
2020-03-02 10:05:59 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

三年级英语教学设计 设计人:贾郁文


Unit 7 What shape is this 教学时数:第一课时

教学目标: 1.语言目标:能熟练掌握所教的单词:circle, triangle, rectangle, square和句型What shape is it? It is a…。


3.应用目标:能分组用形状设计图形并对其进行描述。 设计思路: 本课设计的重点在于培养学生的形象思维和分组用形状设计图形,并熟练使用What shape is it?和It is a …这两个句型来谈论图形。为了实现和完成学习任务,教学活动的展开是以阶段性子任务达成方式来设计的。(1)通过游戏和设置任务活动让学生操练掌握四种形状,突破单词难点。(2)通过游戏和设置任务活动操练掌握句型“What shape is it?” “It is a…”.(3)通过做一些有关形状的思维题,拓展学生的形象思维。(4)通过最后设置一个任务掌握并应用四种形状和句型,询问学生看到哪些东西来培养学生的发散性思维.教学重点:能分组用形状设计图形,并对该图形内容进行描述。 教学难点:能熟练使用新句型并结合以前学过的句型对图形内容进行描述。 教学准备:电脑、彩笔、形状卡片和设计用纸等 教学过程: Step 1 Warming: Greeting : T: Hello, boys and girls.Nice to meet you.Ss: Hello, Mi Huang.Nice to meet you too. Step 2 Presentation: T: Now please follow me.Let’s look for some shapes.(板书课题 shape) Look the screen carefully please, what can you see? (课件中出示两辆在起跑线上的赛车,1号车是正方形轮胎的车,2号车是圆形轮胎的车) Ss: There are two cars…

T: Yes, the two cars will have a race.Can you gue which car can run faster? No.1 or No.2 car.S1: No.1 car.S2: No.2 car….T: The competition start, let’s say “come on” together and see which car is the winner.Ss: Come on, come on… (课件中出示到达终点时2号车领先)

T: Which car is the winner? Ss: No.2.T: Why? Because wheels can run faster.(老师边用鼠标指着两辆车上的有关形状的轮胎和旗帜边介绍形状) It’s a circle.Look here, it’s a square.Boys and girls what can you see on the No.1 car? It’s a flag.Is it a circle? Is it a square? It’s a triangle.What shape is the flag on the No.2 car? It’s a rectangle.(板书 a circle, a square, a triangle, a rectangle) Step 3 Practice: 1.Let students listen and show.There are five groups and each group has a pair of the four shapes.T says the four shapes and students say after T together and show the shape.Which group is the fastest and which group is the winner.2.Look for shapes in the claroom and show them.S1: Look at the window, it’s a rectangle.S2: Look here, it’s a square.Competition: We say, you do action.T sticks the four shapes’ cards on the floor of the claroom.When students look for shapes in the claroom, they will look for these four shapes’ cards.T asks one student to show shapes’ cards one by one and all students say the words together one by one, then T asks a boy and a girl to make a competition to listen and jump on the shapes.Step 4 Presentation of the new pattern: Game1: Let students do some puzzles.(课件中出示四种形状的碎片)

the No.1 puzzle T: What shape is it? Ss: It’s a square.(板书句型 What shape is it? It’s…)

the other three puzzles Ss: What shape is it? S1: It’s a… S2: It’s a … Step 5 Practice: IQ test: Let students do some IQ test about shapes.(课件中出示一些看形状找规律和移动棍子变形状的拓展思维的题) Task: Let students gue pictures.(课件中出示一些由形状组拼的图形,让学生猜形状和图形) T: What shape is this? S1: It’s a … S2: … T: Gue, what’s this? S1: … S2: … Step 6 Extension: Make a picture with the shapes:

Let students choose one shape to make a picture.Then T asks students to show the picture.For example: S1: Draw a shape and ask others: what shape is it? It’s a … Gue what is this, please.Then continue to draw and to ask.. Step 7 Ending:

Let students listen and learn to sing a shape song.

Blackboard design: Shape What shape is it? circle.rectangle. It’s a triangle. square.










