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一、课程说明 1.课程性质

《英语泛读教程》是英语专业基础阶段教学的一门必修课,同时也是使学生大量接触英语读物和培养阅读能力的一门实践基础课。 2.课程目的和任务

旨在通过一定量的阅读实践来提高学生的理解能力,在阅读速度、词汇量等指标上达到规定要求,并增加对语篇结构、语境和语用理论的感性认识、提高语言鉴赏能力。阅读虽然是一门训练学生单项语言技能的实践课程,但它和旨在提高综合运用语言能力的《综合英语》课程相辅相成,也是其它单项语言技能课程在词汇、语法、理解和文化知识等方面的基础课程。 3.适应专业




Unit 1 Love I.Teaching Objectives(教学目标)

Go over the whole text in limited time and try to get the main idea of the paage Get some information about the Westward Movement in America and the life of the pioneers.Master the Reading skills: Develop the ability of previewing II.Teaching Importance and Difficulties(教学重点及难点) 1.The usage of new words and phrases 2.Using context clues to find out the meaning of words 3.Understanding paragraphs-How to identify the Main Idea.4.Reading skills: previewing (I) III.Teaching Methods(教学方法) Discuing Practicing

IV.Teaching Time(教学时数): 4 periods V.Teaching Content(教学内容) 1.Reading skills Previewing means looking ahead and checking for information in advance.Before you read a book in detail ,you can learn quite a bit about it by previewing .you can preview or examine specific parts of it first.

Here are steps you may follow when you begin to preview a textbook .A title can tell you a great deal about a book .Before you read , think about what the title means.Read the title of the book.The table of contents appears at the beginning of a book .Read the table of contents Read the preface

Read briefly the index , gloary , appendix , bibliography and other special supplements .An index is an alphabetical list that tells the reader where particular topics ,subjects and names of people , places or events ,etc.are referred to in a book .A gloary gives definitions to a list of difficult words or terms that appear in a book . An appendix adds to a book extra information ( charts , graphs , documents , facts , etc.) that is helpful to the understanding of the book.A bibliography is a list of some or all the sources that the author has used to write his or her book.2.Vocabulary consult vi. 商议[量], 考虑, 磋商 , 做咨询工作, 【医】会诊 consult about the matter 商议此事 consult with counsel


consult for a large building firm



找...商议, 请教, 咨询, 答疑, 请...鉴定 , 找(医生)诊治 翻阅, 查考(书籍, 地图等) , 尊重, 考虑 without consulting sb. 没征求某人的意见 n.[古]磋商 , 委员会 ravenous adj. 贪婪[食]的 , 饿极的; 渴望的 a ravenous appetite [desire]

贪婪的胃口[欲望] ravenously adv.ravenousne n.convince vt. 使相信[信服], 说服

, 使承认; 使悔悟; 使认错[罪] convince sb.of sth.

使某人相信某事 convince sb.


convince sb.by sound arguments

以理服人 We convinced Anne to go by train rather than plane. 我们说服了安妮放弃乘飞机而坐火车走。 He was convinced of his error. 他认识了错误 convincedly adv.convincer n.be convinced of

确信, 承认 be convinced that

确信, 承认 be fully convinced

充分相信[半信] be half convinced


convince sb.Of

使某人承认, 使某人信服 convince oneself of

充分弄明白[清楚] arrange vt, vi

arranged, arranging


He arranged the books on the shelf.


In a dictionary the words are arranged in alphabetical order.词典里的词是按字母顺序编排的。 安排;准备

We have arranged a party.


A special show was arranged to admit free the family members of the miners.安排了一个专场来免费招待矿工工人家属。 商定

Arranged with her to meet at 8.


We had been trying every poible means to arrange a peace but failed.我们想尽办法试图达成和解,但没有成功。

The bankrupt and the men to whom he owed money arranged an accommodation.破产者和他的债权人协议调解。 〈音〉改编;编曲配器

dwelling n. 居住 , 寓所; 住处 change one's dwelling 搬家 a portable dwelling


lake dwelling


mourn vi.哀悼, 忧伤 , 惋惜

, 悲哀; (鸽子似的)咕咕低鸣 mourn for [over] the dead

哀悼 死者 vt. 向(某人)哀悼[致哀]; 为(某事)哀痛

The whole nation mourned the death of a much-loved leader.举国上下哀悼敬爱的领导人。

beside oneself

不知所措; 精神错乱, 为某事而忘形

reserve vt

reserved, reserving 保留;留下备用

, 预订;预约

I have reserved a room for you at the hotel. 我已在旅馆为你预订了一个房间。

n. 贮藏,储备

reserve of food


外汇储备 (= foreign exchange reserve) , 准备金,储备金

, 限价;最低价格 , 保护区

a nature reserve 自然保护区


, 候补队员;后备队员


in reserve 备用的

without reserve 无保留地;无条件地

I believe your story without reserve.

我毫无保留地相信你说的。 Ⅵ.Summary(小结)

1.Ask the students to remember key words and expreions in Text A.And conclude the general idea of section A 2.Ask the student to remember how to write the English advertisements.VII.Homework (作业)

Home reading: A Wonderful Present Discu the questions in small groups Practice Fast Reading Preview Unit 2

Unit 2 Little House in the Big Woods I.Teaching Objectives(教学目标)

Go over the whole text in limited time and try to get the main idea of the paage Get some information about the Westward Movement in America and the life of the pioneers.Master the Reading skills: Develop the ability of previewing II.Teaching Importance and Difficulties(教学重点及难点) 1.The usage of new words and phrases 2.Using context clues to find out the meaning of words 3.Understanding paragraphs-How to identify the Main Idea.4.Reading skills: previewing (II) III.Teaching Methods(教学方法) Teaching Discuing Practicing

IV.Teaching Time(教学时数): 4 periods V.Teaching Content(教学内容) 1.Related Information

About the author: Laura Ingalls Wilder

Laura Ingalls Wilder, well-known author of the Little House series of books, was born in the big woods of Wisconsin.When she was 7, she and her family traveled by covered wagon and moved to the prairie land of Walnut Grove, Minnesota.Her family was one of the pioneer families who settled there, following the Homestead Act of 1862, which encouraged Americans to travel west and settle. Today, the people of Walnut Grove celebrate Wilder's books every July with the Laura Ingalls Wilder Pageant.The Pageant is a family-oriented outdoor drama with all of Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little House on the Prairie book characters.An actre playing a 70-year-old Laura narrates the story, reflecting on her life in Walnut Grove during the 1870s.If you've never read any of the Little House books, you should, because you can learn a lot about life in America during the 1870s.Main Works Little House in the Big Wood (1932) Farmer Boy (1933) Little House on the Prairie (1935) On the Banks of Plum Creek (1937) By the Shores of Silver Lake (1939) The Long Winter (1940) Little Town on the Prairie (1941) Those Happy Golden Years (1943) Preview Questions What is the Westward Movement in America? What about the life of the pioneers? 2.vocabulary in context thaw vi.

解冻, 融化


, (态度、感情等)趋于和缓

The ice is thawing. 冰在融化。 vt.使融化; 使暖和

thaw (out) the guests

使客人们不再拘束 strap

He strapped the bag onto his bicycle. 他用带子把包捆在自行车上。

鞭笞 , 用绷带 包扎(伤口),

quiver n.箭袋, 箭筒 , 箭袋里的箭 , 大群, 大量, 许多 , (能装一套东西的)容器

body quiver

随身携带的箭筒 floor [ground] quiver

地上箭筒 vi.稳稳射中, 箭落入箭袋

a quiver full of children


have an arrow [a shaft] left in one's quiver 还有本钱, 还有办法可想 have one's quiver full 本钱充足 adj. [古]迅速的, 敏捷的; 活泼的 vi. 轻微地颤抖, 抖动, 颤动

The leaves quivered in the breeze.

叶子在微风中颤动。 vt. 使震颤; 使颤动; (云雀等)抖动(翅膀) The butterfly quivers its wings.

蝴蝶抖动翅膀。 n.

抖动, 颤动; 颤音 , 一闪 a quiver of lighting 闪电的一闪

quivering adj. 颤抖的

quiveringly adv.all of a quiver

浑身哆嗦; 心情十分紧张 quiver like an aspen leaf


chore n.


[pl.]家庭杂务 , 零星的事务 , 令人疲劳[不愉快]的工作

vi., 作零星工作 chore around [美]作短工 3.Text Comprehension Comprehension Questions What had happened one night when the father was away in town? Why did Ma say that Laura was a good girl? How do you understand this sentence? The sun sank out of sight, the woods grew dark, and he did not come.Ma started supper and set the table, but he did not come.It was time to do the chores, and still he had not come.Note that the sentence he did not come has been repeated three times in this short paragraph.The repetition strees the anxiety with which the children are waiting for Pa's coming back.How do you understand this sentence? "But he could have hurt us, couldn't he?" she asked.Note that the question is put in its subjunctive mood.From the context we know that Ma's consoling remarks make Laura feels better.When she asks this question, she knows well that the bear will not hurt them because they have protections.So what she really implies is that without those protections, the bear will have hurt them. Topic for Discuion What kind of people were Laura's parents?

Discu the kind of life the family lived in the big woods.Ⅵ.Summary(小结)

1.Ask the students to remember key words and expreions in Text A.And conclude the general idea of section A 2.Ask the student to remember how to write the English advertisements.VII.Homework (作业)

Home reading: A Wonderful Present Discu the questions in small groups Practice Fast Reading Preview Unit 3

Unit 3 Young William Shakespeare I.Teaching Objectives(教学目标)

Go over the whole text in limited time and try to get the main idea of the paage Getting to know some information about the early life of Shakespeare.II.Teaching Importance and Difficulties(教学重点及难点) 1.The usage of new words and phrases 2.Using context clues to find out the meaning of words 3.Understanding paragraphs-How to identify the Main Idea.III.Teaching Methods(教学方法) Teaching Discuing Practicing

IV.Teaching Time(教学时数): 4 periods V.Teaching Content(教学内容) 1.Related Information About William Shakespeare William Shakespeare (1564-1616) was the greatest English playwright, the best playwright in English language.He left the world 154 precious and incomparable sonnets, and 38 plays, at least 15 of which are masterpieces.Tragedies

Comedies Hamlet

As You Like It Julius Caesar

Merchant of Venice King Lear

Merry Wives of Windsor Macbeth

Midsummer Night's Dream Othello

Twelfth Night Romeo and Juliet

Winter's Tale Antony and Cleopatra Histories King Henry IV King Henry V King Henry VI King Henry VIII King John Richard II Richard III Preview Questions How much do you know Shakespeare and his works? 2.vocabulary in context enrage vt.

[常用于被动式]触[激]怒, 使人愤怒

be enraged at [by] sb.'s conduct

因某人的行为而极为愤怒 be enraged with sb.



(mono- 单 +tone调+-ous„的)


单调的;无变化的; 令人厌倦的

a monotonous voice which sent me to sleep

使我昏昏欲睡的单调声音 My job at the aembly line of the car factory is rather monotonous.



adj. 无意义的; 无关重要的; 无用的; 无价值的, 低微的, 可鄙的

insignificant talk


waste time on insignificant points

时间花在琐碎事情上 insignificant person


insignificant chatter

无意义的闲聊天 insignificant





服装, 外衣, 装束 , 女装(西装式短上衣及裙子一套) , 服装式样; 化装用服 academic costume


actors in policemen's costumes

穿着警服的演员 costume ball


costume designer

(影剧)服装设计员 3.Text Comprehension Comprehension Questions From the conversation between Toby and Will do you know what Will wanted to be?

What did he do in order to realize his dreams? After he had a family (wife, three young children) he still wanted to leave Stratford.


Life in London in the early years for Will and Toby was very hard.What did Will do for the

Queen’s Men? Besides acting in plays what did Will do else?

Topic for Discuion Can you find anything in Shakespeare’s early life in Stratford that might have

contributed to his future succe as a playwright?

Shakespeare was a man eager to learn and determined to succeed.

Find examples from the text to illustrate that. Ⅵ.Summary(小结)

1.Ask the students to remember key words and expreions in Text A.And conclude the general idea of section A 2.Ask the student to remember how to write the English advertisements.VII.Homework (作业)

Home reading: The Best Playwright in England by Jennifer Baett Discu the questions in small groups Learn about reading skills Practice Fast Reading Preview Unit 4

Unit 4 Migratory Birds and Coffee I.Teaching Objectives(教学目标)

Go over the whole text in limited time and try to get the main idea of the paage Get to know the relationship between shade coffee plantation and migratory birds and the importance of conserving migratory birds and their habitats.II.Teaching Importance and Difficulties(教学重点及难点) 1.The usage of new words and phrases 2.Using context clues to find out the meaning of words 3.Understanding paragraphs-How to identify the Main Idea.4.Reading skills: Understanding the Topic III.Teaching Methods(教学方法) Teaching Discuing Practicing

IV.Teaching Time(教学时数): 4 periods V.Teaching Content(教学内容) 1.Related Information Under the category "Research on coffee growing," you can see a list of some of the earlier research on bird diversity on coffee plantations. Some facts gleaned from this research include: • The majority of bird species in shade coffee plantations are feeding in the shaded overstory, not in the coffee. The coffee shrubs themselves offer few resources. This is why sun coffee monocultures do not support a diversity of birds.

• The value of coffee farms is dependent largely upon the diversity of their canopy: both the number of different species and the structural complexity of the canopy. • Invertebrates and nectar are the most important food sources for birds in coffee plantations, so coffee farms are especially important to bird species that feed on these resources.

• Migratory birds are more flexible in their habitat requirements, and do better in coffee plantations than many resident species, which are more sensitive to habitat changes.

• Inga trees are especially important overstory species.

• Use of coffee plantations by migrant birds is highly seasonal. Of course, North American migrants are only present in the tropics during spring and fall migration and in winter. However, even during winter some migrants, in particular those that feed on nectar or fruit, tend to increase in number from early to late winter in plantations where these resources are available. Three North American migrants are strongly aociated with the flowering of Inga trees: Baltimore Oriole (above), Orchard Oriole, and Tenneee Warbler. Here is a list of North American species that use coffee plantations.

• Resident birds that make altitudinal migrations (up and downslope) also take advantage of flower crops available at shade coffee plantations, and are therefore more common at certain times of the season that others. • The elevation of the plantations must be taken into account, because bird species composition and abundance vary depending on elevations; highlands are particularly important. Likewise, when examining the number and type of birds, or any taxa, in coffee farms, the distance of the farm or study plot from natural forest must be considered. Typically the closer a plot is to natural forest, the more and varied species it will contain.Bird diversity in rustic or heavy shade plantations sometimes rivals that of natural forests. These plantations always have a significantly higher bird diversity (as well as a diversity of other species) than do sun coffee plantations.Shade coffee plantations offer important refuges for species in areas where natural habitats are quickly being converted to agriculture.2.Reading skills Understanding the Topic

Just as previewing helps you to understand the important ideas in a book, a unit or a chapter, identifying the topic of what you are reading helps you to focus on the general subject of a reading.

A topic is the general subject of the sentences in a paragraph or that of the paragraphs in a text.It is much like a title for the paragraph or the text.Finding out the topic of what you are reading is the first step toward understanding subject information.Knowing the paragraph topic builds a base of comprehension which leads to further understanding about the text.

Read the following paragraph to see how the topic reflects the general subject of the sentences in a paragraph and how it can be stated in a few words.Page58

What do you think is the general subject of this paragraph? The first sentence in it raises a question and the rest of the paragraph tries to answer the question by giving a list of advantages of hobbies.Part of the first sentence can serve as the topic the paragraph: What to gain from a hobby.or we can use fewer words to illustrate the topic, such as ―advantages of hobbies.‖ 3.vocabulary in context Conservation n 保护;保存

There is a need for the conservation of trees, or there will soon be no forests. 有必要保护树木,否则不久将会没有森林了。


"However, conservation alone is not the answer." "然而,仅仅靠节约还不是解决问题的办法。" Conservation of water is of great importance in desert areas.沙漠地区实行控制用水非常重要。 convert vt (常与into连用)转变;变换

to convert an old house into a new one


That building has been converted into a school. 那座楼房改成学校了。

兑换 I want to convert some Hong Kong dollars into American dollars.我想把一些港元换成美元。 改变信仰、党派或意见等

She managed to convert him to her opinion.她终于设法说服了他接受她的意见。 habitat n. 聚集处; 居住地 , 经常发现某种事物的地方

海底实验室人员居住的加压舱, 海底实验室 , 生境; 产地 , 栖息地 be compatible with 与...相适应, 不矛盾, 一致, 相似 time-honored adj 历史悠久的; 因年久而受到尊敬的

benign adj.仁慈的, 宽厚的; 亲切的; 和蔼的 (气候等)温和的, 良好的, 有益于健康的

a benign climate 温和的气候 a benign tumor 良性瘤

relentle adj.严酷的, 残忍的, 不留情面的 , 不屈不挠的; 不懈的 deliberate vt.考虑; 熟思; 研究, 讨论

He deliberated the question before he made an answer. 答复以前, 他仔细地考虑了这个问题。

vi. 思考(on, over); 与某人协商(with); 讨论某事(over, upon, on) I deliberated with the director on the future plans of production 我和厂长商讨了下一步的生产计划。

adj.深思熟虑的; 考虑周到的 , 故意的, 蓄意的 , 慎重的, 沉着的, 从容不迫的 a deliberate decision

慎重的决定 a deliberate murder 蓄意谋杀

canopy n.(小艇)天篷 , 盖, 罩 , (树)冠; 冠层 , 天空 , 伞衣 , (吊灯)灯罩

板状顶梁, 护板掩护支架 , 天篷, 华盖 vt. 用天篷遮覆; 装上顶篷

temperate adj. 有节制的 , 不过分的, 适度的, 稳健的 , 禁酒的, 戒酒的 (气候等)温和的

a man of temperate habits

有节制的人 in a temperate manner


be temperate in one's language

说话措辞温和 Ⅵ.Summary(小结)

1.Ask the students to remember key words and expreions in Text A.And conclude the general idea of section A 2.Ask the student to remember how to write the English advertisements.VII.Homework (作业)

Home reading: Discu the questions in small groups Learn about reading skills Practice Fast Reading Preview Unit 5

Unit 5 Cheating I.Teaching Objectives(教学目标)

Go over the whole text in limited time and try to get the main idea of the paage Reading the text and learn some leons from the experience of the boy in the story. Develop the ability to look for information II.Teaching Importance and Difficulties(教学重点及难点) 1.The usage of new words and phrases 2.Using context clues to find out the meaning of words 3.Understanding paragraphs-How to identify the Main Idea.4.Reading skills: Determining the Main idea III.Teaching Methods(教学方法) Teaching Discuing Practicing

IV.Teaching Time(教学时数): 4 periods V.Teaching Content(教学内容) 1.Related Information About the author

Susan Shreve

Ms.Shreve is a founder of the MFA MFA Creative Writing Program at George Mason University, where she continues to teach. She has taught Creative Writing at Princeton University, Columbia University, and the Breadloaf and Bennington writers' conferences.

An original board member of the PEN/Faulkner Foundation in Washington, D.C., she served as its president from 1985 to 1990. Her awards and honors include grants from the Lila Wallace Readers Digest Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Guggenheim Foundation.The range of her extraordinarily active career includes writing and delivery of short documentary eays for the Jim Lehrer News Hour. Daughters of the New World was adapted for an NBC television series under the title A Will of Their Own. Susan Shreve is a member of the Advisory Board of Washington Independent Writers. She lives with her husband, the literary agent Tim Seldes, in Washington D.C.Susan Shreve's fiction is marked by its wide range of genre, setting and situation.Daughters of the New World is an unusually fluid and flexible generational saga; Glimmer is a first-person narrative by a modern mixed-race woman, which Shreve published under the pseudonym Annie Waters. (For Susan Shreve's account of the writing of Glimmer, read The Freedom of Anonymity, her eay from the New York Times Writers' on Writing Series.) All of her work is marked by her lyric gift and by a cool, precise acuity in rendering the nuances of feeling.BIBLIOGRAPHY A Fortunate Madne, Houghton Mifflin, 1974 A Woman Like That, Atheneum, 1977 Children of Power, Macmillan, 1979 Miracle Play, William Morrow and Co., 1981 Dreaming of Heroes, William Morrow and Co., 1984 Queen of Hearts, Simon and Schuster, 1987 A Country of Strangers, Simon and Schuster, 1989 Daughters of the New World, Doubleday, 1992 Preview Questions What do you think of cheating on tests? 2.Reading skills Determining the Main idea Relating topics and details.As you have learned, a topic is the general subject of the sentences in a paragraph.Recognizing the topic provides a frame of reference for understanding what you are reading.Identifying the main idea in various locations in the paragraph.Authors most frequently use the first sentence of a paragraph to state the main idea.However, they may place it in the middle, at the end, or leave it unstated.In that event, you must find out the main idea yourself.Based on the details of the above paragraph, you can see that the author mainly talks about carious reasons why people open their own businees.Thus the main idea of the paragraph is: ―There are many reasons why people open their own businees.‖ Now think about the poible locations for the main idea sentence in the paragraph.You may find you can place it at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the paragraph.3.vocabulary in context cinch n.[美]

(马鞍等的)肚带; 束腰宽带 , [口]紧握, 抓紧, 抓牢 [俚]必定会发生的事; 易做而有把握的事情 dead cinch

[美]确实无疑的事, 必然发生的事情 It's a cinch that the horse will win the race.

那匹马必胜无疑。 vt. 系(马的)肚带 , [美俚]确定, 弄清楚, 确保 cinch notice [美]对成绩不良的警告

vt, vi 敲弯钉头钉牢;钉住

, 把(木头)钉牢在一起


The two companies clinched the deal quickly. 两家公司很快地成交了。 hedge 来自古英语 hecg, 德语 hecke n 灌木树篱

, 保护或防御的方法 a hedge against inflation


Buying a house is the best hedge against inflation. 购买房子是防止通货膨胀的最佳保障。

vt, vi hedged, hedging


, 避开问题

Stop hedging and answer my question directly! "不要规避,直接回答我的问题!" hedge one's bets


hedge about with


Building a house is hedged about with laws.

盖房子受到法律的限制。 Ⅵ.Summary(小结)

1.Ask the students to remember key words and expreions in Text A.And conclude the general idea of section A 2.Ask the student to remember how to write the English advertisements.VII.Homework (作业)

Home reading: Stolen Day

by Sherwood Anderson Discu the questions in small groups Learn about reading skills Practice Fast Reading

Unit 6 Fool’s Paradise

I.Teaching Objectives(教学目标)

Go over the whole text in limited time and try to get the main idea of the paage Figuring out the moral leon after reading the following cautionary tale magically told by the 1978 Nobel Prize winner in literature.II.Teaching Importance and Difficulties(教学重点及难点) 1.The usage of new words and phrases 2.Using context clues to find out the meaning of words 3.Understanding paragraphs-How to identify the Main Idea.III.Teaching Methods(教学方法) Teaching Discuing Practicing

IV.Teaching Time(教学时数): 4 periods V.Teaching Content(教学内容) 1.Related Information About Isaac Bashevis Singer (1904-1991) was the most famous Yuddish writer of the 20th century.Born in Poland, he came to the USA in 1935.one of ten American writers to be awarded the Nobel Prize and perhaps the most influential and beloved Jewish-American writer. A prolific writer who vividly conjoured the annihilated Jewish world of Eastern Europe, he spoke to the fears, longings and ambivalence of America’s Modern nation of immigrants.Singer drew on folk memories of work those mystical dramatically from the realistic to fantastic, in ways that startled readers and inspired other writers.2004 was the centennial year of the master storyteller Isaac Bashevis Singer, who in 1978 became the seventh American to be awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.The Library of America presents Collected Stories, a major celebration of Singer's achievement.Beginning with "Gimpel the Fool," whose title story brought Singer to prominence in America when translated from Yiddish by Saul Bellow in 1953, and concluding with "The Death of Methuselah," the collection published three years before his death in 1991, this three-volume edition brings together for the first time all the story collections Singer published in English in the versions he called his "second originals"—translations he supervised and collaborated on himself, revising as he worked.In addition, Collected Stories includes thirteen previously uncollected stories from the Ransom Center collections.

Here are nearly 200 stories—the full range of Singer's vision encompaing Old World shtetl and New World exile.Born in Poland in 1904 into a family of rabbis, Singer was raised in the traditional culture that was to be annihilated during World War II, and his haunting stories testify to the richne of that vanished world.Singer's Old World stories reveal a wild, mischievous, often disturbing supernaturalism evocative of both local storytelling traditions and dark undercurrents born of Singer's own concerns and obseions.

After leaving Poland, Singer settled in Manhattan and—slowly at first, then dramatically—made himself an American writer, in the proce transforming American culture and being transformed himself, in his life and his work.Exploring the daily lived reality and imaginative boundaries of Jewish culture as it was transplanted to the United States, he created characters—many of them survivors of the Holocuast— that dramatized the conflicts not only of postwar American Jews, but of an entire society committed both to cultural pluralism and to aimilation.His achievement in the stories gathered in Collected Stories reveal him to be the emblematic immigrant American writer, whose vision and insights expanded his adopted country's sense of its own culture. The Nobel Prize in Literature 1978

"for his impaioned narrative art which, with roots in a Polish-Jewish cultural tradition, brings universal human conditions to life" Preview Questions Figuring out the meaning of ―fool’s paradise‖?

This phrase came from one of the Shakespeare’s plays (Romeo and Juliet) What is paradise like? Would people live happily in this story? 2.vocabulary in context consult vi. 商议[量], 考虑, 磋商 , 做咨询工作, 【医】会诊 consult about the matter 商议此事 consult with counsel


consult for a large building firm

为大型建筑公司做咨询工作 vt.

找...商议, 请教, 咨询, 答疑, 请...鉴定 , 找(医生)诊治 翻阅, 查考(书籍, 地图等) , 尊重, 考虑 without consulting sb. 没征求某人的意见 consult a doctor about one's illne

找医生治病 consult reference books

翻阅参考书 consult the dictionary

查辞典 consult one's watch

看手表 consult one's pillow

通夜思索 consult sb.'s feelings


consult the interests of the maes

考虑群众的利益 consult one's own convenience

只顾个人利益 consult one's pleasure


convince vt. 使相信[信服], 说服

, 使承认; 使悔悟; 使认错[罪] convince sb.of sth.

使某人相信某事 convince sb.


convince sb.by sound arguments

以理服人 We convinced Anne to go by train rather than plane. 我们说服了安妮放弃乘飞机而坐火车走。 He was convinced of his error. 他认识了错误 be convinced of

确信, 承认 be convinced that

确信, 承认 be fully convinced

充分相信[半信] be half convinced


convince sb.Of

使某人承认, 使某人信服 convince oneself of

充分弄明白[清楚] arrange vt, vi

arranged, arranging


He arranged the books on the shelf.


In a dictionary the words are arranged in alphabetical order.词典里的词是按字母顺序编排的。 安排;准备

We have arranged a party.


A special show was arranged to admit free the family members of the miners.安排了一个专场来免费招待矿工工人家属。 商定

Arranged with her to meet at 8.


We had been trying every poible means to arrange a peace but failed.我们想尽办法试图达成和解,但没有成功。

The bankrupt and the men to whom he owed money arranged an accommodation.破产者和他的债权人协议调解。

mourn vi.哀悼, 忧伤 , 惋惜

, 悲哀; (鸽子似的)咕咕低鸣 mourn for [over] the dead

哀悼 死者 vt. 向(某人)哀悼[致哀]; 为(某事)哀痛

The whole nation mourned the death of a much-loved leader.举国上下哀悼敬爱的领导人。

beside oneself

不知所措; 精神错乱, 为某事而忘形

reserve vt

reserved, reserving 保留;留下备用

, 预订;预约

I have reserved a room for you at the hotel. 我已在旅馆为你预订了一个房间。

n. 贮藏,储备

reserve of food


外汇储备 (= foreign exchange reserve) , 准备金,储备金

, 限价;最低价格 , 保护区

a nature reserve 自然保护区


, 候补队员;后备队员


in reserve 备用的

without reserve 无保留地;无条件地

I believe your story without reserve.

我毫无保留地相信你说的。 3.Text Comprehension Comprehension Questions Atzel suddenly became ill.He imagined that he was dead.Why ? How did the specialist cure the young man’s illne? What was the life in paradise? Why did Atzel have a strong desire to come to the earth? Topic for Discuion Why did Atzel want to kill himself after a few days’ stay in paradise? What do you think the moral of the story is? Ⅵ.Summary(小结)

1.Ask the students to remember key words and expreions in Text A.And conclude the general idea of section A 2.Ask the student to remember how to write the English advertisements.VII.Homework (作业)

Home reading: Sleeping Ugly by Jane Yolen Discu the questions in small groups Learn about reading skills Practice Fast Reading Preview Unit 7

Unit 7 The Call of the Wild I.Teaching Objectives(教学目标)

Go over the whole text in limited time and try to get the main idea of the paage Figuring out the author’s primary purpose in telling this story? II.Teaching Importance and Difficulties(教学重点及难点) 1.The usage of new words and phrases 2.Using context clues to find out the meaning of words 3.Understanding paragraphs-How to identify the Main Idea.4.Reading skills: Gueing meanings of words from context (I) III.Teaching Methods(教学方法) Teaching Discuing Practicing IV.Teaching Time(教学时数): 4 periods V.Teaching Content(教学内容) 1.About the author Jack London (1876human immunodeficiency virus)(又称艾滋病病毒)所导致的传染病。


NHS— National Health Service 国民医疗服务

NHS is the publicly-funded healthcare system in the UK, and provides free healthcare to all residents.It started operating in 1948.Since its launch in 1948, the NHS has grown to become the world’s largest publicly funded health service.

The NHS was born out of a long-held ideal that good healthcare should be available to all, regardle of wealth.That principle remains at its core.With the exception of charges for some prescriptions and optical and dental services, the NHS remains free at the point of use for anyone who is resident in the UK.That is currently more than 60m people.It covers everything from antenatal screening and routine treatments for coughs and colds to open heart surgery, accident and emergency treatment and end-of-life care.Graphic of NHS structure As can be seen on the diagram (right) the NHS is divided into two sections: primary and secondary care.Primary care is the first point of contact for most people and is delivered by a wide range of independent contractors, including GPs, dentists, pharmacists and optometrists.Secondary care Secondary care is known as acute healthcare and can be either elective care or emergency care.Elective care means planned specialist medical care or surgery, usually following referral from a primary or community health profeional such as a GP.

Prescription costs Prescription prepayment certificates (PPC) are available in England and they can save you money.The current prescription charge is £7.20.You can get free NHS prescriptions if, at the time the prescription is dispensed, you:

* are 60 or over

* are under 16

* are 16-18 and in full-time education

* are pregnant or have had a baby in the previous 12 months and have a valid maternity exemption certificate (MatEx)

* have a specified medical condition and have a valid medical exemption certificate (MedEx)

* have a continuing physical disability that prevents you from going out without help from another person and have a valid MedEx

* hold a valid war pension exemption certificate and the prescription is for your accepted disability

* are an NHS inpatient 2.vocabulary in context spiral n.v.adj.螺旋形的,急剧地上升(或下降) a spiral staircase 螺旋形的楼梯

A snail’s shell is spiral in form.蜗牛的壳是螺旋形的。 the upward/ downward spiral of sales The falling leaf spiralled to the ground.落叶盘旋着飘落到地上。 Prices are still spiralling. 物价仍在急剧上涨。 in store (for sb) kept ready for future use储存着,备有

He always keeps several cases of wine in store.coming in future; about to happen即将发生

I can see trouble in store.我预见到以后会有大麻烦。 We don’t know what life holds in store for us.stave off 暂时挡住,避开(某事);延缓,推迟(令人不快的事物) to stave off hunger/illne 暂时解饥/缓解病情 to stave off disaster/ danger 避开灾难,躲避危险

The company managed to stave off bankruptcy for another few months.GP 全科医生,普通医生,非专科医生 general practitioner load the dice against sb 使某人处于不利地位(常用被动)put sb at a disadvantage He always felt the dice were loaded against him in life.只有用英国人通过国民卫生服务免费使用的药物治疗,才能遏制这将要夺去许多人生命的死亡浪潮,可是像格蕾丝这样的人根本负担不起。 scrape

擦净,磨光 He scraped his boots clean before coming into the house.擦伤,刮坏 I scraped some of the paint off when I was parking the car.

I fell and scraped my knee.scrape together/ up 费力或小心的获得某事物obtain sth with difficulty or carefully We managed to scrape an audience of fifty people.我们设法争取到了五十名观众。 Scrape a living 勉强维持生活

Scrape by on sth He just scraped by on what his parents gave him.Scrape through sth I might scrape through the exam if I’m lucky.She is no more indifferent to her life than her cotemporary.和她同时代的人一样,她并非对自己的生活漠不关心。 (1)A No more„ than B A与B都不,A不B也不,都是否定 A Not more … than B A和B都是肯定,但A比不上B,A不像B,或A没有到B的程度

This book is no more interesting than that one.这本书和那本书一样都没什么意思。 This book is not more interesting than that one.这本书不如那本书有趣。 (2)No more than 只有,不过,仅仅 Not more than 不多于

He has no more than 5 dollars on him.He has not more than 5 dollars on him.He said no more than we had known.他只说了我们知道的事而已。 Ⅵ.Summary(小结)

1.Ask the students to remember key words and expreions in Text A.And conclude the general idea of section A 2.Ask the student to remember how to write the English advertisements.VII.Homework (作业)

Home reading: protect yourself against AIDS Discu the questions in small groups Practice Fast Reading Preview Unit 13

Unit 13 your college Experience I.Teaching Objectives(教学目标)

Go over the whole text in limited time and try to get the main idea of the paage Get some information about the Westward Movement in America and the life of the pioneers.Master the Reading skills: Develop the ability of previewing II.Teaching Importance and Difficulties(教学重点及难点) 1.The usage of new words and phrases 2.Using context clues to find out the meaning of words 3.Understanding paragraphs-How to identify the Main Idea.4.Reading skills: finding the point of view III.Teaching Methods(教学方法) Teaching Discuing Practicing

IV.Teaching Time(教学时数): 4 periods V.Teaching Content(教学内容) 1.Reading skills Narrative writing has a narrator, that is , someone who tells the story.Point of view means through whose eye the reader sees what happens in a narrative.It answers the question: who tells the story and what part does the narrator play in the action.Recognizing the point of view can give you a better understanding of the author’s attitude.2.Discuing topics What are the most important functions of college education? Why is college important for you? 3.Vocabulary in context Application: n. [C; U] a formal, usually written, request for something such as a job, place at university, or permiion to do something 申请 ; 申请书 an application for financial aid 资助申请

It was the first time Peter ever applied for a job in such a big company, so he filled out the job application carefully.这是彼德第一次向这样一个大公司求职 , 所以他仔细地填


[C; U] the act of putting something to use 应用 ; 用途

Students discued the practical application of the theory had learned in the claroom.学生讨论如何实际应用他们在课堂里学过的理论。

The job calls for the application of many skills.这份工作要求会运用多种技能。 Reflection: n.[C] something that shows the effects of, or is a sign of, a particular condition, situation, etc.反映 ; 表现

The rising rate of crime is a reflection of an unstable society.犯罪率上升是社会动荡的 反映。

This growth rate of the population is a reflection of the improved health care standards.这 个人口增长率是医疗保健水平提高的表现。

[U] deep, careful thought 深思 ; 考虑

A moment's reflection will show you that you are wrong.稍微思考一下 , 你就会明白你 错了。

It calls for serious reflection.此事须慎重考虑。 Ⅵ.Summary(小结)

1.Ask the students to remember key words and expreions in Text A.And conclude the general idea of section A 2.Ask the student to remember how to write the English advertisements.VII.Homework (作业)

Home reading: the American college in American life Discu the questions in small groups Practice Fast Reading Preview Unit 14

Unit 14 the confidence game I.Teaching Objectives(教学目标)

Go over the whole text in limited time and try to get the main idea of the paage Get some information about the Westward Movement in America and the life of the pioneers.Master the Reading skills: Develop the ability of previewing II.Teaching Importance and Difficulties(教学重点及难点) 1.The usage of new words and phrases 2.Using context clues to find out the meaning of words 3.Understanding paragraphs-How to identify the Main Idea.4.Reading skills: gueing the meaning of words from word-formation III.Teaching Methods(教学方法) Teaching Discuing Practicing IV.Teaching Time(教学时数): 4 periods V.Teaching Content(教学内容) 1.Emphasised points What is sportswomanship in Angela and Tobi in story? What is meant by the confidence game? If someone in your cla does better than you , how would you act towards him or her? 2.vocabulary in context huge

adj.extremely large 巨大的,庞大的

[例] He ate a huge amount of food.他吃了大量的食物。

[例] The bank will lend your company quite a huge sum of money.银行将给贵公司一笔相当可观的贷款。

very great in degree 程度很大的

[例] the huge influence of the event 这个事件的巨大影响

[例] The TV play was a huge succe.这部电视剧取得了巨大的成功。


n.[C] a building with a gla roof, gla sides, and often some form of heating, used for growing plants that need heat, light, and freedom from winds 花房,温室 [例] greenhouse effect 温室效应

[例] There are many rare flowers in the greenhouse.温室里养着许多珍贵的花。


v.follow rapidly in order to catch 追逐,追捕

[例] The cat likes to chase the mice as if it were playing with them.这只猫喜欢追逐老鼠,好像在跟它们闹着玩似的。

[例] He's always chasing (after) the girls.他老是在追求女孩子。 n.[C] an act of chasing someone or something 追逐,追捕

[例] There was a long chase before the criminal was caught.追捕了好久才抓到罪犯。 [例] There was an exciting car chase in the film.在电影中有激烈的汽车追逐的场面。


n.[C] a bird that is similar to a duck but larger and makes a hiing (hi) or honking (honk) noise (雌)鹅 [例] goose egg 鹅蛋

[例] A young goose is a gosling.小鹅英文叫gosling。


n.[C] a horned animal related to the sheep that also gives milk and wool, can climb steep hills and rocks, and eats almost anything 山羊

[例] They decided to send the goat back to the wilderne.他们决定把这只山羊送回荒野中。

[例] The soldier offered to kill the goat.这名士兵主动要求来杀这只羊。


n.(cattle plural) cows and bulls, especially as kept on farms for meat or milk 牛 [例] a herd of cattle 一群牛

[例] The cattle are in the shed.牛在牛棚里。


adj.tired and uninterested 厌烦的,不感兴趣的

[例] She's bored with her job.她对自己的工作不感兴趣。

[例] I was bored to death by their trivial conversation.我对他们琐碎的谈话厌烦得要死。 labor

n.[U] effort or work, especially tiring physical work 努力,劳动 [例] labor-intensive products 劳动密集型产品

[例] Building roads still involves manual labor.筑路仍然需使用体力劳动。

[U] workers, especially those who use their hands, considered as a group or cla 工人

[例] This company plans to cut its labor force.这家公司计划削减劳动力。 [例] Organized labor is fighting the government's anti-union laws.有工会组织的劳工正在与政府反对工会的立法作斗争。


adj.sleeping 睡着的

[例] Is the baby still asleep? 这个婴儿还在睡觉吗? [例] He was sound/fast asleep.他睡得很熟。 diagnose

vt.discover the nature of (a disease or fault) by making a careful examination 诊断(疾病),判断(问题)

[例] The doctor diagnosed my illne as a rare bone disease.医生诊断出我的病是一种罕见的骨病。

[例] The teacher diagnosed the boy's reading difficulties.老师找出了那男孩阅读有困难的原因。 surroundings

n.(plural) everything that surrounds a place or person, especially that which influences the quality of life 周围的事物,环境

[例] The house is situated in beautiful surroundings.这座房屋四周的环境优美。 [例] She grew up in comfortable surroundings.她在舒适的环境中长大。


n.[U] the power or force that is supposed to be the cause of and in control of all events, in a way that is beyond human control 天命,命运

[例] He expected to spend his life in Germany, but fate had decided otherwise.他希望到德国生活,而命运却偏偏另有安排。

[例] She wondered what fate had in store for her next.她不知道以后等待她的将是什么命运。


n.[C] a woman who acts in a play or film or on television 女演员

[例] My aunt Jennifer is an actre in Hollywood.我的詹妮弗姨妈是好莱坞的一位女演员。 [例] This actre walked her way up to international stardom.这位女演员一步步地成为了国际影星。 approach

v.begin to deal with or work on 着手,开始处理

[例] We approached the task with dread.我们惶恐地开始着手这项任务。 [例] He approached the idea with caution.他开始认真地考虑那个主意。 come near or nearer (to) in space, time, quality, or quantity 走近,靠近[例] He is not allowed to approach the forbidden area.他不允许接近禁区。 [例] The time is approaching when we must be on board the ship.我们上船的时间快到了。


n.[C] a journey, experience, etc., that is strange and exciting and often dangerous 冒险活动;奇遇

[例] exciting adventures in the mountains 在山中的种种奇遇

[例] All the children listened to his adventures with eager attention.孩子们注意力十分集中地听他讲他的冒险经历。

[U] excitement, e.g.in a journey or activity; risk 冒险,风险 [例] a life of adventure 冒险生涯

[例] Come on! Where's your sense of adventure? 得了吧,你的冒险精神哪里去了? depart

vi.leave; go away, especially when starting a journey 离开,启程

[例] When does the next train to London depart? 下一班到伦敦的列车什么时候开?

[例] They haven't made up their mind when to depart on the journey.他们还没下定决心什么时候开始旅行。 resume

v.begin again after a pause 重新开始;再继续

[例] We resumed our discuion after a short rest.短暂休息之后我们重新开始讨论。 [例] Let us resume where we left off.让我们从中断的地方继续下去。


vi.pa out of sight; vanish 消失;消逝

[例] The boy disappeared round the corner.男孩在拐弯处消失了。 [例] The sun disappeared behind a cloud.太阳在云层后面消失了。


1.Ask the students to remember key words and expreions in Text A.And conclude the general idea of section A 2.Ask the student to remember how to write the English advertisements.VII.Homework (作业)

Home reading: My way to succe Discu the questions in small groups Practice Fast Reading Preview Unit 14

Unit 15 starting over at 85 I.Teaching Objectives(教学目标)

Go over the whole text in limited time and try to get the main idea of the paage Get some information about the Westward Movement in America and the life of the pioneers.Master the Reading skills: Develop the ability of previewing II.Teaching Importance and Difficulties(教学重点及难点) 1.The usage of new words and phrases 2.Using context clues to find out the meaning of words 3.Understanding paragraphs-How to identify the Main Idea.4.Reading skills III.Teaching Methods(教学方法) Teaching Discuing Practicing

IV.Teaching Time(教学时数): 4 periods V.Teaching Content(教学内容) 1.Emphasised points Do you like Michener? What in him do you appreciate most? How did he differ from other old people/ rich people you know or have heard about? Why did Michener say that his life had been, in this way, a fable for its times? Two incidents in Michener’s childhood changed him greatly.What were the effects of the two incidents upon Michener? 2.Vocabulary in context inscribe 在

上题字签名 Inscribe one’s name in a book Inscribe a book with one’s name confide

吐露秘密心事 She confided all her secrets to her best friend.委托某人照顾某人某事 Can I confide my child to you when I am out? 充分信赖某人 There is no one here I can confide in.make do with sth 勉强凑合,应付,将就

We are in a hurry so we had to make do with a quick breakfast.Because I lost my job, I had to make do with a very small apartment.wind wound

弯曲,盘旋 The river winds the valley.这条河蜿蜒流过山谷。.缠绕 The man's arm was wound with bandages.那人的胳膊上裹着绷带。 转动 You operate this machine by winding this handle.Wind up 停止,结束,以



he gets so wound up when he is arguing.Ⅵ.Summary(小结)

1.Ask the students to remember key words and expreions in Text A.And conclude the general idea of section A 2.Ask the student to remember how to write the English advertisements.










