
2020-03-02 23:19:40 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

[舞出我人生]【dance my life.】

Everyone deserves a chance to follow their dreams, but some people only get one shot.Tyler Gage is a rebel from the wrong side of Baltimore¹s tracksand the only thing that stands between him and an unfulfilled life are his dreams of one day making it out of there.Nora is a privileged ballet dancer attending Baltimore¹s ultra-elite Maryland School of the Arts -- and the only thing standing in the way of her obviously brilliant future is finding a great dance partner for her senior showcase.When trouble with the law lands Tyler with a community service gig at Maryland School of the Arts, he arrives as an angry outsider, until his skills as a gifted street dancer draw Nora¹s attention.Now, as sparks fly between them, both on and off stage, Tyler realizes he has just one performance to prove that he can step up to a life far larger than he ever imagined.Finally out of time to enjoy the film, as the beginning of \"So\" Season 3 of the Memory

A youth musical

Few words can be summed up

Very regular structure of the youth film

Causesbitter - Succe






One can see the outcome, but hundred percent is not poible to predict failures

Some people say that this piece of trash removed part is the danceBut I think even if this is indeed the case (I did not agree with the meaning), like people will look at it

Be attractive because the audience should be like me, the purpose is clearly the go dance

Fortunately, music and dance have fully met our expectations

Violin and drums combination, as the ballet and Hip-Hop FusionMusic and dance, claical and modern perfectly complement each other, showing the audience in front of our audio-visual pleasureIt is said that apart from the two stars, other actors who are profeional dance

I would like to say, the two stars are also fully equipped with a profeional standard!


Are we human because we gaze at the stars,or do we gaze at them because we are human?


Tristan? If you can understand me, look at me now.You know when I said I knew little about love? Well, that wasn\'t true.I know a lot about love.I\'ve seen it.I\'ve seen centuries and centuries of it.And it was the only thing that made watching your world bearable.All those wars.Pain and lies.Hate.Made me want to turn away and never look down again.But to see the way that mankind loves.I mean, you could search the furthest reaches of the universe and never find anything more beautiful.So, yes, I know that love is unconditional.But I also know it can be unpredictable, unexpected, uncontrollable, unbearable and, well, strangely easy to mistake for loathing.And what I\'m trying to say, Tristan, is I think I love you.My heart, it feels like my chest can barely contain it.Like it doesn\'t belong to me anymore.It belongs to you.And if you wanted it, I\'d wish for nothing in exchange.No gifts, no goods, no demonstrations of devotion.Nothing but knowing you love me, too.Just your heart in exchange for mine.特里斯坦?如果你能听懂我的话就看着我。你知道吗,当我说我不懂爱情的时候,那不是真的。关于爱情我知道很多。几个世纪以来我见证着爱情,也只有它才让你关注的世界不那么乏味。战争、满是痛苦、谎言与憎恨让我转过身去,不愿再多看一眼。可当我目睹人间的真爱时,我意思是说,即便你找遍全宇宙,你也找不到比之更美的东西了。所以,是的,我知道爱是无条件的,但我也知道爱是不可预知的、无法预料的、无发控制的、无法忍受的。奇怪的是,爱很容易被错认为是憎恶。崔斯坦我想说的是...我认为我爱上你了。我的身体几乎不能包容住我的心了,好象它不再属于我了,而是属于你。如果你要的话,我会无偿的给你。不需要礼物、不需要条件、不需要证明。什么都不需要,我只要你也爱我,只要你的心换取我的心。

If there\'s one thing I\'ve learned in all my years watching Earth, it\'s that people aren\'t what they may seem.Plenty of time to reminisce about your pitifully short lives.Please.Maybe providence sent me to you just as it sent you to me.











