
2020-03-02 22:48:27 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文


【沈言玉的回答(344票)】: 作为一个纽约时装学院的学生,说一些自己对服装买手的看法

首先,对国内外时尚市场的差异做一点比较。 国外的百货里商品是属于百货公司的,也就是说,百货从品牌公司买来具有市场的商品,放在自己的店里出售。买手就是百货公司的代表,买手负责采购当季的商品,但又不仅仅是采购,他们同时要对自己采购的商品负责,也就是说卖不掉的话就要悲剧。但是在国内,百货公司是收租的,或者收取营业额的一定比例。显然,百货公司买手这个买手最大的工作职能,在国内根本没有,你想做也没有舞台。在国内,你想所买手,只能是为品牌公司工作。

服装买手的确需要比较高的品味和眼光。 不是在于你本身个人品味多独特,而是对大众品味的把握,毕竟一些都是面向消费者的。 何为时尚,时尚是被大众接受的潮流, 不是买手本身喜欢什么。 就像我们在课堂上,教授最爱说的就是 没人在意你(买手)喜欢什么,要的是市场需要什么。平时做的项目,都是依据各大流行预测和T台上传递的讯息,而不是我喜欢什么。



至于平时关注的信息,T台秀场是必须了解的,还有各个顶级百货的最新消息,比如说今年香奈儿走秀模特穿运动鞋,saks fifth ave立马推出了运动鞋专区。作为一个买手你今年就可以考虑加大在active footwear 上的投入。 如果你只关注街上人穿什么,淘宝上卖什么,这也太滞后了。一般的买手追随潮流,顶级的买手引领潮流。 我是分割线

-------------- 首先谢谢大家的认可, 作为一个在校学生我对这个行业的了解的确非常有限,欢迎大家的指正。

自从写了这个回答之后,私信里收到好多关于时尚方向留学到的问题,看来对时尚买手感兴趣的孩子非常多啊,我来统一回答一下。 1.做时尚买手是不是一定要专业出身




个人觉得留学最大的帮助不在于学到什么,而是眼界,尤其是这一行,而且不得不承认在某些方面国内外的确有所差距。我的个人感觉就是打开了新世界的大门,打破了我很多固有的观念(就比如说我上面说的这个国内外百货经营模式的差别)思考问题的脑洞自然会变得大一点。所以如果有这个机会还是去看看吧,就当提升一下英语也好。当然国内也不乏顶尖的学校,比如我的母校东华大学(打个广告) 3.FIT怎么样

如果要留学,FIT 是一个很不错的选择。但是要申请研究生需要3年相关工作经验,应届生是没戏的,细节大家可以去看看官网我就不搬运了。本科申请,艺术类需要作品集,商业方向(merchandising,就是我学的这个)不需要。学费12600美金一年,非常良心,毕竟是公立的学校,地段也是一流,在曼哈顿时代广场边上。强力推荐!!

有什么问题可以微博私信我,我是万年上一次的知乎的懒人 谢谢大家! 【DHLLL的回答(133票)】: 5月29日更新:



所以,我很欢迎大家来补充一些自己做买手的时候遇到的实际体验。举个例子,一些很fashion的店铺(例如Deal,NPC等等),他们在买货的时候基本不考虑跑量款的问题。相反,针对top款的取舍,才是他们关心的。这类店铺也不是很care是不是完全follow品牌方的营销计划,而是更看重自己买进的产品能不能符合自己的目标消费者,能不能讲得出故事。 但是,如果只是“我觉得”或者“我感觉”这样的话,那就别说了。大家都是上下班的空闲时间来分享点东西,没有很多时间听你的脑补。

——————————————————————————————————————————— 原答案:

成为一个出色的买手,谈何容易啊。 楼上有一个观点我非常赞同,“做项目的时候接触过几个比较牛的买手,才被普及到所谓的“时尚触觉”实际上对买手来说并不是最重要的特质,甚至可以说是最不重要的特质,最重要的反而是数据分析和处理能力,有很多顶级的买手都是从金融业转行的”



1.订货会之前,买手需要知道自己手里有多少钱,也就是业内常说的OTB。这个数字,不是简简单单来自老板的指示,或者上级的拍板。大部分情况下,是需要自己计算的。买手要知道自己即将买货那一季时的店铺数量POS QTY,店铺每月单产MPSA,店铺销售预计增加率(下降率)Growth,店铺平均折扣Markdown和产品售罄率STR。以此计算出这一季需要买多少钱的货:OTB per month = POS QTY×MPSA*(1+Growth)/Markdown/STR,算出来的金额,就是一个月里需要买货的金额。

2.在确定了手上有多少钱之后,就要对自己的生意有一个回顾。通常而言,买Q1的货,就要看过去几年Q1产品的销售表现。通常而言,通常而言,这么几个维度肯定是要的。Gender(男女),Division(鞋服配),Price(价格区间),Product Type(主要针对服装),Model(主要针对鞋款)。再细分下去,就会有Colorway(配色),Fabric(材质)等等。通过销售额,售罄率,折扣深浅,就能判断出好卖的产品基本都是什么样的,集中在什么价位段,什么颜色和材质等等。所以去订货会之前,买手心里要有一本帐,关于自己的信息必须要清清楚楚。


4.货买好了。要做好Distribution,也就是买回来合适的产品要到合适的店里。手上的店铺质量并不是一模一样的,不同的地段,楼层,面积都不一样。之前做的数据分析是一揽子的,现在产品买回来,就要有合适的分货。把合适的产品在合适的店里卖给合适的人,这永远是黄金准则。 5.最后,就是追踪销售数据,及时跟进补货、调货以及促销等活动,保证产品售罄。同时得到新一轮的数据。 以上是一个非常rough的,关于买手买货的闭环。 欢迎大家一起探讨,有必要的话我也会补充。 以上。

【冷芸的回答(101票)】: 好吧,在服装业做了近20年,中外看了30多个国家市场,写了本《时装买手实用手册》还算畅销, 所以希望这个回答能给正在买手路上行路的青年人一些靠谱的建议(这并不代表前面的答复不靠谱。 排名前几的还算是靠谱和真实的。但是有些明显就是来打酱油的)。

要回答这个问题,需要大家先了解几个小问题。一是买手究竟是做什么的。国内对此岗位的误解太深;二,中西买手究竟有啥区别,不要用西方的买手标准来评价中国的买手。三, 成为优秀的买手究竟需要什么素养。 最后才是,怎样才能成为优秀买手。 如果没有前面3个问题做基础,也就是连什么是买手都搞不清楚, 从何谈起优秀不优秀?

1、买手究竟是做什么的? 其实买手最主要的工作目标就是为各类型的服装零售店铺或者经销渠道组合并采购适当数量与金额的合适商品。 时装买手的核心工作内容全部是围绕“商品”进行的。 这样简单的一句概括, 实际包含了以下三点要素:


商品组合则是指最能够提升并促进销售的商品配搭。 比如低中高价格的组合,上下装、内外搭配装的组合,时尚款与基本款的组合等。






制定零售价格及促销折扣,从而控制好毛利率及库存; 了解竞争者表现以提升本品牌商品竞争力; 跟踪销售数据并作数据分析; 为新一季节采购商品样品; 参加订货会并订货。


为了完成以上工作内容, 买手需要具备以下的基本素质: 即需要拥有对时尚的高度热情,同时又能够客观冷静地分析市场需求;


即需要对时尚的感性认知,也需要对数字良好的分析能力; 买手通常出差比较频繁,所以需要很好的体力及适应各地生活的能力;



由于零售业态的不同, 国内外买手职能也有许多不同之处: 市场地位的不同

欧美的时尚圈有一句流行语,决定设计师成名的有两个人:一个是做媒体公关的时尚编辑,通过一些顶尖专业的时尚编辑发掘时尚设计师新星的例子有很多; 还有一个则就是买手了。 前者可以说是给设计师提供一夜成名的机会,后者则是真正能帮设计师和品牌公司赚钱的角色了。 在国外,很多设计师的产品线,是通过专业买手进入销售渠道的。 这些买手或供职于专业的百货公司,或服务于某独立零售商。 他们决定每季度为自己的公司买入什么品牌的什么产品线,以什么价格买入等,在公司里享有比较高的决策权。 因此买手所占的市场地位也很高。 专业买手也是各大品牌公司及设计师每季新品发布会必邀请的客人。

近5年,国内对买手的认识已经逐步有了改善。特别是随着零售市场越来越难做,企业更加重视商品的有效管理问题,也因此更加注重买手团队的建设。与此同时,专业买手店的蓬勃发展,也是买手这一职业越来越受青睐的主要原因。自从洪晃开的糯米薄荷葱(BNC)专注于销售中国新锐设计师作品后,栋梁、Triple Major都正在成长为国内买手店的典范。

不过,受时代观念影响,依然有许多传统企业没有意识到买手在服装企业中的重要性。也因此,买手在国内的发展空间依然很大。 专业度的不同

毫无疑问, 即使从职业发展历程来说, 国内的买手还尚处于非常初级的发展阶段。 无论是从教育、培训、职场训练还是本身的零售环境而言,国内的买手相对来说都还处于初级发展阶段。 这一切因素也使得国内买手缺乏一个真正时尚买手所应具备的专业度。

在国外,买手通常或者来自设计师背景,或者来自商科甚至工科背景。 这和国内普遍理解的买手应该来自服装设计专业的理解有所不同。毫无疑问,买手需要热爱时尚,了解流行趋势,对时尚有自己敏锐的眼光及判断。 但同时买手也是一份非常需要理性的工作,最终一切评估都是以数字说话的——卖了多少钱,赚了多少钱。 这也是为什么有很多商科背景或者理工科背景的人加入这个团队。 同时,在教育方面国外也有专门的服装商科学位的正规教育。

另外,国外买手在接触市场资讯方面也比国内买手方便许多。 特别是做一线国际品牌的买手,他们可以全球各地参加服装展会或者时装秀,与各品牌供应商保持着密切的关系,可谓是“见多识广”。 而这也是能够锻炼出一双“敏锐”独到的买手眼光的必须途径。

目前国内的买手主要由企业内部寻找有零售背景或者设计背景的新人从内部培训生做起而一步步训练出来的。 现在资历较高的买手大多是上世纪90年代从香港及欧美品牌公司训练出的。不管怎样, 国内将买手招聘局限于服装艺术设计生是个很大的误区。 买手完全可以从工科、商科中招聘。 功能的不同

欧美市场的买手主要分布于两种类型的企业。 一种是有自营零售业务的服装品牌公司,其内部会设立买手一职为自有品牌的各个店铺买货; 另一种是专业的独立零售商,经销或代理外部品牌的公司。 如前文所述,欧美的零售商要么是百货公司,要么是自己独立开店的运营商。 所以在取得品牌公司授权后, 即可在本店销售该品牌的产品线,买手拥有的权利较大。

而国内的买手就职的企业类型及所扮演的角色相对复杂些。 对于自有品牌,也如同国外,买手负责为自己的品牌各店铺订货及货品管理;而对于经销代理的品牌,首先国内买手通常没有那么大的权利,可以选择为本公司选择什么品牌,在国内大多数的经销商企业,此工作由老板本人完成;在国外买手通常也有谈价权,即以什么价格来购买供应商或者品牌商的商品,但在国内通常这个工作也是由老板完成。 其二,在选择产品线方面,在国内对产品线的选择范围也不如国外那么广。 国外的零售商因为注重培养自己零售商品牌号,很少经营单一品牌,通常是同时向多家品牌采购产品,故国外买手以多品牌采购为主,而国内买手大多为单一品牌的买手。


如前所述,国内零售业态相对较为复杂,各零售渠道合作模式也不尽相同。 因此作为国内买手,需要首先了解各渠道的合作模式及特点,这样在做采购预算时才可以做到有针对性及差异性。

最后, 怎样才能成为优秀的买手?

1、和设计师一样, 眼界一定要广。 所以,多学、多看、多去各个市场看, 是必须的。 而且,买手知识面一定要杂些。 不光是时尚类的书, 人文类的,美学类的, 经济学都要看和关注。 买手的一个重点工作是关注发展趋势, 不仅仅是流行趋势, 还有行业趋势,经济趋势。所以,不要局限自己的知识面。

2、平庸员工和优秀员工的区别之一是, 平庸员工只会机械地操作, 却从不总结和梳理自己的经验。 优秀的买手, 要学会总结过去的工作经验, 从过去的工作中梳理出自己的知识体系。 比如, 上次订货后, 实际销售状况如何?为什么有的货订得准?有的订的不准? 一定要总结和梳理!不要老想着等别人给自己现成答案。 优秀买手要会思考。而不总是问别人”怎么做?“。

3、腿要勤快。 不要想着靠百度解决所有问题。 要勤看店, 看工厂(成本核算),看展会, 会自己做调研。 能做到以上3点,你一定不会平庸。


冷芸,独立时尚撰稿人及商业顾问。其撰稿媒体包括《周末画报》,搜狐时尚,及《BoF时装商业评论》。2013-14年纽约帕森斯设计学院(Parsons)访问学者;美国政府富布莱特奖金(Fulbright Scholarship)获得者;伦敦时装学院(London College of Fashion)时装营销管理硕士。曾就职于耐克、百丽及利丰集团。所从事的工作包括零售、销售、运营、产品开发、商品管理、市场拓展及总经理等职务。主要著作《中国时尚:对话中国服装设计师》,《时装买手实用手册》。 冷芸也为企业及个体创业者提供咨询与培训。如果你在服装界创业、或者你的企业在买手、商品管理、零售运营方面有任何问题,欢迎私信联络。本人不答复任何没有自我介绍,上来就直接要答案的私信。


联系方式:微博:冷芸时尚;微信平台:冷芸; 分答(专门用于回答问题):Christine Tsui http://weixin.qq.com/r/1kN4YO3ELLBTrakD9xbE (二维码自动识别) 【ddaisyy的回答(84票)】: 我接着韩公的观点讲,说到底哪行儿不是技术+体力活,熟练是自然重要的。



其实Buyer在国内跟在国外还不是完全相同的定义。 国外的Buyer可以是comercial brand也可以是boutique,国内的话呢商业性偏重,每次出差到外地去看某些品牌当地的货总是有种异样的感觉,偶尔被雷到一下。

记得马云到美国去演讲的时候曾经说淘宝做的就是教消费者聪明的消费,我一直在想说,中国何时能够有一个Buyer的群体,通过某种动态平衡的努力,去teach your consumers to be tasty.可惜至少在中国,我看不到能够培养成这种buyer的学府,大家不是执着于拼拉链把一块布搞成立体再来点儿扎染,就是找点国外设计抄抄改改打打版排下料子图,鲜有志气。 至于留学海外的,回来又发现国情所限,大概也很难发挥吧。 中国的设计师尚且在国内市场摸不着门路或只在高端或者小众市场生存,要有真正出色的Buyer群体,恐怕我们还要再耐心等待一段时间。 【Mrrepublic的回答(26票)】: 好好学学做数据,做分析,国内的买手跟国外的都有好大的差别。

学学怎么控制折扣,如何控制存销比,如何进行调货,配货 从公司内部的报表中能看到品牌存在什么问题,买手不是一辈子的事情

慢慢还是要学会不仅仅是货品,更多的是从生意经营的角度思考问题,不是简单的买东西就算了的 【wujunmin的回答(23票)】: Retailing Management (豆瓣):

Retail merchandise buyers are similar to financial portfolio managers.They invest in a portfolio of merchandise monitor the performance (sales) of the merchandise, and on the basis of the sales, either decide to buy more merchandise that is selling well or get rid of (discount) merchandise that is selling poorly.Buyers are responsible for selecting the type and amount of merchandise to buy, negotiating the wholesale price and payment terms with suppliers, setting the initial retail price for the merchandise, monitoring merchandise sales, and making appropriate retail price adjustments.Thus buyers need to have good financial planning skills, knowledge of their customers’ needs and wants and competitive activities, and the ability to develop good working relationships with vendors.更为细致的说:

摘自The Art of Retail Buying (豆瓣) The 12 Qualifications-Qualities-Abilities Required for a Buying Career 1.Education A college education—preferably a degree majoring in retail management, marketing or busine administration, or a degree from a fashion merchandising school—is considered a must for a buying career.Liberal arts graduates who show interest in retailing can also be considered.The reason for this is the amount of work involved in analyzing company reports, financial statements, inventory listings, open-to-buy positions, unit sales summaries, and so on.There are some retailers who are willing to offer tuition and courses to further enhance the skills of their buyers or buyers-to-be.Investing in education is good for both company and staff, improving individual productivity and translating into better merchandising management.We are all constantly on a learning curve.Even without a college degree, you can continually expand your knowledge.I believe that this book can help you improve your current procees and inspire you to take a fresh look at the way you do things.2.Enthusiasm When retailers are faced with two candidates who have similar education and experience, it is the more enthusiastic candidate that is most likely to be hired.A buyer needs to interact with aistant buyers, department managers, selling staff and back-end staff, and should have an enthusiastic attitude to motivate them in their jobs.This same enthusiasm can be felt by customers thinking about making a purchase.In my experience, buyers who take time to talk to customers will most likely be the best at “guiding” them in their buying decisions.Customers are usually thrilled to have the opportunity to talk with the buyers, and share their ease or difficulties in finding the right products.3.Analytical excellence Buyers have constantly to make decisions on such things as colors, prices, styles and sizes.Without a solid analytical ability, their decisions are at risk of being faulty.Analytical excellence is vital for measuring and evaluating situations and trends, for forming sound judgments and for making the right decisions.The first and best step in the decision-making proce is to analyze sales and any other available data.Remember, though, the data can only reflect what is happening with the merchandise you have bought; it will say nothing on mied opportunities.4.Ability to articulate By the very nature of their job, buyers are continuously interacting with people, both inside and outside the company.Internally, you need to be able to articulate well when you are requesting a bigger budget or making a merchandise presentation on ranges you propose to buy.Good communication is neceary with a buying aistant who helps you carry out delegated responsibilities, or with selling staff when you guide them in how to place the merchandise on the selling floor.Externally, when visiting vendors, buyers have to clearly expre their views on ranges, quantities and price, as well as negotiate the best terms poible.Articulation skills—spoken, written and, in many cases, drawn—are neceary tools of the trade.5.Product and market knowledge Buyers are required to have full information on the product portfolio for which they are responsible.Without it, it is not poible to evaluate whether the offering is the best available.While vendors are a great source of information, great product intelligence can also be generated by trips to factories and buying agents.With constant changes in merchandising and product lines, it is eential that buyers keep updating their knowledge on a regular basis.Good product knowledge makes a solid base of information on which buyers can make accurate decisions; which, in turn, helps maximize profits.To ensure that the best poible merchandise or product is chosen for the store, buyers are required to be fully conversant with the wide selection of resources available.This includes where the best deals can be made, the best terms and conditions, the best deliveries and, if needed, exclusivity terms.The buyer may select the best product, but if the vendor is known to have delivery problems, the goods might not prove to be succeful sellers because they arrive later than planned, taking up precious OTB that might otherwise have been placed elsewhere.On-time vendors are just as important as best-buy vendors.Buyers should have a set of basic requirements when dealing with new vendors from existing markets or vendors from new markets.6.Objectivity For a profeional buyer, personal likes or preferences are of no importance; rather, what he/she anticipates will sell is what matters.It is the anticipated preferences of customers that form the selection criteria for the merchandise.Whatever the product portfolio, objectivity must prevail.The choices and selections must be based on your store’s customer profile, historical sales data, market sensitivities, trade paper forecasts, market representatives or any other objective sources.Without total objectivity, the store may be left with shelves of unwanted merchandise rejected by the customers.These “rejects” cost money and ultimately reduce profits.7.Forecasting One of the more difficult tasks for buyers is to be able to predict the direction in which the consumers’ merchandise preferences are heading.In-house forecasting formats or budget forms are available as tools to use within the budget guidelines set down by management, but the merchandise mix and variables are the buyer’s responsibility.Buyers purchasing staple items such as food, appliances, household items and the like are exposed to fewer risks than a fashion buyer.Fashion buyers are faced with many more, constantly changing, variables such as colors, trends and styles, and fabrics, which require an in-depth knowledge of the consumer profile and trends—together with a good dose of gut feeling thrown in—if forecasting is to be accurate.Forecasting becomes even trickier when the buyer needs to buy six months or more in advance, taking the poible risk that the color emphasis may change in the interim.While past sales combined with fashion forecasters’ predictions are helpful, the buyer always needs to exercise sound judgment.8.Dedication Working long, irregular hours is typical for buyers.Buying trips where the day’s orders need to be reviewed; vendor visits; fashion shows; market-week (a fixed period when all vendors show their new collections for the coming season, enabling buyers to make comparisons and vendors to ae the volume of production required)—all add up to long, full days, especially when the aociated administrative work has to be completed as well.Managing peak festive periods or season-end sales, where the buyers are required to be on the selling floor, or opening a new branch or store where stock deliveries and inventories need to be presented in the best poible manner are all part of a buyer’s responsibilities.Only the truly dedicated can endure these long days, and this is where the paion for the job makes or breaks an aspiring buyer.9.Honesty/Integrity This is one of the most important qualities that any retailer should seek in its buyers and merchandisers.Wherever beautiful products are on display, the temptation to pilfer is high.To overcome this, many retailers offer high staff discounts.There will always be people who will try to entice buyers to favor their products.This can be through offering a direct monetary bribe, goods in kind or lavish dinners and outings.Call it what you like—bribe, backhander, sweetener, kickback-it’s corruption all the same.How does it all start? Amongst experts on the subtle, sometimes manipulative, power of gifts views vary as to what constitutes a bribe.In the absence of explicit policies governing what is acceptable, individuals in positions of responsibility and trust can sometimes cro the line and become entangled-perhaps tragically—in questionable activities.However, even where there are no clear guidelines, there are usually tell-tale signs where something is ami, if you pay attention.In some Asian countries, declining a gift may be considered rude; in most, however, there is a fine but perceptible line between politene and bribery.I hold the view that a gift becomes a bribe when something specific is expected in return.For buyers, this may entail buying higher quantities from the source, paying more for the goods or giving more space on the selling floor than the product deserves.I would suggest that, as a rule of thumb, a gift—in whatever shape or form—be considered a bribe whenever there is a condition attached to it.Learn to know the difference; otherwise you may jeopardize your reputation and your job.It is not only morally wrong to engage in such practices but if/when caught, the likelihood of being thrown out of the industry is very high.Over the years, I have seen many bright buyers lose their job and their entire career in the retail industry because of this.You should, therefore, never let anyone take advantage of you by putting you and your job in jeopardy.It is just not worth the pain that goes with losing everything you worked so hard for.You have to be constantly alert to this because, as someone once said: “Opportunity may knock only once, but temptation leans on the doorbell.” 10.Time management Time management is important if you are to juggle the multi-tasking that is required in a buyer’s job.Many buyers fail on this one count alone.They find themselves streed out and reports start to get sloppy and late.Effective time management entails the ability to prioritize work to enable you to be more productive and clear-headed in managing your analytical reports, which then enables you to be more creative.Stre, on the other hand, will hamper your creative thinking, your communication and your health.11.Appearance The old saying “Never judge a book by its cover” doesn’t hold true for a fashion buyer.They are expected to dre fashionably or, at least, very profeionally.Buyers are busine people who interact with customers, vendors or busine aociates most of the time, and being properly attired will make a good impreion.A well-groomed buyer serves as a role model for aspiring aistant buyers, department managers and sales aociates.12.Negotiation skills Good negotiation skills are such an important and fundamental part of a buyer’s job that I have dedicated a chapter to this subject.Chapter 15 outlines the eight golden rules of negotiation, how to negotiate favorable terms and the factors to be aware of when negotiating.【barryice的回答(22票)】: 不吐不快。


2,类别占比,销售波段,产品组合才是一个买手要考虑的重点。货单价,联单率也是不能忽视的掌控要点。 3,对产品趋势的把握,当然也重要,在确定A品的时候需要这个能力,能占到10%吧。

4,如果一个买手和我大谈流行,时尚,我会问,你是要抢设计师的饭碗,同时砸了整个销售团队的饭碗吗? 5,脚踏实地,醒醒吧,少年。做好分内的工作,终端的同事会感谢你的。

【韩冰Bill的回答(61票)】: 瘦腰题。 咱就不说去什么欧洲著名的时装设计院校了,那个也不现实,对很多已经长成了人来说,回锅重做的可能也不大,说点土法吧。


ZARA派人到各地去拍照,包括各大展会,时尚场所,流行街头,去买各种时装,去买各种杂志,然后弄回来,看吧,看出灵感为止。 据说,只是据说。

某国内新锐服装知名电商品牌的顶级买手,每天逛街12个小时,逛到吐。 无他,但手熟尔。 原文地址:知乎









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