
2020-03-03 08:25:35 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

Research seeks actively the basis with fundamental causes and higher reliability, which can improve the reliability of busine and work.The word “Research” is often used to describe about a special theme of the information collection.It used the planned and systematic data collection to analysis and interpretation, so obtain the proce to solve the problem.Research often uses scientific method to obtain the theory in the practice.Most scholars often study the project by research the things and the theory.When they do the research, theyoften collect the information and data to approve the theory.At the same time, they may find the new evidence and explain the things.As the college students, we need write the paper by using the knowledge we learn from the cla.

Internal validity is a property of scientific students which reflects the extent to which a causal conclusion based on a study is warranted.Such warrant is constituted by the extent to which a study minimizes systematic error.In scientific experimental settings, researchers often manipulate a variable to see what effect it has on a second variable.Inferences are said to poe internal validity if a causal relation between two variables is properly demonstrated.A causal inference may be based on a relation .It also refers to how well an experiment is done, especially whether it avoids confounding.The le chance for confounding in a study , he higher its internal validity is.

External validity is one the most difficult of the validity types to achieve, and is at the foundation of every good experimental design.Many scientific disciplines, especially the social sciences, face a long battle to prove that their findings represent the wider population in real world situations.The main criteria of external validity is the proce of generalization, and whether results obtained from a small sample group, often in laboratory surroundings, can be extended to make predictions about the entire population.The reality is that if a research program has poor external validity, the results will not be taken seriously, so any research design must justify sampling and selection methods.










