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课题:七年级英语(上)第五单元Section A第一课时教学设计





本文通过新目标英语七年级(上)Unit5 Section A第一课时的教学设计,简要介绍了信息技术与英语教材进行有效地整合的具体方案。充分利用实物、图片、多媒体技术,结合英语教材,设计出适合学生生动、形象的教学活动,激发学生的学习兴趣,并通过各种英语实践活动,提高学生听、说、读、写英语的能力。



教学课题:七年级英语(上)Unit5 SectionA第一课时


本节课是七年级英语(上)第五单元第一课时。以“sports things”为话题,展开语言训练活动。活动1a图片中有五种体育用品,通过列举所学的运动项目,从中挑选出各自喜欢并且拥有的体育用品,并说明原因,目的是巩固并学习一些体育项目的名词;学会用have对物品的所属进行提问与回答,掌握用do和does引导的一般疑问句的构成及使用。本课共出现了3个重点句型、13个新单词,是本单元的基础阶段。


1)知识目标: 要求学生牢记所有的新单词,学会用have对物品的所属进行提问与回答,学会使用do和does引导的一般疑问句 “Do you/they …?Yes,I/they do./No,I/they don’t.” “Does he/she have …?Yes,he/she does./No,he/she doesn’t.” 要求学生能运用所学的内容自如地进行对话、调查、讨论等活动,并能将所学知识由课堂向课外延伸,将课内话题与课外的实际生活联系起来,拓宽学生的思维。

2) 技能目标: 提高学生听、说、读、写的基本技能;培养学生运用英语进行交际的能力。

3)情感目标: 本课谈论的主题是学生喜爱的运动项目。希望通过本节课的学习,学生能热爱体育运动,学会关心他人、关爱社会,养成助人为乐的好习惯。




在英语教学中,学生只有在真实的语言环境或模拟情景中,才能更好地理解具体情景传递的信息,触景生情,激发学习的欲望,提高教学效率。因此,我力求把信息技术与英语教材有效地整合,充分利用电脑设置和创造情景进行教学,让教科书“活”起来,形象起来。这堂课我首先用有关运动用品的实物和图片来引出本节课的话题“sports things” 。又用图片来教本课的新单词和重点句型,然后引导学生谈谈自已美丽家乡有哪些名胜古迹,自已的学校有哪些特色;再通过多媒体展示玉树地震灾区人们丧失了家园的情景,引导学生关心国家大事,关爱社会,关心他人,为灾区献爱心。计算机多媒体的运用一直贯穿于我整个的教学过程。把教材中单调的文字内容,通过文字、声音、图像相结合的多媒体方式形象、生动地展示出来,使整个教学过程图文并举、声情并茂、视听结合,既渲染了气氛,又激发了学生的参与意识、创新意识,使其主观上产生对新知识追求的动力,因而大大提高了课堂教学效率。


本课我主要采取了以下几种教学方法。 (1)启发式教学法: 在教Do you have a …?涉及到物品所属这一部分时,我采用做调查的方式进行,先让一个学生作为调查者向另一个人(被调查者)提问,然后被调查者作出回答,调查结束后被调查者转换为调查者,用这种一问一答,依次进行方式。 例如: A:Do you have a ping-pong ball? B:Yes,I do.A:Do you have a ping-pong bat? B:No,I don’t.A:Does he have a soccer ball? B:Yes, he does.A:Does she have a computer? B:No,she doesn’t.通过举一反三的启发式教学,让学生在实践中很快就掌握有关用法,能运用自如。 (2)交际教学法: 指导学生展开情景对话,讨论问题以及模拟聊天等交际活动,为学生创造机会在半真实的语言环境中运用他们所学的语言。 (3)视听教学法: 听音、看多媒体图文是英语学习的重要方法,也是课堂教学的重要步骤,在听和看的过程中可以感知,可以模仿。 (4)任务型教学法: 通过让学生先谈谈自已美丽家乡有哪些名胜古迹,自已的学校有哪些特色,再通过看玉树地震灾区人们丧失了家园的多媒体图片,引导学生关心国家大事,关心灾区人民,献出自己的爱心。以及介绍如何写感谢信等,让学生将所学的知识学以致用,解决实际生活中的具体问题,提高他们灵活运用英语解决实际问题的能力。

本课我主要采取了以下几种教学策略: 1)让学生观察课件画面,回答问题,学会使用认知策略; 2)让学生表演对话,实现交际策略; 3)引导学生交际、主动练习和实践,是调控策略的体现; 4)充分利用多媒体、录音等是资源策略。

我所采用的教学法有助于学生掌握以下学法: 1)探究性学习:在授课过程中我设置了一些问题,创设了一些情景,让学生自己思考,自己探索问题,使得学习成为一种积极的过程。



1 教学重点:(1)掌握有关球类运动方面的词语; (2)学会用have对物品的所属进行提问与回答; (3)培养学生对体育运动的兴趣。

2 教学难点: “do” 与“does”的用法。



八、教学过程: Step I Warming up

Greetings: Hi ,everybody .Nice to see you.Do you like sports?First let’s learn some sports things.Today we are going to learn Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?(At the end of last period, students were asked to bring some sports things or pictures they have to the cla.So, at the beginning of this period, ask students to show the things they have brought.This will help them learn words about sports.) Now take sports things out please.After students take the things out,go to a student who is holding a basketball.T: “It seems you like sports very much.What do we call it in English?” S: “Basketball”

T: “Can you write the English name on the blackboard?”

It’s OK if they don’t know the English name and the spelling.Then come to another student who is holding a soccer ball in his hand.T: “What’s this in English?Can you write it on the blackboard?”

Ask a few more students to do this.Then show the English names of these sports things on the Bb.Read the words and ask students to repeat.

Step II Learn the new words and drills 1.Showing a picture of a basketball, the teacher is asking the students: What’s this in English? Do you have a basketball? ...At the same time asks students to point to their pictures or the real objects and says: “ basketball, basketball, I have a basketball….” The teacher goes to a student who is holding a basketball and asks him:“Excuse me, do you have a basketball?”“ Yes, I do.”“Does she have a basketball?” “Yes, she does.” Using the same way, study the new words: volleyball, soccer ball, ping-pong ball, tennis and so on.Study the new drills:Do you have…? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.Does he / she have…? Yes, he / she does./ No, he / she doesn’t.2.Show all the new words and phrases on the screen.Ask students to read them three times and try to remember them.设计思路:利用图片和实物进行直观教学,先用图片认知单词,然后领读,.再用熟悉的句型练习运用这些单词,让学生在不知不觉中达到熟识程度。

Step III Pairwork

In this step, students learn to talk about ownership by using the structure: Do you / they have…? Does he / she have…? First, let the students read the sample together.Then they practice making conversations according to the sample.Finally, they ask each other if she or he has the things in the picture.Show the following list on the screen.Do you have a basketball? Yes, I do.No, I don’t.Does he have a tennis racket?Yes, he does.\\ No, he doesn’t.设计思路:引导学生展开Pairwork活动,完成口语交际的教学任务。让学生根据图画内容运用动词have进行询问所属,以练习由助动词do/does引导的一般疑问句结构,采用师生互动带动学生之间互动的交流方式,为后面的听力练习做好铺垫。 Step IV Vocabulary study and listening (1a, 1b : p25 ) In this step, students will do some activities to learn the words about sports.T: Just now, we have learned some words and drills about sports.Now, let’s do some activities about them.Open your books and turn to page 25.Look at activity 1a, match the words with the things in the picture.I think that’s just a piece of cake for you.Please finish it in one minute.T: OK, let’s speak out the answers together.Which is tennis racket? Check the answers.Then play the tape and let students do activity 1b and read 1b together.设计思路:本环节是教材安排的听力活动,目的是让学生在听音时抓住关键词,培养学生边听边做笔记的学习策略.

Step V Play a gueing game 1.Show some pictures which have been hidden to students, let them gue “What’s this in English?”, using these ways, we can review the sports things we have learned today and study many more drills: Do you have…? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.Do they have …? Yes, they do./ No, they don’t.Does he / she have…? Yes, he / she does./ No, he / she doesn’t.2.Read the dialogues together.设计思路:根据七年级学生年纪小,思维活跃,好奇心强等特点,安排一个猜测游戏,可以激发学生求知欲,寓教于乐,让学生在不知不觉中掌握今天知识要点。

Step VI Chatting with the teacher Let the students come to the teacher and talk about ownership by asking some questions: eg.Excuse me, Mi Yu, May I ask you some questions? Do you have…? Does your brother have…? Where is your hometown? Does your hometown have a beautiful park? Using this way,encourage the students to ask the teacher more and more questions.设计思路:根据学生喜欢网上聊天的特点,安排一个聊天的活动,激发学生积极思维、大胆开口讲英语,把机械进行的句型操练转化成生活中的对话,使学生学习的兴趣更浓。

Step VII Introduce the hometown and the earthquake 1.Introduce the beautiful hometown.Let the Ss say something about the hometown and school according to the paage: Hello, friends.My name is ….I live in Yueyang, we have Yueyang Tower and Dongting Lake in our hometown.They are very beautiful.And our school is…Middle School.In our school, we have…,we have….We can ….I like my hometown and my school.3.T: We have a beautiful hometown and school, but the people inYushu don’t have.Let’s watch the screen.There are some pictures for you.Let the Ss watch the pictures, help them say these sentences: Ss:But some students in Yushu don’t have parents, brothers, sisters or friends….Ss:Some students in Yushu don’t have beautiful schools, clarooms, books, pens or basketballs now….4.We must help the people in Yushu and show our great love.Ask the Ss to say some sentences as following: T:Can you help the friends in Yushu? S1:I have two books, so I give them to the students in Yushu.S2:I want to give some money to them.… 5.Let the Ss learn how to finish the thank-you letter.Dear friends in Yueyang, Thank you (1) for the money,the pens, the books, the rulers and the basketballs.Now we(2) don’t have our beautiful schools, we don’t (3) havea happy family, but we have your great love.We are afraid of nothing, because we (4) havethe great mother……China.Your friends from Yushu 6.Show a proverb to the Ss: “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”

设计思路:让学生先谈谈自已美丽家乡有哪些名胜古迹,自已的学校有哪些特色,再通过看玉树地震灾区的人们丧失了家园的情景,引导学生关心国家大事,关心地震灾区的人民,献爱心。以及学习如何写感谢信。最后用一句格言“患难见真情” 来深化主题。任务型教学法在此环节得到了充分的运用,学生的交际能力、团队意识得到了培养,这些活动也锻炼了学生的动手能力,让学生在实践中学会运用英语。

Step VIII Evaluation and feedback (评价与反馈) 1.Summary 1).You should remember all the new words : have,soccer,ball,soccer ball,tennis,racket,tennis racket,ping-pong,volleyball,basketball, bat,does, doesn’t=does not; 2).You should master all the key sentences : Do you have…? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.Do they have...? Yes, they do./ No, they don’t.Does he / she have…? Yes, he / she does./ No, he /she doesn’t.3).You are supposed to make good use of them .2.Let the students do the following exercises : 请根据句意,选词填空,可重复选用。 do, does, don’t, doesn’t 1.——you have an eraser? ——Yes, I.2.——Bob have a ping-pong ball? ——No, he.3.they have a telephone in the room? ——Yes, they.4.——they have a volleyball? ——No, they.5.she have a tennis racket? ——Yes, she.

Step IX Ending

1.Homework:1.Recite the dialogues.2.Write a reply to the students in Yushu.3.T:So much for this cla .Thank you for listening .Goodbye !


《新目标英语 》倡导以任务为基础的教学,通过完成特定的交际任务来获得和积累相应的学习经验。任务的设计也就是要给学生提供明确、真实的语言信息,使学生在一种自然、真实或模拟真实的情境中体会语言、掌握语言的应用。那么我们在教学中又应如何设计任务? (1)任务要真实。既要从学生的认知水平和生活实际出发,又要与社会生活紧密相连。本节课我给学生安排了两个活动任务:第







七年级信息技术教学 设计







