
2022-12-05 来源:其他范文收藏下载本文


let’s take action to protect the environment . good morning ladies and gentlmen : my name is xxx.it’s my great honous to speak here.i am the speaker of number 9.today my topic is let’s take action to protect the environment .as we all know, the environment is getting worse and worse, in some places we can’t see fish swimming in the river or trees on the hills.some people even have no clean water to drink.a number of people have been killed by air pollution and water pollution .worst of all ,people aren’t aware of the danger of the pollution.so i think we should do something to protect the environment..but what can we do? how to protect our environmemt? in my opinion, we can go to school on foot or by bike.we can use shopping baskets instead of using the plastic bags when we go shopping.we can use both sides of the paper when we write .and remember don’t throw the rubbish everywhere.we can pick up the garbage when we see it.remember to turn off the faucet.when we leave the room don’t forget to turn off the light. if everyone takes action to protect our environment ,our shool and world will be much more beautiful in the future.do you know? today is world earth day.so lets start to clean up now.lets protect natures beauty.lets make our future bright.thank you for your attention.篇2:英语演讲稿 环境保护 dear headmasters,teachers,clamates and friends: i’m very proud that i have chosen to speak to you all today, i’m a bit nervous as i’ve never made a speech before to so many people ,so please forgive me if it shows. as we all know,the environmemt around us is getting worse and worse .in some places we can’t see fish swimming in the river or trees on the hills.some people even have no clean water to drink.so i think we must do something to protect the environment..but what can we do? how to protect our environmemt? for example, we can go to school on foot or by bike .we can use shopping bakets not plastic bags .when we go shopping and we can use both sides of the paper when we write .in a word ,if everyone pays more attention to our environment ,there will be le pollution and our life will be better. “there is only one earth”,i hope everyone will protect our environment well.thanks! 亲爱的校长、老师、同学和朋友: 今天,我很自豪的是,我已经选择与你说话,我有一点紧张, 我从来没有在这么多人面前讲话,就请原谅我是否会表现出来的。


能做些什么呢?如何保护环境吗?比如,我们可以上学步行或者骑自行车。当我们去买东西时,我们可以用购物袋, 当我们写东西时,这张纸两面都可以用。总之,如果每个人都非常重视对我们的环境、污染就越少,我们的生活将会是比较好的。

“只有一个地球”,希望每个人都能保护我们的环境。谢谢! environment form disaster and to manage environmental risks.so we will develop and improve a new risk management system and a disaster prevention system to preserve and create the city environment where people feel easy and sound in their life. 地球规模气候的变化带来了一种新型的自然灾害和发达和复杂的城市体系,手里拿着一个潜在风险扩大伤害人工。同时,人们已经弄坏了健康的化学品的数量巨大以来,已经产生了使用方便、追求生产各种有毒物品堆积,无心环境。因此,我们需要一些解决这些问题的观点来防止城市环境形成灾难和管理环境风险。我们将开发和改进的新的风险的管理制度和防灾系统维护并创造城市环境,让大家感到轻松,声音,在他们的生活。 some people believe that economic development should never be at the cost of the environment.they think the present serious environmental problems are largely caused by rapid?economic development.for example, land resources are shrinking because of the industrial development and the expansion of cities.deserts are spreading because of over grazing, poor fanning, tree cutting, and strip mining.our air and water supplies are being polluted by poisonous gaesand waste products.it is important, therefore, that we should take another look at the way in which our industries and cities are developing.however, other people think it unneceary to consider environmental problems now and our first priority should always be given to economic development.they believe that environmental problems are inevitable and unavoidable in the proce of economic development.they are only the by products of economic development, which can be dealt with later when we have the time and money. environment? there has been much evidence to prove that a balance between the two helps more rapid and continuous development. 有些人认为经济发展不应该在环境为代价。他们认为目前的严重的环境问题在很大程度上是造成快速?经济发展。例如,土地资源正在收缩因为产业发展和扩展的城市。沙漠是传播因为过度放牧,可怜的耕作、树切割、、剥去挖掘。我们的空气和水的供应是被污染有毒废物。它是很重要的,因此,我们应该再看我们的工业和城市发展。 a beautiful world hello: everyone!now i want to talk about a beatiful world! when i was young,i always dreamed that i lived in a beautiful should do something to protect our environment.everyone should make a contribution to protect the environment. taking care of our environment is very important.wherever you live,you can do something around your neighbourhood. have you ever thrown any litter onto the ground?have you ever drawn pictures on public walls?have you ever spat in a public place?have you ever cut down trees?if your answers are no,it means that you have already helped protect our environment. it is our duty to keep our envionment clean and tidy.you might ask yourself,have i ever picked up some rubbish and thrown it into a dustbin?have i ever collected waste paper or bottles for recycling?have i ever planted any trees or flowers in or near my neighbourhood?if your answers areyes,it means that you have already done something useful to improve the environment. now i want to say :let`s do our best to make our world more beautiful!篇4:关于环境的英语演讲稿 everybody can help the environment we should always remember in our mind that protecting the environment is our duty that we can never neglect.finally would you please let me end this speech with a little poem, “be kind to the river.be good to the trees.smile at the sunshine, and bow to the breeze.be friendly to nature, and nature will be friendly to you!”






我们应该永远记住,在我们的脑海,保护环境是我们的责任,我们不能忽视。最后,请你让我结束这是一个小诗讲话“,善待河流。是好树木。在阳光的笑容,并鞠躬风。是友好与自然,与自然友好的将你!“ on a saturday morning.i went to have breakfast.i felt there was a terrible smell and went over to have a look carefully.i found that there was a big pile of banana skins giving out the smell.just then a young fell ow holding a dustpan rubbish to walk towards here .he raised his hands, the big pile of rubbish was here.at once i went to him and said “uncle , you can’t do like this .these things will rot very soon.it’s bad for our health and make the people fall ill.” however ,the man said “everyone does so ,who falls ill,who will see the doctor.” looking at this , i remembered another act : there is a stream through our village.over it there are two bridges .at the age of seven years old , i enjoyed the beautiful scenery under the bridge very much.it was the best place to swim in summer.but now the rubbish was getting more and more .dish leaves,fruit skins,dead ducks and chickens„.after rotting ,not only the mosquitos flew around but also the bad smell made everyone feel quite terrible.though the stream was cleaned up several times, it’s still happening now.a lot of plastic bags always float on it .in summmer we have to go far away from the village to swim. what causes this? who is the devil?it’s the human ourselves.i have got to known from a book .the rubbish in the countryside mostly occupies the fields and damages the earth’s surface .it pollutes soil,wave ,atmosphere and damages our health.the adults often say “the body is capital.” but why are they able to make woollen cloth like this ? does it affect everybody’s safe and sound life ? schoolmates, we are the host of society tomorrow .it’s our duty to improve and build the safe invironment.safety is in our hands .we must take park in more environmental protection activities, plant more trees and flowers to make us live in a beautiful home with the blue sky ,blue water and green land forever. safety is in our hands .please try your best to tell people around you to deal with the rubbish , and to make a contribution to building our safe hometome . my dear teachers,fellow students and friends: good afternoon. as we all know, the earth is a planet almost covered by water,and it is water made every thing on the earth lively.water is also one of the important part of our environment.though,is there really so much water for us to clean,to produce many things,to play with? how much water are there on the earth then? most of the water is in the oceans or locked away as ice.the largest volumes of fresh water are stored underground as groundwater,imagine there is only one barrel of water in the world,then there is only a spoon of it on the land,and the water we can use is only a drop of it.now i have to remind all of you here that the single drop of water is never as clean as before,it has been polluted severely by our human beings.

there is a very beautiful river in paris.it is the seine,it runs acro the city,people drink coffee, chat on the bank in the day,at night,they enjoy the beautiful scenery in the boat,songs from the river fly into the sky made the river more attractive, the seine is a famous symbol of france;on the west coast of pacific ocean there lies the modern city shanghai,another river which used to be a very important transportation route runs through the center of the city,people respected and regard it asmother.it is thesuzhou river,but l believe that few of you would sit beside it,people will be scattered by the terrible smell of water when walk by.i have to say it is extremely dirty! and we all know that a lot of beautiful rivers in the world also are sharing the same fate with suzhou river. who is the devil? i cant help asking. the unique earth is the only planet full of lives, the water is just like the blood in the active body, protecting water is saving ourselves.not to waste a single drop of water, otherwise, the only drop of water we could keep in the future would be our tear! my dear friends, mankind still faces a great difficulty in solving the problems of the environment and development, and there is a grand task to perform and along way to go.the middle school students in china will always cooperate with the young people of the wor ld to protect the environment. the future is ours to build! thanks for listening. 《love and take car of nature》 in spite of this, humans cannot live without earth.they live on the earth, drink the sweet water, and enjoy the sunshine, the air, the sky, the fruit; the grains utilize the energy and so on.in a word, the human being cannot live without nature, and mother nature makes us grow stronger. up to now, relying on their scientific power, the human have opened up too much and over developed nature, in order to fill up their growing appetites of wealth.they destroy the balance of nature, however, they dont realize, their own development and existence will be threatened.therefore, our sights should be focused on nature and we should try to develop the concept of keeping human and nature in unity. we should lay emphasis on our education with consider cultural and natural emotion.to use the vivid example to wake up the conscience in peoples hearts. to love nature is to love our mankind.as the new generation who enter the new century, we should make efforts to love and respect nature, to treat it well and protect it.at last, we have the night to enjoy it. 你好!

good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen.today i would like to begin with a story.there was once a physical therapist who traveled all the way from america to africa to do a census about mountain gorillas.these gorillas are main attraction to tourists from all over the world;this put them severely under threat of poaching and being put into the zoo.she went there out of curiosity,but what she saw strengthed her determination to devote her whole life to fighting for those beautiful creatures.she witneed a scene, a scene taking us to a place we never imaged we’ve ever been,where in the very depth of the african rainforest, surrounded by trees, flowers and butterflies, the mother gorillas cuddled their babies.yes, that’s a memotable scene in one of my favorite movies, called gorillas in the mist, based on a true story of mrs.dian foey,who spent most of her lifetime in rwanda to protect the ecoenvironment there until the very end of her life.to me, the movie not only presents an unforgettable scene but also acts as a timele reminder that we should not develop the tourist industry at the cost of our eco-environment.today, we live in a world of prosperity but still threatened by so many new problems.on the one hand, tourism, as one of the most promising industries in the 21st century, provides people with the great occur-natural scenes aren’t natural anymore.defirestation to heat lidges is devastating nepal.oil spills from tourist boats are polluting antarctica.tribal people are forsaking their native music and dre to listen to u2 on walkman and weat nike and reeboks.all these appalling facts have brought us to the realization that we can no longer stand by and do nothing, because the very thought of it has been eroding our resources.encouragingly, the explosive growth of global travel has put tourism again in the spotlight, which os why the united nations has made 2002 the year of ecotourism,for the first time to bring to the world’s attention the benefits of tourism, but also it’s capacity to destroy our ecoenvironment.now every year, many local ecoenvironmental protection organizations are receiving donations—big notrs,small notes or even coins—from housewives, plumbers, ambulance drivers, salesmen, teachers, children and invalids.some of them can not afford to send the money but they do.these are the ones who drive the cabs, who nurse in hospitals, who are suffering from ecological danage in their neighborhoood.why?because they care,because they still want their mother nature back, because they know it still belongs to them.this kind of feeling that i have, ladies and gentlemen, is篇5:英语演讲稿:保护环境——恐龙的灭绝


英语演讲稿:保护环境——恐龙的灭绝 good morning! ladies and gentlemen,today i will make a speech here 。 my topic is the importance of environment。 so many people talk about protect environment but very few actually do。this is because they dont really understand the importance of the environment。next im going to tell a story。 it will tell you how important the environment is。 long long ago,there was a kind of animal called dinosaur。 they were the biggest animals on earth。 they were also very strong。 but because of the environment,they were disappeared。 were humans stronger than the dinosaurs? the answer must be no。 a dinosaur can easily kill a dozen people。but as strong as they still could not withstand the threat environment。 do you think we can?the answer is certainly not。 so we knew the importance of the environment。 the earth gives us a good environment。 we must learn to cherish, cherish this opportunity。 so ,we must protect the environment。 as a student,we can also do a lot of helpful things。 for example,we can protect it by not throwing rubbish away,we can save water to make full use of it and so on。



As we all know, the environment around us is getting worse and worse.In some places we can\'t see fish swimming in the river or trees on the hills.Bird there is le and le fresh water in the world.Some people even have no clean water to drink.So I think we must do something to protect the environment.But what can we do? How to protect our environment? For example, we can go toschool on foot or by bike instead of taking a car.We had better use shopping basketbets instead of plastic bags when we go shopping.We should use both sides of the paper when we write.Do\'t use paper cups.At our school dinning room, use our own bowls and chopsticks instead of disposable ones.We can reuse the water and save the electricity.In a word, ifeveryone pays more attention to our environment, there will be le pollution and our life will be better.\"There is only one earth\", I hope everyone will protect our environment


Protect Our Environment As we all know, the environment around us is getting worse and worse.In some places we can\'t see fish swimming in the river or trees on the hills.There is le and le fresh water in the world.Some people even have no clean water to drink.So I think we must do something to protect the environment.But what can we do? How to protect our environment? For example, we can go to school on foot or by bike instead of taking a car.We had better use shopping baskets instead of plastic bags when we go shopping.We should use both sides of the paper when we write.Don\'t use paper cups.At our school dinning room, we use our own bowls and chopsticks instead of disposable ones.We can reuse the water and save the electricity.

In a word, if everyone pays more attention to our environment, there will be le pollution and our life will be better.There is only one earth.I hope everyone will protect our environment well.


初中保护环境作文一:保护环境 从我做起





但愿可怜的长颈鹿不再无辜地病死,但愿它的死能唤醒我们许多人的良知! 发挥孩子们爱想象的特点,让他们编童话故事,从一个独特的角度切题,比如让他们站在未来的角度去看现在的自然环境。或者编成神话故事,从上帝的角度看世界上的芸芸众生。都会收到不错的效果。










We all know Tagore.This famous Indian poet once said, “Life is given to us, and we earn it by giving it.” As the saying goes, nature is given to us, and we earn it by contributing to it.However, most people nowadays just want to ask for more from the nature.In fact, they do very little contribution to the nature.Therefore, the environment around us is becoming worse and worse.

Do you often use batteries? Then do you know it takes 50 times more energy to make them than they produce? And just one simple battery can pollute as much water as a person can drink in his whole life.The facts and figures are amazing.So would you please try to use batteries only when it is neceary? If poible, give the used ones to the recycling companies so that they will be made into new ones and won’t be able to pollute the environment any more.Sometimes we become complacent when it comes to recycling, but when you speak in terms of actual facts and figures that everybody can understand, people become much clearer about the problem.

We, as school students, can also join in recycling activities to protect the environment.For example, our cla set up a recycling center beside the back door, it is very useful.It is used to collect the waste paper and plastic bottles.In the past, our clamates used to throw all of these into the trashcan.At the very beginning of this collecting……


dear headmasters,teachers,clamates and friends: i’m very proud that i have chosen to speak to you all today, i’m a bit nervous as i’ve never made a speech before to so many people ,so please forgive me if it shows. as we all know,the environmemt around us is getting worse and worse .in some places we can’t see fish swimming in the river or trees on the hills.some people even have no clean water to drink.so i think we must do something to protect the environment..but what can we do? how to protect our environmemt? for example, we can go to school on foot or by bike .we can use shopping bakets not plastic bags .when we go shopping and we can use both sides of the paper when we write .in a word ,if everyone pays more attention to our environment ,there will be le pollution and our life will be better. “there is only one earth”,i hope everyone will protect our environment well.thanks! 亲爱的校长、老师、同学和朋友: 今天,我很自豪的是,我已经选择与你说话,我有一点紧张, 我从来没有在这么多人面前讲话,就请原谅我是否会表现出来的。


能做些什么呢?如何保护环境吗?比如,我们可以上学步行或者骑自行车。当我们去买东西时,我们可以用购物袋, 当我们写东西时,这张纸两面都可以用。总之,如果每个人都非常重视对我们的环境、污染就越少,我们的生活将会是比较好的。

“只有一个地球”,希望每个人都能保护我们的环境。谢谢! environment form disaster and to manage environmental risks.so we will develop and improve a new risk management system and a disaster prevention system to preserve and create the city environment where people feel easy and sound in their life. 地球规模气候的变化带来了一种新型的自然灾害和发达和复杂的城市体系,手里拿着一个潜在风险扩大伤害人工。同时,人们已经弄坏了健康的化学品的数量巨大以来,已经产生了使用方便、追求生产各种有毒物品堆积,无心环境。因此,我们需要一些解决这些问题的观点来防止城市环境形成灾难和管理环境风险。我们将开发和改进的新的风险的管理制度和防灾系统维护并创造城市环境,让大家感到轻松,声音,在他们的生活。 some people believe that economic development should never be at the cost of the environment.they think the present serious environmental problems are largely caused by rapid?economic development.for example, land resources are shrinking because of the industrial development and the expansion of cities.deserts are spreading because of over grazing, poor fanning, tree cutting, and strip mining.our air and water supplies are being polluted by poisonous gaesand waste products.it is important, therefore, that we should take another look at the way in which our industries and cities are developing.however, other people think it unneceary to consider environmental problems now and our first priority should always be given to economic development.they believe that environmental problems are inevitable and unavoidable in the proce of economic development.they are only the by products of economic development, which can be dealt with later when we have the time and money. environment? there has been much evidence to prove that a balance between the two helps more rapid and continuous development. 有些人认为经济发展不应该在环境为代价。他们认为目前的严重的环境问题在很大程度上是造成快速?经济发展。例如,土地资源正在收缩因为产业发展和扩展的城市。沙漠是传播因为过度放牧,可怜的耕作、树切割、、剥去挖掘。我们的空气和水的供应是被污染有毒废物。它是很重要的,因此,我们应该再看我们的工业和城市发展。 dear headmasters,teachers,clamates and friends: i’m very proud that i have chosen to speak to you all today, i’m a bit nervous as i’ve never made a speech before to so many people ,so please forgive me if it shows.(转载于:保护环境英语演讲稿) as we all know,the environmemt around us is getting worse and worse .in some places we can’t see fish swimming in the river or trees on the hills.some people even have no clean water to drink.so i think we must do something to protect the environment..but what can we do? how to protect our environmemt? for example, we can go to school on foot or by bike .we can use shopping bakets not plastic bags .when we go shopping and we can use both sides of the paper when we write .in a word ,if everyone pays more attention to our environment ,there will be le pollution and our life will be better. “there is only one earth”,i hope everyone will protect our environment well.thanks! 亲爱的校长、老师、同学和朋友: 今天,我很自豪的是,我已经选择与你说话,我有一点紧张, 我从来没有在这么多人面前讲话,就请原谅我是否会表现出来的。


能做些什么呢?如何保护环境吗?比如,我们可以上学步行或者骑自行车。当我们去买东西时,我们可以用购物袋, 当我们写东西时,这张纸两面都可以用。总之,如果每个人都非常重视对我们的环境、污染就越少,我们的生活将会是比较好的。

“只有一个地球”,希望每个人都能保护我们的环境。谢谢! environment form disaster and to manage environmental risks.so we will develop and improve a new risk management system and a disaster prevention system to preserve and create the city environment where people feel easy and sound in their life. 地球规模气候的变化带来了一种新型的自然灾害和发达和复杂的城市体系,手里拿着一个潜在风险扩大伤害人工。同时,人们已经弄坏了健康的化学品的数量巨大以来,已经产生了使用方便、追求生产各种有毒物品堆积,无心环境。因此,我们需要一些解决这些问题的观点来防止城市环境形成灾难和管理环境风险。我们将开发和改进的新的风险的管理制度和防灾系统维护并创造城市环境,让大家感到轻松,声音,在他们的生活。 some people believe that economic development should never be at the cost of the environment.they think the present serious environmental problems are largely caused by rapid?economic development.for example, land resources are shrinking because of the industrial development and the expansion of cities.deserts are spreading because of over grazing, poor fanning, tree cutting, and strip mining.our air and water supplies are being polluted by poisonous gaesand waste products.it is important, therefore, that we should take another look at the way in which our industries and cities are developing.however, other people think it unneceary to consider environmental problems now and our first priority should always be given to economic development.they believe that environmental problems are inevitable and unavoidable in the proce of economic development.they are only the by products of economic development, which can be dealt with later when we have the time and money. environment? there has been much evidence to prove that a balance between the two helps more rapid and continuous development. 有些人认为经济发展不应该在环境为代价。他们认为目前的严重的环境问题在很大程度上是造成快速?经济发展。例如,土地资源正在收缩因为产业发展和扩展的城市。沙漠是传播因为过度放牧,可怜的耕作、树切割、、剥去挖掘。我们的空气和水的供应是被污染有毒废物。它是很重要的,因此,我们应该再看我们的工业和城市发展。 with the developing of technology and industry, we produce more and more pollution to the environment, especially in our developing country.as is known to us all, recently, many areas in china appeared a maive haze weather, which caused people have to go out with a face mask.moreover, this phenomenon even caused the widespread attention at home and abroad, and also gave us a warning again.in addition, extreme weather, continual and countle species disappearing, global warming and so on, these all remind us of the urgency of the environment protection. problems are there already, so what should we do in order to improve the situation? cut down rubbish greatly and also do good to the environment in many aspects. although these being minor matter at above, but if everybody gets to do, set about from saving resource and falling off contaminating at once, we are likely to be to protect the earth making a contribution out. as the teenagers who taking knowledge now, we ought to protect environment right now.save the resource, protect environment, act as the young host who protects the earth! that’s all, thank you!篇4:英语演讲稿 关于环境保护 ?? ??? ?? 2??5? 6? ??? good *** ladies and gentlemen! my name is kim seung-eun.today i am very excited to stand here to tell you a little bit about the poor situation of global environment. private cars are not allowed to drive ever day. guys, as teenagers of the 21st century,as the children of the earth ,i think we have duties to save our planet.lets start from the small things in our daily life .such as planting a tree, using the public transportation , saving tap water ,stopping littering around ,„ these are all easy things for us.as the old saying goes ,drop by drop fills the tub .if we do work together ,i believe were gonna make a great difference toward the earth.so lets start by ourselves,start by today! thats all.thanks for your attention ~~??篇5:保护环境英文演讲稿 everybody can help the environment we, as school students, can also join in recycling activities to protect the environment.for example, our cla set up a recycling we should always remember in our mind that protecting the environment is our duty that we can never neglect.finally would you please let me end this speech with a little poem, “be kind to the river.be good to the trees.smile at the sunshine, and bow to the breeze.be friendly to nature, and nature will be friendly to you!”




过促进它。然而,大多数人现在只想要求从对大自然的了解。事实上,他们很少做贡献的性质。因此,我们周围的环境越来越差。 你是否经常使用的电池吗?那么你知道它需要50多倍的能量,使他们比他们生产?而一个简单的电池可以污染像一个人可以喝一生的水。事实和数字是惊人的。所以请你尝试使用电池只有在必要的?如果可能的话,请用的废物回收公司,使他们将成为新的,并不能污染环境了。有时我们感到自满时,资源的再利用,但是当你在实际的事实和数字,任何人都能理解,人们变得更加关注这个问题更清楚发言。

我们作为学生,还可以参加回收活动,以保护环境。例如,我们班成立了后门旁边的一个回收中心,这是非常有用的。它是用来收集废纸和塑料瓶。在过去,我们的同学用来投入到垃圾桶所有这一切。在这次收集活动一开始,它不是这样热身欢迎。后来,越来越多的人受到别人的影响,并加入了此收集活动。渐渐地,所有的班级形成良好习惯的学生,以保护环境。我们大家现在收拾东西的可重复使用,而不是扔进垃圾桶他们。 我们应该永远记住,在我们的脑海,保护环境是我们的责任,我们不能忽视。最后,请你让我结束这是一个小诗讲话“,善待河流。是好树木。在阳光的笑容,并鞠躬风。


A beatiful world

Dear headmasters,teachers,clamates and friends:

My name is zhang guotao.Today I am very excited to stand here to tell you about environment

When I was young,I always dreamed that I lived in a beautiful country.There were many flowers and trees around our city.We counld hear the birds singing and see the children dancing.The streets were clear and the the air was very fresh! How nice it was!But that only was a dream of mine!How I wish that it would be come true! So I think we should do something to protect our environment.Everyone should make a contribution to protect the environment.

Taking care of our environment is very important.Wherever you live,you can do something around your neighbourhood.

Have you ever thrown any litter onto the ground?Have you ever drawn pictures on public walls?Have you ever spat in a public place?Have you ever cut down trees?If your answers are \"No\",it means that you have already helped protect our environment.

It is our duty to keep our envionment clean and tidy.You might ask yourself,\"Have I ever picked up some rubbish and thrown it into a dustbin?Have I ever collected waste paper or bottles for recycling?Have I ever planted any trees or flowers in or near my neighbourhood?\"If your answers are\"Yes\",it means that you have already done something useful to improve the environment.Now I want to say :Let`s do our best to make our world more beautiful!

Thank you !

一个美好的世界! 亲爱的校长,老师,同学和朋友:







Protect our environment Dear headmasters,teachers,clamates and friends: My name is liu depeng.Today I am very excited to stand here to tell you about environment .We have only one earth.But now,the environment becomes worse and worse.we live in the world every day.We eat food, drink water, wear clothes, watch TV, use computers and so on.We are producing waste every moment.

When I was young,I always dreamed that I lived in a beautiful country.There were many flowers and trees around our city.We counld hear the birds singing and see the children dancing.The streets were clear and the the air was very fresh! How nice it was!But that only was a dream of mine!How I wish that it would be come true! So I think we should do something to protect our environment.Everyone should make a contribution to protect the environment.

Have you ever thrown any litter onto the ground?Have you ever drawn pictures on public walls?Have you ever spat in a public place?Have you ever cut down trees?If your answers are \"No\",it means that you have already helped protect our environment.

It is our duty to keep our envionment clean and tidy.You might ask yourself,\"Have I ever picked up some rubbish and thrown it into a dustbin?Have I ever collected waste paper or bottles for recycling?Have I ever planted any trees or flowers in or near my neighbourhood?\"If your answers are\"Yes\",it means that you have already done something useful to improve the environment.“There is only one earth”,I hope everyone will protect our environment well.

Thank you !




题目:请以”It\'s Our Duty To Protect Our Environment”为题,写一篇不少于60单词的作文。

It\'s Our Duty To Protect Our Environment


It\'s our duty to protect our environment.Where do we live? The earth.The earth is the only one place we live in.So you know how important the environment is.


But now, some people are harming the environment, like cutting down trees, drawing pictures on public walls, littering onto the ground.It\'s terrible if we still do it.


Now, it\'s time for all the people in the society to protect the environment.It\'s our duty.It needs each of us to make a

contribution to improving the environment.We should make our environment more and more beautiful.





Computer is important.

We must learn English well.

It\'s very important for us to...

In my opinion...


Firstly, ...Secondly, ...Lastly, ...Above all, ...等。


So we must...

So it\'s very important for us to...

I believe...

We should...


Protect environment ,beginning from me!

Hello,everyone.My name is Li Zhaorui,I come from Xiaoyu school, today, I’m very glad to have a chance to give a speech here.My speech topic is protect environment,beginning from me!But I’m a bit nervous because I’ve never made a speech before so many people ,so please forgive me if I make some mistakes.

We live in the world every day.We eat food, drink water, wear clothes, watch TV, use computers and so on.We are producing waste every moment.

We have only one earth.But the environmemt around us is getting worse and worse .In some places .we can’t see fish swimming in the river or trees on the hills.Some people even have no clean water to drink.So many of them lose their lives because of water.In a lot of countries, people have to cut trees for living.So there\'s nothing to keep water from running away.Also we have polluted the land, the river and the air.So we have to face more and more floods and droughts .

When I was a little girl ,I always dreamed that I lived in a beautiful country.There were many flowers and trees around our city.We could hear the birds singing and see the children dancing.The streets were clear and the the air was very fresh! How nice it was!But that only was a dream of mine!How I wish that it would be come true! So I think we should do something to protect our environment.Everyone should make a contribution to protect the environment.

But what can we do? How to protect our environmemt? For example, we can go to school on foot or by bike .we can use shopping baskets not plastic bags .when we go shopping and we can use both sides of the paper when we write .In a word ,if everyone pays more attention to our environment ,there will be le pollution and our life will be better. Taking care of our environment is very important.Wherever you live,you can do something around your neighborhood.

Have you ever thrown any litter onto the ground?Have you ever drawn pictures on public walls?Have you ever spat in a public place?Have you ever cut down trees?If your answers are \"No\",it means that you have already helped protect our environment.

It is our duty to keep our envionment clean and tidy.You might ask yourself,\"Have I ever picked up some rubbish and thrown it into a dustbin?Have I ever collected waste paper or bottles for recycling?Have I ever planted any trees or flowers in or near my neighborhood?\"If your answers are\"Yes\",it means that you have already done something useful to improve the environment.

It\'s time that we must do something useful to protect our environment.We can plant trees and take good care of them.We can save the water and ask our parents to do so.We can\'t throw any litter on the ground and we should collect them for recycling.

“There is only one earth” ,I hope everyone should protect our environment well.Let\'s do our best to save the earth.If we take good care of our earth today,it will be come more and more beautiful tomorrow.

That’s all.Thank you!








现在是为保护环境做些有益的事的时候了,我们可以多植树,节约用水,不乱扔垃圾,回收利用废物。“我们只有一个地球”,我希望我们每个人保护好我们的环境,尽力拯救地球。如果今天我们保护好地球,那么明天它会变得越来越美丽。 谢谢大家!


Nowadays, more and more people realize it`s neceary and important to protect the environment.Also,there are some people who don`t pay attention to hygiene and they can`t stop littering the rubbish casually or spitting everywhere all the time.And in addition, there are a few factories often cutting down the trees, discharging chemicals and dirty water and so on.And it causes many problems like the Greenhouse Effect.If they do these day by day and our life will be harder and harder,so we have to stop them.To stop them we can put up commonweal advertisements and tell them the detriment of destroying the environment.So we can start from now to make a beautiful life.

Many people are active in fighting against unfair treatment to colored people, women , animals and so on.Right now I am talking about fighting for respect to our environment.Though the environment doesn’t have a mouth to deprecate what humans have done to her, she retaliates through action.In the early years the Chinese cut down large quantities of trees, at the source of the yellow river, which led to the disappearance of big forests and terrible floods.As a result,the Huangtu plateau which was once covered with gra and forests was turned into barrens that supported fewer plants.Another example was in several developed countries.Because many chemical factories discharged poisonous gas without filtering it, cities were covered with so much poisonous gas that people were killed by the air they breathed in.What horrible scene! What we are suffering is only a small part of what the nature once suffered.If we don’t take action to show respect to the environment, we will have to face an increasingly awful situation.Measures should be taken to protect the environment on which we are relying.First governments should forbid destroying vegetation, rivers and lakes, oceans, as and the atmosphere as well.Second voices should be made to announce the public of the importance of protecting the environment.Third enterprises should pay special attention to the effect they have on the environment and work out solutions for the problems.Only by changing the way we treat the environment can we get along well with it.Only by saving the environment can we save ourselves.

Once man did not have to think about the protection of his environment.There were few people on the earth, and natural resources seemed to be unlimited.Today things are different.The world has become too crowded.We are using up our natural resources,and polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals.If we continue to do this, human life on earth will not survive.We realize that if too many fish are taken from the sea, there will soon be none left.Yet,with modern fishing methods, more and more fish are caught.We know that if too many trees are cut down, forests will disappear.Yet, we continue to use powerful machines to cut down more and more trees.We see that if rivers are polluted with waste products, we will die.Yet, waste products are still put into rivers.We know that if the population continues to rise at the present rate, in a few years, there won't be enough food.What can we do to solve these problems? If we eat more vegetables and le meat, there will be more food available.Land for crops feeds five times more people than land where animals are kept.Our natural resources will last longer if we learn to recycie them.The world population will not rise so quickly if people use modern methods of birth control.Finally, if we educate people to think about the problems we shall have a better and cleaner planet in the future.

The world we live in is becoming more and more intolerable because of environmental destruction.Bird flu and Sars are two typical examples that environmental destruction may threaten our life.Besides, forest destruction , water and air pollution result in decrease of planting land and unpleasant weather.Serious as the problem seems, we can come up with some measures to deal with it.First of all, the authorities should adopt the policy of \"sustainable development\", and laws concerning environmental protection should be put into effect and enforced strictly just as our government has been doing.What\' s more, every citizen should realize the seriousne of the problem and make concerted efforts to protect our environment.In addition, planting trees helps improve and beautify the environment.

Throughout history man has changed his physical environment in order to improve his way of life.With the tools of technology he has altered many physical features of the earth.He has transformed woodlands and prairies into farms and made lakes and reserviors out of rivers for irrigation purposes or hydroelectric power.Man has also modified the face of the earth by draining marshes and cutting through mountains to build roads and railways.However, man\'s changes to the physical environment have not always had beneficial results.Today, pollution of the air and water is an increasing danger to the health of the planet.Each day thousands of tons of gases come out of the exhausts of motor vehicles.Smoke from factories pollutes the air of industrialized areas and the surrounding areas of the countryside.The pollution of water is equally harmful.The whole ecological balance of the sea is being changed and industrial wastes have already made many rivers lifele.Now environmental protection is more preing than ever before.As we know, maive destruction of environment has brought about negative effects and even poses a great threat to man\'s existence.Indifference to these problems will mean committing suicide.Therefore, effective measures should be taken and laws paed to conserve environment.Otherwise,man is certain to suffer from the serious consequences caused by this lack of care for his living surroundings.

With the improvement of our living standard, more and more people can afford a car.As a result, our roads are more often than not crammed with cars.However, with more and more waste gas being discharged by the cars, the problem of air pollution becomes even more serious.So nowadays we advocate to lead a low-carbon life. My suggestion is we should ride bikes more often instead of driving cars.By riding a bike, we can not only exercise our body but also protect our environment.Why not have a try, my dear friends? Now, our side of the car constant more up, the environment also increasingly worse! That the air around us there are many harmful substances.Therefore, we want to Sue around things start to do.For example, we can go to school by bike or walk, it can exercise.If you have time can use le elevator, many climb stairs.We can not only physical exercise, but also to protect our environment.文章文体:议论文.文章要点:1.保护环境的重要性;2.学生在家庭中节约能源的具体做法和感想;3.今后的打算.文章框架:文章应该是三部分两段式.第一段(包括要点前两部分)1.环保的重要性;2 接着是站在学生的角度谈谈家庭节约能源的具体方法,第二段写第三要点,即谈谈今后打算.重要句型短语:It is important to protect our environment, the energy in the world is limited.turn off the light and other appliance when you ,re not using them, we\'d better not waste the energy, use public transportation, recycle the waste,I can learn more to develop new and clear energy, like the energy from the wind and solar 等.参考例文:

With the development of our society, energy in the world becomes more and more limited, so it is quite important for us to save energy and to protect our environment.As a student, there are a lot of methods we can do to save energy at home.For example, first, we can turn off the light as well as other appliances when we are not using them.Second, recycle the waste water, paper and other waste so that we can reuse them.What\'s more, it is suggested to use public transportation more instead of private cars.

Above all, everyone can make a great contribution to our environment.I hope I can learn more to develop new and clear energy, like energy from the wind and solar.


Recently we have held a cla meeting to discu what is considered to be honorable behavior and what is shameful.(最近我们班开了个班会讨论什么是光荣和耻辱.)It is really a pity to see all this in our school.(很遗憾在学校看到这些现象)Some students don’t respect their teachers or parents.(不尊敬老是和父母)Some don’t take their studies seriously and cheat in exams.(作业不认真,考试作弊)Some throw wastes everywhere and pollute the environment .(到处乱扔垃圾污染环境.)It is honorable to obey the law and rules , care much about our cla and study hard.(关心班级、努力学习、遵纪守法是光荣)It is shameful to break school rules, to be selfish or to make little effort to achieve succe.(违反学校纪律、自私 骄傲是可耻的)We should respect others and think more of them than of ourselves.(我们应该尊敬别人经常关心别人)We should work hard and make much more progre to repay the society.(我们应该努力学习取得更大进步从而回报社会.)We should try our best to keep the environment clean.(我们应该想方设法保持干净的环境.) (5) There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years.One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air, water and soil.the polluted air does great harm to people’s health.The polluted water causes diseases and death.What is more, vegetation had been greatly reduced with the rapid growth of modern cities.To protect the environment, governments of many countries have done a lot.Legislative steps have been introduced to control air pollution, to protect the forest and sea resources and to stop any environmental pollution.Therefore, governments are playing the most important role in the environmental protection today.In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures.First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education.Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more people means more pollution.Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished.We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves.保护环境


Today the quality of our natural environment has become an important iue.The world population is rising so quickly that the world has become too crowded.We are using up our natural resources and at the same time polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals.If we continue to do this, life on earth cannot survive.现如今我们的自然环境已经成为一个重要问题。世界人口增长如此之快以至于世界已经变得过于拥挤。我们在消耗自然资源的同时危险化学物品污染着我们生存的环境。如果我们继续这样下去,地球上的生物将不能生存。

Concerned people have made some progre in environmental protection.Governments of many countries have established laws to protect the air, forests and sea resources and to stop environmental pollution.相关人士在环境保护方面做出了一些进展。许多国家的政府已经建立法律来保护大气,森林和海洋资源以停止环境污染。

Still more measures should be taken to solve environmental problems.People should be further educated to recognize the importance of the problems, to use modern methods of birth control, to conserve(保存) our natural resources and recycle(再循环) our products.We are sure that we can have a better and cleaner place in the future.同时更应该采取措施来解决环境问题。应该进一步教育人们认识到问题的重要性,应用现代的生产控制方法来节约我们的自然资源和实现产品的再循环。我们相信在将来我们会拥有一个更好的更干净的生存之地。

关于 雾霾 的英语作文(篇1)

Recently,haze weather has become a daily one right here in large part of China.People are forced to wear the mask to avoid breathing poisonous air.So it is neceary to find out the reason why leads to that and work out the resolution.If we trace the cause for haze weather ,the main points are as follows ,first,china \'s air quality standards are rather lax and evaluation factors are limited,so you will see that current air appraisal system has defects.Second,some people just go for economic interests instead of turning out products according to relevant law and regulations.They tend to use obsolete equipment in which they are high likely to emit a great deal of wasted air.Third,acro our society ,relevant protection awarene has not built up so that people havent formed a habit of using green product and saving energy as much as poible.Just for the sake of convience to go out,people rely more and more on travelling and working by car while car is the main cause for the haze weather To settle this problem,a series of meaures should be taken as follows.First ,we should strengthen air monitor to lower the levels of small particulate pollutants.Second,we should enact more strict laws and regulations and keep perfecting our current law on environmental protection to regulate people \'s daily action and the industrial production and punish those factories that ignore the protection and keep emitting dangerous material that cause haze.Third,we should develop green and energy-saving energy to lower the emiion of haze and improve air quality.As far as i am concerned ,if we work together to be able to do such measures ,our environment will getting better and better and haze weather will vanish completely.关于 雾霾 的英语作文(篇2)

Haze is air pollution in which is mixed up with dust, smoke and other dry particles ,and it obscure the clarity of the sky and interacts with the natural environment.阴霾是空气污染和灰尘,烟雾和其他干燥粒子,它掩盖了清晰的天空,与自然环境进行交互。 雾霾原因This kind of air pollutant come from a variety of natural and manmade sources.Natural sources can include windblown dust, and soot from wildfires.Manmade sources can include motor vehicles, and industrial fuel burning, and manufacturing operations.The one of the main cause that touches off haze is manufacturing operations.Many factories were over measure produced the smog that had over the standard and the smog seriously influence the air become air pollution.这种空气污染物来自各种自然和人为来源。天然来源可以包括风沙、烟尘从森林大火。人为来源可以包括机动车辆、工业燃料燃烧和制造业务。触动了烟雾的主要原因之一是制造业务。许多工厂测量产生的烟雾对标准和烟雾严重影响空气成为空气污染。

雾霾危害The components that make up haze may have negative effect on people\'s health especially that of the children and the elderly.Also not excluded are those who have certain diseases such as asthma, allergy, and pneumonia and lung disease.Workers working in the open air have a high risk in their health.组件构成烟雾可能对人们的健康有负面影响特别是儿童和老人。也不排除是某些疾病如哮喘、过敏、肺炎和肺部疾病。工人工作在露天有很高的风险在他们的健康。

解决方法 One of effective solutions to help eliminate haze is to make some chemistry changes during the manufacturing proce,so it could reduce harmful emiions which are produced by manufacturing operations 一个有效的解决方案,帮助消除烟雾是让一些化学变化在制造过程中,所以它能减少有害排放产生的制造业务。

关于 雾霾 的英语作文(篇3)

During the 15 days from New Year’s Eve to Lantern Festival, Beijing was affected by smog for more than half the time, because of which people suffered a lot.On the road people drove slowly because they could not see clearly.People also suffered from many illnees caused by smog.The smog in Beijing has been caused by many factors, in which the increase of cars in the city area plays an important role.The carend off a lot of poisonous gases, which in turn adds to the already seriousair pollution.In my opinion, the number of cars should be limited.We should call on the people to use more public transport.Only in this way canwe expect to have more sunny days.

开头Nowadays, more and more people realize it`s neceary and important to protect the environment.原因之后If we don’t take action to show respect to the environment, we will have to face an increasingly awful situation.开头The world we live in is becoming more and more intolerable because of environmental destruction.

措施Serious as the problem seems, we can come up with some measures to deal with it.First of all, the authorities should adopt the policy of \"sustainable development\", and laws concerning environmental protection should be put into effect and enforced strictly just as our government has been doing.开头Today, pollution of the air and water is an increasing danger to the health of the planet.Each day thousands of tons of gases come out of the exhausts of motor vehicles.Smoke from factories pollutes the air of industrialized areas and the surrounding areas of the countryside.The pollution of water is equally harmful.The whole ecological balance of the sea is being changed and industrial wastes have already made many rivers lifele.危害Now environmental protection is more preing than ever before.As we know, maive destruction of environment has brought about negative effects and even poses a great threat to man\'s existence.Indifference to these problems will mean committing suicide.

措施Therefore, effective measures should be taken and laws paed to conserve environment.Otherwise,man is certain to suffer from the serious consequences caused by this lack of care for his living surroundings.

危害the polluted air does great harm to people’s health.措施In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures.First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education.Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more pollution.Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished.We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves.

措施Still more measures should be taken to solve environmental problems.People should be further educated to recognize the importance of the problems, to use modern methods of birth control, to conserve(保存) our natural resources and recycle(再循环) our products.We are sure that we can have a better and cleaner place in the future.开头Recently,haze weather has become a daily one right here in large part of China.People are forced to wear the mask to avoid breathing poisonous air.So it is neceary to find out the reason why leads to that and work out the resolution.原因If we trace the cause for haze weather ,the main points are as follows ,first,china \'s air quality standards are rather lax and evaluation factors are limited,so you will see that current air appraisal system has defects.Second,some people just go for economic interests instead of turning out products according to relevant law and regulations.They tend to use obsolete equipment in which they are high likely to emit a great deal of wasted air.Third,acro our society ,relevant protection awarene has not built up so that people haven’t formed a habit of using green product and saving energy as much as poible.Just for the sake of convience to go out,people rely more and more on travelling and working by car while car is the main cause for the haze weather 措施Third,we should develop green and energy-saving energy to lower the emiion of haze and improve air quality.结尾As far as i am concerned ,if we work together to be able to do such measures ,our environment will getting better and better and haze weather will vanish completely.雾霾危害The components that make up haze may have negative effect on people\'s health especially that of the children and the elderly.Also not excluded are those who have certain diseases such as asthma, allergy, and pneumonia and lung disease.Workers working in the open air have a high risk in their health.开头On the road people drove slowly because they could not see clearly.People also suffered from many illnees caused by smog.Nowadays, the world we live in is becoming more and more intolerable because of environmental destruction.Each day thousands of tons of gases come out of the exhausts of motor vehicles.Smoke from factories pollutes the air of industrialized areas and the surrounding areas of the countryside.Recently,haze weather has become a daily one right here in large part of China.People are forced to wear the mask to avoid breathing poisonous air.Some people think it is impoible to solve the problem,however,from my opinion ,if we find out the reason an take effective measures the environment can be better.If we trace the cause for haze weather ,the main points are as follows ,first,our country’s air quality standards are rather lax and evaluation factors are limited,so you will see that current air appraisal system has defects.Second,some people just go for economic interests instead of turning out products according to relevant law and regulations.They tend to use obsolete equipment in which they are high likely to emit a great deal of wasted air.Third,acro our society ,relevant protection awarene has not built up so that people haven’t formed a habit of using green product and saving energy as much as poible.If we don’t take action to show respect to the environment, we will have to face an increasingly awful situation.Therefore, effective measures should be taken and laws paed to conserve environment.In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures.First, People should be further educated to recognize the importance of the problems, to use modern methods of birth control, to conserve our natural resources and recycle our products.Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more pollution.Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished.We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves.

To sum up,if we work together to take out such measures ,our environment will getting better and better and haze weather will vanish completely.



1.Keep the environment clean, so it will stay green.

2.Keep our nature healthy, cause it will make us wealthy.

3.Reduce wastes and recycle them instead, put them with plants and they will be fed.

4.Global warming is so uncool!

5.Save our precious Earth!

6.Clean & live, or be lazy & die!

7.Our Earth is most precious

8.It’s not my fault greenhouse gases hate earth!


· Don\'t Waste Water

· Keep Our Oceans Blue

· Water Is Life

Trees and Forest Conservation

· Do You Need to Print?

· He Who Plants a Tree Loves Others Besides Himself!

· Keep Our Forests Green

· Plant a Tree, Green the Earth, Clean the Air, Live Happily

· Save Paper, Save Trees, Save the Planet

· Think Before You Print

· To Print or Not to Print


· Eat, Sleep, Recycle

· Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

General Earth-Friendly

· Clean and Green

· Embrace the Green Revolution

· Go Green for Life

· Live Green, Love Green, Think Green

· Save the Earth.We Have Nowhere Else To Go!

· The Earth Is Yours.Save It!




We live in the world every day.We eat food, drink water, wear clothes, watch TV, use computers and so on.We are producing waste every moment.Generally speaking, there are four sorts of waste.They are material waste, organic waste, inorganic waste and poisonous & harmful waste.Now, we are going to talk about each sort of waste one by one.Material waste: it means the waste of substance or things from which something else can be made.For example, people throw away the used metal products and buy a new one, so the old metal waste accumulates.At last, they become waste.For example, when people finish reading newspaper, the paper will become waste.When the gla is broken, it also becomes waste.Nobody wants to use a broken window or drink with a broken gla or wear a pair of broken glaes.Once it is broken, it becomes waste.The rate of using plastics is increasing day by day.People use plastic bags because they are convenient.When they get home, they throw the plastics way, paying no attention to the environment.The more convenience plastics brings to us, the more plastic waste is produced.This is called \"white pollution\" as most plastics are white.Some of our products we use every day are made of rubber, just like the tyres and the bottom part of our shoes.It\'s true that rubber plays an important role in our life.However, it also brings us some trouble when it has been used for a long time and becomes old.The old tyres become waste because it can\'t break down by nature.This is really a big problem.演讲稿二:保护环境英语演讲稿 Hello: everyone!Now I want to talk about a beatiful world! When I was young,I always dreamed that I lived in a beautiful country.There were many flowers and trees around our city.We counld hear the birds singing and see the children dancing.The streets were clear and the the air was very fresh! How nice it was!But that only was a dream of mine!How I wish that it would be come true! So I think we should do something to protect our environment.Everyone should make a contribution to protect the environment.Taking care of our environment is very important.Wherever you live,you can do something around your neighbourhood.Have you ever thrown any litter onto the ground?Have you ever drawn pictures on public walls?Have you ever spat in a public place?Have you ever cut down trees?If your answers are \"No\",it means that you have already helped protect our environment.It is our duty to keep our envionment clean and tidy.You might ask yourself,\"Have I ever picked up some rubbish and thrown it into a dustbin?Have I ever collected waste paper or bottles for recycling?Have I ever planted any trees or flowers in or near my neighbourhood?\"If your answers are\"Yes\",it means that you have already done something useful to improve the environment.Now I want to say :Let\'s do our best to make our world more beautiful! 演讲稿三:保护环境英语演讲稿

We have only one earth.But now,the environment becomes worse and worse.As you know,there\'s no enough clean water for people.So many of them lose their lives because of water.In a lot of countries, people have to cut trees for living.So there\'s nothing to keep water from running away.Also we have polluted the land, the river and the air.So we have to face more and more floods and droughts .It\'s time that we must do something useful to protect our environment.We can plant trees and take good care of them.We can save the water and ask our parents to do so.We can\'t throw any litter onto the ground and we should collect them for recycling.If we take good care of our earth today,it will be more beautiful tomorrow.演讲稿四:保护环境英语演讲稿

Dear headmasters,teachers,clamates and friends: I\'m very proud that I have chosen to speak to you all today, I\'m a bit nervous as I\'ve never made a speech before to so many people ,so please forgive me if it shows.As we all know,the environmemt around us is getting worse and worse .In some places we can\'t see fish swimming in the river or trees on the hills.Some people even have no clean water to drink.So I think we must do something to protect the environment..But what can we do? How to protect our environmemt? For example, we can go to school on foot or by bike .we can use shopping bakets not plastic bags .when we go shopping and we can use both sides of the paper when we write .In a word ,if everyone pays more attention to our environment ,there will be le pollution and our life will be better.\"There is only one earth\",I hope everyone will protect our environment well.Thanks!


Protect the Environment Against Pollution


Hello! everyone!


Now i want to talk about pollution.

protect the environment against 现在我想谈一谈保护环境免受污染。

When i was child, I always think that I lived in a beautiful country.There were many flowers and trees around our city.The sky was blue and fields were green.We could hear the birds singing and see the children dancing.

The streets were clean and the air was very fresh! Laughter was the language of the world .How nice it was! But that only was a dream of mine! how i wish that it would come true! 当我还是个孩子的时候,我总以为我生活在一个美丽的国家。我们城市周围有许多花和树。天空是蓝的,田野是绿色的。我们能听到鸟儿在歌唱,看到孩子们跳舞。街道干净,空气很清新!笑声是世界的语言。多么好啊!但那只是我的一个梦想!我多么希望它会实现电子!

I\'m worried about my country.There is pollution everywhere.It’s time to do something about it.need pure water to drink.

We need fresh air to breathe.


We need a clean environment to be healthy.

worse Today, people have discovered that the nature around is getting and worse.Air, water and noise pollution have become more and more serious.“Life is given to us, and we earn it by giving it.”


Have you ever thrown any litter onto the ground? drawn pictures on public walls? If your answers are \"noprotect our environment.

Have you ever

Have you ever spat in a public place? It means that you have already helped 你曾经把垃圾扔到地上吗?你曾经在公共墙壁上画过画吗?你有没有在公共场所吐口水?如果你的答案是“不”,那就意味着你已经帮助保护我们的环境。

It is our duty to keep our environment clean and tidy.Youmightaskyourself.Have i ever picked up some rubbish and thrown it into a dustbin? Have i ever planted any trees or flowers near my neighborhood? If your answers are \"yes

, it means that you have already done something useful to improve the environment.We should always remember that protecting the environment is our duty that we can never neglect.by protecting nature, we protect ourselves.


Finally let me end this speech with a little poem, “be kind to the river.Be good to the trees.smile at the sunshine, and bow to the breeze.be friendly to nature, and nature will be friendly to you! ”Just think what a wonderful world it will be! Letbest to make our world more beautiful!


’s do our

Thanks everybody.


Topic: The fight aginst air pollution

With our society developing so fast,three are a lot of buildings growing up,a large quantity of cars running in the strees as well.This phenomenon implys the develop of our economy is fast,but this also cause serious air pollution,which does much harm to our daily life.

The polluted air may make us breathe difficultly,we may also run a risk that our human could have a cancer more easily.Not only can it do harm to our human but also to the ecological system.So it’s eencial for us to do something to stop the air pollution.

On the one hand our government should close down some factories which don not meet the emiion standard,on the other hand they should move some factories out of the downtown where people are gathered.As for us,we can plant trees in our spare time.I’m sure if we do this seriously,with time goes by,the air will be clear again soon,andthen,people are happy with the measures taken by the government.


As we all know, the environment around us is getting worse and worse.In some places .we can’t see fish swimming in the river or trees on the hills.Some people even have no clean water to drink.

Recently, a new lifestyle called low carbon life is spreading every corner of our country.The meaningsof low carbonare high energy and no waste.It is such an important project thatI can’t wait to expre my ideas on how to promote it.

First, we should set up a no-car day every week in our school.Because cars not only cause serious air pollution but also waste energy.On the no-car day, neither students nor teachers are allowed to drive to school.At the same time, just walk or run.Use our legs and enjoy the fun.

Second, we had better not use plastic bags any more.No one can stand the“white pollution”, so it is wise to use cloth bags which can be used again and again.

Finally, one thing that we should keep in mind is that every big thing comes from the small details.So, as students, we should turn offthe lights the moment we leave, use both sides of the paper, and reuse our textbooks and so on.

All in all, it weighs greatly for all of us to put the lowcarbon lifestyle into practice.Just set our mind to these: no-car days, no plastic bags, and no waste.Let’s do it now.


As a middle school student,I think it is our duty to protect the environment of our city——Beijing.Although people plant many trees in both sides of the road, the environment here is not good enough.

First of all, it’s a good idea to use public transport whenever poible,because it ismore environmentally .

Secondly, it’s better to open the window instead of turning on air conditioning.

Above all, buy things produced locally and try not to buy too much things made abroad.

Finally I hope all of the people will spare no effort to protect our environment.(人们将不遗余力地保护我们的环境。)



I\'m worried about my country.

There is polution everywhere.

It\'s time to do something about it.

We need fresh air to breathe.

We need pure water to drink.

We need a clean environment to be healthy.

People have to stop littering.

We have to respect our surroundings.

We must become friends of the earth.

First,everyone must get involved.

Everyone must lend a hand.

Together we can clean up our neiborhoods.

Second,we can practice conservation.

We can reduce waste and reuse things.

We can recycle paper,bottles,and plastic.

Third,we can put up more \"Don\'t litter\" signs.

We can trashcans on every corner.

We can pick up garbage when we see it.

We must take action to fight pollution.

It\'s our future we\'re protecting.

It\'s our duty to keep our planet clean.

So,please don\'t pollute.

Don\'t be a litterbug.

Don\'t be afraid to remind others,too.

Let\'s protect nature\'s beauty.Let\'s make our future bright.Let\'s start to clean up now.

第18篇:英语比赛 保护环境


Protect environment, brook no delay!


The earth is the only human survival of the planet, a blue sky, a vast graland on earth, the beauty of the sea and the green forest.There are countle resources.


But we human beings are not good to protect the survival of our environment.A lot of

people to chop wood, harmful gas discharged, large discharge a large amount of sewage, causing harm to our natural environment.


Nature is angry, it crazy revenge against the human race, earthquake, storm, Blizzard, debris flow, volcano ...And so frequently occur, let us taste the fruits of my own.


A large number of facts show, the earth is very important for us humans, clamates let us protect the earth, it is the precious human resources, it is formed to hundreds of millions of years, protect the earth from now on, the protection of the earth begin from me, and strive for the construction of the beauty of the earth.


题目:请以”It\'s Our Duty To Protect Our Environment”为题,写一篇不少于60单词的作文。

It\'s Our Duty To Protect Our Environment


It\'s our duty to protect our environment.Where do we live? The earth.The earth is the only one place we live in.So you know how important the environment is.


But now, some people are harming the environment, like cutting down trees, drawing pictures on public walls, littering onto the ground.It\'s terrible if we still do it.


Now, it\'s time for all the people in the society to protect the environment.It\'s our duty.It needs each of us to make a

contribution to improving the environment.We should make our environment more and more beautiful.








Computer is important.

We must learn English well.

It\'s very important for us to...

In my opinion...


Firstly, ...Secondly, ...Lastly, ...Above all, ...等。


So we must...

So it\'s very important for us to...

I believe...

We should...To protect environment is to protect life

My clamates and I had a tour this spring.We had a good time.

But meanwhile I knew that environmental pollution in our country

was becoming more and more serious.On our way, we could see

women washing clothes in the river.Litter was floating on the

river.Waste water produced by a chemical factory was being

discharged into the river.We did not see any fish in the river.The

river was not so clear as before.Water quality was very bad.I am

worried about it because water is important to all living things.

Man can not live without water.I hope people pay more attention

to this problem, especially the government.Try to control the

pollution of water as early as poible.At last I would like to say,

\"To protect environment is to protect life.\"

Water is the source of life

Earth looks like a big blue marble; from high above the Earth

and from the moon, the planet gleams and shines.The blue

water in the oceans and seas of the Earth makes a dramatic

image.Water is the source of this beauty and the source of life on

Earth.It is the reason people can live on this planet.Water is

everywhere.Water is in rock deep under the ground, in natural

holding areas.In a real sense, water keeps Earth alive.The last drop of water will be the world\'s human tears.We

Chinese are one of the 12 water-poor countries, as people

waste, water le and le.However, there are many waste of

water, for example: some of the children bought water gun filled

with water shooting water everywhere; there are some students

hand-washing after washing bowls, or not turn off the faucet,

waste a lot of water.......Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, where the

recent prolonged drought, making survival of the population

there is facing a serious threat to addre this problem, we in

China 1.3 billion to develop awarene of water conservation.

Therefore, I appeal to you here: \"Take action at water saving

Stop earth mother from crying!

地球看上去就像一个巨大的蓝色玻璃球, 从高高的地球上空或从月


地球上大洋大海里的蔚蓝色的水构成了一幅激动人心的图画。 水是

地球上的美丽之源、生命之源。 水是人们能在这颗行星上生存的根

本。 到处都有水。











Water is the source of life

Earth looks like a big blue marble; from high above the Earth and from the moon, the planet gleams and shines.The blue water in the oceans and seas of the Earth makes a dramatic image.Water is the source of this beauty and the source of life on Earth.It is the reason people can live on this planet.Water is everywhere.Water is in rock deep under the ground, in natural holding areas.In a real sense, water keeps Earth alive.The last drop of water will be the world\'s human tears.We Chinese are one of the 12 water-poor countries, as people waste, water le and le.However, there are many waste of water, for example: some of the children bought water gun filled with water shooting water everywhere; there are some students hand-washing after washing bowls, or not turn off the faucet, waste a lot of water.......Yunnan-Guizhou plateau, where the recent prolonged drought, making survival of the population there is facing a serious threat to addre this problem, we in China 1.3 billion to develop awarene of water conservation.Therefore, I appeal to you here: \"Take action at water saving

Stop earth mother from crying!

地球看上去就像一个巨大的蓝色玻璃球, 从高高的地球上空或从月球上望去,这颗行星熠熠生辉,闪闪发光。

地球上大洋大海里的蔚蓝色的水构成了一幅激动人心的图画。 水是地球上的美丽之源、生命之源。 水是人们能在这颗行星上生存的根本。 到处都有水。



但是生活中还有许多浪费水的现象,比如;有些小朋友买来水枪到处射水,还有一些学生洗完碗或洗完手,都不关水龙头,浪费了许多水……最近云南贵州高原那里长时间持续干旱,使那里居民生存面临着严重威胁,针对这个问题,我们中国13亿要养成节约用水的意识。 因此,我现在向大家呼吁:‘‘珍惜每一滴水,让地球妈妈不再哭泣


