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july 29, 2005

xxx, ceo

xxx, vp sales

xxxxxxxx corporation


it’s our great honor to invite you to visit xxx company located at (addre) in august, 2003.this visit will provide an opportunity for you to make a better understanding of our marketing iues, and to communicate our future busine cooperation in detail.

xxx company, as one of your distributors in china, has been great progreing in promoting and selling your products.we believe this visit will be of great benefit to our future busine cooperation.

please use this invitation letter to apply for your visa to china.

we are all looking forward to seeing you soon, and should you have any questions, please feel free to inform me.

yours truly,


vice president sales

xxx company


June 25th,2007


ATTN: (客户的名字)

Re: Invitation for Busine Trip

I, (你的名字), on behalf of (你公司的名字) Would like to invite 客户的名字to visit our office in 公司所在城市, China in the 日期.

The main purpose of this trip is to give you more ideas on busine view here.At the same time to try implementing the agreement, which is under

discuion/negotiation for some time.

All the traveling and accommodation expenses in China will be borne by your company.


(paport number: 护照号码)

Yours truly,










Date: 日期

Dear Mr.(受邀人姓,或姓名),

This is a formal invitation to invite you to visit our plant, located in (邀请人公司地址),China,from ...to ...(访问时间).

We confirm that we will make the itinerary and all other arrangments for your visit in China.

We also confirm that all the expenses during your stay in China will be covered by (受邀人公司名称).

Please attach this letter of invitation, together with the Visa Application Form to apply for a visa in the nearest Chinese Embay in (受邀人所在城市)。

We look forward to seeing you in China very soon.

Yours sincerely,







Dear XXX

XXX Industries would like to request that you and a representative ofXXXX visit us in the United States sometime within the next few months..As you know, it has been several years since we last met in China and it is very important to both parties that we continue building our relationship, given the new “molded parts” we will soon be procuring from you and the increased busine we are anticipating over the next several years brought on by new federal legislation, currently taking place in the United States.XX公司希望邀请你和XX的代表在以后的几个月中来我司访问。。。如你所知,自从上次在中国见面,我们已有几年没见了。这次会面对我们双方来说都很重要,尤其是继续维持我们之间的合作关系,我们将从贵司处购买新的模具零件,而且在以后的几年中随着联邦法律的生效,我们正预期增加我们的业务。

We have purchased over 50,000 parts from XXunder a master contract (# 030714) since March, 2003.Our agreement expires this year, so it is important that we have the neceary discuions required to renew our agreement.A subsequent agreement in reference to the “molded parts” will also be reviewed.


Upon your arrival to San Francisco, Calif., you will drive to our office in Santa Rosa, Calif,, to discu the renegotiation of the master contract, including, pricing, delivery and quality control.We will drive back to San Francisco airport for departure to Houston, Texas.We will drive to Brenham, Texas to visit our Contract Manufacturer, Lonestar Manufacturing.At this location you will see how our VA-2000 SVRS unit is manufactured.During your visit, you will also witne how your parts are being stored, inspected and built into our product.We will also take you to a location in the immediate area where our product is installed so you can observe how it operates and learn the importance of our part specifications and its relationship to product safety.If time permits, we will fly to Washington D.C.to see how our product is being mandated in the United States.

你们到达了旧金山之后,我们将会先驱车到我们在SANTA ROSA的办公室,来讨论我们的主要合同,包括价格、运输和质量控制。然后我们将送你们返回旧金山机场,飞往德克萨斯的休斯顿。然后我们将送你们到Brenham,参观我们的合同制造商:LONESTAR工厂。在那里你将看到我们的VA-2000产品如何被生产。在参观期间,你还将看到零件的储存、分解和装配城我们的产品。我们还将带你到一个装有我们产品的演示区,你能了解我们的产品的功能,了解零件规格的重要性和产品安全的关系。如果时间允许,我们将飞往华盛顿特区,去了解我们的产品如何被代理销售和托管。

XXIndustries agrees to pay all travel expenses.We will arrange an interpreter, but would prefer you bring one as we feel it will help foster our long term busine relationship when you return to China.



please give this invitation serious consideration.







Gift Fair in Kunming, China, is a local leading gift industry exhibition, will be held from March 16 to 19 , 2012 in kunming international convention and exhibition center.After years of hard work, has become well known industry exhibition, The exhibition area have 20,000 square metres, in industry as the \"first gift fair in Kunming\".

Gift Fair in Kunming, Yunnan, gifts industry as the goal, gift industry resources with our rich, powerful strength for the formation of the more than 10 years, to gifts for traders, buyers with the best trading platform, provide wider space for exhibitors to Expanding busine .

Products include metal decoration, crystal gla products, gla products, ceramic, fabric, sculpture and crafts, and so on.

Sincerely hope to be able to gift show 2012 Kunming seeing you! And wish you show to the satisfaction of results!

Exhibition Center: the Kunming International&Exhibiton Center

Date: 16th to 19th ,March,2012.

Best Regards.


General Manger



The First Biological Resources Development Exhibition,Yunnan ,under the state council and the yunnan province policy,Combined with local advantageous resources and geographical advantage,it will be held from April 20 to 25,2012 in kunming international convention and exhibition center.

The exhibition to yunnan province to biological resources for effective recycling as the theme, shows the Yunnan province as \"biological resources of the kingdom\" of great strength and wide market, and the related agency open up the country and southeast Asia more big market.

During the exhibition,Yunnan Province biological group a lot of pillar industries such as forestry estate, flowers and ornamental horticulture industry will show, the media industry will be to join, in order to realize the enterprise and the buyer the good interactive site, obtain satisfactory effect of display.

The exhibition invite China biological development aociation, and biological research institute in yunnan province, as a cooperative unit of kunming

industrial and commercial bureau.Many well-known enterprises to negotiate,For enterprises to exploit the broader market to provide opportunity.

The First Biological Resources Development Exhibition,Yunnan ,warm welcome to your participation.

Exhibition Center: the Kunming International&Exhibiton Center

Date: 20th to 25th ,April,2012.

Best Regards.


Project manager



Dear Madam:

We would like to sincerely invite you and your company representatives to visit our booth at Kunming International Convention Exhibition Center from 7th to 11th ,September,2012.

We suggest that you provide a brief introduction of your company and the main products, written in Chinese and English .You will need to fill out Registration Form and agreement with your official stamp and send it to the Organizing Committee.

It would be a great pleasure to meet you at the exhibiton.We look forward to meet with you.

Exhibition Center: the Kunming International&Exhibiton Center Booth Number:S-D-100 S-D-102

Date: 9th to 11th ,September,2012.

Best Regards.


General Manger







Mr.and Mrs.John Smith request the honour of the presence of

Mr.and Mrs.J.A.Brown

at the marriage of their daughter

Elizabeth Smith


Mr.John Frederick Hamilton

Saturday, the twenty-ninth of September

at four o\'clock p.m.

Church of Heavenly Rest

New York

译文如下:J.A.布朗先生及夫人:兹定于九月二十九日(星期六)下午四时在纽约天安教堂为小女伊丽莎白.史密斯与约翰?弗雷德里克.汉密尔顿先生举行婚礼,届时恭请 光临。约翰.史密斯夫妇谨订。这是一张正式的英文结婚请柬,格式采用固定的分行式。在内容安排上按照“邀请者 被邀请者 邀请之意活动内容 时间 地点”这样的先后顺序。汉语的顺序是“活动时间 活动地点 活动内容 邀请之意邀请者的姓名”,邀请者的姓名应写在右下角,与正文分开。无论是英语请柬还是汉语请柬,在语言上的要求是一致的,都须简洁明了,措辞庄重、文雅,比如,原请柬中为表达邀请之意所用的是“request the honour of the presence of”,翻译时用“恭请光临”与之对应。此外,译文的开头用了“兹定于”,结尾处用“谨订”,这样的用词都体现了请柬正式的文体。但有两点不同:第一,英文请柬从头至尾都采用第三人称,译成中文时,一般应改用第一人称,如:“the marriage of their daughter”译成“为小女”;第二,英文请柬中星期应写在日期之前,译成汉语时,星期应写在日期后面的括号内。有时请柬下角有一些备注,提醒被邀请人应注意的事项,如:R.S.V.P.:法语 “Répondez s\'il vous plait” 的缩写,即 “Please reply”,“请复函”; For regrets only:“若不能来请告知”(regrets意为“谢绝邀请的短柬”);Dre code:着装要求。


July 29, 2005


XXX, VP Sales

XXXXXXXX Corporation


It’s our great honor to invite you to visit XXX Company located at (addre) in August, 2003.This visit will provide an opportunity for you to make a better understanding of our marketing iues, and to communicate our future busine cooperation in detail.

XXX Company, as one of your distributors in China, has been great progreing in promoting and selling your products.We believe this visit will be of great benefit to our future busine cooperation.

Please use this invitation letter to apply for your VISA to China.

We are all looking forward to seeing you soon, and should you have any questions, please feel free to inform me.

Yours truly,


Vice President Sales

XXX Company


一、Dear sir/madam:

Im delighted you have accepted our

invitation to speak at theConferencein [city] on [date].

As we agreed, youll be speaking on

the topic \"\" from [time] to [time].Therewill be an additional minutes for questions.Would you please tell me what kind ofaudio-visual equipment youll need.If youcould let me know your specific requirementsby [date], Ill have plenty of time to makesure that the hotel provides you with whatyou need.

Thank you again for agreeing to speak.I look forward to hearing from you.Sincerely yours,



二、Dear sir/madam:

Thank you for your letter of [date].

Im glad that you are alsogoing to [place]next month.It would be a great pleasureto meet you at the [exhibition/trade fair].Our company is having a reception at

[hotel] on the evening of [date] and I wouldbe very pleased if you could attend.I look forward to hearing from you


Yours sincerely,



三、Dear sir/madam:

[organization] would very much like

to have someone from yourcompany speak

at our conference on [topic].

As you may be aware, the miion of

our aociation is to promote .Many of

our members are interested in the

achievements your company has made in .

Enclosed is our preliminary schedule for

the conference which will be reviewed in

weeks.Ill call you [date] to see who from

your company would be willing to speak to

us.I can aure you that well make everything convenient to the speaker.

Sincerely yours,



四、Dear sir/madam:

We would like to invite you to an

exclusive presentation of our new [product].

The presentation will take place at

[location], at [time] on [date].There will

also be a reception at [time].We hope you

and your colleagues will be able to attend.

[company] is a leading producer of

high-quality .As you well know,

recent technological advances have

made increasingly affordable to the

public.Our new models offer superb

quality and sophistication with

economy, and their new features

give them distinct advantages

over similar products from other


We look forward to seeing you on [date].

Just call our office at [phone number] and

we will be glad to secure a place for you.

Sincerely yours,



五、Dear sir/madam:

On [date], we will host an evening

of celebration in honor of the retirementof

[name], President of [company].You are

cordially invited to attend the celebrationat [hotel], [location], on [date] from to p.m.

[name] has been the President of

[company] since [year].During this

period, [company] expanded its businefrom to .Now its our opportunity to

thank him for his years of exemplary

leadership and wish him well for a

happy retirement.Please join us to

say Good-bye to [name].

See you on [date].

Yours sincerely




















Dear [Zhang Ying]:

Will you come to luncheon on [Friday, May the fifth], at [twelve o’clock]?

My niece [Mary] is visiting us and I think you will enjoy meeting her.She is a charming, very pretty girl … and very good company! [John and Jane] will be here, and perhaps we can [give a dance] after luncheon.Do say you’ll come!

Affectionately yours,

Li Ming


您能在[5月5日星期五中午12点钟] 来吃午饭吗?



Dear [Susan]:

I know you are interested in [oil painting], so I’m sure you’ll be interested in [Mr.and Mrs.Lin dun]! They are coming here

to supper [next Sunday night, October the twelfth], and we’d like you and [Walter] to come, too.

[Mr.and Mrs.Lin Dun] are that very charming couple we met in [London] last summer.They have a wonderful collection of [oil paintings of various stages]; and I understand that Mr.Lin Dun is quite an authority on [oil painting].I’m sure you and Walter will thoroughly enjoy and evening in their company.

We’re planning supper at six; that will give us a nice long evening to talk.If I don’t hear from you before then, I’ll be expecting you on the [twelfth]!

Affectionately yours,

Li Ming








dear xxx: i am writing to invite you to join me in xxxx(city name) and to stay with me here for three years until my current course finishes in december 2005.i am also sending you a set of documents, listed below, for your use in connection with your application for entry clearance to enter the uk as my dependant.

i confirm that i will be responsible for financing our stay in the uk and that of our child, xxx.i will provide for our daily expenses and the cost of our accommodation.a copy of my tenancy aGREement are enclosed as evidence of the arrangement that i have already made for our housing.the documents that i am sending you with this letter comprise: (a) photocopy of relevant pages from my paport.(b) an official university of nottingham letter confirming the details of my mphil/phd course.(c) a letter from my university sponsor giving details of the scholarship i am receiving for my current course of study (d) my most recent three months bank statements from my uk bank account.(e) a copy of my tenancy agreement.for further information, i can be contacted at the above addre.take care.love you your husband 公司晚会邀请函范文(中英文) (称谓) 今天我们特别邀请您参加____(地点名称)分店开张的庆祝活动。我们希望能和您共同庆祝,并邀请您一边品尝香槟酒,一边参观。

热烈欢迎您于____(日期),____(时间A)-____(时间B)的到来。 如果您的熟人或朋友也对我们的产品感兴趣,欢迎您带他们一起来。 我们期待您的到来! (结尾敬辞) (Salutation) Today we take as a special pleasure to have your company at our celebration for the opening of ____ (place) branch shop.We hope that we could share this celebration with you a nd invite you to visit our shop to taste some delicious wine.You are warmly welcomed to visit us on ____ (date), from ____ (time A) to ____ (time B).If your friends a nd acquaintances also take interest in our products, all of them are welcome.Looking forward to your visit.(Complimentary Close) Dear Sir or Madam:

We are very pleased to invite Mr.come to our factory for visiting and busine negotiation.The busine trip will start from 18th April 2005 .And because the long busine co-operation in future between **对方公司名 and us, they will come to China for many times.

Please note, however, that we don’t aume any legal or financial responsibility whatever regarding the presence of in China.All expenses of Sjourney to/from China, their stay in China as well as health insurance will be borne by their employers.

We send you our kindest regards and best wishes for a pleasant trip.

Yours sincerely, General Manager signatur July 29, 2005 Dear Sir or Madam:

We are very pleased to invite Mr.*** come to our factory for visiting and busine negotiation.The busine trip will start from 18th April 2005 .And because the long busine co-operation in future between **对方公司名 and us, they will come to China for many times.

Please note, however, that we don’t aume any legal or financial responsibility whatever regarding the presence of ****** in China.All expenses of *****’Sjourney to/from China, their stay in China as well as health insurance will be borne by their employers.

We send you our kindest regards and best wishes for a pleasant trip.

Yours sincerely, General Manager signatur July 29, 2005


XXXXXXXX Corporation (Addre)

It’s our great honor to invite you to visit XXX Company located at (addre) in August, 2003.This visit will provide an opportunity for you to make a better understanding of our marketing iues, and to communicate our future busine cooperation in detail.

XXX Company, as one of your distributors in China, has been great progreing in promoting and selling your products.We believe this visit will be of great benefit to our future busine cooperation.

Please use this invitation letter to apply for your VISA to China.

We are all looking forward to seeing you soon, and should you have any questions, please feel free to inform me.

Yours truly,

E-works sincerely invite you to join my colleagues and the Chongqing Municipal Science and Technology Commiion, the guide, e-works by Chinese manufacturing information portal network and Chongqing Manufacturing Information Productivity Center on july 5 on (Thursday) in Chongqing, China世纪金源Hotel, organized jointly organized the theme \"ERP applications, the manufacturing sector management reform China\" of the \"Fourth China in the manufacturing sector ERP applications will be.\"

At present, the Chinese manufacturing enterprises in the fierce competition, facing an enormous challenge:

Availability cycle shortened, reducing profits space, prompted enterprises must strengthen their production costs and delivery time for precision control; The globalization of market competition, customer demand for personalized urge enterprises to use information technology to improve the management level;

Customers on product quality and the continuous improvement of traceability requirements, the need for precise requirements of enterprise management; The rapid changes in the market so that enterprises need to achieve rapid reaction and realize the visualization of busine operations;

The level of information, especially ERP application level and become a world-cla manufacturing enterprises enter the enterprise supply chain prerequisite.

Diemination of the management model and advanced management methods to help enterprises truly understand the thinking of ERP and related concepts, promote effective management information systems such as ERP and popularity of deepening the application, selection and implementation to reduce risk through the application of ERP Construction of a platform for enterprise management innovation to achieve the financial, logistics, manufacturing and busine proce integration and refinement of management, and management of information technology in solving the problems and difficulties, improve the application level of information and application of results, e-works invited Management Information areas of eminent experts, academics, consultants and industry veteran CIO, and other manufacturing enterprises in the area of information management veteran, July 5 copolymerization Chongqing, China attended the annual ERP fields annual gathering.




Dear [Zhang Ying]:

Will you come to luncheon on [Friday, May the fifth], at [twelve oclock]?

My niece [Mary] is visiting us and I think you will enjoy meeting her.She is a charming, very pretty girl and very good company! [John and Jane] will be here, and perhaps we can [give a dance] after luncheon.Do say youll come!

Affectionately yours,

Li Ming


Dear [Dr.Rodger]:

[The English Department of

Nankai University] would like to extend to you an invitation to be our guest speaker at the [annual conference] to be held at the [meeting room] at [eight] oclock, [Saturday morning, December the thirtieth, 1993]..

As you know, the department is interested in [the 20th century English literature] Since you are familiar with the field, we know your views will be extremely interesting to us.

You will receive further details later, but we would appreciate having your acceptance soon so we may complete our agenda.


第三篇:聚会邀请函 Invitation to the Party

May 5,2012

Dear Mike,

This Saturday is my birthday and my parents will hold a simple celebrating

party for me.I am glad to invite you to come to the party.Blair, Emma and Roan will also be invited.I am sure we will have a good time.We will have dinner at 18:30 so that you are wished to come at 18:15.My mother is a good cook and you will enjoy the dishes.After the dinner, we will play some small games and then eat the cake.My parents and I sincerely expect you to come and hope to see you then.

True yours,








Dear Sir or Madam:

We are very pleased to invite Mr.****** come to our company for visiting and busine negotiation.The busine trip will start from 30th Oct.2006 .And because the long busine co-operation in future between ****** company.and us, they will come to China for many times.Please note, however, that we dont aume any legal or financial responsibility whatever regarding the presence of ****** in China.All expenses of ******Sjourney to/from China, their stay in China as well as health insurance will be borne by their employers.We send you our kindest regards and best wishes for a pleasant trip.


Dear sir/madam:

Im delighted you have accepted our invitation to speak at the Conference in [city] on [date].

As we agreed, youll be speaking on the topic XX from [time] to [time].There will be an additional minutes for questions.

Would you please tell me what kind of audio-visual equipment youll need.If you could let me know your specific requirements by [date], Ill have plenty of time to make sure that the hotel provides you with what you need.

Thank you again for agreeing to speak.I look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely yours,




MR glue BB/CC, poplar core,

Thickne tolerance +/-, M/C is below bb%, flat surface

If you dont try you will never know our quality level .you will increase your competitors absolute advantage, they have our good quality and better prices, how can you compete with them

We really want to establish long-lasting busine relationship with you, so we give you these best prices .you can compare with other suppliers now .you can ask your people to test the mi this great opportunity .if you want to try, please tell me ASAP, because the prices will be higher USDb to 1b after September bbb I think your current vendors are small factories ,right so they have lower prices with lower quality .I think they have not stable and fixed quality .if they have better orders they will not do your orders .

I am looking forward to hearing from your reply.bbb please make your

decision ASAP.If you want to strengthen your competitive power, please dont hesitate to ask me send the sales contract to you.


篇1:6种英文邀请信范文 6种英文邀请信范文2008-03-17 10:39邀请信包括宴会、舞会、晚餐、聚会、婚礼等各种邀请信件,形式上大体分为两种:一种为正规的格式 (formal correspondence),亦称请柬;一种是非正式格式 (informal correspondence), 即一般的邀请信。邀请信是在形式上不如请柬那样正规,但也是很考究。书写时应注意: 1.邀请朋友共进午餐 inviting a friend to informal luncheon dear [zhang ying]: affectionately yours, li ming 亲爱的[张营]: 您能在[5月5日星期五中午12点钟] 来吃午饭吗? 我侄女[玛丽]正在我们家中作客,我想您会乐于见到她的。她是个漂亮而聪明的女孩子,„„同她在一起是很使人高兴的![约翰和简]也到这里来,也许在饭后我们能[开个舞会],说好,一定得来呀!

2.邀请朋友同他们不认识的人一起共进晚餐 inviting friends to supper with the strangers dear [susan]: we’re planning supper at six; that will give us a nice long evening to talk.if i don’t hear from you before then, i’ll be expecting you on the [twelfth]! affectionately yours,li ming 亲爱的[苏珊]: 我知道您对[油画]是有兴趣的,所以我相信您对林顿夫妇也会感兴趣。他们将在 [10月12日(下星期日)]来吃饭,我们很希望您和瓦尔特也能同来。 [林顿夫妇]是那么好的一对夫妻。我们是去年夏天在[伦敦]认识的。他们集有[各个不同时期精美的油画作品]。我知道,林顿先生在研究[油画]方面是颇有权威的。我深信,那天晚上您和瓦尔特同他们在一起,一定会很愉快。


3.邀请参加新厂开工典礼 invitation to opening ceremony of new factory dear [mr.harrison]: please confirm that you will be able to attend by advising us of your time —— we can arrange for you to be met.all arrangements for your stay [overnight on april 10] will, of course, be made by us at our expense.yours faithfully, 亲爱的[哈里森先生]: 本公司新厂将于[4月10日]开始投产,希望能邀请[贤伉俪]来参加新厂开工典礼。 如您所知,新厂的设立是本公司的一个里程碑,而这正是海内外对本公司产品不断需求的结果。我们邀请了所有对本公司的成功贡献一切力量的个人,我们相信,您一定会赏光。

如您确能参加,请来函告知您抵达的时间 —— 以便我们为您安排会晤。当然,所有安排您在[10日晚间]夜宿的费用,皆将由公司代您支付。

4.邀请来家中小住及周末聚会 an invitation for a house and weekend party dear [jane]: i hope [you and fred] haven’t any plan for the weekend of [july twenty-fourth] as we’d like you to spend it with us at [far acres].it’s simply beautiful here now, with everything in bloom! affectionately yours, 亲爱的[简]: 如果您[7月24日]没有什么活动安排,我希望[您和弗雷德]能同我们一起在[远庄园]共度周末,那里已经鲜花遍地,现正在最美丽的时节。


[星期五晚上]有一班舒适的火车,我已经在火车时刻表上做了红色记号,火车大约在[7点半钟]把你们送到这里,正是吃晚饭时间。[星期日晚上]你们可以乘晚车回来。或者,在[星期一早晨]也有一班快车,就是[鲍勃]常坐的那一班车。 我们希望没有什么事情会阻碍你们,我们在等待着你们光临„„我知道[欧文夫妇]好盼望再次见到你们。准备乘哪一班火车,请一定告诉我们,好让[鲍勃]到车站迎接你们。

5.邀请参加招待会 an invitation for a reception dear [mr.smith]: it would give [me/us] great pleasure to have your presence at a reception in honor of the chinese delegation.the reception will be held in the [the city hall], on [tuesday, october the fourth].cocktails will be served promptly at [six] to be followed b dinner at [eight].[i/we] sincerely hope you can attend.let [me/us] know.sincerely yours 亲爱的[史密斯先生]: 如您能够出席为[中国代表团]而举行的招待会,[我(们)]将感到十分荣幸。 招待会定于[10月4日(星期二)]在[市政厅]举行。[6点钟]准时举行[鸡犬不宁尾酒会], 随之在[8点钟]举行[正式的晚宴]。

[我(们)]期待着您的光临。请提前通知您能否出席。 6.邀请演讲inviting someone to addre a meeting dear [dr.rodger]: [the english department of nankai university] would like to extendto you an invitation to be our guest speaker at the [annual conference] to be held at the [meeting room] at [eight] o’clock, [saturday morning, december the thirtieth, 1993].as you know, the department is interested in [the 20th century english literature] since you are familiar with the field, we know your views will be extremely interesting to us.亲爱的[罗杰博士]: [南开大学外文系]特邀请您出席[1993年12月30日(星期六)早八点在(系会议室)]召开的[学术年会]并作演讲。


我们将随后把有关细节通知您,但恳请您尽快予以答复,以便作出安排。 邀请信的回复

邀请信的复信要求简明扼要,在书写时应注意以下几点: 1.接受邀请的复信中应重复写上邀请信中的某些内容,如邀请年、月、日,星期几、几点钟等,如 “i’ll be delighted to attend your luncheon next friday, may the fifth, at twelve o’clock”。

1.接受与不相识的人共进午餐 accepting an invitation to luncheon with strangers dear [wang hua]: [bob] has often spoken me of [wang hui], and has told me how very much he enjoys having him for a [roommate /teammate].although i have never met [wang hui], i know him from hearing so much about him.i aure you it will be a very great pleasure indeed to meet [wang hui’s mother]! thank you so much for asking me.truly yours 亲爱的[王华]: 我将愉快地参加您于[4月6日(星期二)下午1时]举行的午宴。[鲍勃]经常向我提起[王晖],并经常谈到与他[同住一室/为队友]是多么愉快。虽然我还没有见过他,但因为听到有关他的事情多,好像已经认识他了。 我相信,同[王晖的妈妈]相会一定会使人非常愉快,非常感谢您的邀请。

2.谢绝不相识的人的邀请 apologizing for being unable to accept an invitation dear [mrs.brown]: i have heard so much about [lambert] from [jane] that i almost feel as though i knew him.i would certainly enjoy meeting his mother! but unfortunately i expect guests myself on [friday, the seventh of may]; and therefore cannot accept your invitation for luncheon on that day.it was thoughtful of you to invite me, and i am extremely sorry i cannot accept, i do hope you will ask me again some time! sincerely yours, 亲爱的[布朗]: 我已经从[简]那里知道了许多关于[兰伯特]的事,我好像已经认识他似的,能够去见他母亲我当然觉得十分荣幸!

但是很不凑巧:在[5月7日(星期五)]我自己要招待客人, 因此就不能接受您在那天的午宴邀请了。

承您如此热情地相约,恰巧因事不能前往,深表歉意,但愿以后能再次荣获您的邀请。 3.对迟复邀请表示歉意apologizing for being unable to give an early reply dear [mr.jackson]: please accept my apologies for the delay in acknowledging your invitation for [lunch/ diner/ cocktails] on [september the fourth, this year].i have been away from the office and only just returned.luckily, i have no other plans for the date you mention, and shall be happy to see you at [6] at the black swan restaurant.cordially, 亲爱的[杰克逊先生]: 未能对您发来的出席今年[9月4日]举行的[午宴/晚宴/鸡尾酒会]的邀请给予及时答复深表歉意。我因近期一直在外,刚刚返回。


4.对不能参加而迟复邀请回信表示歉意 apologizing for being unable to accept the invitation and give an early reply篇2:英文商务邀请函范文 英文商务邀请函范文

1.签证英文商务邀请函格式 兹邀请由您领导的北京4人代表团来***(国家)参加***(展览)。该展览将于***(日期)在***(地点)举行。请您安排来***(国家)的必要事宜。展会期间您们将在此逗留***日,所有的费用,包括国际机票、当地交通、食宿、医疗保险和其他相关费用由贵公司承担。我们期待您的访问。 此致敬礼 (salutation) yours sincerely, (signature) 商务邀请函是正式公函,请用单位带英文抬头、地址、电话的信纸打印,结尾加盖公章。 2.英文商务邀请函范文

下面是一封英语邀请函、请柬的范文,供大家参考: july 29, 2005 xxx, ceo xxx, vp sales xxxxxxxx corporation we are all looking forward to seeing you soon, and should you have any questions, please feel free to inform me.yours truly, xxx vice president sales 3.英文商务邀请函范文

加拿大商务访问邀请函必须包含以下信息: 被邀请人的信息 生日 / date of birth, if known 你是否与该人相知,关系如何whether you know the visitor personally, and if you are related 离加日期 (最好是往返机票)/ the date the person intends to leave canada, if known.篇3:英文邀请函格式汇总(为国外客户办签证时用) the mode:

new roman>qifeng hydraulic technology co., ltd add: chenwu industry,houjie town,dongguan city,guangdong province, china web: tel: 86-0769-85058028 fax: 86-0769-85893189 date: 06th october 2010 invitation letter to: the chinese embay in indonesia dear sir or madam: please note, however, that we don’t aume any legal or financial responsibility whatever regarding the presence of ****** in china.all expenses of *****'sjourney to/from china, their stay in china as well as health insurance will be borne by their employers. his personal details below: name: date of birth: citizenship: paport: we send you our kindest regards and best wishes for a pleasant trip. yours sincerely, general manager signatur 时间*** to clients: qifeng hydraulic technology co., ltd add: chenwu industry,houjie town,dongguan city,guangdong province, china web: tel: 86-0769-85058028 fax: 86-0769-85893189 date: 06th october 2010 dear sir or madam : please use this invitation letter to apply for your visa to china. we are all looking forward to seeing you soon, and should you have any questions, please feel free to inform me. yours truly, 名字 时间

地址:中华人民共和国广东省东莞市厚街镇陈屋工业区 网址: 电话:86-769-85058028 传真:86-769-85893189 日期:2010-10-6 您好,

很高兴我们能够邀请到***先生、夫人来我们工厂参观进行商务洽谈,商务行程是从**开始到**结束。因为此次来访有可能建立我们将来的友好商务合作,所以他们的来访将会是多次。 然而对于**的来访中国,请注意我们将不会承担任何的有法经济责任。所有的在中国的开销包括健康医疗保险将由我们来访客户的所在公司承担。 客户个人信息如下: 姓名: 出生日期: 国籍: 护照:

敬此给你诚挚的问候。 姓名

手写体签名 时间

★ 办理邀请外商来华签证申报所需材料:(除英文之外的外文材料,请附中文翻译件并盖邀请单位公司章)





上述四项材料为一份材料,您需要提供共三份材料。(部分国家有特殊要求,请点击“邀请有关国家商人来华最新要求”) 请您按次序装订好,到外侨办审核。一份材料由义乌外侨办留存,另二份材料经外侨办审核、签字、盖章后,由企业经办人送或特快寄金华市外侨办办理。外侨办的办理时间为随到随办,3-5分钟;外侨办的办理时间一般为3个工作日。外侨办办理好签证通知后,将电话通知“联系人”去金华取。

如何填写签证中的申请表呢? 在邀请外国人来华签证申报表中:

“被邀请人情况”栏必须打印。被邀请人“国籍”和下面的“签证地”须用英语填写。 外商系首次来华时,“来华事由”栏要详细填写有关该公司的性质、经营范围等情况,以及如何与该公司结识的,本次来访的主要目的等内容。对于办理二次和半年多次往返的申报,“来华事由”栏要写明最近半年来华共有多少次和本次要申请多次往返的充分理由。 “邀请单位担保意见”内容大致如下:

兹有我公司****国客商******(护照号码为******)于200*年*月来义乌进行合法正当的商务活动,停留时间为**天,我公司担保客商在此期间不产生违反法律的行为。 “在华停留天数”最长为25天。





“联系人”要填写企业经办人自己的联系方法(为不耽搁您的宝贵时间,最好写上手机号),而且要表中所写的“联系人”本人去金华取签证通知,不可委托快递公司取。 护照的复印件必须包含如下四项内容:







各种附件不可以使用感应传真纸,感应传真纸上的内容必须经复印后,方可使用。 各企业邀请外商来华,由各企业外事专办员到义乌外侨办办理。 以上小小资料,供参考!

一般邀请函有国外客户要来参观公司索要,还有政-府邀请函是政-府邀请一些人士进行政治活动所发出的信,一般来说,公司的邀请函就可以让客户办visa了。至于那些要你出据地方政-府有关签证的, 就不要理他了.办了邀请函后,你公司要对他在中国的不法事情付有相应的法律责任.办理的步骤是:准备客户的营业执照复印件一份和护照的第一页你们公司要准备: 营业执照复印件一份 申请报告一份

证明双方交流的信函2-3封 入境申请表2份 tel: invitation this is to acknowledge that we cordially invite our client 客户名称地址电话传真 paport no., delivered expiration date date of birth: to visit 目的地 abound 日期 the manager name: signed _____________________ invitation letters invite your guests with warmth and friendship! be sure to include in your invitation letter: the name of the person sponsoring the event (who is the host/hoste?) exactly who is invited (can someone bring a guest, spouse, child?) what type of social event is being held the date, addre, and time of the event directions or a simple map if the location may be difficult to find what type of dre is appropriate or preferred the phone number and deadline to reply; precede these facts with “r.s.v.p.” (french abbreviation for “please reply”).try to send your invitation letter two weeks or more in advance! sample formal invitation letter [date] dear profeor _____________ we are so pleased that you will be visiting stanford to speak at our _______ research workshop on sponsored by a grant form the mellon foundation, the research workshops at stanford are unique spaces where scholars from a variety of disciplines and profeional cohorts meet to discu work in progre in their fields of interest.i think you will enjoy a lively exchange of ideas with a diverse audience of faculty and graduate students in your workshop.we will most certainly enjoy the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with you in this informal, collegial atmosphere.if there are specific scholars at stanford you would like to invite to your talk, please feel free to do so.we will be back in touch soon to coordinate the logistics of your visit.in the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact myself or __________, our workshop’s graduate student coordinator (insert contact info here).the stanford humanities center, the research center on campus that manages the mellon workshop program, may also contact you.best wishes, faculty coordinator name of workshop stanford university 2.英文商务邀请信: (salutation) i would hereby invite the members of beijing delegation totally (country) for *** (exposition), which is to be held at *** (place) during *** (date).please make the neceary arrangements for your delegation to arrive in *** (country).during the exposition, you will stay here for *** days.all your expenses including international air tickets, local all other related expenses during your stay here will be paid by yourselves. we are looking forward to greeting you in *** (country) very soon. yours sincerely, (signature) 中文释义:


篇1:6种英文邀请信范文 6种英文邀请信范文2008-03-17 10:39邀请信包括宴会、舞会、晚餐、聚会、婚礼等各种邀请信件,形式上大体分为两种:一种为正规的格式 (formal correspondence),亦称请柬;一种是非正式格式 (informal correspondence), 即一般的邀请信。邀请信是在形式上不如请柬那样正规,但也是很考究。书写时应注意: 1.邀请朋友共进午餐 inviting a friend to informal luncheon dear [zhang ying]: affectionately yours, li ming 亲爱的[张营]: 您能在[5月5日星期五中午12点钟] 来吃午饭吗? 我侄女[玛丽]正在我们家中作客,我想您会乐于见到她的。她是个漂亮而聪明的女孩子,„„同她在一起是很使人高兴的![约翰和简]也到这里来,也许在饭后我们能[开个舞会],说好,一定得来呀!

2.邀请朋友同他们不认识的人一起共进晚餐 inviting friends to supper with the strangers dear [susan]: we’re planning supper at six; that will give us a nice long evening to talk.if i don’t hear from you before then, i’ll be expecting you on the [twelfth]! affectionately yours,li ming 亲爱的[苏珊]: 我知道您对[油画]是有兴趣的,所以我相信您对林顿夫妇也会感兴趣。他们将在 [10月12日(下星期日)]来吃饭,我们很希望您和瓦尔特也能同来。 [林顿夫妇]是那么好的一对夫妻。我们是去年夏天在[伦敦]认识的。他们集有[各个不同时期精美的油画作品]。我知道,林顿先生在研究[油画]方面是颇有权威的。我深信,那天晚上您和瓦尔特同他们在一起,一定会很愉快。


3.邀请参加新厂开工典礼 invitation to opening ceremony of new factory dear [mr.harrison]: please confirm that you will be able to attend by advising us of your time —— we can arrange for you to be met.all arrangements for your stay [overnight on april 10] will, of course, be made by us at our expense.yours faithfully, 亲爱的[哈里森先生]: 本公司新厂将于[4月10日]开始投产,希望能邀请[贤伉俪]来参加新厂开工典礼。 如您所知,新厂的设立是本公司的一个里程碑,而这正是海内外对本公司产品不断需求的结果。我们邀请了所有对本公司的成功贡献一切力量的个人,我们相信,您一定会赏光。

如您确能参加,请来函告知您抵达的时间 —— 以便我们为您安排会晤。当然,所有安排您在[10日晚间]夜宿的费用,皆将由公司代您支付。

4.邀请来家中小住及周末聚会 an invitation for a house and weekend party dear [jane]: i hope [you and fred] haven’t any plan for the weekend of [july twenty-fourth] as we’d like you to spend it with us at [far acres].it’s simply beautiful here now, with everything in bloom! affectionately yours, 亲爱的[简]: 如果您[7月24日]没有什么活动安排,我希望[您和弗雷德]能同我们一起在[远庄园]共度周末,那里已经鲜花遍地,现正在最美丽的时节。


[星期五晚上]有一班舒适的火车,我已经在火车时刻表上做了红色记号,火车大约在[7点半钟]把你们送到这里,正是吃晚饭时间。[星期日晚上]你们可以乘晚车回来。或者,在[星期一早晨]也有一班快车,就是[鲍勃]常坐的那一班车。 我们希望没有什么事情会阻碍你们,我们在等待着你们光临„„我知道[欧文夫妇]好盼望再次见到你们。准备乘哪一班火车,请一定告诉我们,好让[鲍勃]到车站迎接你们。

5.邀请参加招待会 an invitation for a reception dear [mr.smith]: it would give [me/us] great pleasure to have your presence at a reception in honor of the chinese delegation.the reception will be held in the [the city hall], on [tuesday, october the fourth].cocktails will be served promptly at [six] to be followed b dinner at [eight].[i/we] sincerely hope you can attend.let [me/us] know.sincerely yours 亲爱的[史密斯先生]: 如您能够出席为[中国代表团]而举行的招待会,[我(们)]将感到十分荣幸。 招待会定于[10月4日(星期二)]在[市政厅]举行。[6点钟]准时举行[鸡犬不宁尾酒会], 随之在[8点钟]举行[正式的晚宴]。

[我(们)]期待着您的光临。请提前通知您能否出席。 6.邀请演讲inviting someone to addre a meeting dear [dr.rodger]: [the english department of nankai university] would like to extendto you an invitation to be our guest speaker at the [annual conference] to be held at the [meeting room] at [eight] o’clock, [saturday morning, december the thirtieth, 1993].as you know, the department is interested in [the 20th century english literature] since you are familiar with the field, we know your views will be extremely interesting to us.亲爱的[罗杰博士]: [南开大学外文系]特邀请您出席[1993年12月30日(星期六)早八点在(系会议室)]召开的[学术年会]并作演讲。


我们将随后把有关细节通知您,但恳请您尽快予以答复,以便作出安排。 邀请信的回复

邀请信的复信要求简明扼要,在书写时应注意以下几点: 1.接受邀请的复信中应重复写上邀请信中的某些内容,如邀请年、月、日,星期几、几点钟等,如 “i’ll be delighted to attend your luncheon next friday, may the fifth, at twelve o’clock”。

1.接受与不相识的人共进午餐 accepting an invitation to luncheon with strangers dear [wang hua]: [bob] has often spoken me of [wang hui], and has told me how very much he enjoys having him for a [roommate /teammate].although i have never met [wang hui], i know him from hearing so much about him.i aure you it will be a very great pleasure indeed to meet [wang hui’s mother]! thank you so much for asking me.truly yours 亲爱的[王华]: 我将愉快地参加您于[4月6日(星期二)下午1时]举行的午宴。[鲍勃]经常向我提起[王晖],并经常谈到与他[同住一室/为队友]是多么愉快。虽然我还没有见过他,但因为听到有关他的事情多,好像已经认识他了。 我相信,同[王晖的妈妈]相会一定会使人非常愉快,非常感谢您的邀请。

2.谢绝不相识的人的邀请 apologizing for being unable to accept an invitation dear [mrs.brown]: i have heard so much about [lambert] from [jane] that i almost feel as though i knew him.i would certainly enjoy meeting his mother! but unfortunately i expect guests myself on [friday, the seventh of may]; and therefore cannot accept your invitation for luncheon on that day.it was thoughtful of you to invite me, and i am extremely sorry i cannot accept, i do hope you will ask me again some time! sincerely yours, 亲爱的[布朗]: 我已经从[简]那里知道了许多关于[兰伯特]的事,我好像已经认识他似的,能够去见他母亲我当然觉得十分荣幸!

但是很不凑巧:在[5月7日(星期五)]我自己要招待客人, 因此就不能接受您在那天的午宴邀请了。

承您如此热情地相约,恰巧因事不能前往,深表歉意,但愿以后能再次荣获您的邀请。 3.对迟复邀请表示歉意apologizing for being unable to give an early reply dear [mr.jackson]: please accept my apologies for the delay in acknowledging your invitation for [lunch/ diner/ cocktails] on [september the fourth, this year].i have been away from the office and only just returned.luckily, i have no other plans for the date you mention, and shall be happy to see you at [6] at the black swan restaurant.cordially, 亲爱的[杰克逊先生]: 未能对您发来的出席今年[9月4日]举行的[午宴/晚宴/鸡尾酒会]的邀请给予及时答复深表歉意。我因近期一直在外,刚刚返回。


4.对不能参加而迟复邀请回信表示歉意 apologizing for being unable to accept the invitation and give an early reply篇2:英文邀请函模板 june 25th,2007 to:(邀请客户所在的公司) attn: (客户的名字) re: invitation for busine trip i, (你的名字), on behalf of (你公司的名字) would like to invite 客户的名字to visit our office in 公司所在城市, china in the 日期. the main purpose of this trip is to give you more ideas on busine view here.at the same time to try implementing the agreement, which is under discuion/negotiation for some time. name:客户的名字

(paport number: 护照号码 ) yours truly, xxxx 如邀请两人,请分别准备邀请函。


受邀人姓名, 受邀人职务, 受邀人公司名称, 受邀人公司地址, 受邀人公司电话, 受邀人公司传真 date: 日期

dear mr.(受邀人姓,或姓名),

this is a formal invitation to invite you to visit our plant, located in (邀请人公司地址),china,from ...to ...(访问时间). we confirm that we will make the itinerary and all other arrangments for your visit in china. we also confirm that all the expenses during your stay in china will be covered by (受邀人公司名称). please attach this letter of invitation, together with the visa application form to apply for a visa in the nearest chinese embay in (受邀人所在城市)。 we look forward to seeing you in china very soon. yours sincerely, 邀请人姓名 邀请人职务 邀请人公司名称

邀请人公司签证篇3:英文商务邀请函范文 英文商务邀请函范文


兹邀请由您领导的北京4人代表团来***(国家)参加***(展览)。该展览将于***(日期)在***(地点)举行。请您安排来***(国家)的必要事宜。展会期间您们将在此逗留***日,所有的费用,包括国际机票、当地交通、食宿、医疗保险和其他相关费用由贵公司承担。我们期待您的访问。 此致敬礼 (salutation) yours sincerely, (signature) 商务邀请函是正式公函,请用单位带英文抬头、地址、电话的信纸打印,结尾加盖公章。 2.英文商务邀请函范文

下面是一封英语邀请函、请柬的范文,供大家参考: july 29, 2005 xxx, ceo xxx, vp sales xxxxxxxx corporation we are all looking forward to seeing you soon, and should you have any questions, please feel free to inform me.yours truly, xxx vice president sales 3.英文商务邀请函范文

加拿大商务访问邀请函必须包含以下信息: 被邀请人的信息 生日 / date of birth, if known 你是否与该人相知,关系如何whether you know the visitor personally, and if you are related 离加日期 (最好是往返机票)/ the date the person intends to leave canada, if known.



July 29, 2012

XXX, CEO XXX, Vp Sales XXXXXXXX Corporation (Addre)

It’s our great honor to invite you to visit XXX Company located at (addre) in August, 2010.This visit will provide an opportunity for you to make a better understanding of our marketing iues, and to communicate our future busine cooperation in detail.

XXX Company, as one of your distributors in China, has been great progreing in promoting and selling your products.We believe this visit will be of great benefit to our future busine cooperation.

please use this invitation letter to apply for your VISA to China.

We are all looking forward to seeing you soon, and should you have any questions, please feel free to inform me.

Yours truly,

XXX Vice president Sales XXX Company



XXX (Shenzhen) Management Consulting Co.Ltd

Addre: Office 2702-16, Block C, Tiley Central Plaza II, Wenxin 4th Road, Nan Shan District, Shenzhen, 518054.

Tel: (86-0755)-XXXXXXXX

To: Chinese Consulate in Chicago

Date: Nov 26, 2012


Visitor Name: Xxx Xxx Xxx

Visit Period: Nov 30, 2012 to Dec 20th, 2012--20 days

Date of Birth: December 16th, 1960

Paport number: XXXXXXXX

I am writing on behalf of,XXX (Shenzhen) Management Consulting Co.Ltd.tocordially invite the aforementioned visitor from United States, Incorporated tovisit our Shenzhen office during his coming China busine trip.He is invited tovisit our Shenzhen office for busine meetings and develop new productdevelopment opportunities.

We sincerely ask for your kind aistance to release a 12-month multiple entryvisa for his travelling and XXX Manufacturing Company guarantees the expensesof this trip.

Yours Sincerely

XXX(Shenzhen)Management Consulting Co.Ltd.

Authorized Signature

Alice Lee- 李丽斯 General Manager



Dear sir/madam:

On [date], we will host an evening of celebration in honor of the retirement of [name], president of [company].You are cordially invited to attend the celebration at [hotel], [location], on [date] from to p.m.

[name] has been the president of [company] since [year].During this period, [company] expanded its busine from to .Now its our opportunity to thank him for his years of exemplary leadership and wish him well for a happy retirement.please join us to say Good-bye to [name].

See you on [date].

Yours sincerely



Dear [xiexiebang]:

Will you come to luncheon on [Friday, May the fifth], at [twelve o’clock]?

My niece [Mary] is visiting us and I think you will enjoy meeting her.She is a charming, very pretty girl … and very good company! [John and Jane] will be here, and perhaps we can [give a dance] after luncheon.Do say you’ll come!

Affectionately yours,

Li Ming


july 29, 2005

xxx, ceo xxx, vp sales xxxxxxxx corporation (addre)

it’s our great honor to invite you to visit xxx company located at (addre) in august, 2003.this visit will provide an opportunity for you to make a better understanding of our marketing iues, and to communicate our future busine cooperation in detail.


xxx company, as one of your distributors in china, has been great progreing in promoting and selling your products.we believe this visit will be of great benefit to our future busine cooperation.

please use this invitation letter to apply for your visa to china.

we are all looking forward to seeing you soon, and should you have any questions, please feel free to inform me.

yours truly,

xxx vice president sales xxx company



Mr(Ms).(护照号 ),系接受我单位邀请,于 年 月来杭州进行 。申请 (签证次数及类型)签证。为此,我单位特作申明如下:


担保单位公章 法人代表: 日期:





6种英文邀请信范文2008-03-17 10:39邀请信包括宴会、舞会、晚餐、聚会、婚礼等各种邀请信件,形式上大体分为两种:一种为正规的格式 (formal correspondence),亦称请柬;一种是非正式格式 (informal correspondence), 即一般的邀请信。邀请信是在形式上不如请柬那样正规,但也是很考究。书写时应注意:

邀请信一定要将邀请的时间(年、月、日、钟点)、地点、场合写清楚,不能使接信人存在任何疑虑。例如:“I’d like you and Bob to come to Luncheon next Friday.”这句话中所指的是哪个星期五并不明确,所以应加上具体日期, “I’d like you and Bob to come to luncheon next Friday, May the fifth.”

1.邀请朋友共进午餐 Inviting a friend to informal luncheon Dear [Zhang Ying]: Will you come to luncheon on [Friday, May the fifth], at [twelve o’clock]? My niece [Mary] is visiting us and I think you will enjoy meeting her.She is a charming, very pretty girl … and very good company! [John and Jane] will be here, and perhaps we can [give a dance] after luncheon.Do say you’ll come! Affectionately yours, Li Ming 亲爱的[张营]: 您能在[5月5日星期五中午12点钟] 来吃午饭吗?


2.邀请朋友同他们不认识的人一起共进晚餐 Inviting friends to supper with the strangers Dear [Susan]: I know you are interested in [oil painting], so I’m sure you’ll be interested in [Mr.and Mrs.Lin dun]! They are coming here to supper [next Sunday night, October the twelfth], and we’d like you and [Walter] to come, too. [Mr.and Mrs.Lin Dun] are that very charming couple we met in [London] last summer.They have a wonderful collection of [oil paintings of various stages]; and I understand that Mr.Lin Dun is quite an authority on [oil painting].I’m sure you and Walter will thoroughly enjoy and evening in their company. We’re planning supper at six; that will give us a nice long evening to talk.If I don’t hear from you before then, I’ll be expecting you on the [twelfth]! Affectionately yours, Li Ming 亲爱的[苏珊]: 我知道您对[油画]是有兴趣的,所以我相信您对林顿夫妇也会感兴趣。他们将在


[林顿夫妇]是那么好的一对夫妻。我们是去年夏天在[伦敦]认识的。他们集有[各个不同时期精美的油画作品]。我知道,林顿先生在研究[油画]方面是颇有权威的。我深信,那天晚上您和瓦尔特同他们在一起,一定会很愉快。 我们准备在6点钟吃晚饭,这样就能有较长的时间闲谈。如果事前接不到您的回信,我就指望你们那天到来。

3.邀请参加新厂开工典礼 Invitation to opening ceremony of new factory Dear [Mr.Harrison]: Our new factory will be commencing production on [April 10] and we should like to invite [you and your wife] to be present at a celebration to mark the occasion. As you will appreciate this is an important milestone for this organization, and is the result of continued demand for our products, both at home and overseas.We are inviting all those individuals and trust that you will pay us the compliments of accepting. Please confirm that you will be able to attend by advising us of your time —— we can arrange for you to be met.All arrangements for your stay [overnight on April 10] will, of course, be made by us at our expense. Yours faithfully, 亲爱的[哈里森先生]: 本公司新厂将于[4月10日]开始投产,希望能邀请[贤伉俪]来参加新厂开工典礼。 如您所知,新厂的设立是本公司的一个里程碑,而这正是海内外对本公司产品不断需求的结果。我们邀请了所有对本公司的成功贡献一切力量的个人,我们相信,您一定会赏光。

如您确能参加,请来函告知您抵达的时间 —— 以便我们为您安排会晤。当然,所有安排您在[10日晚间]夜宿的费用,皆将由公司代您支付。

4.邀请来家中小住及周末聚会 An invitation for a house and weekend party Dear [Jane]: I hope [you and Fred] haven’t any plan for the weekend of [July twenty-fourth] as we’d like you to spend it with us at [Far Acres].It’s simply beautiful here now, with everything in bloom! I think we can promise [Fred] some good fishing this year.The fish are biting better than ever! So bring your fishing clothes; and be sure to bring your tennis things, too, because [the Owens] are comi ng and I’m sure you’ll want to get out on the courts with them.There’s a very good train [Friday night]; I’ve marked it in red on the timetable.It gets you here about [seven-thirty] which is just in time for dinner.You can get a late train back [Sunday night], or there’s an early expre that [Bob] usually takes on [Monday morning].We hope nothing will prevent you from coming, as we’re looking forward to your visit … and I know [the Owens] are looking forward to seeing you again, too.Be sure to let us know what train you are taking so that [Bob] can meet you at the station. Affectionately yours, 亲爱的[简]: 如果您[7月24日]没有什么活动安排,我希望[您和弗雷德]能同我们一起在[远庄园]共度周末,那里已经鲜花遍地,现正在最美丽的时节。


[星期五晚上]有一班舒适的火车,我已经在火车时刻表上做了红色记号,火车大约在[7点半钟]把你们送到这里,正是吃晚饭时间。[星期日晚上]你们可以乘晚车回来。或者,在[星期一早晨]也有一班快车,就是[鲍勃]常坐的那一班车。 我们希望没有什么事情会阻碍你们,我们在等待着你们光临……我知道[欧文夫妇]好盼望再次见到你们。准备乘哪一班火车,请一定告诉我们,好让[鲍勃]到车站迎接你们。 5.邀请参加招待会 An invitation for a reception Dear [Mr.Smith]: It would give [me/us] great pleasure to have your presence at a reception in honor of the Chinese delegation. The reception will be held in the [the City Hall], on [Tuesday, October the fourth].Cocktails will be served promptly at [six] to be followed b dinner at [eight]. [I/We] sincerely hope you can attend.Let [me/us] know. Sincerely yours 亲爱的[史密斯先生]: 如您能够出席为[中国代表团]而举行的招待会,[我(们)]将感到十分荣幸。 招待会定于[10月4日(星期二)]在[市政厅]举行。[6点钟]准时举行[鸡犬不宁尾酒会], 随之在[8点钟]举行[正式的晚宴]。


6.邀请演讲Inviting someone to addre a meeting Dear [Dr.Rodger]: [The English Department of Nankai University] would like to extend to you an invitation to be our guest speaker at the [annual conference] to be held at the [meeting room] at [eight] o’clock, [Saturday morning, December the thirtieth, 1993]. As you know, the department is interested in [the 20th century English literature] Since you are familiar with the field, we know your views will be extremely interesting to us. You will receive further details later, but we would appreciate having your acceptance soon so we may complete our agenda. Cordially, 亲爱的[罗杰博士]: [南开大学外文系]特邀请您出席[1993年12月30日(星期六)早八点在(系会议室)]召开的[学术年会]并作演讲。




邀请信的复信要求简明扼要,在书写时应注意以下几点: 1.接受邀请的复信中应重复写上邀请信中的某些内容,如邀请年、月、日,星期几、几点钟等,如 “I’ll be delighted to attend your luncheon next Friday, May the fifth, at twelve o’clock”。

2.邀请信的复信中应明确表明接受邀请还是不接受邀请,不能含乎其词,如不能写 “I’ll come if I’m in town”。这类的话,以使得对方无法作出安排。在接受邀请的复信中,应对受到邀请表示高兴。谢却的复信中应阐明不能应邀的原由。

1.接受与不相识的人共进午餐 Accepting an invitation to luncheon with strangers Dear [Wang Hua]: I’ll be delighted to come to your luncheon on [Tuesday, April the sixth], at [on] o’clock. [Bob] has often spoken me of [Wang Hui], and has told me how very much he enjoys having him for a [roommate /teammate].Although I have never met [Wang Hui], I know him from hearing so much about him. I aure you it will be a very great pleasure indeed to meet [Wang Hui’s mother]! Thank you so much for asking me. Truly Yours 亲爱的[王华]: 我将愉快地参加您于[4月6日(星期二)下午1时]举行的午宴。

[鲍勃]经常向我提起[王晖],并经常谈到与他[同住一室/为队友]是多么愉快。虽然我还没有见过他,但因为听到有关他的事情多,好像已经认识他了。 我相信,同[王晖的妈妈]相会一定会使人非常愉快,非常感谢您的邀请。

2.谢绝不相识的人的邀请 Apologizing for being unable to accept an invitation Dear [Mrs.Brown]: I have heard so much about [Lambert] from [Jane] that I almost feel as though I knew him.I would certainly enjoy meeting his mother! But unfortunately I expect guests myself on [Friday, the seventh of May]; and therefore cannot accept your invitation for luncheon on that day. It was thoughtful of you to invite me, and I am extremely sorry I cannot accept, I do hope you will ask me again some time! Sincerely yours, 亲爱的[布朗]: 我已经从[简]那里知道了许多关于[兰伯特]的事,我好像已经认识他似的,能够去见他母亲我当然觉得十分荣幸!

但是很不凑巧:在[5月7日(星期五)]我自己要招待客人, 因此就不能接受您在那天的午宴邀请了。


3.对迟复邀请表示歉意Apologizing for being unable to give an early reply Dear [Mr.Jackson]: Please accept my apologies for the delay in acknowledging your invitation for [lunch/ diner/ cocktails] on [September the fourth, this year].I have been away from the office and only just returned. Luckily, I have no other plans for the date you mention, and shall be happy to see you at [6] at the Black Swan Restaurant. Cordially,

亲爱的[杰克逊先生]: 未能对您发来的出席今年[9月4日]举行的[午宴/晚宴/鸡尾酒会]的邀请给予及时答复深表歉意。我因近期一直在外,刚刚返回。


4.对不能参加而迟复邀请回信表示歉意 Apologizing for being unable to accept the invitation and give an early reply 篇2:英文商务邀请函范文





(Salutation) I would hereby invite the members of Beijing delegation totally 4 persons (listed attachment) led by you, to come over to ***(country) for *** (exposition), which is to be held at *** (place)during *** (date). Please make the neceary arrangements for your delegation to arrive in *** (country).During the exposition, you will stay here for *** days.All your expenses including international air tickets, local transportation, accommodations, medical insurances and all other related expenses during your stay here will be paid by yourselves.We are looking forward to greeting you in *** (country) very soon. Yours sincerely, (Signature) 商务邀请函是正式公函,请用单位带英文抬头、地址、电话的信纸打印,结尾加盖公章。



July 29, 2005 XXX, CEO XXX, VP Sales XXXXXXXX Corporation (Addre) It’s our great honor to invite you to visit XXX Company located at (addre) in August, 2003.This visit will provide an opportunity for you to make a better understanding of our marketing iues, and to communicate our future busine cooperation in detail. XXX Company, as one of your distributors in China, has been great progreing in promoting and selling your products.We believe this visit will be of great benefit to our future busine cooperation.Please use this invitation letter to apply for your VISA to China. We are all looking forward to seeing you soon, and should you have any questions, please feel free to inform me. Yours truly, XXX Vice President Sales XXX Company


加拿大商务访问邀请函必须包含以下信息: 被邀请人的信息

被邀请人的信息 About the person being invited 全名 / complete name 生日 / date of birth, if known 职务及所代表的公司 / the company represented and the person’s position 该人的住址 电话(工作/住宅)/ the person’s addre and telephone number (both work and home) 你公司与被邀人的商务关系及历史 / your company’s relationship to the invitee and your busine history together 你是否与该人相知,关系如何whether you know the visitor personally, and if you are related 访问目的(如需长期逗留,请解释原因)the purpose of the trip (if part of a longer-term project, please provide context) 访问时间和期限the length of time the person will be visiting your company in Canada 在加拿大的生活起居由贵公司承付 / accommodation and living expenses that your company will cover and 离加日期 (最好是往返机票)/ the date the person intends to leave Canada, if known.篇3:邀请函中英文 邀 请 函



晚会时间:2011年元月6日晚18:30 晚会酒店:金钱豹国际美食武汉沿江一号店







Dear Sir or Madam,

It’s our great honor to invite you to attend Hubei XXXX New Year Party at 18:30 on Thursday, Sixth of January of 2011 in Wuhan Yan Jiang No.1 banquet hall of Jin Qian Bao International Hotel, located at the sixth floor of Yan Jiang No.One Shopping Mall in Jianghan District in Wuhan.

Hubei Yong Yu, as one of your distributors, has always appreciated for your great care and support.We believe we will have better busine cooperation in the future.

All the staff of Hubei Yong Yu are looking forward to seeing you to celebrate the past achievements and bright future together.

Sincerely yours

XXXX Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd



dear sir or madam:

we are very pleased to invite mr.*** come to our factory for visiting and busine negotiation.the busine trip will start from **th ** ****.and because the long busine

co-operation in future between **对方公司名 and us, they will come to china for many times.

please note, however, that we don’t aume any legal or financial responsibility whatever regarding the presence of ****** in china.all expenses of *****’s journey to/from china, their stay in china as well as health insurance

will be borne by their employers.

we send you our kindest regards and best wishes for a pleasant trip.

yours sincerely,

general manager (signature)

** **,****


