
2020-03-03 22:48:39 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

新 标 准 英 语

年 级 下 册 教 案





1.养成良好的听英语、读英语、说英语的习惯。 2.初步养成良好的书写习惯。

3.能按三会与四会的要求掌握所学词语。 4.能四会要求掌握所学句型。





二、教学重点难点。 1.重点:








2.在教学过程中,采用情景教学法,让学生身临其境,积极主动地参与到课堂教学中去,调动学生的非智力因素,提高学生 实际运用语言的能力。

3.活用教材,根据学生会的实际情况,将每单元各个板块重现组排降低难度。 四.课时安排

前面3周进行新课学习,后面的时间集中复习1到8册的知识,以适应升学考试,不排除因为课文难,学生接受较慢而增加课时。计划本期安排2到4次英语原声动画欣赏,还有数次作业、考试的评析。 由于放假、学生差异、教学容量等客观因素的影响,我将按实际需要进行适当调整,力求达到最佳。

Module 1 Unit 1

I want a hot dog


Greeting and knowing about the module 教学用具

Colour pictures , the film 教与学过程设计

Step 1.Show the following information on the film Greeting Friends Hello/Hi.How are you? Good morning/afternoon...How are you today? It\'s nice to see you.Did you have an enjoyable holiday? What did you do on the holiday?

Responding to F riends

Hello/Hi.I\'m fine.thank you.

Good morning/afternoon...I\'m fine,thank you./thanks.

It\'s nice to see you,too.

Yes/No,I didn\'t /did because...

I went /saw /did/stayed...

Step2.Practise 1.The teacher greets indidividual students and the whole cla as they

come into the claroom.T:Good morning,everyone.Hello.Hi.Come in.Sit down,please.(The students sit down) T:Good morning,cla.It\'s nice to see you all again.I hope you had a pleasant holiday.Ss:Good morning,Mr Zhao.The teacher goes around the cla and greets some individule students by name.The greetings should be varied and the students should try to vary their responses.The language in the table on the board will help.2.Cla,it\'s important to understand that we use the expreion \"It\'s nice to meet you,too.\"when we are responding to \"It\'s nice to meet you\".Step3:Presention 1.T:Cla,I\'d like to open your Student\'s Book to Module 1,Unit1.Look at the pictures.What do you think this unit is going to be about ? S1:Food.T:Yes.Does anyone have another idea? S2:Ameriica . 5

T:That\'s right .Anything else? S3:Restaurants.T:Excellent.T:What\'s your favourite foood ? Can you tell me? S4Pork.T:Ilike pork,too.S5:Dumplings.T:OK.S6:I like pizza.T:Pizza is delicious.2.Then writes the following words on the board.

Our Favourite Foods.3.Now I want you to get into groups of four or five.That\'s right.This group can have three students .That\'s no problem.As a group ,I\'d like you to write a list of your favouite foods .Are there any questions ?OK.I\'m going to walk round and listen.If you need my help,please put up your hand.(The teacher walks round the cla and offers help when neceary.When each group has finished its list,the cla comes together as a whole.)

4.T:Group1,what are some of of your favourite foods? S1:Our favourite foods are friednoodles,hamburgers and fried rice.T:Group2,What about you? S2:We prefer duck,pizza and chocolate,Ms zhao.T:Chocolate is delicious.It\'s my favourite food,too.(The teacher continues questioning the students about their foods.) T:Some of your favourite foods are Chinese and some are western .As you know ,today we\'re going to read about Daming eating western food.

题:Unit 2 what do you want to eat?


Knowledge:.What do you want? .I want a hot dog..How much is it?.It\'s thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.Ability:

Ss can use “ I want...plese.How much is it?” freely.教学用具: Colour pictures , the film ,the tape-recorder 教与学过程设计 Step1.Warmer 1.The teacher should show some pictures of some kinds of foods: For example:dumplings,noodles,bread,hamburger,hot


cola,tea,milkshake,rice...T:Can you tell me what are Chinese food? And what are western-style fast food? Chinese food:dumplings,noodles,tea,rice..Western-style fast food:bread,hamburger,hot dogs, cola,milkshake...2.The teacher




three kinds of

food: hamburger,cola,hot dog T:Can you tell me what are they? S1: hamburger T:Can you gue how much it is? S2:It\'s about 3 yuan.T:Down,down,down S3:It\'s about 4 yuan.S4:It\'s about 3 yuan and 7 jiao.Then make a dialogue with \"cola\" and \"hot dog\" Step2.T:If you\'re hungry,what do you want?

S:I want a hamburger,please.How much is it?

T:IT\'S 3 dollars and 75 cents.

S:I\'ll take it.Here you are. 8

T:Thank you.Enjoy your meal. Then make the similar dialogue with another foods.3.Now I have a fast food restaurant,if you\'re hungry or thirsty,you can come here and buy some food or drink.I\'m the waitre.W:Can I help you? What do you want? S:I want a hot dog,please.W:And to drink? S:A cola for me,too.W:That\'s a hot dog and a cola.S:How much is it? W:It\'s ten dollars.

Module 2,unit 1 We are going to have a pictic.


Task:1.It\'s going to snow in Harbin.2.It\'s going to be warm and sunny in Dalian.

3.What are we going to do on Thursday?4.I\'m going to watch TV.Ability:Talk about the future weather ,Make a plan 9


Color pictures and a tape-recorder 教与学过程设计 Step1.Revision: Let students fill in the form in two minutes.The students should ask other students in his or her groups.Then report the plan in front of the cla.The should use the sentences: What are you going to do tonight? I\'m going to ...What are you going to do tomorrow? I\'m going to ...What are you going to do tomorrow? I\'m going to...Step2.Warmer: 1.The teacher should let students watch a weather report ,let students answer the questions: What\'s the weather like in ...? It\'s ...It\'s going to rain,snow,be windy,be sunny,be warm.2.Revise




the 10

weather:sunny,warm,windy,cold,cool,hot,snow,rain Step3.Presentation What\'s the weather like next sunday,do you know? Let\'s listen to the weather report,and fil in the blanks Step4.Text: 1.Students look at the form ,then ask and answer in pairs: (1)A:What\'s the weather going to be like in Harbin tomorrow? B:It\'s going to snow in Harbin.(2)A:What\'s the weather going to be like in Bijing tomorrow? B:It\'s going to rain in Beijing.(3)A:What\'s the weather going to be like in Dalian tomorrow? B:It\'s going to be warm and sunny in Dalian.(4)A:What\'s the weather going to be like in Xi\'an tomorrow? B:It\'s going to be cold and windy in Xi\'an.2.Let one or two students come to the front and report the weather

Unit2 It\'s going to snow in Harbin.


1.Ss can finish the exercises with the help of the teacher 11

2.Ss can have a weather report 教与学过程设计 Step1.Warmer: Let students translate into English.1.What are you going to do?

We\'re going to have a picnic in the park.2.What/when are we going to eat? We are going to eat a big lunch at 12:30.3.What time is it? It\'s ...4.What\'s the weather like today? (1).It\'s sunny. (2).It\'s a beautiful day. (3).It\'s fine.

(4).It\'s going to rain.(5).It\'s going to snow/be windy/cold/warm/hot.Step2.Activity Book Let students open the books,and look at Activity 1.Play the weather game.Look at the picture and report the weather.

T:What\'s the weather like in Shenyang on Monday/tonight/on Friday? S:It\'s going to rain /be windy on Monday/snow tonight/ be hot on Friday.Then let students make dialogues witn other pictures.Pay attention to: Be windy/be hot/be warm/be sunny/be beautiful/ be fine...Step3.Match the words that rhyme.Let students chant and match.The answer: today

friend then

dinner goodnight

tonight winner

afternoon bedroom

play Step4.Look,listen ad write Play the tape for students ,and let them fill in the blanks.Xiaohua:Hi,Nina.Nina:Hello,Xiaohua.It\'s a beautiful day.What are you going to do? Xiaohua:I\'m going to go to the park.

Nina:What are you going to do then? Xiaohua:I\'m going to play with my friends.Nina:And what about this afternoon? Xiaohua:I\'m going to read a book.Nina:And what are you goign to do after dinner? Xiaohua:I;m going to do my homework.Nina:And what are you going to do tonight? Xiaohua:I\'m going to go to bed at 9 o\'clock. Questions: 1.What is Xiaohua going to do today?

He\'s going to go to__________ 2.What is he going to do then? He\'s going to _______ 3.What is he going to do in the afternoon? He\'s going to _________ 4.What is he going to do after dinner? He\'s going to________.5.What is he going to do tonight? He\'s going to ________.

Step5.Answer the questions about you.1) What are you going to after school? 2)What are you going to do after dinner? 3)What are you going to do todo tonight?






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