新视野大学英语unit3 讲稿

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Unit 3

Marriage Acro Nations

Warm-up activities

A marriage is an interpersonal relationship with government, social, or religious recognition, usually intimate and sexual, and often created as a contract.The most frequently occurring form of marriage unites a man and a woman as husband and wife.The reasons people marry vary widely, but usually include one or more of the following: legal, social and economic stability; the formation of a family unit; procreation and the education and nurturing of children; legitimizing sexual relations; public declaration of love.

Proverbs Related to Love

Every man is a poet when he is in love. 恋爱中人人都是诗人。

Love is the joint experience between two persons. 爱情是两个人之间的一种共享体验。 Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌。

All shall be well and Jack shall have Jill. 有情人终成眷属。

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 情人眼里出西施。

Love makes the world go around. 爱使世界运转


(1)What may constitute barriers for one to marry his or her true love?

There are many factors for the failure to marry one’s true love.Apart from cultural differences, some other factors exert great influence on one’s marriage.To start with, the racial difference is one of the biggest obstacles to one’s marriage.Many lovers, driven by the true love for each other, go through diverse difficulties and hardships, only to part with each other in the end, just like the young couple shown in the video.Besides, the different family backgrounds sometimes prevent the lovers from getting married because they meet with resistance from their families.

(2)What are your criteria for choosing your Mr.Right or Mi.Right? ⑴ good to talk to

⑵ not wimpy (懦弱的) ⑶ gentle—not a “hard man”,

⑷ no temper

⑸ responsible⑹ not paive

⑺ willing to take more risk ⑻ able

⑼ share things ⑽ confident

⑾ smile ⑿ want to talk to you

⒀ use money wisely, ⒁ not stingy—generous

⒂ trust ⒃ decisive

⒄mature ⒅a man (男子汉)

⒆sense of humor

Background Introduction

Interracial marriage: Before June 12th, 1967, interracial marriage was illegal and individual states in the US had the right to separate and punish interracial couples.These punishments included imprisonment of up to 10 years.Violations included marriage, sex, and living together.On June 12th, 1967, interracial couples became legal thanks to the US Supreme Court decision entitled Loving v.Virginia.

Structure analysis The paage is a first-person narrative about the writer’s own experience of a mixed marriage in America.The paage is generally organized according to time sequence, the first thing first and the second thing second.The whole text is made up of four parts.PartⅠ(para.1-2) Why Gail and I live together and what we learn from our racial and cultural differences.PartⅡ(para.3-4) We want to marry for the right reasons.PartⅢ (para.5-9) Gail’s mother’s reaction when Gail spread the news of our wedding plans to her family.Part Ⅳ(para.10-21) Gail’s father’s reaction.

New Words & Phrases

1.character n.1.[C] qualities that make sb.a particular type of person |性格, 个性

e.g.What does her handwriting tell you about her character? |根据


I choose my friends for their good characters.|我择友的标准 是品格一定要好。

1.[C] qualities that make sth.what it is and different from others |


e.g.The whole character of the village has changed since I was

last here.|自我上次来这里之后,这个村子的面貌完全变了。 The idea was to rebuild the house without changing its basic character.|计划是将那幢房子按原貌加以改建。 2.compromise n.[C, U] an agreement that is achieved after everyone involved accepts le than what they wanted at first |妥协;折中

e.g.She found that compromise was always the best way when

she quarreled with her mother.|她发现,与母亲争吵时让步总是最好的解决方法。

It is hoped that a compromise will be reached in today\'s talk.| 希望今天的会谈能达成妥协。

v.reach an agreement by making a compromise |妥协;折中 e.g.The workers are going to strike for their welfare if the

employers are not ready to compromise.|雇主们要是不妥协, 工人们就将为争取自己的福利而罢工。

Well, you want $400 and I say $300, so let\'s compromise at $350.好吧,既然你开价400美元而我还价300美元,那我们 就来个折衷价350美元。 3.mutual a.1.felt or done in the same way by two or more people toward each other |相互的

e.g.The plan was ended by mutual agreement.|双方均同意终止这项计划。

Their working well together was based on mutual respect, trust, and understanding.|他们的合作是建立在互相尊重、信任和理解基础上的。 2.shared by two or more people |共同的;共有的 e.g.mutual interests |共同的利益

Lynn and Phil met through a mutual friend.|林恩和菲尔是通过共同的朋友相识的。 5.compatible

a.1.(of people) able to have a good relationship because of

similar opinions or interests |合得来的;情投意合的

e.g.The couple separated because they were not compatible.|这


Make sure you\'re compatible with him before you start sharing a house.|在你们合住之前你先要确定是否能和他和睦相处。 2.(of equipment) able to be used together |兼容的;配套的 e.g.The computer program isn\'t compatible with this operating


The printer is compatible with most computers.|这台打印机能 与大多数计算机配套使用。 6.overlook vt.1.not notice sth.|没注意到;忽略

e.g.He overlooked a spelling mistake on the first page.|他没有注


I overlooked this problem and have to deal with it now.|我之前 忽视了这个问题,现在必须要着手解决它。 2.have a view of a place from above |俯视;眺望

e.g.Her bedroom has large windows overlooking a lake.|她卧室的


The beach house had a balcony that overlooked the sea.|从 那幢海边别墅的阳台能眺望大海。 7.bud vi.produce buds |发芽,萌芽

e.g.The trees are budding early this year.|今年树木发芽早。

The unusually cold winter has caused many plants to bud late this year.|异常寒冷的冬天使今年许多植物都推迟了发芽。

n.[C] a part of a plant that will open to form a leaf or flower |芽;花蕾 e.g.The trees all around are covered in buds.|周围的树都发芽了。

Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May.|狂风会吹落五月的娇花嫩瓣。 8.resistance n.1.[sing., U] refusal to accept sth.|抵制;反对

e.g.The idea met with some resistance.|那个意见遭到了一些反对。

There\'s a lot of resistance to the idea of a united Europe.|对欧洲统一的想法存在许多反对意见。

2.[sing., U] the use of force to act against sb.or sth.|抵抗;对抗

e.g.They put up a paive resistance.|他们进行着消极的抵抗。

A good diet helps the body to build up resistance to disease.|良好的日常饮食可增强身体的抗病能力。 9.counsel vt.give sb.advice |劝告;忠告

e.g.He counseled them to give up the plan.|他劝他们放弃这个计


The school is now providing a service to counsel students with drug problems.|学校向有吸毒问题的学生提供咨询服务。 10.harbor (BrE harbour) vt.keep sth.in one\'s mind for a long time |心怀;怀有

e.g.Tiffany\'s been harboring spite against our bo ever since her

transfer was refused.|自从蒂芬妮的调职被拒绝后,她对我们 的老板一直怀恨在心。

I\'m certainly not harboring a secret liking for the man, if that\'s what you are thinking.|如果你这样想的话,我告诉你我并没有 暗恋那个男人。

n.[C] a place of shelter for ships |港,港口

e.g.All the ships stayed in the harbor during the storm.|风暴期间


Some of the best natural harbors in the world are there.|那里 有几个世界上最好的天然港。 11.reservation n.1.[C, U] a feeling of doubt about whether sth.is good or right | 存疑;保留

e.g.I support this measure without reservation.|我全力支持这项措


She had some about her new job.|她对新工作心存疑虑。 2.[C] an order of a room, seat, etc.in advance |预订

e.g.We made a reservation for dinner at the restaurant.|我们在这 家饭店预定了晚餐。

I plan to leave on August 4, and have made my flight

reservation for that date.|我打算8月4日离开,并已预订那天 的机票。

12.charm vt.attract sb.|迷人;使陶醉

e.g.He\'s a very effective bo; he in some way charms you into

doing what he wants.|他是个非常能干的老板,总有办法能让 你去做他所希望的事。

I was charmed by this gentleman when he stood up gracefully and came to me for a dance.|当这位绅士优雅地站起来并走过 来邀我跳舞时,我被他深深地吸引了。

n.[U] the quality of pleasing or attracting people |魅力;吸引力

e.g.She was a woman of great charm and she knew how to use it.


It\'s a town with a lot of old-world charm.|这是个具有古老魅力的小镇。 Charming: a.very pleasing or attractive |迷人的;有魅力的

e.g.The old woman lived in a charming house near the beach.|那位老妇人住在海边一幢漂亮的房子里。

He nodded to me with a charming smile.|他带着迷人的微笑朝我点了点头。

13.confirm vt.prove that sth.is true |证实;证明;确定

e.g.The announcements confirmed that the election would take

place on June 20.|公告证实选举将于6月20日举行。

Everything you have just said confirms the view that nobody can be trusted.|你刚才所说的一切证实了一个观点:谁都不能 信任。

v.make a plan, meeting, etc.certain, esp.by telephone or writing | 确认

e.g.a note asking us to confirm when we would be arriving |要求我


I\'d like to confirm a reservation for a double room on the first of July.|我预订了7月1日一间双人房,想确认一下。 14.suspect vt.think that sth.is probably true |怀疑

e.g.Most people don\'t, I suspect, realize this.|我怀疑大部分人没


He couldn\'t have suspected that she was lying to him.|他根本 不会想到她对他说的都是谎言。

n.[C] sb.who is thought to be guilty of a crime |嫌疑犯

e.g.The police have caught two suspects in connection with the

bank robbery.|警方逮捕了两名涉嫌银行抢劫案的嫌疑犯。 Last week police finally had a suspect for the murder.|上星期 警方终于查出那起谋杀案的一名嫌疑犯。 15.harsh a.1.cruel |严厉的;苛刻的

e.g.His behavior met harsh criticism from his family.|他的行为遭到了家人的严厉批评。

That is a very harsh punishment to give a young child.|那样惩 罚一个幼儿很残忍。

2.unpleasantly loud and rough |刺耳的

e.g.The noise is too harsh to the ear.|那种噪声十分刺耳。

I cannot imagine how she became a broadcaster with her harsh voice.|她的声音那么刺耳,真难想象她是怎么当上播音 员的。 16.hesitate vi.be slow to speak or act because one feels uncertain or unwilling 犹豫;踌躇;迟疑

e.g.He hesitated before he spoke, as if he wasn\'t sure how his

words would be received.|他在开口前犹豫了一会,好像不确 定人们对他的话会有什么样的反应。

He who hesitates is lost.|当断不断,必受其患。 17.proceed vi.go to a further or the next stage; go on |继续进行

e.g.Having said how much she liked it, she then proceeded to

make critical comments about the way I\'d done it.|她说她很喜 欢我做的这件事,可接着就批评起我做这件事的方式来。 Let\'s proceed to the next question.|现在讨论下一个问题。 18.resolve vt.1.solve a problem or difficulty |解决;解除

e.g.We need to resolve this difference quickly.|我们需要很快解决


The couple resolved their differences and made an effort to get along.|这对夫妻解决了他们的矛盾,努力和睦相处。 2.make a definite decision to do sth.|决定;决心

e.g.The company resolved to take further action against thieves.| 公司决定采取进一步的防盗措施。

She resolved that she would never speak to him again.|她打 定主意再也不同他讲话了。

Phrases and Expreions

19.ups and downs the mixture of good and bad experiences |盛衰;沉浮

e.g.He stuck by her through all life\'s ups and downs.|他始终不渝


Like most married couples we\'ve had our ups and downs, but life is like that.|像大多数夫妇一样,我们也经历过波折起伏。 可生活就是那样的。 20.work out be succeful or end in a certain way |成功;产生结果 e.g.Things worked out quiet well.|事情的结局相当不错。

Is your new roommate working out OK? |你的新室友与你合得 来吗? 21.for a time for a short period; temporarily |暂时;一度

e.g.You\'ll have your own office soon but for a time you\'ll have to

share one.|不久你会有自己的办公室,不过你暂时还得与别人 合用。

For a time, we all thought that Sherry and Frank would get married.|有一段时间,我们都以为雪莉和弗兰克会结婚。 22.meet with experience sth.by chance |遭遇;遇到

e.g.She met with much kindne.| 她得到许多好心的帮助。

They\'d never met with such poor service before.|他们以前从 未遇到过这么糟糕的服务。 23.all along all the time |始终

e.g.I realized I had had it in my pocket all along.|我发现它一直就


She was kind to me all along.|她一直对我很好。 24.have nothing to do with have no connection with |与...无关

e.g.In the evening he likes to read books which have nothing to do

with his work.|晚上他喜欢看一些与工作无关的书籍。

He\'s a thief and a liar; I\'d have nothing to do with him, if I were you.|他又偷东西又撒谎,我要是你,我才不跟他来往呢。

25.on the surface when not observed, thought about, etc.deeply |表面上;外表上 e.g.The plan seems on the surface to be quite practical.|表面看来


On the surface, this seems like a difficult problem, but in fact there\'s an easy solution to it.|表面看来,这问题似乎很难,但 实际上答案很简单。 26.at one\'s worst in one\'s worst state |最差的时候;最糟糕的时候

e.g.I\'m at my worst in the morning.|我早晨的时候感觉最不好。

This problem over delayed payment has shown him at his worst.在拖延付款的问题上显示出他为人最糟糕的一面。 27.learn of come to know |获悉;听说

e.g.I\'m sorry to learn of your illne.|得知你生病,我甚为难过。

We were shocked when we learned of his sudden death.|听 到他突然去世的消息我们感到非常震惊。 28.take care of be responsible for; deal with |负责;处理

e.g.Her secretary took care of all her appointments.|她的约会都由 她的秘书负责安排。

All the travel plans have been taken care of.|所有旅行安排都 处理好了。

29.proceed to do sth.do sth.next; go on to do sth.|接着做某事

e.g.After the boy finished with his own story, he proceed to ask me

to tell him mine.|那个男孩儿讲完自己的故事后又让我告诉他我 的故事。

She had washed the clothes, and then, she proceeded to do the dishes.|她洗碗了衣服,接着又继续洗碗了。

新视野大学英语 第二册 Unit3 Language Points


新视野大学英语unit 4 讲稿








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新视野大学英语unit3 讲稿