
2020-03-03 08:38:13 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

Application Letter for Admiion

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is _______, a senior from the No.59 Junior High School.I am writing this letter in the purpose of applying for admiion into the No.1 High School.

If I were to choose two words to describe myself, it would have to be prudent and persistent.With my teachers’ guidance and the help from my parents, for the past 8 years of study at my elementary school and junior high school, I learned to study and act prudently and persistently.I always strictly follow my teachers’ advice and exert my every effort to accomplish my aignments.I have been deemed as a model student by the people around for all these years.

I consider myself a diligent student and also a voracious reader.Besides the curricular books, I also read news magazines and journals for relevant news updates.I have a strong background in Mathematics and Science, excelling in subjects such as Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, which also are the majors I am currently considering to pursue for my college education in the future.

I acknowledge the fact that lots of learning takes place outside the claroom.I feel that the practical skills I have gained from extracurricular activities and volunteer work, like taking part in all kinds of volunteer activities held within my community, may be put to good use.I also firmly believe that devoting to the society is one of the most crucial moralities that an excellent high school student should have.

I always admire the top-ranking teaching environment that No.1 High School provides, and the prestigious teachers of No.1 High School, who teach their students not only the knowledge and study skills, but also the righteous ways to behave in people’s life.I am eager to be enrolled into No.1 High School, and I really appreciate any help that you will provide to me.Thank you so much for your consideration and time.

Faithfully yours,Jiang

August, 2013










