
2020-03-02 07:34:33 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

Fame behind

(仝) 常言道:“失败是成功之母。”这似乎已成老生常谈,但行动和言语有时是不相一致的。当你的成绩单上出现“红灯”,或是在工作中遇到困难时,你的心中是否除了沮丧,别的一无所有?你是否意识到这失败之中有孕育着成功的种子呢!对此,每个人的回答肯定不一样!在此颇有必要谈谈:失败是成功之母。世上少有一帆风顺的事,而失败却随时会有,否则,那些“发明家”、“文学巨人”的美名岂不轻易地落到每个人的头上去了?综观历史,那些出类拔萃的伟人之所以会取得成功,正是因为他们能正确对待失败,从失败中获取教益,从而踢开失败这块绊脚石,踏上了成功的大道。 As the saying goes: \" failure is the mother of succe.\" This seems to have become a commonplace talk of an old scholar, but the actions and words are sometimes not consistent.When you report \" red light\", or the difficulties encountered in the work, is your heart in addition to upset, nothing else? Are you aware of this failure is pregnant with the seeds of succe! In this regard, the answer is certainly not the same as everyone! This is neceary to talk about: failure is the mother of succe.There everything is going smoothly.Things, yet failure is always there, otherwise, the\" inventor \", \" literary giant \" reputation will not easily fall on everyone\'s head? Throughout history, those who rise above the common herd men would succeed, it is because they can treat correctly failure, learn from failure to kick in, fail this stumbling block, set foot on the road to succe.(刘)比如伟大的发明家爱迪生,—生的成功不计其数,—生的失败更是不计其数。他曾为一项发明经历了八千次失败的实验,他却并不以为这是个浪费,而是说:“我为什么要沮丧呢?这八千次失败至少使我明白了这八千个实验是行不通的。”这就是爱迪生对待失败的态度。他每每从失败中吸取教训,总结经验,从而取得—项项建立在无数次失败基础之上的发明成果。失败固然会给人带来痛苦,但也能使人有所收获;它既向我们指出工作中的错误缺点,又启发我们逐步走向成功。失败既是针对成功的否定,又是成功的基础,也就是说:“失败是成功之母。” such as the great inventor Thomas Edison, - too many to count the

failure, life is too many to count.He was an invention has undergone eight

thousand failed experiments, but he does not think it is a waste, but said: \" why should I sad? This failed eight thousand times at least, so I understand the eight thousand experiments is not feasible.\" This is Edison\'s attitude towards failure.He often learn from failure, sum up experience, thus achieved at the establishment failed many times in the basis of inventions.Failure would bring pain, but also can make the person harvest; it points out shortcomings and mistakes in work to us, but also enlightens us step by step to succe.Failure to succe is negative, and is the foundation of succe, that is to say: \" failure is the mother of succe.\"



Many people know, Jackie Chan is not profeional system of learned knowledge of film, he only primary school diploma.His knowledge of film are in him as an actor after self-study hard to rely on their own.He started as a

martial arts stunt, to become the world star, relax to own request never.Even when he became famous, he completed many high difficulty movement in the film are personally go into battle, no substitute.Therefore, he often because some too dangerous action and injured.He kicked my teeth, cut through the nasal bone, bruised knee, thigh, a nearly killed the most serious.So, Jackie Chan brother\'s succe is not accidental, is with his hard work and effort.He paid a price for more and sweat than others, he is life in a movie.He is the world fan heart fully deserve a true hero.


Hold on, succe in your feet.In 1832, Lincoln unemployed, and then he decided to become a politician, when state senator.Worse, he lost the election.Suffered two strikes in one year, this is undoubtedly painful to him.Then, he started to set up his own busine, but le than a year, this enterprise was bankrupted.Subsequently, Lincoln once again decided to participate in the state election, this time he succeeded.His heart had a glimmer of hope.Think your life turn: \" I can be succeful! \" In 1835, he engaged.But from the

wedding day is a few months, his fiancee died.This to his spiritual blow is too big, he be mentally and physically exhausted, be completely bedridden for months.In 1836, he suffers a mental breakdown.In 1838, Lincoln feel the body is good, then decided to campaign for the speaker of Parliament, but he failed.In 1843, he is campaigning American congremen, but this is still no succe.

(蔡)林肯虽然一次次地尝试,但却是一次次地遭受失败:企业倒闭、情人去世,竞选败北。要是你碰到这一切,你会不会放弃?但是林肯没有放弃,1846年,他又一次参加竞选国会议员,最后终于当选了。两年任期很快过去了,他决定要争取连任,但结果很遗憾,他落选了。 接连又是两次失败。在这种情况下你会坚持继续努力吗?然而,林肯没有服输。1854年,他竞选参议员,但失败了;两年后他竞选美国副总统提名,结果被对手击败;又过了两年,他再一次竞选参议员,还是失败了。林肯一直没有放弃自己的追求,他一直在做自己生活的主宰。1860年,他终于成功当选为美国总统。他用自己的经历告诉,我们一个人想干成任何大事,都要能够坚持下去,坚持下去才能取得成功。说起来,一个人克服一点儿困难也许并不难,难得是能够持之以恒地做下去,直到最后成功。

Although Lincoln repeatedly tried, but again failed to suffer: busine

failures, lover died, election defeat.If you encounter all this, will you give up? But Lincoln did not give up, 1846, he again running for Congre, finally won the election.Two years paed very quickly, he decided to seek re-election, but unfortunately, he lost the election.One is two times of failure.In this case you will keep on trying? However, Lincoln did not admit defeat.In 1854, he ran for the Senate, but failed; two years later his campaign for the United States of America the vice presidential nomination, was defeated by his opponent; two years later, he again Senate race, failed.Lincoln never give up their pursuit, he has made my life.In 1860, he was elected as the president of the United states.He told us with their own experience, a person want to do any thing, have to be able to persevere, persist will be succeful.Say, a person overcome some difficulties may not be difficult, difficult is to persevere to do so, until the final succe.

(顾)综上所述,无论什么人,无论干什么,要取得成功就必须坚持不懈,我们学生也是如此。正如马克思所说,“在科学上没有平坦的大路可走”,因此,在我们学习的过程中,坚持不懈的精神就是必不可少的。可以这么说,一个学生,要想在学习上取得成绩,就必须对知识坚持不懈的追求;一个学生,只有具备了坚持不懈追求知识的精神,才能在学习上取得成功。当困难拌住你成功脚步的时候,当失败挫伤你进取雄心的时候,当负担压得你喘不过气的时候,不要退缩,不要放弃,不要裹足不前,一定要坚持下去,因为只有坚持不懈才能通向成功。 To sum up, no matter who, no matter what, to be succeful we must

unremittingly, we are also students.As Marx said, \" in science there is no flat road to go\", therefore, in the course of our study, unremittingly spirit is

eential.So to speak, a student, in order to get achievement in learning, we must unremittingly pursuit of knowledge; a student, only the pursuit of knowledge unremittingly spirit, in order to succeed in learning.When you difficult to live a succeful mix of pace, when the failure of progreive

ambition hurt you, when the burden take your time away, not to retreat, not to give up, do not come to a standstill, I will insist on, because only the

unremittingly to succe.










