
2020-03-02 04:21:40 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文



1.It is important to insulate the furnace„„ 2.In fact,virtual is simply using„„of an environment.

3.It was a clear foul by Ford on the goalkeeper.4.This is a great„„profeor should be compliment.5.The dog would not„„You must have provoked her.

6.Inspectors will have to do a thorough evaluation of the„„continue.

7.I received anonymous letters without„„ 8.As a result,a father may be flattered by the„„ 9.The hotel also boasts two swimming „„course.10.I was very offended that you„„birthday.11.Minutes after the„„,all that remained was the skeleton of the bridge.12.Figures released yesterday„„in March.13.The imkages were captured by TV„„the base.14.Cohen was hospitalized after he collapsed on the„„consciousne.15.Our ultimate objective is„„there are male.16.We waited at the intersection of Fulton Street„„to change.

17.Their arrival livened up a(n) otherwise dull afternoon.

18.Each barrel of oil is equivalent to about 40„„gasoline.19.She said she would defy the party„„against him.20.Journalists

were„„the story and distorting the facts.21.I made a mistake and I will aume„„

22.She is only 4 years„„facility.23.My mind was a blank„..24.Wilson was so absorbed„„.

25.The economy ihowing signs of faltering„„ 26.Too heavy a load will strain„„ 27.The electricity failure paralyzed„„ 28.The wine made him dold„„ 29.They left in hasted„„

30.We will keep searching for survivors of the earthquake in the hope that„„

31.He is such a courageous man that„„ 32.Our analysis shows that propose„„ 33.The FBI say the„„disguised .

34.It was really thoughtful of„„

35.Digital cell „„,but the downside„„ 36.There was a fault„„,which had disastrous„„

37.The course will help students sharpen„„ 38.We are still waiting „„decisive.39.The odds are that he„„40.As a beginner learning „„overcome.

41.Her research is centered on the social„„unemployment.42.He is universally recognized as one of„„ 43.Rita’s husband is away for the week,so I thought I’d go over and keep her company.

44.In order to achieve our „„,we must combine theory with practice.45.He decided to devote the rest of„„..investigation.46.It is advisable„„consideration all the factors.

47.The company has launched„...advertising campaign in the hope of attracting new customers.48.Until the second„„had been showing consistent growth.49.Prior to the writing„„an in-depth survey.

50.They were obliged to sell their„„to pay their debts.51.The judge said„„would serve as a warning to others.

52.Jim’s father did not approve of his decision to quit the job.

53.A new car„„of our budget this year.

54.The pictures are similar,but there are subtle differences between them.55.Two hundred people„„50 more than we originally planned.

二、完形填空(10%) 1.Online evaluation systems are„„a teacher at one university.


三、阅读理解(30%) 1.American schools aren’t exactly frozen in time,„„(DDCBA)

2.When Eric Piotrowski wonders what his High School English students think of him,„„(BBDCD) 3.Students of public speaking continually ask,„„(DCBDA)

4.Coca Cola,„„(ADADD) 5.Test anxiety is almost universal,„„(DCCAB)6.Choosing

university„„(ABDDA) 7.There are many fascinating„„(BACDB) 8.A unique experimentto„„(ACBAC) 9.San Francisco has„„(ABDDA)

10.From the window of my room,„„(DCBAC)

11.I walked with my friend,„„(CBBDC)

12.Everyone knows that in order for your„„(DCCAD)

四、翻译题(30%) 1.The website is fundamentally a good way for us to keep tabs „„work with have to say.


2.They do not think children„„on many college campuses.

他们认为孩子们不应该匿名去评价他们的老师,虽然年龄较大的学生在许多大学校园中早已拥有这种自由。 3.I really liked most of„„I did not want to be labeled as a suck-up.我的确喜欢我的大多数老师,但是我没有必要直接走上前去先评他们,我为什么喜欢他们,因为我不想被人称为马屁精。

4.It give them a chance to„„They get to know how well they are teaching.这给了他们改进的机会让他们知晓学生的反馈进而了解自己的教学效果。

5.I think it would be an„„and make some change or improvement.我认为它能给提供一个反省,改变或提升的机会。 6.I fell greatly flattered„„the meeting.

承蒙您邀请在这个会上演说,我深感荣幸。 7.The administrator has„„to the library.管理员已经切断了通向图书馆的因特网。

8.He complimented her on her„„looking at it.他连看都没看一眼,就赞美她的新衣服。 9.We need more feedback„„to improve our goods.


10.It was the most extravagant„„in a virtual space.


11.One of the greatest mysteries of the „„,three-dimensional map of dark matter.随着第一份详尽的暗物质三维图出现,宇宙最大的奥秘之一将被揭开。

12.Nobody has seen dark matter or knows„„the rest of the visible universe combined.

这种物质人们肉眼无法看见,也不知道其结构,尽管计算表明,它比我们已观察到的宇宙至少打六倍多。 13.The scientists were able to„„some of the miing ma of the universe.

科学家利用这一技术,收集来自50万个遥远星系的变形光线,以重够常规望远镜看不到的大片区域。 14.Astronomers have compared the task of detecting„„at night from the air when only street lights are visible.


15.Scientist said the new images were equivalent„„roads in daylight for the first time.

科学家们说新图像就如在白昼初次观察一个城市及它的郊区和乡村公路那样清晰。 16.You may not know that the beauty of„„defies description.

你可能不知道,我们家乡的景色美得无法形容。 17.This advertisement will„„of TV audience.这广告将引起电视观众的注意。 18.In fact,many bacteria „„maked eye exist on our skins.


19.It is said that president„„in order to win the election.


20.These factors can not be„„they interact with each other.

不能独立地看待这些因素,因为它们是相互作用的。 21.Students of public speaking continually ask ,How can I overcome self-consciousne and the fear that paralyzes me before an audience?” 在公共场合演讲的学生:“我如何才能克服害羞和恐惧心理,不至在听众面前失语呢?

22.Practice in speaking before an audience will tend to „„and facility in the water.


23.To hold any other view is „„a meage worth delivering.

心怀杂念会使你视自己为展览品而不是有信息要传递。 24.Have the first few sentences„„in the beginning to find word.要熟悉开头几句话,这样你不会一开始就为找不到词而烦恼。 25.In facing your audience,pause„„in the hope that you will waste his investment by talking dully?

面对听众,稍作停顿,扫视听众-99%的听众期待你的成功,因为谁会傻到花时间、花金钱寄望你以无聊之谈浪费掉他们的投资。 26.This monument commemorates the soldiers who died for the country to establish the.


27.While there are still some tension, but this time he summoned up his courage and stepped onto the platform, began the lecture.


28.No wonder cannot find a person, have to go to a meeting.

难怪找不到人,都开会去了。 29.To make a speech in front of many in the audience, the speaker in addition to their own speech and deportment, also pay attention to the reaction of the audience.在许多听众面前做演讲时,演讲人除了关注自己的言谈举止,还要兼顾到听众的反应。

30.Shy and lack of confidence, he started his speech speak hesitating in speaking.由于害羞和缺乏自信,他开始演讲时说话结结巴巴。 31.Leader who stall,who„„

那些拖泥带水、犹豫不决、动作迟缓、废话连篇、忧心忡忡的领导不能获得员工的信任,即使不将企业领向失败,也会将其领向困境。 32.If you are fearful of

making a„„


33.Equally disastrous is acting„„

同样糟糕的还有行事冲动,误以为大领导就该大声发号施令,像电视广告中那些忙碌的主管一样,精神抖擞地走在随从当中,叫午餐似地随意做出重大决定。 34.Succeful stock market traders„„


35.If you do so,remember those„„

如果你这么做,记住那些给你建议的人是从他们自己的参照标准和情感角度来审视你所处的境况。 36.John is inexperienced, so his probability of succe was very low.约翰缺乏经验,所以他获胜的可能性极小。

37.As long as we are united, there is no difficulty we cannot overcome.


38.We were fearful of losing our way in the forest.

我们担心在森林里迷路。 39.He is prone to lose his temper when other people disagree with him.

别人一不同意他的意见,他就容易发脾气。 40.Urban inhabitants have to live with the characteristic noises of a city.

城市居民不得不忍受都市特有的喧嚣。 41.By the late 1890s,„„,largely due to Candler’s aggreive marketing of the product.主要得力于肯德 的积极营销,可口可乐在19世界90年代末成为了美国最受欢迎的饮柜饮料之一。

42.Often combined with lunch„„,and fast food restaurants become popular.

随着冰淇淋、瓶装饮料以及快餐店的流行,常与午餐柜台相连的全柜显得黯然失色了。 43.In 1969,The Coca-Cola„„on the slogan “It’s the Real Thing”.1969年,可口可乐公司和其广告代理麦肯公司停用了流行一时的“有了可口可乐,世界更加美好”,代之以核心口号为“真正的饮料”的广告宣传活动。

44.Beginning with a hit song,„„be one of the most popular ads ever created.


45.The irate paengers were„„in Shannon or to sleep at the airport.乘客要么得挤在香农的一家旅馆,要么得在机场过夜,他们对此感到愤怒。










