
2020-03-02 16:04:53 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文



With the spring breezing, in the sunshine, cla one is coming.Look! They are holding flags fluttering in the wind, symbolizing youth and vitality; Look! Their footsteps are rhythm, symbolizing vitality and vigor; Look! They are confident and energetic.Come on! Cla one!



Now, we cla two is approaching.Marching in orderly peace,shouting






and studious .steady advance and self—challenge are their starting points, Tirele efforts and relentle pursuit are their growing proce.Self—achievement and realizing dreams are their goals.They are trying their best to prove Endeavor can create excellence.



With the spring wind blowing, accompanied by the sunshine, cla 3 is coming.They are holding their heads high and setting the pace of the neatne.They are vigorous and confident, their slogan is so sonorous.Each word is full of energy and confidence. We believe they can make brilliant achievements!



Now cla 4 is approaching, in orderly pace and loud slogans.They will make every effort to run at the ground athletic track.They are the sun in the morning, over the horizon and they will never give up; They are the sun at noon, in their tender youth, full of energy and spirit.Let us see what they achieve!





Now coming to us is cla five.Unique cla brand holds up the power of solidarity.Neat clothing reveals youthful radiance, steady pace presents a brilliant tomorrow.They approach closer and closer.They use bright vibrant style to expre the mood for love.



Now, coming towards us is cla 6, holding their heads high , showing us the long national culture of China and the figure of spirit.Look! The are walking into the colorful world which is full of beautiful flowers with the firm steps and the straight posture.



Look!We are approaching a team full of paion and vitality marched in orderly pace.All in high spirit and high morale.Struggle and surpa are their style.Better, higher and stronger are their ideal .Let’s come to witne this mighty and magnificent army——cla 7 Grade 1,to create brilliance! 高一(8)班介绍词

“一切皆有可能”是高一八班的信念,“敢于尝试”是高一八班胜利的方式,“永争第一”是高一八班的目标,“坚持不懈”是高一八班的精神。 64个兄弟姐妹,64份铿锵誓言。 他们,不见金戈铁马,却有豪情在胸,不闻号角战鼓,却以整装待发。

Look! The following team is Cla Eight.In their eyes, the expreion is shining bravely and strongly.” Nothing is impoible” is their ambitious faith.” To be No.1”is their biggest goal.” Never say Never” is their team spirit.They are like the sleeping lion, when they wake up the whole world will shake! Keep moving, no matter how tough the future will be.Keep trying no matter how many difficulties you will face.Just remember, you are born to be the winner and Never say Never.



Now coming to us is cla 9.Their pace is tidy. They run in the wind and snow.Do not fear the frost.In the mud trials and hardships.They are under the sky fluttering flags , the paion floats in the sky.They are the sunshine, garden flower seedings.They fought tenaciously and confidently.It is today.On the sports field ,they are writing youth.My heart is flying!



It is my great honor to introduce my cla to you.The team, which is approaching, is cla 10.Their neat pace is full of the energy and enthusiasm, Please pay attention to their appearance, which shows the spirit of the Olympics.The slogan of cla 10 is faster, higher and stronger.We all believe that they will do a good job and we will not give up easily.Made by iron, stronger than steel.We will always remember this belief.We are the conqueror!



Cla 11 is coming to us with the heroic paion, dreed the pace, full of the spirit.We share the same joy and seek it together.Come on ! Victory belongs to cla 11



The light of the sky is shining.The young in the spring is full of hope.Here comes cla 12 with flags waving parade.This is a vibrant family.They are bright and brave, dynamic and hopeful.They use a full enthusiasm and the pace of neatne to write the vitality of youth.Never say Never.Best wishes to cla 12.



他们勇往直前! 他们激情飞扬!

他们将把拼搏的汗水洒在赛场上。 他们将用灿烂的笑容拥抱胜利的辉煌。

Look, here comes the cla13, They are holding their heads high and setting the pace of the neat, they tape the vitality of youth and confident.Hand in hand.Let us play!




Cla 14 is coming, filled with vitality and vigor in each person, everyone is full of love and encouragement, they advance steadily, to challenge themselves is their starting point, making unremitting efforts to pursuit their journey, breaking through themselves striving to be the first is their goal.Struggle to create brilliant! Yesterday’s sweat will be able to achieve the present brilliant.Come on, cla fourteen! You will become a synonym for succe!



Look! Cla 15 is coming towards us, Facing the sun in spring, they are Vigorous and in high spirits.The measured walk represents their firm faith and enthusiasm is full of their bright smiles.Their hearts are flowing with love and encouragement.They all believe that friendship is more important than competition and will show their brilliant performances in the race.



Holding up their heads high and advancing by long strides heroically, cla 16 is heading towards us.Now, they are showing their strength and power to the whole world, just like swans flying in the sky, plum bloom flowering in the snowstorm and a great emperor presenting his marvelous ability.In the past, we have been trying and fighting.At this moment, we are surely doing our best and showing the best to you.Undoubtedly and obviously, nothing do we fear along this path full of difficulty and hardship!


懵懂,点燃激情 挫折,磨砺翅膀 锐加鹰隼试翼 柔如潺潺流水

轻快的步伐,矫健的身姿,迎面而来的是骄阳般的十七 他们搅着似火的热情 用61个平凡的姓名 拼凑了一个不凡的集体。 他们的眼睛和他们的信仰 他们的脸上闪烁着无畏的光

他们承诺,将以自己的实际行动证明: 逆风--更适合飞翔。

Flying ideal, flying paion, never say no.Cla 17 is coming to us, with the heroic paion.61 players, 61 copies of excellence .They are in high spirits.They are brave and courageous.They are blooming buds that exudes the fragrance of hard work.Enterprising and high spirted.Come on! They will use the paion of youth to get good results in the field!



Look! Here comes cla 18 .They are holding their heads high and setting the pace of the neatne.They take the vitality of youth, Vigorous and confident.Listen, their slogan is so exciting, each word is full of the sports for pursuit; their shout has rich strength, every sound all full of hungry for succe.They move forward the common goal to meet the common challenges.We believe that they can make brilliant achievements!



This is cla 19 going towards us.The spring wind blows their self-confident flying hair, the golden sunshine shining their bodies.Thriving strength indicates their determination; heat steps show their solidarity.Today although the runway is hot or lonely, they still step over the thousand and walk steady.The playground for a few minutes is their stayes; the match point of a few second is their struggles.They believe the more effort they malce, the greater of succe they will win.



Look! Here they come! How energetic they are everyone wears smiles on their face.As time goes by they all grew up.They are natural athletes and confident students.Come on, everybody, we all expect your perfect performance.Just move with great athleticism about the court.Let the dream fly!



Now coming to us is cla 21.They said they are the sunshine of 21 century.They are the newborn sun.They believe they can win the games and win the friendship.They are a big family full of love.In addition, they never give up.


瞧!那矫健的步伐。听!那整齐的节奏。这就是高一22班。他们朝气蓬勃,精神抖擞。他们斗志昂扬,奋力向前。 他们有“不破楼兰终不还”的决心.他们有“直挂云帆济沧海”的信念。在此,他们定会取得令人满意的成绩。加油吧!少年们!

Look!The vigorous steps.Listen! The tidy rhythm.Now, The cla coming towards us is cla 22.With full of youthful spirit, in high spirits.Come on !

The teenagers !With the determine action no breaking the loulan, also no returning.With the confidence cloud—white sail and sea.Drop a sail, In the activity , they will get greater achievement.The raising fighting spirit and preing forwards.


是鸿鹄,就该志存高远,搏击长空。 是蛟龙,就该志在千里,畅游四海。


Here comes cla 23.They carried themselves high and walked a straight line.They work very hard and never give up.The sea the sky is spacious enough for the birds to fly.Believe! They can make great succe.



Chasing after the soft breeze, bathing in the mild sunshine, Cla24 has been on the stage.Look! Sixty-Two young hearts are dancing and their smiling fates are singing.With the paionate drums, they are walking with a confident pace; the resounding slogan is the symbols of their victory.They are young.They are united; they are the new hope of the life.They are the constant splendor!



Coming towards us now is the athletes of cla 25.With their strong and vigorous pace, bright and brave spirit, we can feel that they are staring with confidence, just want to let youth luster.Believe in this sports meeting, encouraged by the spirit of sports, they will get wonderful results!










