
2020-03-02 07:01:37 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

G1.2 Johnny刘谨源A 刘谨源是一个很和善的孩子,他总是以微笑来面对周围的同学和老师,即使遇到困难也总能笑脸相迎。作为老师,我很开心刘谨源能拥有这么宝贵的一个品质,这将会是他人生一笔宝贵的财富。在中文学习方面他很有责任感,能认真听讲并按时完成任务。如果有时他能提高专注力的话,将会取得更大的进步。

Johnny is a very kind boy, He always shows his smile to teachers and clamates which is a precious character.In Chinese learning, he is responsible to his aignment.He would make a big progre if he can be more concentrate to cla learning.Dolly王丽颖A+ 王丽颖不但能和同学老师友好的相处而且具有良好的学习品质。她上课注意力集中,捕捉信息的能力很强;课后也能按时优质的完成老师的任务。目前来看她的中文基础还不错,老师希望她能养成爱读书的好习惯。

Dolly has a very good study quality.Also she is kind when getting along with her clamates.She can focus on cla learning and obtain the knowledge fast.After school, she is responsible to her task.Dolly’s foundation of Chinese is good, I hope she can read more books and form a good reading habit.Katherina邹芷婷A 邹芷婷是个很甜美的小女孩,她和善待人,处理问题也很灵活。在中文学习方面,邹芷婷能认真听讲,课后也能按时完成任务。老师希望她能多读课外书,养成爱读书的好习惯。

Katherina is a sweet girl.She is nice to her clamates and teachers.She is also flexible in dealing with problems.She can be concentrate on cla learning and finish her work on time.I hope that she can read more books and form good reading habit.

Hunter王子恒A 王子恒是个很聪明的小男孩,他说话做事比较灵活,表达能力很强。在课堂上他能按照老师的要求踏实的积累知识,对于自己擅长的方面发言很积极。但是他最近会忘记做作业或者忘记把做完的作业带来学校,老师希望王子恒能自我改进,养成好的学习习惯。

Hunter is a smart and flexible boy with good expre ability.In Chinese cla, he follows teacher’s instructions to learn, also he likes to answer questions.But recently he either forgot to do his homework or forgot to bring his work back to teacher for several times.I hope that he can make some improvement and form a good learning habit.Payton姚量庭B+ 姚量庭是个很活泼的学生,他对课外知识的涉猎也比较广泛,这有助于他上课时很快的理解并吸收相关知识。在中文学习方面,姚量庭总的表现很不错(能认真听讲,也能完成中文课后任务),偶尔会有一些 调皮,偶尔也爱说些题外话。如果姚量庭能够稍微自控一点的话,会更有利于自我的提高。

Payton is an active student.His wide interests from extra-curricular reading which helps him to understand and absorb knowledge fast.In Chinese cla, Payton behaves well, he can be responsible to his work.He will make a big improvement if he has more self-control.Fiona张格菲A+ 张格菲是一个很阳光的学生。她为人和善,和同学老师相处得很融洽,做事情很有激情;在中文学习方面她表现出了很强的自律性,自我要求很高。良好的习惯请保持。请多读中文课外书,找适合自己的书阅读,养成爱阅读的好习惯。

Fiona is a sunny girl with paion.She is kind to teachers and her clamates.For Chinese learning, she shows her strong self-control ability and responsibility.Please keep the good personality and form a good reading habit.

Jerry王嘉隆A 王嘉隆不仅待人和善还是一个学习能力很强的学生。他和同学老师相处得很融洽,做事情也很有条理性。在中文学习方面,他课堂很专注,捕捉信息能力很强,课后也能按时完成任务。希望继续保持。

Jerry is a polite boy with strong learning ability.He gets along well with teachers and clamates.In Chinese learning, He is very organized and he can be responsible to his work.Please keep it up! Steven宋栽旭B+ 宋栽旭是个好学上进的学生。他在中文课上非常专注认真,回答问题也很积极;课后任务也能按时高质量的完成,如果他将这个优秀的学习习惯保持下去,中文一定会比很多中国人还要棒!请多读中文课外书,找适合自己的书阅读,养成爱阅读的好习惯。 Steven is eager to learn more Chinese.He is active and focus on cla learning.His homework always can be finished with high quality.His Chinese ability will be better even than some Chinese person if he keeps the good learning habit.Please read more books afterschool and form a good reading habit.Jack党子健B 党子健是个很和善很灵活的小男孩。他上课能认真听讲,不明白的地方他也会耐心的听下去,最终获得知识;课后任务方面他完成得也不错。老师希望他能多读些课外书,提高自己的阅读能力,培养爱读书的良好习惯。

Jack is a smart boy.He obtains knowledge by listening carefully and figuring out question patiently in cla.He is also responsible to his homework.Please read more books afterschool and form a good reading habit.

G3.5 Chris朱赫A 朱赫还是很活泼,很自信。三年级的他成熟了不少,主要表现在自律性上,课堂上他能进行很好的自我控制,这有助于他集中精力融入课堂学习上;在和同学相处方面,他也能非常友善和朋友相处甚至宽容朋友。老师希望它能将课外时间充分利用起来,多进行课外阅读,养成爱读书的好习惯。

Chris is still very lively and confident just as before.As a grade 3 student, He become more mature: The conscious self control which helps him to concentrate to the cla; Kindne and tolerance which helps him to win more friends.As his teacher, I suggest he can make good use of her afterschool time, read more books.

Anna朴智媛A+ 朴智媛是一个和聪明的学生。她对待同学老师都很友善,上课也能认真听讲,只是在课后作业方面,作业完成的质量没有以前那么好。老师希望她课后能少花点时间在电子产品上,多把注意力集中在学习上。

Anna is a smart student.She is kind to teachers and clamate.She can follow teacher’s instruction well during cla time.But the quality of her afterschool work is going down. As his teacher, I suggest she can make good use of her afterschool time, especially le electronic game.Thomas李廷休B- 李廷休在是个很努力的学生。刚开学时他上课的专注力不够强,不过现在已经改善了很多。他上课很用心的学习知识,回答问题也很积极,课后作业完成的也很好。老师建议他能合理的安排课后时间,少玩些电子游戏。

Thomas is a hard working student.He has made some progre in concentrating to the cla.He can participate the cla and answer question actively now.He also can finish his work after school.As his teacher, I suggest she can make good use of her afterschool time, especially le electronic game.King姜智勋B+ 姜智勋是一个很随性的学生。这学期他有了显著的进步,上课时他能认真听讲,学习知识,课后作业完成的也比以前积极。希望他能继续保持着中好的学习状态,老师相信他能取得很大得进步。

King is an easy-going person.he has made a obvious progre in this semester: He can concentrate on cla learning and can actively study knowledge.He also shows his positive attitude in completing work.Please continue to keep the good learning attitude.I believe that he can get more progre.Lucy李雅真B 李雅真是一个很文静很有礼貌的学生。上课他能认真听讲,并能积极思考回答问题;课后作业的完成上,希望李雅真不要懒惰,按时完成作业。老师建议李雅真能合理的安排课后时间,少玩些电子游戏。

 Lucy is a quiet and polite student.She listens to teacher’s instruction and she can actively think and answer question.For afterschool aignment, Lucy is a little bit lazy so that she can not complete her work on time.As his teacher, I suggest she can make good use of her afterschool time, especially le electronic game.



David has made a big progre in both social relationship and academic performance.The behavior that talking to his friends in cla time not only effect himself also disturb other student.That would be perfect if he can improve himself with more self-control.Leo张准午


 Leo is a hard working student, he has correct attitude to study.Please continue to keep the good learning attitude.As his teacher, I suggest that he can make good use of his afterschool time, especially le electronic game. G6 Teemo罗大贤


Teemo is a sunshine boy.He always shows his smile to everything, We all like his positive personality.In Chinese learning, Teemo follows instruction but sometimes he is talkative.He completes teacher’s aignment well.Please make persistent efforts and take more self-control.


李晓得是一个很睿智的男孩,他善解人意,对老师和同学都非常友好有礼貌,上课也能跟上老师的要求,课后任务完成得也不错。如果学习时注意力能集中些将会更好。 Peter is a smart boy.He shows his kind and polite in getting on with friends and teachers.In Chinese learning, he follows instructions and responsible to his work.That would be perfect if he can be concentrate on what he is doing.



Jenny is a kind girl.She shows her kind and polite in getting on with friends and teachers.In Chinese learning, she is concentrate and responsible.Please continue to keep the good learning attitude.Justin黄度景


Justin is a kind boy.He shows his kind and polite in getting on with friends and teachers.In Chinese learning, he is concentrate and responsible.Please continue to keep the good learning attitude.Andy党子杰

党子杰很聪明,也很灵活。上课认真听讲,按时完成课后作业。在和老师同学的相处上,他表现得也很友善、有礼。希望他再接再厉。 Andy is smart and flexible.He follow teacher’s instruction and complete his work on time.He also shows his kind and polite in getting on with friends.Please make persistent efforts.


邓进杰的中文学习态度有很大的进步,学习的主动性有很大的提高,在完成任务的过程中表现出更多的耐心。希望他能一步一个脚印的走下去,不断完善自我品格。 Jerry has made an obvious progre in learning attitude this semester.He shows more positive and patient in learning.I hope he can make a steady rising and continuous Self Improvement. G7.8 Frank付重钧


Frank is active in Chinese cla, He always think and answer question positively.He loves reading(good habit!).For afterschool aignment, he can do it but sometimes slow.I am looking forward to seeing your improvement of time sense.Helen申守轸


Helen is a quiet girl with earnest attitude in Chinese learning.She listens to the teacher carefully and answer the questions positively.She respect knowledge and teacher and also polite to her clamates.I hope she can keep the good learning attitude and make more progre in Chinese learning.Johan王力君










