
2020-03-01 18:54:01 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文



Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to watch our show of Li Yang Crazy English in this summer vacation, I’m an English compere, my name is xxx.(鞠躬)

节目一:接下来,请大家欣赏来自于李阳疯狂英语少年班的孩子们带来的精彩朗读《I’m a born winner》,掌声有请!

Next, let’s watch the wonderful reading of 《I’m a born winner》what come from the youth of Li Yang Crazy English ,please clap your hands to welcome! 节目二:刚刚的节目棒不棒?(话筒冲向观众)还想再来一个吗?(话筒冲向观众)那么接下来请欣赏由李阳疯狂英语绣林小学校区幼小衔接班的小朋友带来的《拼音歌》,大家掌声有请我们最小的小朋友!

The program is great! Do you want to watch another? Now, let’s enjoy 《The spell song》 what come from the youngest child of Li Yang Crazy English, please clap your hands to welcome! 节目三:字母是学习英语的基础,学英语的第一步必须是学好字母,接下来请欣赏由李阳疯狂英语启蒙班的孩子们带来的节目,《字母操》,掌声有请!

The letter is the basic of learning English, and the first step of learning English must be learning letters well, now let’s watch the show《The letters’ exercise》what come from the illuminative cla of Li Yang Crazy English, please clap your hands to welcome! 节目四:有这样一群孩子生活在这个大千世界,却有着自己的独立思维,他们特立独行,他们正在长大,请欣赏由李阳疯狂英语七年级的孩子们带来的歌曲《Big big world》,掌声有请!

There are a group of children in this big world, but they have their independent mind.They are special, they are growing up.Now, let’s watch the song 《Big big world》what come from the seventh Grade students of Li Yang Crazy English.Please clap your hands! 节目五:接下来,请各位观众欣赏大屏幕,让我们一起见证一下参加2018李阳疯狂英语暑期夏令营的孩子们的蜕变吧!

Next, please look at the large screen, let’s witne our children’s change.They come from the summer camp of Li Yang Crazy English in 2018.节目六:现在让我们请出2018李阳疯狂英语暑期夏令营的优秀学员熊思博,有请熊思博同学给我们带来一场精彩的演讲!

Now, let’s call on the excellent student –Xiong Sibo, he comes from the summer camp of Li Yang Crazy English .Let’s enjoy the wonderful speech! 节目七:刚刚的演讲震不震撼!?(话筒冲向观众)刚刚的小朋友才读五年级哦!学英语就是要这样!要有热爱丢脸的精神,这样才不会成为哑巴英语!接下来请欣赏由李阳疯狂英语绣林小学校区一年级的小朋友带来的歌曲《bingo》,大家掌声有请!

Have you been shocked by his speech!? He is just in Grade 5.This is the real way to learn English! You must love losing your face, so you can’t become the mute English learner! Next, let’s watch the song《bingo》,what come from the first Grade pupil of Li Yang Crazy English.Please clap your hands! 节目八:123456789,10,哇,好多个印第安小朋友啊!接下来请欣赏由李阳疯狂英语实验小学校区的3年级小朋友带来的歌曲《Ten little Indian boys》 ,大家掌声有请!

123456789,10,oh, there are so many Indian boys! Next, let’s enjoy the song 《Ten little Indian boys》, what come from the third Grade pupil of Li Yang Crazy English, please clap your hands! 节目九:Do,re,mi是音乐中最原始的音符,当这些音符与英语合在一起就构成了一首优美的歌曲,接下来请大家欣赏由李阳疯狂英语实验小学校区四年级的孩子们带来的歌曲《Do Re Mi》,掌声有请! Do,re,mi are the original notes among the music.When these notes mix with the English, it will be a beautiful music.Next, let’s enjoy the song 《Do Re Mi》.They are from the fourth Grade pupil of Li Yang Crazy English, welcome! 节目十一:如今的社会到处充斥着电子阅读,不记得已经有多久没有坐下来好好地读一读书本了,我要做一名小小朗读者,一名英文朗读者,接下来请欣赏由李阳疯狂英语绣林小学校区三年级的孩子们带来的英文诵读《A lane in the rain》,大家掌声有请! There are full of the electronic reading around the world, I don’t the time that I haven’t read a real book, so I want to be a small reader, an English reader.Next, let’s watch the chant of 《A lane in the rain》.They are from the third Grade pupil of Li Yang Crazy English, welcome! 节目十二:生活犹如一首诗,而这首诗需要我们来细细体味,否则一不小心它就溜走了,接下来请欣赏由李阳疯狂英语天悦名都校区5年级的孩子们带来的英文诵读《Love your life》,掌声有请! The life is just as a poem, but this poem need to be tasted carefully, or it will slip away! Next, let’s enjoy the chant of 《Love your life》.They are from the fifth Grade pupil of Li Yang Crazy English, now, clap your hands to welcome! 节目十三:接下来上场的孩子们来自于哪里呢!?我也不知道呢!让我们来听一听他们的自我介绍,掌声有请!

Next, the children will appear, but I don’t know where they come from, so let’s listen to their introduction.Welcome! 节目十四:现在我要公布一下我们少儿班的优秀学员们,他们是:


Now, I want to announce the outstanding students in our children\'s cla.They are:

President Yang is invited to award a prize for them, welcome! 节目十五:今天能够站在台上的你们都很棒!我想你们的父母肯定会以你们为傲!接下来请欣赏由李阳疯狂英语实验小学校区六年级的孩子们带来的励志歌曲《Proud of you》,掌声有请!

You are all excellent to stand this stage today! I think your parents are all proud of you! Let’s enjoy the song 《Proud of you》.They are from the sixth Grade pupil of Li Yang Crazy English, now, clap your hands to welcome! 节目十六:有一个可怜的公主一生下来没多久母亲就去世了,她受尽了继母的虐待,幸运的是她最后并没有被害死,而是被王子带入了王宫,接下来请欣赏由李阳疯狂英语8年级的孩子们带来的英文话剧《白雪公主》,大家掌声有请!

There is a poor prince.Her mother died soon after her birth.She was subjected to the abuse of her stepmother.Fortunately, she was not killed at the end of her life, but was brought into the palace by the prince.Next, Next, please enjoy the English drama 《Snow White》brought by Li Yang Crazy English grade 8.Applause! 节目十七:今天最后一个压轴节目《脱口秀》,他们来自于夏令营班级的孩子们!大家掌声有请!

Today\'s last big program《 Talk show》,what comes from children in summer camp cla.Everybody applause! 节目十八:现在我要公布一下我们少年班的优秀学员们,他们是:


Now, I want to announce the outstanding students in our youth\'s cla.They are:

President Yang is invited to award a prize for them, welcome! 节目十九:现在请所有师生上台留念! Now, all the teachers and students come to the stage and take photos! 节目二十:感谢各位同学带给我们的精彩节目,感谢各位家长对我们的支持与肯定,感谢各位老师们的辛苦付出,我宣布今天的结业展示圆满结束,希望下次有缘还能和大家聚在一起!

Thanks for all the wonderful programs .Thanks for the support and affirmation of our parents.Thanks for the hard work of all the teachers.I announced that the graduation show is completely finished.I hope we will be together with you next time.










