
2020-03-02 02:06:33 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

I used to have my dream !

我有过梦想 旁白(谢秋霞):

Now I am a freshman .These days I suddenly find how I cherish the memory of my previous life! In those days my clamates and I worked hard for our dreams! We even do not know what was tired.Therefore,we could study at night with our own hand lights and we could get up so early as the sky was still dark.What we only know was that we have our own dreams and we would not be ordinary people.However it seemd that everything is changing! I am beginning not to know who I am and what I am doing and where my ambitions are! Scene one: 闹铃响起

No.1(尹思阳): Oh, my lady gaga! It is already 7:60! Get up! Quickly! Quickly! Get up! Get up! Get up! We are late! No.2(肖翠平): What claes will have this morning? No.1: Let me see! Uh。。。。。。English and RS! No.2: Oh, English? It’s so cool .I won’t go to the claroom! No.3(孙川): Are you sure that we will have English at our first cla? No.1: Uh……Yes! No.3: he he a o, he he a o ,he he he he(啄木鸟叫声),I just made a hard decision that I won’t go to the claroom too! No.4(陆坤):I am three! No.1: Ok, as your good brother.I want to be four! No.2、No.3and No.4 together shout to No.1: No! As our respected and handsome and strong brother, you must go there in case of the teachers’ calling! No.1: Uh…… Ok, you know that When I smile like this :he he, in fact I am thinking that you are all fools in my heart! No.

2、No.3 and No.4 together smile to No.1:He he……

Scene two: (No.1 has just gone!) No.2: Get up! Get up! It’s time to keep on playing our game! We have no time because of the coming examinations! Therefore we must speed up! No.3: Oh, yeah! No.2 is right! Come on No.4! No.4: Uh…….O…….K! At this time, a man break into the room! No.2、No.3 and No.4 feel puzzled! No.2 : Who are you?(并仔细的开始观察他) 好一会过后No.2如梦初醒!

No.2: No.feiwu? Are you No.feiwu? Oh, my dear feiwu.Long time no see! No.3 and No.4: Feiwu? He is feiwu? Oh, my god! Am I still sleeping?(掐对方) Er……I can’t feel any pain.No.4: A……

No.feiwu(李缘): Do you have any money to borrow me? No.2、No.3 and No.4: No, it’s not the thing that we don’t

have t money to borrow to you! It is because that we don’t want you to keep on going to the net bar and we don’t want you to go on corrupt.(堕落的) No.feiwu: All of you are so stingy! (小声的) No.2、No.3 and No.4 all keep quite, and begin to play their games! No.feiwu climb his own bed and begin to sleep. Scene three:(当



No.4: Hello! My baby! How do you know that I am not in cla? Girlfriend: Uh? Don’ t you forget about our appointment that you accompany with me to buy that lovely skirt by skipping our English cla? No.4: How can it be poible! Girlfriend: Wuwuwu

…….you are lying! You just don’t love me! Wuwuwuw

…….No.4: Oh, my baby, I love you.I really love you! I was just preparing to see you! Wait me! I will go there in two minutes!

No.4:Feiwu, Lend me 100 yuan! No.feiwu: What?

Scene Four:

旁白:The time is so fast! It’s already 7:30 at p.m.No.4 was just coming from the supermarket with her girlfriend.No.4: How long do you play the game? No.3: Uh, all the time since you go.And we have only one barrier to pa now! How is your appointment?

No.4: Uh…..Don’t speak that! I In the supermarke ,She seemd like everything, but she only just have try at every store! Yeah , every store! Oh, my god! I nearly can’t put up with it! 笑声,近乎疯狂但又深表同情的笑声!

No.1、No.2 and No.3 together : Our girlfriends are the same! No.2: Oh, yeah! I pa it! No.

1、No.3 and No.4:Really? No.2: Yes! 四人开始跳舞庆祝!

No1: Now shouldn’t we celebrate it by drinking something? No.2、No.3 and No.4: Of course! We should! No.1: No.feiwu? would you join us to drink? No.feiwu: Uh…...Ok.But please be quite! I will call my mother for some money.全场肃静!

Mum: Hello, my dear! Your money has used up, isn’t it? No.feiwu: Uh……

Mum:Ok.This time I will post 1000 yuan to you for the reason that I will go to Beijing to build houses in next two month! My son,you should eat well! Don’t think about the money! Your mother is still strong ,therefore, though without your father, I believe that I can help you finish your dream! Ok, that’s all! Now I go to post the money to you! 电话挂断后长长的尾音! 《老男孩》歌曲响起! 旁白:

Dream? What are our dreams? We used to tell ourselves that we can let our life become better and better! We can feed all of our family! We should have our own businees! We won’t be ordinary people and so on! However, what are we doing? Playing computer games, skipping claes, drinking ……….That’s the way that we accomplish our dreams?Don’t we want to think that have we realize our previous dreams when we become old? Or we just let our own dreams accomplish by our children?










