
2020-03-03 09:42:14 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

Speaker: No.7

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen,

It is my great honor to be here to share my teaching experience with you!

First of all, let me introduce myself.As you can see,I am a lovely girl.Actually I am a young mother of a 3-year-old boy.I love teaching, so after graduation, I chose to be a teacher.So far, I have been a teacher for more than five years.Now I am working in a middle school which is warm and harmonious.My workmates are very nice.They always give me valuable suggestions and many creative ideas.My students are lovely, though sometimes they are naughty.They regard me as their best friend and big sister.I appreciate all of them.Thanks to them, I have improved myself in all aspects.Thanks to them, I am determined to devote all my life to teaching.

During the first two years, I really had difficulties controlling my claes and teaching English.I just crammed as many language points as poible to my students.But no matter how hard I tried, my students never seemed to enjoy my claes.Of course, my students did badly in English learning.So you can imagine how boring the leons were.At that moment, I felt so worried, so confused and so upset that I even wanted to give up.After a talk with an experienced teacher, I suddenly realized what my trouble was.I seldom had my students involved in the claes.What was worse, I never chatted with my students.I never listened to my students.I never cared about students.Ladies and gentlemen, I had been playing a one- man show for nearly two years.How could I expect my students’ excellent English performances? How naive I was! How sorry I was!

From then on, I decided to change something.On one hand, I worked on improving relationship with my students.I tried smiling to them every day.I tried to chat with them heart to heart.I get to know more about their personal interests, tastes and needs.On the other hand, I worked on improving myself in teaching.I not only turned to experienced teachers for advice but also focused on teaching magazines.Whenever and wherever there was an open cla, I would be there.To my amazement, my effort finally paid back.My claes became more attractive, my students became more interested and I became more confident.Now you can see how confident I am.For the first time, I felt it was great to be a teacher.

As far as I am concerned, being a teacher is not only repetition.It is always changing, for our students are changing, the language is changing, but one thing will never change.That is, my faith in teaching, my paion for teaching and my devotion to teaching.

That’s all.Thank you very much!










