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Unit Five Parents’ Love

Introduction My understanding of parents’ love varies with the changes of my age.When I was young, I could hardly see what love meant.I just had an impreion that it was the parents’ duty to give children love and care.So I always expected too much of my parents.But as I get older, I came to realize that parent’s love is selfle and it is the greatest love in the world.Parents always exhaust themselves to satisfy us, but never expect our Rewards.Exploring the Topic

1.Would you say something about your father including his appearance, hobby and character? My father is tall and strong.He looks young and handsome though he is about 50 years old.Besides reading books, my father has many other hobbies such as swimming, mountain climbing, traveling as well as taking pictures.My father is optimistic, hard-working, confident and responsible.And he is strict with me.2.How has your father shown his love and care for you? My father has shown his love and care for me in different ways.First, every day he gets me to school in the morning, picks me up from school in the late afternoon, and cooks good food for me.Second, whenever I do something wrong, he always persuades me with earnest words.Third, he tries to be my friend by doing outdoor activities with me, such as riding a bicycle.Finally, when I have troubles in my studies, he is always very patient to help me with the problems.Watching & Enjoying Watch the Video and Brainstorm

Section A

Father Dearest Warming-up Many people say that mothers’ love is the most unselfish in the world.But the fact is often that their fathers’ love is equally dear.Father Dearest tells about a father who takes every care to protect his children and grandchildren.He shows his love by warning them against all types of risks: in restaurants, in fashion, in sports, in driving and even in cleaning products.This love is certainly returned when the younger generations say to him: “Be careful, Dad.”

Please notice that the following questions are open-ended with no right or wrong answers.

1.How would you describe your father’s appearance?

My father is

My clamate’s father is








strong 2.How would you describe your father’s character?

My father is

My clamate’s father is








energetic 3.What sports does he like best?

My father likes

My clamate’s father likes





mountain climbing

mountain climbing

badminton (羽毛球)

badminton (羽毛球) 4.How has your father shown his love and care for you?

My father is

My clamate’s father is by getting my to school in the morning by picking me up from school in the late afternoon by cooking good food for me by persuading me with earnest words to keep from doing wrong deeds by doing outdoor activities with me, such as riding a bicycle by helping me with my studies Main Idea

The older you get, the more deeply you begin to realize your parents’ love.When you were young, your parents made sure that you were always safe, and for sure this sometimes seemed silly to you.Is there anything funny that your parents do even now to protect you? Or maybe you feel your parents are the ones who need protection as they get older! It’s true that a parent’s job is never done.But neither is that of a son or a daughter.Structure

Part Ⅰ: para.1-2 introduction to dad’s protection towards kids Part II: Para.3-12 detailed illustration of father’s protection, from past to present Part III: para.12-15 author’s decision of protecting dad as a conclusion of the paage Intensive Reading conscious adj.【1】 knowing, understanding, or recognizing something; awake 意识到的

e.g.Everyone should be conscious of the value of knowledge.


【2】 having all one\'s senses working and able to understand what is happening; not in a sleeplike state 神志清醒的

e.g.Though badly hurt in the accident, he was still conscious.

尽管在事故中受了重伤,他的神志还是清醒的。 material n.【1】 cloth (衣服)料子

e.g.This material washes easily.


【2】 anything from which something is or can be made; a natural or man-made substance 材料;原料;素材 e.g.What kind of material is the furniture made of? 那件家具是用哪种材料做成的?

adj.of or having an effect on real or solid matter or substance, not spirit 物质的

e.g.The earthquake caused a great deal of material damage to the family.


It won\'t do any good to satisfy the children with only material things.

一味满足孩子的物质需求是没有好处的。 injure

n.伤害;使受伤 e.g.I hope I didn’t injure her feelings.



The injured man didn’t recover consciousne until this morning. branch


【1】 an arm-like stem growing from the trunk of a tree or from another such stem 树枝

e.g.That bird is taking off from the branch. 那只鸟正欲飞离枝头。

【2】 a part or division of a large organization, group, area of knowledge, etc. 分支机构;(学科等的)分科

e.g.Psychology is an important branch of sociology. 心理学是社会学的一个重要分支。

pause v.stop for a short time before continuing 停顿 e.g.The sick old man paused to catch his breath.


n.a short but noticeable break in an activity, speech, etc.(活动、谈话等的)停顿;暂停;间断

e.g.They talked for three hours without a pause.

他们连续说了3个小时。 accident


e.g.Three people died in the traffic accident.

有3个人在这场车祸中丧生。 他断定让那只动物走失绝不是个意外。

He concluded that letting that animal off was no accident.avoid

v. 避免;回避;避开

e.g.You must avoid giving any unneceary information.


Culture shock is something you cannot avoid when living in a foreign country. 当你住在国外时,你会不可避免地受到文化冲击。



【1】 bring back to the mind; remember 回想;回忆;记起

e.g.I remember seeing him some years ago, but I can\'t recall where it was.

我记得多年前见过他,但是想不起在哪儿了。 【2】 take back 撤销;收回;招回

e.g.We have decided to recall the order of those cars.

我们已决定撤回那批汽车的订单。 content n.【1】 the amount of the stated substance contained in something 含量 e.g.If someone‘s blood has a low iron content, what should he/she do?

如果一个人血液的含铁量低,那么他(她)应该怎么办? 【2】 the subject matter, esp.the idea of a book, speech, etc.内容 e.g.What does the title tell you about the content of the text?

通过课文题目,你能看出这篇课文是讲什么的吗? adj. satisfied; happy; not wanting more than one has 满足的;甘愿的;满意的

e.g.She is content with her life at present.


He is not content to remain here. 他不愿意留在这儿。


n.【1】 a period of time in which a human being can grow up and have a family, about 25 or 30 years 代;一代

e.g.Charlie Chaplin has been popular with generation after generation because of his excellent performances.

查理·卓别林因其精湛的表演而受到一代又一代人的喜爱。 【2】 the act or proce of generating 产生;发生

e.g.The generation of electricity arouses public interest.


shake v.(cause to) move up and down or from side to side with quick, short movements 摇动;颤抖

e.g.It was a great historical event that shook the whole country.

这是一个重大的历史事件,它震撼了整个国家。 n.

an act of shaking 摇动;抖动

e.g.Please give your gla a little shake from side to side.

请把你的杯子左右轻轻摇动一下。 edge n.【1】 the thin, sharp cutting part of a blade, tool, etc.刀口;刃 e.g.Keep your fingers away from the edge while using the knife.

用刀时不要把手指放到刀刃上去。 【2】 the place where something ends or begins, or is farthest from its center 边;棱;边缘

e.g.Now we\'re on the edge of a new revolution.


stick out 伸出,(使某物)突出

e.g.As I paed, he stuck out a leg and tried to trip me (up).



Jim hated that liar and stuck his tongue out at him.be conscious of 意识到;感觉到

e.g.Feeling like his mother, I was also conscious of the responsibility that I had.



They start talking busine immediately since they are always conscious of time. put on 穿上,戴上

e.g.I saw him put on his jacket, pick up his case and go out. 我看见他穿上夹克,拎起箱子出去了。

她梳了梳头发,然后戴上了帽子。 She brushed her hair and put her hat on.hear of 听说;知道;了解(某一事实、某人或某物等的存在) e.g.The police heard of the robbery and acted upon the information they got at once.

警察一听到有劫案,就立刻根据所得情报采取了行动。 这是一个名不见经传的小地方。

It is a tiny place that most people have never heard of.cut off 切掉;割断;剪断

e.g.This animal\'s tail has been cut off by a little boy.

一个小男孩切断了这个动物的尾巴。 把玫瑰花花枝的末端剪掉一点再放入花瓶。

Cut a bit off the bottom of the stems before you put the roses into the vase.guard from 防卫;防范;保护……的安全

e.g.Soldiers must guard the president from poible dangers. 卫兵必须保护总统不受任何危险的侵害。 他们告诉我们要用生命保护自己的名誉不受侵害。 They told us to guard our reputation from harm with our life.to this day 至今

e.g.To this day, Yellow Stone Park has remained a prized poeion to the American people.

黄石公园至今仍是美国人民的宝贵财产。 甚至到今天我们还不知道那晚究竟发生了什么事。

Even to this day, we don\'t know for sure what happened that night.die from 死于

e.g.It is reported that over 1,000 people die daily from smoking-related illnees.


很显然,如没有紧急救助,她会因休克和失血过多而死亡。 It was clear that without immediate help, she would die from shock and lo of blood.catch on (开始)明白;了解到

e.g.You have to speak clearly as he is very slow to catch on.

因为他理解东西很慢,所以你要说得清楚些。 他花了一个月的时间才弄明白自己的工作内容。 It took him a month to catch on to what his job was about.at the sight of 一看到

e.g.She is not able to be a nurse because she feels dizzy at the sight of blood.


你听到我妹妹的尖叫声了吗?她一看到小虫子就会这样。 Did you hear my sister screaming? She always acts like that at the sight of insects.pull away (车)驶离(路边或另一辆开动的车辆) e.g.They got to the bus stop when the bus was pulling away.

巴士正要开动时他们到达了车站。 你能把车驶离那辆消防车吗? Can you pull away from that fire engine? Exercise

Using the Right Word

Choose the best item to complete each of the following sentences.1.The speaker _ for a moment, and then began to answer the question.




D.tripped 2.She is so strange.She always tries to ___ talking to me.




D.aure 3.Does___want to buy this book? It’s only $3.50, but it tells an interesting story.




D.something 4.It is unneceary for those who study hard to consider the __of failing the exam.




D.poibility 5.We often __ the happy time we spent at your home last summer.




D.provide 6.I’m ___ of his purpose in saying those words, but I don’t want to argue with him.




D.confident 7.While I was walking alone down the street, three men came up to me and asked me for__ to the beach.




D.directions 8.Jack is among the brightest of his ___ : he can speak several foreign languages and has won three national prizes.




D.edge Working with Expreions

Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a suitable preposition or adverb.

1.We must guard ourselves ______ making the same mistakes again.2.I asked her to drop me ______ at the airport, but she stayed till I boarded the plane.3.The little baby was very excited ______ the sight of his mother.4.Many people believe he died ______ working too hard.5.I was not conscious ______ being alone in the room until I finished reading the book.6.___ this day, I still fresh memories of my life in that small, quiet town.7.He had put the hat ______ and taken it off again three times.8.He jumped onto the train just as it was pulling ______.Translating 1.看见大海,孩子们开心得大叫起来。 (at the sight of)

The children cried with delight at the sight of the sea.2.你刚刚说的话我没太听懂,你能再说一遍吗? (catch on) I didn’t quite catch on to what you said just now.Would you say it again? 3.他知道那项任务很难,但还是接受了。(be conscious of)

He was conscious of the difficulty of the task, but he still accepted it.4.直到现在,每当想起那天发生的事情时,我还是觉得莫名其妙。(to this day)

To this day, when I recall what happened that day, I still feel confused.

Section C Practical Writing Understanding and Writing Hotel Ads 我们经常可以在旅游杂志、因特网和报纸上看到一些宾馆刊 登的广告。除文字资料外,广告一般都会提供该宾馆的一些特色 图片资料以吸引读者。广告侧重其服务项目和特色服务。其编排 形式多样,但基本内容都相似。大多会提供其服务特色、客房种 类、价格和联系方式等。 Sample A warm welcome from the heart of Lake Hotel staff!

Our 30 rooms and one suite are air-conditioned with satellite TVs and telephone.

Superb bathrooms.

Wine bar.

Restaurant offering Hangzhou, Sichuan and other Chinese food.

Conference room.

Laundry service. Car, motorcycle and bicycle rentals.

Telephone and facsimile service.

Transportation from and to airport. Single room: $50 Double: $55 Twin: $70 Suite: $166 Contact us: Tel: (86-0571) 212250; (86-0571) 212509 Fax: (86-0571) 212250 Addre: 99 # Lake Street, Hangzhou

Useful Patterns

1.single room—a hotel room for one person only double room—a hotel room with a double bed for 2 people

twin room—a hotel room with a pair of single beds for 2 people

suite—a set of rooms in a hotel 2.bar—a place with a counter where alcoholic drinks are served

buffet—a restaurant where people eat a meal that usually consists of cold food and serve themselves, standing to eat or sitting down close by 3.laundry service—the service of washing and ironing clothes the hairdreer’s/barber’s—a place where people’s hair is shaped into a style by cutting, setting, etc.Int’l Airpt.—International Airport rms.—rooms Rest.—Restaurant equip.—equipment US $1 per in Std.—US dollars for 1 person in standard rooms Teens free—Free accommodation is provided for young children who are accompanied by adults.


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