三年级英语复习课U4Checkout time 教案

2020-03-03 23:47:48 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

英语(三年级下册) Unit 4 Where’s the bird? Checkout time & Ticking time



Teaching contents 教学内容 Checkout time & Ticking time

Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标



技能目标: 1.学生能整体感知、理解并有感情地朗读故事,进行故事表演,尝试故事改编。

2.学生能就自己本单元的学习情况进行总结和自评。 3.学生在绘本阅读的过程中提升思维水平和阅读技能。

Focus of the leon and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点 1.学生能综合运用本单元学到的单词和句型谈论自己身边事物的位置。 2.学生在绘本阅读的过程中提升思维水平和阅读技能。

Teaching procedures 教学过程 Step 1 Enjoy the song

T: Let’s enjoy the song Where is Mr Monkey.After watching, try to answer my question.Where is Mr Monkey? S1: It’s in the box.

T: Let’s sing with it.And try to find out the prepositions.(再唱一遍。) T: What prepositions can you find? S: Next to/In front of.【设计意图:营造英语学习氛围,激发学生的学习兴趣。且歌曲内容与本课相关,复习旧知的同时,学习了新的介词,并自然引出下面的复习环节。】

Step 2 Checkout time 1.Listen and draw T: Let’s do some exercises.Listen and draw.(学生听录音并在正确的位置上画图。) T: Ask and answer in pairs according to your pictures.S1: Is the ruler under the chair? S2: No, it isn’t.

S1: Where is the ruler?

S2: It’s on the chair.

【设计意图:听录音并画图的环节对于学生来说没有难度,做完后以同桌对话的方式来回答问题,进一步操练一般疑问句Is … in/on/under/behind the …?及其回答。】

2.Ask and answer T: Look at the picture.What can you see in the picture? S1: I can see a … (教师板书物品名称。) T: Where’s the bag? S2: It’s behind the door.T: What colour is it? S3: It’s green.

T: Boys and girls, let’s play a memory game.I’ll give you 5 seconds to remember where things are.You can also try to remember some details.Open your books and turn to Page 29.(看图片,5秒钟记住图中物品的位置,也可以尝试记住一些细节。) Are you ready? S: Yes, we are ready.(学生看图5秒钟。) T: Well, ask and answer in pairs right now. (学生互相问答。) S1: Where’s the pencil case? S2: It’s on the desk.S1: What colour is it? S2: It’s orange. S3&S4: …

T: Well done.Now let’s look at the picture again.All of you did a good job. 【设计意图:提出开放式问题What can you see in the picture?让学生自主发现图片中的物品。利用这些图片中的物品来复习本单元的核心句型Where’s the …?及其回答It’s …。以记忆游戏的方式调动学生的积极性,在真实情境中激发他们的表达欲望。对于学有余力的孩子,鼓励他们调动已有知识进行更多问答,如追问What colour is it?/Is it blue?/Is it big?等。】

Step 3 Enjoy an English story Where’s Spot? 1.Before reading T: Let me introduce you a new friend “Spot”.He’s a very lovely dog.Now, he and his animal friends are playing hide and seek.Where can they hide? I will help you make a list.Try to read them aloud first.S: behind the door/inside the clock/in the piano/under the stairs/in the wardrobe/ under the bed/in the box/under the rug/in the basket.T: Here are some new words.Read after me. (学生逐一跟读。) T: Gue! Where is Spot? S: Is Spot …? …

2.Listen and read T: Let’s listen to the story and find the answer.T: Is Spot under the bed? S1: No, it isn’t.T: Where is Spot? S2: It’s in the basket.3.After reading T: I have some questions for you.Where is the snake/bear/crocodile/hippo/lion /tortoise? Where are the penguins/monkeys? S: It’s/They’re in/on … 4.Read it after the computer 【设计意图:补充阅读绘本Where’s Spot。这个绘本一直深受孩子们的喜欢,主要围绕方位词的学习展开,且趣味性较强。尽管在阅读的过程中会遇到一些生词,但是有图片辅助,并不影响孩子理解。环节中设计的听前猜测和听后反馈,都能较好的提升孩子的思维水平及英语阅读技能。】

Step 4 Ticking time T: We’ve learned a lot in this unit.Let’s check.If you can do it, tick in the form.【设计意图:学生对自己本单元的学习情况进行自评。】

Homework 家庭作业

Make a picture book Where is …?

Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计) 教学准备:教学PPT 板书设计:

Unit 4 Where’s the bird? —Where’s the …? —It’s next to the … in front of

inside 说课

本课是本单元的最后一个课时,不仅需要对前几课时所学内容进行巩固并实现语言的综合运用,还要围绕本课主题让学生在知识和能力层面上有所提升。从知识拓展来看,一开始的歌曲导入和最后的拓展阅读,都对方位介词进行了适当的补充,以满足学生日常交流之需;从能力提升来看,在Checkout time中语言综合运用的培养以及读前猜测对孩子思维的培养,较前几节课有了较大提升。作业设计给了学生足够的空间去挖掘他们自身的潜力,让他们通过绘本制作编写,巩固知识的同时,也能发展他们自身的想象力并发挥多方面的才华。如果时间充足的话,可以利用课堂上的时间以同伴合作的方式共同完成,这样更有利于合作能力的培养。


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《三年级英语复习课U4Checkout time 教案.doc》
三年级英语复习课U4Checkout time 教案