宋城 英文介绍

2020-03-01 20:24:16 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

Song Dynasty Theme Park “Given me one day, I will give you back one thousand years,” so promises the marketing mastermind behind the largest scale Song Dynasty theme park in China.This slogan does indeed deliver on its promise; this is one of the places around Hangzhou to experience ancient China within the walls of the park.

The main drag inside the theme park was styled after “The Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival.” A famous painting noted by the Song artist Zhang Zheduan.The grounds of the park also include a bell tower, city tower, a temple and various gardens that feature the grotesquely shaped rocks that were the height of fashion at the time.Song City is a fun place to wander around perusing the colorful daily neceities in a traditional manner.On special occasions, the park also hosts elaborate parades with singing, dancing and acrobatics.

A good time to visit the park is in the late afternoon, so that you can dine at one of the restaurant offering old-fashioned cuisine and stay for the nightly Song City extravaganza.The performances held every night have been carefully designed to dazzle the mainly Japanese and Korean audiences with several showy numbers that reflect the famous legends of Hangzhou through dance and attention-grabbing stage design.

Song city is a really fun and interesting place to visit.For the record, Huang Qiaoling, China’s self-styled “king of leisure” and founder of Song City, states his desire to bring entertainment to the maes as the genesis behind the theme park.Those entertained by the park and the prospect of Huang’s good intentions will also be pleased to know that the profits from Song City have propelled this former farmer into the ranks of China’s 50 richest entrepreneurs.

Words and expreions: mastermind

n.策划者,操纵者; 智多星,才子;

vt.策划,谋划; slogan

n.n.标语,口号; 呐喊声; (商业广告上用的)短语; grotesquely

adv.荒唐地, 怪异地,荒诞地


n.内容狂妄的作品;盛大表演(比赛),盛事;狂文,狂诗,狂曲 Notes: The Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival 《清明上河图》


清明上河图宽25.2厘米,长528.7厘米,绢本设色。作品以长卷形式,采用散点透视构图法。生动记录了中国十二世纪北宋汴京的城市面貌和当时汉族社会各阶层人民的生活状况。描绘当时清明时节的繁荣景象,是汴京(又称开封或东京)当年繁荣的见证,也是北宋城市经济状况的写照。这在中国乃至世界绘画史上都是独一无二的。在五米多长的画卷里,共绘了814个各色人物,牛、骡、驴等牲畜73匹,车、轿二十多辆,大小船只二十九艘。房屋、桥梁、城楼等各有特色,体现了宋代建筑的特征。具有很高的历史价值和艺术价值。 Translation: 1) “Given me one day, I will give you back one thousand years,” so promises the marketing mastermind behind the largest scale Song Dynasty theme park in China.

2) A good time to visit the park is in the late afternoon, so that you can dine at one of the restaurant offering old-fashioned cuisine and stay for the nightly Song City extravaganza.

3) Song City is a fun place to wander around perusing the colorful daily neceities in a traditional manner.

Questions: 1.What attract you most in Song Dynasty Theme Park? 2.What information can you get from the slogan ---“Given me one day, I will give you back one thousand years”?

宋城 英文介绍










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宋城  英文介绍