Hermeneutic Approach to Translation

2020-03-02 09:29:40 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

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Hermeneutic Approach to Translation

(George Steiner)




2.Hermeneutic approach

3.Hermeneutics of translation

4.Hermeneutic motion

二.Hermeneutic Motion





三.Summary 1.Advantages 2.Disadvantages

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一.Introduction 1.Hermeneutics: It is a kind of theory or philosophy of understanding or

interpretating meaning.

2.Hermeneutic approach: “the investigation of what it means to understand a piece of oral or written speech, and the attempt to diagnose this proce in terms of a general model of meaning”.

3.Hermeneutics of translation:

“the act of elicitation and appropriative transfer of meaning,”is“ based on a concept of translation not as a science but as an exact art”.

4.Hermeneutic motion: The core of his description is the hermeneutic motion, representing the four moves of translation.

二.Hermeneutic Motion 1.Trust(信任)

The translator’s first move is “an investment of belief”, a belief and trust that there is something there in the SL that can be understood.All understandings, and the demonstrative statements of understanding which is translation, start with an act of trust.


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The trust on text is influenced by many factors, such as historical and cultural context, personal preference, publishers and so on.可见人们对文本的信任与历史-文化语境及个人的观念喜好等诸多因素有密切联系。

The translator must gamble on the coherence, on the symbolic plenitude of the world.他必须对意义的连贯性下赌注。换言之,他必须冒 “哪儿有什么”或“那儿没有什么”的险。到底是能从原作获得意义,还是最终“发现原作没有任何能同其独立形式分离开的意义,原作中任何值得表达的意义都不可能嵌入另一个模式”。这时译者就很难接近原文意义。因此,译者不得不采取手段对源于文本进行入侵。

E.g: 《围城》是钱钟书先生一部最具有代表作的著作,《围城》的译者珍妮·凯利和茅国全对原作的信赖是显而易见的


老舍的小说中,西方译者与东方译者的选择并不相同。20世纪50年代,中国译者主动译出《四世同堂》 《鼓书艺人》等宣扬中国抗战精神的小说,而西方选择“译入”的则是《骆驼祥子》 《猫城记》这些他们认为反映了中国平穷落后 现实状况的作品。可见人们对文本的信任与历史-文化语境及个人的观念喜好等诸多因素有密切联系。

O wild West Wind, thou breath of Autumn’s being 呵, 狂野的西风,你把秋气猛吹——王佐良

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This is an incursive, extractive, invasive move. Steiner looks to Heidegger for a basis of this view of comprehension as appropriative(挪用 )and violent(暴力).The translator goes abroad, enters the SL text, driven no longer by paive trust but by an active intention of taking something off the SL.and tries to extract something.The translator invades, extracts, and brings home.(译者征服原文和提取意义比作一个露天矿区---译者侵入,提取,然后满载而归)



Driving sweet buds like flocks to feed in air 驱使羊群般的蓓蕾把大气猛喝

添加的猛字可以看出这一点,原诗并没有详述feed的力度,但译文中却增译了猛,这是王佐良对雪莱和对诗中西风形象的侵入后得到的结果,他认为雪莱的精神会注入到西风当中, 4 李丹 12013130292



It refers to the ST meaning, extracted by the translator in the second movement, being brought into the TL, which is already full of its own words and meanings.

吸纳,即表达阶段,即译者将 侵入获得的成果,在这一阶段采取不同的翻译策略,将其吸收到译入语中。


鸿渐安慰道:“我去去买几个红封套,替你给他得了。” ‘Never mind,” he comforted her.“I will buy some red envelops and give them out for you.That’s settle it”


4.Reciprocity(补偿) The translator tries to achieve a balance by trying to be as faithful as he can and as freely as he must.The translator must be willing to give back to the SL as much as he has taken.Steiner emphasizes the Fidelity(忠实) and Adequacy(充分) in this stage.E.g: Even a ten—year—old could see this wasn’t just the

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moon, This was the Moon.译:就连十岁的孩童也能看出,这不仅仅是个月亮,这是个大写的月亮

译者打破原文进行创造性补充:就连十岁的孩童也能看出,这不是一般的月亮,而是令人如痴如醉的月亮,或 这不是一般的月亮,这是月神


Two years later he went to Peking to enter a university and had his first taste of coeducation.Seeing couple after couple in love, he grew red-eyed with envy.(Killy and Mao,2003:19) 好不眼红(grew red-eyed)后又增加了 with envy不仅阐明了原文表达的隐含含义,又使译文表达更符合英文表达习惯,不失为一种成功的翻译补偿。

父亲是前清举人,在本乡江南一个小县里做大绅士 His father had paed the second-degree examination under Manchu rule and was a prominent squire in his native district south of the Yangtze(Killy and Mao,2003:19) 举人在汉语文化中指清明两代乡试考取的人,在英语文化中就会出现语义空缺,即源语所载文化信息在目的语中无对等语,因此译者译时直接给出举人一词的解释,帮助译文读者理解,这在一定程度上也是对源语文化的吸收,向西方读者传递了中国文化。

三.Summary 1.Advantages

It provides the modern philosophical approaches to translation.

George Steiner’s hermeneutic approach to translation further confirms translators\' creativity .The translator is not a paive recipient of meaning but an active and creative agent in

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making of meaning.

Translation scholars have come to further recognition of the nature of translation in light of the philosophical hermeneutics. 2.Disadvantages

The proce of \"incorporative\" may lead to the extremity of domestication and foreignization.

George Steiner only emphasizes on compensating for target language.

George Steiner didn\'t give a definite answer on the degree of \"hermeneutic\".

《Hermeneutic Approach to Translation.doc》
Hermeneutic Approach to Translation

