
2020-03-02 12:15:00 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文


做一篇雅思口语 Ask Questions:

Answer Questions:

口语考试是不是只能回答“积极”的答案?是不是一定要回答“新颖”的答案? 口语考试是每个月的最后一场最简单吗?口语2:00考和5:00考有没有区别? 周六考和周日或者周一考有没有区别? 口语用词是越难越拿分吗? 口语要准备模板吗?

发音在口语评分中到底有多重要? 口试问题没有听懂怎么办?

:il beg your pardon?’I’

Sorry I didn’t quite catch the question.Could you ask it again?” ,orry I mied that one.Could you repeat it?”


Do you like making other people laugh? 典型的5分答案:

Yes, I do.I’m a funny person and I always tell my friend jokes.典型的7分答案:

Sure.I know lots of jokes and really enjoy sharing them with f friends of mine.It seems that I just happen to have a unique sense of humor. I tend to believe humor is eential to a good mood at work and at home as well.

What’s your favorite subject at school? 典型的5分答案:

It’s English because English is very useful and interesting.典型的6分答案:

lt’s math because math makes us smart and, you know, math is very useful when it comes to learning some other subjects such as physics and chemistry.典型的7分答案:

Umm, I gue it’s PE, which stands for physical education. Sometimes we call it the gym cla. It helps us release stre and actually physical exercises get us more focused on academic subjects.So you see, PE not just keeps us physically fit, it boosts our grades as well.What’s your favorite season? 典型的5分答案:

I like winter best.I enjoy the snow in winter.lt’s so beautiful.典型的6分答案:

It’s spring because everything is fresh in spring.Sometimes we have light rain.Spring is gentle and comfortable.典型的7分答案:

Well, I would say… summer.Actually, the summer in Beijing is really hot…

,scorching, you know.But in summer, my friends and l can just hang out together in the places like malls coz we have much more free time.The summer vacation is long, like two months, which longer than the spring break.And the coolest thing about summer is we tend to wear casual clothes like tees and shorts…


5分是挣扎着说出来的(或者另一个极端是超级无敌流利地背出来的),和考官的 交流要不然就是基本无效,要不然就特生硬

6分是思考着说出来的,和考官的交流开始有效,但是并不充分而且不很流利 7分则是快速思考后自然地说出来的,和考官的交流比较充分而且已经有一定 的层次关系,但允许有一些小的语法或用词错误和少量发音问题

Part 1是什么?

关键词:chat 关于你的背景、爱好、兴趣和习惯的基础问题

Part 1就是一个chat,和考官聊一聊你自己的基本情况。



说Part 1的时候,请放松你的心态,跟examiner好好地聊一次吧!


Have you ever been in very cold weather? [When?] Would you prefer to live in a hot place or a cold place? [Why?] How do you usually travel to work or college? [Why?]

Part 2是什么?

考官发一张大纸,上面印着一个topic和几个提示。 Part 2的本质是要你做一-个description(描述)


Part2和Part1 会有适当的停顿(( pause) 需要有,—定的规划,也需要有秩序。有逻辑 句式会有变化(variations),但是不会像Part1那么多样。

Part 3是什么?

Part3 是discuion(讨论),多数时候Part 3的问题与Part 2所考卡片的话题有关, 但有的题目也可能会离开( deviate from)卡片的范围。

Part3和Part 1的本质区别

Part 1的很多题是关于“you/your life”

Part 3的很多题目则是关于 “people”, “society”或者 “your country”,甚至有时涉及到 “the world / global iues”


那么在语言必须要体面 会用到很多表示逻辑关系的连接词 Part3答案比 Part1要正式

听以,如果说Part 1是和考官聊天(chat),那么在Part 3,你的任务就是论述好你的观点( state your case)。

Part 1的话题有范围吗?

studies; work; building; people; language

weather&season; hometown; reading & writing food; media; arts

colors; nature; collection clothing; traveling; sports&outdoor activities pets; festivals, holidays & parties; shopping

Part 1的提问方式有规律吗? 它永远只有两种形式:

① Yes/No类题 ② ② Wh- ( What/Why/Which…) / How类题

Part 1考什么?

The Start of the Test Please switch off/ turn off your mobile phone What’s your full name? / Can you tell me your full name please? Can I see your ID card please?

Hometown/ Your House/ Your flat What do you like about your hometown? What do you dislike about your hometown? Do you think your hometown is good for young people? What’s the nightlife like in your hometown? What would you change about your city? * What types of public transport can be found in your hometown? Do you have a driver’s license? You know, driving is not a right.lt’s a privilege(特许的权利). Driving makes life much easier for me and my family members.

Do you live in a house or a flat?

Is your landlord charging a high rent for the flat? Is there anything hanging on the wall?

Your Studies/ Your Work Are you working or studying? What do you like about your studies? What’s your major? Do you like it? Is there anything you don ‘t like about it?.What did you do on your first day in this school university?

国外学校的第一天经常被称为Orientation Day,常见活动有an orientation tour of the campus其实也就是带着大家看看校园,a Welcome Meeting,a free lunch,在有些学校里还能meet the principal校长 and other faculty and staff

Hobbies Do you have any hobbies? What do you usually do at weekends?

What do people usually do to relax in your country? What do you usually do at weekends?

Sports / Outdoor Activities What sports are most popular in your country? l think it’s important to play a sport? Do you think it’s important to play a sport? Do you like doing outdoor activities? Do you like swimming? What are the benefits of swimming? Do you like biking / cycling? Are bikes popular in China? How old were you when you first learned to ride a bike? Do you often play games? What games are popular in China?

The Media What types of TV program do you like watching? What types of TV program are popular in your country? Why do we need ads? What kinds of radio program do you like best? What types of film do you like watching? What are the differences between local newspapers and international newspaper?

The Internet What often do you use computers? What are the differences between emails and letters? * What are the disadvantages of writing something by hand? How can children improve their handwriting?

Reading &Writing Do you like reading? What’re your favorite kinds of books? Do you prefer to type things or to write things on paper?

Language What do you find difficult about learning writing? What do you find difficult about learning English? What would you like to learn another foreign language in the future?

Clothing What kinds of clothing do you like wearing? Do you like fashionable clothing?

Food How often do you eat out in restaurants? What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating out? Is fast food popular in your country? Which meal is the most important to you, breakfast, lunch or dinner? Do you like cooking? Why? Do you think children should learn how to coo k ;.Do you like vegetables? People Do you prefer to have old people or young people as your neighbors? Who does the housework in your family? What do you usually do with your friends? In your country, where can you meet new people? Did you have a happy childhood? Do you prefer to have old people or young people as your neighbors? In your country, where can you meet new people?


What kinds of music do you like listening to? Do you think it’s important for children to learn to play a musical instrument? What kinds of photographs do you like looking at?

Building Are historical buildings important? Do you often go to museums? How can a museum attract more people? What are the advantages of staying in a hotel? What are the advantages of staying in a hotel?

Weather & Seasons What types of weather do you like best? What is your favorite season? How do people feel about rain?

Shopping Do you like shopping’? How often do you go shopping?

Collection Why do s some & people like collecting things?

Colors Do any colors have special meanings?

Nature Do birds have a special meaning in your culture? Do any flowers I have e special meaning? Are parks and gardens important in your country?

Pets What are the advantages of raising pets?

Travel Do you like travelling? Why do ‘people like spending time near the sea? Pollution How can people control the pollution in your city? What harm can noise do to our lives?

Festivals, Holidays & Parties Do you like Partying? What are the differences between formal and informal parties? Is it important for people to celebrate their birthdays? What do people usually do at weddings in China? How do you spend holidays? Do you think festivals are important? Do you like dancing? What are the most popular gifts parents give their children in your country?










