
2020-03-03 16:55:58 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

make a three-minute speech based on the video.please give your speech a title. huize said to zhuangzi :the prince of wei gave me a seed of a large kind of gourd.i planted it, and it bore fruit as big as a five bushel measure.now had i used this for holding liquids, it would have been too heavy to lift; and had i cut it in half for ladles, the ladles would have been too flat for such purpose.certainly it was a huge thing, but i had no use for it and so broke it up. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. topics:

1.nowadays many people are busy working and studying.do you think they have enough time for leisure? can you list some suggestions for them to relax and have fun? 3.there has been a great deal of public debate since shenzhen announced its plan to add vip carriages to its subway trains.some believe vip seats will unnecearily take up public space despite the current overloading of the subways.others supporting the proposal say subway operators should have provide vip options since railways paengers already enjoy such a service.share your opinions please. 4.it seems that love and marriage is an eternal topic for the young.a prevailing statement goes on the internet: a woman will only choose a man who poees an apartment, and a man will only choose a woman who is virtuous and devoted.what are your criteria for choosing the right spouse? share them with us. 5.the prospect of being categorized ad a “3s lady” haunts female university graduates in shanghai, a recent survey shows.what do you think of this phenomenon? a 3s lady, which defined as someone who is single, (born in the) 70s and stuck, is used to refer to an independent and educated woman around the expected age of marriage who is still single. 7.today we can just go into a supermarket and buy products made in other countries.international brands such as mcdonald?s and kfc are seen in a lot of cities.globalization is happening in many places in the world.do you think its advantages overweigh the disadvantages, or the other way around? 10.reality show participants tan weiwei and wang zhengliang were recently hired as aociate profeors by the sichuan conservatory of music, causing controversy.some people say the colleges are employing celebrities as profeors just for show.others say that no serious harm is done employing celebrities to teach claes on entertainment.what?s your opinion? 11.foshan city in guangdong province has banned begging in all public places such as plazas, stations, pedestrian overpaes, parks and scenic spots.the move has aroused controversy.some people support it saying it would benefit the city?s environment and order, while others say the city is putting too much stre on showing its good side and that the move is inhuman.what?s your opinion? 12.during the national day holiday, there are 68422 traffic accidents all over the country caused 794 deaths and 2473 injuries.traffic accident takes place everyday in our daily life.what can we do to reduce it? what suggestions can we give to the drivers? 14.it is said that famous people do not have much privacy.their personal life is constantly being observed and reported.what do you think of the privacy of a well-known person? should their privacy be protected or exploited? 15.a groom delivered himself to his bride in a container during a creative wedding held in chongqing.what?s your idea of perfect wedding? share your creative wedding ideas with us. 16.on july 13, a picture of zhou qifeng, president of beijing university hugging his mother, both in tears, on her 90th birthday celebration attracted great attention on the internet.some suspected that they were just putting on a show, especially the son, who took it as a way of showing his filial piety (孝道) to the public, while others thought highly of him for his conduct.what is your opinion regarding this matter? 17.nowadays some college graduates choose to start their own businees and be the boes of their own 18.the claim by the right-wing forces in japan that they were going to purchase the diaoyu islands had 19.in modern life, people face a lot of stre from matters such as examinations and job hunting.stre makes them feel overwhelmed and depreed.what can we do to deal with stre? 20.a recent report by morning news reveals that about 80% of university students here in china are not very interested in their majors, some even resent what they are made into study.what may have led to such an awkward situation? and what can we do to solve this problem? 21.differences between two generations are often talked about by people.can you tell us your opinion on the iue of generation gap? what causes generation gap and what can we do to deal with it? 22.books by mo yan, a chinese writer, also the winner for the nobel prize in literature 2012, have recently development is growing fast, rural development is somewhat lagging behind.what can be done to close this gap between urban and rural areas? 24.education reform is an ongoing task in many schools now.if you were given the power, what changes would you carry out within our current education?篇4:2013外研社杯英语演讲大赛主持词 ? .老师,同学们,大家中午好,欢迎来到 “外研社”杯英语演讲比赛的现场。 this contest is sponsored by college, undertaken by english teaching and researching office. 学院牵头,学院英语教研室承办。

今天的决赛共有12位选手,他们均在初赛中有着优异的表现,是初赛的获胜者。因此,今天的比赛将是一个精彩而又激烈的角逐。 firstly, let’s introduce todays honored guests and judges. 首先,我介绍一下参加我们比赛的嘉宾和评委老师们。他们是,„ now please let me introduce the regulations of this final.the final consist of 2 parts—

现在,我来介绍一下本次大赛的规则。本次大赛分为两个环节。 part one is prepared speech, every contestant has 3 minutes to deliver their speech.第一环节,是选手自备演讲。每个选手有三分钟时间。 part two is questions and answers, our judges will raise questions to the contestant according to the prepared speech.第二环节是问答环节,评委会就选手的自备演讲提一个问题。 at last, the judging panel will give scores on the screen.最后,评委团会将选手最后得分显示在大屏幕上。

at this moment,(两个主持人呈谈话状态) i have a strong desire to see it.and that’s exactly what we will see today. now it’s the time for asking, (问选手)are you ready? next, no.1, you need to choose one questions among question 1to 10.which number do you like? (工作人员操作ppt,大屏幕显示口语问题) thanks for your answering, next, no.2, you need to choose one questions among question 1to 10.which number do you like? (工作人员操作ppt,大屏幕显示口语问题) (3号答完,主持人公布选手分数) thank you, (人名)。 now ,our judges has already give the score for top 3 contestant, it is (具体分数看屏幕) congratulation! 四号演讲、老师提问两环节串词一样。

其他选手依次出场, 所以选手完毕之后

请允许我来宣布三等奖的名单。 congratulations.祝贺他们!(三等奖上台) thank you mr.-- allow me to announce the list of second prize- --(二等奖名单) congratulations. my dear clamates, who will gain the first prize? let’s hold our breath同学们,谁将是一等奖的获得者呢?让我们一起来见证这个伟大的时刻 the luckiest person today is------ congratulations! thank you mr.-- once again, congratulations on your winning! today is your day, you deserve this award for your wonderful performance.让我们再一次对获胜者表示祝贺!今天,是你们的日子,因为你们今天都有着精彩的表现。 x: congratulations.you are really excellent.thank you for your outstanding performance. ladies and gentlemen, now, “fltrp cup” english public speaking contest is ending.i know we are all deeply impreed by the wonderful speeches presented by the 12 contestants.thank you for your hard work.老师同学们,外研社杯英语演讲比赛即将结束,感谢12位选手为之所付出的努力,相信选手们的精彩表现一定给我们留下了深刻的印象。 boys and girls,(转向听众)lets give them a big round of applause. 同学们,让我们把最热烈的掌声送给所有参赛的同学。 and i think our distinguished judges ,they make this contest poible, they deserve a big round of applause, too. 同时,我们的评委老师们也为大赛付出了辛勤的劳动,我们也把掌声送给他们! ladies and gentlemen, my honorable teachers, and dear clamates,“fltrp cup” english public speaking contest is close.once again thanks for your attending.see you next time. 老师,同学们,外研社杯英语演讲大赛到此结束。感谢你的参与。再见!篇5:2015“外研社杯”全国英语演讲大赛 写作 大赛阅读大赛 关于举办2015“外研社杯”全国英语


















参加“外研社杯”全国英语演讲大赛/写作大赛/阅读大赛的选手,请认真阅读各参赛须知,填写参赛报名表:详见附表。 20

13、2014级学生请以班级为单位将电子版报名汇总表发给大学英语任课教师。 注意:报名表请直接粘贴到邮件正文里,请勿发送附件(详见附表)。





联系电话:0391-3987778 河南理工大学外国语学院 2015年6月8日

附件 1.2015“外研社杯”全国英语演讲大赛参赛须知 2.2015“外研社杯”全国英语写作大赛参赛须知 3.2015“外研社杯”全国英语阅读大赛参赛须知 4.参赛报名表 2015“‘外研社杯’全国英语演讲大赛”包括“地面赛场”和“网络赛场”两种形式。


初 赛

复 赛



决 赛




初 赛

比赛方式:现场写作,不允许携带电子设备,不允许使用网络。 比赛时间:2015年9月(详情请关注校园网最新公告)。 比赛地点:河南理工大学

复 赛





决 赛



比赛时间:2015年12月9日9:00-12:00 比赛方式:现场写作,使用大赛专用写作评阅系统进行操作。比赛不允许携带电子设备,不允许使用网络。组委会统一提供词典。



正式比赛前,大赛组委会将举办模拟赛。学生自愿报名,在大赛官方网站注册后直接参加模拟赛。 比赛方式:登录大赛官方网站,在“外研社杯”全国英语阅读大赛赛事系统中线上参赛。每次模拟赛持续三天,选手可以在三天内选择任意时间上网参加模拟赛。(详情见每次模拟赛具体通知。)


初 赛

比赛方式:现场阅读,不允许携带电子设备,不允许使用网络。 比赛时间:2015年9月



复 赛

组织方式:以省为单位,各初赛赛点的特等奖获奖选手进入复赛。比赛时间:2015年10月17日、10月24日、10月31日,时间 均为14:00-16:00。同一时间比赛的省采用相同赛题。


决 赛

参赛资格:各省复赛特等奖获奖选手(限3人)。 比赛地点:北京。












