notice 范文

2022-10-23 来源:其他范文收藏下载本文

推荐第1篇:English Notice Writing

Practical writing: notices,announcement, greetings, congratulations, invitations, etc.Definition: Notices are pieces of publicized information and written to make known something about to happen or that has happened.It may be an announcement of a meeting, a party, a show, a contest, a match, etc.

Features: Not addreed to anyone in particular.Formal style.

Contents: date, day of the week, exact time;

Place; Activity; or other details.


1.English Speech Contest

held by SEIB

in the auditorium


March 4


All Welcome!


Career Planning

Speaker: Mr.Zhang, Director of ABC Recruiting Firm

Date: Tuesday, 28 Feb.

Time: 7.30 p.m.

Place: Rm.106, F-Building, South Campus

Everyone is Welcome!

Career Planning Office


February 27, 2013

A Chinese-English dictionary lost in Rm.201, G-Building, Wednesday evening, 26 Feb.Finder, please return it to the owner, Zhang San, Room 216, Dormitory Building No.2.Tel.13043218765.

4.FoundFebruary 27, 2013

In the Computer Center, Library Building, an umbrella was found yesterday afternoon.Loser is expected to come to the Library Office to claim it.

Library Office


Zhang San,

We feel heartfelt condolences in your great lo.

We are deeply sorry to learn the paing away of your father.

Please accept our very sincere condolences in your great lo.

Li Si


January 10, 2013


The decision for Salesperson of the Year has been almost impoible as there have been so many excellent performances.However, because of her work in turning round a long-term fall in sales, the prize goes to:

Paula Anderson

Congratulations to Paula, who wins a holiday in Hawaii.

Board of Directors


1. (乱世佳人)电影海报

2. 篮球赛:英文 对 商英

3. 口译大赛

4. 专四考试技巧

5. 祝贺我院李思同学荣获大学生“挑战杯”英语演讲比赛一等奖。

6. 寻物启示:丢一本书 “市场管理”,清华大学出版社出版。

7. 招领启示:拾到一块表。

8. 邀请一同学与你同去招聘会。

9. 因爽了一位同学的约而道歉,并提议再约会的时间。

10. 感谢施密斯夫妇昨天晚上的盛情招待。

推荐第2篇:Notice and Poster 写作[优秀]

Notices and Posters 海报时人们日常生活中最为常见的一种招贴形式,多用于电影、戏曲、文艺演出等活动。海报通常写明活动的形式,活动的主办单位、时间、地点等活动。(讲座、球类比赛、戏曲、演奏会、文艺晚会、汇报演出、电影消息、画展、演讲比赛、报告会、参观游览活商品大拍卖)


标题是一则海报的宣传“窗户”。因此标题的撰写尽量做到简洁明了,新颖醒目,抓住读者的兴趣和注意力,使人看了“一读钟情”。海报的标题形式通常有两种:一是直接使用“海报”(poster)一词;另一种则是海报的内容,撰写标题。 正文

海报正文是海报的核心部分,它是对海报标题的具体描述。语言要求形象生动,简明扼要。 落款


No News Invited by the Trade Union of Anhui University, Anhui Provincial Huangmei Opera Troupe will come to give the performance of a newly-composed Huangmei Opera at 7:30 p.m., Saturday, April 8, 1990 in the university auditorium.The famous actors and actrees such as Ma Lan, Huang Xinde will make you a good time.

The Trade Union Anhui University April 4, 1990

English Speech Contest Hosted by the Student Union of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, the 2nd English Speech Contest will be held in the claroom No.410 of Wenxilou Building at 7:00 p.m., Thursday, October 30, 1988.All are cordially welcome!

The Student Union The Dept.of FLD Anhui University October 28, 1992

Notice 启事是为公开声明某事而见于报端或张贴于公共场所的应用文,多用于失物招领、寻人、征稿等事项。(寻人、遗失、招领、更名、更正、征稿、征询、迁址、换房、租房、活动延期、开业、授权、人事变更、鸣谢等) 启事的写作格式



A Boy Miing My smart son, named Wang Wei, aged 7, in blue coat, got lost at yesterday noon of October 25, 1994 when he went home from school.He is 1.09 metres tall, with black hair, a moon face, rosy cheeks, big eyes, and a very small scar on chin.He can speak daily Chinese fluently.Whoever meets him or knows him whereabouts or has any information about his location is begged to advise him family or ring them up.A thousand thank from,

Wang Long And his family Add: 142 Jinzhai Road Tel: 3634563

推荐第3篇:英语作文 Notice例文


You’re welcome to join the Bicycle Club which has been set up in our school.All the students who want to join the club may register in the office of the Students’ Union on the fifth floor of Buiding 3 during 5:05 to 6:00 pm.from next Monday to Friday.As the first activity, the opening ceremony of the club will be held at 4:40 pm on April 28 in the office of PE center of our school.Then a lecture about the common knowledge of Guangdong greenway wil be given.In addition, the arrangements for the next activity will be announced after a talk concerning bicycle repair and maintenance.

The Students’ Union



 掌握NE5000E/80E/40E产品的体系结构  掌握NE5000E/80E/40E的单板构成  掌握NE5000E/80E/40E换板操作  了解NE5000E/80E/40E升级操作


你校学生会将为来访的美国朋友举办一个晚会,要在学校广播中宣布此事,并欢迎大家参加。为使美国朋友听懂,请你用英语写一篇广播通知。要点如下。 ┌──────┬────────────────────┐ │ 宗旨 │欢迎来访的美国朋友 │ ││ │

├──────┼────────────────────┤ │ 组织者 │学生会 │

├──────┼────────────────────┤ │ 时间 │8月15日(星期六)晚7:30 │

├──────┼────────────────────┤ │ 地点 │主楼屋顶花园 │

├──────┼────────────────────┤ │ │音乐、跳舞、唱歌、游戏、交换小礼品(请包 │ │活动内容 │ │

│ │装好、签名并在包装外面写上祝愿的话语) │

└──────┴────────────────────┘ 注意:


2.应包括以上要点,但不要逐字翻译,要组织成一篇通顺连贯的短文; 3.开头语已为你写好。(1994年全国卷) Notice May I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make.The Student Union is going to hold a party on Saturday evening, August 15th, to we]come our friends from the United States.The party will be held in the roof garden of the main building.




客服QQ:100127805 客服热线:010-64722791


It will begin at 19:30.There will be music, dancing, singing,games and exchange of gifts.Everybody please brings along a small gift.Remember to wrap it up, sign your name and write a few words of good wishes.Don\' t forget: 19: 30, Saturday evening, roof garden, main building.There\'s sure to be a lot of fun.Everybody is welcome.Li Hua Aug.10 通知


晚会19:30开始,节目包括音乐、跳舞、唱歌、游戏、交换小礼品等。为此,请大家务必要带好你的礼物。请包装好,签上名,并在包装外面写上几个祝愿词。 千万记住:星期六晚19:30,主楼屋顶花园。祝玩得开心。欢迎大家的到来。 李 华

8月 10日

Notice-通知 英语作文网收集整理 论文网




客服QQ:100127805 客服热线:010-64722791

推荐第5篇:学术会议通知 A lecture Notice

Notice Herbert Pierson, Visiting Profeor from Saint John University, USA will be holding a talk on “How to Improve English Writing” on March 5, 2014 at 2:30-4:00 p.m.The meeting will be held in Lecture Hall 405, Humanities Building.All postgraduate students are welcome.



推荐第6篇:英语作文 寻物启事 Notice for Lost


I lost my notebook in the library this afternoon.Its cover is blue and white.I wrote my name on the first paper.There are about two hundred papers.Many important notes and information are written on it.They are important to me.Will the finder please call me? My name is Xiang Yun and my telephone number is 5320147.Here are my sincere thanks.

推荐第7篇:消防演习注意事项Fire drill notice(优秀)











演习前消防培训 灭火器使用实操 正式消防演习2010年7月 13日星期一9:00AM-10:30AM 氢气区域 生产部当班操作员

为提高员工的安全意识,训练员工对火灾的应变能力与紧急情况下逃生与自救能力, 生产部将定于2010年7 月13号上午9:00举行消防演习。演习具体要求事项如下:








8.演习未结束时, 不得随意离开紧急集合点。


10.听到警报铃声而滞留不逃离者, 将予以通报批评。


2010年07 月 12日


Notice for the Holiday of National Day and Mid-autumn Day

Dear colleagues:

Based on the spirit of the State Council office for the arrangement of holiday in 2012(NO.45, 2011, the State Council office), considering the arrangements of our school work, now we have the notice as follows:During the holiday, every department should make arrangements for duty, security and guarding.When meeting great emergencies, we should report it under the provisions in time and deal with it very well.Besides we should make sure that all of our colleagues can spend the holiday safely.

Office of Hebei University2012.9.20

推荐第9篇:Notice of annual inspection Bank of China 关于开展帐户年检工作的通知


The annual inspection notice about account of2010

尊敬的客户:Dear clients /customers

根据银行结算帐户规范管理的要求,现已开始进行2010年度单位银行结算帐户的年检工作,请给予配合。 According to the bank settlement account management requirements, now already has started annual inspection of 2010 unit bank settlement.Please give the coordination.

一﹑年检对象:Annual inspection object

2010年12月31日(含)前开立的单位银行结算帐户(含基本存款帐户﹑一般存款帐户﹑专用存款帐户﹑临时存款帐户),均列入2011年度年检范围 (已完成2011年度年检的帐户除外)。

All the unit bank settlement accounts (including primary deposit account, general deposit account, special deposit account, temporary deposit account) which draw before December 31, 2010 should be in annual inspection scope ,except the ones already finish annual inspection of 2010 .

二﹑年检时间: 2010年7月1日至2011年11月30日

Time of annual inspection, from Jul 1, 2011 to Nov 30, 2011

三﹑需提供的年检资料:Required annual inspection materials


The industry and commerce busine license with the record effective yearly examines marking drop ﹑ societies registration certificate ﹑ ma organization certificate of registry transcription; the government Personnel\'s written instructions tosubordinate ﹑the opening of bank accounts permitsand so on .

Need original ones and copies of each with official seal.


The transcription of corporate Code Certificate with the record effective yearly examines marking drop, and copy with official seal.


Tax Registration Certificate both National Tax Bureau and Local Tax Bureau with the record effective yearly examines marking drop, and copies with official seal.


Original Id /paport /visa of legal entity or line leader, also copy with official seal.


The opening of bank accounts permits and copy with official seal.


This inspection should offer original annual application table of HSBC ,with official copy of company seal .


To avoid bringing inconvenience and influence, please take action as soon as poible in the provision of time to deal with the account annual inspection.


Thanks your support and the coordination to our ministry’s work .

中国银行广东省分行营业部Sales office Guangdong Province Branch Bank of China2011年6月Jul, 2011

推荐第10篇:【开学大礼包】届高三英语作文必备知识点:这些变化你注意了吗?These changes do you notice it?

Five thousand years of implication andaccumulation, 60 years of the sublation andinheritance, chasten the Chinese tenacioutruggle will the motherland! Mother!

The storm of the again big also can\'t make yourback bend, you use speed and strength created amiracle, strong with diligence and wisdom exprea brilliant new chapter.

In the last 30 years, great changes have takenplace in people\'s life.In our country, people\'slife become colorful and convenient because ofthe reform and opening up.Many products comeinto Chinese markets, so that we can drinkCoco-cola and we can buy the haute couture ofFrance.Besides, with the great development ofscience and technology, the communicationbetween people has become very very simple andfast.Previously, we can only send letters ortelegram, which is too slow and expensive.However, we can make a phone call, text a meagesend an e-mail or even make a video call.Theyseemed to be unimaginale before, but now they allcome into reality.Of course, there are many otherchanges in life.What changes in your life?



《notice 范文.doc》
notice 范文

