Should Interview be Used as An Only Way of Employment

2020-03-03 09:01:09 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

Should Interview be Used as An Only Way of Employment?

Nowadays, interview is frequently adopted by interviewers to recruit potential employees.Many people support it, but some strongly criticize it, because they think it can not objectively criticize a person only by interviewing.In my opinion, interview should not be used as an only way to recruit interviewees.I have three reasons to support my opinion.

First and foremost, interview is basing on the first impreion which is subjective.To some extent first impreion equal to appearance and words that interviewees hold.For some interviewees who have good appearance and speaking skills, they will leave a good impreion to the interviewers.Therefore, when employers considering recruitment, they will employ those leave a good impreion to them.This is really unfair for those who have poor appearance and speaking skills but have excellent ability, it just benefit a small number of people.

Next, interview can not get interviewees’ ability completely.Different people have different characters and abilities.Some people are good at communicating while others are good at hand working.Thus, interview can not help interviewers understand interviewees completely.For some people who are outgoing and good at communicating with people, it will benefit them.But for those who are ingoing but good at hand working, interview will be a negative factor for them.So in order to recruit proper employees, it is neceary to adopt different ways to recruit employees.Last but not least, interview can not understand interviewees’ personality and quality which important for a company or position.Take company as an example, employees’ loyalty, morality and other qualities is significant for a company’s sustainable development.Those qualities can help a company to improve efficiency or attain customers.Interview can not help employers to recognize whether a person have good quality and personality or not.In this way, it is like gambling, if they recruit a person who have poor quality and personality, it is wasting time and money.

As I have mentioned above, it is easy to draw a conclusion that interview can not help employers to get proper employees because of subjective first impreion, limit ability judgment and blind in quality and personality.For those reasons, I think, it is significant to use different methods to recruit a proper employees.

《Should Interview be Used as An Only Way of Employment.doc》
Should Interview be Used as An Only Way of Employment

