
2020-03-03 08:07:35 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

Yuan, Jingwen Xian university of posts and telecommunications Ball state university

It is honor to represent our school as an exchange student to study at the Ball state university in United States for two and a half years.The ancients said: \" Man who travels far knows more.\" This studying abroad experience really brought me greatly.In the United States, I opened up the vision and harvest the friendship.Next, I will talk about the life in America from two aspects, study and living.In the America cultural values, individualism is the core content of it, and at the same time it is much streed by the team spirit.In the United States cla, you can feel the deep two cultural characteristics: When the teacher to throw out a problem, the students always competing to answer.They are active, confidence, and the courage to expre them in public.They like to use all kinds of vivid examples to explain their own opinions, so that the claes often appear exacting and full of paion.For example, a speech cla, clamates in order to give us more about detail of skydiving, he suddenly jumped on platform for all kinds of movement demonstration.The United States homework is usually designed by a team work, the team spirit is one of the important work performance rating criteria.Therefore, the communication and cooperation between members is very important.In the early days after I came to America, my English is not fluent and speak slowly, however, other members always pay patient with me, and encourage me to speak more.With their help, I can faster blend in them and succefully complete homework.The student life in the United States is very interesting, besides the exacting claroom activities, the daily life also rich and colorful.Every Saturday night, the students will organize lots of topic programs spontaneously.As Halloween night, the whole school is dreed up with deep terrorist atmosphere.Each student drees themselves and put on a devil fashion show.In addition, such as, all kinds of sports game, the concert, and volunteer service activities are full of campus life.Through participating in these activities, students not only get more chances to relax, still can make many friends, so as to improve their English communication skills to better understand local conditions and customs.During holidays, we also travel in American together; enjoy the America of the busy and magnificent scenery.These years’ tour to the United States will become a particular memory in my life.Next, I will be focused on all aspects of the harvest.Harvest of study abroad: The first one should be the expansion of field of vision.At home, I often surf on the Internet for foreign news, however in abroad, I found that original view of foreign life is so limited.A lot of “advance” technologies I study in home are so outmoded compared with the well developed technology in the United States.And the mechanism of society, people\'s values and the team spirit give me a great impre.In the United States, I fully understand the academic diversity, ethnic diversity and cultural diversity.It is helpful for my future study and life.Second is the impreion to my future life.In the United States, because schools require students of all aspects abilities, I learned the all kinds of knowledge from different study areas, such as, mathematics, physics, economy, geography, and so on.Through these courses, it is not only extents our academic vision, and also lead a better arrangement for my future study life (for example, interdisciplinary study).Third is the individual psychology.For me, personally, in China, I completely regarded as a child by my parents.However, in America, a lot of things I should do by myself.At the same time, the high tuition and living expenses force me to work in the college.Of course, it also can save some money.However, the more important thing is that it will help me to develop my economic management ability and get a better future life.To sum up, these are one of the biggest harvests for my life in America.

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