
2020-03-04 08:59:18 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

Chapter 1

How to improve your memory

Memory is important to us, not only to our study , but also to our life.But how can we improve our memory? I think the more we use our brain, the better it will be.First of all, we should try doing new things and changing some of our daily habits.Because it can stimulate our brain and make it work better.Then, it is a good way for us to make pictures in our mind , and it is good for our memory.We can link the information with the pictures.What’s more , healthy food and plenty of vitamins are also important to the brain.It is good for our memory to work properly.


My favourite cartoon character As we all know, Tom and Jerry are two of the most popular cartoon characters in the world.They have many fans, not only in America but also in Asia.Today I feel like telling you more about them.The lazy cat and the clever mouse were created by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera.When you watch Tom and Jerry cartoons, you will find it interesting.Tom , the cat always tries to catch Jerry, the mouse.Unfortunately, he never succeeds.Jerry laughs at Tom when he is in trouble with his owner.That’s really funny.

Tom and Jerry are among my favourite cartoon characters because I used to watch them.It reminds me of my happy childhood.Also the cartoon will be my favourite forever.

Chapter 3

Let’s protect our environment We have realized that the environment is important to us.How can we protect our environment? First, we mustn’t throw the rubbish everywhere, and we shouldn’t draw anything on the wall.Second , we should clean up the claroom carefully every day.Third, we should recycle plastic bottles and paper.At the same time, everyone should plant trees.It can make our school become more and more beautiful.


A letter of invitation Dear Tom, I’m afraid you must think I’ve forgotten you, for I have not written to you for such a long time.It’s simply because I’m busy at the new school.Next Saturday, June 2nd is my birthday.Do you still remember? I’d like to invite you to my birthday party.Then I can see you again.I will tell you something about my new school.In the afternoon, we can sing or listen to music.And then eat my birthday cake.I’m sure we will enjoy ourselves. My new addre is 3B 16A 01, Jingtian North Estate.You can take No.25 bus and get off at Jingtian North Street.It’s easy to find it.

I hope you will come and I look forward to seeing you soon.

Chapter 5

A talented pianist Li Yundi is a famous pianist.He was born in 1980 in Chongqing.When he was young , he loved music and could hum(哼唱) songs.He took accordion(手风琴) leons at the age of four, and then started to learn to play the piano when he was seven years old. In October 2000, he took part in the 14th Chopin(肖邦) International Piano Competition in Poland and won first prize.He plays the piano so well that many people love him and his music.

Chapter 6 My favourite book---The adventures of Tom Sawyer My favourite book is The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.It was written by Mark Twain.The book is very interesting.It’s one of the most popular books in the world.It tells us about many funny stories.Of all the characters, I like Tom Sawyer best because he is clever and brave.He is a naughty boy and always gets his teacher into trouble.He always helps others.I learned a lot from Tom Sawyer.

Chapter 7 一封给母亲的感谢信

Today is a special day --- Thanksgiving Day.I want to say “Thank you ,mum” and “I really love you, mum.” I really appreciate what you have done for me since I was a child.You cook breakfast for me every day; you look after me carefully and you take me to hospital if I am ill; you prepare everything I need for me; whenever and wherever I need help, you are always there even though you are so busy with your work every day.Although you are strict with me, I know that’s also a way of showing love.As time goes by , I know how hard you are to take care of me little by little.Dear mum, I realized how happy and fortunate I am to be your child! I will work hard from now on.I hope one day you will be proud of me as I’m proud of you today.

On the special day, I want to day : I love you .mum!

Yours Jack


英语考试 2








