
2020-03-02 02:42:54 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

Graph/chart/diagram泛指图表, Bar/column graph柱状图, curve graph/line graph曲线图, pie chart饼状图, table表格, flow chart流程图


The curved lines show/represent/reveal/demonstrate/reflect/describe/illustrate/unfold/present/ display/depict/record the variation/outstanding features/the declining trend of…

From the chart above/according to the chart/as is known to the chart, we can see four social and economical indicators of …namely…

As can be seen from the chart, there is a steadily increasing tendency of…

After comparison of unemployment rates, we can find the values…

We can find the numbers of smokers in different categories in the above diagram.A close look at the diagram reveals both good signs and worrying trends.

The table indicates that the figures for…in the five countries mentioned indicate no overall pattern of increase or decrease.In fact there is considerable fluctuation from country to country.This diagram indicates a clear comparison between...and ...in four aspects, namely….

It demonstrates that…receive most of the money, while the other six represented on the chart split the remaining donations more evenly.

The graph displays how the number of commuters changes at…

Among the five major…are…/of the three sources that reduced,…


After comparative study of the above chart …

From the diagram the conclusion can be safely drawn that…

The charts indicate no correlation between…and…

It is worth mentioning that…

Attention should be drawn to…

In conclusion, it spears from the data that…whilst…

时间:in the 8 year period, from that year on/onwards, over the period from…to…

程度副词:dramatically, radically, substantially, significantly, markedly, considerably, overwhelmingly, noticeably, moderately, steadily, approximately, gradually, somewhat, slightly, scarcely, entirely, practically(几乎), precisely, virtually(差不多)

拥有:Enjoy/boast higher figures

上升:increase, rise, ascend, surge, go up, climb, mount, level up, grow/rocket from…to… There was a greatest increase/ an upward trend in…

Sth.have a greater growth

The station sees/experiences its first sharp rise

Sth.takes an upward turn

The trend is uniformly upward.

The graph rises more steeply.

The speed of increase accelerated in…

下降:decrease, fall (down), drop, descend, decline, reduce, leen, level down, be on the fall The trend was towards a decrease in…

There was a more gradual reduction in

The rate of decline slowed down

平稳:stable, steady, remain, maintain, be the same as, level off/out, stabilize

The values remained/stayed (relatively) constant/unchanged/stable/level

波动:fluctuate, fluctuation, rise up and fall down,

Sth.decreases with minor fluctuation.

There were minor falls and rises.

占:occupy, take up,

Coal provides/accounts for/makes up/constitutes 46% of the whole.

最高点:at the top/summit/peak, reach/hit the summit/peak, with…at the top, top(vt.)

最低点:bottom, least, rock bottom, reach the lowest percentage

平均:mean, average, even

There is a huge gap between… and …

This trend represents a sharp break with…

趋势:trend, tendency, inclination

趋势逆转:the trends began to reverse, with a rebound

稳定的过程:a stable period can be seen, level off


未显示记录数据:they did not record the smallest percentages for any of the items

数据:figure, value, recorded figures

归类:be grouped into five categories, Be further divided into

集中于:go to, be channeled to

开场:generally speaking, comparatively speaking, in a sense/way, in some cases, currently, currently, obviously, undoubtedly

总结:in conclusion, in short, in brief, in summary, on the whole, to sum up, to conclude, in a word 转折:while, whereas, however, on the other hand, neverthele

至于:with regard to/in regard of, in the aspect of, as for, in relation to, with respect to

原因:because of, owing to, due to, on account of , on the ground of, on grounds of, as a result of, by reason of

结果:thus, consequently, hence, therefore, accordingly, as a result, resulting in, for this reason, as a consequence, on that account, it fallows that

强调:chiefly, especially, indeed, particularly, above all, most important of all, needle to say 列举:to begin with, in the first place, besides, furthermore, moreover, in addition, what is more, for one thing…for another

举例:for example/instance, as an example, as a case in point, as an illustration, that is

让步:although, even if, even though, despite the fact that, in spite of, admittedly, granted that 更清楚的说:to make the picture clearer

The second graph throws a new light on the situation.

The picture was slightly different.

Compiled by the UN


相同:a likene, a similarity, be equal to, similarly, equally, likewise, in like manner,resemble that of the first group

不同:a variation, diimilar, a diimilarity

相反:contrary to, conversely, by contraries, on the contrary, instead, be the other way round of… 完全相反:to be diametrically opposed to

相比:compared with, in comparison with, relative to the other two groups, by contrast(with), as compared to , to compare with

和…形成对比:in contrast(with/to)

与…形成对照:to be a contrast to, to contrast with

把…与比较(相同点):to compare…with

把…与比较(不同点):to contrast…with

比…好:be superior to

比…差:be inferior to

与…相比显得破旧:to look shabby at the side of

比…重5磅:to outweigh…by 5 pounds

比…高一个头:to be a head above

无法相比:there is no comparison between

使相形见绌:to dwarf

比…高:to tower over

超过:to transcend, to rival, to surpa

等高:to be level with

中等以下:below the average


Argue, claim, contend, declare, hold, insist, maintain, proclaim, state, understand, advocate Argue for, argue against, hold the view, point out, stick to, cling to

陈述个人见解:Personally, I prefer…

For my part, I choose…

As for me,…

To my mind,…

As far as I am concerned, this proposal…

To be frank, I would like to…

After considering/pondering the iue,…

After close inspection/examination,…

I am convinced that…

I firmly believe that…

I tend to think that…

I strongly approve of …


People argue that…

It is understood that…

It is generally accepted that…


I am unconvinced that…

It is hard to accept that…

There is little evidence to support that…

It is unjustifiable to say that…


Absolutely, altogether, beyond any doubt, out of question, beyond question, undoubtedly, unquestionably


It is quite likely that…

It remains to be seen…



Strangely/curiously enough…

As a matter of fact…

Surprisingly as it may seem….


In any case(无论如何), in case of = in the event of (万一), irrespective of = regardle of, provided that(除非,如果)

议论文句式:There is no consensus of opinions among people as to the view of …

I can think of no better illustration of the view than my own experience…

My personal experience leads me to conclude that…

In the past few years, there has been a growing trend that…

People have conflicting views of this fact…

As for what I think, sth has wide application.

Therefore, we have no reason to make a fu about…

It has found an immediate welcome and much popularity.

With the paage of time, it will show more profound significance.

Sth plays a vital role in people’s life, and it deserves further attention from authorities.

At present/presently/currently people in ever-increasing numbers are coming/beginning to believe/recognize/realize that…

Among the most convincing reasons cited/identified by people for…, one should be streed/emphasized…

The change mainly/partly results from/arises from the fact that…

Another contributing/contributory factor of….

It will exert/exercise a far-reaching/disastrous effect on…

It may give rise to a set of problems, a drastic/sweeping change in….

It has now drawn public/nationwide attention to the iue of…

But people are taking a fresh look at it.

But when we applaud its benefits, we must acknowledge its enormous potential to affect us.Measures must be taken to solve the problem.

It is time that we placed/laid considerable special emphasis on…

There is no denying that adequate attention must be devoted to the problem.

There is very little chance that…unle there is an immediate action/common realization of… It is recommended that continuous efforts should be made to halt the dangerous growth of… Anyhow, wider publicity should be given to the serious poible potential…

It is no easy task to find the reason for this complicated phenomenon which involves several factors.

Good as this is… it has it own disadvantages.

The situation is not isolated; it is typical of dozens I have encountered.

There is a public controversy over the iue of…

To conclude, I would say that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages/its gain outweigh its lo/carry more weight than those of...

While taking advantage of…, we must try to find ways to reduce its disadvantage to a minimum so as to let it serve out purpose better.

It is eential for us to try to decide whether it is a bleing or a curse.

As opposed to/contrary to widely held/accepted belief, I argue that…

To aume/suggest that …is far from being proved/ to mi the point.

Logical/valid/sound as these arguments and I whole-heartedly agree with them, they appear insignificant when…is taken into account.

There is an element of truth in these arguments/statements, but they ignore a deeper and more eential fact that…

However logical/valid the argument may be, they only skim the surface of the problem.You don’t have to look very far to see the truth/validity of this proposition.

On the face of it/on the surface/at first thought, it may seem a sound solution, but carefully weighing on the mind/on closer analysis/on second thoughts, we find that…










