
2020-03-03 09:56:19 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文


s=Hello Jackson.Fancy meeting you here.

J=oh hello sandy.How do you do?

S=do you know there’re a lot of new things happened these days.

J=that’s right.I read the newspaper yesterday.I knew that president Xi-Jinping had arrived in America and had a meeting with Obama in Sunny lands.

S=yes.That’s a very important point in time.In 1979, china established diplomatic relations with the United States.After that china talked a lot with America, and they had trades with each other.J=I am very happy that our home country can have such a good relations with the strongest country in the world.

S=and this is good for both countries.I still remembered the meeting was the first time that the two leaders talked together with wearing a tie.

J= It marks the new era between the two countries.Maybe in the future, China and America will bring a new look to the world.I believe if china and America join together, both of them can get benefits.

S=yes you are right.And do you know the explosion of a bus in Xia-Men.It is said that a person called Chen-Shuizong who has a negative feeling of life commit arson to the bus.In this accident 47 people were killed and 34 people were injured.

J= oh my god.That’s very horrible.And the people who died were very innocent.They were so poor.

S= yeah but I cannot understand why that man wanted to revenge on society.

J= I also read the news on yesterday’s newspaper.It is said that the man thought the society treated him unfairly.

S=so I really want to know how to avoid this kind of feeling.

J= I think we should be optimistic toward life

S= and we should have a dream and put all our effort in it.

J= you are right.Not only you and I but also everybody in the world should be like that.S= then we can have a peaceful world.

J= of course.

s= Oh, It’s too late.I have to go home now.Good bye.

j= bye









英语口试自我介绍 (推荐)

