
2020-03-03 14:19:43 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

58) Learning is primarily a matter of personal discipline; students cannot be motivated by school or college alone.

这是一个因果命题,原因不成立,学习不仅是个人的事儿 还需要外界激励。



正:个人因素在学习中确实起到一个很重要的作用 有不适当的外界激励没用

反:但是学习不仅是个人的事儿 还需要外界激励,如果没有及时的外界激励 后果不堪设想


合:学习需要个人和及时正确的外界相结合 才可以取得好的效果

Is learning just a matter of personal discipline and cannot be whetted by school or college causing a widely discu nowadays.As for me, I confirm the importance of the personal discipline at learning while the effects school or college played cannot be simply ignored.

It must be admitted that learning is firstly a matter of personal

discipline without which nothing could play such a vital role in learning.Everyone holds his own mind, interest and discipline which may not be easily changed by others.We cannot force a child to learn or not learn.As a case in point, John, a friend of mine in my primary school time, had no interest in learning instead, he liked play games and sports.This of course irate the teachers, they aign a lot of homework for him and set a exam score standard for him.While he used the method that easily elude the teacher\'s requirement that he copied others\' homework and cheat in exam.No matter what way the teacher motivated him, without his discipline, john never start to learn.Thus personal discipline is a critical factor in one\'s learning.

However, the timely motivation of school and college may be still a primary matter for a student.If a child has no interests or motivation to study then what should the environment of him do? Only be a bystander or a helper? Just as mentioned above what would happened if the teacher never ask John to finish some studying work? John may play everyday without studying even without picking his pen to write! The consequence for him may be that he finally dropped out of school and played everyday which may lead him to be a bad guy to the society.In consideration of this, the teacher\'s requirement may be helpful some way.Thus the motivation of the environment is still a vital factor for one\'s learning.

Even if I admit that learning is primarily a matter of personal discipline, I cannot get the conclusion that students cannot be motivated by school or college.We must get to know that not everyone own the right personal discipline at beginning which is helpful for one\'s studying and can be greatly motivated by environments such as school and college.That seems reasonable if you sneer at me that what the school did never motivate John at all though it may not be that usele.But, what I mean by motivation does not equal to what the teacher did in John\'s case.On the contrary, they probably should first investigate the reason why John did not like learning and then decided the further step.After they knew John\'s behavior was due to his enjoying in games and sports, they can introduce the learning factors in games and sports such as the quiz games and intellectual competition which may largely motivate John\'s paion that may stimulate his personal discipline for learning.After that John may get the right personal discipline and enjoy his learning life.

In conclusion, learning is a matter combining personal discipline and the motivation of the environment such as school or college.The later can boost the personal discipline in a timely and useful way.So if you see another \"John\' around you, try as I told above, I’m sure that in this way he can be good at learning and ensure a promising future.

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