问题: (1人名、地名、日期、方位和数字等; (2) 汉语译文的词与句有无错漏; (3)修改译文中译错

表达不够准确的子、词组或词汇; (4) 有无错别字; (5) 标点符号是否有误。



所谓抽象名词是指那些表达抽象概念的名词, 如, appropriatene, flexibility,quietude等等。抽象名词的翻译是一个非常复杂的问题, 需要根据上下文来具体地确定这些抽象名词的汉语表达, 很难总结出一些条条框框, 供翻译时使用。但是, 我们应该遵循一个基本的原则,即把抽象意义具体化, 把抽象名词转化为具体名词或含有具体特指性的词。


英语中被动语态的使用范围极为广泛, 尤其是在科技英语中, 被动语态几乎随处可见, 凡是在不必、不愿说出或不知道主动者的情况下均可使用被动语态, 因此, 掌握被动语态的翻译方法, 对于四六级考试的复习与应考是极为重要的,因为英译汉文章的内容多以科普文章为主。汉语中的被动语态通常通过“把”或“被”等词体现出来, 但它的使用范围远远小于英语中被动语态的使用范围, 因此英语中的被动语态在很多情况下都翻译成主动结构。 对于英语原文的被动结构, 我们一般采取下列的方法:

(1) 翻译成汉语的主动句。英语原文的被动结构翻译成汉语的主动结构又可以进一步分为几种不同的情况。

☆ 英语原文中的主语在译文中仍做主语。在采用此方法时, 我们往往在译文中使用了“加以”, “经过”, “用……来”等词来体现原文中的被动含义。

☆ 将英语原文中的主语翻译为宾语, 同时增补泛指性的词语(人们,大家等)作主语。另外, 下列的结构也可以通过这一手段翻译:

It is aerted that … 有人主张 ……

It is believed that … 有人认为……

It is generally considered that … 大家(一般人)认为 It is well known that … 大家知道(众所周知)…… It will be said … 有人会说…… It was told that … 有人曾经说……

☆ 将英语原文中的by, in, for等做状语的介词短语翻译成译文的主语, 在此情况下, 英语原文中的主语一般被翻译成宾语。☆ 翻译成汉语的无主句。

另外, 下列结构也可以通过这一手段翻译:

It is hoped that … 希望…… It is reported that … 据报道……

It is said that … 据说…… It is supposed that … 据推测……

It must be admitted that … 必须承认……

It must be pointed out that … 必须指出……

It will be seen from this that … 由此可见……

It may be said without fear of exaggeration that … 可以毫不夸张地说……

☆ 翻译成带表语的主动句。

(2) 译成汉语的被动语态。英语中的许多被动句可以翻译成汉语的被动句。常用“被”,“给”, “遭”, “挨”, “为……所”, “使”, “由…”, “受到”等表示。

C. 名词性从句的译法

英语名词性从句包括主语从句, 宾语从句, 表语从句和同位语从句, 在翻译这类从句时, 大多数可以按照原文的句序翻译成相应的汉语。



☆ 前 置 法

把英语原文的定语从句翻译成带“的”的定语词组, 放置于被修饰的词之前, 将英语原文的复合句翻译成汉语的简单句, 这种方法一般用于比较短的限制性定语从句情况。 一些较短的具有描述性的非限制性定语从句也可采用前置法, 但没有限制性定语从句使用得普遍。

☆ 后 置 法

当定语从句较长时, 如果翻译成前置的定语, 就会不符合汉语的表达习惯, 在这种情况下, 往往把该定语从句翻译成并列的分句, 放置于原来它所修饰的词的后面。另外在处理此类定语从句时, 一般遵循的原则是: 若保留先行词, 则在第二个分句中加以重复, 若省则两个并列分句中均不再保留。当然, 在实际的翻译过程中也有例外。





为 了方便快速判断,读者可把每一句是非判断分为话题(该句讨论的对象)和述题(对该对象的描述或评析)两部分,那么它的对错或文章已给与否就可直接从话题和述题两部分与原文进行对照判断。







1、individuals,characters, folks替换(people ,persons)

2、positive, favorable, rosy (美好的),promising (有希望的),perfect, pleasurable , excellent, outstanding, superior替换good

3、dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse, ill (有害的)替换bad 如果bad做表语,可以有be le impreive替换

eg.An army of college students indulge themselves in playing games, enjoying romance with girls/boys or killing time paively in their dorms.When it approaches to graduation ,as a result, they find their academic records are le impreive.

4、(an army of, an ocean of, a sea of, a multitude of ,a host of, many, if not most)替换many.

注:用many, if not most 一定要小心,many后一定要有词。

Eg.Many individuals, if not most, harbor the idea that….同理 用most, if not all ,替换most.

5、a slice of, quiet a few , several替换some

6、harbor the idea that, take the attitude that, hold the view that, it is widely shared that, it is universally acknowledged that)替think (因为是书面语,所以要加that)

7、affair ,busine ,matter 替换thing

8、shared 代 common

9、reap huge fruits 替换get many benefits)

10、for my part ,from my own perspective 替换 in my opinion

11、Increasing(ly),growing 替换more and more( 注意没有growingly这种形式。所以当修饰名词时用increasing/growing.修饰形容词,副词用increasingly.Eg.sth has gained growing popularity.

Sth is increasingly popular with the advancement of sth.

12、little if anything, 或little or nothing替换hardly

13、beneficial, rewarding替换helpful,

14、shopper,client,consumer,purchaser, 替换customer

15、exceedingly,extremely, intensely 替换very

16、hardly neceary, hardly inevitable ...替换 unneceary, avoidable

17、sth appeals to sb, sth exerts a tremendous fascination on sb 替换sb take interest in / sb.be interested in

18、capture one\'s attention替换attract one\'s attention.19、facet,demension,sphere代aspect 20、be indicative of ,be suggestive of ,be fearful of代 indicate, suggest ,fear

21、give rise to, lead to, result in, trigger 替换cause.

22、There are several reasons behind sth 替换..reasons for sth

23、desire 替换want.

24、pour attention into 替换pay attention to

25、bear in mind that 替换remember

26、enjoy, poe 替换have(注意proce是过程的意思)


28、frown on sth替换 be against , disagree with sth

29、to name only a few, as an example替换 for example, for instance

30、next to / virtually impoible,替换nearly / almost impoible



1.表示“good”时,尽量用这些,如positive, favorable, promising, perfect, pleasurable, excellent, wonderful, outstanding, superb.

2.表示“bad”时,常用这些来代替,如dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse, harmful, terrible 3.表示“small”时,常用 little, tiny, diminutive

4.表示“suitable”时,常用 appropriate,proper, fitting, satisfactory

5.表示“dangerous”时,常用 hazardous, unsafe, risky

6.表示“difficult”时,常用 hard, rough, tough, complicated

7.表示“very”时,常用pretty(相当),quite,much, intensely, greatly, extremely, exceedingly, remarkably, highly, strikingly

8.表示“remember”时,常用bear in mind, keep in mind(that), recall, recollect, remind。。。of sth

9.表示“want”时,常用 desire to do, long for, require for

10.表示“think”时,常用strongly believe(坚信),consider, contemplate, imagine 11.在用reject(拒绝)时,常用refuse, decline, turn down


在用泛词thing时,常用affair, busine,matter

在用big时,常用huge, great, large, immense, enormous, tremendous

在用walk时,常用pace,strut, stride,stagger,loiter(不是很常见,稍微看看就行。但是前两组尽量记住哦)



to my mind in my opinion

from my point of view when it comes to me

personally / personally speaking as far as I’m concerned


Besides In addition,

Furthermore Moreover

What’s more 这些都做“此外”讲。


For instance

For example

such as


especially/ specially/particularly

for one thing,…for another…


the same as

be similar to

in the same way

be identical with

be different from

in contract to, on the contrary(常用于开头,意为“相反地”)


除了非常普遍的一些如 however, although, even though, while,despite, in spite of 等等,还有neverthele,其用法相当于but,但用法与but不同的是,在neverthele后面要加逗号.


There is little chance that we will succeed in changing the law.Neverthele, it is important that we try.我们几乎没有可能改变法律,不过,我们还是会努力争取。


more than (注意这个词组的多重含义,①多于,超过,②不仅仅 ③而不是 ④太„„而不能„„)

unquestionably/undoubtedly/ beyond doubt/ out of question/ There is no doubt that 毫无疑问,毋庸置疑地

No wonder that 难怪„„(有时也用There is no wonder that)


to some extend 在某种程度上 = to a large degree


表原因:owing to , thanks to(多亏), for the sake of, due to, result from(由„„引起)

表示结果:as a result from, result in(导致„„),thus=so=therefore=consequently=henceXI.在总结论时用到的

In a word, in short, in conclusion, in summary, all in all, to sum up, to conclude, come to the conclusion that, arrive at the conclusion that, 主语+conclude that

还有一些表示赞成时,常用agree with, approve of, be for it, go in for, turn up the thumbs, uphold.表示反对时,常用object to, disapprove of, be against, combat, argue against, frown on.


1.In a word…

2.In conclusion…

3.In short…

4.In brief…

5.As a result…

6.All in all…

7.From this point of view…

8.There is no doubt that…

9.Therefore, we can find that…

10.Thus, it can be concluded that…

11.As far as I am concerned, it is high time that we put great emphasis on...

12.It is neceary that steps should be taken to…(有必要采取。。。措施)

13.As long as(只要) make joint efforts, a sound(好的) solution is not far away.只要努力,不久就会有好的能解决办法。

14.Taking into account all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that…考虑到这所有的因素,我们可能就„„达成一致。

15.Only in this way can we achieve succe and meet the needs of ourselves as well as the society.只有用这种方法,我们才能取得成功,满足我们和社会的需要。特别注意这句话Only in this way引导的,一定要记得倒装。


1.As the famous saying goes …

2.Just as…once said…

3.When we talk of the famous proverb…

4.The well-known proverb…has long been accepted by all of us.我把我积累的一些我觉得比较有用的词组给你吧,这些不是很难,比较实用。 1.from my own point of view 在我看来

2.foster one’s patience 培养某人的耐心

3.on the contrary 正相反

4.on the grounds of 根据,以„„为由

5.abide by 忠于,遵守

6.keep to 坚持(相当于 insist on)

7.be absorbed in 全神贯注于„„

8.acce to 能接近,进入,了解

9.be abundant in 富于,富有,充足

10.in abundance 丰富,充裕

11.in accordance to =according to =in agreement with 依照,依据

12.be acquainted with 了解,熟悉

13.be accustomed to doing sth习惯于

14.once and for all 一劳永逸

15.on the average平均

16.be aware of 意识到

17.on the basis of 根据„„,在„„基础上

18.for the benefit of 为了„„的利益

19.be in charge of = be responsible for 监管,负责(某事)

20.in comparison with =compare with =in contract to 和„„比起来

21.complain to sb.about/of sth 向某人抱怨某事

22.in compliance with=obey to 顺从,遵守,依从

23.be ignorant of 对„„一无所知

24.for a certainly 无疑地

25.in correspondence with 与„„相符;与„„通信

26.try one’s utmost/best to do sth 竭尽全力干某事

27.be vulnerable to 易受„„攻击;易受„„伤害;易受„„影响

28.give rise to 引起,引发

29.strive for 为„„而奋斗

30.bring great pleasure to 给„„带来巨大乐趣

31.in the interest of… 为了„„的利益

32.It’s known/well-known that…=As is known/well-known,加上自己想说的内容„„ 众所周知

33.on earth 究竟,到底

34.on condition that 只要

35.on behalf of 代表

36.on account of 由于=owing to

37.in vain 徒劳,白费力

38.in (the) light of 鉴于,由于

39.be consistent with 与„„一致,符合

40.be relevant to 与„„相关

41.in proportion to 与„„成比例

42.in common 共同的,共有的 have sth in common with sb 与某人有共同之处 43.from time to time 有时,不时

44.for the time being 暂时,眼下

45.for the sake of 为了„„

46.at all costs 不惜一切代价

47.as far as …be concerned 就„„而言

48.as regards 关于,至于

49.in line with 与„„一致,遵循

50.constrain sb to do sth 强迫某人做某事

51.restrain sb from doing sth 阻止某人干某事

52.adapt oneself to doing sth/sth 使„„适用于

53.make a resolve to do sth 决心干某事

54.indulge in doing sth/sth (常用被动语态)沉溺于„„

55.get around to doing sth 处理某事

56.draw up 起草,停止

57.live up to 做到,不辜负„„的期望

58.take off起飞,脱下,拿走

59.reckon on 依靠,指望

60.figure out 想出,弄明白,解决

61.amount to 在数目上达到„„

62.range from…to…(范围) 从„„到„„

63.get acce to 获得

64.make …an integral part of 使„„不可或缺的部分

65.so to speak =in other words 换句话说

66.apart from

in addition to(其后接着加名词,或者是名词性的从句)

in addition,


67.aure sb.of sth 向„„保证,使„„确信

68.make an attempt at doing sth =make an attempt to do sth 试图做„„ 69.attribute …to … 把„„归因于

70.conceive of …as… 把„„想象成„„,把„„当做„„,认为„„是„„ 71.take sth into account 把„„考虑在内

72.accuse sb of sth = charge sb.with …= blame sb.for sth 指控,控告 73.attach importance to… 重视„„

74.turn a blind eye to… 对„„视而不见

75.under the banner of 以„„名义

76.on behalf of=stand for 代表

77.to one’s heart’s content 尽情地

78.broaden one’s vision 拓宽视野

79.make up for 弥补

80.gain an advantage over 胜过,优于

81.give rise to 引起,导致

82.bring about 引起,造成

83.keep an eye on 留意,照看

84.take the place of 取代,代替

85.keep in mind 记住

86.keep pace with (与„„)起步并进

87.let alone=not to motion 更不用说,别提了

88.get down to =set about doing sth 着手干某事

89.make a/the difference 有影响,起作用 注意:可以在中间加形容词,如make great difference 起重要作用(在中间不需要加定冠词、不定冠词) 90.may as well 不妨,还不如

91.see to it that 注意,务必,保证

92.an increasing number of… 越开越多的„„

93.be vastly/greatly/quite different from 与„„大相径庭 94.It’s worthwhile to do sth 做某事是值得的

95.It’s (high) time to do

It’s (high) time that ….(后加过去时或者是过去的某种时态) 意为“(的确)到了该干某事的时间了”




第一段: 对图画进行描述。〔万能开头句+图画描述句+过渡句+主题句〕

第二段: 阐述图画深层含义。〔常用因果论证法/例证法/下定义法〕



1.The picture shows that......,

2.From this picture,we can see......

3.As is shown in the picture......

4.As is seen in the picture......


1.As we all know,......

2.As is known to all,......

3.It\'s well known that....

4.In my opinion,....

5.As far as I am concerned,......

6.This sight reminds me of something in my daily life.


1.In conclusion,.....

2.In brief,....

3.On the whole,.....

4.In a word,.....

5.Generally speaking,.....

6.As has been stated......【第二类:图表类】



曲线图主要考察对坐标所显示的数据信息进行分析(主意横纵坐标的单位) 柱形图通过观察柱形高度的差别来判断事物的发展趋势。



1 The graph/chart/table above shows that......

2 From the above graph/chart/table,it can be seen that......

3 As is shown in the graph/chart/table that....

4 It has been shown from the above graph/chart/table that.....


1 The reason why.....is that....

2 One may think of the change as a result of.....

3 This brings out the important fact that....

4 There are several causes for this significant growth


1 There is no doubt that attention must be paid to.....

2 Obviously/Apparently,if we want to....,it is neceary...

3 From what has been discued above,we can drew the conclusion that....【第三类:书信类】

★ 书信类作文中称呼、落款必须顶格写。

★ 结束语要用表示礼节的套语。可用Yours sincerely....,Yours truly....,Yours respectfully....Yours faithfully....

★{ 特别提示}书信类应用文不需要写日期。

★ 常用各类称呼:

Mr.男性 Ms.女性 Dr./Prof.学术界教授 Pres.董事长 总经理 大学校长 会长 Hon.市长 议员 法官


A 表示感谢

(1) My appreciation to you for your generous help is beyond words.

(2) Words fail me when I want to expre my sincere gratitude to you.

(3) I take this opportunity to show my heartfelt appreciation for thekind aistance you rendered me.

B 期待回信

(1) I am looking forward to your reply/hearing from you soon

(2) I look forward to a favorable reply at your earliest convenience.

(3) Your prompt attention to my inquiry would be highly appreciated.

C 客套语


I haven’t seen you for such a long time.How are you getting along withyour work二.祝贺 I want to congratulate you with all my heart.I warmly congratulate you on what you’ve achieved.


I am most grateful to you for your help.I want to thank you heartily for what you have done.


I wonder if you could tell me what to do.I’d be most grateful if I could have your full support.Please could you let me know something about it.


Is there any chance of your coming to have dinner with us at our home?We are wondering if you could come to have dinner with us at our home.


I’m delighted to accept your invitation.Thanks for your invitation.I’m certainly looking forward to joiningyou.I haven’t heard from you for ages.How are you doing?


I’m sincerely sorry that we can’t join your dinner party.I regret to say “no” to your invitation.Thank you for your invitation but unfortunately…


I do apologize for having kept you waiting.I’m awfully sorry for giving you so much trouble.


I’m more than sorry to hear of your illne.I can’t tell you how sad I felt when I heard of…


It was a great shock to hear…I just can’t tell you how saddened I am…





而异。常用的称呼语有“Comrades and friends”、“Boys and girls”、“Teachers and fellow students”、“Ladies and gentlemen”,也有的不用开头语,直接开始。



1 May I have your attention please?I have an announcement to make.

2 Attention,please? I have something important to tell you.


Any questions?

Does everyone understand?



There will be a party/speech/meeting held by...where...when...

Everyone should take.....

Please get there before......

Please wait at...


①Please be quiet, everyone.There\'s something you need to know.As our teacher is ill,we\'re to have reading cla together with the students of Cla Three today.Please take your benches with you to their claroom.The oral cla will be put off until tomorrow.That\'s all.Thank you.

②Attention please, comrades.There is going to be a talk on American Family in the Lecture Hall this afternoon.It\'ll be given by an American profeor _____ Mr.Smith.Those who want to attend please be there at 2∶30 Anyquestion? If no, that\'sall.Thankyou.

③Listen, please, I have something important to tell you.We\'re going to hold a get-together with some foreign students at 7∶00 p.m.on Friday in the Foreign Student\'s Dining Hall.Any one who wants to take part in it, please be there on time.Thank you.

④Ladies and gentlemen, Listen, please.This afternoon we\'re going to visit the Great Wall,the bus will stop at the foot of the Great Wall.Three hours later, we\'ll get together here and back to the hotel.When you go to visit the Great Wall, please take your valuable things with you.And remember to come back to the bus at five o\'clock.Do be there on time.



(1) 不同观点列举型( 选择型 )

There is a widespread concern over the iue that __作文题目_____.But it is well known that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person.A majority of people think

that _ 观点一________.In their views there are 2 factors contributing to this attitude as follows: in the first place, ___原因一_______.Furthermore, in the second place, ___原因二_____.So it goes without saying that ___观点一_____.People, however, differ in their opinions on this matter.Some people hold the idea that ___观点二_______.In their point of view, on the one hand, ___原因一_______.On the other hand, ____原因二_____.Therefore, there is no doubt that ___观点二______.As far as I am concerned, I firmly support the view that __观点一或二______.It is not only because ________, but also because _________.The more _______, the more ________.


Nowadays, there is a widespread concern over (the iue that)___作文题目______.In fact, there are both advantages and disadvantages in __题目议题_____.Generally speaking, it is widely believed there are several positive aspects as follows.Firstly, ___优点一______.And secondly ___优点二_____.Just As a popular saying goes, \"every coin has two sides\", __讨论议题______ is no exception, and in another word, it still has negative aspects.To begin with, ___缺点一______.In addition, ____缺点二______.To sum up, we should try to bring the advantages of __讨论议题____ into full play, and reduce the disadvantages to the minimum at the same time.In that case, we will definitely make a better use of the ____讨论议题___.

( 3 ) 答题性议论文Currently, there is a widespread concern over (the iue that)__作文题目_______ .It is really an important concern to every one of us.As a result, we must spare no efforts to take some measures to solve this problem.As we know that there are many steps which can be taken to undo this problem.First of all, __途径一______.In addition, another way contributing to succe of the solving problem is ___途径二_____.Above all, to solve the problem of ___作文题目______, we should find a number of various ways.But as far as I am concerned, I would prefer to solve the problem in this way, that is to say, ____方法_____.

( 4 ) 谚语警句性议论文

It is well know to us that the proverb: \" ___谚语_______\" has a profound significance and value not only in our job but also in our study.It means ____谚语的含义_______.The saying can be illustrated through a series of examples as follows.( also theoretically )A case in point is ___例子一______.Therefore, it is goes without saying that it is of great of importanceto practice the proverb ____谚语_____.With the rapid development of science and technology in China, an increasing number of people come to realize that it is also of practical use to stick to the saying: ____谚语_____.The more we are aware of the significance of this famous saying,


1. 并列关系

and, furthermore, more than that, also, likewise, moreover, in addition, what is more, for instance, for example

2. 转折关系

although, however, on the contrary, but, in spite of, neverthele, yet, otherwise, despite

3. 顺序关系

first, second, third, and so on, then, after, before, next

4. 因果关系

as a result, for, thus, because, for this reason, so, therefore, as, since, consequently, on account of

5. 归纳关系

as a result, finally, therefore, accordingly, in short, thus, consequently, in conclusion, so, in brief, in a word



1.To begin with

2.Generally speaking

3.First of all

4.In the first place




3.This way

4.In conclusion

5.To sum up

6.In a word

7.In brief

8.As a matter of fact


1.First,… Second, … Next, … Finally, …




5.Firstly,… Secondly, … Eventually, …

6.At last





1.For one thing, … for another thing, …

2.On one hand, … on the other hand, …


1.For this reason

2.As a result

3.because of

4.Due to

5.Thanks to


7.In this way




a.表示开场to begin with , in the first place , in general , generally speaking b.表示总结to summarize , to sum up , to conclude , in conclusion , finally c.表示举例a case in point , a good illustration / example of … is …,

d.表示原因because , since , for , the cause of , the reason for , now thate.表示结果as a result , as a consequence , consequently

f.表示比较both , like , likewise , similarly , in common , in the same way

g.表示对照on the contrary , on the other hand , despite , in spite of , howeverh.表示列举first , firstly , in the first place , first of all , to begin with

i.表示强调especially , particularly , certainly , surely , chiefly , actuallyj.表示让步even though , although , in spite of , however , but , yet,title


